Pure Choices

Be Careful Little Eyes...

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Joshua Nelson (Host), Brittany Hill-Morales, Kimberly Douglas, Kory Douglas, Xavier Morales


Series Code: PC

Program Code: PC000080A

00:01 The following program discusses sensitive issues.
00:03 Parents are cautioned that some material
00:04 may be too candid for younger children.
00:38 Hello and welcome to Pure Choices.
00:40 I'm your host Pastor Joshua Nelson.
00:42 So glad you decided to join us once again.
00:44 Today our title is: Be Careful Little Eyes,
00:48 we're going to talk about guarding your eyes
00:50 from all the things that we can see,
00:52 the sexual things we see in this world.
00:53 So let's stop before we go into this exciting topic
00:56 and pause for prayer.
00:59 Heavenly Father God, we ask that your presence
01:01 would be with us now as we discuss this topic.
01:03 In Jesus' name we pray, amen.
01:06 All right, let's go ahead and introduce our panel.
01:07 To my left, our friend Pastor KP Douglas
01:10 and his wife here on the couch, Kimberly Douglas.
01:12 Sorry, I had to separate you guys.
01:15 Once again, we have Brittany Hill-Morales
01:17 and her husband Xavier Morales.
01:19 So glad that you all have joined us as well.
01:21 And, of course, I'm missing my other half, Kimberly Nelson,
01:24 but I'm so glad that you are at least here
01:27 to discuss these topics
01:28 and this one is a good one today.
01:30 We're talking about guarding your eyes.
01:33 There's a lot of things out there that especially
01:36 when we talk before about the sexually excited society
01:40 we live in today, how are we able to
01:42 really protect or guard our eyes
01:44 from the things we see and encounter every single day.
01:47 It would be unrealistic I think to expect
01:50 any Christian to not see
01:53 some sexually stimulating things
01:56 in their lifetime, so what can we do to protect ourselves
01:59 from the things we see every day.
02:02 So let's go ahead and start talking about that.
02:04 Let's first ask,
02:05 "Is it realistic to guard your eyes?"
02:08 You should get some really good sunglasses, you know.
02:12 I don't know if it is realistic to say guard your eyes
02:15 unless you live in isolation.
02:17 You know, we could all become monks may be
02:19 and live in a monastery,
02:20 but other than that, I don't know.
02:22 It's kind of a tough thing to do.
02:24 I mean, when I think about my daily routine, my habits,
02:27 what I do on a daily basis, I would technically have
02:30 to stop doing just about everything, you know,
02:32 I couldn't watch television,
02:33 I can't do anything really, you know.
02:36 And the unfortunate thing is that
02:37 even as a pastor going to church,
02:39 sometimes I got to guard my eyes there as well,
02:42 so, you know, when I think about,
02:43 you know, my day to day,
02:45 what can I do to guard my eyes
02:47 except for maybe pluck them out, I don't know.
02:50 Right. That's...
02:52 I mean, we have to...
02:54 But I mean, let's talk about the reality of it.
02:56 I mean, everywhere you go, you get up in the morning,
02:57 you turn on the TV, you're going to see
02:59 something on a commercial, you're going to see
03:00 something in a show that you watch
03:03 in the evening time, you go to work,
03:05 somebody at your job is going to be dressed in a certain way.
03:09 Anywhere you go, you're going to see something,
03:10 someone is going to say something to you,
03:12 then you're saying, well, at least I should be
03:14 able to be alleviated from all this
03:19 overly sexualized society I live in if I go to church.
03:23 But you come to church and you still see
03:25 a bunch of stuff there, you know, so what...
03:29 I mean, is it realistic?
03:31 I think that it is unrealistic to say
03:35 that you're just going to guard your eyes
03:37 from everything, but there are shows
03:39 that we choose to watch, there are activities
03:42 or places where we choose to go and,
03:45 you know, those things that we have control over,
03:48 you know, we can exercise that control
03:51 and be a little more prudent, I guess,
03:53 in the things that we choose to do.
