Pure Choices

Sexual Openess In Social Media

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Seth Yelorda (Host), Alfonzo Greene, Lola Moore, Michael Kelley, Michael Polite


Series Code: PC

Program Code: PC000007

00:40 Welcome to Pure Choices.
00:41 I'm so glad you decided to join us again today,
00:44 as we go in and discuss some hot topics
00:46 concerning how we, as you, the young adults
00:49 can remain pure in our choices.
00:51 I have my friends here with me again today,
00:54 Pastor Alfonzo Greene,
00:55 who is here from the Huntsville First SDA Church,
00:58 glad that you're here with me, brother.
00:59 I got my brother, Pastor Michael Polite,
01:02 who is the associate pastor at the Riverside Chapel,
01:04 SDA Church in Nashville, Tennessee.
01:07 We have Pastor Lola Moore,
01:09 who is with us again from the Huntsville,
01:12 Oakwood University Church in Huntsville, Alabama.
01:15 And then my brother Pastor Michael Kelley,
01:18 all the way from California, Riverside area,
01:21 Mt. Rubidoux SDA Church.
01:24 Today, lady and gents,
01:27 we're dealing with social media,
01:29 we're dealing with sexting, we're dealing with flirting,
01:32 we're dealing with just that whole kit and caboodle,
01:36 that the world has kind of, that we've seen come more
01:38 on the world scene.
01:40 You know, over the last, I would say, maybe ten years.
01:43 You know, social media has really taken over,
01:45 maybe even longer than ten years.
01:47 You know, social media has really taken over
01:49 and with that we have seen a rise
01:51 in the level of expression,
01:55 illicit expression
01:56 that we see from, unfortunately a lot of youth,
01:59 young adults and adults just the same
02:01 and we want to tackle that issue today.
02:03 In your opinion where does this whole issue
02:06 of sexting or using the social media networks
02:10 to really advertise your body
02:14 or really to kind of promote yourself?
02:15 Where does all that come from?
02:17 Well, let me just say before even we get there, that.
02:18 You know social media in itself,
02:20 I just want to make clear that it is,
02:22 there's nothing wrong with social media
02:24 in and of itself.
02:25 There's nothing wrong with Facebook,
02:27 Twitter and the other things.
02:28 It's just a platform,
02:30 and it's just what you do with that platform,
02:32 and so I think it's important for our...
02:34 I mean, you know, some people may just kind of go
02:35 to the opposite extreme
02:37 and just kind of view it as a bad thing,
02:38 but it's what do you do with it.
02:40 And there's just, you know,
02:41 people just kind of want to get their stuff out there.
02:43 Just want to kind of draw some attention.
02:45 I know, you know,
02:46 somebody else had
02:48 something else that you want to win but...
02:49 Well, you know, the idea with social media
02:51 which ties into, like I said, you know,
02:54 the world know something,
02:56 a lot of things about ourselves that,
02:57 sometimes we don't know, but God has made it very clear.
03:00 We're beings are loved to be connected to people.
03:02 We love to stay connected. We love relationship.
03:05 We love fellowship.
03:06 And the social media gives us a way to do that.
03:09 I don't have to be in the same state as you
03:11 to be connected to you.
03:12 I don't have to be in the same country as you
03:14 to even stay in contact with you.
03:16 Now let's take a little step further.
03:19 I don't even have to be in the same room as you
03:22 to experience you in a sexual way.
03:25 And so it just opens that,
03:26 so it becomes almost more convenient
03:30 to give of myself
03:31 but then at the same time,
03:33 I don't think I'm really giving of myself,
03:34 because there's no physical contact there,
03:36 I'm not touching.
03:37 I'm just, you know, giving that part of me.
03:40 It's almost like, that the whole sexting
03:43 is a play off of pornography,
03:46 and you know... Absolutely so.
03:47 What do you think?
03:48 Well, because individuals who are seeking attention
03:52 are trying to draw the eye of individuals
03:55 who they don't know.
03:56 So how do I do that best?
03:57 Do I just do that with a face, a picture of my face?
03:59 Now some people have a beautiful face
04:01 where they can do that,
04:02 but more often than that
04:04 people are taking their clothes off
04:05 or doing things. They got a full body shot.
