Pure Choices

I Lust You

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Joshua Nelson (Host), Jeanne Mogusu, Kean Baxter, Kory P. Douglas, Marquis Jackson


Series Code: PC

Program Code: PC000025

00:01 The following program discusses sensitive issues.
00:03 Parents are cautioned that some material
00:05 may be too candid for younger children.
00:41 Hello, and welcome to Pure Choices.
00:42 I'm your host Pastor Joshua Nelson.
00:44 And I'm so glad you decided to join us.
00:46 We have another great program for you today.
00:50 We are talking about lust
00:52 and the title is three little words
00:55 "I lust you."
00:56 Yeah, "I lust you."
00:58 So, we're gonna talk about that.
00:59 But before we get into it,
01:00 I want to introduce our panel once again.
01:02 I'll start with brother to my left, Kean Baxter,
01:05 who is, again, our scholar here,
01:08 who is the recent graduate
01:10 of the Andrews University Theological Seminary,
01:12 MD of graduate.
01:14 We also have Pastor Kory Douglas,
01:18 who is a pastor
01:19 in the Central States Conference.
01:21 And we also have Jeanne Mogusu,
01:25 who is currently a seminary student
01:28 and also a PhD recipient or...
01:32 Candidate. Candidate.
01:34 Thank you, candidate.
01:35 So yeah, we'll make sure we let everyone know about that.
01:37 We also have Pastor Marquis Jackson,
01:41 who is a pastor in my conference,
01:43 the South Atlantic Conference, over there Sumter.
01:46 And I'm Pastor Nelson from the Lake city,
01:50 and Marion district in South Carolina.
01:53 So, we're just excited to be here,
01:55 and to really discuss this
01:57 important discussion topic today.
02:00 So, we're just gonna jump right into it.
02:02 We're talking about 'Lust'.
02:05 Okay, something that we all struggle with.
02:08 You got be honest, we all struggle with lust.
02:11 And especially, even in, so far, you could say
02:14 some of us, many of us, have had porn or sex addictions.
02:19 Okay.
02:20 So now we want to just talk...
02:21 let's talk about first up, what is lust?
02:23 Or the core of what is lust?
02:25 And compare that to what is love?
02:27 I will say, lust and love have similar connection,
02:31 seemingly the same, but the difference
02:34 is I will say love is where we got to say in John 3:16,
02:37 "For God so loved the world,
02:39 that He gave us his only begotten Son."
02:41 And lust... and love is an aspect
02:43 of giving to someone.
02:45 Lust is more so on the reverse.
02:47 See, they're both of four letters,
02:48 they both start with the letter L.
02:50 But lust more so, kind of, specifically says,
02:52 what can you do for me?
02:53 What can you give me?
02:54 While love says I'm gonna give to you,
02:56 lust says I need you to do this for me.
02:58 Okay.
03:00 So it goes back to self gratification
03:01 and merely just getting what you want.
03:04 Right. I have it, okay.
03:05 And we recognize a lot of people in relationships now,
03:07 are not really loving their lusting.
03:10 A lot of them are infatuated with someone
03:12 or just because they saw this on TV,
03:14 this is what they want, an ideal in a mate,
03:16 or this is a man or woman,
03:17 they desire that, not necessarily trying to give.
03:19 So just want to get something for themselves.
03:21 I want to just continue that thought.
03:25 It actually...
03:27 encrypt that word, actually means desire,
03:30 wanting something.
03:32 And it's actually wanting... I like to think of it this way,
03:37 sinners meeting a legitimate need in a illegitimate way.
03:42 So, we have sexual desires, we've ready--
03:46 We've already establish that God gave us sexual desires.
03:50 Lust is desiring to fulfill those needs in a way
03:55 that God did not intend.
03:58 So lust is one thing something
04:00 that God did not intend for you.
04:01 Okay.
