3ABN On the Road

Jonah And The Whale

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Louis Torres


Series Code: OTR

Program Code: OTR000727

01:01 Well, hello, and welcome to Digging up the Future,
01:05 Bible Prophecy Exposed.
01:06 We're glad that you are back.
01:07 We've had an exciting series
01:09 that's been building night by night
01:11 and the Holy Spirit's been with us.
01:13 And we're just delighted with
01:15 what he's doing in our hearts and in homes
01:17 and we're glad that you are with us tonight.
01:19 As always however, we want to ask
01:21 the Lord's presence before we open His word,
01:24 before we worship together and learn together.
01:27 Let's just bow our heads in prayer.
01:30 Father in heaven, today we're indeed grateful
01:32 that You protected the Bible,
01:35 but You also filled it with prophecies.
01:37 Some 27% of the Bible filled with prophecy.
01:40 We can try You, we can test You
01:42 and we can know that You are true.
01:44 And we've seen that in this seminar.
01:45 So we ask a rich measure of blessing
01:48 to those watching today, those listening today,
01:52 and also to our speaker today.
01:54 And we come in Jesus' name. Amen.
01:59 Well, we have been graced with special numbers
02:01 throughout the series and again,
02:03 Chris Albrecht will play for us,
02:06 this time "How Great thou Art."
04:38 And the people said, Amen.
04:43 It's wonderful to be with you again in this presentation.
04:47 It's wonderful to stud the Word of God
04:49 and to see how much there is that gives us hope,
04:52 especially the prophecies that are in the scriptures.
04:55 And this particular segment, we want to study
04:59 the Book of Jonah, Jonah and the whale.
05:04 But before we do, let us pray together
05:07 as we open God's word.
05:08 Father, thank you so much for thy word
05:12 and as we study it, speak to our hearts, we pray.
05:15 Help us to understand and to draw closer to thy,
05:19 as our prayer in Jesus' name with thanks giving.
05:22 Amen. Jonah and the whale.
05:27 This particular story is an outstanding--
05:31 astounding story
05:36 because it seems to be unbelievable.
05:40 When you think of what the Book of Jonah says,
05:47 many skeptics would believe it if it were not for two verses.
05:54 One of the first verses
05:55 that they have problems with is Jonah1:17.
06:00 And it simply says, "Now the Lord had prepared
06:02 a great fish to swallow up Jonah.
06:05 And Jonah was in the belly of the fish
06:08 three days and three nights."
06:10 People believe that, that can't happen.
06:14 The other verse in the Book of Jonah
06:16 that people have difficulty accepting
06:18 and believing is Chapter 2 and verse 10,
06:22 "And the Lord spake unto the fish,
06:25 and it vomited out Jonah upon the dry land."
06:32 There is no question that the Bible says
06:35 a lot of things that are difficult
06:37 to understand and even to believe.
06:40 But, my friends,
06:41 it's important for us to understand
06:44 that if God wrote it, it must be true.
06:49 Listen, I want to tell you this,
06:52 there's no question in my mind
06:54 that the Bible is advanced in science.
06:58 In fact, it is ahead of the scientific field.
07:02 You may ask the question, how is that?
07:04 One day I was sitting in a plane,
07:06 flying from Oslo, Norway,
07:09 and coming back toward the United States.
07:12 And it so happened that next to me sat a lady
07:16 and as we began to chat together,
07:19 I discovered that she was in charge
07:22 of all the apparatuses that are pointing
07:25 towards heaven to discover
07:26 if there are any signals or any life out there.
07:30 And when she told me that, I said to her,
07:32 "You folks are too late."
07:34 And she looked at me and she said,
07:36 "What do you mean?"
07:37 I said, "The Bible already tells us
07:39 that there are living beings out in space."
07:43 She said, where?
07:44 So I then showed her the Book of Job
07:48 and of course Paul says, "We made a spectacle
07:50 unto the universe and unto the worlds."
07:55 Then I said, "You folks are thinking of
07:57 building a space city, is that true?"
07:59 She said, "Yeah."
08:01 I said, "You guys are too late again."
08:03 And she said, "What are you talking about?"
08:05 I turned her to the Book of Revelation
08:07 and showed her that God speaks about a city out in space.
08:13 She was quite surprised.
08:15 I shared with her many other scientific points
08:19 and when we finally finished our conversation
08:23 we were near landing
08:24 and this is what she said to me,
08:27 when my brother became one of these born again things,
08:33 he invited me to his church
08:35 and the pastor sat us around in a circle
08:38 and gave us Bibles and turns to some place
08:41 about some bones, connected to some bones.
08:44 And then asked us to look and give our impressions
08:49 as to what we were seeing concerning to these bones.
08:52 And she said, "I sat there feeling kind of silly,
08:56 looking really what bones
08:58 and trying to come up with some impression."
08:59 And then I thought to myself,
09:01 is that all that the Bible has to offer, who needs it?
09:06 But she said, "When I get home,
09:09 one of the first things I'm doing is getting a Bible."
09:13 Listen, let me just share some things with you
09:17 that help you to understand
09:19 how far and advance the Bible is to science.
09:24 In the scriptures,
09:25 God speaks about the Lord doing several things
09:31 that He uses simple language to express.
09:35 For example, the first anesthesia
09:39 is recorded in the scriptures.
09:41 The Bible simply says, "And the Lord God
09:44 caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam."
09:48 Now obviously, if you're going to perform a surgery
09:52 what do you have to do with the patient?
09:53 You have to put him into a deep sleep.
09:56 Well, scientists have to use the large word, anesthesia.
