Pause to Pray

Episode 6 - Children & Youth

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: PHPTP

Program Code: PHPTP200006S

00:31 Today I want to pray for our children and our youth.
00:35 Satan is very busy trying to hurt our young people,
00:37 whether it's mentally, physically,
00:40 or maybe just keeping them too busy
00:41 to make time for God.
00:43 Matthew 18 is a reminder for me.
00:46 It's talking about when the disciples
00:47 were wanting to know
00:49 who was going to be the greatest among them.
00:51 Verse 5 says, "Assuredly I say to you,
00:54 unless you are converted and become as little children,
00:57 you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.
01:00 Therefore, whoever humbles himself
01:02 as this little child is the greatest in heaven.
01:05 Whoever receives one little child like this
01:08 in My name receives Me."
01:11 And then later on, Jesus says,
01:13 "Woe to the person who causes them to stumble."
01:17 Satan is always on the attack.
01:19 God wants us to teach our young people and children
01:22 to know more about Him and to focus
01:25 and take time to study His Word.
01:36 Jesus loves me,
01:39 this I know
01:42 For the Bible tells me
01:46 so Little ones to Him
01:51 belong They are weak,
01:56 but He is strong
02:01 Yes,
02:03 Jesus loves me
02:08 Yes,
02:10 Jesus loves me
02:14 Yes,
02:17 Jesus loves me
02:21 The Bible tells me
02:27 So
02:33 Our Father in heaven,
02:35 I come before You lifting up our children and our youth.
02:41 As I look around,
02:42 I see more and more of our kids searching
02:45 for answers during these times of turmoil and heartache.
02:51 I pray that Your saving grace
02:54 will be the answer that they see.
02:57 Work through me, Lord,
02:59 that I may be an example of Your saving grace,
03:03 and help me to show Your love to those
03:06 I come in contact with.
03:09 I know that Your heartache must be great each time a child
03:12 strays from Your family,
03:14 and how much You long for them
03:16 to take hold of Your extended hand of love
03:19 to bring them back into the fold.
03:22 Lord, may each one of these youth
03:25 and young children
03:26 see Your hand reaching out to them.
03:30 I pray that they will take Your hand.
03:34 Thank you, Father.
03:40 Heavenly Father, we come before Your throne of grace
03:42 to find mercy and help for our children
03:44 and youth in a time of need.
03:47 Oh Lord, may these young ones come to know You
03:50 as their loving Father.
03:53 Oh, Lord, put a hedge of protection
03:55 around them and keep them from evil.
03:58 Oh, Lord, please fulfill Your promises
04:01 and Your purposes in their lives.
04:04 We ask this in the name of Jesus.
04:07 Amen.
04:12 Father in heaven, we lift up the children
04:13 and youth of the church.
04:15 We know that they struggle with things
04:17 and there's a lot of things in their life
04:19 that can be hard to deal with.
04:21 But, Lord, we ask that You preserve them,
04:23 give them strength and give them a boldness
04:26 to share the gospel.
04:27 Whether that's with their friends or family,
04:29 maybe even strangers.
04:31 But God, right now we want to lift them up
04:33 because we know that
04:34 since they are the future of the church,
04:35 they will be the ones to help finish
04:37 the work so that you may return.
04:40 God, we thank You so much
04:41 for what You're going to do in their lives
04:43 and what You're continuing to do in their lives right now.
04:47 Thank You, Lord. In Jesus' name, amen.
04:54 Jesus loves me
04:57 He who died Heaven's gate
05:02 To open wide
05:06 He will wash
05:09 Away my sin
05:13 And let his little child
05:17 Come in
05:22 Jesus loves me
05:25 This I know As He loved
05:29 So long ago Taking children
05:35 On His knee Saying
05:40 Let them come
05:43 To Me Yes,
05:47 Jesus loves me Yes,
05:52 Jesus loves me
05:58 Yes,
06:00 Jesus loves me
06:05 For the Bible
06:09 Tells me
06:12 So
06:18 Our Father in heaven, Lord,
06:20 we thank You Lord for another day of life,
06:23 health and strength.
06:25 Lord, right now, my prayers for the young people,
06:30 the children.
06:32 Father, we know that You have a path
06:34 laid out for them.
06:36 I pray, Lord,
06:37 that they will let go of the things
06:39 that are holding them down to this world,
06:43 their music, their entertainment,
06:46 their dress, things of this world, Lord,
06:49 that they will look to You and be safe.
06:52 You have a future and a hope for them.
06:55 You said to remember the Creator
06:56 in the days of thy youth.
06:59 I pray that they will remember You.
07:01 And, Lord, we ask that You'll save our children.
07:05 And we thank You for Your promises
07:08 in Jesus' name.
07:09 Amen.
07:13 Our Father in heaven,
07:14 I lift up a prayer for our youth.
