Pure Choices

Loving Every Community -part 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Joshua Nelson (Host), Brittany Hill-Morales, Kimberly Douglas, Kory Douglas, Xavier Morales


Series Code: PC

Program Code: PC000087A

00:01 The following program discusses sensitive issues.
00:02 Parents are cautioned that some material
00:04 may be too candid for younger children.
00:38 Hello and welcome to Pure Choices.
00:40 I'm your host Pastor Joshua Nelson.
00:43 I'm so glad you decided to join us once again
00:44 for another edition of Pure Choices.
00:46 Today, our title is Loving Every Community.
00:49 And we want to talk specifically
00:51 to the LGBTQIA community.
00:54 And I know this is going to be a very sensitive topic,
00:57 but it's a necessary discussion.
00:58 So before we get into it,
00:59 let us bow our heads for a moment of prayer.
01:02 Heavenly Father, God, we ask that your presence
01:04 will be with us right now.
01:06 Send Your Spirit, God, to guide this conversation.
01:08 In Jesus' name we pray, amen. Amen.
01:11 All right, to my left, introducing the panel,
01:14 we have Pastor KP Douglas, pastor in Southeast Missouri.
01:17 Good to have you here, my brother.
01:18 Good to be here, man.
01:20 And we have his wife as well
01:21 here on the couch Kimberly Douglas.
01:23 So glad you're here with us today.
01:25 Next to her we have the Morales family,
01:26 Xavier and Brittany,
01:28 so glad that you all are here with us today.
01:30 Let us get into this discussion.
01:32 This is definitely a hot topic right now,
01:35 a necessary discussion that we need to have
01:37 as young Seventh-day Adventist Christians,
01:40 we especially need to address this
01:44 because this community has been hurt by our church,
01:50 I would say, and by other churches
01:51 who may not necessarily know how to address them,
01:54 how to speak to what they are feeling.
01:58 And so I want us to be sensitive to that
02:00 and understand that as we discuss today.
02:04 And I want us to talk to this community,
02:05 now, you know, this is a very broad community.
02:07 Of course we know that,
02:08 you know, originally it's the LGBT.
02:10 But of course, they've added the "Q" and the "I" and the "A"
02:14 to broaden the scope of that community.
02:16 And so we want to talk to, you know, lesbians, gays,
02:18 bisexuals, transgender, they added the "Q"
02:22 which means queer, or intersexual, and asexual,
02:25 and we want to address these individuals.
02:27 But the first question I want to have for you all
02:29 is how do you feel towards this community?
02:33 Let's just be honest.
02:34 How do you feel towards this community?
02:36 As Christians, what are your feelings
02:38 towards this community?
02:40 And I'm going to start with Brittany
02:42 to begin with her statement.
02:45 As time progresses,
02:46 I guess I'm feeling more confused
02:48 almost as maybe confused as the homosexual
02:50 or even the LGBTQIA community is feeling.
02:55 There are so many different elements
02:57 and spectrums to it.
02:59 For starters, with homosexuality,
03:01 you have this element
03:02 of maybe you're just experimenting,
03:04 so you're not really a homosexual,
03:06 you're just experimenting with someone else
03:08 or maybe you're just in that position,
03:10 your situational homosexual where you're in prison,
03:14 so you just have to do that
03:15 because there's no one else to do it with.
03:17 Or if you're social world homosexual
03:19 where they just made you into,
03:21 like there are so many different elements to it
03:23 and even the preferential way,
03:25 you're just preferring to be a homosexual
03:27 but you're not very active
03:29 because something bad happened to you,
03:31 you decide to be...
03:32 There's just so much different elements to it.
03:35 It's kind of confusing to really pinpoint
03:37 what exactly is this entire spectrum.
03:40 Okay, that's an honest response there.
03:43 Yeah, and that's something I'm sure a lot of us share,
03:46 it's kind of confusing to really understand
03:49 the depth of the subject.
03:52 I kind of stand in the same area
03:53 where, you know, I embrace,
03:58 but then at the same time, you know, I'm confused
04:00 as to what it means, you know, am I accepting,
04:02 am I rejecting, or am I loving them as Christ,
04:05 what is it, you know, what does that look like?
