3ABN On the Road

It's All About You?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Justin Torossian


Series Code: OTR

Program Code: OTR001038

01:01 Have you caught a glimpse of glory so far this weekend?
01:04 Amen! Are you longing for your heaven and home?
01:08 Amen! So am I. Do you know what this morning is?
01:12 Do you know what today is? What's the date today?
01:15 It's July 5. Do you know what that means?
01:19 In my home country it's July 4. Which is our Independence Day.
01:25 And you know for the first time, ever,
01:28 not only can I remember indepen- dence day that's going on in
01:31 my country right now, but I can rejoice with you here
01:35 in Australia because today is our independence day as well.
01:38 What else is today? Today is the Sabbath.
01:42 And the Sabbath is not only a reminder of creation
01:46 that God made us but that God set us free
01:49 from slavery to sin, Amen!
01:52 So Praise the Lord for today the Sabbath, our independence
01:56 day, and the independence day for all Christians, Amen!
02:00 Before we dive into the study of God's word this morning
02:04 I'd like to ask you to join me in prayer through song.
02:10 Into my heart, Into my heart
02:20 Come into my heart, Lord Jesus
02:30 Come in today, come in to stay
02:40 Come into my heart, Lord Jesus.
02:52 Father in Heaven, this is the prayer of our heart this morning
02:56 We ask that you would come into our hearts
02:58 That you would remove self and our selfish tendencies
03:03 And that you would fill us so full of your love
03:06 as we behold You upon Your cross and in Your Word
03:09 that we would be actuated by that love to serve others
03:14 Thank you Lord that we have not been saved unto ourselves but
03:18 that we have been saved for a greater purpose we've been saved
03:22 to serve. Bless us this morning as we study Your Word
03:26 and as we dive into the message that You have
03:30 for us, for we ask it in Jesus' precious name, Amen.
03:34 It's All About You. Our message this morning is entitled
03:40 It's All About You. Everyone has something
03:46 that they're willing to do almost anything for.
03:50 Some people will sell everything that they have
03:53 in order to buy a nice car
03:55 so they can drive this nice car around
03:58 and speed down the highway, show off to their friends.
04:02 For some people a car is worth selling
04:05 virtually everything that they have to obtain.
04:09 For others it's not a nice car they invest all their time
04:12 and money in their wardrobe.
04:14 They care so much about the way that they look
04:17 that they're willing to pay incredible prices
04:21 even giving up nearly everything that they have
04:23 to secure some designer clothes.
04:26 Others invest everything that they have in houses and property
04:32 in items, in technology. Others sell everything they have
04:37 to invest in the stock market, in promising investments.
04:41 There's something this morning
04:44 as we examine God's Word together
04:46 that a man was willing to give everything that he had
04:51 to obtain. And God's question to us this morning is
04:55 "what are you willing to give?"
04:58 He's asking "what are you willing to surrender to obtain
05:03 that which is of the most possible value?"
05:06 I invite you to turn in your Bibles with me
05:09 to the Gospel of Matthew, the book of Matthew
05:14 and our passage is found in chapter 13.
05:18 Matthew chapter 13, here Jesus tells a parable
05:22 And like many of His parables He said, the kingdom of heaven
05:27 is like. And here He illustrates to us some of the principles
05:31 that govern His kingdom.
05:33 Matthew 13, I'll be starting in verse 45.
05:38 One of the shortest parables that Jesus ever told
05:41 Reading in the NKJV, Jesus says "again, the Kingdom of Heaven
05:49 is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls
05:52 who, when he had found one pearl of great price
05:56 went and sold all that he had and bought it.
06:01 Jesus says the Kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant
06:05 someone who's searching after precious pearls.
06:09 Someone who had an eye for value
06:12 And when he found that one pearl
06:14 that pearl he had looked for all his life
06:17 the size, the shape, the color, the tint, it was perfect.
06:24 And this merchant sold everything that he had
06:28 in order to buy this pearl.
06:31 And this morning I want to share with you
06:34 the secondary application that this parable has.
06:38 You see we often hear the primary application,
06:41 but the secondary application of this parable
06:44 is that God is that merchant man, the Lord is the one who
06:50 seeing us lost in sin, seeing our potential
06:53 not as beautiful pearls but as fallen sinful beings
06:57 He said, I need to give, I'm willing to give everything
07:01 that I have to secure them for myself.
07:04 This is the secondary application
07:06 and we find it throughout scripture.
