Pure Choices

Spin the Bottle

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Joshua Nelson (Host), Brittany Hill-Morales, Kimberly Douglas, Kory Douglas, Xavier Morales


Series Code: PC

Program Code: PC000081A

00:01 The following program discusses sensitive issues.
00:03 Parents are cautioned
00:05 that some material may be too candid
00:06 for younger children.
00:41 Hello, and welcome to Pure Choices.
00:42 I'm your host Pastor Joshua Nelson.
00:44 So glad you decided to join us today.
00:46 You're in for good one today.
00:47 The topic is entitled, "Spin the Bottle."
00:50 That's right, but before we get into this exciting topic,
00:53 let's pause for a moment of prayer.
00:55 Heavenly Father God, we invite Your Spirit to be with us now
00:58 as we discuss this topic in Jesus' name we pray, amen.
01:02 Amen.
01:03 All right, let's go and introduce our panel.
01:05 To my left I have chaplain Xavier Morales.
01:06 Good to have you here my brother.
01:08 And his wife, Brittany Hill-Morales,
01:10 good to have you as well.
01:11 And we have to separate the married couples,
01:13 for we have Kimberly Douglas on the left.
01:16 On the right we have Pastor K.P. Douglas.
01:18 So we are here for this discussion.
01:20 Experimental, that's what we're talking about,
01:21 experimenting with sex.
01:23 Spin the Bottle, so what does that mean?
01:25 What is that?
01:27 What are we talking about
01:28 when we say experimenting with sex?
01:30 Brittany, why don't you help us out?
01:31 While experimenting with sex
01:33 can start from little simple stuff like kissing,
01:35 and then kissing at different parts of the body.
01:38 Or maybe some heavy patting,
01:40 touching each other a little bit too long,
01:42 hugging a little bit too tight
01:44 and then slowly progressing to doing different things.
01:48 Okay, they're experimenting,
01:49 getting little bit too close, okay.
01:50 Someone else wants to add to that?
01:53 Well, when I think of spin the bottle,
01:55 I think of the game.
01:56 You know, obviously that kids used to play.
01:58 I'm not really sure, if we're played in the bottle.
02:01 Maybe once or twice, but I know was that.
02:03 You know, maybe Truth or Dare were more accurate for us
02:05 but spin the bottle is that,
02:07 it's just that idea of being curious
02:09 about what goes on,
02:10 you know, is what I see on television real.
02:12 You know, do I want to feel.
02:14 You know, what, what they look like
02:16 they're feeling on television, it must be real,
02:18 television really does hype it up high some.
02:20 But, you know, it's just that, just that idea of,
02:23 you know, not necessarily what you're doing
02:24 but just the thought process of getting intimate
02:28 or what we consider intimate with someone else.
02:30 Sure, and of course you know, a lot of young boys there,
02:32 even young girls, if you're watching
02:34 or looking at adult videos
02:36 that they shouldn't be watching,
02:38 that's gonna cause them to want to try these things out
02:40 that they're seeing, you know.
02:41 So, what else, let's talk a little more about that?
02:43 I think too, you know,
02:45 experimenting is just that experiment to your--
02:47 You're trying to see what,
02:48 what good essentially are you really doing is just trying
02:51 to hit the pleasure center of your brain
02:53 you know, getting, you know,
02:55 getting pleasure out of something
02:56 and things that are reserved you know for the marital bed
03:00 or something in that nature.
03:02 And a lot of kids nowadays, they do things like, you know.
03:05 I don't think they do spin a bottle anymore
03:07 what I've heard of.
03:09 Actually, a lot of them do
03:11 what they do, they go into closet
03:13 for about 30, 30 seconds or more
03:14 you know, whoever long in,
03:16 the longest that sits in the closet
03:17 with the girl wins.
03:19 So, there's different types of, you know,
03:20 there's games and things like that and you know.
03:23 Now, nowadays people come up with the craziest things
03:25 to experiment
03:27 with certain things of their body
03:29 to see what feels good, what feels right.
