3ABN On the Road


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: III, Charles W. Drake


Series Code: OTR

Program Code: OTR000866

01:00 It is good to know that we serve a Risen Savior.
01:06 Amen. It is good to know that He loves us
01:11 that He has allowed us to come together
01:15 one more time in order to worship Him.
01:19 I was encouraged last evening,
01:22 when I came in someone said there is a message
01:26 for you and they directed me to the boof
01:32 where the recorders are for the Camp Meeting.
01:37 And they wanted to know my message title.
01:43 And I had to sign a sheet, so you can get it free.
01:48 Well, I can give it to you free,
01:50 it's not free to you, but it's not free to me.
01:53 Is that makes sense? No, let me say it again.
01:54 I had a sign a release, so that they don't
01:59 have to pay me for what they give to you
02:01 that makes better sense? Alright, so in the
02:06 process of doing that I asked them a question
02:10 about the subjects and they informed me that
02:14 my good friend Elder Ron Halverson had
02:17 changed all of his subjects. And I felt really good
02:22 because I want to change mine too.
02:26 So, tonight my subject is water, water.
02:31 And I would draw your attention to the
02:33 Book of John, Saint John chapter 4.
02:43 Saint John chapter 4,
02:52 therefore, beginning in verse 1.
02:55 "Therefore when the Lord knew that the
02:58 Pharisees had heard that Jesus made
03:01 and baptized more disciples than John.
03:05 Though Jesus Himself did not baptize,
03:08 but His disciples. He left Judea and departed
03:12 again to Galilee. But he needed to go
03:15 through Samaria. So He came to a city
03:19 of Samaria, which is called Sychar,
03:21 near the plot of ground that Jacob gave to
03:23 his son Joseph; now, Jacob's well was there.
03:28 Jesus therefore being wearied from His journey,
03:31 sit thus by the well. It was about the sixth hour.
03:36 A woman of Samaria came to draw water,
03:40 Jesus said to her, "Give me a drink."
03:44 Let us pray. Father this is your word,
03:49 we are your people. This is your time
03:54 you know what we need? Speak to us tonight.
03:59 And we will give you the praise in Jesus name,
04:02 amen. Few years ago, I was preaching for
04:12 Camp Meeting in South Eastern California.
04:16 It was a Sabbath morning; they were
04:22 under a huge tent. And I was preaching and
04:28 as I near the end of my message.
04:33 I began to understand that I did not
04:41 understand what I would say.
04:47 It seemed as if my whole body was slowing down,
04:53 going in slow motion. I turned around to the folk
05:03 who are sitting behind me on the poppet.
05:05 And I said can someone get me some water?
05:11 The next thing I remember was
05:15 I was stretched out on the floor, I had fallen out.
05:22 When I came to, people were unbuttoning
05:26 my shirt and putting cold compresses
05:34 or water or clothes on my forehead.
05:39 I remember thinking as I lay on the floor
05:43 and people were over me and some saying,
05:46 give him a candy bar, no give him some
05:48 water, no do this, no do that.
05:51 What came to my mind was a fact that
05:55 my wife had been fussing with me
05:58 because my undershirts had someone of them
06:02 had little bit of holes you know, I wear them
06:04 along we get little bit of holes.
06:05 And she was saying one of these days
06:08 something is gonna happen and you are
06:10 going to embarrass us. And, and, and, and,
06:13 and I thought thank God I have got a
06:15 new undershirt on. Finally someone leaned
06:26 over me and they said, Elder Darek,
06:31 I am David Wooding, and I recognized
06:36 David Wooding, when I was, when I began
06:39 my ministry as a youth pastor,
06:42 he was a young man in the church and
06:43 now he was a doctor. And he said, if you
06:47 want I'll take care of you. And I said, I'm
06:49 in your hand. An ambulance was called
06:52 and I was rushed to the hospital with sirens,
06:56 blazing and not knowing what was going on
07:00 with me. I finally arrived at the hospital and
07:03 they examine me and he attended to me
07:07 and after a while he came in with the diagnosis
07:10 and he said you were dehydrated.
07:15 And I said to him and so they rehydrated me.
07:20 And I said to him what would have happened,
07:24 if I hadn't gotten any water.
07:28 He said, you would have died. And for the first
07:33 time in my life I understood perfectly well that
07:40 a human being cannot live without water.
