Pure Choices

Twerk it Out

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Joshua Nelson (Host), Vaughn Edmeade, Brittany Hill, Kim Pearson


Series Code: PC

Program Code: PC000067

00:01 The following program discusses sensitive issues.
00:03 Parents are cautioned that some material
00:05 may be too candid for younger children.
00:40 Hello, and welcome to "Pure Choices."
00:42 I'm your host, Pastor Joshua Nelson.
00:44 And again, I'm so happy you decided to join us today
00:46 because we have a very good topic today.
00:49 I guess an exciting topic
00:51 because the title is, Twerk it Out.
00:53 We're talking about dancing.
00:54 Is dancing wrong? Okay.
00:56 So this is obviously a big and hot topic
00:58 in a lot of Christian circles, especially, Adventist circles.
01:01 I know that it's been frowned upon in my family.
01:05 But we want to talk about,
01:06 is it okay for us to do as Christians.
01:09 Before we get into this topic,
01:10 like always let's stop for a word of prayer.
01:13 Heavenly Father, as we discuss this topic,
01:16 we ask that You would please, please lead us and guide us
01:18 in Your Spirit now.
01:20 In Jesus' name we pray.
01:21 Amen. Amen.
01:23 All right.
01:24 Well, I'm gonna start by introducing the panel.
01:26 On the couch here to my right, I have Kim Pearson,
01:30 who is the associate chaplain at Oakwood University.
01:34 Next to her we have Brittany Hill,
01:36 who is recent graduate
01:37 at Andrews University theological seminary.
01:40 Happy that they both here.
01:41 And next to them we have another man in the group now.
01:45 We have Vaughn Edmeade.
01:47 And we are happy that he is here.
01:49 He is student at Oakwood doing his master's I believe.
01:52 That's right? Okay.
01:53 So we have a good panel.
01:54 And I, of course,
01:56 I'm Pastor Nelson from South Carolina.
01:58 We got two churches down there.
01:59 And so we're happy to be discussing this today.
02:02 This is a hot one, dancing.
02:04 And we've had,
02:05 I know that in many circles when I'm growing up,
02:07 we discuss this so many times about dancing.
02:09 So let's discuss it again today.
02:12 What do you guys think?
02:13 Is there anything wrong with, with dancing?
02:18 No body wants to incriminate themselves.
02:21 Well, I guess I'll start.
02:23 Okay.
02:24 I don't believe that there is anything wrong with dancing.
02:27 I believe that what,
02:30 it depends on what your context of dancing is,
02:33 it depends on what your,
02:35 I don't even want to necessarily say
02:36 style of dancing is, right.
02:37 Because your style of dancing
02:39 depending on what kind of context you are in,
02:41 you know, it may be appropriate so.
02:43 And the Bible definitely talks about dancing
02:45 and it speaks about in the affirmative
02:47 in many places.
02:48 So that's why I would say, I wouldn't be so quick to say
02:51 that there is anything wrong with dancing.
02:52 But we may need to discuss some circumstances
02:55 under which it might be wrong.
02:57 Okay. All right.
02:58 So we have that clear opinion there.
03:00 Kim, what do you think?
03:02 I actually happen to agree.
03:05 I don't think there is anything wrong
03:07 with dancing in context.
03:10 I can even imagine that, I don't know about you,
03:13 when I make it to heaven,
03:14 I'm not gonna be pacing around the streets of gold,
03:17 like I'm going to be worshipping like it's gonna be a party.
03:21 And I think that in the right context
03:23 I think there's nothing wrong with it
03:26 but I think the society, as often it does
03:30 can taint something that can be a good thing.
03:33 Okay, All right. Brittany.
03:35 I'm also in agreeance
03:37 because I also believe... Oh, man.
03:39 There is nothing wrong with dancing
03:41 as long as it's in its right context.
03:44 If you're going to a club, then maybe dancing
03:46 is not the right thing for you to be doing.
