3ABN On the Road

Free Indeed

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Mark Howard


Series Code: OTR

Program Code: OTR000775

01:00 Freedom, what a wonderful privilege,
01:04 it is to be free, to live in a world
01:07 where we can have freedom.
01:10 But freedom is also something it comes in many different,
01:13 there are many different ideas about freedom.
01:15 Today we want to talk about not just any old freedom.
01:18 But the kind of freedom
01:19 that you can find alone in Jesus Christ.
01:23 That's going to be our subject.
01:24 The title of our message is "Free Indeed".
01:28 And I'm going to ask you to bow your heads
01:29 as I and you ask God's blessing on our time together.
01:35 Father in heaven, Father, today we come before you
01:43 to learn from Your word.
01:46 We want to learn Father, what true freedom is all about.
01:50 The freedom that we have in Jesus Christ,
01:53 so father today, I pray for the guidance of Your Holy Spirit.
01:57 The spirit of truth that leads into all truth.
02:01 Father, may He open our minds in our understanding
02:05 to Your word today we ask it
02:06 in, Jesus, name and for His sake, amen.
02:14 You know, it's interesting today the idea of freedom
02:16 has been strangely perverted in the day that we live in.
02:21 I would dare say, that there is never been a generations
02:24 so recklessly independent and so antagonistic
02:28 against authority is the generation we live in today.
02:32 Freedom once defined as the ability to choose him
02:35 you'll serve is now defined as whatever you want to do.
02:40 Freedom to do your own thing.
02:45 This has perverted our freedoms of speech,
02:48 our freedoms of press and religion.
02:52 Some of the greatest wickedness is enacted
02:55 under the guiles of so called freedom.
02:58 In fact, we see this mentality perverting our society.
03:02 There is an old rock and roll song that says,
03:06 I'm free to do what I want any all time,
03:10 that's the concept of freedom.
03:13 We see that in our social relationships
03:16 as men and women want to enjoy
03:18 the privileges of the marital relationship,
03:21 without the commitment.
03:23 I don't want to be tied down they say, I want to be free.
03:29 We see it in the family circle
03:30 as young people want the privileges of a safe home
03:34 without the restrains of house rules.
03:37 I need my space they say, I need my freedom.
03:43 And we even see it in the church,
03:47 as professed Christians want all the privileges of having,
03:50 Jesus Christ, as their Savior
03:52 without the commitment to having Him as their Lord.
03:57 Jesus doesn't expect me
03:58 to change my life for Him they say.
04:01 He accepts me just as I am, He wants me to be free.
04:09 But is this reckless unrestrained
04:11 freedom to do my own thing, is this true freedom?
04:17 Or is it possible that true freedom in Christ
04:21 would restrict our carnal independence
04:23 more than we're willing to allow.
04:26 I want you to open your Bibles with me
04:28 to the gospel of John. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John.
04:32 We're going to John Chapter 8,
04:34 Matthew, Mark, Luke, John Chapter 8
04:38 and we're going to begin in verse 30.
04:42 John 8 and verse 30.
04:44 Jesus had a little confrontation here
04:46 with the religious leaders of His day
04:49 and freedom was the subject.
04:53 In John 8 verse 30, the Bible says,
04:55 "As Jesus spoke these words many believed in Him.
05:02 Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed in Him.
05:05 If you abide in My word you are My disciples indeed.
05:11 And you shall know the truth
05:13 and the truth shall make you free.
05:19 And they answered Him and said, we are Abraham's descendants,
05:23 and we've never been in bondage to anyone.
05:25 How can you say, 'You will be made free'?
05:31 Verse 34 and Jesus answered them
05:33 and said "Most assuredly, I say to you,
05:36 whoever commits sin is a slave of sin.
05:40 And a slave does not abide in the house forever
05:43 but a son abides forever.
05:45 Therefore if the Son makes you free,
05:48 you shall be free indeed".
05:54 Jesus told these religious leaders I can make you free
05:56 this is-what do you mean make us free?
05:57 We are not in bondage to anybody,
05:59 we are already free.
06:03 Jesus says, no you'll be free if you abide in My word.
06:08 What does that mean to abide by the word of, God,
06:11 to abide in, Christ, word?
06:14 It means more than just to hear His word,
06:18 or the think about His word.
06:20 But it means to make His word
06:24 the whole substance of your hopes and your plans.
06:29 It means to let, Jesus, word guide you
06:31 in your thought, in your action.
06:33 He says, if you allow for this,
06:35 you'll find true freedom. You'll be free indeed.
06:42 It's interesting that there are
06:44 two ideas of freedom being contrasted here.
06:47 Those religious leaders, Jesus, was speaking to
06:51 were looking at a freedom from, Christ.
06:54 When, Jesus, wanted to show them freedom in, Christ.
07:03 Freedom from, Christ, or freedom in, Christ,
07:06 which will it be?
07:07 Where does true freedom lie?
07:10 And today we're going to go to a parable that,
07:12 Jesus, told that I think illustrates
07:14 this point perfectly.
07:17 It's the parable you are going to find
07:19 in your Bibles in Luke Chapter 15.
07:23 We are in the book of John,
07:24 go back one to the book of Luke.
07:25 We're going to Chapter 15.
07:28 And we're going to read about the parable
07:30 known as the "parable of the prodigal son",
07:33 the parable of the prodigal son.
07:41 Luke Chapter 15 and we will begin in verse 11.
07:48 Luke 15 in verse 11 here is what the Bible says.
07:52 "Then He said a certain man had two sons.
07:57 And the younger of them said to his father,
07:59 'Father, give me the portion of goods that falls to me.'
08:04 So he divided to them his livelihood.
08:10 And not many days after,
08:11 the younger son gathered all together,
08:13 journeying to a far country,
08:15 and there wasted his possessions with prodigal living".
