Praise Him Ten Days of Prayer

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: PHTDP

Program Code: PHTDP200001S

00:14 Hi, welcome to day one of 10 Days of Prayer,
00:16 a prayer plan from our friends at
00:21 In Acts 1:8 we read where Jesus told the apostles,
00:24 "You will receive power
00:25 when the Holy Spirit comes upon you,
00:27 and you will be My witnesses telling people
00:30 about Me everywhere."
00:31 Listen to this testimony.
00:34 "Just before graduating from college
00:35 with a theology degree,
00:37 I read the book They Found the Secret
00:39 by V. Raymond Edman.
00:41 The book tells about 20 Christian men and women
00:43 who reached a spiritual crisis in their lives
00:46 that led to an authentic conversion experience.
00:48 This was eventually followed by the outpouring
00:51 of the Holy Spirit in their lives.
00:53 They became the people they became
00:54 and lead millions to Christ
00:56 because they were filled with the Holy Spirit.
00:59 As I considered my own life as a husband,
01:01 new father, and soon to be pastor,
01:04 I wrote a note in that book,
01:05 I need the Holy Spirit too.
01:08 Since then I have made it
01:09 my top priority to maintain my conversion experience
01:13 and seek the biblical baptism
01:14 of the Holy Spirit through Bible study,
01:16 obedience, sharing, and prayer.
01:19 Within my first year of pastoring,
01:21 I was called to visit our church treasurer
01:23 who had been diagnosed with cancer.
01:26 We prayed and anointed him
01:27 with oil as the Bible says to do.
01:29 In a few days, he joyfully shared that
01:32 he was completely healed from his cancer.
01:34 Right then I knew that God was hearing my prayers,
01:37 and that He accepted my efforts to live my life for Him."
01:42 The question has been posed,
01:44 why do we not hunger and thirst for the gift of the Spirit?
01:47 Since this is the means by which we are to receive power.
01:51 Why do we not talk of it, pray for it,
01:53 and preach concerning it.
01:55 The Lord is more willing to give the Holy Spirit
01:57 to those who serve Him than parents are to give
02:00 good gifts to their children.
02:02 For the daily baptism of the Spirit,
02:05 every worker should offer his petition to God.
02:09 So what about you?
02:10 Do you acknowledge your need
02:12 for the Holy Spirit in your life?
02:14 Consider these scriptures as to why we need the Holy Spirit?
02:20 Ezekiel 36:25-27 says,
02:23 "I will cleanse you from all your filthiness
02:26 and from all of your idols.
02:28 I will give you a new heart
02:29 and put a new spirit within you,
02:32 I will take the spirit,
02:34 the heart of stone out of your flesh
02:36 and will give you a heart of flesh.
02:39 I will put My Spirit within you
02:41 and cause you to walk in My statutes,
02:44 and you will keep My judgments and do them."
02:48 So the presence of the Holy Spirit
02:50 will give a deeper dying of self
02:54 and more awareness of Christ in the new man.
02:57 Galatians 5:22-23 say,
03:01 "But the fruit of the Spirit is love,
03:03 joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness,
03:07 faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.
03:10 Against such there is no law."
03:13 And John 7:38-39 say,
03:18 "He who believes in Me,"
03:20 this is Jesus talking, "as the Scripture has said,
03:23 out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.
03:26 But this He spoke concerning the Spirit,
03:29 whom those believing in Him would receive."
03:33 When we are filled with the Holy Spirit,
03:36 the fruit of the Spirit,
03:37 the character of God will flow from us
03:40 like rivers of living water.
03:43 In Acts 4:13, 31, we read,
03:47 "Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John,
03:49 and perceived that they were uneducated
03:52 and untrained men, they marveled.
03:55 And they realized that they had been with Jesus."
03:59 And in verse 31 we read,
04:01 "And when they had prayed,
04:03 the place where they were assembled together,
04:06 was shaken,
04:08 and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit,
04:10 and they spoke the word of God with boldness."
04:14 You see, the abiding presence of the Holy Spirit
04:17 will motivate and empower us to share the gospel
04:20 with as many people as possible.
04:23 So do you need the Holy Spirit in your life?
04:27 I know I do.
04:29 I need Him to open the door
04:31 for God's guidance in new
04:34 and more powerful ways.
04:36 I need Him to make my prayers
04:37 more powerful to open my eyes
04:41 to Satan's works and his lies.
04:44 And I need Him to increase my concern
04:47 for the salvation of others.
04:51 So I asked you right where you are
04:53 to invite the Holy Spirit
04:56 to have His way as we enter into this time of prayer.
05:15 There's nothing worth more
05:19 That could ever come close
05:22 No thing can compare
05:25 You're our living hope
05:31 Your presence, Lord
05:40 I've tasted and seen
05:43 Of the sweetest of loves
05:46 Where my heart becomes free
05:49 And my shame is undone
05:55 Your presence, Lord
06:04 Holy Spirit You are welcome here
06:09 Come flood this place
06:12 And fill the atmosphere
06:16 Your glory, God
06:19 Is what our hearts long for
06:22 To be overcome
06:26 By Your presence, Lord
06:31 Holy Spirit
06:33 You are welcome here
06:36 Come flood this place
06:39 And fill the atmosphere
06:43 Your glory, God
06:46 Is what our hearts long for
06:50 To be overcome
06:53 By Your presence, Lord
07:02 Your presence, Lord
07:14 Lord, we come into Your presence
07:16 with Thanksgiving.