04:08 And for me, it also takes a different route
04:11 because I have relatives that are of that community.
04:14 So it's a difficult position to be in.
04:18 But at the same time, you know, I understand,
04:20 you know, the battle between from just listening
04:24 to what they said to me, not understanding them per se
04:27 but understanding what they're saying
04:29 and also the fact that,
04:30 you know, other elements are contributing to it.
04:32 So it's a difficult stance. I can't say, you know...
04:37 I can't pinpoint exactly where I go with that situation,
04:42 but I mean, I love my family,
04:45 so I'm not going to reject them,
04:47 you know what I mean.
04:49 It's a difficult transition to understand.
04:52 Okay. I too can resonate with Xavier.
04:56 It's difficult to condemn someone
04:59 or speak or think ill of them,
05:02 you know, in that community when someone that you know,
05:06 someone you're close to has that,
05:11 you know, or identifies with that community.
05:15 And while I don't understand it all,
05:19 that doesn't necessarily mean that I,
05:22 you know, agree with everything
05:25 or that I disagree with everything.
05:27 So I think it's...
05:28 And then as time passes, as Brittany said,
05:31 more comes out and you learn more.
05:34 So I think that, you know, it definitely is something
05:37 we need to talk about and see what our position is
05:40 because it's a difficult topic.
05:43 Yeah, and I guess, for me...
05:45 And I'll get to Kory next, you know,
05:46 I just kind of have felt very ignorant about it.
05:50 I don't know too much about it.
05:51 I can say I don't have anyone in my family
05:53 who's in that community.
05:54 I have been kind of unsure of really what to say about it
05:58 because as a pastor, you know, there are things
05:59 that you're supposed to be able to say and not say.
06:01 And, you know, I want to be able to just preach
06:03 what I see the Bible speaking and saying.
06:06 And so, you know, it is very confusing
06:08 for me as well to understand.
06:10 But I think for me I try to be as sympathetic
06:13 and empathetic as I can
06:14 because I know that I too struggle
06:16 with things as well
06:17 especially in the sexual nature.
06:19 And maybe have in turn identified
06:24 or found a new way to identify myself
06:25 just to justify things that I do, you know.
06:28 So, you know, it's a very slippery slope
06:31 and touchy subject,
06:33 but I just really want to ultimately
06:34 really want to learn more, you know, about it.
06:38 My guess I would have to say,
06:40 I'm not pro-homosexual, not anti-homosexual.
06:45 I'm pro-Christ.
06:46 I don't know if that sounds too cliched.
06:49 And the Christ I know is a God of love.
06:52 If I could just quote some of the things He said,
06:54 you know, the healthy are not in need of a physician.
06:58 I have not come to condemn but to seek and save the lost.
07:01 And I do believe that this community falls
07:04 into the same category that we all fall into.
07:06 You know, as the Bible says, we've all come short
07:09 and we've all sinned.
07:10 And so we're all in need of salvation,
07:13 whether we know it or not,
07:14 you know, we're all in need of salvation.
07:16 I, you know, even with that said,
07:17 I may be a little fearful of it,
07:19 you know, my culture, my background
07:21 is not very friendly towards that community.
07:24 I mean, so you are a little fearful of it,
07:26 you know, especially as a heterosexual man,
07:28 you know, I'm going to eventually have
07:29 to send my children to schools knowing that
07:31 some of the teachers may be homosexual.
07:32 And, you know, as much as you don't condemn,
07:35 you know, people necessarily, you know, you still don't want
07:38 your children to pick up that lifestyle.
07:40 It's also a little, it's a little scary as well.
07:43 So we definitely have some issues in some respects
07:47 and some confusion that we're working through.
07:51 And also I think in general most of us
07:54 would have been taught or at least believe that,
07:57 you know, the lifestyle is not
07:58 what has been condoned in the Bible.
08:01 And this is the type of language
08:02 that we speak and say in terms of it being a sin
08:05 and that it seems from what I experienced has caused
08:09 that community to feel
08:10 a little bit of resentment towards
08:12 those type of statements, you know.
08:14 So let's just, before we go into the biblical stance,
08:17 let's talk about how do you think they feel,
08:22 that community feels about how the church
08:25 has been addressing their community?