08:21 Now I've got a question for you,
08:23 when does a person usually get the inheritance,
08:29 that's right, that's when the father would die.
08:33 And I'm going to submit to you
08:34 and I think you'll see this as we go along,
08:36 that what this young man was saying in essence
08:38 with his father, "I wish you were dead".
08:42 You say, how can we know that, well just stick with me.
08:46 So the young boy goes to his father,
08:48 young man goes to his father, he says father,
08:50 I want the money you've got coming to me
08:51 and the Bible says the father
08:53 divided unto him, his livelihood.
08:57 I believe the King James Version says his living.
09:00 Now if a person gives all their livelihood,
09:03 all their living to somebody else,
09:05 what does that mean that they have left?
09:08 Probably not a whole lot, probably not a whole lot,
09:11 this was not a little thing, this was not a little request.
09:16 This son asks his father for the inheritance.
09:19 I don't want it later dad, I want it now.
09:23 And then the Bible says
09:28 that the son went into a far country.
09:32 Notice what it doesn't say.
09:33 It doesn't say this son got the inheritance
09:35 and then he went by to the nearby town
09:37 and he had a high time.
09:39 Came home every night and went back out partying
09:41 and having a good time
09:42 and-- It's not what the Bible says.
09:46 Any of you ever grow up in a small town?
09:50 I grew up in a small town,
09:52 small town of Mount Vernon, in Ohio.
09:55 The time I was young we had no-there wasn't
09:58 even a McDonald's in the town,
10:00 blessing in disguise.
10:02 There were no movie theaters.
10:05 There was nothing going on in that town.
10:06 And I remember as a young man just wanting,
10:08 longing to be out of the small town,
10:11 being in the big city, where every thing is going on.
10:14 We had big cities nearby about 45 miles away
10:18 in one direction and 30 miles away in another direction.
10:21 And I remember enjoying going to the city
10:24 and seeing all the bright lights
10:25 and all the things that were going on in the city.
10:28 But it wasn't a far country, it wasn't a far country.
10:31 Now it doesn't say that the young son
10:33 went over to the big city nearby the house,
10:38 you know, a few miles away 30 miles, 50 miles.
10:42 It say he went into a far country,
10:43 why a far country?
10:48 Because that son wanted to get as far away
10:51 from home as he could.
10:58 A book on the parables of Christ,
11:00 Christ Object Lesson, comments this way it says,
11:05 "This younger son had become weary of the restraint
11:09 of his father's house".
11:13 He'd become weary of the restraint,
11:15 weary of the rules, tired of the rules,
11:17 you know, how it is.
11:18 When the kids usually run away,
11:20 if you run away as a kid, you see little kid
11:23 something happens with mom and dad,
11:24 he has his will crossed.
11:26 So he get his little suitcase out
11:28 and packs himself a peanut butter
11:29 and jelly sandwich walks on down the street,
11:31 gets down to the corner, goes a couple of blocks,
11:35 starts to get hungry, goes three blocks
11:36 opens up the peanut butter and jelly sandwich and eats it.
11:41 Starts to think what he came out for
11:44 and he decides to turn around and go back home again.
11:46 It's typically when the will is crossed.
11:49 It's typically when the freedom so called is restricted
11:54 and it's no different with the story here.
11:56 The Bible says, the young son wanted his inheritance
11:59 and he doesn't stay at home and enjoy that inheritance.
12:01 The Bible says as soon as he got it,
12:02 he went out into a far country.
12:06 Far, faraway from his father's house,
12:10 you'll see, he fell that dad's rules
12:15 were a little bit too much.
12:17 The chores he had to do were unnecessary.
12:21 All the restrictions were binding up his freedom
12:24 all to be free he thought.
12:27 If I can just be free in his mind he envisioned,
12:29 what it would be like,
12:30 to get out and do things his own way.
12:32 He had a plan in his mind
12:34 and his plan was better than his old man's plan.
12:36 He knew that if he could go out on his own
12:38 then he would find happiness, then he would find joy,
12:41 then he would find freedom.
12:52 The Bible says as we go on there,
12:56 in verse 13 we did read verse 13
13:00 but let's look at it again "And not many days after,
13:03 the younger son gathered all together,
13:05 journeying to a far country,
13:07 and there wasted his possessions
13:10 with prodigal living".
13:12 Now I'm reading the New King James Version
13:13 of the Bible, prodigal,
13:15 it's not a word we use a lot anymore.
13:17 The word prodigal simply means wasteful.
13:20 The prodigal son, the wasteful son,
13:22 he took the inheritance, he went into a far country
13:25 and he wasted it.
13:29 He wasted his possessions.
13:34 You know, he went out left his father's house
13:36 went into a far country and got all those things
13:39 that he thought were going to make him feel free,
13:40 all those things that it were going to make him happy,
13:42 he had that picture in his mind, he went out,
13:44 he is going to get the new camel
13:45 with the shiny black hooves and the heated saddle
13:48 and he is going to go get the nice chariot
13:50 with the wide rims and he was going to go get the--
13:53 he is going to have all these girls
13:54 and he was going to have this nice house,
13:55 he is going to have all these things
13:56 and he had this picture in his mind
13:58 and he went out to this far country.
14:02 I can picture him going out on the town.
14:05 He goes out to the bar with the fellows
14:06 and he says come on everybody drinks are on me.
14:09 And suddenly he was surrounded with friends.
14:15 Question, do you think the young man felt free.
14:21 Listen to me, I guarantee he felt free.
14:24 I guarantee you initially he went out
14:26 and said this is it, my plan was right.
14:29 I knew all along that my old man didn't have the idea,
14:32 he didn't know what makes for true happiness.
14:34 Now I'm out, now I'm free. I'm having a good old time.
14:40 For a while, for a while,
14:47 for while everything seem to be going fantastic.
