3ABN On the Road

Break Out #1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Justin Kim


Series Code: OTR

Program Code: OTR000969

01:01 My name is Pastor Justin Kim.
01:02 I'm the pastor of the Detroit Oakwood Adventist Church,
01:05 down by the airport.
01:06 And I am not married. I don't have kids.
01:11 That does not make me less of a man,
01:12 but I don't know of some things about masculinity
01:15 because I don't have an experience
01:16 that some of you do here.
01:18 But I'm a son and it's all like kind of,
01:20 kind of fulfill right now and the pastor.
01:23 So I figure we can go to scripture
01:25 and look at who are amongst of Bible characters
01:29 or is a good example of Biblical Masculinity.
01:35 When you think of father figures',
01:36 who is the greatest father of them all?
01:38 Obviously out of outside of God,
01:40 it is, Father Abraham had many sons, you know, Psalms.
01:44 So we're gonna through Abraham today and go through
01:46 and compare his character with the character of Lot.
01:50 Please open your Bibles
01:51 to Genesis Chapter 18 and Chapter 19.
01:54 And today, you wanna, you can take notes.
01:57 This is not a most of a sermon, but a Bible study.
02:01 And we're gonna be flipping back
02:02 and forward of 18 and 19.
02:06 Eighteen, nineteen back and forward.
02:08 Genesis 18 and 19. Before we read scripture
02:12 and go through the study,
02:13 I gonna ask you bow your heads
02:14 and ask for the Lord's blessing.
02:21 Father in heaven,
02:22 Your sons have come here to hear this morning.
02:26 Father help us to get beyond the formality of this event.
02:31 Father view the sincerity in our hearts or do we,
02:36 maybe be law before heaven
02:38 and we ask for the Holy Spirit.
02:42 You can bless these words to make them living
02:46 before our eyes and our hearts.
02:48 Father bless my lips, bless my brother's ears,
02:52 and that this word maybe living
02:55 in the lives of everyone here.
02:57 We pray this in Jesus name, amen.
03:01 Okay. Let's go to Genesis Chapter 18 and 19,
03:04 Genesis 18 and 19.
03:06 The second half of this Bible study
03:07 will be in the afternoon.
03:08 We'll be looking into entire Book of Genesis,
03:10 obviously the narrative of Abraham.
03:15 I actually lied. Let's go to Genesis 13
03:16 to start of with, Genesis 13.
03:19 And we see here the first interaction
03:21 between Abraham and Lot.
03:23 Many of you already know that Abraham
03:25 was the father of faith.
03:26 He is the father that has been called out of Babylon,
03:28 out of City of Ur, and he has a nephew named 'Lot'.
03:33 In Chapter 13, we see an interaction between them.
03:35 So we start from verse 5, verse 5.
03:39 "And Lot also, which went with Abram,
03:41 had flocks, and herds, and tents.
03:43 And the land was not able to bear them,
03:45 that they might dwell together,
03:46 for their substance was great,
03:47 so that they could not dwell together.
03:49 There was a strife between the herdsmen
03:51 of Abram's cattle and the herdsmen of Lot's cattle."
03:54 Verse 8, "And Abraham said unto Lot,
03:56 "Let there be no strife, I pray thee,
03:59 between me and thee, and between my herdsmen
04:01 and thy herdsmen, for we be brethren."
04:03 It's interesting. This is a middle-eastern culture.
04:07 And there is something there is some stalked differences
04:09 between the eastern side of the world
04:12 and the western side, different backgrounds.
04:15 And more so Abraham and Lot are more eastern
04:18 than western thinking.
04:19 And in the eastern way of thinking elders
04:22 have more of an authority more
04:24 of a say than younger ones do.
04:26 And in this culture, if two people are fighting
04:30 it's actually more gracious for the older person to come
04:33 and approach the younger one.
04:35 And what does he say in Verse 8? He says unto Lot,
04:38 " Let there be no strife, I pray thee,
04:40 between me and you, and between my herdsmen
04:42 and thy herdsmen; for we be," what?
04:45 Brethren! We are like-minded brothers.
04:48 We are also connected.
04:49 We are kinsmen. We are relatives.
04:51 That's interesting. It keeps on going.
04:53 So Verse 9, "Is not the whole land before thee?
04:57 Separate thyself, I pray thee, from me:
05:00 if thou wilt take the left hand
05:01 then I will go to the right.
05:03 And if thou will go to the right hand
05:05 then I will go to left."
05:06 This is very gracious of Abraham to do this.
05:10 You ever have, I don't know,
05:12 I am South Korean by descent, American born.
05:16 And it's interesting that when I go out to eat
05:19 with my Korean friends, you finish all eating
05:22 and say hey I will pay you guys.
05:25 And then what happens in eastern cultures
05:27 are like, well no. I will pay. No I will pay.
05:29 And you fight. You do this little dance.
05:32 I will pay and I will pay and finally you said okay
05:34 well you get this time and I will get next time
05:36 and you do get out. Yeah.
05:38 Now once I went eat, eat out with my American friends
05:41 and so I thought this is the same culture
05:42 and I go out there is about four or five people
05:44 there in expensive restaurant.
05:46 Hey guys well this one is on me.
05:48 He is expecting a little tug and an interplay there.
05:53 So hey guys I will take this. It's on me.
05:56 And a pause waiting for the response.
06:00 Hey thanks Justin. Yeah we appreciate.
06:02 You are a good guy Justin.
06:04 And here I am stuck with this bill.
06:10 Now here you see. Here Abraham is the older one
06:13 and he is the uncle,
06:14 and he says alright we can't get along.
06:16 And your people and our people have this problem
06:19 and he takes the first gracious,
06:21 hey you know what? I'll let you choose.
06:24 Why don't you go ahead? Whatever you choose
06:26 I will take the other. It was gracious of Abraham.
06:29 Now he was the older relative.
06:31 He could have said, okay Lot come over here.
06:33 I am gonna take this and you take this
06:35 and we wanna call it.
06:36 He could have played in authority.
06:38 Does he do that? No, he is gracious.
06:41 Now what would have been culturally responsible
06:44 for Lot would have been, well uncle Abraham.
06:47 I appreciate your graciousness but no, no,
06:49 because you are older.
06:50 What? You go ahead and take the first choice.
06:55 And what does Lot do? Very interesting.
06:57 Lot verse 10. Lot lifted up his, what? His eyes.
07:05 It's interesting. Men are visually oriented.
