Perfecting Me

Character of God

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Wintley Phipps (Host), Adly Campos, Dr E. T. Stoddart, Ruthie Jacobson


Series Code: PFM

Program Code: PFM000001A

00:27 Hi, I'm Wintley Phipps, and welcome to our program
00:30 Perfecting Me, Becoming More Like Jesus.
00:35 I'm so glad you joined us.
00:37 My guests today on our program are Ruthie Jacobson,
00:41 Head of Prayer Ministry
00:43 of the North American division of Seventh-day Adventist,
00:46 Pastor Errol Stoddart,
00:48 Senior Pastor of The Church of the Oranges
00:50 of Seventh-day Adventist in Orange, New Jersey,
00:53 and Adly Campos, Speaker and President
00:57 of Family Well-Being International.
01:00 They'll be joining me on our discussion later
01:02 in the program.
01:04 This program is dedicated to the belief
01:06 that there is nothing more important
01:09 or more exciting you can do with your life
01:12 than to become, every day, more like Jesus.
01:16 Every program is a celebration
01:18 of how God's power is at work in our lives.
01:22 We trust you'll find joy in being able to say,
01:25 "Everyday Jesus is molding me, shaping me,
01:30 and every day, He is perfecting me.
01:35 Now let's get started.
01:40 I have been blessed to get to know
01:43 a dear brother in the Lord.
01:45 His name is Dave Blakeslee, and Dave is a potter,
01:50 a potter who loves the Lord.
01:53 Let's go into his shop and see Dave at work.
01:57 God says in the process of creation, He says,
02:01 "Let us make man in our image."
02:04 And I think, as an artist, there is this process
02:08 where we visualize something that comes up out of us,
02:14 and we either speak it into existence
02:17 or form it into existence
02:20 and that's the act of creativity.
02:24 The creative expression that I come to enjoy
02:27 over the last 40 years is making pottery out of clay.
02:31 Delighted in being part of a long string of humanity
02:36 that has made pottery for thousands of years.
02:38 I love the idea of pottery being used
02:41 that I've made with my own hands.
02:43 I love the firing of pottery. I love working with clay.
02:46 Every aspect of it fascinates me.
02:52 Clay is wonderfully soft and formable.
02:57 It responds to whatever impression
03:00 it receives,
03:03 and I just love that fact that I can make anything
03:08 I want out of it.
03:10 It yields to my hands, to the things
03:12 that I see, I head for it.
03:16 And I believe that we have the same opportunity with God,
03:21 who is a creative God, who desires to form
03:25 and fashion beauty and challenge
03:29 and opportunities into our lives.
03:32 And as we, like clay, yield to Him,
03:37 yield to His hands in a sense.
03:40 He makes beautiful people, beautiful lives
03:44 out of what we might originally say,
03:47 "How could this happen, how could this be?"
03:55 Before I turn this clay into a vessel,
03:58 to a piece of pottery,
03:59 I need to go through a process called wedging.
04:02 And in that, I'm going to cut the clay in half,
04:06 slam it together a few times, then go ahead and knead it,
04:09 much like you would with dough.
04:17 This is a fairly forceful process
04:20 in order to push out any air bubbles in the clay
04:23 and to homogenize it.
04:25 And this is my first encounter with this piece of clay,
04:31 and the clay is probably feeling that
04:33 this potter's got a fair amount of strength in his hands.
04:38 There is a certain amount of searching going on, on my part
04:40 to check out the quality of the clay,
04:44 is it going to be useful for what I want to make out of it,
04:48 and I'm preparing it for that purpose.
04:53 This clay by in and of itself is never going to become
04:56 a pot, a vessel, a pitcher, a platter, whatever.
05:01 It's going to require a potter.
05:02 It's going to require surrendering,
05:04 in a sense submitting to the potter's hand.
05:08 And we have to at some point in our life agree with God,
05:13 commit ourselves to God, surrender to Him.
05:17 What that means for me, as a person, is that
05:19 there was a day in which actually at this wheel
05:23 I decided that it was time to follow Him
05:25 for the rest of the days of my life.
05:27 And I submitted to Him in that, and connected,
05:32 in a sense, to His Kingdom, and to His authority,
05:36 and climbed up on the wheel, if you will.
