3ABN On the Road

The Way Of The Transgressor Is Hard

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Louis Torres


Series Code: OTR

Program Code: OTR000728

01:00 Hello and welcome back to Digging Up The Future,
01:04 Bible Prophecy Exposed.
01:06 We have been studying God's word,
01:08 we've been not only looking at the prophecies
01:11 and looking at archeology,
01:12 we've been looking for practical things
01:14 that can help us on our walk with Jesus.
01:17 And I believe that you are going to find tonight's topic
01:21 just another, just real feast and I'm looking forward to
01:24 what the Lord wants to do for us again here and now.
01:28 Let's bow our heads and pray together
01:30 before we begin this seminar.
01:31 Father in Heaven, today we're indeed grateful
01:34 that You've given us another day,
01:35 that You've given us another opportunity
01:38 to serve You and today we just ask that
01:40 Your Holy Spirit would come now
01:42 around this set, around this auditorium,
01:47 that You would give our speaker Your Holy Spirit,
01:51 that You would just connect with our hearts
01:54 in what we need to hear today.
01:56 And we thank You and we come in Christ's name.
02:00 Amen.
02:02 Well, we've been delighted to have some special numbers,
02:04 again we have Chris Albrecht with us with a trumpet,
02:07 I know that if you're like me, you've been enjoying this
02:09 and Anthia, he will accompany him on the piano.
02:14 "If My People" is the title of today's special number.
04:58 Thank you so much again.
05:00 If my people will come to themselves and pray.
05:07 In New York City, Downtown Manhattan,
05:12 there is a prison,
05:16 that prison has a name, it's called the Tombs.
05:24 Now you may ask yourself why do they call it the Tombs
05:26 because it's actually underground.
05:32 And from the prison to the courthouse,
05:35 there's actually an underground tunnel
05:40 and as the prisoners are taken from the prison, the cells,
05:45 and ushered in through to the courtroom,
05:51 as they are about to enter through the door,
05:54 right above the doorway,
05:57 there is a text, biblical text inscribed
06:01 and that text is found
06:03 in the Book of Proverbs Chapter 15.
06:06 And here's what it says,
06:07 "Good understanding giveth favor,
06:10 but the way of the transgressor is hard."
06:15 Let's pray together as we study the subject.
06:17 Our Father, thank You
06:20 for the privilege to study Your word again.
06:22 We pray Your spirit to help us, to draw near to thee.
06:26 In Jesus' name we pray, amen.
06:30 Now think of the text,
06:32 the way of the transgressor is hard.
06:41 There are many people who disagree with this text.
06:44 There are people who think that
06:46 it's not the way the sinneth is difficult or hard
06:51 but rather the way of the Christian is hard.
06:54 I've heard a lot of people say
06:56 it's so easy not to be a Christian.
06:59 Ah, you don't have anything to have to meet up to,
07:03 no responsibilities, no requirements,
07:06 no rules, no regulations,
07:08 you can just go with the flow and do what you want,
07:10 it's so easy not to be a Christian.
07:16 But it's so hard to be a Christian.
07:21 Yes, there are lot of people, lot of Christians,
07:24 lot of believers who feel that way.
07:27 But did God make a mistake when He said,
07:30 "The way of the transgressor is hard"?
07:38 I don't believe so.
07:40 I don't believe that God has made a mistake in that.
07:44 But here's the question.
07:47 I recall that when I was in show business
07:52 playing with the Comets,
07:55 and I went home on a vacation,
07:58 it was then that I was confronted
08:01 with the whole dynamics of becoming a Christian.
08:06 And I remember one of the thoughts
08:08 that came into my mind
08:10 that was a temptation to keep me from
08:12 following the Lord was this.
08:14 If I become a Christian, I won't have any fun.
08:19 And there are a lot of people who think that way.
08:21 If I become a Christian, I won't have any fun.
08:25 And so whether they realize it or not,
08:27 they're thinking it's hard to be a Christian,
08:31 and easy to be a sinner.
08:34 But again, the Lord speaks here quite eloquently
08:40 as He spoke these words when He said,
08:42 "The way of the transgressor is hard."
08:46 Why did He say this?
08:48 And what do we find in the scriptures
08:51 'cause we're talking about digging up the future
08:53 but in order to understand the future,
08:55 it is important to us to understand the past.
08:58 You recall that we talked about
09:02 in the first two chapters of the Bible,
09:04 there's a perfect world,
09:06 a perfect relationship with God and man,
09:08 the animal kingdom was at peace,
09:11 there's eternal life, the man does not die,
09:15 a perfect home,
09:17 and then the last two chapters of the Bible you recall,
09:19 again, the same thing.
09:22 The relationship with God, man is with God again,
09:24 God is with man, a perfect home,
09:27 the tree of life, all is gorgeous again.
09:32 But in order to get to that new world,
09:34 we need to understand
09:36 what was the problem and where we fell
09:38 and how to get from point A to point Z.
09:43 So let's think about what the Bible says
09:45 concerning this.
09:46 Think in your mind going back to our first parents.
09:52 It was a perfect world.
09:56 Adam and Eve had all that they wanted
09:59 and all that they needed.
10:01 The world was harmonious.
10:04 I can imagine
10:06 that it must have been a gorgeous place.