03:32 Let's just try and talk little more
03:33 maybe to college students, or even those older who are
03:37 who want to experiment with sex.
03:39 Why would they,
03:40 let's talk about the reasoning of the root.
03:42 Why would they want to experiment you think?
03:44 We talked a little-- We've said a couple of things,
03:46 you want to add to that.
03:47 Because sex is good, I mean, it's enjoyable.
03:52 And you know, if you're, if you have close friends
03:57 who you know might be sexually active
03:59 and they're telling you about their exploits
04:01 and it's like, well, you know what am I missing out on.
04:04 So, that's you know that's one possibility.
04:07 And so, there is no type of, oh, I'm not married
04:09 so I can't do these stages.
04:11 I'm not saying that's the case for all people.
04:13 But you know, for some though, I'm not married
04:18 thought comes into play maybe after the fact.
04:22 Sex and then marry.
04:23 I want to, I wanted to..
04:25 Oh, I'm sorry there are married couples here.
04:28 And I think also in college
04:29 you have that element of that slippery slope
04:32 where, okay, I'm not with my parents anymore,
04:35 I don't have dad, you know, down my neck say,
04:37 "Boy, go home..."
04:39 You're there, and you have that more opportunity
04:40 be able to be alone,
04:42 so kissing goes a little bit longer than usual.
04:45 And then before you know, your hands are making movements
04:48 then, that's how it starts with those little things
04:50 because you don't really know
04:52 what boundaries to have in college is not really set.
04:55 So, experimenting sometimes happens unintentionally.
04:59 Yeah, and lot of times it cause,
05:00 it goes pretty extreme.
05:02 Stories I've heard, lot of extreme experimenting to,
05:04 you know, to high degree.
05:05 You gonna add to that.
05:07 I think one thing to add to what was said just now
05:09 is that one popular thing to do is to avoid the attachment,
05:13 you know, so called, you know, commitment.
05:15 They have the, in college in adults,
05:17 you know, beyond that have
05:18 what they call friends with benefit.
05:20 You know, you're not married. You're not in a relationship.
05:23 You know, you don't,
05:24 you don't have to worry about the attachment,
05:26 about the commitment because you're just friends,
05:29 you're friends with benefits.
05:30 And I think that's one of the more dominant
05:32 or pre-dominant things that we see on T.V
05:34 and we see in society today as well.
05:36 Yeah.
05:37 I know for me, I didn't, I didn't know
05:39 what masturbation was till eighth grade
05:41 when some of my friends were talking about it.
05:42 And now I am oldest, it's kind of weird
05:44 that they were talking about it with each other.
05:47 And then of course, there's also that,
05:48 you know, peer pressure, social, you know, social media,
05:52 television kind of portrays that at certain ages
05:55 you should have done certain things.
05:57 I think though that at the end of the day,
05:59 you know, God created us as sexual beings.
06:01 As beings who seek and want intimacy and to some degree,
06:05 it's natural for us to want to be intimate.
06:08 Right.
06:09 You know, that desire I believe God has placed in us.
06:11 Of course, you know, our desire should be for God.
06:13 But even if you think about it,
06:15 you know, know the average girl,
06:17 you know gets her first visit from on flow around with 12.
06:21 You know, guy, you know, young men,
06:22 I know for me the thoughts came into,
06:24 you know, that came to my head around may be nine or ten.
06:27 You know so, you really got to deal with,
06:29 with, with those urges from an early age.
06:31 You know, and then on the other side,
06:33 society says, well, you're not really an adult or 18.
06:36 So, I'm struggling from 9 to 18
06:38 what do I do with these feelings.
06:40 And sort of the minute I have, you know,
06:42 that like she says, "I get that opportunity to go out
06:44 and do what I want."
06:46 You know, I'm gonna, I'm gonna want to experiment and see
06:48 well what can I do with these feelings.
06:50 You know, how I can play them out.
06:51 Can I enjoy the way that I've seen and enjoy?
