3ABN On the Road

The Christ Without The Word

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Scott Moore


Series Code: OTR

Program Code: OTR000769

01:00 The title of our sermon is
01:02 "The Christ Without the Word,"
01:04 the Christ without the word.
01:08 There was a particular pastor
01:09 that loved to visit his members.
01:12 He would go to his member's houses,
01:14 and one thing he was noted for was never taken
01:16 his own Bible into their homes.
01:19 He would go into their homes and they would give him,
01:22 you know, something to drink as its typical
01:24 when the pastor comes over, may be some candies
01:26 and they would ask him spiritual questions
01:30 and then he would take their own Bible
01:32 and answer those questions.
01:36 Well this very thing happened,
01:38 one week he went to visit a particular lady
01:41 in his church that had asked for a visit,
01:43 the prior Sabbath and he went to her home
01:48 and he asked, he began to answer her questions.
01:52 She went through the typical things
01:54 of giving him the water, the candy,
01:55 you know the pastor is in your home.
01:58 And then because he didn't bring his own Bible
02:00 and he said,
02:01 "Well, why don't you let me see your Bible?"
02:04 And I will answer your question
02:06 from your own Bible.
02:08 She was quite excited about that.
02:09 So she, she gave him her Bible,
02:12 but the pastor noticed that
02:13 her Bible was very, very thin.
02:16 He thought well, you know,
02:17 this must be one of those new Bibles,
02:18 that are thinline Bibles, but he looked on the binder,
02:21 and know, it wasn't the thinline Bible,
02:23 not even an old ultra thinline Bible.
02:26 But he figured maybe
02:27 the print was just very, very small
02:29 and he opened the Bible
02:31 and there was only one book in the Bible.
02:35 One book out of all the 66 that were there originally,
02:39 this lady had one book in her Bible.
02:42 And he asked his, his friend he says ma'am tell me,
02:47 tell me why, oh, what happened to your Bible?
02:54 She says Oh! You should know what happened to my Bible.
02:57 You know you were upfront preaching one day
03:00 and you said that the Old Testament
03:03 couldn't be understood,
03:04 well, the Old Testament just wasn't applicable to our day.
03:08 It was just a bunch of rules and regulations.
03:10 So I figured you know, may be I shouldn't live
03:14 by the Old Testament then, so I took the Old Testament
03:17 and I ripped it out of my Bible.
03:20 And then you said, you know, the gospels
03:23 the gospels don't match up.
03:25 And so I figured well, since the gospels don't match up,
03:28 they're probably not any good for me,
03:30 so I ripped out the gospels.
03:34 Then you said that
03:35 the Book of Revelation was a bunch of symbols
03:38 and that it stood for something else
03:40 and I thought to myself, I'm a simple lady.
03:43 I can't understand those big things like that,
03:46 so I took Revelation out of my Bible.
03:50 And the only book that you haven't said anything
03:53 that bad about is the Book of Galatians.
03:58 So that's why it's the only book in there.
04:02 You can imagine this pastor's heart was crushed,
04:05 because here is one of his church members,
04:06 they took something that he said and,
04:08 and just misconstrued
04:09 and made it something that it wasn't.
04:13 My friends if you and I are going to accept Christ
04:17 in His entirety,
04:20 then we must accept the Bible in its entirety.
04:26 If we are going to accept the author of life,
04:29 we must accept the entire book
04:31 the author of life inspired.
04:36 Today, we're going to study about that book.
04:39 But before we study our Bibles my friends,
04:41 we are going to pray.
04:43 So if you bow your heads with me, we'll pray.
04:48 Gracious Father in heaven, here we are today
04:51 asking that You will bless us through Your word.
04:57 Father, teach us today that it is an impossibility
05:02 to accept Christ apart from His word.
05:07 Or to accept the word apart from Christ.
05:12 Lord Jesus, we need Your Holy Spirit
05:14 to inspire us to give us wisdom.
05:20 And we thank You now
05:21 that You have answered that prayer.
05:26 In Jesus name, we ask this. Amen.
05:31 Now friends go and get out your Bible, if you are at home
05:33 get your Bible off the shelf there and let's go
05:35 to the New Testament Book of John.
05:38 Let's go to John Chapter 1.
05:41 John Chapter 1
05:43 and we are going to begin reading in verse 1.
05:46 Matthew, Mark, Luke, John Chapter 1 and verse 1.
05:52 You know the Bible says here in John Chapter 1 verse 1.
05:55 "In the beginning was the Word,
05:58 and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
06:04 So friend, what was in the beginning? The word.
06:08 Who, who was with God? The word.
06:12 And who was God? The word.
06:16 The Bible says in verse 2,
06:17 "The same was in the beginning with God.
06:21 All things were made by Him,
06:24 and without Him was not
06:26 any thing made that was made."
06:31 So friend we can note right now
06:32 that the Bible tells us
06:34 in John Chapter 1 verses 1, 2 and 3
06:36 that the word is very important
06:40 to the life of a Christian.
06:43 The Bible goes onto to say in verse 14.
06:47 The Bible says in John Chapter 1 verse 14.
06:49 "And the Word was made flesh.
06:52 The word was made flesh and dwelt among us,
06:56 and we beheld His glory,
06:58 the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,
07:02 full of grace and truth."
07:06 Now you know that Jesus says later on
07:08 in the Book of John that He is the way,
07:11 the truth and the life.
07:14 John Chapter 3 verse 16 clues us in
07:17 that this word that was made flesh,
07:20 the only begotten of the Father.
07:22 The one that was given to give us
07:23 eternal life is Jesus Christ in the flesh.
07:29 Friends the word of the living God
07:31 is not merely written but spoken.
