3ABN On the Road

Members In Action - Thursday Night

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: OTR

Program Code: OTR000928

00:01 Music playing...
00:09 some more music
00:16 more music playing
00:24 On the Road...
00:32 more instrumental music
00:43 some more instrumental
00:54 ASI Tampa, Florida Members in Action
01:01 ASI Youth Orchestra playing "Unto Thee O Lord"
04:38 Congregation says, "Amen" and claps.
04:48 Lorayne Barton walking to the stage.
04:57 Thank you very much.
05:04 It's time again tonight for our favorite part of the Program
05:11 that's "Members in Action Time again"
05:14 wouldn't you like to be on here next year?
05:17 You're a member in action as well
05:20 so we are so thankful again that you are here,
05:23 and tonight, we're going to start off our Program
05:26 with Don and Laura Noble,
05:29 how many of you here know who Don and Laura Noble are?
05:34 Oh yes, I see that they do know but Don and Laura,
05:38 I think maybe there is one percent of the audience
05:42 that doesn't know what you do or who you are
05:45 so can you please tell me what Organization do you represent?
05:48 We represent ASI.
05:51 Thank you, they are the largest ASI Organization
05:58 in the Pacific Union,
05:59 so I think that that's a wonderful thing to represent.
06:02 What is the name of your Organization?
06:05 We're Maranatha Volunteers International
06:07 and we're really excited to be
06:10 involved with ASI
06:11 because most of the people that go on the projects with us
06:14 come from other parts of ASI Organizations
06:16 or individual members.
06:18 Actually I see a lot of you out there, so...
06:20 That's right, how many here
06:21 have been on a project with Maranatha,
06:24 could I see your hands?
06:25 Wow, that's at least one-fourth of the audience don't you think?
06:29 Yeah, I think so. Exactly.
06:30 Excellent, well you know,
06:31 my dad and mother were involved with ASI
06:34 for maybe about 20 years, and I promised my dad something
06:38 if I would see you, to say, "Hello" to you
06:40 from my 90-year old father, Jim Gray,
06:43 and I want to say, "Hi" too.
06:44 And I remember your father. You do?
06:46 Absolutely, your father,
06:47 Jim Gray, has been on a lot of projects with us
06:50 so, it's nice to remember that.
06:52 He always tries to get me to go, so I have to say,
06:54 "Hi Dad... out there"
06:56 all right, do you know how many churches,
07:00 schools, orphanages and
07:02 other buildings you've built over the years?
07:04 You know, you would ask me that, it's quite a few thousand,
07:08 I can't tell you exactly but Maranatha started in 1969
07:12 and I know it has involved over 70,000 volunteers at this point
07:16 so it's exciting to see people involved in mission
07:20 because you can see pictures and you can hear stories
07:24 but when you go yourself and you get involved in mission,
07:28 and you watch what God's doing with your own eyes,
07:30 it changes your life
07:32 and that's what Maranatha is about
07:33 not simply the building
07:34 but changing the lives of both the volunteers
07:36 and recipients of the projects.
07:37 Can you tell me what projects that you're currently working on
07:41 that are the most interesting
07:43 or most exciting projects currently?
07:46 Well, we're focused in three
07:49 specific areas right now in the world
07:50 one that we've been involved in for ten years is India,
07:54 and I know quite a few of you have been to India,
07:56 and God's done amazing things in India,
07:58 we've been lucky to watch it, privileged actually
08:02 because when we started in India,
08:03 ten years ago,
08:05 there were only 200,000 members there,
08:07 and so many things have happened there,
08:09 God's brought a lot of different organizations and people there,
08:12 and now there are 1.3 million members in just ten years.
08:15 That's amazing!
08:17 That's really thanks to so many people in ASI
08:21 that really makes the difference.
08:22 Laura, I was going to ask you,
08:24 do you think there is any benefit
08:26 to you personally from having been involved in ASI?
08:31 No benefit whatsoever, nothing, no, yeah, no,
08:35 this has absolutely changed my life,
08:37 there is nothing like doing something for God,
08:41 I mean, I know every person in the chairs out there
08:45 and probably watching TV,
08:46 has been involved in doing something for God
08:49 and really is there anything more exciting than that,
08:51 is there anything more life giving than that?
08:54 You know, Maranatha is probably best known
08:56 for building buildings
08:57 and going back to the first focus area of India
09:00 almost 2,000 churches now
09:02 as well as quite a few schools and those are places
09:05 where people come every day
09:08 to worship God and that's just exciting to know
09:10 that we've been able to be involved in that
09:12 and a lot of people here have also...
09:14 What countries are you most involved with now?
09:16 We're involved in India, like Don was saying,
09:19 we are also involved in the country of Mozambique
09:21 that's in the southern part of the continent of Africa,
09:24 and we're doing hundreds of churches
09:29 and also schools,
09:30 we're also involved with some other Organizations there
09:34 to have training adults and training children, of course,
09:37 in the traditional education of reading, writing and arithmetic
09:41 and that would be a Christian education
09:43 of course, the Seventh-day Adventist Christian education
09:46 and we're also doing some other things in Mozambique.
09:49 One of the things that's probably the most exciting
09:51 people react to the most
09:53 is the fact that we're drilling wells
09:57 and a lot of these people in these villages
09:59 in Africa don't have any water,
10:00 and that causes all kinds of health problems,
10:04 people may carry water on their heads for 3 to 5 miles
10:07 and they do not have enough water
10:10 so we just started drilling wells
10:13 and it's exciting, just below the surface there
10:16 in Mozambique, an average of about a 100 feet,
10:19 there is... like a river of water,
10:22 we've been hitting wells at 100 gallons a minute,
10:25 they drill in about
10:27 less than four hours
10:29 and these people have been carrying water
10:31 their whole lives on their head
10:33 and now they're going to have water right next
10:34 to the new Seventh-day Adventist church... praise the Lord.