08:29 Oh, isolated.
08:30 You know, rejected because we want
08:32 to present a message of love
08:34 but our own fears and insecurities and ignorance
08:39 presents a message of hate of if you don't change,
08:42 you're going to hell.
08:44 When in reality that's, you know, that's all of us,
08:46 if we don't change, if we don't get better,
08:48 we're all going to hell.
08:49 You know, and I think that's, you know, where a lot of times
08:53 where the church message, where it stands,
08:56 it's a message of condemnation rather than,
08:58 you know, let us reason together,
09:00 let us come together, you know.
09:02 It's a message of fear. It's a fear-driven message.
09:06 Someone wants to add to that? How do they feel?
09:08 To probably add to what Xavier was saying about
09:11 isolation, feeling rejected, when we think about everything
09:14 that we say in our church not only the scriptures
09:18 that we use say that's against homosexuality
09:21 are statements of in the garden,
09:24 God created Adam and Eve, man and woman,
09:27 for them to be fruitful and multiply.
09:30 This community commented like
09:31 "Well, we can't really be fruitful and multiply.
09:33 So how do we fit into this?"
09:35 Or even when we talk about Ephesians and about the family,
09:39 husband and wife,
09:40 and all those statements that were made,
09:43 "Okay, so how do I fit into this?
09:44 How does that work out for me?"
09:46 They come into our church or even being raised
09:50 in our churches, trying to figure out,
09:52 okay, this is how I'm feeling.
09:54 I love this person or I really like this person.
09:57 But the Bible doesn't really give
09:59 any stipulations for me.
10:00 And I guess that's why we had that situation where
10:03 some members of the community created
10:05 a Bible about Adam and Steve
10:07 all of a sudden trying to figure out
10:09 where does exactly God have for me in this place.
10:14 That's one of the huge issues.
10:17 I think a good word to use is lost.
10:20 You know, they may feel lost. There's just no place for them.
10:22 And I can't say I feel that
10:24 I don't know exactly how they feel,
10:26 you know, but I can say I kind of know
10:27 how they feel as a young pastor
10:29 who is just different than everybody,
10:31 and this is inside the church.
10:32 Sometimes I feel lost.
10:34 You know, so I can understand...
10:35 Sometimes as a black man, I feel lost as well
10:38 and just in the outside world.
10:40 But I do believe they feel lost and that's whether or not
10:43 they are practicing inside or outside the church.
10:46 I think even the people who are outside,
10:48 well, now society has kind of made
10:49 a little bit more leeway for this community.
10:52 But I do believe that it's still easy to feel lost.
10:55 You know. Sure. Sure.
10:57 Oh, go ahead, Brittany, add some more.
10:58 Oh, if I could add more to what Kory was saying,
11:00 that whole lost aspect,
11:02 speaking to some of my closest friends
11:05 who are gay,
11:07 they consider themselves lesbians or homosexual.
11:11 The issue of when you're talking to loved ones
11:15 and they don't fully understand and there are so many myths
11:19 that are going around about this community,
11:21 about how if you're near them
11:23 you might catch it like it's a disease,
11:26 and feeling that rejection so many different levels
11:29 because you want to come to your parents and feel loved.
11:32 But they don't know exactly what you're going through.
11:35 So they reject you based on things that are not even true.
11:38 And some of my friends are still...
11:40 They don't really fully understand everything
11:42 that's going on as a homosexual.
11:44 That's what they're identifying themselves as.
11:47 And even the different spectrums
11:48 of not every homosexual is sexually active,
11:51 but yet, it's assumed that they all are,
11:53 and trying to deal with all those different myths
11:56 and stereotypes and biases is really hard
11:59 to try to figure out who you really are.
12:02 And I tried sometimes to see how it would be to have
12:05 someone say to me my very identity
12:07 what I feel that I am,
12:09 who I am is not true and it's not right,
12:12 it's not how I should feel, it's not who I should be.
12:15 You know, those are the kind of feelings
12:18 that they would have, I mean, you know,
12:20 so you're threatening who I am, you know.
12:23 So, you know, when we speak about it,
12:25 you know, we have to take that into account
12:27 of how we are addressing the individual separate
12:31 from really what we feel is incorrect
12:34 or unbiblical according to God's Word.
