3ABN On the Road

Blessed Are The Peacemakers

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: David Asscherick


Series Code: OTR

Program Code: OTR000984

01:01 Good evening! Good evening!
01:03 June 3, 1996, a young man only 23 years of age,
01:11 a former extreme sports enthusiast,
01:14 punk rocker turned his life over to Jesus Christ
01:19 and he was baptized into the
01:20 Seventh-day Adventist church.
01:22 Now, this was after he had been nurtured with excellent
01:27 vegetarian food at a restaurant by one,
01:30 that was owned by one of our ASI members Mary Bernt.
01:35 This was in Rapid City, South Dakota,
01:38 and she didn't just nurture them with food,
01:42 she gave them spiritual food
01:44 and good advice as well.
01:45 In a kind mothering way she shared advice
01:48 and she shared books,
01:50 including the great controversy
01:53 and this convicted him of the truth.
01:57 Then he went on to join Mission College
02:00 of Evangelism that was run by another
02:03 one of our ASI members Louis Torres.
02:06 Fast forward three years for him,
02:09 but 11 years ago for us. We were here in Orlando,
02:13 Florida for ASI, some of you remember that
02:16 and we held our first youth for Jesus program
02:20 here in Orlando. And this young man
02:23 was our first speaker for the ASI Youth for Jesus.
02:27 Most of us had never ever heard of his name,
02:30 but I'm pretty sure most of you
02:33 have heard of his name now.
02:35 I remember also that very many people thought
02:37 it wasn't a good idea for us to hold that meeting
02:40 in a tent in August, in Florida.
02:43 Well, yes it was air conditioned,
02:46 so that was okay.
02:47 And that young man held these meetings they were
02:51 so well received that over 200 people were baptized
02:55 that year. And Youth for Jesus for the first time
02:59 became a recognized part of ASI from then on.
03:04 Out of that Youth for Jesus many of our own youth
03:07 have become workers for the Lord,
03:09 they have gone on to be leaders in evangelism,
03:12 leaders in GYC our General Youth Conference.
03:17 They have gone onto business in evangelism
03:20 and medicine. And hundreds of people
03:23 that we had never met before have become
03:25 Seventh-day Adventists through their work.
03:27 Well, these young man we're talking about
03:29 of course you probably know is David Asscherick.
03:33 He was then asked to join the Michigan Conference
03:36 as a pastor of a brand new congregation
03:38 and that congregation came about
03:41 because of another Youth for Jesus program in 2002
03:46 up in Michigan. So, we are very pleased about that
03:50 and right after that soon after he started
03:54 another program called ARISE, which trains
03:57 many thousands of other young people,
03:59 about one and half years ago he moved to,
04:04 Sonora, California which is in the
04:06 Northern California Conference
04:07 and during the last eight years over 7000 people
04:13 have been through his programs
04:15 and many, many others have been trained
04:18 for short time periods.
04:20 Well, David is a wonderful young man
04:23 we wish him all love,
04:25 he is married to Violeta Asscherick.
04:27 She is the lovely daughter of wonderful Romanian parents
04:31 that are also ASI members
04:34 they came here many years ago from Romania
04:36 with their five children.
04:38 And they have participated themselves
04:40 in many evangelism programs around the world.
04:43 David and Violeta they have two boys,
04:46 they are Landon age 9, and Jabel age 7.
04:49 And so after the special music tonight
04:52 we are so happy and thrilled to be able to
04:55 welcome our keynote speaker David Asscherick
04:58 as he shares with us the bread of life like
05:02 he was shared many years ago himself. Amen.
05:20 Face to face with Christ my Savior,
05:30 Face to face, what will it be,
05:41 When with rapture I behold Him,
05:50 Jesus Christ, who died for me?
06:01 Face to face I shall behold Him,
06:12 Far beyond the starry sky;
06:21 Face to face in all His glory
06:35 I shall see Him by and by!
06:54 It may be at morn, when the day is awaking,
07:03 When sunlight through darkness and shadow
07:11 is breaking, When Jesus will come in the fullness
07:23 of glory To receive from the world His own.
07:37 O Lord Jesus, how long, how long
07:48 Ere we shout the glad song?
07:52 Christ returneth, Hallelujah!
08:01 Hallelujah, hallelujah, Amen, hallelujah, Amen
08:21 Face to face shall I behold Him,
08:32 Far beyond the starry sky;
08:41 Face to face in all His glory
08:55 I shall see Him by and by!
09:24 Amen, thank you very much. Good evening, everyone?
09:28 Nice to see you here at ASI,
09:30 I have been sitting just over there adjacent
09:32 to where you're at.
09:33 And I have noticed that you seem at least to me
09:36 to be a little subdued,
09:37 which for me is uncharacteristic of ASI.
09:40 So, is it jet lag or are you feeling just pensive?
09:46 And yes my observation is further confirmed,
09:49 nice to be here. Forgive me,
09:57 but this, this ambiance,this,
09:59 this department is going to work for me.
10:01 So, hopefully we can muster
10:04 a little of enthusiasm for the Lord Jesus Christ
10:07 and his work on earth, amen. Amen.
10:08 There have been some profound and powerful
10:11 and heart moving testimonies
10:13 I have been thrilled as I have heard what God
10:16 is doing in the world and I have been a little surprised
10:19 maybe you need just a little spanking as we begin.
10:22 I have been a little surprised
10:24 at your pensivity. And so I would urge you
10:27 to participate with me in an enthusiastic study
10:32 of the word of God, can you say amen to that? Amen.
10:35 Incidentally the word enthusiasm,
10:37 if you're interested in the etymology of that word
10:40 actually comes from two words en meaning in
10:42 and theos meaning God, the word
10:45 enthusiasm literally means the joy and attitude
10:48 that comes from being in an relationship with God.
10:51 And so when people tell me
10:53 Oh! I like you're an enthusiastic preacher,
10:55 I say, I'm trying my best, I'm trying to be in a saving
10:59 and happy relationship with God.
11:01 Our message today is a very important one
11:03 and really it sort of just matures
11:08 and tries to put some legs on the things
11:12 that we've been hearing tonight,
11:13 put some legs on our lessons
11:14 and on feet on our faith.
11:15 And so what we are going to try and do is paint
11:18 a Biblical theological picture
11:20 for the very kinds of things
11:22 that we have been hearing tonight the testimonies
11:24 and the experiences of God's people
11:26 and really frankly for what ASI is all about.
11:30 I have had the privilege of being involved with ASI
11:32 for the last almost 15 years,
11:34 can you say amen to that? Amen.
11:35 And from the very beginning of my conversion to Christ,
11:37 very beginning of my conversion
11:39 to Seventh-day Adventism.
11:41 ASI has been part in parcel of my life and my ministry
11:44 and it is an honor to have been asked to be here
11:47 for the keynote address.
11:48 And so what we are going to try
11:49 and do is encapsulate Biblically, theologically
11:52 tonight in the context of the Sermon on the Mount,
11:55 what ASI is all about?