07:09 We are these hunters long this scenery.
07:12 You just imagine on a mount top somewhere
07:14 and there is all that land and he is looking,
07:16 and he is looking and looking.
07:17 Verse 10, "Lot lifted up his eyes
07:20 and beheld all the plain of Jordan
07:23 that it was well watered." Where?
07:26 Just one spot? No. Everywhere.
07:31 Now for us in the modern context,
07:33 living in North America water being everywhere
07:35 is quiet annoying. You know,
07:36 Michigan floods all time, water everywhere,
07:38 and floods the basement. But for a herdsman,
07:41 for a shepherd water everywhere means what?
07:44 It's a convenience. You don't have to walk as
07:46 and all your, your, animals and livestock
07:51 they are all just watered and it's all hunky-dory.
07:53 So verse 10, that it was well watered everywhere before,
07:57 and this was before the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah
08:00 and it was as the, what? The garden of the LORD,
08:06 meaning the 'Garden Of Eden' in Chapter 1.
08:11 So he sees this place. It's like a tropical.
08:14 I don't know what it look like, but it's awesome,
08:16 fertile, just rich land.
08:20 And he says in Verse 10, Verse 11,
08:24 "Then Lot chose him all the plain of Jordan
08:27 and Lot journeyed east. They separate themselves,
08:29 the one from the other."
08:31 So here's the inter dialog.
08:33 Abraham is like my gracious Nephew
08:35 why don't you have first choice.
08:37 Wherever you take I will take the other,
08:38 and he is taking a humbler position and he is waiting
08:40 for the response to come back.
08:42 And Lot gets on top of the rock and he is looking
08:45 he is like yep, I'll take that one.
08:47 See you later uncle and he bust out of there.
08:51 Okay. Now we see later on what's happening here.
08:52 The character of Lot emerges. Verse 12,
08:56 "Abraham dwelt in the land of Canaan,
08:59 and Lot dwelt in the cities of the plain
09:02 and pitched his tent towards Sodom."
09:05 We will get back to that a little bit later.
09:07 Go to Genesis 14, go to Genesis 14,
09:12 Genesis 14 verse 14.
09:15 We will start from verse 13.
09:17 The Bible reads, this is the account
09:21 of a old war happening. Verse 13,
09:24 "there came one that had escaped,
09:25 and told Abraham the Hebrew;
09:28 for he dwelled in the plain of Mamre,
09:30 the Amorite, the brother of Eshcol,
09:31 the brother of Aner,
09:33 and these were confederate with Abram.
09:36 And when Abram heard that his brother
09:37 was taken captive,
09:38 he armed his trained servants,
09:40 born in his own house, 318 and pursued them unto Dan."
09:46 Now this is the character of Abraham.
09:49 In Chapter 13 we see the character of Lot.
09:51 Lot is the little guy and he is like,
09:52 yep I will take it and he is out of there.
09:54 Okay. Now Abraham is a bit different.
09:56 Abraham verse 13,
09:58 He hears that his nephew has been taken away.
10:03 And as a good father, good man of God that he is,
10:07 verse 13, He is hanging out with three brothers.
10:11 We have Mamre the Amorite.
10:13 He is the brother of Eshcol
10:15 and the brother of Aner, three brothers.
10:17 And you see here,
10:18 Abraham is mingling with three other.
10:20 He is conferring. He is making allies here.
10:24 In Verse 14, when Abraham heard his brother
10:27 or relative was taken captive which is, Lot
10:30 he armed his own, his servants.
10:33 He trained them and 318, and pursued them unto Dan.
10:39 Now if you know the geography of this area,
10:41 they are living in southern Israel, you know today,
10:44 and he goes all the way to the north
10:46 and he is coming with his 318,
10:48 these were men born in his own house.
10:50 And he is training them. Now does this guy,
10:53 Abraham, have any training in military warfare
10:56 and strategy whatsoever. No. But he was like,
11:00 I need to get my nephew back.
11:03 And a certain level of determination,
11:06 and he trains 318 and he goes all the way to the north
11:10 and that's where Dan is, pursue them unto Dan
11:12 and verse 15, this is verse interesting, 15.
11:14 "He divided himself against them."
11:17 He is a strategist. "He and his servants by night."
11:20 Question, why they are going by night?
11:24 It's, yeah it's dark. Good. It's dark.
11:26 They can't see him. Strategy. Okay, verse now.
11:30 "And he smote them and pursued them unto," where?
11:35 If you know geography, they are living in the south.
11:37 They go all the way north unto Dan
11:39 and then they go even far north unto Hobah,
11:44 meaning they pursue these enemies until the end.
11:49 It's not like, let's just go halfway, let's half big it.
11:52 Let's go halfway and just, you know, do halfway,
11:55 get my Nephew and get back out.
11:57 He gets his nephew and he continues
11:59 and pursues them all the way.
12:01 Verse 16, "he brought back all the goods,
12:03 brought also again his brother Lot his goods,
12:05 women also, and the people.
12:08 Let's go to Chapter 13:12, 13:12,
12:15 "Lots character was such, in Verse 12 it says,
12:18 "Abraham dwelled in the land of Canaan,
12:20 and Lot dwelled in the cities of the plain
12:22 and pitched his tent," what? "Towards Sodom."
12:28 So here is Lot and there's the reputation of Sodom
12:32 was well known back in their day.
12:34 And he sees this Garden of Eden as kind of territory,
12:38 and he knows that Sodom is over there,
12:41 but he pitches his tent toward that area.
12:46 This is the beginning of his compromise.
12:50 Now Abraham is out in other
12:51 and he is staying away from Sodom.
12:54 Is there a tendency where in your subconscious
12:57 you know you want something?
12:59 But you know you should not go towards it,
13:01 but you lean towards it.
13:05 When you are on the internet you know you shouldn't go
13:06 to that website, but you go to another website
13:09 and do a search on it that's kind of similar
13:12 and by chance happen to go to this website.
13:15 Well you know you shouldn't go on this direction
13:17 to that place, you know onto on the way home,
13:20 but for today you decided to be creative,
13:22 and you take this particular route.
13:25 You know you shouldn't talk to this lady,
13:28 but because in your subconscious
13:29 you do wanna talk, you kind of lean towards her.
13:33 And here that's what he is doing.
13:35 He has his tent pitched towards Sodom.
13:39 Now next Chapter we see what's happening.
13:41 Go to Chapter 14:12, "sometime passes,"
13:47 Chapter 14:12, and says that these nations took Lot.
