Pure Choices


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jacques LaGuerre (Host), Brittany-Hill Morales, Myesha Lawson, Timothy Lawson, Xavier Morales


Series Code: PC

Program Code: PC000094A

00:04 The following program discusses sensitive issues.
00:06 Parents are cautioned that some material
00:08 may be too candid for younger children.
00:44 Hello and thank you for joining us
00:46 on another episode of Pure Choices.
00:49 I'll be your host for today. My name is Jacques LaGuerre.
00:52 I am joined here with my lovely panel,
00:54 Brittany Morales,
00:56 Xavier Morales,
00:58 Timothy Lawson, and Myesha Lawson.
01:02 Our topic for today will be hook-ups.
01:05 Why buy the cow
01:06 if you can get the milk for free.
01:08 Now before we get
01:09 into the meat of our discussion,
01:11 I want to ask that you bow your heads
01:13 with me as I pray.
01:16 Dear Heavenly Father,
01:17 as we speak about the spiritual ramifications
01:20 of hooking-up
01:22 and we speak about Your grace to save us
01:25 from that sort of behavior,
01:27 we ask that You send Your Spirit
01:28 into this place to guide us and to lead us into all truth.
01:32 In Jesus' name, I pray.
01:34 Amen. Amen.
01:36 So hook-ups, we live in a hook-up culture,
01:41 you know, if you feel like doing it, do it.
01:44 And the question I've for you guys today is
01:48 if it's just two consenting adults
01:50 and they are having fun, so to speak,
01:53 what's really the big deal?
01:54 Sometimes things always start off well,
01:56 but they don't always end that way.
01:58 Explain.
02:00 And so they could be two consenting adults
02:01 but there's consequences to their reactions.
02:04 There are STDs out there.
02:08 There are, you know, pregnancies,
02:11 and if you have a kid with a person that,
02:13 you know, maybe God didn't ordain
02:15 for to be your spouse,
02:18 now you have to co-pair with this person
02:20 that might have different belief systems.
02:22 And so you're two consenting adults
02:26 but because you might have a kid,
02:27 you're choosing into signing
02:29 what this kid life might be like,
02:31 it might not be like.
02:33 And so there is danger just up ahead.
02:36 Everybody is having fun now
02:38 but when the responsibility comes,
02:40 it could be harder on one parent
02:41 or harder on both afterwards.
02:45 I think the reality is even though
02:47 they're two consenting adults,
02:49 when it comes to having sex, someone always gets hurt.
02:53 And even if it's not those people right there
02:56 in the moment, even if it's not two weeks afterwards,
02:59 it comes to the moment
03:01 when you want to be with someone.
03:02 And the question comes up,
03:04 "So how many people have you been with?"
03:06 And that moment, are you going to be ashamed of that number
03:11 or can you really proudly say,
03:12 "Well, honey, you're special to me
03:14 but I've been with, you know, 20 people,
03:18 some I know..."
03:19 It's going to create hurt either
03:21 to the two consenting adults, one of them
03:23 'cause if they keep on hooking up,
03:25 you have that situation
03:27 where someone is going to end up catching feelings
03:30 because they might feel like,
03:31 "Okay, maybe this can go further,"
03:33 and the other one is like,
03:34 "No, this is not going any further."
03:35 So that person is hurt.
03:37 Or later down,
03:38 when you have to go through that explanation of,
03:39 "Well, that was then, this is now."
03:41 Someone always gets hurt. Someone always gets hurt.
03:45 Xavier?
03:46 I think to it's the fact that,
03:48 you know, we're created for commitment,
03:51 we're not committed to hook-up
03:52 even if we're two consenting adults.
03:54 And the issue with that is again,
03:57 what Timothy and Brittany say,
03:58 you know, somebody is going to catch feelings.
04:01 And there are STDs,
04:03 you know, they are everywhere nowadays.
04:05 And, you know, you're bound to put yourself in a situation
04:09 where the ramifications will be so detrimental
04:13 that there's no going back.
