3ABN On the Road

Wednesday Evening Hour 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: OTR

Program Code: OTR000808

01:00 A lady by the name of Tammy Chance,
01:02 she is Danny's youngest,
01:04 well, only sister, the youngest of all the family members.
01:08 If you want to know the truth about Danny,
01:10 ask this young lady.
01:12 Danny told me a story the other day
01:14 that when her mother went out,
01:16 she'd say, "Now if they aggravate,
01:17 you tell me when I come home."
01:19 And Tammy would say, even if they didn't aggravate,
01:22 they'd say, "Mommy, they aggravated me."
01:26 And they would always get in trouble.
01:28 But tonight, she's not going to aggravate you.
01:29 She's going to sing a wonderful song
01:30 entitled "Uncloudy Day."
01:32 Bless us, Tammy.
01:33 Thank you, John.
01:35 Of course Danny was the ones telling that story.
01:37 So, you know, you can take it with a grain of salt,
01:39 but probably they really did aggravate me, I tell you.
01:43 How many of you know "Uncloudy Day"?
01:45 The old hymn, Uncloudy Day?
01:47 Okay, I'm going to do it just a little different
01:49 than probably what you've heard it.
01:51 But feel free to sing along with me.
01:53 I think you'll enjoy it.
02:06 They tell me of a home Far beyond the skies
02:11 They tell me of a home far away
02:16 Oh, they tell me of a home
02:18 Where no storm clouds rise
02:21 Oh, they tell me Of an unclouded day
02:28 Oh, the land Of the cloudless day
02:33 Oh, the land
02:35 Of the unclouded sky
02:39 They tell me of a home Where no storm clouds rise
02:44 Yes, they tell me Of an unclouded day
02:50 They tell me of a King
02:52 In His beauty there
02:55 They tell me that mine eyes
02:57 Shall behold
03:00 Where He sits on the throne That is whiter than snow
03:05 In the city That is made of gold
03:11 Sing it with me.
03:12 Oh, the land Of the cloudless day
03:17 Oh, the land
03:19 Of the unclouded sky
03:23 They tell me of a home Where no storm clouds rise
03:28 Yes, they tell me Of an unclouded day
03:46 They tell me that He smiles On His children there
03:51 His smile drives Their sorrows all away
03:55 And they tell me That no tears ever come again
04:01 In that lovely land Of unclouded day
04:06 Oh, the land Of the cloudless day
04:11 Oh, the land Of the unclouded sky
04:17 They tell me of a home
04:19 Where no storm clouds rise
04:23 Yes, they tell me
04:25 Of an unclouded day
04:33 Yes, they tell me
04:35 Of an unclouded day
04:52 Thank you, Tammy.
04:53 You can tell by listening to that song
04:55 that the musicians are not from Brooklyn, New York.
04:59 Is that a safe assumption?
05:01 Wonderful song sung in a way that I believe
05:03 is reminiscent of the Midwest,
05:05 but still the message is unchanged.
05:07 One day we're going to see that uncloudy day,
05:08 I'm looking forward to that.
05:10 What about you?
05:11 You know, years ago when I first met
05:13 the Kenneth Cox evangelistic team,
05:16 I was down in Texas.
05:17 And, you know, everything is big in Texas.
05:19 But when I heard the organ player,
05:21 I thought to myself "Now I see one of the reasons
05:24 why wherever Kenneth Cox goes, he carries Dona Klein with him.
05:28 Tonight Dona Klein is going to bless us
05:30 as she plays a song "If I Can Help Somebody."
05:33 Let's welcome her with a hearty amen.
05:35 Amen.
07:59 Amen.
08:01 That song has an undying message.
08:03 If I can help somebody when Jesus comes back
08:05 He'll say, "As much as you've done it
08:07 to the least of these you," what, "you've done it unto Me."
08:10 Thank you so much, Dona, for that.
08:12 Dona is to organs what Ken Cox is to evangelism,
08:16 always a step ahead
08:18 of whoever is behind that person.
08:20 You know, we're going to be blessed by a young man
08:22 that has been a part
08:23 of the 3ABN family for a long...
08:24 Did I say young man?
08:26 I meant Steve Darmody.
