Pure Choices

Making a List and Checking it Twice

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Joshua Nelson (Host), Brittany Hill, Jeanne Mogusu, John Coaxum, Kim Pearson


Series Code: PC

Program Code: PC000070

00:01 The following program discusses sensitive issues.
00:03 Parents are cautioned that some material may be too candid
00:06 for younger children.
00:39 Hello, and welcome to "Pure Choices."
00:41 I'm your host, Pastor Joshua Nelson.
00:43 And I'm so happy you decided to join us.
00:45 We are talking about making a list
00:47 and checking it twice. Hmm.
00:49 Yes, we're talking about marriage.
00:51 Should you make a list
00:53 when you're trying to get married?
00:54 Should there be some expectations
00:55 you should have in relationship?
00:57 Should you really write it down?
01:00 Or should you just let God lead?
01:02 What's the medium ground in that situation?
01:04 So we're gonna talk about that today and figure out
01:07 what we can discover from our panel.
01:09 But before we do that,
01:10 let's pause for a moment of prayer.
01:13 Heavenly Father, we thank You again
01:15 that we can discuss these important topics.
01:18 We ask, Father, that You would send Your Spirit now
01:20 to lead and guide this discussion
01:22 in Jesus' name we pray, amen.
01:24 Amen. All right.
01:25 To my left, I have Pastor John Coaxum
01:29 who is the associate pastor of the Glenville Seventh-day
01:32 Adventist Church over in Cleveland, Ohio.
01:35 On the couch here we have Dr. Jeanne Mogusu
01:38 who is recent graduate of Andrews University
01:41 in Berrien Springs.
01:43 Next to her we have our Associate Chaplain
01:44 at Oakwood University, Kimberly Pearson.
01:47 Next to Kimberly, we have Brittany Hill
01:49 who is recent graduate of the Andrews University
01:52 Theological Seminary there in Berrien Springs.
01:55 So we are happy to have the panel here today
01:58 and, of course, I'm Pastor Nelson.
01:59 I have two churches in South Carolina.
02:01 And so we are gonna get into this topic
02:03 about list, making list.
02:05 And you can see, if we put a little wide shot,
02:07 you can see how we have a setup here.
02:09 We have girls versus the guys.
02:11 So it's--
02:13 Mercy. The ladies.
02:14 It's two of us guys here.
02:15 So are we ready to go?
02:17 We're ready to go. We got a lot of numbers.
02:18 No, no, no. We are only two guys.
02:19 We got this. We're fine.
02:21 All right.
02:22 Let's talk about this thing, okay.
02:23 Why do think people make list in the first place?
02:28 I think people make list because it helps structure.
02:32 I mean, when you have things to do during the day,
02:34 you make a to-do-list, right?
02:35 And so like if you're trying to get married,
02:37 you make a to-marry-list.
02:40 So, you know, I think people who are visual
02:43 gives you a frame of reference, kind of like checkpoint.
02:46 Okay.
02:48 So give me a little more specific then why do women,
02:50 you all are gonna give us the answers for women,
02:52 why do women make a list?
02:54 So they don't make mistakes.
02:56 You want to make the list to make sure
02:57 that when you approach a guy or if a guy approaches you,
03:00 it's not someone that you're gonna have huge regrets
03:02 about later, so...
03:04 That's sisters.
03:06 Now, John, speak for us, man.
03:07 I mean, do we make list?
03:08 And I guess, I'll be honest, I did make a list.
03:13 But why do you think men like make list?
03:15 Well, it's funny to me.
03:16 Some guys do make list, some guys don't.
03:18 Some guys just go after the prettiest girl.
03:19 But I would agree with Brittany.
03:21 I think the same is for guys as well.
03:23 I mean, we just don't want to make any regrets.
03:24 At the end of the day,
03:25 men are kind of competitive too,
03:27 let's just be honest about it.
03:28 We'd like to have a nice Barbie Doll on our arm.
03:31 We want a trophy. Mercy, mercy.
03:32 Yeah, I mean, it's true.
03:34 It's true for the most part, you know.