03:49 If you are just doing crazy moves
03:52 that are just impossible for your body then, yes.
03:57 Impossible for your body, mercy.
04:00 Yes, dancing is wrong
04:01 but if you are simply doing a two step
04:03 'cause you are praising God
04:05 or if your husband or your wife and you both of you
04:08 are just doing something in the privacy of your room,
04:09 I don't think anything is wrong
04:11 if you guys want to spice it up by dancing.
04:13 Yeah, okay, okay.
04:14 So it's pretty clear that our panel believes
04:17 that dancing, you know is not wrong.
04:21 Now they try to preface it up by saying context.
04:23 So could I go to a club and dance?
04:28 Is that okay?
04:29 Should I go to a party and dance,
04:31 I mean, is that okay?
04:34 Teach me please, tell me?
04:36 Technically you do whatever you want to do.
04:40 You go out. You could do whatever you want to do.
04:42 But I think ultimately as, as Christians,
04:46 when we subscribe to Christianity,
04:48 we subscribe to God being and His principles being,
04:52 His check point for our ethics and for our behavior.
04:55 And so the check point there would be,
04:58 "All right, Josh, you want to go to the club,
05:00 you want to dance?"
05:02 One, what's your purpose?
05:03 Right, have fun.
05:05 Okay, so you just want to go and have fun.
05:06 Have fun, yeah.
05:09 Is dancing going to glorify God?
05:13 Well, that's the thing.
05:14 You know, I think that's what
05:15 we may want to go with this thing.
05:17 And I'm just kind of answering your question
05:18 as if you're talking straight to me
05:19 because I mean, if I'm going to a club
05:22 and I know `that the music there
05:23 is not going to be glorifying God,
05:25 then maybe that's where you draw a line.
05:27 I mean, is the club itself the bad thing,
05:30 is the dancing itself the bad thing
05:31 or is it the environment really, that's the bad thing.
05:34 So I guess I had to question that
05:35 if I was gonna go to my club.
05:37 Thank you, Kim.
05:39 It's hypothetical, his asking. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
05:41 But I think that's one of the key points though, is that
05:46 already we've had to address something
05:49 before we even get to the dancing part.
05:51 Do you see what I'm saying?
05:52 Because the environment is what's dictating
05:54 what's going on inside of that club
05:56 and so really your reason for dancing
06:00 in that context has already been determined for
06:03 by your reason for going to that club
06:06 in the first place.
06:07 You see what I'm saying.
06:08 So that's why it's hard to say, because there's some,
06:12 let's say, somebody mentioned that there me be certain moves
06:16 that you do that
06:17 are those particular moves appropriate.
06:20 I mean, certain styles of dancing
06:23 have similar moves, right.
06:25 But the reason why we're doing them
06:27 may be different.
06:28 You know, so that's why I would say,
06:30 it's hard for me to even limit it to a move,
06:32 you see what I'm saying.
06:33 But why am I doing this particular move, why?
06:36 And dancing of course, come from a reaction to,
06:40 I guess, I would say, our natural reaction to music.
06:43 Because not like I mean, unless, maybe some people
06:45 would just dance just 'cause they want to dance
06:47 but a lot of times it's because of the music
06:51 or of a beat or where you're at,
06:53 you're celebrating so
06:55 should that be where we started
06:56 addressing that
06:58 because I mean, somebody would even say
07:00 you shouldn't allow the music to move you,
07:01 you know, you should just kind of
07:03 you know, sty still and that shouldn't be,
07:06 you know, your reaction to music.
07:08 I mean, what do you think?
07:09 I don't know.
07:10 When I look at examples in the Bible that say,
07:12 "Let every thing that hath breath
07:14 praise the Lord."
07:15 I'm breathing so my praise MAY look different in,
07:18 talks about the Holy Spirit,
07:19 "what was like was like fire shut up in my bones."
07:21 I don't know about you but if you ever been on fire,
07:23 well, I've never been on fire.