07:34 The Bible is God's voice speaking to us
07:37 just as surely as though
07:38 we can hear it with our ears.
07:41 If we realize this with what all,
07:44 would we open the scriptures and search its precept.
07:49 The reading in contemplation
07:51 of the word of the God would be regarded
07:54 as an audience with the infinite author of life.
07:58 "The word made flesh."
08:05 We cannot separate the word from Christ,
08:08 nor can we separate Christ from the word,
08:12 because it's like two pieces of paper.
08:15 Now those of you at home,
08:17 I want you to take out a piece of paper.
08:19 And during this presentation
08:20 if you can do this and pay attention.
08:23 I want you to try to separate
08:25 that piece of paper right down the middle,
08:29 so that we have two equal 8.5x11" sheets of paper.
08:35 Impossible, that's how impossible it is
08:38 to separate Christ from the word,
08:41 or the word from Christ.
08:42 Yeah, we are going to find out that
08:44 in the Bible there was a group of people
08:46 that wanted to separate the Christ from the word,
08:51 but it's impossible.
08:54 One New Testament writer said this,
08:56 turn to Hebrews Chapter 4 and verse 12.
08:59 In describing the word of God,
09:00 Hebrews you remember is pass the "T" section
09:03 in the New Testament.
09:05 Hebrews Chapter 4 and verse 12.
09:07 The New Testament writer writes this.
09:09 "For the word of God is quick,"
09:13 the word quick is an old English term for alive.
09:17 This author says if the word of God is alive.
09:20 Friend, is Jesus alive?
09:23 You know He is alive, don't you?
09:25 Because He is working in your life.
09:31 The Bible says for the word of God is alive,
09:33 it's quick, it's powerful.
09:37 "The word of God is powerful
09:39 and sharper than any two-edged sword,
09:42 piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit,
09:48 and of the joints and marrow,
09:51 and is a discerner of the thoughts
09:52 and the intents of the heart."
09:54 The Bible is described as a book that is alive.
09:59 The Bible is described as a book that is not dead,
10:02 and old, and outdated, it is applicable to us today.
10:11 The Bible is described as the word of God made flesh.
10:17 The word of God made flesh
10:18 Jesus Christ himself believed in the Bible.
10:23 The Bible that Jesus had was the Old Testament scriptures
10:27 that you and I have today.
10:30 Let's look at what Jesus said about the Old Testament
10:33 and some of its books.
10:35 Turn with me to Matthew 24 and verse 15.
10:42 Matthew, the very first book of the New Testament,
10:45 Matthew 24 and verse 15.
10:50 Jesus is speaking here in Matthew Chapter 24.
10:53 The disciples have asked Him a question
10:55 about the destruction of the world,
10:57 the destruction of Jerusalem.
11:01 And Jesus says here in Matthew 24 and verse 15.
11:05 "When you therefore
11:07 shall see the abomination of desolation,
11:10 spoken of by Daniel the prophet,
11:13 stand in the holy place,
11:15 whoso readeth, let him understand."
11:20 Jesus says right here
11:22 that when you look into the Old Testament
11:25 Book of Daniel, you can read it
11:28 and you can understand it.
11:32 Jesus, the living word of God
11:35 believed in the word of God Himself.
11:40 Turn with me to Mark Chapter 1.
11:42 Matthew, Mark, the very next book in your Bibles.
11:46 Mark Chapter 1 and verse 14.
11:52 The Bible says to us
11:53 here in Mark Chapter 1 and verse 14.
11:55 "Now after that John was put in prison,
11:59 Jesus came into Galilee,
12:01 preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God."
12:06 Jesus came preaching the gospel.
12:09 And Jesus said this of the gospel verse 15,
12:13 "The time is fulfilled,
12:16 and the kingdom of God is at hand,
12:18 repent ye, and believe the gospel."
12:22 Friends what time was Jesus talking about
12:26 when he said that, "time is fulfilled."
12:29 There is one prophecy in the Old Testament
12:32 that tells us about,
12:33 "when the time would be fulfilled."
12:36 And that time prophecy is found
12:38 in the Book of Daniel Chapter 9.
12:41 The Bible says in the Book of Daniel Chapter 9,
12:44 that there will be seventy weeks,
12:45 but after seven weeks and threescore and two weeks,
12:48 Messiah the prince will come along.
12:51 And Jesus is saying right here
12:53 that, that time is fulfilled.
12:57 Did Jesus believe in the validity
13:00 of the Old Testament scriptures?
13:03 Absolutely, it's the only Bible that Jesus had.
13:07 When the little boys in that first century
13:09 Galilean culture went to school,
13:11 they memorized the Torah, Genesis,
13:14 Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy,
13:17 in their next level of education
13:18 they memorized the last
13:20 all the rest of the Old Testament scripture.
13:24 It was important to them, it was important to Jesus
13:28 and it should be important to us.
13:34 To accept Christ in his entirety
13:36 is to accept His word in its entirety.
13:40 We cannot as Christians pick and choose
13:43 like a Smorgasbord Restaurant,
13:45 what we want to
13:47 and don't want to eat from the Bible.
13:52 It's a whole package, it's a whole meal,
13:54 it' a full course.
14:00 Jesus believed in the Old Testament scriptures.
14:04 Jesus even read from the Old Testament scriptures.
14:08 Many, many Christians today want to throw
14:10 the Old Testament out, so that's why
14:11 this emphasis on this right now.
14:14 Turn with me to Luke, Matthew, Mark, Luke.
14:16 We're going to go to the right
14:17 in our Bibles again.
14:19 We are going to Luke.
14:21 Luke Chapter 4 and verse,
14:23 I'm not gonna to tell the verse right now
14:25 because I may ask you a question first.