08:29 He's been a part of the 3ABN family
08:31 for a number of years blessing everyone
08:33 wherever he goes
08:35 with his smooth voice and a rich tone
08:38 and always a wonderful message.
08:39 But after Steve, you're going to hear from,
08:42 I would refer to Ken Cox
08:43 as the evangelist of evangelists,
08:46 wherever he goes, the church, the audience,
08:50 the people are never the same.
08:51 So let's prepare our hearts after this wonderful song
08:55 for the message by Pastor Ken Cox.
09:12 Marvelous grace
09:14 Of our loving Lord
09:18 Grace that exceeds
09:20 Our guilt and our sins
09:23 Yonder on Calvary's
09:27 Mount outpoured
09:30 There where the blood
09:33 Of the Lamb was spilt
09:37 Grace, grace
09:40 God's grace
09:44 Grace that Will pardon And cleanse within
09:50 Grace, grace
09:54 God's grace
09:57 Grace that is greater Than all our sin
10:10 Dark is the stain
10:14 That I cannot hide
10:17 What can avail to wash it
10:22 Away Look!
10:26 There is flowing a crimson tide
10:31 Whiter than snow
10:34 You may be today
10:39 Grace, grace
10:42 God's grace
10:46 Grace that is greater Than all our sin
10:53 Grace, grace
10:56 God's grace
11:00 Grace that is greater Than all our sin
11:16 Marvelous, infinite Matchless grace
11:22 Freely bestowed On all who believe
11:28 You that are longing
11:31 To see His face
11:34 Will you this moment
11:37 His grace receive
11:46 I don't imagine there's probably anyone
11:49 who's hearing my voice right now
11:51 who's not heard of the wonderful song
11:54 "Amazing Grace."
11:57 But hearing the song and knowing the words
11:59 and how they all come together to make the sentences
12:02 is not the same as experiencing that grace
12:05 and inviting that grace to cover and to cleanse you.
12:10 Let's begin our camp meeting this year with that grace.
12:15 Amazing Grace
12:20 How sweet the sound
12:25 That saved a wretch like me
12:35 I once was lost
12:40 But now I'm found
12:45 Was blind
12:48 But now I see
13:12 Amen.
13:29 Gracious Father, tonight,
13:33 we'd like to invite Your presence to be with us,
13:38 pray that the Holy Spirit may come
13:40 and be close to each one of us.
13:45 We ask Lord that our hearts
13:48 may be open,
13:51 that they may be soft, they may be tender.
13:55 That the Holy Spirit
13:56 might be able to lead, guide, direct each one of us.
14:01 Give us understanding,
14:04 but of all, Lord, we pray that You will help us
14:09 that we might be submissive to Your will and Your desires.
14:15 For this we ask in Christ's name, amen.
14:26 I don't think there's ever a time
14:29 that we hold an evangelistic meeting
14:32 that somebody doesn't come to me
14:36 and say to me...
14:40 "I don't know that I'm saved.
14:46 I just don't feel like that I have salvation.
14:50 I just don't really feel
14:55 that things are right."
14:57 But how do you know?
15:00 How do you know if you're saved or not?
15:06 Tonight, I'm going to speak on a sure indication,
15:12 a sure indication that you're saved
15:16 that you can know if you're saved, if you're not.
15:20 What does the scripture say?
15:22 What does it tell us?
15:24 How can I know for sure that I'll be in God's kingdom.
15:29 I'd like for you look at this text.
15:32 It says, "By this all will know
15:36 that you are My disciples..."
15:39 John 13:35.
15:40 By this all of you will know that you may know
15:45 you're my disciples,
15:47 if you have, if you love one another.
15:51 So if you want to know that you belong to Him,
15:56 that you're one of His disciples,
15:59 you can know that if you love one another.
16:05 Absolutely required,
16:08 necessary that I love my brother,
16:12 I love my neighbor...
16:18 I love...
16:22 the person next door.
16:29 Didn't say a word, folks,
16:31 about if they were good,
16:35 like I am to love other people.
16:39 That's what the scripture says, must take place in my life
16:43 if the Lord is going to bless me,
16:46 you shall love your neighbor as yourself.
16:53 That's what it says, how do we love one another.
16:55 Tonight, I'm going to share three ways
17:01 in which you can love your neighbor,
17:05 three ways that you can love one another.
