Pioneer Media

Home Sweet Home

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: PME

Program Code: PME230826S

00:01 ♪
00:14 >> Good morning to each
00:15 and every one of you.
00:16 It is great
00:18 to see you here today.
00:19 Thank you for being here
00:21 at Pioneer Memorial Church.
00:23 Whether you're joining us here
00:24 in person or via live stream
00:26 or some other way, thank you
00:27 for worshiping with us.
00:29 And if this is your first,
00:31 very first time here
00:32 at the church, here on campus,
00:34 thank you, welcome.
00:36 If it is your 101st time
00:38 here at the church
00:40 and here on campus,
00:41 welcome, as well.
00:43 It's great to worship today.
00:44 Today we are praising God
00:45 as a community together,
00:47 worshiping him, telling
00:48 his stories and being here
00:51 to see what he has to say to us.
00:54 Let's turn our attention
00:55 to the call to worship.
00:57 And if you would stand with me
00:58 as we read this one,
01:00 please read when prompted
01:01 by the words on the screen.
01:31 ♪
01:32 >> Let's join together
01:34 as we sing "Leaning on
01:36 the Everlasting Arms."
01:37 ♪
01:44 ♪
01:51 ♪
01:58 One, one...
04:39 >> Amen.
04:41 Glory to God. Glory to God.
04:43 >> Amen.
04:44 >> As we...
04:46 just try to make a special
04:48 connection, try to
04:50 get into a prayer spirit,
04:52 with this next song,
04:54 we'll be singing
04:55 "Holy Spirit Rain Down."
04:58 "Holy Spirit Rain Down."
04:59 And as we sing this song,
05:01 sing along and just think
05:03 about the goodness of God
05:06 towards you this week.
05:09 ♪
05:19 ♪
05:28 ♪
05:38 ♪
05:47 Sing along with us.
06:58 >> Sing it one more time.
08:21 >> Sing "Holy."
08:50 >> Holy, holy!
09:16 >> God in three persons.
09:35 >> Amen. Amen.
09:36 >> Amen.
09:41 >> I invite you all to stand
09:43 as we join in worship
09:44 one more time.
09:47 This song is going to be fun.
09:49 All right?
09:50 We are going to have some fun
09:52 with this song.
09:54 And we're going to start by
09:55 first figuring out
09:57 who's going to sing what part.
09:58 All right?
10:00 We're going to have sopranos,
10:02 altos, and tenors and bass
10:04 will sing together.
10:05 I need all my altos.
10:08 I need all my altos
10:09 to say, "Hallelujah."
10:12 >> Hallelujah.
10:13 >> All right. I need all my
10:15 altos to say, "Hallelujah."
10:17 >> Hallelujah!
10:18 >> All right, all right.
10:19 In our Praise Team,
10:20 singing alto, we have.
10:23 Alyson and Ashley.
10:25 All right?
10:27 I need all my tenors
10:29 to say, "Praise Him."
10:31 >> Praise Him.
10:33 All my tenors say, "Praise Him!"
10:34 >> Praise Him!
10:36 >> All right. Singing tenor,
10:37 you have me and Caleb.
10:39 All right.
10:40 When we sing, follow us.
10:42 And all my sopranos, say,
10:45 "Amen!"
10:46 >> Amen!
10:48 >> Right. Amen!
10:49 >> Amen!
10:50 >> All right. Singing soprano,
10:52 we have Elsie and Brianna.
10:56 All right, when they sing,
10:58 you're going to follow them.
10:59 All right?
11:02 The song starts very easy.
11:03 ♪
11:06 ♪ Mm
11:35 ♪ One more time, singing
12:03 >> Altos.
12:17 >> One more time.
12:30 >> Okay, original.
12:45 >> That's it, one more time.
12:59 >> Sopranos.
13:12 >> One more time.
13:24 >> All right, back to altos now.
13:38 >> Tenors showing.
13:53 >> Okay, combined together.
14:20 >> One more time, sing.
14:38 [ Applause ]
14:59 >> Things of earth.
16:58 >> At the trumpet.
17:12 >> Oh, lift your.
17:28 >> Amen.
17:29 You guys sound beautiful.
17:31 I'm sure that God accepted
17:32 this praise
17:34 and He's joyful and angels
17:35 are singing along with us.
17:36 >> Yes, yes.
17:38 >> Our scripture reading is
17:39 found in Philippians 4:10-13.
17:44 "I rejoice greatly in the Lord
17:45 that at last you renewed
17:47 your concern for me.
17:48 Indeed, you were concerned,
17:50 but you had no opportunity
17:51 to show it.
17:52 I'm not saying this because
17:53 I am in need,
17:55 for I have learned to be content
17:56 whatever the circumstances.
17:58 I know what it is to be in need,
18:00 and I know what it is
18:01 to have plenty.
18:02 I have learned the secret
18:04 of being content in any
18:05 and every situation,
18:07 whether well-fed or hungry,
18:09 whether living in plenty
18:10 or in want.
18:11 I can do all this through Him
18:13 who gives me strength."
18:15 >> Amen. Amen.
18:16 And our last song is
18:19 "He Hideth My Soul."
18:21 "He Hideth My Soul."
18:22 ♪
19:31 >> His perfect salvation.
20:10 >> He hideth.
20:50 >> Hallelujah.
20:51 Praise Jesus, praise him.
20:53 He's worthy.
20:54 >> Amen. Amen.
21:03 >> And all God's people said...
21:04 >> Amen.
21:05 >> Amen and Amen.
21:06 Thank you, Praise Team,
21:07 for leading us in worship.
21:09 We appreciate that very much.
21:13 I need your help this morning.
21:17 When you think of the word
21:19 "home"...
21:22 what other words
21:23 come to your mind?
21:26 Family. Okay, that's a good one.
21:28 What was that?
21:29 Comfort. Yes. Amen.
21:31 What else?
21:32 Food. Yes.
21:34 There we go. Yes.
21:35 What else? Love.
21:36 Okay. That's good.