14:27 Did Jesus have any bad habits?
14:30 Did Jesus read anything that Jesus never should have read?
14:34 Not at all.
14:35 Well, Bible tells us that Jesus was a sinless man.
14:40 The Bible says here in Luke Chapter 4 and verse 16.
14:43 Remembering that Jesus didn't have any bad habits,
14:45 nor did Jesus read any bad material.
14:47 The Bible says, "And he came to Nazareth,"
14:51 Luke Chapter 4 verse 16,
14:53 "Where He had been brought up,
14:54 and, as His custom or His habit was,
14:58 He went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day,
15:01 and stood up for to read."
15:04 So here is the picture.
15:06 Jesus goes into the synagogue on the Sabbath day,
15:08 and Jesus is going to read from the Bible.
15:12 And they hand Jesus a particular scroll,
15:15 verse 17, and there was delivered unto Him
15:17 the book of the Prophet Isaiah.
15:21 Does that book sound familiar to those of you
15:23 that are familiar with
15:24 the Old Testament? Absolutely.
15:27 They hand to Him, the book of the Prophet Isaiah.
15:30 And when He had opened the book,
15:32 He found the place where it was written."
15:36 Verse 18, "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
15:41 because he hath anointed me
15:42 to preach the gospel to the poor,
15:45 he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted,
15:49 preach deliverance to the captives,
15:51 and recovering of sight to the blind,
15:53 to set at liberty them that are bruised.
15:55 To preach the acceptable year of the Lord."
16:00 Jesus stands up in church and He begins to read
16:03 from the Old Testament Book of Isaiah.
16:07 And this is what Jesus says about that book,
16:10 about that passage that He just read.
16:12 Verse 20, "And he closed the book,
16:15 and He gave it again to the minister, and sat down.
16:18 And the eyes of all them
16:20 that were in the synagogue were fastened upon Him."
16:25 Can you imagine what it must have sounded like?
16:29 For the inspirer of the words
16:31 to read them aloud to others.
16:36 They were captivated by Jesus reading the scripture to them
16:41 and then while He had their attention,
16:43 He says something very potent.
16:47 Verse 21, "And He began to say unto them,
16:52 this day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears."
17:01 Friends the Old Testament is but a shadow of Jesus Christ,
17:08 pointing forward to Jesus Christ.
17:14 Jesus did not disregard the Old Testament scriptures
17:19 and neither should you.
17:24 Even if a minister tells you that
17:26 the Old Testament is outdated,
17:28 don't take it out of your Bible
17:29 or disregarded it in your mind.
17:31 Even if the minister tells you
17:32 that the gospels have different accounts,
17:35 don't take it out of your Bible
17:36 or disregard it in your mind.
17:39 Just because the Book of Revelation
17:40 has a lot of symbols, doesn't mean
17:42 that you dear friend by the grace of God
17:44 and through His spirit and power
17:47 can't understand it.
17:50 God teaches each one of us from His word.
17:55 Jesus believed in the validity
17:58 of the entire Bible.
18:01 The Bible that he had was the Old Testament Bible.
18:04 How can we disregard it
18:05 when Jesus regarded it Himself.
18:12 On the road to Emmaus,
18:13 Jesus gives two of His disciples a Bible study.
18:16 It's an Old Testament Bible Study
18:18 about the very word that became flesh.
18:21 Turn with me to Luke, the 24th Chapter,
18:24 Luke Chapter 24.
18:26 We are in Luke, just go to the right
18:28 to Chapter 24 verse 25.
18:33 "Jesus is walking on the road to Emmaus
18:35 with these two disciples and they don't know
18:37 who this man is that's walking with them."
18:40 And then Jesus says to them,
18:41 "O fools, and slow of heart
18:43 to believe all that the prophets have spoken."
18:47 All that the what have spoken? The prophets.
18:51 The ones that wrote the Old Testament scriptures,
18:54 Jesus says you need to believe them.
18:59 "Ought not Christ to have suffered these things,
19:01 and to enter into his glory?
19:04 And beginning at Moses and all the prophets,
19:07 Jesus expounded unto them in all the scriptures
19:10 the things concerning himself."
19:12 Jesus considered the Old Testament
19:14 to be valid and so should we.
19:19 We can't separate the Christ from the word,
19:22 nor can we separate the word from the Christ.
19:30 The reaction of those two disciples is
19:32 found in verse 28 through 32.
19:35 "And they drew nigh unto the village,
19:37 whither they went and he made as though
19:38 he would have gone further.
19:40 But they constrained him, saying,
19:42 Abide with us for it is toward evening,
19:45 and the day is far spent.
19:46 And He went in to tarry with them.
19:49 And it came to pass, as He sat at meat
19:52 and with them, He took bread, and blessed it,
19:56 and brake it, and gave to them."
19:59 Verse 31, "And their eyes were opened,
20:02 and they knew Him, and He vanished out of their sight."
20:07 Verse 32, "And they said one to another,
20:09 did not our heart burn within us,
20:11 while He talked with us by the way,
20:12 and while He opened to us the scriptures?"
20:16 Didn't our heart begin to burn
20:19 as we've recognized the Christ of the word
20:22 from the word itself?
20:26 Jesus made a promise in John Chapter 12,
20:30 "That if He is lifted up, He will draw all men to Him."
20:34 Friends, that is the purpose of the Bible
20:36 is to uplift Christ, so that men and women
20:38 can come to Him and be saved.
20:42 Some have said that the BIBLE stands
20:45 for the "Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth."
20:49 And those instructions tell us that
20:51 if we believe in the Son of God,
20:53 we will be saved.
20:58 Their hearts began to burn within them.
