3ABN On the Road

Thursday Morning

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Homer Trecartin


Series Code: OTR

Program Code: OTR000926

01:01 I sing the mighty power of God.
01:03 I love this song.
01:04 We have lived beside the ocean, we have lived in the mountains.
01:09 I'm not sure which I love best.
01:11 But I can't wait to thank our Lord Jesus
01:14 for making it all.
01:15 Let's sing this together
01:17 and we'll stand on the last verse.
01:18 I sing the mighty power of God
01:22 That made the mountains rise
01:25 That spread the flowing seas abroad
01:28 And built the lofty skies
01:32 I sing the wisdom that ordained
01:35 The sun to rule the day
01:39 The moon shines full at His command
01:43 And all the stars obey
01:48 I sing the goodness of the Lord
01:52 That filled the earth with food
01:55 He formed the creatures with His Word
01:59 And then pronounced them good
02:02 Lord, how Thy wonders are displayed
02:06 Where'er I turn my eye
02:09 If I survey the ground I tread,
02:14 or gaze upon the sky
02:18 Let's stand on this last verse
02:21 There's not a plant or flower below
02:24 But makes Thy glories known
02:28 And clouds arise, and tempests blow
02:31 By order from Thy throne
02:35 Creatures that borrows life from Thee
02:39 Are subject to Thy care
02:42 There's not a place where we can flee
02:48 But God is present there
02:54 Thank you. You may be seated.
03:02 Good morning.
03:04 Let us stand for a word of prayer.
03:09 Our Heavenly Father,
03:11 we ask that You'd be with us today
03:12 as we hear the presentations that are gonna be made.
03:16 Open our hearts and minds and receptive to Your will.
03:19 Guide and direct us and bless us.
03:21 For we ask in Thy name, amen.
03:25 I have the privilege of introducing
03:26 two gentlemen this morning.
03:28 The first gentleman that will be speaking to us
03:30 is Homer Trecartin.
03:32 And he is the managing director and the in charge
03:37 of planting for our world church.
03:39 And he has a presentation this morning
03:41 that you will be extremely excited about
03:44 and it will be an inspiration to you.
03:47 And of course, our second speaker
03:49 is Pastor Mark Finley,
03:50 who needs no introduction, who is a friend to ASI.
03:54 As I worked with these gentlemen through the years,
03:57 the thing that has impressed me the most,
03:59 is their love for Jesus
04:01 and they are wanting to do everything they can
04:04 to see the Lord come very soon.
04:07 Thank you.
04:23 In 1926, in 1926, Elder William A. Spicer
04:28 published a book, "The Gospel in All the World."
04:32 Its premise, the signs of a time show
04:35 that Jesus is about to come
04:37 and one of the greatest of these
04:38 is the rapid spread of the gospel to all the world.
04:42 Elder Spicer said there was just a little more to do.
04:45 If all would accept
04:46 the Macedonian call to be involved,
04:49 we could finish the work and Jesus would come.
04:52 But time went on.
04:54 Jesus didn't come and in the late 1980s,
04:57 our church went through
04:59 a period of serious heart searching.
05:01 The work wasn't finished yet.
05:03 Many countries were still unentered.
05:05 Huge parts of the world had no Adventist presence.
05:08 Those discussions eventually resulted
05:11 in the establishment of Global Mission.
05:13 Its purpose, planting churches
05:16 in the unentered parts of the world,
05:18 reaching the unreached with hope.
05:21 And Global Mission hasn't gone away.
05:23 It's now being combined with mission awareness
05:26 and placed under the umbrella of Adventist mission.
05:29 So what's changed in these last 20 years?
05:33 I'm gonna be leading you through a PowerPoint
05:35 with a number of slides
05:37 and I need to ask them if they can put
05:39 that PowerPoint up on my monitor here,
05:41 so I can make sure that I'm giving you
05:42 the same thing that you are seeing on the screen.
05:45 Thank you.
05:46 What's changed in these last 20 years?
05:50 Well, a lot, really.
05:51 New words have been added to our vocabulary.
05:55 Twenty years ago, we had never heard of Google,
05:57 text messaging, email.
