Pioneer Media

Great Teachers Part 1 of 2 Love at First Sight

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: PME

Program Code: PME230812S

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04:09 >> Good morning,
04:11 brothers and sisters.
04:12 [ Audience murmurs ]
04:14 It's not such a good morning?
04:16 Good morning,
04:17 brothers and sisters.
04:19 >> Good morning!
04:20 >> Happy Sabbath.
04:21 >> Happy Sabbath.
04:22 >> Good to see you.
04:25 On behalf of the pastors
04:26 and the leaders
04:27 and all the members of
04:28 Pioneer Memorial Church,
04:30 I extend a very warm welcome
04:33 to you today to worship.
04:35 We are glad that you chose
04:37 to worship with us
04:38 in this house of prayer
04:40 for all of God's people.
04:42 Welcome.
04:44 Our call to worship today
04:46 reminds us of a few reasons
04:47 why we come to worship here
04:50 every week and today.
04:52 And I invite you to join me as
04:53 we read together responsively.
05:23 >> Please stand with me as we
05:25 pray and remain standing
05:27 afterwards for the hymn.
05:31 Loving God of the universe,
05:34 what a joy it is to call you
05:37 Father, friend, savior,
05:41 redeemer.
05:43 What a blessing to be able to be
05:46 in your house of worship
05:48 on this day,
05:50 to give you honor and glory
05:52 and praise.
05:56 As we come, Lord, I invite you
05:59 to arrest our thoughts,
06:04 imprison our minds,
06:08 captivate our entire being,
06:13 fill us with your spirit
06:16 so that we might be healed,
06:18 we might proclaim,
06:20 and we might live Your love
06:23 as You teach us how to worship
06:26 You in spirit and in truth.
06:29 Amen.
06:30 >> Amen.
06:32 [ "Praise, My Soul,
06:35 the King of Heaven" begins ]
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13:13 [ Applause ]
13:24 >> Okay. Thank you so much
13:27 for all those offerings.
13:28 Thank you, Mr. Deacon,
13:31 for helping us to spend
13:32 that wisely.
13:34 Good morning, boys and girls.
13:36 >> Good morning.
13:38 >> How are you today?
13:39 >> I'm great.
13:41 >> Ooh, "I'm great."
13:42 That sounds good.
13:43 Who is excited to go back
13:44 to school?
13:46 >> Me.
13:46 >> Oh, boy.
13:47 >> Me.
13:48 >> Me.
13:48 >> Me, me, me.
13:49 Why are you excited?
13:52 >> [ Speaking indistinctly ]
13:55 >> Okay. You're excited
13:57 to go back to school?
13:57 Wonderful.
13:59 Why are you excited to go back?
14:01 >> Because I'm going
14:02 into first grade.
14:03 >> Oh, excellent.
14:04 Congratulations.
14:06 Somebody over here.
14:07 Why are you excited to go back?
14:10 >> Because it's very fun.
14:13 >> It's very fun.
14:15 Okay, one more.
14:18 >> The reason why I'm excited
14:19 to go back to school --
14:20 Well, I'm kind of not.
14:21 I'm kind of in the middle
14:22 because I want the summer
14:23 vacation to last longer.
14:25 But then I also want to go back
14:26 to school
14:27 because it's all exciting
14:28 because you get to meet your new
14:29 teachers, your new classmates.
14:31 >> Okay.
14:32 >> So it's really exciting.
14:33 >> It's exciting.
14:34 Is it A little bit --
14:35 [ Laughs ]
14:37 That's an essay. Okay.
14:38 Is it a little bit scary, too,
14:40 to go back to school?
14:42 Anybody a little bit scared
14:43 to go?
14:44 You are? Okay.
14:45 Anybody else a little bit
14:46 scared, a little bit not sure?
14:49 A little bit -- You are? Okay.
14:51 Well, I am sometimes, too.
14:55 But what would you do if, one
14:59 day, you came upon a giant?
15:03 A giant.
15:05 You're just going to school.
15:06 You're just doing your thing,
15:08 going to your class, talking
15:10 to your teacher, going home.
15:11 And then, one day,
15:13 you meet up on a giant.
15:14 You know what a giant is?
15:17 >> Nine feet tall.
15:18 Maybe about nine feet, yes.
15:21 Yeah. Someone who's about
15:22 9 feet or 10 feet, yeah.
15:24 What do you have to tell me?
15:27 >> I know what a giant is.
15:28 >> Oh, you know what a giant is.
15:29 I'm glad you do.
15:30 [ Laughing ] Okay.
15:32 Okay, so there's a little boy
15:35 who can teach us a lot
15:38 of lessons about what to do
15:39 when we meet upon giants.
15:42 And some of you already know
15:43 the story, but I want you
15:45 to hear my version of it,
15:46 and then you can
15:47 fill in as I ask you.
15:48 Okay? So there's this little
15:51 boy, and he used to wash the
15:53 sheep for his dad.
15:55 And one day -- You know,
15:57 he had seven brothers.
15:58 Anybody here have seven
15:59 brothers?
16:00 No. Well, he had seven brothers,
16:03 and he was the youngest brother.
16:05 And his father
16:07 had him watching the sheep.
16:08 One day, he went, his father
16:10 sent him to do an errand.
16:12 And when he went,
16:13 he found out that there were
16:14 some people in trouble
16:17 and he realized that they had
16:18 been in trouble for some days.
16:20 In fact, for 40 days.
16:23 You know? 40 days.
16:25 This giant had been trying
16:27 to fight them.
16:29 And when the giant came
16:30 and shouted,
16:32 what did the adults do?
