Pure Choices

Free Indeed! (Be Free, Stay Free)

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Dannielle Harrison (Host), Michael Carducci


Series Code: PC

Program Code: PC000108A

00:01 The following program discusses sensitive issues.
00:04 Parents are cautioned that some material
00:05 may be too candid for younger children.
00:41 Hello and thank you for joining us on Pure Choices.
00:44 My name is Danielle Harrison
00:46 and I'm an associate member of Coming Out Ministries.
00:50 And today, here, joining me is my colleague,
00:53 Pastor Ron Woolsey.
00:55 Thank you for joining us, Ron.
00:56 Yeah, it's good to be with you today, Danielle.
00:58 Amen. Amen.
01:00 Now, Ron, I've heard you list out the ways
01:02 that the Lord really stepped in and intervened in your life
01:05 when you were living as a gay man.
01:07 And he stepped in and He started to convict you
01:11 and to convert you, as He got your attention,
01:14 and He really redirected you on a new path through victory.
01:20 And that's what I want to talk about.
01:21 Can you share that with us today?
01:23 Okay, yes.
01:25 You've heard me talk about how in the beginning,
01:27 when I was trying to study my way out of the gay life,
01:29 how I sat down with the Word of God,
01:32 with the Margarita in one hand,
01:33 and a cigarette in the other trying to relax
01:37 to be able to even concentrate on what I was reading.
01:41 And the Lord worked through that.
01:43 He got my attention all right, and He held it, convicted me.
01:48 As I look back now on the journey
01:51 the Lord has led me through,
01:53 I put together a list of what I call,
01:55 a list of realizations, in the order in which the Lord
01:59 was able to hold my attention
02:03 and lead me out of the gay life.
02:04 And I found that it has been very helpful
02:06 to a lot of people.
02:08 The first thing that I've realized,
02:10 as I was reading that marvelous book,
02:12 Steps to Christ, was it, God really did love me.
02:16 It didn't matter who I was, what I was, where I was,
02:20 He loved me very, very much.
02:22 Amen.
02:24 He is the perfect essence of love.
02:27 So everything He asks of us, His commandments, His warnings,
02:32 His threatenings, His reproves, corrections,
02:36 even His punishments
02:38 are from our loving Heavenly Father.
02:40 And as I realized how much God loved me,
02:44 that instilled in me a sense of worth and value
02:47 that I really didn't have up to that point.
02:49 And so the next thing that I realized was that
02:54 I needed to really face myself.
02:57 Just step up to the mirror and take a good look,
02:59 because truth can bear a scrutiny, can't it?
03:01 And so I decided to just honestly
03:04 take a look at myself and evaluate.
03:08 And when you are standing in the presence of God
03:10 or you are beholding Christ through His Word,
03:13 and then you see yourself,
03:15 you can really see your great need of a savior.
03:20 And so I came to the point that I stopped blaming
03:25 because up to that point I was blaming God
03:27 for who I was,
03:28 and other people for molesting me
03:30 and wronging me throughout life,
03:33 but you know, Jeremiah 3 tells us,
03:36 Gods says, "Only acknowledge thine iniquity,"
03:40 not someone else's,
03:41 "only acknowledge thine iniquity
03:43 and I will heal your backsliding."
03:45 So I began to acknowledge,
03:47 you know, this is a sin issue with me.
03:51 It's not something, it doesn't matter,
03:53 you know, how or why I'm this way.
03:56 This is a sin issue and as I began to acknowledge
03:59 that it was a sin issue, I began to realize
04:03 that Jesus came to save me from my sin,
04:06 just like anyone else.
04:08 And so things began to click.
04:10 Amen. Amen.
04:12 Well, that sounds like a fascinating beginning
04:14 to a journey towards discipleship.
04:16 What happened from there?
04:19 I had grown up with the understanding
04:23 that homosexuality was abomination.
04:26 But I really felt like it was the abomination,
04:29 like it was the unpardonable sin,
04:32 and I felt so badly about myself
04:35 because of this abomination.
04:38 And so I went through the Bible
04:41 and I found all the abominations listed
04:45 in the Bible.
