3ABN On the Road

What Does Truth Do?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Scott Moore


Series Code: OTR

Program Code: OTR000768

01:00 The title of our sermon is "What Does Truth Do?"
01:05 What does truth do?
01:08 There was a particular Hebrew scholar that went over to,
01:11 to the land where that that language originated,
01:14 and he went into a class and in this class,
01:18 he was told that there was a young man
01:20 that had memorized the entire Old Testament.
01:24 So he decided he was going to interview this young student.
01:28 And he went to this young student and he asked him,
01:30 if he can make an appointment.
01:32 And they did just that.
01:33 And when they sat down to meet,
01:36 this, this visitor to the,
01:39 to the Palestine asked this young student
01:43 if he would begin to quote scripture for him
01:45 from the Old Testament.
01:47 And so he began to quote scripture.
01:49 And then the visitor to Palestine asked this young man
01:52 if he would quote specific scripture,
01:55 could he please begin at the beginning
01:56 of the Book of Psalms and just continue
01:59 until he asked him to go to another Psalm.
02:03 And this young student recited
02:05 Psalm 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
02:13 all through the Book of Psalms.
02:16 The amazed visitor couldn't even comprehend
02:19 that this young man had all of that scripture memorized.
02:26 And at the end of the Book of Psalms,
02:29 the visitor asked this young man, he said,
02:32 "Tell me, what has this done for your life?"
02:37 The young man says, "I don't understand the question."
02:40 How do you mean, what has it done for my life?
02:44 He said, "How, how has this deepened your relationship
02:47 with God and with Jesus?"
02:50 And the young man said,
02:52 "I have no relationship with them, I'm an Atheist."
02:59 He was an Atheist.
03:02 Friends, because the Bible was approached
03:04 as just another book rather than the word of life,
03:11 it was never allowed to make a difference
03:14 in this young student's mind.
03:18 How is it with you?
03:21 Is the word of God,
03:22 is the Bible just another book to you?
03:26 Or is it the word of your life?
03:32 Today, we're going to talk about what does truth,
03:35 what does the Bible do?
03:38 Well, before we study our Bibles, we will pray.
03:41 So, if you bow your heads with me.
03:46 Father in Heaven, we're so grateful that
03:48 we can come before You just now.
03:52 Asking You to help us understand Your word today.
03:57 Lord, we have a mind that can't comprehend
03:59 everything Your word says,
04:01 so we need You to give us Your Spirit,
04:03 so that we can understand it.
04:07 You have promised Your Spirit, so we claim that promise.
04:11 And we pray this in Jesus name, amen.
04:16 Friends, I'd like you to open your Bibles
04:17 to the New Testament Book of John.
04:20 John Chapter 1, John is the fourth of the gospels,
04:24 Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and we are going to be,
04:27 begin reading in John Chapter 1.
04:31 The Bible says here, John Chapter 1 Verse 1,
04:35 "In the beginning was the Word,
04:38 and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
04:44 Verse 2, "The same was in the beginning with God,
04:48 all things are made by Him and without Him
04:50 was not anything made that was made."
04:54 So the Bible has just said here to us that
04:57 in the beginning was something called the word.
05:02 Then it says, "That this word was with God,"
05:07 then it says that, "This word was God."
05:11 The Bible says in verse 2 that,
05:13 "This same word was with God in the beginning,
05:17 all things were made by this word,
05:21 without this word nothing was made."
05:26 Do you believe, my friends,
05:27 that this word is very important?
05:30 Absolutely, let's look down in verse 14
05:34 and find out who is this word?
05:38 The Bible says here in John Chapter 1,
05:41 down to verse 14.
05:43 "And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us."
05:49 The word, the word that was with God,
05:51 the word that was in the beginning,
05:53 the word that was God, the one who is with God
05:56 in the beginning, the one whom,
05:58 by whom all things were made
06:00 became flesh and dwelt among us.
06:04 Who is the one that became flesh and dwelt among us?
06:07 Continuing on in verse 14, the Bible says,
06:11 "And we beheld His glory, glory as of the only begotten
06:17 of the Father, full of grace and truth."
06:21 Friends, who is the only begotten of the Father?
06:26 It's Christ Jesus.
06:28 You and I, if we were to turn to
06:29 John Chapter 3 in Verse 16,
06:32 "Jesus is described as the only-begotten of the Father,
06:35 the one that was given so that you can have eternal life."
06:40 This word that was made flesh,
06:43 this Jesus was in the beginning.
06:47 This Jesus was with God, and this Jesus is God.
06:56 This Jesus was in the beginning with God,
06:58 this Jesus made all things,
07:01 and without Jesus was not anything made that was made.
07:07 When we read the word of God that was made flesh,
07:12 we meet Jesus.
07:19 The word of the living God
07:22 is not merely written, but spoken.
07:27 The Bible is God's voice speaking to us just
07:31 as surely as though we could hear it with our ears.
07:37 Many people asked me,
07:38 "Well, how do you know that God is speaking to you?
07:40 How do you know?
07:41 How do you know what God wants you to do?"
07:44 My friends, every time we open up this Bible,
07:47 we sit down to listen to the voice of God.
07:56 If we realize that this is the voice of God speaking
08:00 to us with what all would we open God's word?
08:04 And with what earnestness would we search its precepts?
08:12 The reading and contemplation of the scriptures
08:15 would be regarded as an audience with the infinite one.
08:23 I can't see Jesus, you know, I've never seen God.
08:26 How do I know that they're real?
