Pause to Pray

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: PHPTP

Program Code: PHPTP210058S

00:31 Encouragement is defined as the action
00:33 of giving someone support, confidence or hope.
00:37 There are several Bible verses
00:38 where we can find such confidence and hope.
00:41 2 Timothy 1:7 says,
00:43 "For God has not given us a spirit of timidity
00:46 or lack of courage, but of power and of love
00:49 and discipline or of sound judgment."
00:52 These are words from the Apostle Paul written
00:54 from prison to encourage Timothy to join him
00:57 in spreading the gospel or as Paul puts it,
01:00 suffering for the gospel.
01:02 Now that part ceases to sound very encouraging,
01:05 except to remind us that although Christians
01:07 are guaranteed to face opposition,
01:09 it is God who empowers and encourages us
01:12 by His Holy Spirit to accomplish His will.
01:15 Another word of encouragement comes from Romans 8:38-39,
01:19 "For I am convinced that neither death nor life,
01:22 neither angels nor demons,
01:24 neither the present nor the future,
01:25 nor any powers, neither height nor depth,
01:28 nor anything else in all creation,
01:30 will be able to separate us from the love of God
01:33 that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
01:35 Do you wonder if God really loves you, as insignificant
01:39 and as undesirable as you feel you are?
01:42 One more note of confidence for those who are feeling alone
01:45 and weak in your particular situation.
01:48 And this is found in Isaiah 41:10,
01:51 "Fear not, for I am with you,
01:53 be not dismayed for I am your God,
01:55 I will strengthen you, I will help you,
01:57 I will uphold you with My righteous right hand."
02:02 God is for you.
02:04 And if God is for you,
02:06 what does it matter who is against you?
02:08 Find encouragement today in the Word of God,
02:11 and then go and tell the world the good news.
02:23 Dear God, thank You for the encouragement
02:26 that You provide us through Your Word.
02:28 Help us to remember that was You by our side,
02:32 we have no need to worry,
02:34 and that You will give us the strength that we need
02:36 to carry on in these difficult times.
02:39 In Jesus' name, amen.
02:45 Our most loving Heavenly Father,
02:47 we look to You for our encouragement
02:50 to keep us lifted up in distressing times.
02:53 You let us know that You are always with us,
02:56 as in Matthew 28:20,
03:00 "Teaching them to observe all things
03:02 that I have commanded You and lo,
03:05 I am with you always, even to the end of the age.
03:09 Amen."
03:11 And most of all, we want to praise You for the Bible,
03:14 where in every page, we can get all of our encouragement,
03:18 and the encouragement from the Holy Spirit
03:21 to help guide us in our lives.
03:23 In Jesus' name I pray.
03:24 Amen.
03:28 Dear Heavenly Father, thank You so much
03:31 for Your strength and encouragement today.
03:33 Thank You for Your unchanging love
03:36 and thank You for being our guiding light
03:38 amongst the storm.
03:39 Lord, please be with those that have lost hope.
03:43 Help us to hold on to Your promise
03:45 of Your soon return,
03:46 bring peace into our heart and mind.
03:49 Help us to remember not to be fearful for You're our God.
03:53 For You said, "I am the light of the world.
03:55 He that follows Me shall not walk in darkness,
03:58 but shall have the light of life."
04:01 May Your Holy Spirit transform us,
04:03 so we may be a reflection of You
04:05 and an encouragement to others.
04:08 In Jesus' name I pray.
04:09 Amen.
04:13 O Lord, my soul is encouraged when I read in Your Word,
04:17 Psalm 23:6, "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me,
04:22 all the days of my life,
04:24 and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever."
04:27 In this time, Lord, in this earth scene,
04:30 we see things moving rapidly.
04:32 Confusion is everywhere.
04:34 Lord, we can be encouraged in Your Word
04:36 that we will dwell with You in the house
04:37 of the Lord forever.
04:39 Your Word in Philippians 1:6 tells us
04:41 that You're going to complete the very good work
04:43 that You have begun in us.
04:44 And You also tell us, Lord,
04:46 that You will never leave us nor forsake us.
04:48 And You know, Lord, the time is coming
04:50 when You shall reign as King, Conqueror,
04:53 and we see the signs all around us, Lord,
04:55 help us be encouraged today,
04:57 that soon and very soon we are going to see our King.
05:06 Water You turned into wine
05:10 You opened the eyes of the blind
05:14 There's no one like you
05:19 None like you
05:25 Our God is greater
05:27 Our God is stronger
05:30 God, You are higher than any other
05:35 Our God is Healer
05:37 Awesome in power
05:39 Our God, Our God
05:49 Dear Lord, thank You for Your gift of encouragement.
05:52 Thank You for all the people that use Your gift
05:55 to lift each other up.
05:57 Lord, thank You that we can always find encouragement.
06:00 When we look out nature and see every little thing
06:03 that You have created,
06:04 thinking that we can open up Your Word,
06:06 the Bible and no matter where we turn,
