Pure Choices

The Honeymoon is Over

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Timothy Lawson (Host), Brittany-Hill Morales, Jacques LaGuerre, Myesha Lawson, Xavier Morales


Series Code: PC

Program Code: PC000090A

00:06 The following program discusses sensitive issues.
00:08 Parents are cautioned that some material
00:10 may be too candid for younger children.
00:46 Welcome to Pure Choices.
00:48 I am your host Timothy Lawson,
00:49 and I have brought some special guests with me.
00:52 I am going to start right here from the right,
00:53 this is Jacques LaGuerre, and this is Brittany Morales,
00:57 and this is Xavier Morales,
00:59 and this is my lovely wife Myesha Lawson.
01:03 And our topic today is one of my favorite
01:06 because it's something that I had to go through
01:08 and something I had to deal with.
01:10 The title is, we'll see if you can guess it,
01:12 the title is the honeymoon is over
01:15 but the battle still rages.
01:17 The honeymoon is over but the battle still rages.
01:19 And what we're going to be talking about
01:21 is how does experience in lust or struggling with lust,
01:26 what effects does it have on the marriage covenant
01:29 after you get married.
01:31 It's excited.
01:32 I am excited about it right now.
01:34 Because going through my life
01:36 and doing a lot of different things in life
01:41 that I should not have done,
01:43 you know, you pay for the consequences later
01:44 but praise the God,
01:46 He is a restorer.
01:47 And so on that note, we are going to pray
01:49 and then we are going to get right into our discussion,
01:51 so bow your heads with me if you please.
01:54 Dear kind and gracious loving heavenly Father,
01:57 we thank You for gathering us here today,
01:59 we thank You for our viewers,
02:01 and we just ask that Your Holy Spirit
02:02 will lead us and guide us
02:04 as we discuss this most sacred topic
02:06 in Jesus' name, amen.
02:08 Amen.
02:09 So today we're going to be talking about lust
02:11 but we can't talk about something without defining it.
02:14 I love definitions.
02:15 If you can't define something, then you don't know what it is.
02:18 So what is lust?
02:20 I think lust is a schizophrenic view of love.
02:23 Schizophrenic view.
02:25 Okay, explain it.
02:26 Well, you know, sometimes the definition of love
02:30 in God's standard is beautiful, you know, it's selfless.
02:34 When I say schizophrenic view of love
02:35 that's the view that the world has nowadays where,
02:39 you know, they keep changing the definition.
02:42 I love you if you do this, I love you for this,
02:44 I love you for that.
02:45 It's never, you know, it tends to be,
02:47 you know, just completely contorted.
02:50 So that's why I say it's a schizophrenic view of love
02:52 because you never know which angle it's coming from,
02:55 and what you have to do to receive it or give it.
02:58 I want to hear everybody's definition.
03:00 So everybody's got to chime in here,
03:02 nobody's going to be able to sit and smile
03:04 and just look nicely,
03:05 everybody's going to talk, all right.
03:07 So, Brittany, lust versus love.
03:10 My definition of lust
03:12 is desiring what you don't have in ways
03:17 that you shouldn't have it.
03:19 Explain that one too? I like that.
03:21 So lust is having a strong physical attraction to someone
03:26 who is not your spouse, who isn't the person
03:30 who you are spending the rest of your life with
03:33 in that marital covenant.
03:35 I see this gorgeous young man passing by,
03:39 and I am just looking at him,
03:41 and I don't know if most women do this
03:43 that their mouth starts watering,
03:45 and you start having images in your head of all the things
03:47 that could possibly happen if you could get that person,
03:50 just for one night.
03:51 It's desiring what you don't have
03:54 in ways that you know you shouldn't have it.
03:56 Wow, wow, Jacques?
03:59 I think lust could be defined as
04:02 wanting to satisfy a natural desire
04:05 in a way that it's not pleasing to God.
04:07 I like that. Explain that for me?
04:09 Well, God has given us all desires for communion,
04:14 for deep spiritual, emotional, and physical communion
04:17 with members of the opposite sex.