03:55 Okay.
03:56 Another thing I would also add that
03:58 you can't guard your eyes but with the things
04:01 that you do see, don't indulge.
04:03 It's not what you see.
04:05 It's what you do with what you see.
04:07 You could take it a step further,
04:09 like I could see somebody walking by,
04:11 but I don't have to have the extra thoughts of,
04:13 "Um, Look at that, wonder what I could do with this."
04:17 That's taking it a step further.
04:19 So it's not just guarding your eyes,
04:20 it's what you're gonna do with what you see
04:22 and knowing what to look at and what not to look at.
04:25 So is temptation a sin? No.
04:28 It's what you do with the temptation.
04:31 Temptation is not a sin.
04:32 It is giving in to temptation, you know,
04:34 is where you come short.
04:36 I always say this when people get into arguments,
04:39 people get upset.
04:40 I'm like getting upset is not the problem
04:42 'cause you can't really help how you feel.
04:43 You know, if you see somebody and they're beautiful,
04:45 the natural reaction is to react,
04:48 you know what I'm saying.
04:49 I mean, even if it's a thought.
04:50 It's not like you planned to think "Wow,"
04:53 or planned to think, you know, "She is bad,"
04:54 or whatever, you know, you think when you see them,
04:56 but it's what you do with feelings.
04:58 Getting mad is not the problem.
04:59 It's taking your anger out on someone, you know.
05:02 And so, you know, we can't help what happens
05:04 but we can definitely like, like she's saying, you know,
05:07 we can control, we can try to control what we do
05:10 with what happens.
05:13 But if you start to feel a certain way,
05:14 let's say you're married, so, you know,
05:16 you see somebody who looks good
05:18 and you acknowledge, wow, this is a handsome
05:19 or it's a beautiful woman, you see them,
05:22 should you make that known to your spouse?
05:25 Well, mine makes that known to me sometimes.
05:28 So, you know, I don't know.
05:31 Sometimes I wish it wasn't made known,
05:34 but I don't think that's a problem.
05:35 I think there's some safety in that as well, you know.
05:39 I know there's sometimes even when Kim may see my head,
05:41 it looks it's on a swivel.
05:42 I kind of just pay attention to everything
05:44 that goes on around me.
05:45 So sometimes, I may turn it and it may be a guy,
05:47 it may be a girl, and unfortunately,
05:48 sometimes she looks up when it's somebody that's,
05:50 you know, scantily clad.
05:54 But I think there is safety if you're able to, you know,
05:57 talk to your spouse or that loved one and say,
06:00 you know, that person is kind of attractive,
06:01 I think we do that every now and then, you know.
06:03 Okay.
06:04 I think something too that we often overlook
06:07 is that sometimes the sight, what you see is not external.
06:10 It could be an internal factor.
06:12 There's certain music out there that can project, you know,
06:16 help you indulge in images and things like that
06:18 in your own mindset that, you know,
06:20 you may not have anything in front of you
06:21 but that music itself can, you know,
06:24 contribute to building these images in your head
06:26 that are not very pure, even books,
06:29 like you go to a store, there's these romance novels
06:31 and, you know, things of that nature too.
06:34 So it's both, I think, internal and external factors
06:37 that are involved.
06:38 Yeah, you can create a different type of mentality
06:40 for yourself or create habits for yourself
06:43 just by what you listen to and what you watch
06:45 because now you're thinking
06:46 that those things should be acted out in the real world,
06:48 you know, I should be able to see that kind of girl,
06:51 you know, in real life.
06:54 And I should be able to do what I want to do
06:56 just like the song told me to do, you know.
06:58 And so that can cause you to have, you know,
07:01 a different idea of how things should really be.
07:03 So that's a good point.
07:04 Anyone else wants to add to the conversation with that?
07:07 Let's talk a little more about the problem here.
07:08 Let's talk a little more about what's really out there
07:10 because I heard the ladies saying some stuff.
07:15 I was surprised.
07:16 So, ladies, you guys have to struggle
07:18 with what you look at as well.