07:08 For example in Zechariah 9:16
07:12 God likens His followers to stones, precious stones
07:17 of a crown. Come with me to Malachi 3:17
07:21 Malachi 3:17, the book just before Matthew.
07:25 And here we see another example of how this
07:29 secondary application of the parable comes out.
07:32 You see to God we are the pearl of great price. Malachi 3:17
07:40 Here, speaking of those who feared the Lord,
07:44 He says, they shall be mine says the Lord of hosts
07:48 on the day that I make them my what? my jewels.
07:53 A pearl is a precious item that is categorized with jewels.
07:57 And Paul similarly said to his followers,
08:02 to the people of the Christian church, he said
08:04 you are our joy, our crown of rejoicing.
08:08 So in God's eyes, you and I and lost humanity
08:14 is that precious, priceless pearl.
08:18 You know Ellen White picks up on this Biblical reality
08:21 of the secondary application of this parable
08:23 in Christ's Object Lesson, reading from page 118, paragraph 2
08:29 She says, Christ the heavenly merchantman
08:32 seeking goodly pearls saw in lost humanity
08:36 the pearl of great price in man defiled and ruined by sin
08:42 He saw the possibilities of redemption.
08:45 God looked upon humanity not as vile and worthless
08:50 He looked upon it in Christ, saw it as it might become
08:54 through redeeming love. He collected all the riches
08:59 of the universe and laid them down in order to buy the pearl.
09:05 You see God is the heavenly merchantman
09:08 seeking after precious pearls.
09:11 He did not look upon humanity as dark and ruined
09:14 and then vile or worthless, no! But He saw us not as we were
09:19 not as we are but He sees us as what we can be by His grace.
09:23 Before coming here to Australia I was in California.
09:27 back at my parents place, for a couple of weeks
09:30 helping them remodel their house. And, as I was there
09:34 I decided to help sort through some of my dad's things.
09:39 And as he was at work during the day,
09:42 I had been sorting through diff- erent things he had been saving
09:45 You see my dad is a craftsman by trade
09:48 He has done auto body, auto mechanic work,
09:51 generally construction, it's typically what he does
09:54 and because my dad can build anything and fix anything
09:58 and refurbish and beautify anything
10:01 he sees the value in everything.
10:05 And as I was sorting through these things,
10:07 I would put some aside and say
10:09 I'm sure he's gonna wanna get rid of that.
10:11 I'm sure he's gonna wanna get rid of this.
10:13 And then there were some that I said,
10:15 you know I think he might want that.
10:16 And when my dad would come home at the end of the day
10:19 inevitably there would be some things, a few things
10:24 that I thought he would want to keep.
10:26 But he would recognize that they weren't worth keeping.
10:29 That although they may have looked good
10:31 they either did not have any more purpose for him, or
10:35 were beyond the point of use.
10:38 But more often than not, the pile of things that I thought
10:42 to myself yeah he's gonna wanna get rid of this
10:44 this is nothing, me not knowing what these tools were
10:47 all used for, not seeing the potential
10:51 because I'm not the craftsman, I'm not the one
10:53 who can refurbish everything, I set them aside
10:56 as if they were gonna be thrown away, and he said
10:58 Oh do you know what this is?
10:59 you know what this tool can be used for?
11:02 And he would tell me. And that tool could be used for something
11:06 that no other tool could do.
11:08 And then he would say, Oh this chair, you see this?
11:12 All I have to do is sand this down, I can paint it
11:16 I can varnish this wood, put it there for handles
11:19 within an hour it will be a beautiful brand new chair.
11:22 You see my dad saw the value, he sees the value in things because
11:27 he does not see them as they are but as what they could be
11:32 through his work in them. And God is the same way with us.
11:36 He sees us not as we are with our broken lives
11:40 our sinful vile nature. But when He looks at us
11:44 He sees us as what we can be in Christ, Amen!
11:48 And because of this He alone can transform us,
11:52 and because of this the Lord gave everything he had
11:56 for you and for me. Now you may wonder to yourself
12:03 why did Justin start speaking this morning
12:06 and immediately jump into the secondary application of
12:09 the parable? Why did he go to the secondary point
12:13 rather than starting with the crux of the matter?
12:16 Why jump to the side note where one paragraph
12:21 talks about this in Christ's Object Lessons and
12:24 where the rest of the parable is focused on the
12:27 primary application? Well I want to suggest to you this morning
12:30 that this is exactly what we do in our Christian walk.
12:34 You see much of the problem with us is that we think
12:38 this entire great controversy revolves around us.
12:41 But there is a greater controversy going on.
