3ABN On the Road

Preparing Your Home For The 2nd Coming

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jay Rosario


Series Code: OTR

Program Code: OTR001002

01:00 Welcome to "Pillars of Prophecy."
01:03 How are you all having at-- what kind of time
01:06 are you having, I should say?
01:08 Everybody having a wonderful and blessed time.
01:12 You know, we have so many people here
01:14 at camp meeting who are here for the first time.
01:17 Let me see your hands again,
01:18 if you're here for the first time.
01:20 I would say probably 50% of this crowd
01:23 is here for the first time and we welcome
01:25 each and every one of you and we welcome
01:27 those of you, who are watching from home.
01:30 Today, we have a wonderful presentation
01:33 that is going to be on preparing your home for the second coming.
01:39 Can you think of anything more important?
01:41 You believe Jesus is coming soon.
01:44 Amen, amen. And our speaker
01:47 is going to be Jay Rosario.
01:49 I remember the first time I met Jay.
01:51 I was up speaking at a frontline youth initiative.
01:55 He was also a speaker
01:56 and he was a young man, this was in 2006.
02:00 And he came out, he was speaking
02:01 on a familiar topic, but God had given him new insight,
02:06 fresh insight on this topic.
02:07 And I was so impressed when I heard him
02:10 that I came back and said,
02:11 "We've got to get this young man on 3ABN."
02:14 So we're very pleased to have Pastor Jay Rosario with us.
02:18 He has a two church district in San Jose, California.
02:23 And you may be familiar with the ministry
02:25 he and his brothers had for so long called "Radiant Living."
02:29 So Jay is a young man of God and we are very please,
02:33 but before Jay does come to speak to us,
02:37 we're going to have our own Pastor John Lomacang,
02:40 who will be singing a song for the Lord, thank you.
03:08 I'd rather have Jesus
03:13 than silver or gold
03:19 I'd rather be His
03:23 than have riches untold
03:29 I'd much rather have Jesus
03:36 than houses or lands
03:41 And I'd rather be led
03:46 by his nail-pierced hands
03:53 Than to be the king
03:58 of a vast domain
04:04 Or be held
04:07 my sin's dread sway
04:13 I'd much rather have Jesus
04:20 Than anything
04:24 This world affords today
04:50 Would you rather have Jesus
04:56 than men's applause
05:01 Would you rather be faithful
05:06 to His dear cause
05:12 Would you rather have Jesus
05:19 than worldwide fame
05:24 Would you rather be true
05:28 to His holy name
05:35 Than to be the king
05:40 of a vast domain
05:45 Or be held
05:48 my sin's dread sway
05:55 I'd much rather have Jesus
06:01 Than anything
06:06 This world affords today
06:16 Than to be the king
06:20 of a vast domain
06:25 Or be held
06:28 my sin's dread sway
06:34 I'd much rather have Jesus
06:40 Than anything
06:45 This world can affords today
06:55 Would you rather have Jesus
07:00 Than anything
07:05 This world affords today
07:20 Than this world can afford today
07:43 Hello, everyone.
07:46 Thank you Pastor Lomacang for the beautiful song.
07:48 Wasn't that lovely? Yes.
07:50 It's good to be here again at 3ABN in Southern Illinois.
07:53 And I bring you greetings from sunny California.
07:55 Any Californians in the midst?
07:58 Wow, we have Californians in the mist.
08:00 Praise the Lord.
08:01 I want to send the greetings to my churches,
08:04 Cambrian Park SDA Church
08:06 and Los Gatos SDA Church in San Jose.
08:07 You're probably not watching 'cause
08:09 you're tired of listening to me speak every Sabbath.
08:11 But those of you that are watching in San Jose,
08:14 I send you greetings.
08:16 I'm very, very excited about the message this morning.
08:18 And I'm excited to hear about
08:20 the other presentations that are here.
08:21 And I always love coming to 3ABN camp meeting,
08:24 because it's kind of like a little bit
08:26 of heaven on earth, amen. Amen.
08:27 You have so many different perspectives
08:29 and so many relevant messages that are shared.
08:31 It's almost like, wow.
08:32 I wish this never finished.
08:34 And I think that's what heaven's gonna be like.
08:35 Except, the guest speaker is gonna be Jesus, amen. Amen.
08:37 So I'm looking forward to that camp meeting.
08:39 That's the camp meeting you do not want to miss?
08:41 Before we begin, I want to invite you
08:43 to bow your heads with me as we invite the real speaker,
08:46 which is the Holy Spirit.
08:47 Pray with me.
08:48 Father, in heaven, we thank You
08:50 for the privilege you've given us
08:52 to be called sons and daughters of God.
08:54 And Lord, we need Your presence,
08:56 we need Your inspiration and we need your insight
09:00 as we dive into Your word.
09:03 Father, we have not come to hear the words of a man.
09:06 Thus, I pray that you hide me behind the cross,
09:10 because we have come to hear Jesus.
09:12 May we see Him?
09:15 May we feel Him?
09:17 May we hear Him?
09:18 This is my Prayer in His name. Amen.
09:21 Amen. Our presentation is entitled,
09:26 "Preparing your Home for the Second Coming of Christ."
09:29 You know, I've-- I live in a home, and you know,
09:34 it's hard enough to prepare your home for relatives, right.
09:39 It's hard enough to prepare your home.
09:41 Somebody said, "Yes."
09:42 Somebody is testifying up here in the front.
09:44 It's hard enough to prepare your home
09:46 for visitors and for guests.
09:48 Prepare your home for the second coming
09:49 seems a bit overwhelming, does it not?
09:52 You know, I remember, my mother always gets,
09:54 I mean, when she comes and visits
09:55 my home periodically.
09:58 And she always says, Jay, you know,
09:59 why is it that you do this?
10:00 Or why don't you get nicer curtains or what?
10:03 Does anybody have any mothers that are like that?
10:05 You know, she is kind of like my fashion,
10:07 like my interior designer police.
10:10 And every time she visits me, she's always giving me counsel.
10:12 Oh, you know, you got to do this,
10:14 you got to do that.
10:15 What I love about my mother is that every time
10:17 she comes visits me, if it's for the week
10:19 or for the weekend?
10:20 In the course of a few days, she turns my house
10:23 into like a bachelor pad, right, into like Pier 1 Imports, okay.
10:30 Anybody went to Pier 1 Imports?
10:32 You walk in and just the fragrance
10:33 just--like your stress level is immediately dropped
10:37 when you go to Pier 1 Imports.
10:39 I just go in there for the fragrance,
10:40 'cause, I don't know what I'm-- I don't know what I'm buying,
10:42 I don't know where to start.
10:43 And that's kind of how my mother does it.
10:45 I don't know how she does it.
10:46 She just has magical hands and she has a touch for,
10:48 I think it's a mother thing.