10:08 I have been to many beautiful gardens,
10:11 one of the most beautiful gardens
10:13 I've ever visited is called Butchart Gardens.
10:18 And I remember up there in Victoria Island in Vancouver
10:23 how gorgeous that garden was.
10:26 But I think that what God created far exceeded
10:32 anything that we have today.
10:35 Listen, perfect world, perfect home,
10:39 everything that they could desire
10:42 was before them,
10:43 and God had warned them that there was a test
10:49 that they had to pass through.
10:51 Now you may ask the question why?
10:53 I'll explain that when I present the next subject,
10:56 but right now just think of it.
11:00 The Scripture says that Eve wandered away from her husband
11:04 and came to that beautiful tree and saw the fruit.
11:12 The most beautiful woman ever created
11:16 standing before the fruit.
11:21 And I believe, friends,
11:22 that this is an example of the first drug seller
11:29 recorded in the Bible.
11:31 Let me explain what I'm saying.
11:32 When I was a little boy in New York City,
11:35 growing up in the ghettos of New York,
11:37 I recall people would come down on street
11:40 and they would say something like this,
11:42 you don't know what living is until you try this.
11:48 Man, if you want to have an experience
11:53 that is out of this world, you got to try this.
11:57 And I believe that that's what happened with Eve.
12:01 You think you're living a good life?
12:03 You think that you really have it good?
12:06 Wait until you try this and you'll understand
12:09 that you've been missing out.
12:13 Well, unfortunately mother Eve fell into the trap,
12:18 believed the enemy rather than believing God.
12:22 And the Scripture reveals then that the couple fell into sin.
12:33 Think of Adam and Eve now in transgression.
12:38 Think of this pair
12:40 that had been in bliss and in happiness,
12:42 now with dread forebodings, dreadful forebodings,
12:49 now fearful of consequences.
12:54 That which they had never experienced before,
12:57 now they're experiencing.
13:06 I'm not sure what went through their minds.
13:09 What I think you and I would understand
13:11 how they felt.
13:13 How many of you for example
13:15 have not been told by mom or dad,
13:19 especially mom as she bakes something or cooks something
13:21 would say to you,
13:22 don't touch it until supper time.
13:26 And how many of you after mom was out of sight,
13:31 yielded to the temptation
13:33 and took that cookie from the jar
13:35 or swiped that cake behind
13:38 so that mother could not see behind
13:40 but only see the front of the cake.
13:42 You know what I'm talking about.
13:45 And how many of you
13:47 as you heard the footsteps of mom
13:50 coming towards the kitchen and there you were
13:53 with the goods in hand felt good about her coming?
14:00 Many times we do things
14:02 that we know we shouldn't have done
14:04 and after we do them we fear the consequences.
14:08 And Adam and Eve felt the fear of those consequences.
14:16 But fortunately, God is a wonderful, merciful God.
14:21 And God had other plans than Adam and Eve supposed.
14:28 But listen, the Bible says
14:30 that as the result of what they did,
14:33 Adam and Eve had to leave their beautiful home.
14:41 So the first experience of sin,
14:44 they began to feel the consequences,
14:47 the result of their actions.
14:49 They began to sense that things are no longer
14:52 the same as they used to be.
14:55 There's in fact alienation between Adam and Eve
15:00 so that when God said to Eve, what have you done,
15:03 Eve then blamed Adam or Adam blamed Eve, pardon me,
15:08 and right there you see them accusing one another.
15:13 And finally, Eve blames God
15:16 and said the serpent whom You have made caused me to sin.
15:21 It's so easy, isn't it for us
15:23 to put the blame on somebody else.
15:25 You've even heard somebody say that devil made me do it.
15:31 It doesn't matter who you blame or who you don't blame,
15:34 the reality is this.
15:36 If you are the perpetrator,
15:37 if you are the one that committed sin,
15:39 you are the one that feels the results
15:44 and experiences the consequences of what we do.
15:47 Now think of Adam and Eve, think of that beautiful woman,
15:54 as a result of her transgression,
15:57 think of that moment when Cain being upset with Abel,
16:04 finally resorted to kill his brother,
16:08 murdered him in cold blood.
16:10 And now look at mother Eve,
16:13 bowing over her lifeless boy, weeping
16:19 and I can guarantee you
16:21 that mother Eve must have said it a thousand times,
16:25 the way of the transgressor is hard.
16:33 Think of Adam, poor Adam,
16:38 who lived for years, for centuries,
16:45 every dying leaf, every sickness,
16:50 every pain, every argument,
16:55 every sign of hatred, of envy must have pierced his soul
17:02 in thinking that he was responsible for it.
17:07 Friends, I don't understand how it is
17:10 that Adam did not go insane.
17:16 I don't understand how it is that the Bible does not record
17:20 and Adam could not bear it any longer
17:23 and committed suicide.
17:28 And I could say about Adam as I said about Eve,
17:30 I can guarantee you
17:32 that Adam must have said many a times
17:34 and felt many a times the way of the transgressor is what?
17:39 Is hard.
17:48 From Adam, we pass on to others.
17:52 Cain, for example, who after he'd slaughtered
17:55 or slained his brother
17:59 said to God, it is too much for me,
18:03 in other words,
18:06 I can't handle the results of what I've done.
18:12 Then we come to through the Bible history,
18:15 we find other examples there of this particular issue.