07:46 And so most of the time you always see me
07:50 with water. Amen. Because I don't want that to ever
07:55 happen to me again. There are many things
07:59 that we can live without, we can live without
08:03 cake and pie. I know, I know we can live
08:12 without money and land. We can live without sight,
08:18 without sound, without taste, but we cannot
08:23 live without water. Water is more precious than
08:29 silver or gold. Without water crops will not grow.
08:36 Without water crops, a cattle cannot live.
08:41 This story in John chapter 4 tells us that
08:46 without spiritual water the soul cannot thrive.
08:53 There are many lessons in this story, let's,
08:55 let's look at it. The story begins with the
09:00 Pharisee those Pharisees again. Who had looked
09:05 at Jesus and had begun to notice that people
09:13 were following him. They had tolerated John
09:17 because you see John was this weird man
09:20 who lived in a wilderness, who weird his clothes
09:23 and ate weird foods. So, he was just as
09:26 weird person, but here was this man Jesus who,
09:34 who had outpaced the converts of John.
09:41 And Jesus recognized that there needed to
09:45 be a little cooling off time. And so the
09:48 Bible says, he left Judea to go to Galilee.
09:53 The most direct way from Judea to Galilee
09:59 was through Samaria. A trip of about 30 miles,
10:05 but righteous Jews believed that the
10:09 Samaritans were unclean people.
10:14 They believe that the very air in Samaria,
10:19 that the dirt in Samaria would contaminate
10:23 their precious and righteous souls.
10:27 So no righteous Jew would ever go through
10:32 Samaria. In fact, the rule was you would ask
10:37 no favor of a Samaritan nor would you do a favor
10:42 for a Samaritan. So, when the Jews,
10:46 righteous Jews wanted to go from Judea
10:49 to Galilee they would go up the east coast
10:53 to the Jordan River cross over the Jordan
10:56 into Peoria, go through Decapolis, and, and
11:01 Gadara and then go back across the Jordan
11:05 to Galilee, a trip of about 75 miles.
11:12 We sit and we hear that and we say to ourselves,
11:17 how can a person be so prejudice against
11:22 the people that they would go almost three times
11:27 the distance, so they would not have to be
11:30 in contact with them, but I want to suggest
11:34 to you tonight that all of us have our prejudices.
11:39 All of us the Bible says in Romans 3,
11:42 "A born in sin." Am I right? For all have sinned
11:48 and come short of the glory of God.
11:51 A person unpossessed by the spirit of God
11:57 is unpredictable and unreliable.
12:02 And all of us have stuff in us that we cannot
12:07 predict about how we will respond to it.
12:13 Why do Christians lie? Why do deacons commit
12:27 adultery? And it's not just deacons will do it.
12:34 Years ago, the starter of my car went out,
12:40 those were the days you can get under the
12:42 car do self with it. Amen. Now, I don't know
12:47 where starter is in my car, but I live not
12:53 very far from a service station and I have
12:58 become friends with the guys there.
13:00 So, I went around to them and I said,
13:01 my starter has gone out on my car,
13:04 when can you fix it and how much is going to cost?
13:07 Well, they were backed up and I said,
13:09 well I'll go get it myself and I will
13:12 put it on my self, it was winter time,
13:13 we were living in New York, oh! But I went
13:17 and bought the starter and I, I didn't have the
13:19 right tool, but I remember when I first went to the
13:24 service station to ask them about it,
13:26 there were men in there who are cursing
13:28 and swearing. When I went to the parts place
13:32 to buy the starter they were folks in there
13:34 who were cursing and swearing.
13:36 When I got under my car I, I needed an other
13:39 tool, so I went back to the service station
13:41 and asked could I borrow this particular
13:44 kind of ridge, and they gave it to me and
13:46 that was more cursing and swearing.
13:48 I got under that car and I was there and
13:51 I was put that bolt and suddenly the ridge slipped
13:56 and my knuckles hit the frame of that car
13:59 and out of my mouth came some words that
14:02 shocked me. And I said, where did it come from?
14:10 It came from the fact that not only had
14:14 I recently been in an environment where
14:16 my mind had heard it, but it came from the
14:19 fact that I'm born in sin, I'm shaped in inequity
14:24 and I cannot guarantee you, what I will always
14:28 do because there is sin in my members.
14:33 You might well say amen 'cause you are in the
14:37 same way. You might think you holy, holy.