12:37 So let's transition then into those things.
12:39 Let's talk about what does the Bible say
12:42 or even what does God say
12:45 and some direction that we can find to,
12:49 "Is this the lifestyle that we are supposed to be living?"
12:53 Who wants to start?
12:55 Well, the Bible is pretty clear,
12:57 you know, scripturally it's pretty clear
12:59 that God is not really a fan of homosexuality.
13:04 I don't know if we can say that
13:06 He's not a fan of the community,
13:07 but He's pretty clear.
13:09 First, I would start with, you know, all have sinned
13:10 and come short.
13:12 I have to classify, you know, just the orientation...
13:15 Or not the orientation really, the act,
13:17 you know, in the orientation as sin
13:19 as well as verses like Romans 1:24
13:21 let us know that, you know, God has given us all over
13:24 because of our nature, He's allowed for us to,
13:28 you know, make our own choices, you know.
13:30 And so to some respect,
13:33 well, you know, not to some respect,
13:34 but the Bible is clear that in giving us over
13:36 some of the things we go after is sexual immorality, you know.
13:40 And I don't want anybody to be confused.
13:42 You know, sexual immorality is not just homosexuality,
13:44 you know, it's also fornication
13:46 between heterosexuals, you know, so...
13:49 But the Bible is pretty clear. Yeah.
13:50 Yeah. Yeah, that's very true.
13:53 And fornication is the sin, you know.
13:56 Let's make that clear, you know, we're not...
13:59 No, we don't know what happens behind closed doors,
14:01 but it's between you and God to know that,
14:04 you know, when you have sex outside of marriage,
14:06 which is between a man and a woman,
14:08 in the biblical stance, that is considered,
14:11 you know, fornication and that is considered
14:13 something that God is not pleased with.
14:16 What are some other things,
14:17 biblical parameters that we can use
14:18 because there are a lot of texts in the Bible
14:20 that we quote that
14:22 many who have taken those same verses
14:24 and said that's not what was originally intended
14:25 for those verses to mean, you know, we have to read,
14:28 classify them, look at the context, you know,
14:31 and say, you know, you're using that verse against me,
14:34 that verse is taken out of context, you know.
14:36 And if I can just say really quickly
14:38 because Kory started with the Bible is clear,
14:41 and then you're saying now
14:43 that people take text and use them out of context.
14:47 So I think that's something that also needs to be addressed
14:50 because, you know, I can look at a text
14:53 and read it and walk away with a meaning.
14:56 Brittany can walk away with a different meaning.
14:58 And that's when, you know, the Holy Spirit
15:01 I would say is not leading in interpretation.
15:04 And so we need to be careful with,
15:07 you know, just taking a text
15:09 and fitting it to our preference.
15:14 And I think that happens,
15:16 I'm not saying it happens with everyone.
15:18 But I think that definitely happens
15:20 where we take texts or we take stories
15:23 or we take instances
15:24 and fit them according to our preference.
15:27 Yeah. We do that a lot.
15:28 And I know in theology school, we're taught to come
15:30 to the Bible and study
15:32 and to try to take away all of your predispositions,
15:34 all of your worldviews and just come to it
15:36 in the purest form.
15:37 And that's pretty much impossible to do that,
15:39 you know.
15:40 But you have to look at the text
15:42 and let the Spirit, you know, lead you in guiding you.
15:45 And I think I want to say this right here as well that,
15:47 you know, sexual sins are very different than other sins.
15:52 And according to the Bible, you know, Paul talked
15:54 in the 1 Corinthians 6 that there are sins
15:56 that are done outside the body
15:57 and there are sins that are done to the body.
16:00 And so, you know, these are serious things
16:01 because ultimately he says
16:03 it will affect the Holy Spirit speaking to you
16:05 and affect your connection.
16:07 So I think this is important for us
16:09 to really dive into this.
16:10 I want you all to go a little deeper into
16:11 what are the ramifications if you do not follow
16:16 what God is saying for you to do in His Word.
16:20 I kind of want to add something because it seems like
16:23 we're automatically assuming that every person that is...
16:27 Is Christian.
16:29 Probably not only that, everybody is not Christian.
16:31 But the element of, okay, are we saying that
16:35 just having the feelings makes me be condemned?
