3ABN On the Road

Seeking His Face - Thursday Seminar

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Shelley Quinn


Series Code: OTR

Program Code: OTR000809

01:00 Hello, and welcome to 3ABN Spring Camp Meeting.
01:04 This year our theme is the year of victory.
01:09 And thanks be to God
01:10 who gives us the victory in Christ Jesus.
01:12 Amen?
01:14 Amen.
01:15 Well, to kick this hour off, first of all, let me tell you,
01:17 I'll be your speaker this hour,
01:19 and we're going to be talking about
01:21 how to hear the still small voice of the Lord.
01:26 But to start our hour we want to invite out
01:29 Jennifer LaMountain.
01:30 She's going to be singing a beautiful song called,
01:32 "I Look to the Shepherd."
01:35 Jennifer, why don't you come on out here?
01:37 And you know, if you don't already know,
01:39 Jennifer is expecting her first baby.
01:42 And we're so excited for you and your husband.
01:44 Thank you so much. Have you named this child yet?
01:47 No, we were actually just having a discussion backstage
01:49 as to what we should name a little boy.
01:51 We have no idea yet so.
01:52 Hopefully we can figure it out soon.
01:55 Thank you. Amen. Thank you, Jennifer.
02:10 I look to the Shepherd
02:16 He meets all my needs
02:21 Beside the still waters
02:25 He faithfully leads
02:31 Bringing peace
02:34 To my soul
02:39 As His love
02:43 Makes me whole
02:48 Surely goodness and mercy
02:55 Shall follow me
03:00 Follow me
03:04 All the days of my life
03:12 And when in the valley
03:17 Of deepest despair
03:22 I look to the Shepherd
03:27 His presence is there
03:31 Bringing peace
03:36 To my soul
03:41 As His love
03:44 Makes me whole
03:49 Surely goodness and mercy
03:56 Shall follow me
04:00 Follow me
04:03 All the days of my life
04:08 Surely goodness and mercy
04:13 Shall follow me
04:18 And I shall dwell in the hearts
04:23 In the heart of the Lord
04:29 All my life.
04:44 Amen.
04:48 Thank you, Jennifer.
04:52 She asked me, we didn't have a chance
04:55 to coordinate the song with the message.
04:57 So she asked me backstage,
05:00 if this song would go with a message.
05:02 And I thought how perfectly
05:04 the Lord always work things together,
05:06 because we're going to be talking about
05:08 seeking His face, today.
05:11 And why don't we do that, actually, before we begin.
05:15 Loving Father God, we come this morning
05:19 to praise Your holy name.
05:21 We praise You for Your goodness.
05:25 We praise You for Your love.
05:26 We praise You for Your righteousness,
05:29 and Your patience with us, Father.
05:32 Lord, we praise You for Your power.
05:34 We praise You for Your plan.
05:36 Lord, we praise You for all You are.
05:39 And we thank You so much, Father, God,
05:42 that salvation is a gift.
05:45 We thank You for our Lord Jesus Christ,
05:48 we thank You for the Holy Spirit
05:49 and for Your Word.
05:51 And, Lord, right now,
05:52 I come before You in the name of Jesus,
05:55 to ask Father,
05:56 that You would empty me of me
05:59 and fill me with Your Holy Spirit.
06:01 Lord, please send Your Holy Spirit to be our teacher.
06:06 Father, please don't let me be out here by myself.
06:09 Because I know that there's nothing I can do
06:11 to minister to the people without You.
06:14 So I just lift myself up to You now
06:16 and ask that You would fill me.
06:19 And please, Lord, touch the hearts
06:22 and the ears of everyone who will hear this message.
06:25 And, Father, let it be something
06:28 that we don't just hear,
06:31 but that we put into practice.
06:33 We ask these things for the glory of Your name,
06:36 in Jesus name.
06:37 Amen. Amen.
06:39 Let me start off by asking you a question.
06:43 How many of you know that you know
06:47 that God has impressed His thoughts upon your mind
06:51 at some time?
06:52 Can I see your hands if you know?
06:55 Praise the Lord!
06:57 Now, all of these hands, nearly everyone's hand went up,
07:01 I have, from time to time been criticized,
07:06 because I will say something on the air
07:08 that the Lord said such and such to me.
07:12 So I'll get a letter every now and then
07:14 or I'll get a phone call or an email who will say,
07:17 "You can't say that God said something to you.
07:21 Do you think you're a prophet?"
07:23 And, you know, I have been teaching
07:26 what I'm going to teach you today.
07:28 I have been teaching since 1999.
07:32 I hope it's a two hour teaching.
07:35 We're going to try to condense this.
07:37 So we'll just be kind of going over the bullet points
07:40 on some parts.
07:41 But I want to focus today
07:44 on hearing the still small voice of the Lord.
07:49 And let me just tell you how this all came about.
07:52 It was a time in my life when I had walked with the Lord
07:57 for 18 months so closely
07:59 that I could feel His heartbeat.
08:02 Have you been there where you just know
08:04 that you really...
08:05 1 Corinthians 6:17 is real.
08:08 In 1 Corinthians 6:17 says that,
08:12 "Those who are in Christ
08:14 are one with Him in Spirit."
08:16 And I had been walking so closely with the Lord
08:19 for those 18 months that I felt one with Him.
08:23 One in purpose, thought and action,
08:25 I'm spending so much time in the word
08:28 and so much time in prayer and ministering.
08:30 But what happened was I had taken a consulting job
08:35 that was several hundred miles from our home,
08:37 spending a lot of time on the road.
08:40 And it got to where I was working for about,
08:44 after that one 18 month period for the next 18 month period.
08:48 I was working six and even seven days a week,
08:51 putting in 14 hour days.
08:54 Now, what do you think happened
08:57 with my walk with the Lord?
09:01 Yes, I was going backwards.
09:04 I was backsliding.
09:06 So at the end of that 18 month period,
09:08 I came to the Lord.
09:10 And I was crying out to Him earnestly.
09:14 And I said, "Father,
09:15 how is it that I can walk so closely to You
09:19 that I feel Your heartbeat?"
09:21 And then I can find myself in this backslidden condition.
