3ABN On the Road

Sabbath Morning Worship Service

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Shawn Boonstra


Series Code: OTR

Program Code: OTR000936

01:01 Good morning. Good morning.
01:03 I have the privilege this morning
01:05 of introducing our speaker for our 11 o'clock service
01:09 Pastor Shawn Boonstra.
01:11 He is the speaker and director of "It Is Written" telecast
01:14 and I'm sure all of you are familiar with him
01:17 and he really needs no introduction.
01:21 On a personal note Shawn means a lot to our family
01:25 and has a special place in our hearts,
01:27 especially my husband and I.
01:29 He married us last September and we just admire Shawn.
01:35 One thing about him, when you get to know him personally
01:38 he has a close walk with Jesus Christ.
01:41 He loves Jesus with all his heart.
01:44 And my husband and I especially admire his devotion,
01:49 his passion for finishing the work
01:52 and spreading the gospel to the ends of the earth
01:55 so that we can go home with Jesus some day soon.
01:59 I ask you this morning to prayerfully open your hearts
02:03 and your minds to be receptive
02:06 to the message that God has for us today.
02:40 The Lord is my Shepherd
02:45 I never shall want
02:50 For lack of His mercies
02:54 My soul shall not pant
02:59 In pleasant green pastures
03:03 I daily abide
03:08 He leads me the peaceful
03:12 Still waters beside
03:18 My soul He restoreth
03:22 And for His Name's sake
03:27 The path of His righteousness
03:32 bids me to take Yea
03:39 Though I pass through death's dark shade
03:45 I will not by evil
03:49 Be ever dismay'd
03:54 I will not by evil
03:59 Be ever dismay'd
04:05 The Lord is my Shepherd
04:11 I never shall want
04:31 For thou art my Shepherd
04:35 And with me always
04:40 Thy rod and Thy staff are
04:45 my comfort and stay
04:49 My table thou spreadest
04:54 In presence of foes
04:59 My head thou anointest
05:03 My cup overflows
05:08 Thy goodness and mercy
05:12 Shall follow me still
05:17 While life's earnest duties
05:21 I daily fulfill
05:26 Till joyous my spirit
05:30 shall claim its reward
05:35 And dwell evermore
05:40 In the house of the Lord
05:44 And dwell evermore
05:49 In the house of the Lord
05:56 The Lord is my Shepherd
06:02 I never shall want.
06:14 Amen.
06:24 To see Alpha and Beverly here
06:26 singing was a pleasant surprise.
06:28 I didn't know to very recently that they would be singing.
06:32 They sang for me when I was with It Is Written, Canada.
06:35 They are Canadian.
06:37 Now, I want you to see how this works.
06:41 Canada does not have a big army.
06:44 So how do we takeover America?
06:50 Just send preachers and singers.
06:56 We are gonna study God's word together
06:59 and I have a particular burden to share with you this morning
07:03 because in some corners of Christianity
07:05 as of late I have been hearing
07:07 that in this last hour of earth's history
07:10 we should be retooling our message
07:13 so that it applies to the modern secular mind
07:16 and appeals to people
07:17 who are not interested in spiritual things.
07:22 But as I have been studying scripture
07:24 I have seen in the pages of the Bible
07:27 that God deals very clearly
07:29 with this issue for the last days.
07:32 So in a moment we are going to turn to Acts Chapter 14
07:35 but before we go there I would invite you
07:38 to bow your heads with me in prayer.
07:42 Father in heaven, You know right now at this moment
07:48 how desperately I need You.
07:52 If I'm to speak I have nothing to say.
07:56 And my thoughts and my heart
07:57 are tainted by selfishness and pride and sin.
08:03 And so I beg that You would take a coal from heaven's altar
08:07 and touch my lips.
08:09 Give me the ability to think clear thoughts
08:14 and to have my heart and my eyes and my ears
08:17 focused on Jesus for these next minutes.
08:22 We sense He is coming soon
08:24 and even before we see Him face to face.
08:27 Today we want to see Him in the pages of the Bible
08:32 and it's our prayer that You would open our eyes
08:33 so we could see that.
08:35 Forgive our sins and speak to us now
08:39 and we covenant
08:41 that we will respond when You speak.
08:44 For we ask it in the wonderful name of Jesus Christ, amen.
08:48 Amen.
08:50 There is this story in Acts Chapter 14
08:54 where Paul and Barnabas are visiting the city of Lystra
08:59 and as they are there God uses them
09:01 to heal a man that has never been able to walk.
