3ABN On the Road

Where Are All His Miracles?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Cheri Peters


Series Code: OTR

Program Code: OTR000904

01:00 Hello and welcome to session number two
01:03 of "Where Are All His Miracles."
01:06 During these next several meetings
01:08 we're gonna be looking at the where, the why,
01:10 the how, the who, the when of miracles.
01:13 We're going to reaffirm that we serve
01:15 a miracle working God.
01:16 Can you say, amen? Amen.
01:18 A God who worked miracles in the days of Christ and before
01:22 and a God who works miracles today in our own lives.
01:25 And as we said before we know that the hand of God
01:29 is still upon this ministry that we love 3ABN
01:31 and upon God's people.
01:33 And as we move towards the second coming
01:36 of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
01:37 I am convicted in my mind convinced in my heart
01:39 that we are going to see the miracle working hand of God
01:42 moving again in the lives of those
01:45 who have been called to serve Jesus Christ.
01:47 Say Amen. Amen.
01:48 And amen and so our theme song,
01:50 this speaks that very-- that very fact,
01:52 it is called "It took a Miracle"
01:54 it is found as 111 in the church hymnal
02:00 the words will be on this screen
02:01 and we want you to sing it with us.
02:03 "It took a Miracle."
02:05 My Father is omnipotent and that you can't deny
02:12 A God of might and miracles
02:17 'Tis written in the sky
02:21 It took a miracle
02:26 To put the stars in place
02:31 It took a miracle
02:35 To hang the world in space
02:39 But when He saved my soul
02:44 Cleansed and made me whole
02:51 It took a miracle of love and grace!
02:58 Very good, stanza number two.
03:01 Though here His glory has been shown
03:04 All right, sing it out.
03:06 We still can't fully see
03:09 The wonders of His might
03:12 His throne 'twill take eternity
03:17 And that chorus.
03:19 It took a miracle
03:23 To put the stars in place
03:28 And it took a miracle
03:32 To hang this world in space
03:37 But when he saved my soul
03:42 Cleansed and made me whole
03:48 It took a miracle
03:51 Of love and grace!
03:56 And now that last stanza.
03:58 The Bible tells me of his power
04:03 And wisdom all way through
04:06 And every little bird and flower
04:11 Are testimonies too
04:14 And that chorus.
04:16 It took a miracle
04:20 To put the stars in place
04:25 It took a miracle
04:30 To hang the world in space
04:34 But when He saved my soul
04:39 Cleansed and made me whole
04:45 It took a miracle
04:49 Of love and grace
04:56 Amen and amen.
04:58 Perhaps the greatest miracle
04:59 still is the changing of a sinner into a saint.
05:05 The giving of ones life to the Lord
05:07 that is truly a miracle.
05:10 We welcome you again as we said to session number two
05:13 of "Where Are All His Miracles"
05:16 and we're gonna have a good time together.
05:18 And we encourage you to attend all our meetings.
05:22 Now my words that I say now are for our in house audience.
05:26 Because on tomorrow evening
05:28 there is a rather popular sporting event
05:31 that's gonna take place.
05:34 Now if you time everything out right,
05:37 you ought to be able to participate in that event
05:40 and still make it here for meeting.
05:42 Now we're not dropping any guilt trip upon anyone.
05:44 We're simply saying you can do both.
05:47 It doesn't have to be either or.
05:49 So we're looking to see you on tomorrow evening
05:51 and everybody say, amen-amen.
05:53 Praise the Lord.
05:54 Our speaker for our next session
05:56 will be Pastor John Dinzey and you will want to hear him.
06:01 This afternoon we will be blessed
06:02 I know by a presentation from our own Cheri Peters now,
06:06 I call her our own, although her membership
06:09 is not here so her heart is here
06:11 and we have come to love her ask our very own.
06:15 Our scripture reading is going to be brought to us by
06:18 Carrie Christian, who is the head deaconess
06:19 for the Thompsonville Seventh-day Adventist Church.
06:34 Our scripture reading comes from Revelation 3:20.
06:40 I'm reading from the New Living Translation.
06:43 "Look! I stand at the door and knock.
06:46 If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in,
06:51 and we will share a meal together as friends.
06:55 Those who are victorious will sit with me on my throne,
06:58 just as I was victorious
07:00 and sat with my Father on His throne.
07:02 Anyone with ears to hear must listen
07:05 to the Spirit and understand
07:07 what he is saying to the churches."
07:19 It's all right He's by my side
07:25 And He'll take good care of me
07:31 It's all right He's on my side
07:37 And He knows my every need
07:42 He said oh you of little faith
07:47 See the sparrows in the sky
07:50 Unencumbered by the cares of the world
07:56 I feed even them
07:59 Clothe the lilies in the field
08:02 How much more to me are you worth than these
08:06 I gave My Son for you it's all right
08:10 I'm by your side
08:12 And I'll take good care of you
08:19 It's all right I'm on your side
08:24 And I know all that you go through
08:30 He said
08:32 When you're at your lowest of lows
08:35 I want you to know
08:37 I think more of you than what you could yourself
08:43 My love is deeper than the oceans
08:47 Wider than the valleys higher than the mountain tops
08:53 I gave My Son for you it's all right
08:57 I'm by your side
09:00 And I'll take good care of you
09:06 It's all right I'm on your side
09:11 And I know all that you go through
09:17 I said You formed then fought for my heart
09:22 Father how great Thou art
09:24 I know all that You are seems too good
09:27 But it's true
09:30 You made me then saved me
09:33 Love me unconditionally
09:36 Father of mine how did You
09:40 Give your Son for me
09:42 It's all right He's by my side
09:46 And He'll take good care of me
09:52 It's all right He's on my side
09:58 And He knows my every need
10:06 It's all right
10:11 He's by on side
10:16 It's all right
10:20 He's on my side
10:24 It's all right
10:28 Amen. Amen. Amen and amen.
10:31 Thank you so very much Otto family,
10:34 Jonathan, Billy, Melissa, Sarah and Gaya.
10:40 We rearrange things to get them on
10:43 because we like to support young people
10:46 because they have traveled so very, very far.
10:48 They are coming to us all the way from Australia
10:51 and when young people come that far
10:54 you want to try to help them out.
10:56 They have a beautiful testimony.
10:57 They are beautiful young people
10:58 and we like to encourage our youth.
11:01 One of them said, you know,
11:02 C.A, you're our favorite preacher there in Australia,
11:04 so I had to get them on.
11:07 True or not but we do thank them
11:10 for coming so very, very far and for blessing us
11:12 with their music and their ministry.
11:15 We are ready now for our principle speaker,
11:19 our presented for this afternoon Cheri Peter.
11:22 If you know her, you'd know what a positive person she is
11:24 with a powerful testimony she has.
11:27 And what God has done, is doing
11:29 and will continue to do through her ministry
11:31 and through a marvelous program that is our privilege
11:34 to air on 3ABN called Celebrating Life in Recovery
11:38 and these young people are part of that program.