04:06 Full body shot in order to draw attention.
04:09 Now people are looking at me,
04:11 which for some who are not getting proper attention
04:15 will translate into love
04:16 or the feelings that are associated with the love.
04:19 And what social media doing is,
04:22 it's giving us more access to each other
04:26 during those lewd times.
04:29 Whether it would be
04:30 my boy in college had a longtime girlfriend
04:34 talking about, he's going to get married and everything,
04:36 went up to Canada for a spring break,
04:39 got up with some chicks there,
04:42 but kept it on the deal to where, you know,
04:44 he didn't think his chick would see it later
04:46 and then boom.
04:47 She gets on Facebook one day, relationship over.
04:51 So it's giving people that window
04:53 to look at your house and say, "what's going on?"
04:56 And a lot of people are loving the fact
04:59 that they have thousands of people
05:01 looking and watching them.
05:02 Facebook has destroyed quite a few relationships.
05:05 Absolutely. Absolutely so.
05:07 It's kind of, when you talked about the lewd times though.
05:08 I mean, you know, Congressman Weiner...
05:10 I mean, I'm sure like
05:11 when he was caught at doing his thing...
05:13 Even his name. Right, yes.
05:17 They want. Bumping up notes, you know.
05:20 I mean, but I don't think...
05:22 I mean, I don't think those things
05:23 will probably happening like,
05:24 I mean, it was probably when the mood times,
05:27 you know, he was just kind of losing himself
05:30 late in the midnight hours.
05:31 You got to be mindful
05:33 that Biblical principle was done in the dark.
05:34 Will come to light. Will come to light.
05:37 You hold your sins, we'll find you out.
05:40 To me is... I don't even think that, that text.
05:43 If we had to rewrite it today,
05:44 it wouldn't be your sins, will find you out.
05:46 I mean, we put our sins out there.
05:48 I mean, we just lay it out there,
05:49 just for everybody to see, because we like to do it.
05:52 I mean, a divorce lawyer said
05:54 the best thing that's ever happened to them
05:56 has been Facebook,
05:57 because people put their stuff out there.
06:00 And I think there's something we say,
06:02 we say there's a window into our lives
06:04 because we like to know that somebody is interested in me.
06:09 And so the more interesting things
06:11 I put out there,
06:12 the more attention I'm going to get.
06:14 I can blog about, I can talk about.
06:16 I think there are people who've got movie deals,
06:19 who've got record deals
06:20 because there's something crazy that they put on YouTube.
06:23 Like a sex video, something like that?
06:24 You come out with this, you come out with a sex tape
06:26 and you know, it seems like that's the way to make it,
06:28 that's how we would.
06:30 That's it. Yeah.
06:31 I mean, from that too
06:32 a boy right here in the backyard
06:35 of Oakwood University, who got on a TV show.
06:38 News reports say, "How is your kids?
06:40 How is your wife?"
06:42 You know, that whole thing blew up.
06:44 And now my girl can walk to an airport
06:46 and just get slammed by people who said,
06:49 "I saw you
06:50 because of his thing going viral
06:52 and everybody is watching."
06:53 And I mean, and really I don't think
06:55 that we desire fame.
06:58 I think we desire the root of fame
07:02 which is to be known.
07:03 We all want to be known as we are known.
07:06 So we're all desiring for people to know us.
07:09 I want people to know my name when they see me.
07:12 And I mean, all of us, we are public figures.
07:14 And so sometimes, there is the little rush
07:16 that happens when somebody says,
07:18 "Hey, I saw you on Pure Choices
07:19 or hey, I saw you at your church
07:21 or I saw you on this video or that video."
07:23 And I'm thinking that people who are not public speakers,
07:27 who are not public figures
07:29 are willing to do whatever in order to be known,
07:32 if it means making a sex tape,
07:34 if it means sending a lewd picture of myself.
07:36 I just want people to know who I am
07:38 and the enemy plays into that.
07:40 So we'll find, what is the ridiculous,
07:42 most outlandish way to put you on display,
07:46 so that you can be known.
07:47 And then he puts these ideas in our minds.
07:49 That's a problem.