09:25 And for two hours,
09:27 I earnestly was seeking the Lord
09:29 and saying, "Give me the answer to this problem.
09:34 How can I keep from backsliding again?"
09:38 And suddenly the still small voice of the Lord,
09:42 which I believe is the Holy Spirit,
09:44 impressing his thoughts upon our mind.
09:47 Suddenly, this is what I heard,
09:49 not an audible voice, but I heard it.
09:52 And He said,
09:54 "If you will come to me each morning,
09:57 and start your day off with an hour of prayer,
10:01 I promise you will never backslide again."
10:06 Now think about that for a moment.
10:08 If we spent the first hour of every day in prayer,
10:13 do you think that you could find yourself
10:14 in a backslidden condition?
10:17 Even if you backslid during the day,
10:19 the next morning if you got up
10:21 and spend an hour with the Lord in prayer,
10:24 could you stay in a backslidden condition?
10:28 You know, as soon as the Lord said that,
10:30 I knew He was right.
10:33 But I'm the kind of person
10:35 that's always reasoning with the Lord.
10:36 And I said, "But, Father, I know myself,
10:40 I can't make a vow to you that I will do this.
10:42 I know myself, I am not disciplined enough
10:45 to get up every morning.
10:47 And to make, you know, to make that promise
10:49 that I'll get up every morning
10:50 and spend that first hour in prayer."
10:53 And so as I'm reasoning with the Lord,
10:55 suddenly I heard myself say this to God.
10:59 I said, "Lord, in order for me to do this,
11:01 it would have to be You."
11:04 And I stopped midstream 'cause it was an epiphany,
11:09 a light bulb moment,
11:10 a Holy Spirit light bulb moment.
11:12 When I said that it's kind of
11:14 like the teenager say, "Well, duh!
11:17 Of course, it would have to be God."
11:20 Did you know that God's plan is for us
11:24 to totally depend upon Him, totally?
11:28 He says, and Jesus said in John 15:5,
11:31 "Apart from Me, you can do nothing."
11:34 Absolutely nothing.
11:36 So what happened is I said,
11:38 "Okay, Lord, let's do it together.
11:41 If You'll get me up in the morning,
11:43 let's do it together."
11:44 Let me just tell you briefly, the first morning,
11:47 I began praying at 8 o'clock,
11:49 and the Lord impressed me to journal my prayers.
11:53 Has anyone in here ever journal,
11:54 I don't mean just journal a prayer request,
11:57 but to journal your prayer
11:58 is to write out your prayer to God,
12:02 like you're writing a letter to Him.
12:04 You know, what we see in the Psalms
12:06 are David's prayer journal.
12:09 This is his prayer journal. And praise the Lord.
12:11 A lot of it was set to music later on.
12:14 But you know, I know if some of you,
12:17 if you thought you had to write out
12:18 your prayers every day to the Lord,
12:20 you would quit praying.
12:22 You don't have to write out your prayer to do this.
12:24 But I want to encourage everyone
12:27 to try it at least once.
12:29 You know why?
12:30 It increases your focus.
12:32 It increases the intimacy of your prayer,
12:35 because all of the distractions go away
12:38 when you're writing out your prayer.
12:40 Now what the Lord did, and I'm going to give you
12:42 just bullet points,
12:43 but here's what happened that first morning.
12:46 I'm seeking God and I'm saying now,
12:48 "Lord, teach me how to pray for an hour."
12:51 He began me with praise, is where we began the prayer.
12:57 The Bible says, "We enter His courts
12:59 with thanksgiving in our hearts.
13:02 We enter His gates
13:03 with thanksgiving in our hearts.
13:05 We enter His courts with praise."
13:08 And so I began my prayer with praise.
13:11 And I actually went to the Psalms,
13:13 and I took a couple of Psalms, read them.
13:15 And then I put them into my own words,
13:17 and I praise the Lord.
13:19 And then the next step from praise was repentance.
13:23 And if you think about entering His gates with thanksgiving,
13:26 entering His courts with praise,
13:28 what's in the outer court?
13:31 The altar for sacrifice.
13:34 So the second thing was repentance.
13:36 And I began to repent.
13:38 And the Lord took me through
13:40 an incredible season of repentance.
13:42 The next thing was affirmation,
13:45 getting into the Word, taking God's promises,
13:48 and praying them back to Him.
13:50 Then He led me into intercession.
13:54 And you know, something I believe
13:55 that intercessory prayer
13:57 is the greatest call to ministry that there is.
14:01 And I have a scripture for it.
14:03 Hebrews 7:25.
14:05 Hebrews 7:25 tells us that Jesus Christ,
14:09 our risen and exalted Savior
14:12 is sitting at the right hand of the throne of God,
14:15 interceding on our behalf,
14:18 and He is able to save to the uttermost.
14:21 So intercessory prayer is something that
14:24 we need to make a part of our daily prayer.
14:29 And then we went into supplication,
14:32 where it was really becoming that one-on-one,
14:35 me pleading with the Lord,
14:37 asking Him to help me totally surrender to Him,
14:41 asking Him for direction in my life.
14:44 Now just let's look at what this spell so far.
14:47 We began with praise, then there was repentance,
14:53 then there was affirmation, and intercession.
14:58 P for praise, R for repentance, A for affirmation,
15:02 I for intercession, S for supplication.
15:06 P-R-A-I-S, what are we missing?
15:12 E.
15:13 Let me tell you what happened.
15:14 I didn't even realize this is what was going on.
15:16 But being the type of personality I am,
15:18 I was labeling every section as I pray and say,
15:21 "Now, what's next Lord?"
15:23 Oh, after praise, repentance, I put repentance.
15:26 "Now what Lord?" Intercession.
15:28 "Now what?" Supplication.
15:29 And I didn't recognize this was going on
15:32 for a couple of weeks.
15:33 But what happened that first day
15:35 as I was praying,
15:37 and I wish I had time to teach you all of this.
15:39 But as I was praying that first day,
15:42 I looked up and I had put a little sticky thing,
15:45 sticky note over my computer,
15:46 because I was actually typing out
15:50 my prayer to the Lord.
15:51 And I put a little sticky note over my computer,
15:54 so that I couldn't see how much time had elapsed.