11:40 And the Lord just works things out,
11:42 they were passing through we put them on the program.
11:45 They were still here today and so we use them this afternoon
11:47 and they'd been such a blessing.
11:49 Cheri, the time is yours.
11:53 Okay, I just want to say that
11:55 weren't you not blessed by these guys.
11:58 Amen.
11:59 The first time I heard them sing
12:00 every single song I literally just wept
12:03 because it just touch me and I so was really thrilled
12:06 when they said that they would sing for this presentation.
12:11 I wanted to say when I heard what this whole thing was about
12:13 and I heard that we were gonna about
12:16 miracles and God's miracles.
12:17 And they said Cheri, would you come and join us
12:20 and I thought okay, is God still doing miracles
12:23 and we are all His miracles.
12:24 I'm thinking what story do I tell?
12:27 Do I tell boys story? Do I tell my story?
12:29 Do I tell Stephanie story? Do I tell Rosalina story?
12:33 Do I tell my parents?
12:34 And I thought I don't even know where to start
12:37 because I see so much of what God is doing
12:39 all over the place.
12:40 Every time I go somewhere he just vows me.
12:43 But I want to start out with
12:45 for those that don't know who I am.
12:47 I'm gonna start with just who I am.
12:49 You know, I am--
12:51 my mom tried to self abort six different times.
12:53 And I just want to start right there
12:55 is that she was 14- years-old ended up pregnant
12:58 and is looking at her first child
13:01 that she had when she was 13-years-old.
13:03 Now pregnant again with the 15-year-old guy
13:06 that is violent and drinking
13:08 and she's saying I can't do this.
13:10 She finds that she is pregnant again
13:11 and she tried everything to self abort.
13:13 She took pills and I don't need to be gross
13:17 and I'm sorry but stuck coat hangers up inside of her,
13:19 try to puncture the sack that I was in.
13:21 I mean, all that kind stuff.
13:22 She was so desperate not too have this child.
13:26 And I'm born into that,
13:27 my dad got more and more violent with her.
13:30 He started sexually molesting us
13:32 and I'm not gonna go into the whole story
13:34 but by 12 years old, I was on drugs, pregnant,
13:39 being pushed out of the home and ended up homeless
13:41 in Los Angeles at that time.
13:43 I was homeless for the next ten years.
13:45 And I wish I could go into all that
13:47 and tell you that it was horrendous.
13:50 What I saw on the streets, the stuff I saw on the streets,
13:52 the twistedness of all of us and how kind of
13:55 we could get lost in so many different things.
13:57 I'm telling you I am surprised that I could even come up
14:03 with any kind of sense of normality.
14:07 You know what I mean? It just surprises me.
14:10 But I literally met God sitting in a drug house
14:13 trying to kill myself and I-- I wanted to jump
14:18 in front of a train, I wanted to be smashed up,
14:21 I wanted to be destroyed.
14:23 I didn't want to be here ever again.
14:25 I didn't want to breathe again and I was so depressed.
14:28 I thought, you know what, I don't even like this world.
14:30 I don't like this world and I don't like what I see.
14:33 If I met a pastor when I was on the streets
14:35 because they were twisted
14:36 and they were lost in addictions
14:37 and I didn't meet anybody that was normal
14:39 and I thought I'm done, I am done.
14:42 And I remember sitting there and, you know,
14:45 God just showed up.
14:47 You know how does that happen?
14:48 He literally shows up and He says to me
14:52 and through the Holy Spirit 'cause I didn't hear a voice,
14:54 I didn't hear anything but He said to me I love you.
14:58 I love you.
14:59 You know the song they were singing it's all right,
15:01 it's gonna be all right and I remember just feeling so,
15:05 so just loved.
15:06 And I sat there for the longest time
15:09 'cause I thought if I opened my eyes,
15:11 if I turned, if I do anything and God leaves,
15:13 I don't even know, how do you find God.
15:15 I'm in a drug house, He showed up here,
15:17 I don't know if He is gonna be anywhere else on the planet.
15:19 I don't want to leave this room,
15:21 this place 'cause God is just loving me.
15:24 He is telling me-- I'm thinking He's gonna tell me stuff like,
15:27 you know what, you need to stop doing heroin.
15:29 What is wrong with you?
15:30 And I think, He is gonna say, you know what,
15:32 you've been cursing a lot, what's wrong with you?
15:34 He didn't say any of that.
15:35 He said I love you. I love you.
15:38 And He didn't say, you know what, Cheri,
15:41 you have 42 warrants for your arrest,
15:43 that's not good.
15:46 You know what I mean?
15:47 'Cause I knew that was not good.
15:49 And I literally had 42 warrants for my arrest
15:51 at the time I'm trying to kill myself in that drug house
15:53 and God didn't say anything, He said I love you.
15:56 I love you.
15:57 And then He showed me an image of who He sees
16:01 when He looks at me, an absolutely beautiful.
16:06 Man, but I knew I'm not beautiful.
16:11 I was molested since I'm three months old, right?
16:14 My dad was caught the first time I was three months old.
16:17 I'm not innocent, I'm not beautiful,
16:20 I'm not anything,
16:21 I was 100 pounds strung out on heroin,
16:23 had teeth missing,
16:25 I know I'm not beautiful and I said in my mind to God,
16:30 I know I'm not beautiful.
16:31 I know I'm not innocent and I started crying
16:34 'cause I know that.
16:35 And He said you know nothing. You know nothing.
16:39 You are My child and you are absolutely everything to Me,
16:43 you are beautiful to Me.
16:45 And if you trust Me, I'll walk you right into this.
16:49 I'll walk you right into this place and I'm thinking, man,
16:53 I didn't even, it was like,
16:54 how do you dare dream about that?
16:56 How do you dare hope that God is gonna walk me
16:59 into a place where I could stand out
17:01 and be beautiful, innocent, you know.
17:04 And I'm thinking, man, so I sat there for a long time
17:09 and then all of a sudden I thought, man,
17:11 there are some druggies in the living room.
17:13 I don't know if you've ever lived in a drug house,
17:14 if you have, raise your hand.
17:16 No.
17:17 But in here, you know, there were some druggies
17:18 in the living room and they were--
17:20 one guy was naked, high on cannibal playing air guitar,
17:24 do you know what I mean?
17:25 And that's the people I surrounded myself with.
17:27 You know what I mean?
17:28 So I thought I'm sitting in the room with God,
17:30 He is telling me how lovely I am,
17:32 I am feeling love for the first time in my life ever
17:35 and I'm thinking, man,
17:37 I don't want God to go in the living room
17:39 'cause there is a naked guy
17:40 and they're playing guitar, you know.
17:41 And so I'm gonna sneak God out the window
17:44 'cause, you know, God doesn't need to be seeing that, right?
17:47 You know, so, I'm like-- oh, it wasn't you though.
17:51 All right, anyway so I am like, okay,
17:54 so I, you know, I sneak God out of the house.
