Pure Choices

After the Afair

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brittany Hill-Morales (Host), Dajanae Anderson, Keith Hackle Jr


Series Code: PC

Program Code: PC000130A

00:01 The following program discusses sensitive issues.
00:03 Parents are cautioned that some material
00:05 may be too candid for younger children.
00:40 Hello, welcome to Pure Choices.
00:43 My name is Brittany Hill-Morales,
00:44 and I am today's host.
00:46 We have a really interesting
00:49 and controversial topic for today.
00:51 We are talking about after the affair.
00:55 What do you do as...
00:58 You're married, your spouse cheated on you,
01:02 and now you're wondering, should I divorce
01:04 or should I stay married, what should you do?
01:05 We're gonna have the discussion,
01:06 but before we jump in,
01:08 we're gonna pray, so let's pray.
01:09 Dear kind and most heavenly Father,
01:11 dear Lord, I pray that You will lead our conversation here
01:14 and You also be with the viewers at home.
01:17 Thank you so much for everything that You've done
01:18 and continue to do, in Jesus' name, amen.
01:20 Amen. Amen.
01:22 Amen, so today, we have two wonderful people
01:25 over here on the couch.
01:26 We have Pastor Keith Hackle from Iowa,
01:29 and we also have
01:30 Mrs. Dajanae Anderson from Texas.
01:33 So we're all married.
01:35 Yes.
01:36 I know there's one thing we none of us want to happen.
01:40 We do not want our spouse to cheat,
01:43 and we also don't want it for our friends.
01:46 Some of us, we've seen growing up,
01:48 the damage of affairs,
01:51 what it does to not only the couple itself
01:53 but to the families, their friends.
01:56 And marriage was an institution created by God.
02:00 Before the fall, it was declared very good.
02:03 But we know because of sin,
02:04 all these different stuff we do had a lot of issues.
02:07 Right. So let's go...
02:08 It's like basic question.
02:10 What is an affair?
02:15 An affair...
02:20 is when you are inappropriately
02:25 intimate with someone
02:28 that is not your spouse.
02:33 And so, I know there are some people define
02:38 that had to be sexual,
02:40 and some people define that to be emotional.
02:45 And I was recently informed
02:49 that there are actually three different levels of affairs
02:56 that people consider things to be affairs
02:58 and sometimes it can be sexual
03:01 but not emotional,
03:02 so, and I've seen that,
03:06 so it's, I don't love her
03:08 when it's, you know, the guy is,
03:10 the man is having an affair with another women.
03:14 I don't love her.
03:15 It's just a sexual thing.
03:19 My heart is still at home,
03:21 or if it is emotional to where it's like you need to relax,
03:26 we haven't had sex.
03:29 Then, but there's still inappropriate reality
03:33 in the intimacy that is present,
03:36 so I've seen those things.
03:40 I think it's tough.
03:43 It could be, I would just say
03:44 if I could give it a definition outside of the dictionary
03:48 then I would just say,
03:49 an act that goes beyond what is expected or accepted
03:55 by your mate
03:57 because it ranges, it could be, for some people,
04:00 it's just a fact that you were texting this other person.
04:04 Yeah.
04:05 I feel like you had an affair, while others, it could be,
04:07 hey, a kiss is okay,
04:10 but we didn't go further than that.
04:12 So I think it's relational,
04:15 like it depends on each relationship,
04:17 what boundaries you've set,
04:18 and so then the spouse will have to say this,
04:22 and this is how I feel about what you did,
04:24 but definitely a breach of expectations or limitations
04:28 that have been set by the realm of the marriage.
04:32 But I would also add that there is certain things
04:35 that just should not happen.
04:36 Right.
04:37 Despite what, if you said
04:39 'cause I know some people have open relationships,
04:43 and I'm gonna trying to be like, okay, that's you,
04:48 but as a Christian who serves God
04:50 and what God has designed for us,
04:53 open relationships are having affairs,
04:56 it's just that your spouse knows about it.
04:58 And is pretending to be okay with it.
05:01 Kissing somebody else, that, for me,
05:06 and based on how the Bible is and God is.
05:09 I don't think He wants us.
05:10 Do I say, if someone told me,
05:12 well, you know, that's how my husband and I are set up.
