Praise Him Ten Days of Prayer

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: PHTDP

Program Code: PHTDP200003S

00:15 Hi, and welcome to day 3 of 10 Days of Prayer,
00:18 a prayer program from our friends
00:20 at
00:23 The Apostle Paul gives us some pointed
00:25 and life saving advice in Galatians 5:16.
00:29 When he tells us to walk by the Spirit
00:31 and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.
00:34 There was nothing in Jesus that even responded
00:37 to Satan's untruths and deception.
00:39 Jesus did not consent to sin,
00:42 not even by a thought did He yield to temptation,
00:46 so may it be with us.
00:48 Christ's humanity was united with divinity.
00:51 Christ was fitted for the conflict
00:52 by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
00:55 And He came to make us partakers
00:56 of that divine nature.
00:58 So long as we are united to Him by faith,
01:01 sin has no more dominion over us.
01:03 God reaches for the hand of faith in us
01:06 to direct it to cling to the divinity of Christ
01:09 that we may attain to perfection of character.
01:12 Listen to this great testimony as told by a dear pastor.
01:16 Jerry was a hard worker.
01:18 He spent most of his adult life as an iron worker
01:20 building bridges and skyscrapers.
01:23 He was the guy who would walk out
01:24 hundreds of feet above ground
01:26 on a narrow iron beam
01:27 and spot weld it to another iron beam.
01:30 But although Jerry was talented and hardworking,
01:33 he also abused his body with alcohol,
01:35 tobacco, drugs, promiscuity, and wild living.
01:39 Whenever a Christian man would come to work,
01:41 Jerry would verbally and emotionally persecute him,
01:44 hoping to drive him from the job.
01:45 Jerry hated Christianity and Christians.
01:49 As Jerry approached age 50, he started getting depressed.
01:53 One day he decided to end his life.
01:56 As he was driving home to commit suicide,
01:58 he saw a sign for a church along the highway.
02:01 The Holy Spirit put a thought in his mind.
02:04 Maybe they can help me.
02:06 So Jerry pulled into the parking lot
02:08 just as the church of school was letting out for the day.
02:11 He approached the principal
02:13 and mumbled something about needing help.
02:15 The principal gave Jerry my number and said,
02:17 "This is the phone number of our pastor,
02:19 please give him a call."
02:21 When Jerry called that evening,
02:23 he told me he was in trouble and asked if I could help.
02:26 I phoned an elder
02:28 and together we went right over to Jerry's house.
02:31 Jerry told us everything and added,
02:33 "I can't believe I've fallen so low
02:35 as to have a pastor in my home."
02:38 He said he tried everything the world has to offer
02:40 without finding satisfaction,
02:42 so he had decided to end his life.
02:45 I said, "Jerry, you haven't yet tried everything
02:47 because you haven't yet tried Jesus."
02:51 "You're right," he smirked.
02:52 "I haven't tried Jesus.
02:54 So what do I have to do to try Jesus?"
02:57 I shared the simple message of the gospel and asked,
03:00 "Is there any reason why you wouldn't want
03:02 to receive Jesus into your life?"
03:05 Jerry said,
03:06 "No, because unless He does something
03:08 for me tonight,
03:09 I'm going to end my life."
03:11 Inviting Jerry to kneel with us,
03:13 I asked him to repeat a prayer after me.
03:16 Right after we said amen, Jerry grabbed my arm and said,
03:20 "Did you see that?"
03:22 "See what?" I asked.
03:24 Right as I said amen, I opened my eyes
03:27 and saw a man hovering over my head
03:29 with a very evil look on his face
03:31 and then he vanished through the ceiling.
03:33 You've got to believe me.
03:35 "I believe you, Jerry."
03:36 I said, "How do you feel now?"
03:39 After a moment of reflection, he said,
03:42 "I feel good, really good.
03:44 I haven't felt this good in a very long time ever.
03:47 What has happened to me?"
03:49 I explained, "Jerry, you just asked Jesus
03:52 to come into your life and forgive your sins.
03:55 He is now living in your heart.
03:57 That evil spirit you saw
03:59 was trying to get you to end your life,
04:00 but Jesus drove him out."
04:03 Great joy filled Jerry's home that night
04:05 so much so that Jerry couldn't sleep.
04:08 He went through his home removing all of his alcohol,
04:10 drugs, magazines,
04:12 and anything else he could find that was sinful.