09:04 He was born crippled, the Bible says in Acts Chapter 14.
09:09 And after this man has been healed
09:12 all of sudden the city comes unglued.
09:15 Paul and Barnabas
09:16 are left standing alone in the city square
09:18 wondering where everybody has gone.
09:20 The city evacuates, the people leave.
09:23 And Barnabas is left looking at Paul
09:25 and now this is the Boonstra revised version of the story.
09:29 Barnabas says to Paul where did everybody go.
09:32 Paul says, I don't know, they are gone.
09:34 You would think after the healing
09:36 we could have had an evangelistic
09:38 but they are gone.
09:40 Where are they?
09:41 And so these two men stand in the city square
09:44 all by themselves in Lystra
09:46 kind of like people on the beach
09:49 just at that point
09:51 when the water sucks out the sea before a tidal wave.
09:55 Wondering around wondering where everyone is gone
09:57 and then all of a sudden Barnabas sees them.
10:00 Paul, I think we've got a problem.
10:04 What is it, Barnabas? Take a look.
10:05 Look down the street.
10:07 And there they come,
10:10 the people of the city have run out of town
10:13 and they have gone to grab the priest of Zeus.
10:15 They said this amazing thing happened in town, priest,
10:18 and this man has been healed.
10:19 We think they might be the Gods comedown to earth.
10:22 What do you think we should do?
10:23 And the priest of Zeus or Jupiter says,
10:25 hey, we ought to offer a sacrifice.
10:28 So here comes the crowd with an ox and a bunch of flowers.
10:32 Barnabas pulls on Paul sleeve, he said, this is a problem.
10:36 I think they are going to worship us.
10:39 What a disaster of an evangelist meeting.
10:42 I mean, there they are
10:43 to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ
10:45 and now they are about to slay the bull for Paul and Barnabas.
10:49 They are gonna worship human beings.
10:51 It's a disaster up until Paul realizes what's going on.
10:56 Acts 14:14 "Which when the apostles,
11:01 Barnabas and Paul, heard of, they rent their clothes,
11:04 and ran in among the people, crying out."
11:06 I mean, they were in agony over this.
11:08 they tore their clothes over it.
11:10 They were so upset
11:12 and that's before you could run over to Wal-Mart
11:14 and buy another set for $11.95.
11:17 It's hard to get new clothes. They are upset.
11:19 Verse 15, now watch what happens.
11:23 "And saying, Sirs, why do ye these things?
11:27 We also are men of like passions with you,"
11:30 let me pause there for a moment.
11:33 If there are only a few big secrets
11:35 to successful witness that's one of them right there.
11:38 It's helping people see
11:39 that you too are sinners saved by Christ.
11:41 You are not unusual, you are not high and mighty,
11:44 you don't sit on a pedestal and you are not a religious
11:46 know at all, you are just like them.
11:49 That secret alone goes a long way.
11:51 "Why do ye these things?
11:53 We also are men of like passions with you,
11:56 and preach to you"
11:57 now listen to this, here comes Paul's message.
12:00 "We preach to you
12:02 that you turn from these vanities unto the living God,
12:05 which made heaven, and earth, and the sea,
12:07 and all things that are therein."
12:10 Now if that sounds familiar
12:12 and it opt to Seventh-day Adventist Christians
12:15 Paul is preaching the first angel's message
12:19 to the people in Lystra.
12:21 He uses the three angels' messages.
12:23 I find that interesting.
12:25 Verse 16, "Who in times past suffered all nations
12:30 to walk in their own ways."
12:31 There is the theme of the Great Controversy.
12:34 God has allowed sin to run its course
12:37 so that He can deal with it for all time.
12:39 Paul preaches the prophetic message
12:42 in the context of the Great Controversy
12:45 and we should note, he is not on home turf.
12:48 He is in a foreign culture
12:50 speaking to people who do not think like him.
12:52 He comes with God's prophetic message
12:54 in the context of the Great Controversy.
12:57 Verse 17, "Nevertheless,"
12:59 now here comes a big, big principle,
13:02 "Nevertheless he" that's God
13:06 "left not himself without witness,
13:09 in that he did good, and gave us rain from heaven,
13:13 and fruitful seasons,
13:14 filling our hearts with food and gladness."
13:17 Paul says to them wait a minute,
13:19 don't worship me.
13:20 Worship Him that made,
13:22 I mean there it is again three angels' messages.
13:24 Don't worship me, worship Him that made.
