Pioneer Media

The Shot of a Lifetime : The Holy Huddle

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: PME

Program Code: PME230722S

00:02 ♪
00:14 >> Good morning, church.
00:16 >> Good morning.
00:17 >> It is really good to see each
00:19 and every one of you here today
00:21 at Pioneer Memorial Church
00:22 to worship with us
00:23 on this wonderful Sabbath.
00:25 So thank you one and all
00:27 for being here.
00:29 We also want to greet each
00:30 member who is watching online
00:32 or listening on the radio
00:34 or accessing our service
00:35 any other way.
00:38 Today, we're here to worship
00:39 God.
00:41 Today, we're here to praise God,
00:42 to worship God, to look to Him
00:44 as a congregation and say, "God,
00:46 what do you have for us today?"
00:48 And so thank you for being here,
00:50 because we know God will show up
00:51 in very big ways
00:53 for each and every person.
00:55 Let's continue on with our
00:56 worship service
00:58 by our call-to-worship time.
01:01 And so please join me
01:02 when prompted
01:03 by the words on the screen.
01:06 And it begins by saying...
01:31 Let's bow our --
01:32 Let's bow our heads.
01:35 God, today, we come together
01:37 and we gather knowing that
01:39 You are here and we gather
01:41 because You are here.
01:43 We ask that Your spirit touch
01:45 our hearts and our lives.
01:47 We ask that You come into us
01:48 and fill us so that we can
01:50 know more about You.
01:52 We desire nothing
01:53 but You today, God.
01:55 And so, as we gather here,
01:56 we ask, as You always are,
01:58 to be here and change us
02:00 to be better reflectors
02:01 of your character.
02:03 We ask this in your name. Amen.
02:07 ♪
05:02 ♪
07:19 ♪
10:31 >> It happened just
10:33 a few hundred yards
10:35 from this very spot.
10:37 It was last millennium.
10:38 I was a seminary student,
10:41 getting my master's,
10:43 and along with me,
10:44 a number of my friends decided
10:47 to play football.
10:49 Flag football.
10:50 We joined with the intramural
10:51 program here at the university.
10:53 And just over yonder, over that
10:55 way, a few hundred yards --
10:56 It was winter, of course,
10:58 we chose a name for our team.
11:00 We called ourselves the Moombas.
11:02 And I asked my friend
11:03 who suggested and says,
11:04 "What does that mean?"
11:06 He said, "Well,
11:07 they use it in Australia,
11:08 and roughly translated, it means
11:10 'Everybody have a good time.'"
11:13 That sounds like our football
11:14 team, because we certainly
11:15 weren't going to win, so we
11:17 might as well have fun, right?
11:18 So, indeed,
11:20 we did not win that much.
11:21 We weren't the worst team,
11:22 but we were definitely not in
11:23 contention for first place.
11:25 And one particular game
11:26 exemplifies that fact
11:28 with one glowing exception.
11:31 We were down in the points.
11:32 In fact, we were quite down.
11:34 We were on defense,
11:35 standing in our end zone.
11:37 The offense had the ball the
11:40 first or second yard line there.
11:42 We were in danger of once again
11:43 being scored upon when my friend
11:45 Rob called time-out.
11:49 Now, time-out is normal
11:51 to be called for, you know,
11:53 maybe the offense would plan
11:54 something or whatnot,
11:55 but defensive time-outs --
11:56 that doesn't happen a whole lot.
11:58 And what happened
11:59 next hardly ever happens.
12:00 My friend Rob called
12:01 a defensive huddle.
12:04 Now, a huddle -- that's
12:05 where you gather all the players
12:06 around in a circle
12:07 and you talk strategy.
12:09 And, again, usually, this is
12:10 an offensive thing,
12:11 not a defensive thing.
12:12 But we're the Moombas
12:12 and we're having a good time.
12:14 So we gather in a huddle
12:15 and we look to Rob.
12:17 We said, "Well, what do you
12:17 want?"
12:18 He said, "Okay, here's the plan.
12:21 When their center hikes the ball
12:22 to their quarterback,
12:23 the quarterback is going to drop
12:24 back in the pocket.
12:26 He's going to look and then he's
12:27 gonna pass it
12:27 straight down the middle.
12:30 When he does so,
12:31 I am going to leap
12:32 in the air and block the shot --
12:34 block the pass.
12:36 And I'm going to block that ball
12:38 right into --" and then he
12:39 points to another guy in the
12:40 huddle -- "right into your
12:41 hands, so be ready."
12:47 Now, normal people would think,
12:49 "How do you know that?
12:53 And if you know that,
12:54 why didn't you tell us
12:56 all the other plays
12:57 for the rest of the season when
12:58 we were losing so badly," right?
13:01 But we're the Moombas.
13:02 And so, "Break!"
13:03 And our guy
13:04 goes out to the side here.
13:05 Rob lines up in the middle.
13:07 Kid you not. True story.
13:09 They snap the ball.
13:10 The quarterback dropped back
13:11 in the pocket.
13:12 Looks left, looks right.
13:13 Passes straight down the middle.
13:15 Rob, who has the benefit
13:16 of being 6'7" with
13:17 the wingspan of the Titanic,
13:19 jumps up and he swats the ball,
13:21 and I kid you not, right into
13:22 the waiting arms
13:24 of our teammate.
13:28 Now, the story should end
13:31 where our guy runs all the way
13:32 and scores a touchdown,
13:33 we win the championship,
13:34 and we have T-shirts.
13:35 No, none of that happened.
13:36 I think we lost the game
13:37 just like we normally did.
13:41 But for just the tiny, little
13:43 ripple in the fabric of time
13:47 that that little story made,
13:50 I think it nonetheless
13:51 illustrates quite well
13:53 a profound truth.
13:56 Sometimes, the only way to get
14:00 done what needs to be done
14:04 is to huddle up.
14:08 And what's true in football
14:10 is sometimes even more true
14:12 in the church.
14:14 Sometimes, to get done what
14:17 needs to be done in the church
14:19 can only get done
14:22 when we huddle up.
14:25 If you have a Bible,
14:26 take a look, please,
14:26 at 1 Thessalonians 5:17.
14:30 1 Thessalonians 5:17.
