3ABN On the Road

The Controversy Ended - Victorious Lives

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Sherwin Jack


Series Code: OTR

Program Code: OTR001039

01:00 If you truly believe that God is love let me hear you say Amen
01:04 Ahhh let's try it again. Do you really believe that God is love?
01:08 Let me hear you say Praise the Lord
01:10 Praise the Lord!
01:12 Oh I know that you believe God is love
01:14 This entire book is telling us the story about how much
01:18 God loves you and me, Amen.
01:21 And this morning we can rejoice in knowing that God is love
01:24 that we are loved and that God has saved us to serve others
01:30 and in the process of serving we are sharing the love of God
01:34 and the plan that He has for each and every one of us.
01:38 Bow your heads with me this morning
01:40 as we open the Word of God that God will speak to us.
01:44 Eternal Father we thank You this morning for the blessings
01:49 of this Your Holy Sabbath Day. We thank you for the song
01:54 of praise that reminds us that truly God is love.
01:59 And Father this morning we pray for these
02:02 who are worshipping with us, the church family, the friends
02:05 who have come to worship with us today, we ask for them
02:08 a special blessing that they will see and hear and experience
02:13 that precious love that has been given to us in Your Son
02:18 and our Savior Jesus Christ, and Father we pray that as we hear
02:22 Your Word we will not be hearers only but doers of the Word
02:26 Father it is to this end we pray in Jesus' name, Amen.
02:31 Over the last several years I've come to have a particular burden
02:39 as it relates to us, the people of God.
02:42 I have been to schools for evangelism, I have preached
02:48 around the world but I've finally come to realize that the
02:52 greatest evangelists are not those of us who've been trained
02:56 and those of us who are in full time ministry and those of us
03:00 who have the credentials and degrees and all of that.
03:03 The greatest evangelists are YOU the people of God.
03:08 Because God has saved you for one purpose. That is to glorify
03:14 Jesus Christ through worshipping Him and through service
03:18 for your fellow man. I like the theme that we have
03:22 Saved to what everybody? Saved for, saved for service. Amen.
03:30 I've often said we've not been saved to sit but saved to serve.
03:34 That God has called us out of the world to send us back
03:39 into the world with the glorious message of the soon coming
03:43 of His son and our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
03:46 And so today, I want to focus the message today
03:49 on a very simple theme and the topic is Tell Your Story.
03:53 I've been sharing that theme with the workshops
03:56 we've been doing yesterday and then again tomorrow
04:00 Tell Your Story. Go with me to Mark, chapter 5.
04:07 The Gospel of Mark, chapter 5.
04:10 It is a message I like to share because it embodies the
04:16 heart of what it means to tell your story,
04:21 how important it is. Mark chapter 5.
04:25 If we look at the context of Mark 5 what we discover is that
04:32 Jesus made a very perilous journey across the sea
04:36 of Galilee. And we know in the process of this journey
04:41 Jesus encountered a terrible storm.
04:44 Well in the midst of the storm Jesus was asleep.
04:47 And I'm just amazed that the disciples being that they were
04:51 fishermen no doubt they had been through many storms before
04:55 and this storm started off probably just another storm but
04:59 soon they realized that there was more to this storm
05:03 than they had encountered before.
05:06 They probably tried all that they knew how to do
05:09 and yet the Bible says, the boat was filling up.
05:12 And somebody remembered that Jesus was on board.
05:15 And they cried out to Him Master don't you care we are perishing?
05:20 And the Bible tells us that Jesus arose and calmed the storm
05:24 And the Bible says they were astonished that even the winds
05:29 and the waves obeyed His voice. As I survey the Bible
05:33 here is what I discovered. The winds obey His voice
05:36 the waves obey His voice, the ravens obey His voice
05:40 the only part of God's creation that God has difficulty
05:45 with is you and me. Those who are made in the image of God.
05:49 We seem to have a problem listening to and obeying
05:53 the Word of God. The Bible tells us the Jesus came on land
05:58 and He encountered another storm in the person of the demoniac.
06:04 You know every time I study these men a little laughter
06:08 comes into my soul and into my spirit because these men
06:11 were isolated and relegated to living among the tombs.
06:16 The living dead among the physical dead.
06:20 I imagine that their names had long been taken off
06:24 of those who need visitation from the church.