13:27 If you pay attention you will see that
13:29 that is who your heart has been desiring.
13:32 He's left witness of Himself everywhere.
13:34 There is another big evangelistic principle.
13:37 It's to understand that God has not left Himself
13:40 without witnessing any time, in any place, in any culture.
13:44 He speaks to human hearts everywhere.
13:47 Here's how God works.
13:48 I mean, if I would have sum up the principle
13:50 found in this story for witness and soul winning
13:53 the principle is so simple.
13:54 It's this, before you witness God gets there first.
14:01 It's so simple.
14:02 God goes in, God stirs up the hearts,
14:06 He wakes people up, He gets their attention
14:09 and then He sends in the preacher
14:11 with a handcrafted message from the mouth of God Himself
14:15 that God knows will appeal to those hearts
14:17 that He has woken up and He sends us
14:19 and to help these people connect the dots.
14:22 He sends us in to help them see whose voice it is
14:25 that they have been hearing, that's the principle.
14:28 If you catch on to it it's explosive for evangelism.
14:32 If you miss this principle that God gets there first
14:36 and then He sends you in,
14:38 if you miss it you start making some mistakes.
14:44 I was reading the New York Times a little while ago,
14:47 October of last year to be precise.
14:50 There is this headline in the paper
14:52 that got my attention.
14:54 It was in the US news section.
14:56 It said, "Thou shalt not kill." Now that got my attention.
15:01 I mean, there is the Ten Commandments
15:02 in the New York Times.
15:04 A postmodern secular journal and they are talking--
15:07 and this is not in the religion section
15:09 and it's not in the opinion section,
15:11 it's in the US news section.
15:12 And I sat up and I took note.
15:14 I thought look at that,
15:16 every responds to the Ten Commandments
15:18 because God's character is revealed there
15:20 and people either like it or they don't like it
15:22 but they have to deal with it.
15:24 It keeps showing up because the image of God
15:27 has not been scrubbed out of the human heart
15:29 even after 6,000 years of sin.
15:31 Hasn't been--
15:33 we still want to look at it.
15:34 So I got excited.
15:36 Here is one of the Ten Commandments
15:37 in the New York Times, "Thou Shalt Not Kill"
15:41 except that wasn't the headline.
15:43 The headline said this, Thou Shalt Not Kill,
15:50 except in church.
15:53 Now it really had my attention.
15:56 I cancel an appointment so I could read it.
16:00 If it was you I apologize.
16:04 Listen to the article, "First the percussive sounds
16:07 of sniper fire and the thrill of the kill.
16:11 Then the gospel of peace.
16:13 Across the country,
16:15 hundreds of ministers and pastors
16:16 desperate to reach young congregants
16:18 have drawn concern and criticism
16:20 through their use of an unusual recruiting tool,
16:22 the immersive and violent video game Halo.
16:26 The latest iteration
16:27 of the immensely popular space epic,
16:29 was released nearly two weeks ago by Microsoft
16:31 and has already passed $300 million in sales.
16:34 Those buying it must be 17 years old,
16:36 given it is rated M for mature audiences.
16:40 But that has not prevented leaders at churches
16:42 and youth centers across Protestant denominations,
16:45 including churches
16:47 that have cautioned against violent entertainment,
16:50 from holding heavily attended video games nights
16:54 and stocking their centers with multiple game consoles."
16:57 I just want to point something out,
16:58 just for the record.
17:00 Here is a secular paper the New York Times
17:04 and when God's people began to compromise on principle
17:07 who points it out, the secular mind.
17:10 Why?
17:11 They pointed out because the image of God
17:12 has not be scrubbed entirely out of their hearts
17:15 and they can see
17:16 when there is a problem with what we are doing.
17:19 "The alliance" this is here continues,
17:21 "The alliance of popular culture
17:23 and evangelism is challenging churches
17:26 much as bingo games did in the 1960s.
17:30 And the question fits" now here it comes,
17:33 "the question fits into a rich debate
17:35 about how far churches should go to reach young people."
17:41 He asked the question a few more times.
17:43 Little later on the question arises he said
17:46 "What price to appear relevant?" What price?
17:52 Now I want to allow the New York Times
17:57 to set the table for our Bible study this morning.
17:59 Can I do that?
18:01 I know, we'll go right back to the Bible
18:02 but can we allow the New York Times
18:04 to ask the question this morning,
18:06 how far do we go to embrace popular culture?
18:11 Now, before we begin to answer it let me say this
18:14 so that I don't come off its some kind of an extremist.