04:16 That's true.
04:17 And also, what you do is you take something
04:20 that God designed to be sacred and holy
04:24 and you put it on the level of common things.
04:27 And so inside the context of mere to something
04:30 that was supposed to be spiritual,
04:32 and a blessing, and people who are opposed
04:35 to have a spiritual and mental connection,
04:37 and then the physical,
04:39 you take all the rest of that away,
04:40 you just make it physical, you know.
04:42 And even when you just make it physical,
04:45 there is still some kind of mental connection
04:47 and a spiritual breakage that happens with both people.
04:53 Yeah, you know, we can see
04:54 that there's so many different things.
04:56 And even without the risk of STDs,
04:58 I've heard it's said
04:59 that there will only be safe sex
05:01 when they make a condom for the heart.
05:03 You know, because like you said,
05:05 our emotions do get involved and there is a risk of STDs
05:08 and you're spiritually kind of uniting yourself
05:11 with this person.
05:13 And so we've all agreed here
05:14 that, you know, hooking up is not God's intention for us.
05:19 But now the next question is so then,
05:21 me as a young person, I say,
05:23 "I'm going to refrain from sex until my wedding night."
05:26 Now the question that many young people ask
05:29 and I've heard tons of times is,
05:30 "How far is too far?"
05:34 I think if you have to question if the action you're doing,
05:37 if it's too far or not,
05:39 that probably is your first indicator.
05:41 If you really have something like,
05:42 "Wait, is this too far?"
05:45 I'd say to be on the safer side,
05:47 just don't do it.
05:50 Yeah, I think to...
05:51 I mean, they come up with crazy ideas
05:54 on how to keep their virginity while still,
05:57 you know, performing sex pretty much,
06:00 you know, hooking up.
06:01 And you still don't understand the fact
06:04 that, you know, your body is a temple
06:07 of the Holy Spirit.
06:08 You know, your body is supposed to be sanctified,
06:11 and at the same time,
06:12 you don't want to go into marriage
06:14 with a whole bunch of baggage on your back.
06:16 You know, sex is supposed to be a beautiful thing
06:18 not just something you just do just to hook up.
06:24 And also, you know, sin is progressive.
06:28 And so the devil likes to lead you
06:32 to deeper things, you know.
06:34 He may wants you to have sex
06:35 but he may start off with something small at first.
06:38 And so he'll start off with anything
06:41 he could start off with.
06:42 And so the Bible says, "Your body is not your own."
06:44 So if your body is not yours, that other person,
06:47 their body is not theirs, it belongs to the Lord.
06:49 And so you don't have any claim
06:53 to do a little bit,
06:56 you know, as you think it might be
06:58 with that person.
06:59 Myesha?
07:00 Yeah, I have experienced that
07:02 prior to losing my virginity
07:04 at a young age, by the way, it did start off little.
07:09 It started off with kissing, okay,
07:12 and not necessarily on the lips
07:14 but on the neck
07:15 or it started off with touching.
07:18 So it progressed over time, and sooner or later,
07:23 I ended up losing my virginity.
07:26 So, you know, and back of mind, I was getting told
07:30 that it was wrong, I shouldn't do this.
07:33 But there's peer pressure as well.
07:35 So not only was my friends who were doing it.
07:39 So you have to think about who you are hanging around
07:42 and they'll influence you around too,
07:44 and if you're on a different path,
07:46 should you be around them.
07:49 That's a good question, you know, they say,
07:51 you know, bad company, you know, it'll spoil you,
07:55 it'll spoil your good manners.
07:57 And so you were talking about things
07:59 getting progressively more sinful,
08:01 you know, sin is a downhill slope,
08:04 and you try to hit the brakes and you can't.
08:07 And we also live in a flirting culture,
08:10 you know, where everyone wants to use sexual innuendoes
08:14 and to talk and use, you know, sly remarks
08:17 that have very suggestive meanings.
