3ABN On the Road

Where Were You?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Kelly Linder


Series Code: OTR

Program Code: OTR000777

01:00 Hi, there. My name is Kelly Linder.
01:04 And I'm a Bible worker from the Detroit area.
01:08 I'm going to be presenting a message today
01:10 entitled, "Where Were You."
01:13 Not where were you but where were you.
01:17 And before I start I'd like to ask for prayer
01:23 on this very, very important subject.
01:26 So let's bow our heads.
01:28 Dear Heavenly Father, Lord, I want to thank you
01:33 so much for the way you lead us
01:36 and the many messages that you give us.
01:39 Lord, you gave me this message because I needed to hear it.
01:43 And Lord I believe that you have
01:45 inspired me to give it to other people
01:49 who need to hear it as well.
01:51 Lord, I pray that you'd be with me today.
01:56 Please pour your presence into all of us
01:58 and pour your Holy Spirit on us.
02:01 We ask these things in Jesus name, amen.
02:06 Now as I said, I'm a Bible worker
02:09 in the Detroit area and in my work a lot of times,
02:13 I run into--I would say, actually most of my studies
02:18 are with nonreligious people.
02:21 People that are irreligious.
02:23 They weren't brought up in religion
02:26 and most of them have rejected religion.
02:28 I myself was not brought up in religion.
02:33 And actually I'd like to share a little bit of my testimony.
02:38 Prior to my conversion, Seventh-day Adventism
02:44 I had kind of grown up on the wrong side of the tracks.
02:48 I was, you know, one of many,
02:50 I was in a Detroit hardcore band.
02:52 I was the singer and a lot of the people
02:56 I hung out with were, you know,
02:59 it was kind of--it was kind of like the junky,
03:01 drunkard, criminal, violent
03:04 sort of crowd, you know, dysfunction.
03:08 Lot of people I knew grew up with broken homes
03:11 without their father etcetera, etcetera.
03:13 And most of us had pretty much,
03:17 like I said, rejected religion.
03:20 Now part of the reason we rejected religion
03:23 is because the things that we had ever seen in religion
03:27 were very unattractive, very unappealing.
03:30 The last thing in the world that we wanted
03:32 was to be church people.
03:34 Okay, and so we embraced that decadent in lifestyle.
03:39 I would say that, we were the modern day equivalent
03:41 of the tax collectors, sinners, prostitutes,
03:45 drunkards, lepers, and publicans
03:48 who had rejected religion.
03:51 And there came a time
03:54 when I finally was able to see true religion.
03:57 But you know, at this point,
03:59 like I said, I had indulged in that decadent lifestyle.
04:02 I myself, you know, was an alcoholic prior
04:06 to having become a heroin addict.
04:09 I had about a $150 to $200 a day heroin addiction.
04:14 And I really just didn't feel like
04:16 there was any place for me in this world
04:18 or any real reason to live.
04:20 And so again, religion wasn't part of my hope
04:24 I embraced that lifestyle.
04:25 But in the process of being an addict
04:28 I came to a point where I finally hit rock bottom.
04:32 And it was at that point that I fell on the rock
04:34 and was broken by that rock.
04:36 Now what I can tell you about myself
04:41 is that when that happened
04:44 I realized I needed to find God.
04:46 I needed to go out and find God.
04:50 But I wasn't going to settle
04:53 for anything that was counterfeit.
04:56 I wanted to have relief from the pain and suffering
04:59 I was in but not enough
05:01 that I was gonna throw reality to the side.
05:04 If I was gonna find God it had to be a real God.
05:08 It had to be the real deal.
05:11 Well, I remember I ended up
05:13 going to a church, a Christian Church.
05:16 I don't remember what denomination it was
05:18 but I walked in with my old boss.
05:22 I sit down and I just started to listen
05:24 and it's the same old thing I had ever heard anywhere else.
05:29 Here I'm on a mission to find God
05:31 and I go into church
05:33 and I find the same old nonsense
05:35 I ever found before that I rejected.
05:37 And I remember the voice of reason speaking to me
05:39 which I now recognized to have been the voice of God
05:43 saying to me, "Get up and leave
05:45 you're not gonna find it here."
05:47 And that's exactly what I did.
05:48 I got up and walked out.
05:51 I went back home. I was very depressed.
05:54 And I thought, "You know, what is there to live for?"
05:58 And I was desperate.
06:00 I had no noble reasons for coming to Christ.
06:03 It was desperation and pain.
06:07 I got down on my knees that very day.
06:09 And this is the prayer that I prayed.
06:13 "God, I know you exist.
06:15 It's intellectually sound
06:17 you can't get away from it, there must exist a God.
06:21 But I don't have enough intelligence or time
06:24 in this world to look under
06:26 every rock and to read every book
06:27 and to visit every religion, every church.
06:30 You need to show me.
06:33 If you want me and I want you,
06:36 I ask you to show me the way you want me to go.
06:40 And I pray that you would give me an indicator
06:43 that this is the way you want me to go."
06:47 Within days of saying that prayer
06:51 I was introduced to Seventh-day Adventism.
06:54 And not only was I introduced to it
06:57 but I was given the indicator
06:59 that I was asked-- that I had asked for.
07:01 The indicator that signaled to me
07:03 that this is something I need to look into.
07:06 And so as I said before, I'm coming from this
07:08 really rough background.
07:09 I rejected religion my whole life.
07:11 But all of a sudden here is something
07:14 I'd seen that had authority to it.
07:16 Over here I'm seeing something that made sense to me.
07:21 Over here I'm seeing something that wasn't
07:23 unattractive and I jumped right in.
07:27 I jumped right in, I read the "Great Controversy."
07:29 I went through "The Conflict of the Ages."
07:31 I studied prophesy. I was in it.
07:33 And I'm even more in it today
07:35 seven years later than I was then.