10:49 And--but I would love to think
10:53 that that's kind of what we're supposed
10:55 to do spiritually speaking in our homes, preparing our homes
11:00 for the second coming of Christ, amen.
11:02 Because the second coming of Christ
11:03 is not so much an event in the future
11:06 as it is a very, very special guest
11:08 approaching the atmosphere, amen.
11:11 And as much as we kind of scramble
11:13 and we hear last minute that's a--there is a guest
11:15 that's gonna be coming in the next few minutes.
11:17 Oh, put all of the stuff under the bed.
11:18 You guys have done that before.
11:20 Don't raise your hand.
11:23 You know, that's kind of similar, where
11:25 that's gonna comes to the-- the coming of Christ, you know.
11:27 We have to get our houses in order.
11:29 We have to get our homes in order.
11:31 And I think the Bible is kind of like the manual
11:34 that teaches you and I how to get our homes in order
11:38 for the second coming of Christ.
11:40 And the reason why this is such a critical point
11:42 is because you know, ever since
11:43 I've started working as a pastor.
11:45 I've realized that the number one issue
11:48 that I have found.
11:50 Maybe there's another season pastor
11:51 that's been working that has a lot more experience.
11:53 Maybe, I haven't tapped into that person's insight,
11:56 but at least right now where I'm at in my ministry,
11:59 I see that the number one issue,
12:02 99.9% of the issues in my churches,
12:06 I see to be a home issue, amen.
12:12 That somehow is transferred into the board meetings, amen.
12:16 That has transferred into the committee meetings.
12:18 That has transferred into the different,
12:20 you know, things that we do at church.
12:22 And that's what I believe that if we understand
12:24 the science of the home, if we understand
12:26 how to get our homes on fire for the Lord.
12:28 I think the whole-- getting our church on fire
12:30 is just kind of the product, the second product
12:34 of that initial plan.
12:36 So I want to invite you to open your Bibles to Revelation 12.
12:39 Because Revelation 12, of course,
12:41 there's always-- the Bible has good news.
12:43 But the good news is only as good as the bad news is bad.
12:48 In the Revelation 12, what we see is that the Bible
12:50 is kind of unveiling, revealing, exposing an enemy
12:57 that is trying to attack not only the church,
13:01 but fundamentally that is attacking our homes.
13:04 And in Revelation 12, when you're in Revelation 12,
13:07 say a loud amen, please. Amen.
13:08 Revelation 12 beginning in verse 17, very popular text.
13:12 The Bible tells us the dragon was enraged with the women.
13:16 By the way the subtitle of preparing
13:18 your home for the second coming.
13:19 This is part one by the way.
13:21 The subtitle for this would be,
13:22 when the dragon knocks on your door, okay.
13:25 It sounds like a horror flick, but isn't, amen.
13:29 Verse 17, "And the dragon was enraged
13:33 with the woman, and he went to make war
13:36 with the rest of her offspring,
13:38 who keep the commandments of God
13:40 and have the testimony of Jesus Christ."
13:43 The Bible tells us in Revelation 12,
13:44 that the dragon who if you read earlier in Revelation 12.
13:48 It is identified as that old serpents
13:51 called the devil and Satan is enraged with the woman.
13:55 Now Bible students, what does the woman
13:56 represent in Bible prophecy?
13:58 The church. So the dragon is angry at the church,
14:03 because he's angry at the church,
14:05 he wants to attack the church.
14:06 Now let me ask you this question.
14:08 When you consider the church, what is the church?
14:10 What is the church made up of?
14:13 They're made of people. You guys are very good.
14:14 You guys are good bunch this morning.
14:17 The church is made up of people,
14:18 but generally speaking, if you notice the people
14:20 that come into your church they--at times not always,
14:23 but at times they come in units.
14:26 Have you noticed that?
14:28 Sometimes they come in units not always,
14:29 'cause sometimes some people get there earlier than others,
14:31 but that's a whole another seminar for another day,
14:34 getting to church on time.
14:38 I'm gonna resist the temptation
14:40 of deviating from my presentation.
14:42 So when you look at church and when you see people
14:44 coming into the Sabbath school program etcetera.
14:46 You see them coming in by units, yeah.
14:49 What do we normally call these units?
14:52 We call them families, right.
14:54 And these families usually spend
14:57 the bulk amount of time together where?
15:02 At home. Yeah, in a house,
15:07 which if you actually study carefully
15:09 what the Bible teaches, it's actually
15:11 a little church, amen.
15:15 That's why the father or the husband
15:18 is referred to as the priest.
15:21 Now where do priest usually hang out at?
15:24 They hang out in sanctuaries, right?
15:25 They hang out in temples.
15:27 They hang out in tabernacles.
15:29 So if the father or the husband
15:31 is called the priest of the home,
15:33 well, then that must mean that the home is really a sanctuary.
15:38 The home really is a tabernacle.
15:40 The home really is a temple.
15:43 But let me ask you a question?
15:45 How many of us treat our homes like a sanctuary?
15:52 How many of us treat our homes like a temple?
15:55 How many of us treat our home like a tabernacle?
15:57 Not really, right.
15:58 We usually-- we rarely consider
16:00 our homes being a place of sacred and holiness, yeah.
16:05 I think this is the fundamental issue
16:07 that we're having in having issues
16:10 and problems in our church.
16:13 We need to rediscover what the home is.
16:16 In fact some secular, interesting,
16:18 secular historians have considered
16:20 that when they have investigated
16:22 some of the--the worst epochs of earth's history.
16:26 When they've seen the disintegration of culture
16:29 and disintegration of civilization,
16:31 they've actually tied that to the disintegration of the home.
16:37 So what they've seen, they've shown these
16:38 made connections to some of the worst times,
16:41 some of the worst eras in earth's history.
16:44 And they've seen that the reason why it's been a negative outflow
16:49 or negative manifestation or negative expression
16:52 is because all of that was rooted into the home.
16:56 The Bible tells us in Revelation 12,
16:58 that the dragon is trying to attack the church.
17:01 But ladies and gentlemen, we have just identified
17:03 that the church is nothing more than people
17:05 who come in by units.
17:07 Yeah, that we call families that spend
17:10 the bulk of their time at home.
17:13 So if the devil is gonna do a successful job
17:15 in attacking the church or the woman
17:17 which unfortunately he's doing a pretty good job.
17:20 He's gonna do so-- not so much bringing
17:23 his weaponry, all of his bullets
17:26 and all of his grenades at church, amen.
17:29 He's gonna focus primarily on bringing
17:31 his grenades in the home, because if he can conquer
17:36 your home ladies and gentlemen, he conquers the church.
17:40 So that's why we need to be more vigilant
17:42 when we come home than when we actually go to church.
17:46 And that's where I believe, we need to rediscover
17:48 and we need to really take into consideration
17:51 where the spirituality and what condition
17:54 our homes are in.