06:00 In 20 years, traffic in Moscow is gone from 300,000 cars
06:04 to more than three million cars.
06:07 In just the last 12 years,
06:09 gasoline prices in the Netherlands
06:11 have jumped from $4.32 a gallon
06:14 to $8.36 a gallon.
06:18 Twenty years ago, there were
06:20 no World Wide Web servers online, not one.
06:23 Today, there a more than 100 million servers.
06:27 Twenty years ago, there were zero internet users.
06:30 Today, there are between one and two billion.
06:33 And in these last 20 years, we now have podcast
06:37 and video podcast, chat rooms, Skype, blogs, YouTube,
06:41 Facebook, Myspace.
06:43 Nineteen years ago, the Berlin Wall fell.
06:47 Seventeen years ago, the Soviet Union imploded.
06:50 And we have all changed.
06:52 In the early 80s two young teachers
06:55 worked together in a small school
06:57 in Southern Indiana.
06:58 Today, Ella Simmons is a vice president
07:01 of the General Conference and I worked
07:03 for the General Conference Office
07:04 of Adventist Mission.
07:06 Back then Ella Simmons and I, both had little boys.
07:09 And my baby girl was born in New Albany Indiana
07:13 in March of this year.
07:15 That baby girl had her first child,
07:18 my third grandchild.
07:20 Back then, Ella and I talked often and prayed about
07:24 how near we were to the second coming of Jesus.
07:27 We wanted our children and our students to be ready.
07:30 We longed for that day to come.
07:33 We still do.
07:35 But it's been 20 years, we're still here.
07:38 What now?
07:40 Some who were with us in the 80s aren't anymore.
07:43 But even those of us who are still here
07:45 have changed, at least, a little.
07:48 Maybe some of you recognize this handsome young pastor,
07:51 administrator from Ghana.
07:53 Matthew Bediako is secretary of the General Conference.
07:56 And I can assure you that Elder Bediako
07:58 isn't the only one who is matured
08:00 in the last 20 years.
08:03 How about this well-known speaker, writer?
08:05 Any one recognize Clifford Goldstein?
08:10 And I don't know when this picture was taken,
08:12 but if you don't recognize Herald Lance there,
08:14 then try this one.
08:17 And oh, my.
08:19 Do you know this young family?
08:21 Maybe this picture of Henry and Robin Martin,
08:24 a few years later will help.
08:27 I'm not sure which of the Horton family
08:29 has changed the most.
08:30 I'll leave that to your decision.
08:33 But a certain amount of, shall we say, maturation,
08:36 has definitely affected
08:38 at least two of the people in this picture.
08:40 I still recognize Donna McNeilus
08:42 but the other two, my, what a few years can do.
08:48 And even Elder Paulson has changed a bit.
08:51 But you know, we aren't the only ones
08:52 that have changed,
08:53 the world around us has changed
08:55 dramatically over these last 20 years.
08:58 In 1985, only 41 percent
09:01 of the world's population lived in cities.
09:04 But last year, for the first time
09:06 in the history of this earth,
09:07 more than half the people on the planet lived in cities.
09:12 In 1988, the world had 5.1 billion inhabitants.
09:16 Today, there are more than 6.6 billion.
09:20 Church membership has gone
09:22 from 5.8 million to 15.4 million.
09:26 Twenty years ago, some parts of the world
09:28 seemed almost impenetrable.
09:31 How would we ever reach difficult areas like Cambodia,
09:34 Mongolia and Sudan?
09:36 But we moved ahead and God poured out His Spirit.
09:39 Many made tremendous sacrifices.
09:42 Some even gave their lives.
09:44 And look what God has done in these last 20 years.
09:49 Twenty years ago, Cambodia was still reeling
09:51 from the horrors of the Killing Fields.
09:53 We had no Seventh-day Adventists inside the country.
09:56 Today, we have nearly 6000 members.
10:00 Twenty years ago, we had no members in Mongolia.
10:03 The climate was harsh,
10:05 healthful food was scarce or nonexistent.
10:07 But some AFM missionaries made the sacrifice
10:10 to go learn the language,
10:11 make friends, and share Jesus.