10:01 God just simple said a deep sleep.
10:04 God wrote it so even children could understand it.
10:07 Amen.
10:08 It's wonderful to see how simple God says it.
10:10 Well, the first surgery is recorded in the Bible.
10:13 Notice, it says that,
10:15 "And he took one of Adam's ribs,
10:18 and closed up the flesh instead thereof."
10:21 Notice that it says then, that the Lord actually
10:24 pulled out the rib, opened up the side,
10:26 pulled out the rib and closed it back up.
10:29 We call that surgery, don't we today?
10:32 And so God then performs the first surgery.
10:36 God also does perform the first or creates the first clone.
10:40 Now you may not think of it as a clone, but think of it.
10:43 God took from that rib and made a what?
10:46 A woman. Right from the rib.
10:50 And so it says, "And the rib,
10:53 which the Lord God had taken from man,
10:56 made he a woman, and brought her unto the man."
10:58 Genesis 2:22.
11:00 And so the first clone, first anesthesia
11:03 and the first surgery are recorded where?
11:05 In the Bible.
11:06 And let me say this, for millenniums,
11:09 people did not believe that it was possible for you
11:11 to open somebody up
11:12 and close them back again and live.
11:16 It's only something that's taken place
11:18 within the last few perhaps hundred years
11:22 that surgery has now become a common place.
11:26 In fact my wife has two cousins
11:29 who are organ transplant surgeons.
11:32 And so surgery now is something of a common day thing.
11:35 But you have to remember,
11:36 in the days of George Washington,
11:39 they tried to begin something in that arena
11:43 and many people didn't make it.
11:45 In fact they used to believe in bloodletting
11:48 and our first president got sick
11:50 and they thought the problem was
11:52 if you get enough blood out of him he will get well.
11:54 So they actually took blood out from George Washington
11:58 and sped up his death.
12:02 Surgery then is something that is known today
12:08 but not known for millenniums.
12:11 You can see then that the Bible is advanced.
12:13 But I am not finished yet, there are other things.
12:16 Notice then, the first what? Space flight.
12:19 The first space flight.
12:21 "And it came to pass,
12:22 as they still went on, and talked,
12:25 this is Elijah and Elisha, the two prophets,
12:29 that, behold, there appeared
12:31 a chariot of fire, and horses of fire,
12:34 and parted them both asunder;
12:36 and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven."
12:41 The first space flight is recorded where?
12:44 In the scriptures.
12:45 Now people don't look at it as a space flight
12:47 but, friends, if you get caught up into heaven
12:50 you certainly are taking a flight.
12:51 What do you say?
12:52 Well, there's no question about it.
12:54 Listen, there's more.
12:56 The first projection is recorded in the scriptures.
12:59 Notice then that 3ABN is not the first one
13:03 to project something around the world.
13:05 Notice that the scripture says
13:07 that when the devil was tempting Christ,
13:10 the devil then took Christ into a high place
13:14 and projected or show them all the world.
13:16 Notice, it says, "Again, the devil taketh him up
13:19 into an exceeding high mountain,
13:20 and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world,
13:23 and the glory of them."
13:25 Now how did the devil,
13:28 how was he capable of showing Jesus
13:32 all the kingdoms at once in as much as,
13:36 he just took Him to one place, not too many place?
13:38 Obviously then, he was able to project things
13:41 and enable Christ to see these things.
13:44 Now we talk about the space city
13:46 that I was talking to the lady about.
13:48 In the Bible in Revelation 21:2 it says,
13:52 "I John saw the holy city
13:54 coming down from God out of," where?
13:56 Well, it says, "Out of heaven."
13:59 Now, it also mentions that
14:01 this particular city has streets of gold
14:04 but it's interesting that it says transparent gold.
14:08 What kind of gold? Transparent gold.
14:11 Now think of it, again, for millennium,
14:14 for centuries people never knew
14:18 that you could make transparent gold.
14:20 In fact, when John wrote this
14:23 and he spoke about transparent gold,
14:25 I'm sure there were people around his area
14:27 who thought he must have been hallucinating
14:30 or taking a few drinks.
14:32 Because whoever saw gold used to see-through?
14:38 Skeptics and infidels have
14:40 mocked and scoffed at the scriptures
14:42 because of things like this, fairytale, they say.
14:45 But no longer are they saying fairytale
14:47 because modern science has discovered
14:50 how to make transparent gold.
14:53 And most of you who fly in airplanes
14:56 without realizing it are actually
14:59 able to see transparent gold.
15:01 The transparent gold is in the windshield.
15:04 In the windshield of a cockpit usually it is made
15:08 of two plate glasses about an inch and half thick
15:12 and they are put together and in the midst of it,
15:16 or between those two plate glasses
15:18 is a film of transparent gold.
15:21 And this transparent gold is used of course to defog
15:25 as well as to keep the window pane flexible.
15:29 I was speaking to a technician not too long ago in Nebraska
15:33 who told me that he installs these windows in the airplane.
15:39 And he said that it takes a 120 bolts to install them.
15:42 And then he told me that in order to test them
15:46 they put them in a place
15:47 and then take a cannon and take a turkey
15:50 or a bird of the size of a turkey and throw it
15:53 and then shoot it from the cannon
15:56 right into the pane of glass to see if it holds the impact.
16:01 If it holds the impact
16:02 then they mount the glass into the plane.
16:05 And then he told me that this particular glass
16:11 costs $20,000.
16:14 Now you know why it costing you so much to fly,
16:19 besides the petrol of course.
16:21 Well, you can see then
16:25 that according to the scriptures
16:27 the Bible is advance in science.