16:33 They ran. They were so scared.
16:36 And then, when this little boy
16:37 heard, he said,
16:39 "I'm not scared of the giant.
16:41 I will fight the giant."
16:43 And when he said that, his
16:45 brother said, "Oh, no, you can't
16:46 fight the giant, be quiet."
16:48 And the king said,
16:49 "Oh, are you sure?"
16:50 And he said,
16:51 "Yes, I can fight the giant.
16:53 Why can I fight the giant?
16:55 Because God helped me to fight,
16:57 delivered me from a lion and God
17:00 delivered me from a bear.
17:01 So God will deliver me
17:03 from the giant."
17:05 And guess what?
17:06 He went and he went with God's
17:09 help, and what did he do?
17:12 Anybody knows the story?
17:14 Yeah. What happened?
17:15 >> He got a sling and some
17:16 rocks.
17:17 >> He had a sling and some
17:18 rocks, and what happened?
17:20 He slayed the giant, didn't he?
17:23 A little boy slaying --
17:25 Well, how tall did you say?
17:26 10 feet? Something like that.
17:28 Yeah, a little boy
17:29 slaying a 10-feet giant.
17:31 That's like me and you on top of
17:33 my head and some more.
17:34 And a little --
17:36 How could a little boy slay
17:37 a big giant?
17:40 How could that happen?
17:42 Yeah?
17:43 >> Because he had
17:45 God's help with.
17:46 >> He had God's help with him.
17:49 So I think that little boy
17:51 teaches us a lot of lessons.
17:53 And, you know, after he slayed
17:55 the giant, then the adults were
17:57 more encouraged and they didn't
17:59 run away anymore.
18:00 They were not afraid.
18:01 So the little boy teaches us
18:03 what?
18:03 He teaches us that God
18:06 will help us to slay our giants.
18:10 Isn't that a wonderful thing?
18:12 And that God will help us
18:14 and give us confidence
18:16 so that we can face our giants.
18:19 So if you're a little scared
18:20 for any reason, if you're
18:22 a little anxious for any reason,
18:24 if you're a little nervous,
18:25 or if you're a lot scared,
18:28 if the giant is really,
18:29 really big, if that class
18:31 is really, really hard,
18:33 if that girl is really,
18:34 really unkind, if that boy
18:37 won't let you play with him
18:39 and you see him as a big giant,
18:41 remember, you can pray
18:43 and ask God to help you to deal
18:45 with this giant.
18:47 Who wants to thank God
18:48 that he will help you
18:50 and all of us
18:52 to deal with our giants?
18:54 I actually saw him first,
18:55 so I'll ask him.
18:56 Come and tell us your name,
18:58 and then you can pray for us.
19:02 What's your name?
19:03 >> Adam.
19:05 >> Adam, can you pray for us,
19:05 please?
19:06 And thank God that he helps us
19:07 with our giants.
19:08 >> Dear Jesus,
19:10 thank you for this day.
19:11 Help us with our giants.
19:13 And, Lord, please help it
19:15 to be another wonderful day.
19:16 And thank you. Amen.
19:18 >> Amen.
19:20 Okay. Remember, as you go back
19:22 and as you start school,
19:24 that God is big and stronger --
19:26 bigger and stronger
19:27 than any giant you will face.
19:31 Okay? Thank you.
19:34 You may go back to your seats.
19:35 [ Organ plays ]
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20:33 >> Today's Scripture reading
20:34 is found in Psalm 89:1.
20:39 "I will sing of the Lord's
20:40 great love forever.
20:43 With my mouth,
20:44 I will make your faithfulness
20:46 known through all generations."
20:50 [ "There Is a Name
20:53 I Love to Hear" begins ]
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23:29 >> Number of years ago,
23:30 a friend of mine invited me
23:32 to join his county league coed
23:36 volleyball team.
23:38 Now, for those of you
23:39 that are not familiar
23:40 with county league sports,
23:42 it's just what it sounds like --
23:43 a county in a given area
23:45 will form a sports league.
23:47 Anybody who's willing to pay
23:48 the entry fee can sign up
23:49 and you can play a season
23:51 in the league.
23:52 Well, I like volleyball.
23:54 And, also, for those of you
23:55 who don't know, county league
23:56 is a great way to meet people
23:58 that don't know the Lord.
23:59 If you're looking for ways
24:00 to branch out
24:01 of the Berrien bubble,
24:02 that may be a way to do it.
24:04 So I accepted readily.
24:06 We went to the gymnasium
24:07 for the very first game.
24:09 I had not met
24:11 yet the rest of our team.
24:12 I saw my friend across the gym.
24:14 I went over to meet him,
24:15 and he said,
24:15 "Well, let me introduce you
24:16 to the rest of the team."
24:18 So we went down the line,
24:20 and the athlete in me,
24:22 at first, was impressed.
24:24 There were some athletic-looking
24:25 guys there, tall guys there,
24:28 and then we came to Michelle.
24:32 Now, Michelle is not her real
24:34 name.
24:35 I'm just going to call her
24:36 Michelle for the sake of
24:37 the story.
24:38 Michelle was there and Michelle
24:40 was not terribly awe-inspiring
24:42 from an athletic perspective.
24:43 She was all of 5'9".
24:47 I was told after first service
24:48 that it was insulting
24:49 that I thought 5'9" was short.
24:51 [ Laughter ]
24:54 So let me just assure you
24:55 my sincere apologies.
24:57 I used to be exactly
24:58 your same height if you're 5'9".
25:02 In the third grade.
25:06 She was 5'9", if that.