07:19 I mean, it's...
07:21 Well, we're human as well. Exactly.
07:22 I mean, men are more visual.
07:25 My wife does not look at any other man.
07:28 Men are more visual.
07:30 Well, they tend to be more visual, you know,
07:34 than females are,
07:36 but that doesn't mean we don't see.
07:39 You know, you see someone that's handsome,
07:44 you acknowledge that, you know, as we said before and,
07:47 you know, you're not going to go
07:48 and start thinking all manner of thoughts
07:52 because, you know, thoughts can lead
07:54 to other things, but we do acknowledge.
07:57 I think it's unrealistic to say that women don't...
08:01 I think women may be better at hiding the fact
08:05 that they see what they see.
08:06 I think men are just obvious. Yeah.
08:09 I think that's it that we're able to hide it better
08:12 because we're supposed to.
08:14 It's assumed that women are not as sexual as men.
08:17 They don't look as much as men, which is not true.
08:21 We just have different preferences.
08:24 A woman would see probably a guy that's nicely dressed
08:27 in a very good classic handsome suit
08:30 and he has his hair nicely done and the face is cleanly shaved.
08:37 And that's what's more attractive versus...
08:40 No, and I'm like...
08:43 And that's more attractive to some women.
08:46 Other women, they like the raggedy look where,
08:49 you know, it's a little bit rough and tough
08:51 and their minds wander,
08:53 I would say, just as much as men's minds wander,
08:57 where they're thinking about, okay,
08:58 what can happen, what can I do.
09:00 I remember one story, a pastor was preaching
09:03 and he said that when he was younger
09:06 and he was running and jumping, one of the young ladies,
09:10 they didn't know that his mom was right behind them
09:12 and they were like, "Look at how he's jumping.
09:14 Um, that will be really good, you know."
09:17 Oh, man.
09:18 Women look just as much as men do.
09:21 Wow. I think I agree with that.
09:22 I think going with what she said too, you know,
09:24 usually when women are overly sexual, you know,
09:27 it kind of brings a bad connotation
09:29 whereas with men, you know, it's almost expected of us
09:32 to swoon after every woman who walks by.
09:34 As a matter of fact, if you're not looking,
09:36 you know, people are thinking
09:37 something must be wrong with him, you know.
09:39 So I think there's also that cultural norm
09:42 where it's almost expected of us
09:44 to have our head on a swivel, you know, for us to really,
09:47 you know, see and appreciate all of God's great creation.
09:50 And honestly, for us, you know,
09:52 especially in the non-urban context,
09:54 it is tough to...
09:55 It's been told to us that we're supposed to look,
09:57 and this is what you're supposed to do.
09:59 And it is everywhere.
10:01 I mean, I think, I'm gonna be honest with you.
10:02 I think the girls, they do it on purpose sometimes.
10:04 I'm just being honest
10:05 because I feel like they're just,
10:07 you know, you go to the gym
10:08 and they're doing a little too much,
10:09 like what is really going on right now?
10:11 Help a Christian brother out, you know.
10:13 I mean, the reality, it is really tough, you know.
10:17 It's tough to be in a world where it is told to the women
10:21 you have to be overly sexual to get a man
10:24 and it's tough for the men who are saying, you know,
10:26 you're supposed to like the overly sexual women.
10:30 So, you know, you're living in this type of society.
10:33 And so as Christians, you know, what are we supposed to do,
10:36 especially, and going back to this,
10:38 how we see it in the church.
10:40 Let's talk a little about that.
10:41 What kind of things do we see in the church?
10:43 I know, it has always been said
10:44 especially in the Adventist context
10:47 that there are certain things you're supposed to wear,
10:49 you're not supposed to wear.
10:51 But I kind of see like that's kind of changing.
10:53 What do you all think? It's definitely changing.
10:58 I think it's a difficult situation.
11:00 I know for myself personally, you know,
11:02 I've kind of since maybe middle school
11:05 liked my clothes were more fitted, you know,
11:07 nowadays everybody's just wearing everything tight.