05:40 At which point, God began to work in my life,
05:44 and I discovered so many things about God
05:46 that I never knew before.
05:48 I discovered an incredible loving Father,
05:54 discovered the wonder of His Word,
05:59 discovered the presence of His Spirit in our lives.
06:04 That's a wonderful idea that we could be fulfilled
06:09 to the utmost in our lives by yielding to God's invitation
06:15 of, "Let me make you into this."
06:18 We may not know from the beginning
06:20 what this is,
06:22 but we're just simply saying yes, yes, yes.
06:27 And in the end we can look back
06:31 and see all that He has formed.
06:36 And what I'm doing right now, this is called centering.
06:40 I think of the centering process
06:42 as the process of becoming still in God.
06:46 So the centering process for me represents that time
06:50 that I'm gonna spend with God.
06:53 Now that may sound rather strange.
06:56 Does God enter the room, do I see Him?
06:58 No.
07:00 Sometimes I feel a sense of His Spirit.
07:04 Sometimes I feel a new peace, a new joy,
07:08 sometimes I'm inspired by a new thought,
07:11 sometimes I'll read something in scripture or a book
07:16 that's inspirational about God.
07:21 I believe that God desires to communicate to us.
07:25 This is not a very exciting process right now,
07:28 when it's the pot going to be formed,
07:30 but this is foundational for a good pot.
07:34 It needs to be centered, the clay has to be uniform
07:37 and still in my hands.
07:40 It's important for us to become still in the hands
07:44 of an incredibly wise, powerful, and loving God.
07:53 This clay is beginning to trust me,
07:57 beginning to recognize that I have a lot of strength,
08:01 but that I'm gentle in my approach to it.
08:04 I don't want to destroy it, I want to form it,
08:08 I want to form it into something
08:09 that it never dreamt it could become.
08:16 In the Book of Genesis 2:7, the Word of God says,
08:20 "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground,
08:24 and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life,
08:28 and man became a living soul."
08:32 For just a moment, I would like you
08:34 to imagine yourselves
08:36 as an eyewitness to God creating the world.
08:40 I found that thinking about God's
08:42 unlimited capacity for creativity
08:45 will stretch your imagination to its limits.
08:49 Men build houses and skyscrapers
08:52 out of brick and motor.
08:54 God built the sky and all the billions of planets
08:58 out of nothing but His word and power.
09:02 There is no limit to God's competence
09:05 and creative thoughts.
09:08 You know when man creates anything,
09:10 he need a starter kit.
09:13 The cook in the kitchen has to start
09:15 with certain ingredients to make her creation.
09:18 And think about it, every billionaire genius
09:21 who has ever lived on the earth
09:23 needed a starter kit.
09:25 Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Alexander Graham Bell,
09:29 the Wright Brothers,
09:31 they didn't build something out of nothing,
09:34 they all started with something,
09:38 but not so with God.
09:40 God didn't need a starter kit.
09:43 He is the only one who can create
09:45 something out of nothing.
09:49 When the angels looked at what God had made,
09:52 they marveled at His artistry and vision,
09:56 and then to top it all off,
10:00 God made man.
10:04 God made us.
10:06 Man was the crowning act of the creation of God.
10:12 Just think, mankind was made by a master artist.
10:16 And to help us to understand the process
10:19 He used to create us, God in His word,
10:22 likened Himself to a potter.
10:26 Isaiah 64:8 says,
10:29 "But now, O Lord, Thou art our father,
10:32 we are the clay, and Thou our potter,
10:37 and we all are the work of Thy hand."
10:41 Jeremiah 18:6 says,
10:43 "Behold, as the clay is in the potter's hand,
10:48 so are ye in Mine hand, O house of Israel."
10:52 And then in Genesis 1:27, the Word of God says,
10:55 "So God created man in His own image,
11:00 in the image of God created He him,
11:04 male and female created He them."
11:08 Friends when God created man, He created us to resemble,
11:13 reflect, and reveal His image.
11:16 And not only His image, but His character.
11:20 And if there's one thing in the world Satan hates most,
11:23 it is the image and character of God.
11:26 Wherever the character of God is manifested,
11:29 Satan is determined to obliterate and destroy it.