25:08 She was not super husky.
25:11 No bench press competition
25:12 winners in danger there.
25:14 And I thought to myself,
25:16 if we're going to have to cover
25:17 for somebody, if there's
25:18 a weak link on our team,
25:20 it's going to be Michelle.
25:23 We finished warming up and
25:24 we began to play our first game.
25:27 And within moments,
25:29 it became clear
25:31 that Michelle was not only good,
25:34 she was by far the best player
25:37 on the court.
25:40 And actually, for the rest of
25:41 the season, every team that we
25:43 played, Michelle clearly showed
25:45 that she was the best player
25:47 on the court.
25:48 She could spike from anywhere.
25:50 Sometimes maybe back.
25:51 But it was incredible to watch.
25:52 She would dive and get
25:53 other people's spikes
25:54 and recover them.
25:55 She would serve,
25:56 and there's probably still singe
25:57 marks on the top of nets
25:59 just where she barely crested it
26:01 on a way to another ace
26:02 on the other team.
26:03 She was amazing.
26:05 And, actually, it turns out
26:07 that there's a reason for that.
26:10 You see, some years prior
26:11 to joining our little
26:12 county league volleyball team,
26:14 Michelle had been part
26:16 of a little sports organization
26:18 that perhaps you've heard
26:18 of before.
26:20 It was the US Olympic Women's
26:23 Volleyball Team.
26:27 No joke. And she was
26:29 no joke on the court.
26:30 She was devastating.
26:32 I learned more in just
26:33 a few games watching Michelle
26:35 than I ever did in school
26:36 in volleyball class.
26:37 It was amazing to watch.
26:39 Needless to say,
26:40 we did very well that season.
26:49 Sometimes there is far more
26:54 potential
26:56 in someone than first meets
26:59 the eye.
27:02 If you have a Bible,
27:04 take a look, please,
27:05 at Luke 5:27.
27:07 Luke 5:27.
27:11 Luke, of course,
27:13 is one of the Gospels.
27:14 It's one of the good
27:15 news segments here
27:17 of the New Testament that tells
27:18 the story of the birth,
27:19 the ministry, the death,
27:20 the resurrection of Jesus.
27:22 In Luke 5, we're early.
27:24 This is early in the ministry of
27:25 Jesus.
27:25 He's not yet gathered
27:26 all of his disciples, Peter,
27:27 James, John, et cetera there.
27:28 But the rest of the crew
27:29 is being gathered.
27:32 Where we are going to read now,
27:33 Jesus has just finished
27:35 performing an incredible
27:35 miracle.
27:36 He's healed a man that had been
27:38 paralyzed for quite some time.
27:40 Coming off of that spiritual
27:42 mountain, Jesus meets someone.
27:46 Let's read about it.
27:47 Luke 5:27.
27:49 Says, "After this, Jesus went
27:52 out and saw a tax collector
27:54 by the name of Levi" --
27:56 This is Levi/Matthew --
27:58 "sitting at his tax booth.
28:01 'Follow me,' Jesus said.
28:04 And Levi got up, left
28:06 everything, and followed Him."
28:11 Pause there for a moment.
28:13 You know, spirit of prophecy
28:14 encourages us to
28:15 inject our imagination
28:16 into the stories of the Bible,
28:18 to imagine what it would be like
28:20 if we were actually present
28:22 in these stories.
28:24 You know, in my mind's eye,
28:25 when I see Jesus walking here
28:27 and he comes to this tax booth
28:28 where Levi/Matthew is,
28:30 this is something that probably
28:31 caused a little bit of stress
28:33 on the part of the disciples.
28:35 I can see
28:35 Peter thinking to himself,
28:37 "Oh, Lord, what are you doing?
28:38 We don't need to go to the tax
28:39 collecting booth.
28:40 It's not tax time for you.
28:42 Why are you going there?"
28:44 And then, maybe
28:46 Peter saw the same look on
28:48 Jesus' face that
28:50 Jesus had when he called Peter
28:52 to be one of his disciples.
28:55 And now the alarm bells are just
28:58 ringing in Peter's brain.
28:59 "No, no, no, no, no, no, no,
29:00 no, no.
29:01 No potential here, Lord.
29:03 In fact, quite the opposite.
29:04 Don't do it, Jesus.
29:05 Don't do it."
29:10 Because as probably
29:12 many of you know, if you've
29:13 spent time in the Bible
29:15 and been around church
29:16 for a while, you know why it was
29:17 that probably the other
29:19 disciples saw no potential in
29:21 Levi/Matthew.
29:22 Levi/Matthew was a tax
29:25 collector -- that's strike one.
29:27 And a tax collector
29:28 meant that he worked
29:29 for the Roman government.
29:30 The Romans were the dominant
29:32 power in the world at that time.
29:33 The Jews were subject to
29:34 Roman law.
29:36 It stuck in their craw.
29:37 It would have mine, as well.
29:39 And the taxes
29:40 that were collected
29:41 were often onerous ones.
29:43 Too much then what should have
29:45 been collected.
29:46 But Matthew had
29:48 another thing wrong with him.
29:49 He was a Jew
29:51 working for the Romans.
29:53 In other words,
29:54 he was essentially taking Jewish
29:56 blood money, extracting taxes.
29:59 And of course, the way that
30:00 tax collectors made their money
30:01 was not just by getting
30:02 some sort of stipend
30:03 from the Roman government.
30:04 It's what you could take extra.
30:06 So if you had 10 shekels worth
30:08 of tax, you would be charged
30:09 20 shekels and the tax collector
30:11 could pocket the remainder
30:12 for himself.