21:01 The written word and the living word
21:04 had come together for these two men.
21:06 And just like Jeremiah of Old,
21:08 that Old Testament prophet,
21:10 their hearts begin to burn in themselves.
21:16 May be you've experienced that--as you have
21:18 spent time studying the word of God.
21:20 May be you've been listening to a particular preacher.
21:23 May be you've been listening to your minister
21:25 at home in your home church.
21:27 May be you've heard someone on television
21:29 preaching the sermon
21:30 and your heart just began to burn in you.
21:38 Jeremiah said in Jeremiah Chapter 20 and verse 9.
21:42 "Then I said, I will not make mention of him,
21:45 nor speak any more in his name.
21:46 But His word was in mine heart
21:49 as a burning fire shut up in my bones,
21:53 and I was weary with forbearing,"
21:55 I was weary with not sharing that word,
21:57 "and I could not stay."
22:01 I had to tell someone, these two disciples,
22:06 the verse 33 in Luke 24 says,
22:08 "They rose up at the same hour,"
22:10 after Jesus had disappeared and they go back
22:13 to where they came from, "they returned to Jerusalem,
22:16 and found the eleven gathered together,
22:17 and them that were with them."
22:18 They were so excited inside their hearts
22:21 that they had met the living word Jesus in the flesh.
22:27 If they had to tell someone, just like Jeremiah.
22:35 Friends, it is the word of God
22:37 that convicts and converts hearts.
22:41 Apart from the word of God, the Holy Spirit cannot work.
22:45 The spirit that inspires the word is the one
22:48 that works through the word when the word is preached.
22:51 All Jesus will try to get your attention in other ways.
22:54 I remembered before I really gave my heart
22:56 and my life to Jesus my friend.
22:59 I remembered that Jesus nudged me,
23:01 He tried to get my attention when things were still okay.
23:05 And then when I wouldn't listened,
23:06 He almost knocked me over and I still wouldn't listen.
23:09 And so He had to get out that spiritual Holy Sprit
23:12 two by four and He had a just whack me
23:15 upside the head with it to get my attention.
23:19 Friends, when God and His words speaks to you,
23:22 it will convict your heart
23:24 and God will convert your heart.
23:27 It is the word of God that calls us
23:28 our hearts to burn within us,
23:30 and it the word of God that gives us life.
23:33 Turn with me to John, you're in Luke.
23:36 Turn to the right in your Bibles to John.
23:39 John Chapter 1 verse 4,
23:42 remember John Chapter 1 verses 1, 2 and 3
23:45 talk about the word, "The word being with God,
23:47 the word being God, the word in the beginning with God."
23:52 Verse 4 says, "In him, in this word was life."
23:57 That word for life there
23:59 in the original Greek language is "Zoe."
24:02 Zoe is how you and I would spell it,
24:04 "Zoe" and it means life.
24:09 The Bible says, "In him, in the word was Zoe life."
24:16 Keep your hand there in John Chapter 1,
24:18 look at John Chapter 3 verse 16.
24:20 "For God so loved the world," John Chapter 3 verse 16.
24:23 "For God so loved the world
24:25 that He gave His only begotten Son,
24:28 that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish,
24:31 but have everlasting Zoe life."
24:36 Whoever believes in the Son of God,
24:38 whoever believes in the word
24:40 that was made flesh has everlasting life.
24:49 Keep your finger there still in John Chapter 1
24:52 and you're gonna look at First John.
24:54 First John, all the way back saddled up against
24:56 near to the Book of Revelation.
25:01 John Chapter 1 or 1 John rather,
25:04 Chapter 5, 1 John Chapter 5 verse 11.
25:09 The Bible says, "And this is the record,"
25:12 1 John Chapter 5 verse 11.
25:13 "And this is record that God hath
25:16 given to us eternal, Zoe, life.
25:20 God has given to us eternal, Zoe, life
25:25 and this, Zoe,life is in His Son.
25:30 He that hath the Son hath, Zoe, life and he that hath
25:35 not the Son of God hath not life, Zoe.
25:40 Friends, let's go back now to John Chapter 1 verse 4.
25:43 The Bible says here,
25:44 "In him, in the word made flesh was life."
25:52 If you and I want to experience life,
25:54 it will only be experienced through the word of God,
25:57 otherwise we are experiencing eternal death.
26:03 The Bible says, "In him was life,
26:07 in the word was a life."
26:08 It goes on to say in verse 4 John Chapter 1,
26:11 "And the life that, Zoe, was the light of men."
26:18 Not only in this word was life,
26:21 but this life
26:22 that was in this word was the light of men.
26:26 Friends, in Christ is life unborrowed.
26:31 Friend, in Christ is life original.
26:37 And friend, in Christ is life underived.
26:42 He is the author and the finisher of our life.
26:47 It is the word of God that was made flesh that saves us.
26:51 Remember if we believe on the one,
26:54 the word of God that was made flesh,
26:56 we will have everlasting life.
26:59 Turn with me to James Chapter 1 verse 21.
27:03 James Chapter 1, right after the Book of Hebrews
27:06 we have James, James Chapter 1 verse 21.
27:10 The very last part says,
27:12 "And receive with meekness the engrafted word,"
27:16 being engrafted what?
27:17 Being grafted word the Bibles says,
27:19 "Which is able to save your souls."
27:24 Friends, we find life, we find salvation
27:29 in the word of God that was made flesh
27:33 and dwells among us.
27:35 Let's go back to John Chapter 1 verse 4.
27:38 John Chapter 1 verse 4,
27:40 some of you probably let it go,
27:42 so I'll give you a moment to get there.
27:44 John Chapter 1 and verse 4.
