Praise Him Pause to Pray

Episode 22 - Gratitude

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: PHPTP

Program Code: PHPTP200022S

00:31 Today I wanna pray about Gratitude.
00:34 Ephesians 5:20 says,
00:37 "Giving thanks always
00:38 for all things to God the Father,
00:40 in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ."
00:43 This verse reminds me to be thankful
00:45 for all things all the time.
00:48 Jesus gave His life
00:49 so we can go to heaven and be with Him.
00:51 When I think about the love of Jesus,
00:53 and how much He cares for me,
00:55 it makes me wanna thank Him over and over again.
00:58 Without Jesus, we would have nothing.
01:02 The very act of giving thanks
01:04 and being grateful to Jesus for things,
01:06 for all the good things He is giving me,
01:09 makes me a happier person.
01:11 I'm even thankful for things that are difficult
01:14 to be thankful for things like when I'm sick.
01:16 Remember, the verse tells us that we should be thankful
01:18 for all things.
01:20 Many times the difficulties of life bring us closer to God.
01:24 This is why being thankful in all things
01:26 is a good thing to do.
01:27 My heart overflows with love and gratitude to Jesus,
01:31 because I know He really loves me.
01:33 We're so blessed, so grateful to know Him
01:35 as our personal Savior, and to be children of God.
01:48 Let all things now living a song of thanksgiving
01:54 To God the creator triumphantly raise
02:01 Who fashioned and made us Protected and stayed us
02:07 Who guideth us on to the end of our days
02:13 His banners are o'er us His light goes before us
02:19 A pillar of fire shines forth in the night
02:25 Till shadows have vanished and darkness is banished
02:31 As forward we travel
02:34 from light into light
02:42 Dear Jesus, thank You for being my best friend.
02:46 I love You and please help
02:47 everyone to be grateful for what You do.
02:51 Thank You for dying for my sins and everyone in the world.
02:55 Please help us to be thankful for all things.
03:00 Help us to be thankful when we are sick.
03:03 I want to go to heaven.
03:05 And if we will stay close to You,
03:08 we can all go to heaven.
03:10 In Jesus' name I pray.
03:13 Amen.
03:19 Dear Heavenly Father,
03:21 thank You so much for Your awesome love.
03:23 When I think of what was done at Calvary
03:25 and that You willingly let Your Son die for my sins,
03:28 so that I can spend eternity with You.
03:31 My heart cries out in gratitude.
03:33 And I ask that You help me to learn to love like that.
03:37 Father, we have so much to be thankful for our lives,
03:42 our health, our strength, but most of all for Your love.
03:46 Help us to remember each day what has been done for us.
03:50 I am so thankful that You never give up on us.
03:53 But when we fall that You pick us up
03:55 and continue that walk with us
03:57 that will take us into eternity with You.
04:00 Oh, Father, help us to always remember
04:03 what was done for us
04:04 with gratitude and a heart of love.
04:07 I ask in Jesus' name and I thank You, Father,
04:09 for hearing and answering our prayers.
04:12 Amen.
04:18 Dear Heavenly Father,
04:19 I come to You with a spirit of gratitude.
04:22 I'm thankful for the gifts You have given me
04:24 throughout my life.
04:25 Helped me to take and share those gifts
04:27 with others so they can see You through me.
04:30 Thank You for the greatest gift,
04:32 the gift of Your Son.
04:33 In Jesus' name, amen.
04:40 His law he enforces The stars in their courses
04:47 The sun in its orbit obediently shine
04:53 The hills and the mountains
04:57 The rivers and fountains
05:00 The deeps of the ocean proclaim Him divine
05:06 We too should be voicing our love
05:11 And rejoicing with glad adoration
05:16 A song let us raise
05:20 Till all things now living
05:23 Unite in thanksgiving
05:27 To God in the highest
05:31 Hosanna and praise!
05:40 God, right now, I'm praying for gratitude.
05:45 So I guess it only makes sense to start out with Thank You.
05:50 Thank You that how You love us.
05:55 We don't deserve that.
05:57 We don't deserve what You gave us.
06:00 But you did.
06:03 God, I ask that You show us in our everyday lives,
06:08 every single minute, God every situation
06:11 we find ourselves in, You show us gratitude.
06:17 Give us a spirit of gratitude.
06:20 Let us see the world...
06:23 through different eyes.
06:26 Give us a heart that's tender,
06:28 that's not so hardened in this world,
06:32 God because this world can be cruel.
06:36 But we have so much to look forward to.
06:41 So, God, in this time, in our lives on earth,
06:47 give us gratitude in the present time
06:50 and for the future.
06:52 Just fill our hearts right now, God, is all we are asking.
06:57 Never let us take anything for granted from here on,
07:00 our God, because You have given us so much.
07:04 You are a host that keeps giving and giving and giving.
07:09 So just fill us with gratitude.
07:11 today, tomorrow, next week, next month.
07:17 Send Your love.
07:19 Send Your guidance, God.
07:21 And most importantly, thank You.
07:25 Thank you for being You...