12:45 There is a much greater, broader controversy than just us!
12:50 But in Christianity that's all we seem to hear about, right?
12:55 In different movements, in different sermons
12:58 and especially in movements of which music plays a large part.
13:05 Without naming any names, if you listen closely
13:08 to many of the songs, if you listen to the sermons
13:10 they all seem to be focused on us.
13:14 They all seem to be focused on me, I.
13:17 Look at the words in the songs
13:19 And don't get me wrong, I'm not the type of person who says
13:22 the only songs are the ones that are 120 years old
13:25 or older. Not at all. There are some beautiful new songs
13:29 that have been written. But I must say, that unfortunately
13:33 the vast majority of the newer songs
13:35 tend to be on the shallower side when it comes to deep theology
13:38 when it comes to meaning, and especially when it comes to
13:42 focus, focusing on God. You see the songs that we sing
13:47 should not just be about us and what we want and what we need.
13:51 No. But they should glorify God.
13:54 Through everything we do, every- thing we say, everything we sing
13:59 Our focus should be on Him.
14:04 Now God's focus, as we mentioned
14:08 and as we've seen through this parable
14:10 God's focus in this great controversy
14:13 His focus in the plan of redemption is upon you and me.
14:17 It's upon His creation. But our focus as His creation
14:22 should be upon the Creator.
14:24 We see it's all too easy to have our focus to become narrow.
14:34 If you've ever been on the internet for something
14:38 or working on a document in a word processor like MS Word
14:42 or pages, you know that if you are zoomed in too closely
14:46 if you're zoomed into the page
14:48 you can no longer really work effectively.
14:51 You can no longer see the big picture.
14:55 And because you cannot see the big picture,
14:57 you're missing the point and you're unable to really work
15:01 as you need to. The same thing happens if you're in a forest
15:06 You see many trees and the closer you get to a tree
15:08 that is all that you'll see right?
15:11 But by backing up and standing on the mountain from a distance
15:14 you look down and you see the entire forest.
15:17 And when it comes to the great controversy,
15:20 when it comes to the plan of redemption
15:22 this is the danger that we find ourselves in.
15:25 We find ourselves slipping down the slippery slope often times
15:30 of focusing on ourselves which was God's focus
15:34 in the great controversy! But as we slowly start to back up
15:39 this morning, to gain a broader clearer picture
15:43 of what the great controversy is really about
15:46 I want to invite you to be prayerful
15:50 and to open your mind and heart to the fact that
15:54 this great controversy is bigger than you and me.
15:57 Did you know that when Jesus died on the cross
16:01 that it was for more than humanity?
16:04 Did you know when Jesus died on the cross
16:06 it wasn't just for human beings.
16:08 When Jesus died on the cross, it actually provided
16:13 the eternal security of not just us humans,
16:17 but all of the heavenly angels
16:20 of all of the beings in the unfallen worlds.
16:23 Listen to this powerful quote
16:26 Desire of Ages, page 758, paragraph 2
16:30 "To the angels and the unfallen worlds,
16:33 the cry 'It is Finished' had deep significance.
16:38 It was for them as well as for us that the great work
16:43 of redemption had been accomplished.
16:45 They with us share the fruits of Christ's victory."
16:51 You see the great controversy is bigger than us on planet Earth
16:56 It's actually securing, Jesus' death on the cross
16:59 actually secured the eternal security and peace
17:03 of not just us but the heavenly angels.
17:06 Because when Satan's character was finally made manifest
17:10 on the cross and when God's love, His complete selfless love
17:14 was finally made clear to the universe
17:17 they all knew that Satan was wrong in this great controversy.
17:21 And that God was truly a God of love.
17:24 And this is the reality, this is the realization
17:27 that will keep us from sinning
17:29 throughout the ceaseless ages of eternity.
17:31 The question may come, what was God's motive
17:38 in coming to save us? What was His reason?
17:42 What is His inward source of action?
17:47 What is it that has fueled Him in this great controversy?
17:51 Why did He come to die for us? It's bigger than you and me.
17:56 Listen to this and pick up your Bible, we're gonna go through
17:59 some verses together quickly. Isaiah 43:7
18:03 Isa 43:7, this actually talks about the reason
18:08 we were created. You're wonder- ing what the meaning of life is?
18:13 This verse coupled with some verses in Ecclesiastes
18:18 some of the last verses there will provide your answer.
18:22 Isa 43:7, God says everyone who is called by my name
18:27 whom I have created for my what? for my glory
18:33 I have formed him, yes I have made him.