04:02 So, now lets look at this issue of lust
04:05 according to what Jesus says,
04:06 because this verse, in Mathew 5:28,
04:08 is really alarming to many of us,
04:10 because it says "But I tell you that anyone
04:12 who looks at a women lustfully
04:13 has already committed adultery with her in his heart."
04:16 You can flip that around for a woman
04:18 who looks at something, you know, lust.
04:19 So, that's taking it pretty extreme.
04:21 You know would you, would you not-- I mean,
04:23 how is that really possible?
04:24 We, as men, we're just thought, as a man,
04:26 I'll say, it's hard, you know, I'm getting married,
04:30 you know, you see another lady or someone who looks good.
04:33 Doesn't it-- naturally your mind just kind of goes there.
04:35 Yeah.
04:36 So, what is, what is Jesus really talking about?
04:39 I don't know that I would even isolate it to just man
04:42 because even women,
04:43 we're always talking about the Brad Pitts and the--
04:46 you know, the Idris Elbas,
04:49 you know, which ever your persuasion is.
04:52 And you look at this, you have lots of people
04:55 who are looking at this man and you,
04:57 you know, going the Channing Tatums,
04:59 you know, any time the man takes off his shirt,
05:01 everyone is literally screaming their heads off.
05:05 And it, kind of, gives this idea of that
05:08 is what we should be looking for.
05:09 You know, it's the person
05:11 who is going to make everybody else's heads turn,
05:14 and not necessarily go beyond that,
05:17 so it's more of a lust,
05:18 kind of, gives more of a physical connotation.
05:21 It has to be more physical, it's not about who you are?
05:24 It's about what you look like. Yes.
05:27 Well, you know, I would...
05:28 I wouldn't find lust as
05:30 'cause, men, we defined our love
05:32 and marriage and sex
05:33 in the context of being in God's image.
05:35 And I believe that when you look at somebody,
05:37 that's how you should look at them,
05:39 as if they are in God's image.
05:40 And when you approach or make an attempt at love,
05:43 outside of the image of God
05:45 or outside of looking at that person that way,
05:47 that what you are doing is you are lusting,
05:49 because you have removed God's image from the equation.
05:52 And I think that what Jesus is getting at
05:54 and it's actually beautiful in the context,
05:55 because He is talking to those people
05:57 who have taken His word
05:59 and have taken the spirit of the word out of it,
06:01 who have taken the Lord
06:02 and have taken the spirit of the Lord out of it.
06:04 And now concentrate only on the physicality of the Lord
06:07 that which we see only outside.
06:09 And so, you know,
06:10 when Jesus is making the statement
06:11 of looking at the woman
06:13 and lusting in it to happen in your heart.
06:14 He is saying, it's not about necessarily what you do
06:17 with your hands only,
06:19 but it's about your intension, your heart.
06:21 And if God is not at the centre of what you are doing
06:24 even in regards to something like trying to be holy
06:28 or trying to be pure, or clean,
06:29 you know, if God is not at the centre of it,
06:31 then you know, you have already lusted.
06:34 And, you know, and I don't want to get preachery,
06:36 but some of us lust after being Christians.
06:38 You know, but well, that's another conversation
06:40 for another day.
06:41 Okay, so look at this thing now.
06:42 We are lusting in-- we were lusting in our hearts, right?
06:48 That's what God is trying to really make it stay.
06:50 Okay, look it's-- you're sinning by doing it,
06:53 is that's not folks always on a legalistic matter of it
06:56 Thou shall not do this and you're okay.
06:58 But let's focus on also now
07:00 what's happening inside of your mind?
07:01 What are you thinking about?
07:02 Okay, and that's really where sin is birthed.
07:05 Right.
07:06 I think, you are bringing that up,
07:08 that quote from Jesus in Mathew 5 is important,
07:11 if you look at a women to lust at,
07:14 after in your heart you've committed adultery,
07:16 because some people see it,
07:18 may be he was just speaking in hyperbole,
07:20 because it's-- I mean,
07:22 is it possible to not sin even in thought.
07:26 You know, it's like, the standard is too high.