15:57 And I felt like, "Well, maybe I prayed 30-40 minutes."
16:00 But I felt like I was prayed up.
16:02 And so I thought, "Okay, I'm gonna look at the clock.
16:05 I wonder how long I prayed."
16:06 And I looked over at the clock.
16:09 It was 10:15.
16:11 I had prayed for 2 hours and 15 minutes.
16:14 And it seemed to go by and about,
16:16 I felt like I'd been spending 30 to 45 minutes there.
16:20 So I was so excited.
16:22 I thought, "Wow!
16:23 Lord, this has been such a wonderful experience!"
16:26 And I was getting ready to type out in Jesus name.
16:31 Amen.
16:32 When all of a sudden,
16:33 I heard the still small voice of the Lord.
16:37 And this is what he said,
16:39 "Be still and know that I am God."
16:45 And I thought, "Lord, what do you mean?"
16:49 He said, "Exalt Me, through listening."
16:53 So that's the E.
16:55 There's praise, repentance, affirmation,
16:57 intercession, supplication,
16:59 and exalting the Lord through listening.
17:03 You know what?
17:04 I have often said to people, as I'm teaching them this.
17:07 You know, I've been privileged to spend a lot of time
17:11 at the feet of the Lord.
17:13 And God has spoken to me.
17:16 But I'm nothing special.
17:19 There's nothing different in the way the Lord looks at me
17:22 or the way He looks at Laverne.
17:25 There's nothing special about me.
17:28 The reason I have heard from God is because
17:32 I learned to make prayer a two way communication.
17:36 Did you know God wants to speak with His children?
17:40 So let's look at this.
17:42 And we're going to, in the next 40 minutes,
17:44 this is going to be kind of a bulleted points here.
17:48 But I want to take you through and show you,
17:51 God wants to speak to you.
17:54 And more than just the occasional impression
17:57 of His thoughts upon your mind,
17:59 if you will make this your daily practice,
18:02 you will learn to tune in
18:04 and hear the still small voice of the Lord.
18:08 Now, let me say something.
18:09 I prayed like this every morning
18:13 for over seven years.
18:14 And in my prayer journal I've got,
18:17 there were times and it was,
18:18 I mean, I understand why people,
18:21 you know, if any time
18:22 somebody comes up to me and says,
18:24 "Well, the Lord said such and such to me,"
18:26 what is the first thing if somebody comes
18:28 and tells you the Lord said something to you?
18:31 What are you going to do?
18:32 Check it out against the Word,
18:34 because God will never say anything
18:37 by His Spirit that does not line up
18:38 with His Word ever, ever.
18:41 And I know when I first began, you know, I would tell JD,
18:44 "Honey, the Lord said this, or the Lord said that."
18:47 You know, what would he say to me?
18:49 "Honey, please don't say that in public.
18:50 People are going to think you're crazy."
18:53 But God wants to speak to His people.
18:56 And I'm going to show you this.
18:58 In Psalms 99:5,
19:00 it says, "Exalt the Lord our God
19:04 and worship at His footstool.
19:07 He is holy."
19:09 We need to learn to press into the presence of the Lord,
19:13 beyond the outer gate, in and beyond the outer courts
19:18 into the holy place.
19:19 That's where the affirmation and intercession
19:22 and supplication came.
19:24 We need to learn to press in to the Holy of Holies,
19:29 and be at the feet of the Lord.
19:31 Psalm 105:4, says,
19:34 "Seek the Lord and His strength,
19:37 seek His face forevermore."
19:41 What does it mean to seek God's face?
19:45 It means to pray, to get to know God.
19:50 See, so many times when we pray,
19:53 we come in and we've got this laundry list
19:56 and we're asking God...
19:58 How many of you have a prayer request list?
20:01 You know, you keep your prayer list going.
20:02 And so we come in and we're praying for this
20:04 and this and it's a check off.
20:06 But we don't pray to get to know God.
20:10 I think that's why it's so important
20:12 to make the word part of your prayer time.
20:16 When you come to God in prayer, open it up.
20:20 Prayer is meant to be a two way communication.
20:23 And the number one way God speaks to us
20:26 is through His Word.
20:28 So let Him speak to you through the Word.
20:31 Get into His promises, pray them back to Him.
20:36 He says to us in Jeremiah 33:3,
20:40 "Call to me and I will answer you,
20:43 and show you great and mighty things,
20:47 which you do not know."
20:51 "Be still and know that I am God."
20:56 That's Psalm 46:10.
20:58 So let's take, I'm going to briefly
21:00 go over some bullet points here
21:02 'cause we don't have sufficient time.
21:04 I want to get to the point
21:05 where we're going to hone in
21:08 on hearing the still small voice.
21:10 But let's look at this first.
21:12 How does the Lord speak to us?
21:14 What's the number one way that God speaks to us?
21:18 Through His Word.
21:20 The Bible tells us in 2 Timothy 3:16-17,
21:24 that every one of these words are God breathed.
21:29 They are meant for our instruction,
21:31 for our correction.
21:33 They are meant to give us life.
21:36 1 Thessalonians 2:13, says,
21:38 "The Word of God effectually works
21:43 in those of us who believe."
21:46 So the Word is the number one way
21:49 He speaks to us.
21:50 He also spoke to us through His prophets,
21:54 and through Jesus Christ, didn't He?
21:57 Hebrews 1:1-2, says this,
22:01 "God who at various times and in various ways,
22:04 spoke in time past to the father's
22:07 by the prophets, has in these days
22:10 spoken to us by His Son,
22:12 whom He appointed heir of all things,
22:15 through whom He also made the worlds."
22:20 What's another way?
22:21 He speaks through the Word, He speaks through the prophets,
22:24 He speaks to us through Jesus,
22:26 He speaks to us through answered prayers.
22:30 Think of Hannah, Samuel's mother,
22:33 who is pouring her heart out wanting a child
22:35 and said she would dedicate him to the service of the Lord.
22:39 Think of Elijah,
22:40 when he poured the water out on up there on the mount
22:45 and the prophets of Baal were watching him
22:47 and he poured the water out on the sacrifice
22:49 and asked the Lord to send fire down from heaven.