18:36 So God here is saying I have created mankind
18:40 for my glory. It's not just about us
18:44 it's ultimately about God. So you may be wondering
18:47 to yourself how is it that God made us for His glory?
18:51 If God is a selfless God, a God of complete love
18:56 who is considering His creatures above Himself
18:59 doesn't that sound like a selfish statement?
19:01 I don't quite understand. Let's keep going.
19:04 Psalm 23:3. The famous Psalm many of us can quote it by heart
19:12 But let's go there to read it as well.
19:14 Psalm 23:3. Here David speaking in the pastoral psalm says
19:19 He restores my soul. Now why does He restore David's soul?
19:25 Listen, He leads me in the paths of righteousness
19:28 why? For His name's sake. So God's reason
19:34 for creating us, we've seen from Isa 43:7 is for His glory
19:39 The reason He leads us in the ways of righteousness
19:42 is not just for our sake but for His name's sake.
19:45 What does it mean to actually be led in righteousness
19:49 for His name's sake. What does God mean by His name?
19:53 Come over with me to Psalm 106:8
19:56 In Psalm 106:8 the picture becomes a little clearer
20:07 as we continue to zoom out so to speak.
20:11 Psalm 106:8, Nevertheless He saved them for His name's sake.
20:18 That He might make His mighty power known.
20:21 Also in Exodus 9:16 God told Moses to go to Pharaoh,
20:27 and He said that by the great power
20:30 that He works through Moses that His name would be made known.
20:34 Now was this a selfish reason?
20:38 Is God's glory, is His name being known to the world
20:43 for His own sake? Is He doing it
20:46 so He can feel good about Himself?
20:48 How do we reconcile this with the fact that He's a God of love
20:52 Well it's very simple. You understand that a name
20:57 represents character. We find this in Exodus 34 and
21:01 throughout Scripture. A name represents who we are.
21:06 You see if someone knocks on your door
21:10 and you weren't expecting anyone and you answer your door
21:16 you have one of those screen doors,
21:18 I don't know if you have them here in Australia,
21:20 but they're a Literature Evangelist's nightmare
21:22 in the United States. A screen door that's heavy metal
21:26 that you can hardly see through. You can't tell who it is
21:29 then you say, who's there? Who are you?
21:33 They say, Oh, I'm Jim. You say Ok you're Jim I don't know you.
21:40 But when you get asked who you are
21:43 your first response is your name
21:46 The reason that you give your name is because
21:49 our name is a representation or a reflection of who we are.
21:54 See, when God's name is being spoken of in Scripture
21:58 it's a reflection on His character.
22:01 It's about who He is. His name is the very essence of His being
22:06 Who is He? He is Yahweh. He is Jehovah Jireh.
22:11 He is Adonai. Yeshua. El Shaddai
22:16 And that's why there are so many different names for God.
22:20 Because one single name cannot summarize the infinitude
22:25 of His character. He is the illimitable One.
22:29 And this is why He has multiple names so that we can
22:33 have a clearer picture of who He is.
22:36 You see every name, Jehovah Jireh the Lord provides
22:40 it reflects upon His character and gives us a glimpse
22:44 into who He is. Every name of God
22:48 is a reflection and represent- ation of His character.
22:51 So in reality, God's motive in the great controversy
22:56 is to bring glory to His name. To rightly represent His name,
23:01 and that means to really demonstrate to the universe
23:04 who He is. By saying that it's for His glory
23:08 and to make His name known. God is basically saying
23:12 I want the world to know who I am.
23:14 I've been accused in this great controversy of something
23:18 of being a God that is harsh and stern and unloving.
23:22 and through the cross, and throughout history
23:25 in God's dealing with mankind
23:27 His goal has been to make His name known His character cleared
23:32 to us so that we can understand who He really is.
23:35 so that we can realize this is a God
23:38 that I want to spend eternity with.
23:40 This God's desire and this is what He means when He says
23:44 He wants to make His name known.
23:46 Turn with me to Ezekiel 36
23:50 In Ezekiel 36 we see this made more clear in God's Word.
23:56 Ezekiel 36 starting in verse 20. Here it says,
24:00 When they came to the nations wherever they went
24:02 they profaned My holy name. When they said of them
24:07 or when they said of them these are the people of the Lord
24:11 and yet they have gone out of these lands.
24:13 But I had concern for My holy name
24:17 which the house of Israel had profaned among the nations
24:19 wherever they went. You see in the Old Testament
24:22 God had a people and He said, Israel you are my chosen people
24:26 I want you to reflect my character
24:29 to all of the pagan nations around.