21:38 >> Bed.
21:40 >> Bed. Ah, interesting.
21:42 We'll come back to that. Yes.
21:45 You know, when I think of
21:46 home --
21:48 High-five?
21:48 >> Wi-Fi.
21:49 >> Wi-Fi?
21:50 [ Laughter ]
21:54 We have Wi-Fi in Michigan.
21:56 What is -- Yes.
21:58 See me afterwards.
21:59 We'll work this out.
22:00 Yes. That's right.
22:03 When I think of the word "home,"
22:04 particularly when I think about
22:05 the times
22:06 when I was living at home,
22:07 many of the same words
22:09 come to my mind.
22:11 I think of food.
22:13 My mother, if she were sitting
22:14 here right now,
22:15 she would readily confess
22:16 that she's not a great cook,
22:17 but she can make granola
22:18 like nobody's business.
22:19 And it smelled great if you
22:20 woke up smelling the granola.
22:22 Or French toast -- I knew
22:23 it was going to be a good Sunday
22:25 if there was French toast
22:26 in the air.
22:27 Friends. You know,
22:29 if you have a home somewhere,
22:30 usually it indicates
22:32 you've had some time there.
22:33 And, so, outside of your
22:34 immediate family, you can
22:35 probably meet with friends
22:36 fairly easily if you are at
22:39 home.
22:40 For me, my dog was there.
22:43 Home was where the dog was.
22:45 Sometimes we would have,
22:46 you know,
22:47 various dogs over the years,
22:47 but it was always good to come
22:49 home and see whatever dog
22:51 we had coming to meet me, lick
22:52 my hand and pet them, et cetera.
22:53 If I was with my dad
22:54 and my stepmom, my stepmom
22:57 can feed an army at any meal.
22:59 I never feared about bringing
23:01 friends home because it always
23:02 was going to be enough food.
23:04 And, yes, my bed.
23:06 You know, for those of you
23:08 that travel, you know exactly
23:09 what I'm talking about.
23:10 When I go to a hotel,
23:12 it doesn't matter if someone
23:13 paid $500 for the hotel
23:15 or $42.73 at Motel 4 1/2,
23:18 it doesn't matter.
23:20 They see me coming and they say,
23:21 "Okay, put the tall guy
23:23 in the room with the hole
23:24 in the middle of the bed
23:25 and that his feet will hang off
23:26 the end," right?
23:27 That's my story.
23:28 But when I go home, ah,
23:31 the bed is made for me.
23:33 I sleep better at home
23:34 than any other place.
23:36 When you put all of these things
23:38 together --
23:40 family, friends, good food,
23:42 pets that are --
23:44 and a good place to sleep --
23:47 that place is no longer
23:48 just a house, is it?
23:50 It is home, sweet home.
23:57 Now, take that and contrast it
24:03 with this.
24:07 In the middle of my junior year
24:08 of high school,
24:09 I was informed by my mother and
24:11 stepfather that we were moving.
24:13 I had only been a semester
24:15 at Monterey Bay Academy
24:17 in Central California.
24:18 Monterey Bay was the place
24:19 to go.
24:20 If you were a kid at that time,
24:21 and maybe still today, if you
24:23 were in Central California
24:24 and you were going to high
24:25 school, Monterey Bay was
24:27 the place to be,
24:29 and I was thrilled to be there.
24:30 And then, I got this word,
24:31 actually, after Christmas
24:33 break, "We're moving."
24:34 I'm like, "Oh, no."
24:37 You see, my stepdad at the time,
24:38 he worked
24:39 on the Shuttle program,
24:40 worked for Lockheed
24:41 on the Space Shuttle,
24:43 and when Challenger exploded,
24:45 there was no longer a space
24:46 shuttle for the West Coast.
24:48 And, so, quite literally,
24:49 there was an office filled
24:50 with engineers and programmers,
24:52 and they fired every one of them
24:53 except for my stepdad.
24:54 And they said, "We'll fire you,
24:55 too, unless you move to
24:56 Florida."
24:58 Like, oh, man.
25:00 So we loaded up,
25:02 we went to Florida, and I went
25:05 to Forest Lake Academy there in
25:06 Apopka.
25:08 And I kid you not, we drove up.
25:10 All my stuff was there
25:11 in the back of the car,
25:11 in this rental car.
25:13 We pulled into the parking lot.
25:13 My mom went to
25:15 the business office,
25:17 unloaded whatever amounts
25:18 of cash were needed there,
25:19 and came back out.
25:21 We unloaded my stuff,
25:23 and they said, "I'm sorry,
25:24 but we've got to go to sign
25:26 on a condo. Love you."
25:31 You got to picture me there.
25:32 I'm in the parking lot.
25:34 I've got bags in either hand
25:35 surrounded by these boxes.
25:37 My family is driving away
25:40 and I'm staring up
25:42 at the guys' dormitory.
25:45 I don't know a soul
25:46 on this campus.
25:48 I've never even been to my room.
25:50 It's kind of
25:51 like this depressing
25:52 Norman Rockwell picture here,
25:54 you know, staring up like that.
25:56 I got to tell you, at that
25:57 moment, I was not
26:00 feeling home, sweet home.
26:05 And some of you know
26:08 exactly how that feels.
26:12 And you're feeling it right now.
26:16 Some of you are freshmen
26:18 at Andrews University.
26:20 Welcome. We're glad you're here.
26:22 Some of you
26:23 are transfer students.
26:24 You're brand new here.
26:26 Or maybe you're new for some
26:27 other reason, but I'm thinking
26:29 particularly of the student
26:30 mind-set here because I know
26:31 what that feels like.
26:33 And if you are new
26:34 on our campus here,
26:35 it may be that you are feeling
26:37 a little nervous.
26:39 Maybe you're feeling
26:40 a little lost.
26:41 You don't know where things are
26:42 on campus, you don't know
26:43 where many things are.
26:45 You don't know the people
26:47 that you're sitting next to,
26:48 perhaps, right now.