22:52 When that fire came down, was that an answer to prayer?
22:55 Absolutely.
22:56 God was speaking through that.
22:59 He speaks to us through signs and circumstances.
23:04 We can think of Gideon.
23:06 And in Gideon, in Judges Chapter 6,
23:08 when Gideon did the fleece, putting the fleece out
23:12 and saying, "Okay, Lord,
23:14 if this is, you know, if the do is on the fleece,
23:17 not on the ground in the morning,
23:19 then I'll know that you're speaking to me
23:21 that this is really You."
23:23 He speaks to us through open doors.
23:26 Revelation 3:8, Jesus says, "I know your works.
23:30 See, I have set before you an open door
23:32 that no one can shut it."
23:34 So signs and circumstances, yes.
23:37 But I'm going to share with you in a little bit,
23:39 when I asked the Lord for a sign,
23:41 you know what he said to me?
23:43 "This time I will give you a sign."
23:46 What does that imply?
23:49 Don't be asking all the time.
23:51 Learn to know My voice.
23:53 You don't have to have a sign from Me all the time.
23:56 But you know, often I'll pray,
23:58 "Lord, if this isn't Your will shut the door.
24:02 You open doors, You shut,
24:03 You open doors that no man can close.
24:05 Close the door that no man can open
24:07 if this is not Your will."
24:09 He speaks to us through visions.
24:12 Think about John on the Isle of Patmos,
24:14 we have the whole Book of Revelation
24:16 because of that.
24:17 Ananias.
24:19 Do you remember in Acts Chapter 9,
24:21 little Ananias, who is a disciple of the Lord?
24:24 And God speaks to him in a vision and says,
24:27 "I want you to go to Saul of Tarsus,
24:30 and Ananias is saying, "Oh Lord,
24:32 he's that murderous one that's killing all the people
24:35 who believe in Jesus Christ."
24:37 But God spoke to him through a vision.
24:40 Also in Acts we find how he spoke to Cornelius.
24:43 Someone who was not even one of the elect,
24:48 if you will, a pagan.
24:51 He spoke to Cornelius in a vision and said,
24:53 "Send these men to Peter."
24:57 He speaks to us through dreams.
25:00 Think of Daniel, and the dreams that God spoke to him through.
25:04 Think of Jacob's ladder.
25:06 Think of Joseph, the husband of Mary.
25:10 He speaks to us
25:11 through the appearance of an angel.
25:13 He has in times past.
25:15 I don't hear about that too much anymore, do you?
25:18 I wonder why?
25:20 I think maybe because we've got the Holy Spirit
25:23 so active in us that we don't have to.
25:25 But we see that He appeared through an angel to Zacharias
25:29 to announce John the Baptist birth.
25:31 He appeared to Mary to tell her,
25:34 she was going to have the Son of God.
25:36 An angel appeared to the women at the tomb.
25:39 An angel spoke to Christ' disciples at His ascension.
25:43 So there's many places where He speaks through angels.
25:47 He speaks through an audible voice.
25:50 Now, let me ask you
25:52 what is the audible voice of the Lord like?
25:54 What does the scripture say?
25:56 It says, it was powerful!
25:59 It was majestic!
26:01 It was like, when the audible voice came,
26:04 it was like thunder.
26:06 It was like the sound of many rushing waters,
26:12 it says in Revelation.
26:14 So if He speaks through an audible voice,
26:18 every time you see this.
26:19 And what happened at Mount Sinai,
26:22 when He spoke through an audible voice?
26:25 Their knees were knocking, weren't they?
26:27 It was almost a frightening thing.
26:29 So given that, this is why I believe that
26:34 when the Bible tells us
26:36 that He speaks through the still small voice,
26:40 I believe that is the Holy Spirit
26:43 impressing His thoughts, God's thoughts upon our mind.
26:47 Turn in your Bibles to 1 Kings Chapter 19.
26:51 1 Kings Chapter 19.
26:53 And let's look at this.
26:55 Because I think it's important for people to see that God is,
27:01 the Spirit of God can still impress
27:03 God's thoughts upon our mind.
27:05 1 Kings 19-11 is where we'll begin.
27:10 And the Bible says, "Then He said,"
27:13 and this is the Lord speaking,
27:15 "'Go out, and stand on the mountain
27:17 before the Lord.'
27:18 And behold, the Lord passed by,
27:22 and a great and strong wind tore into the mountains
27:25 and broke the rock in pieces before the Lord,
27:28 but the Lord was not in the wind,
27:30 and after the wind an earthquake,
27:33 but the Lord was not in the earthquake,
27:35 and after the earthquake a fire,
27:38 but the Lord was not in the fire,
27:40 and after the fire, a still small voice.
27:46 So it was when Elijah heard it,
27:49 that he wrapped his face in his mantle.
27:51 He went out and stood in the entrance of the cave.
27:55 Suddenly a voice came to him and said,
27:59 'What are you doing here, Elijah?'"
28:01 The still small voice,
28:04 God was in the still small voice.
28:08 The Bible tells us in Psalms 139:16-17.
28:13 And this is something I used to quote
28:14 as an affirmation back to the Lord.
28:17 He says, "Your eyes saw my unformed body
28:21 and all the days ordained for me
28:25 were written in your book before one of them came to be."
28:29 Now listen to this.
28:30 Psalm 139:17,
28:33 "How precious to me are your thoughts, O God!
28:38 How vast is the sum of them!"
28:41 Would you like to know the thoughts of God toward you?
28:45 If they become precious to you,
28:47 I believe that God can teach every one of us
28:51 to know His still small voice.
28:54 Now very quickly with whom does the Lord speak?
28:58 He speaks with His prophets.
29:00 We know that.
29:01 He also speaks to those
29:03 who are obedient to His will and His Word.
29:09 In Proverbs 3, well, first, let me give you this one.
29:13 Acts 5:32.
29:15 The Bible says that,
29:16 "He gives the Holy Spirit
29:19 to those who obey Him."
29:23 When we say, "Yes, Lord," and we step out in obedience,
29:29 the greater the obedience,
29:31 the greater the infilling of the Holy Spirit.
29:34 Who's the only one who had the spirit
29:36 without measure?