11:10 But when I go to the store to shop,
11:11 the truth is unless I'm making my own jeans,
11:14 it's actually very difficult to find things
11:16 that are "fashionable"
11:19 not necessarily to impress people
11:20 but things like that you actually like that fit well
11:23 or are modest, you know, I'm still trying to figure out
11:26 how they make low-cut jeans for men.
11:27 I don't know why I would want my jeans to be low cut,
11:30 you know, but that's just the reality of the society
11:33 we live in is that there are people
11:35 who have the resources
11:37 and they kind of dictate what people wear.
11:40 You know, I also, another hand,
11:41 and let's not make an excuse for anyone,
11:42 but on another hand, I know as a pastor,
11:44 I also have members who may be can't afford
11:47 to dress modestly, you know.
11:49 That's not everywhere.
11:50 We're talking about major Adventism, you know,
11:53 people know better and can do better.
11:54 I know where I'm at, you know,
11:56 sometimes I've gotten into trouble with older members
11:58 because younger members came in looking, you know...
12:01 And the truth was
12:03 they don't really have clothes at all,
12:04 you know, to even begin to think
12:06 about dressing modestly.
12:07 And so I think the problem is, you know, word of mouth.
12:09 Yeah, I mean, I'll be honest with you,
12:11 and I'll ask y'all to talk in a second I guess,
12:12 it's just because of the culture
12:15 and the fashion nowadays,
12:18 it seems like especially at church
12:20 those who are upfront, it is hard to find, I guess,
12:24 clothing maybe, I don't know what the problem is to wear
12:27 that is not so revealing or so tight
12:30 and it just seems like it's a problem.
12:33 As pastors, we're up there and we see these people
12:36 in front of us, we're like,
12:37 "What are you guys wearing, you know?"
12:38 Just being real, you know.
12:40 But they might say...
12:42 I don't know what, you girls can respond to this.
12:43 They may say, well, that's all we can find to wear
12:44 or that's what is in right now.
12:49 Yes.
12:50 That might be the problem for some people.
12:52 But it could also be, you know, that you just don't know
12:55 how to dress for your body type.
12:56 Okay, I see.
12:58 It could be that, you know, you're fed into
13:01 this over sexualized story that's been sold,
13:06 and so you feel like in order to get attention, you know,
13:09 you can do that shirt, so in order to get attention,
13:12 you wear that extra tight or that extra short outfit.
13:17 I don't...
13:19 I can't agree with everyone can't find clothes to wear,
13:23 I mean, 'cause I know for me, I'm on the smaller side
13:26 and finding clothes is...
13:27 It can be a bit of a challenge, but there are places
13:32 where you can find, you know, items.
13:35 And I think that part of the reason
13:36 is that our definition of modesty has also shifted.
13:40 You have those who think modest means
13:43 that you have to come with, you know,
13:45 no skin showing at all.
13:48 Your skirt ought to be sweeping the floor.
13:51 No, I'm being serious. Right.
13:52 Your skirt ought to sweep the floor, yeah,
13:55 maybe your hands can show, and that's impractical.
14:01 And it's unrealistic.
14:03 You have some who think modest means,
14:05 you know I'm going to come and Jesus says,
14:07 "Come as you are," and I've heard
14:10 that verse taken out of context in so many situations.
14:14 It's not just come how you feel like coming.
14:19 Yeah, you present you best, but you're not looking to...
14:22 I'm not looking to impress Brittany
14:24 when I come, you know. I'm not looking to say,
14:28 "Okay, well, I bought this hat this week
14:30 and so I'm going to wear this hat
14:32 so everybody can see that my hat matches my suit
14:34 and my suit matches my shirt."
14:35 That's not the purpose.
14:37 Modesty means, you know,
14:39 I'm not the one on the forefront here.
14:41 It doesn't mean you don't come and you're not put together
14:44 and you look decent or, you know,
14:46 you're on that opposite end where you just,
14:49 everything is all black
14:50 and you're just taking it to the extreme.