14:41 You might sing holy, holy. You may even think
14:44 you got a hallow around your head,
14:46 but my brother, my sister you are a sinner,
14:50 tall sinner and short sinner, skinny sinners
14:56 and good looking sinners and, but a sinner anyhow
15:05 common say, amen out there. All of us are
15:08 sinners and all of us had built into us things
15:12 that we don't know how we will respond to them.
15:16 So, when these Jews have the prejudices
15:19 against the Samaritans, we ought not stand
15:22 back and say, oh! That's terrible because
15:27 we have some of the same stuff in us.
15:31 There are some of us; who talk about people
15:37 who are Non-Adventists in some strange ways.
15:43 We call them first day people, don't we? Amen.
15:49 Sunday keeping folk. We have all kind of names
15:52 for them. Now, I'm a third generation
15:55 Seventh-Day Adventist, I believe in Adventism
15:58 and I would not go any other place un-rooted
16:01 and grounded, but every time we see a
16:07 person who carries a statue. And there are
16:13 several of them in our neighborhood,
16:15 how often do we not even respond to the
16:20 door bell. Amen. Alright, so anyway the Apostles
16:34 expect Jesus to go around Samaria,
16:41 but I like the way the King James puts in,
16:43 the King James says, Jesus say I must need
16:47 to go through Samaria. That's right, amen.
16:50 They are surprised, but I suggest to you today
16:54 that Jesus had to go through Samaria
16:58 because he had a divine appointment in Samaria.
17:03 Lesson number one, there are times when
17:07 God decides to make an appointment with us.
17:12 And we don't know anything about it. Right.
17:15 The appointment may come on our sick bed.
17:19 The appointment may come with a near miss accident,
17:23 the appointment may come with a loss of a loved one,
17:27 but God decides He wants to talk to us directly
17:32 and when God makes up His mind to speak to us
17:35 directly, He will talk, can you say amen out there?
17:40 Amen. I just thank God tonight, that He still
17:43 wants to talk to me. Amen. He has not cut me off;
17:50 they arrived at Samaria. He sends the Apostles
17:54 away. Lesson number two, Jesus wanted His
18:01 appointment in a private conversation.
18:05 When Jesus talked to us, He doesn't need crowd.
18:12 No one else needs to know, what we are
18:17 talking about? Jesus deals with secret stuff.
18:23 Jesus deals with private matters.
18:30 There are some things that perhaps go on in
18:35 our lives that no one knows about, but us.
18:39 Jesus says, I want to talk to you about that.
18:44 There is a gain in us, this, this power that
18:55 we have no control over. Paul describes
19:00 this power in Romans chapter 7; get your
19:03 Bible, go there with me. Romans chapter 7
19:11 and verse 18, he says there, "For I know that
19:18 in me that is, in my flesh, nothing good dwells
19:24 for to will is present with me, but how to
19:28 perform what is good I do not find."
19:33 If you read 17 all the way down when you get,
19:35 get a, get a, get a chance.
19:37 Here is what Paul is saying, he talks about
19:40 the I and the Me. In Greek there are two different
19:48 separate words for I and for Me.
19:52 The I is my good self, the Me is my fleshy self.
20:03 So, the I is who? Common, talk to me now,
20:07 the I is who? Me is? Alright. So, when you
20:13 read this chapter Paul says, I my good self
20:19 knows what I ought to do, but my good self
20:23 has discovered that there is also a Me.
20:27 Are you with me? Amen. He says, I know
20:33 the right path. And sometimes my good
20:37 self makes a decision to do what is right,
20:41 but before I can do what is right Me takes over.
20:46 And he says there is a war in my members.
20:51 A war between I and a war between Me,
20:56 I versus with Me. Me goes off on his own
21:02 and does some terrible things, and I'm ashamed
21:07 of what Me has done. Amen. Bad anyway,
21:11 but truth anyhow. Amen. Paul says,
21:15 "Oh wretched man that I am who will deliver me."
21:23 Common folk you already understand what I am
21:25 talking about? Amen. "Oh wretched man that I am,
21:30 who will deliver me." From this terrible curse,
21:35 this terrible thing that I and Me and then verse 8,
21:39 the verse 22, 25 he says, "I thank God through
21:45 Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind of
21:50 I myself serve the law of God; but with the
21:54 flesh the law of sin." Chapter 8 verse 1,
21:57 "There is therefore now no condemnation in those
22:03 who are in Christ Jesus." Amen.
22:05 Paul says, I cannot do it, Me cannot do it.