06:26 But the Bible says that these men recognized who Jesus was
06:32 and the story goes on that Jesus then healed the men
06:37 cast out the demons and then as we read the Bible
06:40 the Bible tells us here in verse 19 of Mark chapter 5
06:47 'Howbeit Jesus suffered him not but said unto him,
06:52 go home to thy friends and tell how great things the Lord
06:57 hath done for thee.' In other words Jesus was telling this man
07:01 go home and tell your story. No one can tell your story
07:07 about what Christ has done in your life and what Jesus means
07:11 to you except you. You are the author of your story.
07:16 And someone needs to know what Jesus Christ has done
07:21 in your life. The Bible tells us that then Jesus in verse 21
07:26 And Jesus passed over again by ship unto the other side
07:30 much people gathered unto Him and He was nigh unto the sea.
07:35 And behold there came one of the rulers of the synagogue
07:41 Jairus by name and when he saw Him he fell at His feet.
07:46 I know we've read this passage many times before.
07:50 But somehow the impact of this scene seems to have faded
07:56 from our minds. Jairus was of the elite class of those
08:02 religious leaders of the day. The Bible said he was a ruler.
08:05 And by its very nature the mission and ministry of Christ
08:11 was in opposition to what the established religious leaders
08:15 of the day believed it ought to be. The Bible tell us that
08:20 Jairus had a problem. Jairus had an issue. And he besought Him
08:26 greatly, verse 23 Mark chapter 5 And he besought Him greatly
08:31 saying, my little daughter lieth at the point of death
08:35 I pray Thee come, lay Thy hands on her that she may be healed
08:40 and she shall live. It is interesting how Jairus
08:44 approaches Jesus. He comes running to Him and pleading
08:48 Jesus do something, my daughter lies at the point of death.
08:53 And the Bible says then he proceeds to instruct Jesus
08:57 as to what He ought to do. Sounds familiar, doesn't it?
09:00 It sounds like the way we often pray. We tell God what we desire
09:05 we tell God what we want but then we tell Him how to fix
09:09 the problem. Can I help you right now?
09:12 Jesus knows what we need. Jesus knows better than you
09:19 and better than me what we truly need from Him.
09:22 The Bible tells us that Jairus was at the point of desperation.
09:28 Then the Bible tells us as we continue to read the story
09:32 that Jesus went with him. Now notice that he said to Jesus
09:40 come to my house, lay Your hands on my daughter
09:44 and she shall recover. Could it be that Jairus heard what
09:50 Jesus may have done for someone else? That the method of healing
09:54 and restoration was that Jesus had laid His hands on the blind
09:59 and they recovered and laid His hands on those who were sick
10:02 and they were healed. And Jairus limited God to one method
10:06 and one mode of healing and restoration.
10:09 Can I say to you this morning that God has a thousand ways
10:12 in which to meet our needs. And sometimes we limit God
10:17 by our own limited understanding and perspective as to who He is.
10:23 But notice what the Bible tells us. The Bible tells us
10:26 that Jesus went with him and much people followed
10:30 and thronged Him, and a certain woman which had an issue
10:35 of blood 12 years had suffered many things of many physicians
10:41 and spent all that she had and was nothing better
10:46 but grew worse. And when she heard of Jesus she came
10:51 in behind the press and touched His garment for she said
10:55 if I may but touch His clothes I shall be made whole.
11:00 Notice the different approaches of these 2 seekers
11:04 of Jesus Christ. Notice the status and standing
11:08 of both of these individuals. If you read the text
11:13 as it ought to be read, both Jairus and the woman
11:17 with the issue of blood, they both had issues.
11:20 Matter of fact, I daresay today that all of us
11:23 sitting here this morning, we all have issues.
11:26 And friends if you don't believe that, then that's your issue.
11:30 All of us have issues. Some of us it's our attitude, some of us
11:38 it's not feeling good about ourselves, some of us
11:40 feeling too much of ourselves. Some of us, it's a spirit of
11:44 self righteousness, it's a spirit of entitlement.
11:47 But all of us have issues, why? Because the Bible says
11:52 that we are all born in sin and shapen in what? iniquity.
11:56 All of us have deficits and shortcomings.
12:00 The Bible says in the beginning God made us all of the dust of
12:04 the earth. But some people believe that they are better
12:07 than others because they were made of gold dust!