08:20 What role do you think flirting plays
08:22 in the hook-up culture?
08:24 I think it's very...
08:27 Since we're talking about progressive slope,
08:30 the physical action,
08:32 you know, comes about not just
08:35 'cause you're physically attracted to someone,
08:36 but maybe they are mentally stimulating
08:38 or maybe whatever else in your mind
08:40 that you find attractive about it and you like.
08:42 And what happens is
08:43 you can steal somebody's affections
08:46 before you even touch them, you know.
08:48 And so you can flirt or present yourself in a,
08:52 you know, sexual manner
08:54 that can make this person desire you
08:56 before you guys even actually commit the act.
08:59 And that is essentially what everybody is trying to do.
09:02 That's why all the clothing,
09:03 the way you look is everybody's trying
09:04 to be desirable, and feel important
09:08 by making themselves objects that people can say,
09:11 "Wow, that person is somebody I really would like to,
09:14 you know, be around or be with."
09:16 And I think too flirting has kind of taken
09:18 a different confrontation nowadays too.
09:21 You know, back in the day, flirting was something a little
09:24 or less more innocent than it is now, you know.
09:26 It's actually the prevalent thing, the sexting,
09:29 you know, that's a form
09:30 of our young people using flirting.
09:32 Can you explain what sexting is?
09:34 Sexting is basically sending, you know, sexual verbiage,
09:38 you know, sexual wording, comments, talking about sex,
09:42 pictures, numbers that you see, you know, numbers,
09:45 different things on your cell phones,
09:47 and other electronics to send encrypted messages
09:52 that the youth understand one another
09:54 and what that means.
09:55 In sexting, you're basically provoking
09:56 and talking about sex in encoded ways
10:00 to the point where now even law enforcement
10:02 is stepping in to some of the schools
10:04 and putting a ban on the use of your cells phones
10:07 and sexting and all that
10:08 because it is extremely prevalent
10:11 in our society today.
10:14 And with that, you know, you're escalating it,
10:17 you're no longer, you know, just saying,
10:18 "Hey, you're cute.
10:19 You're pretty."
10:21 Now you're saying, you know,"
10:22 I want to do this with you, I want to do this to you.
10:23 Let's hook-up."
10:25 Wow. Wow. Wow.
10:27 And so we can see here that, you know, all this flirting,
10:29 and all this sexting,
10:31 and all this talking provocatively,
10:32 and dressing provocatively, and doing all these things,
10:36 they are just fuelling the hook-up culture.
10:39 And I want to read here a Bible verse found
10:41 in 1 Corinthians 6:16, "What?
10:45 Know ye not that he who is joined
10:47 to the harlot is one body
10:49 for two saith he, shall be one flesh."
10:53 And I found it very interesting
10:55 when I was doing research on what Paul here
10:58 was talking about
10:59 when he wrote to the church at Corinth.
11:01 And in that society,
11:02 a lot of the prostitutes
11:04 in a desire to not get pregnant,
11:07 they wouldn't engage in full-on like vaginal sex.
11:11 They would do other things with these men
11:13 that were willing to pay.
11:15 They would either do what we call making out,
11:17 they would do all this rubbing, and touching,
11:19 and things of that nature for a price.
11:22 And so when Paul says here
11:23 that he was joined to a harlot is one flesh with here,
11:27 he is not explicitly talking about sex.
11:29 He is talking about all the things
11:30 that lead up to it, like all,
11:32 you know, we talk about the first base,
11:34 second base, and all these different ways
11:35 we have been describing it.
11:37 Paul here is saying that even these acts
11:39 in and out of themselves
11:40 that you're beginning to unite with that person.
11:45 And so let's say one of our viewers has been
11:48 that hook-up girl, has been that hook-up guy,
11:50 and they want to break
11:52 the cycle by the power of Jesus.
11:53 What are some practical tips
11:56 that you would give them to break the cycle of being
11:59 that hook-up girl or hook-up guy?