17:07 What the scripture tells us about it?
17:10 It says, again with here
17:12 in Luke 6:31,
17:17 excuse me, I'm sorry, James 2:8.
17:20 "If you really fulfill the royal law
17:22 according to the scripture,
17:24 you shall love your neighbor as yourself."
17:30 Do you do that?
17:32 You love your neighbor as yourself?
17:40 It's quite a question.
17:43 Do you love the person next door to you as yourself?
17:52 I would ask you
17:53 "Do you know the name of the person next door?"
18:00 Really, that's the question.
18:02 You know, I don't have any contact,
18:04 I don't know them.
18:05 Scripture says you'd to love them as yourself.
18:09 One of the great missionaries of the past.
18:12 One of the first missionaries to take Christianity to India
18:17 was a missionary by name of Moffitt.
18:20 Moffitt, when he went over to India,
18:24 hired a man to work with him
18:27 to help him in the things that needed to do and all.
18:31 And this man worked for Moffitt for quite a number of years.
18:35 And Moffitt had to leave and go on a trip,
18:39 and he left this gentleman at his house.
18:42 And while he was gone,
18:43 this man stole a large sum of money
18:48 from Moffitt and fled with it.
18:51 When Moffitt got back and found out
18:53 that the money was gone that this man had taken it,
18:56 he and another man set out to find him.
19:01 And it took them quite a number of days
19:03 until they finally located this man
19:06 that had taken the money.
19:08 And when they found him,
19:11 Moffitt dropped to his knees
19:16 and said to the man, "Forgive me.
19:19 I'm sorry.
19:22 I'm sorry that I didn't pay you enough wages.
19:28 Sorry that I didn't care for you like I should have.
19:31 Will you forgive me?
19:33 If you'll come back and work for me,
19:37 I'll pay you more wages."
19:41 And the man gave back the money, went back,
19:45 and worked with Moffitt the rest of his life.
19:50 See, I must love my neighbor as myself.
19:56 Yeah, you can't, folks,
19:58 go through life and not know your neighbor next door,
20:03 not knowing the people around you.
20:05 You can't have feelings of resentment.
20:11 You can't have feelings of criticalness
20:16 in your heart concerning
20:17 your brother, sister in the church.
20:20 You can't do that.
20:23 That is contrary to scripture.
20:26 And if you want to know that you're His disciple,
20:32 then you can know it if you love one another.
20:37 That is how we know that we are His disciples,
20:42 that we are a follower of the Lord.
20:46 That's the first point.
20:48 I will love my neighbor as myself.
20:51 So if you really want to know if you're His disciple,
20:53 if you want to know
20:55 that you're going to be in God's kingdom,
20:58 then take a good look at your heart.
21:01 And say, do I love my neighbor as myself?
21:05 Secondly,
21:07 the scripture says that you must...
21:12 It's a hard one,
21:14 that you must esteem
21:18 everyone better than yourself.
21:25 Let's look at the scripture 'cause that's what it says.
21:28 Philippians 2:3,
21:33 "Let nothing be done
21:35 through selfish ambition or conceit,
21:38 but in lowliness of mind
21:42 let each esteem others
21:46 better than himself."
21:49 Let each esteem others
21:52 better than yourself.
21:56 When you are about ready
22:01 to say something critical
22:03 about somebody else
22:06 or you're about ready to gossip
22:11 about somebody else...
22:16 to find fault with that person...
22:23 are you esteeming them
22:25 better than yourself?
22:30 Is that what you're doing?
22:33 For this, the scripture makes clear
22:35 that I must esteem
22:37 the other individual better than myself.
22:43 Now you say, "Brother Cox,
22:44 that's very difficult and how can that happen?
22:48 How can that take place?"
22:51 Let me tell you.
22:52 It does not take place
22:57 by trying.
23:00 It does not take place by trying,
23:04 by saying, "I'm going to be kinder,
23:07 I'm going to be more loving.
23:09 I'm going to be more gentle."
23:11 Doesn't take place that way.
23:15 It takes place by surrender.
23:19 Surrender sometimes, folks,
23:22 when it hurts, it hurts horribly.
23:27 But yet, I must be willing to surrender
23:32 or else the Holy Spirit
23:35 cannot do its work.