07:40 So with that said, I wanna tell you that
07:43 in the work I do, doing Bible work
07:46 what I have discovered is a lot of people I studied
07:49 with are my old friends, punk rock friends,
07:51 you know, bikers, and you know,
07:53 a lot of these people from the underbelly.
07:56 These are the people I study with.
07:57 And what I've discovered is just like me.
08:00 They--most of them have rejected religion
08:04 but when they hear the message of the Seventh-day Adventist.
08:08 When I share that with them they are forced to
08:11 recognize something real here.
08:13 And most of them do acknowledge
08:15 that they're hearing something that's different.
08:18 Something that's better than anything they ever heard.
08:21 Now I'm gonna talk about that more in a few minutes.
08:24 At this point, I'd like to say that
08:27 one of the most commonly asked questions
08:29 that I get as a Bible worker, especially from those
08:33 friends of mine I just mentioned is the question,
08:37 Where was God? Where was God?
08:42 09/11/2001, where was God?
08:46 New Orleans, where was God?
08:50 The Tsunamis, where was God?
08:53 The Holocaust, where was God?
08:56 Homelessness, famine, pestilence, age, war,
09:01 etcetera, etcetera, on and on, where was God?
09:07 Where are you, God? Where are you?
09:12 Well, for the record, God has answered that question.
09:17 He has answered that question.
09:19 And we're gonna talk about that later.
09:20 I'm gonna share that answer that many of you already know.
09:25 But now I wanna go back to my nonreligious friends
09:28 that I was just speaking of.
09:31 Now as I was saying before when it comes to sharing
09:34 the wonderful, incredible truths of the SDA message?
09:38 Most of the un-church people I know
09:41 are really open to hearing it. In fact most of them accepted.
09:46 So I'm thinking this is great. I'm leading people to God.
09:50 I'm leading people to Christ. They're accepting it.
09:54 Now all I have to do is to get them
09:57 to transition into the church. Now we have a problem.
10:02 This is where we run into a real stumbling block.
10:07 When I ask these friends of mine,
10:09 what it is that stops them from
10:14 becoming a part of the church, from coming to the church,
10:16 from getting involved in the church.
10:19 I get all kind of answers. All kinds of answers.
10:25 You know, some people just aren't ready.
10:27 You know, that's a valid, that's a valid answer.
10:30 You know, they have to come in their time.
10:31 They can acknowledge the truth.
10:32 A lot of people learn the truth.
10:34 They are impressed by truth
10:35 but they never come into the truth.
10:36 It's not convenient enough, okay.
10:39 So there's and I can accept that,
10:40 I can accept that that happens.
10:42 When I first heard it I was in the overnight success.
10:45 It took me two years before I fully came in
10:48 and was baptized before I get over smoking,
10:50 drug addiction, alcoholism, etcetera, etcetera.
10:56 So I can understand that
10:58 but then I get these kind of answers.
11:00 These are the ones that stump me
11:03 or at least they used to stump me.
11:05 This is the real obstacle.
11:09 These are the valid objections.
11:10 People say, church people are boring, okay.
11:14 They say church people are hypocrites.
11:18 We're talking about church people here.
11:20 Church people are generic. Church people are phony.
11:26 Church people are one dimensional.
11:29 Church people are weird. Church people are arrogant.
11:35 Church people are weak. Church people are gullible.
11:39 So you're gonna hear all these.
11:41 Church people are stupid.
11:43 Church people have blind faith.
11:46 Church people are judgmental. Church people gossip too much.
11:51 Church people are Fanatics.
11:54 Church people are narrow-minded.
11:56 Church people are grumpy. Church people are mean.
11:58 Church people are insane. Now that's my old attitude.
12:03 You know, what I, I stand to gain nothing
12:05 by becoming a church person.
12:06 I didn't come into this to be a church person.
12:09 Church calls it turns me off.
12:10 I came in because I love Christ.
12:14 I love the man and He makes sense to me.
12:17 He touches my heart. That's what brings me into it.
12:21 What keeps me into it.
12:22 Well, that's what we're talking about today.
12:25 Okay, now with that said I have to say again these are--
12:33 I admit these are all valid objections.
12:35 These are things I struggle with.
12:37 I still struggle with when I first came
12:39 into the church it was hard.
12:43 You know, I'm hearing hymns and you know
12:45 and I'm running into, you know,
12:48 the way people talk and the way people dress
12:51 and it was just-- it was foreign
12:53 and I just wasn't impressed by it.
12:56 Again that's not what impressed me.
12:59 Those are valid obstacles that people run into.
13:02 Church people do display some of those objectionable traits
13:05 that I just mentioned those flaws.
13:09 And Satan is so cunning, so crafty,
13:14 such a antichristian, antichristian genius.
13:22 You know, the way he uses these flaws
13:25 and these defects to turn people away.
13:27 He uses every one of these flaws
13:30 to either repel the outsiders,
13:33 keep them away, or to drive out the insiders.
13:39 Again I ought to know.
13:42 Before I was a Christian
13:44 these were the very same types of things
13:46 that repelled me.
13:48 Okay and I'll give you another for instance.
13:51 Probably about 15 years ago,
13:53 no, actually about 17 years ago
13:56 I was working as a gas station attendant, cashier.
14:00 It was the middle of the night.
14:03 I worked the midnight shift and you know I'm in there.
14:06 I told you I was in the punk rock and hardcore.
14:10 And I'm in there working, you know,
14:11 and I can remember what I was wearing and everything.
14:13 I had a black T-shirt on it
14:14 had little white skulls all over it, okay.
14:17 I had dyed black hair. You know, the pierced ear.
14:21 Pair of ripped up Levis jeans on
14:25 and Brooks leather jacket,
14:28 you know the motorcycle leather.
14:29 And I had music cranking in there.
14:30 It was really super loud
14:32 and it was the band Jane's Addiction, okay.
14:35 About his decadent as you can get.
14:37 This was really I was into.
14:40 And I seeing this station wagon pulls up.
14:45 And all these people get out of the station wagon.