10:14 And today, we have more than a 1000 members in Mongolia.
10:18 Twenty years ago, we had 955 members
10:21 in Africa's largest country.
10:23 Today, we have more than 13,000 members in Sudan.
10:28 Our God specializes
10:30 in accomplishing the impossible.
10:32 Around the world, the church has been growing
10:34 rapidly through these years.
10:37 Look at these ratios.
10:39 In 1863, we had one Seventh-day Adventist
10:42 for every 373,000 people.
10:46 Less than 50 years later, in 1900, we have one--
10:51 had one Adventist for every 21, 000.
10:53 Another 50 years, and it was one for every 3300.
10:57 By 1988, it was one Adventist for every 882 people
11:02 and 20 years later, today,
11:04 it's projected to be one Adventist
11:06 for every 407 people on earth.
11:09 Praise the Lord.
11:11 So are we almost there yet?
11:14 Remember asking that question as a kid?
11:17 Do you ever ask it today as you sit in the committee
11:19 or a board or wrestle
11:21 with some insurmountable problem?
11:23 Are we almost there yet?
11:25 The United Nations says,
11:27 there are now 14 more countries than there were back then.
11:30 Adventists are working in 19 more.
11:33 That means in 20 years
11:35 we have entered five of the remaining countries
11:37 and political areas.
11:39 We have only 26 left to go.
11:42 At that rate, we should have entered every country
11:44 and political area of the world in the next 104 years.
11:50 What does it mean to enter a country?
11:54 Have we finished the work
11:56 when we have one church worshipping in each country.
11:59 What does it really mean to share the message
12:01 with the multitude or preached the everlasting gospel
12:04 to every nation tribe tongue and people?
12:07 Recent research has shown some deeply troubling trends
12:11 are around the world.
12:12 Did you know that in North America,
12:14 77 percent of the Hindus living here
12:17 don't know a single Christian personally.
12:21 Sixty four percent of the Buddhists
12:23 and 32 percent of the Muslims
12:25 don't know even one Christian they can call a friend.
12:29 They may run our hotels, be doctors in our hospitals,
12:32 wait on us in the restaurants, take our dry cleaning,
12:35 drive us to and from the airport.
12:37 But they don't really know us and we don't know them.
12:41 And we live in a free country.
12:43 The situation in Europe isn't any better.
12:46 The same research shows that most of the Muslims
12:49 and Buddhists living in Europe
12:50 don't know even one Christian personally.
12:53 And whose fault is that?
12:55 Is it their fault for secluding themselves
12:57 in ethnic communities?
13:00 Or is it our fault for not finding a way
13:02 to go to them in a free country?
13:05 Almost half the million-- almost half a million Buddhists
13:08 live in Australia
13:09 and three quarters of them say
13:11 they don't know a single Christian personally.
13:14 This picture is from Kuwait.
13:16 We can't work freely with Muslims in Kuwait.
13:19 But we can in the United Kingdom.
13:22 And there are more Muslims living in the United Kingdom
13:24 than there are in Kuwait.
13:26 What are we doing to reach them?
13:29 And what are we doing to reach the six million Jews,
13:31 and five million Muslims, three million Buddhists,
13:34 and one million Hindus living around us
13:36 in the United States?
13:38 I'm going to be talking more about
13:40 the massive unreached areas of the world.
13:43 We desperately need to focus more attention
13:45 on the 10/40 window.
13:47 But I don't want us to forget that we also have people
13:50 living all around us that we could be reaching.
13:53 And we're doing little if anything for them.
13:57 Who was it that said,
13:58 "If you can't keep up with the footman,
14:01 how will you ever run with the horses?"
14:03 It was God talking to Jeremiah.
14:06 If we can't get to know them here
14:07 and become their friends,
14:09 if we don't have the heart or the stomach
14:11 to go into their communities and reach them here,
14:14 how do we expect to ever be able to take the gospel
14:17 to the countries they came from?
14:19 By the way do you remember
14:21 what the rest of that verse said?
14:23 We often quote the first part.
14:25 "If you have raced with men on foot
14:27 and they have worn you out,
14:28 how can you compete with horses?"