17:56 He literally walked me into recovery.
17:58 Put me into an incredible woman's home,
18:01 vegan vegetarian, loved the Bible
18:04 and she put up with me, she tolerated me
18:06 for the first week of my recovery,
18:08 I'm withdrawing, I've been high for--
18:10 since I was 12 years old I've been high everyday
18:12 strung out on heroin.
18:13 I go over to somebody's house with no drugs,
18:15 what was I thinking?
18:16 What was I thinking?
18:18 You know I know I met God but I'm a drug addict
18:21 and I'm like, I show up, I have no drugs,
18:23 I have no anything, I started withdrawing.
18:24 I'm thinking, man, and God literally blessed
18:27 this woman to stay with me every step of the way,
18:30 every step of the way and what the funniest thing to me was
18:33 as soon as I started trusting her,
18:35 'cause drug addicts, we have a hard time to trust.
18:37 We've been trashed a lot by people.
18:39 So we don't trust easy
18:40 but as soon as I started trusting her,
18:42 you know what happened?
18:44 A Bible came out from under her sleeve I think.
18:47 What? Where did that come from? I'm like.
18:50 She then started teaching me the Bible,
18:52 teaching about different things,
18:54 teaching me who God was,
18:56 and literally I've changed my life.
18:59 I was encouraged by her, to learn to read.
19:03 I was 23-years-old and illiterate
19:04 so I had to learn to read and go back to school
19:07 and I go into a nursing program
19:09 and I would, most of time I was on my knees to God crying.
19:14 I can't do this.
19:16 I'm not smart, God, You know that
19:19 and I didn't realize that I was smart,
19:22 I just didn't know how to read.
19:24 You know, I didn't know that but God knew that
19:25 and He kept telling me, don't even think about
19:28 what you know about yourself,
19:30 trust Me and what I know about you.
19:32 Trust that.
19:33 And so I finally just started trusting that
19:35 but I would cry and He would get me up
19:37 and I ended up in a dean's list of college.
19:41 I learned to read, took a D.Ed,
19:42 ended up in college and I'm on the dean's list.
19:44 I'm thinking I'm seeing miracle after miracle
19:46 after miracle after miracle.
19:49 It was-- I was tired.
19:50 One time-- and I joke about this but one time,
19:54 I'm doing some stuff and sort of looking a homeless shelter
19:57 and I'm loving on God and He is loving on me
19:59 and I'm doing nursing.
20:01 I'm doing so well that I am getting award
20:06 for the state that I'm in.
20:08 I got volunteered the year award.
20:11 I was a grand marshal on the 4th of July parade.
20:13 Do you know what I mean?
20:14 Because when you fall in love with God
20:16 you start doing good stuff
20:17 and I don't know why you guys not used
20:19 to people doing good stuff
20:20 because they award you for that.
20:22 Here have a trophy and I'm like okay, thank you.
20:26 You know, but I mean I was just--
20:27 it was just a fun journey
20:30 and I watch miracle after miracle after miracle
20:32 but that's not what I want to share with you today,
20:34 'cause within this last few months
20:37 has really shown me who He is and where He is doing miracles.
20:43 I was-- since then I just got to say
20:45 I'll just I'll move you all way up to today.
20:48 I got my nursing degree, I did site nursing,
20:51 I was doing mental health.
20:53 I ended up just doing volunteer work,
20:57 praying for God after well that I want to be in ministry
21:00 and He opens up ministry and I'm just being blessed.
21:03 You know, God is just-- He just cracks me up
21:06 and how much He pours into our lives.
21:08 I mean, He just to me it was absolutely more than
21:10 I ever deserved, more than I could even handle.
21:14 And one day I'm working with the number of folks,
21:16 Randy Maxwell is one of my good friends.
21:18 He's mom is my spiritual mentor.
21:20 And some of you know him.
21:21 He's trying to call me one day,
21:22 'cause we're doing a number of things.
21:24 And finally he calls me and I pick up the phone
21:26 and he says I've been calling you all morning.
21:29 And I said I know.
21:31 He's like, you know? And I said, I know.
21:33 So why didn't you answer the phone?
21:35 And I said I just couldn't take another miracle.
21:37 I was tired. Do you know what I mean?
21:40 It's like God slow up, you know hold up for a minute.
21:42 Let me catch my breath, you know 'cause you know God
21:45 just He continues to pour into you.
21:47 So anyhow few months ago I'm doing ministry now,
21:49 I have the Celebrating Life in Recovery program,
21:52 we done a radio program, True Step Ministries
21:54 is going all over the world working with addicts.
21:57 We've been in every state,
21:58 almost every prison and every state.
21:59 We've been to rehab centers I mean,
22:01 God we're doing one to one to with addicts.
22:03 I mean we are literally doing so much
22:06 and I get a call from my family.
22:10 And my sister is in ICU and I think she's going to die.
22:15 And I'm thinking, okay, you know what just happened
22:18 and you know everything stops.
22:20 When somebody tells you, you know your family,
22:23 you know and everything stops and I'm thinking okay.
22:25 So now I am calling people that have miles
22:28 on to get some stuff on airlines.
22:30 And can you get me to LA? And they get me to LA.
22:34 My sister, my younger sister she is so funny.
22:36 She is beautiful, she is funny and probably in my family
22:41 she is my closest as far as siblings.
22:44 And she's a stripper, strung out on coke,
22:50 her boyfriend is like 70 'cause he has lots of money.
22:53 And you know, she has never been married.
22:55 She's been used in all kinds of ways by all kinds of men.
22:58 And she has never known
23:00 what it feels like to be in recovery.
23:01 And even though I've been in recovery,
23:03 I have tried to just love on her,
23:05 and get her to trust God.
23:06 And she just literally you know,
23:08 I love you but just stop on this God thing.
23:12 And now she is dying, and I'm like, man,
23:16 so I get to the hospital.
23:20 She's on had the time like-- got there.
23:23 They literally have her on life support and she had--
23:26 when I show what happened, she has her 30 wine
23:29 and you know looks like from what I can find at her house
23:33 is she might have even did a suicide attempt
23:35 I don't even know.
23:36 But she blew a hole in her stomach
23:38 and all the acids in her stomach
23:39 feel through abdominal cavity out.
23:41 The acids in her abdominal cavity burnt a hole
23:44 in her lungs and filled her lungs out.
23:46 So her lungs are burnt, and she can't breathe
23:49 so they've got her on a ventilator.
23:51 And so I walk in and I-- I'd see her laying there
23:55 and I'm thinking-- you can't just lay there,
23:59 you can't just lay there.
24:00 And you got to get up and I'm sorry
24:01 and I remember one time sitting there thinking
24:04 did I tell you that I love you?
24:06 Now when is the last time dude--
24:08 the last time we saw each other
24:09 did I say that I love you
24:11 and I couldn't remember and I thought--
24:14 can you hear me?