14:54 But the Bible tells us, in verse 14,
15:01 "But when he had spent" how much?
15:05 All, when he had spent all. Think about that for a minute.
15:12 Now the Bible, doesn't tell us how much it was,
15:14 but at least it gives us the impression
15:17 that the amount of money he received
15:19 was a sizeable amount of money.
15:21 He got a good chunk of money.
15:26 Have you ever got money you didn't expect?
15:30 You know, I've got money I didn't expect,
15:32 a check comes from somewhere, you overpaid your insurance,
15:34 or something or the other happens
15:35 and you get this check, how long does it last?
15:39 Generally it doesn't last real long,
15:42 you know, for some people it does
15:44 and it should-we should be wise with the money
15:47 that we receive, that's a talent
15:48 the God has given us just like other things.
15:52 But so often times it's gone before you know.
15:55 This young man, he got all this money
15:56 and I think he-I'm confident,
15:59 that when he got that inheritance,
16:01 he said this is going to last me the rest of my life.
16:04 This will go for the rest of my life,
16:05 I'll be sitting pretty this will be perfect.
16:08 I'll never have a need again.
16:12 Going out, camels, girls, the night life.
16:22 And I picture the day he went in to the department store,
16:26 he went to buy himself a nice new sharp looking
16:29 leather jacket or something, he pulled out that credit card
16:32 and he hands it over and he is sitting there
16:34 and they said, sir we got a problem here
16:37 with your card, this thing is not going,
16:39 going through this, gets little embarrassed,
16:42 he is like oh, I don't know,
16:43 I don't know, what you do with the shirt,
16:45 let me hand you another one.
16:47 No, I'm sorry, there is nothing on that.
16:49 Well, I don't have any cash on me,
16:51 let me, he tries a third one.
16:57 No, you don't have any money.
17:00 I can see him calling up the bank and saying,
17:02 pardon me, you know, I had this problem today
17:04 and I was very embarrassed
17:05 and some things got to be a mistake here,
17:07 tell me and they were sorry sir,
17:08 you're out of money.
17:11 You're in the red, you're lost.
17:16 The Bible says he spent all, he spent all.
17:28 And suddenly all the gold and the tinsel,
17:31 the picture of the beach house,
17:33 the fancy camels, the girls all begin to fade.
17:40 Suddenly his freedom didn't feel so free.
17:49 And all his friends left him.
17:52 It's funny sometimes what we do for friends,
17:55 I've had people tell me before when it comes
17:57 to spirituals decisions in your life,
17:59 I don't want to make the spiritual decision,
18:00 my friends will mark me, my friends will they might
18:04 even just start being my friends and I,
18:07 I have to ask myself,
18:08 what kind of friends do you have.
18:15 Now you'll say hey, how do you know,
18:16 these friends won't stick in around,
18:18 well, we'll get to that in a moment.
18:29 Let's talk about the inheritance though,
18:31 the Bible said, he spent all.
18:33 Let's make some applications here, he spent all.
18:36 What was his inheritance?
18:37 What were the possessions he was spending,
18:39 if we're to take this parable and apply it,
18:42 what these possessions be.
18:44 You may say I don't have a whole lot of money.
18:48 Any money we have is the Lord's.
18:50 The Bible says in Deuteronomy 18,
18:52 God is the one, who gives us power
18:53 to get wealth whatever we have is His.
18:56 He has given us what we do have,
18:57 but think beyond money, think about your health.
19:01 You know, I regularly meet people
19:03 who have broken health, who have broken down health
19:07 and we take it for granted.
19:10 I've people in my congregations that are in wheelchairs.
19:13 Praise, God, I'm not in a wheelchair,
19:15 praise, God, you're not in a wheelchair.
19:16 Some of you are.
19:20 And yet the health that we have,
19:22 whatever we have is a talent God has given us,
19:25 it's a gift from God, praise His name for it.
19:30 What about our education? What about musical ability?
19:34 All of these things are talents God has given to us.
19:37 How we're spending them?
19:42 Are we spending those things for His glory?
19:45 Are we wasting them?
19:50 You know, sometimes we have no mind for the future.
19:55 We think we can just go and recklessly enjoy
19:58 the pleasures of sin withoutany consequence.
20:01 Well, here this young man is
20:03 and the Bible says he spent all.
20:10 And there arose verse 14,
20:13 "There arose a severe famine in that land,
20:18 and he began to be in want" or in need.
20:24 Not only did he spend all,
20:26 but then a famine came in the land
20:28 and he began to be in need,
20:29 something he hadn't been before.
20:31 When he was living in his father's house
20:32 he wasn't in need.
20:34 When he went out with that inheritance,
20:36 he wasn't in need, but the Bible says
20:38 a famine came in to the land and he began to be in need.
20:43 Now listen to me carefully friends.
20:47 Sometimes God allows famine to come into our land
20:51 so to speak, to wake us up.
20:54 Sometimes I've got people they say,
20:56 I don't understand and I had so many bad things going on,
20:59 I just-my car just broke down,
21:00 I just threw my back out, this, that, the other thing.
21:04 And often times these individuals are running
21:08 from the decisions God is asking them to make.
21:11 And say I don't know, why this is going on,
21:14 you know, there is an old saying that says,
21:17 "Most of us don't look to God
21:18 until we're lying flat on our backs."
21:21 And it's sad but true.
21:23 Too many times, God allows famine to come into our land.
21:28 You ask somebody,
21:30 hey, you want to go to church with me today.
21:31 No, man I can't go with you.
21:32 How about prayer meeting or,
21:34 you know, you want to do a Bible study,
21:35 man I don't have that time, I've got big plans they say,
21:39 God can alter your plans.
21:42 Listen if you're putting God first in your life
21:44 God can alter your plans, you may say unfair,
21:46 listen to me.
21:48 God wants you a eternal salvation
21:50 more than your happiness in this life,
21:52 He wants happiness in the after life.
