3ABN On the Road

Baptism: The Importance of New Life

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Sherwin Jack


Series Code: OTR

Program Code: OTR001036

01:00 Good evening everyone
01:02 That's not everybody, so let's try it again
01:05 Good evening everyone
01:06 It's good to be here tonight, Amen.
01:09 How many of you are happy to be here tonight?
01:12 Praise God! And it's a wonderful reason why we're here tonight
01:17 Because we're on God's time, Amen!
01:19 What's tonight? The Sabbath. And what's the Sabbath?
01:24 It's God's weekly appointment with us, Amen!
01:28 And we're delighted to see so many of us here tonight.
01:31 We thank God for you and tonight's subject is a very
01:34 important subject and it is one that I cherish.
01:37 It is one that is meaningful in my own spiritual life.
01:40 And I trust tonight as we open the Word of God
01:43 that we will open our hearts and our minds to hear from God
01:47 and I know God will speak to us tonight
01:50 in very clear and distinct tones
01:53 But as always, before we study the Word of God
01:56 It is fitting that we pray. So I'm asking you right now
01:59 to just bow your heads with me as we seek God in prayer.
02:02 Eternal God our Father, tonight we bow in your presence
02:06 Asking you Father, that the words that we speak tonight
02:10 will be the words of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
02:14 We ask you O God tonight to grant us a willing heart
02:18 and an open mind to hear the Word of God
02:20 Father help us not to be hearers only but help us to be doers of
02:25 the Word. We pray in Jesus' name Amen.
02:29 Our subject tonight is Baptism. Is it necessary for salvation.
02:35 I guarantee tonight if we took a survey of those people
02:40 living within 2 or 3 blocks from this church tonight
02:43 and asked them what were their thoughts about Baptism
02:46 we may be amazed at the answers and responses that we will hear
02:51 So tonight, we must, from the Word of God
02:54 answer a few questions. Among them, Is Baptism Necessary
03:00 for Salvation. What does it really mean?
03:04 How is a person to be baptized?
03:07 Does it really matter if a person is baptized at all?
03:12 Well tonight from the Word of God we will seek to answer
03:16 these questions and let the Word of God be our teacher tonight.
03:20 If you have your Bibles tonight I ask you to turn to the 16th
03:24 chapter of the Gospel of Mark
03:26 Mark Chapter 16, I'm turning there in my Bible
03:30 And the Bible tells us in Mark Chapter 16 beginning at verse 15
03:34 Listen to what the Bible says to us tonight
03:37 Mark chapter 16 and verse 15. The Bible says,
03:43 And He said unto them, this is Jesus speaking
03:46 He says, Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel
03:51 to every creature. And then He says, he that believeth
03:56 and is baptized shall be saved.
03:59 And he that believeth not shall be damned.
04:02 And so Jesus Himself places a very important emphasis
04:10 on this whole subject of baptism Jesus says that is necessary
04:16 and important for us to be baptized.
04:18 Now my brothers and sisters, when we talk about baptism
04:22 today, there are many kinds of baptism.
04:26 I read once, in a magazine, that there was a pastor
04:30 who performed a baptism by baptizing someone
04:34 in a barrel full of rose petals. Other people talk about
04:39 sprinkling and pouring. But we must ask ourselves tonight
04:43 are these methods the Biblical way of being baptized?
04:48 Well the Bible tells us in Ephesians chapter 4 and verse 5
04:52 Eph. chapter 4 and verse 5, it tells us that there is one Lord
04:57 there is one faith and there is one baptism.
05:02 And so tonight we must search the Word of God
05:05 to discover what is the Biblical method of baptism.
05:09 And why is baptism so important after all?
05:13 Well my friends tonight we have already discovered that Jesus
05:16 himself said that it is important for one to be baptized
05:20 and to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, Acts 16:31
05:25 Acts 16:31 tells us what a person must believe
05:32 in order to be baptized. It tells us in Acts chapter 16
05:37 that believers were called upon to believe
05:41 on the Lord Jesus Christ. What does that mean
05:44 to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ?
05:46 It means to believe that Jesus is the Son of God
05:50 It means to believe that Jesus is the only way of salvation
05:55 Jesus himself declared I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.
06:00 And Jesus was very clear in His pronouncements.