05:14 No.
05:16 Something's wrong with that,
05:17 you need to sit down and try to figure out,
05:18 why would you even want to make that acceptable.
05:21 Share intimacy, yeah, with somebody else.
05:23 And I would also, going back to,
05:25 there are three different levels.
05:27 The sexual but not emotional,
05:30 the sexual and emotional,
05:33 then the emotional but not sexual,
05:36 just to talk on that factor for little bit.
05:41 I wouldn't want my spouse
05:43 to be conversing with someone else for two,
05:48 especially on deep situations that mainly like concerning me.
05:52 Yes, we should be able to have opposite gender relationships.
05:57 There is a certain level of healthy, that's acceptable.
06:00 But when you are spending more time on the phone with...
06:05 In my case, being, you know, I'm married to my husband,
06:08 you're spending more time on phone with her,
06:10 it's 2 o'clock in the morning
06:11 and you're talking to her at 2 a.m.
06:14 And like honey, it's not sexual, but still it's 2 a.m.
06:17 I haven't spoken to you since last week,
06:19 Tuesday, today is Friday, this is the problem.
06:22 Right, right.
06:23 And there's like certain things
06:24 that are outside where you cannot do.
06:28 But for a moment, let's talk about sexual but emotional,
06:31 and emotional, sexual and emotional.
06:33 Sexual and... Okay, okay, so I...
06:36 Can I make a comment on what you just said with the...
06:39 Because I think that's the most sticky reality of affairs
06:46 are the affairs that aren't sexual.
06:49 I think most people can identify
06:52 that if I'm having sexual relations
06:54 whether it's emotional or not
06:57 that you have breached the marriage relationship.
07:01 But when it comes to the lack of sexual intimacy
07:05 outside of the marriage,
07:06 then people begin to justify what's going on
07:11 to try to make it seem like it's not a negative thing.
07:14 And so, I have lots of...
07:17 I have met many people, people that I care about
07:22 that have taught me
07:23 that if there's an emotional connection,
07:28 many people stay in contact with their exes, right?
07:31 And so, they're in, you know, relationships,
07:36 they may not be married,
07:38 but then I say,
07:39 what are you going to do if you end up.
07:42 You're in a relationship with one person,
07:45 but you're still talking to,
07:47 and investing time into, and exposing.
07:53 You're still telling this person,
07:55 who you are,
07:56 what's going on in your day to day.
07:58 You're possibly even telling them
08:00 what's going on in your relationship,
08:03 knowing that there is more than friendship,
08:06 there's more than a friendship chemistry
08:08 between you and this person
08:10 because of your history
08:11 or because of things that have been expressed
08:14 verbally or non-verbally,
08:15 and then you say, but then you're trying to move forward
08:19 in the actual relationship,
08:21 the declared relationship that you're in.
08:24 And I believe that this relationship
08:28 will never be able to grow as fully
08:30 as, you know, God may intend,
08:34 or you may kind of want,
08:36 or this person may definitely want
08:38 because they don't know what's going on over here.
08:41 And so I think that there's the emotional part
08:46 that happens with men and women,
08:49 happens with men and women,
08:50 you know, people say that women are more emotional
08:54 than men are,
08:55 and I'm not here to argue that truth or non-truth,
08:59 but definitely men still have emotions...
09:03 True.
09:05 And so a relationship is still going to be...
09:09 The man is still going to be emotionally effected
09:12 by whatever kind of relationship he is in.
09:14 And so I think there is...
09:16 I think we need to start on being honest with ourselves
09:20 about why we want this person around.
09:22 And if there is...
09:25 If you cannot tell your spouse
09:27 the things that you are discussing
09:29 with this other person,
09:31 then you, then that is a red flag
09:34 that there's something wrong
09:36 and inappropriate with the relationship
09:38 that you're having outside of the declared relationship.
09:42 If I could jump on that really quickly.
09:44 I had to be honest with myself.
09:46 Before I was married, I found myself in that situation twice,
09:49 being with someone
09:51 who was still in contact with an ex.
09:54 And I'm better now.
09:57 My husband does not do that, but I really had
09:59 'cause every time I put myself in situation like,
10:01 what is going on?
10:03 Right.