27:47 The Bible reads here in John Chapter 1 verse 4,
27:49 "In him was life,
27:52 and the life was the light of men."
27:56 The Bible says here that
27:58 "this life was the light of men."
28:01 Look at John Chapter 12.
28:04 Matthew, Mark, Luke, John.
28:06 John, we're in John Chapter 12.
28:09 Look at verse 46.
28:13 John Chapter 12, let's start in verse 42.
28:20 "Nevertheless among the chief rulers also
28:23 many believed on him, but because of the Pharisees
28:27 they did not confess him,
28:29 lest they should be put out of the synagogue."
28:34 Friends, it will come to that for us one day as well.
28:38 That our profession in Christ will cause us
28:41 to be kicked out of society.
28:46 Verse 43, "For they loved the praise of men
28:48 more than the praise of God."
28:50 Verse 44, "Jesus cried and said,
28:52 He that believeth on me, believeth not on me,
28:57 but on him that sent me.
29:00 And he that seeth me seeth him that sent me."
29:05 Verse 46, let's focus here.
29:07 Jesus says, "I am come a light into the world,
29:12 that whosoever believeth on me should not abide
29:16 or live in darkness."
29:20 Jesus said that He came, so that men would not have
29:24 to live their life in darkness.
29:28 Darkness is defined as living a life apart from Christ.
29:35 Some peopl think that
29:36 they're living in a limelight of life,
29:38 but they're actually living in the darkness of the world
29:40 without Jesus.
29:44 The Bible has told us in John Chapter 1 and verse 4,
29:46 let's go back there.
29:48 John Chapter 1 and verse 4.
29:51 In Jesus, in this word that was made flesh was life
29:54 and the life was the light of men.
29:59 "And the light," verse 5,
30:01 "and the light shineth in darkness,
30:05 and the light shineth in darkness."
30:08 Now friends, listen there were two little boys
30:10 who one day were goofing off outside of their home.
30:14 They were, they were brothers you understand.
30:16 And they were, they were outside wondering
30:17 what in the world will we do with all of our time,
30:20 we're so bored what are we going to do.
30:22 And then one little brother
30:23 looks at the other brother and says,
30:26 "But I can stare at the sun longer than you can."
30:29 No, you can't either. Oh! Yes I can.
30:32 No, you can 'cause I've been practicing
30:33 staring at the sun.
30:34 You haven't been practicing staring.
30:35 Oh, yes I have.
30:36 And so he said, okay let's do it.
30:39 And both of those little boys just turned their eyes
30:40 right up to the sun.
30:44 And they kept them open,
30:45 you know, how it is their eyes started watering,
30:46 they just want to turn away, but they didn't want to lose,
30:49 you know that egoism that goes between brothers,
30:52 eventually they couldn't see, they began to scream mom,
30:58 mom and mom help us, help us, mom.
31:01 The mom comes outside she says, what happened?
31:03 What happened? What happened?
31:04 And they said Oh! We were staring at the sun.
31:06 Why did you staring at the Sun?
31:08 We were staring at the sun because I knew
31:09 I can do longer than he could.
31:11 She says we got to go to the doctor.
31:14 She takes her two little boys to the doctor.
31:17 The doctor examines their eyes,
31:20 the doctor says boys,
31:22 what in the world were you doing?
31:25 They said we were having a contest to see
31:27 who can stare at the sun, the longest.
31:32 And the doctor looked at those little boys
31:35 and he said son, the light it's not for staring at,
31:42 the light is for walking in.
31:48 Friends, the light of God's word
31:51 is not for staring at.
31:53 The light of God's word is for walking in.
32:00 The Bible says in John Chapter 1 and verse 5.
32:03 John Chapter 1 verse 5
32:04 that "The light shines in darkness,
32:06 and the darkness doesn't comprehended."
32:13 The darkness doesn't comprehended.
32:16 Now how many of you have ever gotten up
32:17 in the middle of the night
32:18 and you didn't want to turn the light on.
32:20 Why didn't you want to turn the light on?
32:23 Because it would hurt your eyes.
32:25 And many times people begin to study
32:27 the light of God's word
32:29 and it hurts their eyes a little bit
32:30 and so they don't like it, they get uncomfortable
32:32 and they turn it off.
32:37 You know they've come up with this new invention,
32:40 it's like a slider.
32:41 The house and my wife and I
32:43 and our family is staying the light in our bedroom,
32:47 has a little slider on it.
32:49 So if you get up in the middle of the night,
32:50 you need to go check on your kids,
32:51 you can just barely turn those lights on.
32:55 But even a little bit of light
32:57 after your eyes have been closed in darkness, hurts.
33:04 How many of you have ever gotten up
33:05 in the middle of the night and you go into the rest room
33:06 and you stepped you toe in some furniture.
33:09 You wish the light was on, don't you?
33:12 You wish that you've endured the short amount of pain
33:16 to get the light on, so that you could see,
33:18 so you wouldn't hav a black toe
33:19 for several weeks.
33:23 The Bible says that
33:24 "the light shined in darkness,"
33:26 John Chapter 1 verse 5, let me get back there.
33:30 John Chapter 1 verse 5.
33:32 "The light shineth in darkness,
33:33 and the darkness comprehended it not."
33:36 Friends, when you turn the light on
33:38 in your house, the darkness goes away.
33:51 Turn with me to John Chapter 5,
33:53 to the right from John Chapter 1,
33:55 that's an obvious thing.
33:59 Jesus said in John Chapter 5 verse 39.
34:04 Jesus said, John Chapter 5 verse 39,
34:06 "Search the scriptures for in them,"
34:10 in the word made flesh, in the written word,
34:16 "search the scriptures for in them,
34:18 you think you have eternal life," eternal Zoe,
34:26 "and they are they which testify of me."