06:03 Jesus didn't say I'm one of the ways
06:06 Jesus said 'I am the only way to the Father'
06:10 That's pretty clear and pretty emphatic
06:13 And so tonight the Bible is very clear to us tonight
06:16 that we've discovered thus far that Jesus declares that baptism
06:21 must follow belief. Belief in who He is
06:25 Belief that He came from the Father to forgive us of our sins
06:30 Belief in Him that it's only through Christ
06:34 that we have hope of eternal life. When a person believes
06:38 in Jesus Christ and accepts Him as their Savior
06:40 belief that through Christ their sins are forgiven
06:43 that person becomes a candidate for baptism.
06:47 The Bible tells us in Acts chapter 22 verse 16
06:51 that those who were baptized were calling upon
06:55 the name of the Lord Jesus Christ
06:57 to have their sins washed away.
07:00 The Bible is very clear that Jesus came to save us
07:06 from our sins and not in our sins.
07:10 Isn't that good news? That through the power
07:13 of Jesus Christ and His shed blood we have hope
07:17 of eternal life. And when by faith we trust Him
07:20 and we believe Him and we call upon Him
07:24 the Bible says we follow that with the rite of baptism
07:29 and the Bible tell us thus we are forgiven of our sins
07:33 and accepted by the Lord. Now why is baptism so important?
07:38 Romans chapter 6 beginning at verse 4 tells us
07:42 why baptism is so important
07:45 Baptism is important because it symbolizes the death
07:50 the burial and the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ
07:54 that is why the mode and method of baptism is so important.
07:58 One cannot symbolize the death, and burial
08:03 and resurrection of Jesus Christ if one simply has some water
08:07 poured upon their foreheads. One cannot symbolize baptism
08:12 if one was baptized in a barrel of rose petals.
08:17 Because the water symbolizes a burial of the person
08:23 into the water. Matter of fact the very word Baptism
08:27 comes from a commercial endeavor where the merchants would take
08:33 large quantities of wool and in order to produce
08:37 different colors of fabric, they would take the wool
08:41 and plunge it into these large barrels of dye
08:45 and that process of submerging the wool in water
08:49 was called baptizo. And so when the Christians came along
08:54 and were baptizing John by the river Jordan
08:58 well baptizing people into the water, the people cried Baptizo
09:02 they understood that the immersion and submerging of the
09:07 person into the water symbolized baptism.
09:11 And so my brothers and sisters, tonight the Bible is very clear
09:14 in 1 Cor 10:13, the Bible tells us that whatsoever we do
09:21 we do it all to whose glory? The glory of God.
09:25 Now in order to glorify God through baptism
09:28 we must follow the method and the means whereby
09:32 the Word of God teaches us that we ought to be baptized.
09:36 You know the good news tonight is that Jesus Christ
09:39 is our example in everything.
09:41 If you want to know what to do with your life and in your life
09:44 just ask yourself, what did Jesus do
09:48 as it relates to baptism.
09:50 Because some people would have you to believe
09:52 that having water sprinkled on your forehead
09:55 or, having some water poured on your forehead
09:58 symbolizes baptism. So the question tonight is
10:02 What did Jesus do? Jesus is always a safe example
10:07 for us to follow. Isn't that right?
10:09 And so we turn in our Bibles to Matthew chapter 3
10:12 Matthew 3 beginning at verse 16 and 17
10:15 John is down at the River Jordan and John is preaching
10:20 the Word of God. He is proclaim- ing the coming of the Messiah
10:24 And the Bible tells us he looks up and he sees Jesus
10:28 coming to him to be baptized.
10:30 And the Bible tells us that John understands
10:34 and knows who Jesus us. And John protests and said
10:37 I need to be baptized by you
10:40 and yet you are coming to me for baptism
10:43 and what does Jesus tell him? It's very important tonight
10:46 The Bible tells us that Jesus says to John
10:50 "thus it becometh us to fulfill all righteousness"
10:56 That is very important. Jesus is saying to us tonight
11:01 that if we have the opportunity and the privilege
11:04 to be baptized that it is incumbent upon us
11:07 to do what? To be baptized and by doing so
11:11 we are fulfilling all righteousness.
11:15 And so the Bible tells us tonight that John relented
11:18 and John gave into the command of Christ and he and Jesus
11:22 both went down into the water
11:25 and John baptized Jesus.
11:27 Something significant happened after Jesus was baptized
11:32 and came up out of the water.
11:34 The Bible tells us in the very same chapter what happened
11:38 The Bible tells us that the Holy Spirit like a dove
11:41 descended upon Jesus Christ.