16:31 And so what about Jonah and the whale then?
16:36 One of the things I think
16:37 is important for us to understand
16:40 is that Jesus Himself believed the story.
16:43 Why?
16:44 Because Jesus himself inspired the story.
16:48 And friends, if the Lord believed it
16:52 and you and I professed to be Christians,
16:55 then a Christian believes what Christ taught,
16:58 what do you say?
16:59 And so if for no other reason than that Jesus believed it,
17:04 you and I ought to believe it also.
17:06 We should not need science to support what the Bible says.
17:10 We should have faith. We should have what?
17:13 Faith, that the Word of God is true,
17:16 and believe in what Jesus says.
17:18 Notice, Jesus says in Matthew 12:39-40,
17:22 "There shall no sign be given to it,
17:24 but the sign of the-- " What?
17:27 "Of the prophet Jonas.
17:29 For as Jonas was three days and three nights
17:33 in the whale's belly so shall the Son of man be
17:37 three days and three nights in the heart of the earth."
17:39 And by the way, I should add here
17:41 that the first submarine ride was experienced by Jonah.
17:52 Jesus believed it and friends
17:54 I think that as Christians we must believe it.
17:58 Jesus never made a mistake and so He taught that.
18:03 You know, there are a lot of people
18:04 who have a hard time believing the scriptures.
18:07 I heard of a particularly young man,
18:10 his father was a farmer,
18:12 and his father sacrificed to send him off to college.
18:15 Young man off to school and studied,
18:18 when he finished his schooling, came back home
18:22 and promptly announced to his Dad,
18:24 "Dad, thank you so much
18:26 for supporting me through school
18:28 and I've learned so much that now, Dad,
18:31 I can't believe anything unless it could be proven
18:37 and unless I could understand it perfectly well.
18:41 Well, the old man said, "Oh, is that true?"
18:45 He said, "Yes, Dad, I am educated,
18:48 I got my degree."
18:49 The old man said, "Okay, son."
18:52 Well, you can tell me then,
18:54 how it is that a black cow can eat green grass
18:57 and give white milk perfectly well?
18:59 When you can explain that to me,
19:01 then you can have milk,
19:02 until then no more milk for you.
19:05 Well, it wasn't long before that young man realized
19:09 that there are many things in life
19:11 that you may not be able to understand
19:12 or explain them perfectly well but you can believe them.
19:15 What do you say?
19:16 And so we believe what the Lord says
19:19 and what the Lord teaches.
19:20 In fact, if my Bible says it, I believe it.
19:23 I remember seeing a sunlight
19:24 that is I was traveling down through south
19:26 for the United States towards Georgia,
19:29 there's a big, big billboard that said "The Bible says it,
19:33 eyes believes it, that settles it."
19:36 I thought that was a wonderful, wonderful sign.
19:38 But look, what about the story of Jonah
19:41 being swallowed up by a whale?
19:44 Is that possible? Can it happen?
19:47 Are there fish in the sea
19:48 that are big enough to swallow a man?
19:51 The answer is yes.
19:53 Let me first begin in sharing with you
19:56 an interesting experience
19:57 that took place in Key West, Florida.
20:00 In Key West, Florida, there was a man
20:02 who was fishing off the shore and snags something.
20:07 It was something big, he didn't know what it was
20:10 but he struggled with the thing for 39 hours.
20:17 Finally, it was brought in
20:19 and that turned out to be a fish
20:20 that was 40 feet long, 45 feet long.
20:24 And 15 meters, for those of you
20:28 who are in that arena of meters.
20:35 The fish actually weighed 15 tones.
20:39 Or if you know what a ton is,
20:41 it's 2000 pounds, so it's 30,000 pounds.
20:45 The interesting thing about this particular fish
20:48 is that its width was 23 feet or 7.5 meters.
20:53 And from the tail to the tip of it
20:56 was 10 feet long or 3 meters.
20:59 Now something amazing about this fish
21:02 is that in its stomach it had an octopus,
21:07 a live octopus weighing 1, 500 pounds or 750 kilograms.
21:14 So think of it, a fish that had an octopus
21:19 still alive in its stomach weighing 1,500 pounds.
21:24 And there are people who have a hard time believing
21:27 that a fish could swallow a six foot Jew.
21:31 But friends, here's an experience,
21:34 in fact the fish turns out-- that to preserve it
21:39 they sent through out of the state of Florida
21:41 and it took 19, pardon me,
21:44 19 barrels of formaldehyde to preserve it
21:47 or 4,750 liters to preserve it.
21:52 The interesting, most interesting thing
21:54 about this fish is that it was a baby.
22:00 Scientists think that what happened was that
22:04 this particular fish dwells or inhabits at great depth.
22:09 And that there must have been some volcanic eruption
22:12 or something that affected his diving apparatus
22:15 and the fish could no longer go down and it was snagged.
22:20 It was a baby.
22:23 And if that was a baby,
22:26 I wonder what mama and papa must look like.
22:33 It's amazing.
22:35 There in the Mediterranean Sea
22:36 there's another situation that takes place,
22:39 Dr. Harry Rimer tells of white sharks
22:47 and in Egypt there are also-- in Alexandria, Egypt,
22:51 there are large fish
22:55 that are able to swallow large objects.
23:00 Recently, I was doing a little research in the internet
23:04 and discovered something very interesting
23:08 concerning some stories that are taking place.
23:14 Now there is a story about the Star of the East
23:17 that some people say is true, some people say it's not true.
23:20 But the story goes like this, that there were some whalers
23:24 that went out to hunt whales and they came across few whales
23:30 and they sent out the whale boats.