07:28 And because we... like you said, Kory,
07:31 we've taken the sprit out of the commandments.
07:34 We've lowered the standard.
07:36 And we try to live up to it based on our own efforts.
07:41 And we kind of make excuses, and we've say,
07:43 okay, this is, you know, this is sin and this is not.
07:46 So I can do this and not the other.
07:48 But understanding the sprit and understanding
07:51 that Jesus did not sin in thought or action.
07:56 So--
07:58 So lets really tackle that, because,
08:00 you know, that's serious what you're saying.
08:01 Because, in reality, what Jesus presents,
08:04 what He shows and tells us what to do
08:06 and what He is telling to the Pharisees,
08:08 they are alarmed, because it's pretty much impossible.
08:11 Now, does anyone have a problem with me saying
08:14 that "It's impossible to be perfect"?
08:16 No.
08:17 Some people will. Yeah, very well.
08:19 Yeah. Yeah.
08:21 I know, for example, being honest.
08:24 You know, as I'm growing up in, you know,
08:27 how could Jesus ever be perfect,
08:29 in aspect of, you know, growing up
08:30 and, you know, children, you know, make--
08:32 Mary did a great job in helping her raising her son,
08:35 and Joseph did as well.
08:36 I remember when I was seven years old,
08:38 I remember I was going
08:40 to one of my mom's friend's places.
08:42 And she used to go visit her friend.
08:44 And her friend has a daughter.
08:45 We were around the same age.
08:47 And she took me to downstairs
08:49 and she took to me to this basement area.
08:52 And in the basement area, there was magazines.
08:55 And there was magazine of a naked woman.
08:57 And at the age of seven, even in that,
09:01 I still see those that...
09:02 those images they are seared in my mind.
09:05 It's amazing how Christ in his situation
09:07 as growing up, was raised so well, that he--
09:10 that he was able to veer from any of those situation.
09:13 He was tempted in all points as we are, yet without sin.
09:16 And so, with Christ living a perfect life, it is hard,
09:20 because I made mistakes, I've been exposed to things.
09:22 But I do you have to ask Christ to continue to deliver me
09:25 to take those things out and win that,
09:27 situations always popping up in my head,
09:29 to ask God that nail it,
09:30 no hit it on the head to set it down,
09:32 because If I don't it will to continue to build up.
09:34 So what you are saying is you cannot do it though because-
09:36 I can't do it.
09:38 This story is with the Christ really doing it through you.
09:41 Right.
09:43 Well, Let me let me--
09:44 I think it is important to find perfection.
09:46 You know, if we gonna move forward.
09:48 And it's interesting that we go here,
09:49 because just the other week I was talking to,
09:51 at one of my churches, about this prayer meeting.
09:53 You know, in Matthew 5,
09:54 Jesus in the sermon on the mounts says
09:56 "Be ye perfect, as your father in heaven is perfect."
09:59 Of course, quoting when God says to Abraham,
10:01 "Be ye thou perfect on to the Lord."
10:04 And it's interesting that we take that verse
10:06 and then we say, well,
10:07 we should just do everything right.
10:08 And we define perfection is no flaws,
10:10 look shiny all the time,
10:12 you know, everything is gonna be all right.
10:14 You know, but do your best to be this way.
10:16 And it's interesting that the context
10:18 in which Jesus gives this verse,
10:19 He is talking about relationship.
10:21 He talks about how you treat one another.
10:24 How you treat your enemy and even-- Like I said,
10:26 God says to Moses "Be thou perfect onto me."
10:29 Talking more about relationship,
10:31 which I think is interesting,
10:32 because we are talking about sex and relationship.
10:34 And that God establishes perfection,
10:37 based on our relationship with Him.
10:39 And so, when God says,
10:41 "in Jesus be perfect," it's like saying,
10:42 be thou in perfect relationship with me.
10:45 Always strive to be in that connection with me.
10:48 And that's where we mess up sometimes
10:50 because that is the base and the foundation
10:53 out of which all of what we are talking about grows.