06:53 Yeah, a lot of times you experience,
06:55 you know, you're listening about the folk,
06:56 you're experimenting with sex, you know, because that because,
06:59 your focus as opposed to experimenting with,
07:01 you know relationships or love,
07:03 you know that, that's not your focus.
07:04 Your focus is you want to just feel good about yourself.
07:08 So that's, that's a really interesting dynamic
07:11 that we have now.
07:13 The other thing I want to talk about with this,
07:15 we talked about college ages
07:17 but what about someone who's past that age,
07:18 someone who is maybe 25, 24, 25 who said
07:22 and even older than that who say, "I've been good.
07:24 I have not done anything you know, I didn't do anything,
07:26 messed up in college.
07:27 I, you know, kept myself, things are going good."
07:29 But you know, this is kind of played out.
07:31 I mean how long do I got to wait.
07:33 I mean everybody else is married, they all had sex.
07:36 I just want to, you know,
07:37 at least just try it out, you know.
07:39 Is that the kind of do you, do you all see that ever
07:42 and we know anybody like that?
07:44 Yeah, I mean we see it, in society you see it.
07:47 It's not only in church, you know.
07:51 And there are individuals like that.
07:55 I happen to think that, you know, if you have waited
08:00 that long like the years to mess up and do silly stuff,
08:05 you've kind of pass those years.
08:07 Because, you know, as we were saying before,
08:10 there are all these repercussions
08:12 of having sex with the wrong individual.
08:14 We haven't mentioned any health.
08:16 You know, anything that can go wrong health wise.
08:19 And, you know, there's just so many areas
08:22 where, you know,
08:23 if you're just striving for that Christian walk
08:26 and you find that you're 25, 35, 45
08:31 and, you know, you haven't fallen so far.
08:34 It's hard but I would encourage that you hold strong.
08:38 Yeah. Brittany, you want to add to that?
08:40 Yeah, I was going to say if we can be honest.
08:42 As all married people that sex isn't always great.
08:49 As in sex isn't always only about the technique.
08:52 And sometimes people say,
08:54 "Okay, let me just try it as once."
08:56 But if you don't have a connection with that person,
08:59 and you try it once and let's say,
09:01 they don't have that technique or whatever,
09:04 you may end up being very unsatisfied
09:06 by end of the time and then it wasn't great.
09:09 You see there is more to sex than just the technique
09:12 and if this is done and that is done.
09:14 There is so much more to it.
09:16 And I know some of my friends, who are like,
09:18 you know, "I'm just going to try it once",
09:19 they tried it once and I guess, I don't want,
09:22 I don't want say that the guy didn't know what he was doing
09:24 or the girl didn't know what she was doing.
09:26 They just didn't have that connection,
09:28 there is so much more to sex than just doing it.
09:31 Right. Right.
09:32 And then for, if I can just add on for females
09:36 it's not just for in.
09:38 Not all situations, but in most cases for females, it's not a--
09:42 I'm just going to have sex once and move on.
09:44 You know, there are emotional attachments
09:46 that go with that too.
09:48 And because it, you know just imagine,
09:50 you know, kitty sneakers with the Velcro.
09:53 Imagine just pulling apart. You know those two pieces.
09:58 There are parts of you that get left on the other,
10:02 on the other side and so, it's, it's a very,
10:05 it's a very dangerous thing to think.
10:08 You know, I'm just going to do this once,
10:10 it's not going to affect me,
10:11 it's not going to be that serious.
10:13 And I'm going to be able to walk afterwards.
10:14 So, we moved on to definitely
10:16 the why you shouldn't experiment.
10:19 So, let's talk little more about that, you know,
10:20 Kory want to say something.
10:22 If what I would say is,
10:23 you know, as it pertains to sex,
10:25 do not believe the hype.
10:27 I don't know how to say, don't believe the hype.
10:30 You know I was, I was watching the show
10:32 not too long ago, maybe four weeks.