14:49 And right away I don't know how I knew it,
14:52 but I knew, I knew that these guys were "Christians."
15:01 I knew that, I don't know how I knew
15:03 but they were clean-cut.
15:04 They had the Alligator shirt on.
15:06 You know, the clean-cut,
15:07 the squeaky hairdo, etcetera, etcetera.
15:10 They're coming into the store and I know
15:13 they're coming into witness to me, "To Witness."
15:17 So I'm standing there behind the,
15:19 behind the-- behind the register
15:22 and the guy who was driving he comes in.
15:26 I see him come in, like I said
15:27 I know what he is about to do.
15:29 And he's heading for the cash register
15:31 and he comes up and I tell you I'm not making this up.
15:34 He says to me, just like a game show host.
15:37 This guy says to me.
15:38 "Hey, guy, what's that shirt all about?"
15:42 I mean, just like that, just like that.
15:44 I'm not making this up and I look at my shirt
15:47 and I'm almost embarrassed to answer
15:48 because of, I know he knows what skulls represent.
15:53 They represent death. Just plain and simple.
15:56 But I answered him anyway. I said, "Represents death."
16:03 And he says, "Hey, I'm here to tell you about
16:06 life, death, who needs that.
16:08 Do you know Jesus Christ is
16:10 your personal Lord and Savior?"
16:12 And I said to him, "Okay, I get it.
16:17 You're witnessing to me."
16:19 And then I went to my knees
16:20 and I accepted Christ and the rest is history.
16:22 Right? Right? Wrong.
16:27 This--what this guy did was actually turn me off
16:29 and push me that much further away.
16:31 And I said to him, "Look, man,
16:32 I understand what you're trying to do here
16:34 you're witnessing to me. I go but it's not working.
16:38 So I can--I realize you have nothing to tell me,
16:41 nothing real to say, except for your
16:44 preprogrammed rhetoric so you can just
16:46 turn around and walk right back out."
16:49 Which is exactly what I said
16:50 and that's exactly what he did.
16:52 Now with that said that's another one of those
16:56 characteristics I was just talking about.
16:57 I was repelled by that.
16:59 This is--these are the kind of things
17:01 that I would run into and that my friends
17:03 would run into to create this idea of
17:07 what church people are like.
17:09 So now we come to the Adventist message,
17:11 yes, yes, yes, but we run into
17:13 church culture and it's no, no, no.
17:16 That's the hard part as I said before.
17:19 Now that you know, as I said,
17:21 that's what kept me out before
17:22 but now that I'm an insider I can't even begin to tell you
17:29 how many times Satan has tried to drive me out of the church.
17:35 How many times I've been tempted to walk, okay.
17:39 But I reject that answer. Walking is not the solution.
17:43 Staying out is not the solution.
17:44 If you're a true seeker of God
17:47 or you're truly committed to Christ
17:49 you're not gonna leave for such shallow stupid reasons.
17:53 That, that is no reason to walk away
17:56 from your responsibility and your commitment to Christ.
17:59 Now I'll talk more about that as we go.
18:02 Just stay with me. Stay with me, okay.
18:08 By the way I don't want to separate myself
18:12 from the defects that I mentioned earlier.
18:14 I have defects too. I'm imperfect.
18:17 I've played a part in those collective flaws.
18:21 I can't separate myself from that so I won't.
18:24 I have to admit I play a part in it.
18:27 Now I'm gonna change gears here
18:29 for a minute, for a little while.
18:32 Did you know that each one of us
18:36 has been called of God by name?
18:40 Every single human being that has ever existed
18:45 has been called of God by name, okay.
18:51 And hopefully when this message is over
18:56 all of us will have an easier time
18:59 being able to recognize His voice calling us by name.
19:04 Okay, now these are things I haven't always known.
19:07 I've learned it in hindsight
19:09 that God has called me by name
19:11 and called other people by name.
19:14 Now if you have your Bible handy
19:18 turn to Revelation Chapter 2, verse 17.
19:24 Very interesting passage.
19:26 That's Revelation Chapter 2, verse 17.
19:34 Where it says, "He who has an ear to hear,
19:39 let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.
19:42 To him who overcomes,
19:44 I will give some of the hidden manna to eat.
19:47 And I will give him a white stone
19:50 and on the white stone a new name written
19:53 which no one knows except him who receives it."
19:57 Now I know this isn't filler.
19:59 I've come to realize in my study of the Bible--
20:01 I'm a Bible student, and I've come to realize
20:04 and I'm convinced there are no filler words in the Bible.
20:09 You hear something like this said
20:11 you need to automatically realize
20:14 that there is a purpose to it.
20:17 It means something and I would look at that
20:20 and I would wonder what does that mean?
20:22 I will receive a new name that nobody knows accept me
20:25 and of course the one who gave me that name, okay.
20:28 And that's the name we've been called by.
20:31 Now I have to quote one of my favorite writers.
20:36 He is not an Adventist.
20:38 I'm not in--I'm not in complete harmony
20:41 with everything he says but I believe that
20:43 God gifted this man to be the greatest apologist
20:47 of our--of our times C.S. Lewis.
20:50 And I want to read a couple of quotes by him
20:53 on the subject and they're absolutely amazing.
20:56 So go with me one moment, okay.
21:02 This is what he says.
21:03 This is from the book "The Problem of Pain."
21:06 Now anybody who has read C.S. Lewis
21:08 knows that this man has intellect.
21:11 You can feel your Christian brain
21:13 growing larger as you read his writings.
21:16 God really did gift him.
21:18 It says, it is said, "To him that overcometh
21:21 I will give a white stone, and in the stone
21:23 a new name written, which no man knows
21:26 saving him that received it.
21:29 What can be more a man's own than this new name
21:33 which even in eternity remains a secret between God and Him.
21:38 And what shall we take this secrecy to mean?
21:41 Surely, that each of the redeemed
21:45 shall forever know and praise some one aspect
21:49 of the divine beauty better than any other creature can.