07:50 I mean, that's... It's a huge problem.
07:51 That's a problem when you think,
07:53 "Let me, let me compromise
07:54 or let me do, you know, lower my standard.
07:57 And in their mind, it might not be a compromise.
07:59 I don't know, in their mind,
08:00 it might not be a lowering of the standard,
08:02 but just like let me do whatever I can do,
08:03 so that I can get where I want to go.
08:05 And remember, we said in a previous program
08:07 that the enemy through media has taught us
08:10 that it's really not that deep.
08:12 It's just my body, you know, everybody has a body,
08:15 it's really not that deep.
08:16 And so with that lie in our minds
08:19 then exposing myself to someone is really not that deep.
08:22 We've been primed through the media
08:24 and now you see the out birth of that
08:26 with the way people are taking pictures of themselves
08:28 and the things that people will share
08:30 about themselves over Facebook and social media
08:33 which would have been absolute taboo,
08:35 ten years prior.
08:37 I think that's like one group of people though.
08:38 There is one group of people that they're seeking attention,
08:41 they're seeking to be seen.
08:43 But then you do have some young teens
08:45 that they send that picture to their boyfriend
08:48 and they just don't think that, that's gonna get out
08:52 or they just send that picture to their girlfriend,
08:54 I don't think it's really their intent
08:55 or they send that message.
08:57 It's not their intent for it to go out.
08:59 They just don't think that far.
09:01 But, you know, then I don't jump in today.
09:02 Now I'm gonna say this to you all at home.
09:05 If you send a picture to somebody,
09:07 they are showing to somebody else.
09:09 I mean it's just hands down,
09:11 I don't care how you slice it, whatever.
09:13 I'm not to say, "Oh, please, just me."
09:15 And they'll text back, I don't know how it goes.
09:17 Well, you know, I'm just gonna keep it for myself.
09:19 No, dog, they are showing somebody
09:22 because there's something to be said,
09:24 that yo, I got her picture
09:26 and they keep folders and albums.
09:29 So you got to know.
09:30 And these are the things
09:31 that will prior to go side to it.
09:33 If you're going to point yourself out there
09:34 in that way,
09:36 you got me saying, yo,
09:37 what am I going to be like
09:38 if this thing just goes all throughout?
09:40 And I just, you know,
09:42 real quick I want to share of the story.
09:44 It's very bad that I had to deal with,
09:47 as a pastor.
09:48 Young lady gave oral sex,
09:50 she's in high school, to a young man,
09:52 he recorded it on his phone, showed some of his boys,
09:56 and police got involved
09:57 because you have to be very careful with that.
09:59 There are sexting laws in different states,
10:02 that if you send something like that out,
10:04 it could be considered pornography,
10:06 involving a minor
10:07 and it really gets tricky,
10:09 all those different kinds of things
10:10 because they were teenagers.
10:12 But the thing that really made me think.
10:14 You know, I have two little girls,
10:15 is the father
10:17 in order to confirm that it was his daughter,
10:19 so they could press charges, had to watch the video.
10:21 Wow. My goodness.
10:23 And so this girl is seriously, "Okay, yeah."
10:25 And she knew she's been recorded,
10:26 that wasn't a thing.
10:27 It was like, yeah, you know, go ahead, do it, that's fine.
10:29 But she didn't know her dad was gonna watch it?
10:31 But she didn't know, but that's the thing.
10:32 They didn't know pop's is gonna end up watching.
10:33 And can we say that the enemy
10:35 will always entice you to do things,
10:36 but will never, never reveal to you
10:39 what the end result would be.
10:40 This young woman, like I said,
10:42 she felt comfortable doing this.
10:43 You know she was open with her so whatever,
10:46 but in her wildest imagination,
10:48 she would never have thought
10:49 that her father would have to watch the video through.
10:53 And that's what the enemy will to do.
10:54 The enemy will entice us to do things
10:56 but never ever impress upon us what the end result is.
11:01 And I really feel like building on social media exploding,
11:05 I think there was a movement right before it hit
11:07 that really allowed it to become so important to us
11:10 and that was reality TV.