14:54 To me it's balance.
14:55 Yeah. And I agree.
14:57 It should be balanced, you know.
14:59 And I think the reality also is that
15:01 even though it should be, most of the people
15:03 are not going to be considerate,
15:04 they're still going to wear what they to wear,
15:06 especially now, you know, the mindset we have, so...
15:09 And I appreciate you saying that and I think
15:11 that we all need to be mindful of what we are allowing people
15:15 to see from us so we can be,
15:17 you know, modest and whatnot in our apparel.
15:20 But let's try and just do some solutions
15:22 and some tips for those of us
15:24 who are truly human beings, we just see things,
15:28 you know, what can we do to protect
15:31 or guard our eyes?
15:33 Let's say we are at the supermarket,
15:35 you know, a young lady, young male walks by
15:37 and we're tempted to look and gaze
15:41 and maybe even say something to them,
15:43 what can be said
15:45 at that moment for us to not do that.
15:48 But then there's a difference
15:49 between acknowledging and dwelling.
15:52 You know, we're all gonna acknowledge
15:54 that something is beautiful
15:55 or something looks good, but dwelling on it,
15:57 keeping your eyes on it,
15:58 you know, like you're undressing the female
16:01 or the female undressing the male,
16:03 whatever it may be, you know,
16:05 your eye is dwelling on that for too long.
16:07 I think that comes into play where you have the ability
16:10 because we often blame the opposite sex.
16:13 You know, we place the blame for our own inequities
16:15 on the opposite sex
16:17 when in reality, you know, it is hard
16:19 but it's not impossible and I think shifting your eyes,
16:21 you know, perhaps taking a couple blinks
16:23 or shifting your eyes elsewhere,
16:25 you know, acknowledging the fact that,
16:27 "Yeah, that's beautiful,
16:28 but I'm looking over here now," just basically doing that,
16:32 having a little bit more self-control
16:34 or self-awareness.
16:35 And that's what they call balancing your eyes, right,
16:37 in one of the books we read about,
16:39 you know, you see something, you realize it there,
16:41 but you blink and you look away.
16:43 You know, you're not dwelling on it,
16:45 just like you said, and that's a powerful point.
16:47 Somebody else want to add to that?
16:49 Well, you know, the Bible says,
16:51 "By beholding we become changed."
16:52 Right.
16:53 And, you know, the more and more
16:55 we behold these things,
16:56 unfortunately, the more and more sexual
16:58 we will become and more and more
16:59 we will have certain expectations.
17:01 And so I do think that at some point
17:03 you have to control what you can control.
17:05 You can't control everybody, can't control everything,
17:07 you can't control what's put on television,
17:09 but you can control the channel you,
17:11 you know, watch,
17:12 and so I think we can do
17:14 what we can to block those things,
17:16 you know, guard the avenues of our mind if you will,
17:19 not allow certain things to get in.
17:21 But at the end of the day I think that...
17:23 And somebody mentioned this earlier,
17:25 self-control, which...
17:27 And I'm not just saying,
17:29 you know, will yourself to do it.
17:31 I know, for me, I do this, look away.
17:34 And I don't plan to look,
17:35 but if my head turns, I look away.
17:37 But my mind may still dwell on what I have just seen
17:40 even if it was for a split second.
17:41 And so, you know, I recognize the Bible says
17:44 self-control is the food of the spirit.
17:46 And so I do think
17:47 it has to be something you give over to God in prayer,
17:49 Lord, I am going to see
17:50 but help me not to have these desires,
17:53 you know, help me not to internalize too much
17:55 what I see, you know, or some way, God,
17:58 work it out that if I see someone,
18:00 it only reminds me
18:01 what you've given me and my wife,
18:02 something, you know, anything.
18:04 But I think it's something you have
18:05 to give over to God as well.
18:06 Yeah, and I mean, I think that's good
18:08 because once you are...
18:09 And if you are bathed in the Spirit and your focus,
18:10 your root has been in Jesus,
18:12 then you're going to think those couple of ways.