22:11 As long as we live I and Me are gonna be
22:15 struggling together, but I thank God that
22:19 God understands I and Me and He didn't
22:22 condemned I and Me for the war because he
22:27 is a solution to the I and the Me, say amen
22:31 out there. Amen. So, Jesus, Jesus waits for a
22:42 private conversation. I know that it was a
22:49 divine appointment. Because as you know,
22:53 it was the sixth hour, it was high noon, no
22:58 one in their right mind, went to the well at
23:02 high noon. They came in the early morning
23:05 or the evening, but Jesus waits, she approaches,
23:12 she must have been beautiful. Because the
23:18 Bible says, she had five husbands.
23:23 Now, sometimes it's hard enough to get one.
23:28 Amen. But there must have been some commonest
23:37 about her because she had five husbands.
23:42 She approaches the well, and Jesus says,
23:48 give me a drink. She is astonished and astounded.
23:56 First of all it's a man talking to a woman;
24:01 in Jewish law men did not talk to women in public.
24:07 In fact, they didn't even talk to their wives in
24:09 public. Second of all, it's a Jew talking to
24:15 a Samaritan, her mind is blown.
24:19 A Jewish man talking to a Samarian woman,
24:23 when the Jews felt that the Samaritans were
24:28 the bottom of the ocean and a woman was
24:30 the neither Samaritan. Why would he talk to me?
24:36 And so, she response to him and she says
24:41 to him over here in John chapter 4, he says,
24:46 give me a drink. The woman says to him,
24:49 why you are talking to me? How was that you
24:52 a Jew talk to me, a Samaritan woman?
24:56 Jesus responds by saying, if you only knew,
25:06 if you only knew the gift that I have,
25:10 if you only knew, who it was that was talking,
25:14 if you are only knew the what and the
25:17 who you would be so excited until you would
25:20 be asking me for water. Lesson number three,
25:25 we lose many of God's blessings because
25:30 we think we have it all. We think we know it all.
25:40 Well, I began school and so on, so on SDA
25:45 School in first grade. I went to Cradle Roll
25:50 and Kindergarten, and Primary, and early teens
25:54 and on and on, I went from there to the academy,
25:58 I went from there to the college, I went from
26:01 there to the university, I have taken Bible
26:04 doctrines and Bible history. What can you tell me?
26:09 And because we think, we know it all,
26:13 we stopped studying the word of God,
26:17 we stop using the Bible in worship, we've got
26:20 to have this worship book and that worship book
26:24 and the other worship book, and we do it every
26:27 morning right on the date it says, July whatever
26:30 the date is, that's what we read, we would not
26:33 think of reading anything else, but the designated
26:37 worship book. We think we know it all,
26:44 we think we have heard it all.
26:46 Your president talked about coming to Camp Meetings
26:49 and hearing preachers preach and we preached
26:52 the same thing we do, but the Advent message
26:54 is a special message, common say amen out there.
26:57 Amen. But, but, but, yeah some of us who have
26:59 close our ears to listening. When I was at Andrews.
27:11 I got to forgot how to say this because I'm
27:13 on TV or maybe on TV, it was not a pleasant
27:20 experience for me. I didn't like it on the midday
27:26 'cause brother said, I had to go, I thought
27:30 there was, well I won't say it anyway.
27:32 That came a time in my experience where
27:37 I needed two credits, just two credits.
27:40 And so the only credit that was available for
27:45 two credits was quire. I can do quire you know,
27:50 there is no problem go down rehearse do quire,
27:53 but the came of time where they have a
27:56 week of prayer. And I didn't want to go to
28:00 the week of prayer because the preachers
28:04 who preach there didn't preach the way
28:08 I was accustomed to hearing preaching.
28:12 You understand what I'm talking about?
28:15 You understand that I was taught conversational
28:23 preaching? You stand, you talk, you never
28:29 raise your voice, you put it in your notes,
28:32 lift hand at this point. I did not fail the class,
28:41 but I failed to learn it. Amen. So, that I'm trying
28:48 my best to be nice folks, you understand, so,
28:51 so that I did not want to go because I knew
28:56 there was gonna be conversational preaching.
29:00 And I like to see folk sweat a little bit and move
29:05 a little bit, and modulate the voice.
29:07 So, I went with the quire to the week of prayer
29:12 with a book under my robe, with the intention
29:17 that when we finish singing and we sat down
29:20 that I would read my book while the preacher
29:23 did his conversational preaching.