11:57 And so we are going to begin appropriately
11:59 with a word of prayer and then we are going
12:01 to beginning into, you did bring your Bibles
12:03 of course. Amen. Yes, yes,
12:04 I know you have your little programs
12:07 and you've got all of your, well you're beginning
12:09 to get your various ASI accouterments,
12:11 but you are going to need your Bibles tonight.
12:13 So, let's begin with a word of prayer
12:15 and then we will get into our presentation titled,
12:17 Blessed Are the Peacemakers.
12:20 Let's pray together.
12:23 Father in heaven, it is a great privilege
12:25 and an honor to be here this evening.
12:28 Father, we are gathered together in keeping
12:30 with the promise of Hebrews chapter 10
12:32 which should tells us that we should gather together
12:34 more and still more as we see the day approaching.
12:38 And Father, surely we are living in strange
12:40 and pretentious times, unusual times.
12:43 As we look around us the world seems to be falling
12:45 apart it seems, but Father,
12:47 we pray that as the world falls apart increasingly
12:50 that we would not be falling apart with it,
12:53 but that we would be complete,
12:54 that we would behold, that we would be,
12:56 that we would be joined together in Christ
12:59 and in his righteousness.
13:02 Father here at the ASI convention you know,
13:04 that we are about the up building of the kingdom
13:07 of God and we are about the correct
13:10 and enthusiastic proclamation
13:13 of the character of God.
13:14 And so Father tonight as we seek to set these two gems
13:18 in their proper orientation, as we seek to understand
13:21 what that means the kingdom of God
13:23 and the character of God.
13:25 Father, I pray that we would be able tonight
13:28 to be able to say that we are each kingdom builders
13:30 and peacemakers. I want to thank you for every person
13:34 that has testified, every experience that
13:36 we've heard tonight Father, prosper
13:38 these ministries the outreach there at Heritage Academy
13:41 and the Watch the Hills Team
13:43 and the AII mission and all of the others
13:45 that were mentioned Father,
13:46 may you prosper us as we seek in our own feeble
13:50 and often faulty ways to build your kingdom.
13:54 Father, help us to be not just kingdom builders,
13:56 but kingdom participants that we ourselves
13:59 may say with Apostle Paul
14:01 that our citizenship is in heaven.
14:04 So, please Father tonight as we kick off
14:07 our inaugural keynote address we pray
14:10 that it would be a spirited presentation.
14:12 And that you would empty us of self
14:15 and empty us of our own desires to advance
14:18 our kingdoms and our glory.
14:21 And that we would be here desiring only the goodness
14:23 and glory of your kingdom and your son.
14:28 So, be with us now as we open your word
14:30 may you open us is our prayer in Jesus name,
14:33 let all of God's people say, amen. Amen.
14:38 I would like to invite you to open your Bibles
14:40 with me to the Book of Matthew.
14:41 We are going to the Book of Matthew
14:42 and we are going to chapter 7.
14:44 Matthew chapter 7, we are going to be spending
14:48 the balance of our time tonight,
14:50 in fact almost of our time in what is referred
14:52 to commonly and colloquially though not scripturally
14:55 as the Sermon on the Mount.
14:58 We refer to it simply that way because Jesus
15:01 delivered this sermon, this inaugural public
15:04 address from, you guessed it, a mountain.
15:06 We are going to be looking here in
15:08 Matthew 5 and 6 and 7, but primarily
15:11 Matthew chapter 5, the first part of
15:13 Matthew chapter 5.
15:14 And we are going to be trying to under,
15:16 we are going to try and understand
15:18 what Jesus was communicating in the
15:21 opening part of this address what,
15:24 that we refer to as the Sermon on the Mount.
15:26 Now, in order to do that what
15:28 we are going to try and do is
15:29 listen to the sermon on the mount
15:31 contextually. What's the word everyone?
15:34 Contextually. Contextually;
15:36 now of the most difficult things to do
15:37 for someone living in the 21st century,
15:38 for myself and for each of us is to
15:41 read the Bible in a contextual way,
15:44 it can be very easy for us to
15:46 read the Bible with a 21st century
15:47 perspective to read the Bible
15:49 with a modern perspective, when it is
15:51 true that the Bible has a great deal of
15:53 modern application. Can we say amen
15:56 to that everyone? Amen.
15:57 But there can be no question
15:58 that the Bible is an ancient book
15:59 that needs to first be understood
16:01 in it's original context and after
16:03 we've understood what was meant
16:05 then we can then ask the question
16:06 what it means now? Now,
16:09 we are going to what is referred
16:10 to simply as the sermon on the mount
16:11 and this is Jesus' first public address
16:13 as we've already said. Now,
16:15 in the gospel of Matthew,
16:16 More so than Mark, Luke, or John,
16:18 Jesus sets Matthew rather as an
16:21 author sets up the sermon on the mount
16:23 as a sort of sequence in which Jesus
16:26 is seen as the new fulfillment of Israel.
16:29 And not just as the fulfillment of Israel,
16:31 but as he is sort of tracing the chronological,
16:35 historical steps that Israel had gone through,
16:38 Jesus is presented as the messiah.
16:40 Matthew does this purposefully,
16:41 evangelistically and certainly apologetically
16:44 just to give a little bit of a context here.
16:46 For example, in ancient Israel,
16:48 the way that Israel originally ended up
16:51 going into Egypt prior to
16:53 the Exodus was that a man
16:54 name Joseph had dreams.
16:56 What was his name everyone? Joseph.
16:58 His name was Joseph.
16:59 A man named Joseph had dreams and
17:01 in the context of those dreams the children
17:03 of Israel literally the descendants
17:05 of Jacob went into Egypt for a time,
17:07 they remained there for a time.
17:08 And then they were called out
17:10 of Egypt and we refer to this simply
17:12 as the Exodus or the leaving of Egypt.
17:15 Hosea refers to this.
17:16 Hosea the prophet, in Hosea chapter 11,
17:18 verses 1 and 2. When it says,
17:20 out of Egypt I have called my son.
17:22 And so Israel here is not just a
17:24 únational entity, but, but an entity
17:27 in which it takes on the position of sonship,
17:29 it is a child of God and Egypt,
17:32 Israel that had gone into Egypt because
17:34 of a man name Joseph having dreams
17:36 remained in Egypt for a time. Now,
17:38 as the children of Israel are then
17:40 called out of Egypt, the very first
17:42 experience that they have as they're
17:44 leaving Egypt the ten plagues are
17:45 fallen is they meet this major obstacle
17:47 known as the Red Sea.
17:49 What's the obstacle everyone? The Red Sea.
17:52 The Red Sea, and they passed through the
17:54 Red Sea. Now, the Apostle Paul
17:56 in First Corinthians chapter 10,
17:57 picks up on this imagery and
17:59 says that as they pass through the Red Sea,
18:01 they were all, I wonder if anyone
18:03 knows, there were all,
18:04 he gives us the theological application,
18:05 they were all baptized in the Red Sea.
18:09 And so he makes the application here
18:10 that the passing through the Red Sea
18:12 was analogous to the New Testament
18:14 experience of a believer being baptized.
18:16 And so he sees them coming
18:18 through and he says, this is the baptism.