23:39 Only to a heart that is surrendered,
23:43 that is given to God can the Holy Spirit work.
23:48 Listen to this scripture.
23:49 I found in
23:51 James 3:17.
23:56 "But the wisdom that is from above..."
23:59 The wisdom that is from where?
24:01 From above.
24:02 So let's not talk about
24:04 what you and I might conjure up.
24:06 That's not what we're talking about.
24:07 We're talking about the wisdom that is from above.
24:11 Okay.
24:12 What does it tell us?
24:13 Is first what?
24:15 Pure.
24:17 Then peaceable, gentle."
24:22 Oh my!
24:24 "The wisdom that is from above
24:27 is pure,
24:30 peaceable, gentle,"
24:34 and then these words
24:36 "Willing to yield."
24:40 Whoa!
24:42 Willing to yield.
24:47 When you've had an argument,
24:51 are you willing to yield?
24:57 When somebody, you know, has really taken a stand
25:02 that's contrary to what you want to believe,
25:04 are you willing to yield?
25:08 Are you willing to say okay?
25:11 It must be willing to yield "full of mercy
25:16 and good fruits
25:18 without partiality without hypocrisy."
25:24 That is what God calls you
25:27 and calls me too.
25:31 I must esteem
25:34 others better than myself.
25:40 So the next time
25:43 you're about ready to offer
25:45 some critical remark concerning somebody,
25:51 stop and think.
25:53 Are you one of His disciples?
26:01 You want to get into the kingdom of God?
26:04 Are you His disciple?
26:07 You see, the scripture lays it out quite clearly.
26:11 It says
26:14 that Jesus is the head of the church.
26:19 That's what it tells us, Colossians 1:18,
26:23 "And He is the head of the body, the church."
26:26 So Christ is the head of the church.
26:29 Need to always keep that clear
26:32 that He is the head of the church.
26:35 Okay.
26:37 Who are the members?
26:40 Huh?
26:41 You are.
26:43 You're the members.
26:44 It goes on here in 1 Corinthians 12,
26:48 and it says, "For as the body is one
26:51 and has many members,
26:53 but all the members of that one body."
26:57 Okay, so the body is one, Christ is the head,
27:00 you and I are members,
27:04 "being many are one body,
27:06 so also is Christ."
27:09 So here you have the church
27:12 made up of members, okay?
27:17 Watch as He continues.
27:18 It says here about the Church.
27:21 it says that they are one.
27:25 "If the foot should say,
27:27 'Because I'm not the hand,
27:31 am I not of the body,'
27:34 is it therefore not of the body?"
27:37 The foot says,
27:38 "Well, really I don't like being the foot.
27:42 I really want to be the hand."
27:46 Does that mean it's not of the body anymore?
27:49 No, it's still part of the body.
27:52 "And if the ear should say 'Because I'm not the eye,
27:57 I am not of the body,'
27:58 is it therefore not of the body?"
28:01 No, just because the ear would say
28:04 "I'd must rather be the eye."
28:07 But because it's not the eye,
28:11 does it cease to be part of the body?
28:14 No.
28:16 "And if the whole body were an eye..."
28:19 The scripture says "If the whole body were an eye,
28:22 where would be the hearing?"
28:25 It's necessary, has to be.
28:28 "And if the whole were hearing, where would be the smelling?"
28:33 See? It takes all the members.
28:35 Let me tell you something.
28:38 It doesn't make any difference
28:41 how young you are or how old you are,
28:46 you have a purpose in God's church.
28:49 Amen.
28:51 Every one of you,
28:53 you have a purpose in the church.
28:57 I don't care who you are.
29:00 You are a member of the church.
29:02 Verse 18 says, "But now God has set the members,
29:08 each one of them, in the body
29:10 just as He pleases."
29:15 Did you get the point?
29:16 God has set each member in the church,
29:20 each member in the body as it pleases Him,
29:26 not as we wish, but as it pleases Him,
29:30 He's put them in the body.
29:32 Okay.
29:34 They each have a purpose,
29:36 and God places them there, okay?
29:39 Now He goes on and says "And if one member suffers...
29:48 "If one member suffers,
29:52 all members suffer with it.
29:57 And if one member is honored,"
30:00 what, "all members rejoice with it."
30:04 Is that the way it is with you?