18:13 But if it's been rooted in,
18:15 you know, the music you're listening to
18:16 or the TV shows or just being overly sexualized,
18:19 you know, the pornographic images
18:20 you've been seeing,
18:22 then your mind is going to go quicker to that place,
18:25 you know, than if you had been rooted in Christ.
18:27 Another thing I would say is when you're looking,
18:30 ask yourself, "Why am I looking,"
18:32 you know, "Am I looking because I just am,
18:35 you know, acknowledging that this person
18:37 is beautiful and I admire this
18:39 or am I looking because of lust,
18:40 because I want to do something further
18:42 with this individual?"
18:43 If you're single, you know, am I looking
18:44 because I want to see if this person
18:46 is a beautiful person that I may want to,
18:47 you know, talk with, that's fine,
18:49 you know, or am I looking because I want to try
18:50 and get in bed with that person.
18:52 I'm married, I'm looking because, okay,
18:55 I recognize this is a beautiful individual,
18:57 am I looking because I want to try
18:59 to go further with this individual.
19:00 Ultimately, if you're in a happy relationship,
19:02 you know, you're not going to take it there anyway,
19:03 so why even keep looking?
19:04 You know, what are you looking to see?
19:06 Because you already know you're married
19:08 and that's what it is, you know.
19:10 And I think that a lot of times,
19:11 from myself, looking,
19:13 longer lingering has caused more detriment to me
19:16 because now it's more frustrating
19:18 because now I'm thinking to myself, man,
19:20 you know, all these thoughts that went through my head
19:21 and I have to stop and say,
19:23 why am I even going there, you know.
19:24 And so if you stop it immediately,
19:28 make that a habit in your life,
19:29 it won't cause further damage to yourself,
19:32 you know, in the long run.
19:34 If I can...
19:35 Or I don't know if anybody wants to throw some...
19:37 Go ahead.
19:38 Thank you, girls.
19:40 Okay, I was going to add that what you're saying is true.
19:42 Sometimes people need to be honest with themselves.
19:44 They go to these TV shows or they go to their computers
19:49 and they're not really being honest with the fact that
19:52 they're going for something more.
19:53 I heard this terminology of, we always say,
19:55 the grass is greener on the other side.
19:58 I heard a flip to it where it's,
20:00 "You're going to another yard,"
20:02 like things are so messy in your yard
20:05 that you may not want to deal
20:06 with whatever hurt is going on,
20:08 whatever feelings, whether it's angry, sad,
20:11 or uncontrollable happiness for no reason.
20:14 There are so many different things
20:15 going on in your own yard
20:17 that you want to go to another yard.
20:18 So you go to TV so you can go into this fantasy world
20:22 watching their happiness.
20:23 Okay, they're so happy,
20:25 they're in love, they're doing this,
20:26 they're doing that,
20:28 and that's how you're perverting your eyes.
20:30 Are you going to your TV?
20:32 You're all going to this other yard
20:33 instead of staying in your own yard
20:35 trying to figure out and make that
20:36 a pleasant place that you want to stay in.
20:39 And that's part of it.
20:40 All right, so...
20:42 You want to add something?
20:44 Just really quickly, you know,
20:46 the educator in me is saying in our churches,
20:48 in terms of a solution, in our churches,
20:51 we all have young people,
20:52 and it doesn't take much to pull a young person aside
20:57 and if you know better to share what you know.
21:01 In terms of, you know, me,
21:03 necessarily taking a young woman,
21:06 you know, when you go up on the rostrum
21:08 and you're sitting, legs are crossed,
21:11 you know, just little things so that you're training them
21:15 to do better as well, and that helps you.
21:18 That's good, you know,
21:19 and I'm going to get Kory in a second,
21:20 but, you know, further with that training,
21:23 you have to know how to balance rather,
21:25 how not to look at that because, you know,
21:27 a lot of the older men like in our churches
21:30 or even older women,
21:32 they have dealt with these things
21:33 or still are dealing with them and, you know, we act like,
21:34 "Because they're older, they are done with this,"
21:37 But no, they're still struggling maybe
21:38 or they still have some tips they can give us,
21:40 teach us how to get over it.