04:19 But He has a special way and a special time
04:23 that those desires can be fulfilled.
04:25 And I think it becomes lust
04:28 when I take that desire that God has given me
04:31 and then I try to fulfill it in a way
04:33 that He hasn't ordained.
04:35 So I am lusting after a young woman
04:40 who is not my wife,
04:42 I am lusting after this, I am lusting after that,
04:45 you can lust after power, you can lust after success.
04:48 The children of Israel,
04:49 they lusted for food in the wilderness.
04:51 They didn't want manna,
04:52 they wanted what Egypt had to offer.
04:55 So I think that when we understand
04:57 how dangerous lust is,
04:59 then we will flee from lust as 2 Timothy 2 says.
05:04 The children of Israel were crazy too,
05:05 I would have ate that manna,
05:06 tasted like honey the Bible says.
05:09 So lust is a schizophrenic view,
05:11 it keeps changing,
05:12 as it's desiring something that you want
05:15 but you wanted at the wrong time,
05:16 you want it in a way you're not supposed to have it.
05:18 And it could be something natural
05:19 but you can just take it to a whole another level.
05:22 Myesha, what do you think?
05:24 Well, lust is, you're having a desire
05:26 for something that is forbidden like,
05:28 I like to think about the Garden of Eden.
05:31 When Eve, she desired to have,
05:35 you know, the fruit that God forbidded for her, you know.
05:38 And so I like to think about that
05:42 that something she is not supposed to have,
05:44 she wasn't supposed to have in.
05:45 Right. It was a form of disobedience.
05:49 So it's okay to eat fruit
05:50 but God said that piece of fruit is not yours.
05:53 You know, that piece right there.
05:55 And when I think of lust, I always think of selfishness.
06:00 You know, you have to fulfill your need and your desire
06:06 no matter who it may hurt,
06:07 no matter how you try to cover it up.
06:09 And so I always think of selfishness.
06:12 Now, another question,
06:14 can I have lust inside a marriage covenant?
06:19 So not for another person walking down the street
06:21 where can I, you know, be schizophrenic,
06:26 have a natural attraction to my wife
06:29 and turn it around a certain way.
06:32 I think that's yes, you can.
06:35 I think about the Book of Ephesians
06:36 where it talks about the husband's duty to the wife
06:38 to love her, as Christ loves His church
06:40 to present her blameless, holy, without blemish.
06:44 And when you are lusting, again,
06:46 it goes back to the selfish, you know, method.
06:49 You know, you are really, you're lusting after your wife,
06:51 you are not looking at her
06:52 in the way God intended you to look at her.
06:54 You know, as a beautiful delicate flower
06:56 that you have to present blameless and without blemish.
07:00 If you are lusting after her,
07:01 you know, you are really not looking for her heart,
07:04 you are looking for your own personal gratification
07:06 through her.
07:07 Therefore, you are not giving, you are receiving
07:09 and that's what you want.
07:11 So it's about you and, again,
07:13 it goes against what the Bible teaches
07:15 which is to present her blameless,
07:18 and spotless, and holy.
07:19 And that would not be accomplished
07:22 if you are lusting after your own spouse.
07:26 Why do you else have a comment?
07:27 So it's all take and no give within the marriage
07:31 and that exactly how you would do with a relationship
07:35 outside the marriage in the world,
07:38 and that isn't just not something we should do
07:41 in the marriage covenant.
07:43 I would probably slightly disagree,
07:46 I don't think in the marriage covenant
07:48 it's possible to lust like how it would be for
07:52 if I am lusting after someone who isn't my spouse.
07:56 Naturally God intended for us to have sexual desires.
08:00 And, of course, I am going to look at my husband
08:02 and have sexual desires for him,
08:04 have that sexual attraction, it's natural.
08:07 And we can be able to express it
08:08 in that element of 'cause we are married.
08:11 But the issue of taking it too far
08:14 where I am looking at him, I want him,
08:17 but there is other stuff that's happening.
08:20 I would say it's more of being insensitive...