30:15 Three strikes and you're out.
30:17 Matthew represented everything
30:19 that was wrong in Judaism.
30:22 And I would imagine
30:23 the disciples thought
30:24 this was the last person that
30:27 Jesus should make a disciple.
30:31 And yet Jesus comes to Matthew
30:32 and he says, "Follow me."
30:38 Stunning to the disciples
30:39 and not just the disciples.
30:41 Verse 29.
30:44 "Then Levi held a great banquet
30:45 for Jesus at his house,
30:46 and a large crowd
30:47 of tax collectors and others
30:48 were eating with them.
30:49 But the Pharisees
30:50 and the teachers of the law
30:52 who belonged to their sect
30:53 complained to his disciples,
30:55 'Why do you eat and drink with
30:57 tax collectors and sinners?'"
30:59 Now pause again.
31:01 Who invited these guys?
31:04 I have no idea.
31:05 Have you ever wondered?
31:05 They seem to kind of show up.
31:06 They're like flies on the wall
31:08 that every now and then speak,
31:09 right?
31:09 And somehow they are here at
31:11 this feast.
31:12 And again, if I use my
31:13 imagination, and I think about
31:14 this, what was it that caused
31:16 such irritation for for the
31:17 Pharisees that were here?
31:18 Here's my guess -- everywhere
31:21 they looked in that house,
31:25 They saw betrayal.
31:28 "Who paid for this grand table
31:29 that's been set out here?"
31:30 "Oh, I think I did
31:32 with my tax dollars."
31:33 "Who paid for this great feast
31:35 that's been spread out here?"
31:36 There's all of this fruit
31:38 and the new wine that was there.
31:40 "Who paid for all of this?"
31:41 "Well, I think actually,
31:42 I did with my tax dollars."
31:43 "Who paid
31:44 for the silver chandelier and
31:45 these goblets that are here?"
31:46 In all of these people,
31:49 surely there is no potential
31:52 for the kingdom in this room.
31:54 And in a fit of rage and
31:56 frustration, the Pharisees say,
31:58 "What are you doing?
31:59 How can you hang
32:01 with this crowd?"
32:06 Jesus has an answer. Verse 31.
32:10 "Jesus answered them, quote,
32:12 'It is not the healthy
32:14 who need a doctor but the sick.
32:18 I have not come to call
32:19 the righteous
32:21 but sinners to repentance.'"
32:29 I think there's at least two
32:30 lessons that we can gain here.
32:33 Number one...
32:38 >> Amen.
32:41 >> Those of you that said amen
32:42 here in the front row,
32:43 we're going to have a meeting
32:43 afterwards
32:44 for the rest of the congregation
32:46 that may not have understood
32:47 the gravity of what I said
32:48 previously, okay?
32:49 So hang around, we'll talk.
32:50 We'll see if we can make
32:51 some converts here, right?
32:53 Lesson number one...
32:56 >> Amen.
32:58 >> You know, I don't know what
32:59 your week was like, I don't know
33:00 what your year has been like,
33:01 but maybe it's been
33:03 the kind of week or year
33:04 where you look in the mirror
33:05 and you just don't see much
33:06 potential yourself.
33:09 Maybe you look there
33:10 and you think, "Maybe I'm past
33:12 the reaches of God's grace
33:13 and his mercy and his love."
33:14 If you are tempted to think
33:15 that, think again.
33:18 Because the story of
33:19 Levi/Matthew and the subsequent
33:21 feast shouts at us.
33:22 God cares. God loves.
33:24 He looks. He sees all that
33:25 we are, our faults,
33:26 our sins, all of the mistakes
33:27 that we've made, and he says,
33:29 "You are someone that, if you
33:31 just take my hand, you can still
33:33 come into my kingdom."
33:34 >> Amen.
33:35 >> Jesus sees great potential
33:37 in each one of us.
33:37 And secondly,
33:38 all of this means...
33:46 Now, let that sink in.
33:48 There are some people
33:49 that we put into that category,
33:51 huh, that, well, not so sure
33:52 about that one.
33:54 The person that cuts you off
33:55 on 94 the last time you were
33:56 headed to Chicago, right?
33:58 Yeah. The person that steps in
33:59 front of you at the grocery line
34:01 when you're trying to check out
34:01 and you're already 10
34:02 or 15 minutes late. Okay.
34:04 Or the person that is engaged
34:06 in what, in your mind,
34:07 is the worst of sins?
34:10 Surely they're beyond.
34:11 Maybe Jesus doesn't want them.
34:14 No, actually, he does.
34:16 You have never laid eyes
34:18 on someone that Jesus
34:19 didn't want to save.
34:22 And as we've been talking about,
34:23 Jesus invites us
34:26 who know Him to participate
34:28 in this saving process.
34:30 Now, with that in mind, let's do
34:33 a thought experiment here. Okay?
34:34 Just in our mind's eye here,
34:38 humor me.
34:38 As I go through this, some of
34:40 you are going to say,
34:41 "That's impossible."
34:42 Just hang with me.
34:43 Imagine with me.
34:44 So let's go on this
34:45 little thought experiment.
34:47 I want you to imagine
34:49 that, let's say, me
34:52 and the elders here at Pioneer,
34:54 that we read
34:55 the story of Levi/Matthew
34:57 and we are super inspired.
34:58 The spirit is moving,
34:59 and we all make a covenant
35:01 that we will not rest
35:03 until there are
35:05 500 guests on a Sabbath
35:08 morning here at Pioneer.
35:10 500 guests that either have
35:13 never made a decision for Jesus
35:14 or for some reason are not ready
35:16 for Jesus to come.