08:28 My friends, if you and I will take time to spend
08:31 in the word of God, the word that was made flesh.
08:36 We will know that He is real.
08:39 We will know that He is real.
08:46 The word of God that was made flesh stood
08:49 in the presence of Pilate.
08:52 The one whose words would
08:55 hand down the words, sentence.
09:01 Turn with me to John Chapter 18,
09:05 John Chapter 18, you're already in John,
09:08 just turn to the right, to the 18th Chapter.
09:15 John Chapter 18 verse 33. John Chapter 18 verse 33.
09:24 The Bible says here in John the 18th Chapter in verse 33,
09:28 "Then Pilate entered into the judgment hall again,
09:31 and called the Jews, and called Jesus rather
09:34 and said unto him, Art thou the King of the Jews."
09:39 Pilate, the one whose words would hand down
09:42 the eternal words sentence is asking Jesus.
09:46 "Are you the King of the Jews?"
09:50 Verse 34, Jesus answered Him.
09:55 It's interesting to note here that
09:56 Jesus answers to the question.
09:58 Jesus says, "Sayest thou this thing of thyself,
10:03 or did others tell it thee of me?"
10:06 Jesus is, why He's making His way into the heart of Pilate.
10:12 And Jesus says here to Pilate,
10:14 "Are you asking this of yourself
10:16 or did somebody else tell you that?"
10:21 Verse 35, "Pilate answered, Am I a Jew?
10:27 Thine own nation
10:28 and the chief priests have delivered thee unto me,
10:32 what hast thou done?"
10:40 Verse 36, "Jesus answered,
10:44 My kingdom is not of this world,
10:48 if my kingdom were of this world,
10:50 then would not my servants fight,
10:52 or would my servants fight,
10:55 that I should not be delivered to the Jews,
10:57 but now is my kingdom not from hence.
11:02 Pilate therefore said unto him,
11:05 Art thou a king then? Jesus answered,
11:09 Thou sayest that I am a king.
11:12 To this end was I born, and for this cause came
11:16 I into the world,
11:18 that I should bear witness unto the truth,
11:23 that I should bear witness unto the truth.
11:25 Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice."
11:31 Jesus says, "The reason that He came,
11:33 the reason that the word was made
11:35 flesh was to bear witness to the truth."
11:40 Verse 38, "Pilate said to Him."
11:44 Pilate is looking into the face of the immortal word
11:49 and he says, "What is truth?"
11:54 Many times we ask ourselves the very same
11:57 question, what is truth?
12:00 How do I know it?
12:02 What does truth do for me
12:04 once I find out what truth is.
12:08 Pilate asks, "What is truth?"
12:10 But, notice what happens next.
12:12 Continuing on in verse 38,
12:15 "Pilate saith unto him, what is truth?
12:17 And when he had said this,
12:20 he went out again unto the Jews,
12:23 and saith unto them,
12:24 I find in him no fault at all."
12:30 Pilate asks Jesus, "What is truth?"
12:35 But, Pilate doesn't wait for the answer.
12:41 Many times we want to know, what is truth,
12:45 but we don't wait for the answer.
12:51 Today, we're going to find out what is truth?
12:54 What does truth do for us?
12:57 Turn to the left in the Book of John,
12:59 to the Book of John Chapter 14.
13:03 John Chapter 14, the first three verses
13:05 are famous for the promise Jesus gave to us
13:07 that He would, He would come again
13:09 and receive us into heaven.
13:12 Go down into verse 6, John Chapter 14 verse 6,
13:16 "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way,
13:21 the truth, and the life,
13:24 no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."
13:27 Jesus says that, "He is the truth."
13:33 Pilate says, "What is truth?"
13:34 He doesn't wait for the answer.
13:37 It could have been just three words.
13:40 Jesus could have said, "I am truth."
13:42 But, Pilate doesn't care.
13:45 Pilate wants to go back to bed.
13:48 Pilate wants to wash his hands
13:51 of this man Jesus.
13:56 Jesus, when speaking to His disciple says,
13:58 "With no, ifs, ands,
14:00 or buts about the situation that He is truth."
14:08 We can only find the way by searching
14:11 through the truth.
14:13 And when we do that, my friends,
14:15 we will find that we have eternal life.
14:23 Jesus is the truth and He says,
14:24 that His word is the truth.
14:26 Let's look at the word of God now
14:28 and see what the word of truth,
14:30 the word made flesh says,
14:33 let's see the wisdom that it gives us.
14:37 So that we can live a life to the glory of God.
14:39 What does the truth, the word
14:42 that was made flesh do for us?
14:45 So we're gonna study the word.
14:47 We're gonna study the truth.
14:49 We're gonna see, what does it do for us?
14:51 You're still in John,
14:53 turn to the right two chapters,
14:54 three chapters to John Chapter 17,
14:58 John Chapter 17.
14:59 We're gonna talk about seven things
15:01 that the word of God does for us.
15:04 Seven things that the word of God, the truth,
15:06 the word made flesh does for us.
15:09 And we're starting right here
15:10 in John Chapter 17 and verse 17,
15:15 and Jesus is speaking and Jesus says,
15:17 "Sanctify them by thy truth,
15:19 or through thy truth, thy word is truth."
15:26 So Jesus says here that the word is truth.
15:29 Now what word is Jesus talking about?
15:32 The only word that they had,
15:34 that they knew was from God was the Old Testament.
15:37 And many times today
15:38 people want to take the Old Testament,
15:40 rip it out of their Bibles
15:41 and throw it in the garbage can.