13:51 Abraham's brother son and then it says,
13:55 Lot who dwelt, where?
13:58 Not towards Sodom but now, where?
14:01 He is now living in Sodom.
14:07 In Sodom! It's like hmm...
14:09 Let me, let me just live towards New York city.
14:13 You know the real estate over there is okay,
14:16 with this economy there is you know,
14:17 the market will go up.
14:18 I'll get some more money and you are going towards there
14:21 and after a couple of years, what?
14:23 We find out that Lot is living downtown Manhattan.
14:28 He is living inside.
14:31 That was interesting is, keep going Chapter 19:1,
14:37 stage one he is going towards this,
14:40 stage two he is in this.
14:43 And Chapter 19, the third stage,
14:47 "there came two angels to Sodom at even,
14:50 at evening; and Lot sat in the gate of Sodom."
14:55 Question, what is this 'in the gate of Sodom?"
14:58 Back in their day, the gate was the
15:01 open area for the village, for the city.
15:04 That's where everyone would come out,
15:05 bring all their things, all their,
15:06 you know, goats and potatoes and,
15:09 I don't know what they bring in.
15:10 They would all sell it, okay.
15:11 Now there is a dispute amongst two people.
15:14 They come out to the front gate of the village.
15:17 And there the person who sits
15:19 at the gate was the town mayor
15:22 or the judge or someone in-charge at that time
15:26 and he would judge and moderate
15:31 some of these arguments. So stage three.
15:34 Here Lot sitting at the gate is not Lot's like, hmmm...
15:38 I need a place to sit. Oh there is a gate.
15:41 Ah, it's a free space. I will sit at the gate.
15:43 This is not the case. Amen.
15:45 He is in-charge of something inside.
15:49 Stage one, pitched a tent towards Sodom.
15:53 Stage two, he is in Sodom.
15:56 Stage three, he is in-charge of something in Sodom.
16:01 Okay. Now let's go to the
16:03 Chapter 18 and 19 and we gonna flip around here.
16:06 And look at some of the aspects of scripture here.
16:09 And scripture is so, I have a comical perspective
16:12 and it's funny what, what scripture does.
16:17 Chapter 18:1, "the LORD appeared
16:21 unto him in the plains of Mamre.
16:23 He sat in the tent door in the heat of the day.
16:26 He lifted up his eyes and looked,
16:28 and, lo, three men stood by him.
16:31 When he saw them, he ran to meet them from the tent door.
16:34 He bowed himself to the ground and said,
16:36 "my Lord, if I, if now I have found favor in thy sight,
16:41 pass not away, I pray thee, from thy servant.
16:43 Let a little water, I pray you, be fetched,
16:46 and wash your feet, and rest yourselves under the tree.
16:49 I will fetch a morsel of bread, comfort your hearts;
16:52 that you shall, after that you shall pass on:
16:54 for therefore are you come to your servant."
16:57 And they said, "So do, as thou said."
16:59 Abraham hastened into the tent, into Sarah, and said,
17:02 "Make ready quickly three measures of fine meal,
17:05 knead it, make cakes upon the hearth."
17:07 And Abraham ran unto the herd,
17:09 fetched a calf tender and good,
17:11 gave it to a young man and he hastened to dress it.
17:14 He took butter, and milk, and the calf
17:16 which he had dressed, and set it before them;
17:18 and he stood by them under the tree, and they did eat."
17:22 One characteristic of Abraham,
17:24 another characteristic I should say.
17:26 He is a man of hospitality. Now it's interesting.
17:32 Scripture goes to many verses
17:35 to describe this attribute of Abraham.
17:39 Couple of things to bring out.
17:41 Verse 2, he lifted up, he looks up and sees three men.
17:46 And when Bible says in Verse 2,
17:47 when he saw them, he what? He ran.
17:53 Is there a difference between a running and walking?
17:59 Did you ever felt awkward where there is
18:01 a long corridor and someone is walking towards you?
18:05 And you are walking towards them and you have to say,
18:08 hi, but you don't know when to say hi.
18:12 So like forward, hey Joe, hey Joe.
18:15 Alright, hey Justin and you are walking
18:17 and you have this awkward time
18:19 and you are kind of walking towards each other,
18:21 and you make conversations. So how is it going?
18:24 You enclose it or do you actually ignore each other,
18:28 until you get to a reasonable space and say,
18:30 hey, how's it going?
18:32 Yeah, I saw you full fire back,
18:33 but just wanna yelling, it's kind of awkward,
18:36 to make that awkward distance not so awkward.
18:40 Here Abraham as a sign of politeness,
18:43 what, he doesn't walk towards him.
18:45 Walking is a sign of arrogance,
18:47 if you will, but he runs out of hospitality, of humility.
18:51 Now when he runs, he says verses 3,
18:54 " My LORD, if now have found favor in your sight,
18:57 pass not away, I pray thee, from thy servant."
18:59 Meaning, stay here, and he goes all out.
19:02 Verse 4, "Let a little water, I pray you,
19:04 be fetched, and wash your feet."
19:06 Question, why does he,
19:08 why do they need your feet to be washed?
19:11 In their society, in this society,
19:12 it's a desert culture.
19:14 You got desert, sands blowing everywhere
19:17 and in their day they did not have
19:20 wonderful Timberlands or Nike shoes.
19:23 They just had a piece of hard leather
19:25 on the bottom of their feet wrapped around
19:27 with string or a ligament of an animal or something.
19:31 So, as they are walking around their feet
19:33 has intimate contact with the sand
19:36 and the dirt all around them. Yes.
19:38 Now how many of you do when you do full washing,
19:40 your feet are extremely dirty.
19:43 If anything, when you do full washings
19:45 you got like sock fuzzies come under water
19:47 and gets this murky grayish, blue-black color.
19:50 And it's dirty, but it's not dirty-dirty.
19:53 Now when they washed feet, it was just, you know,
19:56 all the sand and stuff would come out.
19:58 But in addition, what kind of culture is this?
20:00 This is an agriculture society.
20:03 Along with humans walking on these roads,
20:06 what else is walking on these roads?
20:09 Not you beamer, not you homer, but what?
20:12 Mr. Cow, and Mrs. Camel
20:15 or you know whatever animals.
20:17 Now when animals run and when they move
20:20 they leave gifts on the floor,
20:22 on the offerings all over.