35:18 500 people. That's our goal.
35:20 And, so, we powwow, we pray,
35:22 and we break, and off we go.
35:24 And we're knocking on doors and
35:25 we're going to gas stations
35:26 interrupting people while
35:27 they're filling their cars
35:28 with gas.
35:29 We're going to grocery stores.
35:30 We're going to schools
35:31 and our places of work,
35:32 and we are inviting --
35:33 And I want you to imagine
35:34 that, in this situation,
35:37 we could know
35:39 that they were going to come.
35:42 And then, let's imagine
35:45 that we did it.
35:47 500 people guaranteed to be here
35:51 on the first Sabbath of 2024,
35:54 January 2024.
35:56 Now, question.
36:00 Knowing that those people were
36:02 coming, what would we do?
36:07 Hmm.
36:09 In fact, what about
36:10 that particular Sabbath?
36:11 First Sabbath in January,
36:12 500 guests
36:14 not ready for Jesus to come.
36:15 They're all going to be here.
36:16 What would we do
36:17 on that Sabbath?
36:20 Would we do anything different?
36:24 You know, I might vary my sermon
36:25 topic.
36:26 You know, I might particularly
36:28 do something, preach about that
36:29 with them in mind,
36:31 knowing that they would be here.
36:32 We would all be on our best
36:34 behavior, wouldn't we?
36:36 Okay. We're already
36:37 all on our best behavior,
36:38 but this would be the bestest
36:39 of the best, okay?
36:41 Of our behavior. We'd be good.
36:42 We'd be kind that day.
36:43 we would all bring extra food
36:45 because we knew
36:45 the potluck was going to be
36:46 overflowing that day.
36:47 Okay. No shortage of food.
36:49 There's going to be tables
36:50 overflowing with this cornucopia
36:51 of nourishment, et cetera.
36:53 Some of you might volunteer
36:55 for greeter duty.
36:56 You know,
36:57 we have good greeters here.
36:58 They do a great job
36:58 at what they're doing.
36:59 But with 500 guests coming,
37:00 they've never been here, maybe
37:01 somebody is going to try to
37:02 sneak in the back door or
37:03 whatnot.
37:03 We want them to be greeted and
37:04 their hands shook.
37:05 Welcome hug.
37:06 We're so glad that you're here.
37:09 Some of you might be
37:10 extra careful to look for people
37:12 needing to sit down
37:14 because it can be challenging
37:14 to find a seat in a place
37:16 that you've never been before.
37:17 And you know what?
37:19 We would need to greet everyone,
37:20 wouldn't we?
37:21 Because Pioneer is so big,
37:23 we already don't know
37:24 who is a member
37:25 and who is a guest, right?
37:26 So you'd have to be nice to
37:28 everyone on a Sabbath morning.
37:29 You'd have to say, "Welcome.
37:31 I'm so glad that you're here.
37:32 Welcome to Pioneer."
37:33 And they'll say back to you.
37:34 "Well, I've been a member for 50
37:35 years here," and you can say,
37:36 "Well, so have I, and then
37:37 go find somebody else to greet.
37:38 Okay? So we would all do that.
37:40 We'd reach out to everybody
37:41 that comes.
37:43 And if your seat was taken by
37:48 a guest.
37:50 Your geography
37:52 in the Pioneer Sanctuary.
37:53 You know what I'm talking about,
37:54 right? Okay.
37:56 If your area had been
37:58 infiltrated by these guests,
38:00 you would rejoice that
38:01 they had found a place to sit
38:02 and would graciously
38:03 find another spot.
38:04 Or maybe you'd even be proactive
38:06 and you would scan the horizon
38:07 looking for a guest
38:08 and invite them to come
38:09 and sit in your spot.
38:10 And all of us,
38:12 all of us would be praying,
38:14 praying mightily
38:15 for the outpouring
38:16 of the Holy Spirit of God
38:17 on us and, yes,
38:18 on all of our guests,
38:19 that they, too, might come
38:21 to know Jesus as we do.
38:23 Oh, the things we would do
38:26 if we knew that, on the first
38:27 Sabbath of January 2024,
38:29 we'd have so many,
38:31 many important people here
38:32 in our sanctuary.
38:41 Come back to Earth now. Okay?
38:45 That was our thought experiment.
38:48 And back here on Earth,
38:49 I have good news.
38:52 Because we have done it.
38:56 We have invited them and they
38:59 have accepted our invitation
39:02 and they are going to be here
39:05 not in the first Sabbath
39:06 of January 2024.
39:09 They are instead going to be
39:11 here in two Sabbaths from now.
39:18 You see, many students
39:21 who will be at Ruth Murdoch,
39:24 many students
39:25 who will be at Andrews Academy,
39:27 many students who will be at
39:28 Andrews University
39:29 will be in one of two camps.
39:30 Either they will have not yet
39:31 made a decision for Christ,
39:33 or perhaps
39:33 they made a decision for Christ
39:35 at some time in the past,
39:36 but if Jesus came back this
39:37 afternoon, for whatever reason,
39:38 they would not be ready.
39:40 This school year, in these three
39:42 institutions we have the
39:43 privilege of serving with,
39:45 there will be literally
39:46 hundreds of students
39:48 that fit this description,
39:49 and they are coming here
39:51 in two weeks.
39:53 You know,
39:54 I said this a few weeks ago
39:55 and I want to reiterate it now.
39:57 There are very few churches
39:58 in the world, SDA or otherwise,
40:00 that have this privilege.