30:08 In your local church
30:11 if one of the members suffer,
30:14 do you suffer with them?
30:18 If one is honored, do you rejoice with them?
30:22 That's what God has called you to do.
30:25 Now you are the body of Christ
30:29 and members individually,
30:33 each one of you
30:37 are member in the body of Christ.
30:40 And I am to suffer if they suffer
30:43 or rejoice if they rejoice.
30:46 That is part of being part of the body of Christ.
30:50 Well,
30:54 let's say that I've got a toothache.
30:59 It bothered me.
31:00 Let's say it wakes me up at 3:00 in the morning,
31:05 terrible toothache.
31:08 And I decide I'm going to go into the bathroom
31:10 and get me an aspirin and take an aspirin to see
31:14 if it'll kind of dead the pain
31:16 until I can get to the dentist in the morning.
31:19 Okay.
31:20 So I get up and I walk into the bathroom,
31:23 and I'm going to get some aspirin
31:26 out of the medicine cabinet.
31:29 And I get into the bathroom
31:32 and my hands won't move.
31:35 I can't move my hands.
31:36 I try to move them but they won't move.
31:38 And they say "Good enough for you.
31:42 You should have known
31:44 that you shouldn't be eating all that sugar, that candy.
31:47 You knew that would give you problems with your teeth.
31:51 It's good enough, tough.
31:53 You'll just have to suffer."
31:55 Is that the way my hands treat me?
31:58 No my hands sympathize with my tooth.
32:06 Dear friend, why is this that when one of the church members,
32:11 the foot, the hand, the eye, the ear has a problem?
32:17 And we say, "Oh good enough for you.
32:21 You shouldn't have been acting that way."
32:26 What are we talking about?
32:28 Who called us to do that?
32:31 No.
32:32 If they suffer,
32:35 then I need to suffer with them.
32:38 If they're honored, sure, I can rejoice with them.
32:42 You know, we sing a song.
32:45 It's called the Family of God.
32:48 You'll notice what it says, it says,
32:51 "You will notice that we say brother and sister
32:54 'round here," okay?
32:57 "It's because we're a family."
33:01 So near.
33:04 "And these folks are so near.
33:06 If one has a heart ache,
33:10 we all share the tears,
33:13 and rejoice in each victory in this family so dear."
33:20 That's what God has called the family to be.
33:23 I'm to love
33:27 my brother, my sister,
33:31 I'm to consider that person
33:35 better than myself.
33:42 If I'm going to be His disciple,
33:48 I must consider that person
33:50 better than myself.
33:55 In my devotion this morning,
33:58 I was reading,
34:02 and I'm reading right now, Prophets and Kings,
34:08 I came across this statement,
34:11 page 645.
34:14 "Even some who desire
34:17 the work of God to prosper," okay?
34:21 "Even some who desire the work of God to prosper,
34:26 will yet weaken the hands of His servants.
34:31 People who desired for the work to go forward
34:34 and prosper weakened the hands of His servants
34:38 by hearing, reporting, and half believing
34:44 the slander, the boast, the menace of His adversaries."
34:53 I hear something,
34:56 don't know really whether its fact or whether it's not,
34:59 and you don't even have to completely believe it.
35:02 All you got to do is half believe it
35:07 and talk about it.
35:10 And what do I do?
35:12 I weaken the hands of His servants.
35:17 Now, folks, in the family of God,
35:21 that's not what we do.
35:26 We don't do that.
35:28 I must not be critical.
35:33 I must
35:36 keep my thoughts,
35:40 what I have to say,
35:42 positive if I'm going to love my neighbor as myself.
35:51 You remember,
35:54 they brought this woman to Jesus
35:58 caught in the act of adultery.
36:02 Now, folks, this was not something
36:05 that was hearsay.
36:09 I mean, here she was, she's guilty.
36:15 And you remember Jesus just knelt down,
36:18 and by the way,
36:20 no place do you find in scripture
36:23 where Jesus,
36:26 how should I say,
36:30 criticized or was critical of other individuals,
36:35 didn't do this.
36:37 He knelt down,
36:38 and He wrote their sins in the sand.
36:43 But He did not publicly say "This is your sin."
36:49 He wrote their sin in the sand.
36:51 They knew it was their sin.
36:54 And one after another, they got up and walked away.