23:33 And one of the particular whales
23:35 was harpooned and it died.
23:36 The other whale was harpooned
23:38 but it did not die, it submerged.
23:40 And when it came up, it actually came up
23:42 just where the small boat was
23:45 and it smashed that boat to smithereens.
23:47 Well, some of the sailors were thrown out into the ocean
23:51 and they were able to retrieve one
23:57 and brought him back alive but the other one was missing
24:03 and they thought he was gone forever.
24:06 Well, what happened was
24:07 that as they brought the whale to the side of the ship
24:10 and finally began to cut it apart,
24:12 they finally got to the stomach and through the stomach
24:14 on the deck only to discover that the stomach was moving.
24:18 And so they cautiously came to the stomach
24:24 and cut it open only to discover
24:27 that inside there was the missing sailor.
24:32 His name was James Bartley, as it had been reported.
24:36 And this man apparently had been
24:40 swallowed by the whale and the story says
24:42 that when he flew up in the air and he was coming down
24:45 he saw below him a big black hole.
24:49 And then that he fell into this hole
24:51 and he felt like he was been squeezed down into--
24:54 through a tunnel and finally he fell into a big, big room.
24:57 And he said that the heat was insufferable.
25:00 And finally he went out unconscious
25:03 and when he woke up there he was in the deck.
25:08 There are other experiences and other information
25:16 that you find in the internet concerning large fish
25:19 that can swallow large objects.
25:22 For example, I went in the internet
25:25 on the orthodoxphotos.com and here's what it says,
25:29 "There are whales which do not have teeth,
25:31 but are provided with ''whalebones.'
25:34 ' Among such a type of whale
25:36 there are whales which are called 'fin-backs."
25:39 And it says, "These whales can be up to 88 feet long.
25:43 The stomach of such a whale has from
25:45 four to six chambers or compartments.
25:49 Then it says, "Each of which
25:50 could easily contain a small group of people."
25:54 It continues to say,
25:56 "This type of whale breathes air
25:57 and has on its head a reserve air chamber
26:01 which appears with the dilation of the nasal cavities.
26:04 Before swallowing a very large object,
26:07 the finback whale pushes it through to this chamber.
26:10 If it happens that something too large is found
26:13 in the head of this whale,
26:15 then it will swim to the nearest land,
26:18 lie in the shallow water and disgorge its burden."
26:26 And there's another whale, this particular whale,
26:28 it's the largest among citations
26:32 and it is in fact the only gullet large
26:36 enough to swallow a human.
26:38 Then the Great White.
26:42 I am a scuba diver and one of the wonderful creatures
26:46 that you always are concerned about is the Great White.
26:50 Here's a picture of a Great White.
26:52 And I want you to notice that this Great White
26:54 has a shark inside of it, you see that?
26:57 "A photo of a Great White
26:59 swallowing a whole 2.10 meters dusky shark.
27:04 This is photographic proof
27:06 that a great white shark can swallow a man what?
27:10 "Whole."
27:12 Then there was one caught in Long Island,
27:14 where I am from, New Your City.
27:17 "One of the largest specimens was caught off Montauk point,
27:20 which is in Long Island."
27:22 I used to go out there and fish.
27:24 And it says then that--
27:26 "In 1964, it was 5.34 meters or over 17 feet long.
27:34 White sharks swallow unchewed creatures
27:36 and objects half their -- " what?
27:38 "Their size."
27:39 So you can see then from just the reports
27:44 that have come in there are sea creatures
27:47 that are capable of swallowing large objects.
27:55 Now let's go to this actual story.
27:59 What was the story of Jonah and the whale?
28:01 And what messages does it have for you and for me?
28:05 It was written by a prophet and of course
28:07 it has prophetic meaning, significance.
28:12 And that's why Jesus used the past
28:15 to point to his present.
28:16 He said, as Jonah was in the whale
28:19 three days and three nights
28:20 so shall the Son of Man also likewise be.
28:25 What's interesting about this is that you need to understand
28:28 that God gives prophecies so that in the future
28:34 you can see the fulfillment of it
28:35 and have confidence that God is still in control.
28:39 Now listen, let's consider this story about Jonah.
28:46 First of all, Jonah was sent by God to preach.
28:51 And when Jonah was sent by God to preach,
28:54 God told him to go to
28:57 what he considered to be a hard place.
28:59 There's no question that sometimes preachers
29:01 are sent to difficult places to preach.
29:05 Sometimes I've gone to places
29:06 where the devil seems to be fighting against the meetings.
29:09 I remember one of my first
29:11 evangelistic meetings that I held,
29:12 it was a tent meeting, up in a little place called
29:15 Ruidoso in New Mexico, way up in the mountains.
29:18 And when I got there unfortunately
29:20 the church was split, the church only had 10 members
29:22 and they were fighting five against five.
29:25 And then of course it was my first evangelistic meeting
29:29 so I was pretty wet behind the ears
29:31 and wasn't used to the kind of things
29:34 that normally happen in evangelistic meetings.
29:37 So half hour before the meeting starts,
29:40 by the way this pitch across the street
29:43 from the horse track, the racing track.
29:45 So it was very hard to preach when the racing was going on
29:49 because of all the ruckus and all the riot going on.
29:52 But nonetheless, half hour before the meeting,
29:55 I tell the pastor to go and dust the chairs
29:57 so that when people come in
29:58 they would be able to sit on clean chairs.
30:00 Well, as he was inside cleaning,
30:02 all of a sudden, immediately there was a twister that came
30:08 and knocked down the tent, flattened the tent down.