04:15 He put all that stuff in a plastic bag
04:17 and buried it six feet deep in his orchard.
04:20 The next day, he drove to a nursery
04:22 and purchased a tree to plant over the top
04:25 of all the stuff he had buried.
04:27 When I came to visit, he showed me the tree and said,
04:30 "Pastor, that hole in the ground
04:32 and that new tree represent my life.
04:36 The old Jerry is buried down there
04:38 and that new fruit tree represents the new Jerry
04:41 because I am now living a new life."
04:46 Through the presence of the Holy Spirit
04:49 moving in our lives we confess our sins to God.
04:54 We accept the righteousness of Jesus on our behalf
04:57 and we are enabled
04:58 to resist the temptations of the devil.
05:00 Think about these promises from the Bible.
05:03 These are instructions for living a victorious life.
05:07 2 Corinthians 5:17 reminds us that,
05:10 "If anyone is in Jesus Christ, he is a new creation.
05:15 Old things have passed away."
05:19 1 Thessalonians 4:3 declares that
05:22 "It is God's will for you to walk in victory,
05:26 in victory over sin."
05:30 Matthew 5:29-30 tells us to
05:33 "Separate ourselves from anyone and anything
05:36 that tempts us into sin."
05:40 Romans 12:21 says
05:43 "To replace negative people and negative things
05:46 with positive people and things."
05:50 And I do love Galatians 5:22-26
05:56 as it lists the fruit of the Spirit
05:58 by which evil desires of the flesh maybe subdued.
06:02 In fact, listen to this scripture.
06:05 "The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace,
06:07 longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
06:12 gentleness, self-control.
06:14 Against such there is no law.
06:19 And those who are Christ's they have crucified the flesh
06:25 with its passions and desires.
06:28 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.
06:32 Let us not become conceited,
06:33 provoking one another and envying one another."
06:43 So make this your prayer.
06:46 Holy Spirit rain down
06:53 Rain down
06:57 Oh, Comforter and Friend
07:02 How we need your touch again
07:07 Holy Spirit rain down
07:14 Rain down
07:18 Let Your power fall
07:21 Let Your voice be heard
07:23 Come and change our hearts
07:25 As we stand on Your word
07:29 Holy Spirit
07:34 Rain down
07:43 Now join me in this time of prayer.
07:47 Dear Lord, I know that it is Your will for me
07:51 to overcome all sin in Your strength.
07:55 Please fill me with Your Holy Spirit
07:58 and guide me into all truth.
08:03 In the name of Jesus and through His blood,
08:05 I rebuke Satan
08:07 and his evil spirits in my life.
08:10 Please, Lord, drive the devil out of my life and in my home.
08:15 Let only truth and righteousness
08:17 dwell with me.
08:23 Dear Father, saturate my life
08:25 with the presence of the Holy Spirit.
08:33 May His power flow through me to minister
08:37 to those who are still trapped in the snare of sin.
08:47 Or bring them to Jesus
08:48 so that their chains may be broken.
08:56 Father, I ask that You would help us
08:57 to be patient and kind
08:59 showing Your love and pity
09:00 to those who annoy us and accuse us.
09:10 And we pray for those who care for the elderly,
09:18 those who care for the sick family members.
09:24 We ask God that You would give them patience,
09:27 give them strength and love.
09:32 Lord, I pray that You would please
09:34 ease the anxiety of those
09:36 who are facing terminal illnesses.
09:43 Lord, grant them courage
09:46 and give them the peace of Jesus.
09:59 Lord, I pray for churches around this world
10:03 as they reach out to their communities
10:04 with loving service,
10:07 with Bible studies, and personal witnessing.
10:12 Holy Spirit, I ask
10:13 that You will prepare each, every heart.
10:18 Give them a hunger and a desire for Christ
10:23 that will make them receptive to Your truth, God.
10:36 Father, we pray for the baptism of the Holy Spirit
10:39 upon our youth and on our young leaders.
10:44 As promised, in Acts 1:8,
10:48 where we're told we will receive power
10:50 when that Holy Spirit has come upon us
10:54 and we will be witnesses for You.
11:03 Lord, I pray that You would show us
11:09 a God given strategy
11:11 for reaching the Jerichos of the world.