07:17 These young precious children are indeed a gift from You.
07:22 In the world we live in today,
07:24 it has become more and more evident
07:26 that the enemy seeks to distract
07:28 and destroy these young people.
07:31 Father, I ask that You protect them,
07:35 put Your angels around them,
07:37 lead them by the power of Your Spirit
07:39 to seek You and to find You in these last days.
07:45 Give us the spiritual mind of Christ
07:48 to be a good example for the youth of this age.
07:52 We placed them in Your hands, oh, Lord, and in Your care,
07:57 for it is in confidence
07:59 and in the name of Jesus we pray.
08:01 Amen.
08:06 3 John 1:4 says,
08:10 "I have no greater joy than to hear
08:12 My children are walking in the truth."
08:16 Father, we want to bring You joy.
08:20 We want to have joy in our own lives.
08:23 And we know that this can only be obtained
08:26 by walking in Your truth.
08:28 So we as Your children want to be obedient to You.
08:34 Thank You for keeping us in that truth.
08:39 Thank You.
08:41 Thank You for Your Spirit that gives us the direction
08:46 and keeps us and protects us.
08:50 James 1:17 says,
08:54 "Every good and perfect gift
08:55 is from above coming down
08:57 from the Father of the heavenly lights,
08:59 who does not change like shifting shadows."
09:04 Lord, I want to thank You that You are my Father.
09:08 God, You are my Father, Jehovah God.
09:13 And just like children
09:16 on special occasions receiving gifts.
09:20 Lord, we love You,
09:22 and we thank You for the gifts that you Give.
09:24 We thank You that You are a good God.
09:26 And we thank You that every good
09:27 and perfect gift comes from You.
09:33 And I receive, receive those gifts.
09:37 I do. I receive those.
09:41 I pray for those who are watching
09:44 that they would receive those gifts.
09:48 Father, that You would give those gifts to them, Lord.
09:53 You know what they need.
10:00 Proverbs 17:6 says,
10:03 "Children's children are a crown to the aged
10:07 and parents are the pride of their children."
10:11 Father, I thank You for grandchildren,
10:16 even though I don't have my own.
10:19 I thank You for those who are watching viewers
10:22 that talk about their grandchildren
10:25 with delight
10:27 and, Lord, I pray for those who are watching,
10:30 who have grandchildren,
10:32 who are not in the fold who have,
10:35 who have maybe have gone astray.
10:37 Lord, I know what a...
10:39 A broken heart that can,
10:41 that can mean to someone
10:45 who so desperately wants to see
10:46 their children and their grandchildren
10:52 in the fold.
10:54 Who want to see them saved.
10:57 So, Lord, I just ask God that it is You.
10:59 I know it is You that draws men,
11:03 the Holy Spirit draws men to God.
11:06 So I just ask in Jesus' name that Holy Spirit,
11:10 you would do your work
11:14 and draw all men to you.
11:20 I want to pray for deliverance.
11:23 We have a viewer who has written and says,
11:27 "I'm asking a prayer of comfort for my dad,
11:30 my siblings and me during this time of grief.
11:34 We lost our mom to a terrible virus.
11:36 And it's so painful to cope at this time."
11:39 Father, for those who are suffering
11:43 the loss of loved ones,
11:48 there's never a good time for that.
11:50 And yet we know that it's appointed unto man
11:52 once to die.
11:56 But Father, I just ask that You will comfort
12:00 those who are grieving,
12:02 grieving the loss of loved ones.
12:08 Be their comfort, Lord.
12:12 Someone says,
12:14 please pray for my business troubles
12:16 and my finances to be blessed.
12:19 Please pray for my health.
12:23 Lord, we thank You that You have given us
12:25 the ability to make wealth.
12:29 Lord, You have blessed us with work,
12:31 with a desire to work.
12:35 And I pray for this one specifically,
12:37 but also anyone who is watching,
12:40 who is in a business that they need Your touch.
12:45 Lord, they need Your,
12:47 they need Your hand to work a miracle,
12:49 Lord, in their business for financial reasons.
12:56 So I just ask in Jesus' name,
12:58 Lord, that You would bless
13:02 these business owners
13:08 and bless all workers.
13:11 We thank You, Lord, that You love us.
13:18 I want you to continue to join me
13:21 as we pray for our children,
13:26 that they will call on God,
13:29 that no one will hinder them from coming to Him,
13:32 that they will respond in faith to Jesus' faithful,
13:37 persistent call
13:38 that their thoughts will be pure.
13:42 Thank you for joining us.
13:44 As we pause to pray, remember Jesus loves you.
13:50 Please send us your prayer request
13:52 or become a part of our Prayer Warrior Team.
13:55 For more information, please visit
13:59 or call for prayer at 618-627-4651 extension 1.
14:04 And thank you for being a part of the worldwide 3ABN family.


Revised 2021-07-09