34:31 Friends, when we try to take the Old Testament
34:34 out of the Bible, we misplace the Christ of the Bible.
34:43 When we disregard what the Old Testament says,
34:46 we disregard what the word made flesh says.
34:51 He says here, "Search the scriptures."
34:54 Friends, search the scriptures
34:55 for just in those words and not themselves
34:57 you think you have eternal life.
34:59 But those words are the ones
35:00 that testify of me Jesus says.
35:05 Verse 40, "When the light of God's word
35:09 shines into men's hearts" Jesus says here in verse 40,
35:13 "And you will not come to me,
35:15 that you might have life, Zoe."
35:25 The light is not for staring it,
35:27 the light is for walking in.
35:33 In Jesus day, men wanted the word without the Christ.
35:41 They wanted the Old Testament,
35:42 they wanted the rituals, they wanted the feats,
35:44 they wanted all of that,
35:45 but they wanted that apart from Christ.
35:51 Friends, we've studied today that we can't have
35:53 the Christ apart from the word.
35:57 Jesus says, the Bible says here,
36:01 "That the light shined in the darkness,
36:03 but the darkness did not comprehended."
36:05 How about in your life?
36:11 In Jesus day, men wanted the word
36:13 without the Christ and today think about this,
36:15 today people want the Christ without the word. Impossible.
36:26 In Jesus day, men wanted the word
36:28 without the Christ and today
36:30 people want the Christ without the word.
36:32 You just let me believe that
36:33 I'm saved in life will be grand
36:35 and dandy and I'll, now I live in a mansion here
36:38 on earth because, you know,
36:39 diligent brings you prosperity, I don't buy it.
36:48 How many of the original
36:49 12 disciples were wealthy men?
36:51 Not many, if any.
36:58 Christians today want to profess Christianity,
37:01 but they do not want the word of Christianity
37:03 to change their life.
37:08 They want to be able to say, I'm saved,
37:13 I can do whatever I want to do.
37:16 But that's not what the word of life says, is it.
37:25 Christians today want an experience.
37:29 They want a religion that they can experience,
37:33 but they don't want to experience a life change
37:36 through the word made flesh.
37:42 Friend, how is it with your soul?
37:46 How is it with you
37:47 and the author of the word of God?
37:58 Friend, what would keep you
38:00 from allowing the word made flesh?
38:04 What would keep you from allowing the word
38:07 which is the light of men?
38:11 What would keep you from allowing the word
38:14 to dwell safely in your heart?
38:22 There will be no more of this Christ
38:24 without the word in your life.
38:31 Today we have seen that we cannot separate Christ
38:33 from His word.
38:36 It was the eternal word of life
38:39 that allowed Himself to be hung on a cross.
38:44 So that you could make a decision
38:45 to let him engraft His word into you today.
38:53 It was the eternal word of life
38:55 that allowed Himself to be hung on a cross.
38:59 So that you could make a decision
39:01 to lead him engraft His word into you today.
39:05 What would keep you from allowing Christ,
39:08 the word made flesh to come into your life?
39:16 Is your allegiance to Christ greater,
39:20 than your allegiance to all other activities?
39:24 Is your allegiance to Christ greater
39:27 and greater importance to you than watching television?
39:35 Is the word made flesh, the one that wants to come
39:37 into your life and change you,
39:39 so important to you,
39:42 that you would deny something for that?
39:51 Is your allegiance to Christ in His word
39:53 greater than your allegiance
39:54 to all other pursuits in this life?
40:08 Friend, turn with me to Genesis Chapter 3.
40:13 Genesis Chapter 3, this is the famous fall chapter.
40:19 The chapter where sin entered into,
40:21 into that new created world that God had made.
40:27 Let's begin reading
40:28 in Genesis Chapter 3 and verse 15.
40:35 The Lord God is talking here
40:36 in Genesis Chapter3 verse 15.
40:38 And He says, "I will put enmity
40:40 between thee and the woman," talking to the serpent,
40:44 "and between thy seed and her seed,
40:47 and it shall bruise thy head,
40:49 and thou shalt bruise his heel.
40:53 Unto the woman he said,
40:54 I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception,
40:59 in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children
41:03 and thy desire shall be to thy husband,
41:04 and he shall rule over thee.
41:09 And unto Adam he said,
41:10 because you have hearkened unto the voice of thy wife,
41:13 and hast eaten of the tree,
41:15 of which I have commanded thee,
41:17 saying, Thou shalt not eat of it,
41:21 cursed is the ground for thy sake,
41:23 in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life.
41:30 Thorns also and thistles it shall bring forth to thee
41:34 and thou shalt eat the herb of the field.
41:37 In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread,
41:42 till thou return unto the ground for out of it
41:44 thou wast taken for dust thou art,
41:46 and unto dust thou shalt return.
41:50 And Adam called his wife's name Eve,
41:53 because she was the mother of all living."
41:58 They had both just received their death sentences
42:02 and Adam names his wife Eve,
42:04 because she is the mother of all living.
42:10 Verse 21, "Unto Adam also
42:12 and to his wife did the Lord God make coats of skins,
42:15 and clothed them.
42:16 And the Lord God said, Behold, the man
42:18 is become as one of us, to know good and evil
42:25 and now, lest he put forth his hand,
42:29 and take also of the tree of life,
42:30 and eat, and live for ever.
42:34 Therefore the Lord God sent him forth
42:36 from the Garden of Eden," and take note
42:38 "to till the ground from whence he was taken."
42:41 Verse 24, take a note of this.
42:42 "So he drove the man out, and he placed at the east
42:48 end of the garden Cherubims,"
42:52 he placed angels there
42:53 at the east end of the garden,
42:55 "and a flaming sword which turned every way,
43:01 to keep the way of the tree of life."