10:34 And it showed this girl, she was a virgin,
10:37 and she lost her virginity to this guy.
10:39 And it looked like the most enjoyable sex session ever.
10:43 I'm saying to myself. You sure she was a virgin?
10:46 Because what I understand, you know, for male or female
10:49 the first time we have sex is usually,
10:51 you know, you know, you're not like shooting for the moon,
10:54 you're not gonna get like a grand prize.
10:55 You know, it's usually a serious learning experience,
10:57 a serious learning curve.
10:59 You know, when you're experiencing with sex
11:01 and what I know is that a lot of women
11:03 actually end up not liking sex
11:05 based on their first experience,
11:07 you know, because they go in with all these expectations
11:09 thinking, "Oh, it's gonna be wonderful,
11:11 it's gonna be great."
11:12 And then they feel, feel you know,
11:13 realize that you know because of the choices our fore parents
11:16 made in the Garden of Eden
11:18 and there's also a lot of things
11:19 that come with it, you know, and so on.
11:21 And so, it is very dangerous because what ends up happening
11:24 is that meant you experiment with somebody.
11:26 And by the time you get married,
11:28 you would be completely turned off to sex
11:30 because of your first experience,
11:31 and your spouse is going to have to deal
11:33 with those consequences.
11:34 Yeah, yeah and let's go talk more about that,
11:36 I mean spouse,
11:37 if you're trying to get married,
11:39 you're just experimenting with someone
11:40 who you know is not going to be your spouse,
11:42 then you're mess, you're gonna mess it up
11:44 for what you really ultimately want.
11:45 You know, is someone who, you know, a good relationships
11:48 and you're causing more baggage to your life, more pain.
11:51 So, you know, especially if you've waited this long
11:54 you're 25 or over.
11:55 You know, he might as well get it right
11:57 and make sure it's what God wants you to do, you know.
12:01 You know, I think to, add it to what Kory said,
12:04 you know, people don't realize the issues,
12:06 the repercussions that come with it you know.
12:09 Speaking from somebody who has a past
12:11 is the fact that you know.
12:13 A lot of people you build,
12:15 you're building upon a broken foundation.
12:17 You know, and initially like his wife said,
12:21 you know, you're ripping
12:22 and you're living pieces of yourself,
12:24 so essentially when you go
12:25 get married to the right person,
12:26 you're coming with little pieces,
12:28 and hoping that between you and God,
12:30 it cannot be put back together.
12:32 You know, you build up abandonment issues,
12:34 security issues, jealousy,
12:36 you know you build all these issues over time.
12:38 Because you're just, you know, you're experimenting,
12:41 you're doing things with the wrong person,
12:42 or with the wrong people.
12:44 And because you can't, you don't, you don't even know,
12:46 you don't just stop with one.
12:48 If sex wasn't good with this person,
12:51 well, let me experiment with the other one to see,
12:53 if I'm not choosing the right individual.
12:55 You know, and you go through a whole repertoire of people
12:59 so it's a matter of, you know, really focusing
13:03 on what's and just waiting,
13:04 it's, there's nothing wrong with that.
13:06 Yeah, let me stop talking like I don't know
13:08 what there's something he is talking about either
13:10 because I definitely have been there,
13:12 and I know firsthand that, you know, it is tough.
13:16 And it is hard to break away
13:18 from those, those connections that you have made.
13:21 You know, it truly is a glue that God has given us.
13:23 And so, when you have that with multiple people,
13:26 you, your mind is not.
13:27 I don't care you know, how many times
13:30 I was taken back to previous situations.
13:33 My mind is taken back at other individuals.
13:35 I remember even having to go to counseling,
13:37 even having to go to different classes and sit,
13:39 you know, in different meetings or what not just,
13:41 just to reprogram my mind.
13:43 To get my mind off of,
13:44 you know the addiction really that had been caused
13:47 because of indulging so much.
13:49 And so, I know that for me, you know, it was a painful,
13:53 spiritual and emotional time for me,
13:54 to have to go through all that before I got married.