03:35 Guys just want to, you know, a beautiful girl on their arm
03:38 and so we make a list and make sure
03:40 that by the time we are married,
03:42 you know, we don't have any regrets
03:43 and we're not, you know,
03:44 sorry for the choice that we make.
03:46 Right, right.
03:47 Now we have exactly what we wanted, right?
03:48 And I remember, you know, before I went to college,
03:50 my mom sat me down
03:51 and she said, "Joshua, we're gonna make a list now."
03:55 I really don't remember if it was her idea or my idea,
03:56 but I do remember that, you know, we sat down,
03:58 we talked about what kind of woman
03:59 that I would be looking for and all that,
04:01 not just about how she looks, but also how she acts or not.
04:03 And so, you know, it was something that
04:06 I felt was exciting and important at the time.
04:08 But, you know, looking back I'm not sure
04:11 if that helped or stifled me
04:14 in my looking for the perfect person.
04:17 And I think that's where it begins to get a little sketchy
04:21 because you begin to look for the perfect person,
04:23 the ideal person that may or may not exist would you agree?
04:26 So what are some dangers then in women making a,
04:31 talk about women now, making list?
04:34 I think the, the running joke it usually is
04:37 when you are in your teens, in your '20s,
04:39 you have this very long list.
04:41 When you are in your '30s, you, the list gets shorter.
04:46 But at a certain age,
04:48 you just need one thing for him to be a man.
04:51 And alive.
04:52 At least that's what... And alive.
04:54 Oh, yeah.
04:56 He needs to alive and a man.
04:58 So I mean, it's a--
05:00 And it becomes a joke because when I think your list portrays
05:04 what you are looking for at that moment, you know.
05:07 And so, I can speak for myself.
05:10 When I was in my '20s,
05:12 there were things that were on my list or I should say
05:16 were not on my list that right now
05:18 are non-negotiables for me, you know.
05:20 So I would say, a list reflects where you are in your maturity,
05:25 either emotionally or spiritually.
05:28 Okay.
05:29 Yeah, so it's like a benchmark
05:31 for you to make sure that wherever you are,
05:34 what you're looking for is that what you actually,
05:36 what you're looking for is what you actually get.
05:38 Okay.
05:39 All right, what's more like maybe pros and...
05:41 pros and cons, I guess so of making a list.
05:43 Well, I think some pros are that it gives you,
05:45 let's say a point of reference, okay?
05:46 This is what I know I'm looking for.
05:48 This is things that are important to me.
05:51 You wouldn't walk into a job interview with the job
05:53 that you want and not know what your history is
05:56 or what you bring to the table or anything like that.
05:59 So that there are pros to that knowing
06:00 which one having at the front of your mind.
06:03 The con to it is that it can, it can turn into a checklist
06:07 that everybody that comes into your life,
06:09 you're having the list and the person you are going,
06:11 yes, yes, yes. Nope. Oh, sorry.
06:14 Can't, you know, you can't make that work.
06:15 So sometimes it can create almost a barrier for ourselves
06:21 while it keeps other people from getting in
06:23 and it also keeps us from getting out.
06:25 Yeah.
06:27 Whenever I go to the store,
06:29 you know, I try to have a shopping list, right?
06:32 Just so that I don't end up with stuff that I don't want
06:35 or I leaves out stuff that really do want.
06:39 Unfortunately sometimes you'll go in and you'll get what you,
06:42 what was on your list or you may or,
06:45 and there'll be some things that are on your list
06:48 that you get and you kind of switch up
06:51 because you found something better.
06:52 And I think that's the importance of having list.
06:55 You have your-- It's kind of like a benchmark.
06:58 You know what you really need.
07:01 And then there are those things that you really want.
07:03 You'll get to the checklist, you know,
07:05 the checkout and you'll leave some things out
07:08 because they were just wants,
07:10 they were not what you really needed.
07:12 And I think a list does that for you to,
07:13 for and relationships does that for you too,
07:16 especially when you're going into something
07:17 as important as marriage.
07:19 Yes. Yeah, true.