30:11 It tore it from top to bottom
30:14 and it happened in the moment, no one noticed.
30:16 We were not prepared for it and there it was,
30:20 the whole thing was down.
30:23 We wondered about the pastor but then we saw hands
30:27 and a head underneath the tent pushing up,
30:30 so we know he was okay.
30:31 Well, the people who were coming
30:32 to the meeting through that the--
30:34 we weren't ready so they began to leave.
30:36 So I said to my wife, honey, quickly, get your violin.
30:39 So she got her violin, we got some chairs up,
30:41 put them outside in open air.
30:42 I got my guitar out and she and I
30:44 began to play and the people said,
30:45 oh, they're having an open air meeting today.
30:48 And so the people stayed.
30:49 And that was my introduction to evangelism.
30:53 So there are times that you go to places
30:55 and it's tough, it's difficult, great challenges.
31:01 Jonah knew that God had asked him
31:06 to do something difficult.
31:09 And so rather than following
31:11 and going where God wanted him to go,
31:13 Jonah decided to do something different.
31:16 So the Bible says then that Jonah went
31:19 and bought a ticket to Tarshish.
31:22 What did he do? He bought a ticket to Tarshish.
31:26 Now, when you consider what Jonah was doing,
31:30 it maybe well for me to show you a map
31:32 so you can see, you can understand
31:33 what's happening.
31:36 Jonah was someplace around here
31:41 and if you notice on the map Nineveh is over here.
31:46 So which way does Jonah go? The opposite direction.
31:51 So he goes this way.
31:53 And by the way, he is taking a ticket to Tarshish
31:56 and in those days the name Tarshish
31:58 was another name for a place in Spain.
32:01 So Jonah has bought a ticket to go from Jerusalem
32:05 through the Mediterranean all the way to Spain.
32:08 In other words, as far away
32:10 as you can get from the job that God has given to him.
32:13 Jonah takes the ticket to Tarshish.
32:17 Now the Bible says then that when Jonah bought that ticket,
32:21 he actually went into the boat and if you notice
32:24 in Jonah Chapter 1 notice what it says
32:29 concerning which way he goes.
32:31 The Bible says that Jonah went down to Joppa.
32:35 Then it says he went down into the ship.
32:39 Let me ask you a question, friends,
32:40 when you turn your back on God
32:42 which way are you going, up or down?
32:45 You're going down.
32:46 The scripture says then, that Jonah was going down.
32:50 Notice then, he went down to Joppa,
32:53 down into the ship.
32:54 And finally it says that it he went
32:56 down into the midst of the ship and went to sleep.
33:00 So Jonah was going down, down and down.
33:08 The ship took his voyage
33:11 and while the ship was in route,
33:15 the scripture says that a storm broke out.
33:18 Well, this is the storm that God brought.
33:22 There are times in our lives
33:23 that the Lord will bring storms.
33:26 He permits the storms to happen to us
33:28 so that it helps us to understand
33:30 and recognize what we need to do.
33:33 I remember a certain young man who had grown up as a Christian
33:37 and turned his back on the Lord,
33:40 turned his back in Christianity and got into drugs.
33:43 And he was driving a truck one day
33:47 across the state of Wyoming.
33:49 Now any of you who have been through Wyoming
33:51 know that there are some passages in Wyoming
33:55 that have what's called wind socks.
33:57 Now wind socks are usually used in airports
33:59 to tell you how fast the wind is blowing.
34:02 Well, he was so high that he did not recognize
34:05 as he was going through this open area
34:08 that the wind sock was horizontal
34:10 which tells you that there was strong
34:12 gust of wind going through it.
34:13 When he entered into that open area
34:16 the truck got pushed over sideways.
34:20 And when he looked, when he finally realized
34:24 what had happened and was able to see,
34:27 get an idea as to where he was.
34:28 The only place he could look was down
34:31 and all he could see right from his window
34:34 was a great deep chasm way down deep over there.
34:38 And the truck was doing this...
34:42 And you know what he did? He began to pray.
34:46 Isn't that interesting?
34:48 People pray when they are in trouble.
34:50 Now let me ask you a question,
34:51 is there anything wrong with that?
34:53 No.
34:54 Because often times it is when we get in trouble
35:00 that we recognize our need
35:03 and God would rather have us come to Him
35:05 irrespective of our motive.
35:09 The reason for that is that God can always
35:12 change our motive if we come to Him.
35:14 What do you say?
35:16 So he began to pray and he said, God,
35:19 if you rescue me from this, I'll serve you.
35:22 And you know what happened?
35:23 The police came and were able to pull him out
35:26 and the policeman told him this,
35:28 we don't understand why this truck has not fallen over
35:33 because it appears like the weight
35:35 should have already pushed it down the chasm.
35:42 Jonah is asleep, the scripture says.
35:50 The boat is rocking.
35:51 The storm is pushing the boat back and forth.
35:58 The mariners begin to recognize that this is an unusual storm.
36:04 They've been in storms before but this is unusual.
36:08 And they begin to cast out of the boat their wares
36:12 to lighten the boat with the hope
36:15 that the boat will not sink.
36:17 But nothing seems to avail.
36:19 And the scripture says then,
36:22 that finally Jonah was awakened.
36:27 And when Jonah was awakened,
36:29 the captain asked him the question, he said,
36:31 "Wake up you sleeper, what are you doing asleep?
36:35 Pray to your God, and maybe that the Lord will hear us."
36:40 And then he said, "Who are you and where are you from?"
36:44 And Jonah did confess and said, "I am a Hebrew
36:48 and I am fleeting from the Lord.