14:32 While you are looking that up,
14:33 let me just briefly remind
14:34 you where
14:36 This is Part 4 and the final
14:38 part of this series entitled
14:40 "The Shot of a Lifetime."
14:42 In Part 1, we learned
14:43 what the shot of a lifetime is.
14:44 The shot of a lifetime is not
14:46 getting a dunk in a big game
14:47 or hitting a home run
14:48 or becoming rich or famous,
14:49 as important as those things
14:50 may be.
14:51 The shot of a lifetime
14:52 is coming to know
14:53 Jesus Christ as your
14:54 personal friend and savior.
14:56 There's nothing
14:56 better than that.
14:58 There's nothing beyond it.
14:59 It's the highest privilege
15:00 that a human being can have.
15:01 It is the ultimate.
15:02 It is the shot of a lifetime.
15:05 We also talked in those early
15:06 parts about unity, that
15:07 Jesus has called us
15:09 to this immense level of unity.
15:12 Jesus prayed, you know,
15:13 John 17, "Father,
15:15 may they be one as we are one.
15:16 I in you, and you in me."
15:18 Wow! That's sky-high unity.
15:20 And we learned that that unity
15:22 is not merely
15:23 for the blessings of fellowship
15:24 inside of the church,
15:25 as good as those can be.
15:28 It is primarily a blessing.
15:29 It's a launching pad
15:30 for discipleship, for helping
15:32 other people to also know
15:34 Jesus Christ as their personal
15:35 friend and savior.
15:37 We looked in Part 2 about
15:39 how this is an individual call.
15:40 God has called each one of us.
15:41 Each one of us has been doused
15:43 in the blessings of God,
15:44 dripping wet
15:45 with the blessings of God.
15:46 Of course, the responsibility
15:48 and the privilege,
15:49 the joy of making disciples
15:51 lies with each one of us.
15:53 And last week, we talked, in
15:54 Part 3, about the specific ways
15:56 to reach other people for Jesus.
15:58 We looked at spiritual gifts
15:58 a little bit.
16:01 creativity that God calls us to
16:03 to reach other people for Him.
16:05 Which brings us to Part 4.
16:09 1 Thessalonians 5:17.
16:11 Very short verse.
16:12 And my guess is -- And
16:13 those of you
16:14 if you have your Bibles open,
16:15 there's enough unanimity
16:17 amongst the various
16:18 translations that we can kind of
16:19 do this one together.
16:20 What's the first word
16:21 of that verse?
16:22 >> "Pray."
16:23 >> "Pray." That's right.
16:24 Pray without what?
16:26 >> Ceasing.
16:26 >> Ceasing.
16:27 Pray without ceasing.
16:29 Let me put that up here.
16:30 1 Thessalonians 5:17.
16:32 "Pray without ceasing."
16:33 Now, the "pray" part
16:35 we would expect, right?
16:36 Even an atheist,
16:37 if he walks into a church
16:38 and cracks open a Bible,
16:39 expects to see the word "pray"
16:40 at some point, right?
16:42 It's just part of the
16:43 religious Christian drill.
16:45 But pray without ceasing.
16:48 Without ceasing.
16:50 I mean,
16:51 how many things do you do
16:52 without ceasing, right?
16:54 I remember when my daughters
16:55 were 3 years old, respectively,
16:57 at different times.
16:58 It seemed that, sometimes, they
16:59 would ask questions without
17:00 ceasing, right?
17:02 You know, "Daddy, Daddy..."
17:04 You know.
17:05 The only thing,
17:06 generally, that we do
17:08 without ceasing is breathing.
17:12 What happens when you stop
17:13 breathing long enough?
17:15 Yeah, yeah.
17:17 In other words,
17:18 the Apostle Paul,
17:19 under the inspiration
17:20 of the Holy Spirit of God,
17:22 was inspired to put praying
17:25 on that level -- life or death.
17:32 Ladies and gentlemen,
17:32 I would submit to you
17:33 that this is the holy huddle.
17:37 Prayer is the holy huddle
17:40 that God is calling us
17:42 to continually, perpetually --
17:44 In the original language,
17:45 it means "without gaps."
17:46 Don't stop, don't let there be a
17:48 gap, always have an attitude
17:49 of prayer.
17:50 This is the holy huddle.
17:53 God is calling us
17:54 together into this huddle,
17:55 sometimes as a corporate body,
17:57 sometimes in smaller groups,
17:59 sometimes just us,
18:01 just me and God.
18:02 You and God together,
18:04 this holy huddle.
18:06 And he says,
18:07 "Do it without ceasing."
18:11 Wow. And inquiring minds
18:15 want to know, "Why?
18:19 Why?
18:21 Why put such a sky-high value
18:25 that you would call for prayer,
18:27 this holy huddle of prayer,
18:28 not just once, not just twice,
18:30 but 24/7, 365?
18:32 Why? What is it that happens
18:34 in that holy huddle
18:36 that is so good that God asks us
18:39 to do it continually?"
18:45 I think there's at least three
18:46 reasons that the Bible gives,
18:48 three answers to that question.
18:49 Let's do some digging.
18:51 Acts 10:1, please.
18:53 Acts 10:1.
18:59 And we are talking about
19:00 discipleship,
19:02 reaching other people for Jesus,
19:03 using unity in our midst
19:05 as a springboard
19:06 to help other people to know
19:07 Jesus Christ.
19:09 Now, what we're going to read
19:09 here in Acts 10,
19:10 this is definitely
19:12 a discipleship environment
19:14 that we're jumping into here.
19:14 You see,
19:15 the early Christian church,
19:17 for all of the blessings
19:18 and the wonder, the miracles --
19:19 I mean, Acts 2,
19:20 Pentecost comes.
19:21 The Holy Spirit is pulled up.
19:22 Peter preaches for 3 minutes
19:24 and 28 seconds, and 3,000
19:25 people are baptized.
19:27 Miracles are being done.
19:28 There's these incredible divine
19:30 conflicts that take place
19:31 amongst Christians
19:32 and the religious rulers,
19:33 and it's an amazing time
19:35 to be alive.
19:36 But for all of its blessedness,
19:39 the early Christian church had
19:40 a profound discipleship problem.