11:33 And he wants from wipe from the character of man,
11:36 any traces of the image and character of God.
11:41 His war is not so much with us,
11:44 as it is with the character of God.
11:47 The great controversy is all about the distortion
11:51 and misrepresentation of character of God.
11:55 The servant of the Lord says, "He who rejects the life
12:00 and character of Jesus, refusing to be like Him,
12:06 declares himself
12:08 to be in controversy with God."
12:13 God made us in His image.
12:21 Now joining us again are my guests Ruthie Jacobson,
12:25 Adly Campos, and Errol Stoddart.
12:28 I want to begin by asking them about what they believe
12:31 they know about the character of God.
12:34 Sister Adly, tell me, what do you know
12:37 and what do you believe about the character of God?
12:42 First of all, I know that He is loved.
12:46 He has shown us in a very specific
12:50 and wonderful marvelous way how much He loves us
12:54 by sending His only Son to this earth
12:58 so that we could have salvation.
13:00 A profound deep love
13:04 that is what characterizes His character,
13:08 a person as holy as it is God.
13:12 Wonderful, and love is the zenith of His character,
13:16 it is the pinnacle.
13:18 Of all the attributes of God's character,
13:21 love is the highest.
13:23 Pastor Stoddart, what do you believe
13:25 and what do you know about the character of God?
13:28 Well, I always reference the Book of Exodus
13:32 when God came down to the mountain
13:34 to speak with Moses.
13:35 Moses went up on Mount Sinai to commune with God.
13:37 God revealed Himself as a God of mercy,
13:41 a God of goodness, a God who is righteous.
13:44 I think about God in terms of Him
13:47 being the good shepherd.
13:48 When I think of His character, He is a nurturer, He cares,
13:54 He looks out for the sheep.
13:56 And of course, as was so eloquently said
13:59 by Sister Campos, He is a God of love.
14:01 All of these things are really a demonstration of God
14:06 being a loving and caring God.
14:08 And it's interesting when Moses said,
14:11 "Show me Your glory."
14:14 God didn't show him lightning in the sky or fireworks.
14:18 God began to tell him about His character.
14:22 And there's a wonderful statement,
14:24 "The glory of God is His character."
14:28 So wherever I look in the Bible and I see the character of God,
14:33 I know it's talking about the glory of God.
14:35 And wherever I see the glory of God,
14:38 I know it's talking about the character of God.
14:42 Ruthie, what do you want people to know
14:44 about the character of God?
14:48 Well, Wintley, my husband and I have a favorite hymn.
14:53 It's number 100 in our hymnal,
14:56 Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father
15:00 There is no shadow of turning with Thee
15:04 Thou changest not, Thy compassions,
15:06 they fail not As Thou hast been Thou forever wilt be
15:11 And you know, His word doesn't return unto Him void.
15:15 He cannot lie, He is faithful, He is trustworthy.
15:20 He is a God of love, a God of mercy, a God of power,
15:25 and we can depend on Him
15:28 because His Word is true, and He is faithful.
15:32 And I love that last hymn, the last verse, and of course,
15:36 the whole song is a prayer.
15:39 Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth
15:43 Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide
15:48 Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow
15:52 Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside
15:56 Yes, absolutely.
15:57 You know that to me, that's the character of God.
16:01 Yes, is it necessary to become like the character of God
16:07 to be saved?
16:09 Pastor Stoddart, what do you think?
16:10 Is it necessary?
16:13 Well, I was reading a book earlier this week,
16:19 and a pastor had a conversation with a member of his church.
16:23 The member of his church basically said,
16:25 "You know pastor, I really don't want to be a disciple,
16:27 I just want to be a regular member
16:29 of the church."
16:31 You know, this thing of discipleship and all of that,
16:33 I don't want to get into all that.
16:36 I'm already saved as a Christian.
16:38 I don't need the rest of that.
16:40 And I think that a lot of people,
16:44 who are Christians, often have the mindset
16:48 that all I need to do is to believe a set of doctrines,
16:53 to have a certain theology, to ascribe to a certain,
16:59 you know, code of ethics,
17:01 and I don't need the rest of it.
17:02 Character of God and all that, eh,
17:05 I could take it or leave it.
17:06 And really, I think people miss it
17:11 because the character of God, having the character of God,
17:16 demonstrating the character of God.