14:30 But we rarely look at the second part.
14:32 It says, "If you stumble in a safe country,
14:35 how will you manage in the thickets by the Jordan?"
14:39 We desperately need to do more in the difficult areas,
14:42 the thickets of this world.
14:44 But how can we hope to be effective there
14:46 if we're still stumbling around in the safe places?
14:51 If we look at the unreached people of the world,
14:54 that's the population minus the membership,
14:57 in 1988, there were 4.4 billion unreached people in the world.
15:02 Today, there are more than 6.5 billion unreached people.
15:07 That's an increase of 2.1 billion.
15:10 And that doesn't count the 1.3 billion
15:12 that died during the last 20 years.
15:15 But let's break that 2.1 billion down a bit.
15:19 Nigeria has 33 million more unreached people
15:22 than it did 20 years ago when we started Global Mission.
15:26 The Adventist church in Brazil has had tremendous growth.
15:29 But there are 44 million more unreached people now
15:32 than there were in 1988.
15:35 Fifty five million more unreached people
15:37 live in the United States.
15:39 And while house churches multiply in China,
15:41 so does the population.
15:43 There are now 224 million more unreached people
15:47 than there were 20 years ago.
15:49 And in India, even with the explosion of growth,
15:53 even with the work of Global Mission
15:55 and Gospel Outreach and many others,
15:57 the number of unreached people has increased
16:00 by 323 billion people during these last 20 years.
16:05 Think about it.
16:06 The increase in unreached people in India
16:09 is more than the total population
16:11 of the United States, just the increase.
16:16 If we thought we had a lot of work to do 20 years ago,
16:19 look at the picture now.
16:21 There are 2.1 billion more people
16:23 to reach than there were in 1988,
16:25 when we were starting Global Mission.
16:28 Twenty years ago, when plans were being laid
16:30 for Global Mission,
16:32 one of the key targets was to plant a church
16:34 in every population group of one million people.
16:38 So how are we doing?
16:39 Well, back in 1988,
16:41 we didn't count companies, just churches.
16:44 Now we count both churches and companies
16:46 and we have about equal numbers of each
16:48 for a total of a 123,000.
16:51 That makes our average,
16:53 one church for every 53,000 people in the world.
16:57 Or 8.1 churches for every million people.
17:01 Obviously, even back in 1988,
17:04 we had already reached our goal,
17:06 if we just looked at the world averages.
17:09 We had way more than one church for every million people.
17:12 But we knew then and we know now
17:15 that we have to look deeper than world averages
17:17 to really see how we're doing as a church.
17:20 Looking at the division levels,
17:25 looking at the division levels, we began to see
17:28 that not all areas
17:29 have 8.1 churches for million people.
17:32 But if we just look at the division totals,
17:35 we are still over that original goal
17:37 of one church for every million people.
17:39 So have we finished the work?
17:42 On the next slides,
17:43 we'll look at a few of the divisions.
17:45 In order not to keep you here all day,
17:47 we're just going to look at
17:48 countries with more than a million people.
17:50 But even then they're too many.
17:52 So we're just going to look at the countries
17:53 with the most and the least churches
17:56 for every million people.
17:58 Remember that the world average is eight Adventist churches
18:01 and companies for each million people.
18:04 Papua New Guinea has a little bit higher ratio than that.
18:08 Five hundred fifty churches and companies
18:11 for every million people in Papua New Guinea.
18:14 Australia is still above the world average,
18:16 but has only 23.8 churches and companies for each million.
18:21 In the Southern Africa Indian Ocean division,
18:24 every country of more than a million people
18:26 is way above the world average.
18:29 Zambia is close to matching Papua New Guinea.
18:32 But even Madagascar has almost nine times the world average.
18:37 East Central Africa is quite a mix.
18:39 Rwanda and Kenya have hundreds of churches and companies
18:43 for each million people.
18:44 Tanzania and Uganda have more than ten times
18:47 the world average.
18:49 But Eritrea has only three.
18:51 And Somalia has zero.
18:54 In the Southern Asia division, none of the countries
18:57 come up to the world average.