24:15 As soon as I like-- I reached over and I said,
24:20 I love you and all the bells and the whistles
24:23 on all the life support stuff started going off.
24:27 And the nurses came in and said
24:29 were you talking to her just now?
24:31 And I said, well, I just was saying I love you.
24:34 And they said, we told you not to talk to her.
24:37 We have her in an induce coma so that she can breath
24:40 and that maybe she will live
24:41 and every time you try to talk to her
24:43 she's gonna try to answer you
24:44 and she's gonna try to come out of her coma.
24:46 And so I'm like okay, I'm sorry.
24:49 They walk away. I really do love you.
24:52 All the bells and whistle went off again.
24:54 I got in trouble you know
24:57 and I go back in the waiting room.
24:59 Now picture of the waiting room.
25:01 Okay, just picture this, my dad's in the waiting room,
25:03 my stepdad he's 6.1, 90 pounds.
25:08 He's liver shutting down, his lungs are shutting down,
25:10 he's been strung out on drugs my whole life.
25:13 He's smoking so bad, he just-- he's--
25:16 you physically look at him and you hurt for him.
25:19 My sister's a meth addict, my younger sister,
25:21 very youngest one and she weighs 80 pounds.
25:25 She's got cranks sores all over and she always-- her muscles,
25:28 she has not control over her muscles anymore.
25:30 So her muscles literally like when she talks to you
25:33 she'll be like having to move and that's my sister.
25:37 The other ones in the family have different issues
25:39 and with in the waiting room.
25:41 My uncles there and his wife--
25:44 and his wife is complaining to someone,
25:46 its not part of our family
25:47 but it's just someone that you know what?
25:50 When she was like 10 years old,
25:52 she was trying to sleep with my husband.
25:55 And I though you know what, I was not.
25:58 And she was talking about me, I walk in the room
26:00 and she's talking about me and I'm thinking.
26:01 I wasn't. I just love him. He was my favorite uncle.
26:05 You know, and so you know-- so I'm surrounded by that
26:09 and my sister is dying and I want to scream to someone.
26:12 This is weird, this is not right.
26:14 There shouldn't have-- be how somebody dies.
26:16 And so we are kind of just trying to hang out together.
26:21 My younger sister the meth addict started to beat up
26:24 my father who was sick-- you know, that is 90 pounds
26:28 and they had a fight in front of the ICU.
26:31 Nurses station in front of my sisters room
26:32 and they literally were throwing things at each other.
26:35 Swinging at each other and having that
26:37 and I'm trying to say stop.
26:39 You know, because the nurses are literally
26:41 trying to ban our family because of all the chaos
26:43 away from my sister.
26:45 And I'm just saying let's just all relax,
26:48 and then I realize that-- my sisters and my mother
26:52 are huddling kind of with the nurses.
26:54 And I'm like I wonder what's going on over there?
26:57 So I find out later that they bared me from the ICU.
27:01 I'm not allowed to go in there anymore,
27:03 because they're afraid that if I go in I may--
27:05 I might pray for my sister
27:07 and they said that's not gonna happen,
27:10 we don't believe like you do.
27:12 You cannot go by yourself anymore in there.
27:16 I'm like she is dying, hold up, please,
27:19 just somebody hold up because she is dying
27:23 and I'm afraid and I have to pray for her
27:26 and I'm told I can't.
27:28 You can't and I'm like oh, man,
27:31 I'm dying and so this nurse comes up to me at one point
27:34 and she says, Cheri, come here for a minute.
27:38 And I walk over there and she says,
27:40 have you ever thought to take the night shift?
27:43 And I said what do you mean?
27:44 She said I work night shift and I'm Christian
27:48 and may be if you just take the night shift.
27:50 Your family won't want to stay up all night.
27:53 And you can pray for her, right?
27:56 So and this is a incredible.
27:58 So I go in on the night shifts, start taking the night shift
28:01 and so we went in one time and did in an anointing.
28:03 And I don't know what anybody's theology is that
28:05 but I believe that's Christians
28:07 God ask us to pray for each other.
28:09 And so my sister is dying,
28:10 you know what give me a bucket of oil.
28:14 And I didn't even care if all those bells go off
28:17 'cause I'm not leaving this room
28:19 until something happens, you know.
28:21 And so we went in there and I went in there,
28:24 I said we-- I went in there,
28:25 me and this nurse did in an anointing
28:28 and from the time that we prayed for her
28:33 everything changed, everything change.
28:35 There were gonna put a trach in her
28:37 the next day because you can't leave people on ventilators
28:40 very long because it destroys everything
28:42 so they were gonna put a trach.
28:43 And then when they were starting to do the trach
28:45 they started to decrease the oxygen and they think okay,
28:48 so we're gonna decrease the oxygen
28:49 when can't breath in we put the trach in--
28:51 the more they decrease the oxygen,
28:54 the more she started breathing.
28:56 And I'm like, you were kidding me,
28:57 the doctors are like, what is up with this?
29:00 So she starts breathing,
29:01 she starts getting better and better and better, right.
29:05 I fly home just to get enough stuff to fly back,
29:07 I come back she's not in ICU anymore.
29:10 She's in the regular room and I walk in and I'm like,
29:14 does anybody know this is incredible?
29:16 Does anybody know that and I'm like
29:18 and family is like, what do you think happened?
29:20 I'm like, what do you think happened?
29:22 We prayed, we like anointed here,
29:24 this is God you know and I'm like,
29:26 beside myself they discharge her
29:28 and I'm gonna stay at her house the first week.
29:31 And you know what my job is?
29:33 Because she is a mess, she's strung out.
29:35 My job is to teach her about health.
29:37 If you're gonna get well, I want you to eat right.
29:40 I want you to make sure that your breakfast is fruit
29:42 and some oat meal or something your lunch I'm not--
29:45 you know, so they discharge her
29:47 with a 57 foot tube hooked up to a oxygen tank
29:51 and she will be on this oxygen the rest of her life.
29:53 And oxygen chord goes all over her house.
29:56 She keeps getting caught and chairs
29:57 and all that kind of stuff.
29:58 But she is walking, man she is not dead.
30:01 I'm like how cool is that?
30:03 So I'm teaching her, my family comes over
30:05 to celebrate her healing.
30:07 Not that they believe anything happened in prayer
30:09 but they're gonna come over.
30:10 You know what they bring?
30:12 Bottle of wine, and some pastries,
30:16 I'm like, she is doing her third DUI you know,
30:19 if somebody has wine, can I just strangle you?
30:23 Can I strangle you?
30:24 And I look at my sister and I grabbed her face
30:26 my whole family is the room.
30:27 And I grabbed her face and I said please,
30:29 do not drink anything.
30:31 Do not, put this in your body, you will die.
30:34 I'm trying to tell you-- you're healing
30:36 and God is blessing you but you have to grab an apple.
30:39 You know I'm like, I was ridiculous--
30:42 I was ridiculous and my whole family is standing there
30:45 and like, what are you saying?
30:48 Are you saying we did wrong by bringing the wine?