12:01 Well, for one, you have to recognize,
12:07 you know, that you were
12:08 that hook-up girl or that hook-up guy.
12:11 You have to realize that you were promiscuous,
12:15 and you want to get to the root why you were promiscuous,
12:18 what exactly were you looking for.
12:21 Well, for me, I was looking for love.
12:24 I didn't receive love inside of my home from a father.
12:29 I didn't have my father around for a period of time.
12:32 And so I went out and seeking for love
12:37 from all these guys that I thought
12:40 that can love me or told me that they love me, you know.
12:44 So now that I'm a new creature in Christ
12:49 and I found the love of Jesus, I realized
12:52 that what I was doing to myself was really hurting me.
12:58 And so I had to experience the real love,
13:05 you know, that God was my first husband
13:08 or He is my first husband.
13:10 And so when I came
13:12 to that point and experienced His love,
13:16 I began to heal.
13:20 Well, I think two things.
13:22 First, especially for guys is knowing your worth.
13:26 You know, a guy's worth,
13:28 in the world and largely in American society,
13:31 your manliness is based off of if you can hook-up
13:35 or how many hook-ups you can get.
13:37 And you have to switch
13:38 your mind state and your thinking
13:39 because everything starts with the mind.
13:41 However you think is how you're going to act.
13:44 And so you have to say that,
13:46 you know, "I am worth something.
13:47 I am worth more than this.
13:49 I am a special person not
13:50 because I can sleep with a lot of people
13:52 but because I can save myself for one person
13:55 or that special girl actually,
13:58 you know, because how am I a special guy
14:01 if everybody can have a piece of me."
14:03 And so you have to switch
14:04 your mind state in that respect.
14:06 And two, you have to starve those things
14:09 that's giving you a mind state to tell you
14:11 that it's okay for that.
14:12 And so certain movies you watch,
14:15 certain music you listen to, and like Myesha pointed out,
14:18 friends you hang out with.
14:19 There's some guys
14:20 that you just shouldn't be around
14:22 'cause the only thing on their mind
14:23 is hooking up, you know.
14:25 And there's some numbers in your phone of girls
14:27 that you need to delete, you need to erase,
14:29 don't try to play around saying,
14:30 "Well, we can probably still be friends,"
14:32 'cause you know what she is about
14:33 and you know what that relationship
14:35 is going towards.
14:37 And I think too, you know, kind of piggybacking on Myesha
14:40 and everybody else that, you know, a lot of times
14:44 when we explain these things too,
14:46 you know, we have
14:48 a predominant society of fatherlessness.
14:50 You know, I was blessed with both my parents.
14:53 They celebrate 39 years of marriage.
14:56 You know, I came
14:57 from a good home, Christian home,
14:58 everything we know was roses, so they say.
15:02 But society was telling me that this is how you do it,
15:07 you know, this is the way to do things.
15:11 Even though my parents' example was,
15:13 you know, you need to be married,
15:15 you need to be together,
15:17 you know, one spouse, one wife, and all that.
15:21 And, you know, I think goes back
15:22 to what Tim says,
15:24 you know, you need to know your self-worth.
15:26 My self-worth was based on society standards.
15:29 You know, there's an importance
15:31 behind setting yourself worth behind Jesus, yes.
15:34 Some people call Him the fairy in the sky.
15:36 Yes, some people don't believe what the Word says,
15:38 and that's fine.
15:40 But the thing is though those words in the Bible
15:43 are not there just for the sake of being there.
15:46 They are actually there not to restrict you
15:48 but to free you
15:50 so you can have fun without all the repercussions,
15:53 without having to look over your shoulder.
15:54 You know, people don't understand that,
15:56 you know, with all these,
15:57 what if I do this and what if I did that.
16:00 And having that self-worth in Jesus allowed me
16:05 to understand that,
16:06 "Yeah, you know what, I can have fun with my friends.