08:22 It's a insensitivity issue
08:25 where the husband is going to go to his wife,
08:29 want these different types of sexual performances to happen
08:33 but yet he is not caring about her desires,
08:35 her needs, what does she want,
08:37 is she being pleased by me doing this?
08:39 Is she experiencing the full potential
08:41 of how our marriage moment is really supposed to be?
08:45 That's more of insensitivity than lust.
08:48 So if I combine, you know, these definitions,
08:52 it almost seems like yours is,
08:54 there is nothing wrong with having
08:55 a strong sexual desire to your spouse...
08:58 And as Jacques said earlier,
08:59 God gives us these desires, right?
09:02 But you are saying it's more of selfishness.
09:05 He is worried about what he wants
09:07 and you are saying is insensitive it's insensitivity.
09:11 I really like that, I really like those things.
09:13 Now does lust produce any guilt and shame?
09:17 Does anybody think lust produce any guilt and shame?
09:19 And how does lust produce guilt and shame?
09:22 I think lust itself produce guilt and shame.
09:24 I mean, me first being as a guy,
09:27 I remember my first sexual experience
09:30 and when I was dropping this young lady off, I felt dirty.
09:36 And it was the weirdest thing in the world
09:38 because I always thought in my mind
09:40 that guys aren't supposed to feel dirty...
09:43 You are supposed to feel cool.
09:44 I supposed to be cool like I am the man
09:45 like I just had sex but I felt dirty.
09:49 But the interesting thing is that
09:51 I silenced that conviction,
09:54 and I never felt that feeling again.
09:57 I never felt shame after that one moment.
10:01 And so shame, it does manifest itself,
10:03 you do feel that guilt
10:05 but then if you decide to harden your heart
10:07 against the Holy Spirit,
10:09 then you might not necessarily get that same conviction
10:12 or that same guilt or the same feeling again and again.
10:16 As you got before.
10:18 You know, lust is such a tricky thing.
10:21 I say when I am thinking about, you are looking at a person
10:24 and as soon as you see them your mind starts going
10:26 and you start playing like
10:28 things that could possibly happen.
10:29 But it doesn't just stop there as the day progresses,
10:32 it went through your mind, again,
10:34 'cause so images are there what you originally created.
10:37 So the next day comes
10:39 and if you see the person again,
10:40 you remember what you thought of yesterday
10:42 and then you add to it again today
10:44 because you are adding different stuff
10:45 you could probably try.
10:46 And you are getting more creative
10:48 that you are in this moment of fantasizing,
10:49 you are fantasizing about this person
10:52 who isn't...
10:54 They're not yours.
10:56 You shouldn't be fantasizing about them,
10:57 but yet you are doing it
10:59 and even at those moments where you don't want to.
11:01 Let's say, you are married
11:02 and you are with your spouse during that moment of intimacy,
11:07 you're there with them
11:09 but then your mind goes back to what you fantasized
11:10 earlier about that other person.
11:12 So even though you are there, you are not connecting,
11:15 you are not connected it's like...
11:17 And even your spouse feels it 'cause usually they know
11:21 when you are connected with them in that moment.
11:22 But at the end it is like,
11:24 "Okay, were you really here or were you somewhere else?"
11:26 And that makes it even a bigger issue
11:29 because not only was there that own guilt of shame of,
11:31 "Yeah, I wasn't really there with you."
11:33 But now, you've hurt your spouse.
11:36 You have committed adultery.
11:38 And I got a question. Perfect time.
11:40 I'm so glad you brought that up.
11:41 But first, when you feel this guilt and shame,
11:47 how can that affect your intimacy with your spouse?
11:52 The guilt and shame you had from before previously,
11:55 how can that now affect your intimacy
11:58 when now you are getting intimating your spouse.
12:02 How can you think that effects?
12:04 Like I was saying, you are not connected.
12:07 Because the reason why
12:09 sex and marriage is so beautiful
12:11 is because of that intimacy level.
12:13 And that intimacy is achieved
12:15 by being connected with each other,
12:17 you know, emotionally, spiritually, socially,
12:20 all those different levels.