10:55 Yeah, that's-- Go ahead, go ahead.
10:56 Relationship with God and with each other,
10:59 its goes both ways.
11:00 And it's one-- And the thing is you can't--
11:02 It's one and the same. Yeah. Exactly.
11:03 Yeah, it can't-- it's like the cross,
11:05 there is an upward beam and then there's a horizontal.
11:07 So you are saying the reality is based to that
11:09 is as hard as I may try
11:10 not to look at that pornography,
11:12 as hard as I may try to stop my addiction
11:13 that basically, the solution is not in me.
11:17 As hard as I may try,
11:18 I'm not gonna be able to stop it.
11:19 Is that what you telling me?
11:21 Well, we are not saying not to try,
11:22 that's not we are saying.
11:24 We are not saying pray and then watch pornography,
11:27 and pray and hope that eventually
11:28 God will magically touch your chin
11:30 and turn it away from the television screen
11:32 or the computer.
11:33 What we're saying is that,
11:35 it's not watching the pornography and not...
11:38 and trying hard not to do these things
11:39 is not would makes you pure.
11:42 Christ makes you pure
11:43 and you honor the process of Christ purifying you,
11:46 by not polluting your mind with the things
11:49 that will corrupt you.
11:50 Okay, go ahead.
11:53 Luke Chapter 15 speaks about a story about a man.
11:56 He cleaned and he cleaned the spirit out,
11:59 putting nothing in it, just vacuum.
12:01 But again still that spirit looked around
12:03 and saw him and nothing in it.
12:04 And he said just want me do,
12:05 I'm gonna come back in his place
12:07 and I'll bring seven of my boys with me.
12:08 And this person will be in a worse situation
12:10 than he was before.
12:11 If we think that we can do this of our own strength
12:14 and we do not put Jesus Christ in us,
12:16 it's kind of like saying when we put Christ in us
12:19 and we ask Him to live a life through us
12:20 so it can be imparted out.
12:22 That's what we can do,
12:23 because if not those demons will come in and may...
12:26 I may have looked at one magazine,
12:28 but if I have not put Christ in me,
12:29 I'm gonna look at worse more, more intense magazine
12:32 triple, quadruple X magazines, watch the TV shows
12:35 and pay the money.
12:37 And then do all those things.
12:38 And if we don't put Christ in us,
12:39 that's the dangerous thing.
12:41 I think that's...
12:42 Yeah, and, and more so,
12:44 because Marquis literally took the words out of my mouth.
12:47 One thing we have to understand
12:49 is that we're not trying, we're not saying that--
12:52 when we, when we--
12:53 most people believe that when we tell them--
12:56 that we need God expects for us to live a holy life,
12:59 that you just need to stop doing what you're doing.
13:02 That is an important part of it,
13:04 but however it is not the source,
13:08 that is just treating a symptom.
13:10 You know, when you go to the doctor,
13:12 if I have a cold,
13:14 I can be given medicine for my fever,
13:17 I can be given everything else.
13:18 But if the doctor is not treating my--
13:21 the cause for it, you know, the virus,
13:23 then I'm gonna be sick all over again.
13:26 And that's-- And that's how we,
13:28 that's how we tend to treat sin in our lives.
13:32 I'm a liar, so I'm gonna stop lying.
13:35 I'm a-- you know I am, I steal,
13:38 you know, so I need to stop stealing.
13:41 And so you're concentrating so much on what not to do,
13:45 that you forget that there is so much more
13:47 that you ought to do.
13:48 And that's the thing.
13:50 This-- I love this analogy,
13:52 someone-- a friend of mine said this,
13:54 you know, it's like going into a room of darkness,
13:57 you know, and getting a bucket,
13:59 because you want that--
14:00 you know, you want some light in it,
14:02 so you get a bucket and try to carry out
14:05 all the darkness out of it.
14:07 Instead of just turning on the light switch, you know.