15:45 But, Jesus says here that His word is truth,
15:51 and He says that His word sanctifies us,
15:55 His word makes us Holy. But, my friends,
15:58 you and I cannot take this word
16:00 and just put it on the top of our heads
16:02 and hope that all the words fall in.
16:07 We actually have to open it
16:08 and we actually have to study
16:10 God's word to be sanctified by God's word.
16:15 Look down at verse 19,
16:18 the Bible says in John 17 verse 19,
16:21 "And for their sakes I sanctify myself,
16:26 that all, that they also might be
16:28 sanctified through the truth."
16:32 What was truth in verse 17?
16:34 The truth in verse 17 was the word.
16:36 What was the word in John Chapter 1,
16:38 it was Jesus, it was the one
16:41 that it always been with God, the one that was God,
16:44 the one by whom all things were made.
16:48 And Jesus says here, that the word of God,
16:51 sanctifies us, the word of God makes us Holy.
16:58 As we study God's word and we apply it to our lives,
17:01 we become more and more like Jesus.
17:07 The word, the truth.
17:13 What else does the word of God do?
17:16 Turn with me to the Old Testament Book of Psalms,
17:19 let's go back to Psalms,
17:21 Psalms the 33rd Chapter,
17:24 Psalms not the 33rd Chapter, you know,
17:26 friends, Psalms does not have Chapters,
17:29 it has Psalms, so we're going to Psalm 33.
17:34 Psalm 33 and verse 6, what does the Psalm say
17:38 here in Psalm 33 and verse 6.
17:42 The Psalm, it says, "By the word of the Lord
17:45 were the heavens made, and all the host of Him
17:49 by the breath of His mouth."
17:52 Not only does the word of God,
17:54 number one, sanctify us,
17:57 but God's word also creates.
18:00 The Bible says, "By the word of the Lord
18:02 were the heavens made."
18:03 That by the breath of his mouth.
18:05 Look down at verse 9, "For he spake,
18:09 and it was, he commanded,
18:12 and it stood fast."
18:15 Friends, no sooner did Jesus say,
18:17 let there be light, then there was light.
18:22 Now you're saying to yourself,
18:23 "Well, how do we know it was Jesus who did that?"
18:25 What did John Chapter 1 verses one, two,
18:27 and three say?
18:28 It said that, "By Him are all things made."
18:31 So, when Jesus said, "Let there be light,
18:34 " excuse me, what was there?
18:36 There was light. As soon as he said,
18:39 "Let there be a firmament to divide the waters
18:41 above the firmament
18:42 and the waters below the firmament."
18:43 What was there? A firmament.
18:47 The word of God creates no sooner does God say it,
18:52 then it is done.
18:55 Friend, do you know, why God can't lie?
18:59 God can't lie because whatever God says
19:03 contains the power to make it happen.
19:09 God's word, God's truth is powerful,
19:14 so powerful that when we study it
19:15 and apply it to our lives,
19:17 we are sanctified through that truth.
19:22 God's word is so powerful
19:23 that God's word creates.
19:29 What would keep you from allowing God
19:33 to sanctify you through His truth
19:37 and to create you new again?
19:43 Let's look at this in another section
19:45 of the Bible, go to New Testament Book of James
19:48 you're gonna pass Hebrews,
19:49 pass the "T" section, then gonna pass Hebrews,
19:51 and then we'll be in the Book of James.
19:55 James Chapter 1 and verse 18,
20:01 James Chapter 1 and verse 18,
20:06 the Bible says here in James Chapter 1 and verse 18,
20:11 "Of his own will begat he us."
20:15 How did He begat us?
20:18 With the word of truth.
20:23 Friends, how is it that we are created?
20:25 How is that we're made?
20:27 Only through the word of truth.
20:31 The Bible says, "Of his own will begat he us
20:33 with the word of truth,
20:34 that we should be a kind
20:35 of first fruits of his creatures."
20:38 So, what we have seen so far is that,
20:41 the word that was made flesh, Jesus,
20:43 the one that dwelt Him among us,
20:45 the one that made all things,
20:48 sanctifies us through His truth,
20:51 through the word.
20:53 We've also seen that this same Jesus creates in us.
21:00 Friends, we're born once by our mothers.
21:03 We have no choice in that,
21:06 when we're just born.
21:07 But the second birth,
21:09 the one where we're begotten of God
21:13 comes when we make a decision.
21:16 And that starts when God begins to sanctify us
21:20 through His word. Let's continue on.
21:24 What is the third thing that God's word does for us?
21:28 Let's stay right here in the Book of James,
21:30 Chapter 1 verse 21.
21:33 Well, let's start in verse 19,
21:34 we'll just keep the flow going here.
21:36 James Chapter 1 verse 19, "Wherefore,
21:40 my beloved brethren,
21:42 let every man be swift to hear,
21:45 slow to speak, and slow to wrath.
21:49 For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God.
21:54 Wherefore lay apart all filthiness
21:56 and superfluity of naughtiness,
21:58 and receive with meekness the engrafted
22:01 word which is able to save your soul."
22:07 So, friend, not only does the word of God sanctify us,
22:12 not only does the truth create us,
22:18 but the word of God,
22:19 the truth of God saves us.
22:25 So many times people say, you know,
22:27 I was saved 50 years ago.
22:30 Praise the Lord for that,
22:34 but what about today.
22:38 Have you spent time in God's word?
22:44 Do you really know the author of the Bible?
22:48 Or do you just have this phrase in your mind,
22:50 where you say, I'm saved,
22:51 I can do whatever I want.