12:09 My brothers and sisters we're made from the dust of the earth
12:14 and all of us stand in need of the saving blood of our Lord
12:18 and Savior Jesus Christ. Now notice in the text
12:22 the Bible doesn't say explicitly but implicitly Jairus
12:26 being a man of wealth and power and position no doubt in my mind
12:33 that he had utilized all of his resources in order to bring
12:38 healing to his daughter and the Bible says now she was at the
12:42 point of death. Listen to what the Bible says
12:47 When she heard that Jesus came, she came behind in the press
12:54 and touched His garment for she said, if I only touch Him.
12:57 Notice, Jairus' approach was to be instructive,
13:02 to tell Jesus what He ought to do. This woman on the other hand
13:06 did not seek an audience with Jesus, all she said,
13:10 if I can get just close enough to Him to touch Him
13:15 I know that everything is going to be alright!
13:18 Notice in both cases Jesus accepted both for who they were.
13:24 And for their approach to Him. Straightaway the Bible tells us
13:29 the fountain of her blood dried up and she felt in her body
13:35 that she was healed of the plague.
13:38 There are some interesting similarities
13:41 and some differences in Jairus and the woman.
13:44 Let me highlight just a few of them.
13:47 First of all Jairus is named. The woman is unnamed.
13:53 The Bible tells us that Jairus was a man of power, prestige
13:58 and position. This woman was the lowliest of all that dwelt
14:03 because the Bible tells us she had an issue.
14:06 Jairus was a leader of the synagogue, this woman was not
14:10 even allowed to enter into the synagogue because her condition
14:15 rendered her unclean and unfit to dwell among the people of God
14:19 One of the sad things that I've discovered in ministry is that
14:24 there are a lot of people some- times who want to come to church
14:27 they want to fellowship but you know what their problem is?
14:30 They're scared of the saints! There are people who have not
14:34 been in church for 4 months and 5 months and 8 months
14:37 and they want to come back to church but they're afraid
14:40 because they don't want to be interrogated when they return.
14:43 and so they stay away. The Bible tells us
14:48 that Jairus was a man of power and prestige. Notice if you will
14:56 Jairus' daughter was 12 years old. The woman with the issue
15:03 of blood had suffered for 12 long years. It appeared
15:08 from the text that where Jairus had the benefit and blessing
15:12 of celebrating the joy of having his daughter for 12 years
15:17 this woman's issue began almost at the same time.
15:21 12 years of suffering, 12 years of celebration
15:25 and yet the Bible tells us that they're now at the same place
15:28 where they both needed the intervention and ministry
15:32 of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible tells us that Jesus now
15:38 is on His way to the home of Jairus with the purpose
15:44 and intent of doing something wonderful for Jairus.
15:50 But the Bible tells us that the woman in the crowd came up
15:55 behind the press, touched the hem of His garment
15:59 and the Bible says, and this verse is so powerful
16:02 that Jesus felt that power had gone out of Him.
16:08 The Word of God says, Jesus cried out 'who touched Me'?
16:13 Who touched me? And the church members said
16:17 Lord, don't you see the crowd?
16:19 Don't you see all of these people thronging you
16:23 and you ask, who touched me? But Jesus was speaking
16:27 not just of physical touch but a spiritual connection
16:31 that was made by an act of faith.
16:34 This woman is one that I admire greatly. Notice the progression
16:41 of her standing and stature. And it's instructive for us.
16:46 The longer we spend time with Jesus, the more we grow
16:52 into the person that Jesus has come to make us into, notice
16:58 she begins as a woman with an issue of blood.
17:01 The Bible tells us that Jesus stopped in His tracks
17:07 and cried out, 'who touched me?'
17:10 My friends this woman did not count on this event.
17:16 Listen to what the Bible says, 'and straightaway, verse 29
17:22 her blood was dried up and she felt within her body
17:27 she knew that something had happened to her.
17:30 for 12 long years she spent her entire life savings
17:36 she withdrew all the money that she had and placed that money
17:41 in the hands of physicians that were not able to bring about
17:46 the desired healing. There's some lessons there for us.
17:50 There are some important lessons there for you and for me.
17:54 Only Jesus can do for us what our hearts desire.
18:00 Only Jesus can heal us of all the afflictions of life.
18:06 Only Christ can provide the remedy for the malady that sin
18:11 has brought into our lives. But the story gets even more serious
18:16 The Bible says Jesus looked around and said 'who touched me'
18:21 She did not count on this. In her mind, in her spirit
18:29 her thoughts were to come behind the press on hands and knees
18:34 and touch the hem of His garment and slip away quietly
18:38 into the crowd. But Jesus had a greater purpose.