18:20 Now, I just have to ask a quick true
18:21 or false question here. True or false,
18:23 it was God's plan for Israel
18:25 to wander in the desert for 40 years.
18:28 False. Okay, false very good.
18:29 So, his plan was for them to go
18:32 from the passing through the Red Sea
18:35 to a certain place, to a certain location
18:38 and what was that location,
18:39 who remembers? To Mount Sinai.
18:42 Sinai. Okay, the distance according to the
18:45 to the Book of Exodus,
18:46 the time that is took them,
18:47 the duration that it took them
18:48 from the Red Sea passing to Mount Sinai
18:51 was just about a month, roughly a month
18:54 give or take. It could have been
18:55 40 days, which will become important
18:57 in just a moment. And so, let's just
18:59 sort of take stock of what we've got,
19:00 a man named Joseph has dreams
19:02 and the children of Israel go into
19:05 Egypt where they remain for a time
19:08 and then they are called out of Egypt
19:10 in the first experience that they pass
19:11 through is the. Red Sea. Red Sea,
19:13 the first significant experience.
19:14 The first significant obstacle then
19:16 from the Red Sea, they go through
19:17 a wilderness period of wandering
19:19 actually just a wilderness journey through
19:21 the wilderness of sin and they come
19:23 to Mount Sinai. So, get the sequence
19:25 in your mind. Now, we know that
19:27 after Mount Sinai, the children of Israel
19:29 were going to wander in the wilderness
19:30 for some 40 years, but this
19:31 was not part of God's original plan.
19:33 God's original plan goes like this,
19:35 into Egypt remain in Egypt,
19:37 out of Egypt through the Red Sea,
19:39 through the wilderness to Mount Sinai,
19:41 are we together everyone,
19:43 yes or no? Now, Jesus walks through
19:46 this I believe intentionally and other
19:48 scholars share that prospective Jesus
19:50 walks through this basic prospective
19:53 intentionally and Matthew.
19:55 More than Mark, more than Luke,
19:56 more than John sets forward Jesus
19:59 as the messiah, as the New Israel
20:01 and opens his gospel basically Matthew
20:03 chapter 1, Matthew chapter 2,
20:04 of course Matthew chapter 1 is the beget.
20:06 But then Matthew chapter at the end
20:08 of chapter 1 and end of chapter 2
20:09 is a man named Joseph having dreams
20:11 and the angel says, take the child where?
20:15 Take the child into Egypt,
20:18 remain there for a time and then
20:19 when the person that sort to do
20:21 him harm Herod is dead then
20:23 he is called what? Out of Egypt,
20:25 that's Matthew chapters 1 and 2. Now,
20:28 what Bible student wants to tell me,
20:29 what takes place in Matthew chapter 3,
20:31 Matthew chapter 3, there is an event
20:34 that takes place there it is the baptism,
20:37 baptism very good, thank you.
20:38 And so, here we have in the Egypt,
20:40 remain in Egypt called out of Egypt
20:42 through the baptism experience that's
20:44 Matthew chapter 3. Now, you tell me
20:46 what happens in Matthew chapter 4?
20:47 The temptation in the wilderness
20:52 it lasts for 40 days,
20:54 which is analogous to you or corresponds
20:56 to the 40 days in the, 40 years
20:58 in the wilderness, but again we
20:59 want to remind ourselves that was not
21:00 part of God's plan. Some wilderness wandering,
21:03 some wilderness traveling was
21:04 part of God's plan, but it would have
21:06 been simply the amount of time
21:07 to traverse to, to move from the
21:11 Red Sea experience to what was
21:13 the next place that we are
21:14 going after they passed through
21:15 the wilderness? To Mount Sinai,
21:17 and so notice the corollaries
21:19 here Matthew sets this forth in his
21:20 gospel intentionally. The child Jesus goes
21:23 into Egypt remains there for a time,
21:24 he is called out of Egypt incidentally
21:26 Matthew makes this identical application himself.
21:28 Matthew has a favorite word that he
21:31 Uses over-and -over-and-over
21:32 again in his gospel. In fact,
21:34 he uses it more than Mark,
21:35 Luke, and John combined and his word is fulfilled.
21:37 The word is what everyone? Fulfilled.
21:40 Fulfilled, what Matthew begins
21:42 to do is the same thing that Paul
21:43 also loved to do, is he begins
21:45 to read experiences and incidences and
21:47 passages from the Old Testament
21:49 and he begins to take them and put
21:50 them in a new frame, in a new setting
21:52 and he says, this happened so
21:54 that it might be fulfilled and then
21:55 he gives a messianic application.
21:57 This happen that it might be fulfilled
21:59 then he gives a fulfillment in Christ.
22:00 This happened and it might be
22:02 fulfilled and this just comes up
22:03 over-and-over-and-over again in the gospel
22:04 of Matthew that it might be fulfilled,
22:06 that it might be fulfilled that it might
22:07 be fulfilled, in fact the passage
22:08 that we just mentioned a moment ago.
22:09 Hosea chapter 11, verses 1 and 2
22:11 that originally applied to Israel going into Egypt,
22:14 out of Egypt I have called my son,
22:16 Matthew takes that passage and says,
22:18 this was fulfilled in Jesus.
22:20 And so the basic sequence
22:22 of a man named Joseph has dreams
22:24 into Egypt, remain in Egypt,
22:26 out of Egypt passed through the
22:27 Red Sea baptism experience,
22:29 then into the wilderness 40 days
22:30 and then into the mountain
22:32 or toward the mountain is a basic
22:34 apologetic structure. It's Matthew
22:37 setting forth his gospel in an
22:39 apologetic evangelistic sense to
22:41 show you that Jesus is the messiah.
22:43 Are we together, yes or no?
22:46 That this is the God, he is fulfilling
22:47 step-by-step, point-by-point,
22:50 the national ambitions and over
22:52 coming the national failures of Israel.
22:54 Now, here's the amazing thing,
22:55 this is where, where it gets right
22:57 to where we want to be? Who
22:59 was it, Oh! Tell, tell me just a
23:00 very simple question here, what
23:02 was the significance of Mount Sinai?
23:03 I just your enthusiasm is just disturbing,
23:10 your lack of enthusiasm is just astonishing,
23:12 this is the ASI convent, this was not
23:14 an insurance seminar, I don't know
23:19 what to say, I'm a little stupefied here.
23:21 So, let's try that again, the
23:22 significance of the Sinai experience
23:26 was what? What happened there?
23:27 Okay, they receive the law and the law
23:29 was written on tables of, stone, with
23:32 the fingers of, God. Now, here is the question,
23:34 whose finger was that? God.
23:36 They say God's, more precisely whose
23:39 finger was that? That's the finger
23:41 of Jesus. Amen, amen.
23:42 That's the finger of Jesus, now the Father
23:45 was certainly there that's clear,
23:46 but Jesus is the one there who is
23:48 communing with Moses, who is
23:49 writing and so here is a very fascinating
23:51 that is happening, what we
23:52 basically do is move through this sequence,
23:54 the history of Israel in which we go
23:56 from Egypt through the Red Sea
23:58 experience, is exactly what happens?