43:06 Now friends, the Garden of Eden
43:08 was a garden that was on this earth.
43:12 In the middle of this Garden of Eden
43:14 that was here on this earth,
43:15 there was a tree called the tree of life.
43:19 And the very same thing that
43:21 God at the tree of life took
43:23 from Adam and Eve getting back into the tree of life.
43:28 Is the very same thing that guards us
43:31 from entering heaven today?
43:32 Turn with me to Revelation Chapter 22.
43:36 Revelation 22, Revelation is just
43:40 at the opposite end of your Bible there.
43:42 Revelation 22 and verse 1.
43:45 The Bible says here, "And he showed me
43:47 a river of water of life, clear as crystal,
43:52 proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb.
43:56 In the midst of the street of it,
44:00 and on either side of the river,
44:02 was the tree of life," the very tree
44:07 that was guarded in the Garden of Eden
44:09 by those angels, by that flaming sword
44:13 is now guarded in heaven by another flaming sword.
44:22 The Bible says here
44:23 continuing on in Revelation 22.
44:25 "In the midst of the street of it,
44:26 and on either side of the river,
44:27 there was the tree of life,
44:29 which bare twelve manner of fruits."
44:31 Friends, the tree of life is where the throne of God,
44:34 is in where the throne of the lamb are
44:37 and that tree is being guarded by a flaming sword.
44:42 Let's look at this, you're thinking to yourself.
44:44 This preacher has lost his mind.
44:47 What do you mean it's guarded by a flaming sword?
44:50 Turn with me in your Bibles, turn with me my friends.
44:52 Let's go to Psalm 119, 105.
44:56 It's the Old Testament Book of Psalms,
44:58 we're going to Psalm 119 and verse 105.
45:06 Psalm 119 verse 105
45:09 and the Bible reads like this,
45:12 "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet,
45:17 and a light unto my path."
45:21 Friends, the Bible is a light
45:23 that shines brighter and brighter
45:25 even onto the coming of Jesus Christ.
45:28 It was a flaming sword,
45:30 a sword that was full of light,
45:32 that was guarding the entrance
45:34 to the Garden of Eden, so that Adam and Eve
45:37 could not get back into the tree of life.
45:40 So that they could not perpetuate sin for eternity.
45:43 And it is the flame, the light of the Bible,
45:47 the word made flesh in whom was light
45:50 and that light was the life of men
45:53 that guards the way to the tree today.
45:58 Okay pastor, we've got the light now.
46:01 We've got the flame, show me
46:02 where do we get the sword?
46:06 Let's go back to the New Testament.
46:08 The New Testament Book of Ephesians.
46:11 Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians,
46:13 right after Corinthians, you have Galatians
46:17 then you have Ephesians
46:18 and we are going to Ephesians Chapter 6.
46:22 Ephesians, the 6th Chapter.
46:25 Let's begin in verse 10,
46:26 Ephesians Chapter 6 and verse 10.
46:29 The Bible says, "Finally, my brethren,
46:31 be strong in the Lord,
46:33 and in the power of his might.
46:36 Put on the whole armour of God,
46:37 that you may be able to stand
46:38 against the wiles of the devil."
46:41 Put on the whole armour of God,
46:42 that you may be able to stand up
46:44 against the temptation of the devil bring to you.
46:48 "For we wrestle," verse 12, "not against flesh and blood,
46:50 but against principalities, against powers,
46:53 against rulers of the darkness of this world,
46:56 against spiritual wickedness in high places."
47:00 Verse 13, "Wherefore take unto you
47:02 the whole armour of God, that you may be able
47:05 to withstand in the evil day,
47:07 and having done all, to stand."
47:12 Verse 14, "Stand therefore,
47:14 having your loins girt about with truth,"
47:19 sanctify them by thy truth, thy word is truth,
47:23 "and having on the breastplate
47:25 of righteousness, Christ righteousness.
47:28 And your feet shod with the preparation
47:31 of the gospel of peace.
47:33 And above all the Bible says, taking the shield of faith,
47:39 wherewith ye shall be able to quench
47:41 all the fiery darts of the wicked.
47:45 And take the helmet of salvation,"
47:47 and friend here is where we get to the sword,
47:51 "take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit,
47:57 which is the word of God."
48:02 Friends, people want to separate
48:05 the Christ from the word,
48:06 they want to say I believe in Christ,
48:08 I'm going to heaven, I'm going to eat
48:10 of that tree of life, that's in the,
48:12 in the by the throne of God and of the lamb.
48:16 But, my friends, when we deny
48:18 the Christ of the word,
48:21 when we deny the word of the Christ,
48:24 then we can't have the Christ.
48:28 The very same thing the flaming sword
48:30 that guarded the entrance to the Garden of Eden
48:33 and kept Adam and Eve away from the tree of life,
48:36 guards it even today.
48:41 God has given us a flame in His word,
48:44 the word made flesh which was the light of men.
48:51 And the Bible describes itself as a sword.
48:55 You remember Hebrews Chapter 4 verse 12.
48:58 "For the word of God is quick and powerful
49:00 and sharper than any two-edged sword,
49:06 piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit,
49:09 and the joints and the marrow,
49:11 and is a discerner of the thoughts
49:12 and the intents of the heart."
49:14 Friend, we cannot have the Christ
49:16 apart from the word. Impossible.
49:24 In Jesus day, men wanted to have
49:28 the word apart from the Christ.
49:30 Today, people want to have
49:31 the Christ apart from the word.
49:33 How is it in your life?
49:37 Have you been disregarding the word
49:39 and what the word has been asking you to do?