36:58 And after they had left,
37:02 He said, "Where are your accusers?"
37:05 And she said, "No one, Lord."
37:10 And Jesus said to her,
37:12 "Neither do I condemn you,
37:17 go and sin no more."
37:19 Now let me tell you something.
37:22 I've held evangelistic meeting after evangelistic meeting.
37:31 And I've had some husband
37:34 or some wife come to me
37:38 and want me to go
37:40 and talk to their spouse,
37:44 to their husband or their wife.
37:48 This husband or this wife
37:51 has never accepted Jesus Christ.
37:57 Why?
37:59 Because that wife
38:01 or that husband was condemning.
38:06 There are many, many, many spouses
38:11 that are not in the church today
38:16 because their partner is condemning.
38:20 You cannot continually be condemning.
38:23 Let me tell you a secret folks, a person cannot overcome,
38:29 they cannot overcome
38:31 if you continually condemn them.
38:34 It won't work.
38:37 And don't think that Jesus didn't know what He was doing
38:39 when He said to that woman,
38:41 "Neither do I condemn you, go your way, sin no more."
38:45 He took the condemnation off of her,
38:48 then she could overcome.
38:51 If you got a spouse
38:55 that never given their heart to the Lord,
38:58 the last thing on earth
39:01 you should do is be condemning of them.
39:07 If you're interested in them,
39:09 giving their heart to the Lord and serving the Lord,
39:12 then don't,
39:17 don't be critical
39:20 of that individual.
39:23 Be kind, the wisdom that is from above is, what?
39:27 It's gentle,
39:30 peaceable, yielding.
39:34 That's what God has asked us to do.
39:38 This is what He wants us to be.
39:41 Well, it's very important
39:47 that you lift the condemnation off the person,
39:53 the sin off the individual.
39:56 Look at another text with me here.
39:58 Luke 11:4,
40:02 "And forgive us our," what,
40:05 "sins for we also forgive everyone
40:09 who is indebted to us."
40:13 Forgive us our sins.
40:14 Now there's a reason for that, folks.
40:18 It's because a person can't make progress spiritually
40:22 if they're burdened down with sin.
40:26 You can't do that.
40:28 You've got to get the sin off the person,
40:30 lift it off of them.
40:34 When I was a boy growing up,
40:38 my father was very, very fond of hunting and fishing.
40:43 And so we went hunting,
40:45 and one of the things that we did was
40:49 went deer hunting in the fall,
40:52 that's something that we always did.
40:54 We lived out in the hills of Oklahoma.
40:59 And there where we lived was an old Indian.
41:05 And he each year, always went out deer hunting,
41:08 and he always came back with a deer.
41:12 This one particular year,
41:14 he went out hunting and he got his deer.
41:17 But he walked everywhere he went.
41:20 And so he was about 5 miles back in the mountains
41:24 when he shot that deer.
41:26 Didn't have a car.
41:28 Laid the deer on his back
41:31 because you had to bring the deer into town
41:34 and you had to weigh it and register it,
41:36 that was required by law.
41:39 And so he laid the deer on his back,
41:41 carried it the 5 miles back into town,
41:46 hung it on the scale.
41:48 When he hung it on the scale, it said, 75 pounds.
41:54 And again, warden there said, "It weighs 75 pounds."
41:59 And the old Indian said,
42:01 "Let it hang their little while,
42:02 it'll get heavier."
42:05 Now that is very, very true, folks.
42:11 When it comes to sin, the longer you carry your sin,
42:16 the heavier it gets.
42:19 You see?
42:20 I have to pull it off.
42:22 It's got to be taken away.
42:23 I cannot lay condemnation on that person over and over
42:28 and expect them ever, ever to gain.
42:34 So don't condemn people.
42:36 Third point.
42:39 Third point is simply that mercy,
42:46 that mercy triumphs over judgment.
42:52 Mercy triumphs over judgment.
42:57 Look at a text with me.
42:58 James 2:13,
43:02 "For judgment is without mercy to the one
43:06 who has shown no mercy."
43:09 Law...
43:12 Law has no mercy.
43:16 Law is given to condemn.
43:20 So if you're just going to condemn
43:23 or if you're going to go by law,
43:27 then no, it's not going be there.