10:37 So that will bring a lot of people
10:39 from their surrounding villages won't it?
10:41 Absolutely. You get two kinds of water.
10:43 Yeah, it's a great combination
10:45 and giving people a very practical way of surviving,
10:48 and also, of course, a spiritual life, so...
10:53 Laura, what do you think
10:54 has been your favorite project to work on?
10:57 That's a tough one,
11:00 hey, you didn't tell me you were going to ask that question.
11:02 You know, I would say,
11:03 probably the country that's impacted me most
11:06 is the country of India,
11:07 it might have been the time in my life,
11:11 I'm not really sure,
11:12 but it was such a cultural change for me,
11:16 it definitely gets you out of your comfort zone,
11:18 and makes you realize what you really need... to live,
11:23 you know, if somebody said
11:25 you can have three things to take on this plane
11:26 for the next three weeks, what do you really need?
11:28 And it really got me closer to God and I would say,
11:32 I was probably the closest to God in my life
11:34 in India and there is absolutely
11:38 nothing like it in the world,
11:40 I'd give up everything I own
11:43 to be that close to God every day of my life.
11:45 Thank you so much,
11:47 I know I'm not supposed to say anything
11:49 about this structure over here on the left,
11:52 because we're going to be talking about it
11:54 all through the meetings,
11:56 but Don, do you have anything in relationship
11:59 with this building over here or what should we do,
12:02 shall we talk about it tonight or shall we wait?
12:04 You're going to get me in a lot of trouble,
12:07 some have heard of One-Day Church
12:11 and I hope you're here on Sabbath morning
12:13 to learn more about the One-Day Church
12:16 it's exciting because there's such a need around the world.
12:18 Please come, you're going to hear about it more
12:20 but if you'd like to know a little bit more about it,
12:22 you can stop over at the booths tonight
12:25 and see what the One-Day Church is like.
12:27 Absolutely, can I mention the third area of the world
12:30 that we're working on is South America right now,
12:32 specifically now in Chile and Ecuador
12:36 and that's where, actually,
12:38 most of the volunteers are going right now from North America
12:40 to that part of the world.
12:43 We just had almost 200 youth,
12:45 every year they go on an "Ultimate Workout" project
12:48 in some place in the world,
12:50 and it's changing the lives of young people too.
12:53 Thank you so much, I really appreciate what
12:56 Maranatha is doing and I just hope
12:58 so many more of you will get involved
13:00 with Maranatha or another ministry
13:02 that is working as hard as they are around the world.
13:05 Thanks so much. Thank you.
13:07 Audience clapping.
13:13 Oh, next come my good friends this is Phil and Sherry Mills
13:21 and they brought with them a couple of friends
13:24 James and Sarah Dietrich over here
13:27 and Phil, how did I get to know you,
13:29 what do you think, how long have we known each other?
13:32 We met from ASI and also AMEN,
13:34 we met right here during these conferences
13:38 through our association with AMEN
13:41 which is Adventist Medical Evangelism Network
13:43 which you heard a little bit about last night
13:45 but you're here tonight
13:47 representing a different Organization
13:48 can you tell me about that?
13:50 Yes, "My Bible First" which is also birthed by ASI.
13:55 Why was that, you came to ASI
13:58 and what did you discover?
14:00 Well, I should have Sherry talk about that.
14:03 I discovered a lot of wonderful people
14:07 just sharing their testimonies
14:09 and I was so inspired that I said,
14:11 "Lord, I want a ministry,"
14:13 and within a few months, this is what came to us.
14:16 So, what is "My Bible First?"
14:20 Can you please explain just a little bit
14:22 for those who may never have heard of this,
14:24 what does "My Bible First" do
14:27 and by the way, I gave it the name MBF.
14:30 Well, My Bible First, I think all of us are very aware
14:37 that we are at the end of time,
14:38 and I had a great burden for children
14:42 as a Sabbath School Superintendent in our church,
14:45 our families are under severe attack
14:48 and the only safeguard was the Scriptures
14:54 and I asked the Lord, how can we reach our children,
14:59 we have one precious hour one time a week
15:03 that we can give to them, the Bible,
15:06 how are we using it, what are we filling it with,
15:09 are we just entertaining them,
15:11 or are we laying a solid Biblical foundation for them
15:15 and that is what My Bible First is all about
15:18 helping our children know Him better.
15:21 Oh, that's great, I visited Cradle Roll recently
15:26 with my grandson
15:28 and what I noticed was that behind every child
15:31 they are seating two sometimes even three adults
15:35 these are young people
15:37 that may not have been to church for many years,
15:39 and they're bringing their kids back now
15:42 so what do you think we can do with that?
15:45 Well, I teach Cradle Roll in our church
15:48 and I am really thankful as a teacher
15:52 for the built-in audience
15:54 of having parents come with their children to the class.
15:58 It's a great opportunity to teach children and their parents
16:03 about Bible truths,
16:04 we just finished with a Program Theme
16:07 on the Sabbath, and recently
16:10 we have had a new Seventh-day Adventist
16:13 come to our church bringing their little boy
16:16 and as I would teach the class,
16:20 I was helping to teach the children,
16:22 about the Sabbath,
16:23 I was also keen into talking to the parent who was coming
16:29 about how to keep the Sabbath and making key points
16:32 about how to actually keep the Sabbath
16:36 and what to do for Sabbath
16:39 and so, it's been really helpful
16:41 these lessons have helped me to look at my Sabbath School time
16:45 as a real key missionary opportunity.