12:21 But in that moment because you had that lust experience,
12:25 and you are thinking about another person in the same way
12:29 that you would have expressions with your spouse,
12:33 you are not connected.
12:34 Wow. I think intimacy...
12:36 You know, intimacy in of itself is mystifying.
12:40 Nowadays, intimacy is not about sex.
12:42 Intimacy, like she said, it's about,
12:45 you know, that connection, and lust completely blocks
12:49 intimacy from happening.
12:51 And, you know, you are being selfish,
12:54 lust is all about selfishness.
12:56 You are not giving way
12:58 to being intimate with your spouse
12:59 'cause you are thinking about yourself.
13:01 So I can have intimacy without anything physical happening
13:05 but the lust tells me, you know,
13:07 it has to be physical for you to be intimate.
13:10 I know for myself what it did was,
13:14 it confused my intimacy about my wife.
13:17 And so, knowing I wasn't supposed to lust,
13:20 and knowing how I felt lusting after women before
13:24 and the guilt and the shame.
13:26 Now when I came into the marriage covenant
13:28 when I fully desires about my wife
13:31 it was always like a question.
13:33 Is this genuine?
13:35 Do I really feel love for her or am I just being selfish?
13:37 And then it programs you to be selfish
13:42 so you don't feel anything.
13:43 So now when it's time to be intimate with your wife,
13:45 when it's time to touch, when it's time to hold hands,
13:48 when it's time to just, you know, caress each other.
13:52 When I was out in the world,
13:54 you don't have to do any of that,
13:55 it's all purely physical.
13:57 So you program yourself
13:59 not to be able to give love like that
14:02 'cause you don't have to.
14:03 And so that's one of the big problems that I had
14:07 and I went through.
14:08 And what I would add is,
14:10 basically like what you are describing
14:12 when you have experienced lust,
14:14 it makes you confuse sexual desire.
14:17 You are supposed to have a natural sexual desire
14:19 for your wife.
14:21 So now you are wondering,
14:22 is this what I am supposed to
14:24 like you don't, like, it's like,
14:26 'cause you had it
14:27 and because you like indulge with it,
14:29 you are really confused like,
14:30 "Okay, what is natural and what is not natural?"
14:34 Now you brought up fantasies,
14:36 and we know Matthew, I think it's 5:28, Jesus said,
14:39 "If you look on to a woman to lust after her,"
14:41 and you were describing how you can look at a person,
14:43 and within five minutes you picturing you guys married,
14:46 and got kids, and you don't even know
14:48 the person's last name, you know.
14:50 And so how does creating these fantasies
14:53 affect you now when you get married.
14:55 Can you start creating fantasies about what you think
14:59 your wife should be, and then when she is not that,
15:01 it affects you guys' relationship,
15:03 and it messes everything up.
15:05 How does this fantasy creating when I am lusting
15:08 affect now the reality of my marriage?
15:12 I think it starts off with what you are watching.
15:15 You know, it paints this whole view
15:18 of how marriage is supposed to be.
15:20 And so it's a fantasy like you said,
15:23 you know, "Oh, I want my husband to do this.
15:25 I want my wife to be this way,"
15:27 you know and...
15:29 As for me, I didn't grow up with
15:31 both my parents being married so I didn't get that example.
15:36 So I think that we should just,
15:39 you know, get that fantasy out of our mind
15:43 and look towards Christ
15:44 or other relationships that are,
15:48 you know, that involved God, you know.
15:51 And I love to say that, I love to look
15:53 at my pastor and my first lady and how their marriage is,
15:56 and they help us a lot within our marriage.
15:59 And so I believe that, you know, you involve Christ
16:02 is the first person you should involve.
16:04 And then, you can, may be look at other married couples
16:09 and get, you know, that example.
16:13 Okay, so stop with the fantasies
16:16 and move to the real deal.
16:18 Yes, indeed.
16:19 You know, I am glad you did that.
16:20 All right, Jacques.
16:22 And me as a single person,
16:23 I had to learn that lesson myself.