18:18 I do believe
18:19 that when we preach the gospel of Christ
18:21 we need to speak it in a language
18:23 that the people we speak to get,
18:25 that they understand.
18:26 We need to speak to them and tell Jesus did this.
18:29 Use stories people understood from their everyday life,
18:32 we need to do that.
18:34 Let me also say for the record that these churches
18:37 had set up the violent videogame
18:39 which is basically made up of shooting each other.
18:42 Some of the kids in the article said
18:43 we go because it's so much fun to blow each other up.
18:48 I want to say from the bottom of my heart
18:50 that not for one second
18:51 do I doubt the motive of the people that did that.
18:54 I don't doubt
18:55 the motive of these pastors not for a moment.
18:58 I think their hearts are sincere.
18:59 I think they want the right thing.
19:00 They have noticed that their churches are emptying
19:03 and that the young people are not there
19:05 and it breaks their hearts
19:07 because I know that these pastors
19:09 want these kids in the kingdom of God.
19:11 I know that. I don't question the motive.
19:14 It's so easy to question people's motives and say,
19:17 the devil sent so and so to our church to destroy it.
19:20 That's not always the case.
19:21 Sometimes we just misunderstand the principles.
19:25 I don't question the motives of these pastors
19:28 but I do have a question about the method
19:33 because I think the method is based on a misunderstanding
19:36 of how God actually works with us.
19:39 You see what God has asked us to do is to help people
19:42 find what they are already looking for.
19:44 That's what happened in Lyster.
19:46 Paul says, hey, you are looking for God, you got it wrong
19:50 you latched on to the wrong thing.
19:52 Paul could see that the human heart
19:53 so desperate for worship they would latch on to anything
19:56 that came along and he recognize their principle
19:59 and he says to them, I'm here to help you find
20:02 what you are already looking for.
20:04 God has given us that job to go into the community
20:07 find the people that God is speaking to
20:09 and help them find what they are looking for.
20:11 The principle is so simple.
20:13 God gets there first
20:14 and He sends us in to connect the dots.
20:18 Our job as Christians is not to make--
20:22 now follow me carefully and I will explain it.
20:25 Our job is it making sense so far?
20:28 Amen.
20:29 All right, two people think it make sense.
20:32 Our job is not to make secular people spiritual.
20:38 That's not our job.
20:40 Our job is to find the secular people
20:43 that God is waking spiritual.
20:45 That's our job.
20:47 In 1 Corinthians Chapter 2 Paul lays out for us
20:50 exactly how it works.
20:52 He says in 1 Corinthians 2:14, "The natural man
20:56 does not receive the things of the Spirit of God."
21:01 He says in verse 13 that when he spoke,
21:04 when he preached he did not do it
21:06 in the words which man's wisdom teaches
21:09 but which the Holy Ghost teaches.
21:11 Paul recognized the principle.
21:14 I mean, what the Bible tells us is,
21:16 there is no magic button in the human heart
21:19 that you as a human being can go to
21:21 and push and suddenly make a secular person spiritual.
21:25 There is no way that we can go to a secular person
21:28 and make them interested in spiritual things.
21:30 The natural man does not receive
21:32 the things of the Spirit of God.
21:35 That's God's job.
21:37 God pushes the button, He wakes up the heart
21:40 and now they are interested in spiritual things.
21:44 That's how God works people say
21:46 but now you are narrowing your focus, pastor,
21:48 shouldn't you be going after everybody.
21:50 Yes, I do go after everybody because I've discovered
21:53 that God is speaking in this last hour
21:55 to just about everybody.
21:57 If they have not just spurned the voice of the Holy Spirit
22:00 God is making just about everybody interested
22:02 in spiritual things at some level.
22:06 I'll never forget Beverly.
22:09 After a meeting one night
22:11 she came to me tears in her eyes.
22:13 She said, pastor, I've got this big decision
22:15 that I have got to make and it's a terrible decision.
22:18 I said, what is that problem, Beverly?
22:21 She said, pastor,
22:23 my mother is on the other side of the country
22:25 and she is not well and the doctors are saying
22:27 she is not gonna make it.
22:29 She is dying and yet here I am in these evangelistic meetings.
22:34 And I have waited 52 years to hear this message.
22:38 I knew, I was out there somewhere.
22:40 My heart has been craving it
22:41 and I don't want to miss any of this.
22:43 What am I going to do?
