Pure Choices

Abusing the Gift

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Joshua Nelson (Host), Dajanae Maxwell, David Anderson, Donna Kaye Scarlett, Kimberly Pearson


Series Code: PC

Program Code: PC000061

00:01 The following program discusses sensitive issues.
00:03 Parents are cautioned that some material
00:05 maybe too candid for younger children.
00:38 Hello and welcome to Pure Choices.
00:40 I'm your host Pastor Joshua Nelson.
00:42 I'm glad you decided to join us today.
00:43 We are talking about a serious topic today.
00:46 The title is "Abusing the Gift."
00:48 We're going to be talking about sexual abuse.
00:50 And so we want to really jump into this topic.
00:53 But before we do and before I introduce the panel,
00:56 let's just pause for a moment of prayer.
00:59 Dear, Heavenly Father, we just ask that
01:01 You will guide this conversation again,
01:03 that You would be with us, Heavenly Father,
01:04 that You would allow us to expose the devil
01:07 for who he is today, in Jesus name we pray.
01:09 Amen. Amen.
01:11 All right, to my left,
01:12 I'm going to introduce Donnakaye Scarlett,
01:14 who is one the directors of a ministry called
01:17 Pure Reality in Miami, Florida.
01:19 It's good to have you here with us.
01:21 Also I have David Anderson,
01:23 who is an Oakwood University theological student.
01:27 And so he is here with us.
01:29 Also from Oakwood,
01:30 we have associate chaplain, Kimberly Pearson.
01:33 All right, and we also have Dajanae Maxwell,
01:35 who is also an Oakwood student, theology student.
01:40 I'm sorry. I'm getting tongue stuck here.
01:42 Happy that she is with us as well.
01:44 So we have a good panel
01:46 and a very important topic to discuss today,
01:49 talking about abusing the gift, sexual abuse.
01:53 And the reality is this is a major problem.
01:57 Many people do not want to talk about it,
01:58 they don't want to discuss it, but the more we keep it hidden,
02:02 the more these type of things could happen.
02:03 And so we want to expose these type of things
02:05 and really talk about this today.
02:06 So I'm going to begin by asking the question
02:09 just what are the different forms of sexual abuse
02:12 that are out there.
02:13 I think Donnakaye, can you start with that one?
02:16 Well, there are many, many forms of sexual abuse
02:18 starting with just even simple coercion.
02:22 We have date rape, we've just stranger rape,
02:27 we've child abuse in the form of incest and molestation,
02:31 stalking in the form
02:34 of just keeping that threat there for somebody
02:36 not just in the violence of physical manner
02:41 but in also sexual manner.
02:43 We have marital rape,
02:46 within marriage a lot of people think
02:47 that that can't happen, but it actually does.
02:49 We have pastoral and leadership abuse,
02:53 anybody that is in authority at a school
02:56 or even within the workplace.
03:00 And then you also have the violent acts
03:03 that happen with kids that get caught
03:06 and are pulled into sex trafficking.
03:08 And just, you know, the forms are just so varied.
03:12 The enemy just comes
03:14 with so many deviant ways to hurt.
03:17 Okay.
03:18 And some of those terms
03:20 we may know, we're familiar with,
03:21 some of them we may not.
03:22 So let's kind of try to expose a little more
03:24 on what are some deviant sexual behaviors
03:27 'cause somebody maybe saying,
03:28 "Well, you know, I'm going through this thing.
03:30 I'm not really sure if it's wrong or right.
03:31 I never really was taught or know,
03:33 you know, this suppose to happen or not.
03:35 This is just normal sexual behavior."
03:36 So what are some of the things that you can say to someone,
03:39 "Hey, this not supposed to happen"?
03:41 Well, I know a lot of times in molestation
03:45 it can start off as play,
03:47 it can start of as explorative touching
03:52 which can be very dangerous
03:54 and is dangerous and is inappropriate.
03:56 And that can come from a peer, it can also come from an adult,
04:01 it can come from a parent, a family member.
04:04 Someone touching you in a private place
04:08 without your consent
04:10 or using their leadership or using their authority
04:15 or using coercion to say, "Let's do this.