07:20 Yeah, I think making a list,
07:22 I mean, the pros are obviously again,
07:24 it's a reference point to get what you want.
07:26 But I think the con sometimes are it can very much narrow
07:30 your scope of vision of the world
07:32 and so you begin to think like
07:34 this type of person is the only person
07:36 that is going to make me happy,
07:37 you know, there's a running joke
07:39 and I'll say this for the women here today.
07:40 I pray I don't get in trouble.
07:41 But, you know, there's a running joke about a woman
07:43 who goes to man, you know.
07:44 She asks, you know, the man, you know, I need you to have,
07:47 you know, this type of job, making this type of salary.
07:50 I need you to have a BMW
07:51 and I need you to live in this type of house.
07:53 And the guy says, "Well, I don't have all of that."
07:54 But after she leaves and goes away and says,
07:57 "Well, okay. I can't.
07:58 I don't want anything to do with you."
07:59 The brother then says, "Well, I'm the boss.
08:01 I don't drive a BMW, but I drive a Lamborghini,
08:03 and I don't have a house, but I live in a condo."
08:05 And so it's like, "Really?
08:06 You sacrifice all of that, but you could had this."
08:08 And think it narrows our scope of vision
08:11 and it also-- It deprives us of having open mindset.
08:16 God could bless us with something that
08:18 we didn't even think possible, you know.
08:20 But when we only have a list
08:21 and this is the only way it can be then,
08:23 I think we just shrink what God can do for us.
08:25 Yeah, it's so true.
08:26 It give us something that we didn't even imagine.
08:29 That's why He has the plans
08:30 that He has for us is unimaginable to us.
08:32 And so we can limit God really by making list as well.
08:35 But also we could hinder the devil
08:38 by making a list that is God,
08:39 that is the standard that God wants us to have.
08:41 So in a way it can goes, goes hand in hand,
08:43 you know, either way depending on how--
08:45 Really depending on what's on your list.
08:47 And that's where I want to go next, okay?
08:48 So let's see.
08:50 Can you guys give us some things that were
08:52 or are on your either written down list
08:55 or imaginary list, maybe some standards that you would say,
08:58 these are the things that I'm looking for non-negotiable
09:00 in the person I'm gonna be with.
09:02 So I'm looking at the women, sitting across from them,
09:04 so of course, they're gonna go first.
09:05 Okay. Very good.
09:07 I think the first thing which is so pure basic is
09:10 he has to have a relationship with God.
09:11 You don't want to be with someone
09:13 that doesn't spend time with God,
09:14 doesn't pray, doesn't do anything.
09:16 All he does is maybe go to church every Easter,
09:19 maybe every Christmas, probably New Year's Day.
09:21 You want someone who has a constant relationship with God
09:24 and who isn't afraid to stand up and say,
09:27 "Hey, let's have devotion.
09:29 Hey, let's take a walk and actually talk to God
09:31 and pray together with Him in that element of,
09:35 that's what bear minimal."
09:37 Yeah.
09:38 I think and I've done list, you know, they've changed.
09:42 I had that list that I had in college.
09:43 I had the list that I had after college.
09:46 And then now that I'm in my '30s,
09:48 my list looks a lot different.
09:49 I think my, my, begin-- This is my suggestion.
09:52 My list begins with non-negotiables
09:54 which then for morality.
09:56 I don't want someone who is willing to compromise
09:59 my virtue or my value.
10:01 So, you know, promiscuity or sex before marriage,
10:04 has a relationship with God, doesn't smoke or drink,
10:09 you know, takes care of their body.
10:10 So these are some things to me that are,
10:13 that are non-negotiables.
10:14 Right, right.
10:16 And then from there things like,
10:17 has a great sense of humor.
10:19 Yeah.
10:20 Someone who's compassionate, who treats their family well,
10:23 treats their mom well.
10:24 So some of those other character things,
10:27 and for me, that's big.
10:28 My list looks at character.
10:30 Not necessarily behavior or external things.
10:33 Okay, okay. I like that.
10:35 I think you also want to make sure that the person that,
10:38 especially when you're going into something like marriage,
10:40 is someone who respects you.