11:12 Reality TV hits the track in the late '90's
11:15 and people start seeing
11:17 how powerful it is to watch compelling story
11:20 as it's happening,
11:21 instead of having somebody
11:23 create this compelling story that's frictional.
11:25 Yes, so there's social media hits on the scene
11:27 and now it's like, "Oh, I don't just depend on ABC,
11:31 NBC, CBS to show me real life.
11:34 I can watch it for myself."
11:35 A matter of fact, I can make my own life a reality TV show.
11:40 And you know they had a study,
11:42 you know, the pornography industry,
11:43 a hundred billion,
11:44 I think it's, you know, billions of dollars
11:46 something crazy like that a year.
11:48 And they were able to break down,
11:49 what is it that people are watching the most
11:52 and it's not the once that are "Stage"
11:56 and all those kind of things, it's the reality ones.
11:59 These are the ones that are more real,
12:01 because I can put my, I can you know,
12:02 put myself, you know, in there,
12:04 as opposed to something that's so,
12:05 you know, far outlandish.
12:08 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
12:09 And it's like when you watch the reality TV shows,
12:11 it's almost like there,
12:12 it's a reality show
12:14 but, you know, it's a puppet.
12:16 You know there's a puppet master behind it.
12:17 And we don't know that. And we don't realize that.
12:19 It's a reality show
12:20 that is not so much showing us reality,
12:22 but it's trying to teach us unreality.
12:24 So, when you watch reality, say,
12:26 "Oh, that's how I'm supposed to act
12:27 or that's what a good time looks like
12:29 or there's nothing wrong with being this crazy
12:31 or this wild, whatever."
12:32 And so then we become informed
12:34 based on the reality TV that we're watching.
12:36 Yeah, but I think
12:38 there's something deep with that though.
12:39 If I think something is reality,
12:41 but at the end of the day it's really not.
12:43 Think about what that does
12:44 to my concept of what real really is.
12:48 Because I'm sitting and say, "Okay.
12:50 That's how you kind of handle that situation."
12:52 This situation comes up
12:54 because it just naturally happened with them
12:55 on the TV show having no idea.
12:57 I actually know some people
12:59 who have been on reality TV
13:01 and while they're doing the take, that's reality.
13:04 They say, cut, no, we need you to do it like this again
13:06 and that's not real.
13:08 But when I think it's real,
13:09 that does something, you know, to the mind.
13:11 And they have done studies,
13:12 they have done studies on the reality TV.
13:13 And have shown that they intentionally make sure
13:15 that there's a lot of liquor, a lot of alcohol,
13:17 they make sure that the party keeps on going,
13:20 you know, and so they really want to juice it up.
13:22 They have to make it enticing for people to watch it.
13:25 And we have to understand that they are stakeholders,
13:27 who actually fund reality TV shows.
13:30 I mean, it seems like the more outlandish it is,
13:33 the more crazy it is, we watch more.
13:35 You know there's a reality TV shows,
13:38 several of them about housewives.
13:40 And the ones that we watch
13:42 are not the ones that are just you know,
13:43 presenting up, you know.
13:45 They're going to blow.
13:46 These little ones we want to see the ones
13:47 going to blow, the ones,
13:49 who are just out of their mind going crazy.
13:51 There's something about us that's drawn to the more
13:54 you know, crazy, more extreme
13:57 and it's shaping, as he said, it's shaping our reality.
14:00 Now you have people who in real time
14:03 will do with someone scripted on television
14:06 and we have to be careful with that.
14:07 Very much so, not only do we have to be careful,
14:09 but it's feeding into
14:12 ever since the Garden of Eden, humanity has had a problem.
14:15 I want to be the director of my film.
14:19 I want to direct my film.
14:20 I want to be the master of my ship.
14:22 So reality TV is showing how people can direct it
14:26 and we don't know, they don't know,
14:27 there's a director behind them that says, cut.
14:29 You know this is the direction we want to go.
14:32 And now so I get on my social media medium,
14:36 whether it be Facebook, my cell phone or whatever
14:39 and I'm seeing the opportunity now to direct my own show.
14:42 And I want to hit on also that,
14:43 it's not all about reality.
14:45 People will also uses social media
14:47 to create an alternate reality, a new person, very much so.