22:54 We're gonna see later on in the sermon
22:56 that, that is not the case.
23:03 "Receive with meekness the engrafted word
23:06 which is able to save your souls."
23:11 Turn with me now to the left from where we are,
23:13 and let's go to, no, that's to the right
23:15 from where we are rather,
23:17 and let's go to First Peter Chapter1 verse 23.
23:23 First Peter Chapter1 verse 23.
23:28 The Bible says here in First Peter Chapter 1 verse 23,
23:31 Being born again, not of corruptible seed,
23:34 but of incorruptible, how, by the word of God.
23:40 Friends, how is it that we are born again,
23:43 we are born again by the word of God,
23:47 apart from the word of God,
23:49 we cannot be born again.
23:52 Is the Bible clear on this?
23:55 If we are not spending time in our Bibles,
23:58 God cannot sanctify us and make us Holy.
24:01 If we're not spending time with the word of God,
24:04 God cannot recreate in us
24:06 that new heart that we so desperately need.
24:10 And, friends, if we are not spending time
24:12 in the word of God, then we won't know Jesus
24:15 the one that gives us eternal life,
24:20 the one that saves us.
24:23 The Bible says to us, turn with me,
24:25 Acts Chapter 4, that's to the left, Matthew,
24:29 Mark, Luke, John, Acts Chapter 4,
24:34 let's begin reading in verse 10.
24:36 Acts Chapter 4 and verse 10,
24:38 the word of God reads like this,
24:41 "Be it known unto you,
24:43 and to all the people of Israel,
24:45 that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth,
24:48 whom you crucified,
24:50 whom God raised from the dead even by him
24:54 doth this man stand before you whole."
24:56 Verse 11, "This is the stone
24:58 which was set at nought of you builders,
25:00 which is become the head of the corner."
25:02 Verse 12, "Neither is there salvation
25:05 in any other, for there is none other name
25:09 under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved."
25:13 Friends, it is the word of God
25:15 made flesh that saves us.
25:18 It is the word of God made flesh
25:21 that sanctifies us.
25:22 It is the word of God made flesh
25:24 that recreates our life to a new life,
25:28 a life that is glorifying to God.
25:36 Three things so far.
25:38 Number one, the word of God sanctifies us,
25:41 sets us apart for the work of God.
25:44 Number two, the word of God creates us.
25:49 And number three, the word of God saves us.
25:55 Do these sound like things that you want
25:57 God to do in, into your life.
26:00 We can't, that can't happen apart from this book,
26:04 this book that is called the Bible,
26:06 we can memorize as much scriptures
26:08 we want to memorize, we can memorize
26:10 the entire Old Testament if we desire.
26:12 But if we are not willing to allow God
26:15 to do something in our lives with His word,
26:19 we are wasting our time.
26:21 It's just a book, just a book.
26:27 Here in the Book of Acts,
26:28 turn to the left now to John the 15th Chapter.
26:33 John Chapter 15.
26:39 John the 15th Chapter,
26:41 let's begin reading in verse 1,
26:43 Jesus says, Jesus is talking here
26:45 in John Chapter 15 verse 1, He says,
26:47 "I am the true wine and My Father is the husbandman.
26:52 Every branch in me that beareth not fruit,
26:54 he taketh away, and every branch that beareth fruit,
26:58 he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit."
27:04 Verse 3, we're looking for the fourth thing
27:08 that the truth does for us.
27:11 Verse 3 of John Chapter 15,
27:13 the Bible says, "Now ye are clean through the word
27:18 which I've spoken unto you."
27:22 The Bible says that, we are cleaned
27:25 through the word of God.
27:29 We are cleaned through the word of God.
27:32 So that Bible has told us so far
27:33 that it sanctifies us, the Bible has told us
27:36 that the truth creates us,
27:38 the Bible has told us that the truth saves us,
27:41 and now the Bible is telling us
27:43 in the very words of Jesus,
27:45 the word that was made flesh himself,
27:48 that His word cleanses us.
27:51 Let's go back to the Old Testament Book of Psalms,
27:54 and let's go to the 119th Psalm.
27:59 Psalm 119, let's begin reading in verse,
28:07 let's begin reading in verse 9.
28:10 The Bible says in Psalm 119 and verse 9,
28:13 "Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way?"
28:18 Now, Jesus already told us that answer, didn't he?
28:21 He told us that in John Chapter 15 verse 3,
28:24 that we could be clean through His word
28:25 and the Psalm, it says the same thing right here.
28:28 "How will a young man cleanse his way?"
28:30 And the Bible answer, dear friend.
28:32 The Bible answer
28:33 is "By taking heed there to according to thy word."
28:39 Friends, we cannot expect to live a life
28:41 that glorifies God, if we know truth in the Bible
28:45 and we don't follow it.
28:52 God has made it perfectly clear here,
28:54 that if our life is to be clean,
28:56 that we must be obedient to His word.
28:59 Now, you're gonna say, oh, He's legalist,
29:01 we've got to obey, we've got to obey.
29:05 Friend, what is that that caused Adam and Eve
29:08 to leave the Garden of Eden? Disobedience.
29:14 What is it that caused Satan and his angels
29:16 to leave the courts of heaven? Disobedience.
29:22 And do you realize that if God saved anyone
29:25 that was disobedient and unrepentant,
29:28 He would have to take Satan and his angels back.
29:33 It's not legalism, my friends,
29:35 it's called Bible truth.