49:44 Have you been claiming and saying the famous hey,
49:46 I'm saved, I can do whatever I want to do,
49:48 I'm saved, I'm saved.
49:51 Friends, what are you saved from
49:52 if you keep doing what you've always done?
49:57 People that are saved can always tell you
49:59 what they were saved from.
50:00 I was in a car one day with a very good friend of mine.
50:04 And I said to him, I said man,
50:06 tell me what have you been saved from?
50:11 He said sin.
50:15 I said man that's an obvious answer
50:18 but really what have you been saved from,
50:20 give me something tangible, something I can hold onto.
50:25 He says, I don't understand the question.
50:27 I said, what has Jesus done for you.
50:34 He said, He saved me.
50:35 I said, from what?
50:38 He said, I don't know.
50:41 I just don't know.
50:46 Friends, God word tells us what we've been saved from.
50:55 To accept Christ in his entirety.
50:58 Is to accept the word of God in its entirety.
51:07 Friend, what is it that would keep you today
51:10 from making the Christ of the word,
51:14 the word of your life.
51:19 If the Bible is really the basic instructions
51:22 before leaving earth.
51:24 What would keep you friend at home,
51:29 from taking the word into your life?
51:40 The Bible teaches at
51:41 "the way of the transgressor is hard."
51:49 "The way of the transgressor is hard."
51:53 That must mean that the way
51:54 of the righteous man is easier
51:58 than the way of the transgressor.
52:03 When we try to separate the Christ from His word,
52:07 we lose out on the importance of the Christ.
52:17 Friend, is it your desire to say to Jesus today.
52:22 Jesus, I want Your word to be my all in all.
52:31 Is it your desire to say to Jesus, my friend?
52:36 Jesus, my life has not been lived according to your will.
52:41 I have been denying the word of the Christ,
52:44 but now I want both of them,
52:46 I want the word made flesh
52:49 Jesus Christ to living me fully.
52:58 Is it your desire to say Jesus,
53:00 I want my life to be a mirror of Your word.
53:14 Friends, we can't take any portion of the Bible
53:17 and set it to the side,
53:20 just because somebody says, you should do that.
53:28 Just because someone says, it's too hard to understand
53:31 doesn't mean that you cannot understand it.
53:40 There was a father, he was a businessman.
53:43 He traveled extensively.
53:45 He was gone from home more often than he was at home.
53:49 And in order to make up for that difference,
53:53 he would always bring his daughters gifts.
53:56 He had two little girls, one was eleven, one was six.
54:02 Just two cute little girls.
54:04 And he would, he would bring them home
54:06 a doll from Germany.
54:08 You know only the best for his kids.
54:13 He would bring them home
54:14 some, some chocolate from Switzerland.
54:18 Only the best, you know.
54:23 He would bring them home all kinds of toys,
54:25 all kinds of games, all just,
54:28 all different kinds of things.
54:32 And he decided one day, he was gonna bring them
54:34 something that can actually teach them.
54:37 So he bought them a puzzle.
54:41 It was a puzzle that was a map of the world.
54:45 Just a big had lots of pieces,
54:47 you know, maybe 3,000 piece puzzle.
54:53 And he brought this puzzle home
54:54 and he told his girls that,
54:56 that they can work on their present
54:57 once they opened it.
54:59 And you know, he went before he got into the house
55:02 they met him out in the yard just squealing daddy's home,
55:04 daddy's home, daddy's home.
55:05 And he gives them the box and they both carried in
55:10 one hold in one in and one hold in the other
55:12 and they're shaking it, Oh, what is it,
55:13 what is it sound like its got a lot of lose things in it.
55:16 May be it some may be it some balls,
55:18 may be it some, may be it some doll shoes
55:20 for our little dolls.
55:22 What is it, what is it daddy?
55:23 Well, let's go and see mommy.
55:25 They go and see mommy.
55:27 Mommy says, well let's open up your gift
55:29 and see what you have.
55:31 So these little girls rip open that box
55:33 and on the front of that puzzle box,
55:36 they see this picture of the world.
55:41 And they said we know it was a puzzle papa,
55:44 we know it was a puzzle.
55:47 We can hear it, we can hear it.
55:48 He says, we'll put it together.
55:51 And those girls they, they dumped
55:54 all those puzzle pieces out of there
55:55 on the living room table and they set the box up,
55:58 so that they could see the picture of the world.
56:02 And they begin to turn all the pieces
56:03 over making sure they have the right colors
56:05 turned up because it was a two-sided puzzle.
56:09 And they tried and they tried
56:11 and they tried to put it together.
56:12 But they had rivers where rivers shouldn't be,
56:14 they had the mountains
56:15 where the mountains shouldn't be.
56:17 They had Florida in Alaska, Alaska in Florida.
56:19 And the youngest girl gave up in frustration,
56:22 I can't do it papa.
56:24 And she threw some pieces of puzzle down there.
56:28 When she did
56:29 some of the other puzzle pieces turned over
56:31 and the oldest girl noticed that
56:33 there was a man's finger on one of the puzzle pieces.
56:38 And she quickly begin to turn all those puzzle pieces over
56:41 and she squealed and delighted his sister,
56:43 come look, come look, come look.
56:44 There was a man on the back of this puzzle
56:46 and they focused on that man
56:48 and they put together that puzzle in a picture of Jesus.
56:55 And then when they were finished
56:56 their dad took that puzzle
56:57 and just turned it over ever so gently,
56:59 you know, you can do that.
57:02 And all the mountains, the rivers, Florida, Alaska,
57:05 all in the right place.
57:08 Friends, when we focused on the word that is made flesh,
57:11 our life will be in the right place.


Revised 2014-12-17