14:53 So now it gives me a chance
14:55 to be a Dr. Jekyll, Mr. Hyde type of feel,
14:58 to where during the day this is what you see,
15:00 but when you get on my Facebook page,
15:02 on My Space, or you get on my Twitter,
15:04 where you see some of the pictures
15:06 I'm putting out there.
15:07 Now you see Mr. Hot.
15:09 Yeah, I mean, I think it, you know,
15:11 speaking about Mr. Hollywood just said over there.
15:14 I got to praise that. I got to pray that...
15:16 Now you talk about... You're such a do reality star.
15:18 You're like...
15:21 How much Hollywood been here?
15:22 You're right, right.
15:24 My main job there.
15:25 That's my boy.
15:26 But, yeah, I mean, you know,
15:28 but I think, you know, it kind of, you know,
15:29 it kind of does speak to the whole, you know,
15:31 that there's an emptiness inside.
15:32 And I think really, you know,
15:33 just even trying to seek attention,
15:35 even the whole reality moving all the stuff.
15:37 It's a desire, is an attempt to fill the void.
15:41 Just trying to, trying to feel something inside.
15:43 And you think I may be getting attention
15:45 or you know, for the reality, of the stuff that they do,
15:47 you're trying to fill that void.
15:49 You know you're still my boy.
15:51 Of course, man.
15:52 I've done all reality shows.
15:53 I got real life, that's the reality.
15:55 But who knows reality star? There you go.
15:57 But, no, but, you know, I think the thing that we talked about
16:00 I think Seth, you really mentioned it.
16:03 You know, to send something of yourself,
16:06 whether it's naked, to place yourself out there,
16:09 speaks to the fact that you just don't,
16:11 you haven't found who you are in Christ yet.
16:13 Because when you understand that you're a valuable person,
16:16 I'm just not gonna let anybody, you know, get that picture.
16:20 And the thing that hurts me a lot of times
16:21 with some of the young people is,
16:23 it's not even a matter of having to wait before they get.
16:26 They would have to work.
16:27 They'll talk a little bit on the phone.
16:29 And like you said, you will send me a body shot?
16:30 Okay, cool.
16:32 And I'm going to a mirror and do it.
16:33 And it just seem, you got to feel it to,
16:34 to who you are in Christ
16:36 and know that I'm more valuable
16:38 than you being able to see this.
16:40 This is His temple.
16:42 It belongs to Him
16:44 and the only person He wants me to share it with in any way
16:47 is the person I'm eventually gonna be connected with.
16:49 You know, they say no more free milk, you know.
16:51 Yeah. Yeah, you're right.
16:52 You know, no free milk here. Yeah.
16:54 Don't give yourself,
16:55 don't sell yourself shorter
16:56 than what you're worth, you know.
16:58 Yeah, and that, my question would be,
17:00 if I could survey a hundred people, you know,
17:03 how many people have marry someone
17:06 whose relationship started with them through sexting?
17:09 You know, like did you marry a woman
17:11 who originally sent you her photo over phone?
17:14 You know what I mean? I would want to know?
17:16 And I'm realizing, you know,
17:18 as I would speak to my friends and you all are married,
17:20 and I am, and I am, I would be willing to bet,
17:23 if I were a better,
17:24 that none of you would be comfortable
17:27 if your wife had naked photos
17:29 that she has sent with someone else
17:31 and you knew about it.
17:32 You know, what I mean?
17:33 And so, so knowing that, it's like, we realize,
17:36 okay this person has seen me naked
17:39 or whatever like that through sexting,
17:41 but they recognize that this person
17:42 and all of their friends will ex me off of their list
17:46 for a person who is desirable to be married.
17:48 You know, imagine if your boy,
17:49 you know, walked up to you and say
17:51 here, you know, here's a picture
17:52 and you realize that it was your wife,
17:53 like are you kidding?
17:55 You know, that's ground floor...
17:58 Of course, some serious percussions really,
17:59 you know, what I mean?
18:01 I got copies in the phone.
18:02 And you want to know, is that, when it gets out there...
18:06 It stays out there. It's out there.
18:08 My uncle when, right before I got married,
18:12 just two days before my wedding,
18:13 he was my best, my best man
18:15 and we were walking around in the mall.
