Praise Him Ten Days of Prayer

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: PHTDP

Program Code: PHTDP200005S

00:14 Hi, and welcome to Day Five of Ten Days of Prayer,
00:18 a prayer plan from our friends at
00:22 Galatians 5:22 and 23 tells us that the Holy Spirit
00:26 produces this kind of fruit in our lives.
00:29 Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,
00:33 faithfulness, gentleness, and self control,
00:36 there is no law against these things.
00:39 Listen to this great testimony.
00:42 A deacon in the church,
00:43 known as a helpful and influential man,
00:45 had a serious character issue
00:47 that only his wife and children knew about.
00:49 At work or in recreation with others,
00:51 he was the most congenial man you could hope to meet.
00:54 At home, he was often intolerable.
00:57 He would become moody and irritable.
00:59 At times, his anger flared up
01:00 and he became emotionally abusive
01:02 and punished his children severely.
01:05 The deacon was not ignorant of his need.
01:07 He hated himself for exploding at home,
01:10 he realized he was professing one thing in public
01:13 and living a different life at home.
01:15 At times, he realized
01:16 he should attend anger management classes,
01:18 but he feared that the consequences
01:20 of admitting his problem to the church.
01:23 He also knew he should get counseling,
01:26 but he was repulsed by the idea of paying someone
01:29 to listen to him.
01:30 His pride isolated him from the help he needed.
01:33 He was a religious man but not a spiritual man.
01:37 He needed to be converted
01:38 and have the abiding presence of the Holy Spirit in his life.
01:43 One autumn, a preacher came to town
01:45 and presented a series of revival meetings.
01:47 Because of his position in the church,
01:49 the deacon attended every meeting,
01:51 even though his heart was like stone.
01:53 Much prayer had preceded these meetings,
01:56 and the Holy Spirit was moving in miraculous ways.
01:59 One young woman renewed her relationship with Jesus
02:01 and made a public confession of her sin,
02:03 asking for the congregation's support and prayers.
02:07 As an unsaved woman who attended with a friend,
02:10 gave her life to Jesus,
02:11 lives changed as people came forward
02:13 at the nightly altar calls.
02:16 One night toward the end of the series,
02:17 the deacon rose to his feet when an altar call was made.
02:21 With tears on his cheeks,
02:22 he made his way forward with others
02:24 who had responded to God's call upon their hearts.
02:27 At the front of the church, he fell to his knees,
02:29 lifted his hands and said loudly,
02:31 God be merciful to me, a sinner.
02:34 People who knew the deacon were astonished
02:37 to hear him make such a public...
02:41 to make such a prayer in public.
02:43 But that was not all.
02:45 The deacon rose to his feet,
02:47 turned to face the congregation and said,
02:49 I have a terrible anger problem.
02:51 I'm not the husband and father I should be.
02:54 I need to confess my sin to seek help
02:57 and to be the man at home
02:58 that you all think me to be in public.
03:01 By this time, his wife and children
03:02 were gathered around him
03:04 crying and clinging to their husband and father.
03:07 The church members surrounded him.
03:09 The pastor laid his hand on the man's shoulder.
03:11 And what a prayer session they all had that night,
03:14 the deacon was faithful to his word.
03:16 With the pastor's help, he found a counselor
03:18 and he also started attending anger management classes.
03:22 Most importantly, he began weekly Bible studies
03:24 with the pastor, not to understand doctrine
03:27 but to find a real relationship with Jesus.
03:31 The Holy Spirit blessed the deacon
03:32 and began to fill him with the fruit of the Spirit.
03:35 Not only could his wife and children
03:37 see the difference,
03:38 but church members and the community
03:39 could see the difference as well.
03:41 The deacon was at peace,
03:42 he became a much more generous man.
03:45 His kindness and love,
03:46 especially to his wife and children
03:48 was apparent to all.
03:50 The joy and blessing of Jesus
03:51 through the indwelling Holy Spirit
03:53 turned the deacons home
03:55 into a little bit of heaven on earth.
