Pause to Pray

Episode 7 - Faith

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: PHPTP

Program Code: PHPTP200007S

00:31 Belief, confidence, hope, assurance,
00:35 faith is crucial to our Christian walk.
00:38 The foundation for our faith is total trust in God.
00:42 So let's lay faith foundation with Proverbs 3:5-6,
00:47 which says,
00:48 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart
00:50 and lean not on your own understanding,
00:52 in all your ways acknowledge Him,
00:55 and He shall direct your paths."
00:57 No matter what we think we know,
01:00 our understanding is dwarfed by our humanity.
01:03 God sees what is unseen by us.
01:05 He knows the end from the beginning
01:08 and He has our eternal benefit in mind.
01:10 We must trust Him.
01:12 Faith comes by hearing the Word of God.
01:15 To fortify our faith, we need knowledge of His Word.
01:18 If we've received Christ as Savior,
01:21 all of God's promises are ours.
01:23 We must trust and believe His Word
01:25 with absolute assurance.
01:28 Faith is the instrument we use to access
01:31 the gifts of God's grace.
01:32 You might say grace writes the check,
01:35 faith takes it to the bank.
01:37 Faith is an eager expectation of God's unseen promises
01:41 as we rely on His love and His power
01:43 to keep us on His path of life.
01:46 Faith is the essential ingredient
01:48 for spiritual life,
01:50 and we are alive to respond to faith
01:54 if we are to please God at all.
02:05 Encamped along the hills of light
02:10 Ye Christian soldiers, rise
02:14 And press the battle ere the night
02:19 Shall veil the glowing skies
02:23 Against the foe in vales below
02:27 Let all our strength be hurled
02:32 Faith is the victory, we know
02:37 That overcomes the world
02:41 Faith is the victory
02:46 Faith is the victory
02:50 Oh, glorious victory
02:54 That overcomes
02:57 The world
03:01 Oh, my Father, God, I just thank You
03:04 for the love that You've bestowed upon us.
03:08 I think of all the times when I have heard
03:12 in Your Word where You have spoken to people
03:16 and said that their faith had made them whole,
03:19 or their faith had saved them, and where Your Son prayed
03:22 that their faith would not fail them.
03:26 Father, I ask that You would increase our faith.
03:31 The apostles asked that Jesus increased their faith.
03:34 Father, increase our faith.
03:36 Help us to have faith.
03:38 Faith in You and faith in Your Son.
03:41 I thank You, Father, that
03:44 by grace, we are saved through faith.
03:48 I give You all praise and glory in Jesus' name.
03:51 Amen.
03:55 Dear Heavenly Father,
03:57 thank You for Your Holy Word that is filled with promises.
04:00 I read of how You were
04:02 always there for Your children in times past.
04:05 Just helps me to know You are here for me today.
04:09 I need not fear,
04:10 but have faith in You and Your promises.
04:13 There is nothing in me that produces faith.
04:17 It only comes from You.
04:19 Thank You for this gift called faith.
04:22 May I receive more and more faith every day,
04:25 in Jesus' name I pray.
04:27 Amen.
04:31 To Him who overcomes the foe
04:36 White raiment shall be giv'n
04:41 Before the angels he shall know
04:46 His name confessed in heav'n
04:51 Then onward from the hills of light
04:56 Our hearts with love aflame
05:01 We'll vanquish all the hosts of night
05:06 In Jesus' conqu'ring name
05:11 Faith is the victory
05:16 Faith is the victory
05:20 Oh, glorious victory
05:25 That overcomes
05:28 the world
05:31 Lord, You have said
05:33 that if we have the faith of a mustard seed,
05:36 we can move mountains.
05:38 We believe in You and we believe Your promises.
05:41 So now, Lord,
05:43 I ask for an extra measure of powerful faith
05:46 for each and every one of Your children at this time.
05:50 Take away their doubt
05:51 and teach them to use their faith in You
05:54 for Your glory and for Your people.
05:58 Give us faith to move the mountains
06:00 that overwhelm us and divide us.
06:03 We ask all this in Your precious name.
06:05 Amen.
06:11 Heavenly Father,
06:12 we come to You today, praising You for who You are,
06:15 King of kings and Lord of lords,
06:17 the great creator of all things.
06:20 And we praise You and thank You, Lord,
06:22 for Your Word,
06:23 because through Your Word, we have faith to know
06:26 that Your promises are true.
06:28 You are faithful.
06:29 You have always been faithful.
06:31 You are the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.
06:34 And we are saved by grace through faith,
06:37 our faith in You
06:39 and how wonderful the words must've been
06:41 to those who were healed.