11:44 My brothers and sisters tonight when we follow the Word of God
11:49 and obey the Word of God, to do the things that Jesus has set
11:53 an example for us to follow, we are fulfilling the righteousness
11:58 of God and thus the Holy Spirit comes to dwell within us
12:02 to enable us and to empower us to obey the Word of God.
12:06 Acts 2:38, the Bible tells us that the believers
12:11 in the New Testament were likewise following the example
12:15 that was set for them by Jesus Christ.
12:17 The Bible tells us that they too were baptized
12:21 following the same method and mode of baptism
12:24 which Jesus set by His own baptism.
12:27 It's very important for us tonight to understand
12:31 that the Bible says there is one Lord, one faith and one baptism
12:36 Something very significant happened in the early church
12:40 and we find the story in Acts 8 beginning at verse 29
12:44 The Bible tells us that there was this Ethiopian who
12:48 came to Jerusalem to discover more about God.
12:53 On his way home, the Bible tells us he was riding in his chariot
12:57 and he began to read the word of God.
13:00 And the Bible tells us he was reading from the book of Isaiah.
13:04 The spirit of God directed Philip
13:07 to join the Ethiopian eunuch in his chariot
13:11 and he asked him, do you understand what you're reading?
13:14 Now my friends, that's a very important question tonight.
13:18 Because in order for us to do the will of God
13:22 we must first discover the will of God
13:25 We must understand not only what the Bible is saying
13:29 but what does the Bible mean?
13:30 And so the man confessed, 'how can I understand
13:35 except someone explain it to me"
13:38 Well friend of mine this is what this witness program's all about
13:42 This is why we're here tonight.
13:44 To have the word of God explained to us
13:48 in such clear and distinct tones
13:51 that there is no ambiguity and there is no reason for us
13:54 not to obey and to follow what the Word of God says.
13:57 Now notice what happens. God directed Philip to this man.
14:03 The man was seeking for truth and understanding.
14:07 The man was reading the Word of God, but there were things
14:11 in the Word of God that he did not understand
14:14 and he confessed he did not understand.
14:17 And God sent Philip to explain to the man what he was reading.
14:23 The Bible tells us that he read about the lamb that was slain.
14:27 Isaiah chapter 53 tells us, especially verses 4 and 5
14:31 that Jesus was wounded for our transgression
14:35 He was bruised for our iniquity
14:37 And the chastisement of our peace was upon Him
14:41 That's good news tonight, that we serve a God who sent His
14:46 Son to die for us. The stripes that we deserved
14:50 He took upon Himself. The punishment, the wrath of God
14:53 that we deserve, Jesus took upon Himself.
14:57 He did that to demonstrate how committed God is
15:01 to your salvation and mine.
15:03 Don't you know tonight that we serve a God
15:06 who is so committed to your salvation and mine
15:09 that He sent His only begotten Son
15:13 and the Bible says He gave Him to us.
15:16 The best thing heaven had to offer was the Son of God
15:21 and He did it for you and He did it for me.
15:24 The Bible tells us that after being taught by Philip
15:28 in Acts 8, the Ethiopian eunuch came to a place
15:32 on his journey and he saw water and he cried out
15:36 'what doth hinder me to be baptized?"
15:39 Now listen to what Philip said to him
15:42 Philip said, if you believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God
15:48 you may. The man cried out, "I believe
15:52 that Jesus Christ is the Son of God"
15:55 That confession of Christ as the Son of God,
15:59 as the sacrifice of God, as the one that God sent to provide
16:04 hope and help and healing for all of us
16:07 through faith in His shed blood, he says "I believe"
16:12 And the Bible says both he and Philip
16:15 went down into the water, now notice tonight
16:18 the Bible says they both went down into the water
16:23 and Philip baptized him in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ
16:28 Now friends of mine notice what happened. The Bible said
16:33 that before this man was baptized
16:36 he was first taught about Jesus Christ
16:39 He first understood that Jesus Christ died for his sins.
16:45 The man no doubt confessed his sins and asked for forgiveness
16:50 understanding what Isaiah said.
16:52 That He was wounded for our transgressions
16:55 He was bruised for our iniquities
16:58 And the chastisement of our peace was upon Him
17:01 and with His stripes we are healed.
17:03 The man cried out with great joy and said "I believe"
17:08 Now friends of mine tonight, this is why
17:13 we do not baptize babies.
17:15 Now I understand that in some traditions
17:18 and in some Christian circles they baptize little infants
17:22 thinking that they're doing the will of God.