17:18 And here is really is
17:20 reflecting the character of God,
17:22 that's the word, that's the important word,
17:25 reflecting the character of God because reflecting suggests
17:29 that something is shining on me and it's bouncing from me,
17:34 emanating from me back out.
17:35 When we say a mirror reflects a sun,
17:38 the sun is shining on the mirror
17:39 and the mirror is reflecting back
17:41 what it takes in.
17:44 And so reflecting the character of God says,
17:47 I'm taking God in
17:49 and is bouncing off of me back out.
17:53 So I don't think there's an option.
17:55 I think if we are saved,
17:58 reflecting the character of God is a must.
18:01 Because it says, I have Him shining on me,
18:04 He's inside of me, and then He is bouncing back off of me
18:08 in my relationship to the world,
18:10 in my relationship to the family,
18:12 in my relationship in dealing with people.
18:15 That's beautiful.
18:16 Let me say, you know,
18:17 my three R's are resemble, reflect, and reveal
18:24 the character of God.
18:26 We are called to resemble, to reflect, and reveal
18:32 the character of God.
18:34 Sister Adly, is it... Yes, now, Pastor Phipps...
18:36 Yes, go ahead.
18:39 The one and only thing that we will be taking to heaven
18:44 will be our characters.
18:48 If we plan to be in heaven,
18:51 we must begin to reflect His character here
18:55 and make it a must in our lives to reflect His character
19:00 in everything we do and say.
19:02 Yes, as a mater of fact, some people really believe
19:07 that you can live anyway you want to live,
19:11 but you're going to come up with the character of God.
19:15 Some people really believe, I don't have to worry about it,
19:19 but God has called us because He wants us
19:22 to grow every day to become more like Him.
19:26 Sister Ruthie, why do you think...
19:27 I don't think it's an option. Yes, go ahead.
19:30 I don't think it's an option, is it?
19:32 No, no, it is not an option.
19:34 And I jokingly tell people that nobody's going to be in heaven
19:40 walking up to an angel and saying,
19:42 "What did you say to me?"
19:48 You're going to have your character fixed now,
19:53 you're not going to heaven with an attitude,
19:55 you know what I mean?
19:56 That's right.
19:58 Why do you think the enemy has been so successful
20:03 in not focusing or in keeping us,
20:07 as people of God, from focusing on
20:11 becoming more like the character of God?
20:13 Why has he been so successful do you think?
20:16 Sister Ruthie, why do you think he's been so successful?
20:19 Well, I think one of the things that he uses, Wently, is fear.
20:25 I think he doesn't want us to understand what a loving
20:29 and tender God we have, compassionate.
20:33 And I like something that Pastor Blakeslee said,
20:38 he said, "God is standing at the foot of your bed
20:40 when you wake up in the morning,
20:42 anxious for you to wake up
20:44 so that He can spend some time with you."
20:46 I think one of the ways that the enemy,
20:50 one of the things he uses is fear.
20:53 He doesn't want us to know that we are forgiven,
20:56 that we can be cleansed,
20:58 that the Holy Spirit can dwell in us.
21:00 He lies about this. Yeah.
21:03 Pastor Stoddart, why do you think
21:04 the enemy has been so successful?
21:07 I believe one of the reasons he's so successful
21:10 is because that is his primary focus.
21:14 That's the thing he wants to do more than anything else
21:18 is to efface the character of God in us
21:23 because he is angry that God made us in His image.
21:27 And so throughout history
21:30 that's what his focus has been, how can I obliterate?
21:35 How can I destroy?
21:37 How can I deface the character of God in Wintley, in Adly,
21:44 in Ruthie, in Errol
21:46 'cause that the main thing he's about.
21:51 So tell me what you think about that, Pastor?
21:54 Well, I think that, when we look at history,
21:58 and I love history, I try to be a student of history.
22:03 When you look at the, even the early church,
22:06 when you look at the message to the seven churches,
22:09 we see this business of compromise,
22:13 the breakdown of what Christ was all about.
22:18 There was this gradualization into secularization,
22:22 there was this shifting.
22:25 And seemingly, the church wanted to be more
22:31 like the world
22:33 in order to attract the world, seemingly.