18:58 India is almost there.
19:00 But Nepal has barely one church or company
19:03 for every million people and Bhutan isn't listed
19:06 because it has a population of less than a million.
19:09 But we all know that if it was here,
19:11 it would show a big red zero.
19:14 Here's another mixed bag.
19:15 The West Central Africa division.
19:17 Average is 21.3 churches and companies
19:20 for each million people.
19:22 But Senegal, Nigeria and Mauritania
19:24 don't have even one church or company per million.
19:28 The Europe Asia division ranges from Moldova with 59,
19:33 let's see, we've skipped one here.
19:35 The Southern Asia Pacific division has Philippines
19:38 with nine times the world average
19:40 and eight countries with less than five per million.
19:44 Two of those don't even have one church or company
19:47 per million people.
19:49 The Euro Africa division has seven countries
19:53 of at least a million who don't have even
19:55 one church or company per million people.
19:58 These are the Trans European divisions,
20:00 most entered countries.
20:03 But look at the rest of their list.
20:05 Eight countries with more than a million people
20:08 and not even one Adventist church
20:10 or company per million.
20:12 And around the world, most of the churches
20:14 and companies are in rural areas.
20:16 If we go to the cities, the figures are even worse.
20:19 For instance, while the world average
20:21 is one Adventist for every 407 people,
20:24 India's ratio is one for every 903 people.
20:30 But among Calcutta's 13 million,
20:32 the ratio is one for every 23, 000 people.
20:37 But even in the cities,
20:38 where the need is so incredibly huge,
20:40 if you analyze carefully the members we do have,
20:44 you would see that they come almost entirely
20:46 from one or another ethnic group,
20:48 economic strata or region of the city,
20:50 and often missed completely the rest of the city.
20:54 Anthropologists and missiologists
20:56 have calculated that there are 13 more than 13, 000
21:00 distinct people groups around the world.
21:03 Some of them are tiny.
21:04 But if we look at the groups of at least a 100, 000,
21:07 there are 394 that don't have a single known
21:11 Christian among them.
21:13 And if we look at the really big groups,
21:14 those with at least a 100, 000 people,
21:17 there are a 118 with not one Christian.
21:21 That's Christians of any denomination.
21:23 Think of what it would be
21:25 if we were looking at the figures
21:26 for the Seventh day Adventist Church.
21:29 And then there are the language groups.
21:31 Around the world there are more than 13,000
21:33 spoken languages.
21:35 Adventist World Radio is broadcasting in 70 of those.
21:39 That's half a percent.
21:42 Adventists have other forms of work
21:44 in 805 more languages, that's a whopping six percent.
21:49 But there is no administers work of any sort
21:52 in 12,665 languages of the world.
21:57 For 94 percent of the world's languages,
21:59 we have to hope
22:01 that those who have them as their mother tongue
22:03 also speak another language.
22:05 If they don't, we are not reaching them.
22:09 But that's the spoken languages.
22:10 Well, how are we doing
22:12 with the written languages of the world?
22:14 There are 8500 written languages.
22:17 But some of them are quite small
22:18 so let's just look at the bigger ones.
22:20 Let's look at those that have at least
22:22 10, 000 people speaking them.
22:26 There 2937 of those larger written languages.
22:31 And only 13 percent of them have the entire Bible.
22:35 Another 23 percent have the New Testament.
22:38 Another 14 percent
22:40 have at least a portion of the Bible,
22:42 a chapter, or a book.
22:44 But 50 percent of the largest spoken
22:46 and written languages on-- in the world
22:49 don't even have a scrap of the scripture.
22:52 If Adventists are people of the book,
22:54 what are we doing about these groups?
22:57 Remember we aren't talking about illiterate people here.
23:00 We're talking about people who read and write
23:03 but have no piece of the Bible in their mother tongue.
23:06 For that 50 percent
23:08 of the largest written languages of the world,
23:10 we have to hope that they can read another language
23:13 or we aren't sharing God's word with them.
23:17 Back in 1600, a massive mission movement
23:21 was sweeping through the Catholic Church.
23:23 The Jesuits recruited, trained and sent out
23:26 8500 full time foreign missionaries.