26:50 And maybe it's the first time
26:51 that you've been away from home
26:52 for any given length of time.
26:54 And maybe, just maybe,
26:56 you might even be feeling
26:57 a little bit scared.
27:00 And this definitely
27:01 does not feel right now
27:03 like home, sweet home.
27:07 Well, if you're feeling that way
27:08 this morning,
27:10 I know how you feel.
27:12 Because I'm a freshman, too.
27:14 [ Laughter ]
27:16 I just got here.
27:18 I'm a freshman
27:19 at Andrews University,
27:21 and there have been times
27:22 in the last six weeks
27:23 when I have felt nervous.
27:25 There have been times
27:26 when I have gotten lost.
27:27 I have gotten lost in this
27:29 building before. Okay?
27:31 And I'm the pastor here.
27:32 I should know how to find --
27:34 I've taken staircases
27:35 and I end up somewhere.
27:35 I thought,
27:36 "Oh, this is embarrassing.
27:36 I have no idea
27:37 where I'm at right now."
27:40 I'm surrounded by people.
27:41 There's a few old friends
27:42 that I've seen.
27:43 There's lots of other people
27:44 that I'm just getting to know.
27:46 And maybe there's even been
27:47 some times when I have been
27:49 tempted to feel
27:50 a little bit scared.
27:57 But...
28:00 But...
28:02 I know that I am going to be
28:06 okay.
28:07 >> Amen.
28:10 >> And if you're new here,
28:13 or if you're just feeling "far
28:15 from home" for whatever reason,
28:18 maybe even a little scared this
28:19 morning, for whatever reason,
28:21 I want you to know
28:23 that I know that you can know
28:27 that you will be okay, too.
28:30 Let me show you how.
28:32 If you have a Bible,
28:33 take a look, please,
28:33 at Daniel 3:1.
28:37 Daniel chapter 3,
28:39 beginning with verse 1.
28:41 We're going to read a very
28:42 famous story here this morning.
28:44 In fact, even if you're not
28:45 a Christian, if you've never
28:46 read the Bible before,
28:47 I can guarantee you that there
28:48 are phrases, English idioms,
28:50 that have come from this story.
28:51 The Bible
28:52 is a very influential book,
28:53 and right here we're going
28:54 to read
28:55 one of the most famous of all.
28:57 It has to do with a guy
28:59 by the name of Nebuchadnezzar.
29:02 Let's take a peek here.
29:03 Daniel chapter 3,
29:04 beginning with verse 1.
29:04 It says,
29:05 "King Nebuchadnezzar
29:07 made an image of gold 90 feet
29:09 high and 9 feet wide
29:11 and set it up on the plain of
29:13 Dura in the province of Babylon.
29:16 He then summoned" -- here comes
29:17 the list -- "the satraps,
29:18 prefects, governors, advisers,
29:20 treasurers, judges, magistrates,
29:21 and all the other provincial
29:22 officials to come to the
29:24 dedication of the image he had
29:25 set up.
29:26 So, the satraps, prefects,
29:28 governors, advisers, treasurers,
29:30 judges, magistrates, and all
29:31 the other provincial officials
29:32 assembled for the dedication
29:34 of the image that
29:35 King Nebuchadnezzar had set up,
29:37 and they stood before it."
29:41 Pause there, please.
29:44 A little background will
29:44 be helpful here if you're not
29:45 familiar with this story.
29:47 King Nebuchadnezzar lived
29:48 a long time ago,
29:49 about 2,700 years ago,
29:51 and he was the king
29:52 of the Neo-Babylonian Empire.
29:54 That was
29:55 the new Babylonian Empire,
29:57 which of course infers there was
29:58 a Babylonian Empire before.
29:59 And indeed there was.
30:00 Hundreds of years earlier, there
30:02 had been a Babylonian Empire,
30:03 but it had fallen from out
30:04 of power.
30:06 Nebuchadnezzar's grandfather,
30:08 Nabopolassar, about --
30:09 oh, let's see, what was it? --
30:10 626 or so
30:12 is when he came to power,
30:13 he began this reinvigoration
30:15 of the Babylonian Empire.
30:16 Nebuchadnezzar put it
30:18 on steroids.
30:20 Babylon became the biggest power
30:23 in that part of the world.
30:25 It's a huge amount of territory
30:27 that they covered.
30:28 And Nebuchadnezzar, in chapter
30:29 2 of Daniel, has a dream.
30:31 Now, if you've read
30:32 through this, you know, this is
30:34 a fairly significant dream.
30:35 And Nebuchadnezzar knew it,
30:36 but he couldn't understand it.
30:38 In the dream, he saw a statue,
30:41 and the statue had this head
30:42 of gold, chest and arms
30:43 of silver, belly and thighs
30:45 of brass, legs of iron,
30:46 and then feet that were made
30:47 of iron mixed with clay.
30:49 A very bizarre thing
30:50 to put a heavy statue on.
30:51 And in the dream, this rock
30:53 comes out of the heavens
30:53 and it strikes
30:54 the feet of the statue.
30:56 The statue crumbles and the rock
30:57 becomes this kingdom
30:59 that would never come to an end.
31:00 Nebuchadnezzar wakes up
31:01 in a cold sweat.
31:03 He believes he has received
31:04 a message from the gods,
31:06 but he doesn't
31:07 know what it means.
31:08 Long story short, he calls
31:09 in all of his advisers,
31:11 they can't help him.
31:12 He threatens to kill them all,
31:13 as was vogue
31:13 in those days for Kings.
31:15 And Daniel and his
31:16 three friends, Shadrach,
31:18 Meshach, and Abednego, show up
31:20 and say, "Hold on a second.
31:21 Before you take the heads
31:22 off of all these guys,
31:23 let us pray about it.
31:24 We'll get back to you."
31:25 They pray, God reveals it,
31:26 and then they share
31:27 the interpretation
31:28 with King Nebuchadnezzar.
31:30 Now, if you study this,
31:31 you're familiar
31:32 with the interpretation.
31:33 The head of gold, that
31:34 represented King Nebuchadnezzar.