16:47 Thank you, I'm not really sure
16:50 that all of you have gotten the idea
16:52 that this is a set of Bible lessons
16:54 with not only beautiful pictures,
16:56 beautiful color pictures in them,
16:58 they're better than any I've ever seen
17:00 but the content is deep.
17:02 The content is something
17:03 that you can use through the week,
17:05 you could use it for Sabbath School
17:07 but you can also use it
17:09 to teach for worship, is that correct?
17:11 We really designed it... we had a lot of new members
17:15 in our church who designed it for our church
17:17 and we wanted to teach
17:20 parents how to have family worships
17:23 so, My Bible First is designed as a family worship training,
17:28 family-worship friendly kind of Bible lessons.
17:33 When I came to your house once for lunch
17:36 a long ways away from where I lived,
17:39 and you took me of a tour of your basement,
17:42 and I was just amazed,
17:44 their basement is entirely filled with printing presses
17:48 and computer equipment and stacks of lessons
17:51 throughout the whole section,
17:53 I don't know how you're going to get that out of there.
17:55 We have now grown out of two homes
17:58 and we'll be having to go to our third...
18:01 That's okay, you're going to move again
18:03 anyway, so, might as well just expand some more.
18:07 We are grateful for that.
18:08 I really, really appreciate that,
18:11 I think that you really could call, "My Bible First"
18:14 MBF... Moving By Faith
18:17 because this is a program that we can use
18:20 to not only attract our own children
18:24 but children in our neighborhoods don't you think?
18:26 In fact, we have... we've been doing that
18:29 in our church, seeking to get...
18:32 even if the parents don't come,
18:35 we are seeking to have neighborhood children come.
18:38 Sherry, you told me one story about a family in your church
18:44 that is really doing a lot with little kids,
18:47 can you just quickly... we only have a minute left.
18:50 I would love to share the story,
18:51 we have a lady in our church who is a widow
18:54 she was a foster parent with three precious children
18:57 who had been taken out of very abusive homes,
18:59 they would be locked up in their bedroom
19:01 while their parents were shooting drugs
19:03 and they were hungry, dirty, filthy,
19:06 they were removed from their home
19:08 and give to this lady as a foster mother,
19:10 she couldn't bear to let these children go
19:12 she saw their potential and so she prayed
19:15 and the Lord answered her prayers
19:16 and allowed her to adopt these children as her very own
19:20 she said they were like three little heathen girls
19:23 so then... she was praying,
19:32 "Next Lord, how can I lead these children to you?"
19:35 Just at that next Sabbath, we came in...
19:38 and we were new members in the church there
19:42 we had moved to the area,
19:43 we introduced our lessons to her and she said,
19:47 "Oh, thank the Lord, this is an answer to my prayers"
19:50 The lessons are designed as Phil said
19:53 for daily Bible Study, with texts to look up
19:56 and with thought questions.
19:58 She faithfully went through these lessons with her girls
20:01 and I can tell you,
20:02 as one of the teachers in that department
20:05 these girls know as much Bible if not more as many adults do
20:09 and they are just on fire for the Lord,
20:13 they love Jesus with all their hearts
20:16 and we are thrilled for that.
20:18 Thank you so much and God bless you
20:20 as you continue this work. Thank you.
20:22 Audience clapping.
20:32 Hi Mary... Hi...
20:34 How are you tonight?
20:35 Excellent, thank you.
20:37 What is your name and where are you from?
20:39 My name is Mary Berndt and I am from Ardmore, Oklahoma.
20:43 That sounds like a familiar name to me
20:45 Ardmore, Oklahoma, are you associated in any way
20:48 with Nedley Publishing or anything like that?
20:52 Well, I'm not associated with Nedley Publishing,
20:55 although the Nedleys are very good friends
20:57 and a lot of our materials will be at their booth.
21:01 All right, so go by the booth
21:03 and you're going to hear more about what Mary does,
21:05 Mary, I hear you're with a ministry called SHINE.
21:08 Yes. What does that stand for?
21:10 SHINE is an acronym for
21:12 School of Health Integrating Natural Remedies and Evangelism.
21:16 Well, that's a long name what does SHINE actually do?
21:21 Well, SHINE trains mostly young people
21:24 although we've had some "older young people"
21:27 but mostly young people in health evangelism.
21:31 They receive courses in massage and phlebotomy,
21:35 we train them how to run health and nutrition seminars
21:39 they learn how to cook in a restaurant
21:42 and they learn how to cook healthy, tasty,
21:45 delicious vegetarian and in fact, vegan food,
21:47 they learn how to run a health-food store
21:50 we also train them in Daniel and Revelation
21:53 and then we take them
21:55 and we run an Evangelistic series
21:58 with the whole class while they're there.
22:00 So it sounds like they're learning more practical things
22:03 than just only educational things is that correct?
22:06 It's very practical, we're taking these young people
22:09 and really molding the young person
22:12 because we want to... when they go out,
22:15 we want them to be self-motivated,
22:18 hard working and we want them to know
22:20 how to reach souls for the Lord
22:23 and just in every way, shape and form,
22:25 really at SHINE, we touch their lives.
22:27 Mary, about ten years ago, we met a young man
22:32 that came to ASI, his name is David Asscherick
22:37 and I understand that you had something to do with that,
22:41 can you tell me about that?