20:24 Now in our context we think, ah it's gross
20:27 and you would tippy-toe around these things
20:28 if you ever walked through apartments
20:29 and just dust or poop everywhere and you are like,
20:31 you are walking all around this way.
20:32 But here in their society, it's just animal poop,
20:36 so you just walk through it.
20:38 So, here is the context.
20:39 You are walking and if they walk for
20:41 miles and miles and miles and here there is dust
20:44 all over the feet and there is poop all over the feet
20:47 and then the dust sticks to the poop
20:49 and then it's hard and it gets all crusty
20:52 and funny you have these,
20:53 you know, cakes on your feet.
20:57 So when you are coming to eat,
20:59 what you want to do?
21:01 Washing your hands
21:02 with antibacterial soap is the least concern.
21:06 You wanna wash your feet. Are you with me?
21:09 So they go and he says,
21:10 let a little water be fetched.
21:12 Can you imagine?
21:13 He's like, hey little girl servant come here.
21:15 And he take the chisel out and they are chiseling away,
21:18 these crustified cakes of goodness
21:23 and it's floating in the water.
21:25 Can you imagine how refresh they are?
21:27 Ah! My feet are all clean.
21:30 If you have sand between you toes,
21:32 one of the most horrible sensations.
21:34 Anyway keep on going.
21:36 Verse 4, it say, "Let a little water,
21:38 I pray you, be fetched, wash your feet,
21:40 rest yourselves under the tree."
21:42 Trees are scarce. So there is the hot sun,
21:46 you are under the tree, that's refreshing, isn't it?
21:48 Yes, okay, Verse 5, "I will fetch
21:51 a morsel of bread, and comfort your hearts,
21:53 and after that you shall pass on;
21:55 for therefore are you come to your servant."
21:58 So Verse 6, Abraham what? He hastens.
22:02 Again, he is running. He goes to his wife.
22:04 He says make very quickly.
22:05 Now one of the most annoying things I heard,
22:08 I don't have a wife, but for husband
22:09 to do to the wife is, hey make some dinner now.
22:12 Five of my friends are coming right now.
22:14 And wife, you know, okay and she makes dinner
22:18 and she has to make something,
22:19 make something fresh out.
22:20 He does the same to Sarah
22:23 and here it's not the main meal.
22:24 It's just an appetizer.
22:26 A small little piece of bread,
22:27 have a little piece of bread, have appetizer.
22:30 And while he is making the appetizer,
22:31 she is making the appetizer.
22:32 He goes to a young man, verse 7,
22:35 "Abraham ran unto the herd,
22:36 fetched the calf tender and good."
22:38 Now this is the choice, you know, prime,
22:40 you know, Kobe Beef Filet Mignon,
22:43 I don't know. Use your imagination.
22:44 And gave it unto the young man
22:46 and he hastened to dress it.
22:48 Do you see the speed that Abraham is working at?
22:51 He runs, hastens to Sarah,
22:54 and hastens back to this young man.
22:56 Verse 8, "he took butter and milk,"
22:58 very expensive things, "and the calf which
23:00 he had dressed and set it before them
23:03 and he stood by them under the tree,"
23:05 and he is standing by while they are eating.
23:08 Meaning, I am the servant if you need anything,
23:11 I am here at your will.
23:14 This is a characteristic of a man of God.
23:20 Now, contrast this to the hospitality of Lot.
23:23 Go to Chapter 19:1; let's go to mid-half, the half of One.
23:30 "Lot seeing them rose up to meet them;
23:32 and he bowed himself with his face toward the ground."
23:35 And Lot is also gracious. He is the nephew of Abraham.
23:38 But Verse 2, "he said, Behold now, my lords,
23:42 turn in, I pray you, into your servant's house,
23:44 tarry all night, wash your feet,
23:46 and you shall rise up early, go on your ways.
23:48 And they said nay we will abide
23:50 in the street all night. He pressed upon them greatly.
23:53 They turned in unto him, and entered into his house,
23:56 and he made them a feast and bake them," what? "
23:59 Unleavened bread and they did eat."
24:02 Question, are there differences here?
24:05 In Chapter 18, scripture uses about 8 verses
24:09 to describe what Abraham did.
24:12 In Chapter 19 there is only may be a half,
24:16 one-and-a-half verse that described what Lot did.
24:19 Interesting verse 2, he says, stay here all night
24:23 and wash your own feet. It's an imperative.
24:26 Hey here's some water you wash your own feet.
24:29 Where he says, let water be fetched
24:31 and let your feet be washed.
24:33 It's in the past tense. And verse 2, "he says,"
24:36 and you shall rise up early and go on your ways.""
24:38 Meaning get up early and you can get out of here.
24:41 Okay. In verse 3,
24:43 "he makes them a feast but bakes them," what?
24:45 Does he goes all out with fine flour
24:48 and kneads them with choice bread and gets them a calf.
24:51 What does he makes them?
24:53 He makes them unleavened bread.
24:55 Do you know what unleavened bread is?
24:57 It's bread with a leaven, yeah we know.
24:59 Well, unleavened bread is unleavened bread
25:02 because it's quick to make.
25:06 You don't have to wait for the yeast to rise.
25:09 So we see here is Abraham goes all out.
25:12 He's running, making a feast.
25:14 He is getting flame in yarn and going all out.
25:18 Lot comes, and he also has some hospitality.
25:20 And he presses upon them greatly.
25:22 But says, hey here some water,
25:23 wash your own feet, and by the way here's a microwave
25:25 burrito in the meantime while you are waiting.
25:29 Is there a difference between the two?
25:32 Yes there is. Continuing on,
25:35 Abraham was an example of maximum hospitality,
25:38 and Lot was an example of minimum hospitality.
25:42 Chapter 18 and 19 are comparing and contrasting.
25:44 We are going to see for today,
25:45 what aspects are the same?
25:47 For example in Chapter 18:9 and 10,
25:51 "They, the angles said unto him,
25:53 "where is Sarah your wife?"
25:55 And he said, Behold, in the tent?"
25:57 In verse 10, "And he said, I will certainly
26:00 return unto you according to the time of life;
26:02 and, lo, Sarah thy wife shall have a son.
26:05 Sarah heard it in the tent door, which was behind him."
26:08 What we have here is a conversation
26:11 between on both sides of the door.
26:13 You have Abraham and the angels
26:15 on one side of the door and on the other side is who?
26:18 You have Sarah listening in.
26:20 In Chapter 19, and I know many of you know the story.
26:24 Is there a conversation that is
26:26 happening on both sides of the door?