18:17 And so, he says, listen, my gift to you
18:20 is going to seem like a little bit, maybe kinky,
18:24 but here you go.
18:26 And he hands me this disposable Campbell camera.
18:29 So I'm like uncle,
18:30 what in the world is this for, right?
18:33 And he says, I want you always to keep this camera,
18:36 but never take pictures on it,
18:38 because you're never to take pictures of your wife
18:42 of intimate times that you guys have together.
18:45 And this camera is here to remind you of that.
18:48 That intimacy that you share is between you two.
18:52 It's such an awesome gift
18:53 that only you two should have access to.
18:56 Don't ever let a picture of her get on this camera
18:59 and I still have the camera today.
19:00 Yeah, I mean, that's why the Bible says
19:01 the marriage bed, you know, is holy.
19:04 You know, it should be undefiled.
19:05 And even the stuff you're doing before
19:06 and this is why it's important.
19:08 Like you said, you know,
19:09 when you're in a situation years down the road
19:12 and someone brings a picture or it's still out there.
19:15 I mean, you just really just don't want that stuff out there
19:18 because it does affect your relationship in the future.
19:20 Let me ask you this question.
19:22 What is it...
19:23 what is the whole realm of flirting?
19:26 You know, we talk a little bit about that earlier,
19:27 but let's deal with that just a little bit.
19:29 When you have people who are, you know,
19:30 because sexting is a form of flirting,
19:32 you know, when you're flirting, right?
19:34 At the core, what is this whole movement or thing
19:36 when it comes to flirting?
19:38 And, you know, it's just lie, it's just playful
19:40 but is this kind of like a little tease here and there,
19:42 whether it's verbal, whether it's through the sexting,
19:44 whether it's through text messages.
19:46 What's underneath all of that?
19:47 You know, I'm glad you said that
19:49 because we've been talking a lot
19:50 about pictures and videos and stuff
19:52 but there are things that we say,
19:53 that are very inappropriate in that kind of flirting.
19:56 And I think a lot of it, what it is,
19:58 especially in the texting,
20:00 is it gives me an idea of how far I can go with.
20:04 It's an invitation. Yes.
20:05 Because if I say something to you in the text
20:08 and you don't respond like, yo, that's inappropriate,
20:11 but maybe you send back lol...
20:13 Or a smiley face. Or a smiley face.
20:15 Okay, I felt like timing that.
20:16 That's what it's all about.
20:18 I'd know she is down. She is down.
20:19 What is going down?
20:21 I know, she's insane.
20:23 She is quite very young lady, you know, I have to be...
20:26 you know, we need to be open with them
20:28 and say, you know, this stuff is never innocent.
20:30 If someone is saying these things to you
20:32 or they're making, you know, innuendo and things like that,
20:35 they are trying you out.
20:36 They want to see what you're all about.
20:39 And I know as a young woman who is in a field
20:42 where there's lots and lots of men,
20:44 you know, you know, the minority,
20:47 people will say things to you and the... what shall I say?
20:51 The challenge is, not wanting to seem like,
20:54 like I'm mean,
20:56 not wanting to seem like I'm a prude or, you know,
20:58 I want to be cool, I want to be in.
21:00 So, you know, how... what should my response be?
21:03 You know so, I'm still learning and still feeling not,
21:08 but I realize that people are testing you out
21:10 to see what they can get away with.
21:12 So it's never, it's never something
21:14 that people are doing because they're trying to be friendly.
21:16 It's not, and you know, it's not, it's not innocuous.
21:19 They are always trying to test you out.
21:21 Bottom line, the youth of our church
21:24 and that's including myself,
21:27 we really get uncomfortable
21:29 with that whole be peculiar thing.
21:31 You are peculiar... Set apart...
21:33 We're set aside.
21:35 We're supposed to be different,
21:36 that thing is never really settled for us comfortably.
21:39 In a world that try to cause us into conformity.
21:42 Very much so.
21:43 We'll try to convince you, Seth,
21:44 that by rocking that you're different.
21:46 But then when you go out there,
21:48 you see hundred other people rocking in,
21:50 you're not so much different anymore.