06:09 we can find a passage that gives us
06:11 the encouragement that we need.
06:13 Lord, please bestow within me the gift of encouragement.
06:18 Let me be an encouragement to each and every person
06:21 that I meet and interact, Lord, let them see You through me.
06:26 Amen.
06:30 Dear Father God, here we are down on our knees,
06:34 driving a car, standing waiting for the street light,
06:37 getting the kids prepared for the day.
06:39 Yes, Lord, here we are.
06:42 We are desperate for encouragement.
06:45 Our ears are open and we hear Your words.
06:48 "Do not fear, for I am with you.
06:51 Do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
06:55 I will strengthen you and help you.
06:57 I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
07:00 Lord, we need You to give us encouragement and wisdom
07:03 and to fight our battles with us.
07:06 Lord, spare us all from the Coronavirus.
07:09 Let us be anxious for nothing.
07:11 Let us rest in Your encouragement.
07:14 In doing this, we know the peace of God
07:16 will guard our hearts and our minds.
07:19 Lord, You are truly the wind in our sails.
07:22 In knowing this,
07:23 we can trust You for encouragement,
07:25 because You too walk this earth.
07:28 Today, let us know that You are the harbor
07:31 where we can stop for rest.
07:33 The best encouragement for us is knowing You
07:36 are navigating the storms.
07:38 Thank You for Your assurance.
07:40 Amen.
07:46 Into the darkness You shine
07:50 Out of the ashes we rise
07:54 There's no one like you
07:59 None like you
08:05 Our God is greater
08:07 Our God is stronger
08:10 God You are higher than any other
08:16 You are Healer
08:17 You are awesome in power
08:20 Our God, Our God
08:24 And if our God is for us, then who could ever stop us?
08:29 And if our God is with us, then what could stand against?
08:33 And if our God is for us, then who could ever stop us?
08:38 And if our God is with us,
08:40 Then what could stand against?
08:45 O, what could stand against?
08:54 Father, thank You for such encouragement
08:57 to know that You are for us,
09:02 to empower us with the knowledge
09:06 that You always have our back,
09:09 that You have our best interest in mind.
09:14 Father, it's our desire to be so close to You,
09:20 that we know that nothing can separate us.
09:29 And, Father, for those who are watching,
09:30 who are in need of encouragement
09:35 in the needs that they face, Father,
09:39 there's no greater encouragement than testimonies
09:42 of prayers that You have answered before.
09:47 So I pray that You will help us
09:49 to remember and look back
09:53 to the things that You have done for us.
09:56 And as we look back and we see what God has done,
10:00 we will be reminded that You are a faithful God,
10:04 and that You love us.
10:07 So I encourage you if you're in need,
10:11 and we're all in need of something,
10:15 I encourage you just to draw close to God
10:17 and to remember what He has done for you
10:23 in the past and He is a faithful God,
10:27 consistent the same yesterday, today and forever.
10:33 So let's take some needs to God.
10:39 We have viewers who are praying for relationships,
10:44 praying for a godly spouse.
10:47 Father, I pray that
10:49 You will help them to prepare
10:52 to be the kind of spouse
10:53 that would attract a godly spouse.
11:01 Lord, I believe that You have...
11:07 If not one person,
11:12 I believe that You are able
11:14 to draw people to us.
11:19 So I just pray that however You work that out in Your way,
11:25 Father, I pray for those who are looking
11:28 for a godly relationship, a godly spouse,
11:30 a godly helpmeet.
11:35 Father, those who are in need of employment,
11:38 gainful employment,
11:42 those who are needing help with their finances,
11:53 Lord, I pray that You would open that door
11:55 and that You would provide.
11:58 Holy God,
12:02 I ask that You will grant wisdom and guidance
12:06 and peace and provision.
12:11 And may we recognize an open door
12:17 and not doubt,
12:20 not be afraid of stepping forward.
12:25 Make it so obvious, I ask in Jesus' name.
12:31 Lord, I pray for protection
12:36 and safety and even deliverance,
12:40 God, from those who just seem to be
12:44 in a habit of making poor decisions.
12:50 Lord, sometimes we all get in that place
12:54 where it seems we can do nothing right.
12:58 Maybe seems like nothing's going right in our lives.
13:01 But, Father, I know that You have the way,
13:03 You have the wisdom.
13:06 And thank You for protecting us from making bad calls.
13:12 As we put our trust in You,
13:15 we love You, Lord.
13:19 We know You are greater and stronger
13:22 and higher than any other.
13:26 Our God is greater
13:29 Our God is stronger
13:31 God, You are higher than any other
13:36 God, You are Healer
13:39 Awesome in power That's our God.
13:44 And He can meet your need, if you'll just take it to Him.
13:51 Please send us your prayer request
13:53 or become a part of our Prayer Warrior Team.
13:55 For more information, please visit
14:00 or call for prayer at 618-627-4651 extension 1.
14:05 And thank you for being a part of the worldwide 3ABN family.


Revised 2021-09-28