29:38 What does the Bible say?
29:41 Jesus had the spirit without measure.
29:44 Why do you think that is?
29:46 He walked in perfect obedience.
29:50 So the greater the obedience,
29:52 the greater the infilling of the Holy Spirit.
29:55 Proverbs 3:32 says,
29:58 "The Lord detest, a perverse man,
30:02 but He takes the upright into His confidence."
30:07 If you are upright, if you are walking
30:11 in God's right way of doing things,
30:14 He will take you into His confidence.
30:17 Now listen to this from Proverbs.
30:20 Whoops, that's the wrong one.
30:23 So, oh, I was going to read it to you,
30:25 that was NIV.
30:26 New King James says it this way,
30:28 from Proverbs 3:32,
30:30 "The perverse person is an abomination to the Lord.
30:34 But His secret counsel is with the upright."
30:40 Isaiah 50:4-5.
30:45 Isaiah says, "The Lord God has given Me
30:49 the tongue of a disciple, of one who is taught
30:53 that I should know how to speak a word to the weary in season.
30:58 He wakens Me morning by morning,
31:03 He wakens My ear to hear as a disciple,
31:08 as one who is taught.
31:10 The Lord God has opened My ear,
31:14 and I have not been rebellious or turned backward."
31:19 Has God opened your ear?
31:21 If he hasn't, we need to ask God to do this.
31:25 Because let me tell you something,
31:26 for seven years, I did this every day
31:30 until I got to 3ABN.
31:32 Isn't that a sad, that's a sad commentary.
31:35 You think I would need it more here than anywhere and I do.
31:40 But the point that I'm making is there are times
31:42 that I have not, I mean,
31:43 I just have to confess and be totally honest.
31:46 There are times that I am so much on overdrive.
31:48 I hit the floor running in the morning
31:50 and you don't stop till you drop.
31:52 And I pray all during the day.
31:55 But if I don't sit down
31:56 and have this type of prayer with the Lord,
31:59 where I am pressing into His presence,
32:02 guess what?
32:03 If I'm not still before the Lord,
32:06 I don't hear from God.
32:08 I have to get when I really need an answer from God.
32:11 I have to be still before the Lord.
32:15 He speaks to those, He is turning away from sin.
32:20 How did He speak to Balaam?
32:23 Through a donkey!
32:25 God will speak... How did He speak to Paul?
32:28 He spoke to Paul on the road to Damascus.
32:32 And He got his attention, didn't He?
32:35 He speaks to those
32:37 who is choosing for a special work,
32:40 like Moses or Abraham or Samuel or Paul and Barnabas.
32:44 1 Samuel 3:10.
32:46 Samuel thought, little Samuel is thinking that
32:49 Eli was calling him.
32:52 So this was a normal voice that he was hearing.
32:55 He's hearing, "Samuel, Samuel."
32:58 And finally, when Eli didn't hear the voice,
33:02 and Eli knew it was God.
33:04 He tells him, "You go back there.
33:06 And the next time God speaks to you, you answer."
33:08 In 1 Samuel 3:10.
33:10 He says, "The Lord came and stood there,
33:12 calling as at other times, 'Samuel! Samuel!'
33:16 Then Samuel said,
33:18 'Speak, for your servant is listening.'"
33:21 When's the last time you told the Lord,
33:24 "Lord, speak to me, for I am listening?"
33:27 He speaks to His sheep,
33:30 those who are following the great Shepherd.
33:33 John 10:27,
33:36 Jesus said, "My sheep know My voice,
33:39 and I know them and they follow Me."
33:42 He speaks to those who are earnestly seeking Him,
33:45 those who seek His face, those who are seeking glory
33:49 for His name, those who keep on asking,
33:53 keep on knocking, keep on seeking.
33:57 He tells us in Hebrews 11:6, "Without faith,
34:01 it is impossible to please Him."
34:04 Because we must believe that He exists
34:06 and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.
34:12 If you're not hearing from God, maybe the problem is,
34:17 you're not earnest in seeking Him.
34:20 Does that make sense?
34:22 God rewards those who earnestly seek Him.
34:26 Jeremiah 29, I'm going to read this from the NIV,
34:30 verses 11 through 14.
34:32 He says, "'For I know the plans I have for you,'
34:36 declares the Lord,
34:37 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
34:40 plans to give you a hope and a future.'"
34:45 But now listen, it goes on in verse 12.
34:48 And God says this, "Then you will call upon Me
34:53 and come and pray to Me."
34:56 When will we call upon God, earnestly?
35:01 When we recognize that He has a plan for our lives,
35:05 and it's better than the one we're living.
35:07 That's when we get earnest with our prayer.
35:10 And He says, "You will seek Me and you will find Me
35:13 when you seek Me with all of your heart."
35:16 So now, what does the Lord speak to us?
35:19 Turn in your Bibles please
35:21 to Proverbs 1:22.
35:25 Proverbs 1:22.
35:29 Now let me set this up.
35:32 This is wisdom speaking in Proverbs Chapter 1.
35:37 And who is wisdom? Why?
35:42 Have you ever noticed that most translations
35:45 capitalized wisdom in Proverbs?
35:48 Why?
35:50 Because 1 Corinthians 1:30 says,
35:52 "It is because of God that you are in Christ Jesus,
35:57 who has become for us, our wisdom from God,
36:03 our righteousness, our sanctification,
36:06 and our redemption."
36:08 Jesus Christ is our wisdom from God.
36:13 So when you're reading in the Proverbs
36:15 and its wisdom speaking, this is the voice of Jesus.
36:19 And now listen what He says, Proverbs 1:22,
36:22 "How long will use simple ones, love your simple ways?
36:29 How long will mockers delight in mockery,
36:33 and fools hate knowledge?
36:35 If you had responded to my rebuke,
36:39 I would have poured out my heart to you
36:43 and made my thoughts known to you."
36:47 Let me ask you a question.
36:49 How many of you pray that God will discipline you?
36:52 Let me see your hands.
36:54 Oh, we got a few brave souls,
36:56 and then we've got some snickers.
36:58 Sometimes when I asked this question,
36:59 you know what happens?
37:01 I'll hear a collective gasp.
