Praise Him Pause to Pray

Episode 24 - Health

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: PHPTP

Program Code: PHPTP200024S

00:31 Today, I want to pray about disease prevention and cure.
00:35 With virtually new illnesses
00:36 that are overwhelming our bodies and health systems,
00:39 there has been an increase and a greater acceptance
00:42 of becoming more vigilant
00:43 with what we put into our bodies.
00:45 More people are accepting the fact
00:47 that the Bible's principles of health are exactly
00:50 what we should be following
00:51 in order to strengthen our immune system
00:53 against viruses, bacterial infections, cancers,
00:57 heart disease, and so on.
00:59 One should think of the Bible as an owner's manual.
01:02 In it, our Creator God gives specific instructions on how
01:05 we are to care for our body.
01:07 3 John 1:2 says,
01:10 "Beloved, I wish above all things
01:12 that you may prosper and be in health,
01:15 even as your soul prospers."
01:18 I hope that you'll take this passage to heart today,
01:20 literally,
01:21 and begin to search the scripture
01:23 perhaps as never before,
01:24 for guidance on how you may become healthier,
01:27 both physically and spiritually.
01:30 If there ever was a time
01:31 that we are to be as Daniel and his three Hebrew friends
01:35 who made a firm commitment
01:36 to not defile their bodies
01:38 with the portions of the king's meat,
01:40 it's today.
01:51 I am weak but
01:53 Thou art strong
01:58 Jesus keep me from all wrong
02:04 I'll be satisfied
02:08 As long As I walk,
02:13 let me walk close to Thee
02:20 Just a closer walk with Thee
02:27 Grant it, Jesus, is my plea
02:34 Daily walking close to Thee
02:40 Let it be
02:43 Dear Lord, let it be
02:51 Our most gracious, gracious Heavenly Father,
02:55 we humbly bow before You
02:57 now as our creator, our sustainer,
02:59 our greater mighty physician.
03:02 We are asking for Your direction
03:04 as we search the scriptures for guidance,
03:07 and properly caring for
03:09 and strengthening our body temples.
03:11 We ask for Your guidance
03:13 and maybe supplements and other health principles
03:17 that we can apply to help in healing
03:19 and help in strengthening our bodies.
03:22 We ask that as we learn
03:24 and we implement these new instructions
03:26 that You will mightily bless our efforts
03:29 with Your healing touch.
03:31 I truly believe as we do our part,
03:34 we can firmly hold on in faith
03:37 knowing that You our Heavenly Father
03:40 will do Your part as You have promised.
03:43 God, I ask that You please comfort the hurting.
03:48 So many people have lost loved ones.
03:51 So many people have lost people that are dear to them.
03:55 We ask that You help those who are grieving right now
03:58 with an extra amount of peace
04:00 that passes all understanding that only You can do.
04:04 And, Father, we ask that
04:05 You continue to bring conviction,
04:07 bring conversion to the hearts of Your people,
04:10 that though we feel that
04:11 we're walking through the valley
04:13 of the shadow of death,
04:14 we may not fear,
04:16 but we can be comforted in knowing that
04:18 You are spiritually carrying us through,
04:20 we pray this in Jesus' name.
04:22 Amen.
04:27 Our most gracious and loving Heavenly Father,
04:31 we come before You today to throw up our petitions
04:35 for everybody around the world
04:38 for their health prevention,
04:40 and a cure for everything that ails them.
04:44 Lord, we know that You are the great physician,
04:47 but we ask that You give Your healing hand
04:50 and the guiding hand
04:52 for all the medical professionals out there.
04:54 All of the doctors, all of the nurses,
04:56 all of the lab techs,
04:58 all of the people
04:59 that are helping every individual out there
05:02 that is going through any kind of health issues
05:07 from virus infections to physical ailments,
05:11 from heart disease, cancers.
05:13 Lord, we know that You are the cure,
05:16 that You are the great physician.
05:18 You are there for us physically, mentally,
05:21 and spiritually in our ailment.
05:23 And, Lord, especially in our spiritual walk,
05:26 we need You now more than ever,
05:28 and by Your stripes we are healed.
05:31 In Jesus' name I pray.
05:33 Amen.
05:40 Through this world of toil And snares
05:46 If I falter
05:48 Lord who cares?
05:53 Who with me my burden shares?
05:58 O none but Thee Dear Lord
06:02 None but Thee
06:07 Just a closer walk
06:10 with Thee
06:14 Grant it, Jesus, is my plea
06:20 Daily walking close to Thee
06:27 O let it be
06:30 Dear Lord, let it be
06:39 Lord, Your Word tells us that You desire us to prosper
06:42 and be in good health.
06:44 We come before Your throne claiming that promise.
06:48 God, You have seen the effects
06:49 that sin has caused on our health
06:51 and in our society.
06:53 I know there is no problem too big
06:55 You cannot solve it
06:56 and no prayer so small you do not hear it.
07:00 Therefore, we come seeking Your help
07:02 for healing with those that are sick and suffering.
07:06 Give wisdom and resources
07:07 to find a cure where it is needed.
07:10 Thank You, Lord, for the counsel You give
07:12 on how to boost our immune systems
07:14 by using resources in nature.
07:17 I pray that You would help us to use these resources
07:21 like fresh air, sunshine, water, and exercise
07:25 along with trusting in You to keep our bodies healthy.
07:29 God, please be our great physician
07:31 during this time of need