21:54 This life is going to come to an end at some point in time,
21:58 God wants you to have eternity
22:00 and sometimes He allows a famine
22:01 to come into your land to wake you up,
22:03 to wake your senses up.
22:06 In the book Patriarchs and Prophets,
22:08 page 470, the author says,
22:10 "God speaks to His people in blessings bestowed,
22:15 and when these are not appreciated,
22:17 He speaks to them in blessings removed,
22:21 that they may see their sins,
22:22 and return to Him with all their heart.
22:26 God allowed a famine to come into the land
22:27 of the young man here,
22:28 because he wasn't seeing things clearly.
22:32 He began to be in want.
22:34 Now if you were to parallel all this
22:35 with a Christian experience I would call this conviction.
22:40 This is when a man comes under conviction.
22:42 This is parallel when the sinner realizes
22:45 their need of a Savior.
22:46 There are so many people going through this life
22:48 that don't realize how much they need Jesus.
22:50 They see no need for religion.
22:55 You know, Jesus said,
23:00 "Those who are well had no need of a doctor,
23:03 but those who are sick.
23:06 And then He said, "I have not come
23:07 to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance."
23:11 How many of you go to a doctor when you feel well.
23:15 We go to the doctor when we are sick.
23:18 Jesus, said, I'm the doctor.
23:20 And I've come to call sinners to repentance.
23:23 Too many people don't feel the need of the doctor
23:25 and therefore they don't go and Jesus cannot help them.
23:29 So He allows the famine to come.
23:37 Someone has said,
23:38 our greatest need is a sense of need.
23:41 Our greatest need is a sense of need.
23:45 When we're going to realize our need for, Jesus.
23:47 Well, the Bible says,
23:48 this young man began to be in want.
23:51 He realized he had a need of something,
23:54 he came under conviction.
23:56 But notice he is not planning to go back home yet.
23:59 He is starting to think,
24:00 maybe my plan wasn't such a good idea,
24:02 maybe my plan wasn't the best plan.
24:13 But then he makes another plan
24:14 the Bible tells us verse 15.
24:19 Then he went, and his friends,
24:23 his good friends took him in and took care of him
24:27 until he got back on his feet.
24:29 Is that what the Bible says?
24:32 No, no the Bible says, "Then he went
24:35 and joined himself to a citizen of that country,
24:38 and he sent him into the fields to feed swine.
24:41 How do I know that his friends forsook him,
24:44 doesn't say anything about his friends here,
24:45 when this man is down and out, where are all his good friends,
24:49 where are all his good friends
24:50 that he was so worried about impressing.
24:57 Some of us are so concerned about impressing
24:59 certain people that when the times get tough
25:04 they won't be there anyway.
25:05 We say, I'm going to loose my friends,
25:06 they are not your friends anyway
25:07 sometimes there are not your friends
25:09 if they won't standby you in the hard times.
25:11 Well, this young man he thought for sure
25:13 these people will be there for him.
25:16 But the Bible says, he spent all the famine arose.
25:24 And he had to go find the citizen of that country
25:27 that would hire him and send him out
25:29 to feed his pigs, to feed his pigs.
25:35 Any of you ever been on a pig farm.
25:38 I grew up around pig farms.
25:42 If you ever smell the pig farm.
25:45 You've never smell, you don't know,
25:47 you don't know anything that smells nasty
25:48 till you've been on a pig farm.
25:50 And these pigs are rolling in their stuff all day long
25:52 and he's just ooh,
25:54 this young man is sent out to feed the pigs.
25:59 Certainly by now his beautiful picture,
26:06 panoramic picture of freedom has faded.
26:10 All the pretty girls, all the fancy camels,
26:13 and chariots, and houses, and everything else.
26:17 Here he is, slopping the pigs.
26:25 Did he now returned to his father,
26:27 no, he said you know what,
26:28 maybe my plan wasn't the best way
26:30 but I'm gonna fix it.
26:32 I'll get myself out of this mess, that's why I said
26:35 his conviction was not a step further.
26:40 It was conviction, but it wasn't the conversion,
26:42 he seize the need.
26:45 But know he is going to attempt to fix it.
26:48 I see that my plan maybe wasn't the best plan,
26:50 I realized it my idea of freedom
26:51 might not have been the best plan,
26:52 I'll come up with the new plan.
26:54 And the Bible says, he joined himself
26:55 to a citizen of that country
26:57 and he went out to feed the swine.
27:02 He would rather become a slave
27:05 to a citizen of that barren land
27:07 than return to his father.
27:12 Even yet he would rather
27:13 be a slave to a citizen of that barren land
27:16 than to go back home to dad and he quote.
27:21 He'd find his way out of this mess.
27:26 I want to tell you something here
27:27 about feeding the swine for a moment.
27:32 Look at verse 16 with me, the Bible says,
27:35 "He would gladly have filled his stomach with the pods
27:38 that the swine eat and no one gave him anything".
27:44 He would gladly have filled his stomach with the pods
27:47 that the swine eat but it says no one
27:48 gave him anything he would gladly filled
27:50 his stomach but he didn't and let me tell you why?
27:54 Hold your finger there in Luke 15
27:56 and go with me to the book of Matthew,
27:59 Matthew Chapter 7, Matthew Chapter 7 and verse 6.
28:06 I want you to see what the Bible says here,
28:09 Matthew 7 and verse 6 and notice what Jesus says,
28:16 Matthew 7 in verse 6
28:17 "Do not give what is holy to the dogs,
28:21 nor cast your pearls before swine,
28:27 lest they trample them, under their feet,
28:30 and turn and tear you in pieces."
28:34 Don't cast your pearls before the swine, why?
28:37 Because swine don't understand the value of pearls.
28:39 Now is, Jesus, talking about pigs here and pearls, no.