14:10 And so--
14:12 and that analogy of the man with the demons is so great,
14:16 and that's why it's in the Bible,
14:18 because we are trying to take things out of our life,
14:21 but we don't recognize that there is something
14:23 that needs to come into our lives.
14:25 Exactly.
14:27 And it's not until it comes into our lives
14:28 that you get the ability, sort of, an--
14:31 that which comes in is what pushes out
14:34 that the rest of the things.
14:35 Okay, I want to talk about the how.
14:36 Are you gonna say something, in regards to this?
14:38 Along with what Marquis said,
14:40 I'm thinking of a more current example of the demon,
14:45 he said, demons are leaving and they are coming back.
14:48 I was watching a talk show,
14:49 and a lady had a stomach bypass, I think.
14:56 Yeah, 'cause want to lose that weight
14:58 and-- gastric bypass, right.
15:01 So she had it, she lost a lot of weight, of course.
15:04 You are not able to fit as much food in your stomach.
15:06 So you eat more
15:08 but you not able to-- You're not as--
15:11 You don't-- You eat more frequently-
15:13 Because your capacity is shrunken.
15:14 Small. Smaller.
15:16 And so you lose a lot more weight.
15:18 So she was fine, as far as the weight was concerned,
15:22 but she became an alcoholic.
15:24 Because the fact of the matter was, she was addicted to food.
15:29 She treated this symptom
15:31 and addiction popped up in another aspect.
15:35 Wow.
15:37 I've said this to my church. And it may sound weird.
15:41 The problem is not sin, the problem is sin.
15:46 The problem is not sin-- Christ defeated sin.
15:49 The problem is the fact that we had not allowed Christ
15:51 to come into us, and get that sin out.
15:54 I have a house.
15:55 I have yard, but my yard has weeds.
15:57 And I-- I get weed killer and I'll spray it in,
16:00 those things will top up a little bit
16:01 or they don't do anything.
16:03 Because I haven't gotten to the root.
16:04 And so we don't get into the root of the issue
16:07 and allow Christ to come in and pull that root out,
16:10 we're gonna continue had the same symptoms over again.
16:12 Okay, I love it.
16:13 I love that you all been saying.
16:14 Let's now talk about some ways to do it,
16:16 because you know lot of people watching may say,
16:18 well, how did you do it? How did you really do that?
16:21 I mean, I heard you're saying about having Christ in you,
16:24 we have, we talk about die in a self, but, you know,
16:26 how does that really take place?
16:28 What am I doing?
16:29 You know, I'm here, I'm trying to stop watching things.
16:31 What do I really do?
16:33 What is the first step that I take?
16:34 How can I hear God's voice?
16:35 Well, what would you say to them?
16:37 Well I don't want to be--
16:42 I don't want to be cliche, you know.
16:44 But we're on Pure Choices.
16:45 We're talking about relationship,
16:46 and relating to each other, intimacy.
16:49 And, you know,
16:50 it's a relationship that God asks us to.
16:52 You know, the Bible refers to Abraham as a friend of God,
16:55 at the end of the day.
16:56 It's what God seeks, is friendship.
16:58 And will you, when you, kind of,
17:00 when you talk like, this is why I say it work so hard
17:01 at destroying our view of relationship,
17:04 is because God has invited us to intimacy,
17:07 and what does that mean?
17:08 That means that, yeah, read your Bible, pray every day,
17:11 make time for Him, spend time,
17:12 just as you would with someone you wanted to date.
17:15 But that also means that it's not easy.
17:17 That also means that when you start out,
17:19 it's gonna be a little bit of, you know, you know,
17:21 I'm a little nervous because I don't really know what to do.
17:24 You know, I hate-- As you develop,
17:29 as you talk to Him more and more every day.
17:32 And I'm telling you this from experience, you know,
17:34 you begin-- you get, you get closer to Him,
17:36 where now-- And this may sound, you know,
17:38 a little a contemporary,
17:40 but sometimes when I pray to God,
17:42 it's not even about your head and get solemn.