22:44 Well, about 15 years ago,
22:46 I first opened a Health-food store
22:50 in Rapid City, South Dakota, and I fell in love
22:52 with four young Punk Rock girls, and I'll be honest with you,
22:57 these girls were really special girls,
23:00 very smart, very bright,
23:02 well, one day these girls came in with some boys
23:05 and I didn't like those boys so much
23:07 those boys had purple hair,
23:09 they had earrings all over the place
23:12 and I said to the girls
23:14 there was one of those young men who especially
23:18 was just kind of a little loud and obnoxious
23:22 and I said to one of the girls, "Who is that young man?"
23:24 And we shouldn't
23:26 try to associate with those kinds of people, should we?
23:29 I associated with them frequently
23:30 to win them, but I said,
23:34 "Who is that young man?" and she said,
23:35 "That's David Asscherick, he's Cara's boyfriend"
23:38 and I thought to myself,
23:39 "Hmmm... not if I have anything to say about it,
23:43 he's not going to be... "
23:44 and later on I felt bad about that and I prayed, Lorayne,
23:49 I asked the Lord to forgive me
23:51 and told Him that I didn't have much love for those young men,
23:54 and I loved the young ladies, but not the young men,
23:56 forgive me that...
23:57 To make the really long story short,
24:00 what happened to those four young men?
24:02 Well, we opened a restaurant,
24:04 they started eating there everyday,
24:06 they had health problems,
24:08 they came to me with their health problems,
24:09 and one day those young men were sitting at a table
24:12 in my restaurant and I heard them say,
24:14 "Whooo hooo" and I said,
24:16 "Well, what are you guys whoo hoooing about?"
24:17 and they said, "We just figured out
24:19 that you're old enough to be our mother"
24:20 and I said, "Yes, I am"
24:22 and they said, "Well, would you adopt us?"
24:24 and I said, "Okay, you're all officially adopted
24:27 by Mary Berndt, young sons of mine,
24:31 we're now going to pray"
24:32 and they looked up at me and were like, "What?"
24:34 and four of those young men actually ended up being pastors
24:40 in the Conference at Michigan.
24:43 Isn't that amazing, and as far as we know...
24:48 what happened to David Asscherick.
24:49 Yes, yes, so, out of that little encounter
24:53 at a health food store, started by one person,
24:56 look what has happened,
24:58 what is happening around the country and around the world
25:00 through one encounter, that we never know...
25:03 you may not know that somebody you have interacted with
25:08 has become an Evangelist but it probably has happened.
25:12 Isn't that amazing? It's very true.
25:14 It's amazing, and Mary,
25:15 do you have anymore Davids in the pipeline?
25:18 Well, I do have a David in the pipeline actually
25:21 and I would appreciate it if all of you would pray for him
25:25 his name is not David, his name is Ryan
25:27 and it's interesting because Ryan is a lot like David
25:31 he's very smart, he's very funny,
25:34 he keeps us laughing all the time,
25:36 and one day he came to me and he said,
25:39 "Mary, would you adopt me?" and I said, "Yes, I would Ryan,"
25:46 he said, "No, would you really adopt me?"
25:49 and I said, "Ryan, I would really adopt you,
25:52 you are now my son,"
25:54 and I've told him frequently,
25:57 "Son, I'm a Seventh-day Adventist
26:01 and you're a Baptist,
26:02 you wanted to be my son, we need to get with the program"
26:06 and so, the Lord is working there
26:09 and he's coming down the pipeline
26:12 so please pray for Ryan.
26:14 And you know what? I've heard,
26:17 that out of your restaurant and out of your ministry,
26:20 there is a really high rate of people
26:23 that have been baptized.
26:25 One of the things we struggle with... in the Adventist Church,
26:29 is taking the ministries that we do
26:31 through our churches, you know,
26:33 like having a seminar... a health seminar
26:36 and bringing those people right on into the church
26:39 but Mary isn't having that kind of problem
26:41 do you think you could tell me what maybe some of that
26:43 is done, how you do that?
26:46 Well, you know Lorayne, I believe the old saying is true
26:49 "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach"
26:51 and I'm blessed to have a restaurant.
26:55 We need a lot more restaurants around this country, you guys.
26:59 I agree 100 percent,
27:01 there is something about serving people food,
27:03 you become their mother,
27:04 and they could become very united and very close to you
27:10 and then we can help them with their health
27:11 then when we help them with their health,
27:13 then we become like their doctor
27:15 and... do you know Sister White says
27:17 that once they see that we have the health message correct,
27:21 they will know that we have the
27:23 spiritual message correct as well,
27:25 and so it is totally an opening wedge,
27:27 how else would I ever have gotten to know punk rockers?
27:31 Right, but on the other hand,
27:33 I'm sure that it isn't just feeding people food,
27:36 you have to be able to have that heart
27:39 that they can see the love of God in your heart
27:42 and I see that in you and I see the holy spirit
27:45 and I just want to pray for you
27:46 and if any of you want to see what she's doing,
27:49 and learn more about it,
27:50 go by the Nedley Publishing Booth, okay...
27:53 Yes... thank you.
27:54 Thank you so much Mary. Yes, thank you Lorayne.
27:56 Good night.
27:58 New participants walking on stage.
28:02 Hi Danny. Hello Lorayne, how are you?
28:06 Weren't you out here last night? Danny: I was.
28:08 Haven't I seen you at ASI for a lot of years?
28:11 it's been a couple of years in a row, yes.
28:14 Can you tell me how long it's been since you've been with ASI?
28:17 I actually started coming to ASI when I was seven years old,
28:20 and this is my 25th year in a row, I've got this one.
28:24 Wow! yeah, and I know that
28:26 you're involved with netASI, netAdventist, et cetera,
28:30 can you tell me, so what is netAdventist?
28:34 NetAdventist is a way for churches and schools
28:40 to communicate with their communities,
28:42 via the internet. Okay.