04:19 Let me touch you here.
04:20 Let me, you know, be intimate with you."
04:22 Yeah, even going a little further than that
04:24 is the fact that
04:27 how kids are taught to view what sex is.
04:32 It seems like that we will tell kids,
04:34 "This is your nose, these are your hands,
04:37 you know, this is your feet."
04:38 But when we come to the most private areas of our body,
04:41 we as parents and adults
04:45 give kids these crazy stupid nicknames
04:47 instead of calling things what they are,
04:49 penis and vagina and bottom.
04:51 And so therefore,
04:53 you start to very early put a sort of taboo,
04:57 but yet it becomes very mysterious
05:00 because kids are not stupid and they wonder
05:03 why everything else is called proper
05:05 but all of a sudden
05:07 when you come to your body parts,
05:08 so it's even just that little stigma that is put.
05:10 And also when it comes to touching,
05:13 I tell a lot of young people
05:15 if the touch is not in a private area
05:17 but if it's even in a place
05:18 that makes you feel uncomfortable.
05:20 If the way person touched you gives you a type of a feeling,
05:24 trust your gut.
05:25 Yeah.
05:27 And as we talk about that, I mean going into the fact of,
05:31 you know, on college campuses,
05:34 the drug of one form of sexual abuse
05:36 that I see happening more and more and more is,
05:39 you know, not just ecstasy
05:40 but people are being drugged one way or the other.
05:43 And then they'd be taken
05:45 advantage of against their will.
05:46 Yeah. Well, that... Yeah, go ahead, Dajanae.
05:48 I like what you were saying about
05:50 the giving its proper name.
05:52 I remember I had a teacher in high school
05:54 who was my anatomy and physiology teacher.
05:56 And she was saying that even her kindergarten,
05:59 her daughter that was like five or six years old,
06:01 the teacher that was teaching her
06:04 pulled my teacher to the side and said,
06:06 "Your daughter said vagina in class."
06:09 What they were talking about...
06:10 She was like, "Well, that's what it's called,
06:12 you know, like I'm not...
06:14 I don't give, I don't say,
06:15 I don't tell my child
06:16 that's her pee-pee or anything like that.
06:18 She knows.
06:20 "I'm an anatomy and physiology teacher,
06:21 and she knows that's her vagina and boys have penises."
06:24 So if anybody ever touches her,
06:27 it's not called my private part,
06:28 it's called my vagina.
06:29 "He touched my vagina. He touched my vagina."
06:32 So now it's more bold.
06:34 So it's the responsibility of the parents,
06:37 and even the teachers, and us as leadership as people
06:40 that people look up to to tell children,
06:42 to teach children, and to teach parents,
06:45 to teach their children to give it proper name
06:48 and tell them no one should be touching you there.
06:51 When the child goes somewhere, even when they go to school...
06:53 I remember my grandmother would as me,
06:55 "Has anybody touched you?
06:57 You know, how was school today?"
06:59 You know, and sometime it would be weird like
07:01 "Whoa, like why would you think that?"
07:03 But those things are necessary
07:05 because our world is getting worse and worse
07:07 and children are getting raped at school,
07:09 children are getting molested at school, at churches,
07:12 you know, at functions, at family, houses.
07:15 It's important to ask,
07:16 "Were you touched in your vagina, your penis?
07:20 Did anybody fondle you?"
07:22 Those things are important. Yeah.
07:23 And, you know, what you said about the date rape,
07:27 the drug abuse or sexuality,
07:30 and, you know, even in popular songs and media,
07:33 you know, Papa Mali.
07:35 And, you know, I remember,
07:37 you know, going on a trip
07:38 with some of the students from Oakwood
07:39 on one of the mission trips which was an elementary school.
07:43 And they were just singing,
07:44 it was a ringtone on their phone.
07:46 And I said, "What is that?"
07:47 And they could break it down for me,
07:48 they knew the chemical makeup of a date rape drug.
07:53 And it was entertainment.
07:54 It was seen as something fun and not dangerous.
07:56 And the danger in that with abusing sexuality
08:00 is that it's often not seen as abuse
08:02 when it comes from a peer
08:04 or it comes from something that is common to them.