16:25 You know, watching all these movies they always show...
16:28 Well, the movies that are geared for men,
16:32 they always show the women as over sexual
16:35 and, you know, as if she is just there to please you...
16:39 Like this person, their whole existence
16:43 is for your pleasure.
16:45 And then when I would watch,
16:46 you know, these chick flicks with,
16:48 you know, a girlfriend or something like that,
16:51 you look at the guy and those movies
16:53 that are geared towards women
16:54 and the man can read their mind...
16:57 Yes.
17:00 And he does everything exactly when the women wants it
17:03 and you never have to explain anything.
17:05 And so when those two people
17:07 God had to show me that
17:08 if I go into marriage with those expectations,
17:11 and then I am not communicating my expectations,
17:15 that marriage is doomed, that marriage is doomed.
17:18 So what we watch, it really does affect
17:21 our perception of reality.
17:22 And it can create discouragement, disappointment,
17:26 and also depression.
17:28 I find those three things always follow
17:31 an unmet expectation.
17:33 And especially if you have a fantasy,
17:36 you know, and that expectation
17:37 is really going to be hard for you
17:40 to deal with the reality of who this person is.
17:42 And like you guys said, really be intimate
17:44 like get to know that person and appreciate that
17:46 'cause you have this other desire in your head.
17:49 Now lust we said it's selfishness, right?
17:53 And so I want you to touch on this a little bit, Xavier.
17:56 How can...
17:57 If I didn't deal with lust and now I got married,
18:00 how can it really make me selfish towards my spouse?
18:03 Well, lust is a drug.
18:05 Lust is a drug meaning that...
18:07 And I had experiences in the past
18:09 where you don't want your needs are meant for that night,
18:12 you know, you are trying to go
18:14 on to the next thing.
18:15 You are trying to go on to the next one,
18:17 you know, it gets boring, it's tedious like
18:18 'cause society programs you were to lust.
18:20 The society programs you in that,
18:22 you know, you can marry to one woman,
18:24 you are having sex with one woman your whole life,
18:26 that's boring doing that.
18:27 How you're going to do that? Exactly.
18:28 So essentially, lust is a drug
18:30 in a way it trickles into your marriage
18:32 and the way it works with that, you know,
18:35 you essentially look at yourself,
18:36 you know, you are thinking about yourself
18:38 and your wife wants that intimacy
18:40 but because lust defines intimacy and you're,
18:43 in lot of times, in your own world view,
18:45 then you are projecting that into your spouse meaning that,
18:48 "Okay, you want me to help you."
18:50 And guys are very physical.
18:53 So you are like, you know, a woman tells you,
18:55 or your wife tells you,
18:56 you know, we are going to be intimate, you automatically,
18:58 you know, you start undressing that's what you think.
19:00 But in reality she wants
19:01 to make that connection with you
19:03 that emotional connection, but you won't see that.
19:05 And that like, Jacques was saying early,
19:07 you know, that when it trickles into your marriage,
19:09 it can cause a very detrimental damage to your marriage
19:12 because you're only thinking about yourself.
19:14 You are not really, you know,
19:17 your wife wants you to tap into her heart,
19:19 not just her body.
19:21 She wants to make sure that, you know, you are engaging her.
19:23 And same thing with the husband,
19:25 you know, eventually, you want to find out
19:26 that emotional fulfillment as well.
19:29 Let me get a women's perspective.
19:31 Myesha or Brittany?
19:33 Brittany is cheesing.
19:37 Are you okay, Brittany?
19:38 I am sorry, repeat the question.
19:42 I have experienced lust before my marriage
19:44 and it made me selfish.
19:46 How does that now affect my intimacy during marriage
19:49 when I be selfish about it, you know?
19:54 I wouldn't say that
19:55 it affects you makes you selfish.
19:57 I think it goes back to the previous point
19:59 of you are not connected
20:01 because the way how women are,
20:03 we like to be connected on all the different levels.
20:07 We want to have a nice one conversation
20:09 probably before even after.
20:11 We do want to be able to hold hands,
20:13 we want you to pray with us and have that...