11:17 And give us a strategy for leading the Rahabs
11:20 in every city to salvation in Christ.
11:28 Father, I lift up those who for Your sake are killed
11:35 all day long,
11:38 those who are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.
11:42 God, I lift up Christians
11:44 who have left their comfort zone
11:46 to make sure that the gospel reaches the lost,
11:52 and those very people are being persecuted now.
11:57 Lord, I don't understand that, but I know You have a plan.
12:03 Holy Spirit protects those people,
12:07 give them perseverance,
12:09 and build up their faith in You, oh, God.
12:11 Make them see.
12:16 It's about what lies down the road in eternity,
12:22 the lives that they will change forever.
12:33 God, I pray that You will grant me the grace
12:37 to be patient and vigilant
12:42 in watching, and waiting, and listening attentively
12:45 so that I don't miss
12:47 when the Holy Spirit speaks to me, God.
12:51 Remove whatever hinders me from receiving and giving joy,
12:56 peace, justice, mercy, and love.
13:05 Father, I lift up the downtrodden,
13:08 those who are oppressed, those who are outcast.
13:15 Father, the prisoner, I lift them up.
13:18 I lift up the weak, I lift up the defenseless.
13:25 Show me how I can put my prayers to work,
13:30 how I can put my faith to work,
13:32 how I can put skin on my prayers
13:39 and be part of the answer.
13:46 Father, I just pray for a Holy Spirit outpouring.
13:55 Holy Spirit
13:57 Rain down
14:03 Rain down
14:09 Oh, Comforter and Friend
14:14 How we need Your touch again
14:20 Holy Spirit
14:22 Rain down
14:28 Rain down
14:34 Let Your power fall
14:37 Let Your voice be heard
14:39 Come and change our hearts
14:42 As we stand on Your word
14:48 Holy Spirit
14:54 Holy Spirit rain down
15:07 Lord, I think of all the people
15:10 who have trusted in You throughout time.
15:13 I recall in my life
15:15 the many signs and wonders
15:17 that You have shown
15:18 to establish Your name among us.
15:20 Now I'm proud to belong to those
15:22 who hold on to you today.
15:25 Father, may our hearts be kept faithful
15:28 through Your Spirit.
15:32 Even as there are great hardships in our times
15:35 and, Lord, everything seems on the verge of collapse.
15:40 Even if the world perishes,
15:43 God, You are our stronghold.
15:49 This truth remains forever.
15:52 And in You, we want to hold true
15:55 until Your great day comes,
15:57 until the power of the Savior is revealed in many people
16:01 so that in their misery,
16:04 they can believe and find help and comfort.
16:10 God, I pray that the love of the world
16:12 and the cares of this life
16:13 would not separate our souls from You
16:16 and that weak would deny yourself
16:19 to impart light to others
16:23 and give our means to extend Your light to others.
16:29 God, help us not to have a selfish love
16:33 for the world's perishable things
16:36 to hold on to things loosely,
16:41 but hold on to You tightly.
16:45 God, thank You for the men and women
16:47 who serve our country
16:49 in leadership roles and for their families.
16:54 God, remind us,
16:57 and remind our leaders of their duty to public service
17:00 and grant them strength to use their office
17:03 to make wise decisions as they lead our country.
17:08 Lord, give them peace
17:10 when their work takes them away from their families.
17:15 And I also pray specifically
17:18 for the wives, the husbands,
17:21 and the children of our leaders.
17:25 Lord, we ask that You draw near to them
17:26 and give them the wisdom
17:28 on how to best support one another,
17:31 while their loved one is away working.
17:39 And, Lord, I want to pray for those
17:40 who are fighting a battle
17:43 against someone who probably isn't a Christian
17:46 and it's frankly getting ugly.
17:50 I encourage You
17:53 if you're out there fighting a battle
17:57 with someone who is not a Christian,
18:04 remember, we wrestle not with flesh and blood,
18:10 and claim Exodus 14:14 which says,
18:14 "The Lord shall fight for you, and you shall hold your peace."
18:27 And while we wait for the answer
18:29 to all of these prayers,
18:31 I want to encourage you to remember.
18:38 Remember to praise the Lord
18:41 and to thank Him for hearing your prayers
18:44 and having His holy way.
18:51 And remember to praise Him.