28:44 Can I say just a little bit more just a little bit more?
28:48 It actually is a web-based software platform
28:52 that provides websites for churches and schools
28:55 around the globe,
28:57 it can be translated into any left- or right-reading language
29:00 and it was actually made available via a grant
29:03 from Tom and Wisa Park, ASI members.
29:07 So it started out as an ASI Project
29:10 with a lot of support from various Organizations as well
29:16 and I've heard that
29:18 there are a lot of churches using it now
29:20 do you have any idea
29:21 how many churches are now on netAdventist?
29:24 We have over 2,500 churches on three different continents
29:27 that are using netAdventist.
29:29 Wow! and can it be translated into other languages?
29:33 It can be translated in any left- or right-reading language
29:36 and we currently have six languages that are translated.
29:39 And, I've heard that even some churches...
29:42 because they've put this on the web
29:44 they now have baptisms through there...
29:46 That's correct.
29:47 Do you have any stories about that?
29:48 I do, I do, in fact the church just down the road
29:51 from my home church in Fallbrook, California,
29:54 it's in Escondido, California,
29:55 there was a young couple that had moved into the area,
30:00 that had three children,
30:02 they just had a new baby and they wondered
30:04 what they needed to do to consecrate this baby to the Lord
30:08 and so they began to check all the different church websites
30:12 in the Escondido area,
30:13 they stopped at the Seventh-day Adventist church website,
30:16 it happened to be a netAdventist website
30:17 that we had built with them,
30:18 and they were able to find some information on baptism there
30:21 so they sent an e-mail to the pastor through the website,
30:24 and when he received the e-mail he decided to go and visit them,
30:28 very quickly he realized
30:30 that they did not know anything about Seventh-day Adventists
30:33 but he used it as a chance to begin sharing
30:36 our message with them, fast forward three months
30:39 and the entire family was baptized,
30:43 they ended up bringing over 30 family relatives
30:46 with them to the baptism,
30:47 which also created a witnessing opportunity as well.
30:50 It's where so many people are communicating today
30:54 via the web and it's critical that our churches be able to
30:58 talk via this media.
31:00 Right... and John, this is John Beckett, correct?
31:04 Yeah, that's right.
31:05 Okay, and John I understand that you are the former webmaster
31:10 for the General Conference is that correct?
31:13 Yeah, I manage the Adventist. org website and
31:15 the news. adventist. org website
31:17 for quite a number of years.
31:18 Wow! and what's your opinion of netAdventist, altogether?
31:23 Well, as you know, Tagnet has a great history
31:27 of helping churches and ministries work online
31:30 and they've taken this expertise that they've had for many years
31:35 and used it to help
31:38 with their creation of the netAdventist free software
31:41 and they've done... gone to extraordinary lengths
31:44 to make sure that this software is going to work very well
31:46 for local churches to manage their websites
31:49 and for the people that are going to manage the servers
31:53 to have an easy time of it too.
31:54 And so, what do you think are going to be the best benefits
31:59 for the different churches?
32:00 For local churches, I think it's going to make it
32:03 easy for them to do some things
32:06 that they might not have been able to do before,
32:08 and so, that's going to be exciting.
32:10 It's also great that it's going to let
32:14 our church Organizations offer content
32:17 through local church websites,
32:18 if the websites want to have it on there, on their site,
32:21 they'll be able to easily put it on their sites.
32:24 It's going to be useful in a lot of ways.
32:26 And Danny, I hear there are a lot of changes
32:29 going on at netAdventist,
32:31 what's actually happening there currently?
32:33 Well, we're actually finishing the software up
32:36 on September 1st,
32:38 it has taken us a little bit longer to build it,
32:39 it was a bigger chunk to bite off than initially thought
32:42 working with the translation and so many things
32:44 it's complex, but we're finishing it up
32:47 September first,
32:48 and we're actually handing it off to John's office
32:51 at the General Conference
32:52 for distribution for our world church.
32:54 That's wonderful, it's going to now be available
32:57 to everybody, is that right, for every church?
32:58 Yeah, for every church,
33:00 we also have an agreement in place that allows
33:04 ASI Members to use this software as well,
33:06 it's called, netASI
33:08 that will also be available on September 1st as well.
33:11 So, if you have a ministry
33:12 and you would like to have media on the web,
33:15 would like to use that vehicle of communication
33:18 ASI will provide that for you.
33:19 Yeah, didn't we promise that to people last year?
33:23 We did, we did.
33:24 But this year, it's really happening, you guys,
33:26 and everybody who has an Organization
33:30 or a need for ministry, and you don't have a website
33:33 and would really like an up-to-date, wonderful website,
33:37 this is really going to be it isn't it?
33:39 I believe so, yes. Thank you so much Danny and John
33:41 Thank you.
33:43 Audience clapping
33:51 Waiting for the next participant.
33:58 Good evening, Good evening.
34:00 This is Julia O'Carey and you're with what Organization?
34:06 I'm with ASAP.
34:08 Oh, that's a good term, ASAP,
34:11 that means "as soon as possible" right?
34:13 Yes it does, ASAP's motto is:
34:15 "Christ is coming ASAP, reach Asia now"
34:19 and our name actually means,
34:21 "Adventist South East Asia Projects"
34:23 so it has a double meaning.
34:25 All right, and I understand you've been with
34:29 this Organization for quite a while,
34:31 tell me, how did you actually get started with ASAP?
34:36 Well, I started actually when I was a little child
34:40 living in Thailand,
34:41 my mother and father worked in the refugee camps
34:45 and I learned a lot about missions through that experience
34:50 and God put it in my heart to help win these people to Christ
34:55 and so, when I became an adult, about three years ago, actually,
35:00 is when I started working with ASAP.