10:04 And it was sort of point in one of the relationships
10:06 where I was like, listen, I still love her,
10:08 but I love you and I'm choosing you.
10:11 And I don't know why I stayed in that relationship.
10:14 Right.
10:15 But that's a reality where men do have emotions,
10:17 so it could be like, you know, I chose you, I love you,
10:20 but, you know, I love...
10:21 No, you're not completely dedicated to me.
10:24 You are still with that other person.
10:27 Right.
10:28 And it's tough.
10:29 But in that instance, you've communicated,
10:31 listen, this is how I feel.
10:33 It gets really sticky when individuals have children with
10:38 the previous person, right?
10:39 And so... Yeah.
10:41 The communication becomes important,
10:43 being able to share what we've talked about becomes important
10:46 because it is a reality
10:48 that those previous relationships
10:50 even though they're broken up, that one party may feel like,
10:53 you know what, this could work out again, right?
10:55 They may want you, want that other person back,
10:57 so if they see a wedge being drawn
11:00 in which you are keeping secrets
11:02 from your spouse, right?
11:04 You're not willing to communicate
11:05 or devote everything that you've said to this person
11:09 or they've said to you, that becomes important,
11:11 especially in this age of social media.
11:16 So what do you do when you get a inbox
11:18 from that individual
11:20 that you used to be involved with, right?
11:21 Do you tell your spouse, do you not?
11:24 And so in our...
11:25 In my marriage, my wife and I, we have open communication,
11:28 and so you have to feel comfortable
11:31 and being able to say,
11:33 hey, this person reached out to me.
11:36 This person asked this question.
11:39 Your relationship has to determine
11:41 whether it's okay for you to stay in contact with that,
11:43 that former person or not.
11:45 And some people are okay with it.
11:46 Some people are like,
11:48 yeah, you can communicate with that person,
11:50 but it's communication,
11:52 you got to be careful and you got to keep it open.
11:55 And then just being passionate
11:57 about the same things sometimes creates a problem.
12:00 And so, we've had issues at the churches
12:04 that I've pastored,
12:05 where individuals may appreciate the same thing,
12:08 so let's say sports, right?
12:09 Let's say, my wife doesn't like football.
12:12 But maybe there is a lady in the church
12:14 who does like football,
12:15 so every time Sunday comes around,
12:17 we're talking about the game,
12:19 and we're having in-depth conversations.
12:21 She may come over to the house
12:23 and we may watch the game together.
12:24 My wife hates football, right?
12:27 But now she sees this lady here who's encroaching on her space
12:32 and having a relationship
12:34 on a level that her and her husband don't have.
12:36 And so she has to be able to come to me and say,
12:38 listen, dude, I don't feel comfortable with this level,
12:41 and then I, as her husband have to receive how she feels.
12:45 And to be willing to sacrifice this relationship
12:50 for the sake of making sure that home stays intact.
12:54 But at the same time,
12:55 we as spouses have to understand
12:57 that there may be people who gel with our spouses,
13:01 I suppose get on a level that we don't
13:04 and we must trust them
13:05 to maintain those safe values so.
13:09 Yeah, I think that's a key word,
13:11 especially when it comes to having relationships
13:14 with the opposite sex that maybe are pure
13:18 because that does exist,
13:20 but if there's a lack of trust,
13:23 that may have something to do with maybe our history,
13:26 or that may have something to do with just me.
13:28 And so, being able to identify,
13:30 do I, am I untrusting of this relationship,
13:33 you know, as a wife.
13:35 Am I untrusting of this relationship
13:37 this women is having with my husband
13:39 because my husband has demonstrated
13:41 that he is not trustworthy in this area,
13:45 or do I have previous history,
13:49 a previous history of hurt
13:50 to where maybe I've been cheated on,
13:52 or have I seen men in my life maybe cheat on,
13:57 and so I think that this is a reality for most
13:59 or all men,
14:01 and so which one is it
14:03 and being able to filter through that
14:05 I think is completely necessary.
14:08 And I think it's unfair for us to expect things
14:13 out of our spouse without evaluating
14:14 why we feel that way.
14:17 And as we're talking about affairs,
14:19 this is an another element to it
14:21 with the whole sexuality, the sexual but not emotional.