26:30 Chapter 19:5, "these Sodomite men
26:36 called out unto Lot and said unto to him,
26:39 "where are the men which came in to see to thee this night?
26:42 Bring them out unto us that we know them."
26:45 But Lot went out at the door unto them,
26:47 shut the door after him, and he said
26:49 I pray you brethren do not so wickedly."
26:54 I think just funny verse 6,
26:56 "he shuts the door behind him."
26:57 I would have not shut the door behind me.
27:00 I would have kind of kept it open for and is,
27:04 but he is protecting his people.
27:06 Okay. Now Verse 8.
27:08 "Behold now, I have two daughters
27:10 which have not known man; let me,
27:12 I pray thee, bring them out to you,
27:14 do thee unto them as is good in your eyes:
27:17 only onto these men do nothing;
27:19 therefore came they under the shadow of my roof."
27:21 We'll talk about that a little bit later.
27:22 Verse 10, let's go to verse 10.
27:25 Let us pass to verse 9,
27:27 "they pressed sore upon the man,
27:29 specially Lot, and came near to," what?
27:32 "To break the door."
27:34 Verse 10, "the men put forth their hand,
27:37 and pulled Lot into the house to them and shut to the door.
27:40 They smote the men that were at the
27:42 door of the house with blindness,
27:43 both small and great; so that they wearied
27:45 themselves to find the door."
27:47 We see here two instances.
27:50 One there is a conversation happening at the door,
27:53 where's your wife? She is over there.
27:55 And they said you are going to be pregnant with the son.
27:57 Here there is a conversation at the door.
28:00 These men are like give us the men
28:02 and then they are fighting
28:03 and the door is about to break.
28:04 Okay, next part of comparison.
28:06 Go to Genesis 18:17, 18:17,
28:12 18:17, God is speaking to himself and He says,
28:17 "Shall I hide from Abraham the thing which I do?"
28:20 Talking about Sodom and Gomorrah destruction."
28:22 Verse 18, " Seeing that Abraham
28:25 shall surely become a great and mighty nation,
28:28 and all the nations of the earth
28:29 shall be blessed in him?" Verse 19, "for I," what?
28:34 "I know him." Question, does God know you?
28:40 Does He say I know Bob? I know Steve.
28:47 I know Justin. Now interestingly enough
28:51 this word for 'know' is the word 'Yada' in Hebrew.
28:54 Meaning it is an intimate knowledge
28:57 and understanding of. It is not just know
29:00 in the sense of, hey, do you guys know Michael Jackson?
29:03 Or how many know Michael Jackson?
29:06 I don't think any of you knows Michael Jackson.
29:09 Too many of you know your best friend
29:12 or your wife or your parents
29:14 but you don't know Michael Jackson.
29:16 But you know him, yes.
29:18 Isn't there a difference between the two?
29:19 Okay. And here he says "I know him."
29:24 Chapter 19, Chapter 19, yeah, Chapter 19.
29:27 There is a Verse 5, the same word is used.
29:32 "They called out unto Lot, and they said unto him,
29:34 where are the men which came in to thee this night?
29:37 Bring them out to us, that we may," what? "
29:41 that we may know them."
29:43 And we all know what kind of know that is.
29:45 It is an extra curricular kind of intimate,
29:48 you know, you know, weird deviant way 'know'.
29:53 Here Abraham, it has the connection
29:57 and the environment of heaven.
29:59 All of the Heaven knows Him.
30:02 Here Lot is surrounded with people
30:05 who have perverse ideas. And they have
30:08 a 'Yada' in a different sinful way.
30:13 Chapter 18:11, next point of comparison, 18:11,
30:20 "Abraham and Sarah were old and well stricken in age;
30:23 it ceased to be with Sarah after the manner of women.
30:25 And therefore Sarah," what? What she did do? She laughed.
30:30 The Hebrew word for laugh is, it's a 'Yitzhak,'
30:35 does it sound like anything.
30:36 Their son's name was 'Yitzhak'
30:40 or the anglicized version Isaac. It's funny.
30:45 She laughed and God says you laughed?
30:48 Then she says I laughed not.
30:50 And later on she has a baby
30:51 and she laughed in a different way.
30:52 Yes. She laughed by having her child.
30:56 And here, in chapter 19 verse 12,
31:00 the word 'Yitzhak' comes off same derivative.
31:05 See if you can point it out.
31:06 Chapter 19:12, "the angels said to Lot,
31:12 "Hast thou here any besides?
31:14 Son in law, and thy sons, and thy daughters,
31:16 and whatsoever thou hast in the city,
31:17 bring them out of this place
31:19 for we will destroy this place?""
31:21 Verse 14, "Lot went out, and spake unto
31:23 his sons in law, which married his daughters,
31:25 and said, "Up, get you out of this place;
31:29 for the LORD will destroy this city."
31:32 But he seemed as one that mocked to his sons in law."
31:37 Now in the King James it is very unclear,
31:39 but the word that is used there is,
31:40 'Yitzhak', meaning not that Lot made fun of his sons,
31:45 that wouldn't make any sense.
31:46 It's actually other way around.
31:48 His sons-in-law, what? Made fun of his father.
31:54 Now Chapter 18 verse 19.
31:58 God says, "For I know him,
32:01 I adore him and he will command
32:04 his children and his household after him,
32:07 and they shall keep the way of the LORD,
32:08 to do justice and judgment; the LORD may bring upon
32:12 Abraham that which he had spoken unto him."
32:15 Here God says I know this man
32:19 because he commands his household.
32:23 Now this is not an authoritarian powers,
32:25 power trip. He's not saying, yeah,
32:27 I am the man, and I had to beat
32:28 my wife and my children to get me
32:30 my Latte in the morning.
32:32 Not this, but he has a command
32:35 structure of his household in the way of, what?
32:39 In the way of the Lord.
32:42 The greatest need in our Church today,
32:46 is men who know how to be fathers
32:49 and to command their households
32:51 not after themselves, not after the world,
32:55 but in the way of the Lord.
32:58 In North America, especially in United States of America,
33:03 men have a hard time especially with the
33:04 baby boomer generation right now.
33:07 There has been an absence of a pattern of fatherhood.
33:11 Because the World War I and II,
33:13 an entire generation of fathers
33:15 has been just obliterated.
33:17 So the next generation that pops up,
33:19 men do not know how to be fathers.
33:23 For women it is different.
33:24 It is biological to be a mother.