17:56 In Revelation 12, earlier in the chapter,
17:58 the dragon was trying to take out Jesus at His birth,
18:01 if you read carefully.
18:03 But of course, he was unsuccessful.
18:05 And when you look at the earthly ministry of Christ,
18:07 you always see the dragon
18:08 trying to take Jesus out in different scenarios.
18:11 At His birth, he tried through Herod, unsuccessful.
18:13 He tried again in the wilderness, unsuccessful.
18:16 And I like to think that the dragon was crouching
18:18 in the Garden of Gethsemane as he was trying
18:20 to discourage Christ to deviate from the plan of salvation.
18:25 And the Bible tells us in Revelation 12
18:26 that the man-child was caught up to heaven.
18:29 And of course, that's referring to the resurrection.
18:30 So the dragon was unsuccessful
18:33 in taking out Jesus in Revelation 12.
18:36 So the dragon now has shifted his target from Christ,
18:42 because now he's no longer capable of attacking Christ
18:45 to attacking the object of God's affection.
18:49 And that of course, is none other than the church.
18:52 We're told that the church is God's appointed agency
18:56 for the salvation of souls.
18:57 We're told that the church is the most important community
19:02 that God regards on planet earth.
19:04 So obviously the devil is going to try to attach
19:07 that which is in Christ's consideration,
19:12 the most important group of individuals.
19:15 The devil is not going to knock on your door and saying,
19:20 "Hello I'm the devil.
19:23 I'm here to take you out."
19:26 That would be kind of little bit obvious, no.
19:29 The Bible tells us that the devil is cunning,
19:32 yeah, he's clever.
19:33 So he's not gonna come to you as an enemy.
19:36 He's going to masquerade himself as a friend.
19:40 And unfortunately, I see that the devil
19:42 has been a very, very effective
19:44 in masquerading himself as a friend.
19:47 You see, when you look at the dragon's tactics
19:49 throughout earth's history.
19:50 During the dark ages
19:52 how was it that the dragon attacked the church?
19:55 Persecution. We read so many
19:58 different accounts of many, many martyrs
19:59 that were burnt at the stake.
20:01 Many, many martyrs that suffered
20:02 through the pains of the wracks, right.
20:05 In a different torture instruments
20:07 that were being used to put away the heretics.
20:11 So the dragon the way that he dealt
20:12 with that is he attacked the church from the outside.
20:16 But he realized that there was a problem.
20:18 Because for every martyr that he would assassinate,
20:20 10 martyrs were being revived.
20:22 In fact, I think it's a story of John Calvin,
20:24 I forget the details where he literally--
20:26 he was probably 12 or 13 years old.
20:28 I forget my details, don't quote me on that.
20:30 He was probably a little boy.
20:31 When he was witnessing the death of a martyr,
20:34 who was burned at the stake.
20:35 And it was that experience that actually launched
20:40 John Calvin's inspiration to begin the work,
20:42 continues the work of reform.
20:44 So the dragon's like, wait a second,
20:46 this is not working out.
20:47 We're attacking the church from the outside
20:48 and they're only multiplying faster.
20:51 So the dragon had to shift gears from attacking the church
20:56 from the outside, from now attacking
20:58 the church from the inside.
21:01 And I believe that he's even shifted again.
21:03 He says, "No, no, no this is not as effective."
21:05 We shouldn't be attacking the church in the sanctuary.
21:09 We shouldn't be attacking the church there in potluck.
21:12 We shouldn't be attacking the church in the pulpit.
21:15 We need to attack the church when the church is,
21:20 when they have their guard down.
21:23 And when does that usually happen ladies and gentlemen?
21:25 When we're at church?
21:26 No, that usually happens when we're at home.
21:32 How many of you remember the story of the Trojans?
21:34 The Battle of Troy.
21:36 If you remember carefully and of course,
21:38 there's many different versions and variations of the story,
21:40 but traditionally that the Greeks
21:42 were trying to take over the city of Troy for 10 years,
21:45 you know, 10 years plus, unsuccessful.
21:48 So finally, what did they do in order
21:50 to take over the city of Troy?
21:52 They've built a wooden horse, right, the Trojan Horse.
21:55 And of course, this is a common phrase
21:57 used for a different gimmicks
21:59 and different little trickery schemes.
22:01 But the Trojan Horse legend, of course,
22:04 is known for this big giant wooden horse
22:08 that was constructed by the Greeks
22:09 and inside the Trojan Horse
22:13 there was about 30 to 40 soldiers.
22:15 And there was about two or three in the part of the mouth, right.
22:18 And as this--this horse was kind of passing
22:21 the gates to the city of Troy.
22:23 It was supposed to be a gift, right.
22:25 Kind of like a truce, we're at peace, right.
22:28 Let's put all this strife behind this and it is fascinating.
22:32 Because when you read that story,
22:33 it is not until the sun went down that the Trojans
22:41 or the Trojan Horse rather, finally the soldiers,
22:44 the Greek soldiers came out of the Trojan horse
22:47 and they conquered the city of Troy that night.
22:50 They didn't do it during daylight, right.
22:52 'Cause then everybody obviously would be alert,
22:54 they would be vigilant.
22:55 They waited for the sun to go down
22:58 when everybody was asleep and their guard was down,
23:00 because they knew that, that is when the Trojans
23:03 would be the most vulnerable for defeat.
23:07 Ladies and gentlemen, I believe that the dragon
23:10 when he knocks on our door, he subtly
23:12 puts Trojan horses into our homes.
23:16 And unfortunately, those Trojan horses
23:17 that he introduces into our home are not empty.
23:20 They are filled with many different influences.
23:24 Should I say many different soldiers
23:26 that he has that are there dedicated
23:29 for the spiritual ruin of God's people.
23:32 The dragon is knocking on our doors
23:33 and so many Trojan horses are coming in
23:35 and we don't even realize it.
23:36 And just like the Greeks waited until sundown.
23:41 I think one of the biggest times that the Satan
23:43 takes advantage of God's people is after sundown, right.
23:50 He's not gonna attack you on the Sabbath hours, right.
23:53 Because that's when we have--
23:54 we have our best clothing on, right.
23:57 We're in the Sabbath mode.
23:58 We're talking the right talks.
23:59 We're saying the right things.
24:01 We're doing the right things, some of us, amen.
24:04 Some of you go home and do lay activities, right.
24:06 You lay down and asleep.
24:08 But the devil, the dragon waits
24:12 for you to go home after sundown.
24:16 And if you are gentlemen,
24:17 he waits for you to loosen your tie.
24:21 And if you're a lady, he waits for you to take your heels off.
24:26 And that's when-- I don't know what it is, right.
24:28 You know what's that?
24:29 Suddenly you take your-- you loosen your tie gentlemen.
24:32 All of a sudden, you just become like, oh, right.
24:35 Become just unkind for some reason.
24:38 And ladies, I'm not gonna say
24:39 anything about the ladies, amen.