03:58 God sent the Holy Spirit to be our helper.
04:01 He wants to take you beyond your salvation experience
04:04 to living life as an overcomer,
04:06 teaching us to be loving, joyful, peaceful, kind,
04:10 good, faithful, gentle people with self control.
04:15 That's why the Holy Spirit came.
04:17 The following promises are yours and mine to claim
04:20 when we need a change of heart.
04:22 Think of Deuteronomy 30:6.
04:25 It says, "And the Lord will circumcise your heart
04:28 and the heart of your descendants
04:30 to love the Lord your God with all your heart
04:32 and with all your soul that you may live."
04:36 And Ezekiel 36:26 says,
04:38 "I will give you a new heart
04:40 and put a new spirit within you.
04:43 I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh
04:45 and give you a heart of flesh."
04:49 Philippians 1:6 says,
04:51 "Being confident of this very thing
04:53 that He who has begun a good work in you
04:56 will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ."
05:06 So, Father, we thank You for Your Holy Spirit,
05:12 for the change it makes in our lives.
05:18 Lord, I come to You
05:21 Let my heart be changed
05:25 Renewed
05:27 Flowing from the grace
05:31 That I found in You
05:40 Lord, I've come to know
05:43 The weaknesses I see in me
05:49 Will be stripped away
05:55 By the power of Your love
06:03 Hold me close
06:07 Let Your love surround me
06:14 Bring me near
06:19 Draw me to Your side
06:25 And as I wait
06:29 I'll rise up like the eagle
06:34 And I will soar with You
06:37 Your Spirit leads me on
06:41 In the power of Your love
06:48 So, hold me close
06:52 Let Your love surround me
06:59 Bring me near
07:03 Draw me to Your side
07:10 And as I wait
07:14 I'll rise up like the eagle
07:20 And I will soar with You
07:23 Your Spirit leads me on
07:27 In the power of Your love
07:44 Let's take time to pray.
07:50 Dear Jesus, I want to reflect Your character
07:53 to everyone that I know
07:58 and to all those I meet.
08:02 Fill me with Your Holy Spirit
08:03 and let the fruit of the Spirit shine out from my heart.
08:10 Please help me be an authentic Christian,
08:15 at home and everywhere else.
08:22 But especially at home.
08:27 May those who know me best
08:29 be able to see You in me the most.
08:35 Cause me to become a river of blessing,
08:37 Lord, as I share Your love,
08:39 as I share Your joy and peace
08:42 with the world that I live in.
08:46 as I spend time in prayer and Bible study,
08:50 Lord, please baptize me more and more with Your Holy Spirit.
08:56 And may an endless supply of Your grace
08:59 flow through me to a hurting world, God.
09:12 Bless the Lord, oh, my soul
09:16 and worship His holy name.
09:19 May his joy fill my soul.
09:39 Lord, please refresh the hearts of all those in ministry,
09:44 who are weary.
09:48 God, for pastors who have been preaching for years
09:54 may have lost their love,
09:57 they're just going through the motions.
10:05 Father, I know as we work here,
10:10 in this ministry,
10:12 we're called on constantly
10:16 to be on
10:20 and to be creating content.
10:24 Lord, I pray that You will touch the staff at 3ABN.
10:34 God, we want a fresh anointing from You, Lord.
10:44 Remind us of the work that we are doing.
10:51 Help us to see the fruit of our labor,
10:55 even if it's just one soul, Lord.
11:02 This I pray, Lord, in Jesus name for all those
11:06 who are in ministries around the world.
11:10 Help us not to be weary in well doing.
11:16 Lord, we remember those in our churches
11:18 who teach the Bible.
11:23 Please grant them understanding of Your Word, Lord.
11:28 Make it real to them
11:29 so that they can teach it
11:33 to change lives,
11:36 and remind them how important
11:40 their job of teaching the Bible truly is.
11:56 Lord, please show us
11:58 how to send more truth-filled literature
12:02 in the form of print or electronic
12:06 into our communities.