14:25 Sexual doesn't only mean not going all the way,
14:30 having penetration when you're in intercourse.
14:33 There are also other sexual perversions
14:34 where it talks about sexual immoralities.
14:37 It could be incest,
14:38 if your spouse whether it's the husband or that the wife,
14:43 if they're interfering with children.
14:45 That is an affair
14:47 'cause that's a sexual perversion.
14:51 Again, like I said before, abuse, if he's a rapist,
14:53 that is affair,
14:55 it may not be like we said the emotional elements
14:58 because it's not there,
14:59 but it's still sexual and it's not,
15:01 it's not honoring the bond between the husband and wife,
15:03 there are even other extremes such as physicality,
15:09 people having sex with objects.
15:11 Those are all such different things
15:12 where you need to really consider
15:14 and be like, okay, what's going on in our relationship.
15:15 You're not committed to me, you're not with me.
15:17 So when your spouse has this affair
15:22 whether it's sexual, sexual and emotional,
15:25 or only emotional,
15:27 what is the option after that?
15:29 What does that Bible say?
15:30 Do we choose to divorce, do we choose to work it out?
15:33 What do you guys say?
15:36 Well, I think the first question that you had
15:39 is more important than the latter,
15:41 not that the latter is not important,
15:43 but what does the Bible say,
15:44 what does the Bible say about it?
15:47 And, you know, when Christ was having this conversation,
15:53 he said that, you know, that yes, there is...
15:56 You can divorce, you can divorce,
16:00 but you do not have to divorce,
16:03 and so just because an affair happens,
16:07 it is lawful to divorce,
16:09 it is lawful to take that step,
16:13 however, but however what Christ demonstrates
16:18 is being consistent
16:21 and being faithful,
16:22 even when we are unfaithful,
16:24 and so that marriage relationship,
16:26 Christ as the groom and the church as the bride
16:32 being able to stay...
16:34 Christ is able to stay faithful.
16:37 2 Timothy talks about how when we are unfaithful,
16:40 Christ remains the same
16:42 because He cannot deny who He is.
16:45 And so there's this...
16:47 You have options, you do have options,
16:49 but then the latter question is which option,
16:52 like you said, do we choose,
16:54 even though the Bible makes room
16:57 for us to stay or to leave.
17:00 So let's say, you're leaning...
17:03 Let's say the option is divorce.
17:04 What would be the factors that would say,
17:06 okay, yeah, we should divorce,
17:08 not be married anymore?
17:10 What would be those factors?
17:12 It can range, probably the most important is we...
17:17 This just isn't healthy.
17:18 This would not be healthy for us going beyond.
17:21 As Dajanae said, it's...
17:23 God gives us an option, but that's not his preference,
17:26 even with the affair, that's not His preference.
17:29 He would desire for us to work this thing out,
17:32 but if this thing keeps coming up,
17:35 if every time I'm leaving now after the affair,
17:38 you're thinking that I'm going to be with someone else.
17:41 If I get a text message
17:43 and you're feeling a certain way,
17:44 if you don't want to be around me,
17:47 if we've separated,
17:48 and that's not, still not working,
17:50 we can't come back together.
17:51 If we've gone to the counseling,
17:52 if we prayed about this thing,
17:54 and it's just not a healthy environment,
17:57 then that is when we should go to the other options.
18:02 It's important also, if I can just add
18:04 from the personal perspective,
18:06 when individuals find out other individuals,
18:08 outside of the relationship, find out about it.
18:12 Ultimately, individuals are making decisions
18:14 not so much about how I feel
18:15 but how other people are viewing me for staying.
18:18 So you will hear the lady say,
18:20 people looking at me, I'm foolish
18:22 or the guy, I'm foolish for staying with you.
18:24 I can go and be with someone else.
18:26 And so really, the reason why I'm saying this
18:29 is because other people are...
18:31 I feel that this is how other people feel about me,
18:32 and this is where it's important
18:34 that our marriage
18:35 union is about us and God first,
18:38 and everybody else is secondary.
18:40 Me and my wife, we talked about this
18:42 before we got married.
18:44 We said, listen, there's no breaking up.
18:46 No breaking up.
18:47 No such thing as divorce
18:49 in regards to our vocabulary of this thing.