10:42 I mean, we talk a lot about love,
10:44 but even the person who beats you up sometimes says,
10:47 "Hey, I love you.
10:48 And this is why I'm doing it."
10:50 You know, you want someone who has,
10:52 who values you who you are and who respects you
10:56 and who will help you be the best that you can be,
10:59 someone who brings out the best in you, they say, you know.
11:04 I think that's really important because if it's someone
11:06 who is not gonna allow you
11:08 to meet your God-given potential,
11:11 then is that really someone that you want to be around.
11:13 I mean, because they're essentially stifling
11:16 what God has created you to be,
11:18 your purpose in life.
11:19 And you'll never really achieve that if you're with someone
11:22 who is constantly tearing you down any chance, you know.
11:27 And that's why it's really important
11:28 that they have a relationship with God
11:29 because I don't believe that someone
11:31 who has a sincere relationship with God
11:32 would ever be someone who disrespects you
11:34 or tries to not allow you to live up
11:38 to your God-given potential.
11:39 Wow, man.
11:41 The women are very, very profound and mature.
11:42 I mean, you got something to add to that, John?
11:44 Well, of course, I do.
11:46 I think I'll be the one to get real for a moment.
11:47 Yeah, there you go.
11:49 We are not real then?
11:51 This is a teachable and interesting moment.
11:53 You know, what I'm seeing, Josh and ladies,
11:55 I think that women in general are just more forgiving
11:58 when it comes to externals than guys are.
12:00 Now my list, you know, previous, pre-Christ
12:02 or my BC days, Before Christ was, you know,
12:05 I wanted a woman that is attractive
12:07 that I'm attractive to,
12:08 that I'm attracted to, you know.
12:10 I don't even care if she's godly or not.
12:11 I'll be godly for the both of us, you know.
12:13 I just wanted attractive woman, you know what I mean.
12:15 Nowadays, you know, it's changed a little bit.
12:17 Yes, I want a godly woman,
12:18 but at the end of the day, Josh, I have to admit,
12:20 you know, attraction is still very high on my list.
12:23 Oh, yeah.
12:24 And I don't see anything wrong with that, you know.
12:25 I want somebody, you know, that I love to look at.
12:28 You know somebody that I care about
12:30 and somebody that I'm just, you know,
12:31 romantically involved with
12:32 and want to be romantically involved with.
12:34 All those other things are important as well,
12:36 good personality, you know, laughter, and all of that,
12:38 but I would say attraction is very high on my list.
12:40 Yeah, I mean, I would agree, you know.
12:43 I remember one of my friends said to me, you know,
12:45 make sure you marry somebody who you are infatuated with
12:48 and that kind of steered me in the wrong way sometimes,
12:50 but I think that what he was trying to say
12:52 and what I will be saying now too
12:53 is make sure as men that you're visual,
12:56 make sure you're with somebody
12:58 who you don't mind looking at everyday, you know,
13:00 who you think is beautiful.
13:02 And so that was definitely on list there, you know.
13:04 I got that on my list.
13:06 Let me say, I'm gonna show my list, okay.
13:07 I got that on my list, beautiful, good personality,
13:11 you know, make me laugh, you know, funny
13:14 and then the third one, the main one,
13:17 they got to know how to cook.
13:19 Oh, yes.
13:21 And, of course, you know,
13:22 of course, of course, the first,
13:24 I mean, back I'm a pastor, first, relationship with God,
13:26 obviously, you know, that's gonna shape everything.
13:29 But I'm-- Praise God that I did find, you know,
13:32 a wife that actually fits at least those four things
13:36 that I mentioned that fits in those categories, you know,
13:38 she can cook.
13:40 She's a fine Jamaican woman. She can cook.
13:43 But great personality. We always laugh together.
13:45 You know, so that's great. Praise God for that.
13:47 And she is fine, yes.
13:50 She's beautiful, you know. And she loves God.
13:52 More, you know, more importantly she loves God.
13:54 So those things were mine.
13:56 Now, now I don't know somebody would argue now, okay.
13:58 Did you really had to put she has to cook on there,
14:00 you know, something like that.