19:46 And it's about to be addressed.
19:49 Acts 10:1 says, "At Caesarea --"
19:51 this is on the coast
19:52 there of Palestine -- "there
19:53 was a man named Cornelius,
19:55 a centurion, in what was known
19:57 as the Italian Regiment.
19:59 He and all his family
20:00 were devout and God-fearing.
20:02 He gave generously
20:03 to those in need and --" What's
20:05 that next word there?
20:06 "Prayed."
20:08 "And prayed to God regularly."
20:10 Now, this man
20:12 is not a Christian,
20:13 as we'll find out here, at least
20:13 not at this point in the story.
20:15 He's not a Christian,
20:15 but, obviously, he believes
20:16 in God.
20:19 to Judaism, but he's a Gentile.
20:23 That comes important later
20:25 in the story.
20:26 Verse 3.
20:27 "One day at about 3:00 in the
20:28 afternoon, he had a vision."
20:30 Later on, we would learn this is
20:31 during his regular prayer time.
20:33 "He distinctly saw an angel
20:34 of God, who came to him
20:35 and said, 'Cornelius.'
20:38 Cornelius stared at him in fear.
20:40 'What is it, Lord?', he asked.
20:42 The angel answered,
20:43 'Your prayers and gifts
20:44 to the poor have come up as
20:45 a memorial offering before God.
20:48 Now, send men to Joppa --'"
20:50 that was south on the coast
20:51 there -- "'to bring back a man
20:52 named Simon, who is called
20:54 Peter.
20:55 He is staying with Simon,
20:56 the tanner,
20:57 whose house is by the sea.'
20:59 When the angel who spoke to him
21:00 had gone, Cornelius called
21:01 two of his servants
21:02 and a devout soldier
21:03 who was one of his attendants.
21:05 He told them everything that had
21:06 happened and sent them to
21:08 Joppa."
21:08 Now pause for just a moment.
21:10 Let's be clear about this.
21:12 This came about
21:14 because of prayer.
21:16 Cornelius, though he's not
21:17 a Christian, is in prayer.
21:19 He is in prayer regularly.
21:21 Again, if we were
21:22 we would see that.
21:23 And it's in the context
21:24 of prayer here
21:25 that the next thing happens.
21:27 Notice carefully here.
21:27 Verse 9.
21:29 "About noon the following day,
21:30 as they were on their journey
21:31 and approaching the city,
21:33 Peter went up on the roof.
21:35 to --" What?
21:36 To pray, okay?
21:37 So he's doing
21:38 the same thing here -- to pray.
21:39 "He became hungry and wanted
21:41 something to eat, and while
21:42 the meal was being prepared,
21:43 he fell into a trance.
21:45 He saw heaven opened
21:46 and something like a large sheet
21:48 being let down to Earth
21:49 by its four corners.
21:51 It contained all kinds
21:52 of four-footed animals,
21:53 as well as reptiles of the Earth
21:54 and birds of the air.
21:55 Then a voice told him, 'Get up,
21:57 Peter, kill and eat.'"
22:00 Now, if you want to offend
22:04 any self-respecting Jew,
22:06 tell him this, okay?
22:08 Let down a sheet
22:09 containing probably some
22:10 clean-meat animals.
22:12 But reptiles?
22:13 No, that is not
22:14 appearing on the dinner plate
22:16 of any kosher Jewish restaurant
22:17 that you or I know of, okay?
22:19 And so, in answer to this
22:20 command -- "Rise up, get out
22:21 your steak fork, cut off a
22:23 slice here, have lunch" --
22:24 Peter says the only thing
22:26 that probably most Jews
22:27 of his day would say.
22:30 "Get up, Peter, kill and eat."
22:30 Verse 14.
22:31 "'Surely not, Lord,'
22:33 Peter replied.
22:34 'I have never eaten anything
22:35 impure or unclean.'
22:38 The voice spoke to him
22:39 a second time.
22:40 'Do not call anything impure
22:43 that God has made clean.'
22:46 This happened three times,
22:48 and immediately, the sheet
22:49 was taken back to heaven."
22:51 Hmm. "While Peter was wondering
22:53 about the meaning of the vision,
22:54 the men sent by Cornelius
22:55 found out where Simon's house
22:56 was and stopped at the gate.
22:58 They called out,
22:59 asking if Simon,
23:00 who was known as Peter,
23:00 was staying there.
23:02 While Peter was still thinking
23:03 about the vision,
23:04 the spirit said to him, 'Simon,
23:07 three men are looking for you.
23:09 So get up and go downstairs.
23:11 Do not hesitate to go with them,
23:12 for I have sent them.'
23:14 Peter went down
23:15 and said to the men,
23:17 'I'm the one you're looking for.
23:19 Why have you come?'"
23:29 A first reason that God asks us
23:31 to regularly huddle with him
23:34 in prayer is that when we pray,
23:38 Christ leads.
23:42 When we pray, Christ leads.
23:48 Why did the spirit here --
23:49 During Peter's prayer time,
23:50 why did the spirit have to say,
23:51 "Peter, go ahead
23:52 and go downstairs.
23:53 Don't be afraid to go
23:53 with those guys."
23:54 Why did he have to say that?
23:57 Because Peter was a Jew,
23:59 and they were Gentiles.
24:01 Exactly. Now, Jewish custom
24:04 of the day was pretty strong,
24:05 pretty universal.
24:07 They did not socialize
24:08 with Gentiles.
24:09 They saw them definitely as
24:10 the enemy almost all the time.
24:12 And, so, these Gentiles come.
24:13 So God has to guide him here.
24:15 And it's a really, really
24:17 good thing that the spirit did.
24:20 In fact,
24:20 had Peter not be praying --
24:22 had been praying, had Cornelius
24:23 not been praying, it's quite
24:25 possible that you and I
24:27 would not be sitting here today,
24:29 because, you see, up
24:30 to that point,
24:30 for all the blessedness
24:31 of the early Christian church,
24:32 they had one major problem.
24:34 They still assumed that
24:35 salvation was just for the Jews.
24:38 You know, Jesus said
24:39 to the woman at the well,
24:40 "Salvation is from the Jews."