23:59 This is Matthew 1, this is Matthew 2,
24:01 Matthew 3, is the baptism, Matthew chapter
24:02 4 is the wilderness experience,
24:04 Matthew 5, 6, and 7 is the New
24:07 Testament Sinai. Matthew 5, 6, and
24:11 7 is the New Testament Sinai,
24:13 Jesus in the Old Testament.
24:14 Exodus chapter 20, writing with his
24:17 finger on tablets of stone is now in
24:19 Matthew 5, 6 and 7 saying things like this.
24:22 You have heard that it was said
24:25 by them of old time, but I say unto you.
24:28 Here Jesus, the lawgiver from Exodus
24:31 chapter 20, is the law explicator,
24:34 the law expositor. He is basically
24:36 saying, this is what the law
24:38 means? Are we together
24:40 everyone yes or no? Amen, amen. Now,
24:42 here is the significant thing for
24:44 Jesus to stand up and uses this
24:46 referring incidentally six times in the
24:48 gospel of Matthew, six times
24:50 he says this. You have heard,
24:52 but I say, you have heard,
24:54 but I say, you have heard, but I say.
24:58 Jesus very clearly here, very purposefully
25:01 and very unambiguously is setting
25:03 himself against. Setting himself
25:06 what word did I say everyone?
25:08 Setting himself over and against the
25:10 prevailing religious opinions of the day,
25:12 that's what he is doing.
25:13 You have heard, but I'm saying,
25:14 you have heard, but I'm saying.
25:17 Jesus here is the, he is on
25:19 top of the New Sinai.
25:20 He is on top of the New Sinai,
25:22 the sermon on the mount is the
25:23 New Sinai in which God is not, no, no, no,
25:27 in no way undoing or obfuscating
25:29 what was done in the Old Testament,
25:30 he is clarifying and elucidating what
25:33 had been lost sight of during this
25:34 period of Jewish apostasy. Now,
25:37 to sort of set the context here
25:39 a little bit, we need to understand
25:40 that when Jesus would have
25:41 stood on top of the New Sinai
25:43 and top of the sermon on the
25:44 mount or the, the mountain from
25:46 he would preach the sermon on the mount.
25:47 How old approximately would he
25:49 have been? Sort of 60, okay sort
25:53 of 30 years old. Now, we need
25:55 to try and understand, here's what
25:57 we are trying to do, we are trying
25:58 to understand the sermon on the
26:00 mount in it's historical context,
26:02 in it's Biblical context, in it's
26:05 what everyone? In it's Biblical and
26:07 historical context and so when
26:09 Jesus stands up, he is approximately 30 years
26:12 old by his, by the standard of
26:14 his own culture, he is a whippersnapper,
26:16 he is a kid, he could have been
26:18 as young as 27 or 28, the Bible says,
26:19 he was about 30. So, he stands
26:21 up there unmarried and therefore
26:23 disqualified just by virtue of his
26:27 non-married status from being
26:28 a member of the Sanhedrin,
26:29 he had not been to the school
26:31 of the scribes, he had not been
26:32 to the school of the Pharisees.
26:33 In other words, he hadn't been
26:34 to seminary. Here is the question,
26:36 what was then his preparation
26:37 to stand up and have temerity?
26:40 Have the audacity to say to Israel
26:43 you have heard, but I say,
26:45 you have heard, but I say, you
26:47 have heard, but I say unto you.
26:49 What would have been his earthly preparation?
26:52 What was he doing prior to standing
26:55 up as this proactive young Rabbi?
26:57 What was he doing? He was a carpenter.
26:59 He was the son of a carpenter.
27:02 Now, you, you need to sort
27:04 of get this in your mind's eye,
27:05 here is Jesus day in, day out,
27:07 right accept for the Sabbath sawing
27:09 and measuring and hammering,
27:12 but ever since the age of 12,
27:15 Jesus had known that this is
27:16 not what God had put him
27:17 on earth to do primarily. Amen. Now,
27:19 this is intimated in the gospel of Luke,
27:21 but communicated expressly in the
27:24 Book of Desire of Ages, it's
27:25 intimated in Luke. In fact, in Luke
27:27 chapters 2 and 3, and especially
27:29 Luke chapter 2, Jesus goes to
27:31 the temple. He goes to the
27:33 what everyone? Temple.
27:34 He goes to the temple and how old is he,
27:36 keeping with Jewish tradition and keeping
27:37 with Jewish, he was 12 years old,
27:39 very good. So, Jesus is brought
27:40 to the temple at the age of 12
27:42 and at the age of 12, he has a realization.
27:45 He sees the lamb being slain,
27:48 he sees that with his own eye,
27:50 he sees the Paschal lamb being
27:51 slain and he has a moment here,
27:53 he has a, he has a Revelation,
27:54 he has no epiphany, again this
27:56 hinted at in Luke and communicated
27:58 expressly in the Desire of Ages.
27:59 He realizes under the assumption
28:01 of the spirit and through his own
28:02 study of the scriptures. That Lamb
28:04 is you, you are the Lamb. Now,
28:07 many, many, many years later
28:09 his elder cousin John would eventually say,
28:11 behold the Lamb of God that takes
28:15 away the sin of the world, but at
28:16 some point there was a realization.
28:18 To sort of set a little bit of a context here,
28:21 when Jesus was a young boy and
28:23 he was sitting on Mary's lap, when
28:25 Jesus was sitting on Mary's lap
28:27 at the age of two, at the age of three,
28:28 at the age of four. Jesus is not saying
28:30 to Mary, Mary, let me tell you
28:33 what it was like in the celestial
28:35 glories before eternity begin,
28:38 let me, no, no, no, no, no
28:40 there is some instruction going on here,
28:42 but it's from Jesus toward Mary.
28:44 Mary is saying to Jesus, Jesus,
28:47 let me tell you of the extraordinary
28:49 circumstances surrounding your birth,
28:51 let me tell you of the angel that
28:52 appeared and it would be Mary that
28:54 was communicating to Jesus and
28:55 so Jesus would be learning. Amen.
28:58 Jesus would be what everyone? Learning.
29:00 Learning, we, we, we sometimes
29:01 read the Bible in a very
29:03 anachronistic way, we read the Bible
29:04 from a 21st century perspective,
29:06 we read the Bible and, and we basically,
29:10 we already know Jesus died,
29:11 he buried, and he was rose again
29:12 and we read assuming that that
29:13 everybody in their original chronological
29:16 context understood that, they didn't know that.
29:17 Here is Jesus learning from Mary
29:21 and Jesus would have said to Mary,
29:22 or Mary would have said to Jesus,
29:24 you are an extraordinary boy,
29:25 these are the circumstances surrounding your birth.
29:28 You're the messiah, she would have
29:29 believe that, she would have had
29:30 faith in that, she would have
29:31 exercised it and at some point,
29:32 the three year old Jesus,
29:34 the four year old Jesus, the five year old Jesus,
29:36 it's time for him as the 12 year old Jesus
29:38 to go to the temple, but when the
29:40 12 year old Jesus comes to the
29:42 temple and he sees the lamb
29:48 being slain. In some fundamental
29:52 and revelatory way, he
29:54 realizes that's me, I'm the guy.