31:35 You know, begins his kingdom
31:36 essentially 605 BC.
31:38 Powerful, powerful,
31:39 but not powerful
31:40 enough to stay forever.
31:41 Following him would come
31:42 another nation, the Medes
31:43 and the Persians, representing
31:44 this chest and arms of silver.
31:45 This belly -- The thighs here of
31:48 of brass, this represented
31:50 the Grecian Empire that would
31:51 come, 330 BC,
31:53 Alexander the Great,
31:54 with his great army,
31:54 sweeps over the earth,
31:56 takes over until about 168.
31:58 The legs of iron
32:00 represent iron Rome.
32:03 Rome's power was so great
32:04 that it lasted for about
32:05 four centuries.
32:07 In the fifth century AD,
32:09 it deteriorated into the toes,
32:11 the toes, the feet here
32:12 mixed with clay, iron together.
32:15 They did not cleave together,
32:17 to use the King James verbiage
32:18 there.
32:19 They became what we know
32:20 today as the nations
32:21 of Western Europe.
32:22 And it is in the times of this
32:24 divided authority in Europe
32:27 that Jesus is to come back.
32:29 We do indeed live
32:30 in the last days.
32:31 Jesus is going to come.
32:32 That rock that crushes
32:34 all other kingdoms,
32:35 but itself becomes a kingdom
32:36 that fills the whole world
32:38 and will never pass away.
32:41 May that day be soon.
32:45 Nebuchadnezzar is given this
32:47 incredible dream.
32:50 And with this incredible dream,
32:51 you would think that
32:53 Nebuchadnezzar would be
32:54 thrilled, he'd be honored,
32:55 he would be humbled that
32:56 the great God of Heaven
32:57 has given him this dream.
33:00 Unfortunately, the only thing
33:02 bigger than the dream
33:03 was Nebuchadnezzar's ego.
33:04 And he says to himself,
33:05 "You know what?
33:06 I can improve upon this.
33:07 I can have prophecy my way."
33:09 And he decides he's going
33:10 to make an image not of gold,
33:12 silver, brass, et cetera,
33:14 but of just gold.
33:17 The message is quite clear.
33:19 Nebuchadnezzar has no intention
33:22 of ever seeing Babylon fall,
33:25 and in order to help the world
33:26 understand how serious he is,
33:28 he makes this 100% gold-covered
33:30 statue, and he invites all of
33:32 his rulers.
33:34 Anyone who is anyone.
33:36 If you've got any authority,
33:37 you are commanded to be here
33:39 on the plain of Dura.
33:40 Now this would be in modern day
33:41 Iraq, fairly arid place,
33:42 lots of space out there
33:44 in the desert.
33:44 Not a lot of competition
33:45 for real estate in some places.
33:47 And so the plain of Dura
33:48 is there, the statue is set up.
33:50 Nebuchadnezzar calls
33:51 all of these people.
33:52 There are thousands
33:53 of people there.
33:56 And suddenly a hush falls
33:57 over the crowd.
33:59 The trumpets sound a fanfare,
34:01 and the king's
34:02 spokesman proclaims
34:04 loudly for all to hear.
34:06 Verse 4 of Daniel chapter 3.
34:10 "Then the Herald loudly
34:11 proclaimed,
34:13 'This is what you are commanded
34:14 to do, O peoples, nations,
34:16 and men of every language.
34:17 As soon as you hear
34:18 the sound of the horn, flute,
34:20 zither, lyre, harp, pipes,
34:21 and all kinds of music,
34:22 you must fall down and worship
34:25 the image of gold that
34:26 King Nebuchadnezzar has set up.
34:28 Whoever does not fall down
34:30 and worship
34:32 will immediately be thrown
34:34 into a blazing furnace.'"
34:40 This is the first recorded
34:42 instance in history
34:43 of motivational speaking.
34:45 [ Laughter ]
34:47 And, undoubtedly, these furnaces
34:49 were there for people to see.
34:50 Now, we don't know this for
34:52 certain, but probably they were
34:52 kilns.
34:54 You see, this statue,
34:55 it was not made of solid gold,
34:57 almost certainly, because,
34:57 metallurgically speaking,
34:58 you can't get 90 feet worth
35:00 of gold and 9 feet wide to stand
35:02 on its own accord.
35:03 It will fall, it will mush.
35:04 Gold is too soft.
35:05 And, so, probably what happened
35:07 is that they instead made a
35:08 framework, an outline here, in a
35:10 statue using baked bricks.
35:13 And then, with that shape,
35:14 they overlaid it with gold,
35:15 et cetera, and that's why it was
35:16 referred to as a golden altar
35:17 here.
35:17 These kilns
35:18 were very clearly seen.
35:23 Have you ever put your hand
35:24 in a kiln?
35:25 Okay, you better make sure it's
35:27 off and well cooled before you
35:29 do.
35:29 It gets mighty hot in there.
35:31 Some kilns can get over
35:32 a thousand degrees.
35:35 Well, this is motivating.
35:36 And as promised,
35:37 the music sounds.
35:39 And as Nebuchadnezzar
35:40 looks on with delight,
35:42 a wave of humanity takes action.
35:44 Like lightning, every person on
35:46 the plain of Dura hits the
35:47 desert sand,
35:48 face down, feet back,
35:50 seemingly the whole world bowing
35:52 down by the thousands to worship
35:53 the glorious golden image,
35:55 just as they had been commanded
35:56 to do
35:57 by the most powerful government
35:58 in that part of the world.
36:04 Hmm.
36:08 Does that sound familiar
36:09 to anyone?
36:13 You know, if you're a student
36:14 of Bible prophecy --
36:15 We're not going to do it today,
36:16 but if we were to read
36:17 in Revelation chapter 13,
36:20 we would find that, at the end
36:21 of time,
36:22 all who dwell on the Earth --
36:23 that's the phrase
36:24 that the Bible uses --
36:25 all who dwell on the Earth will
36:26 worship the Antichrist power,
36:30 and by extension, through that,
36:31 they will be worshiping Satan.