16:09 I just don't have to have
16:10 this added extra things in there
16:12 that would actually were more detrimental
16:14 than I thought were fun,"
16:16 'cause it seems like fun, it feels like fun,
16:18 but in reality I was damaging my body physically,
16:20 spiritually, and mentally.
16:23 Wow. Wow. Wow.
16:25 That's very interesting.
16:27 What I was also going to add into what Myesha was saying
16:31 is you need to also know the reason why
16:34 you want to stop being the hook-up girl
16:36 or the hook-up boy.
16:38 It's like when it comes to smoking,
16:39 a lot of people quit a lot of times
16:43 but you only stop once.
16:45 So you can say,
16:46 "Okay, I'm not going to do this anymore."
16:48 And then something happens
16:49 and you're on that path all over again.
16:51 Know your reason why
16:54 and let it be something stronger than just,
16:58 "Okay, I'm just not going to hook-up
16:59 because I want someone
17:01 who is going to love my smile,"
17:05 'cause some people have like these frivolities
17:07 and then someone comes around and says,
17:09 "You know, I love you."
17:10 "Wait, maybe he is the one.
17:12 Okay, maybe I'll..."
17:14 Have seriates and let it be grounded
17:16 in Christ and say,
17:17 "I'm not going to be this anymore
17:19 because there is someone out there
17:21 who is being prepared for me,
17:23 and I have to make sure I'm preparing myself
17:25 so that when we combine together,
17:28 it is an experience that glorifies God."
17:32 And I'll also say know what your triggers are.
17:35 Sometimes we're going through that cycle
17:36 because it might be because,
17:39 "My family member did something,
17:41 they said something.
17:42 I am so stressed out.
17:44 I'm just going to find someone to hook-up with for tonight
17:47 or I'm just standing
17:48 and this girl comes and she touches,
17:50 you know, a guy if he touches,"
17:52 you know, his chest and it's like,
17:54 "Oh, she touched my chest.
17:56 She wants me. I might as well. It's just one time."
17:59 Or even if it's a girl, and the guy says,
18:00 "You know, you're very pretty,
18:02 and you look like a really great woman,
18:03 the way how you were just walking across there."
18:07 "Maybe he thinks about..."
18:08 Like know what your triggers are,
18:10 and I think those are like two key things.
18:14 I like all the comments that, you guys, said
18:15 and one of the common threads
18:17 I found was keeping Christ at the center.
18:20 You know, knowing your self-worth,
18:22 knowing how you can find your self-worth at the cross.
18:26 And for me, particularly,
18:28 I grew up in a good sound Adventist home.
18:31 Two parents,
18:32 my father's a pastor, my mother is a nurse,
18:35 just typical Adventist family.
18:37 My father has been in ministry for over 35 years now.
18:40 And yet, I was taking the cues from society,
18:44 I was looking to the movies, I was looking to the music.
18:46 And I was saying,
18:47 "Well, if I'm not picking up a lot of women,
18:51 then I'm not a guy."
18:53 I didn't learn that from home,
18:54 I didn't learn that from family members,
18:56 I didn't learn that from my church,
18:58 but I learned it from the television.
19:00 And like you were saying earlier,
19:02 removing all these negative influences
19:04 that are giving you a false reality in a way
19:09 saying that you have to be this guy,
19:10 you have to be this girl, or you have to dress this way,
19:13 or you have to talk this way.
19:15 Removing these influences from my life
19:17 and replacing them
19:19 'cause you have to replace them with something,
19:20 you can't sit around all day doing nothing,
19:21 dwindling your thumbs.
19:23 And so removing these things from my life
19:25 and replacing them with,
19:26 you know, sound music, you know, reading my Bible,
19:30 reading the Spirit of prophesy.
19:32 You know, I found counsel in Steps to Christ,
19:35 and Patriarchs and Prophets, and Prophets and Kings.
19:38 And all these books,
19:40 they were able to help me in my path to purity.