29:27 And I sat down, and I began to open my book
29:33 and out of another ear I began to hear a man
29:39 begin to talk. And he talked about grapes.
29:45 And I had never heard anyone talk about
29:49 grapes before. He took his time and he talked
29:54 about grapes in that conversational tone that
29:59 moved my heart. Later, he wrote a book called
30:04 Grapes. His name is Morris Venden, one of the most
30:08 marvelous preachers in this Adventist Church,
30:11 but I learned that day that if you go with your,
30:17 your mind and your ears open to hear the word
30:22 of God, God will tell you something you have
30:25 never heard before. Amen. And even though
30:29 I went with close mind and close ears,
30:33 God reached out and touch my heart there are
30:36 some of us who have rejected new ideas,
30:40 we have rejected everything because
30:43 we think we have seen it all, we have heard
30:45 it all, we have done all the kind of worshipping,
30:48 but I have come to remind you that my Bible
30:51 says that God's blessings are new every morning.
30:56 Amen. If only we knew the joy of praise,
31:03 if only we knew the comfort of faith,
31:06 if only we knew the assurance of salvation,
31:11 he says, if you only to knew who it was?
31:15 That was, that was asking you for water,
31:18 you would ask me for living water. Right.
31:22 She hears his response; she reasons he can't
31:27 give me anything. He didn't have a bucket
31:31 and he didn't have a rope to draw the water
31:35 up with, no bucket that he does not had,
31:38 what she did not understand?
31:40 Was that my Lord God need a bucket to draw water?
31:45 Amen. My Lord doesn't need a rope he was
31:50 in fact a well sitting on the top of a well. Amen.
31:55 You see there sometimes we try to figure the
31:59 Lord out, we try to contain him with human
32:02 thought, but human thought cannot contain
32:06 the Lord Jesus Christ that I serve,
32:10 we cannot even begin to imagine what God can do,
32:14 if we would let him lose in our lives. Amen.
32:19 Water from this well Jesus says would dry up,
32:23 but my water will never dry up. He says, I will
32:27 plate within you in your bosom a spring of water
32:32 that will keep on going and going and going. Amen.
32:36 Lesson number four, living water comes not
32:42 from a well, but comes from a relationship with
32:46 Jesus Christ. Amen. I am amazed at people
32:56 who stand at an altar to get merry.
33:03 This year my wife and I celebrate 40 years of
33:09 marriage. Amen, amen, amen. I was two when
33:14 we got married, but when I look at the love
33:22 that we have today, I recognize that the love
33:28 we got married on, when I recognize the love
33:32 we got married on, it scares me I have to die.
33:36 Amen, amen. And some of you have been around;
33:38 you understand what I am talking about?
33:40 That's right. When you buy a house?
33:43 You schedule an inspection, am I right? Amen.
33:50 Come on now, right, amen, you want someone
33:52 to go from the roof to the foundation.
33:56 That's right. And if all of that is well then you
34:00 go to a closing and then you got a stack of
34:03 papers that high. Amen. You sign off on everything,
34:07 I mean you sign off from this and sign off on that,
34:10 why? Because you want to protect the investment
34:16 and yet folk decide to get marry. Amen.
34:22 And they stand before a preacher or in
34:25 these days anybody almost in some places.
34:27 Amen. And they promised to love, to cherish
34:33 in sickness or in health. They promise to love you
34:42 when the hair you used to have are gone.
34:45 They promised to love you when the clear eyes
34:49 you used to have are gone. They promised to love
34:53 you, I just had a thought, they promise to love you,
34:56 when you lay your teeth on the counter.
34:58 When you lay your hair on the counter?
35:01 When you take off an arm and put it on the,
35:05 they promise to love you until deaf do them part.
35:12 Amen. What an obligation? What a contract?
35:17 And yet people stand there and they do it
35:21 with stars in their eyes and you've seen a
35:24 young folk man, she opens the door,
35:27 opens in that she is in her, in her gown and,
35:29 and here he is and tears begin to role down
35:33 his cheeks and, and she comes down looking
35:36 like a movie star. They don't know what they
35:38 getting into. They have no idea; they think that
35:44 when it's over somebody is gonna say,
35:46 I now pronounce you, you go on and get in the
35:49 catalog convertible, would we even make catalog
35:51 convertibles anymore. And they gonna drive off
35:54 in the sunset with half flowing, and they are
35:57 gonna live happily ever after. It doesn't work
36:00 like that, but why do they do it?