14:01 But maybe there are some things
14:03 that you should not have on a list.
14:04 So let's talk about the things
14:06 you should not have on your list, okay.
14:07 What are some things that maybe are a little bit far
14:10 reaching in terms of your list that you make?
14:13 Ladies, again we'll start with you, guys.
14:14 Go ahead.
14:16 Well... You should have on the list.
14:19 Yeah.
14:21 I think that women are much more detail-oriented than guys.
14:25 So I would say it's not necessary
14:27 that something you shouldn't have on your list,
14:28 but I will be very weary about how detailed you get.
14:33 So I want a man who has a job.
14:35 Amen.
14:36 Yes, amen. Amen? Amen?
14:39 Has a job.
14:40 But I don't want to say, well,
14:41 I want a man who has a six figure job
14:44 that makes this much money, that works from this.
14:47 I mean, of course, you can tell all your wants
14:49 and desires, but I'll be careful about boxing,
14:53 boxing a person in.
14:54 So I would say just be, be general
14:58 and just avoid being way too detailed.
15:00 I want someone who drives a green BMW like,
15:04 and I believe, like I said I believe
15:05 that God can do anything,
15:07 but I want to, I want to, you know,
15:08 make sure is how my young ladies
15:10 that it's okay to be honest,
15:12 but I will also say don't box God in.
15:14 Yeah, yeah, it's good.
15:15 One thing I would add is something that I had to learn
15:17 is not to have on the list somebody that's perfect
15:21 or somebody that has no past mistakes.
15:24 We have to realize that everybody
15:25 is coming from different backgrounds.
15:27 They have different struggles, different issues
15:28 so when someone is, when you are about to talk to someone,
15:31 you can make, oh, my goodness.
15:32 You've had sex before? No.
15:34 We cannot do this or even saying,
15:38 you had issues, you used to do drugs.
15:41 Sometimes we need to realize that God can redeem people
15:43 and forward with that.
15:45 So that's a major thing not to put on the list.
15:48 No past experience.
15:49 And when you said that I was thinking about how a lot of,
15:51 you know, even now, our age, a lot of people still have,
15:54 may have, you know, children who've been
15:55 in past relationship or married, you know,
15:57 there are some things that you may say, well,
15:59 that's not what I planned to have,
16:01 but God may say this is where I want you to be at this time.
16:02 Yeah, yeah.
16:04 I think what I would say about not having on the list
16:09 is things that limit to God, you know,
16:12 'cause God is a limitless person.
16:15 You may say you want.
16:17 And you can give God. Trust me.
16:19 You can give God your preferences,
16:23 but don't make your preference a non-negotiable
16:27 because then you, then you totally could miss out God,
16:31 on God's blessings 'cause you can say you want a 6'2",
16:35 you know, black, handsome.
16:38 Tall, dark and handsome.
16:39 Morris Chestnut looking kind of guy, you know,
16:43 who works out, has a six pack and...
16:45 I'm already taken Jeanne...
16:51 Has a six pack and has a, works a six figure job.
16:54 And is single and not married.
16:56 And is single and not married with two kids.
16:58 Right here, John, he is...
17:01 Oh, man.
17:03 But what you could be missing out on is maybe 6'3" guy,
17:07 who has a seven figure job or, you know, or even five figure.
17:13 Yeah. Or men that has a job.
17:15 Or the man that just has a job, and a good job a day.
17:17 Or is just hard working. Talk to Corey.
17:19 Or...
17:21 And that's what I'm saying.
17:23 So when we, when we get so specific
17:25 that we get unrealistic, I mean, then it's like, yeah,
17:30 what do you-- You know, you know,
17:32 some of these things that we put on list,
17:34 literally only a magician can do and we, you know.
17:38 And marriage is too important
17:40 to peg it on a rabbit in a hat, you know.
17:44 Yeah. It's deep.
17:46 Yeah, I would say I agree with Kim.
17:48 Money is something that I would not put on the list.