21:42 I think we have to have that conversation
21:43 a lot more in our churches,
21:45 you know, especially in the men's group
21:46 or women's groups, you know, the reality of life,
21:48 you know, just because you're above age
21:50 or whatever doesn't mean
21:52 you've attained some extra holiness
21:53 of your eyes,
21:54 you still have the same eyes you had when you were young,
21:56 you know.
21:58 I think the answer also depends on whether
22:00 or not you're single, married,
22:02 you know, I've already said, you need to pray.
22:04 If you're a single person,
22:06 you just need to pray, you know.
22:07 Jesus says, you know, if you think in your heart,
22:09 you know, so you are,
22:10 so you don't want it to be lusting.
22:12 But for a married person I think
22:13 that something practical you can do,
22:15 we keep on mentioning training your eyes.
22:17 And I know something that works for me
22:19 and my wife doesn't know this yet,
22:21 but what works for me
22:22 is I've really trained my eyes to look at her, you know.
22:26 And so when I see her,
22:28 I make sure I intentionally notice her.
22:30 You know, when you first get into a relation with somebody,
22:32 you're like, "Oh, they look so good,"
22:33 this, that, and that,
22:35 but you kind of move away from that
22:36 as that relation grows, even after you get married,
22:38 it becomes more about
22:39 how are we going to balance our finances,
22:41 you know, how are we going to make this thing work.
22:43 We've kind of move past a physical thing
22:46 except for sex, of course,
22:48 but what I do is
22:49 I try to notice my wife all the time.
22:51 You know, I try to look at her the same way,
22:53 when she walks by, I follow her the same way,
22:55 you know, I would have followed somebody else
22:57 if I see them in the supermarket,
22:59 you know, and I allow myself to think the thoughts
23:00 that I know are okay
23:02 because I'm thinking about my wife
23:03 and so, you know,
23:05 I train myself to look at what I should look at,
23:07 you know, what I'm saying, instead of just fighting,
23:09 not looking at what I shouldn't look at.
23:10 Yeah, I remember, an old preacher said that...
23:13 Points.
23:16 Good job, good job. I didn't think of that one.
23:20 But that's so true.
23:21 You know, the more you look at something,
23:23 you know, and the more you're gazing on
23:24 what you're supposed to gaze on,
23:26 the more it's going to become lovely
23:28 and beautiful and more attractive,
23:29 that what we're supposed to do.
23:30 That's good.
23:32 So I want to kind of throw something else
23:33 into the mix here.
23:35 What if there's an individual
23:36 who is intentionally trying to cause you to look,
23:38 intentionally flaunting themselves
23:39 in front of you, doing things on purpose,
23:41 they're going up in front of church
23:43 and that pastor knows his suit is too tight,
23:44 you know, and that girl, that song leader,
23:46 she knows that she is wearing that dress too short
23:49 and it's right in front of you,
23:50 what are you supposed to do when someone is intentionally,
23:55 it seems to you, intentionally putting themselves out there
23:58 and you're trying to guard your eyes?
23:59 If you're a leader, I would say that you have a responsibility
24:04 to say something
24:05 because not only are you being affected,
24:09 but if we're talking about it in a church setting,
24:12 chances are a bunch of other people
24:14 are being affected as well.
24:16 And then you're talking about people
24:17 on different spiritual levels that can get really messy,
24:21 you know, very dangerous.
24:22 So I would say, as a leader, you need to say something,
24:26 but in love
24:27 because there is a way to do it tactfully
24:29 and there is a way to do it so that the person feels,
24:32 you know, like they don't even need
24:34 to be in that position anymore and then they get offended,
24:37 so there is a way to deal
24:39 with even a situation like that.
24:40 So if you're in a congregation or if you're just not a leader,
24:45 should you address that individual?
24:47 Do you say something to them?
24:49 That's touchy. That's dicey.