36:51 Well, they became concerned.
36:53 They bought him up on the deck.
36:55 And finally Jonah said, look, there's no use.
37:00 You will not save your boat until you throw me over.
37:04 They didn't want to do it but finally they recognized
37:08 that what Jonah was saying was true.
37:10 And they said, "Lord,
37:13 don't charge his blood to our account."
37:16 And so they took the man up,
37:18 threw him over sea, over the side of the ship.
37:21 And the Bible says that when Jonah was thrown in there
37:24 that a fish came out and took him and swallowed him.
37:30 Now as we continue the story
37:36 notice then that the Bible says
37:41 that when Jonah was thrown over in verse 15:1,
37:47 "Then the man, the captain
37:50 and all who were there feared the Lord exceedingly,
37:54 and offered to sacrifice unto the Lord,
37:56 and made vows," verse 16.
38:01 Then verse 1 of Chapter 2 tells us what happens to Jonah,
38:06 "Then Jonah prayed unto the Lord, his God,
38:09 out of the fish's belly."
38:11 Jonah was fleeing but Jonah knew quite well
38:14 that you can always pray to God no matter where you are.
38:18 Listen, if you ever doubted that God could hear prayers,
38:25 today, most of us have something called a cell phone.
38:29 A what? A cell phone.
38:31 I was in the Philippines about two years ago
38:35 and was down in Mindanao
38:38 and we were going to visit a primitive village
38:40 and in order to get there
38:41 we have to take a dugout canoe.
38:44 But I had a cell phone and when I took it out
38:47 because I needed to put it in something
38:49 to protect it against the water
38:50 I noticed it had a signal.
38:53 And I thought, I wonder if I could call my wife.
38:57 So I punched the buttons and the next thing I hear
39:00 is the ringing on the phone
39:01 and then the lovely voice of my wife, hello?
39:06 And she was amazed to discover
39:08 that out there in the boondocks
39:10 I could press a few buttons and talk to her.
39:13 Listen, if mankind can send a voice all across the world
39:19 and you can hear it by a piece of plastic
39:25 then what about the God of heaven?
39:28 Can He not hear your prayers?
39:29 What do you say? There's no question.
39:32 So, the Bible says that Jonah what?
39:35 Jonah prayed. And he prayed to God.
39:41 Now notice the scripture says that this fish went down,
39:47 down to the depth of the ocean.
39:51 Jonah, the Bible says cried by reason
39:53 of his affliction unto the Lord.
39:56 And he says, and He heard me
40:01 out of the belly of hell cried I,
40:04 and thou heard my voice."
40:07 verse 2, Jonah Chapter 2.
40:12 The scripture says in verse 6,
40:14 "I went down to the bottoms of the mountains.
40:17 The earth with her bars was about me for ever."
40:23 I don't know how deep Jonah was
40:25 but he was down deep in trouble.
40:32 Some of us say, he got into a whale of a problem
40:36 as he decided to flee the opposite direction.
40:42 And so, "I went down to the bottoms of the mountains.
40:49 The earth with her bars was about me for ever,
40:52 yet thou hast thou brought up my life from corruption,
40:56 O Lord, my God."
41:01 When you think of those words, it reminds you of Christ.
41:05 The scripture says that Christ was buried
41:08 but He did not suffer corruption.
41:12 This predicted the reality that the Messiah would die
41:19 but rise again.
41:25 Well, as Jonah prayed, as it says in the scriptures...
41:35 out of the belly of the fish God heard his prayer.
41:42 And the Bible says that the fish got stomach indigestion
41:48 and went and vomited Jonah back unto dry land.
41:55 Now in the midst of all of this,
41:58 there's a most wonderful verse of scripture
42:01 that I want to share with you.
42:04 And it is found in Jonah 3:1.
42:08 Notice what it says, "And the word of the Lord
42:12 came to Jonah the second time."
42:17 And the word of the Lord came to Jonah how many times?
42:21 The second time. Just think about it.
42:25 Jonah was disobedient.
42:27 He had decided to take a different course
42:29 and what God wanted him to follow.
42:32 And as he did, he found himself in a great problems
42:35 but when he recognized his need,
42:39 he turned to God and God heard his prayer.
42:42 Friends, listen, there's no question
42:46 that it doesn't matter where you go,
42:49 David said, "If I go into the sea you are there.
42:53 Wherever I go, behold, thou are there."
42:56 And for those who are escaping wished,
42:59 from God wished-- God wasn't able to find them.
43:02 But for those who believe in God,
43:04 it is a comfort to know that it doesn't matter
43:07 where they are, they may be in prison,
43:09 they may be in dungeons, they may be in the mountain,
43:12 they may be in the sea but wherever they may be
43:15 it's good to know that God can hear.
43:18 Listen, I was in Palawan Islands,
43:21 scuba diving with another friend
43:24 who swam like a fish.
43:26 He was a Palawan, one of the senators
43:28 and he decided to do spear fishing.
43:32 And so there was a school of barracudas
43:35 and he decided to spear a barracuda.
43:37 I was a little bit nervous about the whole thing.
43:39 Number one because the current was very strong
43:42 and I had to be holding on to the bottom of the ocean
43:44 to pull myself along the way and so did he.
43:47 But anyway he shot and speared the barracuda
43:50 and all of a sudden,
43:52 what do you suppose came around?
43:54 Twelve wonderful sharks.
43:58 And those sharks began to kind of do this, around us.
44:01 Do you understand? Circles around us.
44:03 And what do you suppose I began to do?
44:06 I began to pray.