36:33 And it's almost as though,
36:34 in Daniel chapter 3,
36:35 the devil is getting a practice
36:37 run for the very end of time.
36:41 Universal worship done his way
36:43 has long been a dream of Satan,
36:45 since the first time
36:46 that sin enters its heart.
36:47 And we can be sure
36:50 that the devil took good notes
36:51 that day on the plain of Dura,
36:53 knowing that someday the lessons
36:54 learned there just might
36:55 come in handy.
36:58 How pleased Satan must have been
37:01 with his triumph that day,
37:04 and how pleased Nebuchadnezzar
37:06 must have been
37:08 with his triumph, as well.
37:12 Until, of course,
37:14 he wasn't pleased anymore.
37:16 You see,
37:18 in that sea of humanity bowing,
37:20 there were three points
37:22 of humanity standing.
37:25 Now, this is a serious problem.
37:27 It's funny, you know,
37:28 even on occasions
37:29 when death is on the line,
37:31 people peek, don't they?
37:32 You know,
37:33 some of you during prayer.
37:34 Well, you don't have to raise
37:35 your hand, but you know
37:36 this happens, right, okay?
37:37 And, so, when they're all bowing
37:38 down there on the plain of Dura,
37:40 undoubtedly somebody is like,
37:41 "Wow, I've never been
37:42 to one of these parties before.
37:43 This is amazing.
37:44 Wait.
37:46 Psst. Do you see that?
37:48 I can't believe" --
37:49 "Keep your head down."
37:49 "I know, but right over there."
37:51 Three guys standing up.
37:53 Just three.
37:54 Thousands of people,
37:57 and three people standing.
38:02 You know, that's not the kind
38:04 of thing you can hide.
38:06 When you are swimming upstream
38:08 and you're the only one swimming
38:09 upstream, people will notice.
38:11 And here on the plain of Dura,
38:12 just three, three only, are
38:14 standing there,
38:15 and the word races back
38:17 to King Nebuchadnezzar.
38:20 Well, the king cannot stand
38:20 for this.
38:21 I mean, this is blatant.
38:23 This is not just in his face.
38:24 It's in everyone's faces.
38:25 Something must be done.
38:28 And, so,
38:30 the king springs into action.
38:31 Take a look. Verse 13.
38:35 It says, "Furious with rage" --
38:39 I guess, as opposed to being
38:40 happy with rage, I'm not sure.
38:41 "Furious with rage,
38:43 Nebuchadnezzar summoned
38:45 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.
38:46 So these men
38:47 were brought before the king.
38:49 And Nebuchadnezzar said to them,
38:50 'Is it true,
38:51 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego,
38:53 that you do not serve my gods
38:55 or worship the image of gold
38:56 I have set up?
38:57 Now, when you hear
39:00 the sound of the horn, flute,
39:01 zither, lyre, harp, pipes,
39:03 and all kinds of music,
39:04 if you are ready to fall down
39:06 and worship the image I made,
39:07 very good.
39:10 But if you do not worship it,
39:15 you will be thrown immediately
39:17 into a blazing furnace.
39:20 Then what god will be able
39:22 to rescue you from my hand?'"
39:31 It's pretty serious, isn't it?
39:34 And again, the kilns
39:35 were probably right there.
39:36 You know, Nebuchadnezzar was
39:37 a pretty savvy politician.
39:38 If you read the rest of
39:39 the history of Nebuchadnezzar,
39:40 he was no slouch.
39:42 It is entirely possible
39:43 that he anticipated there
39:44 just might be somebody
39:46 who would keep standing.
39:47 Maybe there was a particularly
39:49 large kiln furnace
39:50 right off of the dais
39:52 where the king was sitting.
39:55 And maybe those three friends,
39:56 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego,
39:58 cast their glance over there.
40:01 And they saw the furnace,
40:03 and they saw the flames,
40:05 and they see the heat rising,
40:06 even in that desert sun,
40:07 the heat rising out of the top
40:09 of that.
40:10 There was no doubt
40:11 as to the King's intentions
40:13 should they deny his request
40:15 a second time.
40:17 Clearly, their lives
40:18 were at stake.
40:19 What should they do?
40:28 Time-out for just a moment.
40:34 What would you have done?
40:39 Now, be careful.
40:41 This is such a popular story
40:42 that, you know, sometimes
40:43 we skip right to the end.
40:44 We put ourselves right in their
40:46 sandals and say, "Well, I know
40:46 what I would have done."
40:48 You know.
40:49 We need to be careful,
40:51 because before we get
40:53 to this part of the story,
40:54 how they answered the king,
40:56 the fact of the matter remains
40:57 is that they had options,
40:58 and if we are honest,
40:59 we will see that, indeed,
41:01 to the carnal mind, they are
41:02 very attractive options.
41:04 For instance, they could have
41:05 easily thought to themselves
41:06 any of a number of excuses.
41:08 It's just this one time,
41:10 surely God will understand.
41:14 Or how about this?
41:15 "The king has been good to us."
41:18 And of course, that's true.
41:20 They got to be rulers in Babylon
41:22 specifically because of what
41:23 happened in Daniel chapter 2.
41:25 These guys were elevated.
41:26 They were powerful men
41:27 themselves because of the king.
41:29 "The king has been good to us.
41:30 We ought to respect him.
41:32 And we certainly don't want
41:33 to embarrass him, especially
41:35 in front of all these people."
41:38 Or how about this?
41:40 "We have loved ones to take
41:41 care of.
41:43 We don't want to abandon them
41:44 for the sake
41:45 of a little thing like this,
41:46 just a few seconds on the plain
41:47 of Dura."
41:50 Or how about this one?
41:51 "I know that God doesn't like us
41:55 worshiping idols.
41:58 But maybe that's just
41:59 a preference He has.
42:02 And besides, while I'm
42:04 bowing down to the idol,
42:05 I'll just worship God
42:06 in my mind.