13:56 And to bring that into my marriage with my wife,
13:59 you know, I just think about all the time
14:00 how just a shame I have felt and guilt,
14:03 because of what I've done.
14:05 And I should have waited and saved it for her.
14:07 You know, but I was impatient and I didn't trust God enough.
14:10 You know, to believe that he could just give me
14:12 what I needed, what he had for me.
14:15 And so, you know I remember being in counseling.
14:18 And the counselor told me to, you know,
14:21 write down those who I have experimented with,
14:23 those who I have harmed in a way sexually.
14:25 And to literally go back down each name
14:28 and ask God for forgiveness, you know.
14:29 And you know, I did that and it was powerful
14:31 because at least from that spiritual standpoint,
14:35 I was able to see who I was in front of God,
14:37 and break myself away from them in a spiritual sense.
14:40 You know, and we're just trying and I think that,
14:41 you know, the reason of this whole topic
14:44 is trying to save someone
14:45 from having to go down that road.
14:47 Because you know, I can plead with you
14:50 until you know, until I go crazy
14:53 but you know,
14:54 people are still going to do what they want to do.
14:55 We're hoping that somebody will listen to this,
14:58 and say you know, "I don't want to go down that road,
15:00 I want to do what God is called me to do
15:02 and stay pure until God brings that person for me."
15:05 And I think we need to remember that the desire
15:08 to be with another individual, it's not unnatural.
15:12 You know, as Kory said, yeah exactly
15:14 it's not sin as Kory said,
15:16 you know we're created with this need for intimacy.
15:20 And so, if you find yourself at I don't know 45 or 35
15:25 and you're having these desires.
15:28 It's about how you direct,
15:31 you know, whatever you are feeling.
15:34 I like, I like what Josh said.
15:37 You're not trusting in God, because at the end of the day,
15:39 it's a spiritual, it's a spiritual battle.
15:42 You know, and I think that the problem is that,
15:44 most people turn it into a physical battle.
15:46 You know, they're saying,
15:48 I'm 35, I'm 40, I don't have time,
15:51 my clock is ticking.
15:53 I don't know, if I'm going to be ready, I don't know
15:55 if I'm going to be good, let me find out.
15:57 But what they're really focusing on is on them self.
15:59 And what they will be capable of not realizing,
16:01 you know that, you don't really have to experiment.
16:04 Because experiment, you know, basically,
16:07 experiment basically says, "I don't know the answer."
16:11 Which is the truth. You don't, yeah.
16:13 'Cause experimenting means you're seeking out the answers.
16:14 But in the terms of marriage,
16:16 God has already given the answer.
16:18 And so you, you aren't really supposed to know,
16:20 you know, until God answers it for you.
16:22 You know, and so I when we talk about,
16:24 we're reminded for those people who are being impatient.
16:27 You know, Isaiah says, "If you wait upon the Lord,
16:29 you know you shall renew your strength."
16:30 Hallelujah.
16:32 You know, it's like I can testify towards the marriage.
16:36 I like that, I like that.
16:38 You all gonna say something or...?
16:40 Okay, I might add on to this.
16:42 I just see the married couple
16:43 making some eyes with each other,
16:45 so I'm kind of...
16:47 A lot of, lot of dynamic is going on the set, you guys.
16:49 Anyway, what if there someone who says, listen,
16:52 I'm not going to be that serious,
16:54 you know, passing those in a marriage
16:55 that you had a past,
16:57 Chaplain Xavier understand he had a past
16:58 but, I'm not that guy, I'm not that girl,
17:01 I'm not gonna go that far.
17:02 You know, I just want to try couple of things out,
17:04 just, you know, just here and there,
17:05 because I don't want to look foolish
17:07 when I get married, or get that situation.
17:09 I kind of want to know what's going on, you know.
17:11 I can handle myself.
17:13 You know, that they may say,
17:14 I've heard people say this to me.
17:16 You know, what we'll say to them.
17:17 The pastor title is nice and everything.