24:41 I don't want to get into trouble.
24:42 But you take the heels the off and you know,
24:44 you know, that is, all right.
24:45 So the devil is focusing primarily
24:48 when God's people put their guard down.
24:53 And that is when arguments take place in the home, yeah.
24:56 That is when Trojan horses
24:58 come in and it's unsupervised by God's people.
25:00 And ladies and gentlemen, I believe that the reason
25:02 why our church and this is,
25:05 of course, it's corporately speaking.
25:07 We're talking about, you know, every church
25:08 is kind of struggling, spiritually speaking.
25:10 It is because the devil has foothold in our homes.
25:14 He has foothold in our
25:15 living rooms, in the conversations.
25:18 The former Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev
25:21 reportedly told the following story
25:22 to teach the need for vigilance.
25:25 At a time when there was a wave
25:27 of petty theft in the USSR, the story goes.
25:30 The Soviet authorities put guards
25:31 at many of the state-owned factories.
25:34 At one of the timber works in Leningrad
25:36 the guard knew the workers very, very well.
25:38 The first evening, I can't pronounce
25:40 his name very well, Pyotr Petrovich came out
25:43 with a wheelbarrow and, on the wheelbarrow,
25:46 a great bulky sack with a suspicious-
25:48 looking object inside.
25:50 And the guard approach Petrovich and he says,
25:52 "Come on, Petrovich.
25:54 What have you got there?"
25:56 Petrovich says, "Just sawdust and shavings."
25:59 The guard said, "Come on, I wasn't born yesterday.
26:01 Tip it out."
26:03 Petrovich did, and out came nothing
26:04 but sawdust and shavings.
26:06 So he was allowed to put it all back again and go home.
26:09 The same thing happened every night all week,
26:12 and the guard was getting extremely frustrated.
26:14 Finally his curiosity overcame his frustration.
26:17 The guard said, "Petrovich, I know you.
26:19 Tell me what you're smuggling out of here,
26:21 and I'll let you go."
26:22 Petrovich responded, "Wheelbarrows."
26:27 Clever, amen. I believe that the devil
26:31 is smuggling into our homes wheelbarrows, amen.
26:35 And in the process of being vigilance for some reason,
26:38 he's caught us off guard
26:40 and that is why he's made his way into our homes.
26:44 Is it possible that the dragon is smuggling things
26:46 into your home without you even knowing it?
26:50 Is it possible that right now you're experiencing
26:53 a particular spiritual obstacle in your life
26:57 that is keeping you, is inhibiting you
26:59 from going to the next level?
27:01 Ladies and gentlemen, don't attack the pastor, amen.
27:05 Don't attack the elders. Amen.
27:08 Go to your living room
27:10 and attack your living room, amen.
27:13 We have to assess ourselves and ask ourselves a question,
27:17 "Where are we in our spiritual walk?"
27:19 I want to invite you to open
27:21 your Bibles to the Book of Deuteronomy.
27:22 Deuteronomy is in the Old Testament,
27:24 of course, and in Deuteronomy 6.
27:27 We read a fascinating text
27:29 that teaches us kind of an interesting principle
27:31 of being vigilant, yeah, particularly
27:34 in our homes and in our family circles.
27:37 Deuteronomy 6 and when you're there, please say amen.
27:42 Amen. And in verse 4,
27:43 we have the popular text that what they call the Shema, right.
27:47 Shema Yisrael, Yehowah, Elohainoo, Yehowah aichod.
27:52 "Hear, O Israel,
27:53 the Lord our God, the Lord is one.
27:56 You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart,
27:58 with all your soul and with all your strength.
28:00 And these words which I command you today
28:01 shall be in your heart.
28:03 You shall teach them diligently to your children,
28:05 and shall talk of them when you sit in your," where?
28:08 "House. When you walk by the way,
28:10 when you lie down, and when you rise.
28:12 You shall bind them as a sign on your hand,
28:15 and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes."
28:17 Notice verse 9, "You shall write them on," where?
28:21 "The doorposts of your house and on your gates."
28:26 Now ladies and gentlemen, I'm not suggesting
28:28 that immediately after this presentation
28:30 that you run over to a Christian book store
28:32 and you get one of those little placards
28:35 in front of your doorpost and then all of your problems
28:37 are gonna disintegrate, amen. Amen.
28:39 If that's what you think,
28:40 you've misunderstood the point, amen.
28:42 This is talking about a spiritual principle
28:44 that the teachings of God's word,
28:45 amen--needs to be at the front of our doorpost, yeah.
28:51 The Jews were particularly instructed
28:53 that this is exactly what they need to do.
28:54 In fact, you run over to chapter 11,
28:56 you're there in chapter 6,
28:57 run over to chapter 11 and it takes us
28:59 to the next level in verse 18.
29:01 Deuteronomy 11:18, "Therefore, you shall
29:03 lay up lay up these words of mine
29:04 in your heart and in your soul, and you bind them as a sign
29:06 on your hand, they shall be as frontlets between your eyes.
29:09 You shall teach them to your children,
29:11 speaking of them when you are sitting in your house,
29:13 when you walk by the way,
29:15 and when you lie down, and when you rise.
29:16 And you shall write them on the--" Where?
29:18 "Doorpost of your house and on your gates," why?
29:22 "That your days and the days of your children may be," what?
29:25 "Multiplied in the land which the Lord
29:27 swore to your fathers to give them,
29:29 like the days of the heavens above the earth.
29:32 For if you carefully keep all these commandments
29:34 which I command you to do, to love the Lord your God,
29:36 to walk in all His ways and to hold fast to him.
29:39 Then the Lord will drive out
29:40 all of these nations from before you.
29:42 And you will dispossess greater
29:44 and mightier nations than yourselves.
29:46 Every place on which the sole of your foot treads
29:48 shall be yours from the wilderness.
29:50 And Lebanon from the River and the river Euphrates,
29:53 even to the western sea shall be your territory.
29:55 No man shall be able to stand against you,
29:56 the Lord your God will put the dread of you
29:58 and the fear of you upon all land
30:00 where you tread just as he has set to you."
30:02 Isn't that fascinating?
30:04 Deuteronomy 11, God is counseling His people.
30:06 He says listen, "Do you want to have victory?
30:08 Do you want to take over nations?
30:10 Do you want to dispossess those enemies of God
30:13 and take over the lands that God has promised you?
30:16 Notice He doesn't tell them to go and get artillery, amen.
30:20 He doesn't tell them to go get guns.
30:21 He doesn't go and tell them,
30:23 okay, now develop a good art of war.
30:25 No. He simply says start, where?
30:29 Start in your house.
30:31 He says, "Go home teach the very things
30:34 that you believe to your children."
30:36 And He says "put it in your doorpost
30:38 in the front of your gates.
30:40 If you do this, He says, "I will dispossess the nations."