28:42 Jesus, is saying don't waste your time
28:44 sharing the precious truths of the gospel
28:47 with those who don't want to hear them with the ungodly
28:50 and the unrepentant.
28:54 The swine is representative of the class
28:57 of those people who are ungodly and unrepentant.
29:04 The Bible says the young man went to feed the swine
29:07 and went along to eat what they were eating,
29:10 but he didn't, you know why?
29:13 Because when you come to, Jesus,
29:16 when you start to understand truth,
29:20 even if you've not made the decision for, Jesus, yet.
29:23 Once you begin to understand truth,
29:25 you can't go back to err and enjoy
29:27 at the way you used to.
29:30 Once you've tasted the truth,
29:33 you can't go back to err and enjoy it.
29:35 He would love to just go back
29:37 feed himself with all that garbage, but he couldn't.
29:40 He knew too much now.
29:42 He began to sense his need, he knew his plan was not,
29:44 the plan that he should be following.
29:49 The food of that country could no longer fill him.
29:54 You know friends, there maybe someone watching now,
29:58 who has struggled and not made the decision
30:08 to follow, Jesus, all the way.
30:09 Maybe you have some issue in your life,
30:11 you err in your life where the Lord has been
30:13 convicting you of something that you need to do,
30:16 something you need to follow through with
30:19 and you're saying maybe later maybe later it's gonna,
30:21 it's gonna cost me too much,
30:22 maybe you're worried about those friends again,
30:24 maybe you're worried about family members,
30:26 maybe you're worried about
30:27 what its going to do to your job.
30:31 Maybe you're just going-- You are just thinking
30:32 it's gonna restrict my freedom,
30:34 I'm not going to be able to go out
30:35 to night clubs anymore.
30:36 I'm not going to have the freedom
30:37 to do all those things.
30:40 But even now you're not finding the pleasure
30:44 you use to find in those things.
30:46 Even now you're not enjoying them the way,
30:48 you want to convince yourself that,
30:49 that you are, but even now
30:52 you're not finding the pleasure in those things anymore.
30:55 You can't go back to eating what the swine are eating.
31:01 And so the young man is here,
31:02 what a miserable situation he finds himself in,
31:04 what a miserable situation.
31:07 He can't go, he can't go back
31:09 and he doesn't want to go forward
31:12 and so here he is feeding the pigs.
31:19 The Bible says verse 17 "But when he what,
31:30 when he came to himself,
31:34 he said, How many of my father's hired servants
31:39 have bread enough to spare, and I perish with hunger!
31:48 I will arise and go to my father,
31:52 and I will say to him, Father,
31:54 I have sinned against heaven and against you".
32:00 The Bible says he came to himself,
32:04 you know, before the city begin to be in want,
32:06 he realize the need that he had
32:08 but he wasn't need to back home,
32:09 he wasn't ready to face his dad,
32:11 he said no I can't do that yet.
32:13 I'm not going to go back and echo,
32:15 I'm going to work it out myself,
32:18 just like so many of us.
32:20 When God shows us there is no life
32:22 that need to be corrected,
32:24 we say, well, I'll work it out myself.
32:25 I see the need, but I'll fix it, you can't fix it.
32:30 The reason God chooses need,
32:31 he says that will come to him, so he can fix it.
32:36 Now we've got a change in the story.
32:37 Now it says, he came to himself,
32:42 something came to his attention,
32:43 he began a new revelation came to his mind.
32:46 He said, what I'm doing here,
32:49 I can see him sitting there slopping the pigs one day
32:51 and he just stops and it dawns on him,
32:52 he says what in the world I'm doing here with these pigs.
32:57 What I'm doing here.
33:00 My father's servants have it better than this.
33:05 Now you need to keep something in mind.
33:08 It wasn't long ago
33:09 that this young man was not willing to live
33:12 in his father's house as a son, let alone as a servant.
33:18 But something has changed
33:20 in his understanding of his father.
33:22 Something is changed, he is beginning to see
33:24 his father in a different light.
33:25 He is beginning to see that maybe dad wasn't
33:27 as overbearing as I thought he was.
33:32 I mean his own servants are doing better than I'm doing.
33:35 The young man who wasn't even willing to live
33:37 as a son in his father's house
33:39 is now actually even considering
33:41 going back as a servant.
33:45 And he begins to compose his speech.
33:50 Verse 18 "I will arise and go to my father,
33:52 I will say to him, Father,
33:53 I have sinned against heaven
33:54 and against you or before you".
33:59 Verse 19 "And I am no longer worthy
34:01 to be called your son.
34:05 Make me like one of the hired servants".
34:14 We call this phase repentance and notice something,
34:19 you know, there is a lot of ideas of repentance.
34:22 I'd say there is a lot of false repentance.
34:23 There is a lot of people who'll say,
34:25 oh, yeah, I'm a sinner, I'm going to accept Jesus.
34:30 But they don't ever really serve him.
34:33 Notice the true repentance
34:35 always brings about reformation.
34:38 True repentance always brings about reformations.
34:41 This young prideful man who wasn't willing to live
34:44 as a son in his father's house,
34:45 now willing to live as a servant, why?
34:47 Something has changed.
34:50 He is willing to come home
34:51 and he is going to repent before his father.
34:58 I will arise and go to my father,
34:59 but I want to tell you, we're not still
35:01 we're still not to the point of conversion
35:02 in the young man's life.
35:05 We're still not to the point of conversion
35:07 and the reason is this, he actually believed.
35:11 Now he has a new view of his father.
35:13 Remember, dad was so restrictive
35:15 before I got to get out, I'm not free at home,
35:17 all his rules are oppressive.
35:19 Now he is actually saying you know,
35:20 I'll be willing to go back.
35:24 But there is a problem,
35:26 he still, he actually believes his father will
35:29 take him back as a servant.