17:25 But the Bible is very clear that before a person is baptized
17:30 the person must be taught the gospel
17:33 the person must come to a recognition of their need
17:36 for salvation. That person must then call on the Lord
17:40 Jesus Christ for forgiveness of their sins.
17:44 A baby in no way can recognize its need for salvation
17:48 But you know my brothers and sisters, there's
17:51 something wonderful that God provides for babies.
17:54 and that's called a dedication service
17:56 similar to what Christ experienced when his parents
18:00 brought Him into the temple and presented Him to the priest
18:03 and then the priest held Him up before God
18:06 and blessed Him in the name of God.
18:08 But a baby as innocent, as lovely as they are
18:13 is not a candidate for baptism, why?
18:16 because the baby cannot repent.
18:19 The baby has no awareness of their sin.
18:22 And so although it may be practiced by some Christians
18:26 It does not meet the Biblical standard of baptism.
18:29 The Bible tells us tonight that this act of baptism symbolizes
18:35 that one now unites with the visible body of Christ
18:40 Listen to what Paul says in 1 Corinthians 12
18:43 I Cor 12, and reading verses 12 and 13
18:48 Here's what the Bible tell us 1 Cor 12
18:51 Reading verses 12 and 13. For as the body is one
18:57 There we go again, the body is one; and have many members
19:01 And all the members of that one body being many
19:05 are one body, so is Christ. Now look at verse 13
19:09 it's very clear. For by one Spirit are we all baptized
19:16 into one body. And the body is the church of the living God.
19:21 The church of God is the body of the Lord Jesus Christ
19:25 And so when a person is baptized they are baptized
19:29 into the body of Christ the visible church of God
19:33 and so they unite with other believers
19:36 so that they can continue to be instructed
19:38 nurtured, admonished and to be encouraged
19:42 in their Christian journey.
19:44 So the Bible tells us tonight several things happen
19:47 when a person comes to that place where they're baptized
19:50 First of all the Bible says they must believe.
19:53 Belief is important and it matters what we believe, Amen.
19:59 Jesus says "he that believeth in me shall have eternal life"
20:06 And so what we believe is very important. It matters
20:10 what we believe. And so a person when they believe
20:14 the gospel, the Bible says now they belong to the family of God
20:19 And so faith in Christ causes us to do what? To believe in Jesus
20:25 And when we believe in Jesus and we're baptized
20:28 it says, we now belong to Jesus
20:31 and we belong to the body of Christ
20:33 my brothers and sisters tonight we can't survive as a Christian
20:38 on our own. I read a story a few years ago that illustrates
20:43 this point so clearly. A new pastor arrived in the district
20:47 He understood that there was an older gentleman
20:50 who had stopped coming to church
20:52 We do not know what happened but something happened
20:55 that caused him to sever his ties with the visible body.
21:00 And so the pastor went to visit him and when he got to the house
21:04 he knocked on the door. The old gentleman came, opened the door
21:08 but no words were exchanged. He went back and sat
21:11 in his rocking chair in front of the fire and he kept rocking.
21:14 Well there was a second chair in front of the fire.
21:17 So the pastor went and sat in the second chair
21:20 and didn't say a word. He started rocking
21:22 just like the older gentleman. In a few moments he got up
21:27 from his rocking chair, walked over to the fireplace
21:30 took the tongs, reached in and grabbed one of the coals
21:34 one of the embers and laid it on the floor
21:36 in front of them, went back to his rocking chair
21:38 and continued to rock. What do you think happened to the coal
21:42 that he took out of the fire?
21:43 Pretty soon all of the heat and warmth went out
21:47 The pastor didn't say another word, he got up
21:51 took the tongs again, picked up the piece of coal
21:54 that had now gone cold and had lost its fire and warmth
21:57 and it's heat, put it back into the fire and walked out the door
22:01 The next Sabbath guess who showed up at the church?
22:06 The old gentleman who had stopped coming to church.
22:11 He got the message. Not one word was spoken
22:15 but the message was clear.
22:18 As a child of God when a person is baptized
22:21 you are not baptized to stay home and have
22:25 church all by yourself. We are now part of the body of Christ.
22:29 And the Bible tells us that we belong one to each other.
22:33 And so a person believes the gospel,
22:36 belongs to the body of Christ and now that person
22:39 begins to behave consistent with what they believe.
22:44 So there is what? baptism which is preceded by belief
22:49 and when we follow through and are baptized
22:52 in the same manner in which Jesus was baptized
22:56 the Bible says we now belong to the body of Christ.