04:47 I put them all together in one little basket,
04:49 in a paragraph and you know,
04:51 that made me feel so much better,
04:53 not about my sin but about my chances,
04:57 you know, for overcoming as well.
05:00 So if God could make a liar honest,
05:03 and humble the proud, if He could save Ruth,
05:06 the idolatrous, you know, from her idolatry,
05:11 and there is just a long list.
05:14 Adultery itself is considered abomination, cross-dressing,
05:18 certain remarriages,
05:20 and so it's not just homosexuality,
05:23 of course, in the Leviticus 18 and 20,
05:27 we read that, "If a man lie with mankind as with a woman,
05:30 he has," they both, both of them
05:33 have committed abomination.
05:35 So I knew that, but as I put that all together,
05:41 I began to realize, God's plan should be
05:43 able to work for me as well as for anyone else.
05:46 Amen.
05:48 And so also, all my life
05:50 I had bought into this,
05:55 of my gay life, I should say, during my gay life
05:58 I had bought into this myth that I was born gay,
06:02 and once gay, always gay.
06:04 And people couldn't really talk to me about the issue
06:07 because I had all kinds of excuses,
06:09 because I was born gay.
06:11 But then, I began to realize another realization
06:15 that the cause of homosexuality is totally irrelevant.
06:19 If someone is drowning in the sea
06:21 and you've heard me say this many times,
06:24 it doesn't matter why, does it?
06:25 If the lifeguard comes out,
06:27 he's not going to interrogate you
06:28 as how you got out there.
06:29 What matters is the lifeguard.
06:32 So people can argue about
06:36 the causes of homosexuality indefinitely,
06:40 but the Bible doesn't seem to focus
06:42 upon the causes for addiction, or bondage, or sin.
06:47 The Bible is all about solutions.
06:49 And so I began to focus on solutions
06:51 rather than excuses
06:53 and that was a very big help for me,
06:57 it propelled me forward
06:59 and then the next thing was learning to forgive.
07:04 I had grown up in a very bad relationship
07:08 with my father, just a terrible relationship.
07:12 I mean, it got better over the years,
07:14 but I was holding on to all kinds of resentments
07:18 which left me, I call it emotionally retarded,
07:22 but I had a psychiatrist correct me at one point
07:25 and say, we have a term for that,
07:26 it's called emotional arrest, not retardation.
07:32 When I started facing my resentments,
07:35 and when I confronted my father with a spirit of forgiveness,
07:40 and he was just weeping, asking me to forgive him
07:45 for all the ways he had wronged me in my childhood
07:48 and it was a mutual discussion
07:52 and our hearts just melted,
07:55 you know, as we confessed to each other,
07:58 we forgave each other.
08:00 And I'll have to tell you, Danielle, from that point,
08:02 I mean, it was like this huge load just rolled off my back.
08:06 I was...
08:08 I felt such a sense of freedom
08:10 just by being able to forgive and let go.
08:17 When you do that, it doesn't mean
08:19 you are struck with amnesia,
08:21 my father and I didn't forget the past.
08:24 In fact, from that day forward, if things came up
08:26 from the past, we could laugh about these things,
08:30 we could talk openly, it just didn't matter anymore.
08:34 We remembered that it didn't matter
08:36 because we had the spirit of forgiveness
08:38 and that to me was just a major, major milestone
08:43 in my journey was learning to forgive
08:45 and I urge people, if you are dealing
08:48 with these kinds of issues in your life,
08:50 learn to forgive and let go, whether the other person
08:54 is asking for forgiveness or not,
08:57 it sets you free if you can learn to forgive.
09:00 That, right. That's right, wow.
09:02 You know, how important it really is to learn
09:04 how to forgive and I think that's a freedom
09:05 that we all really need on a certain level,
09:10 each one of us.
09:11 And it's not only is easy to do but there is so much freedom,
09:15 like you said, it's freeing and there is a lot of liberty
09:18 there in that place of forgiveness.
09:20 So where did your journey go
09:22 from there to towards wholeness?
09:24 When I went into the gay life,
09:28 I had wrestled against homosexuality all my life
09:32 since my molestation when I was four years old.