17:50 It is a desire that I wanted, I mean, for a while,
17:52 I wanted to, you know, marry a doctor, you know,
17:54 somebody who just makes a lot of money after--
17:56 Yeah. Especially the pastor, right?
17:58 Yeah, I can retire one day, you know, with the kids,
18:00 you know.
18:02 But I realized at the end of the day,
18:03 there is things that are far more
18:05 better value in a relationship
18:07 that I should be looking for than the money that she makes.
18:10 I think us being able to have decent conversation,
18:12 she understands me, you know, she cooks well
18:14 and we can sit down, we're best friends,
18:16 we have a good relationship.
18:18 That thing trumps money every single time.
18:21 And, you know, there's always a potential to make more money
18:23 and there's always a potential to,
18:25 you know, lose your job.
18:26 So are you gonna base a relationship
18:28 on how much money that person makes?
18:29 To me, that's fickle and that's not enough.
18:31 Yeah, I mean, you have to see what your value in life.
18:33 I mean, man, for me, my wife, when we just knowing
18:35 that we can sit down and talk about anything.
18:37 Yeah, it's beautiful.
18:38 The communication, I mean,
18:40 that is just so priceless to have,
18:41 you know, and I, and I found that in her.
18:42 I said, "Man, this is-- I mean, even if you can't cook,
18:44 like this is, you know, this is,
18:45 this is it because of our,
18:46 of our connection that we have."
18:48 And I think craving after that,
18:49 you said craving after the money, you know,
18:52 really kind of tells a little about yourself too
18:54 and what you value.
18:55 And I also think, you know,
18:56 what Jeanne said about perfection
18:58 and the ladies were speaking about perfection,
18:59 as women, you know, our desire,
19:03 generally speaking is I like to say nurturing
19:06 and we want to be nurturers.
19:07 And so sometimes we can make this composite person.
19:12 Well, there was this guy and he was funny
19:14 and there was this guy and he was tall,
19:16 dark and handsome and then there was this guy,
19:18 he made a lot of money.
19:19 And so we put all of these things
19:21 that we like from a bunch of different people
19:24 all into one person and expect one person
19:28 to meet all that needs and we start to nurture
19:30 that imaginary person within us,
19:33 through our little fantasies in our, you know,
19:35 imaginations and the dream wedding.
19:38 And the things is, put things on your list
19:40 that extend a wedding day.
19:41 Right.
19:43 That that really would lend to itself
19:44 to you being happy in a marriage.
19:47 Yeah, yeah, okay. Yeah.
19:49 And that's well said.
19:50 And it leads us to our next point
19:51 because now if you're in relationship with someone
19:53 and you're getting married or you're looking to marry,
19:55 now that person doesn't have all the things
19:57 you thought your list, you know,
19:59 has or they should have.
20:01 How do you keep from now pointing fingers and saying,
20:04 well, wait as second,
20:06 you don't cook that stuff like my mom does
20:07 or you don't do that thing like my dad did,
20:09 you know, you don't open the doors for me, you know,
20:10 that was on my list.
20:12 You are doing that thing, you know.
20:13 How do you then, if you said, "Okay, fine, God, okay.
20:16 This person would fit my list. I'm going for them.
20:18 How do you now reorganize your thoughts
20:20 that not always follow your list in a relationship?"
20:23 Oh, wow.
20:24 That's, that's--
20:25 I think the important thing is recognizing
20:29 the value of that relationship, focusing on the good.
20:34 If you want to focus on bad things,
20:36 if I-- It doesn't matter what relationship you're in.
20:40 I could be in a relationship-- I mean, well,
20:42 Kim and I are friends.
20:43 Yes, we're friends. Yes, we're friends.
20:46 But if I want to pick at every bad thing
20:51 that is wrong with our friendship, which is yeah...
20:54 Don't you think we have a friendship?
20:58 You always find bad things.
21:00 It doesn't matter if you're always looking for bad,
21:02 you will always find bad.
21:04 It's true. Yeah.
21:05 And I think it's really important to focus on the good.
21:07 And once you focus on the good,
21:08 you will be surprised that how much good there is,
21:12 much more good I should say
21:13 than the things that you thought about.