24:32 I want you to reflect my character so that they know
24:35 they don't need to sacrifice children to their idols.
24:38 Which was in reality sacrificing their children to demons.
24:41 He said I want you to rightly reflect who I am.
24:46 So that they can come to know me
24:49 I want you to well represent my Name.
24:52 And God says at this point in history,
24:54 Israel had failed to do that.
24:57 The surrounding nations looked upon them and they said
25:00 Is this God's people. What kind of God is that?
25:04 They're just like us. They dress like us. They sound like us.
25:08 They sing like us. They walk and talk like us.
25:11 They watch what we watch. Is this a different people?
25:15 And friends may this never be able to be said of us, Amen!
25:19 May God always look down and say, Ah my children!
25:23 My children are rightly reflect- ing my character to the world.
25:27 They have decided to stand up and be different.
25:31 Not for the sake of showing that they are better in any way
25:37 because they're not, no. Because of the God that they serve.
25:40 Friends, God wants us to rightly represent His character.
25:45 Israel was not doing this at this moment in time.
25:48 Verse 22, therefore say to the House of Israel
25:53 Thus says the Lord God, I do not do this for your sake
25:58 O House of Israel, it wasn't about them
26:00 but for My holy name's sake
26:03 which you have profaned among the nations wherever you went.
26:06 And I will sanctify My great Name
26:10 which has been profaned among the nations
26:12 which you have profaned in their midst
26:15 and the nations shall know that I am the Lord.
26:19 He continues on, and He says, when I am hallowed in you
26:25 before their eyes. So God says, I need to go to extra lengths
26:32 to make His character known to the people of planet earth.
26:36 and God says the way that I am going to do that
26:39 the way that they're going to come to know who I really am
26:42 is through you. He says when I'm hallowed in you
26:48 before their eyes. You see the Gospel,
26:52 the good news of salvation is about more than
26:55 sharing the fact that Jesus died for our sins and rose again.
26:59 The Gospel is about more than freedom from the death
27:02 penalty of sin and the power of sin. The Gospel is about more
27:07 than the guarantee of spending eternity in heaven with God.
27:11 The good news of the Gospel is that God, to God
27:16 you are the pearl of great price In this great controversy
27:20 you were His focus, our eternal security
27:24 and the eternal security of the angels this was God's motivation
27:28 This was God's desire. He was willing to give everything
27:33 for us. We were the focus in the great controversy.
27:37 In the gospels, the beautiful reality that
27:41 as Jesus suffered in Gethsemane, as He was physically abused
27:47 and endured physical pain, anguish and mental torment
27:51 on the cross, as He thought of you and I, He pushed forward.
27:56 He said they're worth it. I will continue on, I will push forward
28:00 Jesus, until He breathed His last, His motivation was you
28:06 His motivation was me, His motivation was the eternal
28:08 security of all His creatures in heaven.
28:11 And friends, Jesus did not die on the cross
28:17 to win some ancient argument with the devil
28:19 and prove him wrong for His own sake
28:21 He did it because that's who He is. God could not
28:26 enjoy heaven without you and me.
28:29 Friends, He did because that is His character. That is who He is
28:35 And as a result, as a result of that Satan is proven wrong
28:41 in this great controversy. As a result of that
28:45 before the onlooking universe the enemy of souls was unmasked.
28:48 And he was truly unmasked for what he was.
28:51 Because of what Jesus did on the cross as a result
28:55 men and angels can be eternally secure. The great controversy
28:59 can be ended and eternal peace in heaven can be guaranteed.
29:04 These were the results of God's action in giving His life
29:10 for us on the cross in the plan of redemption.
29:13 He did it because that's who He is. Now we see that
29:23 throughout Scripture those who have followed God
29:25 have recognized that it's not about them.
29:29 That it's really about Him. One of those people is Joseph.
29:34 Why don't we turn together to Genesis 39.
29:38 Genesis 39. It's a familiar story.
29:41 Joseph was in slavery at Potiphar's house.
29:44 He was the head of all of the servants.
29:47 We're told that Joseph was a handsome young man.
29:50 Which was a blessing and a curse to him.
29:52 Genesis 39, we see that day after day
29:59 the temptation came. Potiphar's wife tried and tried
30:05 day after day to convince him to sleep with her.
30:07 But Joseph had made a commitment to be faithful to God.