18:42 Jesus had a greater desire. Jesus had healed her body
18:49 But now Jesus wants to offer her more than just physical healing.
18:54 So Jesus said, 'who touched me'. Listen to what the Bible says
18:59 And the woman, verse 33, the woman fearing and trembling
19:05 and knowing what was done in her came and fell down before Him
19:10 and told Him all the truth. Jesus realized
19:16 that had the woman simply slipped away into the crowd
19:20 she would've left there believing that the healing
19:24 was in the HEM and not in the HIM
19:29 Jesus wanted her to understand that the true source of healing
19:34 was not in the touching of His garment
19:36 but was in the faith she placed in Him
19:39 as the divine Son of God and healer of mankind.
19:43 But the Bible says she was afraid. Why was she afraid?
19:47 Understand, that a woman in her condition was forbidden by law
19:55 to make contact with a Rabbi. What she had done
20:00 was equal to a capital offense. For rendering the Rabbi unclean
20:06 she could've been taken out and stoned, but the Bible said
20:10 that Jesus wanted to do some thing more for her
20:13 than simply healing her body.
20:15 Yes, Jesus is interested in her our being.
20:19 The Bible tells us in third John Beloved I wish above all things
20:24 that thou prosper and be in health even as thy soul prospers
20:30 Jesus is not just interested in healing us physically
20:34 Jesus came so that He can heal us spiritually
20:38 that the disease of sin that brings not only physical death
20:42 but eventually will bring spiritual death
20:45 that is His mission, that is His purpose
20:47 and for that reason He came.
20:49 The Bible tells us that this woman began with a purpose,
20:54 a purpose to be healed. And I like the fact
21:00 that no matter how many obstacles Satan raised
21:03 in her path, she kept going. One doctor disappointed her
21:08 she looked in the yellow pages and she found another doctor.
21:11 This doctor failed her and she left Brisbane
21:14 and went to Melbourne. She couldn't find a doctor in
21:17 Melbourne so she took a long drive across west gong to Perth
21:21 And she couldn't find a doctor there and she came back
21:24 and she went to the north country.
21:25 This was a woman with purpose.
21:29 But more than purpose, she had perseverance.
21:32 I want to say to you today church family
21:34 that if we're going to make heaven our home
21:37 we must make heaven our singular purpose.
21:42 But more than purpose we must have perseverance.
21:47 Because the enemy of your soul and the enemy of my soul
21:51 he's going to place obstacles in our paths to cause us to
21:57 to become discouraged, to cause us to doubt, to cause us
22:02 to become disillusioned but the Bible says this woman continued
22:06 to persevere. So now Jesus calls her out.
22:10 She didn't count on that. In her mind 'I just want to go get my
22:14 healing and slip away and go home. Just like we do
22:18 every Sabbath. We come to church we get our sermon and our song
22:22 and we slip away back to our homes.
22:25 But the Bible says, and our theme says
22:28 We are saved for what everybody? For service.
22:33 The thing that I like about Jesus and admire about Jesus
22:39 is that He knows what we need.
22:41 Can you now imagine, if you will, see Pastor
22:46 I have an imagination that sometimes is a little crazy
22:50 and so I'm thinking in my mind right now
22:53 What is Jairus thinking right now?
22:56 Can't you not see the look on his face? Jesus hurry up
23:01 let's go, my daughter is about to die.
23:05 But Jesus is spending time with this woman, why?
23:09 Because Jesus knew and Jesus had been listening
23:13 to the conversation at the home of Jairus.
23:16 In that very moment as Jesus was dialoguing with the woman
23:22 with the issue who had now been healed and restored
23:26 the messengers were on their way from Jairus' house
23:30 and when they arrived, they said to Jairus
23:33 Trouble not the master any further, your daughter is dead.
23:37 Please understand. The woman who had an issue
23:44 that Jesus called out and told her entire story
23:49 her testimony was to strengthen Jairus for the message
23:54 that he was about to receive. Her testimony, about 12 years
24:00 of searching, 12 years of dis- appointment, 12 years
24:03 of obstacles, 12 years of having to pursue and persevere
24:08 and finally she found herself at the feet of Jesus
24:12 and she was healed. There's a song that says
24:15 It is no secret what God can do What He's done for others
24:20 He will do for you. Notice if you will, Jairus was not given
24:27 opportunity to respond to the message and the messengers
24:32 Listen to what Jesus said to Jairus, the Bible tells us
24:37 verse 36, 'As soon as Jesus heard the words that were spoken
24:44 He said unto the ruler of the synagogue, Be not afraid
24:49 only believe. Be not doubting, only believe.