29:37 It's hard to hear,
29:39 but that's what Jesus is telling us.
29:41 If we are going to be clean,
29:43 we will only be clean by taking heed thereto
29:46 according to the word of God.
29:50 Verse 11, verse 11 says,
29:52 "Thy word have I hid in mine heart,
29:54 that I might not sin against thee."
30:00 Friends, sin,
30:01 unrighteousness is called filthiness in the Bible.
30:06 And the way that we are made clean
30:08 is by taking this word and allowing God
30:10 to put it into our hearts, giving Him the permission
30:14 that He needs to clean out all of that sin,
30:18 to clean out all of those struggles
30:20 that we have with sin, and to save us.
30:26 Because He has recreated our hearts
30:29 new and sanctified us.
30:33 My friends, God's word sanctifies us,
30:38 God's word, God's truth creates us again,
30:42 God's word, God's truth saves us, and God's word,
30:47 God's truth cleanses our life from filthiness.
30:53 The fifth thing that the truth of God does for us,
30:58 is found in Hebrews Chapter 5.
31:01 So let's turn to the right in our Bibles to Hebrews,
31:05 the fifth Chapter.
31:08 You will recall that Hebrews has passed
31:09 the "T" section in the New Testament.
31:13 Hebrews, we're going to Chapter 5,
31:16 and we're going to read verse 14.
31:20 Hebrews Chapter 5 and verse 14,
31:23 the Bible says, "But strong meat belongs to Him,
31:27 to them rather, that are of full age, even those."
31:33 Listen to this, "Even those who by reason of use
31:38 have their senses exercised
31:40 to discern both good and evil."
31:45 You remember, my friends,
31:47 Jesus said that that the words that He speaks,
31:51 are the manna that came down from heaven.
31:54 His words are truth their life.
31:56 And Jesus says here that strong meat,
31:59 those words belong to those that are of full age,
32:03 those who by reason of use have their senses
32:06 exercised to discern both good and evil.
32:11 The fifth thing that God's word does for us is,
32:15 it gives us discernment, it gives us discernment.
32:21 So often people will come to me and they will say,
32:23 "Pastor, can you please tell me
32:25 whether this is right or whether this is wrong?"
32:27 The Bible has so many gray areas. Ah!
32:32 The Bible doesn't have gray areas, my friend.
32:37 The Bible is a book that is black and whites.
32:40 The only reason that it seems gray at times,
32:42 is because we're not studying God's word.
32:47 How can a heart that loves to do evil,
32:50 understand righteousness.
32:56 The only reason that the things are gray in the Bible
32:59 is because we don't allow God's word,
33:01 first of all, to sanctify us and make us holy.
33:05 We don't allow God's word to create in us
33:07 a new heart, and we don't allow God's word to save us
33:12 because the saved heart always wants to obey God.
33:20 And we don't allow God's word to cleanse us.
33:25 The Bible, the Bible says right here
33:27 in Hebrews Chapter 5 and verse 14,
33:30 "That the word of God gives us discernment."
33:33 It helps us to know the difference between
33:36 rights and what is wrong.
33:45 Now, you say to yourself
33:46 that I don't want to spend all that time
33:48 studying the Bible, I don't, I don't have to know
33:51 all of that stuff in order to be saved.
33:54 Friends, you have to believe in Jesus Christ
33:56 in order to be saved,
33:59 but Jesus is a word made flesh,
34:01 how can you know Him and believe in Him,
34:03 if you don't know Him from His word?
34:09 The Bible has told us that God's truth,
34:11 the truth, that Pilate didn't wait to hear, sanctifies us.
34:20 That this truth creates us anew again.
34:23 That this truth saves us, that this truth cleanses us,
34:28 and this truth, dear friend, helps us to know
34:30 the difference between what is right and what is wrong,
34:33 no gray areas with the word of God,
34:36 no gray, black or white.
34:43 Well, we have two more things to go.
34:46 The sixth thing that the truth does for us
34:51 is found in Hebrews Chapter 4 and verse 12.
34:55 You probably don't even have to turn
34:56 the page in your Bible.
34:57 Hebrews Chapter 4 and verse 12.
35:02 The word of God reads like this,
35:04 "For the word of God is quick,
35:06 and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword,
35:12 piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul
35:15 and of spirit, and of the joints and the marrow,
35:18 and is a discerner of the thoughts
35:21 and intents of the heart."
35:24 Friends, not only does God's word sanctify us,
35:28 not only does God's word create us,
35:30 not only does God's word save us,
35:32 not only does God's word cleanse us,
35:35 not only does God's word help us
35:36 to know the difference between
35:38 what is right and what is wrong,
35:39 but God's word also discerns in us.
35:47 And you'll know exactly what I'm talking about.
35:51 When you sit down and you begin to read your Bible
35:54 and you recognize that what God is asking you to do
35:58 in His Book of Truth
36:01 is not what you are doing in reality.
36:06 And so then you come under
36:08 what theologians called conviction.
36:12 Conviction is the voice of God's
36:14 speaking to your conscious.
36:17 Oh you will say, but I've never heard
36:18 God speak to me, friends,
36:20 if you've ever read the Bible
36:21 and felt uncomfortable
36:22 because your life didn't line up with the word of God,
36:25 God spoke to you, it's called conviction.
36:30 God's word not only gives us discernment,
36:34 but God's word discerns in us.
36:41 And that's uncomfortable for many people,
36:44 they don't want to be discerned in.