09:35 My mind was just totally confused
09:37 and I resisted that in my life
09:42 but I never told a living soul about it.
09:45 And so I went through all of my young life,
09:48 I even got married and thinking that
09:51 marriage was a solution to this whole problem,
09:54 and I can assure you marriage is not the solution
09:57 to any problem.
09:59 And in fact, it can be the beginning of woes
10:02 if you are not married to the right person,
10:04 for the right reason, and with God's blessing.
10:06 And I just, I thought, "Well, if I'm just married,
10:10 it will take care of all of these."
10:11 And it didn't, you know, surprise, surprise, it did not,
10:17 and so eventually, I just gave up on God
10:21 and I just felt headlonging into the gay life.
10:24 Well, then people came to me
10:26 and they were trying to tell me,
10:27 "Well, this is just all about choices."
10:30 And I go through this whole list of good choices
10:33 I have made all of my life and I don't have time
10:36 to enumerate those now, but I mean I just,
10:39 I grew up as a spiritual young person
10:41 and I made many, many good choices
10:44 but what I would say is this.
10:48 I've made a habit, all my life, of making good choices.
10:52 This is not about choice.
10:54 This is just who I am and I don't know why,
10:57 but this is who I am.
10:58 I have just decided to accept who I am.
11:03 It didn't dawn on me that when I said that
11:05 I decided to accept that I was admitting
11:08 that I had made the choice.
11:10 I'd never made that connection but I have learned that
11:14 it is a matter of choice for this reason.
11:18 If you are confronted with a way out,
11:22 which the Word of God is, now it's a choice.
11:26 You can choose the way out
11:28 or you can choose to stay in it.
11:29 And you may feel like you had no choice,
11:32 all along the way,
11:33 but when God steps into your life
11:36 through some person,
11:38 or the word, or some circumstance,
11:41 and He offers you a way out,
11:43 and you don't take it,
11:45 now it's a matter of choice.
11:47 So it really came down on me,
11:51 very clearly that I did choose this,
11:54 I didn't choose the temptations,
11:56 but I chose to give in to those temptations.
12:00 So that was a major epiphany for me to admit
12:05 that I was wrong about this whole thing about choices.
12:09 It's hard for us to admit we are wrong sometimes,
12:11 sure all the time, isn't it?
12:13 From there, I realized that I need to walk with God
12:20 as I chose to accept Him and come out of that life.
12:25 Now I needed to walk with God,
12:27 I need to spend time with Him in the Word,
12:30 I need to spend time with Him in prayer,
12:32 I need to spend time with Him in nature,
12:34 and learning to walk with God
12:39 helped me realize I'm not in this all alone.
12:42 There is someone with me that can help me
12:45 and encourage me along the way.
12:47 If I stumble and fall, He is right there to say,
12:50 "Ron, get up. You can do better.
12:53 And let's continue this journey."
12:56 So walking with God
12:58 became a very important part of my life,
13:00 with morning and evening devotions throughout the day
13:02 and I actually uprooted myself from Southern California
13:06 and moved into the Ozark Mountains of Arkansas.
13:09 That was like whiplash... Big change.
13:11 Oh, it was like whiplash for me.
13:13 In three days, I was going stir-crazy
13:16 and all those trees with bugs,
13:18 crickets, and frogs, and mites and all of that
13:21 but I love living there now where I'm surrounded by nature.
13:27 And so, God is just all around me
13:30 in a place like that.
13:32 And then the next realization
13:37 which is number nine in my list of realizations
13:41 was that I needed to protect my environment.
13:44 And that's another reason
13:45 that I moved out of Southern Californian
13:48 where I was a sales manager over five counties
13:54 and every day of the week, I was in a different county,
13:56 and Southern California,
13:59 I knew all of the major gay hangouts
14:02 in all of those counties.
14:04 Every day when I got off work, I knew where to go to indulge,
14:09 you know, my addictive life.
14:12 And so it came to my realization
14:18 that I needed to really protect my environment.
14:21 I needed to be careful with what I watch.
14:24 I learned how to flip the switch,
14:26 and turn the page, and change the channel,
14:28 and turn my head, and change the subject.