21:15 And I think that's what you need to think about
21:17 is it's not you have chosen to be in this person,
21:21 to be with this person, with this person
21:25 and the fact that you're with this person means
21:27 that there's something about that person that gels for you.
21:31 Right. So focus on those things.
21:34 It could just be that they have a great personality.
21:37 Yeah.
21:38 Or they make jokes that you get
21:41 or maybe you are the only one who gets their jokes, you know.
21:44 Those are the things that that I think make for a great life.
21:48 Yeah. You're teaching that, Jeanne.
21:49 I like them. All right.
21:51 I think you need to realize
21:52 that your list is not more important
21:54 than the person that you are with.
21:56 Sometimes we go through the process of, okay,
21:58 I found this person, he seems teachable.
22:00 So let me teach you how to be everything that's on my list.
22:03 You have potential.
22:04 Let me teach you how to be ambitious,
22:06 let me teach you how to do this,
22:07 whatever is on the list.
22:08 And sometimes when you approach a person,
22:10 you need to realize that the person most likely
22:12 is gonna stay that way
22:13 if they don't choose to change for themselves.
22:15 You can't force that person to change.
22:18 So you just toss out the list and say,
22:19 if this is the person whom I'm gonna be with,
22:21 then let's accept them for who they are
22:23 and move on with that.
22:24 Yeah, all right. Definitely.
22:26 I mean, I know I've been guilty of that.
22:27 Trying to change somebody at your will,
22:28 trying to make them be like somebody else, you know,
22:30 and I've been even the one being,
22:32 trying to be changed,
22:33 you know, to be like somebody else.
22:35 So, yeah, I mean, that's a big one.
22:37 Those are two really good points you're making
22:39 and guarding, safeguarding yourself
22:40 when you have this list.
22:42 Yeah, I would possibly also add that
22:44 you need to know what you're willing to deal with.
22:47 And that should probably be on your list.
22:50 Am I willing to deal with a person
22:51 that let's say has had sex before?
22:54 Am I willing to deal with a person that has three kids
22:57 with three different mothers?
22:58 What am I willing to deal with
23:00 and probably had that on your list,
23:01 so you can have an idea of okay,
23:03 if this person comes and they are not perfect,
23:05 but they have these issues, I can't-- I'm not gonna panic
23:08 'cause I think I have the capacity to deal with,
23:10 I'm mature enough to deal with these situations.
23:12 Okay. Yeah.
23:13 Okay, go ahead, go ahead.
23:15 I would say I would just want to chime off
23:16 for what Brittany said, you know.
23:18 I think that we do come into relationships, you know,
23:20 with this potential model saying
23:22 that I can make this person better
23:24 or I can change them this little thing,
23:25 but I think when you come to point of marriage,
23:28 you are basically saying to God
23:29 and to the world,
23:31 you know, let's just give an example,
23:32 my future wife leaves, you know, dishes in the sink,
23:35 I don't like that.
23:36 And it's my pet peeve and I hate it.
23:37 It's the worst thing in the world,
23:39 you know what I mean?
23:40 But when you're in a marriage, you have to come to the point
23:43 where you're saying, even if this thing does not change,
23:46 I'm still willing to be with this person.
23:48 If it never change, if it never get's better
23:50 and I gotta suffer through it, I want to be with that person.
23:52 But also, I think Proverbs 3:5, 6,
23:55 I think that comes into play, you know,
23:56 I won't quote the whole thing, but it says,
23:58 "He will direct your path." Amen.
24:00 And I think that when you come to the point of marriage,
24:02 you need to have some inkling or some awareness, man.
24:05 God brought me into this marriage.
24:07 So therefore, if everything doesn't workout the way
24:09 I planned it, still God is at the forefront of my marriage.
24:12 He wanted me to be here.
24:13 But when you didn't put God first in the first place,
24:15 well, you can't say that.
24:17 And so you have no hope and you have no trust.
24:18 Yeah, yeah.
24:19 And I was just gonna say
24:21 that expectations can be a relationship killer.