42:07 After all, the Bible says man
42:09 looketh on the outside,
42:10 but God looketh at the heart."
42:15 Oh, how the mind
42:16 can bob and weave
42:18 when good and evil clash
42:19 and the price for us is high.
42:24 What would you have done
42:27 if you were standing before
42:27 the nation
42:28 and the King at that time?
42:34 Well, what did these three
42:35 guys do?
42:38 Apparently, none of these
42:39 rationalizations
42:41 came into their heads.
42:42 If they did, it's not recorded.
42:44 Instead, these three friends
42:46 knew their Bibles,
42:47 the Bible of their day.
42:48 There was no question what
42:49 God had commanded them to do,
42:51 and therefore, God's will
42:52 was crystal clear.
42:53 Exodus 20:4.
42:55 It says, "You shall not make
42:56 for yourself a carved image
42:57 or any likeness of anything.
42:59 You shall not bow down to them,
43:00 nor serve them."
43:03 So this was not rocket science.
43:05 These men knew exactly
43:06 what answer
43:06 they were to give to the king,
43:07 and without hesitation
43:08 or rationalization,
43:10 apparently, of any kind,
43:11 here is what they said.
43:15 Verse 16.
43:17 "Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego
43:18 replied to the king,
43:20 'O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not
43:22 need to defend ourselves
43:24 before you in this matter.
43:27 If we are thrown into
43:27 the blazing furnace,
43:28 the God we serve
43:30 is able to save us from it,
43:31 and He will rescue us
43:33 from your hand, O King.'"
43:35 And then comes what I think is
43:36 one of the more powerful verses
43:38 in all of the Old Testament,
43:39 verse 18.
43:41 "'But even if he does not,
43:45 we want you to know, O King,
43:47 that we will not serve your gods
43:49 or worship the image of gold
43:50 you have set up.'"
43:51 >> Amen.
43:52 >> Amen.
43:53 >> Amen.
43:54 >> Hallelujah.
43:55 >> Amen.
43:57 >> What an amazing answer.
43:59 Of all the things they could
44:00 have said, of all
44:01 the politically correct phrases,
44:02 the maneuvering.
44:03 "King, can we talk about this
44:03 later?
44:04 Now is not a good time.
44:05 We'll get back to you.
44:06 My lawyers will call you."
44:07 All the things they could have
44:08 said, and instead they just come
44:10 flat out and said,
44:11 "King, we're not doing it.
44:12 We don't even need to defend
44:14 ourselves in this manner."
44:15 Now, by the way,
44:15 that's a public rebuke because
44:17 they knew what had happened.
44:19 Nebuchadnezzar recognized
44:20 those guys
44:20 when they walk up on the stage.
44:21 These are the same guys
44:23 that said that this gold statue
44:25 isn't going to be gold,
44:25 just the head.
44:27 They said, "King, we don't need
44:28 to defend you about this.
44:29 You already know.
44:32 And you can threaten us.
44:34 You can take our families,
44:36 you can take our office,
44:38 you can take our lives,
44:40 but we will not bow down
44:42 to your gods."
44:45 What courage,
44:46 what faith, what power.
44:52 And in the eyes of
44:53 King Nebuchadnezzar,
44:54 what foolishness.
44:55 He says, "I'm not going to
44:56 stand for this."
44:57 And he immediately begins
44:59 to take action.
45:01 Take a look at verse 19.
45:03 "Then Nebuchadnezzar was furious
45:05 with Shadrach, Meshach,
45:06 and Abednego, and his attitude
45:08 toward them changed."
45:08 In the Hebrew there, the
45:09 attitude it means his face.
45:10 I mean, he was reaching
45:12 absolute boiling point here.
45:14 "He ordered the furnace heated
45:15 seven times hotter than usual
45:17 and commanded some of the
45:18 strongest soldiers in his army
45:20 to tie up Shadrach, Meshach,
45:21 and Abednego and throw them
45:23 into the blazing furnace.
45:24 So these men,
45:25 wearing their robes, trousers,
45:27 turbans, and other clothes" --
45:28 in other words, kindling --
45:30 "were bound and thrown
45:31 into the blazing furnace.
45:32 The king's command was so
45:34 urgent and the furnace so hot
45:36 that the flames of the fire
45:37 killed the soldiers who took up
45:38 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.
45:40 And these three men,
45:41 firmly tied,
45:42 fell into the blazing furnace."
45:51 And that's the end of the story.
45:52 Credits roll. We're done.
45:58 That is how most of the people
46:00 on the plain of Dura that day
46:01 undoubtedly thought.
46:04 I mean, this is the end
46:05 of the story, right?
46:07 If even the soldiers
46:09 who are supposed to be
46:10 throwing these guys in --
46:11 By the way, this is why the
46:12 strongest soldiers had to be
46:13 called, because Nebuchadnezzar
46:15 knew they were going to have to
46:16 chuck these guys from a
46:17 distance, okay?
46:19 And, so, even the strongest
46:20 soldiers in the army
46:21 are now dead
46:23 on the plain of Dura.
46:24 Surely the message was clear.
46:26 Thousands of onlookers
46:28 there immediately concluded,
46:29 if the flames kill
46:30 even those who are nearby,
46:32 they must utterly
46:33 and completely destroy
46:35 those who are thrown within.
46:38 Surely no one
46:40 will disobey King Nebuchadnezzar
46:43 ever again.
46:49 Or will they?
46:52 Verse 24.
46:55 "Then King Nebuchadnezzar
46:57 leaped to his feet in amazement
47:00 and asked his advisers,
47:02 'Weren't there three men that we
47:03 tied up and threw into the
47:04 fire?'
47:06 They replied, 'Certainly,
47:07 O king.'
47:08 He said, 'Look, I see four men
47:11 walking around in the fire,
47:13 unbound and unharmed,
47:14 and the fourth looks like a son
47:15 of the gods.'
47:18 Nebuchadnezzar then approached
47:19 the opening of the blazing
47:20 furnace and shouted,
47:21 'Shadrach, Meshach, and
47:22 Abednego, servants of
47:24 the Most High God, come out!