14:33 Music, and I know, Danielle, you relate to the music issue.
14:36 Music was a big part of my life
14:37 because I was a dancer and a dance instructor,
14:40 and I was always involved in music.
14:43 And I'll just throw this out there,
14:46 kind of as a little side issue here,
14:51 but I think you can relate to it.
14:53 In church, if there is the wrong music,
14:57 and we have had cases where you and I
14:59 have had to get up and walk out
15:01 because we have to protect our environment.
15:04 And music is just one example, it pulls us back in our minds,
15:08 it brings back memories, it brings back feelings,
15:11 it brings back emotions,
15:14 strong temptation to get back into,
15:19 in our minds to think about things
15:20 we shouldn't be thinking about.
15:22 So it's very important to protect the environment.
15:27 And so this is one of those things,
15:29 you know, Philippians 4:8 says,
15:31 "Whatsoever things are true, honest,
15:33 just, pure, lovely, of good report and so forth,
15:38 think on these things."
15:39 And I'm kind of a news addict,
15:41 I mean I like watching the news,
15:43 and it's hard sometimes to watch the news
15:46 if you are thinking about, you know,
15:49 what's true, and honest, just, and pure, and lovely.
15:52 But these are very important things,
15:54 and James 4:7 says,
15:56 "We ought to submit ourselves to God,
15:59 resist the devil, and then he will flee from us."
16:03 And so this is all a part of protecting
16:04 our environment which is very,
16:06 very important in our type of situation,
16:09 well, with any person.
16:11 Yeah, I definitely agree, you know,
16:13 and I can relate to what you are sharing
16:15 because I had to go through that process of...
16:18 Yeah, I just realized
16:20 there is someone that came to me once
16:22 and said, "So do you think that you are cured,
16:26 I mean can you go now into a gay bar
16:28 and not be tempted?"
16:30 I said, "My momma didn't raise a fool, you know."
16:35 Satan is supernatural,
16:37 I know where he hangs out in many places,
16:40 why would I go try to tempt him to tempt me.
16:44 That's not the way you protect your environment.
16:47 You realize that he is a formidable foe
16:50 and you don't willingly give him
16:53 any advantage over you.
16:55 That doesn't mean you are not converted,
16:56 it doesn't mean you are a new creature.
16:58 It just means that you now are wise to his antics,
17:03 to his tactics, and you don't place yourself
17:05 where he will have an advantage over you.
17:08 So we have to guard our senses, and also the places that we go,
17:11 and the associations that we keep,
17:13 and lot of different things like that.
17:15 Exactly.
17:16 So if we are at point 10, or 11,
17:18 I mean, in your journey, you said there were 14,
17:21 what else comes next in your journey
17:24 away from the addictive lifestyle of homosexuality?
17:28 It became important to me in reading Scripture,
17:32 to personalize Scripture,
17:34 and I have a collection of promises,
17:39 I call it a rainbow of promises.
17:41 I like the idea of reclaiming the rainbow,
17:44 I'm gonna write a book about that someday.
17:47 Oh, oh, I've just revealed what I planned to do,
17:50 someone's gonna take that away.
17:51 You better hurry up then. That's right.
17:53 But you take all of these promises,
17:56 these exceeding great and precious promises of God
18:00 and you insert yourself into the context and,
18:03 you know, just as an example with 2 Corinthians 5:17,
18:07 which I think is one of your favorite texts and mine.
18:09 And Coming Out Ministries is kind of a theme text for us.
18:13 Therefore, if any man, especially Ron Woolsey,
18:17 be in Christ, Ron is now a new creature.
18:22 Old things are passed away,
18:24 in Arkansas that means we have a funeral, you know?
18:26 Old things are passed away, all things have become new,
18:31 and when I put myself in that, if I am in Christ,
18:38 then I am a new creature in Christ.
18:40 I personally, my old self is gone,
18:44 I starve that, I bury that, then I become new
18:49 and I really like the commentary,
18:51 I have a study Bible,
18:52 a commentary Bible, and the commentary
18:54 on that says that the new birth consists
18:57 of having new motives,
19:00 and new tastes, and new tendencies.