21:55 Why else were individuals created but that God,
21:59 loving all infinitely, should love each differently?
22:03 And this difference, so far from impairing,
22:06 floods with meaning the love of all blessed creatures
22:10 for one another, the communion of the saints.
22:14 If all experienced God in the same way
22:17 and returned Him an identical worship,
22:20 the song of the church triumphant
22:22 would have no symphony, it would be like an orchestra
22:25 in which all the instruments played the same note.
22:28 For doubtless the continual successful
22:31 yet never completed attempt by each soul
22:33 to communicate its unique vision
22:36 to all others and that by means
22:38 whereof earthly art and philosophy
22:40 are but clumsy imitations is also among the ends
22:44 for which the individual was created."
22:47 That's incredible. That is absolutely incredible.
22:50 And he is absolutely right on the money,
22:54 we're not clones, we're not clones.
22:57 God didn't intend for us to be conformist.
23:01 And as David Asscherick says,
23:04 "Unity is not the same as uniformity."
23:07 God created us to be individuals.
23:09 Bring your personality into the church we want it.
23:13 Now I wanna read one more quote.
23:15 Another one, it's a little shorter
23:17 but it's just as potent in connection.
23:21 It says--I love this quote. I love it.
23:24 It says, "I would prefer to combat
23:27 the I'm special feeling not by the thought
23:30 that I'm no more special than anyone else
23:32 but by the feeling everyone is as special as me."
23:37 Okay, "In one way there is no difference
23:40 I grant for both, remove the specialty.
23:43 But there is a difference in another way.
23:46 The first might lead you to think,
23:48 I'm only one in the crowd like everyone else.
23:51 But the second leads to the truth
23:53 that there isn't any crowd.
23:56 No one is like anyone else.
23:58 All are members, organs in the body of Christ.
24:03 All different and all neccessary to the whole
24:08 and to one another.
24:10 Each loved by God individually
24:13 as if it were the only creature in existence."
24:17 Man, that's incredible.
24:18 "Otherwise you might get the idea that God is like
24:22 the government which can only deal with people in a mass."
24:27 That brings me so close to Christ
24:29 to hear this touches my heart.
24:32 'Cause I look at my children like that.
24:34 They're not-- they're individuals.
24:36 I love them. I love their personality.
24:38 God feels that way about us. And I know it's true.
24:42 This strikes a quote in me and it brings me
24:44 that much closer to the Father
24:47 to hear this and I know its right, I know its right.
24:51 Okay, now what's the purpose of a name
24:56 to take that concept a little further?
24:59 A name is what we employ to distinguish
25:02 one person, place, or thing from another.
25:06 Person, place, or thing. There is Detroit.
25:12 Here comes, Larry.
25:14 That thing over there is a nutcracker.
25:17 You know these are the titles.
25:19 These are the titles we give them.
25:20 Now when it comes to people
25:24 let's use last names as an example.
25:27 Okay, in English we have last names
25:30 that are, that are titles.
25:33 Names like Miller and Smith and Farmer
25:37 and Hunter and Johnson and Robertson,
25:42 Jackson and Hanson and so it goes, okay.
25:47 So we have that example, last names.
25:49 Last names tell who these people are.
25:52 We have first names.
25:54 Now a lot of people don't realize it
25:56 and I hope nobody will make
25:58 fun of me after they hear this.
26:00 But my first name is Sherman, Sherman.
26:06 And I'm just saying that because in the movies
26:08 and in stories every time there is a kid name Sherman,
26:11 he's always a short fat kid with glasses, okay.
26:15 So don't tell anybody. My first name is a Sherman.
26:19 Now in the old English, the meaning of the Sherman
26:24 is literally the shear man, okay.
26:29 And what they're talking about is
26:30 there was a guy who was down there
26:33 cutting the wool of the sheep that's what he did.
26:38 He was the cutter of sheep's wool,
26:41 pretty interesting.
26:43 Well, I'm gonna tell you why I go by Kelly.
26:46 That's my middle name. My middle is a Kelly.
26:48 And I know, it's been turned into a girl's name
26:51 but it hasn't always been a girl's names.
26:52 It used to be primarily a boy's name, a man's name.
26:57 And from what I understand in Gaelic,
27:00 the name means, courageous,
27:03 brave warrior, faithful to the king.
27:08 See why I go by that name?
27:10 Why would go I by Sherman if I can go by Kelly?
27:13 You know that's the name I like.
27:15 Hopefully I live up to that title, okay.
27:18 And I wanna use another example, the Native Americans.
27:23 I'm not sure if everybody knows it,
27:25 but the Native Americans, they don't name themselves
27:29 like, Bob, or Jerry or Louis.
27:32 The name they give each other is what that person is.
27:37 I'll give you an example from a movie.
27:40 A film called "Dances with Wolves."
27:42 I had seen this movie. I still love this movie.
27:44 Anybody seen it? You'll know that,
27:47 the main character played by Kevin Costner,
27:51 that's his name in the movie.
27:54 His name appointed to him by the natives.
27:57 The natives Americans, this particular tribe
28:01 is watching Kevin Costner, you know,
28:03 as they're spying on him and they see him
28:05 out there frolicking with the wolves.
28:08 And so they name him, "Dances with Wolves."
28:11 That's him right there. That's his title.
28:13 That's what does. So these just,
28:16 these are just a few examples, okay.
28:19 Again names are titles.
28:22 They tell others who you are,
28:26 what you are and what it is that you do.
28:32 God designed who I am, what I am
28:36 and what it is that I should do.
28:38 Whether or not I do it's a different story
28:40 but God has designed my name, my title.
28:45 He created me with a purpose, okay.
28:50 And only He knows the full extent of the name He gave me.
28:53 I don't even know it at this point.
28:55 According to Revelation I won't know until the end.
28:57 When He gives me that white stone, okay.
29:00 I'm sure it's unpronounceable in this world, okay.
29:05 Now he--now I think of God sometime an artist.
29:08 You know, I paint and I draw and I sculpt.