22:59 We have a place where we can come and worship and fellowship.
23:03 A place where we can be encouraged.
23:05 A place where we can use our gifts and talents
23:09 to glorify God and to be a blessing to our fellow man.
23:12 I say tonight that's good news.
23:15 And those who hear the Word of God
23:18 and believe the Word of God should be baptized
23:22 and follow the example of Jesus. Jesus said "Thus it becometh
23:28 us to fulfill all righteousness.
23:31 The Bible tells us in James 4:17
23:35 it says, "to him that knoweth to do good
23:38 including baptism, and doeth it not, to him it is sin"
23:44 And the Bible says Jesus came to do what?
23:48 to save us from our sin, not in our sin.
23:52 And so if we have heard the Word of God
23:54 and we understand that Jesus Christ died for our sins
23:59 and we confess Him as our Lord and Savior
24:01 the next logical step is for us to follow the example of Jesus
24:06 and be baptized, calling upon the name of the Lord
24:09 Jesus Christ and have our sins washed away.
24:14 The question then is asked, someone said, well pastor
24:19 I was baptized well, when I was a little boy
24:22 a little girl, or maybe I was baptized at some time in my life
24:27 when I did not fully understand the claims of Christ.
24:31 I did not understand about the Sabbath.
24:34 I wasn't going to church or maybe going to church on a day
24:36 that was not the Sabbath of the Bible
24:38 but now that I've been taught, now that I understand
24:41 now that I know God requires me to take care of my body
24:45 God requires me to keep the 7th day Sabbath holy
24:49 God requires me to be a faithful part of the body of Christ
24:53 now I understand, what do I do?
24:56 Acts 19:1-7, the Bible tells us that Paul came upon a group of
25:02 believers and Paul asked them have you received the Holy Ghost
25:09 since you've been baptized. Their response was
25:13 We have not even heard if there be anything as the Holy Ghost
25:18 And Paul then asked them, unto what then were you baptized?
25:22 And they said John's baptism
25:24 which was the baptism of repentance.
25:26 The Bible says that Paul taught them further
25:29 on the receiving of the gift of the Holy Spirit
25:32 and then they were baptized again.
25:35 There may be some of you here tonight and some of you watching
25:39 the program that may have been baptized as a child.
25:42 or maybe in your faith tradition you were baptized
25:46 through sprinkling or pouring of water on your head.
25:49 And now you understand that that mode of baptism
25:54 did not meet the Biblical standard.
25:56 The Bible says tonight that now that you've grown up in Christ
26:00 now that you understand the claims of Christ
26:03 now that you know the Biblical method of baptism
26:06 and what it symbolizes, the death, the burial and the
26:11 resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ
26:13 now it's fitting for you to say tonight
26:15 Pastor I want to be baptized again.
26:18 Now that I'm mature, now that I've grown up in Christ
26:22 now that I understand more fully
26:24 that Jesus loves me and Jesus came to die for my sins
26:29 I want to do what God would have me to do.
26:32 Because I want my life to glorify God.
26:35 My brothers and sisters tonight, it's a wonderful experience
26:40 I remember several years ago
26:42 after I had sort of walked away from the Lord
26:46 and God was working on my heart, the Spirit was speaking to me
26:50 about my soul's salvation and I decided
26:54 well it's time to get baptized. About a year prior to that
26:58 I came very close to being baptized and on the
27:02 very day of the baptism I got a little bit afraid.
27:06 A whole year went by and friends of mine
27:10 I will not take time tonight to tell you
27:13 all the things that I went through during that year.
27:16 I got on the phone one day and I called the pastor and said
27:20 Pastor I need to be baptized.
27:23 The Pastor came to the house we went over all the baptismal vows
27:29 He again explained everything to me about salvation
27:31 which I already knew because I had been reading the Word of God
27:34 I was brought up in a Christian home
27:36 but I had strayed from the faith.
27:38 And so on that day we made up our minds to be baptized.
27:43 We went to the church and guess what happened!
27:46 There was no water to fill the baptistry.
27:49 Friends what that taught me was whenever we make up our minds
27:56 to follow Jesus, Satan is going to fight us
27:59 every step of the way. Do not think for a moment
28:03 that Satan will sit back and say
28:04 Oh I have such great hope for you
28:06 just go ahead and be baptized and cheer you on.
28:09 No, the devil will put every obstacle in your way.
28:13 I said to that pastor, I said 'Pastor, I don't care where you
28:16 find water today, you are going to baptize me today.