35:02 Well, it's a joy.
35:04 I've heard it said, Julia,
35:07 that you're an American
35:09 with an Asian heart, is that true?
35:11 Well, you know, my husband has gotten used to
35:14 eating a lot of rice
35:15 and I do love the culture and the people,
35:18 but I think God put a passion in my heart
35:21 and the Director of ASAP happens to be my mother, Judy Aikin,
35:25 and she has a passion in her heart also
35:28 for the people of Asia
35:30 and we want to see all of them saved in God's kingdom.
35:32 So, tell me, what are the areas that you're working in most now
35:39 and I've heard that you are doing a lot of work in Laos,
35:42 right now, tell us about Laos.
35:44 Well, we work in Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam
35:49 and just last year, we went into Myanmar,
35:52 it's exciting what's happening in Laos,
35:54 there are 1.5 million Lao people here in North America,
35:59 and over 7 million people in this country
36:01 and so many of them are unreached
36:03 and so, ASAP has been working to establish churches in Laos
36:10 praise the Lord,
36:11 six churches were built last year
36:13 but in addition to this, we support church planters
36:17 all over the country that are bringing the gospel
36:20 to the little villages, let me tell you a story
36:23 about this lady, 18-years old,
36:25 married in this village in southern Laos,
36:28 her name is Vaung,
36:30 and Vaung got pregnant, had a baby,
36:33 lost her baby in childbirth,
36:36 this depressed her so much
36:38 that she would not go out of the house,
36:41 an evil spirit, which is common in these countries
36:45 came into her life and her heart
36:48 and she would roam the village naked
36:50 yelling unintelligible words
36:53 and her family did not know what to do,
36:56 they brought her to a Medicine Doctor,
36:59 they gave over $1,000 to try to find a solution
37:05 but nobody had a cure for her until Pastor Kampasong,
37:09 one of the ASI Church Planters went to this village
37:14 to visit one of his Christian friends,
37:16 while he was there, the husband of Vaung
37:19 heard that he was there, and he said,
37:21 "We've tried everything else, there is nothing we can do,
37:24 why don't we see if this Christian can do anything. "
37:26 So, he prayed for her, nothing happened,
37:30 the next Sabbath, he came back,
37:32 prayed again, three Sabbaths...
37:34 the fourth Sabbath when he came back,
37:37 she was dressed, clean, beautiful,
37:41 smile on her face,
37:42 and she was praising the living God
37:45 for taking away that evil spirit and changing her life forever.
37:49 So God is working in Laos.
37:52 That's marvelous. Amen.
37:54 Do we have any special stories about Vietnam?
37:59 Yes, I want to share a text before I talk to you about that,
38:03 Luke 18:27 says,
38:06 "The things which are impossible with men
38:09 are possible with God" and in Vietnam,
38:12 one month ago, Pastor Isah Young
38:15 who runs the underground house church movement
38:19 in this country, was given the awesome privilege
38:22 of speaking on a satellite TV program
38:26 one hour a day.
38:28 In this program, he preaches the Word of God in Vietnamese,
38:33 all over the world
38:34 and it's going into Communist Vietnam
38:37 and one of the lay pastors got a call from the
38:41 police and they said, "Pastor Isah, he's on the...
38:46 you work with...
38:47 Pastor Young must be a very influential man,
38:49 that he would get permission to speak the Word of God
38:52 on TV, one of the 13 most popular
38:56 TV stations in Vietnam, wow!"
39:00 and the lay pastor said, "No, he's not influential,
39:04 his boss is influential and his boss is God. "
39:08 Amen, amen... That's wonderful, you know,
39:11 Pastor Young actually...
39:13 Young actually lives in my Union in the Pacific Union...
39:17 he, not only reaches out to people in Vietnam,
39:21 but to the Vietnamese in this country
39:23 all over, so he produces all of these programs
39:26 and that's just been wonderful,
39:28 any other stories you can tell us?
39:30 Yes, Lorayne, I want to tell you about
39:32 how God is reaching all walks of life,
39:34 from the poor people in the villages
39:36 all the way to influential,
39:38 I heard last week about this Civil Engineer
39:42 who came to know about God
39:45 through the Peace and Happiness radio broadcast
39:47 and that is a project that ASAP and Adventist World Radio
39:52 have partnered in for the last... over ten years.
39:55 He came to know the Lord,
39:57 he became a member of a secret house church in Vietnam,
40:00 and he had this burning desire
40:03 to share with those in his circles,
40:06 so he's a member of the Engineer Society in Vietnam
40:11 so he asked permission from ASAP Lay Pastor
40:15 if he could put Pastor Isah Young's sermons
40:18 on his blog, and so he risked it
40:22 Communist Vietnam,
40:23 and he put a bunch of the sermons on there
40:25 and he was amazed at the response.
40:27 He got 10,000 responses to those sermons
40:31 and most... all of them were positive
40:35 and he said, "You know, people in Vietnam
40:39 are thirsty for spiritual things"
40:42 and the people are influential that responded,
40:46 they are educated, God is reaching all people
40:50 in all walks of life, and it's very exciting
40:52 because God can do the impossible,
40:55 Amen... Amen.
40:57 Amen, you know, we may think that one little
41:02 item that we give to a project,
41:04 one little prayer that we do,
41:06 doesn't have much reach, but God has a way of taking that
41:10 multiplying it, I remember when
41:12 Pastor Young first came,
41:14 when he was just starting out with tiny,
41:17 tiny little radio program in just one little area,
41:21 and now he's entirely over the entire country of Vietnam
41:24 just a couple of years ago,
41:26 he would have been in prison for that, wouldn't he,
41:28 if he had been caught.