43:30 But it says, the text says,
43:35 "For judgment is without mercy to one who has shown no mercy."
43:39 But then it says,
43:41 "Mercy triumphs over judgment."
43:47 Now I want to take you to the sanctuary
43:50 'cause in the sanctuary of old,
43:52 you remember, there was the ark.
43:55 And you remember, in the ark...
43:59 In the ark was law of God.
44:04 The law of God was there.
44:07 And that was there
44:09 to give the people guidance, direction.
44:11 I need to know the law
44:12 because it gives me guidance and direction.
44:17 But above the law was the mercy seat.
44:23 See, that was above the law.
44:26 Dear friend, if you're going to do
44:29 what Christ wants you to do,
44:31 mercy must be above the law.
44:38 You and I are sinners.
44:42 I don't need condemnation.
44:47 I need mercy.
44:51 And mercy must come above,
44:53 mercy triumphs over judgment.
44:57 So the next time
44:59 somebody has done something wrong,
45:04 then just remember,
45:06 rather than casting judgment upon them,
45:10 you need to show them mercy.
45:14 Mercy must triumph over law or over judgment
45:21 if it's going to be what God would have it to be.
45:26 Well, I want to read you another statement
45:33 because I find people who are critical.
45:39 They always have something to say
45:43 that is condemning
45:46 or is pushing down in everything.
45:51 I want you to listen to this.
45:54 "There is no sure way of weakening spirituality..."
46:00 Okay, get it clear.
46:01 "No sure way of weakening spirituality
46:04 than by cherishing envy, suspicion,
46:10 faultfinding, and evil surmising."
46:16 You hear something, you hear a rumor.
46:21 And what do I do?
46:24 Just evil surmising.
46:27 No, that's not what you should do.
46:32 That is not what God wants us to do.
46:34 "On the other hand, the strongest witness
46:39 that God has sent His Son into the world
46:42 is the existence of harmony."
46:47 Are you interested in Jesus coming back?
46:50 Yeah.
46:51 Are you interested in the work being finished up?
46:56 Then, dear friend,
46:58 what needs to be done is we need to have harmony
47:02 and harmony only comes
47:07 if I'm willing to love my neighbor as myself,
47:13 to esteem others better than myself,
47:19 to put mercy above judgment.
47:23 Listen as the statement goes on.
47:26 "And union among men of varied dispositions
47:31 who form His church."
47:33 Now let me make something here
47:36 'cause you have people of varied dispositions,
47:42 people that have strong opinions.
47:47 And many, many times in church leadership,
47:52 we have men of very, very strong opinions,
47:59 which is not wrong,
48:02 it's not wrong to have a strong opinion.
48:08 Different dispositions, that's part of the church.
48:11 That's because some are the eyes,
48:13 some are the ears, and so forth.
48:15 But listen to this.
48:22 "But in order to do this,
48:25 they must place themselves under Christ's command."
48:30 If you don't do that,
48:32 you're not going to have harmony in the church.
48:35 It's not going to be what God wants it to be.
48:37 I have to put myself under Christ's command.
48:44 And if I put myself under Christ's command...
48:50 then I'm going to love my neighbors myself.
48:54 I'm going to esteem others better than myself.
49:00 I'm going to place mercy
49:04 above judgment.
49:08 Are you following me?
49:10 This is what we are to be.
49:13 And only as we do this,
49:16 will God bless and use us in a very special way.
49:27 I just want to see some hands here.
49:30 How many of you know what I'm talking about
49:34 if I had to say straight testimony?
49:38 You know what that term means?
49:40 Quite a few of you.
49:41 People used to use it.
49:43 They say, "Oh, you got to come back
49:45 to the straight testimony."
49:47 And they were hard, and they were critical,
49:50 and they criticized,
49:51 and they were always condemning.
49:54 And they thought that was the straight testimony.
49:58 I want to read you a statement.
50:00 The Lord calls for a revival
50:03 of the straight testimony born in years past.
50:08 Okay, let's see what the straight testimony is.
50:11 We need the Pentecostal energy that will come
50:17 for the Lord has promised to send His spirit
50:20 as an all conquering power into the hearts of many
50:25 who have been long in the truth,
50:27 there's entered a hard judicial spirit.
50:31 They are sharp, critical, faultfinding.