24:42 But the disciples in the early
24:43 Christian church extrapolated
24:45 that a little too far and
24:46 essentially limited salvation
24:48 to those that were Jews.
24:51 But when Jesus died
24:53 on the cross -- Remember,
24:54 we read this earlier on.
24:55 "If I am lifted up,
24:56 I will draw all people to me."
25:00 The church
25:01 So, in the most dramatic
25:03 fashion, God, in prayer with
25:06 Peter, goes after his stomach.
25:08 [ Chuckles ]
25:09 If you want to mess
25:10 with somebody,
25:11 mess with their plate, okay?
25:13 They will remember it.
25:15 They will pay attention, right?
25:16 Feed your kid green beans.
25:17 When they don't like green
25:18 beans, you'll hear about it.
25:19 Even to this day,
25:20 I won't tell you what,
25:21 but if you serve me
25:22 a certain vegetable,
25:23 I will not eat it, okay?
25:25 Right? If you want to mess with
25:27 somebody, mess with their plate.
25:28 This was a huge tenet
25:29 of Judaism.
25:30 One of the identifying marks
25:31 in those days is that they did
25:32 not eat those foods,
25:34 and God uses this not to make
25:37 every meat clean.
25:40 Some people wrongly use
25:41 this story to say that
25:42 every single meat now is clean.
25:43 You can eat pork, you can eat
25:44 snake, you can eat cockroach,
25:46 scorpions, et cetera.
25:46 No, no, no, no, no, no.
25:48 Leviticus 11 was written before
25:49 there was a Jewish nation.
25:51 It's a human thing,
25:53 not a Jewish thing.
25:55 Instead, Peter himself
25:56 confesses later in the chapter,
25:58 "God has shown me that
26:00 I should call no man unclean,
26:03 no person unclean."
26:05 And let it sink in and sink in
26:06 well.
26:07 If Cornelius
26:08 had not been a man of prayer,
26:09 if Peter had not been
26:11 a man of prayer, if they had
26:12 not been praying that day,
26:13 then it is quite likely
26:14 that the Gentiles --
26:15 certainly not in the way here --
26:16 they would never have been
26:17 reached in this fashion.
26:18 Cornelius, as later happened,
26:20 would never have become
26:21 a Christian.
26:22 would not have come.
26:23 And, again, you and I may not be
26:25 sitting here today
26:27 because we're Gentiles,
26:28 and, praise the Lord,
26:29 the Gospel came our way
26:32 because somebody prayed.
26:35 When we pray, Christ leads.
26:38 And when we think about
26:39 discipleship, when we think
26:40 about reaching other people,
26:42 this story illustrates in spades
26:43 that we must be
26:45 a praying people.
26:46 You know, when we are in
26:48 a discipleship situation,
26:49 those of you that have sought
26:51 to share your faith before,
26:52 it is so important to hear
26:53 the whisperings of the spirit,
26:54 is it not?
26:54 You need to know
26:56 when to open your mouth.
26:57 You need to know when to keep
26:58 your mouth shut.
26:59 You need to remember things that
27:01 you did not remember before,
27:02 but they were stashed there,
27:03 and the spirit
27:04 taps your brain on its shoulder
27:05 and says, "Hey, remember this?
27:06 You need to say this
27:06 at this point."
27:07 The spirit
27:08 can put you in locations
27:09 that you would not otherwise be.
27:11 You need to be praying
27:13 if you are seeking to disciple
27:14 others for Jesus.
27:18 Now, one quick caveat here.
27:20 This is not a sermon
27:21 on Bible study.
27:23 But if it were,
27:24 I would say this.
27:26 If you study your Bible but you
27:28 don't pray, you're dangerous.
27:32 If you only pray
27:34 and you don't study your Bible,
27:36 you're dangerous.
27:38 If you only study your Bible
27:39 but you don't pray,
27:40 then you have no soul.
27:41 You have no connection,
27:42 living connection,
27:43 with Jesus Christ,
27:44 and so you become a legalist,
27:45 you become a Pharisee, very well
27:46 known for your theoretical
27:48 knowledge, but no substance.
27:50 And you're dangerous.
27:53 But if you only pray
27:54 and you don't study your Bible,
27:55 let's be honest,
27:57 every now and then, we don't
27:58 hear correctly.
28:01 And the Bible is there to bring
28:02 us back to reality.
28:04 It's a corrective, okay?
28:05 So the two need
28:06 to go together, right?
28:07 And if you are studying your
28:08 Bible and if you are praying
28:11 and if you are seeking to reach
28:12 other people for Jesus,
28:13 great things can happen.
28:16 For when we pray, Christ leads.
28:19 And that whispering voice
28:20 is there to guide us
28:22 along the discipleship path.
28:24 And, again, Peter most likely
28:26 would never have heard
28:27 God's very explicit discipling
28:29 instructions except that
28:31 he was in the habit of prayer.
28:36 So, let me just ask you, in the
28:38 quietness of your own mind,
28:41 how is your hearing?
28:45 I don't mean
28:45 your physical hearing.
28:47 I mean your spiritual hearing.
28:50 How is your sense of hearing?
28:54 Are you praying regularly?
28:55 Are you in prayer with God?
28:57 Are you not just speaking,
28:58 but are you listening, as well?
28:59 Are you huddling with Jesus?
29:00 Are you praying that He might
29:01 speak and guide and, yes,
29:03 lead not just in your life,
29:04 but in the lives of those you
29:06 are seeking to help to know
29:07 Jesus?
29:08 Ladies and gentlemen,
29:09 there is no substitute for this.
29:12 You can't fake God.
29:14 You can't
29:16 fake genuine spiritual results.
29:17 I mean, you know, people may
29:19 look at the outside
29:20 and may wonder certain things,
29:21 but when it comes to sharing
29:23 Jesus with others, you can't
29:24 fake results like that.
29:27 There's only one path,
29:28 and it's in the holy huddle
29:30 of prayer, and praise the Lord
29:32 that we can huddle with Jesus
29:35 and that, when we do so,
29:37 He will lead
29:40 as we make disciples for Him.
29:45 That's the first reason
29:47 to huddle in prayer with Jesus.
29:49 There is a second.
29:52 Take a look, please, at
29:56 Isaiah 6:1.