17:44 It's like, God, I need to get where I'm going today.
17:46 I know you got it, could you please,
17:47 while I'm from going into the call.
17:49 You know, because I'm on a basis with him now
17:51 where we're intimate, you know.
17:53 And I understand, I know what he's talking.
17:55 And it doesn't have to come in meditation
17:57 as it did three or four years ago.
17:59 When I had to really sit down in a dark-- in a quiet room.
18:02 But as I have grown with God, our relationship has grown.
18:05 And also, I don't if I'm getting ahead,
18:06 and I'm sorry,
18:08 but I talked about this on the interview, our program.
18:11 But what we do is we present relationship with Christ
18:14 and becoming pure without presenting the struggle of it.
18:18 We act like, from day one, as soon as you turn around
18:21 and decide to go the other direction,
18:22 that everything is gonna be easy, but there's a struggle.
18:26 You know, every day we got to wrestle
18:28 with the fact that our flesh doesn't want to talk to God.
18:31 And sometimes we got to have-- it has to be a decision
18:35 before it is a feeling.
18:36 We have to decide, this is what I'm gonna do,
18:38 even though I don't feel like it today.
18:40 And the same thing is important in-- making up pure choices.
18:44 Today, I might not want to make a pure choice.
18:46 And it's not gonna be easy, but as I continue to do it,
18:49 knowing that Christ is working to clean me up,
18:52 it begins to get easier and easier as I go.
18:54 Okay, and you know, but I want you also to address,
18:57 you know, the struggle,
18:58 how do you really fight through it?
19:00 And it was, that's exactly where I was going,
19:03 it's kind of like love.
19:05 I love the analogy of love,
19:07 because it's so-- it's a perfect example.
19:11 God love-- when you are in love with someone,
19:15 you want to spend all the time in the world with them.
19:19 You can't, literally,
19:20 you cannot bear being apart from them.
19:23 And so-- but in order to get to the point
19:25 where you're in love with someone,
19:27 you really have to get to know that person.
19:29 And so, at the beginning, you know, it may be like,
19:32 you know, Kory said, it may be kind of awkward like, hey.
19:35 Yeah.
19:37 You know, and you're wondering what do I say next, will they,
19:40 will they like me, you know,
19:42 just that we if I tell them-- if I show them who I am.
19:45 And so, it is the same way with God.
19:48 You know, you have to get past the idea
19:50 that he will not like you just the way you are,
19:54 because guess what, He already knows you
19:56 and He loves you. My lord.
19:58 He is seeking to have a relationship with you.
20:00 He wants to spend time with you.
20:02 He's already there, you know,
20:04 waiting for you to spend time with you.
20:06 He's pursuing you, all the time, constantly.
20:10 I mean, don't make me preach now.
20:12 Yeah, it's kind of very hot in here.
20:14 My lord.
20:15 But, but, that is the ultimate love story,
20:17 you know. That's it.
20:19 That is the ultimate love story, like seriously,
20:21 nobody can love you, like He can.
20:24 You know, I mean, God, you know,
20:26 because it's only until you get to the place
20:28 where you recognize,
20:29 you are valued in His, in His, in His eyes,
20:33 that you have the ultimate value.
20:35 He, He loved you so much, He made you in His own image.
20:39 So that He could have an experience with you.
20:41 You know, a relational experience with you.
20:44 And, and, and that, once we recognize that,
20:47 once you recognize your value,
20:49 then it becomes so much easier to,
20:51 to be like, "Hey, God," you know, "I'm here, today,
20:55 it's rough, I really don't feel like talking to you.
20:59 But guess what? I want to get to know You.
21:03 I want to, um, I want to spend time with you.
21:06 Show me how to spend time with you."
21:08 I love, I love telling people that I meet,
21:11 who are just starting out in their relationship.
21:14 If you can't wake up in the morning
21:16 to spend time with God, just tell Him.
21:18 Tell Him, "Lord, this is what I want to do.