40:02 I mean, nearly every Sabbath
40:03 of the school year,
40:04 we have hundreds of people
40:05 that either aren't yet baptized
40:06 or are not yet currently ready
40:07 for Jesus to return,
40:09 and they attend this church,
40:10 they come on this campus,
40:11 and they're here throughout
40:12 the entire school year.
40:14 Do you know what some churches
40:15 would do
40:15 to get that kind of crowd?
40:18 And yet here we are.
40:19 We are in this place.
40:20 This is our reality.
40:22 They will be here in two weeks.
40:28 So...
40:31 knowing that these very
40:34 important people are coming here
40:36 in two weeks,
40:39 knowing that this highly unusual
40:40 and very blessed situation
40:41 is almost upon us,
40:43 what should we do?
40:47 Hmm.
40:50 What should we do to help them
40:52 all, to the best of our ability,
40:54 to be ready for Christ's
40:55 soon return?
41:00 Well, I'm going to tell you,
41:02 to the best of my knowledge,
41:03 what it is
41:03 I think we ought to do.
41:05 In fact, there are a number of
41:06 things, very specific,
41:07 very practical things.
41:08 And there are
41:09 many of these things.
41:10 In fact, there are sufficient
41:11 numbers of these
41:12 that every one of you
41:13 that can hear my voice
41:13 right now, no exceptions,
41:15 can and need to do these things
41:17 to best reach our students that
41:19 are coming two weeks from now.
41:21 Listen carefully, please.
41:22 What we need to do...
41:31 what I'm going to tell you
41:32 about in part two of this series
41:33 next Sabbath.
41:35 [ Laughter ]
41:40 That's awful, isn't it?
41:41 That's a terrible thing to do.
41:44 So you need to be here, right?
41:46 If somebody is not here today,
41:47 if they're on vacation,
41:48 call and say,
41:49 "Pastor Shane said your vacation
41:50 is over, please come back.
41:51 We need you to be here
41:51 on Sabbath."
41:52 It's going to be some very
41:53 important and practical things.
41:54 You'll have the chance
41:55 to be able to begin
41:56 to participate in these things.
41:58 I hope that you can make it.
42:02 But I will tell you one thing.
42:04 I won't leave you completely
42:05 stranded until next week.
42:06 There is one thing that
42:09 I will point out that I
42:10 believe -- and I think the Bible
42:13 supports it -- that we must do
42:17 if we are to succeed in reaching
42:19 as many of our students
42:20 as possible for Christ.
42:25 A story.
42:28 Many years ago, when I was
42:29 a young adult,
42:31 I was out and about
42:33 and I was visiting a church
42:35 within 10,000 miles of here.
42:38 And it was not my home church.
42:40 I had two friends that I was
42:41 meeting there at the church.
42:43 I arrived there.
42:45 Sabbath school had finished.
42:46 In fact, the worship service
42:47 had just begun.
42:48 There was music that was playing
42:49 and people were beginning
42:50 to sing as they started
42:51 the worship service.
42:52 The church was large.
42:54 We were in the foyer there,
42:55 the lobby, and I saw my two
42:57 friends.
42:58 I went across from the front
42:59 doors and greeted them.
43:00 "Hey, how are you doing?
43:01 Good to see you," et cetera.
43:03 We're talking with one another.
43:04 We're probably 10, 15 feet from
43:06 the back double doors in the
43:07 sanctuary.
43:09 And as we're chatting,
43:10 I look over my friend's shoulder
43:14 and I see motion.
43:15 I see someone, I look up,
43:17 and there is a dear saint
43:20 that is making a beeline for us.
43:25 And she has a smile on her face.
43:29 But there was something that was
43:30 not quite right with the smile.
43:32 The smile was not one that said,
43:35 "Oh, welcome to our church.
43:36 We're so glad you're here."
43:38 The smile was instead
43:39 what I imagine the smile
43:42 on a hawk's face looks like
43:44 as it's about to grab a bunny.
43:46 Okay? And she came over
43:50 and she put one hand
43:53 on one shoulder and another hand
43:54 on another shoulder.
43:55 So my shoulder and
43:56 my friend's shoulder.
43:58 And she says, "We have a rule
44:01 at this church that there is no
44:03 talking in the lobby once the
44:05 worship service has started.
44:08 And you need" --
44:09 Now, keep in mind,
44:10 the whole time she's talking,
44:11 she is pushing us towards
44:13 the back sanctuary doors.
44:15 And my third friend
44:16 is kind of caught in the wave.
44:17 Okay? So he's
44:17 getting pushed forward, too.
44:18 Right? And we get
44:20 to the doors of the sanctuary,
44:21 and I kid you not,
44:22 as she says the words,
44:24 "And you need to find a seat,"
44:27 she shoves us
44:28 into the sanctuary.
44:39 You know, I can still see
44:40 that incident in my mind
44:42 as though it happened yesterday.
44:44 I can see the open doors
44:45 in the back of the church.
44:46 I can hear the music playing,
44:47 I can see the pews inside.
44:49 I can feel the push in my back
44:51 as this woman shoved us
44:52 into the sanctuary.
44:56 Some things you don't forget
44:57 very easily.
45:01 Now, take that example...
45:07 and contrast it...
45:10 with this.
45:12 I invite you to keep your Bibles
45:14 closed and to open your mind as
45:16 I read.
45:20 "And now I will show you
45:23 the most excellent way.
45:26 If I speak in the tongues of men
45:28 and of angels,
45:29 but have not love,
45:33 I am only a resounding gong
45:34 or a clanging symbol.