19:02 I read that as a gay person and I got excited
19:05 because I was looking for a way out
19:08 and then it goes on to say that a genuine conversion changes,
19:12 hereditary, and cultivated tendencies to wrong,
19:16 and I got excited all over again
19:18 realizing that if I factored into my experience
19:23 the miracle working power of God,
19:26 anything is possible.
19:29 With human reasoning, psychology, psychiatry,
19:32 and so forth, apart from God, change is impossible.
19:36 We are fallen human beings,
19:37 but what is so often left out of that whole field of study
19:41 is the miracle working power of God.
19:44 And so in personalizing Scripture,
19:48 it just brings it alive.
19:49 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, is another one.
19:52 We'll list all these behaviors that will not be in heaven.
19:57 I found myself in there multiple times.
20:00 I was going to be lost multiple times
20:01 and then, verse 11 says,
20:03 "And such were some of you, Ron, but you are washed,
20:10 you are sanctified, you are justified,"
20:12 and when you put your name in those texts,
20:16 it really pops, it really becomes meaningful
20:21 and so doing that,
20:23 the next step was, I realized,
20:24 I need to start acting upon God's Word.
20:28 When I read a promise, I just accept it.
20:32 And I incorporate into my life, I believe it,
20:34 and I just act as though I really believe
20:37 what I am reading
20:38 because there is power in the Word.
20:41 You know, I was talking about how I was reading
20:42 the Word with a Margarita
20:44 and a cigarette in the very beginning,
20:46 and when I got to a certain point,
20:49 I found myself snuffing out the cigarettes,
20:51 I just couldn't do that anymore,
20:53 and it's because, Danielle,
20:54 there is power in the Word of God.
20:58 "By the word of the Lord were the heavens made,
21:00 all the hosts within by the breath of his mouth,
21:02 where He spake, He was done,
21:04 He commanded and it stood fast.
21:06 That same creative power is right here, in written form.
21:11 And as we read the Word of God, and we access that power,
21:16 we are beholding Christ and we become changed
21:19 and you know, when Jesus said to Lazarus,
21:21 "Lazarus, come forth."
21:23 That's re-creative power
21:26 and that's what we have access to.
21:30 "If the Son therefore shall make you free,"
21:32 Ron, Danielle, "Then you are free indeed."
21:36 That word indeed, free indeed,
21:39 that's the inspiration for this whole study.
21:43 We don't have to keep, you know,
21:46 dragging around the ball and chain,
21:48 we can be set free.
21:50 And we shouldn't pick up that chain
21:51 and drag it around as an identity either,
21:53 but that's another subject for another day.
21:57 The 12th point that
21:59 I want to stress is that of being grateful.
22:02 Yes.
22:04 An attitude of gratitude.
22:05 You know, God created us man, and woman for each other.
22:11 And we need to be grateful for what He gave us
22:14 and when He created this institution of marriage,
22:17 with that institution,
22:19 He instilled the wonderful gift of sexual intimacy.
22:24 That gift goes with that package,
22:26 it goes with institution only,
22:30 and we need to be grateful for that.
22:33 Outside of the marriage institution,
22:36 it is a violation of God's will and His law.
22:39 And so when a...
22:43 Now this is kind of the way I think
22:44 and some people think that
22:46 I think in a strange way sometimes,
22:48 but if I, a man, am lusting after another man,
22:54 am I not coveting what God really has
22:56 for someone else, like for a woman?
22:58 Sure. If I am lust...
23:01 If a woman is lusting after a woman,
23:03 is she not coveting, is she not ungrateful
23:08 for what God has created
23:10 and we just need to accept that God is love
23:16 and that everything that He has created is
23:20 for our own well-being, our own fulfillment and joy,
23:24 and happiness, and success in life,
23:28 and so we need to go forward with a grateful heart
23:31 and not look at the law of God and the will of God
23:35 as a restrictive fence but as a protective hedge.
23:41 That's right.
23:42 And I think what you are sharing
23:44 makes so much sense and I know it,
23:45 in my experience,
23:46 as I was really struggling with depression,
23:48 and anxiety attacks and all of these.