18:19 When I was a lad there in New York City,
18:22 I remember one day,
18:24 we had no place to play except on the streets of New York,
18:27 I happened to live on Strauss Street
18:29 in Brooklyn, New York, between Southern Pitkin Avenue,
18:33 for those of you who may know New York City or know Brooklyn.
18:36 And we played on the street all the time.
18:39 Sometimes we played punch ball and that was a game
18:42 when you take a little rubber ball
18:44 and you play like a baseball,
18:46 you punch the ball with your fist
18:49 or sometimes we played skully
18:51 and that was you made a box and you make some squares
18:54 and then you took a bottle cap and dug up some of the asphalt
18:58 so it'd put some weight on it
18:59 and then you used it like a marble
19:01 going from box to box to box to box.
19:03 All of this was on the street
19:04 and of course we always had to be watching for the cars
19:07 which came sweeping by
19:08 as we were playing in the streets.
19:10 But one particular day, a truck came by,
19:14 and we looked at this thing,
19:17 And it looked like something out of the movies,
19:20 because it had the shape of a house in the back
19:24 and it had portals for windows and we thought this is strange.
19:30 Well, the truck parked and we were looking to see
19:34 who would come out of this truck,
19:35 it was one of those old trucks,
19:37 I don't remember how many of you
19:38 remember the old trucks, they didn't have transmission,
19:41 they actually had a chain in the back.
19:43 So they had a motor and a chain
19:45 that moved the back wheels.
19:50 So out of the truck stepped out an old man,
19:55 long white hair and a white beard.
20:00 We began to think to ourselves,
20:04 teasing him would be more fun than playing skully
20:09 and so we began to tease the old man, unfortunately.
20:12 We shouldn't have done that but we teased him
20:15 and the man got angry
20:17 and so ha-ha-ha, you can't catch us
20:19 and we took off and what do you suppose?
20:22 That man could run just as fast as we could.
20:25 We were calling him Moses and so forth,
20:28 well, he ran after us and we were frightened then
20:33 'cause this old man that we thought
20:34 could just barely walk actually could keep with us,
20:37 finally he stopped
20:39 and went back to his truck and said
20:40 come back over here, boys, let me show you something.
20:43 So we cautiously approached him
20:46 and he then pulled a handkerchief
20:49 out of his pocket, then he took a spike,
20:52 I'm talking about one of those nails
20:54 that you drive into telephone poles,
20:56 those thick spikes.
20:58 And he wrapped the handkerchief around the spike,
21:01 put it in his mouth and bent it.
21:07 And we were sure that this man was playing a trick on us.
21:11 And so then he took the nail
21:15 and put the u-end of it into his mouth
21:20 and bit it shut like a bobby pin.
21:25 We were amazed.
21:29 Well, I'm still not sure that this thing was not a trick.
21:33 We asked to see the thing and we threw it on the ground
21:37 and it sounded just like a spike.
21:38 We pulled and pulled and pulled
21:40 and we could not unbend it, it was a real spike.
21:44 Then he said, let me show you something,
21:47 so he opened up the back of his truck
21:48 and pulled out a poster board
21:50 and there he was pictured in the poster board
21:55 with a chain tied to his hair
22:00 and on the other hand tied to the back of a plane
22:04 and he could hold back the plane
22:06 from taking off with his hair.
22:11 Then he took out another poster
22:13 and there he was with a bar, a metal bar in his mouth,
22:18 he was holding a metal bar with his mouth
22:20 and on both sides, there were two women
22:24 sitting on swings and rocking or swinging
22:28 as he held the metal bar in his mouth.
22:31 We were just amazed and thankful
22:35 that he did not catch up with us.
22:40 It turned out that he was the brother
22:42 of our barber Harry.
22:45 Harry was Jewish and he happened to be our barber
22:49 and this particular man was his brother
22:53 who came to visit with him.
22:55 Well, this is his picture here, you can see him
23:00 and he was called The Mighty Atom.
23:03 A-t-o-m.
23:05 Real name was Joseph Greenfield
23:08 and Joseph was considered to be
23:13 the strongest man of his time.
23:16 In Madison Square Gardens, he actually took horseshoes
23:21 and would put them in his mouth and bend them.
23:28 They would tie a chain around his chest
23:30 and he could actually just burst the chains asunder.
23:35 He was an amazing man and by the way,
23:37 you know how old he was when he chased up after us?
23:41 He was 80 years old.
23:44 He was an amazing man, the Mighty Atom.
23:50 Why am I sharing this with you?
23:52 Because in the Scriptures, we're told about another man,
23:56 that man was Samson.
24:00 Samson was the strongest man in human history.
24:08 I have in show business encountered
24:11 many a strong people.
24:13 I remember when I was performing in New York--
24:17 New Jersey, pardon me, there was a fellow named--
24:21 well, I won't tell his name but anyway he was Mr. America
24:24 and with him was another fellow,
24:26 his associate, he was a very huge individual,
24:30 a weightlifter, very strong individuals.
24:35 But nothing compared with Samson.
24:38 The Scripture reveals that the Spirit of God
24:41 was the one who gave Samson the strength.
24:45 The Bible says that Samson had been born
24:48 for a specific purpose
24:50 and that was to be a deliverer of the people,
24:53 a type of deliverer that Christ would be.
24:58 But the Scripture also reveals
25:01 that strength is not sufficient to deliver.