30:02 This is certainly
30:03 one of my favorite portions
30:04 of the Book of Isaiah and,
30:05 indeed, of the Old Testament.
30:08 This is talking about
30:10 Isaiah's official call,
30:12 commission into God's work.
30:14 He's already been functioning
30:15 as a prophet
30:16 in the first five chapters here,
30:18 but this takes it
30:19 to a whole new level.
30:21 And he's going to talk here
30:22 in Verse 1 about a guy
30:24 by the name of Uzziah,
30:25 King Uzziah.
30:26 King Uzziah had reigned
30:27 for more than 50 years
30:29 and had been one of the primary
30:30 bulwarks against Assyrian
30:32 incursions into Palestine.
30:35 And he's just died.
30:36 This was
30:37 a time of great uncertainty.
30:39 Israel, Judah -- people did
30:41 not know what the future held.
30:42 Was there disaster
30:43 on the horizon?
30:44 Were they were about to be
30:45 Isaiah is wondering the same
30:46 thing, and that's where
30:48 we join the story.
30:49 Isaiah 6:1.
30:50 "In the year that King Uzziah
30:51 died, I saw
30:53 the Lord seated on a throne,
30:55 high and exalted, and the train
30:57 of his robe filled the temple.
31:00 Above him were seraphs,
31:02 each with six wings.
31:05 With two wings, they covered
31:06 their faces, with two,
31:07 they covered their feet,
31:09 and with two, they were flying,
31:10 and they were calling
31:11 to one another.
31:12 'Holy, holy,
31:15 holy is the Lord Almighty.
31:17 The whole Earth
31:19 is full of his glory.'
31:23 At the sound of their voices,
31:24 the doorposts and the thresholds
31:26 shook and the temple
31:28 was filled with smoke."
31:34 You know, there are times
31:35 when I am glad that the Bible
31:36 is a written document
31:38 rather than a video.
31:41 Book of Judges comes to mind.
31:43 But there are times
31:44 when I wish I could at least see
31:47 a little video clip, because
31:50 this must have been astonishing.
31:53 Can you picture this?
31:54 Isaiah -- the spirit of prophecy
31:56 tells us
31:58 when he is given this vision,
32:00 this vision of God Almighty
32:03 descending into His temple.
32:06 And this is more than
32:07 the Shekinah glory that was
32:08 hovering over the mercy seat
32:09 there in the Most Holy Place.
32:10 This is more than that.
32:11 There's some more detail here.
32:13 This doesn't happen very often
32:14 in Scripture,
32:15 where God shows up and there
32:17 are details, discernible
32:18 details, of His person.
32:19 This is one of them.
32:21 God is there high
32:22 and exalted on His throne.
32:24 In other words, He's in control.
32:27 This is a place of leadership
32:27 on that throne.
32:29 And the train of his robe
32:31 fills -- I mean, what was that?
32:33 You know, we have weddings,
32:34 right?
32:35 And there's long trains
32:36 on the bride's dress.
32:37 None of them
32:38 have filled the temple.
32:41 But God's does.
32:43 And these seraphs are there,
32:44 these holy, righteous,
32:45 sinless beings.
32:46 These angels are there.
32:47 They're hovering.
32:47 With two of their wings,
32:48 they're covering their faces.
32:49 Even in their sinless,
32:51 righteous state,
32:52 never having sinned, untainted
32:53 by corruption and selfishness,
32:55 they consider themselves
32:56 unworthy to view this.
32:57 So their faces are covered,
32:59 their feet are covered
32:59 in respect.
33:00 They're hovering
33:01 with the other wings.
33:02 And, apparently, the only thing
33:03 that is fitting for this
33:04 occasion is to speak those
33:07 words, "Holy, holy, holy is the
33:12 Lord Almighty."
33:16 And so powerful are the words
33:18 and the presence of God
33:19 that they saturate the building
33:21 to the point of destruction.
33:23 Because that's what it means.
33:24 If the doorposts and the jambs
33:26 and the frames on my house
33:27 are rattling, something --
33:29 this is not good.
33:30 Something is about to happen.
33:32 The very foundations
33:34 of the temple of the Living God
33:36 are in danger of giving way
33:38 beneath the weight of
33:39 the awesomeness, the grandeur,
33:41 and the holiness of God.
33:45 Now, what would you say at that
33:50 moment if you were Isaiah?
33:59 Well, what did he say?
34:02 Verse 5.
34:05 "'Woe to me,' I cried.
34:09 'I am ruined,
34:11 for I am a man of unclean lips
34:13 and I live among a people
34:14 of unclean lips,
34:15 and my eyes have seen the King,
34:17 the Lord Almighty.'"
34:26 Let's be real clear about this,
34:27 what's happening here.
34:28 I think this is one of
34:29 the major reasons
34:31 why people don't genuinely pray,
34:35 because sometimes, what we find
34:39 in prayer -- genuine prayer,
34:40 not just, you know, thanking
34:42 God for the food and et cetera,
34:44 genuine, honest prayer --
34:45 sometimes, one of the first
34:46 things we find when we honestly
34:48 pray is bad news.
34:52 Because when we pray,
34:53 we are naked before God.
34:57 There are no secrets in prayer.
35:00 God sees it all.
35:02 And if you are being honest
35:03 with Him, He will show you.
35:04 He will reflect
35:05 that back to you.
35:06 You cannot help but see yourself
35:08 as you truly are if you
35:10 genuinely engage in prayer.
35:14 I think this is why some people
35:15 don't pray.
35:17 To which I would say,
35:20 that is a profound tragedy.
35:23 Because God is not interested
35:26 in showing your flaws or mine
35:28 just to lord it over us.
35:31 God is not interested in showing
35:32 you your weaknesses
35:33 simply to make you feel bad.
35:34 Far from it.
35:35 In fact, the only reason
35:37 that God reveals our true,
35:40 filthy, sinful state
35:42 is that He might set us free
35:43 from that very thing.
35:45 That's why He does it.
35:47 Don't shy away from that bad
35:49 news that comes in prayer.
35:51 It is your doorway to paradise.
35:53 It is your stepping-stone
35:54 to righteousness, to being set
35:56 free in Jesus Christ.
35:58 And, indeed, this is exactly
36:00 what Isaiah finds.