07:25 But I can imagine if something shut up in me
07:28 and it's trying to get out and that presence in me
07:30 does not bring to my mind something calm
07:34 and well put together
07:36 and while there is time for that
07:38 I'd like I said, I do believe
07:39 that there is a time for everything
07:41 under the sun,
07:42 which includes praising God and responding to music.
07:46 My life, the way I live, the way I interact with people
07:49 and including the way I move my body
07:52 is a reaction to what God has done for me.
07:55 Okay. So, let's just imagine that we have to conclude it
07:58 that dancing is okay, okay, I mean, let's just say
08:00 that's just the overall statement
08:02 people now agree,
08:03 maybe they don't but let's just imagine, okay.
08:05 Dancing is okay and we're,
08:06 it sounds like we're saying that
08:07 it should be in a confines of you know,
08:09 relation with God, praising God, dancing for Him.
08:11 Okay.
08:13 Are there some movements now in dancing
08:15 that would be considered wrong 'cause I'll be honest with you,
08:17 I've been to some churches now and people were dancing.
08:20 The music was going.
08:21 And I had to kind of doing,
08:23 you know, sister salsa was really,
08:25 you know, really dancing hard.
08:27 I mean, I'm not sure if that was appropriate for church.
08:29 I mean, where do you, I mean, if you're really caught up in,
08:32 you know, this, I'm doing this for God,
08:34 you know, how do you really curtail your dancing?
08:36 Where do you draw the line?
08:39 That goes back to not wanting
08:41 to cause your brother or your sister to fall,
08:44 I would say, right.
08:45 So it's not that you dance unintelligibly, right.
08:50 We have a mind so we're able to make decisions,
08:52 we're able to understand
08:54 you know, who is watching me when I dance
08:56 and let's not say that you should make your dancing
08:57 about who is watching you other than it being for God
09:00 and there maybe times like somebody said,
09:02 when you are in the privacy of your own home,
09:04 if you are person who is married,
09:05 it's just you, your husband or your wife and God,
09:08 and by all means, do what you're gonna do, right.
09:13 Right. Yeah, yeah.
09:14 However, God has given us a mind for a reason,
09:18 so we know that we're in church,
09:19 we know that's, all right,
09:22 so women have different parts than guys do.
09:23 Yeah, yeah.
09:24 And when you dance, certain parts might move.
09:26 And so in church, certain party may begin moving
09:30 or women will wear skirts, guys don't wear skirts.
09:33 So certain parts may show
09:34 if you decide to go crazy, right.
09:37 So you have to understand the environment once again
09:40 that you are in,
09:42 understand that there are other people
09:43 who will be affected by that and you don't want to,
09:46 how can you want to praise God
09:47 but yet be having a negative affect
09:49 or negative influence
09:50 on the person that is around you
09:52 causing them to fall, right.
09:54 Yeah, good point. Good point.
09:55 I'm an island girl.
09:57 So coming from the islands
09:58 we have certain dance moves that just happen.
10:02 And there are all sorts of crazy, just craziness.
10:07 But no one has to tell me when I go to church
10:11 don't do the dutty wine.
10:13 No one has to tell me not to wine,
10:17 I have to use these terms.
10:18 Wine off against one of my other brothers,
10:21 because it's just inappropriate.
10:22 It's not praising God and we know it.
10:25 So, there are certain dance moves
10:27 where you just know it's not for praising God.
10:30 It's for bringing satisfaction to yourself,
10:32 pleasure to yourself.
10:34 It's creating emotions in all parts of your body
10:37 that should probably be saved for your spouse
10:41 and not for in a public setting of worship.
10:43 It's not worship. Right.
10:45 So, I think that's where it goes.
10:46 I think that's where, you know, knowledge comes,
10:47 and I think that's where you kind of
10:49 have to draw the line
10:50 because a lot of the dance moves
10:52 and the type of dances are geared to
10:55 basically, you know, to be sexual moves,
10:58 you know, and sexual actions.