25:07 You can be a mighty man,
25:10 you can have great strength and power
25:13 But, my friends, unless God is with you,
25:19 unless you're connected with the Savior,
25:22 your strength is not sufficient to deal with sin.
25:26 Adam failed, perhaps the individual
25:32 who had the keenness and sharpest
25:34 intellect of any man who have been created.
25:37 Eve, the most beautiful woman, failed.
25:41 Samson, the strongest man that ever lived as well failed.
25:46 The Bible says that Samson
25:48 though he knew what he was supposed to do,
25:50 began to allow himself to be enticed with women.
25:55 And the Scripture says then that Samson got together
26:00 with that young woman called Delilah.
26:04 Many of you know the story.
26:06 And perhaps you've seen the film
26:08 how Samson finally gave the secret to Delilah,
26:12 betrayed the sacred trust that God had given to him
26:15 and finally ended up with his eyes plucked out
26:19 and doing work like a beast of labor.
26:26 There he found himself
26:29 surrounded by the Philistines mocking and deriding him
26:33 and ridiculing him,
26:34 blind and walking around in circles
26:40 grinding wheat for the Philistines.
26:43 Think of it.
26:45 From such a high calling, betraying sacred trust,
26:50 Samson believed somehow that because he had his strength,
26:55 he could escape any consequences of sin.
27:00 But, friends, remember what the scripture says.
27:03 Be sure your sins will find you out.
27:06 And so the Bible says then
27:08 that Samson found himself in this condition.
27:14 And can you imagine Samson as he is pushing that wheel
27:19 round and round and round.
27:22 I can imagine that Samson must have said
27:24 a thousand times,
27:26 the way of the transgressor is what?
27:29 Is hard.
27:31 There he was with troubled conscience,
27:38 but he repented.
27:39 The Scripture says and in his repentance,
27:43 he committed himself back to God,
27:46 and it was the last act that he ever did.
27:49 Samson, the strongest man that ever lived,
27:53 experienced the consequences of transgression
27:57 and I can guarantee you that if he were here today,
28:01 he would counsel us to avoid sin
28:04 because the way of the transgression is what?
28:07 Hard.
28:08 Listen, there are other people in the Scriptures,
28:11 we find King Saul.
28:13 King Saul became the first king of Israel.
28:17 God was directing the children of Israel,
28:22 but finally they came to the place
28:23 where they did not want to be as peculiar as they were.
28:29 And, friends, let me say this to you, sometimes.
28:31 Sometimes young people as they grow up as Christians
28:35 begin to feel like they're peculiar,
28:38 they think themselves odd
28:40 because they don't do what the other young people do.
28:43 And the tendency is to become like the John says,
28:47 to emulate others.
28:50 My friends, remember this.
28:52 There's nothing wrong in being peculiar
28:54 if the peculiarity that you're experiencing
28:57 is because you're walking in the life
28:59 and teachings of Christ.
29:01 Listen, King Saul then as the people wanted
29:06 a different leader, King Saul was chosen.
29:09 God chose Saul and God permitted this.
29:14 When the Prophet Samuel was upset
29:18 that they had chosen somebody else,
29:21 Samuel thought that they had bypassed him
29:23 and no longer wanted him
29:24 and God said they have not rejected you, Samuel,
29:27 they have rejected me.
29:31 Think of the outcome of what took place.
29:34 Saul then was given a new heart.
29:36 You can read that in the Book of 1 Samuel,
29:38 and God then gave him the spirit,
29:40 Saul then became the leader of Israel,
29:42 first leader.
29:44 And unfortunately the Bible says that
29:46 Saul was not careful to follow God
29:50 as God had dictated.
29:52 He always had the knack of doing half
29:55 of what God had asked,.
29:57 Half obedience,
29:58 it's not half obedience but disobedience.
30:01 Saul always found a way to justify what he did.
30:05 And if he could not justify,
30:07 He would always have somebody to blame.
30:09 It was always somebody else, when he did
30:11 what he knew he shouldn't do
30:13 and the prophets asked, why did you do that?
30:16 He would say, well, the people made me do it
30:18 or I couldn't help it or I had no other alternative.
30:22 My friends, have you found yourself in that predicament,
30:24 when you know that what's right,
30:26 you know what you should do
30:27 and for some reason, you are not able to do
30:30 all that you ought to do
30:32 and there's always somebody else to blame,
30:34 always somebody else that you can point out and say--
30:38 you know, I couldn't help myself.
30:40 Or even to the extent that you may say,
30:43 well, my dad did it and that's the way my dad is
30:47 and that's the way mom is and so I can't help myself.
30:49 My friends, listen, Saul did that.
30:57 And from the high position that God had granted to Saul,
31:01 the Scripture says that it came to the place
31:05 when God could no longer direct him.
31:09 And finally, the Bible says
31:12 that the Spirit of God was withdrawn from Saul.
31:16 Friends, listen,
31:18 there is nothing more terrible on this earth
31:21 than to discover that the Spirit of God
31:24 is no longer able to reach your heart.
31:30 Saul, in his fear,
31:35 since God would no longer communicate with him,
31:39 decided to turn to find counsel from the enemy of God
31:44 and to seek counsel from a witch.
31:50 And the Scripture says then that
31:52 the witch revealed to Saul his outcome
31:59 and the Bible says that he was so fearful
32:01 that he couldn't eat.