30:12 Listen to what he says. Listen to how Joseph
30:15 lived to the glory of God. Listen to the fact
30:19 how we see that Joseph realized the great controversy
30:22 is not just about him. It says in verse 9, or starting at 8
30:29 he refused and said to his master's wife
30:31 Look my master does not know what is with me in the house
30:36 and he has committed all that he has into my hand.
30:39 He trusted Joseph, he had become his friend
30:41 Now listen to how he continues, Potiphar wasn't his main concern
30:47 He says there is no one greater in this house than I
30:50 nor has he kept back anything from me but you
30:54 because you are his wife. How then can I do this
30:58 great wickedness and sin against Potiphar? No!
31:04 How can I do this great wicked- ness and sin against God!
31:08 Joseph was mindful of the fact that when no one else
31:11 was watching God knew what was happening.
31:13 Joseph said I cannot do this because I love the Lord.
31:17 And I cannot break God's heart by breaking His commandment
31:22 like this. Joseph was willing to stand, stand his ground
31:28 and resist temptation and live for the glory of God.
31:32 You see he cared more about the heart of his Savior
31:36 the heart of his Lord and he was even will than himself
31:39 even more so than breaking the hearts of the people around
31:43 which be extension breaks the heart of God.
31:45 But Joseph was willing to endure suffering,
31:48 he was willing to go to prison and even to die
31:51 before he would break God's law.
31:54 And we need to realize something about Joseph
31:58 His primary concern was the honor of God
32:01 He didn't say no to Potiphar's wife for a selfish reason
32:06 He didn't resist because of the chance of an unwanted pregnancy
32:11 He did not resist because it was the risk of an STD
32:16 which existed in Egypt at that time, by the way
32:18 He did not resist this tempt- ation because of the
32:21 emotional emptiness and the broken hearts that would result.
32:24 Those are the negative results of sin.
32:27 You see friends, fear of sin, fear of sin's results
32:35 is not strong enough to keep us from sinning.
32:38 Fear of sin's consequences is not enough
32:44 to keep us in the hands of God.
32:46 It may be enough to keep you from sinning outwardly.
32:50 But it won't stop you from sinning up here.
32:53 Fear of what will happen to us if we gave in to the temptation
32:59 is not enough to keep us from sinning in our hearts and minds.
33:03 Friends the only thing that is strong enough
33:08 to keep us from sinning even in thought is the love of God.
33:13 The only thing that can keep us from sinning and breaking
33:17 the Lord's heart, the only thing that is powerful enough
33:20 to do that is a deep, true, burning, real love
33:27 for Jesus Christ. This is the only thing that can
33:31 push us forward in righteousness
33:33 is a love for our Savior stronger than anything else.
33:37 You see Joseph loved and cared for God
33:41 because he knew Him. And until you know someone
33:46 it's really hard to care for them.
33:49 You see it's easy. Once you have a friend who's gone to the
33:54 mission field, or you yourself have gone to the mission field
33:57 or you have a family member who is overseas
34:00 doing ministry and mission work it's easy to remember
34:03 missionaries in your prayer.
34:04 When your friend or a relative is a conference leader
34:09 a church leader or someone who's going out as a Bible worker
34:14 it's easy to remember them because you know them.
34:17 Knowing someone makes all of the difference. And when we know God
34:24 we come to love Him. And when we come to love Him
34:27 we desire to honor Him.
34:29 We desire to reflect His loving character in all that we do.
34:34 And in all that we say. Friends this is God's desire for us.
34:40 This is the Lord's desire that we reflect his character.
34:44 The great controversy is bigger than you and me.
34:48 When we think about what God has done for us
34:53 it's easy to have the focus turned inward
34:57 it's easy to think that the great controversy
35:00 revolves around us. For God the great controversy revolves
35:04 around you because you as His creature, His creation
35:08 are His focus. But for us as His creation, the same selfless love
35:13 is focused on us that comes from God.
35:16 When that love is in our hearts our focus will be upon Him.
35:20 When that selfless, unselfish love and compassion
35:26 that God expressed to us through Calvary
35:30 through His continuing ministry right now in the sanctuary
35:33 in heaven, when we grasp that when we actually
35:36 come to understand that in its richness and its fullness
35:39 our focus will no longer be here on us, our focus will be on God
35:47 and His glory. Our focus will be on living for Him
35:51 We'll desire for 1 Cor 10:31, to be reflected
35:57 in every aspect of our lives. Turn there with me if you would
36:00 1 Cor 10:31, this should be our motto as we continue our message
36:06 "It's All About You", 1 Cor 10:31
36:09 Paul says, therefore whether you eat or drink or whatever you do
36:14 do all to the glory of God.