47:25 Come here!'"
47:31 "So Shadrach, Meshach,
47:34 and Abednego
47:35 came out of the fire,
47:39 and the satraps, prefects,
47:40 governors, and royal advisers
47:41 crowded around them.
47:42 They saw that the fire
47:43 had not harmed their bodies,
47:44 nor was the hair of their head
47:45 singed.
47:46 Their robes were not scorched,
47:48 and there was no smell of fire
47:50 on them."
47:52 >> Amen.
47:53 >> Amen.
47:54 >> Not even the smell of fire.
47:56 This is absolutely astonishing.
47:59 For those of you
48:00 who are new here,
48:02 for those of you who are nervous
48:03 or fearful, for those of you
48:05 that are feeling far from home,
48:08 three lessons from this story.
48:10 Lesson number one.
48:14 >> Amen.
48:15 >> Does not exist.
48:16 There is no fire
48:17 that is too hot for Jesus.
48:18 Whether you are feeling
48:19 just a little homesick
48:20 or full-scale oppressed,
48:22 whatever fire
48:24 you are going through right now,
48:25 Jesus is not scared of it.
48:27 Jesus is flameproof.
48:28 He's the original holy fire
48:29 retardant.
48:30 You cannot scorch this man.
48:32 For Him, the fires that would
48:33 otherwise torch us
48:34 are like a gentle breeze.
48:36 A walk in the park, a stroll
48:37 on a cool summer's evening.
48:39 He is not fazed by our fires.
48:41 He is not harmed by them.
48:42 And if he finds you in the fire,
48:44 he will definitely not run away.
48:47 Instead, if you invite him in,
48:49 He will come right into
48:50 that fire with you.
48:53 And even though you walk
48:54 through the valley of the shadow
48:55 of death, if God is with you,
48:57 you need fear no evil.
48:59 >> Amen.
49:00 >> If you're new here,
49:01 if you're far from home,
49:03 you need to know that Jesus
49:04 feels your pain.
49:05 He knows your heart,
49:06 and when asked, He will come in
49:08 and give you the healing and
49:09 strength that he alone can give.
49:11 For no fire is too hot
49:13 for Jesus.
49:14 >> Amen.
49:15 >> Lesson number two.
49:22 >> Amen.
49:23 >> When you're away from home,
49:24 obey God and leave the
49:26 rationalizations to the devil.
49:27 Now listen carefully here.
49:28 These three men,
49:30 all of whom were young adults,
49:32 quite likely what we would
49:33 consider to be college
49:34 age today,
49:35 they all were far from home.
49:39 They were not at home, sweet
49:40 home, Babylon was not their
49:41 home, sweet home.
49:42 Their home, sweet home
49:43 lay in ruins,
49:44 most likely, back in Palestine.
49:46 When Nebuchadnezzar came
49:47 to power in 605 BC,
49:49 there was a series of raids.
49:50 It took several years before all
49:51 of Palestine was decimated.
49:53 At one of those points,
49:55 Shadrach, Meshach, and
49:56 Abednego's homes were attacked.
49:58 We don't know exactly
49:59 what happened.
49:59 It's possible that their parents
50:00 were killed.
50:01 Undoubtedly, they had at least
50:02 friends that were killed,
50:02 possibly relatives,
50:04 and their houses
50:05 were probably piles of rubble.
50:06 They were indeed far from home.
50:11 And what is true for anyone
50:12 who goes far from home
50:13 was undoubtedly true for them,
50:15 as well, and perhaps for you.
50:16 When you're far from home,
50:18 there are new temptations.
50:21 You're tempted to feel lonely,
50:23 and you want to find a way to
50:24 get rid of that lonely feeling.
50:26 And too often, too often,
50:28 temptations can come to us
50:30 that, if we were back home,
50:31 they may not come our way.
50:34 And we can begin to rationalize,
50:37 rationalize doing the wrong
50:38 thing as though somehow
50:40 standing for Jesus and His truth
50:41 will harm us rather than help.
50:43 "I don't want to offend anybody.
50:44 These new friends that
50:45 I'm making, they're asking me
50:45 to do thus and such.
50:46 I don't want to offend them.
50:48 Jesus said we should love
50:49 people, et cetera.
50:50 It's just this once.
50:51 Surely God will understand."
50:56 But the truth is that the path
50:57 of obedience
50:58 is the path of assurance.
51:01 The path of following God
51:03 is the path to freedom,
51:04 including freedom from fear.
51:06 You know, in the world today,
51:08 there are sometimes rules that
51:09 governments or organizations
51:10 make that actually
51:11 bring harm to your soul
51:12 if you follow them.
51:13 That can happen.
51:14 Families can make poor rules,
51:16 they have rules that are
51:17 unhealthy, et cetera.
51:18 But you don't have to worry
51:19 about that with God.
51:21 If God makes a rule,
51:22 you can be guaranteed it is
51:23 for your good and your freedom.
51:25 He never makes a mistake
51:26 in this regard.
51:27 Follow Him when you're far
51:29 from home,
51:30 and the fears will drop away.
51:33 True freedom is not the ability
51:35 to do whatever you want.
51:36 True freedom is the ability to
51:38 choose and to do what is right.
51:41 So if you are feeling uneasy
51:42 being far from home,
51:44 my challenge to you,
51:45 my encouragement to you,
51:46 keep following Jesus.
51:48 Stay true to Him.
51:49 By His grace,
51:50 move past the temptations
51:51 to do that which, in the end,
51:52 will only make you feel worse.
51:54 And instead follow Jesus.
51:55 No compromise,
51:56 no rationalizations,
51:58 and find the comfort and freedom
51:59 that only He can bring.
52:00 >> Amen.
52:02 >> And lesson number three.
52:08 >> Amen.
52:10 >> Anywhere.
52:12 It doesn't matter, ultimately,
52:14 what the surroundings
52:15 physically are around you.
52:16 If Jesus is there,
52:17 you can be at home.