32:03 He trembled and shook.
32:05 And finally in the last battle,
32:08 when he would recognize that his end had come,
32:12 the Bible says that he could not think
32:16 of allowing others to capture him and torture him
32:19 and so he took his own life.
32:22 Saul went from the highest position
32:26 of honor in Israel
32:27 down to a dark, empty grave.
32:33 And I can guarantee you
32:35 that he must have thought often,
32:38 the way of the transgressor is what?
32:41 Is hard.
32:42 Friends, listen,
32:44 if you've been tempted to go through a medium,
32:47 if you've been tempted to go and seek counsel of those
32:50 whom God has said you ought not to go.
32:53 My friends, my advice to you is do not do it.
32:57 Let me give you an experience.
32:58 My mother though she was a Catholic,
33:01 she was also involved with spiritism,
33:04 and she always had all sorts of things in the house.
33:07 She would boil some herbs, and some things,
33:13 plants, et cetera
33:14 and then she'd go around the house
33:15 sprinkling the house with all of this water
33:18 that she had taken from the boiled leaves.
33:22 And we didn't believe in it,
33:24 we thought mother was practicing hocus pocus.
33:27 So finally my brother, one of my brothers
33:31 committed a crime
33:32 and he was going to be taken to court to trial.
33:35 My mother was fearful that he was gonna be sent to jail,
33:39 so you know what she did, she took me along with her
33:42 to go and see a spiritist medium.
33:45 When we arrived, I remember that the man stood there,
33:49 as he opened the door, he was all dressed in black,
33:52 he was a black gentleman, stood all dressed in black
33:54 and he stood there with a large sword.
33:57 And that kind of scared me a little bit.
34:01 And so then he asked us to come in, we went inside
34:05 and then my mother said, go and sit over there
34:07 and I'll go with him.
34:09 And as we passed, by the way, where my mother was to go,
34:12 it was a black room with all sorts of statues
34:15 and incense, etcetera.
34:17 And I began to get pretty upset of what was going on,
34:20 Especially, when the man closed the door
34:22 with my mother inside with him alone, do you understand?
34:25 And so I was fuming, I remember,
34:28 and finally when the man came out with my mother,
34:31 I said to the man, mother, I said, he is a fake,
34:35 he can't do anything for you.
34:37 See, what mother was doing was paying him $200
34:41 to somehow put a spell on the judge
34:43 so that the judge would give my brother
34:45 freedom and liberty, you see.
34:47 That's what she was hoping.
34:48 I said, mother, he can't do a single thing.
34:50 Well, the man said, you better watch it, little boy
34:53 or I'll make you go crazy.
34:54 Well, I took a handkerchief out of my pocket,
34:56 gave it to him, I said go ahead, I dare you,
34:57 you can't do a single thing.
34:59 He said I'm telling you that I'm gonna make you crazy.
35:01 My mother was so upset with me,
35:03 she slapped me and said, come on!
35:05 And I said, mother, he's only stealing your money,
35:07 he can't do a thing!
35:08 Well, what I said was true.
35:14 The court case came, the trial arrived
35:19 and rather than giving my brother two years,
35:21 they gave him five years in prison.
35:24 So my friends, listen, don't go the way of Saul.
35:30 The Bible says the way of the transgressor is what?
35:33 Hard.
35:35 If you want to know the future,
35:38 study the Scriptures, what do you say?
35:40 If you want to know what's ahead,
35:42 I should tell you this,
35:43 God says that the things that I reveal are for us,
35:47 but the things that are not revealed are not for us.
35:49 There are things, friends,
35:51 that we will not be able to know.
35:53 There are things that for our own good, God keeps secret.
35:56 But listen, there are things
35:58 that for our own good, God unveils.
36:01 And He unveils them in this wonderful book
36:03 called the Bible, what do you say?
36:05 My friends, there is nothing better on this planet
36:08 than this book to help you to understand what lies ahead
36:12 and that's why we've been studying prophecy.
36:15 Don't go to seances,
36:18 don't go to people who can really not help you.
36:21 Let me tell you another story.
36:24 I was in Romania
36:26 and I was called by some gypsies to come to their home.
36:29 I arrived at home
36:31 and discovered why they wanted me there.
36:33 Their daughter was desperately ill
36:36 and they asked me to pray for the girl
36:40 because her father said
36:41 somebody had put a spell on her.
36:43 When I went by the bedside, I saw and looked at the girl,
36:47 I'm a health educator, I also was a medic in the military
36:51 and I'm not a doctor
36:53 but I could figure out those basic things if something--
36:58 When somebody is being affected by some normal illness.
37:02 And as I looked at the girl,
37:03 I thought this girl has some biological,
37:07 something is affecting her,
37:09 this had nothing to do with spiritual things,
37:11 there's something to do with something physical.
37:13 So I said to the parents, look, I think this girl is sick,
37:15 you need to take her to the hospital.
37:17 Oh, no, no, no, they said, she has a spell
37:20 and if you pray, the spell will be removed.
37:23 I said, well, look, I'll pray for the girl anyway
37:25 'cause I believe that God can hear and answer prayers
37:28 but I don't think there is a problem that's a spell,
37:31 I think this girl is sick,
37:33 you need to take her to the hospital
37:34 and his wife said, I'm gonna pray for her
37:36 and if she doesn't get well,
37:37 get her to the hospital as quicker as you can.