10:59 So you can stimulate those things,
11:01 you get excited and aroused in pleasure.
11:02 So, yeah.
11:04 Well, I was just going to agree on what you said
11:09 but also the idea that a lot of these moves
11:11 are meant for self glorification.
11:14 So the reason why you're twerking
11:16 or gyrating or dutty wine or whatever is,
11:19 it makes you look more attractive.
11:21 It makes you look good. That's what you're thinking.
11:23 Yeah, it makes people want you and it's all centered in,
11:27 I want to be desired, I want to be important,
11:29 I want to be looked at, me, me, me, me, me.
11:33 And when we separate that and start to say,
11:36 is this glorifying me, is this putting me first,
11:39 is this taking the attention off of Jesus
11:41 and putting the attention on me,
11:42 then the line starts to get a whole lot of less grey
11:45 and a whole lot more black and white.
11:47 Yeah. Yeah. And you'll see people now
11:48 putting out the videos of them dancing,
11:50 you know, especially with the whole twerking thing,
11:52 right, you know.
11:53 Because of the kids dancing. And kids, yeah.
11:55 And I think they got the little dolls
11:56 that are twerking.
11:58 Twerking dolls. Okay.
12:00 I mean, so it just can really go too far
12:04 with some of that stuff so, yeah.
12:07 I definitely feel that we have to create
12:10 or have a standard as Christians, you know,
12:15 I still don't know if we really said,
12:16 you know, I guess, well, I guess you call
12:18 they kind of say you shouldn't dance
12:19 unless it's for God.
12:20 I don't know if we really, you know, gonna that,
12:22 probably we gonna go that far, what do you all think,
12:24 I mean, should you draw the line and say that
12:26 or is there a time to dance when it's not,
12:28 when you are not in church.
12:29 That's what I really want to know.
12:31 Well, I think that
12:34 there are number of things that God created
12:37 I don't think that
12:38 they were necessarily created just to say
12:41 this happens when we are specifically having like
12:44 let's say a worship service, right.
12:46 He created-- Those, for those two hours.
12:47 I think what God does is He created us to be beings
12:51 who, our total lives reflect worship to Him.
12:55 And so, you can, if your life reflects worship to Him,
12:57 you can dance for fun, right.
13:00 And you know to dance appropriately
13:01 is just something that you're doing for fun.
13:04 You know, there are other things
13:05 that we just do for fun.
13:07 It's not necessarily to say that,
13:08 oh, we are trying
13:09 to actively intentionally give God worship and praise
13:12 at this very moment when we are doing this thing.
13:15 Okay. You see what I'm saying.
13:16 So you have people who dance, who do, maybe tap dancing
13:19 or you got people who do dance in the ballet,
13:24 you know, these different sorts of dancing
13:26 and you have people who are professors of dance.
13:29 Different sorts of dancing where I don't think
13:30 it's necessarily something where it's being said,
13:32 oh, when you are doing this,
13:34 you are worshipping something else intentionally
13:37 like you're just dancing.
13:38 That is what you, is, I'm a musician
13:40 so there are sometimes where I make music
13:41 and it's just, oh, well, I make music,
13:43 like anybody who knows
13:45 like certain books that you learn,
13:46 like you learn these little songs that is like,
13:48 oh, let's take a song, for instance, Happy Birthday.
13:51 We are not making the song Happy Birthday
13:53 in order to say, you know,
13:55 we're thankful that somebody had a birthday
13:56 but it's not like we're saying,
13:58 oh, we're praising and worshipping right now
13:59 during the song Happy Birthday.
14:00 But none of us would go ahead and say,
14:02 that there's something wrong with the song
14:03 and I think the same thing with dance.
14:04 You might have some dances which it's not--
14:06 Apparently evil.
14:08 Yeah, it's not good or evil.
14:09 It's just is, I'm a Christian who is dancing,
14:13 you know what I'm saying.