41:30 Well, he still could be,
41:31 so keep him and all the lay pastors
41:33 who are persecuted in Vietnam
41:35 in your prayers, it's a very dangerous work
41:38 in Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam because they're all Communist
41:42 but you know God is powerful
41:44 and so, I solicit your prayers if you go on our website
41:48 asapministries. org you can join our prayer team
41:53 and that is the best gift you can give
41:55 is partnering with us in prayer
41:57 for the people in Southeast Asia.
42:00 Thank you Julia and thank you for growing up in ASI.
42:03 Thank you, and I do want to invite all of you
42:06 to a special mission report that we have
42:09 and that's going to be tomorrow in the Marriott Hotel
42:14 and it will be in Salon G and so, please come
42:21 because you'll hear more exciting stories
42:22 of what God is doing in those countries.
42:24 Thank you very much. God bless.
42:26 Audience clapping.
42:28 Good evening ASI,
42:31 there's a story about this family
42:36 whose house caught on fire, and they all got out
42:41 except for this one little boy,
42:43 this little boy somehow managed to get to the roof,
42:49 and he's scared
42:52 because the fire is starting to engulf the house,
42:56 the father is looking up and sees his little boy,
43:00 and he yells, "Son, jump, there's not that much time"
43:04 the little boy is scared, he says, "Father, I can't see,
43:09 but the father says,
43:11 "I can see you and that's all that matters"
43:15 you know, so many times, we have problems
43:19 but do we place it in God's hands?
43:22 It's my prayer that we'll be able to say,
43:26 "Lord, I trust you, I place my life in your hands"
43:31 Piano playing
43:41 Life can be so good and life can be so hard
43:49 Never knowing why each day will bring to where You are
43:57 Sometimes I forget And sometimes I can't see
44:04 That whatever comes my way You'll be with me
44:12 My life is in Your hands My heart is in Your keeping
44:19 I'm never without hope Not when my future is with You
44:27 My life is in Your hands And though I may not see clearly
44:35 I will lift my voice and sing
44:39 'Cause Your love does amazing things
44:45 Lord, I know, my life is in Your hands
44:50 Nothing is for sure
44:59 And nothing is for keeps
45:03 All I know is that Your love Will live eternally
45:09 So I will find my rest And I will find my peace
45:18 Knowing that You'll meet my every need
45:25 My life is in Your hands My heart is in Your keeping
45:33 I'm never without hope Not when my future is with You
45:41 My life is in Your hands And though I may not see clearly
45:49 I will lift my voice and sing
45:53 'Cause Your love does amazing things
45:58 Lord, I know, my life is in Your hands
46:04 When I'm at my weakest Oh, You carry me
46:11 Then I become my strongest
46:15 In Your hands
46:21 Piano playing...
46:27 more piano...
46:33 My life is in Your hands And though I may not see clearly
46:41 I will lift my voice and sing
46:45 'Cause Your love does amazing things
46:50 Lord, I know,
46:52 my life is in Your hands
46:57 I trust You Lord,
47:01 my life is in
47:05 Your
47:09 hands
47:14 ooooooh...
47:21 Audience clapping...
47:25 Participants coming on stage...
47:31 Good evening ASI,
47:32 you know one of my favorite parts of ASI
47:37 has always been the testimonies,
47:39 I remember many things from my first ASI,
47:42 when I was a teenager, I remember some of the sermons
47:45 but what I really remember is the stories
47:47 of Adventist Lay people
47:49 who are sharing Christ in their marketplace,
47:51 tonight I have with me, Volker Schmidt
47:53 and his granddaughter Mary Katherine,
47:55 Volker, tell us where are you from?
47:57 I'm from Lexington, Kentucky.
47:59 And what do you do in Lexington?
48:01 We build special machines for the garment industry.
48:06 Okay, I'm quite certain that
48:09 probably most of us have worn clothes
48:11 that have been built on your machines, in fact.
48:13 I ideally tell people that if you have to take off
48:15 what our machines put on, you might be embarrassed.
48:18 Okay, now you have a particular burden for part of the work,
48:23 it's a burden that, I think you and I share,
48:25 tell us about that burden,
48:27 what is your burden for finishing God's work?
48:30 You know, Chester, our forefathers in the church
48:33 here who started this church, were really disappointed
48:36 because of what they had gone through a 150 years ago,
48:39 but they were sincere and earnest and they searched
48:42 and they asked God to help them understand
48:45 and they studied the Bible and they get on their knees,
48:48 and God revealed to them a wonderful system of truth
48:51 they discovered that Jesus wasn't coming
48:54 but that He actually has gone into the Sanctuary
48:56 interceding for His people
48:58 and then they discovered the Sabbath,
49:00 they discovered healthful living,
49:02 they discovered the great controversy
49:05 that's going on in the world,
49:06 and when they realized what God has given them,
49:08 they said, "We can't believe
49:10 that God is entrusting this to us,
49:12 we must go and share" and so they started a Movement
49:15 that's the Seventh-day Adventist Movement,
49:18 they didn't spare any of their money or time,
49:20 they went, rain or snow, hot or cold,
49:25 they left their homes, they left their farms
49:28 and went and shared the message with everybody,
49:31 today, we're over 150 years down the road, Chester,
49:35 as we look around, there are problems,
49:37 there are no solutions everywhere you look,
49:41 we have hurricanes, earthquakes,
49:44 financially... problems in this country,
49:46 we need solutions,
49:49 I believe, God has entrusted this church
49:53 with a special message, let me read something here
49:56 that we find in this book that you may have picked up
49:59 when you came into ASI, here's what it says,
50:03 "Seventh-day Adventists have been chosen by God
50:06 as a peculiar people," that's you and I,
50:10 "He has made them His representatives
50:13 and has called them to be ambassadors for Him
50:17 in the last work of salvation.