21:52 And I think we're also worried about, you know,
21:54 what all of us are saying that when someone is inappropriate,
21:57 they either being peculiar, see...
21:59 I don't want to seem like the person is being rude
22:02 or oh, you can't take the joke.
22:03 But I've got to emphasize this, you have to almost...
22:07 it's better to be looked upon as rude.
22:11 And I will rather the reputation of somebody,
22:13 young ladies for example, 'cause it's usually that away.
22:15 But nowadays
22:17 the ladies will call in this or call in the other way,
22:19 that when someone is inappropriate,
22:21 make it so uncomfortable for them
22:24 that the rumor goes out, yo...
22:25 Don't mess with her.
22:26 Don't even go that way with her
22:28 because she's going clown or he's going clown.
22:30 But when you kind of...
22:31 even though you're uncomfortable,
22:33 when you laugh and smile, oh, stop being so silly.
22:35 No, at least your face needs to change in the mirror.
22:38 Yo, if you're flirting with me...
22:39 This is appropriate. This is appropriate.
22:41 I heard a pastor once say to his church.
22:43 If you flirt with me I will call you out from the pulpit,
22:46 you know, do not flirt with me.
22:47 Wow.
22:49 He put it out like, if you try to get close to me,
22:50 you know, he had a large congregation.
22:52 He said, if you're trying to get close to me,
22:53 I'm gonna put you on blast from the pulpit.
22:55 Wow. So don't even go there with me.
22:56 Right.
22:57 I mean, is there a distinction that we need to make?
23:00 I'm thinking of there, sometimes a person might flirt
23:04 but it's not inappropriate.
23:05 You know, what I mean?
23:06 Like a person might be fond of you and in a...
23:08 like is there a, is there a distinction
23:10 that we need to make between
23:11 what is appropriate, inappropriate?
23:13 You know if a person is not saying anything lewd to me,
23:16 but you know, they're smiling at me
23:18 or I can see them across the room waving.
23:19 You know what I mean?
23:21 Like what's the line that we draw
23:23 where it's appropriate, inappropriate?
23:24 I think a pattern.
23:26 I think, you know, you know, and I think, you know,
23:28 because sometimes, you know, someone will be friendly
23:30 and he'd be like and you know,
23:31 you can kind of tell when a pattern is
23:33 kind of setting in.
23:34 And then you can kind of get an idea,
23:36 okay, this is where this person is kind of heading to.
23:39 Because they gonna be kind of
23:40 starting to move a certain direction.
23:42 I think it's, it's... you have to be careful
23:43 to not make snap judgments on things.
23:45 You know, sometimes you might,
23:47 okay, I really wonder where he or she was going with that?
23:50 Just kind of, in the course of a relationship
23:52 look and see over time,
23:54 what is the consistent pattern of this person's behavior?
23:57 Very much.
23:58 And I think you also have to look at...
24:00 I agree definitely with the personality types.
24:02 I mean, the same ones more of a touchy feely type person.
24:05 And the same with my DJ or something like,
24:07 hey, you know, maybe something, you know like that
24:10 is a little different that you know someone.
24:11 You know, what? They're reaching out.
24:13 But I think you also have to discover
24:15 where your personal space is.
24:16 Yeah. What you feel comfort with.
24:17 Right. Exactly.
24:19 And if someone's invading that,
24:20 I think there are very specific things
24:22 that someone should not say.
24:23 There's a difference between saying, you look nice today.
24:24 Oh, you look real nice today sis, like that or...
24:27 You're looking good today. Oh, you just look pale, yo.
24:29 You know, what I'm saying?
24:30 That change tones of voice.
24:32 I think if you dictate that body language is another thing.
24:35 It's... I don't think it's just one,
24:36 it's a holistic thing.
24:38 And also let's, let's not leave out the Holy Spirit.
24:42 The Holy Spirit let you know... That's true.
24:44 When I think when that person is... you know, what?
24:48 And they tell you that.
24:49 And you... And I think that's why it's so important
24:51 for us to be in tune with the Holy Spirit,
24:53 so we don't chalk it up to something else
24:55 and say, no, no, God is trying to tell me something.
24:56 And I'm going to add to your list the time of day.