14:14 Okay, okay.
14:15 Some people would definitely challenge that,
14:17 but I do like how you put that, yeah.
14:18 And I was gonna say, you know, Oakwood were planning on
14:22 taking a group of students to Kenya
14:23 on a mission trip this summer
14:25 and as we're educating them on the culture,
14:28 the Maasai people danced
14:30 and they dance as they tell stories
14:32 and that's very much a part of African culture
14:35 is dancing and moving as part of telling a story,
14:39 keeping traditions going and things like that.
14:42 And I would never go over to Kenya
14:44 and say you're sinning.
14:46 Right, right.
14:47 I think that we have` to understand context,
14:50 I think it takes a level of maturity to approach it.
14:55 Blanket statements sometimes can, sometimes
14:57 can just hinder us from being free.
15:02 And I think we were created to be free,
15:04 we were created to be free
15:05 and I think there's a time to celebrate
15:07 and I think there's a time to be still
15:08 and there's a time to worship
15:10 and the time to clap and not clap
15:12 and all those good things.
15:13 Yeah, okay. Right.
15:15 You know, sometimes, you know, what I've experienced
15:20 in the dancing conversation is that you know,
15:22 I'll be saying, well, you know, I'm gonna go salsa dancing,
15:26 I'm gonna hear, you know,
15:28 watch an African dancer do some, you know,
15:29 practice an African dance or do the tap dancing,
15:31 you were talking about earlier, some of the line dance,
15:33 you know, whatever it is, oh, that's fine, that's fine.
15:35 It's great, okay, little cultural, okay.
15:38 But then as soon as I say, you know,
15:39 we're gonna go and do some hip-hop dancing.
15:43 And there is a problem,
15:45 well, no, no, no, you can't do that.
15:46 So why do you, why is it or is there something wrong
15:48 with the hip-hop culture
15:50 in the way that we see that culture dancing
15:55 is something inherently wrong with that?
15:56 And why has society maybe or why has our church maybe,
15:59 made it seem as though, that's wrong,
16:02 you know, if you think that,
16:03 I guess you'd agree with what I'm saying
16:05 in that respect.
16:06 So what do think? What do you think?
16:08 I would assume that it deals with the fact
16:10 that hip-hop culture stems partially from Africa
16:15 and Africans, they worship their culture.
16:19 It's deeply enrooted in what assume to be paganism
16:22 and because of this
16:24 when someone sees the hip-hop culture,
16:27 they automatically assume this must have
16:28 some sort of reference to paganism.
16:30 It can't refer to any,
16:32 it can't reference to anything else.
16:33 So it must be this.
16:35 So I would assume that's probably the case.
16:37 Okay.
16:39 That's interesting you say that.
16:40 You know a lot of assumptions are made especially when they,
16:42 the culture and where the roots are in Africa and stuff
16:45 and you know, there is a lot of
16:46 other dances and other cultures that also have,
16:50 you know, roots in paganisms and stuff like that.
16:52 So, you got to be very careful with our assumptions,
16:54 especially in terms of styles of dance, you know.
16:59 Someone, Vaughn, what were you saying?
17:00 Go ahead.
17:01 Well, one thing, it's hard to talk about styles of dance
17:04 because if we are really, if we really admit,
17:07 we don't necessarily know exactly
17:09 what dancing looked like in Bible times.
17:12 You know, we can pass assumptions,
17:16 you know, maybe some of our culture today
17:18 might put some you know,
17:20 might give us some predispositions about it,
17:22 but we don't know exactly what it looked like
17:24 but you know, to give it, to talk about within context
17:26 because you know, sometimes we may argue,
17:27 especially, as young people we may argue and say,
17:29 well, we should be able to dance
17:31 and do this, you know
17:32 because David danced and you know,
17:34 David danced so much that, you know,
17:36 part of his garments fell off, blah, blah, blah, right.