22:45 She said, I have resolved in my heart
22:47 that God wants this moment to happen
22:50 and so I'm going to stay for the rest of these meetings
22:52 and God will take care of my mother.
22:54 I'm not missing this. I have waited 52 years.
22:58 In every street, in every city in America
23:01 there are people that have waited 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 years
23:04 to hear the gospel of the Jesus Christ.
23:07 They might not recognize His name even.
23:09 They might not know what we know
23:11 but God has been speaking to their hearts
23:14 and He sends us in to help connect the dots.
23:18 I'll never forget Diane. I rang Diane's doorbell.
23:22 We were knocking on doors
23:23 inviting people to take Bible study.
23:25 And I was with a friend and to be honest
23:27 I wanted to go home.
23:29 I was tired and we had
23:30 a few doors slammed in our faces.
23:33 We rang the bell and she opened the door
23:34 and I said, hi, I'm Shawn from It Is Written.
23:39 She burst into tears.
23:41 It's not the first time
23:42 a woman has burst into tears when I introduce myself.
23:47 I said, are you okay? She said, I am okay.
23:51 How did you know?
23:53 I said, how did I know what? She said, follow me.
23:56 I followed her into the living room
23:58 and there was a Bible open on her coffee table
24:00 and the pages had obviously been wet.
24:03 She said, I have been on my knees all night
24:05 reading this book.
24:06 All night reading this book begging God
24:08 to send somebody to my house to explain what it means.
24:13 I've never felt so small in my life
24:16 and I started to catch on.
24:18 It takes me a long time to catch on the most things.
24:21 But I don't wake people up,
24:23 God wakes them up and He sends us in.
24:26 I mean, listen to how the disciples worked.
24:29 Desire of Ages, page 349 has this astounding statement.
24:35 "As Jesus ministered to the vast multitudes
24:37 that gathered about Him,
24:38 His disciples were in attendance,
24:40 eager to do His bidding and to lighten His labor.
24:43 They assisted in arranging the people,
24:44 bringing the afflicted ones to the Savior,
24:46 and promoting the comfort of all."
24:49 Now there is a felt needs ministry.
24:51 They are attentive to the needs of those people, felt needs
24:56 but it doesn't stop there.
24:57 Next statement.
24:59 "They watched for interested hearers,
25:03 explained the Scriptures to them,
25:06 and in various ways worked for their benefit."
25:09 What did they look for?
25:10 They wandered the crowd looking for interested hearers.
25:15 If you wander a city looking for interested hearers
25:17 you will not run out of them but you'll notice
25:20 the disciples were not trying to make the hearers interested
25:23 they were looking for the hearers
25:25 that were interested.
25:27 They are already hearing the voice of Jesus.
25:29 That's who they are focused on.
25:31 Take a look at how it works in the Bible
25:34 and ever most every single case you can see it.
25:37 Who did Peter baptize on the day
25:39 of Pentecost, Acts Chapter 2?
25:40 The Bible says it was "devout men
25:42 from of every nation under heaven."
25:44 They were already in tuned to the voice of God.
25:46 They already sensed spiritual things.
25:48 Who was Peter's first gentile convert?
25:51 It's a man named Cornelius, a devout man the Bible says.
25:55 He feared God, he was giving money to God's people.
25:57 He had already had a vision and then God sends in Peter.
26:02 In Acts Chapter--
26:03 oh, I don't remember what chapter it is.
26:05 I'm like the apostle Paul,
26:07 you know, how he is always saying,
26:08 somewhere it is written.
26:09 I can never remember where either.
26:12 There is this story where the angel--
26:14 oh, it's Acts Chapter 8.
26:16 The angel comes to Philip and says,
26:18 you know what, I've got a Bible study well under way.
26:20 I got a guy in a chariot reading the Book of Isaiah
26:23 and he is coming up on the stuff about Messiah.
26:25 God's already set it up
26:26 now He is gonna sends you in to connect the dots.
26:29 You go tell them the truths so he knows
26:31 whose voice it is he's been hearing in his heart.
26:35 God's method is simple, He get's there first.
26:39 You want success in witnessing become a sanctified snoop
26:44 when you hang around people.
26:46 Listen carefully to them, look at everything.
26:49 Now most of you will never have me in your home again
26:52 but when I come in I'm looking at your bookshelf.
26:54 I want to know what you've been reading
26:56 because bookshelf is a map of the human mind.
26:58 I look at the pictures on the wall.
27:00 I listen very carefully because somewhere,
27:02 somehow God spoke to you before I got there
27:05 because I can't convert you, I can only show you the truth
27:08 that God wants you to hear after He wakes up your heart.