30:50 And I'm like I don't even want to say anything to that.
30:52 I'm saying to you, well, I grab her face again.
30:55 Do not drink this wine. So she says, okay.
30:58 Now everybody is mad at me right,
31:00 she heals more and more everyday.
31:03 I'm starting to leave and she starts crying.
31:06 I'm packing the car up 'cause I rent a car
31:08 and I'm going back to the airport
31:09 and she starts crying and she says,
31:11 I'm afraid for you to leave.
31:14 And I said I'm afraid to leave and I turned around.
31:18 And as I turned around she started trembling
31:22 and she said, are you gonna pray for me?
31:27 And I realize yes, are you gonna-- can I?
31:30 And she said yes.
31:31 She put her head down
31:33 and I started to walk towards her and grab her hands
31:35 and I couldn't stop crying.
31:38 This is the first time I got to pray with my sister.
31:40 This is the first time she let me pray with her,
31:43 and I just wept and the only thing I did was beg God.
31:47 And you know we don't have to bed God,
31:49 He wants to heal us. Do you know what I mean?
31:52 But I don't know that so I'm begging God,
31:54 I'm begging You please, just hangout with her.
31:58 Just she needs to know that You're a friend.
31:59 She needs to know that You're--
32:01 she needs to see Your face just hangout.
32:04 Just laugh with her, tell her some jokes today.
32:06 You know, and I'm just begging You--
32:07 to just keep Your hand on her.
32:10 I fly home and I'm scared. Few days later I get a call.
32:14 And the call cracked me up,
32:16 and if you get this, I hope you get this.
32:19 She's like you know, I went to the doctor
32:22 and they did a biopsy on lungs to find some damage,
32:24 'cause they've got to figure out the biopsy stuff
32:26 and she said they didn't even find any damage.
32:29 Doctor's shocked, and she sounds bumped, right.
32:34 Listen to this-- and she sounds bumped
32:35 and I'm like, how can you can you sound bumped out,
32:38 you know and she said if I keep healing at this rate
32:41 I'm never gonna get SSI.
32:45 I'm like, I thought God how funny are we,
32:52 You give us our life back.
32:54 And we're worried about the State sending us
32:56 600 bucks a month or whatever that is you know.
32:58 I'm just so anyhow, so I go on my--
33:00 about my business and I'm trying to figure out okay.
33:03 I've got some appointments to do, I got camp meetings.
33:05 I got some stuff to do. Then I get another call.
33:10 And its my dad, my stepdad.
33:13 They said you know what, I'm your stepdad.
33:15 Mike just went into the hospital and he is dying.
33:19 And I'm like, and I'm still,
33:21 I'm still been hit with my sisters whole thing.
33:23 I'm still realizing that how much I love them
33:27 and much I have kind of neglected them
33:30 because they've been so anti--
33:32 I felt it was anti me but it was really antichrist.
33:36 And I'm still hit being hit with that
33:38 and all the sudden now my dad is in the hospital.
33:40 So I'm flying miles again, I get to the hospital
33:44 and my dad is laying in a bed, he's now 80 pounds.
33:49 So from the time I saw him less than a couple of weeks,
33:52 from 90 pounds of 6.1, he's now 80 pounds of 6.1.
33:56 He's laying in the hospital bed high,
33:59 he has a little thing on his finger that beeps
34:02 when the pulse goes off and it also checks his oxygen.
34:05 And they put it on his middle fingers
34:06 so he's showing his middle finger
34:08 to everybody that walks by,
34:11 'cause my dad thought that was hysterical.
34:13 And they told my dad that he could have
34:16 his much morphine as he wanted.
34:19 And so my dad was telling me, when I came in, you know what,
34:22 they said I could have as much morphine I want.
34:25 How fun is this?
34:27 And I'm thinking you're dying, and I love you.
34:31 You know, and I reached out at one point,
34:33 I reached out and I didn't want to you know--
34:36 I'm coming and just be a killed joy on this party,
34:39 this morphine party because my family shares,
34:42 you know if you get morphine, everybody in the room
34:44 is gonna be high, 'cause my family is just nice like that.
34:47 You know, so everybody in the room is high
34:49 and I walk in, and I just leaned over
34:51 and I held him and I couldn't let go of him.
34:54 I wanted to prowl in the bed
34:55 and just say can I lay with you for a minute
34:57 because today we forget to say that I love you.
35:01 Did I forget to say that the whole time
35:03 my life was trashed with all this stuff?
35:06 It wasn't that I didn't love you,
35:08 I just didn't love the addiction.
35:09 The addiction trashed us and as I held him,
35:15 he got real quiet, real quiet and he looks at me,
35:19 'cause he doesn't want anyone else to hear this.
35:21 He said, Honey, are you praying for me?
35:25 And I said absolutely, absolutely
35:28 and I couldn't believe, I'm thinking did I just hear that
35:30 I couldn't believe I heard that.
35:32 And then I end up-- they end up discharging him
35:34 'cause they thought he had six months to live
35:36 but they found out that he only has a couple of days to live.
35:39 He's riddled with cancer, every single place in his body.
35:43 His throat is so filled with cancer he cannot eat
35:46 because the food is getting stuck on the cancer
35:48 so they put this stent in his mouth
35:50 hoping that it will allow the food to go down his throat
35:53 without being stuck.
35:55 And they send him home and we get home
35:57 and everybody is kind of just you know,
36:00 I don't know-- everybody is just high.
36:03 My dad is taking the morphine every hour so
36:06 and I'm not talking about my real dad died
36:09 in a crack house last year.
36:10 I mean you guys-- most you guys know that
36:12 and this is my stepdad.
36:14 So when I call him dad it's just because
36:16 you know he's been in my life since I was four.
36:18 And so everybody is high and-- you know and my mom
36:23 who I love but you know she does like--
36:26 and all that kind of stuff.
36:27 So everybody is kind of detached a little bit.
36:29 And I'm thinking you know,
36:31 he's dying and I'm trying to deal with this
36:33 and I flew home for something
36:34 'cause I had to do something at home.
36:36 Oh, I had an outreach to do in California,
36:40 so I did this outreach and then flew back.
36:43 You know, so I didn't actually get all the way home
36:45 and flew back and-- by this time,
36:47 I'm talking about my husband,
36:49 who is a fairly new Christian.
36:51 And he's adorable, he's adorable.
36:53 And he says to me, you know I feel bad
36:56 because I've never really bonded with your family
37:00 because it's hard for me
37:01 because of the way you were treated as a kid
37:03 and when they see you and treat you poorly now.
37:06 I love you and it's just kills me and I've just you know,
37:09 I just have never really bonded with them.
37:11 And I wanted go tell you dad, that I'm sorry for that.
37:16 You know, and so and I just mad at him when he said that.
37:20 I said, this is not about your conscience right now.
37:22 My dad's dying, deal with your conscience,
37:26 how mad-- how mean is that?
37:28 But I'm series I'm thinking is you know, is this about you?