28:20 Pastor got on the phone and called around several churches
28:26 and we found a church in Brooklyn, New York
28:29 way on the other side of town, and the Pastor and I
28:32 and one of the elders, we got in the car
28:34 we made our way across to the church.
28:37 We began filling up the baptistry and I was just happy
28:40 anticipating my baptism and then the water stopped about here
28:44 I said Pastor we're going into that water
28:47 and you are going to baptize me today.
28:54 You see friends of mine, I had a year of turmoil
28:58 a year of agony, a year in which three times that I'm aware
29:02 the devil tried to take my life
29:04 I was not going to spend another day because the Lord
29:08 had spoken to me and said "son it is now time for you
29:13 to be responsible for your own soul's salvation".
29:16 You cannot depend on your mama, your daddy, your brother
29:21 your sister, your aunty, your cousin or no one
29:24 you have to take responsibility for your own soul's salvation.
29:28 My brothers and sisters, it was one of the happiest days
29:33 of my life. When the Pastor and I went down into the water
29:37 and I was baptized, and from that day to now
29:42 my life has never, ever been the same.
29:49 a journey for me in Christ, a day of joy
29:56 a day of celebration, not a day free of problems.
30:00 But a day in which I can truly say "To God be the glory"
30:05 And that experience has enabled me to go throughout the world
30:09 preaching the gospel. Telling men and women about the love
30:12 of Jesus Christ and inviting them to make decisions
30:17 for their soul salvation for the Lord Jesus Christ
30:20 1993 was my first year going into the former Soviet Union.
30:29 I spent six weeks in Moldova. Preaching the Word of God.
30:35 Twice every day during the week and then on Sabbath
30:39 I preached four times on Sabbath.
30:42 By Saturday night when I got back to my room
30:45 I did not have the strength to even change my clothes
30:48 I just fell across the bed. At the end of six weeks
30:55 God, through the power of His Holy Spirit
30:59 and the faithful pastoral staff
31:01 that worked with me throughout the crusade
31:04 we had almost 130 people ready for baptism.
31:07 That Sabbath afternoon I stood against the wall
31:12 and there was a great olympic size swimming pool
31:16 there were about 14 pastors baptizing the people.
31:19 And I was standing there with my interpreter who came from Moscow
31:23 from the University there in Zaosky and we were talking
31:28 There was a young lady who had been attending the meetings
31:32 faithfully, but the Tuesday before the last Saturday
31:38 when she wanted to be baptized she fell ill.
31:40 and she was hospitalized. Saturday afternoon I looked up
31:49 and I saw someone coming in the distance
31:52 and I could not believe my eyes.
31:53 That young lady had such a burning desire to be baptized
32:00 because she was so excited about what she had been taught
32:03 from the Word of God regarding the love of Jesus Christ
32:06 the grace of God, the death of Christ on the cross of Calvary
32:11 she had checked herself out of the hospital
32:14 and came to the place to be baptized.
32:17 After her baptism she got up out of the pool, got dressed
32:22 and walked back to the hospital and checked herself back in.
32:26 I say Praise God tonight!
32:29 That's what the love of God does in a person's heart.
32:33 But the story is not over yet.
32:36 Saturday night, the final night
32:39 we are in this auditorium, it seats 800 people
32:43 there was not even room for people to stand.
32:47 I was sitting in the front row,
32:49 my translator was sitting next to me
32:52 the President of the Conference, the Union President
32:56 all the dignitaries, they were in charge,
32:58 I was just sitting there. I had done what the Lord
33:00 had brought me there to do and I was sitting there
33:03 and just thinking about two days later
33:05 I'd be flying back home to my wife.
33:08 Six weeks is a long time!
33:11 They passed out the baptismal certificates.
33:16 When they came to the very last certificate
33:22 the Pastor was speaking and something was said
33:26 that I did not understand, but I knew that something
33:29 significant was said because there was a hush in the crowd.
33:34 So I asked my translator "What's going on?"
33:36 He said to me, the last certi- ficate that was being held up
33:43 was the certificate of a woman who had been coming
33:46 to those meetings, night after night after night.
33:50 But she was fighting the Spirit of God.
33:55 She was torn in her spirit what she ought to do.
33:59 And almost to the very hour that the young lady
34:04 who had checked herself out of the hospital came to be baptized
34:07 that same lady jumped out of her apartment window
34:11 and killed herself. Friends of mine, I asked the Pastor
34:17 if I could take that certificate with me back to the US
34:21 I have it at my house, it's a reminder to myself
34:26 and I tell that story not to scare anyone
34:30 because no one is going to heaven
34:32 because they're scared of going to hell.