36:18 Friends, this is our purpose for existence.
36:21 This is His desire for us. And this is our, not just our duty,
36:27 not our responsibility but our holy privilege.
36:30 to glorify Him by reflecting His character to the world.
36:34 You see the reason why there are so many religions out there
36:39 and if you look at all the religions that exist
36:42 you'll see that all of them have a misunderstanding
36:45 of God's character. You'll see that in paganism
36:49 the various gods are one aspect of God's character.
36:52 Just His justice put into one fictional god.
36:56 Or just His compassionate love put into one god.
37:00 And when you divide the aspects of God's character
37:03 it becomes polytheism and you actually get a skewed picture
37:07 of who God is and the Lord needs you and He needs me
37:12 to reflect His character to the world. It's amazing
37:16 that God, His name Yahweh, by the way we call it
37:22 Tetragrameton in Hebrew, it's the word, the name that is
37:28 Jehovah often times. If you have the King James version or
37:31 the New King James version every time in the Old Testament
37:33 that you see Lord in lower case or in capitals
37:36 small capitals, its actually translated from Yahweh
37:40 and the Word, the name of God Yahweh
37:45 actually means the Self Existing One.
37:50 The One who has no beginning, the One who has life in Himself.
37:56 He had no beginning, He has no ending.
37:59 And by the way, this just does not apply only to God the Father
38:02 but this applies to Jesus as well.
38:04 This applies to the Holy Spirit as well.
38:07 They are the Self-Existing Ones
38:09 the Ones who have always existed from eternity past
38:12 to eternity future. Wish we had time
38:15 to dive into that a little more together.
38:17 But I bring this up to say that God, His very name
38:21 means the Self-Existing One, the one who by nature does not need
38:27 something from anyone else. He does not need life.
38:31 And the most amazing thing is that, that God
38:34 Decided to become 'in need'. He became a baby
38:41 a helpless human baby that needed to depend on His parents.
38:46 In His ministry, the Bible tells us that some of the women
38:50 who followed Him provided for their needs He and His disciples
38:54 The God of all eternity, who by nature needs nothing
38:58 became in need and it was so that He could relate to you an I
39:04 And today He's in need of us to reflect His character.
39:10 For God you are the pearl of great price.
39:15 But for you and me the pearl of great price is Jesus Christ.
39:21 He is to be our focus, He is to be our joy.
39:25 He is to be the one we are willing to give everything
39:28 to receive. In His great contro- versy when we realize that
39:33 when we come to see that God was not born a man
39:37 to die the death that we deserve
39:39 and rise from the grave for some selfish reason
39:42 to win an argument with the Devil for His own sake
39:45 but to rightly reflect His character to the onlooking
39:48 universe, when we see this and realize that this is
39:52 the God that we serve, when we realize His motivation
39:57 His focus in the great contro- versy was not upon Himself
40:02 but upon us, upon His creatures,
40:06 our eternal security in His Kingdom, then, then we will live
40:13 to seek His glory. We will live to reflect His
40:17 character to the world around us and like that merchant
40:21 that merchant, who for the pearl of great price
40:26 who was willing to sell everything that he had
40:31 we will be willing to go to any lengths
40:34 in order to keep Christ in our hearts
40:37 and thereby bring glory to God.
40:40 When we behold and understand His matchless love for us
40:44 when we realize that His focus in the great controversy
40:48 was on His creation, then our focus will be upon the Creator.
40:54 And then we will truly reflect His character
40:59 to the world around us.
41:01 You may wonder, is the pearl worth it?
41:06 Was the pearl worth it to the man?
41:10 He gave up everything that he had.
41:12 Can a pearl provide food for him?
41:16 Can a pearl provide clothing for him?
41:20 Was it worth it to sell every thing that this man had
41:25 in order to obtain a pearl?
41:29 Well friends, I want to suggest to you that Jesus
41:36 is worth everything that we have and everything that we are.
41:40 You know when I was in high school
41:43 I went on my first mission trip, ever.
41:46 To a large country in Central America
41:48 And as I was there for the first time I came across
41:55 third world poverty. And the poverty in this barrio
41:59 this poor, poor neighborhood was just shocking.
42:03 And the children were just precious.
42:07 I'll never forget how happy they would be when just a simple toy
42:11 would enter their hands and their eyes would light up.
42:15 I'll never forget how we didn't have enough coloring books
42:19 and crayons so we ripped out individual pages
42:22 and gave each child one page and one crayon
42:25 and they were so happy!