18:51 And so what am I saying?
18:52 I'm not saying go out and cheat.
18:53 She's not saying, go out and cheat.
18:55 Well, what we're saying is whatever we face,
18:58 whatever we face, we're going to work through this thing.
19:02 We're committing before we get into this thing
19:05 that we're going to work through this thing,
19:06 and that's important
19:08 because a lot of people,
19:10 I believe, have given up
19:12 and not even fought for that thing.
19:14 Now there are times when it's unhealthy,
19:16 this thing just isn't working,
19:18 you're still doing the same thing,
19:19 even after we've gone to counseling,
19:21 even after we've separated.
19:22 Yeah, you're going back to, yeah, fare for tenth affair,
19:25 you're still doing the same thing,
19:27 then we need to look at some other options,
19:29 but let's exhaust all of the possibilities
19:32 before we just give up.
19:34 Right. Right.
19:35 I would agree, I would definitely agree with that.
19:38 My husband and I,
19:39 you know, said the same thing before we got married.
19:43 We have people on both sides of our family
19:47 that have had affairs and divorces have happened,
19:50 have taken place and things like that,
19:52 and we have seen the hurt,
19:54 and in many ways experienced the hurt
19:56 that takes place after an affair,
19:59 and so but we said, of course, that's not...
20:03 In our dating stages...
20:05 In our dating stages,
20:07 we identified that's not something that we do,
20:13 where we may have seen that
20:14 but that's not something that we do.
20:18 Now, if it were to happen
20:20 because there's a reality that people change, things happen...
20:24 You know, as we grow, sometimes things that are not
20:31 inviting or wonderful,
20:34 there are things that grow into us that are not positive.
20:37 So many times when we're talking about growth,
20:39 we're talking about positive growth,
20:41 but there's a reality that I've come to terms with that
20:46 when you're younger, you're so much...
20:48 You have your innocence.
20:50 But as you get older and you experience harder situations,
20:54 then some of those hard situations
20:57 become a part of you.
20:58 And so sometimes,
21:00 you may go into a marriage and say,
21:02 this is something that I would never do
21:04 because you don't have any intention,
21:07 honestly, on doing that.
21:09 But then, something may happen, God forbid,
21:13 but that something that it's possible,
21:16 and so after the divorce, I mean not after the divorce,
21:19 after the affair if that were to happen,
21:22 then, I mean our conversation has been,
21:28 if that were to take place, I couldn't handle that.
21:32 And we said that, we hope
21:36 that God will give us the strength
21:38 to get through it,
21:40 but we are both honest with each other and said,
21:42 divorce is not something that we play around with.
21:45 Divorce is not when you get on my nerves, or you bother me,
21:48 or there's something that's really, really serious
21:51 that is difficult for me to live with
21:54 in you that doesn't...
21:55 I don't throw divorce out there,
21:58 but if it is an affair,
22:00 then you have to know that
22:02 that is something that I will be thinking in my mind.
22:05 And if that's an action that you take
22:11 then that's a conversation,
22:12 divorce is going to be a conversation
22:14 that we may have to have.
22:16 But there, it does take, in order to...
22:19 It's on the opposite, or not the opposite,
22:22 within that conversation, we, in our relationship,
22:26 before getting into our relationship,
22:28 before getting engaged, we had reconciliation,
22:32 we were friends, drama happened,
22:36 and then we had to come together and reconcile.
22:39 And so I am blessed to have experienced
22:45 what true reconciliation looks like
22:47 because I think that is God's ideal
22:50 that when he makes room for the latter,
22:53 but the ideal is when hardships come,
22:57 no matter what they are,
22:58 that both individuals
23:00 are willing to be reconciled to each other
23:03 because Christ...
23:06 the symbol comes from salvation.
23:10 Christ can come and try to be reconciled
23:13 and reconcile Himself to the world,
23:15 right, to the church, to the world,
23:17 but if I do not accept that offer of reconciliation,
23:22 then it's non-existent in our relationship,
23:26 and so the relationship can be saved.
23:29 It can be saved, no matter what happens.