36:02 Verse 6.
36:03 "Then one of the seraphs
36:04 flew to me with a live coal
36:06 in his hand, which he had
36:07 taken with tongs from the altar.
36:08 With it, he touched my mouth
36:10 and said, 'See?
36:11 This has touched your lips.
36:13 Your guilt is taken away
36:15 and your sin atoned for.'
36:18 Then I heard the voice
36:19 of the Lord saying,
36:20 'Whom shall I send?
36:22 And who will go for us?'
36:23 And I said, 'Here am I.
36:26 Send me.'"
36:30 In the space of a prayer,
36:32 Isaiah goes from being
36:33 a spiritual loser
36:35 to being a missionary for God.
36:43 A second reason that God
36:44 calls us to huddle in prayer
36:47 so often is simply this.
36:50 When we pray, our fears flee.
36:55 You know, there's so many
36:56 lessons that we could pull from
36:57 this little story of Isaiah.
36:58 I think this is
36:59 one of the better ones.
37:01 When we pray, our fears flee
37:03 because they cannot bear up
37:05 under the weight of the atoning
37:06 power of Jesus Christ.
37:08 When we are honest in prayer
37:09 with our fears,
37:11 God knows exactly how
37:12 to melt them with
37:13 the brightness of his presence.
37:15 This is one of the things
37:16 that prayer is for.
37:17 And notice carefully.
37:18 It's again specifically
37:20 a discipleship context.
37:22 Isaiah, when he had this
37:24 renewal experience in prayer,
37:25 he is immediately sent out
37:27 to disciple others.
37:29 "Who will go for us?", God says.
37:31 Isaiah, now refreshed,
37:32 "Here I am, Lord.
37:33 I'm ready now. Send me."
37:39 One of the biggest reasons that
37:40 people don't share their faith
37:41 is because they're afraid.
37:43 We talked about this briefly
37:44 a few weeks ago.
37:46 They're afraid they won't say
37:47 the right thing, that they won't
37:48 have the right answer.
37:49 Somebody is going to stump them.
37:50 They're gonna mess up.
37:51 They're going to, you know,
37:53 stub their toe and swear.
37:54 Something's going to go wrong,
37:55 right?
37:56 And so they're afraid of it,
37:57 and so they don't witness.
38:00 What fears are holding you back
38:02 from sharing Jesus with others?
38:06 What are they?
38:09 And whatever they are,
38:11 may I gently challenge you?
38:14 Don't let another day go by,
38:16 bring them to Jesus,
38:17 lay them out clearly,
38:19 tell Him honestly what they are,
38:22 and let Him take them away.
38:24 Because it is in prayer that
38:25 God works, that Jesus works.
38:27 When we pray, our fears flee.
38:34 So the second reason
38:36 that Christ asks us to huddle
38:37 with Him in prayer.
38:38 There is a third and final one
38:39 for today.
38:41 Psalm Chapter 34, please,
38:42 Verse 4.
38:43 Psalm 34:4.
38:48 So, Psalm of David,
38:50 at a time in his life --
38:52 He had fled from King Abimelech,
38:54 pretended to be insane.
38:55 It was a tumultuous,
38:56 chaotic time.
38:58 David was not feeling confident.
39:01 And so he sought a solution
39:03 and he found one.
39:05 Verse 4. Psalm 34:4.
39:07 David says, "'I sought the Lord,
39:09 and He answered me.'"
39:11 Does that sound like prayer
39:11 to you?
39:13 Yeah, it does to me.
39:14 This is prayer.
39:15 David prays. He's in trouble.
39:16 He's uncertain. He's unsure.
39:17 He doesn't know
39:18 what the future holds.
39:19 So he prays.
39:20 "'I sought the Lord,
39:21 and He answered me.
39:23 He delivered me
39:24 from all my fears."
39:25 That's what we just learned.
39:26 "'Delivered me from all my fears
39:27 in prayer.'"
39:27 Verse 5.
39:28 "'Those who look to Him
39:28 are radiant.
39:29 Their faces
39:30 are never covered with shame.
39:31 This poor man --'" probably
39:33 tapping on his chest there --
39:34 "'called, and the Lord heard
39:35 him.
39:36 He saved him out of
39:37 all his troubles.
39:38 The angel of the Lord encamps
39:40 around those who fear Him,
39:41 and He delivers them.
39:43 Taste and see that the Lord
39:46 is good.
39:47 Blessed is the man
39:48 who takes refuge in Him.'"
39:50 >> Amen.
39:53 >> David went from being
39:54 uncertain and hesitant to being
39:56 bold and confident,
39:58 and that transformation
40:00 all started when he prayed.
40:04 A third reason that Christ longs
40:06 to huddle with us and prays
40:08 so often is that when we pray,
40:10 lives are changed.
40:14 And not just ours,
40:16 but others, too.
40:19 A final story.
40:20 And I am going to intentionally
40:22 change some of the details,
40:24 the identifying details,
40:26 of this story
40:27 so that you hopefully will not
40:28 be able to identify the people
40:29 that are involved.
40:30 But the substance of the story
40:31 is absolutely true.
40:35 Many years ago, I was
40:36 traveling on the West Coast.
40:37 I was in California.
40:39 And unbeknownst to me,
40:40 a friend of mine knew that
40:41 I was traveling through that
40:42 particular part of California,
40:44 a pastor friend of mine.
40:45 And he calls me up and said,
40:46 "Hey, I see that
40:47 you're in our area here.
40:49 Hi. How are you?
40:49 And can we
40:50 get together right away?"
40:51 I said, "Well, sure.
40:52 Good to hear from you.
40:54 What's up?"
40:54 We met together, and
40:56 he shared with me what was up,
40:57 and, indeed, it was quite
40:58 serious.
41:00 He explained that
41:01 they had a local grade school
41:03 and Adventist high school
41:05 there, academy, and there was
41:07 a group of about seven students
41:08 they had matriculated through
41:09 all of those years.
41:10 They had graduated
41:11 a few years ago and had kind of
41:13 gone away from the church.
41:16 Not much interest in spiritual
41:17 things, kind of gotten
41:18 into the wrong circles
41:19 from drinking, et cetera
41:20 that was going on there.