29:11 And you know, I've always been creative, you know,
29:14 that's why I was in a hardcore band.
29:16 I wrote lyrics. I drew all the band logos.
29:19 And the flyers and you know I did all the PR work.
29:25 And you know I can relate to an artist
29:29 because of that and I always think of God,
29:30 God is the original artist.
29:33 God is the original--He not only is my Father.
29:35 He is my Father but he's also the original artist, okay.
29:41 Now not--He is not merely creating a piece of art, okay.
29:47 See I create pieces of art and then I sell them,
29:50 you know, or I print them or I hang them on my wall.
29:54 There is my art, I don't lay down with that art.
29:57 I don't kiss that art. I don't hug my art.
30:00 I don't use my art for any particular thing.
30:03 It just hangs there on the wall
30:05 and it has aesthetic value.
30:07 There it is. Look at my painting.
30:08 Does it touch your heart? There it is, okay.
30:10 It might touch your heart. It might move you.
30:12 It might, you know, make you sad,
30:15 you know, whatever.
30:17 But when it comes to God,
30:19 boy, His art is so much more interesting,
30:22 so much more interesting, human being, being the canvas.
30:27 The original artist created us
30:29 as living functional works of art. One of a kind.
30:35 The only one of our kind
30:37 and I like what C. S. also says here,
30:39 "A species unto our individual selves."
30:44 Man, how can you not love that?
30:47 That's who we are.
30:49 I want you to remember that, okay.
30:51 I want you to remember that
30:53 and decide that you're gonna live
30:54 according to that in God's service, okay.
31:01 And as David says,
31:03 "Fearfully and wonderfully made," right?
31:07 I've heard people say,
31:08 "Until you realize what a scumbag maggot you are
31:11 God can't help you.
31:13 Well, I understand humility
31:15 but I'm not going that row, you know.
31:18 If that was the case I'd be--if I said that
31:21 I'd be insulting God's workmanship.
31:23 God created me to be fearfully and wonderfully made, okay.
31:30 And we need to see ourselve in light.
31:34 Ellen White says, in light, not an exact quote
31:37 but she says something to the effect.
31:39 We need to see ourselves in accordance
31:43 with the price He paid for us. That's pretty valuable.
31:47 That's pretty valuable. That's pretty precious, okay.
31:50 I need to see myself that way.
31:52 I need to see each and every one of you
31:54 that way, okay.
32:00 We are specifically designated and designed to do
32:07 what no other creature in all existence,
32:12 not merely human, but even in the infinite heavens
32:16 we are designed to do something
32:17 and to be something and to be someone
32:20 that nobody else can't do or can be, okay.
32:25 Now don't forget that this message,
32:28 "Where Were You?" Okay.
32:31 Is written as an appeal to people
32:33 to either come into this church
32:35 or to stay in this church.
32:38 Now let's talk about the word church.
32:43 A lot of people don't know
32:44 but that word comes for the Greek word Ecclesia.
32:48 I hope I'm saying it right.
32:50 But that's how it reads to me, Ecclesiastes, Ecclesia.
32:54 The word Ecclesia translates into the English literally
32:58 I mean no variation called out.
33:02 When you say church
33:03 what you're saying in definition is called out.
33:07 The called out ones.
33:09 Now sadly Satan using human agency
33:13 has reduced the word church to merely men
33:17 or that building we go to every Sabbath
33:20 and that we sit at.
33:21 No, no, no, man, get this, get this.
33:27 This is a special thing we go to when we go to church.
33:32 Very, very special.
33:36 Church is a brotherhood fellowship.
33:40 A brotherhood fellowship of those who have been
33:45 called out by God, by name,
33:50 you know like, come out of her my people.
33:52 We are called out by God by name.
33:57 You know, I'll just say it seven years ago,
34:00 I heard God calling my name
34:01 but I didn't know I heard Him
34:02 calling my name but He was.
34:04 When I sat in that church and I recognized that,
34:07 that typical nonsense that was going in that church
34:11 I heard God calling me.
34:12 Get up and leave you're not gonna find it here.
34:15 You know, He was calling me
34:16 by name in a deep, deep sense, okay.
34:21 Again church is a brotherhood fellowship
34:24 of those God has called out by name,
34:29 called out individually
34:31 and specifically to bring a secret recipe,
34:33 dish to pass to the proverbial potluck.
34:37 Okay, I bring into that makes an angle,
34:39 a flavor, a viewpoint, a musical note
34:44 that no one else has been selected
34:46 to bring to this body but me.
34:49 I'm a member of this body, okay.
34:54 If I'm a foot and I stay away the body limps.
34:58 Without the foot the body limps.
34:59 I have something to share with you
35:02 and you have something to share with me.
35:06 Here's the point. Again here is the point.
35:10 The point of this whole message. Come to church.
35:14 Can you do that?
35:15 Come to church the called out ones.
35:20 Come into this God is calling you, okay.
35:25 And stay in church. Stay in the church.
35:29 Don't just be a church person come into this church
35:32 and fulfill your destiny, okay.
35:37 When you-- When you avoid
35:39 the ecclesiastical gathering of the called out by name
35:44 you deprive yourself from something that you need
35:48 and can only get from the body.
35:52 And at the same time you deprive the body of something
35:57 that only you are prepared to supply to the body.
36:00 And God will hold you accountable.
36:03 God will hold you accountable for holding back
36:07 and barring the talent that He gave you to gain more,
36:11 something that would have benefited
36:13 and served the fellowship or else He will reward us
36:18 for putting our two pennies into the dish, okay.
36:21 The old woman didn't have much.
36:23 She put in what she had and Jesus said,
36:25 "She put in more than all of you."
36:27 See God holds us accountable.
36:29 He rewards us or He punishes us.
36:32 He holds us accountable for what we bring in to the mix.
36:37 Now I also wanna say a couple of things here.
36:41 Jesus said, "If you separate yourself from the vine
36:44 you're gonna die."