17:38 But, you know, one thing that I think is important
17:40 for us as young people even understand is that
17:43 oh, and older folks also is that
17:45 David did dance and the context of that is that
17:47 David, if I recall correctly
17:48 'cause I don't have the Bible right in front of me
17:50 but if I recall correctly, he was dancing
17:52 because they had just gotten back the Ark, right.
17:54 And he is in front of the Ark and see 'cause sometimes
17:58 people may say well,
18:00 don't dance in church, you know,
18:01 and I don't, I'm not trying to be controversial
18:02 or anything about doing dance at church
18:04 but if the Ark represented,
18:05 you know, the holy of the holies,
18:07 and David is in front of this thing
18:09 and he is naturally excited because they have the Ark back
18:13 and he danced so hard that his garment fell off
18:16 and somebody, I believe it was one of his wives
18:19 came in and in essence judged him, you know,
18:21 saying, reprimand him, "Why are you acting like that?
18:23 Why are you dancing like that?"
18:25 And God rebuked her, you know,
18:27 for because she was trying to rebuke him.
18:29 But his praise at that point in time was authentic.
18:32 He was naturally excited about,
18:35 you know, that what represented
18:37 God's presence being with Israel was returned.
18:40 I even remember, you know,
18:42 I remember, when I watch sports, right,
18:44 and I'm naturally excited, there was one time
18:45 I was naturally excited and I jumped up
18:47 and I knocked my aunt right in her mouth and hurt,
18:50 you know, my aunt, right.
18:53 So, I believe God wants us to be naturally excited.
18:56 I don't think that He wants us to not dance
18:58 and I think He wants us to dance
19:00 and be even passionate and excited about our dance
19:02 but I think that He wants us first of all,
19:04 to understand our circumstances, right.
19:06 So, David didn't even notice that somebody is watching him
19:08 and I'm sure if he knew that somebody is watching him,
19:10 he wouldn't have danced at a point
19:11 where some of his cloths were falling off, right.
19:13 But I think that it's important for us
19:16 to be mindful of our surroundings
19:19 but God is looking for us to have a natural excitement
19:22 and affection towards Him and the things of Him.
19:26 Right, right.
19:27 And that's an interesting point you know,
19:28 that He gave us this desire to dance,
19:31 to move in excitement, you know,
19:32 to move our limbs
19:34 and be excited about things, you know,
19:36 and to move with the rhythm of the music that He has given.
19:39 And that then lead us back
19:41 to what is moving or driving our dancing, you know.
19:46 Is it the music that glorifies the devil
19:49 or things of the world that is moving our body,
19:53 you know, in essence, could be leading us
19:56 to move our lives and our decisions,
19:59 you know, and our choices
20:00 and the music that we are listening to?
20:01 So, are we being moved and changed
20:03 by the godly music, by the things of God
20:06 or we've been moved by the world?
20:07 So I think that's a good principle
20:09 that we can use when consideration dancing.
20:11 Is there any principles that we can maybe add to that?
20:13 Well, I was gonna say, you know,
20:15 a lot of times we want to justify our behavior.
20:20 I mean, let's just be clear, twerking is wrong.
20:23 I mean, you can dress it up, you can dance,
20:26 you can add on to it, whatever you want to say,
20:29 but at the end of the day
20:31 you know that twerking is wrong.
20:32 When you're tewrking, and when you're dancing,
20:35 most of the time the camera is not on your face,
20:38 it's on the rest of your body.
20:40 And so it's a lot of that self glorification
20:44 so I think the other principle to put in there is
20:47 am I glorifying self, am I putting self first,
20:49 am I putting God first.
20:50 I went to a ballet
20:52 and I was so inspired by the way
20:55 that they were moving their body
20:57 like I was like, wow, how did the human body do that.
21:00 And for me, I was so impressed, I was like man,
21:03 God, we are truly, fearfully and wonderfully made.
21:07 But sometimes we want to,
21:09 we take that out of the wrong way.