16:38 Like, okay, I am looking at this person of the same sex.
16:43 And I'm not sure what's happening in my body
16:46 or maybe I'm not having anything reacting in my body,
16:49 like for the asexuals,
16:51 they're looking at different people
16:52 whether it's male or female.
16:55 And they have no response sexually.
16:57 Are you saying that I am at odds?
16:59 Or what if I think I was supposed to be a man
17:02 but I'm a woman, are you saying my feelings is what is a sin?
17:07 Or are you saying if I take it to the next step
17:10 and move forward to okay, I am going to try to be a man,
17:14 is trying to be a man
17:15 when I was born as a female a sin?
17:17 Those are the questions that
17:19 we don't really answer in our church,
17:22 we just automatically assume, yes,
17:24 if you say you're homosexual,
17:26 that means you have slept with maybe 25 people,
17:29 so you are really condemned.
17:31 But the reality is, they probably just might be
17:32 sitting down trying to figure out the feelings
17:34 and questioning God, do you hate me
17:36 because I have these feelings? Yeah, yeah.
17:38 So let's talk about the principles in God's Word
17:41 that we can use to answer some of these questions.
17:43 It was very valid questions that you just read.
17:46 Well, just real quick before Xavier,
17:48 that Professor Xavier...
17:50 You know, I always tell my wife expressly when, you know,
17:53 we have heated moments, we cannot help the way we feel.
17:57 You cannot help the way you feel.
17:59 There's nothing you can do.
18:01 When somebody cuts me off in the traffic, I feel angry.
18:04 I don't turn that on. I don't decide to get angry.
18:07 I just feel that way, you know.
18:09 And the thing about it is
18:11 depends on your original predisposition.
18:13 I believe that the world was perfect
18:16 and so that our orientation was towards God
18:18 but with sin, you know, our feelings become distorted.
18:22 You know what I'm saying.
18:23 I mean, there's always that question about
18:25 why you born homosexual or you made homosexual.
18:26 And I believe that just as you can be born
18:29 with a propensity towards alcohol,
18:31 towards lying like I have a cousin that just lies.
18:35 And I don't know why she lies
18:37 but it's like it's just in her to do it, you know.
18:40 And I do believe that you could be born
18:41 with certain feelings, with certain dispositions like,
18:44 you know, all of a sudden,
18:46 you're attracted to the opposite sex,
18:47 then that didn't make you homosexual.
18:49 Sin, I mean, there is the sin problem
18:52 that God has done everything to control
18:55 in the death of Christ and resurrection.
18:57 But then there's also the acting upon,
18:59 you know, those feelings that that God considers
19:01 the actual sins that you commit
19:03 that kind of separates you from Him.
19:05 And so the feelings don't make you bad.
19:07 It's acting on those feelings.
19:09 You know, you don't go to jail for thinking about,
19:12 you know, being so mad you think about
19:13 killing someone, you go to jail
19:15 for actually killing someone, you know.
19:17 So well, I was going to challenge that but...
19:21 You know, your thoughts and your mind,
19:23 God talks with us, the root is really
19:25 what you're thinking about.
19:26 You know, how would you argue that if I'm thinking about
19:30 I hate you guys is just as bad as if I,
19:32 you know, went ahead and killed them so...
19:35 But that's something that you can discuss.
19:37 But I don't think it's quite taking
19:39 what Brittany said,
19:41 I don't think it's gotten to that point
19:42 where you're saying I hate you.
19:44 Remember, she said the person feels this way
19:47 and they're trying to balance what's going on inside.
19:51 It's not, "I feel this way. Therefore I am. I know I am."
19:56 It's, "I feel this way. What's going on?
19:59 What do I do about it?"
20:01 So I don't think we can classify it
20:03 as the actual act as, you know,
20:05 that the text says there in your mind, you know.
20:07 So they are trying to weigh it I think.
20:10 Professor X.
20:11 I think too, we have to remember that
20:13 the Bible clearly says we're all shaped in iniquity.
20:16 As a result of sin we're going to be born,
20:19 you know, that's where you get down syndrome,
20:21 that's where you get other things
20:22 that happen as a result.