27:13 But in recent years
27:15 in some corners we've become more hesitant.
27:18 We started to think backwards and now we think
27:20 that we have to make the hearers interested,
27:24 instead of look for the interested hearers.
27:27 And again I believe firmly in being relevant.
27:30 I believe firmly in speaking a language
27:32 that people understand.
27:34 But you don't change the message
27:35 that how God handcrafted to address the people
27:38 who's heart's He has been speaking to.
27:40 See, we've lost sight of the fact sometimes
27:42 that God has a plan.
27:44 We started rewriting it
27:45 thinking that we have to come up with something
27:47 to reach the last generation
27:48 because God forgot all about them.
27:51 God has had a plan since long before we were born.
27:54 The Bible says the Lamb is the Lamb slain
27:56 before the foundation of the world.
27:58 The plan of salvation was well thought out
28:00 by the infinite mind before we ever came on the scene.
28:03 He knows what He is doing.
28:05 And when God gave us this message in this book
28:07 He didn't consider every generation
28:09 except the last one.
28:11 I mean, you picture God calling Gabriel back.
28:13 Gabriel, go get the angels. We made a big mistake.
28:17 When we gave the last day church
28:18 the three angels' messages
28:20 we forgot all about the postmodern secular mind.
28:23 It's never gonna work. Let's regroup.
28:25 I mean, God doesn't change His mind.
28:27 Amen? Amen.
28:28 He doesn't change His mind.
28:30 God wakes up the heart, He has a message for those people
28:33 and when those two things come together
28:35 it has explosive power.
28:37 It explodes. You can't lose.
28:39 I mean, we could try and dream of our own methods.
28:41 We could think of our way to do it.
28:43 We could come up with our own message.
28:46 I could put out pizzas and videogames
28:49 and I could open a Starbucks and I would get a crowd
28:55 but it's not the crowd
28:57 that's been waking up at 3 o'clock in the morning
28:58 hearing the voice of God pleading them to come home.
29:02 God doesn't make a mistake.
29:04 He knows the power of the heart He changes
29:07 and the messenger He sends.
29:09 He knows the power of it.
29:10 You know, who else knows the power of it?
29:14 Lucifer sees it. He sees it. He knows as well as we do.
29:19 In Revelation 18 God plans to light up the whole world.
29:22 He sees it.
29:25 I don't know if you've noticed what his plan is.
29:27 He knows that if God changes the heart
29:29 the people are seeking God.
29:31 And what does He do?
29:33 He doesn't open a Starbucks,
29:34 he gives him a spiritual message.
29:36 In Revelation Chapter 13
29:39 he sets up a false system of worship.
29:41 Then he has a second beast come along and work miracles.
29:44 He even counterfeits the second coming.
29:47 And He almost feel sorry for the devil, don't you?
29:49 He forgot to read all the studies.
29:50 It said, that you can't reach the postmodern secular mind
29:53 with religious themes.
29:55 But working on it for 6,000 years
29:58 he knows the power, so what he does
30:01 is try to get to those hearts before God's messengers do.
30:04 He wants to speak to them first.
30:07 Could it really be...
30:11 that the devil understands better than we do?
30:14 Is that possible?
30:16 Why do we think in the last moment
30:18 we got to change the message?
30:21 There is this amazing story in the Bible
30:23 aimed directly at God's last day remnant church.
30:25 I believe it with all my heart.
30:27 It's found in the Book of Jonah.
30:30 God goes to this reluctant prophet.
30:33 Jonah? Yes, Lord, what? What is it?
30:38 Jonah, I want you to arise--
30:41 I can't help it.
30:42 Every time I read that I think,
30:44 you know, that's like free advertising
30:45 for David Asscherick, Arise.
30:51 I want you to arise and go to Nineveh.
30:56 Every time God calls you to spend yourself
30:58 for the salvation of somebody else
31:00 it's always a call up.
31:02 Always a call up.
31:03 If I be lifted up, Jesus said, I'll draw all men to Me.
31:06 The highest point in history is the cross.
31:09 I want you to arise and go Nineveh.
31:11 You want me to go where? I want you to go to Nineveh.
31:16 Lord, what exactly do You want me to preach when I get there?
31:20 Well, I want You to preach sin and repentance
31:24 and I want you to preach judgment
31:26 and My mercy and My love.
31:28 Lord, I can't do that,
31:29 I mean, go to Nineveh and preach those things.