21:12 When you are fearfully and wonderfully made,
21:14 doesn't mean, doesn't mean
21:16 display that for everybody else,
21:18 you know, for everybody else to see.
21:20 So, at the end of the day what does the Bible say?
21:23 Yeah, yeah.
21:24 If Jesus was standing right there,
21:26 how would He feel about it?
21:27 Right, right.
21:28 Ok, Brittany, do you want to add anything to that?
21:30 Okay. It's all right. All right.
21:33 So another thing we have to discuss
21:35 and talk about is the baseline of music.
21:38 I think a lot of people feel that
21:40 the reason why you're dancing these crazy ways
21:42 is because of the beat, you know,
21:44 the beat that's in there is kind of
21:46 moving to do some unholy things, you know,
21:48 so you think there's something in that,
21:50 you know, to say that there are just some syncopations
21:52 and some type of music that it's just wrong,
21:54 that shouldn't because it's gonna make you
21:56 react in a devilish way,
21:57 we can say like that, what do you think?
22:02 I would have to say, no.
22:04 And the reason why I wouldn't say that
22:07 the baseline has anything to do with this
22:09 because I mean, a lot of baselines
22:12 in many songs are the same,
22:13 especially when you talk about Western culture,
22:15 a lot of the baselines are the same.
22:16 That's exactly why musicians can play a song
22:19 and if they hear it they'll know, you know,
22:20 how the song is transitioning
22:22 because there's just a certain way
22:23 that Western culture's music moves, right.
22:27 And all of those songs have base in it.
22:28 But even if you go to songs that we traditionally
22:32 or music that we traditionally accept
22:34 such as let's say classical, for instance, right.
22:36 Those, if you go to a symphony, they have bases,
22:39 big standing bases
22:40 and sometimes when I'm listening to a classical piece,
22:43 I'm moving with the music also, you know.
22:45 And when you look often at moves,
22:47 let's say such as twerking,
22:49 which we kind of know just by looking at it
22:53 that there's something just not right with that, right.
22:56 When we look at that, that something that
22:59 a lot of dance moves that people do today,
23:01 which we may consider inappropriate
23:03 are things that they go home and actually practice.
23:05 It actually doesn't necessarily,
23:06 like I don't know anybody who began twerking
23:10 simply because they heard a baseline.
23:12 Okay. Do you see what I'm saying?
23:13 But because they were trying to find out,
23:15 well, what can I do to bring more attention to myself
23:19 and separate my dancing from all the other dancing
23:21 that's out there
23:23 then, I have to go home and sit and find a way,
23:24 what can I do to make things more, spice things up,
23:27 make things more interesting and bring it back, you know.
23:29 So it goes back to the, I mean, a base,
23:34 God created the lower ending sound,
23:37 you see what I'm saying.
23:38 Like it's not, it's, we didn't create it, right.
23:41 Satan didn't even create it.
23:43 God created that.
23:44 But He created it for His glory,
23:47 you see what I'm saying.
23:48 So-- Okay.
23:49 And I mean, also we're looking at too
23:51 with the whole baseline thing
23:52 as lot of times you go to some churches
23:54 and certain, you know,
23:55 you wonder are people really dancing and moving
23:57 because of the word, because of the presence of God
24:00 or it's because that person hit that key, that chord,
24:02 adjust that right way,
24:04 you know, or the base was doing the right thing, you know.
24:06 So I think we have to consider that as well
24:09 to make sure that we're not just getting moved
24:12 against our will by the music
24:15 but that again, you know, you were saying before,
24:16 the excitement, the genuine excitement
24:18 that you have for, you know, just natural reaction to it.
24:22 So we are making clear that we are not saying
24:24 we need to go to clubs, don't go no parties
24:28 and we're dancing all crazy with this music and stuff.
24:31 You got to first remember that you are the child of God,
24:33 you have a reputation to uphold
24:35 because you are a citizen of the kingdom
24:39 and so your action should mirror that.
24:41 Okay, go ahead.