30:03 Again John the Baptist his elder cousin would
30:05 later confirm something that Jesus had known for
30:07 many years, when he was sawing, when he was
30:09 measuring, when he was pounding? So, here's Jesus.
30:14 His preparation for standing on the New Sinai,
30:17 his preparation for say you have heard,
30:19 but I say, you have heard, but I say,
30:23 his preparation was he was a carpenter.
30:26 He had not been to the school of the scribes,
30:27 or the schools of the Pharisees, he was a carpenter
30:30 and at some point, Jesus would have known beginning
30:32 at about the age of 12 and to approximately the
30:34 age of 30. So, the better part of 20 years,
30:36 he would have known one day, he is gonna lay that
30:39 saw down. And one day he is gonna take that hammer
30:44 and hang it up. And one day he is going to take that,
30:47 take measure that yarn, roll it up and put it away,
30:49 not for the evening, not for the weekend, not for the
30:51 Sabbath, but for good and he is going to take
30:54 off the garb of, of a carpenter he is going take off
30:57 his carpentry clothes, his carpentry garb and he is
31:00 going to in the minds and estimation of many,
31:02 presumptuously put on the garb of a Rabbi and an
31:06 instructor and here Matthew paints the picture,
31:09 he paints this apologetic, evangelistic picture of Jesus
31:12 tracing point-by-point, step-by-step right through
31:15 the history of national Israel until eventually in
31:18 Matthew chapter 5, 6, and 7, Jesus as the new messiah
31:22 arrives on top, not as the new messiah,
31:24 but as the messiah arrives on top of the New Sinai,
31:28 and has the temerity and the audacity to say,
31:31 you have heard, but I say. Now, try and hear that
31:37 through a first century perspective. We don't know
31:40 how many people would gather there, maybe
31:41 several hundreds perhaps as many as a thousand
31:43 or more, probably a crowd smaller than this,
31:45 but the just imagine that you are sitting there on
31:47 the gentle sloping hillside and here comes this
31:49 proactive young Rabbi. Now, there is a kind of sense
31:51 of electricity and excitement about this guy.
31:54 Some people had heard a rumor that he had gone
31:56 to a wedding in Cana and water had actually been
31:59 turned to wine, but you know, these things are
32:01 hard to believe. Somebody else had actually claim
32:03 to been to his baptism and in the context of his
32:05 baptism they thought they had heard a voice from
32:08 heaven saying, can you believe it, this is my beloved
32:11 son in whom I am well pleased, but others said,
32:12 no, no, no, no, it's just thunder. And so there was
32:14 this kind of sense of, of anticipation and electricity
32:18 as Jesus stands to the front and begins to speak.
32:21 Who is this guy? There was a sense of awareness,
32:23 there was a sense of electricity, there was a sense
32:25 of expectation in the air. And so try and sit there
32:28 in your mind's eye on that gently sloping hill and
32:31 listen to Jesus, not as somebody who knows how
32:34 the story turns out. The people who have heard
32:37 Jesus in this context, they didn't know he was gonna
32:39 die and be buried and rising, they didn't know that.
32:42 Who is this guy? Who does this guy thing he is?
32:45 And frankly just to be perfectly candid or not
32:47 irrelevant at all. The only thing you could have
32:49 thought probably in the context of that initial
32:52 presentation of Jesus as the messiah to Israel who
32:55 had been looking forward to him from more than
32:57 a thousand years to messiah. The only thing you
32:59 probably could have thought is who does he think
33:01 he is? Like seriously, who does he think he is?
33:04 Incidentally Matthew wants you to know that that's
33:06 exactly what people were thinking and he tells
33:09 you that in Matthew chapter 7, verses 28 and 29.
33:11 Last two verses of Matthew chapter 7.
33:14 Matthew was very intentional about recording
33:16 the response of the people and take a look at the
33:19 response of the people in Matthew chapter 7.
33:22 It says, Matthew chapter 7 verses 28 and 29,
33:24 and so it was when Jesus had ended these sayings,
33:27 in context the Sermon on the Mount. "When Jesus had
33:29 ended these sayings, that the people were,
33:32 what does your Bible say? The people were..
33:35 Astonished. Astonished at his teaching."
33:37 Now, you give me some synonym for astonished,
33:39 they were, they were amazed, they were surprised,
33:44 they were, where they shocked. So, the people
33:46 were shocked, they were surprised,
33:48 they were amazed, they were, the people were
33:50 amazed at his sayings. According to verse 29,
33:53 what was the source of their astonishment?
33:56 Take a look at verse 29, what was the source
33:58 of their astonishment? "For he taught them as one
34:02 having authority and not as the, as the
34:07 scribes and the Pharisees. No, wonder Jesus six
34:09 times, six times purposely he would have thought
34:14 about this. This was not some haphazard,
34:16 fly-by-the-seat-of-your -pants, serendipitous,
34:18 we'll see how it works out. No, no, no, no, no,
34:21 Jesus for years is thinking about this presentation.
34:25 Jesus is sawing, but his mind is on the mountain,
34:28 Jesus is measuring, but his mind was on the
34:30 mountain, Jesus is hammering, but his mind
34:32 was on the mountain. And so when Jesus steps
34:34 forward on top of the New Sinai to begin to
34:37 announce his kingdom and announce the character
34:39 of God. He is absolutely intentional, he is what word
34:43 everyone? Intentional. You have been hearing,
34:46 but I say. You have been, but I say, you have heard
34:51 that it was said by them of old time, thou shall
34:52 not committed adultery, but I say unto you that
34:53 who so ever looketh on a woman, to lusted after
34:55 her have committed adultery with her already in his
34:57 heart, you have been hearing, but I'm telling you
34:59 something different. Jesus here sets himself up in
35:04 a radical and revelatory, but even more than that.
35:09 It's more than radical and it's more than revelatory,
35:11 there is a another world that starts with an 'R'
35:13 I would like to submit to you here, but in the
35:14 context of submitting this word, let me read you
35:16 a simple statement from the book, Thoughts From the
35:19 Mounts of Blessing. What's the book everyone?
35:22 Thoughts From the Mounts of Blessing, page 147.
35:25 "His words Sermon on the Mount had struck at the
35:29 very root of their former ideas and opinions,
35:32 the very root; to obey His teaching would require
35:37 a change in all, let's say that word together,
35:40 would require a change in all their habits of thought
35:43 and action." In other words, this is totally radical,
35:46 the root word of radical literally means root.
35:48 When we say something is radical it means that
35:50 its root is it is fundamentally different, it, it would
35:53 require a change in all of their habits of thought and
35:56 action, it would bring them into collision with their
36:00 religious teachers. Now, listen to this, "For it would
36:04 involve the overthrow of the whole structure that for
36:10 generations the rabbis had been rearing. To obey Jesus
36:15 would require a change in all of their habits of
36:18 thought and action. Because it would require the
36:21 overthrow of the whole structure that for generations
36:25 the rabbis had been rearing. Now, you tell me what
36:26 is that sound like? The overthrow of, of rabbinical
36:30 religious structure, what's the word, what's the
36:32 word? That's a revolution. You see, what Jesus is
36:37 doing on Mount Sinai as not merely revelatory,
36:39 he is not merely revealing, it's not merely radical,
36:42 he is not laying acts of the root of the tree,
36:44 what Jesus is doing is absolutely, patently,
36:47 unequivocally, revolutionary. Amen. When Ellen White
36:50 uses the language, the overthrowing of whole
36:52 structure that the general, that the rabbis have been
36:55 ruling for generations, that's a revolution.