22:37 Or people who came into the church
22:40 were not truly converted to the principles of the church,
22:43 and the standards began to be lowered.
22:46 And throughout history,
22:49 one of the great challenges we see is
22:53 people who call themselves Christian
22:56 badly reflecting the character of God...
23:00 Absolutely.
23:01 And the character of God becoming effaced
23:03 throughout history as these great people,
23:08 who were to be bastions of Christianity,
23:11 who were the leaders of Christianity,
23:15 who in essence did everything they could
23:18 that was apposed to the example of the Christ.
23:21 When we think of the popes, we think of the whole reason
23:25 for the reformation.
23:26 And I was reading recently again about,
23:28 I did a series recently on Islam.
23:31 And the fact that the Prophet Muhammad,
23:33 one of the things that drove him
23:35 away from Christianity because in his early years
23:39 he was raised with tremendous exposure
23:41 to Christian values, to Christian principles.
23:45 He had read his Bible as a young person, as a child.
23:48 But one of the things that drove him away
23:50 from Christianity was the example of the people
23:53 who called themselves Christian.
23:55 And so whether it's secularization,
24:01 whether it's the need to make people feel
24:04 more comfortable coming into the church,
24:06 whether it's lowering the standards,
24:09 whether it's people feeling like,
24:11 "I don't need to be bothered with all that.
24:13 I just need to claim Jesus and that's enough for me."
24:16 All of these things, I believe impacted
24:19 the breakdown of Christianity
24:21 and what we could technically call
24:22 the secularization of Christianity.
24:25 Right, before we leave, tell, each of you,
24:27 just give me one thing, you think churches can do
24:31 to help grow people to become more like
24:34 the character of Christ.
24:35 What's the one thing you would like churches to do?
24:37 And we just have a few seconds. Sister Adly?
24:41 Well, we need to teach more,
24:45 and speak more on this subject of reflecting Jesus...
24:51 The importance that has not...
24:55 time now, us as Christians... teach not to be distracted
25:02 with so many other topics and subjects
25:05 that we are not spending time with Jesus,
25:10 beholding His glory, beholding His character
25:13 so that we can become like Him.
25:16 Unless we do that, we will not be successful
25:21 in our efforts to behold, to contemplate Christ,
25:25 and imitate Him, and reflect His character to the world.
25:30 So well said, we've run out of time.
25:32 Thank you so much for being with us today.
25:39 The Lord has made it possible for us
25:42 to have a righteous character in this life,
25:45 so that we may reflect the image of Christ
25:48 to the world and bring hope and joy to others.
25:52 By the power of the Holy Spirit,
25:55 the moral image of God is to be perfected
25:59 in our character.
26:01 Every day we are kept by the power of God
26:05 and Jesus wants to live His life in us,
26:09 perfecting our character,
26:11 and He wants us to work to the utmost of our knowledge
26:15 and power to carry out the purpose for which He came,
26:19 and lived, and died, and that is to restore us
26:23 into the image and character of God.
26:25 And the molding hand of God will bring out in us
26:29 God's character and God's divine image.
26:33 Everyone who wants to enter the kingdom of God
26:36 will develop a character that is the counterpart
26:39 of the character of God.
26:42 And because no one can dwell with God in heaven
26:46 except those who bear His likeness,
26:49 Jesus came to earth
26:51 that He might transform the character
26:54 and develop in us the moral image of God.
26:58 Higher than the highest human thought can reach
27:01 is God's ideal for His children.
27:03 Godliness, God-likeness, and yes Christ-likeness
27:07 is the goal to be reached.
27:10 Because of God's love and power, we all can say,
27:13 "As I become more like Jesus, He is perfecting me."
27:18 Hebrews 13:20 says, "Now may the God of peace,
27:21 that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus,
27:24 that great shepherd of the sheep,
27:26 through the blood of the everlasting covenant
27:28 make you perfect in every good work
27:31 to do his will,
27:32 working in you that which is well pleasing in his sight,
27:36 through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever.
27:40 Amen."
27:42 There is nothing more important
27:44 or more exciting you can do with your life
27:46 than to become more like Jesus everyday.
27:50 I'm Wintley Phipps, and until next time, remember,
27:53 to be a Christian is to be Christ like.


Revised 2018-01-18