24:58 It's interesting. What Jairus went to Jesus that morning
25:05 seeking was healing. What Jesus had in mind for Jairus
25:10 was a resurrection! It's amazing how we settle for so little
25:16 when God wants to give us so much.
25:19 It's amazing that we settle for just being church members
25:23 when Jesus has saved us and called us to become disciples.
25:27 You know friends, I blame myself and I blame us as pastors
25:31 to some degree because we have somewhat misread the gospel
25:35 commission. The gospel commission says
25:39 Go ye into all the world and make disciples
25:42 not church members, but disciples.
25:48 It is true that we become part of the body
25:53 but the focus of the mission and the message
25:56 that Jesus has entrusted to us is that we go into the world
26:01 with the purpose and with the singular goal
26:04 of making men and women disciples.
26:07 So the question then is, what is a disciple? I'm glad you asked.
26:10 Let me give you a very simple definition that works for me.
26:17 A disciple is a reproducing Christian. That works for me.
26:27 It means that at the moment that I've become saved
26:31 I also become indebted to the unsaved.
26:36 If Jesus Christ has saved my soul, Ellen White says,
26:42 No sooner than one becomes, I'm paraphrasing
26:46 No sooner than one becomes a child of God
26:51 there springs up within that individual a desire
26:55 to see others saved. And so it troubles me that
27:01 upwards of 80% of us who name the name of Jesus
27:07 who are members of the church of the living God,
27:10 remnant church of the living God will spend our entire lives
27:15 in the church and never lead another person to Jesus Christ.
27:20 Something is wrong! Somehow we have misread the instructions.
27:26 We have been saved for service.
27:32 But I understand the root of the problem. Because for too long
27:39 evangelism was a program. It's something we did for a few weeks
27:46 during the year and then we went back to having church.
27:49 I shared it with a few earlier this week
27:53 maybe about 3 or 4 years ago,
27:55 our leaders at the General Conference declared
27:58 This is the year of Evangelism. I thought about it
28:03 and then I got angry. My anger stemmed from the fact
28:10 that I began to ask myself if this year
28:13 is the year of Evangelism, what was last year?
28:18 I thought maybe I missed the meeting when they
28:22 told us what last year was. My brothers and sisters
28:27 every waking moment, every moment that breath
28:31 is in our bodies, every waking moment that blood is cruising
28:35 through our veins, that is a moment for evangelism.
28:38 And the way we evangelize is not just with the
28:42 trainers and the specialists, we need them.
28:45 But evangelism takes place every day at work we're evangelizing
28:51 because we're showing up on time
28:54 and we're giving a full day's work for a full day of pay.
28:58 Hello? That's evangelism.
29:02 Evangelism is holding the door open when the person behind you
29:08 maybe a few steps away and it will take a few moments of
29:11 your time to just stand there and hold the door open.
29:14 That's evangelism. Because you are demonstrating
29:18 a love, a kindness and a sense of compassion
29:22 for those around you. Evangelism is telling your story.
29:27 The woman told her story about what she had been through
29:32 and how coming to Jesus Christ she finally received
29:37 what her heart had desired. She told her story. And her story
29:45 enabled and empowered Jairus to follow Jesus to his house
29:52 after hearing that his daughter was dead.
29:55 Now friends, it takes perseverance,
29:59 it takes perspective and it takes a sense of not giving up
30:07 until we have received from God that which our hearts desire
30:13 but more than that, that which God desires us to have!
30:18 I remember few years ago when I started post graduate studies
30:23 at a school in Rochester, NY
30:27 I had done all my writing and research
30:31 And when I got to my defense, I ran into a committee that
30:36 was hostile. I couldn't figure out why.
30:39 And after the interview they told me, well you know
30:48 you did some good work but there are several things
30:50 that we want you to fix, to correct.
30:52 It will take about another 3-4 months
30:54 for you to complete this and come back.
30:58 But those were the days when I was still not
31:02 as mature in Christ and some of the old me surfaced
31:06 and I said, I'm not correcting anything
31:08 And I took my dissertation and my paper work and I went home
31:12 And the dissertation sat there for four years.