37:02 'Cause I'll tell people, here's when I hear it.
37:04 I said, "I always ask God to discipline me,"
37:07 and they just go, "Oh!"
37:09 If you're afraid to ask for God's discipline,
37:11 then you do not understand
37:13 your perfect, loving Heavenly Father,
37:17 because all fathers are going to discipline their children.
37:22 Discipline can be just a simple word of rebuke,
37:27 a simple word of correction.
37:29 And I'd rather be open for that little word of correction
37:33 than for the Lord to have to take greater measure.
37:35 Say, amen.
37:37 So if we will respond to His rebuke
37:42 and start walking uprightly, He says right here,
37:46 "I'll pour out My heart to you
37:48 and make My thoughts known to you."
37:50 Isaiah 48:17 says this,
37:55 "This is what the Lord says,
37:57 Your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel,
38:01 'I am the Lord your God,
38:03 who teaches you what is best for you,
38:07 who directs you in the way you should go.'"
38:10 We get principles from the Word.
38:14 But there are times
38:16 when we are facing issues personally,
38:18 that we can't go to the Lord, in the Word
38:22 and find exactly what we should do.
38:25 We need to know God's timing.
38:27 Are we going to build a house, yes or no Lord?
38:30 When should we build this house, Father?
38:32 We need to know.
38:34 And so we need to learn
38:35 to take it to the Lord in prayer
38:37 and sit at His feet, sit at the footstool,
38:41 seeking His face and say, "Lord, You have promise me
38:45 that You would teach me what is best for me
38:47 and show me the way in which I should go.
38:50 So I need your direction here.
38:52 I need to hear the still small voice of the Lord."
38:56 Isaiah 46:10, God says, "I am the Lord
39:00 who makes known the end from the beginning."
39:04 Now, if you're in Isaiah, let's look at this one,
39:08 Isaiah 30:21.
39:12 He says, your teachers
39:13 will not hide themselves from you,
39:16 but your teacher will.
39:19 It says, "Your ears shall hear a word behind you saying,
39:24 'This is the way, walk in it.'
39:28 Whenever you turn to the right hand
39:30 or whenever you turn to the left."
39:34 If you will learn to seek God's face and say,
39:39 "Lord, give me ears to hear what the Spirit has to say."
39:43 He will direct you.
39:45 And if you start going off the path to the left,
39:48 you'll hear that gentle word of correction,
39:51 and you can correct your path.
39:54 God wants His children to hear Him.
39:57 Psalms 25:14,
40:02 "The Lord confides in those who fear Him.
40:07 He makes His covenant known to them."
40:11 You know, when God first was taking me
40:15 through this on that first day.
40:18 The Bible has so much to talk about what God speaks to us.
40:23 He speaks words of comfort, He speaks words of correction.
40:27 But I know for me, and I know for you,
40:31 it's a little bit, at first,
40:33 it was a little frightening to think
40:36 that I felt presumptuous to believe
40:39 that the God who created the universe
40:41 wanted to talk to Shelley Quinn.
40:45 But let me ask you, can you imagine a father
40:48 that doesn't want to talk to their child?
40:52 I believe with all of my heart,
40:55 that the reason the Lord wants to speak to us
40:59 is because He wants to keep us,
41:01 He wants to be personally involved
41:03 in the details of our life.
41:05 And if we will learn,
41:07 let me share my experience that morning,
41:09 as I began with praise,
41:11 and then I went into repentance.
41:14 There was a deep season of repentance,
41:17 then affirmations, taking from Scripture,
41:20 His promises, His word, praying it back to Him,
41:24 letting Him speak to me through the Word.
41:26 Then praying it back to Him knowing
41:28 that He says in Isaiah 55:11,
41:31 "My word shall not return to Me void,
41:34 but it shall accomplish every purpose
41:36 for which I sent it."
41:38 I knew as I was returning the word to the Lord,
41:41 that He was going to watch over His word to perform it,
41:44 as he says in Jeremiah 1:12.
41:47 And He took me through those affirmations
41:50 into intercession, into supplication,
41:54 where now it's where I'm praying and saying,
41:56 "Oh, Lord, teach me Your will,
42:00 lead me by Your good spirit, O Father.
42:03 I want to know Your will, Lord.
42:05 I want to know Your will for my life.
42:07 O Lord, help me to pick up my cross today
42:10 and to put to death and misdeeds of my flesh
42:12 by Your Holy Spirit.
42:14 Lord, fill me with Your Holy Spirit."
42:16 And now I'm really coming before Him with the issues.
42:20 And when the Lord...
42:21 When I looked up and saw 2 hours and 15 minutes
42:24 had gone by, I thought,
42:27 "Oh, Father, this is so wonderful."
42:29 And I'm getting ready to say, I pray all of these things
42:32 for the glory of Your name in Jesus' name, amen.
42:35 And suddenly, I hear,
42:38 "Be still and know that I am God."
42:42 I'm going to tell you that I struggled
42:46 for the next five minutes.
42:47 Because thoughts began to come into my mind and I'm going,
42:51 "Lord, is this me?
42:52 Or is this you?"
42:53 Is this me? Or is it you?
42:56 Have you ever thought maybe you're hearing something
42:59 from God and you don't know for sure if it is God?
43:03 And what we've got to do at that point in time,
43:05 you know what the Lord spoke to me?
43:08 He said, "I will teach you to quit interrupting
43:11 in the spiritual realm and the physical realm."
43:15 You know, it was so hard for me to be still.
43:20 But at that time, the Lord began,
43:24 and JD and I were just beginning
43:26 a new business.
43:28 Because remember, I told you for 18 months,
43:30 I've been doing a consulting job.
43:32 Well, this company that I was working
43:35 with went bankrupt.
43:37 But all the people that I had been going
43:39 around the United States training were CPAs
43:43 and they said, "Shelley,
43:45 if you and JD will put together a new business
43:48 and come and teach our business clients,
43:50 what you've been teaching us,
43:53 we will guarantee you
43:54 that you'll have at least 100 people,"
43:56 and we had over 30 CPAs lined up saying,
43:59 "We'll have at least 100 of our business clients there
44:02 and you can charge them $1,000."
44:06 They said, "$800-$1,000 for a two day seminar."