37:39 Oh, no, no, you pray for her,
37:41 the spell will be removed.
37:42 Well, I left and here's a sequel,
37:49 the girl got up after I left I was told
37:51 and got up went around and kissed people
37:53 and went back to bed and got worse.
37:57 The dad believing that somehow
37:59 my prayer was not powerful enough,
38:02 left immediately, went to one of the priests
38:06 there, an orthodox priest there in Romania
38:09 and this priest declared that
38:12 he could remove spells and put spells.
38:14 So the man went and paid him $200
38:17 so that the spell could be removed from his daughter.
38:21 Meanwhile while he was doing that,
38:23 they take the girl to the hospital, too late,
38:26 it turned out, my friends,
38:28 that that girl had spinal meningitis,
38:32 and she died.
38:34 She was a young wife and they had two children.
38:39 The father after paying the man to remove the spell
38:43 on the way back got into a car accident
38:45 and had a broken leg.
38:49 My friends, let me say this to you.
38:51 When I visited that man,
38:53 I asked him, why didn't you listen to me?
38:59 He bowed his head.
39:01 I said, I'm sorry that you've lost your girl.
39:05 Friends, I could tell you
39:07 that man was repenting of what he did, what do you say?
39:10 And I could tell you this
39:12 that he felt that the way of the transgressor is what?
39:14 Is hard. What a price to pay.
39:18 Friends, listen,
39:22 the Scripture is very clear concerning these things.
39:27 Think of another man, David,
39:33 King David, you remember him.
39:37 He saw Bathsheba
39:41 and it's interesting in English that her name is Bath-she-ba.
39:47 And that's what he should've done.
39:49 He should've said ba to Bath-she-ba.
39:53 Bathsheba was taking her bath, she was taking her bath,
39:57 you see, David saw her and lingered and what?
40:02 And lingered there.
40:05 My friends, the Bible says if you put a coal in your bosom
40:08 you will burn and David yielded to the temptation of lust
40:13 and the Scripture says then that David committed adultery
40:16 and then he committed murder
40:18 and then he decided that he would hide all this thing
40:21 and he thought that he did a good job.
40:23 But, friends, let me say this to you,
40:25 you can hide things from man
40:26 but you cannot hide them from God.
40:29 It doesn't matter
40:31 what you think you can do to cover things up.
40:33 Ultimately, God knows what you've done.
40:36 And the Lord sent a prophet to David
40:39 and revealed that God knew precisely what he had done.
40:43 Fortunately, David repented, But, my friends,
40:45 David was not delivered from the consequences
40:49 and the result of his sins.
40:51 He lost his son.
40:52 He lost that boy that was born of Bathsheba.
40:56 He lost Absalom, his own boy.
40:58 His kingdom was divided
41:00 and his own daughter was raped by another son of David.
41:04 My friends, the result of David's sin
41:07 brought a baleful of woe to David.
41:10 And I could tell you this,
41:12 David, I'm sure must have said
41:14 the way of the transgressor is hard.
41:17 Listen, listen to this commentary.
41:23 "Those who, by the pointing to the example of David,
41:26 try to lessen the guilt of their own sins,
41:31 should learn from the Bible record that--" What?
41:35 "That the way of the transgressor--" Is what?
41:38 "Is hard."
41:40 Can you see that?
41:42 The Scripture further reminds us of this.
41:45 Listen to the next part of this statement.
41:48 Notice it says,
41:52 "Though like David they should turn from their evil course,
41:57 the results of sin, even in this life,
42:01 will be found--" What?
42:03 "Bitter and hard to bear."
42:06 Friends, there's no question
42:09 that the way of transgressor is hard.
42:11 Look at Judas, Judas has somehow believed
42:15 that he would help the Master with his ministry.
42:19 Judas thought that he was smarter than the Lord.
42:23 And you know, it's interesting,
42:24 I believe that Judas by betraying Christ thought
42:28 that he could do a double win, you see.
42:32 Christ would not declare Himself as the Messiah
42:36 and Christ was not taken to throne
42:38 as Judas thought he should.
42:40 And so perhaps he thought that by betraying him that
42:44 that would force Jesus to finally
42:46 demonstrate His glory and defeat the Roman Empire
42:51 and then Judas not only did he get
42:53 the 30 pieces of silver but could say to the Lord,
42:55 you see, Lord, if I hadn't put you in that position,
42:58 You would have never come to the place
43:00 where you took the throne and reigned.
43:02 So I should sit next to you.
43:06 Sometimes, we do that.
43:09 But, friends, the Scripture says
43:14 that Judas ended up with a hoarse voice
43:19 as he ran into the temple
43:22 and realized that Jesus would not deliver himself.
43:26 He said I betrayed in the son of blood
43:29 and the priest said, "What is that to us,
43:34 see thou do it."
43:36 Friends, they had encouraged him to betray Christ,
43:42 but they took no responsibility,
43:45 only left the whole burden on poor Judas
43:48 and the Scripture says that Judas ran out into the light
43:52 and could not bear the thought
43:54 of facing the Lord in judgment and hung himself.
43:59 Friends, you can see why it says
44:02 the way of the transgressor is what?
44:05 Is hard.
44:07 In Los Angeles, there was a famous cemetery
44:10 called the Forest Lawn.