20:24 Not saying that those people are sinful
20:26 but because sin happened, our bodies are changed
20:29 and our physiological areas are change,
20:33 you know or we produce things can happen we run into risks.
20:37 Not saying that they're born that way
20:38 because even the scientific community
20:40 as we like to call the "pagan scientific community"
20:43 agrees that the fact that they have yet
20:44 to find a gene that says, you know,
20:46 "You're born a homosexual, asexual, intersexual."
20:48 You know, a lot of these things are...
20:51 if you really look down the road,
20:53 a lot these things come from issues stemmed from the past.
20:56 Deep down, you know, they agreed that
20:58 is a nature versus nurture issue.
21:01 You know, there are so many different areas
21:04 and the Bible was very clear.
21:06 You know, the issue that I have is
21:09 I want to learn how to love, you know.
21:12 But the Bible clearly condemns me and everybody else.
21:15 You know, we've all fall short of the glory of God.
21:18 But, you know, do I,
21:21 me as a heterosexual male who's, you know,
21:25 had multiple partners in the past,
21:27 do I settle for the fact that
21:29 do I continue in what I know is wrong?
21:33 Or do I even know it's wrong? You know, am I accepting?
21:36 And that's the issue, you know, I hate to put it this way
21:40 because I love my God, I love the Bible
21:42 but sin has done so much of a distortion
21:44 that we've turned it into...
21:46 It's more of a psychological issue
21:47 where we refuse to accept what's in front of us.
21:51 We refused to accept the fact that, you know,
21:53 "I feel good, it feels good. I live this way."
21:56 You're saying no. I'm saying yes.
21:58 It's like a child, you know, you touch...
21:59 "Don't touch that." They go and touch it.
22:02 You know, it's complete rebellion.
22:04 Even the Bible says that, you know,
22:06 everything that is not of God is rebellion against God.
22:09 And just something that seems right to you.
22:12 We trust our own feelings ultimately the Bible says
22:13 it's going to lead to destruction.
22:15 So let's be careful with that.
22:17 But you said something about falling short,
22:19 you know, do we really...
22:21 You know, if I'm in this community,
22:23 do I really feel that I have fallen
22:24 short of the glory of God, you know, can we just make sure
22:27 that's clear how do we feel or what does the Bible say
22:33 in terms of is having sexual relations
22:38 outside of a heterosexual marriage
22:40 is that considered as sin in the Bible.
22:43 Yeah. Oh, yeah.
22:44 Let's make it clear.
22:46 Lay that foundation, marriage is meant for...
22:48 I mean, sex is meant for marriage, period.
22:53 You know, sex was made by God.
22:54 I mean, so we assume that everybody believes in God,
22:57 you know, but as a believers, as a Christian,
23:00 and you know as a Christian struggling homosexuality
23:02 even before you get to the orientation question,
23:05 sex is meant for marriage.
23:06 Okay, and I say that because there's obviously
23:07 a debate some that
23:09 that is not considered to be totally true.
23:11 And then my question from that is
23:13 if we believe that is true according to God's Word
23:15 and what he says,
23:16 does God change His mind down the line
23:18 and say, you know what, because of the environment
23:21 because of the society
23:23 it is now permissible for you to do.
23:25 The thing with that is again and kind of jumping off that.
23:28 You know, we now open the door to say,
23:30 "Well, since they're having sex outside..."
23:32 Or people having sex outside of marriage,
23:34 you know, if we get married,
23:35 if you're a homosexual, then get married.
23:38 You know, we're saying that then.
23:40 And my thing is that we need to really look
23:42 at the Word of God
23:43 'cause we love to twist principles into doctrines.
23:48 You know, there's a lot of principles
23:49 in the Word of God that are for us
23:51 to physically help us because physically,
23:55 you know, for example, the health message,
23:57 you know, promiscuous, all these things
23:59 if you really look at the consequences behind it,
24:03 results in detriment to damages to your body,
24:06 to your health not just spiritual but physical,
24:08 you know.
24:09 That's one of the reasons why,
24:11 you know, God condemns homosexuality.
24:15 It goes against not just spiritual
24:18 but it goes against your physical nature,
24:20 the way your body is built.
24:22 That's a good point to make, you know, a lot of times
24:24 people use the arguments of the Old Testament,
24:26 "Laws are done away with.