31:14 And one day, it's like the voice of God said, Son
31:18 you need to finish. And so what I did, I discarded that
31:26 entire four years of work and started the whole process
31:30 all over again. Now let me caution you
31:34 and tell those of you who maybe in like situation
31:36 don't do that. Don't let your pride
31:41 don't let your self sufficiency get in the way
31:46 do the corrections and what you can do in 3 or 4 months
31:52 it will save you 4 years of having to go through this
31:55 who process all over again. Listen to the voice of God
32:00 Surrender and submit to Him and what you can't do
32:05 God will do in a very short time
32:08 So they're in the home of Jairus As they approach the house
32:13 the mourners, the paid mourners are there.
32:17 And the Bible tells us that they're weeping and wailing
32:21 and Jesus stepped in, I like the way Jesus operates
32:24 He comes in and says, What's happening here?
32:26 What's all the fuss? She's not dead, she's only asleep.
32:36 And notice what happens, the people who were just mourning
32:39 and wailing and weeping now they're laughing.
32:42 Watch what Jesus did. This is instructive
32:48 for the church of the living God. The Bible says
32:52 Jesus asked them to leave.
32:56 Because what Jesus was about to do, they were not privileged
33:06 by their lack of faith in who He was to witness
33:11 This is a serious and sobering point.
33:14 God is about to do something special, something very unique
33:22 among His people. But there are those who may have to leave.
33:27 So that what God needs to do will not be hindered by unbelief
33:35 and skepticism. There are things God wants to do in our hearts
33:41 personally, but He is not able to do it until there are things
33:46 in our lives that we must throw out, and put out and cast out.
33:51 I don't know what it is for you but I know what it is for me.
33:56 I don't know what may be in your life that may be hindering God
34:02 from doing in you and through you the work that God
34:07 has saved you to do. The Bible tells us that not only
34:17 did the woman have an issue but Jairus had an issue.
34:22 Jairus' issue was that he only sought Jesus as a great healer.
34:30 But he did not understand that what Jesus came to do
34:34 was not limited to physical healing and restoration
34:38 but what Jesus came to do was to restore us in spirit.
34:43 To renew our hearts, to help us have a greater appreciation
34:48 for who the Father is and what He has done for us on Calvary.
34:54 My brothers and sisters, Jairus began his journey
35:00 in seeking Jesus for one thing. That is he wanted his daughter
35:07 to be healed. But what Jesus had in mind was not limited
35:14 to just a healing. Jesus had resurrection in mind.
35:20 Some of us are not at a place now in our spiritual journey
35:28 in terms of where God wants us to be.
35:34 Some of us have come in, we've sat down and we've taken in
35:39 and we're good members, we're faithful, we attend every week
35:42 we give our offerings, we support the church
35:45 But that is not what God has primarily saved you to do.
35:51 God has saved you so that in turn He can use you
35:57 your witness, your testimony, your story to be a source
36:02 of encouragement and empowerment to others.
36:06 My brothers and sisters, no one can tell your story but you.
36:11 No one can have the impact on your friends, on your husband
36:15 on your wife, but you. We go back to the story we began with.
36:21 The man whose life was control- ed by these demonic spirits
36:28 Jesus healed him and he said Lord, I want to go with you.
36:34 I wonder why he didn't want to go home.
36:37 I wonder why he did not want to go back to his former church.
36:41 When he was healed and restored he had one desire.
36:47 One thought occupied his mind. One overwhelming desire
36:53 consumed his life. One passion he had and that is why
36:57 he wanted to be with Jesus. He wanted to go where He went.
37:02 He wanted to follow Him. Jesus says, Go home.
37:06 And tell your story about what the Lord has done for you
37:12 And you know what the Bible says? He obeyed.
37:15 He went home and began to tell his story, and the Bible says
37:21 all who heard him were amazed.
37:25 My brothers and sisters, today there are people
37:28 who will not come to know Jesus until you tell your story.
37:34 There are people who waiting for you
37:38 to share what Christ means to you.
37:43 And today God is calling you to stand up
37:47 and to tell what He has done in your life.
37:53 And my brothers and sisters, when we allow the Spirit of God
37:58 to use us, to share our story, there is no telling
38:03 the extent of good that we can do
38:06 for the building up of the Kingdom.
38:08 Jairus had an issue, what was his issue?
38:13 He only saw Jesus as a healer of the body.
38:18 Jesus had more in store for Jairus.
38:21 Jesus wanted Jairus to under- stand that He was not simply
38:26 a healer but He was none other than the Lord
38:29 and Savior of the world. I believe today that this
38:35 encounter Jairus had with Jesus placed him in a place where
38:40 as his life and his journey continued
38:43 he reflected on what Christ had done for him.