36:47 Oh, sure, you can give me discernment,
36:50 the truth, truth, Bible you word made flesh,
36:53 you can give me discernment,
36:55 but don't you dare start to meddle in my life.
37:02 Friends, Jesus is such a gentleman
37:04 that even if you read this book
37:05 and memorize it from cover-to-cover,
37:07 He will never force His way into your heart.
37:11 He will always give you the opportunity to invite Him in.
37:21 And we will give that opportunity today.
37:25 The Bible helps us to know our true motives,
37:29 it gives us discernment.
37:31 Now, friends, if we have a struggle in our life,
37:34 if we love a particular sin, a particular habit,
37:38 God knows that we love it,
37:39 we can pray and ask God to help us hate it.
37:42 But don't run, when God brings you under conviction.
37:49 I was studying the Bible with a young man named, Joe.
37:54 Joe, Joe and I had been studying the Bible
37:56 together on the weekly basis
37:58 on Tuesday afternoons at 1 O'clock,
38:02 I would go over there and study with Joe,
38:05 and he would, he would be rolling up his hand
38:07 rolled cigarettes and smoking them
38:09 and going to his refrigerator and getting the things
38:12 that we know don't glorify God out of the refrigerator.
38:19 And Joe was so hungry for the truth,
38:21 for the word of God that was made flesh,
38:23 he was so hungry for that, he said,
38:25 "Please, can you leave me some more information.
38:28 You only come once a week,
38:29 please leave me some more information."
38:32 So I began to do that.
38:34 I began to leave Joe,
38:36 what I would call advance material,
38:39 material that he could go over
38:40 before I came to his house.
38:44 One day I went over to Joe's house,
38:46 we'd probably been studying for about
38:48 six to eight weeks by this time,
38:49 and I knocked on the door,
38:54 no answer.
38:58 I knocked on the door again,
39:02 no answer.
39:05 Now, friends, Joe's car
39:06 was in the apartment parking lot,
39:09 Joe's sliding glass door was open
39:11 like it had always been when he was home.
39:15 And so I knew that Joe was inside that house.
39:20 Now I'm not one that gives up very easily,
39:22 you can just ask my students at ARISE,
39:24 I don't give up easy,
39:25 I just kept knocking every 30 seconds.
39:31 Then I'd wait, 30 seconds would go by,
39:37 then I'd wait.
39:40 After about five minutes of knocking on that door,
39:44 every 30 seconds, Joe comes to the door
39:48 and you could hear him coming 'cause he was mad,
39:52 he flings open that door, what do you want?
39:55 I said, "Man, what do you mean,
39:57 what do I want."
39:58 I've been studying with you at this time
40:00 for the past six to eight weeks.
40:02 What do you mean what do I want?
40:04 I want to study the Bible with you.
40:06 He said, "Man, I don't ever want to study
40:09 the Bible with you again.
40:11 I don't believe the material you given me is true.
40:14 It's false, it's not true, and it's telling me,
40:17 I can't do things that I've always done.
40:21 "I said, "Really?"
40:22 He said, "Yeah, now get out of here."
40:24 And he started the slamm the door,
40:25 and I put my foot in the door.
40:27 Now, you know, it might not be good idea
40:29 if you have a tender foot or something,
40:30 but I had on some nice shoes,
40:31 put my foot in there and caught the door and kept,
40:34 it stayed open, and I said,
40:36 "Look, Joe, you at least owe it to me, to tell me,
40:43 what's got you in such a rage."
40:47 He said, "All right, come in this house."
40:48 And I was like. Whew! Praise the Lord! I'm in.
40:53 So, I go into his house and I sit down
40:55 where I normally sit on the couch,
40:56 and he's just rummage in all over the house,
40:58 just go whenever which way he can go,
41:00 looking for this, this piece of paper
41:02 that told him he couldn't do something.
41:07 And I said, "Joe, Joe, tell me,
41:08 what is this about."
41:11 He said, "It's about that that little handout
41:13 you gave me, the one that has a guy pouring water
41:15 into the gas tank on the front of it.
41:17 That little study guide. It's green on the front."
41:21 I said, "Joe, is it
41:22 the one wadded up in the corner over here?
41:25 He goes over to the corner and he picks that thing up,
41:28 oh, that's it, and he starts smoothing it out
41:30 on his pants, and he says, here,
41:32 and he throws it at me.
41:35 I said, "Well, what did it say?"
41:38 It said, he said,
41:40 "This study guide here told me
41:42 to go to the Book of Leviticus,
41:45 and to read Leviticus Chapter 11,
41:48 and the Bible told me
41:50 that I could not eat shrimp anymore,
41:52 and I love shrimp.
41:55 " I said, "What told you that, Joe?"
41:58 He said, "The Ba-- the Bible told me that."
42:02 I said, "Was it this study guide, Joe."
42:07 No, no, no, it was the Bible.
42:14 I said, "So really, Joe, what you're telling me,
42:16 is that you don't have an issue with Scott,
42:21 you have an issue with God."
42:27 And his whole face changed.
42:31 And Joe realized
42:33 that what the Bible had just done for him
42:36 was to give him discernment.
42:39 Initially, God's word discerned in Joe's heart
42:43 that something was not right.
42:46 And then by studying God's word,
42:49 Joe was enlightened.
42:51 God had shown him more truth,
42:53 given him more light into His word.
42:59 And then, Joe was given discernment.
43:04 Now, friend, I wish I could tell you
43:06 that Joe continued on and he was baptized.
43:13 But things never seem
43:15 to recuperate after that meeting,
43:17 but Joe did understand that God's word
43:21 does cut to our hearts, it's quick,
43:25 that word means living, God's word is alive.