44:13 You do the math.
44:14 If you've got 100 people at $1,000,
44:17 how much money is that?
44:19 $100,000 on a weekend.
44:22 So I had been working for six months,
44:25 pulling everything together.
44:26 We had incorporated.
44:27 I was getting ready.
44:29 You know, we were getting ready to kick off this new business.
44:32 And I had been working getting everything we had.
44:34 Bought the big screen, we had the projectors,
44:36 we had everything ready,
44:38 getting ready to go on the road.
44:40 When the Lord started teaching me to pray like this
44:43 and I knew the first day,
44:48 I knew God was calling me into full time ministry.
44:53 And so I prayed like this for several months.
44:57 And then actually, it's been six months
44:59 that I've been praying like this.
45:01 I happened to go visit JD, he was working out of town.
45:06 And I told JD and at this time, by this time,
45:10 God has convinced JD
45:13 that I am hearing the voice of the Lord.
45:16 We're driving down the road.
45:17 We weren't Adventist then.
45:19 It's a Saturday. We're driving down the road.
45:21 And JD says to me, "Honey, what is wrong with you?
45:24 You have been so focused on this business,
45:28 and now it seems like
45:30 you're not even interested in it."
45:31 He said, "What's wrong with you?"
45:33 And I said, "Well, no, I'm still interested."
45:36 Kind of that little whiny singsong voice
45:38 that women say when they're not real sincere.
45:40 Anyway, and so he said to me, he said,
45:44 "Honey, if you could be doing anything in the world
45:48 that you wanted to do, what would you be doing?"
45:50 And I said, "I would be teaching Christians,
45:53 having Christian seminars, teaching Christians
45:55 how to have a closer walk with the Lord."
45:59 And I said to him, "Honey, I know God is calling me
46:04 to full time ministry.
46:05 I just don't know if it's full time right now
46:10 or if maybe we could do, Impact Profit Solutions,
46:13 our new business, part time.
46:15 And you know, every other weekend
46:16 or just do that one weekend, and that, you know,
46:20 if we could make $100,000 in a weekend
46:22 that would fund the new ministry, right?"
46:25 And I said, "So I'm just not sure."
46:27 Now let me explain something.
46:30 I knew God was calling me to full time ministry.
46:33 The reason I wasn't sure is because
46:35 what the Spirit of the Lord impressed upon my mind
46:38 as I'm journaling my prayers, is it had to be JD's decision.
46:43 Does that sound like something God would say?
46:45 I think so.
46:47 We're to be one.
46:48 He is the head of the house, right?
46:50 So that I wasn't lying when I said I wasn't sure.
46:53 Because I knew God said it had to be his decision.
46:56 And I didn't think for a second
46:58 that JD was going to say, "Okay.
47:01 Forget about this business."
47:02 But guess what happened?
47:03 I said, I know He's calling me to full time ministry.
47:07 I'm just not sure if it's part time now
47:10 and full time later or full time now.
47:12 And JD said to me, "Honey, you do know?"
47:16 And I said, "Yes, I do.
47:19 God is calling me
47:20 to full time ministry right now."
47:23 Without blinking, without even turning his head,
47:26 he's driving down the road
47:27 without even turning his head toward me,
47:30 he said, "Who am I to argue with God?"
47:34 Glory to God for a godly man!
47:37 And we abandon that business like that.
47:41 Never gave it a second thought
47:43 and went into full time ministry.
47:45 But here's what's my response to him.
47:48 I said, "Oh, honey!"
47:50 Oh, I was so excited.
47:51 I said, "Listen, God said He would give us a sign."
47:55 Because I had prayed, and I said,
47:56 "Oh Lord, if we do," I was praying and saying,
47:59 "Lord, open up the opportunity to talk about this.
48:02 And, Lord, if we make this decision,
48:03 you've got to let us know
48:05 for sure this is the right decision
48:06 because we could use that money."
48:08 Oh, we could have done so many, many good things
48:10 for the kingdom of God with that money.
48:12 See, God knew if we got started out end up
48:14 in that backslidden condition
48:15 and forget about the call on my life.
48:18 But as soon as I said that, God said He gave us the sign,
48:21 JD said, "That's the problem with you Christians,"
48:24 he was a Christian, but this is the way he said,
48:26 "That's the problem with you Christians,
48:28 you're always asking for a sign.
48:30 So if God doesn't give you a sign,
48:31 does that mean you haven't heard his voice?"
48:35 And I thought about that for a moment.
48:37 Wow!
48:39 I wasn't sure how to answer that.
48:40 The very next day, on a Sunday,
48:43 A religious broadcasting company
48:45 tracked us down.
48:47 They tracked us down by tracking my sister down,
48:50 and then she gave them JD cell number.
48:52 And they called and asked me to come
48:55 and do a program on their network.
48:59 Now, is that a sign within 24 hours?
49:02 Is that a sign?
49:04 When I got home the next day, I was sitting
49:09 and I was journaling my prayers.
49:11 And as I was praying, this is what the Lord said.
49:15 And it's hard for me to,
49:17 as many times as I've shared this,
49:19 it is still difficult for me to share this.
49:24 He said, "Always before you have put
49:28 your hand to the plow, and you have turned back,
49:32 but not this time,
49:34 for I will cup My hand over yours."
49:40 That was all He spoke to me that day.
49:45 I've got it in my prayer journal.
49:47 He didn't say anything more.
49:48 I'd prayed for three hours.
49:50 That was one simple sentence the Lord said.
49:53 But I want you to know that,
49:54 that one simple sentence carried us
49:58 over the next few years.
50:00 It carried us because there were
50:02 some difficult times.
50:03 There were some financially difficult times.
50:05 Because now instead of having two people
50:08 working for a living,
50:10 we had JD who's doing all the work,
50:12 I'm out doing a ministry that doesn't pay anything.
50:16 And he was having to support the ministry.
50:19 But God carried me through
50:21 because of that one simple sentence.
50:24 There were times when I felt like turning back,
50:27 but I thought, "No, Lord,
50:29 You have cupped your hand over mine."
50:32 God wants to speak to His children.