30:43 I believe that there're forces, there're spiritual nations
30:46 that are dominating our homes, amen.
30:48 There are Canaanites in our homes.
30:50 There are Jebusites in our living rooms
30:53 that need to be dispossess
30:54 and the only way we can do this, my friends,
30:57 is if we resurrect the spirit of spirituality in our homes.
31:01 One of those things that we need to do
31:03 is resurrect the spirit of family worship, amen.
31:06 By the way there's an art
31:07 that's almost extinct these days.
31:09 And we wonder why are young people,
31:11 when they come to church they're, right?
31:14 Or they're texting away.
31:15 Well, the reason why, it's very simple,
31:17 is because we're not training them in the home.
31:20 So they come to church, this is weird.
31:22 What is this preachy preacher talking about?
31:25 What is all of these holy people doing? You follow?
31:28 Where as if we train them during the week, they come like,
31:30 "Oh, I remember reading this on Tuesday.
31:32 Mom was reading about this.
31:33 Oh, yeah, we were just praying for just so and so."
31:36 You follow? It's a part of life now.
31:38 But what happens is our young people come to church,
31:40 they're not trained and then they act the way they act,
31:43 because they're products of their environment,
31:44 i.e. their home.
31:46 And then we attack them, yeah, for not living up
31:49 to an unrealistic expectation
31:50 that we have imposed upon them. Amen.
31:53 And that's why our young people
31:54 are living the church left and right, why,
31:56 because the home is not what it supposed to be.
32:00 And we're told that the home used to be
32:01 a training center. Amen.
32:04 To be learn how to live in the home above.
32:09 And that's why God, and that's where the devil is,
32:12 there's a war between these two things.
32:14 And when you read about Exodus 12,
32:15 won't go there for the sake of time.
32:17 But when you read Exodus 12, during the plagues,
32:19 you remember the last plague?
32:20 What was the last plague about?
32:23 It was death of the firstborn, yeah.
32:25 How are God's people going to be spare from this plague?
32:29 They have to get a lamb. They have to get the blood.
32:32 And where did they have to apply the blood,
32:34 ladies and gentlemen?
32:36 Doorpost of where? Of their homes.
32:39 Deuteronomy, we see that the word of God
32:40 needs to be at the doorpost of our homes.
32:42 Number two, we see that the Book of Exodus tells us
32:44 that the blood of the lamb needs to be
32:46 dripping from our homes, amen.
32:49 And the Bible tells us that the destroyer
32:51 would pass over that home.
32:54 I think you're making the applications already.
32:55 I don't even need to do it.
32:57 In other words, when our homes are founded
32:59 upon the word of God, amen.
33:01 And when our homes are washed in the blood?
33:04 God is going to pass over the plagues upon our homes.
33:08 Remember the question is preparation.
33:11 How do we prepare our homes for the second coming of Christ?
33:14 Deuteronomy and Exodus teach us
33:16 some of the foundational principles.
33:18 Our homes need to be the place
33:21 where the word of God is meditated upon, amen.
33:24 Is read out loud amongst the presence of family members.
33:28 And the blood of Jesus needs to be
33:30 magnified and exalted in our homes.
33:32 When the devil comes, when the dragon comes
33:34 knocking on the door and he sees blood
33:37 and he sees the word of God, what do you think,
33:39 he's gonna do, ladies and gentlemen? Run.
33:40 It's like you know what?
33:42 I think I got the wrong address, let me.
33:47 If the home is full of the Spirit of God,
33:50 if the home is full of reverence,
33:53 the church will be full of all these things.
33:55 There's a lot talk about reverence in the church, right?
33:58 It's very simple.
33:59 The reason why there is irreverence in the church
34:01 is because there is irreverence in the home, right?
34:06 The reason why is because we have not trained ourselves
34:08 to be in the company of angels.
34:11 We don't know how to behave in the midst of holiness,
34:14 hence when we come to church we bring the vulgarity, yeah,
34:18 and we bring the earthliness into the church setting
34:20 and that's why it's irreverent.
34:22 So many times we attack
34:23 and we try to create reverence in the church when really--
34:25 Obviously we need to do the best that we can to do that.
34:27 But the point is that, it doesn't start in the church,
34:30 it starts in the home and that's what we need to do.
34:32 We need to reconsider our approaches
34:34 when we deal with these things.
34:36 How many of you remember the encounter
34:37 that Moses had with the God of Israel,
34:39 out in the desert?
34:40 The burning bush, remember that?
34:43 What did the burning bush say?
34:46 Take the sandals off of your feet, why?
34:50 Because where you're standing is holy ground.
34:53 Now let me ask you a question. Where was Moses?
34:57 Was Moses at the burning bush, Christian fellowship?
35:02 You follow? Was that a church?
35:05 Was he at camp meeting? No.
35:09 He was literally out in the middle of nowhere,
35:11 but the reason why God told him to take his sandals off
35:14 is because the presence of God made that ground holy.
35:20 Ladies and gentlemen, what I'm submitting to you
35:22 this day is that I believe
35:23 that we need to take our sandals off of our feet
35:27 when we enter into our homes.
35:28 Now we had to do that literally speaking
35:30 when I grew up, so it's not that difficult,
35:32 because we always used to play in the mud.
35:34 And my Mom said, "No, no, you are not walking
35:36 in this house with that stuff in here, right?
35:39 You guys, how many of you, am I the only one?
35:41 'Cause we used to play a lot of football,
35:42 we used to play a lot of sports.
35:44 My Mom's like, "No, no, no, no, take your shoes off," right.
35:46 Spiritually speaking, we need to do the same things.
35:48 Because life unfortunately in the process of life
35:51 while we're wearing our spiritual shoes,
35:53 we tend to pick up some of the earthliness
35:55 in the soles of our feet, right.
35:58 And when we come into our homes,
35:59 we bring the earthliness into the home
36:01 rather than taking our shoes obviously.
36:03 Woo, woo, this is the sanctuary of the home.
36:05 This is holy ground.
36:08 And we need to treat this place with reverence.
36:10 And ladies and gentlemen, that's where I believe
36:12 the devil is being so successful.
36:16 The presence of royalty changes the atmosphere.
36:20 Is it possible we have lost this presence in our home?
36:23 The same one who said, take your shoes off to Moses
36:25 is asking us today to do the same. Amen.
36:28 And I believe that if we take our shoes off
36:30 spiritually speaking, we would be more respectful in the home.
36:33 There will be more love in the home.
36:35 There will be more grace in the home.
36:37 It would be a little heaven on earth.
36:38 And when we have visitors, wow, they wouldn't want to leave.
36:42 I became acquainted with the teachings of the Bible,
36:46 I became a Christian,
36:47 I became a Seventh day Adventist Christian,
36:49 because of somebody's home.
36:52 It wasn't in evangelistic campaign,
36:54 it wasn't a fancy evangelist, it wasn't a great preacher,
36:56 it wasn't a wonderful camp meeting such as this.
