Pause to Pray

Episode 46 - Parents

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: PHPTP

Program Code: PHPTP210046S

00:30 Proverbs 22:6
00:32 in the Amplified Bible tells us,
00:33 "Train up a child in the way he should go,
00:36 teaching him to seek God's wisdom
00:37 and will for his abilities and talents,
00:40 and when he is old he will not depart from it."
00:43 Children are such a blessing from the Lord
00:45 and bring such joy to our lives.
00:47 And if you're a parent, you know full well,
00:49 having a child brings with it a great responsibilities
00:52 for the parents.
00:55 Some very influential guidance comes from spiritual insight,
00:58 which is why Proverbs 22:6 is so important.
01:02 If parents will teach and guide their children
01:04 according to God's Word and live by example,
01:08 then these children will grow up
01:09 knowing the love of Jesus
01:11 and having the support of the parents
01:13 to follow their dreams and their God given gifting.
01:16 That isn't always easy for parents,
01:18 especially when we have other plans or ideas
01:21 that we think would better suit them.
01:24 But our duty is to teach our children
01:25 important spiritual, fundamental,
01:28 Christian, the fundamentals of Christian life,
01:31 and lead by example.
01:33 As parents, let's pray and encourage one another
01:36 and learn from our Heavenly Father
01:38 what it means to love unconditionally.
01:45 Dear Heavenly Father, what a miracle children are.
01:48 The love relationship between parents and their children
01:51 is something words cannot express.
01:54 Oh, Father, we have lost so many of our children
01:57 to influences of Satan.
01:59 We need Your help because we so often lose our prime focus
02:02 of teaching our children spiritually.
02:05 Forgive us where we have fallen short,
02:07 grant us, extra strength, guidance and patience
02:10 to raise our children according to Your will.
02:14 Our children are a priceless treasure,
02:16 and we cannot afford to lose them.
02:18 Teach us, Lord, and humble us.
02:21 Please wrap Your loving arms around every parent
02:24 who is listening at this moment.
02:26 I pray each one will submit their will to You.
02:29 Oh, Father, please allow us
02:31 to be a shining light to our children.
02:34 Please help us to be the godly foundation
02:36 that our children can hang on to
02:38 and look up to as an example of Christ.
02:41 In Jesus' name I pray.
02:43 Amen.
02:47 Heavenly Father, we thank You for Your love
02:49 and Your grace in our lives.
02:51 Lord, I would just like to lift up parents today
02:54 and ask for Your blessing and Your peace
02:56 on each and every one of us
02:58 that we can be examples and teachers for our children
03:02 and for those around us.
03:04 And, Lord, that You would just give Your blessing on parents
03:07 in this midst of all that's going on,
03:09 Father, that we can know that You are bigger,
03:12 and that You are in charge of all of it.
03:15 Father, we love You and we praise
03:16 You, in Jesus' name.
03:18 Amen.
03:22 How deep the Father's love for us
03:27 How vast beyond all measure
03:32 That He should give His only Son
03:37 To make a wretch His treasure
03:43 How great the pain of searing loss
03:48 The Father turns His face away
03:53 As wounds which mar the Chosen One
03:58 Bring many sons to glory
04:07 Father, we come to You today in prayer
04:09 lifting our parents up to You,
04:12 parents that have children still at home.
04:15 And so that You have these family units
04:17 that are together 24/7,
04:19 which is not the normal but it is normal for now.
04:22 We just ask that You will give these parents
04:25 knowledge and strength, and wisdom
04:28 and patience, Father,
04:30 and that You will be in the middle of these family units
04:32 and draw them closer together and closer to You,
04:36 Father, in a spiritual way.
04:39 Parents that have adult children
04:41 that they may or may not live close to
04:43 that they cannot reach out and help right now
04:46 due to circumstances.
04:47 Father, let them rest in peace that You
04:50 are with their children watching over everything.
04:53 And our elderly parents, Father, that are at high risk.
04:56 Father, our hearts are of extra concern for them.
05:00 But we put all of this in Your hands, Father.
05:03 We know that You are walking with each and every one of us
05:06 through this.
05:07 And we give You our trust and our praise, Lord,
05:10 and You give us a peace and we just thank You in Jesus' name.
05:14 Amen.
05:18 Heavenly Father, we want to thank You
05:21 for being our Father, Creator and friend.
05:26 Today, we lift up our earthly parents.
05:30 You know, the responsibilities,
05:32 the struggles and the privilege of being a parent.
05:37 And, Lord, I pray that You will give each parent
05:39 encouragement to carry on.
05:42 May they look to You for strength and wisdom.
05:46 Many times the road of being a parent is rough.
05:49 But You have told us in Your Word,
05:51 that You will never leave us or forsake us.
05:55 Thank You for being the perfect example
05:58 of a parent.
06:02 Our loving Heavenly Father,
06:05 we lift up our parents to You We thank You
06:08 for the guidance and wisdom You have given them.
06:11 Help us to know how to honor and care