20:17 We want you to be the priest and take us to God with you.
20:20 We want all those different levels.
20:22 So when it comes to sex
20:25 and if my mind is on some other guy that I saw yesterday,
20:29 maybe he was playing basketball,
20:31 and he was really running up and down
20:32 those courts really well.
20:34 And my mind is there then when I am with my husband,
20:39 I am going to start not appreciating
20:40 different things about him.
20:42 "Okay, you don't have as much energy as this guy,
20:45 I think would have if he was here and not you.
20:48 You are not going the places I think you should be going
20:52 but if he was here, he probably would have been going there."
20:54 So that was moments those things where is probably,
20:58 you know, Xavier's true expression of his love
21:00 and being intimate with me, I am taking them for granted
21:04 because in my mind this other guy
21:07 who I don't really know, I just think he looks fine.
21:11 I am thinking he is going to do X, Y, and Z
21:13 so I want him here and not the person
21:15 who actually does love me, who actually does care for me,
21:19 who actually will listen to me when I am may be depressed
21:22 or just had a bad conversation with my mom,
21:24 who actually want to pray with me
21:27 and sit down and read a scripture with me.
21:29 I am not appreciating this person
21:31 who truly does love me
21:32 because I am thinking about some other guy who,
21:35 you know, was just fine.
21:36 Was just fine.
21:37 I think that was beautiful.
21:39 It seemingly like what you were saying is
21:42 that what it can do now is because I'm in this fantasy,
21:46 because I am in this lust room, and I want these fake things,
21:48 I don't get to really experience the real thing
21:51 and how beautiful it is, and how like you were saying,
21:54 connected it is,
21:56 and I am going into with all these different ideas
21:58 like you were saying earlier.
22:00 And there is a beautiful book, you touched on something
22:03 and it's called 'Is God in Your Bedroom?'
22:06 And what it talks about is,
22:08 the title almost makes people like,
22:10 "God don't need to be in my bedroom," you know?
22:12 You don't think about it but what you said is
22:15 praying afterwards, and being a priest,
22:17 and, you know, asking God to bless you guys union.
22:22 And that's how I think something
22:23 that a lot of couples really miss.
22:25 And one of the ways I think they miss it
22:27 is they bring things into the marriage
22:30 that they were experiencing before
22:32 that should not be in there,
22:34 which brings me to my next question
22:36 about lust and sex practices or fetishes
22:40 because we know that lust has different degrees.
22:43 You grow when you are in lust,
22:46 you start one thing and it kind of gets perverted,
22:48 it changes your...
22:50 So what about now because I am married,
22:53 what about some things
22:54 that I used to do outside of marriage,
22:57 you know, that the world tells me is okay
22:59 or that is regular, you know, sexual activity.
23:03 Is it okay now that I am married to bring those things
23:06 inside my marriage?
23:08 I think people understand that we are habitual creatures.
23:13 You know, you are now tampering with your neurological senses.
23:16 You are tampering with your mind, your framework.
23:19 You know, you are creating these habits
23:21 they are bringing into the marriage.
23:23 And once those, you know, that perhaps
23:26 even are against God's Word are fulfilled
23:29 you're going to go into the next day,
23:31 and that's where a lot of these deviant behavior happens
23:33 where you have people,
23:35 you know, husbands killing spouses
23:36 and things of that nature, you know?
23:38 Because once that need is met,
23:41 you want to try to go through the next thing,
23:42 and the next thing, it escalates.
23:44 It's a monster. It escalates, you know?
23:47 You want to have that fulfillment somewhere somehow,
23:49 that's why a lot of people as you seen in the media
23:51 and everything like that, they go from,
23:53 you know, just having sex to,
23:55 you know, something like a torture
23:57 and, you know, bondage and all that
23:59 because it has to escalate.
24:01 It's that sense of I need to feel something from it,
24:04 that's what lust creates inability to feel.
24:07 That's why it's different when God says
24:08 make love not just have sex, there's a difference.
24:12 And we see that the devil wants those practices to be normal.