24:27 These are things that God wrote specifically towards the Jews."
24:31 But every single one of those laws
24:32 no matter what they are
24:34 whether it's cutting of your beard or if it's,
24:35 you know, wearing certain clothing,
24:37 they all had a specific God brought them,
24:39 and said them for a specific reason
24:41 and a principle that He was trying to bring out
24:42 that is still applicable today, you know.
24:44 I mean, you know, the health message,
24:46 you know, it's still applicable today.
24:47 I mean, there are things that He wrote
24:49 that were for your good he says,
24:51 you know, these are things I'm writing to you
24:52 that you may live and not die.
24:55 And so, you know, that's a good point
24:56 to bring out.
24:57 Let's go to...
24:59 Korey, really got up ready,
25:00 this is a hot discussion, go ahead.
25:02 I think that where the church falls short is that
25:04 we really don't understand sin
25:06 and we really don't understand the grace of God.
25:08 We really don't.
25:09 And I think the problem, the reason why we have an issue
25:11 dealing with the homosexual community
25:13 because we don't understand the grace
25:15 that God has given us.
25:16 You know, some of us are so busy working
25:18 so hard for our own salvation
25:21 even though God has already said
25:22 I've set you free,
25:23 that when someone else comes with a more egregious sins,
25:26 you know, we are like "Well, we don't know
25:28 if, you know, 'cause listen it's a struggle for me.
25:31 And I'm, you know, every day I'm fighting just a lie.
25:33 You know, I don't know how you're going to fight
25:35 this homosexual thing, you know."
25:36 And then we also treat the grace of God
25:39 as something that needs to happen
25:41 before you come to God.
25:43 You know, as if we need you to erase
25:45 your whole sexual orientation before you come to God,
25:47 you know, as a pastor, these things,
25:49 I still struggle with.
25:50 You know, not that I give myself over to,
25:52 but I acknowledge it, and I say,
25:53 "God, I need you to do a work in me."
25:55 You know, we will present the gospel in a way that says
25:57 listen God does not...
25:59 He don't want you to change to come,
26:00 He's telling you if you come, you will change.
26:03 Amen. Powerful. Brittany?
26:04 And I would say the beautiful thing about the Bible
26:06 is from Genesis to Revelation, it's very universal.
26:09 As in whatever it says, even if they tear apart
26:13 every homosexual text, the other passages that say,
26:17 "Okay, they're always talking about male and female.
26:19 You never see an occurrence of male and male
26:21 or female and female."
26:22 It's very universal in aspect and as they can
26:24 as you were saying, "Come to me."
26:27 Jesus God has always said come to me.
26:30 But yet, every single time we're trying to tell people,
26:33 "No, you need to go and do this."
26:34 In one situation that told a guy,
26:36 "Well, if you change your clothes
26:38 and you dress more like a man
26:39 then maybe you would not have homosexual feelings."
26:42 No, it's not about changing who you are.
26:44 It's about going to God build a relationship with Him first,
26:48 we need to allow this entire community
26:50 to go to God primarily
26:53 instead of trying to tell them what we feel
26:55 'cause we don't fully understand
26:56 exactly what everything involves.
26:58 Right.
27:00 You know, in the Bible it says, "As it was in the days of Noah
27:04 so shall it be before the coming of the Son of Man."
27:08 And Noah had a message, Jesus is coming.
27:14 We have a message, Jesus is coming.
27:17 He preached that message with enthusiasm.
27:20 He preached it with fervency, he preached it with love.
27:24 And God gave the people a chance to come.
27:27 And that's what we need to do. All right.
27:30 Well, we have to end it there unfortunately.
27:32 This is a hard discussion we didn't even get into
27:34 all we want to talk about, there's so much more
27:36 but hopefully, there's some things
27:38 you can discuss and your own youth groups
27:40 and talk about with your family, your friends
27:42 because we really need to discuss this
27:44 and be truly loving to every single community.
27:47 So I thank you all for the discussion,
27:48 it's very good, very educational as well.
27:52 Thank you for tuning in.
27:54 But remember at the end of the day
27:56 to always make pure choices.
27:58 God bless you, until next time.


Revised 2018-01-18