23:30 What was the world population in 1600?
23:34 It was 545 million.
23:36 About half of what just India has today.
23:40 No matter what we think of their theology
23:42 or missiological practices, those Jesuit missionaries
23:45 were undertaking a mammoth role.
23:49 If we were to duplicate their ratio today,
23:52 we would need to 20, 000 Adventist missionaries
23:56 to China, 17, 000 to India,
23:59 4000 to the Trans Mediterranean territories,
24:01 3600 to the Middle East Union.
24:05 How many missionaries would we need around the world
24:07 to match that ratio?
24:10 Well, we obviously don't have
24:12 a 102 million missionaries to send.
24:15 We don't even have close to that many members,
24:17 even if we count kids and visitors.
24:21 But let's look at what we do have.
24:23 We have 919 IDEs.
24:26 If you count spouses,
24:28 those are the full time missionaries that are funded
24:31 and sent out by the General Conference.
24:33 We have 2293 Global Mission pioneers,
24:37 544 long-term volunteers and student missionaries.
24:41 A 100 His Hands volunteers, 200 trained tent makers,
24:46 2500 Gospel Outreach evangelists,
24:49 64 Adventist Frontier Missions' missionaries,
24:52 23 AFM student missionaries.
24:55 Even if you count, even if you add in some others
24:58 that I don't have figures for, we still don't come up
25:01 to the raw numbers the Jesuits had back in 1600,
25:04 let alone their ratio.
25:07 Why is that, with a remnant in time message.
25:10 why is it that we have so few missionaries today,
25:13 when the needs are so great?
25:16 Well, back in 1930, for every ten dollars
25:20 that someone put into tithe in the Adventist church,
25:23 they put another six dollars
25:25 into the World Mission offering.
25:28 By 2005, that had decreased to the point
25:31 where for every ten dollars someone put into tithe,
25:33 they put 35 cents into the World Mission offering.
25:38 I praise God that there's been a slight change
25:40 in the last two years.
25:42 For the first time in decades,
25:44 the mission offering has begun to increase
25:46 a little more than tithe.
25:47 I long for the day when we can have a 1000,
25:50 not just a 1000 missionaries but 5000 or 50, 000.
25:55 And remember, the mission offering
25:57 doesn't just send missionaries.
25:59 It also provides appropriations to divisions
26:02 so that they can hire teachers and pastors
26:05 to watch over the churches
26:06 that you raise up in your projects.
26:09 It provides funding to help print materials
26:11 and prepare broadcasts and fund local portions
26:14 of Global Mission and Gospel Outreach projects.
26:18 If the mission offering dries up,
26:20 there will be little that we can do
26:22 in the way of projects.
26:24 What good would it be to build a church,
26:26 if the mission can't afford to help nurture the members
26:29 who come into that church?
26:32 To illustrate the challenge we face,
26:34 let's pretend that we're standing
26:35 on a busy street corner,
26:37 watching people pass at 60 per minute.
26:40 If we could wear a special pair of glasses,
26:42 so that the Adventists feet would stand out,
26:45 how often would we see a Seventh-day Adventist
26:48 walking past us on that busy street corner?
26:52 We're going to show you a short video
26:54 that gives you some figures for the Adventist walking past
26:59 around the world.
27:07 If we had the entire population of the world
27:10 rushing past us,
27:12 including all the Seventh-day Adventists,
27:15 we would see one Seventh-day Adventist
27:17 walk past every 7.2 minutes around the world.
27:24 In Jamaica, at 60 a minute,
27:27 we would see an Adventist every 12 seconds.
27:31 In Kenya, an Adventist would be walking by
27:35 in just under a minute.
27:39 In Central and South America, there would be less than
27:43 two minutes between each Seventh-day Adventist.
27:47 On the continent of Africa,
27:49 we would see an Adventist walk by every three minutes.
27:54 Here in North America, at 60 a minute,
27:57 we would see an Adventist walk by every five minutes.
28:02 In India, it would be fifteen minutes
28:05 between each Seventh-day Adventist.
28:09 And in China, not knowing how many Adventists
28:13 are going to the Olympics,
28:14 there would one Adventist walking by every hour.