08:08 Okay.
08:10 Well, I mean only get dating here
08:11 'cause I want to talk about,
08:13 you know, on campuses and what not, you know,
08:14 what are some of the struggles.
08:16 I mean 'cause that may not really realize
08:18 that these things are really happening,
08:19 you know, so what are some things,
08:20 I mean go on at school and that...
08:22 You kind of touched on that a little bit,
08:23 date rape and some other things that we need to watch out for.
08:26 I remember couple of years back at Oakwood,
08:31 one of my friends went off-campus
08:34 with some students
08:36 that didn't necessarily go to Oakwood.
08:38 And they were having...
08:40 It was a kickback, they were just talking.
08:43 And she asked for a soda, can of soda.
08:46 And a guy gave her a can of grape soda.
08:49 And the next thing she knows,
08:50 she is waking up
08:51 and she feels a tear in her vagina
08:55 'cause she was a virgin.
08:57 And so apparently that night somebody
08:59 spiked the can of soda with something,
09:03 raped her, took her virginity.
09:05 And she thought that she was pregnant.
09:08 So she was like, "Oh, God, should I get an abortion?
09:10 Should I do this?
09:12 I don't know what to do, I'm just confused."
09:14 And this is something that didn't only happen to her
09:17 but is happening on our colleges, campuses
09:19 across the world, everywhere.
09:21 And so it's really bad.
09:23 And people need to talk about it.
09:25 People need to put it out there
09:27 because if you don't talk about it,
09:30 mould grows in darkness.
09:31 That's right.
09:32 That's a very good way to put it.
09:34 And steeping back, it's happening unfortunately,
09:37 in the news just the other day, it happened at a pre-school.
09:41 I mean it wasn't an incident that involves adults,
09:45 it was all children,
09:46 and it was happening for over a period of six months.
09:49 Wow. It's happening.
09:50 I got a call last year to come intervene at a school.
09:54 We're a group of 9th grade girls
09:59 were taken into the bathroom
10:02 by 11th and 12th grade, mostly girls,
10:05 that were told that they were going to have
10:07 what's called a rainbow circle.
10:09 And that they had no choice
10:10 but do it or they were threatening that,
10:13 you know, they would hurt them after school.
10:14 And these girls really felt
10:16 that even within that little short period of time
10:19 that they had no choice.
10:20 And so they went to the bathroom
10:22 and the other girls proceeded to strip them
10:26 and go around doing these things to them.
10:29 Fortunately, a coach came by thinking
10:31 that it was a fight
10:32 'cause she saw a few girls going in the bathroom,
10:34 stepped in, got the shock of her life.
10:36 And they were able to...
10:37 And even the parents, their reaction to it,
10:43 you know, not just to the girls that were victimized
10:46 but the parents of the girls that
10:48 were doing the victimization,
10:50 you know, the denial in the face of the act
10:53 that was caught right there was just really...
10:55 And that's the thing, that's an important part of it
10:57 is just like David said, mould grows in the dark.
11:00 And even when things stare us in the face,
11:02 as even within the church
11:04 when things stare us in the face,
11:05 we tend to put a cloud of denial over it.
11:08 Right, yeah, I mean, we like to hide these things
11:10 and that's kind of what, you know,
11:12 you talked at very beginning about
11:13 not naming the certain parts,
11:14 you know, this is something secret,
11:16 it's your private thing.
11:17 So when that's being said like that,
11:19 then when someone comes on and says,
11:20 "Don't tell nobody,"
11:22 it's kind of, "Well, no one else is talking about it.
11:23 My parents aren't talking about it either.
11:24 So okay that makes sense, I shouldn't tell anybody,"
11:26 you know, and so that keeps going.
11:27 So and what you mentioned too, David, you know,
11:29 about the experience with individuals
11:32 in schools of higher learning of a Christian institution.
11:38 And one thing we have learnt even from the news
11:40 and what's going on now
11:41 is that this is a problem everywhere, you know.
11:44 It's not just a problem that's just out there and it's a way.
11:47 So we definitely need to be talking
11:48 about this as Christians.