33:27 A mother when she is pregnant has a child.
33:29 She has intimate connection with the child.
33:31 The child is inside of her.
33:32 She has the mechanical structure
33:34 and the biological structure to know how to be a mother.
33:37 She can feed the child.
33:38 She knows how to take care of her child.
33:39 There is something natural about it,
33:41 whereas the father has no intermittent connection
33:45 with the child, yes? How many of you,
33:47 when you had your child for the first time.
33:50 You saw your child for the first time,
33:51 like wow, he is real. He is, that's mine.
33:59 I have no idea what that feels like.
34:02 But it's interesting, it takes longer for the
34:04 husband to get acclimated
34:06 to the child than it does mother.
34:08 A father needs to learn how to be a father.
34:14 And too often many men become biological fathers
34:19 without learning how to be fathers. Amen.
34:25 The only way to learn how to be a good father
34:27 is to have a good example of a Biblical father.
34:30 And then in North America that pattern has been broken.
34:34 Here God says I know him.
34:37 He can command his household, verse 19,
34:40 "he will command his children and his household
34:43 after him that they shall keep the way of the Lord
34:46 to do justice and judgment that the Lord may bring upon
34:50 Abraham that was just spoken of him."
34:52 Now contrast that here Chapter 19:14,
34:58 "Lot went out and speak unto his sons in law,"
35:01 interestingly enough does Lot have a father?
35:04 His father had passed away early,
35:06 that's why he comes and falls or enter
35:08 into the guardianship of his uncle.
35:11 Verse 14, "he seemed as one that
35:14 mocked unto his sons in law."
35:17 His sons in law are making fun of him.
35:20 Lot goes and he says, guys pack up your goods.
35:23 We got to get out of here.
35:24 And I don't know what they did.
35:26 I don't know if they sat down under their sofas
35:28 and they held onto their, and they are laughing,
35:31 they are pointing, or if they slapped their
35:33 father-in-law back of the head like
35:34 hey get with the program what are you talking about.
35:37 I don't know if they made fun of him,
35:38 if they ignored him, but he had no respect whatsoever.
35:42 Today in North America, if you do cultural exegesis,
35:46 every TV show makes fun of the father figure.
35:51 It started in the early 1990s
35:53 and I did a seminar on this last year.
35:55 It started with one TV show in
35:57 a response to the Cosby show.
35:59 Cosby show all throughout the 80s
36:01 was the epitome of Fatherhood.
36:02 You know the Cosby show?
36:04 Okay, next generation has no idea who Bill Cosby is.
36:08 It's a shame, Bill Cosby was a good father,
36:11 Dr. Heathcliff Huxtable. And he had his wife
36:15 who is a lawyer, and all these kids,
36:17 and it was place when America was hurting,
36:20 when America was anxious, they turned on their TV
36:24 and they would be with Heathcliff Huxtable.
36:27 And he would give father the advice
36:28 and the classic scene is when he is
36:30 teaching his son Theo about life.
36:33 He meant monopoly, I don't know if you watch TV
36:35 if you don't that's fine, but if you do that's the
36:37 classic scene of fatherhood.
36:39 Well in comes Fox network.
36:42 Fox network has not been around for a while.
36:44 Back then it was the big three--CBS, NBC and ABC.
36:49 In comes Fox network and they say,
36:51 how can we compete against the big three.
36:54 And they come up with this risqué programming
36:57 and one of the first TV shows that come up with
36:59 is called, "Married... with Children."
37:02 For the first time "Married with Children,"
37:04 comes on and says instead of
37:05 revealing the father figure let's,
37:09 'Yitzhak the father.' Let's make fun of him.
37:12 Let's make him a degenerated, drunk,
37:15 stupid, fat, you know just a lazy incompetent father.
37:21 And at the end of the early shows of
37:23 "Married with Children," they end,
37:25 they conclude with the mother
37:28 and the two kids making fun of Al Bundy at every episode.
37:32 Oh dad! You can't, you cannot support us.
37:35 Oh dad you are an idiot. Oh dad you just drink beer
37:37 and you sit in front of your TV all day.
37:39 Well that's our dad. Ha! Ha! Ha!
37:41 And the credits roll. We are in a generation,
37:45 we are in a culture with the father figure,
37:47 it's an authority the Lord has given us,
37:50 where the rest of the world now it says
37:52 fathers are to be made fun of.
37:55 Now what happens? This program goes off the roof.
37:59 They started picking up another TV show,
38:02 not on reality but a cartoonized
38:04 animated version of this.
38:06 And it's not called "Married with Children,"
38:08 it's one of the longest running TV shows
38:09 ever in history and it's called the, what?
38:12 "The Simpsons." Yellow, you know,
38:15 yellowish weird things and guess what?
38:17 The father figure is, what's his name?
38:20 Homer Simpson and he is the carbon copy of Al Bundy,
38:25 but for more general population.
38:27 And guess what? After that, all the sitcoms
38:31 whereas throughout the 70s and 80s the father figure
38:34 was the backbone from that point on,
38:36 there is a paradigm shift. And from that point on
38:39 all TV shows make fun of the father.
38:43 This is not a source of comedy.
38:46 This is an attack on masculinity,
38:49 the way that the Lord had originally intended. Amen.
38:53 Here Lot is being made fun of by his children.
38:59 Gentlemen, I plead with you as fathers,
39:01 as grandfathers, as uncles,
39:02 as sons--do not have anyone mock you.
39:06 Now I am not saying you'd be stern, authoritarian.
39:09 You know, have a, you know,
39:10 a sword in your hand and you chop off
39:12 people's heads every time they laugh at you.
39:13 I am not saying that at all.
39:16 We went from one extreme of masculine dominance
39:21 and we are going to the other way,
39:22 where we become this effeminate, oprahization men,
39:26 who sit around and talk about our feelings and cry.
39:30 There is nothing wrong with talking about your feelings
39:32 and nothing wrong with crying but can we
39:34 become uber-feminized men.
39:38 Is that where the direction culture is going towards?
39:41 And what happens? When a man is incompetent
39:45 he ceases to be a man.
39:48 A defining mark of masculinity is competence.
39:52 Where Abraham says my nephew is gone
39:56 318 I am going to train you.
39:58 We are going to get this finished,
39:59 no matter what it takes to get my nephew back.
40:04 I will not be allowing it when a command my child.
40:07 But in chapter 18 he says in the way of the Lord,
40:10 that's important amen, in the way of the Lord,
40:15 that word for 'way' is the word 'Derek,'
40:18 that's found in Chapter 19 also.