36:59 It was simply a father who took his experience
37:04 with God very seriously
37:06 and who dedicated a lot of time out of his very busy schedule,
37:10 father of five children to teach me, my two brothers,
37:13 my brother's two roommates and another friend.
37:18 And because of the home circle,
37:20 because as I walked into that home,
37:21 I felt like I was walking into another planet.
37:24 I said, "Where did these people come from?"
37:28 You know, like, "Who are these people?"
37:30 I remember the first time we visited them.
37:31 We had our first vegetarian meal in my life.
37:34 And it was amazing.
37:35 I always thought vegetarian basically was just,
37:36 you know, grass and water, you know.
37:40 And I was like, "Wow, this food is amazing.
37:43 Vegetarian have it all right. It's not that difficult."
37:45 You know, I grew up very carnivorous, you know.
37:47 In my home anything that moved you, it was lunch.
37:51 You know, throw out in the microwave.
37:52 What is it? Don't ask just eat it, right.
37:55 So when I went to this home, it was just so--it was just--
37:58 there was an aura,
37:59 there was an atmosphere of peace in this home
38:02 and it was a very committed family of God.
38:06 And they were literally modeling,
38:08 how to be a Christian without them even realizing it.
38:13 And out of that home.
38:15 By the way, I went to--
38:16 I call it the institute of evangelism,
38:21 The Johnson Institute of Evangelism.
38:23 It's the family that taught me the Bible,
38:25 their names is Johnsons, Mike and Sherrylynn Johnson,
38:28 they live in Washington state now.
38:30 And as they taught me the scriptures
38:32 that was my introduction to the word of God,
38:34 that was my seminary, amen.
38:36 It was at dinner table and there we were,
38:38 there were only six students though,
38:39 so the tuition was pretty low, but that's all right.
38:42 So there were six of us, and we had Bible studies.
38:46 And I observe them the way they talked to each other,
38:49 I observe their recreation,
38:53 I observe their humor,
38:57 I observe at the things that they laughed at,
38:59 I observe at the things that they said.
39:01 All of this was education to me
39:03 as what it means to be a Christian.
39:06 And on top of that they taught me
39:07 about the most incredible book on the planet
39:08 which is the Bible.
39:10 And we would have Bible studies 4, 5 times a week.
39:14 Not for 30, 40 minutes, for like 3, 4 hours.
39:17 Our Bibles says-- you know, they teach us,
39:18 you know, I went
39:20 to the Mission College of Evangelism
39:21 directed by Louis Torres.
39:23 And we're taught, you know, when you go to somebody's home,
39:24 you know, prepare something around 10, 15 verses,
39:26 don't over do it, 'cause, you know, the time you spend.
39:27 No, we didn't do none of that.
39:29 Okay, we--my teacher went 35, 40 Bible text
39:33 and we literally just emerged immersed ourselves in the word.
39:38 After 4, 5 months, 6 young people,
39:43 who had very, very little connections with God
39:46 were baptize into the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
39:48 Why? Because there was a home that was living up
39:53 to the expectation and the standard.
39:56 This presentation has a very, very personal--
39:59 I have very, very emotional connections
40:00 and appreciation to it,
40:02 because I am a product
40:03 of what I'd like to call home evangelism.
40:06 Where somebody open their home,
40:08 not only did they teaches the theory of truth,
40:10 they exemplified the truth,
40:13 but they also loved us, accepted us,
40:15 and they basically treated us as one of their own.
40:19 And when you look at some of the fastest growing--
40:22 some countries where the--
40:24 where the church is growing the fastest
40:25 Africa, South America and some third world countries.
40:28 It is fascinating that the fundamental method
40:31 of evangelism is not necessarily a 30 day prophecy seminar,
40:36 did you know that?
40:37 It's actually a living room.
40:42 There was about 5 or 6 people, a guitar, the Bible,
40:47 and of course, a lot of food, amen.
40:49 That always melts the eyes.
40:52 When you look at the fact where the church
40:54 is growing the fastest, ladies and gentlemen,
40:56 it is because Christians are using their homes
41:00 as a vehicle to shed the light.
41:03 And I believe we need to develop or resurrect
41:06 this concept of the home circle in our day and age.
41:11 What is it that God wants you to do in your home?
41:15 Are you the priest of your home?
41:18 What are the Trojan horses
41:19 that the devil is introducing into your house?
41:23 There are many, many different ways
41:25 that the dragon can get into our homes.
41:26 I remember, listen to a story.
41:27 I was at a ministerial retreat
41:29 and one of the ministers was actually sharing
41:31 about a case with his son.
41:33 His son, of course, born and raise in the church,
41:35 went through Sabbath school, pathfinders, you name it.
41:37 And all of the sudden, out of the blue
41:39 the son started having insane nightmares.
41:43 And the father, the pastor says,
41:44 you know, we don't watch any horror movies.
41:48 We're not involved in none of these things,
41:50 why are you having nightmares?
41:52 But then after dialoging with his son,
41:55 he finally discovered, he finally realized
41:56 that his son had a friend in school that lends him a book.
42:03 And this book was kind of like, book about magic,
42:06 you know, book about different things, right.
42:10 And his son started reading it,
42:13 didn't think much of it
42:15 and just kind of throw it in his closet.
42:18 And the title of the book was "Harry Potter."
42:23 And the father says, you mean to tell me,
42:25 you've read Harry--you've been reading "Harry Potter?"
42:26 He says, "Well, yeah, just a little bit."
42:28 See the son didn't really know about it,
42:29 but the father knew.
42:31 He says, "Where is that book?" It's in the closet.
42:32 That mean you have the book in this house right now? Yes.
42:35 So the father went into the closet,
42:38 found the book and immediately destroyed it.
42:42 That was the end of the nightmares,
42:44 ladies and gentlemen.
42:45 Father realized there was a Trojan horse in the house,
42:48 he did something about it, amen. Amen.
42:51 And because of that there was a restoration in the house.
42:54 I remember when I went to South America,
42:56 the first time I went to do an evangelistic campaign.
42:58 We went to visit a family with a pastor.
43:00 And the pastor is down there visiting machines, amen.
43:04 They start like 5 in the morning and finish up midnight.
43:06 Wow, it's incredible. Every time I go down there, I'm amazed.
43:09 We're visiting a family and the pastor,
43:11 after the visit he tells me that this family is related
43:13 to another family that underwent a very tragic experience.
43:18 This family, father, elder in the church,
43:20 mother, deaconess, heavily involved in the church.
43:22 This--they had one child.
43:24 And the child at one particular point in his life
43:28 probably 7, 8, 9 years old got a hold of a game,
43:34 got a hold of a board game.
43:37 You may have heard of it.
43:39 It's called the VG board.
43:42 Parents totally oblivious with.