36:46 Basically, in a nutshell you're going to die.
36:48 If you don't come into the body
36:51 you kill yourself, you hurt us.
36:53 I mean, we're gonna be impaired.
36:55 We're not gonna be able to work as effectively
36:57 without your presence
36:59 but you will die spiritually without the church.
37:05 You need us. We need you.
37:09 We want you. We desire you but you need us.
37:14 We need the church, okay.
37:18 Now again as I was saying earlier
37:21 from an inside point of view, I can't count,
37:25 and I mean, literally, I can't count
37:27 how many times Satan has tempted me
37:30 to leave the church and never come back.
37:32 Man, look at these weirdos. I'm out of here.
37:35 Get away from these people.
37:36 Man, there's so much fun to have out there.
37:38 Why am I even doing this?
37:40 Seem so meaningless, so dead, so dry,
37:43 you know, so generic, so phony,
37:46 all the things I said earlier. Church people do this.
37:49 Church people do that. So and so was rude to me.
37:53 Thus and so misjudged me. This person snubbed me.
37:57 Those people talked about me behind my back.
38:01 That guy gave me a dirty look.
38:03 That person is unfriendly, blah, blah, blah, blah, okay.
38:09 That's always my first human nature reaction.
38:12 I'm leaving.
38:13 That's always my first gut reaction.
38:15 I'm out of here. It's my reflex.
38:18 But then divine nature trumps my human nature
38:23 and comes to the rescue and I realized
38:28 that's exactly what Satan wants me to do.
38:32 Now when I realized what's going on
38:35 I actually become even more determined
38:39 and dedicated and committed to stay in the church.
38:46 To stay in the church
38:48 and to fulfill my mission, my mission.
38:51 I mean, I actually get fired up.
38:53 When I realized what the devil is trying to do,
38:56 he's trying to drive me out. Amen.
38:59 Like everybody else I must be pretty special.
39:01 Everyone else is as special as me
39:03 but that doesn't negate the fact
39:05 that I'm special and I must be really special
39:08 'cause he is trying to destroy me
39:10 and chase me out of here. I must have a mission.
39:14 I must have a mission.
39:15 Therefore I'm going to stay here
39:18 in spite of the trial. I'm on trial.
39:21 Is my faith genuine? Is it fake?
39:23 I am on trial and I'm gonna stay here
39:25 in spite of my trial and fulfill my mission.
39:30 We all have one. We all have one.
39:34 We're all parts of the body. We all serve a function.
39:39 And what is my mission?
39:43 Now my mission is what my secret name is.
39:49 That's what my mission is. My secret name.
39:52 The name He gave me. The name He called me by.
39:57 Stay with me, okay, just stay on with me while we--
40:01 while we continue on them.
40:02 Remember names are titles that distinguish one person,
40:07 place, or thing from another person, place, or thing.
40:11 And they tell who you are, what you are,
40:14 and what it is that you do.
40:17 Now we have to go in this a little deeper.
40:23 If I come into the church
40:26 and I notice hypocritical behavior.
40:33 That is God saying to me,
40:36 "I showed you that for a reason
40:38 and you noticed that for a reason.
40:41 Part of the name I give you
40:43 is the opposite of hypocrisy," okay.
40:50 Do what you're saying you're gonna do.
40:52 Do practice what you preach. That's part of your name.
40:56 Now go lead by example. Go lead by example.
41:00 There is deficiencies there go lead by example.
41:04 If I noticed judgmental behavior in the church,
41:07 God is saying to me,
41:09 "I showed you that for a reason."
41:11 Part of the name I call you by is non-judgmentalism.
41:16 Go and fulfill your mission.
41:18 I've called you by name
41:19 to go in there and lead by example."
41:23 If I noticed phony behavior in the church,
41:27 God is calling me one of my names authenticity, okay.
41:33 Authenticity, I've called you by name.
41:35 I showed you that for a reason.
41:37 Go in there to your brothers and sisters
41:39 and lead by example, okay.
41:43 And on the subject just a little side note.
41:46 We don't need to try to be real.
41:48 We are real people.
41:50 We're real human beings with real personalities.
41:53 But we have to remember
41:55 that the devil is a great counterfeiter
41:58 that's what he does. He is a phony.
42:01 We must guard ourselves from being phony.
42:05 We must vigilantly keep our guard up
42:08 to not become disingenuous, okay.
42:13 We don't need to try to be real
42:14 but we do have to try and guard ourselves
42:17 from being a false counterfeit, okay.
42:22 Finally, I'll use another one more example.
42:26 If you come in the church and you noticed that I'm--
42:31 you know, one of my struggles, I'm being honest,
42:33 is sometimes I come across
42:35 kind of harsh and impatient,
42:39 okay. And I don't mean to.
42:40 I think it's just old habits
42:42 that still kind of linger on little bit.
42:45 But if you noticed that
42:48 then part of the name God is calling you by
42:51 is the opposite of rude and impatient.
42:54 God is calling you to be patient and kind,
42:58 patient and loving, okay.
43:05 You know, we are called to lead by example
43:07 in the name of Jesus.
43:09 In the name of Jesus, we are called to lead by example.
43:13 Jesus sanctifies my name with His name.
43:17 I have to say that since I've been in this church,
43:21 since I've been a disciple of Christ
43:25 all of my advancements, all of them,
43:28 every single one of them have come
43:31 as a result of witnessing christ-like goodness
43:36 in either Christ Himself or in Christ followers, okay.
43:43 I was supported in my weaknesses.
43:46 I was supported by their strengths, their examples.
43:51 Now I wanna give a few examples, okay.
43:54 Few examples of their examples, okay.
43:58 When I was early on in my conversion,
44:03 I would, I would look at children right now.
44:07 I didn't have children at that time.
44:09 And frankly I didn't dislike children
44:13 but I didn't like them and I was more indifferent.
44:15 I didn't wanna be bothered. I didn't wanna be bothered.