17:20 But when you started,
17:21 did you think you would have gotten that far?
17:23 Never, in fact, I always said to myself.
17:26 I would, I knew for sure. You don't know.
17:28 I would be a virgin when I get married.
17:29 I just knew it. I knew it. Yeah.
17:31 There was no way. Yeah, yeah. You don't know.
17:34 So, it's a, it's a dangerous thing
17:36 to think that you have enough self-control to say,
17:40 I'm going to start and go but this far.
17:43 You don't know. Yeah. It's a good point.
17:45 I think to, you know, we have to understand
17:47 that the spiritual warfare is a battle for the mind.
17:50 You know, you have no control over God or the devil.
17:53 You don't even have control
17:55 over sort of physiological aspects of yourself.
17:57 You know, to say that you're going to be strong enough,
18:00 I would call that ridiculous.
18:01 You know, because I said that to myself.
18:04 I wouldn't be strong enough to drink yet I drink.
18:06 I wouldn't be strong enough to do this,
18:08 I did it, you know.
18:09 I thought I was strong enough not to have sex before marriage
18:11 and I did, and I did it.
18:13 I wasn't strong enough, you know,
18:15 you always say these things to, not because you think you are,
18:18 it's just to kind of lie to yourself,
18:20 and make yourself reassure that you can
18:22 but in reality by saying, by repeating it to yourself,
18:25 that means you're that much weaker.
18:27 Sure, there is a way that seems right into a man,
18:29 but in the end it leads to destruction
18:30 and death, that's right.
18:32 Okay.
18:33 So, clearly
18:36 you know there's no way that you can know yourself,
18:38 you know, there's no way you can really tell.
18:40 But I'm gonna ask this,
18:42 throw a little monkey wrench in this thing.
18:43 Is there any other any--
18:45 is anything you can't do?
18:46 You know, is there any things you can't do,
18:48 you know, it's like no kissing at all.
18:49 I mean I know, we talk about these in some other programs
18:52 but, you know, in this context of this experimental thing,
18:55 I can try anything.
19:00 It sounds nice to throw out the three steps to,
19:04 you know, recovery or the four steps to whatever
19:07 but it doesn't work that way for everybody.
19:12 What might work for me, or what I might be strong on,
19:16 Brittany might not be.
19:18 What she might be strong on, I might be terrible at.
19:21 And so, I would really say,
19:24 spend some time getting to know you,
19:27 know what you can handle and what you can't.
19:30 And be honest with yourself, because it's so easy to say,
19:36 like you said, you know, I'm not going to,
19:38 I'm never going to do this
19:40 and very quickly that never turns into,
19:44 "Oh, boy, where did I go wrong?"
19:45 Sure.
19:47 And I really asked that question
19:48 because there's a lot of peer pressure involved in this.
19:50 Lot of people will expect you to have done certain things
19:53 especially at a certain age you know.
19:55 There was a T.V. program I just watched.
19:59 Reality show and the guy
20:01 was talking actually to some pastors,
20:02 a pastor and his wife about his situation.
20:04 He was sharing with them.
20:06 And he was 40 years old,
20:07 and he had never even kissed the woman.
20:11 And so, they were like, they were so shocked by that.
20:14 The pastor and his wife were shocked.
20:15 Yeah, they were shocked, and they were so surprise like,
20:18 "Oh, I can't believe.
20:19 What is wrong with you?"
20:21 You know, there were saying, I'm like really
20:22 so, let's talk about that you know.
20:24 You know, even from a spiritual standpoint
20:28 a lot of people will say, there's something wrong
20:29 if you have not experimented.
20:31 So, why is it, why is it within the culture, within the church.
20:33 And why don't we encourage those who have held out.
20:37 Because with that kind of mentality,
20:39 people often can feel pressured to want to go and experiment.
20:43 So, what would you say to someone like that?
20:46 I think with being a Christian,
20:48 that's kind of an anomaly in society,
20:50 it's not kosher.