40:20 Chapter 19, open with me Chapter 19,
40:23 Chapter 19. I am in chapter 22.
40:33 Chapter 19 and verse 30,
40:42 Chapter 19:30 and this is one of the perverse,
40:47 weird passages of scripture.
40:49 And you know this passage, many of you do.
40:51 Verse 30, "Lot went up out of Zoar,
40:53 and dwelt in the mountain,
40:54 and his two daughters with him;
40:56 for he feared to dwell in Zoar:
40:57 and he dwelt in a cave, he and his two daughters."
40:59 Verse 31, "the firstborn said unto the younger,
41:03 'Our father is old, and there is not a man in earth
41:07 to come in unto us after the manner of all the earth"'.
41:11 That word for manner in Greek, guess what it is?
41:14 It is the word 'Derek'.
41:17 Chapter 18, "Derek of the Lord,"
41:21 Chapter 19, "the Derek of the world."
41:23 Do you see how the two are contrasting each other?
41:25 There are two ways to be a man,
41:27 one to be a man after the Lord's own heart,
41:30 and another way to be a man after the world.
41:33 And guess what happens in this situation.
41:34 These daughters are skimming.
41:36 There is no other way for this guy to be our father,
41:39 so that's what we should we do?
41:40 Let's have an extracurricular activity with him
41:43 and I shall have a child, his name shall be Moab
41:46 and you get the Moabites and you get
41:47 the pre-generator of one of route to becomes
41:50 in the line of Jesus, and the second born becomes Ammon.
41:54 And Amenities come on, the Moabites
41:56 and Ammonites annoy the Israelites
41:58 from that point on. There are two ways.
42:01 Derek of the Lord, Derek of the World.
42:04 Next point of comparison Chapter 19:15, 19:15,
42:14 "when the morning arose, then the angels hastened Lot,
42:17 saying, Arise, take thy wife, and thy two daughters,
42:20 which are here; lest thou be
42:21 consumed in the iniquity of the city."
42:23 Verse 16, "while he," what? "Lingered."
42:31 Here you see Abraham is a epidemy of haste,
42:35 of competence, and he is quick.
42:39 When there is an emergency situation,
42:41 men know exactly what to do.
42:42 Call 911. Get the ambulance.
42:45 Bring a towel. Get me a coke.
42:47 You know, whatever you do decaffeinated.
42:48 You know, whatever you got to do.
42:51 Now here Lot is incompetent. He lingers.
42:56 Now if this was a so, so kind of ambiguous situation,
43:01 lingering could be logical. Yes.
43:04 Hey, there is a cow coming
43:06 towards you from 15 miles away.
43:09 Okay well let me linger for a while.
43:10 That makes sense. But what is the context
43:14 of the situation that's happening here.
43:16 He says there are fireballs coming down
43:18 from the city now get out with your daughters.
43:22 Lot is thinking umm... hmm...
43:27 Yeah, let met get on internet here. Fireballs.com.
43:33 Yeah, the weather channel and he is lingering.
43:36 Gentlemen how many of us, do we dilly-dally
43:39 with the small things of life.
43:42 Gentlemen are competent
43:43 in every avenues of their lives.
43:46 And too often no one has taught us how to be men
43:50 and the way that we've been since boys
43:53 has just carried on to marriage and some of us are
43:56 80, 90 year old over-needy boys.
44:00 And we are not looking for wives to compliment us
44:03 and to ameliorate our ministries.
44:05 We are just finding other moms to take care of us.
44:10 Here verse 16, "While he lingered,
44:14 the men laid hold upon his hand
44:17 and upon the hand of his wife,
44:18 and upon the hand of his two daughters;
44:19 the LORD being merciful unto him:
44:21 and they brought him out, and set him without the city."
44:26 Now here because he lingers
44:29 that lingering attribute of his character
44:33 has an impression upon his wife.
44:36 The little things that men do,
44:38 everyone watches especially your children,
44:41 especially your wife. And because he lingers,
44:44 the wife does not take seriously
44:47 the admonition of the Angels.
44:51 And what happens to Lot's wife?
44:52 You all know this, Mrs. Lot, verse 26
44:57 "but Mrs. Lord looked back from behind him,
45:00 and she became," what? "
45:03 A compliment to table pepper."
45:07 She looked back. The salvation of your wives,
45:13 the salvation of your families,
45:16 very well may be dependent on you,
45:21 upon your spirituality, upon your shoulders.
45:26 In Genesis Chapter 1, God instructs to Adam
45:31 to be responsible for his wife and the household.
45:35 Last point of comparison, last point of comparison.
45:40 Chapter 18 verse 22, 18:22,
45:45 18:22, "The men turned their faces from thence,
45:48 and went towards Sodom,
45:49 but Abraham stood yet before the Lord.
45:52 Abraham drew near, and said,
45:54 "Will you also destroy the righteous with the wicked?"
45:57 Peradventure, may be, there would be fifty people."
45:59 And you know this conversation.
46:01 May be there is 50, will you destroy?
46:02 God says no. Forty Five? No.
46:04 Thirty? No.
46:05 Twenty? No.
46:07 Ten? And he has this long conversation.
46:10 He is in prayer. He is in meditation.
46:13 He is meditating on the behalf of his nephew.
46:18 In chapter 19, Lot is also praying.
46:22 Chapter 19 verse 17, "it came to pass
46:27 when they had brought them forth abroad, he said,
46:29 "Escape for thy life; look not behind thee,
46:34 neither stay thou in all the plain,
46:35 escape to the mountain, lest thou be consumed.""
46:37 Verse 18, "Lot says unto them," what?
46:41 "Oh! Not so my Lord, Behold now,
46:44 thy servant hath found grace in thy sight,
46:46 and thou hast magnified thy mercy,
46:48 which thou hast shewed unto me in saving my life;
46:51 I cannot escape to the mountain,
46:53 lest some evil take me, and I die.
46:55 Behold now, this city is near to flee unto,
46:57 and it is a little one: Oh, let me escape thither,
47:00 is it not a little one? And my soul shall live then."
47:05 At the end of each chapter both men are praying,
47:09 Abraham is praying for his nephew.
47:10 He is pleading Lord save my nephew.
47:14 Will you destroy? Please have mercy.
47:16 Please, please, 50, 45, 30, 20,
47:19 and he is pleading, pleading, pleading,
47:20 he is pleading on the behalf of someone else.