50:21 The greatest wealth of truth, ever entrusted to mortals"
50:26 did you catch that?
50:27 "the greatest wealth of truth ever entrusted to mortals,
50:31 the most solemn and fearful warnings ever
50:34 sent by God to man have been committed to them
50:38 to be given to the world" that's you and I,
50:42 and, you know,
50:43 I am so thankful that ASI has made available books
50:46 like The Great Controversy and Ministry of Healing
50:49 or pamphlets that we can give to the people around us,
50:52 to share this wonderful truth that is so unique
50:57 and brings the answers to everyone
50:59 that's having problems today.
51:01 So your special burden, Volker, is the printed page,
51:04 putting those truth-filled materials into people's hands,
51:08 what have you done, personally, maybe in your own community,
51:12 to help get this message out, we don't want to just sit on it,
51:16 it's a greatest wealth ever entrusted to mortals
51:18 what have you done,
51:19 what are some of the experiences you've had?
51:21 Well, Chester, you know, I feel it's very important
51:23 that we care about our neighbors and friends
51:24 and so I've embarked on a program
51:27 where I devote a certain amount of time every week,
51:30 to going and visiting my friends and neighbors
51:33 and basically, I've chosen Wednesday,
51:35 after work, I go out, I get about eight books ready,
51:39 and let me have that a minute, thank you,
51:41 that's what I use, Chester, I use DVDs,
51:45 "Final Events," "Finding Peace with God,"
51:48 and a little brochure,
51:50 let me just share how it works,
51:51 as I... before I go...
51:54 I'm getting a little head of myself,
51:56 I get on my knees and say,
51:59 "Lord, you know where the people are,
52:01 please be with me, open the doors,
52:04 and may they read things
52:06 that really will be the answer to their lives"
52:07 then I get out,
52:09 and I go to the first door and I knock on it,
52:11 and I say, "Good afternoon, I'm Volker Schmidt,
52:14 I live over here on this tar road,
52:16 I like to share something with you,
52:17 I attended a Seminar
52:19 and they talked about the prophecies of the Bible,
52:21 and I learned a lot, do you have a Bible?
52:24 then I find out they have one or don't,
52:26 they read it or whatever it is,
52:27 and then I go on and say, "You know, maybe you...
52:29 in the study of my reading the Bible,
52:32 I've come to the conclusion
52:33 we're living at the very end of time,
52:35 Jesus is just about to come back have you found that to be true?"
52:38 Again you find...
52:40 you get different impressions from the people,
52:42 and then I say, "Do you have a DVD player?"
52:44 They say, "Oh yes," I say,
52:46 "I'd like to leave this, 'Final Events' DVD with you,
52:49 and there's a little book I read that I really enjoyed
52:52 and it's called, 'Finding peace within'"
52:53 and you know, people have said sometimes,
52:55 "That's interesting, that's what I need
52:57 I'm glad you came today,"
52:59 I said, "Listen, the most important thing you can do
53:02 is... ready and study
53:04 and get ready for Christ's soon coming
53:06 it's really a matter of life and death, God bless you"
53:10 and I go in my car, mark where I've been,
53:12 pray again, "Lord, touch these people's hearts
53:15 as they're reading and looking at this DVD."
53:17 That's really very simple isn't it,
53:19 don't you think you could do that
53:20 with your neighbors and friends?
53:21 Get to know your neighbors, what have you learned
53:24 from your granddaughter Mary Katherine?
53:26 You know, just last Sabbath I was over at my son's place
53:30 and we were eating in the afternoon and I said,
53:31 "Mary Katherine, would you like to take a walk?"
53:33 And what did you say? Yes.
53:35 "Yes, "she said, and so we went out,
53:37 I said, "Mary Katherine, why don't we visit this house
53:39 over here on the end of the block?"
53:41 So we went up, and what did you say?
53:43 Let me ring the bell, right?
53:46 She said, "I want to ring the bell grandpa"
53:47 and so we go in and the lady comes out
53:50 and she said, "Oh good to see you, come on in"
53:52 well we talked a little while, but it didn't take long
53:55 we talked about Christ's soon coming,
53:56 I said to her "Have you seen the 'Final Events' DVD?"
54:00 she said, "No, give me one" I had nothing with me,
54:04 I said, "We'll get one to you"
54:05 and so we ended up visiting together
54:09 actually she hugged our little daughter here, granddaughter...
54:12 and we had said, "Goodbye"
54:14 and as we're going down the steps
54:16 what did you say? "I want to go visit my neighbor"
54:21 she said, "Grandpa, let's visit the neighbor
54:24 on the other side of the road" how about that?
54:27 What an inspiration and then... we went from there
54:30 and then she said, "To the other side of the road"
54:34 I want to say here today, let's get the enthusiasm
54:37 that our little children have, and grandchildren...
54:40 let's take them and visit our friends and neighbors,
54:43 Jesus is coming soon, the best and the greatest thing
54:46 that you and I can do, is... share this wonderful truth
54:49 I have a vision, I have a dream, Chester,
54:53 one day very, very soon, we're going to see
54:56 hundreds and thousands of Seventh-day Adventists,
55:00 going from house to house,
55:01 sharing the message of Christ's soon coming
55:04 may each one of you participate in that,
55:08 and before we know it, Jesus will be here,
55:11 isn't that what you want? Amen.
55:13 Praise God, amen
55:15 thank you Volker and Mary Katherine.


Revised 2016-01-26