19:43 Did any of these books also influence
19:45 any of your changes whether it's from the Bible,
19:47 the Spirit of prophesy?
19:50 Yes.
19:51 In my formal life, when I used to be a dancer in Las Vegas,
19:56 I decided that I wanted to change my life,
19:58 I wanted to give it to Christ.
20:01 And so, at that point of time in my life,
20:06 I caught a case.
20:08 And I was going to court for it.
20:11 I didn't know what I was up against.
20:14 And at the time, my husband,
20:16 he sent a packet in the mail.
20:20 And it had Amazing Facts Bible Studies in it,
20:23 it had Steps to Christ.
20:25 And so that morning before court,
20:28 I opened Steps to Christ.
20:31 And I began to read it.
20:33 It was amazing 'cause I have never
20:37 read something like that before.
20:40 I mean, it spoke to me.
20:43 And I mean, I got teary-eyed,
20:45 it was the first experience I've ever had with Jesus.
20:50 And I grew up in church
20:53 but I never had that experience.
20:56 So I didn't know
20:58 what I was up against going to court.
21:01 So as I go to court, and I'm just praying,
21:04 constantly just praying like,
21:05 "Lord, I really want to change my life.
21:08 Please just help me."
21:10 And I carried that Steps to Christ in my purse.
21:13 So when I'm outside,
21:16 and I'm talking to the public defender,
21:18 and he is coming back and forth telling me about my case,
21:21 I keep opening the Steps to Christ,
21:23 just keep reading, and keep reading,
21:25 and I'm just praying like, "Lord, please just please."
21:30 So as I go to court, everything was fine.
21:34 I didn't have to do any jail-time.
21:36 The Lord was just good.
21:38 Well, once again, I opened up my Steps to Christ,
21:43 and the next thing you know, I found a church,
21:45 and I started Bible studies with Amazing Facts.
21:48 Wow. Wow. Wow.
21:50 That's amazing how, you know, just such a simple book,
21:52 just a small book
21:54 can really lead someone to Christ
21:56 and show them His perfect love
21:57 and show them His perfect grace.
22:00 And many of us here, we've made a lot of mistakes.
22:03 You know, we've sinned sexually.
22:05 We've sinned against our own bodies.
22:08 And so the next question I have is
22:13 if someone has made a lot of sexual mistakes,
22:15 they haven't kept themselves pure,
22:16 and they have sinned
22:18 against their own body as Paul says,
22:21 is there hope and can God change that person?
22:25 You better believe it.
22:27 You know, God's all about change.
22:29 That's why I love the way that Bible starts off,
22:31 it starts off with God creating.
22:33 You know, He is creating the new earth,
22:36 He is creating the new man,
22:37 and then at the end of the Bible,
22:39 you know, in the book of Revelations,
22:40 He's going to recreate.
22:43 And so, you know, I can remember
22:46 when I was changing my favorite Bible characters,
22:50 I used to be like Peter and John,
22:52 praise the Lord, you know, Moses is really tight too.
22:54 But in a way, I was always reading Peter
22:56 because Peter had a lot of problems
22:59 and, you know, he was messed up.
23:01 And then you go through the New Testament,
23:03 you see how God changed him.
23:05 And so, you know, when you are on your knees praying,
23:08 you're like, "Lord, you know, can you change me like that?
23:11 You know, can you take me from being this person
23:15 who can even be in Your presence
23:16 and can't even see their ownself
23:18 to just being full of Your Holy Spirit
23:22 and showing Your love to other people?"
23:24 And the whole purpose is God wants to change you.
23:27 That's one of the reasons He died on the cross
23:30 because He wants to give you the power
23:31 to live just like His Son.
23:34 Well, to be honest, me,
23:40 I am a living testimony, okay?
23:42 I mean, can God change you? Yes, look at me.
23:46 If you have seen me then to now, yes,
23:49 the Lord can do some amazing changes.
23:50 And I mean I'm still growing in grace of course.
23:53 But the Lord is good anyhow.