28:19 In Israel, one Adventist
28:22 every two and a half hours walking past.
28:26 Twenty four hours a day, 60 people a minute
28:28 in Central Asia, one every two and a half hours.
28:32 And if you were to go to Egypt,
28:33 and we had the people of Egypt walk past 60 a minute,
28:36 24 hours a day,
28:38 it would be a little over one day
28:40 between each Adventists.
28:41 In Turkey, it would be 12.9 days
28:45 between every Adventist.
28:48 In Morocco, one Adventist would walk by every 28 days.
28:55 In Iran, we have a few Adventists,
28:57 one would walk by every 38.8 days.
29:02 In Somalia, it would be
29:04 one Adventist every 102 days.
29:10 In Afghanistan, one Adventist would walk by
29:13 every 119 days.
29:17 In Syria, we used to have a strong work.
29:19 We have nothing now.
29:21 One Adventist would walk by every 225 days in Syria.
29:26 In Yemen, it would be one Adventist
29:28 every two 250 days.
29:31 And in Saudi Arabia, 60 people a minute,
29:34 24 hours a day one Adventist would walk by every 279 days.
29:42 As I watched her singing hymns in the little Adventist church,
29:45 in one of the stance of Central Asia last summer,
29:48 I had no idea that four years ago,
29:51 Igul was not a Christian.
29:53 After the services that morning,
29:55 she poured out her story to us and what a story it was.
29:58 Ten or twelve years ago, she had a baby boy
30:02 but somehow he received a brain injury during delivery.
30:05 Her husband and family told her to put the baby
30:07 in an institution and forget about him.
30:09 But her mother's heart wouldn't let her do that.
30:11 So her husband left her.
30:13 She moved back to her parents' home
30:15 but her stepmother didn't want the baby around
30:17 and made life terribly difficult for them.
30:20 Finally, unable to bear it any longer,
30:22 Igul and her sister moved to another city.
30:25 She worked days while her sister took care of the baby.
30:28 Several years went by during which a Christian,
30:31 a Catholic lady, co-worker begin to reach out to her.
30:35 This Catholic lady kept encouraging Igul
30:37 to go to the church.
30:39 But Igul had never been in a Christian church before.
30:42 And even though she had already been
30:43 thrown out of her family,
30:44 she just couldn't bear to leave the religion of her heritage.
30:49 Finally, one day in desperation
30:51 Igul decided to go visit the Catholic Church.
30:54 But on the way there, she gotten lost
30:56 in the maze of little alleyways
30:58 that you find in Central Asian cities.
31:01 Just then, she passed a group of people
31:03 standing by a gate.
31:05 She stopped and asked them.
31:06 "Can you tell me where the church is?"
31:09 At that point in her life, she didn't realize
31:11 there was more than one kind of Christian Church.
31:15 The group looked questioningly at each other for a moment.
31:17 Was this a trap?
31:19 Was this woman a spy?
31:21 But finally, they said, "Well, this is a house church.
31:24 And we're getting ready to go in.
31:26 Would you like to join us?"
31:28 Igul did join them.
31:30 And she's never gone to the church
31:31 that she was looking for.
31:33 Four years ago, she was baptized.
31:35 Now her sister is studying and they alternate Sabbaths.
31:38 One stays with the little boy at home
31:40 while the other comes to our little church.
31:43 I praise God for His timing.
31:45 Ten minutes, either way, and she would not have seen
31:48 the group standing by the gate.
31:50 I also thank the Lord for the dedication
31:52 of a German missionary who went to Kyrgyzstan
31:55 50 years ago and planted a church.
31:58 Soon that struggling little girl
32:00 began to send missionaries to other parts of Central Asia.
32:04 I'm so glad they had planted a small light in Igul's city,
32:08 one that she could join when she was ready.
32:11 But you know what haunts me?
32:14 It's all the other Igul's
32:15 who have no Adventist feet walking through their streets
32:18 and market places.
32:20 Who will they turn to when the Spirit begins
32:23 to work on their hearts?
32:25 I don't want to leave us in a state of despair.