31:31 Don't you understand
31:32 that is not a Judah Christian culture in Nineveh?
31:35 Those people worship fish.
31:38 I can't go in there with that message.
31:40 Lord, that would be a big mistake.
31:42 I can't--
31:44 fish, I mean, what am I even gonna eat
31:45 when I get to Nineveh.
31:46 I don't think those people are vegetarians.
31:49 Pretty sure they sneak
31:50 and shall be past into the Caesar salad dressing.
31:53 I can't go to a place like that.
31:57 Jonah, I want you to go.
31:59 Lord, I can't relate to the fish worshiping people.
32:02 I'll tell you what, Jonah, you go and I'm pretty sure
32:06 by the time you get there you are gonna have a fish story
32:08 or two that you can work into your sermon.
32:15 What did Jonah run from?
32:18 Buckle your seatbelts for a second
32:20 I want to look at something in the Book of Jonah.
32:23 Why was he reluctant,
32:24 because he is afraid of public speaking?
32:27 I don't believe it.
32:28 It says in Jonah 1:3
32:31 that Jonah left the presence of the Lord.
32:36 What does that mean?
32:38 Can't disappear from God's eyesight.
32:40 Psalm 139 says, "Whither shall I flee from thy presence?"
32:43 What's he fleeing? What's he running from?
32:48 Can't get away from God's presence.
32:50 There is this rule in Bible study
32:52 that says the first time
32:53 something is mentioned in the Bible
32:55 it's very important and it sets the stage
32:57 for understanding the concept.
32:59 The first time you hear
33:00 of somebody leaving the presence of the Lord
33:02 its Cain in Genesis Chapter 4.
33:05 And Cain in Genesis Chapter 4
33:07 leaves the presence of the Lord.
33:08 And again you can't get out of God's eyesight
33:10 so that can't be what's going on.
33:13 God says in Genesis 3 down into that think verse 24,
33:19 the Bible says that God took two Cherubim
33:21 and put them at the gates of Eden
33:22 and there was a brilliant flashing presence between them.
33:25 When it says God place those Cherubim there
33:27 it's actually the root word Shakan,
33:29 same root word is Shekinah.
33:32 God calls the Tabernacle at the gates of Eden,
33:35 two Cherubim and the brilliance presence.
33:36 There was a sanctuary service at the gates of Eden.
33:41 What did Cain leave?
33:43 He left the presence of the Lord.
33:45 What did Johan leave?
33:47 It's interesting, you dig into history and you discover
33:49 that in Jonah's day there is this belief
33:52 that if you have the gift of prophecy
33:54 and you step over the national boarder
33:56 outside of Israel the gift of prophecy would stop
34:01 like your cell phone went out of range.
34:03 Because the sanctuary was in the land of Israel
34:06 and if you got away from the sanctuary
34:07 you would lose the gift of prophecy.
34:09 What is Johan running away from?
34:11 Two things.
34:12 He is running away from the sanctuary
34:14 and he is running away from the sprit of prophecy.
34:16 That's what he is running away from.
34:18 Says in Johan Chapter 2 that when Jonah came back twice
34:22 he says when he is repenting, I will return to Your temple.
34:27 Satan sits on the sidelines he knows what would happen
34:29 if Jonah went in and preach God's message to the people
34:32 God had prepared.
34:33 We know historically
34:35 that Nineveh had already had an earthquake and a plague
34:37 and that the king had already gone
34:38 from worshiping many gods to one
34:40 before Jonah ever got there.
34:43 And the devil makes him uncomfortable
34:45 with the Spirit of Prophecy in the sanctuary.
34:48 And isn't it astounding then in his last moments
34:52 when the devil knows the power of the message
34:54 God has put in our hands
34:56 that he goes after the same thing.
35:00 Goes after the same thing from Cowan Ken Wright
35:03 to Glacier View,
35:05 the Spirit of Prophecy and the sanctuary.
35:11 He is trying to silence the message
35:12 that can change the world because he knows
35:14 God offered the three angels' messages
35:17 and God wakes up the hearts.
35:20 And when you bring God's three angels' messages
35:22 to the world in the last moments
35:24 they will recognize the face of God in it.
35:27 Our job is not to wake everybody up,
35:29 God's doing that.
35:30 Our job is to tell them the truth
35:32 and show them Jesus in the three angels' message.
35:35 Lift high the cross
35:36 and then give them the message God wrote,
35:38 He didn't make a mistake.
35:40 He doesn't make mistakes.