21:21 I want to spend time with you, but you know me and sleep.
21:24 We love, we love each other," you know.
21:27 So if you want to spend, I have done this,
21:30 where I have gone to bed dog tired.
21:32 And I'm telling God,
21:34 "Lord, if you want to spend time with me,
21:36 wake me up." Wake me up.
21:37 And guess what, I could be in bed by three at night,
21:41 studying all, you know, and I will wake up at five.
21:44 And I will wake up so refreshed.
21:46 And once I spend time with him,
21:48 I'll be able to run through all day,
21:50 not sleeping, nothing, you know.
21:53 Just vibrant, because He has woken me up,
21:56 and He has refreshed my,
21:58 you know, my time with Him, has just been so refreshing
22:01 that I'm not even exhausted any more.
22:04 Wow sister, you said a lot there,
22:05 some valuable things and valuable thing there.
22:09 I mean, that's really what I say.
22:10 And that's where we find the desire of purity,
22:14 when you recognize who you are in Him
22:16 and that He loves you so much.
22:17 You know, that He really desires to have,
22:19 let you have that gift of sex, when it's time,
22:22 because it's beautiful, because He created it.
22:24 And when we don't, we cheap in ourselves, we cheap in,
22:26 what He is really trying to do in us and for us.
22:29 That's right. Yeah.
22:31 In my experience
22:34 I was born and raised in the church.
22:36 And I had to get to the point, God brought me to the point
22:42 where I had to despair of myself,
22:45 I had to give up on myself.
22:48 And the thing is,
22:49 and I don't know if I'm the only one.
22:51 May be I'm very stubborn or very slow.
22:53 But I would try, I would fail, I would try I would fail.
22:55 No, you're not by yourself.
22:56 And I said when you don't-- when you give up on yourself,
22:59 I just had a lot of faith in myself for some reason.
23:02 But God brought me to a point where I realized in--
23:05 looking at my life that you're not,
23:08 you're not gonna get this,
23:10 as a matter of fact, you are getting worse.
23:14 God has, you have, we have to get to the point
23:16 where we give up on ourselves, "can't do it".
23:19 We cannot keep the commandments.
23:20 If you think you're keeping the commandments, you're not.
23:22 Yeah, yeah.
23:24 That was the Pharisees problem. Exactly.
23:26 And this what Jesus says, you know,
23:28 you say don't commit adultery, but you're thinking about it.
23:31 You don't, you don't kill your brother,
23:33 but you hate him in your heart. Yeah.
23:35 So Jesus was raising the bar, so you guys don't have it.
23:40 So when you despair of yourself,
23:42 he's like, what do I do?
23:43 And then Jesus presents Himself, I got it.
23:45 I'm your savior. Amen. Amen.
23:47 Die with me and I'll bring you,
23:51 I will do for you what you can't do for yourself.
23:53 It's not God helping you,
23:55 it's God doing it. It's God doing it.
23:57 It's God doing it. Yes, yes.
23:59 And-- what you're all saying is so true.
24:01 And I think probably one thing
24:03 is we have to be very careful of
24:05 is not to mirror our walk to someone else's walk.
24:08 Because, you know,
24:10 as we looking at the show Pure Choices,
24:12 probably the context--
24:13 the people are gonna be watching this
24:15 or gonna people, young adults, teenagers,
24:17 may be there's some people little our age or some older.
24:21 But the challenge is, is that if I mirror myself
24:25 or how someone else is walking or how someone else is walking,
24:28 I'm finding myself at a problem,
24:29 because like the old story of running in a lane.
24:32 If you're running in that lane and you--
24:34 I remember when I was in high school, I was racing,
24:37 people didn't think I could run,
24:38 but back in the day, I was little fast, you know.
24:41 I'm certainly run a little more
24:42 but you say it'll take little more time
24:44 to get myself ready.
24:46 But I would, I would, I would run and there's--
24:49 I beat these guys and then there's one guy
24:50 who everybody telling was gonna toast me.