11:51 I think and even amongst men
11:54 because it blew my mind
11:58 when I found out that men would say that it was okay.
12:02 You know, they are in elementary school,
12:03 and there was a high school that took their "virginity,"
12:06 that's molestation, that's rape.
12:08 Like you are how old and the woman was how old,
12:13 and there was something even more recently
12:15 that someone was telling me about
12:17 and there was this high-schooler
12:18 and that girl was maybe like 21 or something like that.
12:22 And she performed a sexual act on him,
12:26 and he didn't know what to do.
12:28 And so afterwards, I can only imagine this young man thinks
12:32 he is big man now.
12:33 He was uncomfortable at the time,
12:35 you know, he was younger, she was older
12:37 but they may not be told that,
12:39 you know, they got an older woman.
12:41 So they don't look at it as anything wrong.
12:44 Our media, our society is telling them
12:47 they are being raped,
12:48 they are not being molested only women
12:50 get raped and molested because men feel like
12:53 it was something that they did because they were aroused.
12:56 And that's not true either.
12:58 Like that's wrong, that's wrong even on the woman's side.
13:01 Yeah. Yeah. Very true.
13:03 And the stats are showing it because...
13:06 And think about it if this what's reported
13:08 and you can think about in your own life the people
13:10 that you know,
13:11 if this what's reported that one in seven boys,
13:14 is up to just about the most current stat, are molested.
13:17 But that's reported and one in four girls
13:19 that is reported.
13:21 I know that at some of the programs
13:23 that do Pure Reality
13:24 and otherwise large age groups, 11-13 year olds,
13:29 that's where we get the most,
13:31 you know, numbers within our church
13:34 that are reported like right here.
13:36 But just think about it, that's reported
13:38 and it's one in seven for boys and one in four for girls,
13:41 what is that really telling us?
13:42 Yeah. Yeah.
13:44 Because that's, you know... Oh, go ahead, Kim.
13:46 I was just going to say, you know, a lot of times
13:48 we're told to keep each other's secrets.
13:51 And we share things in our circles as women,
13:54 and we talk, we chat.
13:56 But we keep that with ourselves and as men,
13:59 you know, I'm sure you guys have guy talk,
14:01 and you guys may talk.
14:02 But not actually share or confront
14:06 these kinds of issues because it's so private.
14:09 "Oh, you got molested? I was molested too, okay."
14:13 And then that's it, you just keep going,
14:15 and we're taught to press through that,
14:19 "It's okay, you'll grow out of it."
14:21 Or let's say for instance,
14:23 you know, the issues that happen in the church,
14:26 "You know, the pastor will leave
14:27 or this elder will go somewhere else,
14:29 you will grow up, you will move on,"
14:31 when we need to be teaching our young people,
14:34 these are the secrets you don't keep.
14:37 These are the secrets we have to talk about and tell
14:40 and share on behalf of our sisters and our brothers.
14:43 Yeah, so that's talking about
14:45 the responsibility of the family and the church.
14:48 What if you witness something like this take place,
14:51 you know, in your home or even at church,
14:53 you know, what should you do?
14:55 What would you say? You want to take that one?
14:58 I believe that you should first of all,
15:01 go to the father.
15:02 Like that's the first thing you need to do.
15:04 Then you need to find someone safe to talk to,
15:09 someone who you trust.
15:11 Well, at the same time,
15:13 someone you trusted could have done this to you.
15:15 So you need to go somewhere safe
15:19 and then report it to authority, cops,
15:22 wherever it needs to be reported.
15:24 Expose it. Expose it.
15:26 Because I know a lot of people that I've grown up with,
15:30 a lot of people
15:31 that I'm best friends with have been touched as a child.
15:35 And they are just now coming to flourishing with that,
15:39 they are like, "Okay, wow, I'm 20-something
15:41 and I can finally accept the fact
15:43 that I was touched as a child."
15:45 And that's really sad.
15:46 And with males,
15:49 they start to totally disregard
15:52 like sex as an emotional act
15:55 but as a physical act now.
15:56 Like as a man, "I'm not emotional,
15:59 I'm not trying to connect with you,
16:00 I just have to do this."