50:35 You know, there was a time
50:37 when the Lord was opening so many doors,
50:43 and then some doors seem to close,
50:44 and He told me He was closing the doors
50:46 because it was a ministry that was getting,
50:48 the one I was becoming associated with
50:50 was getting a little off track.
50:55 But it was a difficult time.
50:57 And yet, because God was,
50:59 I was still seeking the Lord's face
51:02 to know Him better, to listen for His voice,
51:05 God was speaking to me and He kept me going.
51:09 You know, He says to us in Psalm 91:15,
51:15 "He shall call upon me and I will answer him.
51:18 I will be with him in trouble.
51:20 I will deliver and honor Him."
51:23 God was delivering us and honoring us.
51:27 And here, you know,
51:29 there were so many things going on
51:30 and all of a sudden the Lord spoke to me one day and said,
51:35 "I will join you to one who is running fast after me."
51:41 And he said, "And JD will work shoulder-to-shoulder with you."
51:46 You know what? I knew that was God.
51:48 You know how I knew it was God?
51:51 'Cause I was kind of like, "Well, wait a minute, Lord,
51:53 I thought You were giving me a ministry."
51:56 Little bit of pride came up.
51:58 And I thought, "Lord, if You're going to join me,"
52:01 and then I thought, "Okay, Lord, if that's Your plan,
52:03 then I will serve side by side with someone."
52:05 I believe that the one God join me to
52:08 was Danny Shelton and 3ABN.
52:11 But you know, the Lord has been so good
52:14 because God told me,
52:15 "Do not think that you can go out
52:17 and do what you did in the corporate world.
52:19 Don't use all of the fluff
52:22 that used in the corporate world."
52:24 He said, "I want you to speak from My Word."
52:27 I prayed and I asked, "Lord, what do You want me to teach?
52:31 What's important to You that I teach?"
52:34 And the Lord first told me,
52:36 "There's far too much focus on the gifts of the Spirit,
52:39 teach about the fruit of the Spirit."
52:42 And He told me to teach about His love.
52:44 He told me to always remind people
52:48 that you are not worthless,
52:51 you are worth nothing less than the price
52:53 that Jesus Christ paid for you with His own life blood.
52:59 And God began to lead me.
53:00 This is when the Lord called me to His feet.
53:03 And He said, "Forget what you think,
53:05 you know, come sit at My feet, and I will teach you."
53:09 This is how He brought me out of believing
53:12 that the commandments were nailed to the cross.
53:14 God took me through a deep study,
53:16 He showed me all of these things.
53:18 Oh, please, God wants us to know
53:23 that He wants us to hear His voice.
53:26 But what we've got to do?
53:28 Anytime someone comes to me and if they say,
53:30 "Well, the Lord says such and such,"
53:33 I check it out according to the Word.
53:35 I had a lady come up to me one day
53:38 and she said,
53:41 "God has delivered me.
53:43 He's kept me free from that no good man I'm married to."
53:46 And I said, "Is your husband committing adultery?"
53:50 "No."
53:52 "Is he involved with pornography?"
53:54 "No."
53:55 "Is he abusing you?" "No."
53:56 And I said, "Honey, I don't know who you hearing.
53:59 It's either your own voice or it's the devil."
54:00 But I said, "It is not God, because God hates divorce.
54:04 So He's not just telling you,
54:06 He's going to cut you free from this."
54:07 He has to, anything He speaks has to line up
54:11 with the principles in this Word.
54:13 So, but the thing that I want to encourage you to do
54:17 is to learn how to press into God's presence.
54:22 See, the reason we don't hear very often
54:24 is because we rush into His presence,
54:27 and then we rush out.
54:28 There were times that God has spoken to me.
54:30 I heard His voice. Once I thought it was audible.
54:33 I was having some refreshment with a pastor and his wife,
54:37 and JD was there and they were talking about
54:40 this pastor's wife having a new baby and how...
54:44 It was six months before she let anyone stay
54:46 with this baby.
54:47 And he finally got her to agree
54:49 to let her mother come stay with the baby
54:52 while he took her out to dinner.
54:54 And he was so excited about this.
54:56 It was like a first date with his wife.
54:58 He said, "My wife has been restored to me."
55:01 And he took her out for dinner to this fancy restaurant
55:05 where the nice linen tablecloths
55:07 and they got the candlelight going
55:09 and the whole thing.
55:11 They go through their salad and their soup.
55:13 And just before the main course was served a baby off
55:18 in a distant room began crying.
55:20 And guess what happened? What do you think?
55:23 Well, women, you, anybody that's ever nourished.
55:25 You know what happened?
55:27 Her milk dropped.
55:29 Now I want to be sensitive in saying this.
55:31 Listen with sensitive ears.
55:33 So this pastor said, "Isn't it amazing
55:37 how God put this intuition into a woman!"
55:40 And as soon as he said that,
55:43 what I heard in my mind was this,
55:47 "My name is El Shaddai.
55:50 The mini breasted one,
55:51 just as I ordained it in the physical
55:54 so it is in the spiritual realm.
55:57 When I hear the cries of My children,
56:02 My nourishment,"
56:03 He says, "I long," how He said?
56:05 He didn't say, my nourishment.
56:06 He said, "I long for them to come and draw on Me."
56:12 See, God wants us to learn how to seek His face.
56:16 He wants us to learn how to listen for His voice.
56:20 It's not a spooky thing.
56:23 If you feel like you don't know enough of the Word of God,
56:26 every time God, anytime that I journaled,
56:29 anything that I thought the Lord was saying to me,
56:31 I always went to the Word and I looked it up.
56:34 A lot of times God would tell me.
56:36 He'd say something and then He'd say,
56:38 "Look it up."
56:39 I want to encourage you to learn how to make prayer,
56:44 a two way communication.
56:45 And for all of you who are watching,
56:47 God loves you so much.
56:49 He sent His Son to die for you while you were yet a sinner.
56:53 How much more will He now do all things for us?
56:57 So I want to encourage you,
57:00 please learn how to seek God's face in prayer,
57:04 learn how to press into His presence,
57:07 learn how to sit at His feet,
57:11 and listen for His voice,
57:13 for the Lord is saying,
57:14 "Be still and know that I am God."


Revised 2019-09-12