34:33 I said no one is going to heaven
34:39 because they're afraid of going to the other place.
34:42 We're going to heaven because we love Jesus.
34:44 We're going to heaven because we appreciate what Christ has done
34:49 in our lives. We're going to heaven because we're willing
34:52 to follow Christ and follow His example
34:55 and be obedient in all that He asks us to do.
34:58 I brought that certificate home to remind myself and others
35:05 that when the Spirit of God speaks to our hearts
35:09 when we know what is right for us to do
35:13 the Bible tells us that we ought to do it.
35:17 Matter of fact the Bible says, if you hear My voice
35:20 said Jesus, harden not your hearts.
35:22 Tonight, some of you have been attending these meetings
35:26 You've read the Word of God, you've studied the Word of God.
35:29 And you know tonight in your heart
35:32 that Jesus wants you to follow His example in baptism.
35:36 Baptism is a wonderful experience.
35:40 For in this act of baptism we experience the death
35:45 of Jesus Christ. The going down into the water
35:48 symbolizes that we have been buried with Him and
35:51 all of our sins are buried. You know I tell a little joke
35:55 when I get to this point in the service and it goes like this.
35:58 You see God knows us. And the Bible says
36:02 He takes our sins and what does He do with it?
36:05 He buries them in the sea, in the ocean.
36:08 And then God says, I'm going to put a sign here
36:11 that says, "No swimming allowed"
36:13 You see because some people
36:17 will try to go down and recover your sins
36:19 to remind you of what you used to be.
36:22 But God says when I bury those sins, no swimming allowed.
36:27 Those sins stay buried. That's good news tonight.
36:31 That we no longer have to face those sins
36:35 because Jesus Christ through His blood has covered us.
36:39 My brothers and sisters tonight, the grace and mercy of God
36:44 tonight is a wonderful thing. The grace of God
36:48 that so freely offers His love, His forgiveness
36:52 and His salvation to us.
36:54 And the gospel commission is to go into all the world
36:57 preach the gospel, teach them to observe all things
37:02 and invite men and women to be baptized
37:06 as a testimony to their faith, their love
37:09 and their commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ.
37:12 Isn't this a wonderful thing? That God through His Son
37:16 sent Jesus Christ to die on Calvary for you and for me.
37:21 And Jesus came Himself and gave us an example
37:27 and He said in John 3:5, "Thus it becometh us
37:32 to fulfill all righteousness."
37:35 My brothers and sisters tonight, some of you maybe thinking
37:39 should I be baptized? If you've not been baptized
37:43 or if you were baptized as a child
37:45 or you were baptized in a method, in a way
37:48 other than the Biblical method, Yes.
37:51 You need to be baptized. You ought to say "All to Jesus
37:56 I surrender." You ought to be willing to do what He says
38:00 because He gave His life for you.
38:02 Today many Christians say I was baptized because
38:07 the priest or the pastor sprinkled some water on me.
38:10 Well you know my brothers and sisters, we can search the Bible
38:13 from Genesis to Revelation and we will not find one instance
38:17 in the Bible of someone having water sprinkled on them.
38:21 It was in 1311 that the Church made a decision
38:26 to cease baptism by immersion. For over 1200 years
38:32 the church performed baptism by immersion.
38:37 If you go on the internet and you search it for yourself
38:42 here's what you'll discover. That it was because,
38:46 baptizing by immersion became inconvenient.
38:51 The priests no longer wanted to get their garments wet.
38:55 The priests no longer wanted to go into all the preparation
38:59 to go into the water and baptize someone,
39:01 and so they came up with a more convenient method of baptism.
39:05 And that is sprinkling. My brothers and sisters
39:10 Christianity is not a religion of convenience
39:14 it's a relationship based on commitment.
39:17 Jesus did not conveniently go to Calvary. Matter of fact
39:23 He cried out, "if it's possible" if there's any other way
39:27 to save you or to save me, and yet He Says, "Nevertheless
39:30 not my will but Thy will be done"
39:33 Tonight God is speaking to your hearts
39:37 God is speaking to many of you tonight, and He's saying to you
39:41 tonight, "If you love me then follow my example"
39:45 My brothers and sisters I look back on my own experience
39:48 with great joy. Great joy that God gave me the opportunity
39:54 to follow the example of Jesus. Amen!