25:01 I've been dealing with a lot of young ladies at my church,
25:05 who have been able to see a correlation
25:08 between the text messages they receive.
25:10 Yeah. That's good.
25:12 Between hours of 10 and 7
25:14 and how that thing kind of changes at about 8 pm
25:17 and the text messages that roll through,
25:19 they're like, you know, pastor, I always find myself
25:22 by 10:30 in this conversation via text
25:25 that's just inappropriate.
25:26 And I said, man, you have to be able to set up your boundaries.
25:29 It could be anything.
25:31 But bottom line is once God,
25:33 the Holy Spirit identifies it for you,
25:35 you got to obey, you put up that wall.
25:37 I want to say this, you know, and that's very good.
25:39 I'm glad that you brought that out.
25:40 You know, I think women, men, young adult, youth,
25:43 we also need to realize our value in Christ
25:46 and you kind of hit on it,
25:47 recognizing that I am a child of God,
25:49 I'm a child of the King.
25:51 And this is not just another female.
25:52 This is my sister in Christ.
25:54 And I need to treat her as such.
25:56 My Father has tried to instill,
25:57 He tried to instill that into me,
25:59 when I was coming up.
26:01 Let me give you example.
26:02 You know, I was coming up and sagging my pants,
26:04 it was like the thing that I did.
26:05 I walk out the house
26:06 and my pants would be like halfway down my butt.
26:08 And my dad, what he did,
26:10 was he made it a point to do a sad check, you know.
26:15 So whenever I left the house,
26:16 he will maybe come to the living room,
26:18 pull up my shirt to see where my pant level was.
26:20 And if it was too low, he's like, listen,
26:22 you're not leaving the house like that.
26:23 Now granted I'll do this,
26:24 I'll pull them up before I left the house
26:26 and then pulled them down when I left the house.
26:28 The Holy Spirit finally dealt with me.
26:30 But point being is my dad was trying to instill in me
26:32 that listen, you're Yelorda,
26:34 you just don't leave this house in any of your ways.
26:37 Wow. You're different.
26:38 Don't look like everybody else.
26:40 This is not how we treat...
26:42 this is not how we, how we deal with one another.
26:44 And I think that as young people we have to understand
26:47 and the audiences should understand
26:48 that I'm a child of the King.
26:50 I can't just be having these conversations,
26:52 where these little conversations
26:53 around the people.
26:54 I just can't be talking to individuals
26:56 this way or that way.
26:57 I can't send these naked pictures of myself.
26:59 You know, I'm valuable
27:01 and I want to carry myself and conduct my self
27:04 in such a way where God will be proud.
27:06 I mean, just imagine, you know just imagine
27:09 Satan coming to God saying,
27:11 yo, these are your children acting a fool down here.
27:14 These are your children sending naked pictures of themselves
27:16 to one another.
27:18 Yo, God says, yo, you're my child,
27:19 you got to be better than that.
27:21 I was gonna say just real quick
27:22 and I know we got to wrap it up,
27:23 that, you know, one thing about texting
27:25 and sending messages though is
27:26 you just think well, I'm just sending words.
27:28 But remember that Jesus said, that lust begins in the heart.
27:31 And so, you know, just the modus and the things.
27:33 You know, if we're trying to seek purity
27:35 and not just being technical in what we do.
27:38 We've got to be careful even in the language,
27:40 in the words that we send,
27:42 because it's not living up to what Jesus calls us to do.
27:44 Listen, now this was a good conversation
27:46 and I'm glad we hope we had it.
27:47 I hope that for our viewers out there
27:49 it was edifying, it was educational,
27:52 that you learn something from this.
27:54 You are a child of the King, you are precious in God sight
27:56 and we want you to value yourself as such
27:58 and value other people as such.
28:00 Don't forget to follow us on Facebook,
28:02 go to Facebook and type "Pure Choices".
28:03 We love to hear from you, to dialogue with you,
28:06 give any questions or comments.
28:07 We look forward to seeing you next week.
28:08 Be blessed, have a wonderful week,
28:10 same time, same place, next place, next week
28:12 we will see you soon.
28:13 Bye-bye.


Revised 2017-08-28