44:19 But I'm reading my Bible one day
44:22 and I read the story about how Jesus was teaching the people,
44:27 the little kids were trying to get to Him and the disciples
44:30 blocked the little children from getting to Him.
44:33 First of all, I read that story and I realized,
44:37 wow, whatever Jesus had going on in His personality
44:40 and demeanor those children were attracted to it.
44:44 They were trying to get Him--to Him.
44:46 And I just--it made me love Christ even more to imagine
44:49 what He must have been like that
44:51 those little precious children were trying to get to Him
44:54 I used to be a little kid.
44:55 I know what kind of demeanor
44:57 I was attracted to when I was little.
44:58 So I remember that and I think,
45:00 wow, Christ had that going on,
45:02 you know, so I am attract to that.
45:04 Now I looked at the situation there
45:09 and I--and Jesus, you know, He stands up,
45:11 He tells the disciples
45:12 suffer the children and come onto me.
45:14 Stop blocking them. I want them to come onto me.
45:18 And I read this and here I was--
45:20 I was indifferent
45:21 and yet when I read that it touched my heart.
45:25 I mean, it really touched my heart.
45:26 And I thought, man,
45:28 I recognized the deficiency in myself.
45:31 Christ example made me realize my deficiency
45:35 but that example also motivated me
45:39 to be more like Christ.
45:41 From that point on even though my feelings weren't there
45:44 I went out on my way to start being nice to children.
45:47 I'd smile at children.
45:49 I'd give the children a compliment.
45:51 I'd mess their hair up. I put my arm around them.
45:54 You know, whatever little opportunity
45:55 I could do successfully and honestly I would do.
46:00 And you know what, since that time
46:03 I have come to absolutely love and adore little children
46:08 and they love me. See this is amazing.
46:11 That's what happens when we support each other.
46:14 That is Christ example.
46:15 Now I'll use another of Christ examples.
46:17 I have a good friend.
46:19 One of my best friends in the entire Adventist Church
46:22 by the name of Jose Kaboski and he goes to Oakwood
46:25 where I go to church in Taylor.
46:27 Now when I first came to--
46:28 I can tell you this guy has mentored me.
46:31 When I first came to the church I had seen that
46:34 more than anybody else that I had met in the church
46:36 this guy had leadership ability.
46:38 That was just amazing.
46:40 And whatever the task was this guy would tackle it.
46:43 He jumped on it in spite of the criticism,
46:45 in spite of the inconvenience whatever the case,
46:49 this guy would jump on it. And I watched Joe.
46:52 You know what, man, he is a real example of leadership.
46:57 And I thought, man, I don't have that.
46:59 I don't have that. I'm deficient there
47:01 but I watched his example and guess what,
47:04 now I have many of those same leadership abilities,
47:08 not to the same degree, but he has taught me something.
47:11 My deficiency was there.
47:13 Christ fills my deficiency, okay.
47:16 Another example would be a friend of mine,
47:19 Brad Danowski in the church.
47:21 This guy Brad, he always has a smile on his face.
47:24 He is always approachable. Always friendly.
47:30 I just look at Brad sometimes
47:31 and I go, man, I wish I was that friendly.
47:34 I wish I could smile so easily.
47:36 And guess what, since having known Brad
47:39 I smile more easily,
47:40 I'm a little more approachable.
47:42 I like that, okay.
47:45 This would be the last example I use
47:47 but I have a friend, he went to Arise with me.
47:50 He is from Australia by the name of Rodney McCallum.
47:53 Probably the one most responsible for me being
47:56 on this platform today.
47:59 Rodney is probably the strongest example
48:04 of charm manners and excellence
48:07 that I've ever seen in my life.
48:10 And that's I'm not exaggerating.
48:12 And from the beginning, for the last two years
48:16 I'm so attracted to that
48:18 Christ-like character attribute.
48:23 I'm absolutely attracted to it.
48:25 And I've noticed that since I met Rodney
48:28 some of that has rubbed off on me. Not all of it.
48:31 He has it more than I do but I have some of that now.
48:34 I recognize the deficiency pointed out by his strength
48:37 and as a result I am supported.
48:39 I gained that same strength that he has, okay.
48:43 So these are just a few examples.
48:45 Comparatively speaking I'm only a child,
48:48 okay, in my walk with God.
48:50 But I have these older and much more matured
48:51 brothers and sisters, okay.
48:54 And they lead me by example.
48:56 They lead me by very good example.
48:59 And every single one of them have spoken to my deficiencies
49:03 and I've been supported
49:04 by these friends in my weaknesses.
49:07 Instead of being looked down upon for my weaknesses
49:12 or being having people backbite me or,
49:17 you know, gossip-which-- these are horrible
49:20 and spiritually deadly sins, backbiting, okay, gossip.
49:26 Instead of doing that I'm tenderly and lovingly
49:30 lead by the examples of my stronger Christian family.
49:34 And then as I'm strengthened
49:35 I pass on that strength to my friends,
49:39 my family in the church who are weak albeit,
49:43 you know, maybe they gossip. Well, I lead by example.
49:46 I don't gossip and hopefully they'll catch on to that.
49:50 Get my drift.
49:51 Understand what I'm saying?
49:53 Okay, now I want to say
49:58 I heard a really awesome illustration
50:00 recently by my pastor,
50:04 Pastor Bill at the Taylor Church.
50:06 And he said, he went to visit the Redwood Forest
50:09 and he had seen the giant trees,
50:11 you know, how big they are. I've never been there.
50:13 But from what I understand they are huge,
50:15 as big as a house.
50:17 And he said, he thought those roots must go way,
50:21 way down to support the weight and the height of these trees.
50:24 Then he came to find out,
50:25 he was surprised to find out the roots didn't go very deep.
50:29 They didn't go very deep,
50:30 deep at all but they grew out
50:33 and they grasp the roots of the other redwood trees
50:36 and that's why they stood. See that's amazing.
50:39 They reach together.
50:41 Ellen White said, "She got a message from God."
50:43 So that means it's our message too.