32:27 I believe it's time for Jesus to return.
32:30 The signs all foretell that.
32:32 But if all we do is pat ourselves on the back
32:35 for how much we have accomplished,
32:37 we show that we are indeed Laodicean,
32:40 asleep and in need of nothing.
32:43 God has given us a task.
32:45 It may seem impossible, but it isn't.
32:47 The Jordon River looked impossible to the Israelites
32:50 but it wasn't.
32:52 As they believed God's promise and obeyed His command,
32:54 as they stepped into the water,
32:56 God opened it up and they crossed over.
33:00 And today, I want to challenge all of us,
33:02 me included, to wade into the Jordan River,
33:04 to really get serious about finishing the work
33:07 and doing anything necessary to send people,
33:10 to be lights in every city and suburb,
33:12 village and town on earth.
33:15 We can't just keep going toward the places
33:17 where it's easy.
33:18 We are a world wide church with a responsibility
33:21 for every human being on earth.
33:24 We have a responsibility to take them the message.
33:27 As you plan projects and trips,
33:30 as you raise money for the work in various parts of the world,
33:33 don't forget the dark places.
33:36 Igul now has a blessed hope and peace.
33:39 She has a new light in her dark life.
33:41 But millions like her still can't see that light.
33:45 When will we light their world?
34:13 There is a candle in every soul
34:20 Some brightly burning
34:23 Some dark and cold
34:27 There is a Spirit who brings fire
34:33 Ignites a candle and makes His home
34:40 Carry your candle
34:43 Run to the darkness
34:47 Seek out the helpless, confused and torn
34:53 And hold out your candle for all to see it
35:00 Take your candle, and go light your world
35:07 Take your candle, and go light your world
35:24 Frustrated brother, see how he's tried to
35:31 Light his own candle some other way
35:37 See now your sister, she's been robbed and lied to
35:44 Still holds a candle without a flame
35:51 So carry your candle, run to the darkness
35:58 Seek out the lonely, the tired and worn
36:04 And hold out your candle for all to see it
36:11 Take your candle, and go light your world
36:18 Take your candle, and go light your world
36:23 Hey, now, na, na, na, na
36:26 Hey now Hey, now, na, na, na, na
36:29 Hey now Hey now Hey now
36:35 Cause we are a family, whose hearts are blazing
36:41 So let's raise our candles
36:45 and light up the sky
36:48 Praying to our Father, in the name of Jesus
36:55 Make us a beacon in darkest times
37:02 So carry your candle, run to the darkness
37:08 Seek out the hopeless, deceived and worn
37:15 Hold out your candle for all to see it
37:22 Take your candle, and go light your world
37:29 Take your candle, and go light your world
37:34 Hey, now, na, na, na, na
37:37 Hey, now, na, na, na, na
37:40 Hey, now, na, na, na, na
37:44 Hey, now Hey now
37:46 Hold out your candle for all to see it
37:52 Take your candle, and go light your world
37:59 Take your candle, and go light your world
38:06 Take your candle
38:16 And go light your world
38:21 Hey, now, na, na, na, na
38:24 Hey, now, na, na, na, na
38:28 Hey, now, na, na, na, na
38:31 Hey, now Hey, now
38:36 When I look at the challenge
38:39 of the vast world's populations,
38:43 it's clear to me
38:45 that unless the Holy Spirit
38:47 works powerfully and dramatically,
38:51 God's work on earth
38:54 will not be finished any time soon.
38:57 Technology is not going to finish God's work.
39:01 Television is not going to finish God's work.
39:05 Radio is not going to finish God's work.
39:09 All of the technological genius
39:11 of the brightest minds of the church
39:13 will not finish God's work.
39:16 God will reveal that He alone
39:20 through the outpouring of His Holy Spirit
39:23 will finish His work.
39:25 I long for meetings
39:28 when the Holy Spirit is poured out in abundance.
39:31 I long for the sameness and the routine
39:34 of the church to be broken up.
39:37 And that the power of the living God
39:39 be poured out upon His people
39:41 because it is Spirit-filled people
39:45 that'll finish God's work on earth.


Revised 2016-01-11