45:36 If I have the gift of prophecy
45:38 and can fathom all mysteries
45:39 and all knowledge,
45:40 and if I have a faith that can
45:41 move mountains
45:42 but have not love, I am nothing.
45:47 If I give all I possess
45:48 to the poor and surrender
45:49 my body to the flames
45:50 but have not love,
45:52 I gain nothing.
45:55 Love is patient.
45:58 Love is kind. It does not envy.
46:01 It does not boast.
46:02 It is not proud. It is not rude.
46:04 It is not self-seeking.
46:06 It is not easily angered.
46:08 It keeps no record of wrongs.
46:10 Love does not delight in evil,
46:11 but rejoices in the truth.
46:14 It always protects,
46:16 always trusts,
46:17 always hopes, always perseveres.
46:20 Love never fails.
46:24 But where there are prophecies,
46:26 they will cease.
46:28 Where there are tongues,
46:29 they will be stilled.
46:31 Where there is knowledge,
46:32 it will pass away.
46:34 For we know in part
46:35 and we prophesy in part.
46:37 But when perfection comes,
46:38 the imperfect disappears.
46:40 When I was a child,
46:41 I talked like a child,
46:43 I thought like a child,
46:44 I reasoned like a child.
46:46 But when I became a man,
46:48 I put childish ways behind me.
46:50 Now we see but a poor
46:51 reflection, as in a mirror.
46:53 Then we shall see face to face.
46:56 Now I know in part.
46:59 Then I shall know fully,
47:01 even as I am fully known.
47:04 And now these three remain --
47:08 faith, hope, and love.
47:12 But the greatest of these
47:15 is love."
47:16 >> Amen.
47:20 >> What a contrast. Hmm?
47:23 Between Madam Hawk
47:26 and 1 Corinthians 13.
47:30 And it's from this contrast
47:31 that I think we can draw
47:33 at least two things.
47:35 Number one...
47:44 >> Amen.
47:46 >> It's not just what we do
47:47 that matters, but how we do it.
47:49 You know, we could debate about
47:50 whether or not that rule
47:52 in the lobby -- no speaking in
47:53 the lobby after the worship
47:54 service has begun --
47:55 we could debate whether that
47:56 was a good rule or not.
47:58 But let's just assume that
47:59 it was in place in this church.
48:01 How different it would have been
48:04 if Madam Hawk
48:05 had instead approached us
48:06 something like this.
48:08 "Good morning, gentlemen.
48:09 How are you?
48:11 I'm Mrs. So-and-so.
48:12 Tell me your names.
48:13 We're so glad
48:14 that you're here today.
48:15 You know, we've been trying here
48:16 at our church to bless
48:17 as many people as possible
48:18 through our worship services.
48:19 Our song leaders and our
48:20 pastors, they work so hard to
48:22 prepare good things for us each
48:23 week, so we've made a rule
48:25 that, once the service starts,
48:26 we'd like the lobby here
48:27 to be quiet so as not to disturb
48:29 the people worshiping inside.
48:30 You're welcome to continue your
48:32 conversations down the hall.
48:33 Or perhaps you'd like to come
48:34 and sit with me and my husband?
48:36 He would love to meet you,
48:37 and I'm headed there right now."
48:42 Oh, what a difference that would
48:44 have made if Madam Hawk
48:47 had spoken that way.
48:51 I just want
48:52 to be clear about something.
48:54 I have not been inundated
48:56 with stories of how people
48:57 have been mistreating
48:58 our students here at Pioneer.
48:59 In fact,
49:00 I haven't heard a single one.
49:01 This is part of the glory,
49:02 again, of being new.
49:04 There's a lot of things
49:04 I don't know, okay?
49:05 I have not heard
49:06 any stories about that.
49:07 So I do not tell you this story
49:09 of Madam Hawk as a rebuke,
49:11 but rather to encourage you
49:12 to keep doing what you're doing,
49:14 to keep extending
49:15 that hand of fellowship,
49:17 to keep seeing our students
49:18 as God sees them,
49:20 whatever their faults might be.
49:22 May Madam Hawk never invade
49:24 our lobby,
49:26 but may instead the love of
49:27 Christ invade it regularly.
49:29 >> Amen.
49:31 >> That's the first thing
49:32 we can learn.
49:33 There is a second.
49:41 You know, when we think
49:43 of the word teacher or teachers,
49:44 we automatically think
49:45 of those maybe on this campus
49:46 or over at the Academy
49:48 or Ruth Murdoch that receive
49:49 a paycheck for their work.
49:50 They're professional educators,
49:51 highly trained, they're
49:52 doing great at their jobs.
49:54 That's what we usually think of.
49:55 And that's that's fine, that
49:56 is indeed what teachers are.
49:58 And the truth also is that
50:01 every member of this church,
50:03 every body that calls this
50:04 space their spiritual home,
50:06 is also a teacher.
50:10 We are teaching whether we wish
50:11 to or not.
50:13 And teachers -- all of us now --
50:15 teachers, what you teach here in
50:17 and through this place
50:18 is one of the most important
50:20 "classes" that any of our
50:21 students will ever take.
50:23 You say, "How come?"
50:24 Well, the teachers,
50:25 for instance, on this campus,
50:26 Andrews University,
50:27 they can indeed,
50:29 and they do, teach our students
50:30 what the church ought to be
50:32 or what the church should be.
50:34 But only we collectively,
50:36 professional educators,
50:38 those of us that are not
50:39 professional educators,
50:40 that call this place home,
50:41 only we can teach our students
50:44 what the church is now.
50:47 This is us.
50:49 We are living examples.
50:50 We are the campus church.