47:24 Gentlemen how many of our prayers
47:26 are for someone else and ourselves.
47:28 Here Lot in Chapter 19 is also pleading
47:31 with the Lord but who is he pleading for?
47:34 He is pleading for himself.
47:36 He is like Lord I can't go to the mountain.
47:38 It's too far away.
47:39 Let me go to this little city. It's a little city.
47:41 Lord, please let me go to the city.
47:42 It's such a little small thing to pray for?
47:45 It's so selfish. Say the Lord
47:48 my nail was broken, please heal my nail.
47:50 My nail is so painful, whereas someone is praying.
47:52 Lord may he be healed of cancer.
47:55 And he is talking for his nail to heal.
48:00 Here we see selfish intersession
48:02 mixed with mediation for someone else behalf.
48:08 In the end, now I ask you to turn to
48:10 Second Peter chapter 2.
48:12 Second Peter chapter 2, and in a New Testament,
48:16 and today I have been very rough on Lot.
48:19 But the New Testament treats him a little bit differently.
48:22 Second Peter Chapter 2, Chapter 2 verse 7, 8 and 9.
48:31 Chapter 2 verse 7, 8 and 9, "God delivered just Lot,"
48:37 not just that does not mean only Lot
48:39 means that it is just one, just Lot,
48:42 "Vexed with the filthy conversation
48:44 or the conduct of the wicked."
48:46 For that righteous man welling among them,
48:49 in seeing and hearing, vexed his righteous soul
48:53 from day to day with their unlawful deeds.
48:56 The Lord knows how to deliver the Godly out of," what?
49:00 "Temptations, and to reserve the unjust
49:03 unto the day of judgment to be punished".
49:07 Here we see two men, two examples
49:10 one is the father of faith and he is competent.
49:13 Is he a perfect man? Not by any means
49:15 we will see it later on in Genesis 12-22,
49:18 he had some other problems.
49:20 But in comparing him to Lot he is a man of prayer,
49:24 man of competence, man to get things done.
49:27 He commanded his family,
49:30 and he was a righteous man praying for other people.
49:33 On the flipside, Lot was a selfish little boy.
49:37 He took the best for himself.
49:39 He was a minimal hospitaliarian.
49:44 He was not a nice guy.
49:52 He prayed for himself. He wined.
49:55 His family members made fun of him, and he was not a man.
50:00 But despite that in chapter two of Peter,
50:03 the Bible says for that righteous man
50:06 dwelling amongst them and seeing and hearing,
50:08 vexed his righteous soul. And here is the point.
50:11 Gentlemen, you may not be a perfect man,
50:15 well none of us in the room are.
50:17 But are you sighing and crying because of the
50:20 conditions of the world around us?
50:24 Are you vexing your soul because
50:25 the temptations around us are evil?
50:28 Are you grasping the cross of Jesus
50:30 because this world is too hard to survive?
50:34 A true man is not someone who can wither this world.
50:38 The true man is someone who takes up the cross
50:41 and lives in this world by cleaning onto the cross.
50:46 A true man is someone who is humble enough
50:50 to ask help from only one person,
50:53 to get directions from only one person,
50:56 to use GPS from only one satellite source.
50:59 That is who? It's Jesus Christ.
51:02 Today you have come here because
51:03 Michigan Men of Faith convocation
51:05 and you shall, blew ha, ha, ha, and what not.
51:10 Do you understand the
51:11 repercussions of this conversation?
51:14 If the men of this conference start becoming sanctified,
51:19 start changing into image of the masculine son,
51:22 and starting embodying principles of masculinity,
51:26 of fatherhood, families will be changed. Amen.
51:31 Commit mistakes, so be it,
51:33 the Lord takes care of the past. Amen.
51:35 But from today do resolve to be more like
51:38 Abraham in light of Christ than instead of Lot.
51:43 And if you are Lot, are you
51:44 vexing your soul like Peter is talking about?
51:48 Once families are changed, Churches will change.
51:53 Deacons will change. Elders will change.
51:56 And once churches change, this country will change.
52:01 Once this country changes the world will change.
52:06 The Gospel work will change. It all starts from here,
52:12 from people of XY genes hanging up together.
52:16 The Kinesthetic potential for the world work
52:19 of the Gospel is in this room.
52:22 And it doesn't matter if you don't have a wife or a child,
52:25 or if you're not a brother or a son or what not.
52:27 It's because you're a male.
52:30 It's not because you are superior.
52:32 The Lord has a different work
52:34 and a customized work for women.
52:36 Amen. But the Lord wants men.
52:42 How many of you, today in your hearts,
52:44 the Holy Spirit has taught to you?
52:47 In some way you're saying Lord I want that in my life.
52:53 The objective is the Bible study is not to say.
52:55 Now go and do it. Is that what it is?
52:57 That's the old convent. Yes we'll do.
52:59 We'll now be men. We'll now watch brave heart.
53:01 We'll now buy a sword and we'll now chop off
53:04 each other's heads in grunt and scratch our armpits.
53:07 No. That is the world's concepts of masculinity.
53:12 We need gentlemen in Christ, sharp thinkers,
53:16 competent leaders, wise man, energetic,
53:21 capable, strong men.
53:24 Do you want to be this kind of men in Christ?
53:26 Do you want to resolve today in your hearts?
53:29 I pray that today is the beginning of this resolve.
53:34 Amen. That is you deserving.
53:36 I am asking you to stand up as a man
53:38 on your two manly feet
53:39 to bow your manly heads to pray with me.
53:51 Father in heaven, the potential for men
53:56 has not been reached yet.
53:58 Father forgive us have mercy upon us,
54:01 may your blood cover us.
54:03 But father we also say have mercy upon us
54:06 as you had mercy on Lot.
54:10 Father we are being attacked by the devil.
54:13 We are being attacked physically in our bodies.
54:17 We are being attacked psychologically
54:20 in our minds, in our imaginations.
54:23 We are being attacked socially
54:25 in our Churches and in our families.
54:30 Lord, may every man in this room
54:33 be an open conduit to the blessings of heaven
54:37 that will overflow to our spouses,
54:40 to our children, to our siblings,
54:43 our parents, our neighborhoods,
54:45 our churches, and to this world,
54:47 may we fulfill the original intact you had for Abraham,
54:52 to bless all the nations of the world.
54:57 We ask for this important blessing,
55:02 humbly in Jesus name, Amen.


Revised 2014-12-17