06:14 for our parents as they age.
06:16 And please give those that have suffered the loss of a child,
06:20 those that may be struggling as single parents
06:23 and those that are fearful because they have no job
06:26 to provide for their family.
06:28 You've entrusted this precious privilege of parenthood
06:32 to fallen humanity.
06:34 Lord, please give uncommon wisdom and clarity
06:37 where it's needed, and may love, compassion
06:41 and patience be interwoven into each heart, in Jesus' name.
06:46 Amen.
06:50 Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for being a Father,
06:52 and that we can come to You in every situation.
06:56 We pray, especially for our parents around the world,
06:59 as they lead Your children to Your soon coming.
07:03 Help them to know how to reflect Your character
07:07 in studying the Bible,
07:08 in everything that they do throughout the day,
07:10 whether it's at the table preparing meals,
07:13 whether it's outside in nature, help them to know
07:18 how to set an example for who You are.
07:21 Encourage them on a daily basis and give them the wisdom.
07:25 Thank You for hearing our prayer.
07:27 We love You, Lord, in the name of Jesus I pray.
07:30 Amen.
07:34 I will not boast in anything
07:39 No gifts, no power, no wisdom
07:44 But I will boast in Jesus Christ
07:48 His death and resurrection
07:53 Why should I gain from His reward?
07:58 I cannot give an answer
08:02 But this I know with all my heart
08:08 His wounds have paid my ransom
08:16 James 1:9 tells us,
08:19 "My dear brothers and sisters,
08:21 take note of this.
08:23 Everyone should be quick to listen,
08:26 slow to speak
08:27 and slow to become angry."
08:32 Father, I ask that You would forgive me
08:35 when I totally get this backward.
08:39 My human response is to be quick with anger.
08:43 Then there's no opportunity for speaking or listening,
08:47 because I've lost my children's attention
08:50 and their interest.
08:52 Lord, teach me to be the world's best communicator
08:55 with my children.
08:58 Remind me that
09:01 communicating begins with listening.
09:06 And, Lord, that extends
09:07 to my other relationships as well.
09:11 It's really so practical.
09:14 It's the way I want to be treated, God.
09:17 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 tells us
09:21 to "Rejoice always, pray continually.
09:24 Give thanks in all circumstances,
09:26 for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."
09:30 The recipe for your will is in six words,
09:34 Lord, rejoice always.
09:36 Pray continually, and give thanks.
09:42 Help me be faithful to pass on this wisdom to my children
09:46 by exemplifying joy, prayer and gratitude.
09:51 Keep me, Lord, from complicating things.
09:54 And forgive me when I don't live up
09:56 to this simple rule.
10:01 And, Father, a special prayer
10:04 I want to extend to those children,
10:09 to the salvation of our children.
10:14 God, how we long as parents
10:17 to see our children won to Your kingdom.
10:21 Father, draw the Holy Spirit.
10:25 Draw them, save our children.
10:34 Lord, I pray that You will have Your will
10:36 in the lives of our children.
10:39 As they look for jobs, those who are older.
10:47 God, I pray that You will help us
10:49 to teach financial wisdom,
10:52 Lord, that You would impart favor
10:59 to our children in their homes, in their work,
11:03 to their employers, their coworkers.
11:11 God, I thank You for protection and safety for our children.
11:18 I bind the powers of Satan that would harm our children
11:23 and would lead them astray.
11:27 Oh, God, touch our children,
11:33 those who are facing physical battles,
11:35 and mental, and emotional battles.
11:40 God, You know their need.
11:45 Lord, it hurts my heart to think
11:47 that my children are hurting.
11:52 So touch our children, God.
12:00 Father, thank You for giving us faith, love, hope,
12:03 peace, power, joy, wisdom.
12:07 Thank You for Your grace and Your mercy, God.
12:11 Lord, none of us are worth it.
12:14 None of us are worthy of it.
12:18 But, Lord, You love us.
12:22 We thank You for loving us.
12:29 As a parent, I want to encourage you
12:32 to do as Philippians 4:6-7 says,
12:36 "Do not be anxious about anything.
12:39 But in every situation by prayer and petition,
12:43 with thanksgiving, present your requests to God,
12:46 and the peace of God
12:47 which transcends all understanding
12:50 will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
12:54 And Ephesians 4:32 says,
12:57 "Be kind and compassionate to one another,
12:59 forgiving each other, just as Christ.
13:04 In Christ, God forgave you."
13:08 I will not boast in anything
13:11 No gifts, no power, no wisdom
13:15 But I will boast in Jesus Christ
13:19 His death and resurrection
13:22 Why should I gain from His reward?
13:26 I cannot give an answer
13:30 But this I know with all my heart
13:35 His wounds have paid my ransom
13:43 Thank you for watching Pause to Pray.
13:46 God bless you.
13:50 Please send us your prayer request
13:52 or become a part of our Prayer Warrior Team.
13:55 For more information, please visit
13:59 or call for prayer at 618-627-4651 extension 1.
14:05 And thank you for being a part of the worldwide 3ABN family.


Revised 2021-08-30