Praise Him Pause to Pray

Episode 34 - Perseverance and Endurance

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: PHPTP

Program Code: PHPTP200034S

00:31 Have you checked your endurance?
00:33 Spiritually,
00:34 endurance is the power
00:35 to endure an unpleasant situation
00:37 in a Christ-like manner.
00:40 So how is your endurance?
00:41 How about your perseverance,
00:43 your determination to do
00:45 something despite the difficulty?
00:48 Life offers many opportunities
00:49 to exercise both perseverance and endurance,
00:52 which are two attributes God wants us to abound in.
00:56 And truth be told,
00:57 His strength alone is the only way we can.
01:01 In Exodus 18:23,
01:03 we are reminded that God will direct us
01:05 and we will be able to endure.
01:08 We all experience struggles
01:09 throughout the course of our lives,
01:11 but that's why God filled the Bible
01:13 with encouraging words about perseverance.
01:16 In James 1:12, it says,
01:19 "Blessed is the man who endures temptation,
01:22 for when he's been approved
01:23 he will receive the crown of life,
01:25 which the Lord has promised to those who love Him."
01:29 In life we will face hardships.
01:31 God will go along with us
01:33 to the other side of those struggles.
01:35 In fact, He is the one
01:36 who is guiding us in every situation,
01:39 every step of the way.
01:41 We can only endure and persevere
01:43 by the power of the Holy Spirit.
01:58 Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for Your love.
02:00 And thank You because we know that You are with us
02:03 in every step of the way.
02:06 We ask You to help us to endure, to persevere,
02:09 especially in this moment of
02:12 so many things happening around.
02:15 Help us to trust You and to know that
02:17 You are gonna be with us always.
02:19 In Jesus' I pray. Amen.
02:24 Dear Heavenly Father,
02:26 we just want to praise You today.
02:28 We serve a great and an awesome God,
02:30 and You're so worthy of our praise.
02:33 We come before You, Father,
02:35 asking in the precious name of Jesus
02:38 that You would help us to persevere
02:39 despite the difficult times we are going through.
02:43 We know that You are our rock
02:45 and our refuge in times of trouble.
02:47 Lord, we need Your guidance and we need Your wisdom
02:51 to be a light to those who don't know You.
02:53 We know, Father, that
02:55 whatever trials we may go through,
02:57 that You will always be there and You are still in control.
03:01 We thank You and we praise You, Father.
03:04 In the precious name of Jesus.
03:06 Amen.
03:10 Heavenly Father, in these challenging times,
03:13 times that are challenging our faith, our patience,
03:17 our hope.
03:19 Lord, I lift before You
03:21 the hearts of those
03:22 who in this challenging season of our experience
03:26 are thinking of giving up
03:28 and walking away from their faith.
03:30 Lord, I pray that they will persevere
03:32 beyond the questions and the challenges.
03:36 I pray that they will hold on to Your promises
03:39 beyond the changing seasons
03:41 and even things that challenge us with fear.
03:44 May they persevere
03:46 by looking away from the problems
03:49 to the problem solver
03:51 and may they draw their attention
03:52 away from the world
03:54 and look unto You
03:55 and find salvation in Your presence.
03:57 In Jesus' name I pray.
04:00 Amen
04:04 Day by day, and with each passing moment
04:11 Strength I find to meet my trials here
04:17 Trusting in my father's wise bestowment
04:24 I've no cause for worry or for fear
04:31 He whose heart
04:33 is kind beyond all measure
04:38 Gives unto each day
04:41 what he deems best
04:45 Lovingly
04:47 its part of pain and pleasure
04:52 Mingling toil with peace and rest
05:07 Dear Heavenly Father,
05:09 I thank You
05:10 that although we are living
05:11 in unprecedented times of certainty,
05:14 Your Word has promised in Matthew 24:13,
05:18 that the race is not to the swiftest,
05:21 "But he that endureth unto the end shall be saved."
05:25 So I thank You for this hope that in perseverance,
05:28 we shall reap a much greater reward
05:31 if we faint not.
05:33 And in Philippians 3:14, you also remind us to
05:38 "Press toward the mark
05:40 for the prize of the high calling of God
05:43 in Christ Jesus."
05:44 So I thank You, dear Father,
05:46 that no matter what we face in this life,
05:49 Your strength is perfect.
05:51 And he that endureth unto the end shall be saved.
05:57 In Jesus' name I pray.
05:59 Amen.
06:03 Eternal Father, who is mighty and give strength to the weary,
06:06 I come before you in Jesus' name.
06:08 Father, I confess that we are weak
06:10 and rebellious and undeserving of Your strength.
06:13 Forgive us I pray and then give us strength
06:16 for we trust in Your mercies.
06:17 Today, Father, I praise You
06:19 for seeing and knowing and considering