50:45 Press together, press together.
50:48 Church family press together.
50:50 See this is, this is, good news.
50:52 This is wonderful news.
50:54 Man, in comparatively speaking,
50:55 I went to Florida two months ago
50:57 and I had seen long palm trees
51:00 falling over all over the place.
51:02 Blown over by the wind, all by themselves.
51:05 They're just laying there. It's a very good illustration.
51:08 We need to press together.
51:10 Go live up to your name,
51:11 your God give a mission in Christ name.
51:15 God shows deficiencies for a reason.
51:16 I've heard people saying, "Don't look at the people
51:18 you'll be disappointed and you'll leave."
51:20 I agree with what they're saying.
51:21 We need to keep our eyes on Christ.
51:23 But Paul does say, "Follow me as I follow Christ."
51:27 So on the one hand that's true
51:28 but on the other hand we need to look at other people.
51:31 We need to look at their strengths and deficiencies
51:34 and then we need to strengthen each others,
51:37 strengths and deficiencies.
51:38 Be strengthened by their strengths
51:40 and strengthen their deficiencies, okay.
51:44 Now I wanna read this wonderful quote
51:46 from "Steps to Christ."
51:48 One of the most amazing books I've ever read.
51:51 I've read it many, many times, okay.
51:55 She says, "The impenitent sometimes excuse themselves
51:59 by saying of professed Christians,
52:01 I am as good as they are.
52:02 They are no more self-denying, sober,
52:04 or circumspect in their conduct than I am.
52:07 They love pleasure and self-indulgence
52:09 as well as I do.
52:10 Thus they make the faults of others
52:11 an excuse for their own neglect of duty.
52:14 But the sins and defects of others do not excuse anyone,
52:18 for the Lord has not given us an erring human pattern.
52:21 The spotless Son of God has been given as our example,
52:24 and those who complain of the wrong course
52:26 of professed Christians are the ones
52:28 who should show better lives and nobler examples.
52:33 If they have so high a conception
52:35 of what a Christian should be, is their own,
52:37 is not their own sin so much the greater?
52:40 They know what is right, and yet refuse to do it."
52:45 That's great. That's good stuff.
52:47 It's kind of like of what JFK--
52:48 I think what JFK had said,
52:50 "Ask not what your country can do for you
52:53 but what for you--
52:54 what you can do for your country."
52:56 That's beautiful notes.
52:58 I'm not gonna look for people to make me feel good.
53:00 I'm gonna go out and make other people feel good.
53:03 Stay in the church. Come into the church.
53:05 Fulfill your destiny.
53:08 We can look back at 9/11 and question, where was God?
53:12 We can blame God but the fact remains
53:15 God stands beyond all accusation.
53:18 I know that most people here know that.
53:20 And in this "Great Controversy,"
53:21 only He knows all the variables.
53:24 And we know that He allows bad things to happen, okay.
53:29 In this world He doesn't violate freewill.
53:32 He doesn't remove the repercussions of sin
53:34 but what He does do is He provides grace
53:37 to bear up under it, okay.
53:40 He gives us His Son to lead us by example.
53:43 Jesus doesn't say, "Look at all these monstrous,
53:47 you know, abominations, these human beings.
53:49 I'm going to avoid them and stay away." No.
53:52 He converts to one of us. He becomes one of us.
53:55 He comes down to our level
53:57 and leads us by example as one of us.
54:00 Okay, this is good. That's our pattern.
54:03 That's our example right there.
54:05 His example points out my deficiency
54:07 and then fills it.
54:09 Where was God?
54:10 Well, God's grace was revealed at the cross.
54:13 At 9/11 grace will continued its work in the firemen,
54:17 the policemen, the rescue workers,
54:19 the volunteers, those who donated their money
54:22 and their time to relief suffering,
54:25 those who sacrifice their own lives in rescue
54:28 attempts at ground zero. That's where God was.
54:32 God was at ground zero, okay.
54:34 God is called you by name to be His,
54:39 to fulfill your mission,
54:40 to join the body and benefit others,
54:42 to live up to that name He called you by.
54:45 In the judgment no one will ask God,
54:47 where He was?
54:48 Everyone will know in the judgment.
54:51 We don't wanna stand to that awesome presence
54:53 and hear God say to us, I called you by name,
54:57 where were you?
54:59 That's what we don't wanna hear.
55:01 We don't wanna hear that.
55:02 Now I've an appeal today, strong appeal
55:07 to the Seventh-day Adventist Church
55:09 and to those who are making their decisions
55:11 to join this church. Recommit yourself.
55:16 Recommit yourselves this very moment
55:19 to follow the masters' example.
55:22 Today, right now, stand up and if you're unable
55:28 to stand up in your heart and stand for Christ
55:33 follow His example, take His name in our own name,
55:40 take His name not in vain but in true character,
55:44 the character of Jesus that He may work in us.
55:49 We will not denounce our Christian family.
55:52 We will not gossip and tear one another down,
55:55 devouring one and other, but in His service
56:00 we will lead and be led in this body in Jesus name
56:06 and this is our prayer. Let's pray it right now.
56:13 Dear God, Heavenly Father, we love you so much.
56:18 You teach us these excellent ways,
56:21 the ways of Christ. You lead us by example.
56:24 These ways are so attractive
56:26 and so appealing and so wonderful.
56:29 May we ever live to glorify you in this world.
56:34 Father, please pour your Holy Spirit upon us.
56:38 May we be a force for good.
56:40 May we, may we do all the things
56:43 that make you look good in this world
56:44 and lead people into the church, Lord,
56:47 and may they come into the church,
56:48 may they even counter all those negative stereotypes.
56:52 Father, I pray that the true seekers of God
56:55 will look at the church and go,
56:57 this is something I desire. Father, this is my prayer.
57:03 This is the prayer of the church.
57:06 Lord, this is not just another moment.
57:08 I thank you for these things in Jesus' name, amen.


Revised 2014-12-17