20:52 I mean it's kosher to be Christian by title
20:54 but not by walk.
20:55 And that's the issue we run into that.
20:57 You know, being a Christian doesn't make you perfect.
21:01 It just makes you realize your brokenness,
21:02 and how much more you need God and I think,
21:05 one of things is you come to a self-realization
21:07 of where your weaknesses lie.
21:09 You know, if I can be honest you know, with--
21:12 When my wife and I were dating,
21:13 you know, there are certain things that we wish
21:15 we refrained from doing.
21:16 Not because it was something for her,
21:18 it's something for me and she respected that
21:20 because it can lead me, you know.
21:23 And that's the thing to, you know,
21:24 how much do you value yourself,
21:25 how much do you respect yourself
21:27 to be able to just restrain yourself
21:29 and understand that sex is awesome,
21:31 it's great.
21:32 But when you do with the right person,
21:34 with the one that you're married too
21:36 it is even that much greater, it's much more satisfying.
21:39 You know, mate, when we,
21:41 when we consider the possibility
21:43 of trying something here, try some there,
21:46 and maybe being able to make it through
21:48 my flesh wants to say, "It's impossible."
21:51 You know, I know for me.
21:53 You know, you can say, "Well, can we kiss?"
21:55 and I'm like, "Maybe you can kiss."
21:57 And yes, you know, one size and fit all.
22:00 But we know we just said also
22:01 that you never know what'll happen.
22:03 You know, based on what you do.
22:05 And I know for me, if I, if I start kissing,
22:06 you know, not to try and kiss you.
22:10 I think that you know, my, my spirit also says,
22:13 "That anything is possible with God."
22:15 You know, and yes as you know, I don't know,
22:16 if everything is not for everyone.
22:18 In fact I can share, you know,
22:20 testimonies of friends of mine who got engaged.
22:22 And had a lengthy engagement, and made a pact with each other
22:25 that we would even, they wouldn't even kiss,
22:27 until they, till they got married.
22:29 And they didn't do it.
22:31 You know, as far as I'm concerned,
22:32 I weren't with them, you know, to confirm.
22:35 But they said they wouldn't do it
22:36 and they didn't do it, I think that in a relationship,
22:38 there has to be that intentionality
22:40 that's with their communication from the beginning
22:42 that says listen,
22:43 "There's some values I'm going to have,
22:45 and if you're not down with those values,
22:47 then we don't even need to engage in anything,
22:49 not even conversation."
22:51 You know, and so it will be a little easier
22:53 if you're engaged in a relation with someone
22:54 who has the same values, or that will respect your,
22:57 you know, respect your values so.
22:59 And let's value, the values you know,
23:00 let's value the individuals who have held their value.
23:03 You know, those who have actually pressed forward
23:05 and said, I'm not going to do this,
23:06 you know, we've got to encourage those
23:08 and make sure it becomes part of the norm.
23:11 Let's make that be a subculture in the church, you know.
23:13 People who have pressed on it
23:15 and not give into temptation you know.
23:17 And even though, they may be used to think
23:19 they should be, they're old, they should be married
23:21 and this and that.
23:22 You know, praise God for that,
23:23 praise God for those individuals who are,
23:25 who are striving to do what is right, you know.
23:28 You know, it's kind of like Daniel.
23:30 Yeah.
23:31 And when he was faced with trouble
23:34 pretty much on every side.
23:36 So, the Bible says that "He purposed in his heart
23:38 that he would not sin."
23:41 You know, and I think it's the same mindset
23:47 that has to take place whenever you're in this situation.
23:52 I guess just putting myself out there.
23:56 Before Kory and I got married, we didn't have sex.
24:00 I'm not saying it was easy. Mercy Lord.
24:03 I'm not saying it was easy, and I was that 25 year old,
24:09 you know, who hadn't had sex before.
24:12 And I'm not saying that the temptations don't come.
24:15 But at the same time, you know I just like I said,
24:18 I thought to myself, "Well, if you're 25 now
24:20 and you haven't done anything yet,
24:24 then why not continue to wait for that individual
24:27 that God has prepared for you.