36:59 Jesus knows that he had stepped into a very precarious
37:02 place. Now, let's paint historically this very
37:04 precarious location into which Jesus has just
37:06 stepped, not merely as a man, but he is the son
37:09 of God come as the messiah. The Jews believe there
37:13 were the promised people of God, they, they were
37:15 the chosen people of God, this, this attachment to
37:19 Abraham and God's call of Abraham was so, was so
37:22 part of he Jewish psyche that in one occasion,
37:25 when John the baptized was preaching he
37:26 anticipated their objection. John the baptized is
37:29 preaching his heart out and he anticipates the
37:30 objectives. Don't even begin to say within yourselves
37:35 that we have Abraham as our father, for verily I
37:37 say unto you that God is able to raise up children of
37:39 Abraham from his very stones. There was this sort
37:43 of expectation, there was this sense I'm a Jew,
37:47 I'm genealogically, Historically related to Abraham
37:50 and I'm a person of God, I'm a child of God by virtue
37:54 of my Jewishness, are we together everyone,
37:56 yes or no? And so, so just imagine the cognitive
38:01 dissonance that would have existed in first century
38:03 Judaism. When you are the chosen people of God
38:07 and yet you know, that your history, your history
38:09 is basically a history of successive subjugations to
38:13 pagan powers, you're the chosen people of God,
38:16 but you're in subjection to Egypt. You're the chosen
38:18 people of God, but you're in subjection to the
38:20 Babylonians, you're the chosen people of God,
38:22 but you're in subjection to the Persians, you're
38:23 chosen people of God, but you're in subjection to the
38:26 Greeks, you're the chosen people of God,
38:27 but now you're in subjection to Rome, can you
38:29 begin to see the cognitive dissonance that would
38:31 emerge, we are the chosen people of God,
38:33 and they remind of fact that our history is littered
38:35 is basically one grand story of folly being in
38:39 subjection to a pagan nation, are we together everyone,
38:42 yes or no? We're trying to deal with that cognitive
38:45 dissonance was the primary ply to first,
38:48 second and third century Judaism. Pre B.C. I'm
38:51 talking B.C., first century, second century and third
38:53 century Judaism B.C. Now, in order to try and
38:57 cope into this, to cope with this issue and this
38:59 vacuum into what Jesus is speaking, here is Jesus.
39:02 He is speaking into a situation. Jesus is not merely
39:05 speaking into a 21st century situation,
39:07 he's not just talking for talking sake, Jesus is
39:10 intentional here and he speaking into a situation.
39:13 The situation into what Jesus is speaking is that
39:16 Israel's absolutely confused, has been for the better
39:18 part of the thousand years in different camps
39:20 that sort of emerge to help Israel deal with this
39:23 cognitive dissonance. How do we continually,
39:26 proudly, and in the context of the New Testament
39:29 often self righteously say, we are the chosen
39:31 people of God and yet we are in subjection to
39:33 Rome, which is just the latest and last of pagan
39:36 powers to which we are subjected. How would this
39:39 cognitive dissonance be ameliorated, how it would be
39:41 dealt with. Well, in the context of Jesus in the first
39:44 century, you have four groups of people,
39:46 how many groups of people everyone? Four.
39:48 Four groups of people, two of them will be very
39:51 familiar to you; they are the Pharisees and the
39:55 Sadducees. The other two not as familiar,
39:58 the Essenes and the zealots. He basically had
40:01 four groups of people that were vying for the
40:03 allegiance and vying for the intellectual
40:06 allegiance of the people of God. How do we say
40:08 we're God's true people when we are in
40:10 suggestion to pagination, after pagination,
40:13 after pagination, after pagination. Well, the
40:14 Pharisees basically their solution to the cognitive
40:17 dissonance was to internalize and isolate
40:20 themselves in a increasingly deeper and contrived
40:24 version of Judaism. And this is classic four or fifth,
40:29 four, third, second and first century even beyond
40:32 that B.C. Judaism. Basically the Pharisees internalize
40:36 they became, they became very, very occupied
40:39 with Jewishness and they were Rabbinical debates,
40:41 this rabbi, debating against this rabbi and what
40:44 does this mean and they basically pretending
40:47 as though they was no Roman army. As though,
40:49 as though there was no Roman occupation,
40:51 they just internalized and that's how they dealt with
40:53 cognitive dissonance. This is what we find in New
40:55 Testament. The Sadducees unlike the Pharisees who
40:58 internalize the religiosity and become very isolated
41:01 and elitist with it. The Sadducees began to curry
41:04 favor with the Romans and they basically said well
41:06 if we can't beat them, we'll join them.
41:08 The Sadducees are kind of the intellectual elite of
41:12 Jesus day, they were like the secular religious people
41:15 today we would in our Roman culture we would
41:17 call them the religious liberals. They were secularize
41:20 they were secular people, they didn't really
41:22 buy into all of the scripture what they were more
41:24 interested in was education, Hellenism and basically
41:28 currying favor with the Romans so that they could
41:30 be perceived as sort of Roman and not patently
41:34 Jewish. So, they did retain certainly some of the
41:35 Jews identity such as the high priest etc. And so
41:38 that's the Sadducees sort of the liberals or the
41:41 distancing yourself from your religiosity.
41:43 Now, the Essenes here no mention of them in the
41:47 New Testament this is to be expected because
41:49 the way the Essenes dealt with this cognitive
41:51 dissonance dissonance is they simply moved out
41:52 into the country. They just, they just moved away,
41:55 they just said man all Israel's gone to hell in a
41:57 hand basket they have gone to pod,
41:58 they don't follow the law anymore, total apostasy
42:01 and so they just moved into the country they lived
42:02 in little tents and communes in fact the dead sea
42:05 scrolls part of what's called that Qumranic community
42:07 was almost certainly in a scenic community.
42:09 They had moved away. We don't encounter them
42:11 in the New Testament because they off in the bush.
42:15 Just off in the bush trying to deal with this great
42:18 big issue of how are we the people of God and the
42:21 actual circumstances in which they found themselves
42:24 that were the those of the scenes. And the forth
42:26 and final group were the Zealots. Simon was
42:29 probably a Zealot, and Zealots of course root word
42:31 Zeal. They sort to deal with this cognitive dissonance,
42:34 this disconnect between what they should be
42:36 seeing and what they are seeing by attacking
42:39 militarily the Roman people they were sort of
42:41 the Guerrilla warfare they were kind of the Hamas.