07:29 for being God.
07:31 We ask all of this in Your name.
07:34 Amen.
07:40 Heavenly Father, as we take this time to pray
07:43 about gratitude, I'm reminded of Psalm 103,
07:46 "Bless the Lord, oh my soul and all that is within me,
07:49 bless His holy name.
07:51 Bless the Lord, oh my soul
07:53 and forget not all His benefits."
07:57 Dear Lord, forgive us for forgetting,
07:59 forgetting to thank You for the things
08:01 that we take for granted.
08:03 Help us to cultivate
08:04 an attitude of gratitude in our lives,
08:07 remembering you
08:08 are the source of all our blessings.
08:11 We thank You again and we ask it all in Jesus' heavenly name.
08:14 Amen.
08:22 Father, God, the one who sees and hears all,
08:26 I come before You now in gratitude
08:29 for being a personal God.
08:32 You have answered so many of my prayers,
08:34 when some of them have just...
08:36 been only unspoken thoughts.
08:39 Thank You for hearing my cry for forgiveness.
08:43 You promised to create in me a clean heart
08:46 and renew a right spirit within me.
08:48 For only the pure in heart will see God,
08:51 and I want to see You in all Your beauty,
08:54 face to face.
08:56 I praise You, Lord, for being a God of justice.
08:59 Nothing is too small to escape Your notice.
09:02 I count on You through dangers, physical, mental and spiritual.
09:07 Great are Your tender mercies.
09:10 The birds still sing and I praise You with them.
09:13 The flowers bloom after winter's cold announcing
09:17 Your amazing power.
09:18 Open my eyes today to see Your goodness
09:22 in nature and in Your Word.
09:24 In gratitude, Lord, I thank You in' Jesus name.
09:28 Amen.
09:32 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
09:36 give us some powerful advice.
09:39 "Rejoice always.
09:41 pray continually.
09:42 Give thanks in all circumstances,
09:45 for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."
09:50 Philippians 4:5-7, says,
09:54 "Do not be anxious about anything,
09:57 but in every situation by prayer and petition.
10:00 with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
10:03 And the peace of God
10:05 which transcends all understanding
10:07 will guard your hearts and your minds
10:09 in Christ Jesus."
10:13 1 Corinthians 15:57,
10:16 "But thanks be to God,
10:18 He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."
10:22 Father God, I want to thank You
10:24 for the victory that we have in You.
10:28 Thank You for a grateful heart.
10:33 Father, I thank You for the power of praise,
10:36 for the power of thanksgiving,
10:38 that when we turn our eyes off of our need,
10:44 and we turn our eyes on to the greatness of You,
10:49 we see how small our need really is,
10:54 and how great You are.
10:58 Even in the thankfulness and gratitude
11:00 that we have toward...
11:03 our fellow men.
11:07 Lord, this is something that You will help me
11:12 I pray to grow in,
11:14 to be grateful for my neighbors,
11:17 to be grateful for my friends,
11:18 to be grateful for my family
11:20 and to share my gratitude with them.
11:26 Father, God, I bring to You those who are watching
11:29 who are in need of healing.
11:33 One says, "Please continue to pray for a friend
11:35 combating several health issues."
11:41 One says, "I ask prayer for a friend of mine
11:43 who has stage four lung cancer."
11:48 Another one says,
11:50 "Please pray for God's 100% healing for a teenager
11:54 who has osteosarcoma
11:56 with a tumor in her thigh bone.
12:00 She's currently undergoing chemotherapy."
12:05 Father, I lift these up to You...
12:07 and the many needs that are represented by our viewers.
12:10 Oh God, the physical needs.
12:13 Lord, we know how difficult it is when we're not feeling well.
12:19 It's hard to be in...
12:24 have a spirit of thanksgiving.
12:28 But, Lord, I just ask that You will touch those
12:30 who are suffering with illnesses,
12:32 physical illnesses, oh God,
12:34 that You would be the healer,
12:36 that Your Word claims You to be.
12:41 Father, have Your way, Your healing power,
12:43 let it flow through these viewers
12:47 that they may sense Your presence.
12:55 Father God, You're such a great and mighty God.
13:00 I thank You, Lord,
13:02 for those who are asking for salvation,
13:05 for deliverance from addictions,
13:07 oh God, reach down and touch them.
13:10 Help them, Lord.
13:13 Lord, we need You.
13:17 Colossians 3:17 says, "In whatever you do,
13:21 whether in word or deed,
13:22 do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus,
13:25 giving thanks to God, through Him.
13:29 And Colossians 3:15 says,
13:31 "Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts.
13:35 Since as members of one body,
13:37 you were called to peace and be thankful."
13:41 Thank you for taking time to pause to pray.
13:45 Remember, we love you and we're grateful for you.
13:50 Please send us your prayer request
13:52 or become a part of our prayer warrior team.
13:54 For more information, please visit
13:59 or call for prayer at 618-627-4651 extension 1.
14:04 And thank you for being a part of the worldwide 3ABN family.


Revised 2021-02-18