43:44 The son started messing around with it,
43:45 started playing with it.
43:48 And all of the sudden,
43:49 the board started giving the son messages,
43:53 telling him to do certain things.
43:55 One of the things that the board told him
43:56 to do was to hang himself.
43:59 And one particular evening
44:02 the mother was finishing supper preparations
44:06 and she called out the name of the son. No answer.
44:09 She called out the name of the son. No answer.
44:12 So she finally worked her way into the room.
44:15 She walked into the room and she didn't see anything.
44:18 She said, "Well, where is he?"
44:19 She went to the bathroom. Nothing.
44:20 She went back into the room just to make sure
44:22 that she wasn't confused.
44:24 And she looked around and she noticed that
44:25 the closet door was a little bit open
44:27 but not completely.
44:29 She finally opens the closet
44:30 and what she sees is she sees her 7, 8, 9 year old son
44:36 hanging on a belt in the closet.
44:41 The mother like any normal person of course,
44:44 would literally loose their mind, panic,
44:46 she panic, she yelled.
44:48 She immediately went to the legs of the son
44:50 and she pulled him up to undo the pressure, undid the belt.
44:55 Finally she called her husband,
44:56 she called the pastors, she called everybody
44:58 and they finally were able to get him breathing.
45:02 They took him to the hospital. They waited.
45:05 The doctors came out and they said,
45:07 "We have good news and very bad news.
45:09 The good news is that your son is gonna survive,
45:12 he's gonna be all right.
45:13 The bad news is that your son spends so much time
45:16 hanging that it kept oxygen from going into his brain.
45:21 Your son will never be the same.
45:23 Your son is going to be basically handicapped.
45:27 And the son, he's probably in his 20s right now
45:30 has never been the same.
45:32 Tied to a wheelchair.
45:34 Father elder, mother deaconess, why?
45:37 Because the devil introduced a Trojan horse into the home,
45:40 yeah, it was unobserved by the parents.
45:45 It got somehow access
45:46 into a very integral part of the child's life
45:51 and it has impacted the child forever.
45:55 What are the Trojan horses that God is telling you
45:58 to located and to destroy?
46:02 What are the Trojan horses that you have in your home today?
46:06 I remember before I became a Christian,
46:07 me and my brother Jeffery would listen,
46:09 oh, at night, we couldn't sleep at night.
46:11 We would toss and turn, so what did we do.
46:13 Instead of putting John Lomacang, amen.
46:18 We will put other stuff and I won't even name the content.
46:23 All throughout the night, we put the music on repeat, yeah,
46:25 and then we would wakeup angry at each other.
46:28 Is there a reason why?
46:29 Well, of course, 'cause you're feeding junk into your brain
46:32 all throughout the night
46:33 and you're awaking up basically a monster,
46:36 a Trojan horse in my experience.
46:39 You know, even in our recreation,
46:41 even in our entertainments,
46:43 if we would do a careful analysis of our DVD collections,
46:47 what would be the content,
46:49 what would be the philosophies
46:51 that our DVDs are portraying or communicating?
46:53 Did you know that DVDs are philosophies?
46:54 Did you know that? Every film is a philosophy.
46:57 And I'm not here to say every film is bad,
46:59 I'm not here to, you know, be a TV police officer,
47:03 that's not my purpose.
47:04 I'm simply here to address a very, very important factor
47:08 that we have maybe lot sight of
47:11 and that is an assessments of what contents
47:15 do we posses in our homes that maybe
47:17 or completely out of line with the message of Christ. Amen.
47:24 And our young people video games.
47:25 Now they don't watch movies, they play video games,
47:27 'cause you could be part of the movie.
47:29 When you play video games, you're in the movie, right.
47:32 Have you notice that in our generation,
47:33 our young people can't even really have
47:35 a decent conversation with each other.
47:37 The reason why is because they're so immerse
47:40 into fantasies, so immerse into video games
47:43 that they're basically, the video game continues
47:45 even when they turned the video game off.
47:48 They're still living in a fantasy world
47:49 and it's so difficult to have
47:51 a meaningful intelligent conversation
47:53 with our young people today. Simply why?
47:55 Because they have overindulged themselves
48:00 in unrealistic things, yeah,
48:03 and it has literally swamped and it has taken out
48:07 all the spirituality that should be in there instead.
48:10 Games like Resident Evil, which is a bestseller.
48:13 Games like Doom, where it's basically
48:15 you're literally carrying weapons
48:17 and you're shooting people.
48:18 And then we wonder why our high school kids
48:21 go to school with real guns.
48:23 And actually play out that which they're playing at home.
48:27 Again, a Trojan horse that we actually buy,
48:31 we don't even--it's not something that it comes to us,
48:35 it's actually something that we go to it
48:37 and at times we're willing to pay.
48:38 All I'm saying is that we need
48:40 to really be careful at the things.
48:41 And it's not-- sometimes it's not even things,
48:43 sometimes its attitudes.
48:45 What Trojan horse attitudes are you brining into your home?
48:47 Maybe it's just a bad attitude. Maybe it's gossip.
48:50 Maybe after church, you're coming to your homes
48:52 and you're talking about everybody else's problems
48:54 at home in the presence of your children.
48:58 And you're basically training your children
49:00 to basically gossip and perpetuate
49:03 everybody else's bad laundry.
49:05 All of these things, my friends,
49:07 just perpetuates the fundamental problems
49:10 that we have at church,
49:11 not only at church, but even in our society.
49:13 I believe that if we have a revival in the home,
49:15 not only will it revive our churches,
49:17 it will literally revive our entire communities. Amen.
49:21 The home is the epicenter of culture.
49:24 And if we can save our homes,
49:26 I believe we can save our neighborhoods as well.
49:30 Is the dragon knocking on your door?
49:34 Is he ringing your doorbell?
49:35 We'll have good news, 'cause in Revelation 3,
49:37 there's somebody else that's also knocking on your door.
49:41 There's two people that are trying
49:42 to get into your home, amen.
49:44 And they're playing for keeps. Revelation 3.
49:50 And as you go in Revelation 3, another story has reminded.
49:55 I remember when I was working as a Bible worker
49:56 in Brooklyn in New York City.
49:58 Anybody from New York City here?
50:01 We have one person from New York City,
50:02 well, actually few.
50:04 I remember I was in Brooklyn
50:05 and there is a particular area in Brooklyn
50:07 where it feels like you're not in the United States.
50:10 You know what I'm talking about?
50:12 Because you smell pasta and you see people
50:16 on the corner of the street talking like this.
50:18 You know what I'm talking about?
50:20 Is the Italian area that's where I actually was working,
50:22 you know, I was working in that area,
50:23 along with the Russian Orthodox Jewish neighbor.
50:26 New York City is a fascinating place
50:27 if you've ever been there.
50:30 So I was working in the Brooklyn area
50:31 and going knocking on doors and I met a particular lady
50:34 who was Italian like fresh from Italy.