36:05 Well, I love him, I love her, we were made
36:15 for one another. Jesus says that what I want
36:28 from you is not knowledge of me; I want from you
36:37 a relationship with me. Amen, amen, that's right.
36:44 I'm not concerned about the legal technical
36:52 relationships, I'm concerned about whether you
36:58 and I can talk together, if my wife a 40 years
37:07 would serve me dinner and throw it on the table,
37:12 I would not touch it because the attitude is wrong,
37:18 can I get the witness? Amen. If she put food on
37:22 the table, and by the way I'm not suggesting
37:25 that only women can cook, so don't go over
37:28 ahead, here the pastor said, well I don't
37:29 I'm very nice. Men can cook too and I do cook,
37:33 yeah, not well, but I do it, but if she put
37:38 a plate on the table and say to me,
37:40 I'm only doing this because I promise 40 years ago
37:45 to do it, I still would need it. Because I don't
37:50 want food from her 'cause she has to feed me,
37:53 I don't want her to say, hello because
37:56 she has to feed me, if she has one bean
37:59 and she puts that one bean on a plate
38:02 and says sweetheart this is all we have,
38:06 but I'm given it to you with all the love that
38:08 I have, I take that bean and I slice it as thin
38:12 as I could, and I would eat a little piece at
38:15 a time because it's not what it is,
38:18 it's who it is. Amen. And that's what Jesus
38:21 wants from us, not the what, but the who?
38:27 Amen, amen. This water, this relationship says
38:38 that I can be happy in Jesus without all of
38:44 the stuff that goes with it. How can you
38:50 do that? Because we have a constant conversation
38:55 with him. I talked about that last night,
38:58 it is not a conversation that says, I got to talk
39:01 to you, it's a conversation that says,
39:03 I want to talk with you, I need to have a
39:07 conversation with you as Jesus talk with this woman.
39:10 Suddenly, she cries out give me this water,
39:14 suddenly she understands that there is a gift
39:17 that he has, that she does not have, please
39:21 she says, give me this water, I need it.
39:26 Suddenly Jesus abruptly changes, and
39:31 he moves from water to husbands.
39:35 He says, go call your husband.
39:39 And she said I don't have one; he said you
39:44 should have told truth about that 'cause
39:47 you have five husbands and one you with now
39:51 any choice. Lesson number five,
39:56 Jesus will make us confront our weaknesses.
40:04 We cannot be saved until we see ourselves
40:12 and know we need a Savior. Amen.
40:16 Again I said to you last night that some of us
40:20 speak that salvation is linked to what we do,
40:25 salvation is not linked with what we do?
40:29 What we do comes as a result of who we are with?
40:35 Amen. Come on now, amen. I do what right
40:41 because I fall in love with Jesus. Amen.
40:45 When I do evangelism now I don't spend the
40:49 whole lot of time on the Sabbath like we used to.
40:53 We preach the Sabbath and the change of the
40:56 Sabbath and who changed the Sabbath, and we,
40:59 we preach four, five sermons, five or six
41:01 sermons sometimes on the Sabbath trying to
41:04 convince folk on the Sabbath. Along the
41:06 away I have discovered when people fall in
41:09 love with Jesus, they will do what Jesus said do.
41:14 Amen. Lord you want me to keep the Sabbath
41:19 no problem, why is it no problem because you
41:23 want me to do it. I want to please you,
41:25 Lord you want me to, me to change my diet,
41:28 no problem I will do it, why? Because you
41:32 asked me to do it. Amen. It's about relationships.
41:37 This woman has been falsely accused.
41:44 I have heard sermons about her the chowder
41:48 or lose woman, the chowder or prostitute,
41:52 but no where in scripture or the spirit of
41:57 prophecy is she called a prostitute,
42:00 a lose woman, a husband thief or a home wrecker
42:05 nowhere. In fact, Ellen White says in
42:09 The Desire of Ages that she was a student
42:13 of Old Testament promises. Jesus on His way to
42:20 Galilee needed someone to start a revival in
42:26 Samaria. And so Jesus reached out and chose
42:32 a person we would not chose.
42:40 Church had visitors day and they send flyers
42:48 out you may have heard the story,
42:50 they send flyers out to the neighborhood,
42:53 come we are having visitors Sabbath.