23:33 All the things that you named,
23:34 those are some difficult realities
23:38 that are present in the church
23:39 whether we like to believe it or not,
23:41 whether it be affairs within heterosexual relationships,
23:48 affairs within homosexual relationships,
23:52 affairs with family members,
23:55 affairs with animals, affairs with self.
24:01 Some people identify masturbation
24:03 as affairs with self,
24:05 and so being able to honestly ask the question,
24:10 what do we do in our relationship,
24:13 and how do we live out the gospel during these true,
24:18 honest, and difficult realities of life?
24:23 How do we do that?
24:24 And do we take the Christ-like perspective?
24:27 Or do we at least try
24:29 because we're not perfect, right?
24:31 But we can try and pray about that thing so that's...
24:36 I believe that is God's ideal.
24:38 Yeah, and I've seen or trying to figure out,
24:40 okay, you choose to stay in the marriage.
24:43 Or maybe you figured out
24:45 that this thing is worth fighting for.
24:46 There are some certain factors,
24:48 maybe, you're willing to accept,
24:50 it was one time,
24:51 or whatever the rationale is for the couple to say,
24:54 okay, we're gonna try.
24:55 We really love each other.
24:57 We're doing this maybe for the children,
24:59 but more than for the children
25:00 because we truly believe that it was just a slip.
25:03 I probably didn't put the right bonding in place.
25:06 How do I fight for this thing,
25:10 not only going to counseling and sitting down,
25:15 and really placing all the issues on the table
25:17 because you need to be completely honest.
25:19 I think, I feel, Keith, that you're gonna
25:21 add something else?
25:22 Yeah, after you get, dealt with that
25:24 but it's, what do you do afterwards,
25:27 you say, I'm fighting for this thing, what do you do?
25:30 It takes a lot of time.
25:34 It's not gonna be tomorrow. Right.
25:36 May not be next year,
25:38 but what I've counseled people to do
25:40 is to get back to that point, start all over,
25:43 get back to dating
25:45 because there's a variety of issues
25:47 that could be the cause.
25:49 Right. Obviously, right?
25:50 So talk about it when you feel comfortable,
25:52 when the hurt is not as painful,
25:58 then you start talking about it,
25:59 and then you just gradually get back to dating,
26:01 get back to loving each other, get back to knowing each other,
26:04 and then build that trust.
26:06 We got to understand that divorce was not God's idea.
26:11 He actually says
26:12 it was because of the hardness of your heart
26:14 that He gave you this.
26:15 So once my heart has been softened, right?
26:17 And I'm willing to now receive and work through this thing.
26:21 I have to give you a fair chance,
26:23 you have to give me a fair chance,
26:25 we got to try to rebuild this thing...
26:26 Right. Because it's possible.
26:28 I've seen a lot of marriages that were on the brink
26:31 and are now, 20 years later, they're still going strong.
26:35 But it took individual saying, you know what?
26:37 I love you, I trust you,
26:39 and let's keep moving through this thing,
26:42 and let's defy the odds
26:43 because society tells us, listen,
26:45 somebody does something you don't like, just divorce.
26:48 Simply just divorce.
26:49 I mean, some people getting divorced
26:51 just for losing their jobs
26:52 or just anything, you know.
26:53 Yes. It's serious.
26:55 And when you decide to stay married,
26:59 you have to decide
27:01 to stay married and be married.
27:05 So you can't say you cheated on me,
27:09 so we're not having sex.
27:11 It was five years ago, you cheated on me,
27:15 so I'm gonna keep the kids away from you,
27:16 and even if you choose to divorce,
27:20 you have to forgive the spouse.
27:22 Yes. That's important. Yeah.
27:23 Especially, if the kids are still there,
27:25 you can't have the tension,
27:26 the friends, they can't have that tension.
27:29 And even for yourself,
27:30 whoever you're started dating that's new,
27:32 can't have that tension.
27:34 So as we're wrapping up,
27:35 we want you guys to keep on having this conversation
27:38 about affairs.
27:39 What do you need to do
27:42 within your relationship if it has happened?
27:45 Do you choose to divorce or you choose to stay?
27:47 The Bible says in 1 Peter 4:8,
27:49 "Above all, love each other deeply,
27:52 because love covers a multitude of sins."
27:54 Yes.
27:56 So please remember to make pure choices.


Revised 2017-12-18