43:30 It's sharper than any two-edged sword.
43:32 And friends, when we study God's word,
43:34 we can expect, we can expect to find things
43:38 in our lives that aren't in harmony with God's will.
43:43 We can expect that when we study the word of God
43:46 that we will find out
43:47 that God's word sanctifies us.
43:50 We can expect that when we study God's word,
43:53 that God's word will create in us a new heart.
43:58 Friend, let's look at that, turn to the left
44:00 from where you are in Hebrews.
44:01 Let's go to Ezekiel,
44:03 the Old Testament Book of Ezekiel.
44:05 Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel.
44:08 Ezekiel Chapter 36 and verse 26.
44:13 This is what the truth, the word of God says to you.
44:18 God says to you in verse 26 of Ezekiel 36,
44:23 "A new heart also will I give you."
44:26 If God says it, it what? Happens.
44:30 You know, my mom used to sing this song,
44:32 "God said it and I believe it,
44:35 and that settles it for me.
44:37 Though some may doubt that the word is true.
44:40 God said it and I believe it, how about you?"
44:45 Friends, God says right here that He will give you
44:49 a new heart, won't you believe it?
44:52 Let God's word make a difference in your life.
44:54 Let God's truth sink into your heart
44:58 and drive out what should not be there.
45:01 Continuing on here in verse 26,
45:04 "And a new spirit will I put within you.
45:07 And I will take away the stony heart
45:08 out of your flesh and I will give you a heart of flesh."
45:12 Then what is it say, "After God gives you
45:15 that new heart, after God creates you new again."
45:18 What does the Bible say in verse 27?
45:20 "And I will put my Spirit within you, and cause you
45:23 or make you to walk in my statutes
45:26 and you shall keep my judgments."
45:28 There is the obedience.
45:31 "You shall keep my judgments and do them."
45:37 The new heart, the recreating of your heart comes first
45:42 and then God says, "This is what you will do,
45:45 because I've given you that newly created heart."
45:49 Not only does God's word sanctify us and create us,
45:53 God's word saves us.
46:03 Many people say, "You know, how do I know,
46:07 how do I know that I'm saved?"
46:12 'Cause God said it and you've got to believe it,
46:15 and that has to settle it for you.
46:21 God's word cleanses us,
46:22 makes us clean from the inside out,
46:27 God's word helps us to know right from wrong,
46:30 God's word gives us discernment,
46:32 it takes the gray and it makes it
46:34 either black or white.
46:36 God's word helps us to know our true motives,
46:40 it gives us discernment or discerns in us.
46:47 And my friends, God's word gives us eternal life.
46:52 Turn with me to First John Chapter 5,
46:56 not John, but First John, you know,
46:59 the one that's near to the Book of Revelation.
47:01 If you find Revelation,
47:02 backup just a little bit to the left
47:04 like I'm doing, you'll pass the Book of Jude
47:07 and there you are in First, Second, and Third John,
47:09 we're going to First John Chapter 5 and verse 11,
47:15 oh let's start in verse, let's start in verse 9.
47:20 The Bible says in First John Chapter 5 verse 9.
47:22 "If we receive the witness of men,
47:24 the witness of God is greater,
47:28 for this is the witness of God
47:29 which he hath testified of his Son."
47:31 Verse 10, "He that believeth on the Son of God
47:34 hath the witness in himself,
47:36 he that believeth not God hath made him a liar,
47:40 because he believeth not the record
47:42 that God gave of His Son."
47:45 And this is the record.
47:47 "That God has given to us eternal life,
47:52 and this life is in His Son."
47:55 The very word that was made flesh contains the life
47:59 that we need in order to live for eternity.
48:05 Friends, it is God's word that gives us eternal life.
48:11 Verse 12, "He that hath the Son hath life,
48:18 and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life."
48:24 Friends, we can go
48:26 throughout our busy days without Jesus
48:29 in our lives, we can be wealthy,
48:32 we can be rich, we can have the best cars,
48:34 the best house, the best swimming pool,
48:37 the best, the most expensive wallets,
48:42 but without Jesus Christ, we are not alive.
48:48 We are dead men walking.
48:54 If we do not allow God's truth into our lives,
48:59 it can't do a thing.
49:04 God's truth sanctifies us.
49:07 God's truth creates in us a new heart.
49:11 God's truth saves us from our sin.
49:16 You remember, His name will be called Jesus
49:18 for He will save His people from their sins.
49:21 God's truth cleanses us.
49:23 God's truth helps us to know the difference between
49:26 what is right and what is wrong.
49:29 God's word helps us to know
49:31 our true motives, discerns in us.
49:37 And God's word gives us eternal life,
49:39 without the word made flesh in our hearts, we are dead.
49:47 Turn with me to John Chapter 3,
49:51 that's not First John, but all the way back,
49:53 Matthew, Mark, Luke, John.
49:56 Gonna go to John Chapter 3, to what some scholars say
49:59 is the most precious
50:00 and the most famous verse in the Bible.
50:05 John Chapter 3 and verse 16,
50:06 you can probably quote it, can't you?
50:09 The Bible says here,
50:10 "For God so loved the world
50:12 that He gave His only begotten Son,
50:15 that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish,
50:20 but have what, my friends? Ever lasting life."
50:27 The Bible tells us right here that God loved you so much
50:32 that He gave His only Son, so that you, my friend,
50:37 could have ever lasting life.
50:40 If you would only believe in Him.