37:32 You know and he's like, no, you know and--
37:36 but I didn't understand that and so--
37:39 my husband does this devotions everyday
37:41 and on his devotions the next day
37:44 was about David and David is king.
37:48 And he had his good friend Jonathon
37:51 had a son that during the time that he was king.
37:55 Everybody lost sight of Jonathon son,
37:57 and Jonathon is now no longer around.
37:59 And David says, you know I want to find his son
38:01 and bring him back to the kings table and bless him.
38:04 And as Brad was studying that in the Bible, he says,
38:08 I want to bless your father
38:10 and bring him back to the table and bless him.
38:13 And Jonathon's not even know he was crippled,
38:16 he still was brought to the table
38:17 and I feel like with your dad's addictions
38:20 he's crippled but I still want to bring him back to the table.
38:22 As a man of God I want to just bless him.
38:25 And all of the sudden Holy Spirit said,
38:27 you know Cheri, this is a good thing.
38:30 So now Brad and I go back.
38:33 My family doesn't really know Brad that well.
38:36 And he walks in and he's kind of a nearest breath
38:38 praying for everybody and going from room to room
38:41 and my sister-- this is like the day before my father dies
38:45 and my sister goes in and she's gonna make tacos,
38:48 'cause it's my dad's favorite meal, right.
38:51 And she is meth addict,
38:52 so meth addicts really are funny in the kitchen
38:55 unless they're cooking meth.
38:56 You know, but you know she goes in the kitchen
38:58 and she puts a hamburger in frying it up
39:00 and she is feeling really kind of like, Martha Stewart.
39:03 You know, she is really, really domestic, you know,
39:06 and she is having a good time.
39:07 She's gonna cook for all of us.
39:08 You know, 'cause, you know addicts,
39:10 meth addicts especially when they get a idea
39:13 its a big idea you know.
39:14 So she's like gonna cook for the whole family.
39:16 And then my dad's, my max--
39:19 other kids from other women show up.
39:22 And I'm thinking, hi, my name is Cheri.
39:25 Where do you come from?
39:26 You know, so now we have grandkids, we have kids,
39:28 we have other kids and meth addict sister
39:31 is in the kitchen making tacos.
39:33 And all of the sudden I take a breath
39:36 and there was some rotten meat in the kitchen
39:40 and it was so rotten that literally
39:41 almost turned my stomach
39:42 and she can't smell 'cause she is a meth addict.
39:46 You know what I mean?
39:47 So she's cooking this meat that is so rotten
39:49 that literally is making us sick in the living room.
39:52 And so Brad goes into the kitchen
39:53 just kind of nice stands as Joanie,
39:57 you think that meat is okay?
39:59 And she's like oh, yeah, it's fine.
40:02 And he's like really?
40:03 And she says I just think that it needs a little spice.
40:06 And he's just trying to be nice
40:07 and he's like whatever and she's like,
40:09 will you kind of spice it up?
40:11 And so he's now got this meat in front of him
40:13 and he's trying to put stuff in it
40:15 and he's thinking if it cooks a little bit more
40:17 maybe it's just I could starting to turn
40:19 and would get better.
40:20 It literally got worse, right, and he's a psycho man.
40:23 So Joanie goes into the bathroom
40:25 and my mom kind of walks-- close to Brad and Brad says,
40:29 you know I don't want to offend Joanie at all.
40:32 But I think this meat is bad and my mom looked at Brad
40:37 and said, how amazing
40:41 it is that you don't want to offend Joanie?
40:44 Nobody cares about Joanie and her feelings.
40:47 She's been a meth addict since she is 14 years old,
40:49 she's like 40 something, she's psychotic, she's thin,
40:52 she's got canker sore everywhere.
40:54 She can't even move her body in a natural way
40:56 'cause her muscles are so tweaked.
40:59 Who cares about Joanie?
41:00 And he's just like, my mom just fell in love with Brad
41:03 for having respect for Joanie.
41:06 And I watch that.
41:07 I just watch what just happened there and I said,
41:09 Brad, go to the store get some food and feed us.
41:13 Brad's an incredible cooks so he leaves.
41:17 He comes back and he's got fresh avocado,
41:19 he is making guacamole, he's got cilantro and lime.
41:23 He's got instead of getting hamburger make us--
41:26 Brad is kind of trying to get healthy,
41:27 he got you know he made chicken tacos with cabbage.
41:30 And I mean just some gourmet tacos
41:32 but he thought you know what?
41:33 I can't do this with all by myself in here
41:36 because there's a lot of you guys.
41:37 So he gave everybody a job to do.
41:40 So my whole dysfunctional family
41:42 are like they are an chef,
41:44 you know what I mean they're like little sous chef
41:46 and they're into doing each other job
41:48 and he has one sister and brother
41:50 like cutting up tomatoes
41:51 and somebody else doing the avocados.
41:53 And there-- they're making us incredibly fresh food
41:56 and I have never in my life,
41:57 in my family had a such healthy, look at my family.
42:00 And I'm just like all of the sudden in my mothers home
42:04 who were so dysfunctional as a kid and so horrible as a kid
42:08 that all of a sudden it just felt like the Holy Spirit
42:10 was there and the house was lit up.
42:13 And I was like, man, and I laughed
42:15 and went into my dad's room.
42:17 'Cause he's you know, he's two week to get out now,
42:21 and I said my dad's other son who I don't know walked in
42:26 and he has a guitar and know so he's a musician.
42:29 They kept telling he was a musician
42:31 and so I said dad, so do you remember
42:35 the first song you've every taught me?
42:37 And he said no, what was it?
42:39 And I was like three or four right, and he said,
42:42 it was-- I said it was a song and let me sing it.
42:48 Trailers for sale or rant
42:50 Roams to let 50 cents
42:52 And it's about a guy looking for cigarette.
42:54 Ain't got no cigarettes or butt
42:57 And as a little girl I sing that top of my lungs.
43:00 I mean top of my lungs, so as I'm singing that to my dad,
43:03 my dad's son starts playing it, right.
43:06 My dad starts singing it and it was like the Holy Spirit
43:10 just showed up, my dad got little strength
43:12 and my brother's son walks in with the Lakers jersey.
43:15 'Cause my dad wanted to be buried in Lakers jersey
43:18 and my mom said, you are not gonna be buried
43:20 in Lakers jersey, who cares about after your death.
43:23 There's nothing after your death,
43:24 you won't even know anything.
43:26 And so we're not even having a funeral
43:28 so that debate was all day.
43:30 And so my brothers son, wanted to get trying--
43:33 jersey before he dies, just in case
43:34 there isn't a funeral and--
43:37 walks in with the Lakers jersey,
43:39 my dad looks at it and he just--
43:42 you could see him just wake up
43:44 and he just took it and he just was you could say
43:46 you are so-- full of joy and then he set it on the bed.
43:50 And I said, no, no, Mack, put it on, right.