42:44 if I can use that analogy of Israel fighting these
42:47 Guerrilla battles at night by sort of these military
42:50 and militaristic means in these Guerrilla surprise
42:53 attacks over and against the Romans and so they
42:55 were the Zealots. They were going to actively bring
42:58 it out, they would be like the sort of radical religious
43:01 fanatics. So, here is Jesus, he is 27, he is 28,
43:05 he is 29 he has been sawing boards, measuring
43:08 boards, and pounding on boards his whole life.
43:11 At some point he knows since the age of 12 he is
43:12 going to have to step out of this safely and secure
43:15 situation and into a hot bed religious difficultly,
43:19 controversy and confusion. He has to be
43:21 very careful with his language, he has to be
43:23 very careful with his loyalties he has to be extremely
43:25 careful because if he is perceived, which by the
43:27 way this is background for the New Testament.
43:29 This the background for the gospels, if the Sadducees
43:32 can set Jesus over against the Pharisees or if the
43:35 Pharisees can set him over and against the Sadducees.
43:37 Basically Jesus has to stand into this gap,
43:40 into this, into this crucible of culture, we'll come
43:44 back to that in just a second. Jesus has to stand
43:47 in this place when all of these different competing
43:52 views of what's going on in the world are vying for
43:56 his allegiance and vying for his attention and he
43:58 has to be very careful how we chooses even his
44:01 associates and how he chooses even his language
44:03 and his vocabulary because if he begins to
44:05 speak like a Pharisee he is classified as a Pharisees
44:08 so he has to avoid pharisaical talk. If he begins
44:10 to speak like a Sadducees, he's classified as a
44:12 Sadducees everybody's trying to put Jesus in a
44:15 hole, everybody is trying to say who is this guy.
44:18 Is he a Pharisee, is he telling us to internalize,
44:20 is that how we deal with this cognitive dissonance.
44:22 Is he a Sadducee, is he trying to curry favor with
44:24 Romans. Is he telling us we should move off into the,
44:27 into the ditches and off into the bush with the
44:29 Essenes or is he trying to have some grand almost
44:35 riotous Guerrilla attack against the Romans is that
44:38 what he is trying to do is marshal his forces.
44:42 Well all of these four people, all of these four
44:45 groups that are vying for the attention and vying for
44:48 the allegiance of every single Jew. Every Jew at
44:53 some level intellectually would fallen into the
44:55 Pharisees or the Sadducees or the Essenes or the
44:58 Zealots. Even if weren't an Essene they would
45:00 have intellectually been favorable to the Essenes or
45:03 to the Pharisees or the Sadducees or the Zealots and
45:05 Jesus basically shows up on Essenes and says you've
45:08 all got it totally wrong, it's not the Sadducees,
45:14 it's not the Pharisees, it's not the Zealots and it's
45:16 not the Essenes. There's a whole new thing that is
45:19 taking place here. Amen. Ellen White puts it this
45:22 way, when Jesus opens his mouth the very first thing
45:28 he says, what's he is gonna say man? Twenty years
45:31 of preparation, speaking into this cauldron of
45:35 religio-social cultural differently what's he gonna
45:41 say? And he stand there and takes his place on
45:44 the New Sinai. Sense of electricity, sense of
45:50 anticipation there, who is this guy? Is he a Pharisee?
45:55 Is he a Sadducee? I heard he turned water to wine.
45:59 Is he a Zealot, what's he going to say, the sense of
46:03 the expectation there when Jesus opens his mouth.
46:07 And he says in the words of Ellen White, words
46:09 that fell on the audience first century audience,
46:12 not 21st century. That fell on the ears of the
46:15 audience as strange and new, strange and new.
46:21 That's what Matthew saying, that what Matthew's
46:23 saying when he says the people were astonished
46:26 at his teaching what is he going to say?
46:28 He is going to say, blessed are the poor in spirit,
46:42 for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Amen.
46:47 Now, my paraphrase of Ellen White's words these
46:49 words were a bombshell, these words were totally
46:52 unlike anything that they were hearing in 1st century
46:55 Judaism. She says they were strange and new,
46:59 what is it Blessed are the poor in spirit. The culture
47:03 into which Jesus is speaking, the situation into which
47:06 Jesus is speaking is one in which your Jewishness
47:08 recommends you to God and if you're a healthy Jew,
47:11 you're doubly recommend to God and if you're a
47:13 healthy, wealthy Jew you're triply recommend to God
47:17 and Jesus stands up 20 years in preparation,
47:19 20 years in rumination, 20 years in thinking and the
47:22 first words out of mouth are, blessed are the poor in
47:25 spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven,
47:29 kaboom let the revolution began. Who is this guy?
47:37 Jesus then begins to take them on an unpresidented
47:40 journey. So that we refer to so innocuously and
47:43 globally as the be attitudes, the be, oh that's nice
47:47 to be attitudes. And we get out our little cross
47:51 stitch and we say oh blessed. I love this, I'm gonna
47:54 put a little blue bird here, a little sunshine,
47:57 little flower, and we cross this, blessed are the poor
48:00 in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
48:01 Or better yet, blessed are the meek, yes a little
48:05 blue bird sunshine, rainbow for theirs is the kingdom,
48:09 and we take that thing, we frame it and we put
48:11 it over the toilet in the guest bathroom and we say
48:14 look at this. So, when people are I guess, I guess,
48:17 I guess when people are relieving themselves this is,
48:19 blessed are the, look at the blue birds oh that so
48:22 nice. It's so innocuous, it's so glib, in Jesus, when
48:25 Jesus was speaking these were like missiles,
48:30 these were bombs that were been dropped on
48:32 First century Judaism. These were not cute little cross
48:35 stitch, oh a little cluster, oh look at that the be attitudes
48:38 cluster set, there is 9 of them, no, no, no, no.
48:44 When Jesus is speaking here he has a whole new,
48:47 he has to rewire their minds in their brains.
48:51 Then you're thinking this sounds, this sounds too strong
48:54 all this revolutionary language. Other statement Desire
48:56 of Ages page 300, In the Sermon on the Mount,
48:58 Jesus sought to undo, what's the word everyone?
49:03 Undo. Undo the work that had been wrought by false
49:06 education, and to give His hearers a right
49:09 conception of His kingdom and of His own character.
49:15 Amen. So, here's Jesus, he is sawing but he is
49:18 thinking. He's measuring but he's thinking, he's
49:22 hammering but he's thinking. How can I get these
49:24 people to see? Who God really is, and what the
49:27 kingdom of heaven really is? Mark, Luke,
49:31 John never used this phrase the kingdom of heaven
49:33 never once, it's Matthew's term, this is Matthew's
49:36 term and he presents it over and over again.
49:38 The first thing Jesus says has to do with the kingdom
49:41 of heaven, and the character of God. Jesus speaks into
49:45 this war text, Jesus speaks into this war when
49:47 Jesus is standing at the crucible of culture,
49:50 everybody waiting to put them into a box,
49:52 here in this box, here in this box, here in this box,
49:54 here in this box, and Jesus said, I'm in God's kingdom is
49:57 a matter of fact, blessed are the poor in spirit.
50:00 Blessed are those that recognize their spiritual
50:04 poverty because heaven is their home. Amen.