12:08 Lord, we live in such a day of information
12:12 and we're grateful for information
12:14 but, Lord, I pray
12:15 that You will bless the material
12:17 that we can send that is truly life-changing.
12:26 I pray that people will read it
12:28 and that the Holy Spirit will rest on those people
12:30 and that will convict them of Bible truth.
12:37 Father, thank You for Your Word.
12:40 Thank You for the difference that it can make in our lives.
12:51 Lord, I ask that You would raise up
12:53 literature evangelists,
12:57 student volunteers,
13:00 authors, and media specialists
13:05 to create content,
13:08 to spread the literature around the world,
13:13 the good news as you have commanded us to do.
13:23 And I ask, God, that You would send people
13:27 who will help pay the bill, foot the bill,
13:31 financial supporters
13:36 to spread words of hope and life.
13:45 Father, thank You for working in our lives
13:49 by Your Holy Spirit.
13:58 Lord, unveil my eyes
14:02 Let me see You face to face
14:08 The knowledge of Your love
14:12 As You live in me
14:22 Lord, renew my mind
14:26 As Your will unfolds in my life
14:32 In living every day
14:38 By the power of Your love
14:46 Hold me close
14:50 Let Your love surround me
14:58 Bring me near
15:01 Draw me to Your side
15:09 And as I wait
15:13 I'll rise up like the eagle
15:19 And I will soar with You
15:23 Your Spirit leads me on
15:26 In the power of Your love
15:37 In 1 Timothy 2:1 to 4,
15:40 we are exhorted to pray and intercede
15:42 and give thanks for kings and all who are in authority
15:47 that we may lead a quiet
15:49 and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence
15:54 for this is good and acceptable in Your sight, God.
15:59 So, I lift up to You our leaders worldwide.
16:04 Your Word says that You have put them in place.
16:11 Even though we question sometimes
16:13 the decisions that our leaders make.
16:18 Father, we trust You
16:22 to know what Your plan is
16:25 to know what You're doing.
16:29 And, Lord,
16:30 we're not only grateful for our government leaders,
16:32 but we're also thankful for the staff,
16:36 those that support our leaders,
16:39 those who are employed to deal
16:40 with the everyday business of government.
16:45 And thank you for the ways that you've gifted them
16:47 to support our leaders.
16:51 So, Father, I pray that You will wrap Your arms
16:53 around these men and women
16:56 and show them love and grace,
17:00 strength and encouragement, God.
17:03 Provide them with the knowledge
17:05 that they need to approach each situation
17:09 in the best way possible.
17:14 Lord, help them to know You
17:16 and to see Your presence in the work that they do.
17:23 And, Father, give them the stamina
17:24 to approach each day
17:26 and to find a balance between life and work
17:31 so that they'll be sustained, God.
17:37 Lord, we know You are a victorious God,
17:40 and I believe that we should be victorious people
17:44 since we are Your children.
17:47 Yet I know that there are many
17:49 who are dealing with the heaviness of life...
17:55 bound by burdens that steal the joy of knowing You, God.
18:02 They listen to the inner voices
18:03 that whisper that they're not good enough
18:06 that they must try to do better and try harder.
18:11 Some even believe
18:13 that their sin is too great for You to forgive.
18:20 They compare themselves to others
18:23 and they're simply unable to overcome
18:26 the battles of life.
18:29 Lord, I ask that You would please
18:31 rise up within us,
18:35 to overpower these thoughts
18:41 that defeat us.
18:45 Lord, we are a victorious people
18:46 because You are a victorious God.
18:49 We are more than conquerors.
18:52 We are overcomers in this life.
18:58 And it's more than a motivational speech
19:02 that Your Holy Spirit, who is alive in us,
19:06 that enables us to be victorious.
19:15 Lord, remind us
19:18 who we are and whose we are.
19:23 Lord, we need Your peace.
19:28 We confess that our hearts
19:29 are too often filled with wondering,
19:33 "When things will get better?