07:32 and sustain our health according to Your will I pray.
07:35 Amen.
07:40 Our most gracious and loving Father in heaven,
07:44 we thank You and praise You for today.
07:47 Lord, many people are suffering and seeking cure right now.
07:52 I pray that You will be with them,
07:55 heal them physically, mentally, and spiritually
07:59 according to Your will.
08:01 And, Father,
08:03 please guide the doctors and nurses,
08:07 as well as the medical missionaries
08:10 who are trying to relieve the sick ones.
08:13 And, Lord,
08:14 help us to practice a healthy lifestyle.
08:18 And may the words we say
08:19 and the things we do
08:21 would bring glory and honor to You.
08:24 Thank You, Lord,
08:26 for hearing and answering our prayer,
08:28 in Jesus' name.
08:30 Amen.
08:35 Most Gracious Heavenly Father,
08:36 I come before You in the matchless
08:37 and worthy name of Your Son Jesus Christ,
08:39 who lived on earth as a man
08:41 and suffered the same things that we suffer.
08:43 Father, I confess
08:44 that we have often been rebellious
08:46 in regard to Your instruction
08:47 for keeping our body temples pure and holy
08:50 and refused to follow Your instructions.
08:52 Forgive us I pray.
08:53 Today, Father, knowing Your desire
08:56 that we prosper and be in health.
08:57 We come before You asking,
08:59 first of all that You fill the sick
09:00 and afflicted with hope and confidence in You.
09:03 We pray that You would turn their sorrow into joy
09:05 as You have promised
09:06 that the seemingly bad situation would work
09:08 for their salvation and for that of others.
09:11 Father, for those who are in good health,
09:13 we pray that they will follow the counsel
09:14 and promptings of the Holy Spirit
09:16 to be cooperative in doing the things
09:19 that will keep us healthy.
09:21 Finally, Father, we ask that You heal our minds
09:23 and give us the mind of Jesus
09:24 who is victorious over all temptations and live
09:26 so that we might have life more abundant here
09:29 and life eternal.
09:30 Thank You for hearing and answering my prayer
09:32 according to Your will, in Jesus' name.
09:35 Amen.
09:39 We read in the Bible a couple of verses
09:41 that remind us
09:43 that it's not only sicknesses in our body of...
09:53 Organs that need healing.
09:56 It's also our spirit that can be broken,
10:00 but Psalm 147:3 says,
10:04 "He, meaning Jesus,
10:05 heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds."
10:10 And Proverbs 17:22 says,
10:12 "A cheerful heart is good medicine,
10:16 but a crushed spirit dries up the bones."
10:18 Father, I just want to pray right now
10:20 for those who are suffering from a broken heart
10:25 whose spirit has been crushed,
10:28 maybe by something someone said or
10:33 situation that they've gone through
10:34 that has disheartened them.
10:37 Maybe a loss or a harm.
10:41 God, I just ask that You would reach down
10:43 and as You are so faithful to do
10:46 be true to Your word,
10:49 that You will bind up the brokenhearted.
10:53 Thank You, Father,
10:54 that You have such a love and compassion for Your people.
10:58 I want to be kind and compassionate like that.
11:01 So I pray that You will use me
11:04 to speak to someone's life today,
11:09 to shine some light
11:10 and to be a source of encouragement
11:15 to the brokenhearted.
11:18 Lord, many viewers have written in.
11:23 One says,
11:24 "A friend and family have been flooded out
11:26 of their home in Ohio."
11:29 She's asking for salvation for the family.
11:31 And she's also asking for a deeper faith
11:36 for prayer partners
11:39 that God would bless her and grant her wisdom
11:43 as she studies the Word.
11:46 Father God, we can all use that.
11:50 We need more wisdom,
11:52 more understanding of Your Word.
11:56 A friend
11:57 who has been on a viewers' mind.
12:01 They don't know why,
12:04 but they're praying that
12:05 You would supply him with a lot of faith.
12:09 God when you place something,
12:11 when a name or a situation on our hearts,
12:14 help us to know that that's not just coincidence.
12:19 The Holy Spirit thank you
12:20 for the way you work in our lives
12:22 that you place people's names on our hearts
12:24 that we take time to stop and pray for them.
12:27 Help us to be sensitive to that.
12:33 There are viewers
12:34 who are asking for prayer for jobs and finances.
12:41 Lord, I ask in Jesus' name
12:42 that You would provide the right place for the people
12:48 that are requesting prayer for their job
12:50 for touching their finances,
12:53 that You would provide in a miraculous way, God,
12:56 that they will know it had to be the hand of God,
12:59 that there is no other excuse for it.
13:07 Father, for those who are asking for deliverance,
13:11 Lord God,
13:15 deliver for those who need a healing touch.
13:20 Oh, God, be their healer.
13:25 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 says,
13:29 "Do you not know that
13:30 your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit
13:32 who is in you,
13:34 whom you have received from God,
13:36 you are not your own.
13:37 You were bought at a price,
13:39 therefore honor God with your bodies."
13:43 I encourage you to eat well, stay well,
13:46 and join us again for Pause to Pray.
13:50 Please send us your prayer request
13:52 or become a part of our Prayer Warrior Team.
13:55 For more information, please visit
13:59 or call for prayer at 618-627-4651 extension 1.
14:04 And thank you for being a part of the worldwide 3ABN family.


Revised 2021-02-25