43:54 And he put it on and it was almost magical,
43:57 he put it on, he sat up--
44:01 I'm like what just happened here?
44:03 And instead of getting in his wheelchair
44:05 'cause we've been moving him around in his wheelchair,
44:07 'cause he's too weak to walk.
44:08 He got stood up got his walker, walked into the living room.
44:13 By this time Brad was putting all the food on table
44:16 for everybody had guacamole and different dishes,
44:19 he's putting the tacos out all that kind of stuff.
44:21 And my dad says I love guacamole,
44:26 and he start to eating, he hasn't eating in two weeks
44:28 because everything is trashed.
44:30 He ate with us, everybody got to say goodbye to him.
44:33 He didn't take any morphine, none.
44:36 He cleared up, he stayed present,
44:38 we all just sat there and I watch this
44:41 and I was thinking, God,
44:45 we think You are not doing miracles anymore?
44:47 My family doesn't even deserve You to be present right now.
44:51 They have never asked You, they barred me
44:52 they think I'm gonna pray
44:54 and yet you have hung out with them today.
44:57 You have been in the room, you are loving on my dad.
45:00 You are so there with each family member
45:03 that I wanted to say, I'm ashamed
45:06 that I thought you weren't present with them.
45:08 That I didn't realize that miracle of who God is--
45:11 is that he never leaves us even when we're idiots.
45:14 Even when we're slamming drugs,
45:15 even when we are not even present for our own children,
45:18 He says until your last breath I'm there
45:21 and it will grieve me if you die without Me.
45:24 It will grieve Me.
45:25 So my dad says out there, everybody is being blessed
45:29 and he goes back in his room after couple of hours.
45:32 He's tired I could tell and I never leave home
45:36 without anointing oil so weird have in my pocket,
45:40 I put in my bra sometimes, I mean I just always have it.
45:43 You know and I know that probably was--
45:44 you know but I always have it, I always have it.
45:47 And so I walk in and my dad is there.
45:50 So we do a prayer, I ask him, if I could pray for him
45:54 and so we did a prayer and anointing just for--
45:58 I didn't know well, when my dad was little,
45:59 he was adopted from an Indian reservation
46:02 by a catholic family.
46:03 And he wanted to be a priest,
46:05 when he was a little boy you know in his early teens
46:07 before he got lost in drugs and stuff.
46:09 And so we talked about that a little bit
46:10 and watched him come back to God,
46:12 I watched him you know in his heart say
46:14 I don't want to die without saying I'm sorry,
46:17 God, I'm sorry.
46:19 And I thought well, how cool is that?
46:21 And I walk out and Brad walks in
46:23 'cause he wants to bless him as a man.
46:26 'Cause you know for men, you guys that's important
46:29 what you say to each other
46:30 'cause you are given the privilege to bless us
46:34 and speaking to our lives.
46:36 And so he went in to speak into my father's life.
46:38 And so my-- he asked my dad
46:40 but by then I'm in a living room again.
46:42 And I have this little bottle of anointing oil in my hand.
46:46 And so I'm like meth addict sister says,
46:48 hey what's that, you know?
46:52 And I don't want to start any problems in my family,
46:54 so you know what I say?
46:56 Oh, it's frankincense and myrrh
46:59 and my mom's starts laughing.
47:00 She says, what did you run into some wise guys in there?
47:04 And I thought how funny are you?
47:06 So now when I-- and I don't know if anybody
47:10 will get this to accept that I got it that very moment.
47:13 The miracle I want to share with you is my mom joked
47:18 with me about God.
47:20 It wasn't hostile, it wasn't-- she didn't make fun of me.
47:25 She joked with me and I just wanted to weep.
47:29 I wanted to say God what did you just do here?
47:32 You know, what did you just do?
47:34 And I knew at that moment
47:36 that God found a place in my mom's heart
47:40 and restored our relationship.
47:43 And I thought does anybody know what just happened?
47:46 And someone says you know where is God?
47:48 Where are all the miracles?
47:50 And I'm thinking, you got to open your eyes,
47:52 I promise you God will to open your eyes.
47:54 'Cause even people that are undeserving,
47:56 even people that are running,
47:58 even people that are so drugged up
48:00 that they can't even hear the Holy Spirit anymore
48:02 that you know chemically they have trashed themselves
48:05 that God says I'm still right there
48:07 and if you have open your eyes at all if you look at all,
48:11 I shall will bless you, I shall will move in,
48:14 I will show you a miracle that will shock you.
48:16 So I'm right now, I'm like in that space listening to my mom.
48:21 We're joking about-- my mom for Christmas
48:23 you know what she tried to give me?
48:26 A book called God Ain't So Great.
48:29 You know it was written by an atheist.
48:30 Now you know what I mean is just like you so in that moment
48:33 I'm like just like basking
48:35 in the fact that God just healed this
48:37 and it's gonna play out 'cause this just happened, right.
48:39 This is December, we're not enemies, just happens.
48:42 So is still gonna play out and so I know Brad's
48:44 in the bedroom and he's blessing my father
48:47 and he's been in there for a while.
48:50 And he walks out and he starts to walk out
48:53 and my sister the meth addict is standing there
48:56 and she's like, what were you doing in there with my dad?
48:59 You know, I walked out was watching you,
49:03 what were you doing?
49:04 And he says I was just praying for him.
49:06 And he said, can I pray for you?
49:10 And she told on him later, she said, Cheri, come in.
49:14 He ask me if he could pray for me?
49:16 And I thought I said yes, but I thought
49:19 he just gonna go somewhere and pray.
49:22 He grabbed my hands that's she said
49:25 and Brad said she trembled.
49:27 You know, she is trembling and he sat there
49:30 and blessed my sister who nobody even sees anymore
49:33 because she is so lost in her meth addition.
49:36 And as they got on praying he walks back into the room
49:39 and I saw this man of God this new Christian
49:43 that was told by God in his devotions
49:45 to go bless this family I watched him
49:48 every single place he went
49:49 put his hand on someone and I just thought man,
49:52 I can't even count the miracles that just happened.
49:55 I can't even count everything that happened?
49:57 And I can't even tell you how important it was for me
50:01 because God could heal everybody on the planet
50:03 but you know who I want Him to heal?
50:05 My family, you know what I mean.
50:07 And somebody said Cheri, you wish you had another family,
50:10 absolutely not.
50:12 I love my family, everything about them
50:15 I love except for their addictions
50:17 because its trash them and then its trash me.
50:20 But everything about them I love and so Brad and I--
50:24 well, first of all, we have to get--
50:26 we have to leave the next day.
50:29 And I got to tell you, we had to leave,
50:31 we're not sure how long my father
50:32 is actually going to live.
50:34 We both have some obligations and God was so sure of us,
50:38 sure with us that we just watch a living wake
50:42 with my father.
50:43 I don't know if that makes sense to anybody
50:44 but we literally had a wake with him,
50:46 we said goodbye to him and so we start--
50:49 we had to leave to leave for the airport the next morning.