16:02 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay.
16:03 And as you talk about it,
16:06 as far as leadership within my own personal story,
16:09 I was abused by leadership in the church
16:11 starting with my dad
16:12 who was a leader, and then a first elder,
16:15 and then just it was a pattern of abuse as a child.
16:18 And one of the things that you said about
16:20 telling is like you said,
16:21 here is this whole trust cycle, most abuse and incest,
16:26 when it comes to incest
16:27 and molestation does occur between...
16:30 Overall, as a matter of fact,
16:31 when you talk about sexual abuse,
16:33 the highest number of cases are people
16:35 that you're familiar with.
16:37 And so one of things that I can encourage
16:39 just thinking about my own story
16:42 and stories of others that I have talked to
16:44 and that have come to me
16:46 is that you've got to keep on talking
16:48 until somebody listens
16:50 because sometimes,
16:51 the chain of command would seem very simple.
16:55 I mean, we went as far as to
16:58 have the outside authorities call
17:01 but adults can always overtalk a child.
17:03 Do you see what I'm saying, especially
17:05 if they are respected adults.
17:06 So the encouragement would be to keep on talking
17:08 until somebody listens.
17:10 Yeah. Yeah. That's so true.
17:13 And I want...
17:15 I mean I don't want to skip past
17:16 but just going to move on to a different part of this.
17:17 But I wanted to also talk about another prevalent thing
17:20 which is sex trafficking.
17:22 Okay, so let's define sex trafficking.
17:25 Sex trafficking is a layered violent act
17:28 in which someone is taken against their will
17:31 and forced to perform violent sexual acts
17:36 that they just have no choice.
17:38 Oftentimes, people are kept locked up.
17:40 They don't see the light of day
17:42 except for when they go out to perform this act.
17:46 And the threat and coercion
17:48 that goes on with this is very, very damaging.
17:52 Currently, there are 200 million children
17:55 that are involved in the sex trafficking industry.
17:57 In the United States you'd be really surprised
18:00 to know that right in our own backyards,
18:03 you know, it's happening.
18:04 In the city that I live in Atlanta,
18:05 we are the number three state in America
18:08 for children being pulled into sex trafficking
18:10 and it's not, you know, we used to think that,
18:13 a lot of people get it mixed up that the
18:14 human trafficking and sex trafficking
18:16 are the same thing, and they are not.
18:17 And what happens is that
18:19 it's not somebody coming
18:20 from a foreign country or a third world country,
18:23 it's your friend next door, it's the person,
18:27 the child that goes to school down the street.
18:29 It's not just runaways.
18:31 People are actually just snatched up
18:33 and taken one minute.
18:34 And what happens is because this crime is one
18:39 in which we know that the percentage of joints
18:42 that participate in it
18:45 are from higher income brackets
18:47 and are some of the movers and shakers within communities.
18:51 It is a very hard crime to stop.
18:53 Wow.
18:54 So, you know, this is a very serious thing
18:55 and like you said, I was very surprised
18:58 when I found out that this something
18:59 that's happening a lot in America,
19:02 the United States.
19:03 And many people who maybe watching this, they say,
19:06 "Well, that will never happen to me."
19:07 You know, that can never happen.
19:09 Talk to me, David, a little bit about
19:11 you know, that mentality of, you know,
19:12 "It can't happen to me,
19:14 you know, can that happen to anybody?"
19:15 I believe it can happen to anybody
19:17 if your guard's not up.
19:19 I will take that statement,
19:21 what she said is very true and I'm going to bring it home,
19:24 where people are manipulated into it also.
19:27 We see on our music channels, music videos,
19:31 these women who are not necessarily
19:35 going and having sex,
19:37 but that's a form of sex trafficking in itself
19:40 because they are sexual icons now.
19:42 A lot of people who are in the music industry, the icons,
19:47 they started out their career with innocent faces,
19:51 innocent looks, innocent videos.
19:54 And later on in their career
19:56 you see their skirts come up a little more,
19:58 the makeup get a little darker,
20:00 the hair get a little crazy, and stuff like that.
20:03 And they start to do the dances of...