35:31 He still doesn't see the true character of his father.
35:33 He still hasn't realized
35:35 the true character of his father.
35:39 So he has got his speech ready
35:40 and he begins to come home.
35:42 Now the Bible tells us, verse 20
35:47 "And he arose and came to his father,
35:49 but when he was still what,
35:52 a great way off his father saw him".
35:58 I want you to think about something with me.
36:02 None of us sitting here this morning
36:04 can see somebody a great way off.
36:09 We can't see somebody a great way off,
36:12 primarily because we're not looking for anybody.
36:16 When the Bible says, the father saw his son
36:19 a great way off.
36:22 That tells us that the father had been watching for his son.
36:30 Furthermore the Bible gives us no indication
36:32 whatsoever about how long the son was gone,
36:34 was it two months, whether its six months,
36:36 was it a year, was it five years,
36:38 was it ten years, we don't know.
36:44 All we know is that--neither did the father know,
36:47 neither did that father know, which tells us that day in,
36:52 day out, he was looking
36:54 and longing for his son to come home.
36:59 And some of you here are parents,
37:02 who have children who've not accepted the, Lord Jesus.
37:07 Maybe at one time they did and they've fallen away
37:09 and you pray for them and you long for them
37:12 and you watch for them.
37:13 Don't give up hope. Don't give up hope.
37:16 We don't know how long that son was gone,
37:18 but that father did not give up hope.
37:20 Day in, day out, he waited,
37:21 he watched, he prayed when will my son come home.
37:27 And when one day he looked off
37:29 in the distance and he saw,
37:31 down the road he saw his son.
37:35 A way off in the distance the Bible says,
37:37 that the father begin to walk out to the son,
37:45 and met him on the roadside and said all right young man,
37:48 we've got to deal with some things here,
37:50 first and foremost you are on probation.
37:54 Is what the Bible tells us, look at what it says,
37:59 "When the father looked he saw he watched
38:02 and he saw his son a great way off.
38:07 Verse 20, "His father saw him
38:09 and had compassion, and ran,
38:13 and fell on his neck, and kissed him.
38:18 And the son said to him,
38:19 'Father, I have sinned against heaven
38:20 and in your sight,
38:22 and I am no longer worthy to be called your son.
38:23 But the father said to his servants,
38:25 bring out the best robe, and put it on him".
38:31 Clean up this smelly boy of mine,
38:33 keep in mind he was out there slopping the pigs.
38:37 Notice, it doesn't say
38:38 the father told him clean him up
38:41 and then bring him back
38:42 and I'm gonna hug him and kissed him.
38:45 That smelly boy came home with his rags
38:47 and that father was not hindered in running
38:50 and throwing his arms around his son and kissing him.
38:55 And then he told his servants,
38:56 come over here and take this son of mine
38:59 and put the best robes on him.
39:03 And put a ring on his hand and sandals on his feet.
39:09 Now there's something here you might not pickup
39:11 and I want to bring out to you.
39:13 That ring was not just the father said
39:15 hey, go down to the local jewelry shop
39:16 and pick up a nice little ring to put on
39:18 and say I have nice you know, fancy ring to wear.
39:22 In those days the ring and influential family
39:24 like that would have a ring
39:26 that was called a signet ring,
39:27 it was like the family check book.
39:33 This son had gone and blown his inheritance
39:37 and yet when the Bible says, the father said get the ring
39:42 and putting on him.
39:44 What it's telling us is that
39:45 when the father received his son back,
39:47 he received him fully instated
39:49 to the position he was in before he left.
39:55 You know, friends our heavenly father
39:57 longs for us to come home.
39:59 Longs for us, it doesn't matter
40:01 where we've been, what we've done,
40:03 he longs for us to come home.
40:06 Ready to throw his arms of love around us,
40:09 to cloth us in the robe of his righteousness,
40:13 and to fully reinstate us to his original idea
40:17 and plan for our lives.
40:21 What a beautiful picture
40:22 of our heavenly father in this story
40:26 and as the son begins to blew out his little speech,
40:28 father forgive me,
40:29 the father doesn't even pay attention to it.
40:33 He fully accepts his son back.
40:43 Now what's taken place here?
40:47 Has the father changed,
40:48 did the father say you know what son,
40:50 I'm gonna change all the rules
40:52 and now you just say you come home
40:54 and you'll enjoy things here.
40:57 No, there is nothing wrong with the rules
41:00 the father had.
41:01 It wasn't the rules,
41:02 it was the son's understanding,
41:04 or misunderstanding of his father in who he wants.
41:09 You know, there are Christians today,
41:10 there are even people professed to follow, Christ,
41:12 to say you know, what?
41:13 I don't think we need to be keeping
41:14 God's commandments anymore.
41:17 They are too restrictive, they take away our freedom,
41:19 we're just like that son, we want to run away,
41:22 there is too many rules, God gives us too many rules,
41:24 we have this perceived idea of freedom.
41:28 And sometimes God just let us carry it out
41:30 and go out into a far country
41:31 and find himself in a barren land.
41:34 Until we began to be in want
41:35 and we realize it's not the rules that God has,
41:38 it's my own carnal heart that's holding me back.
41:41 There is my own sinful desires
41:44 that make me feel restricted.
41:52 Has the father changed?
41:53 No, the change was in the son.
41:56 When the son came and he gave the speech
41:58 and then the father fully accepted him back
42:01 that's where the point goes
42:03 where we cross from conviction
42:04 to repentance to conversion,
42:07 because full conversion comes when we gain a true picture
42:13 of our loving heavenly Father, who He really is.
42:18 We realize, it is not this vengeful, God,
42:20 who simply wants us to serve Him,
42:22 because he is larger and in charge,
42:24 I'm, God, and you're not, serve me.
42:26 We come to the understanding that everything,
42:28 God, asks of us is to give us the freedom indeed,
42:33 that He alone can give.