42:56 We want to invite the community right down
42:59 the street from the church with the motorcycle club.
43:02 The God said, I'm gonna go there and test
43:07 these Christians out. So, He put on His black
43:10 leather and he stood in church, Sabbath
43:15 morning with a cold beer in His hand. Amen.
43:20 Walk through the door the host is greeted Him.
43:26 He was ready for her, she said good morning
43:32 we're so glad that you have come.
43:34 She said, I wonder if I could take your beer
43:39 and put it in the refrigerator and keep
43:41 it cold until you are finished. Blew his mind,
43:50 but she took the beer, put it in refrigerator,
43:54 he walked into the church, Jesus sometimes
43:58 chose His people we would not chose. Amen,
44:02 that's right. And He puts them where He wants
44:06 them to be because He has a word for them there.
44:11 That's right. So, He chooses this woman.
44:17 She is a woman to be pity. Jewish tradition says,
44:24 that she was a barren woman, Jewish men
44:28 want children because they were all hoping
44:32 that the Messiah would come through their lives,
44:36 if you could have no children they had no,
44:39 no reason to keep him. The first husband discovered
44:46 that she could not bare children and so
44:50 according to Jewish law he wrote a writ of
44:54 divorcement and said I'm divorcing this woman
44:58 because she cannot have children.
45:02 The second man came along, saw the writ
45:07 of divorcement and said, well maybe he couldn't,
45:11 but I can. And the third husband and the fourth
45:17 husband five times this woman has been put
45:22 out of the house, five times she has been dismissed;
45:27 five times she has been rejected.
45:30 Her hope is gone, herself esteemed has been
45:34 destroyed this time tradition says,
45:38 she decides not to marry, but to live with a man
45:42 because when she sees him growing cool rather
45:46 then him putting her out, she will walk away.
45:58 Jesus says call your husband, she says I don't
46:04 have one. He says, you got five. She is a smart
46:09 woman because she comes back and she shifts
46:14 the focus, she starts talking about well
46:18 you know, your father's worship here,
46:21 my father's worship there, she tries to change
46:26 him from husbands back to water,
46:31 but Jesus said, aan, aan, we've got to confront
46:35 the stuff that in your life. We as a people like to
46:43 shift the focus. We talk about the church
46:48 and how it's not right, we talk about the tithe
46:54 or I don't know what they are doing with the
46:56 tithe. So, I'm gonna hold my tithe,
47:01 it wouldn't yours to begin with. Amen, amen.
47:05 God did not promise a blessing to you based
47:10 on what the brethren do with the money. Amen.
47:13 Are you listening to me? Amen. When I returned
47:17 my tithe to the Lord, if the brethren take it
47:21 and flush it down to toilet he will bless me
47:25 on toilet drenched money. Amen.
47:35 We said, not to commit meetings and we have
47:36 talk about money. We talked about working
47:41 capital percentages, we talked about tithe
47:45 increases and we want to make sure every little,
47:48 every little thing is there at contiguous meaning
47:51 everywhere, I have never been discussing this
47:53 meeting, but I have been to whole lot of them
47:54 and someone inevitably will stand on the floor
47:56 says, Mr. Chairman I'm concerned about his debit
47:59 over here Line 42. What was that about?
48:02 It's not about that. It's about my relationship
48:08 with Jesus Christ. It's about the fact that
48:12 I will do what He says for me to do and
48:16 He has promised, if I'm faithful to Him,
48:19 He will open the windows of heaven and
48:22 He will pour me out of, pour me out of blessing.
48:25 The church is not the problem.
48:27 The problem is we are trying to shift focuses,
48:35 but Jesus brings her back and as she talks about
48:42 the Messiah she says, I'm looking, I'm waiting
48:47 on the Messiah. Jesus says, you found me,
48:53 I'm He. Ellen White says conviction rises in her heart,
49:00 spiritual water begins to spring up in her heart;
49:06 suddenly she realizes what she has before her.
49:09 Suddenly faith springs a new in her heart.
49:14 Lesson number six, a spirit filled life is
49:23 compelled to share the Gospel.
49:27 I could put it nicely, but I just don't see it,
49:32 if you can't tell it, it's 'cause you don't
49:37 have it, if you can't tell it, it's 'cause you don't
49:46 have it. You may have it here, but you don't
49:52 have it here. When the Gospel of Jesus Christ
49:57 does its work in our heart, we recognize that a
50:01 miracle has taken place and something inside
50:05 of us moves us, so that we cannot contain
50:09 ourselves. Jeremiah said I made it in my mind,
50:14 one go and tell him? A one go and say
50:17 another word, but he said that was a fire that
50:20 was inside of me, that was shed up and
50:23 before I knew it, I could not help myself.