50:10 Strange and new. Totally different, these words
50:15 fall like, like, like a different language on the ears
50:19 of the people to which Jesus is speaking.
50:22 Happy are the poor in spirit. Happy are those who
50:26 recognize their spiritual poverty. In the
50:32 paragraph just before the one I want just read you
50:33 from Desire of Ages page 300, Ellen White writes
50:35 a single phrase she writes of unrestricted access.
50:39 That's her phrase, not mine. Unrestricted access
50:44 to the father in the context of the sermon of the
50:46 mount. You see you think the sermon of the
50:48 mount is you have heard that it was said by them
50:49 of old time thou shall not commit adultery,
50:51 you have heard that, we think it's all of this
50:53 moral exhortation. Hey if somebody slaps you on the
50:55 right give him the left, if somebody you know urges
50:57 you to go with him a mile, go with him two,
50:59 we have all of this moral exhortation but Jesus
51:01 never gets to the moral exhortation until he first
51:04 gives them her phrase not mine. Unrestricted access
51:08 to the Father. Well, how may I ever gonna get
51:11 unrestricted access to the father? Well, it's not
51:15 gonna be because I'm so good at turning the other
51:16 cheek when somebody is bludgeoning me.
51:18 And it's not gonna be because I'm such a great
51:19 guy that I walk two miles when somebody asked me
51:21 only to go one. I get unrestricted access to the
51:24 Father when I realize that I'm a sinner in need of
51:28 a savior. Amen. When I realize that I'm perfectly
51:32 totally spiritually impoverished and I've nothing
51:36 to recommend me to God. Jesus thought about
51:39 this for 20 years. D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones the great
51:41 preacher who preached in the Westminster
51:43 Cathedral for all most 10 years on the book of
51:46 Romans, fantastic commentaries, for 10 years he
51:48 preached on the book of Romans. And Dr. Jones said,
51:51 Lloyd-Jones said that here is no greater articulation,
51:54 his words, there is no more perfect articulation
51:57 of the great truth of justification by faith then this
52:00 the attitude, blessed are the poor in spirit. Amen.
52:06 Because heaven is for these people, Amen.
52:12 Jesus introduces people to a God who cannot be
52:14 appeased by their goodness, who cannot be
52:16 appeased by their internalization of religiosity
52:20 all of the Pharisees or their currying favor with
52:22 the Romans, all of the Sadducees. Jesus is introducing
52:25 a whole new radical thing here. You get unrestricted
52:29 access to the Father, not because of who you are
52:31 but because of who Jesus is. And because of what
52:33 he is about ready to do. He doesn't say yours will
52:36 be the kingdom of heaven, he uses the present tense,
52:39 he only uses it twice from the attitudes. Here in
52:40 verses 9 and 10 he says your is the kingdom of
52:43 heaven. Jesus then begins to take them on a walk
52:48 though this marvelous sequence and I wish I had
52:50 time to develop this sequence you could see it.
52:53 He says blessed are the poor in spirit, and then
52:55 he says blessed are they that mourn that
52:56 condition. This gives us an attitude of meekness
52:59 and then we hunger and thirst for righteousness,
53:01 realizing we are the underserved recipients of
53:03 God's mercy, we begin to treat others the way God
53:05 has treated us. Then our hearts begin to be
53:07 purified and as our hearts begin to be purified we
53:09 become peacemakers. The very next thing as
53:14 he says blessed are those that are persecuted for
53:15 righteousness sake, for there's is the kingdom of
53:17 heaven. He begins and ends with the kingdom of
53:19 heaven, but what is Jesus doing in this sequence?
53:22 He is giving people unrestricted access to the
53:24 Father. You recognize as for spiritual poverty,
53:28 you mourn that spiritual condition, this gives you an
53:30 attitude of meekness, you hunger and thirst for
53:31 righteousness. You begin to treat others the way God
53:33 has treated you mercifully and then you begin to
53:35 treat others with mercy and your heart begins to
53:37 be purified and you become a peacemaker.
53:42 One of the most compelling and profound statements
53:44 in the New Testament, nomenclature, names,
53:46 nomenclatures for God is this idea, that he is the
53:49 God of peace, the God of peace. You tell me Jesus is
53:55 referred to in Isaiah chapter 9 verse 6 as the prince
53:57 of peace. Therefore being justified by faith we
54:01 have peace with God. Paul writes in Colossians
54:05 chapter 1 verse 20 of, of, of, of having made a peace
54:09 with God through the blood of His cross. Ephesians
54:11 chapter 2 verse 14, He is our peace. Amen.
54:16 This whole idea that God is not at enmity at us,
54:19 God is not at war with us, God is not out to get us,
54:21 but at some level God wants access to us.
54:23 In fact God wants us to have unrestricted access to
54:25 him and this grand and glorious sequence of the be
54:28 attitudes culminates when he says blessed are
54:31 those whose mission is to bring the message of the
54:35 prince of peace and of the God of peace to those
54:39 around them. Blessed are the peacemakers and then
54:42 he says for they shall be called, the sons of God.
54:53 You can paraphrase that, they shall be like little
54:55 Jesus'. Friends we live in a time in which groups are
55:01 vying for our allegiance. We are very similar to Jesus
55:06 in this capacity, Jesus had a message about the kingdom
55:09 of God and character of God and he had to undo all
55:11 kinds of religious cultural and theological baggage
55:14 and Jesus stood in a place. And when he stood in
55:18 that place he said you get access to God not by the
55:20 good you do but by the good that God is, blessed
55:23 are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of
55:24 heaven and then he basically brings that grand
55:28 sequence to its absolute fruition and maturation,
55:31 when he says that there will be a people whose
55:33 whole mission on earth is to proclaim the God of peace,
55:37 the prince of peace and justification by faith which
55:40 alone can bring peace with God. Amen.
55:44 We love that in a sentence, that in a nutshell is
55:48 the Adventist message. Amen. God has called us to
55:53 be peacemakers, to stand right here at the crucible
55:59 of culture, to stand right here and to say strange
56:06 and new things about God to woo people to Jesus,
56:14 to woo people to the Father, to woo people to the
56:19 Kingdom of God. Amen. We are not Pharisees,
56:25 we are not the religious establishment. We are not
56:30 Sadducees, we are the not religiously secular.
56:35 We are not the Zealots taking military political and
56:38 carnal means. And we are not the Essenes fleeing
56:41 from the condition that the world is in.
56:44 We are followers of Christ, we are peacemakers.
56:49 And we need to stand in that place in that marketplace
56:54 if you will to stand in that place and to be God's
56:59 man, to be God's woman and to say blessed are
57:06 the the poor in spirit for heaven is their home.
57:11 Amen. And blessed are the pacemakers, for they are
57:16 the sons and the daughters of God. How may tonight
57:22 have understood this basic presentation?
57:26 How many tonight want to say with raising of their
57:28 hands actually better yet, but standing to their
57:30 feet God make me a kingdom changer, a world
57:33 changer as I stand in the crucible of culture,
57:40 with a strange and new message. Can't be the
57:45 same old message. This is the
57:48 Seventh-day Adventist message.


Revised 2014-12-17