42:39 Now we can end the story here would be fantastic,
42:41 but we can't because the story continues on.
42:44 Remember the man didn't have one son,
42:47 he had two sons.
42:52 He had two sons and picking up in our story.
43:03 Verse 23, "And bring the fatted calf here
43:05 and kill it, and let us eat and be merry".
43:08 Verse 24, "For this my son was dead
43:10 and is alive again, he was lost and he's found.
43:15 And they began to be merry.
43:18 Now his older son was in the field,
43:20 and as he came and drew near to the house,
43:23 and he heard the music and the dancing.
43:25 He called one of the servants
43:26 and asks what these things meant.
43:28 And he said to him, your brother has come home,
43:31 and because he has received him safe and sound,
43:33 your father has killed the fatted calf.
43:36 And the young man says, my brother is home,
43:38 I want to go and see him, I want to go throw
43:40 my arms around him and welcome him.
43:44 Is that the Bible says, all that it would say that.
43:52 No, the Bible says, that he was angry.
44:00 Verse 28, "But he was angry
44:02 and would not go in, therefore the father came out
44:07 and pleaded with him.
44:10 And so he answered and said to his father,
44:13 "Lo, these many years I have been serving you,
44:16 I never transgressed your commandment at any time,
44:20 and yet you never gave me a young goat,
44:22 that I might make merry with my friends."
44:25 But as soon as this son of yours came,
44:30 he disowned his brother in his own heart,
44:32 disowned his brother.
44:34 As soon as this son of yours came,
44:36 who has devoured your livelihood with harlots,
44:39 you killed the fatted calf for him.
44:43 And he said to him, 'Son, you are always with me,
44:48 and all that I have is yours.
44:52 'It was right that we should make merry and be glad,
44:54 for your brother was dead and is alive
44:58 and was lost and is found.'"
45:10 The older brother was angry, he was angry,
45:17 because he said I've never done the things
45:20 that my brother has done.
45:22 I've always been a faithful servant to you,
45:24 it's not fair.
45:28 It's not fair, why I had to live here
45:30 and follow all these rules and he never had to
45:33 and then he comes all he gets the same thing as me.
45:39 Jesus told a parable, about people working in vineyard.
45:45 The vineyard owner came out at the beginning of a day,
45:49 he saw some men standing around,
45:50 he says hey, listen I need some helpers.
45:54 Who of you need work?
45:55 Some of the guys say yeah, we could use some work,
45:56 come on out work for me, I'll pay your denarius a day.
45:59 They said good,
46:01 we could use the money, we could use the work,
46:02 they came out they begin to work for him.
46:04 Later on that day
46:06 the vineyard owner was in town,
46:07 he sees some other men standing idle
46:09 in the market places.
46:10 Why you're standing idle around here,
46:11 I can put you to work if you want to work,
46:12 they said great we love too.
46:13 He says come on now, I'll hire you for denarius a day.
46:18 At the end of the work day he goes out again
46:20 find some men standing around,
46:21 he says, why you're wasting your time
46:23 standing around, I need help, you want to work?
46:25 They said sure, we want to work.
46:26 He says come on out, I'll pay you denarius.
46:30 And at the end of the day when the work is done,
46:32 everybody comes to get their money.
46:36 The men who were there from the morning,
46:38 he hands them denarius,
46:40 the men who are there at noon,
46:41 he hands a denarius, and then here come those
46:43 who came at the end of the day
46:44 and he gives them the same pay.
46:47 And the people are irate, they says this is unfair.
46:50 How come, I'm working all the day along,
46:53 these guys come and work one hour
46:55 and they get the same pay as me.
47:00 The master said listen,
47:02 you thought it was fair when you started,
47:03 why isn't fair now.
47:08 You know, some of us a Christians,
47:10 some of us feel that way, we say I've been Christian,
47:12 I've been Christian my whole life,
47:14 it's not fair, we have some of these
47:15 new people come into the church,
47:16 they make these recent decisions
47:17 and they gets as much recognition as me.
47:22 Well, just like the older brother,
47:25 well, just like the older brother,
47:26 how come I never got to do, how come I never got to do.
47:29 My young brother went out and he got and went around,
47:31 he got to go to the parties, he got to go to the clubs,
47:34 he got to do all the stuff,
47:35 I never got to do any of that.
47:38 And now he gets the same thing I get.
47:42 Question, did the older brother enjoy
47:47 living in the father's house
47:48 anymore than the younger brother did.
47:51 The reality is no, just because he stayed at home,
47:56 it doesn't mean he appreciated
47:58 the rules of his father's house
48:00 anymore than the son, it doesn't mean
48:02 he appreciated the living in his father's house
48:03 anymore rather than his brother.
48:11 The only reason he stayed was
48:12 he thought he get some extra payoff out of it,
48:14 and that's way some of us are.
48:17 Sometimes we're like older brothers,
48:18 they are prodigals, there are prodigals that are out,
48:20 some of you're prodigals tonight.
48:24 Some of you're prodigals where,
48:26 you feel that you've been wandered away,
48:30 you've been in a far country,
48:33 you wandered away from the, Lord,
48:34 and you feel the need to comeback.
48:37 Some are older brothers, we've been in the house,
48:41 the whole time, they've been in the father's house,
48:44 but we felt restricted.
48:48 We didn't like all the rules
48:49 anymore than our younger brother did.
48:52 But we stuck around,
48:54 because at least we get a payoff,
48:56 at least we'll be viewed better
48:57 by the father it's not--
49:00 That's an obscure picture of who God is
49:04 and what He wants for us.
49:08 Notice what the father says to that brother.
49:17 The father says son, verse 31,
49:21 "You are always with me
49:24 and all that I have is yours".
49:31 What the father saying is to his older son,
49:33 son you're missing the point.