44:13 And the man who put this together was Mr. Eaton.
44:17 He brought trees from all over the world
44:19 and made this cemetery, the most gorgeous place.
44:23 In fact, many tourists like to visit this cemetery
44:27 because it's so beautiful.
44:30 Besides bringing trees from all over the world,
44:31 I remember one tree that he brought,
44:33 it cost him $25,000 to get it transported
44:37 and placed where he wanted it.
44:39 Mr. Eaton then decided that
44:42 he wanted also on one of the mausoleums
44:44 to put in the famous painting
44:48 of Leonardo da Vinci's, The Last Supper.
44:51 And so he wanted to find somebody
44:57 who could do the stained glass of this last supper.
45:02 And he looked and looked and looked until he found
45:04 a descendant of Leonardo Da Vinci
45:07 who could actually do this thing
45:09 at last in the original way.
45:12 And so she was hired then to do the work
45:18 and history tells us that when they tried to
45:25 finally make the image of Judas,
45:29 we're told that it actually broke six times
45:33 before it took.
45:38 There's an interesting story about this painting
45:40 and it's about how Leonardo da Vinci
45:44 went about to find people
45:46 that could sit for his different portrayals
45:49 of the different apostles and finally Christ.
45:52 Well, he finally, he decided to begin looking first
45:55 of course for the first one,
45:57 who should be the first one in our lives and who's that?
46:00 He looked for Jesus.
46:02 But the question is, where do you find a Jesus?
46:05 And so one day he was in church,
46:08 and he noticed in the choir a young man
46:12 who had a very innocent looking face
46:16 and decided that that could be his Jesus.
46:21 And so after the service he went to the young man
46:23 and invited him to sit for Jesus
46:25 and pay him a sum of money so that he could paint him
46:28 and so it happened.
46:30 The young man came and Leonardo did his artwork
46:34 until finally he was finished with the young man,
46:37 it took several sittings
46:38 and then he went about looking for his Peter
46:40 and looking for his James and looking for his Matthew
46:43 and looking for all of different people.
46:45 And who do you think he left for last? Judas.
46:49 So finally when he came to look for Judas,
46:52 where do you find Judas?
46:54 Where do you find somebody who has
46:56 a conniving looking face?
47:00 And so he decided to go to the worst part of town
47:04 to dive for a kind of a slum area
47:07 and found a derelict.
47:12 He offered the derelict money if the man would come
47:16 and sit as his Judas.
47:19 He thought his face looks very conniving, very evil,
47:22 and I'll pay him and make him my Judas.
47:26 Well, the man came and sat and sat and sat,
47:31 finally when Leonardo finished with the man,
47:34 Leonardo then paid him off
47:36 and the man said this to Leonardo,
47:38 you act as if you don't know me
47:41 and Leonardo is recorded to have said,
47:44 I've never seen you before.
47:46 Go on, beggar, I already paid you,
47:48 go on your way.
47:49 Well, the man said, but you do know me.
47:52 And Leonardo said, I've never seen you before, go on.
47:55 We're done.
47:57 And the man said, but you do know me.
48:00 I am Pietro Bandinelli,
48:03 I am the one who sat for your Jesus.
48:10 But look at what sin
48:13 and drink and cruelty has done to me.
48:18 Friends, listen, there's no question
48:21 that the way of the transgressor is what?
48:24 Hard.
48:25 I became a new pastor in a town,
48:28 Wilmington, Delaware, and met a very wonderful couple.
48:32 They were wealthy, they had a nursing home
48:34 and they had two children
48:36 but when the parents told me about their children,
48:41 I was saddened.
48:44 The father said, we had a boy and a girl
48:49 and we just loved our boy, he was a very handsome,
48:52 striking looking young man, 6'2" and very athletic.
48:58 We just loved him when we sent him off to school,
49:00 we sent him off to study theology
49:03 and there we were hoping that
49:06 he would become a minister and serve God.
49:10 He would come home with his friends
49:11 and we had a boat, we had a motor home,
49:13 anything he wanted we would give,
49:15 we just loved our boy.
49:16 We were so proud of him.
49:19 And all of a sudden, one day, he disappeared.
49:23 And the school officials told us that
49:26 somehow he was gone.
49:30 We looked for him, we couldn't find him.
49:33 The police looked for him, they couldn't locate him
49:35 and so we assumed that somebody had murdered him
49:37 and got rid of him, we were devastated.
49:41 Our boy that we thought would become a minister was gone.
49:47 Two years later, we got a telephone call,
49:51 we were shocked and amazed to discover
49:53 that our boy was not dead after all, he was alive.
49:58 He had fled to California and was living a riotous life.
50:06 He called us simply to tell us
50:07 that he was enjoying his drink and his alcohol
50:10 and his drugs and his sex and that he was free
50:14 and then he began to curse at us
50:16 and swear at us
50:17 and telling us that he hated us
50:19 for shoving religion down his throat.
50:22 We were just devastated.
50:25 Well, he hung up the phone.
50:31 And now we knew that he was alive
50:36 and we were pained.
50:38 Then they discover I was going to California
50:40 and said, Pastor, would you visit our boy?