06:43 In the scriptures it says,
06:44 "Your faith has made you whole."
06:47 May we have the faith that it takes to make us whole
06:49 and to continue to love You and serve You
06:51 as always that we should, for it's in Jesus name we pray.
06:56 Amen.
07:01 Dear Heavenly Father,
07:02 thank You for the gift of faith.
07:05 We need this faith every day and today more than ever.
07:10 Thank You, Lord, for being so wonderful
07:13 and for increasing that faith that can move mountains.
07:18 We just need to trust in You every day
07:22 and everything's going to be okay
07:24 because You are our Father in heaven.
07:28 Thank You, Lord.
07:29 We thank You in Jesus' name.
07:31 Amen.
07:34 1 Corinthians 2:5 says that
07:38 "Your faith should not be in the wisdom of men,
07:42 but in the power of God."
07:45 Father, we will not put our trust in man,
07:48 no matter how bright they may seem
07:54 and no matter how great their plan may be.
07:56 Lord, we know that Your ways are higher than ours
08:00 and so we will put our faith in You.
08:03 1 John 5:4 says, "For whatever is born of God,
08:07 overcomes the world."
08:09 And this is the victory that has overcome the world,
08:12 our faith.
08:14 Thank You for that victory, Lord.
08:18 May faith rise up in us
08:20 for whatever need we are going through.
08:23 May faith arise that You are able,
08:28 You are willing to hear and to heal
08:32 and to meet our need.
08:36 2 Timothy 4:7, "I have fought the good fight,
08:40 I have finished the race, and I have kept the faith."
08:44 Father, for those who are watching, who have been
08:47 soldiers of the light for multiple years.
08:51 Lord, I ask that You will give them the strength
08:53 to continue fighting,
08:56 to keep the faith right until the very end.
08:58 For all of us may that be what we can say
09:02 that we kept the faith right to the very end.
09:07 Deuteronomy 31:6, "Be strong and of good courage.
09:12 Do not fear nor be afraid of them,
09:15 for the Lord Your God,
09:17 He is the one who goes with You.
09:19 He will not leave You nor forsake You."
09:23 Father, I thank You for these promises.
09:27 You're not going anywhere.
09:29 You've got us in Your hand and, Lord,
09:35 I'm not holding on to You, You are holding on to me.
09:41 I don't have the strength to hold on to You.
09:44 That's why I can trust You
09:47 to be my God and my Father.
09:51 Father, I pray for those
09:53 who are dealing with addictions.
09:58 Father God, I ask that You would
10:01 give them the strength to resist temptation, Lord,
10:09 to turn from evil and to trust You
10:13 to be their source of strength
10:17 and to desire You.
10:21 Father, I pray Father, for those who are
10:25 dealing with skin issues
10:27 who need a healing
10:31 for those who have internal issues,
10:34 healing needed for cancers
10:38 and the different organ issues Lord.
10:43 Father, we received these prayer requests
10:46 and I'm just asking God that You would reach down
10:48 and meet us in the area of our need.
10:52 We are truly a needy people.
10:59 God, there are those who need Your guidance.
11:01 We all need it.
11:03 But specifically those who are praying
11:06 and requesting prayer for protection,
11:11 physical protection,
11:13 this one needing to make a decision in His life.
11:17 Oh, God,
11:21 we know that You are able
11:25 to lead and protect.
11:30 So I wanna remind You
11:33 that faith sees the invisible.
11:37 It believes the impossible.
11:40 It receives the incredible, no matter
11:45 what things really look like,
11:47 no matter what your circumstances looks like,
11:50 faith moves the unmovable.
11:53 It proves the unprovable,
11:57 if you are only willing to trust.
12:01 Just believe and you will see
12:05 what faith does.
12:12 Faith is the victory
12:18 Faith is the victory
12:24 Oh, glorious victory
12:30 That overcomes
12:32 The world
12:36 You've given us victory
12:42 To overcome
12:47 the world
12:56 Make God's Word a part of your daily life.
12:59 Faith comes by hearing, hearing by the Word.
13:04 We can't make it without the Word of God in our lives.
13:09 So make His Word a daily part of you.
13:13 God is faithful in His Word.
13:16 It'll be there for you when you need it
13:20 and it will build your faith.
13:25 So remember to keep the faith, but not to yourself.
13:30 Thanks for joining us as we pause to pray.
13:35 Please send us your prayer request
13:37 or become a part of our Prayer Warrior Team.
13:40 For more information, please visit
13:44 or call for prayer at 618-627-4651 extension 1.
13:49 And thank you for being a part of the worldwide 3ABN family.


Revised 2021-07-09