23:56 Like I said, I have done a lot.
23:59 I struggled also with emotional problems,
24:04 you know, and dispositions.
24:06 And I just held on to Christ in changing me
24:09 and that exactly what He did because I asked.
24:13 And I put forth, and I read His Word,
24:15 and I want to live by His Word.
24:18 So yes, it's possible. He can change you.
24:21 And I think too, for me,
24:22 like I gravitated to David in the Bible
24:25 'cause as messed up as he was, God kept saying...
24:27 But this man was after his own heart.
24:29 And I noticed that it wasn't 'cause he was just messed up,
24:32 it was because he knew he's messed up
24:34 and he was just striving to get closer,
24:37 you know, by any means necessary
24:39 to get closer to God.
24:40 So, you know, for me that was my case.
24:42 I just...
24:43 I knew I was messed up,
24:44 "But, God, what can I do to get closer to you?"
24:47 And He took me as I was and slowly
24:50 but surely change me to the man I'm today.
24:52 Amen. Amen.
24:55 When you asked if God can change me,
24:57 He can just transform you from the top of your head
25:02 to like the sole of your feet.
25:04 And He does it in such a way where...
25:05 God knows each one of us individually.
25:08 He knows what our hearts are, what our pains are,
25:11 what our struggles are,
25:12 and He tailors to each one of us, and says,
25:14 "Okay, you need help in this area,
25:17 and this is how I'm going to do it.'
25:18 It's like He has His own little action plan,
25:20 counseling plan, whatever it is.
25:22 And He goes about it.
25:23 And He does it so miraculously when He does it in your life.
25:28 And that's what I love about God,
25:30 how He really truly takes that time, and says,
25:33 "Okay, yes, you are in a mess
25:35 but I'm not going to leave you there.
25:37 I'm not just going to say, 'You're dirty, you're filthy,
25:39 I want nothing to do with you.'
25:40 I'm going to actually take you in My arms
25:43 and help you through this process."
25:47 And I've seen the power of God in my own life as well.
25:52 Me and myself, I was that guy,
25:55 I was that hook-up guy after being a pastor's child,
25:59 knowing the truth,
26:00 being exposed to powerful Adventist messages
26:03 in my whole entire life.
26:05 I left the church. I decided to join the military.
26:08 And while I was in the military, I just...
26:12 I was into all sorts of stuff.
26:15 I was frequent in strip clubs, I was hooking up,
26:19 I even slid into soliciting prostitutes.
26:22 But the whole time, God was there.
26:25 And from going from a place like
26:27 that to being able to share with others,
26:30 the gospel, only the power of God
26:33 can accomplish that.
26:34 Yes. Amen.
26:36 It's amazing to see His love, it's amazing to see His grace,
26:40 it's amazing to see His patience
26:41 and how He will work with us.
26:45 Like the story of the prodigal son,
26:47 God the Father, He is waiting for all His children.
26:51 He wants them to come home.
26:53 And He wants to put on you His royal robes.
26:56 Do any of you guys have
26:58 just one final experience for us today
27:01 that you have one experience
27:03 where you felt God's love in such remarkable way
27:06 before we close?
27:08 Yeah, I felt in jail.
27:11 I heard His voice, and I just said,
27:14 "Here I am, Lord.
27:15 I am listening."
27:17 Amen. Myesha?
27:18 Yes, I experienced a loss, okay?
27:21 I lost a child.
27:24 And I felt like I had no one, nobody,
27:26 and I felt the Lord was there for me.
27:30 He actually saved my life in that point of time.
27:34 And that's what Christ came to do.
27:36 He came to save us from ourselves,
27:39 our weak un-Christ-like-selves.
27:41 And I thank Him for that.
27:43 Well, that's all the time we have for today.
27:46 Thank you for joining us
27:47 on another episode of Pure Choices.
27:49 May God be with you, may His peace guide you.
27:53 And remember to always make pure choices.


Revised 2018-05-02