38:47 My brothers and sisters today, Evangelism is simply
38:53 you telling a friend, and you telling a friend
38:56 and you inviting a friend, and you telling them
38:59 what Jesus Christ has come to mean in your life.
39:03 I can testify today that the reason I'm doing what I do
39:09 is because I realize how gracious and how good God
39:16 has been to me. Last night I shared a little bit of my story
39:23 that it took me an entire year from the point where God
39:29 was clearly speaking to me. And I allowed fear to creep in
39:36 I allowed the enemy to whisper into my ear 'not right now'
39:39 'you have more time' and the next year that I spent
39:45 was a year of pain and turmoil, a year of regret
39:50 and remorse because I turned away from the moment
39:56 when God was speaking to me.
39:59 My brothers and sisters, we're here this morning and I know
40:02 that God is speaking to some of you this morning
40:04 I don't know what your issues are, like the woman
40:08 your issue maybe that you need physical healing and restoration
40:13 The God I serve is able and available to restore
40:18 broken bodies. But more than that He wants to do something
40:24 to restore our souls. It is His desire, His aim, His purpose
40:30 to bring not only physical healing but spiritual healing
40:34 and restoration. Last night we talked about baptism.
40:39 What it means. It's an experience that we have
40:44 with the Lord Jesus Christ. Baptism is the outward
40:49 manifestation of what the Spirit of God has already done
40:53 on the inside. That's what baptism is.
40:56 It's declaring publicly to the world that Jesus Christ
41:01 has come into my life and a change has come over me.
41:06 And now I want to live the rest of my life in service to Him.
41:11 Tell your story. There are people who are waiting to hear
41:17 what God has done for you. There are people who are waiting
41:21 to hear what God is willing to do in and through your life.
41:26 As the musician comes, I am going to share with you a story.
41:30 Many years ago, Elder E E Cleveland, some of you may know
41:37 who Elder E E Cleveland is, he's deceased now.
41:39 But I believe he was probably the singular greatest evangelist
41:43 that this church has ever produced. Tens of thousands of
41:49 men and women are rejoicing in Jesus Christ today
41:52 because of his ministry. He went to a town
41:57 and he spent several weeks, back in those days
42:01 evangelists held meetings for two months, and 3 months.
42:08 I don't know how they did it. After 3 weeks I'm spent!
42:13 And night after night he preached with all of his
42:20 God given power and there was a family that attended, but
42:24 they did not make their decision A few months later the pastor
42:34 of the church decided that he was going to run an evangelistic
42:36 meeting and the pastor was not really an evangelist.
42:40 And some of the members said Pastor are you sure
42:43 you want to do this? They were being kind. But the pastor said
42:51 God has spoken to me and I'm going to do this meeting.
42:54 And the pastor ran the meeting and he only baptized
42:58 about 4-5 people. Can you hear church members now,
43:03 pastor, we told you... But one of the families
43:08 that were baptized were the parents of Barry Black
43:14 Do you know who Barry Black is? Barry Black is the chaplain
43:21 of the Senate of the United States.
43:26 Barry Black rose through the ranks of the US Navy
43:29 and became the Chief of Chaplains.
43:32 His ministry has brought into the family of God
43:37 thousands of individuals. Because one man
43:43 against the odds and without the full support of even his own
43:49 church family decided to do what God told him to do
43:52 and as a result, one family came into the church
43:56 but through that family God has blessed tens of thousands
44:00 of people. Tell your story. Some of you may have been
44:08 sick and hospitalized. The reason you were hospitalized?
44:11 Is not because God doesn't care. But there was a nurse, or
44:16 a doctor that needed to under- stand and see how a child of God
44:21 holds fast to the Master even in sickness
44:27 and in the face of death. You know what I've learned?
44:30 In my own life? And it's a model I live by.
44:35 That not everything that happens to you is about you.
44:41 Joseph said it, 'you meant it for evil,
44:48 but God sent me here to Egypt, from the pit to the prison
44:54 to the palace, God sent me here to prepare the way for you'
45:02 Not everything that happens to you is about you.
45:06 Tell your story. You know friend of mine, one of the things
45:12 that we as Christians need to learn how to do
45:14 is to wait on the Lord. To trust Him. When He speaks we move.
45:20 A story that is very meaningful to me, my wife may have heard it
45:26 3 or 4 times but she'll hear it one more time today.