49:36 You are looking at what you didn't get to do
49:39 instead of what you have gotten to do.
49:43 You're looking at what your younger brother did
49:44 as though that the prize, when the reality is
49:47 you had the opportunity to build the relationship with me
49:50 that he has not had.
49:52 All that we would value,
49:55 the opportunity we have to know God and,
49:58 Jesus Christ, to who ascend
50:00 above the frivolous things of this world.
50:04 All that we would appreciate
50:06 the blessings of being in the father's house,
50:10 of being one of God's children.
50:13 There are people in this world
50:14 who've not yet accepted, Jesus Christ.
50:16 There are some of you here
50:17 who've not yet accepted, Jesus Christ.
50:20 The blessings and the privilege
50:21 is not being out and living
50:24 for what the world has to offer,
50:25 the blessing is being in the father's house.
50:31 The father tells his son,
50:32 you've been with me all along,
50:33 you have gotten the prize, you've really gotten
50:38 what your son-what your brother never did.
50:41 He has missed out on years.
50:45 And the best we can do is try to make up for it,
50:48 the best we can.
50:52 The true prize friends,
50:53 is being in the presence of the father.
51:02 In the Christian classics Steps to Christ,
51:05 page 44, it says this.
51:09 "There are those who profess to serve God,
51:12 while their hearts are not moved
51:13 by any deep sense of the love of Christ,
51:16 they seek to perform
51:18 the duties of the Christian life
51:20 as that which God requires of them
51:22 in order to gain heaven".
51:24 Friends we don't live a Christian life
51:26 in order to gain heaven.
51:28 We live a Christian life,
51:29 because by the grace of, Jesus,
51:30 we have gain heaven in Him.
51:38 Such religion, it goes on to say is worth nothing.
51:42 A profession of, Christ,
51:43 without this deep love is mere talk,
51:47 dry formality, and heavy drudgery".
51:50 That was the older brother, he was in the house,
51:55 but he didn't enjoy being in his father's presence
51:57 anymore than his younger brother had.
52:03 The true prize is being in the presence of the father.
52:07 True freedom is abiding in the father's word.
52:13 Some of us still chafe under the rules.
52:18 Churches today are catering to the carnal hearts,
52:22 appealing to those who feel the church
52:23 is too restrictive.
52:25 You got coffee bars, you got arcades,
52:27 you get all kinds of business in churches today.
52:30 Where we think, well, this is the problem,
52:32 we need to lighten up the rules.
52:35 Notice something in the parable
52:36 that did not happen.
52:39 We have a clear,
52:44 a clear exhibition of the father's love.
52:48 There is no question,
52:49 when that father is looking day in day out,
52:51 looking down the road and he saw his son
52:52 long way off that he went and embraced him,
52:54 there is no question.
52:55 We can have no question about the father's love
52:57 for his son, but notice
52:58 something the father never did.
53:01 The father never ran after His son
53:04 to bring him home, why?
53:09 Because the son would have only run away again,
53:13 as much as the father loved the son,
53:15 he knew he couldn't go and drag his son back home,
53:18 it had to be his son's choice.
53:21 Friend, God, will not drag you into His service,
53:24 God will not drag you into serving Him.
53:30 God will only draw and appeal and invite.
53:34 But it must be our choice,
53:38 because if it's not our choice,
53:40 nothing will keep us in the presence of the father.
53:43 We've got to desire Him.
53:47 There are churches today they're trying to appeal,
53:49 to these prodigals by changing the rules
53:53 of the father's house, that's not going
53:55 to bring that anything about.
53:58 We've not yet learned
53:59 that true freedom is not doing whatever we want,
54:01 whenever we want.
54:04 True freedom is abiding in Christ word
54:06 and dwelling in the presence of the father.
54:13 The younger brother left home in search of freedom.
54:20 Supposing he would find it
54:22 in a reckless unrestraint life
54:25 in a distant land.
54:31 He learned the true freedom
54:32 was abiding in his father's house
54:34 and living according to his father's will
54:38 in his father's presence.
54:44 The older brother had true freedom all along,
54:49 but he didn't recognize it or appreciated.
54:54 Do we, do we appreciate the freedom
54:59 we have in knowing, Christ, and His will for our lives
55:03 or do we chafe under rules.
55:07 Do we appreciate the true freedom
55:13 that, Christ, offers us?
55:17 Maybe the question I had asked is
55:19 do you really want to be free?
55:23 Do we really want the freedom that God is offering us,
55:27 not this world's brand of freedom
55:28 that will only live you desolate
55:30 and empty in a barren land, but true freedom,
55:34 the freedom that comes from committing
55:36 your life to Jesus Christ?
55:40 Friends you're not watching this program by accident.
55:43 Some of you've been keenly impressed
55:46 that you've been playing the part of the prodigal.
55:49 You thought you knew a better way than God's way.
55:52 You were tired of all the rules
55:53 and you didn't realize
55:55 that the rules in the father's house
55:57 are for your own happiness.
56:01 Today you felt that you're in a distant land,
56:07 far from your father's house.
56:11 You felt the emptiness of the famine in that land
56:13 and you've longed for something more in your life.
56:17 Just know you can hear
56:18 the Holy Spirit speaking to you,
56:21 He is speaking to your heart and saying arise
56:24 and go to your father.
56:27 What would hold you back?
56:30 The Holy Spirit is speaking to your heart
56:32 and saying arise go to your father,
56:34 he will take you, he will receive you in his arms.
56:38 Fully reinstated as a son, as a daughter of God.
56:44 Is that your desire today?
56:47 Is that your desire today, friends?
56:52 God wants us to be free indeed.
56:58 Free Indeed with the freedom
57:00 that comes from knowing Jesus.
57:05 He says to you now, come home, come home.
57:11 Friend, will you come?
57:14 Will you come back to your heavenly father?


Revised 2014-12-17