07:17 And we enter Your courts with praise.
07:21 We have no words that adequately describe
07:23 how much we appreciate You what you have done for us.
07:28 Lord, we gladly and humbly add our human praise
07:33 to that of the sinless angels
07:35 who ever delight to worship You.
07:41 Lord, I ask that
07:42 You would please change my heart
07:44 and make me true to You.
07:47 Cleanse me from sin and prepare me
07:49 to receive Your Holy Spirit.
07:54 Lord, please send a revival of true godliness
07:57 among Your people
08:00 marked by the fruit of the Holy Spirit.
08:04 Baptize us with the Holy Spirit and give us power
08:07 to proclaim the gospel to a world
08:10 that is lost in darkness.
08:16 Have mercy, O Lord,
08:19 on our families, and our friends,
08:23 and our co-workers,
08:26 our classmates.
08:29 God save them.
08:33 And, Lord, allow me to be
08:36 Your helper to this end.
08:39 Use me, God.
08:43 Lord, I lift up to You,
08:45 the pastors, and teachers,
08:50 the evangelists, the Bible workers,
08:55 and the leaders of our church.
09:00 God, bless them with the power of Your Holy Spirit.
09:08 Dear, Lord, I pray, please show mercy
09:13 to those who are abused.
09:18 God to the persecuted.
09:24 Lord, give them Your protection
09:25 and Your deliverance from the hands of those
09:28 who seek to do them harm.
09:32 Oh, God, we strongly pray for them.
09:41 Lord, I pray that You would please bless
09:43 the hundreds of thousands of outreach activities
09:48 that will be taking this place,
09:52 taking place this year in 2020.
10:00 Holy Spirit have Your way in those lives.
10:06 I pray for spiritual revival among the Christian youth
10:10 who will be attending public colleges, universities
10:14 worldwide.
10:18 May they become vibrant ambassadors for Christ.
10:25 And, Lord, for our youth leaders
10:27 around the world who are sharing Christ
10:29 with a generation that is looking for truth.
10:35 God, give these youth leaders, these ministers of Your word,
10:39 give them holy boldness to proclaim truth
10:43 to our young people.
11:03 Lord, I pray for the 69% of earth's population
11:07 who have not received an unclouded presentation
11:11 of Jesus Christ.
11:20 Lord, I pray for the 62 million people
11:24 in the 28 least reached cities of the former Soviet Union.
11:32 Oh, God, I pray that You will send the message
11:36 through satellites,
11:43 in all ways of technology.
11:45 However, You can get the word out that Jesus saves.
11:57 God, I lift up to You our youth
12:02 who are tormented with thoughts of suicide.
12:08 God, I ask that You will show Yourself to them
12:11 in a mighty way.
12:16 Reveal that You are real
12:19 and that You love them,
12:22 and that suicide is not the answer.
12:30 Lord, I pray for godly marriages.
12:35 And for the restoration of those who are on the brink
12:39 of separation and divorce.
12:46 God, please restore these relationships.
13:02 Lord, I pray for those
13:05 who are breaking your commandments.
13:13 Holy Spirit, I asked for Your conviction.
13:20 And Your strength to help us
13:22 to obey
13:25 Your word, Your commands.
13:33 Father, I know that there are those
13:35 who are watching that
13:39 have called and requested prayer
13:42 specifically for family members
13:45 with stage 4 prostate cancer.
13:50 Lord, we know by statistics that at this stage,
13:56 winning the battle is difficulty, is difficult.
14:00 But nothing is impossible with You.
14:06 Lord, help us to look for ways that
14:12 You are using
14:14 even stage 4 of anything
14:19 for Your good and for Your will to be done.
14:24 Lord, it doesn't even seem possible that
14:27 we would think that way.
14:32 And we know that the world doesn't look at it that way.
14:35 But, Father, as Your children,
14:36 we believe that all things work together for good,
14:42 for Your greater purpose, Lord.
14:47 So, Father, I lift up these
14:52 with stage 4 cancer.
15:01 And I pray for those, Lord,
15:02 who are dealing with the effects of stroke.
15:09 Those that are battling with speech problems
15:11 and various complications.
15:14 God, I ask that You would
15:17 give them a healing touch, Lord.
15:20 Holy Spirit, give them patience.
15:25 Let them know, remind them that you are near them, God.
15:35 Lord, I thank You that You are great and mighty
15:38 and that You are a great and mighty healer.
15:44 Lord, I pray that Your Holy Spirit will flow
15:47 in the hospital rooms and nursing homes,
15:56 places where people are recuperating.
15:58 Holy Spirit, bring Your healing touch.
16:07 Father, You are our only hope.
16:12 Hope of salvation, hope of healing.
16:23 Father, God, there are those who are watching
16:27 and they've been seeking a life partner
16:31 for a long time.