19:37 Lord, when our situation will be better?
19:40 When we will be better?"
19:44 Lord, we worry.
19:46 And in a world where worry prevails,
19:48 I ask that You would stir up the good news again.
19:56 The glorious gospel.
20:00 Let that rise above the worry.
20:06 Make it real in our hearts, Father.
20:09 Fill us with Your joy and peace more than ever.
20:17 I claim rest for the weary,
20:21 victory for the battle-scarred,
20:25 peace for the anxious,
20:28 and acceptance for the broken-hearted.
20:33 Lord, throughout this coming year, we pray
20:37 and we proclaim You to be everything
20:39 that the Prophet Isaiah said
20:40 You would be, Wonderful Counselor,
20:46 the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father,
20:48 the Prince of Peace, You are our joy, God.
20:53 You are Lord of lords and King of kings.
20:57 Keep our minds and our hearts on You alone.
21:07 We praise Thee, O God
21:10 For Thy Spirit of light
21:13 Who has shown us our Savior
21:16 And scattered our night
21:20 Hallelujah,
21:22 Thine the glory
21:24 Hallelujah, amen
21:29 Hallelujah,
21:31 Thine the glory
21:33 Revive us again
21:42 All glory and praise
21:46 To the Lamb who was slain
21:49 Who has borne all our sin
21:52 And has cleansed every stain
21:56 Revive us again
21:58 Fill each heart with Your love
22:02 May each soul be rekindled
22:05 With fire from above
22:10 Hallelujah,
22:12 Thine the glory
22:14 Hallelujah, amen
22:17 Hallelujah,
22:19 Thine the glory
22:21 Revive us again
22:26 Revive us
22:30 Revive us again
22:37 Heavenly Father, we thank You
22:39 for drawing us to trust in Jesus
22:41 as our Lord and Savior.
22:44 Thank You for the plan of salvation
22:47 and that we are part of a family
22:49 that will one day spend eternity with You
22:52 in our glorified bodies,
22:55 when You will wipe all tears from our eyes.
23:01 Thank you for the love and the support
23:03 that we're able to share together as the family of God,
23:08 as we bear each other's burdens,
23:11 as we pray for each other, as we care for one another,
23:15 because we are one in You, God.
23:20 Thank you that You have promised
23:22 to supply all our needs
23:23 according to Your riches and glory.
23:28 Help us individually and collectively
23:31 to encourage and edify and uplift each other
23:35 as we wait for that great day,
23:38 the wonderful day when Jesus will come again
23:42 to take us to be with Himself.
23:56 I thank you, Lord
24:00 For saving my soul
24:06 I thank you, Lord
24:10 For making me whole
24:16 Thank you, Lord
24:20 For giving to me
24:25 Thy great salvation
24:30 So rich and free
24:36 I want to thank You, Lord
24:40 For saving my soul
24:45 Thank You, Lord
24:49 For making me whole
24:55 Thank you, Lord
24:59 For giving to me
25:04 Thy great salvation
25:09 So rich
25:14 And so free
25:30 Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord.
25:41 According to Philippians 4:6 and 7,
25:47 I want to remind you,
25:48 do not be anxious about anything,
25:51 but in everything,
25:53 by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving,
25:57 present your requests to God.
26:01 And here's the promise.
26:03 The peace of God
26:05 which transcends all understanding
26:08 will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
26:14 That's a promise for you to claim.
26:35 Be sure and tell someone about the 10 days of prayer.
26:40 Join us again tomorrow evening, 7:30 PM Central.
26:50 Your prayers make a difference.
26:53 Sometimes we don't feel like praying.
27:00 Pray anyway.
27:08 Once we start praying,
27:09 it kind of builds on itself and our spirit rises within us
27:15 and encourages us to pray and reminds us of people
27:18 who truly are in desperate need of our prayers.
27:24 Like I've mentioned,
27:25 pray like you were the one being prayed for.
27:44 Hallelujah Thine the glory
27:48 Revive us again.


Revised 2020-04-02