50:52 This is the living laboratory
50:53 of the body of Christ,
50:54 and therefore, we cannot help
50:56 but teach what the church
50:57 currently is to all
50:59 who enter here.
51:01 Sometimes we teach
51:02 by what we say.
51:04 Sometimes we teach by what
51:05 we don't say.
51:07 Sometimes we teach by what we do
51:08 or don't do.
51:09 But all of the time, rest
51:11 assured, ladies and gentlemen,
51:12 teachers, we are teaching.
51:15 Every moment that we are
51:17 in this place.
51:19 What a privilege.
51:21 What a joy.
51:23 What a responsibility.
51:27 Recently I was talking to a
51:29 colleague on another campus,
51:30 one of our universities here in
51:32 the NAD, and he shared with me
51:34 recent research that said --
51:35 research that had been done on
51:37 Seventh-Day Adventists,
51:38 in particular, young adults.
51:40 There are similar stats
51:40 for other churches,
51:41 but this specifically
51:42 for Seventh-Day Adventist
51:43 young adults.
51:44 It said that, in some places,
51:46 up to 70% -- 7-0 --
51:48 up to 70% leave the church.
51:51 Yeah.
51:53 70%.
51:56 I find that to be unacceptable.
52:00 And I think we need
52:01 to change that.
52:04 And I say we start right now.
52:05 >> Amen.
52:07 >> So, ladies and gentlemen,
52:08 in light of that mandate that
52:10 the Lord has given to us,
52:12 in light of the joy
52:13 and the importance of what
52:14 we are on the cusp of doing
52:15 two weeks from now, I plead
52:17 with you to consider carefully,
52:19 in just two Sabbaths,
52:22 hundreds of students
52:23 who have not yet made a decision
52:24 for Christ or who are, for some
52:25 reason, not ready for him to
52:26 return, they will be here.
52:27 My question to you --
52:29 what kind of teacher
52:30 for them will you be?
52:33 What kind of teacher
52:34 will you be?
52:36 My prayer for each of us is that
52:38 we will not make the mistake
52:39 that I did with Michelle,
52:40 the volleyball player,
52:42 and see them all as 5'9"
52:43 insignificant people that
52:45 couldn't make a contribution
52:46 and underestimate
52:48 the great potential that each of
52:49 our students has for Christ.
52:52 You see, instead,
52:53 may each of us be so filled
52:55 with the Holy Spirit
52:56 that, in two weeks,
52:56 when our students arrive
52:58 in full force, as they make
52:59 their way from across campus,
53:01 coming from the dormitories
53:02 or campus housing or driving
53:04 in here to our parking lot,
53:05 as they make their way here
53:07 and they come in those doors
53:09 and they finally walk into this
53:10 building and your eyes
53:11 meet with theirs,
53:13 may it truly be a case of love
53:16 at first sight.
53:19 Not the cheap, flimsy kind
53:21 of love that the world offers,
53:22 but the love of Jesus.
53:23 1 Corinthians 13 kind of love
53:26 shining through us into their
53:27 hearts that they might know Him.
53:30 I'm going to share with you
53:31 a number of very practical
53:32 things in part two.
53:34 But, ladies and gentlemen,
53:35 no matter how good we get
53:36 at those practical things,
53:37 if we do not have the love
53:39 of Jesus in our hearts,
53:40 those things will fail.
53:42 But with the love of Jesus,
53:45 we and Jesus cannot help
53:48 but succeed.
53:49 >> Amen.
53:50 >> Let us love our students.
53:52 Great teachers
53:54 and the Great Teacher
53:56 wouldn't have it any other way.
53:58 >> Amen.
54:01 [ Applause ]
54:10 [ "Christ for the World We Sing"
54:12 begins ]
54:14 ♪
54:21 ♪
54:28 ♪
56:18 >> Lord Jesus,
56:19 you have been so gracious to us.
56:21 You have showered your love on
56:23 us in a thousand different ways.
56:26 Lord, in just two weeks,
56:27 this campus
56:28 will be a different place.
56:30 There will be very blessed
56:31 people that are here.
56:33 I pray that we would be ready,
56:35 that indeed this would be a
56:37 clear path to the Kingdom, Lord,
56:39 that all that we do and say
56:41 and be in this place
56:43 would bring glory to you
56:45 by bringing people to you.
56:47 This is our prayer
56:48 and we pray it in your name.
56:49 Amen.
56:53 >> I'm Shane Anderson,
56:54 the lead pastor here
56:56 at Pioneer Memorial Church.
56:58 At Pioneer Media, we have been
57:00 blessed by the financial support
57:01 that comes from our viewers
57:03 like you that enable us
57:04 to continue this ministry.
57:07 We've made a conscious decision
57:08 not to continually appeal to you
57:10 for that support.
57:11 However, keeping this ministry
57:13 going takes money to support
57:14 our staff and technology needs.
57:17 If God has blessed you
57:19 and you would like to further
57:20 the work of this ministry,
57:21 we invite you to partner
57:22 with us.
57:24 You can donate on our website --
57:28 Then click "giving" at the top,
57:30 then select "media ministry."
57:33 Or call the number 877-HIS-WILL.
57:37 Again, that number is 877 --
57:39 the two words, "HIS WILL."
57:42 My prayer is that the God
57:44 who has blessed you will
57:45 continue to pour into your life
57:47 the gifts of his joy
57:48 and his hope.
57:49 Thank you.
57:51 And I'm looking forward
57:51 to seeing you right here
57:53 again next time.
58:00 ♪
58:09 ♪
58:18 ♪


Revised 2023-10-10