44:08 I was thankful that it didn't matter where I was,
44:11 I could pray and God could hear my prayer.
44:14 So Jonah prayed and the word of the Lord
44:18 came to Jonah the second time.
44:20 There may be some of you out there,
44:23 some of you right here who have felt
44:27 that you've turned away from God
44:30 and that you can never come back to God
44:33 after you've turned from Him.
44:35 But friends, remember, the word of the Lord
44:38 came to Jonah the second time.
44:42 When Peter said, "Lord, how often
44:44 shall we forgive those who offend us?
44:47 Shall we do it seven times?
44:49 The Lord said, neigh, seven times seventy.
44:53 In other words, there is no amount of times
44:57 that a person whose transgresses cannot be forgiven
45:01 if you seek forgiveness with a true repented heart.
45:07 The word of the Lord came to Jonah the second time.
45:10 Well, Jonah now goes on his mission.
45:13 Scripture says that Jonah goes to Nineveh.
45:16 Now if you remember the map, you have to travel
45:19 from the Mediterranean all cross
45:21 as Tony Moore was talking about,
45:23 that special land that surrounded the Holy Land
45:29 and all the way down to Arab, to Iraq.
45:32 Well, Jonah had to go over that crescent
45:35 and finally get to Nineveh.
45:37 And as Jonah got to Nineveh it says that the city
45:40 was a big city because it took about three days
45:43 to walk back and forth.
45:45 And Jonah decided this time he was going to be
45:48 faithful to what God had asked him to do.
45:50 And he began to preach his message,
45:52 "Ye, 40 days and this city shall be destroyed."
45:57 Now perhaps the first time he said it,
45:58 people didn't take much notice.
46:00 But Jonah kept repeating the same message
46:03 over and over and over again.
46:06 "Ye, 39 days, ye, 38 days."
46:09 Well, there are people who have
46:12 heard the message of the second coming of Christ
46:14 over and over and over again
46:16 and assumed that because it is repeated
46:18 over and over again and nothing happens,
46:20 that nothing will actually take place.
46:22 But my friends, listen, the reason
46:24 why it is repeated over and over and over again
46:28 is because of God's great mercy.
46:30 What do you say? God is not anxious.
46:33 The Bible says, He is not willing
46:34 that any should perish
46:36 but that all should come to repentance.
46:39 And so God wants to repeat it and repeat it
46:43 and repeat it so that somehow
46:45 we begin to understand that because of His great mercy
46:49 we are spared and we can turn to Him.
46:52 38 days, 37 days, 36 days. Well, what happened?
46:58 Well, the scripture says that all in Nineveh began to listen,
47:01 all the way up to the king,
47:03 from the tramp of the city way up
47:05 to the throne, people began to take notice
47:09 and the news began to be spread around.
47:11 And the king began to hear that God was going
47:14 to destroy that city.
47:16 And the Bible says that there was a great revival.
47:19 In fact my friends, of all human history
47:22 the Bible points to Nineveh as the place
47:25 where there was a greatest revival
47:27 that has ever been recorded in human history.
47:30 Think of it, Iraq, the greatest revival,
47:34 taking place in Iraq.
47:38 God in mercy spoke to those people
47:42 and fortunately they paid attention.
47:44 The word of God says that there was a great revival,
47:48 they put on sackcloth and ashes,
47:50 and they repented.
47:53 And the scripture says then that God turned away
47:58 from His purpose and spared the city.
48:04 Jonah, of course the scripture says,
48:06 got upset that God spared the city.
48:10 Because since God had mercy on Jonah,
48:13 he forgot that as God had mercy on him,
48:17 God could also have mercy on others.
48:20 And so, he got upset and God finally
48:25 rebuked him for getting upset,
48:28 that God is willing to turn from His wrath
48:32 and to give mercy to people who truly repent
48:37 and turn back in the right direction.
48:43 What is the Book of Jonah then?
48:46 The Book of Jonah has many spiritual lessons
48:48 but it also is an act in prophesy.
48:52 What Jonah went through as he went through
48:56 the belly of the whale.
49:00 It prefigured that Jesus Christ likewise
49:03 would go through that experience
49:06 but finally come back out again.
49:09 And because of this prophesy Jesus went through
49:14 what had been predicted,
49:16 resurrected on the first day of the week.
49:18 And because of that resurrection, my friends,
49:21 you and I no longer serve a dead savior,
49:24 we serve a living savior today.
49:27 One who can hear and answer your prayers,
49:30 one who could do for you and for me
49:32 that which we can never accomplish for ourselves.
49:42 The Bible says that as far as Jesus was concerned
49:47 that the bars of hell could not hold Him down.
49:51 Jesus broke through the portals of the tomb
49:55 and gave evidence that you and I,
49:59 because of Him can have hope.
50:02 Listen, where did Jonah go wrong?
50:07 The scripture says then that Jonah
50:09 bought a ticket to Tarshish.
50:12 He did what? He bought a ticket to Tarshish.
50:15 Now think about that.
50:19 The Bible is telling us that you and I
50:20 should avoid buying tickets to Tarshish.
50:24 But how is that you and I buy tickets to Tarshish?
50:29 The scripture says then
50:31 that when we turn away from the Lord,
50:34 we're buying tickets to Tarshish.
50:36 When you and I do things that are wrong,
50:40 we're buying a ticket to Tarshish.
50:43 When we violate our consciences,
50:46 we're buying a ticket to Tarshish.
50:49 Every evil act is a ticket to Tarshish.
50:53 Listen, I will go farther and say,
50:55 every cigarette is a ticket to Tarshish.