50:27 My brothers and my sisters, if Jesus has
50:30 done something inside of us, we got to tell it.
50:34 Amen. Bible says she leaves her water pots.
50:46 Significant of her old ways, her old fears,
50:52 her old problems, and she runs to town
50:57 'cause she has got to tell it. Amen.
51:01 She has had a contact with Jesus.
51:05 And she has got to tell it, I see her running
51:09 to town. She goes by the carpenter's house
51:15 and knocks on the carpenter's door
51:18 and says, come see a man. Who is not only
51:22 the Savior, but who is the master carpenter?
51:26 She goes door-to-door, she is not ashamed
51:30 to focus in, in that, in that, in that, yes,
51:34 then I'll see her going to the house where she is
51:39 living with this man. And she says come see a man,
51:46 I hear his response, oh you've found another
51:50 one ah? Well, when he finds out about her,
51:56 he is going be through with her children.
51:58 And I here say, come see a man.
52:03 Who knows everything about me, and he loves
52:09 me still, still love me knows about my crooked
52:17 homes, knows about the, the, the,
52:21 the deformities of my life, but he still loves me
52:25 how is it that he could love your disgrace,
52:30 he looks beyond me and sees what's inside of me.
52:34 He says, I want to give you a living water this
52:37 woman ran in the town and her, her
52:40 excitement overrode her reputation.
52:44 I'm going to say it again, her excitement,
52:48 her enthusiasm overrode, over shadowed her
52:53 reputation and the Bible says, the whole town
52:57 went out. And said with Jesus for two days
53:00 and the testimony was we have never heard anything
53:04 like this before. Amen. Jesus used this woman
53:10 to start a revival, when he gave her grace,
53:17 grace, marvelous grace. You know, what grace is?
53:27 Is what you don't deserve, am I right? Amen.
53:31 I bought a new car and it was a fast car.
53:37 I must confess that I drove it quickly.
53:48 And I was preaching for Camp Meeting,
53:50 where about I shall not disclose.
53:54 And every night I leave and go back the place
53:59 where I was staying. On the third night
54:04 as I was going suddenly out of nowhere red lights.
54:13 And I pulled over. The gentlemen came out and
54:21 he says you know your license and all about.
54:23 And before he could say much I start explaining
54:28 to him who I was. Yes, officer I'm a preacher.
54:33 I have been out there preaching the Gospel
54:40 and he said to me, he said were you faithful?
54:46 I said, yes. He says well I'm faithful to my job?
54:53 He says, I sit in the same spot every night
54:57 as I watch you come by here twice
55:01 and both times you exceeding your speed limit.
55:06 And tonight I saw you come by for the third time.
55:11 And he said, preacher you are going beyond the
55:15 limit said this night you have gotten
55:19 faster-and-faster. What could I say?
55:23 I knew it was true, I didn't want to say guilty
55:28 'cause I don't want ticket. So, I said mum,
55:31 he says preacher do you understand grace.
55:37 I says, oh yes I preach about grace.
55:40 He says, well grace is you caught,
55:43 but you will let go under with the understanding
55:50 that you don't do it again. And he gave
55:55 me my license and registration back.
55:57 The next night I look for the speed limit side
56:03 and I make sure I was about 5 miles under.
56:07 I got away with grace. The Lord says, sinner
56:14 you have been going this way too long.
56:18 And you have been thinking, you are getting
56:20 away with it. He says but it is time to confront
56:24 your sin. It's time to confront your mess,
56:29 it's time for me to say stop, and he says
56:35 but I won't condemn you. I'll simply give you
56:39 my grace, my grace is sufficient, my grace me,
56:47 that means my grace is enough,
56:50 he don't need anything else, you are full
56:54 with my grace tonight whatever your situation.
56:59 The Lord is saying, my grace is for you,
57:03 if you don't have the living water he says
57:07 I can give it to you right now, you don't need
57:11 to go back to the baptismal pool,
57:13 he says sitting in your seat right now
57:16 I can re-baptize you with the power of the
57:19 Holy Spirit, and you can leave here a new
57:21 person free and clean because of my grace.


Revised 2014-12-17