50:51 My family who has never loved me,
50:54 wanted me any of that kind of stuff said,
50:57 you know what if we just not set the alarm you can't go.
51:01 And I'm like what just happened here?
51:04 What just happened here?
51:05 You know 'cause this is the family that says you know
51:07 what, when I come, you don't really have to come
51:09 because I know you're gonna talk about God or something
51:12 and we're just not into that.
51:14 And now they're saying, they're not gonna set the alarm
51:16 'cause they don't want us to leave.
51:17 And they're saying to Brad, man, who are you?
51:21 You are like God and they don't even realize
51:24 that's Holy Spirit in him that they're feeling.
51:26 Do you know what I mean? And I want to say that.
51:28 He really isn't?
51:30 You know he's as fallible as anyone.
51:32 But he walked in here with the Holy Spirit and they--
51:34 every time they talk to me now they say man,
51:37 we just never knew about Brad.
51:39 He's just like-- there is something really special
51:42 about that guy isn't there?
51:43 And I wanted to say there is something really special
51:45 about that guy.
51:46 You know what I mean?
51:47 And but right now there are the point in there life
51:50 where for them it's about-- you know it's about Brad
51:54 or it's about what happened that night.
51:55 Every time somebody turns around
51:57 they would tell them what happened that night.
51:59 You won't believe what Brad did that night.
52:02 And it was all about like these tacos and Joanie
52:04 did this meat and they're telling everybody,
52:06 every single person in our family
52:08 that wasn't in that room that night had heard this story
52:10 about what God did.
52:12 But you know what they say?
52:13 You wouldn't believe what Brad just did.
52:15 No, no, not Brad, Cheri's husband.
52:17 Oh, I know we haven't met him a lot but you know--
52:19 so they'll say that.
52:21 And so right now I'm watching as Brad brings
52:24 the gospel into my family, into this family of addictions.
52:26 I'm watching as God came and healed me originally.
52:29 As God on that bed when I'm trying to kill myself as God's
52:33 stepped into my life and showed me
52:35 that I was gonna stand up in Him
52:37 and walked into that recovery.
52:39 I didn't even dare to dream
52:41 that He would step into my family's life.
52:43 And I'm telling you right now
52:44 because He stepped into my family's life everything in me
52:46 is changing in a way that Ididn't expect.
52:49 I'm sitting there with my mom before I flew out
52:52 and my mom said, do you remember
52:53 when you first got your braces?
52:55 And I did.
52:56 I made I suicide attempt when I was eight years old
52:58 and they put me in like braces and stuff.
53:00 It was horrible, did she said,
53:01 do you remember you get home and you this braces on
53:04 and all your friends are skating and she said,
53:06 I watched you as you are outside
53:08 and you wanted to skate with them.
53:10 So you put the skate on the shoe with the brace.
53:13 You try to escape with your brace on.
53:16 And I want to know-- I want to tell you,
53:17 you were so adorable.
53:20 And I sat there and realized that in all my damage
53:23 and all the hurt that happened in my childhood
53:25 that I forgot the good stuff.
53:28 I forgot the good stuff.
53:29 I forgot the stuff that was cool and God said, you know,
53:33 I'm gonna bring all that around
53:36 and teach you to remember some of the good stuff.
53:39 And I thought how cool are You?
53:41 And so when someone says where's God?
53:43 Where are all the miracles?
53:45 I'm thinking man, sometimes I can't even answer the phone.
53:49 You know there so much going on.
53:51 I wanted to say as we get on,
53:53 I wanted to say that there are people here today
53:57 and those people-- that are listening
54:00 that you are afraid and that you are not
54:03 seeing miracles around you
54:04 and you're not-- you don't have that sense
54:06 of God's presence in your life.
54:08 I'm gonna say like-- before we go,
54:10 I'm gonna ask you to come up front if you just want to know
54:13 where God is, you want to feel that presence,
54:14 you want to kind of stand up and come to God I want you to
54:18 come up and I want to pray for you.
54:20 Because I believe even in your worst conditions strung out
54:24 on whatever strung out on-- you know meth strung out on--
54:32 anger strung out with your depressions,
54:33 strung out with the eating disorder,
54:35 strung out sexually, strung out in whatever way
54:38 that even in that worst place that God can get through that
54:42 and all you have to do is raise your hand and say
54:44 like father said on his death bed,
54:47 you know please, you know I do want you to pray for me,
54:50 I do want you to bless me.
54:51 I do want to come back to you
54:53 and so we're gonna have that prayer.
54:54 Can you come up if anybody is out there like Bowen,
54:58 come up-- Bowen, if nobody comes up but you--
55:01 you get up here, all right, come on,
55:04 come up I'm serious all right.
55:08 So if anybody else wants prayer,
55:09 I really believe that God is looking to heal us.
55:13 God is looking to intervene in our lives,
55:15 God is looking to put His hand on us
55:18 and say don't be afraid of Me.
55:19 Don't think that you drugs or the your choices
55:22 or your passes is gonna define who you are,
55:24 I'm gonna define who you are.
55:26 And so we're gonna pray for that
55:27 and you guys, just join me.
55:29 And literally if you want to join in this prayer
55:31 just come up, come up.
55:34 Dear Father, in Jesus name you know
55:36 that as I am holding on to Bowen pleading
55:38 for you to open up his mind and his heart
55:41 to how incredible You are and how much You love him.
55:44 I'm pleading that for anybody listening to us,
55:46 anybody watching us, anybody here in this room
55:49 that feels like You are not doing miracles,
55:51 I just want You to open up heaven for them.
55:54 Show them exactly what You are doing.
55:56 I know that even while You are sitting there healing
55:59 my family, healing the people around me
56:01 as I see that everyday that I know that
56:03 all of heaven is on their face
56:06 because they're in all about how much You love us.
56:09 I pray for special blessing and anointing
56:10 on each one of them especially
56:12 on this boy right here on Bowen,
56:14 I pray that you bless him.
56:15 I pray that he is never the same.
56:17 I pray that as he stands up in Christ that he joins us
56:20 taking the message to the world that God
56:23 is God of miracles and You will never change,
56:26 never change in Jesus name, amen.
56:29 I beg you, thank you Bowen.
56:32 I beg you that as you start to turn to God
56:38 and expect miracles, I just pray that in that expectation
56:42 that you start paying attention to every single thing,
56:45 every single thing even rotten meat in a frying pan pay
56:49 attention, because God is paying attention
56:51 and He is wanting to bring healing
56:53 and miracles into our lives
56:55 and God bless you, God bless you.
56:58 And don't let anyone take your miracle from you.
57:00 Don't let anyone rob you of that miracle.
57:03 Don't let anyone rob you of that whole full circle
57:06 of recovery because God says
57:08 when I'm done with this you were gonna look at Me
57:11 and you're gonna stand in awe
57:13 because it is cool, absolutely cool.
57:15 Thank you for joining us and God bless.


Revised 2015-03-12