16:37 We know that You love us.
16:42 We know that You are always with us,
16:43 but there are those
16:45 who they need something tangible,
16:49 someone's hand to hold on to.
16:55 So, Lord, I pray for those
16:57 who are seeking a relationship.
17:02 I ask that You will guide them
17:04 to find godly spouses
17:08 or friendships.
17:12 Thank You that You care about those things.
17:22 And, Lord, I pray for those
17:24 who are listening to the wrong voices,
17:30 voices that are causing them to stray from You.
17:38 I know we've received
17:39 a request recently telling of a man
17:44 who's very discouraged because of his sins.
17:51 He is repeating them over and over again,
17:56 just seems like
17:57 he's caught in the handcuffs of sin.
18:06 Father, God, I pray that You will give us strength.
18:10 Grant us the strength, O God,
18:13 to overcome our impulses,
18:17 to overcome our addictions, Lord,
18:20 to overcome our selfish tendencies in our habits.
18:30 Father, God, thank You for forgiving us for our sins.
18:34 Thank You for the blood of Jesus
18:37 that covers our sin, makes us whiter than snow.
18:42 Thank You for that wonderful salvation plan.
18:51 Now help us to walk in that freedom,
18:56 the freedom of forgiveness and mercy.
19:07 Father, God, I pray for those who are in the grip of drugs
19:10 and alcohol.
19:13 God, that You would give them strength to stop using
19:16 and abusing the substances
19:18 to turn their life over to You.
19:23 And to do whatever they have to do,
19:26 to distance themselves, God, from the temptation.
19:48 Lord, I thank You that
19:49 You have this world in Your hand.
19:54 And, Lord, I thank You that Your Word declares
19:56 that leaders are put into place
20:03 by Your choice.
20:08 We don't understand how that works through
20:11 the whole voting process or
20:17 even the places that
20:19 are living under dictatorships.
20:24 But I just lift up our world leaders
20:27 all around this world.
20:29 God, I ask that You would grant them wisdom,
20:33 to be godly in their decisions
20:37 and not giving into popular thinking.
20:42 Lord, grant our leaders protection,
20:45 and provision, and peace.
20:52 And, God, especially I pray for the peace of Israel.
20:59 And, Father, that You would change
21:00 the hearts of those who are against Israel.
21:26 Holy Spirit, You have Your way.
21:36 Spirit of the Living God
21:43 Fall fresh on me
21:51 Spirit of the Living God
21:58 Fall fresh on me
22:06 Break me, melt me
22:12 Mold me,
22:15 Fill me
22:20 Spirit
22:22 Of the Living God
22:29 Fall fresh
22:32 On me
22:38 Lord, I wanna thank You for
22:40 Your amazing power and Your work in our lives.
22:44 Thank You for Your goodness
22:45 and for Your bountiful blessings over us.
22:48 Thank You that You are able to bring hope
22:51 through even the toughest times,
22:53 strengthening us for Your purposes,
22:56 and for Your great love and care.
22:59 For Your mercy, and Your grace, we wanna say thank You.
23:03 Thank You that You are always with us
23:06 that You will never leave us.
23:09 Thank You for Your incredible sacrifice,
23:13 so that we might have freedom in life,
23:16 eternally, eternal life.
23:20 Amen.
23:21 In Matthew 17:20, Jesus taught,
23:25 "If you have faith as small as a mustard seed,
23:28 you can say to this mountain,
23:30 'Move from here to there,'
23:32 and it will move,
23:33 and nothing will be impossible for you."
23:36 And in 2 Corinthians
23:39 10:4-5,
23:43 they tell us, "The weapons we fight with are
23:45 not the weapons of this world.
23:48 On the contrary, they have divine power
23:51 to demolish strongholds.
23:53 We demolish arguments in every pretension that
23:56 sets itself up against the knowledge of God
23:59 and we take captive every thought
24:02 to make it obedient to Christ."
24:05 The Bible urges us to pray in the Spirit on all occasions,
24:09 with all kinds of prayers and requests.
24:12 So with this in mind, dear Christian,
24:15 be alert, keep alert.
24:19 Always keep on praying for all the saints.
24:23 Yes.
24:38 There's a sweet,
24:41 sweet spirit in this place
24:51 And I know
24:54 That it's the spirit Of the Lord
25:06 Sweet Holy Spirit
25:13 Sweet heavenly dove
25:20 Stay right here with us
25:27 Filling us with your love
25:35 And for these blessings
25:42 We lift our hearts in praise
25:49 Without a doubt we'll know
25:53 That we have been revived
25:58 When we shall
26:03 leave this place
26:14 I wanna encourage you
26:18 to stand fast and to pray.
26:24 For the next 9 or 10 days
26:27 we're gonna be gathering at this same time 7:30 Central,
26:33 7:30 pm Central.
26:38 So I encourage you to invite your friends
26:41 to come and gather around
26:43 and make this a special time of prayer,
26:50 as we seek the Lord for a better New Year.
27:01 And we say, "Lord, come quickly."
27:08 Whatever you do, don't stop praying.


Revised 2020-01-23