20:05 And so they are trying to manipulate our young people,
20:08 our old people, everybody into being used
20:11 to seeing sexual stuff on the media.
20:15 You know, what you said is so true
20:17 and I would just like to add that a lot of times
20:19 we think of sex trafficking
20:21 as something that's happening in a brothel
20:24 or, you know, children in cages.
20:26 And while that is the majority of how things can happen,
20:31 when sex trafficking begins with coercion or manipulation,
20:34 that can happen at a house party,
20:36 that can happen within a group of friends to where hey,
20:39 you know, a boss is soliciting or manipulating you for sex
20:45 or, you know, "I'm going to take these pictures of you
20:47 and if you don't commit this sexual act with me
20:50 or my friends or someone else that I know,
20:53 I'm going to send these pictures to someone
20:54 or I'm going to, you know, blackmail you
20:56 or manipulate you, so do these sexual acts,"
21:00 you know, and it turns into this slavery.
21:03 And that can be very, very harmful and very scary.
21:06 And oftentimes, you cannot pick out somebody
21:09 who' been or is a part of sex trafficking.
21:11 They don't have a look, they don't necessarily
21:14 have a particular, you know, effect.
21:18 It can be somebody in your class,
21:20 it can be somebody that you know,
21:22 it can be a child that's,
21:24 you know, going to school every day.
21:26 And so I think that we have to be aware
21:29 of some of the initial tools
21:30 and initial ways that sex trafficking can begin,
21:34 and also not be afraid
21:36 to be vocal about the thing that we say.
21:38 When you see that red flag, it's red, it's not pink,
21:41 it's not orange, it's a red flag,
21:43 and it's something a child, a friend says something to you
21:47 that seems off-putting, call it what it is.
21:50 Yeah, 'cause some people are really scared
21:51 for their lives in these situations
21:53 and, you know, to speak out, they may be afraid to do so.
21:56 And the blackmail thing is that's crazy, seriously.
21:58 But we need to be like you're saying looking and watching
22:01 and so we can protect our friends
22:05 or anyone who might be involved in something like this.
22:07 We might even know it, you know.
22:08 Can I just jump in and say... Yeah, go ahead.
22:09 That we have to be really careful,
22:11 especially on our college campuses
22:13 of the bartering of sex for things, especially...
22:18 And sometimes I see underaged young ladies
22:21 who want to drink alcohol and so older men will say,
22:24 "I will provide the alcohol once you come over here,
22:28 you provide the sexual favors."
22:31 As you touched on that point, that is an excellent point
22:33 because what is prevalent
22:35 and what is one of the number one things
22:37 that shows a trend into sex trafficking
22:40 is an age difference.
22:41 And that is for, you know, not just high school
22:45 but also in colleges, usually a 10-year,
22:48 that is the state,
22:49 a 10-year age difference
22:51 of someone that wants to manipulate someone
22:53 into sex is very predatory.
22:55 And so when you see these big huge age differences,
22:58 watch out.
22:59 That is definitely a red flag. And there is that...
23:03 You were talking about the alcohol thing
23:06 but there's also things
23:07 such as just taking me to the store.
23:09 Guys, I've had friends come and tell me that they did
23:13 this whatever guy
23:15 because they took them to a grocery store.
23:19 And I was like, "What!"
23:21 Like, "But he took me, I was in his car,
23:23 he said, so I did."
23:25 And it was like, "That's crazy!"
23:28 But it's happening on our campuses.
23:31 And there is also the sense of within
23:34 even some of those people,
23:36 there's a pre-exposure to sexual molestation
23:41 or rape that causes the sexual act
23:44 not to be as sensitive as it should be.
23:48 So there is desensitization, we always hear that term.
23:51 That's why. No, that's good.
23:53 And that's what we want to talk about
23:55 next is a really the complying behavior
23:58 that sometimes happens in relationships
24:00 or maybe not a relationship.
24:02 But you feel that, "Okay, this person took me out
24:04 or they did this thing for me,
24:06 this is my boyfriend or my girlfriend now.
24:08 And this is what I owe to them."
24:10 You know, and you were touching on that.
24:11 So let's talk a little more about that.