39:59 And because of this great love in my heart
40:03 in appreciation of what God through His Son has done for me
40:08 I have dedicated my life to sharing this word of the truth
40:13 of the living God to men and women, boys and girls.
40:16 And to invite them to follow the example of Jesus Christ.
40:21 Tonight, there are those of you here tonight
40:25 that should follow this Godly example of baptism.
40:32 If you know that you've accepted Christ as your Savior
40:36 If you know that Jesus died for your sins
40:41 And friend of mine, tonight please understand
40:44 that if you were the only person that ever sinned
40:49 Jesus would've done exactly the same thing just for you.
40:53 That's how important you are to God tonight.
40:56 That's how important you are to Christ tonight.
40:59 Your life matters to God.
41:02 He is committed to your salvation.
41:05 And tonight He invites you to join Him
41:10 in following the example of Jesus.
41:13 I want to invite you to pray with me tonight
41:16 when I ask you to bow your heads and close your eyes, everyone.
41:20 Because somebody here tonight needs to make this commitment
41:25 of their life to Jesus Christ.
41:27 Somebody here tonight needs to say "all to Jesus I surrender"
41:32 Jesus died for your sins. To give you the privilege
41:37 and opportunity to follow Him in baptism.
41:40 Friends, it's a wonderful experience. If you believe
41:44 that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, if you believe that Jesus
41:49 Christ has died for your sins. If you believe that the 7th day
41:53 is the Sabbath of the living God as you've been taught
41:56 You desire to be baptized. You want to follow the example
42:01 of Jesus Christ. You want to have your sins washed away
42:05 and have your names written in the Lamb's book of life
42:09 and be sealed for time and eternity,
42:12 we want to pray for you right now.
42:14 Everyone else is praying for you tonight.
42:17 Because this is an important moment.
42:20 Your decision here tonight can change not only
42:23 not only the direction of your life,
42:25 but the destiny of your life.
42:28 So tonight, I ask you tonight, if you are here tonight
42:31 and you desire to be baptized
42:34 as a testimony of your love for the Lord Jesus Christ
42:38 and the fact that you've accepted His death on Calvary
42:41 for your sins, would you raise your hands tonight?
42:45 You desire to follow Jesus and be baptized.
42:50 I ask you to raise your hands tonight
42:53 Those of you raising your hands would you stand where you are?
42:56 You want to be baptized, you want to follow
42:59 the Lord Jesus Christ because you love Him
43:02 you understand that He died for you.
43:05 And you want to live your life for Him.
43:08 I'm going to ask my good friend Pastor of the church
43:12 Pastor Zeny would you be so kind as to join me tonight?
43:15 I'm asking the church to continue to pray.
43:20 Because tonight, men and women, boys and girls
43:25 are making the most important decision of their lives.
43:29 And that decision is, What do I do about Jesus Christ?
43:34 and what do I do with Him?
43:36 There are others here tonight that should be standing
43:39 And we want to pray with you, the Church is praying for you
43:42 The pastor is here to pray with you and for you.
43:45 We want you tonight to make that decision
43:49 because you love the Lord and because you know that
43:53 that He loves you. He shed His blood on Calvary for your sakes
43:58 and tonight, tonight you want to say Lord
44:03 I'm willing to follow your example
44:05 Pastor Zeny tonight we see these young people standing
44:09 And I'm going to ask those of you who are standing
44:11 to just come and join us right here at the front
44:14 Just come on down tonight because we want to pray with you
44:17 we want to pray for you, we want to rejoice with you
44:21 so just step out of your seat and come right here in front
44:24 The pastor is here, I want to invite the elders of the church
44:30 If any of the elders are here tonight,
44:32 come and stand with the Pastor and let's rejoice
44:35 over what these young people are doing tonight.
44:37 This is the work of the Spirit of the Living God.
44:39 It is God who is convicting, it is God who is speaking.
44:44 And I thank God tonight for these precious young people
44:48 who are saying Yes to the Lord Jesus Christ.
44:50 Can we celebrate tonight and say Thank You Jesus!
44:53 Come on say it like you mean it tonight.
44:56 Thank You Jesus, praise be to God.
44:59 Is there someone else tonight who'd like to come and join them
45:03 The Bible says, Heaven rejoices over one sinner that repents
45:08 Oh tonight Heaven is rejoicing!
45:12 If you love the Lord and you want to give your heart to Jesus
45:16 you want to be baptized as a testimony of your faith.
45:20 Tonight we invite you to come.


Revised 2015-04-09