52:19 You know, one of the things
52:20 about this story that I love
52:22 that rarely gets talked about
52:23 is the part where Nebuchadnezzar
52:25 is freaking out, okay,
52:26 he's gone from being a bass
52:27 to a soprano, okay?
52:28 He says, "Oh, when I looked in,
52:30 there's four walking around!"
52:32 Walking around.
52:34 Isn't that interesting?
52:36 It's like they're just lounging.
52:39 It's like Jesus is in His
52:40 living room with Shadrach,
52:41 Meshach, and Abednego.
52:43 "Over here, this is a picture
52:44 I took with Abraham and Sarah
52:45 when I was there
52:46 visiting them earlier."
52:47 It was a place of comfort.
52:49 These three friends appear to
52:51 have all the comforts of home.
52:52 Just strolling around
52:54 inside of this furnace.
52:55 They are basking, not baking.
52:58 They are lounging, not lacking.
53:00 They have French toast,
53:01 not burnt toast.
53:02 There are friends nearby.
53:04 And because Jesus is there,
53:06 they are home.
53:12 Now, the 1970s were a dark era.
53:19 We suffered through fashions
53:21 and colors and hairstyles
53:23 that never should see the light
53:24 of day ever again.
53:26 And generally speaking,
53:27 the music from the '70s was
53:29 terrible, with a few exceptions.
53:33 When I was a child,
53:34 my parents gave me a record.
53:38 I guess I probably should
53:39 explain what that is
53:40 for those incoming students.
53:41 A record is a piece of plastic
53:44 that you could put grooves on,
53:45 and if you had just
53:46 the right instrument on it,
53:47 it would go over it
53:48 and it would make noise.
53:49 And I think if you go to
53:51 the Horn Archeological Museum,
53:52 I think there is a record
53:53 that's there on the wall.
53:55 Anyway, I had a record,
53:56 and it called "It Isn't Hot."
54:00 And it was a story,
54:02 a dramatized story of the
54:04 Three Worthies in the furnace.
54:07 And I'd like to share a little
54:08 bit of that song with you, but I
54:09 am going to need your help.
54:11 Okay? Do you know how to snap
54:12 your fingers?
54:15 Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
54:16 We have we have to do this
54:18 together, so follow me, okay?
54:20 [ Congregation snapping ]
54:23 Keep going.
54:27 ♪ It isn't hot, mm mm mm
54:30 ♪ In the furnace, man
54:33 ♪ It isn't hot
54:35 No, no.
54:36 ♪ In the furnace, man
54:40 ♪ It isn't hot in the furnace
54:41 ♪ Man, this furnace is cool,
54:44 cool, cool, cool ♪
54:46 ♪ It isn't hot
54:47 Keep going.
54:49 ♪ That furnace was hot
54:50 and glowing red ♪
54:52 ♪ They thought we'd burn like
54:54 homemade bread ♪
54:55 ♪ But we didn't burn
54:56 and we didn't run ♪
54:58 ♪ And God just looked
54:59 and said, "Well done" ♪
55:01 ♪ It's cool, it's cool,
55:03 it's cool, it's cool ♪
55:04 ♪ It's cool, cool, cool, cool
55:07 ♪ Cool
55:09 Yeah.
55:11 [ Laughter and applause ]
55:22 "We didn't burn," the song said.
55:24 "And we didn't run."
55:25 And how come?
55:26 Because Jesus was with them.
55:30 And what started out as a trial
55:31 by fire ended up with
55:33 Jesus there being a spiritual
55:35 home like no other.
55:39 Students and anyone listening
55:41 who is feeling far from home,
55:44 maybe in your heart
55:45 you're feeling like you've been
55:46 dropped off on the curb of a new
55:48 place with all that is familiar
55:50 and comforting driving off into
55:52 the sunset.
55:55 But the story of these three
55:56 friends reminds us
55:58 that, even if you are walking
55:59 through what seems like
56:00 the fires of hell itself,
56:02 if Jesus is there
56:03 with you, inwardly,
56:05 it can be as cool
56:06 as an air conditioned
56:07 living room, your living room,
56:09 as though you were surrounded
56:10 by family and friends
56:11 with all of the right sights
56:12 and sounds and smells.
56:14 So, please, students, ask
56:17 Jesus to live in your heart.
56:19 Start your day with Him.
56:20 Welcome Him into your heart
56:21 at the beginning.
56:21 Walk with Him
56:22 throughout the day.
56:23 End your day with Him.
56:25 Go to church each Sabbath.
56:26 We'll save you a seat.
56:28 Study your Bible regularly.
56:29 Be with Jesus
56:32 and you will indeed find that
56:34 anywhere with Jesus really is
56:36 home, sweet home.
56:39 Welcome to Pioneer.
56:40 Welcome to Andrews.
56:42 Welcome home.
56:44 [ Applause ]
56:52 >> I'm Shane Anderson,
56:53 the lead pastor here
56:54 at Pioneer Memorial Church.
56:57 At Pioneer Media, we have been
56:58 blessed by the financial support
57:00 that comes from our viewers
57:01 like you that enable us
57:03 to continue this ministry.
57:06 We've made a conscious decision
57:07 not to continually appeal to you
57:09 for that support.
57:10 However, keeping this ministry
57:11 going takes money to support
57:13 our staff and technology needs.
57:16 If God has blessed you
57:18 and you would like to further
57:18 the work of this ministry,
57:20 we invite you to partner
57:21 with us.
57:23 You can donate on our website --
57:27 Then click "giving" at the top,
57:29 then select "media ministry."
57:32 Or call the number 877-HIS-WILL.
57:36 Again, that number is 877 --
57:38 the two words, "HIS WILL."
57:41 My prayer is that the God
57:42 who has blessed you will
57:44 continue to pour into your life
57:45 the gifts of his joy
57:47 and his hope.
57:48 Thank you.
57:50 And I'm looking forward
57:50 to seeing you right here
57:51 again next time.
57:59 ♪
58:08 ♪
58:17 ♪


Revised 2024-02-26