23:50 That key point right there was revolutionary for me
23:54 and just focusing my mind
23:56 on the things I could be grateful for,
23:57 really started to bring me out of those clouds
24:01 and the pit that I was in for a lot of years.
24:04 Exactly, yeah.
24:06 And the Bible tells us to rejoice in the Lord always,
24:08 even when the times are dark.
24:09 There's always something there that we can be grateful
24:12 for so much that we have to be grateful for.
24:16 So is there some secret to,
24:19 you know, to wrap these things up
24:21 and to bring a conclusion, there must be the crowning,
24:25 the crowning part.
24:27 Well, there is a two part secret,
24:29 and I had up to this point in my life,
24:35 identified myself by my thinking,
24:37 by my, you know,
24:39 "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he,"
24:42 and I just thought of myself as,
24:46 well, let's put it this way,
24:48 I identified with the nature of my temptations.
24:52 But through my study, I began to realize
24:55 that temptation is not sin,
24:59 because Hebrews 4 says that
25:00 Jesus was tempted in all points like as we are,
25:04 there again, in all points like Ron Woolsey.
25:06 I shared that with a professor once
25:08 and he was startled and he said,
25:09 "Well, you don't think Jesus was tempted like that,
25:11 do you?"
25:13 I said, "Well, how do you think He was tempted, like you?"
25:16 Well, that's not fair. Sure.
25:18 Personalizing scripture, temptation is not sin.
25:22 Jesus was tempted, yet without sin.
25:25 Not only that, in Hebrews 2, "He suffered being tempted."
25:28 So He struggled, and in Hebrews 12,
25:31 "He resisted unto blood, striving against sin."
25:35 And so we know that
25:38 Jesus was not the chiefest of sinners,
25:40 and He was tempted in all points,
25:42 like as we are.
25:43 When I realized, Danielle,
25:44 that temptation does not need to define who I am,
25:47 that, like the forgiveness thing,
25:49 that was a very liberating moment for me,
25:52 to realize that I don't need to identify
25:54 with Satan's plan for my life...
25:57 I can identify with God's plan for my life.
26:00 And then the final thing that I came to,
26:03 was realizing that the secret to overcoming sin,
26:09 the real secret is helping others
26:12 to overcome sin. That's right.
26:13 And I think that's one reason the Lord put me in ministry,
26:17 maybe you too, because He knows that
26:19 it's the only way He can get me to heaven,
26:20 is to keep me involved in helping others,
26:23 the secret to overcoming
26:25 is helping others to overcome, how?
26:27 Revelation 12:11, "By the blood of the lamb
26:31 and the word of our testimony."
26:33 As we tell the story of Jesus,
26:36 we are helping others to overcome sin,
26:39 and then as we live the life of Jesus,
26:42 and we share our testimonies
26:44 of what He has done in our lives,
26:45 that's positive reinforcement for ourselves
26:49 and it's also a blessing to others.
26:51 And that to me is the secret to overcoming sin,
26:55 helping others to do so.
26:56 Amen, excellent.
26:58 Thank you so much for sharing, Ron.
26:59 So can you just give us a recap of all of those 14 points?
27:02 Okay.
27:03 Number one, realize God's love for you.
27:08 Number two, face yourself, be willing to face yourself.
27:11 Number three, acknowledge that this issue,
27:14 your issue is a sin issue.
27:17 Jesus came to save you from sin.
27:19 Number four, salvation is for you too,
27:22 no matter who you are.
27:23 Number five, the cause of homosexuality,
27:26 or whatever the issue is totally irrelevant.
27:30 Number six, learn to forgive, a big point.
27:34 Learn to forgive, number seven,
27:36 it is a matter of choice.
27:37 Number eight, walk with God.
27:39 Number nine, protect your environment.
27:42 Number ten, personalize scripture.
27:44 Eleven, act upon God's Word.
27:47 Twelve, be grateful.
27:50 Thirteen, temptation is not sin.
27:52 And fourteen, the secret to overcoming sin
27:54 is helping others to overcome.
27:56 Amen. Amen.
27:58 Well, thank you for joining us on Pure Choices today.
28:00 Until next time, may God bless you.


Revised 2018-07-06