18:55 When I saw the cleansing fountain
19:01 Open wide for all my sin
19:08 I obeyed the Spirit's wooing
19:15 When He said, "Wilt thou be clean?"
19:24 I will praise Him!
19:29 I will praise Him!
19:34 Praise the Lamb
19:37 For sinners slain
19:44 Give Him glory all ye people
19:50 For His blood
19:52 Has washed away each day
20:01 Blessed be the name of Jesus!
20:07 I'm so glad
20:09 He took me in
20:14 He's forgiven
20:17 My transgressions
20:22 He has cleansed me
20:25 From all sin
20:31 I will praise Him!
20:35 I will praise Him!
20:40 Praise the Lamb
20:43 For sinners slain
20:49 Give Him glory, all ye people
20:56 For His blood can wash away
21:01 Each stain
21:06 Yes, His blood
21:09 Can wash away
21:12 Each stain
21:21 Father, Lord, we take time to give You thanks.
21:26 I come to You with a thankful heart,
21:27 and I just want to lift up my voice
21:30 to praise Your glorious name for all of Your goodness
21:33 and for Your loving kindness to me.
21:38 Thank you for Jesus and for my eternal salvation.
21:44 Thank You for my life
21:46 and for all the joys that You have given me,
21:50 for my friends and my family,
21:53 for my home and my daily provisions.
22:00 Oh, how precious to know that,
22:01 Lord, Your mercies are new every morning.
22:05 Great is Your faithfulness to me, Father.
22:09 And thank You that You have not taken away those mercies
22:13 or Your compassions from us,
22:14 but in every succeeding generation,
22:18 you save, and you deliver, and you assist and you protect.
22:26 Thank you God for the Bible
22:29 and for all the many precious promises
22:31 the Bible contains and for the many promises
22:34 You have fulfilled in my life day after day after day.
22:40 Thank you, God.
22:43 I praise Your name
22:45 for no matter what comes my way,
22:47 You have gone ahead to prepare my way.
22:51 Lord, accept my thanks,
22:55 accept my love in Jesus' precious name.
23:03 Now I encourage you
23:06 to let someone know that you've prayed for them.
23:11 Let them know that they are not alone,
23:14 they are not neglected in this world.
23:19 And if you haven't yet spent some time
23:23 interceding for someone else,
23:25 someone that you know is in dire straits,
23:29 someone that may not even know
23:33 that they need Christ.
23:37 I encourage you to stop where you are,
23:47 and take time to pray.
23:49 Just call out their name to the Father.
23:57 Imagine if that were you in need of prayer.
24:25 I am Thine, O Lord
24:29 I have heard Your voice
24:34 And it told Thy love to me
24:41 But I long to rise
24:45 In the arms of faith
24:50 And be closer drawn
24:55 To Thee
25:00 Consecrate me now to Your service, Lord
25:07 By the power
25:10 Of Your grace divine
25:15 Let my soul look up
25:19 With a steadfast hope
25:23 And my will be lost
25:27 In Thine
25:31 Draw me nearer
25:36 Nearer, preciousk Lord
25:39 To the cross
25:41 Where Thou hast died
25:47 Draw me nearer
25:53 Nearer, blessed Lord
25:58 To Thy precious
26:02 Bleeding side
26:13 In Matthew 17:20,
26:15 Jesus taught, "I tell you the truth.
26:18 If you have faith as small as a mustard seed,
26:21 you can say to this mountain,
26:22 move from here to there, and it will move.
26:26 Nothing will be impossible for you."
26:30 In 2 Corinthians 10:4-5.
26:32 It tells us that the weapons we fight with,
26:36 they are not weapons of this world.
26:38 On the contrary, they have divine power,
26:43 power to demolish strongholds.
26:48 We demolish arguments and every pretension
26:51 that sets itself up against the knowledge of God.
26:55 And we take captive every thought
26:58 to make it obedient to Christ.
27:03 You see the Bible urges us to pray in the Spirit
27:06 on all occasions
27:08 with all kinds of prayer and requests.
27:13 So with this in mind, I encourage you to be alert,
27:17 and always keep on praying for all of the saints.
27:21 Draw me nearer
27:27 Nearer, blessed Lord
27:30 To the cross
27:32 Where Thou hast died
27:37 Draw me nearer
27:42 Nearer, blessed Lord
27:48 To Thy precious
27:51 Bleeding side


Revised 2020-01-23