41:22 And then, one day,
41:25 somebody in that group suggested
41:27 that they get a game.
41:30 And I'm not going
41:31 to give much details on it.
41:32 Those of you that are aware
41:33 of such things, you'll know
41:34 exactly what I'm talking about.
41:34 But there is a game.
41:36 It is sadly readily available
41:39 where you can ask questions
41:40 of the game,
41:42 and it supposedly will give you
41:44 answers back on these topics,
41:46 any topic that you choose.
41:48 Well, they got it.
41:50 They got that game.
41:52 And they knew better.
41:54 They had gone through, as I say,
41:54 our schools.
41:56 But they thought, "Well, surely
41:57 this can't be that dangerous."
42:02 They begin to ask questions of
42:04 the game, and the game answered.
42:07 You know, the devil loves
42:08 half-truths or even 90% truth.
42:11 If he can just put 10%
42:13 deadly error in there,
42:13 he's happy.
42:14 He's happy, okay?
42:16 Bald-faced lies -- rarely,
42:17 rarely told by the devil, okay?
42:19 And, so, he begins to give
42:20 answers, and the answers are
42:22 incredibly accurate for these --
42:23 "Wow, this is interesting.
42:24 Well, ask him
42:25 this or ask him that."
42:26 And pretty soon, the game
42:27 is beginning
42:28 to give directions back.
42:29 Now, this is just pure
42:30 and simple.
42:31 of the devil, okay?
42:33 And if you are dabbling
42:35 in the occult,
42:37 if you can hear my voice
42:38 right now, if you are dabbling
42:38 in the occult and you think
42:40 that you can control
42:41 what is happening,
42:42 you are wrong.
42:44 You are absolutely wrong.
42:46 Every single story of people
42:48 who "dabble in the occult,"
42:50 you stick in it long enough,
42:51 you cannot get out
42:53 of your own accord,
42:55 as you're about to see.
42:58 The game told them to go
42:59 to a cemetery.
43:01 They went to the cemetery.
43:02 They went to a certain grave.
43:04 They went to the grave.
43:05 And they were asked to call
43:07 someone, and they did.
43:09 And out of the grave came
43:10 "a ghost."
43:12 Now, we know that there
43:13 are no such thing as ghosts.
43:14 Amen?
43:14 >> Amen.
43:15 >> We know
43:16 what the Bible has to say.
43:17 Ecclesiastes 9:5-6,
43:18 among other texts in the Bible.
43:20 You know, "The living know
43:20 that they shall die, but the
43:23 dead know..."
43:23 >> Nothing.
43:24 >> Nothing, zero, zip, nada.
43:26 When you're dead, you're dead.
43:27 It's like a dreamless sleep.
43:28 You can't have any communication
43:30 with anybody who's still living.
43:31 That's what the Bible says.
43:34 But we also know that the Bible
43:35 says that the devil
43:36 can impersonate the dead --
43:38 and, sadly, with a great
43:39 amount of accuracy.
43:42 And so there's a demon
43:43 impersonating this dead person,
43:45 and the dead person
43:46 begins to get quite aggressive,
43:48 this demon, and making requests.
43:49 And by now,
43:51 absolutely terrified.
43:53 And when they refused
43:55 what this evil spirit asked,
43:57 one of the young adults
43:59 was possessed.
44:06 Again, if you play with fire,
44:07 you will get burned.
44:11 They called my pastor friend,
44:13 who called me.
44:14 And I said,
44:15 "Yeah, let's go right away."
44:18 We met with this group of young
44:19 adults at a local Adventist
44:20 church there.
44:21 We went to the front pew.
44:22 And they were carrying
44:23 their friend -- The friend,
44:24 essentially from the time
44:26 at that cemetery, he was
44:30 breathing,
44:30 but he could not communicate,
44:31 couldn't open his eyes,
44:33 could not control his movements.
44:34 They carried him from place
44:34 to place.
44:35 They carried him
44:36 into the church.
44:37 They put him there on the front
44:38 pew.
44:39 He just kind of flopped there
44:40 on the pew.
44:41 And we huddled.
44:45 We prayed.
44:48 We pled the blood
44:49 of Jesus Christ.
44:51 You know, the one thing
44:52 the devil hates more
44:53 than anything else
44:54 is the blood of Jesus Christ.
44:57 We can pray
44:58 for all manner of blessings.
44:59 The devil doesn't like
44:59 that either.
45:02 that says, "Game up for you,
45:03 Satan," is the blood
45:04 of Jesus Christ.
45:06 When Jesus was on that cross,
45:07 what were his final words?
45:08 "It is..."
45:08 >> Finished.
45:09 >> "It is finished."
45:11 Now, the Great Controversy
45:12 wasn't quite finished yet,
45:13 but the end had been secured.
45:16 And when you plead the blood
45:17 of Jesus Christ, the devil
45:18 has no option but to leave.
45:20 And so we prayed there
45:22 with our holy huddle.
45:23 And the young man stirred
45:25 a little bit.
45:26 He stirred.
45:27 He opened his eyes a little bit
45:28 and closed them again.
45:29 And it came in my mind
45:30 the very story that we read here
45:31 a couple Sabbaths ago.
45:32 You remember Jesus,
45:33 when He met the man
45:34 who had legion inside of Him,
45:35 and He commanded him
45:36 to come out, and then
45:37 this conversation took place.
45:38 There was a little delay.
45:40 We huddled again.
45:41 We began to pray and we pled
45:43 the blood of Jesus Christ,
45:44 asking, by the power
45:45 of His Holy Spirit,
45:46 that the blood of Jesus Christ,
45:47 and we commanded that demon
45:48 to leave.
45:50 And after several minutes
45:51 of praying, he did.
45:56 And that young man was set free.
46:01 He opened his eyes, he blinked,
46:03 did not know where he was.
46:06 We reminded him
46:06 of the circumstances,
46:07 and, "Yes, I remember, I
46:09 remember."
46:12 Ladies and gentlemen,
46:15 when we pray, lives are changed.
46:21 Prayer itself is not a thing,
46:23 but God is,
46:24 and He works through prayer.