24:12 You know, I mean if you're in a situation
24:15 where someone's expecting you
24:17 to give them a sexual favor, what do you do?
24:22 Well, you know, I want to say that you owe no one anything,
24:27 especially not your body.
24:29 Your body belongs to you.
24:31 Your body, it's not a debit card,
24:33 it's not a purchasing system,
24:37 your body is a gift, it's a precious gift.
24:40 And the Bible talks about not giving pearls to swine.
24:44 You know, not just giving anything
24:46 just because somebody gives you something,
24:47 and so being very cautious about that.
24:50 And also, protecting yourself, if you want to go to Walmart
24:53 or you want to go to a store, take your girlfriend with you,
24:54 take a friend with you, take somebody with you.
24:57 Accountability, where are we going,
24:59 what time are we coming back,
25:00 letting somebody else know where you're going.
25:02 And sometimes that could be seen as,
25:03 "Oh, well, you just want to control me,
25:05 or my parents want to know where I am
25:06 or what I'm doing all the time."
25:08 But those are some of the boundaries and parameters
25:10 that we can put up to help keep us safe.
25:12 And at any point if you feel uncomfortable,
25:15 you are not obligated to do anything
25:19 for anybody for any reason
25:21 even if at one point, you said you would.
25:24 If you say, "No, I don't want to have sex with you",
25:27 even if you text about it all day long,
25:29 even if you talked about it, even if you got in the car,
25:32 and said, "After you dropped me off at Walmart,
25:35 I'll do whatever for you."
25:36 And you say, "I don't want to do that",
25:38 you don't have to do it.
25:40 No is no at any point
25:42 in the relationship or interaction.
25:44 And you need to be careful
25:45 if you're doing something like that
25:47 because again what we talked about
25:48 before is when you put yourself in these positions,
25:50 you know, it is hard to get out.
25:51 So like you said, protect yourself,
25:52 bring somebody with you, and don't even have
25:54 those conversations in the beginning
25:55 about certain things. Go ahead, David.
25:57 Yeah, I think one good thing
25:58 for everybody to do is from jump,
26:01 if a male or if a female is offering you
26:04 something out of pure niceness, ask them,
26:07 "What are your intentions?
26:08 Are your intentions to be my friend,
26:10 to really help out or is your attention?
26:13 Because if your intentions anything other than
26:16 to just be a nice person
26:17 and really genuinely help me out,
26:19 then we don't need to be having a relationship at all."
26:22 And then let's take it even a step further back.
26:25 As a young lady, as a young guy,
26:29 if somebody is 7, 8, 9, 10 years older than you,
26:33 offering to do certain types of things
26:36 that's not in any way closely connected to related to you,
26:39 you need to question that.
26:41 And also when we're talking about,
26:42 you know, Kim, you talked about the fact
26:43 that our body is ours but for people,
26:45 you know, that have been violated,
26:48 you know, God tells us that our bodies are His temples.
26:51 Yes.
26:52 And so taking a step back to think
26:54 now that I think that my body is mine,
26:56 but when you're violated,
26:58 when predatory behavior happens,
27:01 what happens to the victim is that
27:03 you feel as if there is a disconnect,
27:06 and you feel as if your body is not even your own,
27:09 so how can I even think about it
27:10 that it's the temple of God.
27:12 But what I would say to you is that remember like you said,
27:16 you don't owe anybody anything.
27:18 Yeah. Yeah.
27:20 Well, that's how we're going to end it.
27:21 I want to read this verse in Matthew 18:10.
27:24 It says, "Seeing that you do not look down
27:27 on one of these little ones,
27:29 for I tell you that there are angels in heaven
27:32 always see the face of My Father in heaven."
27:35 You know God always has justice for those who are being abused.
27:37 He is always wanting to protect.
27:38 And remember that through any situation
27:40 you're going through or have gone through,
27:42 God is with you.
27:43 And you need to ask the question,
27:44 "Where was God? Where is He right now?"
27:46 He is there with you.
27:47 He will never leave you and will never forsake you.
27:49 So I challenge you to be aware
27:51 and always to know what is going on
27:53 and always to make pure choices.


Revised 2018-04-26