24:23 You come to the table, well, he should do this
24:24 and I should do this and she should look like this
24:26 and she should dress like this
24:27 and whenever we get into all these things,
24:29 communication.
24:31 When you're dating somebody,
24:32 you're getting to know somebody,
24:34 you got to put, put not yourself,
24:35 and all of yourself on the table,
24:37 but put your expectations on the table,
24:40 this is what I like, this I what I enjoy,
24:42 this makes me feel special or important.
24:44 This is, I mean, I leave the dishes in the sink,
24:47 now of course, there are gonna be things
24:48 that you just won't know until you get married,
24:51 but for the most part,
24:52 try to get to know the other person,
24:54 try to see the person for who they are,
24:56 talk about things have communication, dialogue
24:59 and that'll really open itself and lend itself
25:02 to sharing some of those things on your list.
25:05 Really quickly, Jeanne.
25:06 I was gonna say that one thing--
25:08 I love the conversation that's going on,
25:10 one thing we also have to remember.
25:12 Everybody comes with the level of crazy.
25:14 Everybody has... Some more than others.
25:18 Extra does. Testify.
25:20 Some degrees of crazy or higher than others,
25:24 but everybody has a level of crazy.
25:26 You just have to be willing to deal
25:29 with their level of crazy.
25:31 And that's it. I like that.
25:32 Let's get away. All right.
25:33 But before we close, Brittany is gonna give us
25:35 a little testimony of her experience.
25:37 Go ahead.
25:38 Okay, personally for me, presently,
25:41 I'm about to get married in a couple of months.
25:42 Yeah. Amen.
25:44 Yes, amen.
25:45 And when I first started this whole dating process,
25:49 I didn't really have an extensive list.
25:51 There was only like three main things that were important,
25:54 a relationship with God, a sense of humor.
25:56 I don't remember what third thing is right now.
25:58 So we just drove over with that.
26:00 And now that I am with my fiance Xavier,
26:06 there are certain things I don't think
26:07 I would have been able to put on a list.
26:10 He fulfills so many different elements.
26:12 He uplifts me as a pastor.
26:16 He continues to tell everybody,
26:17 she's a senior pastor, let her do, he continues,
26:20 he always encourages me
26:21 and he sees my potential and keeps them.
26:23 I don't think I would've able to put that on a list.
26:27 With all the situations that I've been dealing with,
26:30 trying to mature and grow,
26:32 I don't think I would've been able to put on the list
26:33 someone who's gonna able to deal with me
26:36 'cause I can be, you know, I have a level of crazy.
26:40 Everybody is crazy. Yeah.
26:41 And honestly, I feel like God said,
26:44 "Brittany, you had a list,
26:45 but this is the person that's better like.
26:47 He showed it in me.
26:49 I probably had a list of this high.
26:51 And, yeah, he's not black.
26:54 So all of these I couldn't put this on the list,
26:56 but God was like, this is who I really have for you."
26:58 Amen.
27:00 And this is how it's gonna help you forever.
27:02 Wow. Amen.
27:03 That is awesome.
27:05 You know, that's the beauty of it right there
27:06 When we allow our list to not be our list,
27:09 but to be God's list,
27:10 He then gives us the person we need to be with.
27:12 That's definitely my testimony.
27:13 You know, and I appreciate you're sharing that, you know,
27:15 being engaged and about to get married and stuff.
27:17 So we praise God for that.
27:19 And, you know, there are so many things that we can go
27:20 and I would encourage our viewers
27:22 that you take some time to pray
27:24 and ask God what is that God will have you to do
27:26 and where we would have, you go with the people
27:27 and relationships that you have.
27:29 I'm gonna close with this verse.
27:30 This is Psalms 139:16.
27:33 It says, "You saw me before I was born
27:34 and scheduled each day of my life
27:36 before I began to breathe.
27:38 Everyday was recorded in your book."
27:41 I love that because God records our life in His book.
27:44 He has a list for us.
27:46 It's not about what we want, but it's about what He wants.
27:49 So I praise God for that and if anything else,
27:52 always remember to always make pure choices.
27:55 God bless you. Thank you.


Revised 2016-03-28