50:42 They found out the address and so after my business,
50:46 I went to San Francisco
50:48 and I found the place where he was living
50:50 and there was an iron rod gate, couldn't get in,
50:54 and so I was trying to see if the name was in the mailbox,
50:57 well, it wasn't there, pardon me, I could see it
50:59 because it was on the wall there
51:01 and the taxi drove up
51:03 and out came from one side the black young lady
51:06 and on the other side an old man,
51:08 and he had an extended stomach
51:11 and he could only just shuffle his feet,
51:13 he was gaunt and looking very skinny like a skeleton,
51:17 had white hair and as he came close,
51:21 I said, Mister, would you let me inside to see
51:24 if I could see the name of a person I'm looking for there?
51:27 Get out of here, he said. And I said, Mister, please.
51:30 He said, get lost!
51:31 I'm not gonna let you do that.
51:34 I went back to the car and told my wife,
51:35 she said, honey, don't let him turn you away that easy.
51:38 Well, it's easy for her to say that, you understand?
51:41 I went back again and then I plead with the man.
51:43 He said, who are you anyway?
51:45 I told him who I was, Pastor Torres
51:48 and I said who sent me.
51:52 He said, I am he. I couldn't believe it.
51:57 A 30 year old man-- 32 year old man
52:01 looked like he was over 80, could barely walk.
52:06 He looked like a ghost.
52:09 I went upstairs with him, he sat up, put up his feet,
52:15 burn out a marijuana
52:16 and began to puff the smoke in my face.
52:20 And then he began to address me as Mister
52:23 and being derogatory and cursing
52:25 and swearing and telling me how terrible his parents were.
52:29 They were lovely people
52:31 but he thought they were terrible.
52:33 Finally, I said look,
52:35 if you need me someday, here's my card.
52:37 He took my card and threw it on the floor, he said,
52:39 get out of my house, I'll never need you,
52:41 you have to be stupid to believe in God, he said.
52:46 And I said, well, someday if you need me, call me.
52:49 I left.
52:50 My friends, it was difficult for me to tell those parents
52:53 what I discovered.
52:55 But I told them, they wept and the mother said,
52:57 oh, if only God could bring him back home.
53:00 I said, well, let's pray.
53:01 God can still perform miracles, so we prayed together.
53:04 And the next day, I got a telephone call,
53:06 the wife said, pastor, you'll never believe it.
53:09 God answered our prayer, my boy called me up and said,
53:12 I'm coming home.
53:14 Well, the father when I finally talked to him
53:19 said I went to pick them up at the airport, pastor, I wept
53:23 because I could not recognize my boy.
53:28 Well, that boy came home
53:32 to make the life miserable for the parents.
53:35 The girl had kicked him out
53:37 and he decided that he would come
53:39 and do all he could to trouble the family.
53:43 He wanted the parents to buy his drugs.
53:45 He's smoking there
53:46 and throw smoke in their face.
53:49 The guy was troubled, the father,
53:51 finally, finally one night
53:54 I was called, four in the morning,
53:56 come, pastor, quickly to the hospital.
54:00 I got there and the father said last night,
54:03 I heard the voice, dad, dad!
54:06 I got up to follow the voice
54:07 and there was my son in a pool of blood,
54:10 he was throwing up blood.
54:12 We took him to the hospital emergency.
54:14 It looked like there was no chance for him to live,
54:16 his blood pressure went down to zero.
54:18 We began to pray and I'm gonna ask the God
54:20 to give him a chance to live.
54:22 And then we began to administer some remedies
54:26 that the father and mother
54:28 who was a physical therapist and the mother a nurse,
54:31 they allowed us to do that
54:33 and the boy's health began to turn around.
54:38 And one morning as I went to visit the young man,
54:41 I heard his voice say, Brother Torres.
54:46 I was surprised
54:47 because he never called me brother before, it was mister.
54:53 I went to him and he said, pastor,
54:58 last night I gave my heart to Jesus
55:02 and he said, oh, pastor, I'd been a fool,
55:08 pray that God would give me health again.
55:12 I want to live so I can demonstrate to my parents
55:16 how much I love them.
55:18 Oh, the way of the transgressor is what?
55:21 Is hard.
55:24 My friends, we wrestled with that boy
55:27 and finally he stabilized, they put him in a private room.
55:31 One morning I went to see him
55:34 and on his chest he had the Bible,
55:38 the book that he despised.
55:41 And as I touched him, he was dead.
55:47 My friends, the way of the transgressor is what?
55:51 Hard.
55:53 But Lord invites us to turn to Him,
55:58 to give our hearts to Him, to accept His ways.
56:03 Maybe you've been tempted in thinking
56:07 that it is easy to take the easy track,
56:12 but friends, you'll pierce yourself
56:14 through with many a sorrow.
56:17 Turn to God, will you tonight?
56:19 How many of you will turn to God tonight
56:21 and say, oh, I want to avoid that hard way
56:25 and turn to Jesus.
56:26 Let us pray, shall we?
56:29 Our Father, there are so many, many, many illustrations
56:36 and stories in the scriptures written by the prophets of old
56:40 to help us in our day to understand
56:43 that the way of the transgressor is hard.
56:46 Oh, Father, you've seen our hands,
56:50 help us to turn from our wicked ways
56:54 and find peace with You.
56:57 Give us strength, and Lord, return unto us as David prayed
57:02 the joy of thy salvation
57:05 and then shall sinners be converted unto you.
57:09 Bless as we pray
57:11 and help us, we ask, in Jesus' name, amen.


Revised 2014-12-17