24:43 I was gonna say that I think a lot of times
24:44 we have to remember that we are advertisements.
24:47 We are walking billboards.
24:49 So whatever I'm doing, I'm advertising something.
24:53 If I go and I get a sandwich from a restaurant
24:56 and I'm eating it, I'm advertising that sandwich
24:58 to the people who are around me.
25:00 If I'm moving my body in a certain way,
25:02 I'm advertising something. I'm giving a message.
25:05 So what message am I portraying?
25:07 When I show up at that party,
25:09 and the music is going or whatever,
25:11 what message am I sending by one, by being there,
25:14 but two, by the way I'm moving my body.
25:15 When I'm in charge and I'm doing whatever,
25:18 what message, what billboard, what am I advertising,
25:21 am I advertising worship, am I advertising praise,
25:24 am I advertising myself or my cloths,
25:27 am I advertising the beat, am I advertising the musicians,
25:30 who am I presenting when I present me
25:34 when whatever way that looks like.
25:35 That's a good one.
25:36 And I think to go along with that,
25:38 I think part of is that we need to abide in Christ
25:42 because dancing is one of those subjects
25:44 that is hard to-- like we said,
25:47 put an overarching rule or law on
25:51 to say that every single, we know exactly what is right,
25:54 what is wrong, blah, blah, blah.
25:55 But when we have a relationship,
25:57 there is certain thing, there's certain way
25:58 that I treat my mother, and I treat my father
25:59 and my brothers and sisters and friends
26:01 simply because I've abide with them
26:03 to the point where I know what pleases them
26:05 and what wouldn't please them.
26:06 And I think it's the same thing with God,
26:08 like we have to get to a point where we are in His presence
26:10 so much that even if there's not necessarily a law or rule
26:13 against or for something,
26:15 we can kind of begin to sense how does God feel about it
26:17 simply because we've been in His presence so much
26:19 that we just know Him so well so we can say,
26:22 you know what, that wouldn't please my Father up in heaven.
26:24 I'm gonna stay away from it.
26:26 Wow, and really having,
26:28 you know, the-- I guess, the ability to do that,
26:32 you know, the passion for God to do that and not say,
26:35 oh, well, I'm too embarrassed to do that.
26:37 I'm too shy to do that.
26:38 But being bold, I guess this is one way for being bold
26:40 to be that for God.
26:42 So I appreciate that.
26:43 All right, real quick you guys,
26:44 we're gonna move to our rapid fire questions.
26:46 You have 10 seconds to answer these questions, okay?
26:48 These random questions, ya'll ready?
26:50 All right, here they go. All right, here they go.
26:52 All right.
26:53 Should you still be in church and live in a sinful life?
26:58 Kim, what do you think?
27:00 Yes, I think if you're sick, you go to the hospital.
27:04 If I have a disease, I go the where the cure is,
27:06 So if I'm sinning,
27:07 I need to get to Jesus 'cause He's the cure.
27:09 Okay. Another question.
27:10 Why do you think that
27:12 the church has looked down upon homosexual so badly?
27:17 While the church doesn't agree with the homosexual lifestyle,
27:21 you know, we still need to understand
27:23 how to treat sinners which we are sinners also
27:26 with the same love that Jesus would have showed them.
27:28 And I think that a church just need to continue
27:30 educating themselves as to how to do that.
27:32 Okay, and last one quickly,
27:33 is it possible not to lust, Brittany?
27:34 All things are possible with God.
27:37 Amen. Amen. All right.
27:39 Let's close with this reading from Psalms 149:3.
27:43 "Let Him praise His name with dancing
27:46 and make music to Him with timbrel and harp."
27:48 At the end of the day, you can dance
27:51 but you got to dance for your God
27:52 and do whatever He has called you to do.
27:54 So, at the end of the day, whatever you decide to do,
27:55 make sure you make pure choices.
27:58 God bless. Have a good day.


Revised 2016-03-28