50:36 They have climbed upon the judgment seat,
50:38 pronounced sentence
50:39 upon those who do not conform to their ideas.
50:43 God calls upon them to come down
50:45 and bow before Him in repentance,
50:48 confessing their sins.
50:50 That's the straight testimony.
50:53 That I have to come down
50:55 and put my life right with the Lord
50:59 if I'm going to do what God wants me to do.
51:06 James 5:19,
51:12 "Brethren, if anyone among you wanders from the truth,
51:17 and someone turns him back," okay,
51:22 "let him know that
51:24 he who has turned a sinner from the error of his way
51:29 will save a soul from death
51:32 and cover a multitude of sins."
51:41 I had a friend.
51:43 He passed away a few years ago now.
51:48 I've told this story before,
51:51 but I never told this part of his life
51:55 because he was living.
51:58 Since he's passed away,
52:01 I want to tell something about him.
52:03 He was wild.
52:06 And probably the wildest individual
52:08 I have ever known.
52:12 Lived a very hard life,
52:15 drank,
52:17 did everything that you can think of.
52:21 But he was converted,
52:23 gave his heart to the Lord,
52:26 came to work with me.
52:29 And after we had been working for several months,
52:34 one day he just didn't show up.
52:38 Didn't know what had happened to him,
52:39 he just vanished almost.
52:43 And day after day went by,
52:47 and Dan wasn't anywhere.
52:51 And then people began to say to me,
52:54 "You know where Dan is?"
52:57 And I said, "No, I don't know where Dan is."
52:58 They said he's drunk.
53:01 And I said, "He's what?"
53:02 And they said "He's drunk."
53:04 They said he's been drunk for days.
53:09 Two weeks passed.
53:12 And after two weeks, Dan showed up,
53:18 had slept in his clothes for two weeks.
53:24 Hadn't shaved, hadn't taken a bath,
53:28 had been absolutely on a drunk for almost two weeks...
53:37 and came in to my office and he said to me,
53:43 "You want to know where I've been?"
53:46 And I said, "No, I don't want to know
53:48 where you've been."
53:50 He said "You want to know what I've been doing?"
53:54 And I said, "No, I don't want to know
53:56 what you've been doing."
53:59 He said, "Well, what do you want to know?"
54:03 And I said, "I want to know if you love Jesus?"
54:08 He said, "Yes, I love Jesus."
54:10 I said, "Then go get yourself cleaned up."
54:14 That was the last,
54:16 never turned back from that day forward,
54:20 just spent his life winning souls for Jesus Christ,
54:25 clear the day of his death.
54:29 You see, dear friends,
54:30 you and I are called to give people mercy,
54:36 called them to find the Lord
54:39 to give their heart to them, to you.
54:43 You want a sure indication?
54:46 You want a sure indication that you're saved?
54:50 Let me give you a sure indication
54:51 that you're saved.
54:53 1 John 3:14,
54:58 "We know that we have passed from death to life..."
55:03 We've what?
55:05 "We've passed from death to life,
55:07 because we love the brethren."
55:12 That's the way you can know if you're saved.
55:15 You've passed from death to life
55:18 if you love the brethren.
55:21 So, dear friend,
55:23 I'm going to call for change tonight.
55:26 I'm going to ask you here, I'm going to ask the people
55:30 that are watching by television,
55:33 I'm going to ask you to make a covenant tonight,
55:39 I'm going to ask you to make a covenant with God
55:44 that you will say, "I love my neighbor as myself.
55:48 I'll esteem others better than myself.
55:51 I'll put mercy ahead of judgment."
55:55 That you'll make that covenant with God
55:58 and begin to bring about change
56:03 that you and I might prepare our hearts
56:06 for the coming of the Lord.
56:08 If you would like to do that,
56:11 you'd like to enter into a covenant with God.
56:13 I'm going to ask you to stand on your feet.
56:18 I'm going to ask those people that are watching by television
56:23 that if you're willing to enter into a covenant with the Lord
56:27 and say, "Lord, I won't be critical.
56:32 I won't be faultfinding,
56:35 but I love my neighbor as myself.
56:41 If you're willing to do that, wherever you're at tonight,
56:45 just bow your head with me in prayer.
56:48 Father, we come to you this evening...


Revised 2019-09-12