50:38 And she invited me in and she showed me about
50:41 and she talked to me about her religion,
50:42 you know, she's Roman Catholic etcetera.
50:44 Very, very wonderful lady, very, very Christian lady.
50:47 And she told me about a particular issue
50:48 that she had in her home where she would hear voices.
50:53 And when she told me this I kind of just
50:56 took a little quick glance at where the door was
50:58 and I continued talking to her.
51:01 Okay, it's about 3 feet away, okay, this is good.
51:05 And she was telling me that,
51:07 you know, it was coming from particular area in her home.
51:09 And she's like, "Do you want to see this place
51:11 where it's coming from?"
51:13 And in my heart, I was thinking, "No."
51:17 But what I said was, "Yes."
51:19 And I just don't know, why am I saying, yes?
51:21 So she grabs me by the hand. She says, "Come."
51:24 And she takes me downstairs to the basement.
51:27 And I'm thinking, "Lord save me. Save me Lord."
51:31 Little lady, this tall.
51:33 And we go down there there's a lot of things
51:34 that are still in boxes etcetera.
51:37 And she says, "It's coming from over here."
51:40 So I went over there and there was like statue.
51:43 I said, "This is yours?"
51:44 "No, it was here when I moved in."
51:46 And it look pretty weird, it look like a cross between,
51:49 how can I describe it.
51:51 It's kind of like a cross
51:52 between a porcupine and like a samurai.
51:56 Yeah, I know, it's like how do you fit
51:58 those two pictures together?
51:59 It's like a little statue, porcupine with spikes
52:01 and like a samurai.
52:03 And she says, "It was here when I got here."
52:05 And I said, "Well, you probably should get rid of this thing,
52:08 'cause first of all, it doesn't look very friendly."
52:12 Spikes, you know. So she gets rid of it.
52:17 And I come back three days later.
52:20 And I said, "So how the voice is?"
52:24 And she says, "I don't hear anymore voices, they're gone."
52:28 And I said, "Praise the God."
52:30 Because again the devil has a Trojan horse in her home, amen.
52:34 What is the Trojan horse in your home? Revelation 3:20.
52:38 The Bible tells us, if there is somebody else
52:39 knocking on your door.
52:42 Revelation 3:20 "Behold, I stand at the door and knock.
52:44 If anyone hears My voice and opens the door,
52:46 I will" do what?
52:48 "Come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me."
52:52 Ladies and gentlemen, in the Book of Revelation,
52:53 we're told that there's two door knocks.
52:56 The dragon is trying to knock on your door
52:57 and as soon as you open the door,
52:59 he's gonna throw a few Trojan horses inside your home.
53:01 So that when the sun goes down,
53:03 his soldiers are gonna come out of the Trojan horses
53:05 and basically attack you spiritually.
53:08 There is somebody else knocking on your door.
53:11 His name is Jesus.
53:13 And Jesus wants to become, not a weekend visitor.
53:17 He wants to become an integral part of your family.
53:20 He wants to participate in all of your family time.
53:25 He wants to participate in your family recreation.
53:28 He wants to be the part of the conversation
53:30 at the dinner table.
53:31 If Jesus is inside your home,
53:34 when the dragon knocks on your door,
53:37 you politely ask Jesus to answer the door.
53:40 When the dragon sees Jesus, he'll say,
53:42 "Ooh, sorry. I think I got the wrong house number."
53:47 Ladies and gentlemen, the reason why our homes
53:49 are the way they are is because the devil has easy access
53:52 into our homes, why?
53:53 Because Christ is not a part of our lives in our homes,
53:57 He simply a part of our lives on the weekends at church.
54:00 And that's where we don't have power.
54:02 That's where we don't have humph.
54:04 That's where we don't have revival.
54:06 The final showdown and the great controversy
54:08 between good and evil will not take place in the pews.
54:12 It will not take place in the pulpit.
54:15 And believe it or not, it's not going to place in the potluck,
54:17 even though sometimes you wonder, right.
54:21 But it's gonna to take place inside your home.
54:24 The test of discipleship is not, how well you look at church.
54:28 If that was the case, a lot of us will be in trouble, amen.
54:33 Or the test of discipleship is not,
54:36 how you conduct yourself on Sabbath in the foyer.
54:41 The test of discipleship will be how you talk to people
54:46 when you're in your pajamas. Amen.
54:50 When you're in your house slippers,
54:52 when your guard is down, when nobody else is looking,
54:55 when you're in the company of your family,
54:57 how do you conduct yourself?
55:01 I believe that's the fundamental issue in the last days.
55:05 And the reason why Pentecost was such a powerful thing
55:08 in Acts 2 is because the Bible says
55:11 that the church would spend time every single day
55:15 going from house to house, visiting each other,
55:17 breaking of bread and fellowship and in prayer.
55:21 But that isn't--that's something that is no longer seen anymore.
55:24 And the reason why we see our churches suffering
55:26 is simply because there's a lack of home spirituality.
55:30 And then when you go through a panorama of scripture
55:33 in our Part 2 message, we're gonna uncover even more.
55:36 We're gonna go through the Old Testament
55:37 and see practical examples of people,
55:40 who've actually prepared their homes,
55:42 literally speaking in the midst of crisis,
55:46 in the midst of calamity, in the midst of catastrophe,
55:49 in the midst of destruction.
55:51 And you know that the Bible's history will repeat itself.
55:55 And the million dollar question, ladies and gentlemen
55:57 is how is your home going to answer
56:02 to the attacks that it receives from the outside?
56:05 Today as you take a careful consideration of your home,
56:07 of your family, where are you in your spiritual walk?
56:13 Where is Jesus in your home?
56:14 Is Jesus just somebody that is on a portrait
56:17 in the wall of your kitchen that you look and tell,
56:21 "Oh, that's such a beautiful picture
56:22 and that's pretty much it?"
56:23 Or is Jesus an active member of you family.
56:28 One of the things that I encourage
56:30 anyone who is serious about reviving
56:32 the spirituality in the home
56:34 and spending family time together in prayer.
56:38 Spend 10 to 15 minutes in prayer--
56:40 my worship leader Vergil Bellow.
56:43 He's our worship leader at church.
56:45 And he put together a manual
56:46 and he said, "Pastor, I feel very convicted.
56:49 I don't spend enough time in the Bible
56:50 at my home, as I should."
56:53 He is a youth sabbatical teacher.
56:55 He put a manual together and he says,
56:57 "I want to give this to all the fathers
56:59 so that they could take initiative."
57:01 The manual has scripture,
57:03 has songs and has prayer requests.
57:05 How many of you today recognize this need to prepare
57:08 your home for the final crisis.
57:09 And we'd like to say,
57:11 "Jesus, I want to open my door to you." Amen.
57:15 Let's pray together.


Revised 2014-12-17