06:20 the frailties of mortal man, whom You've created from dust.
06:24 I praise You for giving us strength as our days,
06:27 and that there is no situation that You haven't seen
06:30 and haven't failed to provide strength
06:31 that we may be victors in every battle.
06:34 You promised that we would run and not be weary.
06:37 And I take You at Your word
06:38 that no matter how long the trial may last,
06:40 You have given strength and ability.
06:43 Father, You said that whosoever endures to the end
06:46 will receive a crown of life.
06:48 I cling to this as a promise
06:50 that You will give me that endurance.
06:53 I remember Your servant, Elijah,
06:55 who even though he was running away,
06:57 when he should've stayed and stood strong with You,
07:00 You fed him and he ran for 40 days in that strength.
07:02 I trust You to do the same for Your people today.
07:05 Thank You, O Father, in Jesus' name.
07:08 Amen.
07:12 Every day, The Lord Himself is near me
07:18 With a special mercy For each hour
07:24 All my cares He gladly bears,
07:28 And cheers me
07:30 He Whose Name Is Counselor and Power
07:37 The protection of His child And treasure
07:44 Is a charge that on Himself He laid
07:50 "As your days,
07:53 your strength shall be in measure"
07:59 This the pledge to me He made
08:10 Let's just take some time right now
08:12 to pray for in your own life
08:17 what you sense as a lack of endurance,
08:21 a lack of being able to persevere
08:24 or someone that you know.
08:27 Just take time, take that to the Lord.
09:00 Heavenly Father, I come before You
09:03 seeking Your strength during these hard times.
09:07 Lord, renew my strength.
09:10 Let my heart find comfort in You
09:12 because You are the giver of endurance.
09:16 Without You, I will truly give up,
09:20 and I won't reach
09:22 the finish line without You.
09:24 So hold my hand, Lord.
09:27 Lord, let Your grace guide me through life
09:32 and the life situations peacefully.
09:37 I know that I will come out victorious
09:40 because you are with me, oh God.
09:46 Father, I count it a blessing
09:48 when I go through trials and temptations,
09:50 because I know that my faith is being tested
09:53 to produce perseverance.
09:58 So therefore I pray that
09:59 You will help my heart to rejoice
10:03 and put all of my trust in You,
10:08 for I am not alone.
10:09 I know I am not alone in these tough times.
10:13 You are with us.
10:16 And we will endure till the end through Your grace
10:20 and through Your wisdom.
10:23 You are our tower of strength, oh God, we run to You.
10:32 Father, I pray for those
10:34 who are in a difficult phase of life,
10:38 that they need you more now than ever.
10:43 Lord, You know their struggles,
10:47 You know their weakness,
10:49 You know that many of them
10:51 are on the verge of giving up, oh God.
10:52 Lord, I pray, renew their strength.
10:56 Give them an unshakeable faith.
11:02 God, I pray that You will help us
11:04 not to take the easy road,
11:08 but to focus on You,
11:10 on Your finished work on the cross
11:13 that You will take us through.
11:18 May You silence our enemies.
11:23 Grant us endurance, oh Lord.
11:30 We kneel before Your Holy throne,
11:34 precious Lord.
11:36 Despite the times that we are going through,
11:42 we know that
11:45 You are perfect in all Your ways
11:47 and you Are God.
11:52 All is well with You.
11:56 Whatever season our viewers are going through,
12:05 You can guide us safely, Lord, we trust in You.
12:08 My heart is cheerful,
12:12 knowing that after we have persevered,
12:15 there's a crown of life waiting.
12:22 So I want to encourage you.
12:25 As in Galatians 6:9 says,
12:27 "Let us not grow weary while doing good,
12:30 for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart."
12:36 Don't give up.
12:41 And in Hebrews 12:1 says,
12:43 "Therefore we also,
12:44 since we are surrounded
12:46 by so great a cloud of witnesses,
12:48 let us lay aside every weight,
12:50 and the sin which so easily entangles us.
12:54 Let us run with endurance
12:55 the race that is set before us."
13:01 So I challenge you to identify
13:03 what it is that is tripping you up.
13:08 What it is that is keeping you from a closer walk
13:10 with the Lord.
13:12 Shake it off, it isn't worth it.
13:17 Draw near to God.
13:21 Help me then In every tribulation
13:26 So to trust Your promises, O Lord
13:30 That I lose Not faith's sweet consolation
13:35 Offered me Within Your holy Word
13:40 Help me, Lord, when toil And trouble meeting
13:45 E'er to take, As from a father's hand
13:49 One by one, the days, the moments fleeting
13:54 Till I reach the promised land
14:01 Please send us your prayer request
14:03 or become a part of our Prayer Warrior Team.
14:06 For more information, please visit
14:10 or call for prayer at 618-627-4651 extension 1.
14:15 And thank you for being a part of the worldwide 3ABN family.


Revised 2021-03-12