50:58 Every neglect of duty is a ticket to Tarshish.
51:01 Listen parents, God will hold you responsible
51:05 for not having that devotion with your children at home.
51:08 Every lack of duty is buying a ticket to Tarshish.
51:13 We need to understand my friends, that God, yes,
51:17 He has mercy but when we take the wrong course,
51:21 we pierce ourselves through with many sorrows.
51:26 And so the Bible says, don't go down that path.
51:30 Don't buy those tickets to Tarshish.
51:32 Don't soak those wild oats.
51:35 Every ticket, every sin leaves its scars.
51:41 God may forgive you but you don't need those scars.
51:45 Listen, friends,
51:47 it is very easy for you to take a hammer
51:50 and a nail and bang that nail into the wall.
51:54 It is just as easy for you to take that hammer
51:57 and pull that nail out of the wall.
52:00 Isn't that true?
52:02 But let me ask you the question.
52:04 How easy is it for you to pull the hole out of the wall?
52:10 When we take the wrong course in our lives,
52:13 young people,
52:15 when we are lead by the influences of others,
52:18 the peer pressure and begin to do things
52:21 that you know in your heart you ought not to do,
52:24 you are buying a ticket to Tarshish.
52:26 And you may be able to be forgiven
52:28 but you leave a hole in the wall
52:31 and the only thing you can do is patch it up.
52:35 It leaves those scars.
52:37 They regret then that you say to yourself,
52:41 "Oh, I wish I'd never done it.
52:44 Oh, why did I do it?
52:47 Why did I allow myself to go that direction?
52:50 Oh, if only, oh, if only, oh, if only..."
52:55 Don't go to that far country.
52:57 Don't buy those ticket to Tarshish.
53:00 Listen, I was in the country of Romania
53:05 and as I was preaching there in that country,
53:08 there was a lady who has been invited to hear my discourses.
53:13 And I am told that they invited the lady not one time,
53:17 not two times, not three times but 13 times.
53:22 And finally after being invited the 13th time
53:26 she said to herself,
53:28 "I better go and get these people off my back."
53:32 So she went to the meetings.
53:34 Well, in that particular night
53:35 I was preaching a particular subject that troubled her.
53:39 And that woman left home,
53:41 went from the meeting, going home, troubled.
53:45 Then she wished she hadn't come,
53:48 because the spirit of God spoke to her heart
53:51 concerning something in her life.
53:53 Well, she then was trying to evade having
54:00 to follow the light that God had given to her that night.
54:04 An in fact she went to her preacher
54:07 and asked her preacher, if it was right.
54:09 Well, the preacher gave her answers
54:10 that didn't make any sense to her,
54:12 she remained troubled.
54:13 And so she began to pray and she said,
54:16 "God, if it's true,
54:18 if what that American evangelist preach is true,
54:21 then I will believe it if he comes back to Romania,
54:24 otherwise I won't believe it.
54:25 Well, I had no intentions of going back to Romania
54:30 because that was my first time
54:31 and I had hoped it would be my last time.
54:34 I had some challenges
54:35 with some very dishonest people at the airport.
54:38 So I thought I don't want to be a victim any longer
54:41 so I am not going back to Romania.
54:42 I got back to New York City
54:44 and when I got back to New York City
54:46 what do you suppose?
54:47 Another invitation came for me to return back to Romania.
54:51 Well, I prayed about it and in spite of
54:54 what I did not want to do,
54:57 I was impressed and convicted I should go back.
55:00 I arrived back in Romania three months later
55:02 after I thought I'd never go back to that country.
55:05 Not because there wasn't some wonderful people there,
55:07 not because it was not a beautiful country
55:09 but because of the situation at the airport.
55:11 I didn't want to be a victim.
55:13 The first time for example, I lost a $100 to somebody
55:17 who wanted to charge me more than
55:19 I was supposed to pay.
55:21 Well, when I got there to Romania,
55:27 I was asked to speak at a small church
55:29 on Friday night in that particular city
55:31 where I had spoken before.
55:33 And that lady was told
55:35 that I had returned back to Romania,
55:37 she did not believe it.
55:39 And so with her heart beating,
55:42 she decided to see if it was true.
55:45 I didn't know she was in the audience,
55:47 I did not know the story but I was preaching that night.
55:50 And what do you suppose I was preaching about?
55:52 Jonah and the Whale.
55:55 And what do you suppose I said?
56:00 I shared with them that wonderful verse,
56:05 "And the word of the Lord came to Jonah the second time."
56:12 And that woman, when she heard
56:15 that the word of the Lord came to Jonah the second time,
56:19 she became so convicted and so happy
56:22 that she decided that she will follow the light
56:25 that God had given to her.
56:26 Friends, is there light that God has given to you
56:30 that you feel is hard to follow?
56:33 Are there things in your life that you know
56:35 you should do and you don't want to do
56:37 because it carries a cross with it?
56:40 Are there things in your life that you know
56:43 you are buying tickets to Tarshish and God says,
56:46 "Don't buy those tickets to Tarshish."
56:48 Friends, tonight why don't you decide
56:51 to turn back to God, turn back to prayer,
56:56 turn back to reading the Bible, turn back to faithfulness.
56:59 Are there those here tonight who would like to say
57:01 yes to the Lord to turn back to Him?
57:05 Let us pray.
57:06 Our Father, we thank You that Your word
57:09 comes to us the second time.
57:12 And I pray Lord, that You have seen the hands
57:14 that Your spirit will quicken them,
57:16 straighten them in Jesus name.
57:18 Amen.


Revised 2014-12-17