24:16 He has even made a movie about it
24:18 and he's put it out
24:19 and people are also watching these things.
24:23 From female perspective,
24:25 is it okay now for me to bring these things into my marriage?
24:27 Is it not okay? Is it not even a big deal?
24:30 What do you think? Oh, no, it's not okay.
24:33 I mean, you are out there fornicating for one,
24:35 that's a big no.
24:37 You know, you are already doing certain practices
24:39 that are against the God's Word,
24:41 that's another no.
24:43 So now that you have been...
24:45 Now that you are a new creature
24:46 and you're doing things God's way
24:48 what He ordained.
24:50 No, of course, not, you can't just come into the marriage
24:52 with things that you've done that are perverted
24:54 and bringing it into your marriage.
24:56 God would not bless you that way.
24:58 And there will be consequences to pretty much sinning.
25:03 Right, right. That's right.
25:04 So does it bring confusion, Brittany, and so why?
25:08 I think it does bring confusion
25:11 because we have to remember that two things,
25:14 sex is worship.
25:16 You could be either worshipping God
25:18 or you could be worshiping the devil.
25:19 And based on whatever the practices
25:21 that you may have been lusting over or desiring,
25:24 you're coming into the marriage bed
25:27 and you are bringing them in,
25:29 and they are not bringing praise and glory to God,
25:31 they are not honoring Him.
25:33 So that's the first thing you need to wonder,
25:35 is this act really going to honor God
25:38 and bring worship to Him?
25:40 'Cause there are some things that are actually
25:41 also harmful to your spouse
25:44 like bondage, that's harmful.
25:45 Because you may think, "Oh, I am having fun,
25:48 I am going to choke her."
25:49 But then you can't realize that you are actually hurting her
25:52 and the next thing is being insensitive.
25:54 Again, you are bringing these desires in
25:58 but it may not be actually what the spouse wants to do.
26:01 Right.
26:02 So you're associating pain and pleasure
26:05 in a way that's perverted.
26:07 So, Jacques, do you think it puts things that are unholy
26:10 on the same level with holy things?
26:13 I would have to totally agree
26:14 with that if you are doing things that are unbiblical
26:18 when you are in the world,
26:20 you need to stop those behaviors.
26:22 But then at the same time,
26:24 God made sex to be enjoyed between a man and a wife
26:27 and so I think we have to be careful
26:29 not to just try to prohibit everything
26:32 in an attempt to try to be holy
26:33 because I don't think that pleases God
26:36 because God is saying, "This is the fruit I am giving you,
26:39 and you are rejecting it.
26:40 You are supposed to reject the forbidden fruit."
26:43 But then the things that are pleasing to God
26:46 and you can study that throughout the Bible,
26:49 go to Leviticus 18, to find the prohibitions.
26:52 You go to the Song of Solomon and see how sex is celebrated.
26:56 And anything that you think is pleasing to God
27:00 and that makes you and your spouse
27:02 feel love and comfortable,
27:04 then that should be allowed in the marriage covenant.
27:06 Okay, Xavier?
27:08 Yeah, it's just a matter of, again, just our feeling.
27:11 You are not doing what God wants you to do, you know.
27:14 And you are not respecting your wife's body so.
27:17 So we see that it can have a profound effect
27:21 on your marriage afterwards,
27:23 and it can really bring in confusion,
27:26 it can bring in practices that are unholy.
27:29 And if you are struggling with any of these things,
27:31 we would just want you to know as always that there is hope.
27:35 It's better for you to deal with lust before your marriage
27:38 but if you didn't,
27:40 and if you are now in a marriage covenant
27:41 and you are experiencing lust,
27:43 I am here to tell you as a living witness
27:44 that God can still change it,
27:46 He can still purify,
27:48 and He can give you those good thoughts and emotions
27:50 and have you have a beautiful
27:52 spiritual relationship with your spouse
27:54 where God is in your bedroom.
27:57 Well, we thank you for watching our program today.
28:00 And as always, I am Timothy Lawson,
28:02 and we want you to make pure choices.


Revised 2018-03-29