24:50 That's touchy. I think it depends.
24:52 If you have a relationship like that with the person,
24:54 then maybe you can say something.
24:55 But I do think, especially in a church setting,
24:58 is you want to lean on your leaders,
25:00 if you notice something that's inappropriate,
25:01 you know, don't just burden the pastor
25:03 just to give him something else to do,
25:05 but go to them and say, you know, I have this concern.
25:08 You know, I have had people come to me
25:11 because, you know, they felt a male member
25:13 was touching them inappropriately,
25:15 hugging them inappropriately, or, you know,
25:17 kiss them on the cheek,
25:18 getting too close to their mouth or, you know.
25:20 I've had somebody complain about women dressed scantily.
25:23 And when I check it out,
25:25 you know, I've realized they just may be upset
25:26 'cause they're not attention or something
25:28 but, you know, I think that as a member,
25:29 you ought to go to your leader.
25:31 And as a leader, you have that responsibility,
25:33 like she's saying, to say something.
25:35 I respect pastors,
25:37 I don't know if I can mention them,
25:38 but I know some pastors if the praise team
25:40 is not dressed appropriately, they'll put on a choir robe,
25:43 you know, and the praise team will be so embarrassed
25:45 singing up there in choir robe, they know better.
25:47 You know, that the next time they come,
25:48 they ought to come more modest and more decent.
25:50 Okay. What about Facebook?
25:53 Scrolling through your Facebook,
25:56 you know, page and you're seeing
25:58 all these posts, people,
25:59 and there's certain individuals who continually post pictures
26:02 that are causing you to some place else,
26:05 I mean, should you delete them
26:06 or should you tell them you're gonna delete them first?
26:07 You know how people get when you delete them
26:09 from your Facebook page.
26:12 Go ahead.
26:13 I think that's actually... I've had that happen.
26:17 Somebody had to delete you? No.
26:20 The beautiful thing about Facebook
26:21 is you have options to remove that person from seeing,
26:24 not removing them from your friends list,
26:26 but you no longer have them on your newsfeed.
26:27 Okay.
26:29 You know, there's other options you can...
26:30 You can, you know, private message saying,
26:32 excuse me or if you have them on your Facebook page,
26:35 you know, I mean, I make it a point
26:37 not to add anybody that
26:39 I don't know just for the sake of ministry.
26:42 I'm gonna add you 'cause I know you.
26:43 Right.
26:44 But yeah, there's options, like I said,
26:46 you can unfollow them.
26:47 That's what one of the options is,
26:49 unfollow them or you no longer want to see their postings
26:51 on your newsfeed,
26:52 you know, you still have them have on your list,
26:53 they can still see your posts
26:55 but you no longer see them on your newsfeed,
26:57 so that's an option as well.
26:58 Okay. That's good.
27:00 That's good to know
27:01 because Facebook is such a mystery
27:02 and so many things.
27:04 It really is.
27:05 Okay, someone wants to add to that?
27:06 That's pretty good.
27:08 I mean there are some things you have to be intentional
27:09 about doing to make sure you guard your eyes
27:12 because, you know, whatever comes into your eye
27:15 is going to come ultimately into your soul
27:16 and to your spirit,
27:18 so you have to make sure you guard those avenues.
27:21 Okay, all right, so let's go on.
27:23 Any more solutions that we want to throw out there
27:24 before we close up?
27:26 I just like the analogy of guarding.
27:28 You know, if I'm on the battlefield
27:29 and I don't want to get shot in a certain place,
27:31 I protect that spot.
27:33 You know, just like you said,
27:35 you have to be very intentional.
27:36 You can't hold your armor up in one direction
27:38 and let it go on another, so...
27:40 All right, well, that's good. And that will close us out.
27:41 So we learned a couple of things, hopefully,
27:43 you'll put those things into practice.
27:45 God bless you guys.
27:46 And remember, at the end of the day,
27:47 if you don't remember anything else,
27:49 remember to always make Pure Choices.
27:51 That was good.


Revised 2018-01-18