46:26 That holy huddle of being
46:28 with him -- there's nothing
46:28 magic about mouthing --
46:30 making words with your mouth
46:31 or supposedly an attitude
46:32 of prayer, but there is great
46:33 power in Jesus Christ.
46:35 And He has chosen, in these
46:36 holy huddles, to give His power
46:38 to change people's lives there.
46:40 Some of you may be thinking,
46:42 "But, Pastor Shane,
46:43 that was an extreme example.
46:45 I mean, that's demon possession.
46:46 That's like one of the most
46:47 extreme forms of discipleship
46:48 you could ever imagine."
46:50 Hear it and hear it well.
46:54 Every conversion is a miracle.
47:00 Whether you are possessed
47:01 by a demon or just distracted
47:03 from spiritual things,
47:04 like millions of people
47:05 in this country,
47:06 every conversion is a miracle.
47:08 We would like to think --
47:09 I mean, wouldn't it be great
47:10 if we could just smile
47:11 and be nice and have clean
47:12 restrooms on a Sabbath morning
47:14 and people would be baptized?
47:15 Wouldn't that be great?
47:17 Now, we need clean restrooms,
47:18 and you please smile
47:19 when a guest comes in.
47:20 But if their hearts are to
47:21 be changed, I can't do it.
47:22 You can't do it. Only Jesus can.
47:25 And that is why,
47:26 when we are seeking
47:27 to reach other people for Jesus,
47:28 we must pray.
47:30 We must pray.
47:31 We must intercede for them.
47:33 I don't understand all the rules
47:35 of the Great Controversy.
47:37 All I know
47:38 is that there are times
47:40 when I don't pray, and there is
47:42 no progress, spiritually, with
47:43 someone I'm seeking to reach.
47:45 And then there are times
47:46 when I remember and I pray
47:47 and I intercede, and things
47:49 happen in that person's life.
47:51 And I've seen people become
47:53 Christians and join the church
47:55 because other people were
47:56 interceding for them in prayer.
48:00 So, again, I ask you,
48:02 how is it with you?
48:05 How is it with you
48:06 and the holy huddle?
48:08 Are you
48:10 who prays every now and then
48:15 or are you a disciple-maker
48:15 for Christ
48:17 that lives a life of prayer?
48:21 Throughout this series, we have
48:23 seen, in multiple places,
48:24 that Christ
48:24 is calling us to unity.
48:26 As we learned a few Sabbaths
48:28 ago, unity is actually a
48:29 location.
48:32 It is found by the church
48:33 only as we are found
48:35 at Jesus' wounded side.
48:38 And prayer turns out to be
48:41 how we travel to that location.
48:44 Ellen White has that famous
48:45 phrase in "Steps to Christ."
48:46 "Prayer does not bring God
48:47 down to us but, rather, brings
48:49 us up to God, right to the very
48:52 side of Christ."
48:53 And as we are united
48:55 as a church, as a campus,
48:56 as a worldwide body,
48:58 as we are united,
48:59 we seek to share Jesus
49:01 with other people, and to do
49:02 those two things successfully --
49:04 to be united and to share Jesus
49:05 with others -- we must have
49:06 Christ leading and His courage
49:08 and His power to change lives,
49:09 all of which flow freely
49:11 to the soul that frequently
49:13 and regularly lives in prayer
49:15 with Jesus Christ.
49:17 Ladies and gentlemen, this is
49:18 not a flag-football game.
49:21 This is the Great Controversy.
49:22 This is the kingdom of God,
49:24 and eternity is on the line,
49:26 so, please, let us unite
49:28 in Christ.
49:29 Let us use that as a springboard
49:31 to make disciples for Him.
49:32 And let us pray together,
49:34 individually, corporately,
49:36 regularly throughout the day,
49:37 each day that we may have what
49:39 we need to let the world know
49:41 that their friend and savior,
49:42 Jesus Christ, has come,
49:44 and that by God's grace,
49:45 they, too, might make
49:47 the shot of a lifetime.
49:49 >> Amen!
49:51 [ Applause ]
50:00 ♪
52:47 >> Jesus, indeed, you are
52:49 a merciful savior.
52:51 You love, Lord, to pull us out
52:52 of the muck and the grime of sin
52:54 that we have
52:55 Thank you. Thank you for that.
52:58 Lord, as we seek to help others
52:59 to have this same experience,
53:01 please, Lord, please huddle
53:03 with us.
53:04 Remind us, Lord,
53:05 throughout the day,
53:06 every day, to be listening
53:07 to You and to Your voice.
53:08 Great things can happen
53:09 when we do.
53:11 Please, Lord, may this become
53:13 a church, a campus,
53:16 a worldwide movement of prayer.
53:19 This we ask in your name. Amen.
53:21 ♪
56:39 >> Before you go, let me take
56:41 just a moment to share with you
56:42 an opportunity to get into
56:43 the Bible in a fresh, new way.
56:46 All across the world,
56:47 more and more people are hearing
56:48 the call to examine
56:49 the Scriptures for themselves.
56:52 If you've felt drawn to learn
56:53 more about God's Word,
56:54 but you don't know
56:54 where to start
56:56 or you're just looking for
56:57 a more in-depth examination
56:58 of Bible truths,
57:00 then I have something right here
57:01 that I believe
57:02 you're going to enjoy.
57:04 I would like to send you
57:05 a series of Bible-study guides.
57:07 Each of these study guides asks
57:08 and answers very important
57:10 questions, such as these
57:11 examples right here.
57:13 Why does God allow suffering?
57:15 Can God be trusted?
57:17 Each of the initial five guides
57:19 begins with a story
57:20 to introduce the subject.
57:22 Then, through a series
57:23 of focused questions,
57:25 you'll soon be learning portions
57:26 of the Bible
57:27 you may never have known before.
57:29 And when you're through,
57:30 you'll be able to share
57:31 with others these inspiring
57:32 truths from God's words.
57:35 Just call our toll-free number.
57:36 It's on your screen now.
57:38 877, the two words HIS-WILL.
57:41 Friendly operators are standing
57:43 by to send you these guides.
57:45 Once again, that's 877-HIS-WILL.
57:47 Call that number.
57:48 And don't forget to join me
57:50 next week right here
57:52 at this same time.
58:00 ♪


Revised 2024-01-18