24:53 I race against this person and we were neck to neck.
24:55 But my problem was I looked to my right, so I get some.
24:59 And at the end of it,
25:00 we both probably get to end of the line
25:02 and get there together, but they gave it to him
25:04 because they thought he was faster.
25:06 Now none of it's-- none a case but if I would have just kept,
25:09 if I would have just kept focus,
25:11 I probably could have beaten him.
25:13 But the problem is,
25:14 unfortunately, that was a church,
25:16 we have put--
25:17 we have merit people in there walk compared to ours,
25:20 it makes it hard for a person,
25:22 and as a young people, in this young generation,
25:24 we just need to be open honest, it is a struggle.
25:27 It is.
25:28 And we have to say listen,
25:29 there's times where I'm gonna fall and slip,
25:31 but just like the Bible says,
25:32 "A just man fall seven times, but gets back up."
25:34 Well, you know, one of the-- I mean, I love the Bible--
25:37 I'm sorry.
25:39 You know, when Jesus--
25:40 Oh, man, I really do.
25:43 It's like it gets me excited.
25:47 When the rich young ruler comes to Christ,
25:49 and, you know, he says I've done all the stuff,
25:51 you know, what else shall I do.
25:52 Christ tells him, "follow me", you know.
25:54 Right. Yeah.
25:55 And our problem is that we can't control "follow me".
26:00 Yeah.
26:01 We can't set benchmarkers for "follow me".
26:04 Because when you're following Christ,
26:05 we want to be able to tell people,
26:07 well, after five months, you should look like this.
26:09 You should sound like that, you know,
26:11 if you're gonna be making pure choices,
26:13 after six months,
26:14 you should be able be just look him in the face
26:15 and say no sex. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
26:17 You know what I'm saying?
26:18 We want to tell people, you know,
26:20 after a little while you got to do that,
26:21 but Christ just says "follow me."
26:22 You know, and the thing is
26:24 yeah, we gonna bump, we're gonna hit bumps,
26:26 you know, the roads gonna turn,
26:27 it's gonna, we gonna go over the mountains, valleys
26:29 but our thing is "follow me" and you don't like,
26:32 I don't need to bring up by Abraham again,
26:33 but what the Bible says
26:35 Abraham didn't do anything special,
26:36 he didn't work miracles. Yeah.
26:38 He didn't found any land.
26:40 He didn't even see the land
26:41 that God promised him before he died,
26:43 he didn't get hold it. Write anything--
26:44 But the Bible says that he--
26:46 but what he did was he kept on getting up every morning
26:49 and wherever God told him to go, he went there.
26:51 And the bible says that the faith
26:53 that it took him to do that,
26:54 it was accounted to him for righteousness,
26:57 for perfection. Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
26:59 And that's really important,
27:00 because if you look at the Bible
27:02 from the beginning to end
27:03 is always this great three-words,
27:06 He walked-- well for, He walked with God.
27:09 You know, Enoch walked with God, Noah walked with God,
27:11 they were counted righteous because they walked with God.
27:15 Walking entails so much but it's like all--
27:18 that's all I have to do is walk with you,
27:19 it doesn't say running just says walk.
27:21 Yeah. Wow.
27:22 Powerful discussion, we may have to do,
27:24 talk some more about--
27:26 But this is how we're gonna end it out here, you know,
27:29 in Colossians, Paul talks about the mystery of God,
27:31 which is Christ in you
27:33 "The Hope of Glory." "The Hope of Glory."
27:35 Praise God.
27:36 That's really what it's all about.
27:37 If you can just focus on that
27:39 allowing Christ to really permeate your life,
27:40 allowing Christ to really come in,
27:41 whatever you have to do, listen to your pastor,
27:43 listen to-- go talk to your parents,
27:45 whatever you have to do, focus on Jesus
27:47 and that relationship you need to have with Him.
27:50 Well, that's our program.
27:52 Until next time, make pure choices.


Revised 2016-02-11