42:27 I asked my professor, I said how is this possible?
42:32 how is it that they have nothing and they're so happy?
42:39 And I'll never forget what my professor told me.
42:42 He said, Justin when Jesus is all you have
42:48 it's then that you'll finally realize
42:51 that He's all you'll ever need.
42:54 Friends, when Jesus is all we have we'll realize that
42:58 everything that we can have counted but loss
43:01 just to gain Jesus Christ, that pearl of great price
43:05 Do you want to live for His glory?
43:08 Do you want to live to reflect His character to the world?
43:15 If, this morning, as you've been listening to the message
43:22 you thought to yourself you know so much of my life is about me
43:29 Even my Christian walk, so much of it is focused on me
43:35 but today I realize my focus needs to be on Him
43:41 It's all about you? For God it's all about you
43:46 But for you it's all about Him.
43:49 For us, we should be saying to God, Lord my life
43:52 my words, my actions, the way I spend my money
43:55 everything I want it to be to Your glory.
43:59 I want it to be about you.
44:01 This morning if you want to say Lord,
44:04 I don't want to live just for myself
44:06 I want everything that I do to reflect Your character
44:10 I want my life to be about You. I'd like to invite you to stand
44:16 Standing to say 'Lord I realize my life is not
44:20 just supposed to be about me it's supposed to be about You.
44:24 I want to reflect Your character in this great controversy
44:27 I want to demonstrate to the world that You are a God of love
44:31 who has given His everything for His creatures.'
44:35 Maybe this morning as the Lord is speaking to our hearts
44:44 you're thinking to yourself, you know I want to reflect
44:46 God's character. I want to represent Him to the world
44:51 but I've messed up. I really made some mistakes
44:56 and I don't think that I can reflect His character
44:59 Did you know friend, that those mistakes, those defeats
45:05 can be turned into victory? One of my favorite quotes
45:10 Christ's Object Lessons, page 332
45:14 If you have made mistakes, you certainly gain a victory
45:21 if you see those mistakes and regard them as beacons
45:26 of warning. Thus you turn defeat into victory,
45:34 disappointing the enemy and honoring your Redeemer.
45:39 Friend, this morning I don't know what maybe in your past
45:42 I don't know if you're thinking to yourself
45:45 you know I want to glorify God. But I've messed up
45:49 I made mistakes. Friend, know this morning that those defeats
45:52 can be turned into victories. If you can look back
45:55 to those defeats and look at them as beacons of warning
45:58 to shed light on your pathway God can use them for a blessing
46:03 You can disappoint the enemy and honor your Redeemer.
46:06 You simply need to give Him your past.
46:12 This morning if you want to say Lord there are things in my past
46:16 that I want to become beacons of warning
46:18 so that those defeats can become victories
46:21 I'd like to invite you to come down to the front.
46:25 Don't worry about what people may be thinking.
46:29 Don't worry about those who may be watching and wondering, no
46:33 Heaven is looking down in this moment, the angels
46:38 are watching and wondering what will your decision be?
46:41 Amen, Amen brother. Amen sister
46:45 I'd like to invite you forward if you'd like to say Lord
46:47 I've made mistakes and I want them to be beacons of warning
46:51 I want them to point me in the right direction.
46:55 I invite you to come forward. To say to the Lord, Lord
46:59 guide me in the right path, I surrender the past to you
47:03 The devil may be trying to discourage you and say
47:06 'no you've messed up too much, you've gone too far.'
47:08 That's a lie. There is no place that you can go past
47:13 if you are willing to turn around and come to Christ
47:16 that God cannot reach you, Amen!
47:19 Friends if you want to say today 'Lord,
47:22 I'm surrendering my past to you.
47:25 As the devil seeks to discourage me
47:28 I want you to encourage me and remind me that
47:32 I can tell the devil when he comes knocking at the door
47:34 of my heart, I can send you to the door Lord Jesus
47:38 When you answer the door, he'll say
47:40 Oh I'm sorry I have the wrong house.
47:43 Friends the devil does not have a right to discourage us
47:47 if we have given our past to Him
47:49 If you want to do that this morning, it's not too late
47:53 I just like to invite you to join us here at the front
47:55 to say 'Lord I want those mistakes in my life
47:59 to be a positive thing. Amen sister, Amen brother
48:03 You wanna say Lord make those defeats, make those defeats
48:10 victories, Amen. You wanna say Lord may I not hang my head
48:18 in defeat but allow you to win the victory


Revised 2015-04-14