50:46 The Bible says in Romans,
50:47 "How shall they believe in who Him
50:49 whom they have not heard?"
50:52 Friends, if we are not studying our Bibles,
50:55 we will not know the author of eternal life Jesus Christ.
50:59 We can have a profession of Godliness,
51:02 but we will be the shell of a Christian.
51:07 The Bible says, "That it is the word of God
51:10 that gives us eternal life."
51:13 Verse 17 of John Chapter 3,
51:15 "For God sent not His Son into the world
51:17 to condemn the world."
51:18 Some people say, "You know,
51:19 every time I read the Bible,
51:20 every time I get closer to God,
51:22 every time I start going to church,
51:23 my life falls apart."
51:26 But the Bible says here and those people
51:28 start to blame it on God.
51:29 But the Bible says, for God sent not His Son
51:32 into the world to condemn the world,
51:34 but that through, but that the world
51:37 through Him might be, what's that word, saved.
51:44 "For God did not sent His Son
51:45 into the world to condemn the world
51:48 but that the world through Him might be saved.
51:52 Friends, when you get closer
51:54 to Jesus Christ through studying His word.
51:56 When you begin to let the truth
51:58 do something in you, the devil hates it
52:01 and he's gonna make it hard.
52:04 You remember the Christian life
52:06 is not just all grins and giggles.
52:09 What happen to Job?
52:11 The reason Job was afflicted was because
52:13 Job trusted in God.
52:17 Friends, you can expect that when you begin to study
52:20 the Bible and allow God's word to work in your life
52:23 that it's gonna make the devil mad.
52:27 I don't know about you, but I want him to be mad with me,
52:29 mad at me.
52:31 I want him to be furious with me.
52:34 One of my friends said that he was walking
52:35 down the streets of New York City one time,
52:38 doing, doing Bible work, and he,
52:41 he was sort of scared because he's here in this,
52:44 not an alley, but just a low income housing area.
52:47 And he began to visualize in his mind
52:49 that there were probably some demons
52:51 on top of these buildings and they were watching him.
52:54 Then the thought came to his mind,
52:57 are they scared of me?
52:59 Do I make those demons mad?
53:04 And he just rededicated his life to Christ
53:08 because he wanted the, that the bad part
53:11 of this world to hate him.
53:15 Friends, the Bible sanctifies us,
53:17 the Bible creates in us a new heart,
53:19 the Bible saves us, the Bible cleanses us,
53:23 the Bible helps us to know the difference between
53:25 what is right and what is wrong.
53:27 The Bible helps us to know our true motives
53:29 and the Bible, the word of God,
53:31 the truth that was made flesh gives us eternal life.
53:41 Verse 19 of John Chapter 3,
53:43 "And this is the condemnation
53:44 that light is coming to the world,
53:46 and men loved darkness rather than light,
53:47 because their deeds were evil."
53:51 Even today during this sermon as you've been
53:53 watching or listening here,
53:55 God has spoken to your heart.
54:00 The Bible, the God's truth
54:01 is beginning to discern a new things
54:03 that aren't yet right.
54:06 And Jesus is going to give you the opportunity today
54:09 to accept Him and His word into your life.
54:13 Turn with me my friends, turn with me
54:16 to the New Testament Book of Revelation,
54:20 Revelation Chapter 3, I told you that Jesus
54:22 was a gentleman and He would not barge into your life.
54:26 The Bible says here
54:27 in Revelation Chapter 3 and Verse 20,
54:30 Jesus is talking.
54:32 Jesus is talking to the Church of Laodicea,"
54:36 and Jesus says,
54:37 "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock."
54:44 Just like I was standing at Joe's house I could not,
54:47 but I couldn't barge my way into his house.
54:51 Not until Joe invited me
54:52 could I actually take my whole body
54:54 rather than just my foot into his house.
54:57 Now, Jesus won't even
54:58 put His foot there without permission.
55:02 The Bible says here,
55:03 Jesus says to you," dear friend,
55:05 'I stand at the door and knock.'"
55:06 This is the door of your heart,
55:08 you can hear Him today.
55:12 He says, if any man, that doesn't exclude you ladies,
55:15 "If any man will hear my voice and open the door.
55:21 I will come into him and will sup with him,
55:23 I will eat with him and he with Me."
55:29 Remember, friends, it was only when those disciples
55:31 on the road to Emmaus saw Jesus
55:33 break bread with him that they recognized
55:35 that the word of truth, the word made flesh
55:38 was in their home.
55:41 Jesus says here that, "He will come in
55:43 and He will eat with you,
55:44 He will reveal Himself to you," my friend.
55:47 If you will but just ask Him to come in, He's knocking.
55:57 Friend, what would keep you
56:00 from allowing God to let His truth into your life?
56:08 What would keep you from taking all of that
56:10 memorized scripture and actually allow it
56:13 to work in you?
56:16 To sanctify you,
56:18 to create in you a new heart to save you, to cleanse you,
56:23 to help you to know the difference between
56:25 what is right and what is wrong
56:27 and to help you know your true motives,
56:33 and to give you eternal life.
56:36 Jesus is knocking.
56:44 Right now you're at the door of your heart.
56:51 You want to open it, just open that door.
56:55 The door is now opened.
56:57 Just invite Jesus in,
57:01 and look at Jesus in the eyes and say,
57:03 "Jesus, I want Your truth to work in me."
57:10 If that's your decision, friend,
57:12 won't you do that now,
57:15 and let Jesus change your life.


Revised 2014-12-17