45:28 Because it is such a powerful and moving story
45:34 about waiting on God and moving when God moves.
45:39 That woman thought she found Jesus? No. Jesus placed Himself
45:45 where she could have access to Him. Jairus thought that he
45:49 happened to stumble on to Jesus? No. Jesus went to where he was
45:53 so that He could make Himself available.
45:56 Little boy went to the store with his mother.
46:01 And while he was in the grocery store he was picking off
46:05 the milk, the butter and the cheese and being very attentive
46:09 to his mom. They filled up the grocery carts
46:12 went to the cashier. The little boy had a thought in his heart
46:17 that if I was good today and did all that mom wanted me to do
46:21 that at the end of it all, mom would have enough money left
46:26 to buy me some candy. The cashier rang up and mom
46:32 had no money left over for candy Little boy was sad
46:37 and discouraged. You could see his head hanging low
46:40 His countenance revealed his disappointment.
46:43 The store owner was looking on. And he saw
46:50 the look of disappointment on the little boy's face
46:53 and he came over to the little boy and said, little boy
46:55 do you want some candy? Little boy said Uh Huh
46:58 He said reach into the jar and take some candy.
47:03 The little boy said mmm mmm. He said, but little boy
47:07 didn't you say you wanted some candy? He says uh huh
47:10 He said, well reach in there and take some candy.
47:13 Little boy said mmm mmm. The store owner opened the jar
47:18 reached in, took out some candy and gave it to the little boy.
47:22 He put some in his pocket, he put one in his mouth
47:25 and he walked out the store with a smile on his face.
47:28 But his mother was troubled because she said, Son
47:33 didn't you come with me today because you wanted some candy
47:38 He said, Uh huh. Didn't the man tell you to reach in there
47:43 and get some candy? He said Uh huh.
47:46 She said well why didn't you obey and take the candy
47:49 when he told you? He looked up at his Mom and he smiled
47:53 He said, Mom I knew that his hands was bigger than my hands!
47:58 My brothers and sisters today, God's hands
48:11 the hands of Jesus that was nailed to the cross
48:16 is bigger than your problem and my problem. There is nothing
48:21 that we desire from Him or of Him that His hands cannot supply
48:27 And today what Jesus is asking for you and for me
48:31 is to wait on Him and to follow Him.
48:34 And I believe that this witness ministry that has been conducted
48:39 and it's such a beautiful thing to see young people
48:42 young men and women leading out, praising God
48:47 inviting friends to come. Today we want to invite you
48:51 to do something for Jesus. Not for me, not for the pastor
48:58 not for the church, but some thing for Jesus.
49:01 Last night we talked about baptism.
49:04 And it's a public expression of what Jesus has already done
49:10 in your heart. Several of you have already indicated
49:16 the desire to be baptized. So here's what we want to do.
49:20 I want to pray again with you and for you.
49:22 Those of you who came last night to the front and stood
49:26 and said, Yes God has spoken and I have made up my mind
49:30 to follow Jesus. We want you to stand where you are.
49:33 Come on, those of you who stood last night You wanna be baptized
49:37 You wanna give your heart to the Lord, you made up your mind
49:40 that nothing will come between you and Christ.
49:43 You know that Jesus Christ died to save you
49:46 We wanna pray with you again.
49:49 I want you to do what you did again last night
49:51 to encourage others to come. So those of you who are standing
49:56 would you come and I'm going to ask Pastor Zeny
49:58 to come and join me here at the front. Those of you
50:02 that stood last night. Those of you whom God is speaking to
50:07 right now, that you know that your life is incomplete
50:12 and the only way to experience that fullness of joy
50:18 is to surrender and submit your life to the Lord Jesus Christ.
50:21 And He's inviting you to do so right now.
50:24 So those of you who are standing please come again and stand
50:27 in front. Step out and come. We just want you to come.
50:30 Get close. The pastor is here we want to pray with you again
50:33 But there are some others here today that God has been speaking
50:36 to you. You need to make a decision right here, right now
50:40 today. Because whatever healing you need, Jesus said
50:45 I am the one that can bring that healing and restoration.
50:50 Is there someone else that would like to come?
50:53 You wanna give your heart to Jesus Christ.
50:56 You know that Jesus loves you. He died for you.
51:00 And right here, right now today He's calling for you
51:03 to come and to give your life to Him.
51:08 He wants to fill your life with joy, with purpose.
51:12 He wants to do for you what you cannot do for yourself.


Revised 2015-04-15