35:43 I was in Minneapolis, oh, I don't know 10 or 20 times
35:49 and I was in the airport its five o'clock
35:51 and I get to my gate
35:53 and I always go to my gate early
35:54 because I want the overhead bin space.
35:56 I want to be the first one on the plane.
35:59 And I'm there early
36:00 and of course a lightening storm blows in
36:02 and there is thunder and lightening
36:03 and I watched the gate attendant.
36:05 She picked up the phone and I heard her say,
36:06 what do you mean?
36:08 What do you mean weight critical?
36:10 I can't--
36:12 you mean I got to ask the volunteers
36:13 to get off this plane
36:15 and I'm listening to this and I'm thinking--
36:17 no, I heard her say, you know, we need to find how much?
36:20 A hundred pounds.
36:21 So now I'm thinking there is a thunderstorm
36:23 and the plane is within 100 pounds of being safe.
36:27 I don't want to be on that plane.
36:29 So the minute she hung up the plane
36:31 I stepped up the podium, I said, I'm volunteering.
36:33 I volunteer to give up my seat.
36:36 I don't have to get there till tomorrow anyway.
36:38 She said, hallelujah.
36:39 Well, she didn't say hallelujah but she was close.
36:43 And she gave me a free ticket and a meal voucher.
36:47 I went to the food fair and I showed the meal voucher.
36:49 I met a lady who is wonderful.
36:50 She said, I know exactly
36:52 how much you can get for that voucher.
36:53 And it's like down to a sign.
36:54 She spent every last penny of the voucher.
36:56 I had a plate of food this high.
37:00 I had a leisurely meal, I went back to my gate.
37:03 It's now 8:15 and there is a big crowd there.
37:06 Turn out they cancelled the flight altogether.
37:09 And as I approached the gate some guys sees me
37:11 and he yells loud enough for everybody to hear,
37:14 that's the guy who got the free ticket.
37:23 I was popular.
37:26 I got on the plane and I sat in my seat
37:28 and I did air passenger's prayer.
37:31 I don't know if you know about the air passenger's prayer.
37:34 You watch the people coming down the aisle
37:35 and you think okay, Lord,
37:37 please I want a little gymnast in the middle seat beside me
37:42 not the 800 pound football player.
37:46 Don't want to ride all the way back to L.A. like this.
37:49 And I'm praying and you know what,
37:51 the seat is empty in the middle
37:53 and then the plane get stalled on the ground
37:55 more lightening and thunder
37:56 and they couldn't put any more else in the plane,
37:58 no one is allowed to work on the tarmac.
38:00 Apparently they are allowed to leave
38:01 the suitcases on the tarmac though
38:03 because when I opened it like fish fell out of it.
38:05 There was so much water inside my suitcase.
38:09 And I sat there the plane got stalled
38:10 and then we tried to pull away, got stalled
38:12 and finally they open the door and a lady gets on
38:14 and comes and takes the seat across from me.
38:17 Now this lady is the model
38:20 for the original Chatty Cathy Doll.
38:23 She has no filter between her brain and her mouth
38:25 whatsoever, nothing.
38:27 If she thinks it she says it and I'm tired,
38:30 I was hoping for a little rest on the plane
38:32 and she sits down, she says,
38:33 oh, look the tray table goes up and down
38:35 and look there is a little
38:36 thing in here the window that goes up and down
38:38 and look there is a plane at the gate next to us.
38:40 Hey, there's people getting on and off of it.
38:41 There is a magazine here in the seat pocket.
38:43 Where are you flying to today?
38:46 Oh, Lord, I said, why?
38:51 I think the Lord smiles
38:52 because preachers deserve that once in a while.
38:59 And we sat and talked, I took my headphones out,
39:02 I was listening to Rachmaninoff.
39:04 I wanted to listen to Rachmaninoff,
39:05 I couldn't hear over the chatter and...
39:09 she turned to me she said, you fly often.
39:12 I said, yeah, quite a bit.
39:14 She says, I don't, this is my first time.
39:17 I said, I kind of guessed.
39:21 Said, I won't travel much but I've decided to take a trip
39:27 because my husband has just died...
39:32 and I got to get away.
39:35 And now I get it, I understand three hours in the airport
39:39 and I understand repeated thunder and lightening.
39:43 I get it.
39:44 I see the angels hustling a woman
39:46 through the airport to get her to that plane on time.
39:50 It's not in our hands.
39:52 God wakes up the heart and then He sends in the messenger.


Revised 2015-10-15