24:29 And like I said, it's not easy.
24:32 And I'm only putting my business out there
24:34 because I am a very private person.
24:37 I'm only putting it out there because, you know,
24:40 there might be that one person watching who is like,
24:43 you know, what this is real,
24:44 and you guys are making it sound so easy.
24:47 Yeah, yeah.
24:48 I acknowledge, it is not easy, it wasn't easy.
24:52 But I think that the rewards
24:55 that come when you do wait are amazing.
24:59 I also think that the principles
25:01 that you exercise and cultivate
25:04 as you're waiting just help you
25:07 in so many other areas of life.
25:08 I mean I was a teacher in the classroom
25:10 for eight years high school.
25:12 You know, I was able to--
25:13 Well, kids didn't know my details
25:15 but now they probably do if they're watching.
25:17 You know, I was able to share practical things
25:20 with my students,
25:21 because that was my situation and that was my story.
25:25 You know so, I think that it is definitely possible.
25:29 It's not popular, but it's possible.
25:32 And I appreciate you for sharing that.
25:34 You know, people need to hear various examples
25:38 and to be able to see themselves in us,
25:39 and that, you know, we've been there or are there now.
25:42 And we're not perfect by any means, you know.
25:44 We're struggling through this, and trying to,
25:46 to still hold on to Jesus to get us,
25:48 get us by, get us through.
25:50 We're able to see things in a different perspective
25:52 maybe but, but, we still know the struggle is real.
25:55 You know, it's tough out there.
25:58 So, let's go and talk also about,
26:01 just give some more encouragement.
26:03 Let's do this with more encouragement.
26:04 I want to speak to someone who is right now, you know
26:07 struggling, wondering why does it even matter.
26:10 You know, I'm not really trying to go that far,
26:12 but I'm just trying to little, little bit here.
26:13 But let's give some more encouragement to them
26:15 about what, what we would say to them,
26:18 they were sitting right here with us,
26:20 and encourage them to get by
26:22 to make it through to be faithful?
26:23 I think two things that I would say.
26:25 I would encourage those who have tried.
26:28 And want to restore their purity to themselves
26:31 to really, really pray and really harness God.
26:33 Because it can happen, it happened to me in India,
26:36 the thing is just to those that are, trying to experiment.
26:39 Persist, it's not easy, but it's worth it,
26:42 it's very much worth it.
26:44 And I can only speak from experience,
26:45 not from anything else.
26:49 Well, I know for me.
26:51 I've actually fought a long time before,
26:55 before I experimented with sex or I had sex and it was hard.
26:58 And even in going to church school,
27:00 just about all my friends that had sex.
27:02 And it was extremely, extremely hard I think.
27:05 When I finally hit the pressure cooker of college,
27:08 you know, it kind of, things kind of boiled over.
27:10 But with as much as you may joke around,
27:13 you know, you know back in the day
27:14 we guys about this girl and that girl.
27:17 You know, in hindsight, you know,
27:19 I can't, you know, I wish I didn't.
27:20 You know, and what I gain from having sex
27:23 before marriage honestly,
27:26 and if I can say, I gained anything.
27:28 It wasn't worth it.
27:29 It definitely wasn't
27:30 especially after being married.
27:32 There's absolutely nothing that I learned, you know,
27:34 from any previous sexual encounter
27:36 that could have helped me so.
27:38 Yeah, I agree, I agree
27:39 I feel like if I hadn't been in that predicament,
27:41 that I place myself in I would never even had sex,
27:43 I hadn't experimented, you know.
27:45 So, hopefully this can be some good discussion topics
27:47 as youth groups.
27:49 Talk about this a lot more.
27:50 Please don't experiment.
27:52 Know that you can just trust in God,
27:53 and He will see you through.
27:55 Well, that's it for today.
27:56 Remember to always make pure choices.
27:59 God bless you. Have a good one.


Revised 2016-04-11