Pioneer Media

How To Stay Married Forever and Like It Part 2 of 3 After You Say 'I Do'

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: PME

Program Code: PME231021S

00:00 ♪♪
00:14 [organ music playing]
00:16 ♪♪
00:27 ♪ Angels on high now ♪
00:29 ♪ praise the Creator ♪
00:31 ♪ Heavenly hosts bring ♪
00:33 ♪ praise to God ♪
00:36 ♪ Radiant sunshine ♪
00:38 ♪ beautiful starlight ♪
00:40 ♪ All in the sky bring ♪
00:42 ♪ praise to God ♪
00:47 ♪ All in the heavens ♪
00:49 ♪ all on the earth ♪
00:51 ♪ all honor His name ♪
00:56 ♪ All of creation ♪
00:58 ♪ now and forever ♪
01:00 ♪ honor His name ♪
01:03 ♪ All praise His name ♪
01:10 ♪♪
01:15 ♪ Rivers and oceans ♪
01:17 ♪ mountains and valleys ♪
01:19 ♪ All on the earth bring ♪
01:21 ♪ praise to God ♪
01:25 ♪ Women and children ♪
01:27 ♪ men of all nations ♪
01:29 ♪ All He has made bring ♪
01:30 ♪ praise to God ♪
01:36 ♪ All in the heavens ♪
01:38 ♪ all on the earth ♪
01:39 ♪ all honor His name ♪
01:45 ♪ All of creation ♪
01:47 ♪ now and forever ♪
01:49 ♪ honor His name ♪
01:51 ♪ All praise His name ♪
01:58 ♪♪
02:05 ♪ Praise the Lord of all ♪
02:12 ♪ Praise the Lord of all ♪
02:17 ♪♪
02:26 ♪ By His command ♪
02:28 ♪ All things were created ♪
02:30 ♪ Heaven and earth bring ♪
02:32 ♪ praise to God ♪
02:37 ♪ All in the heaven ♪
02:39 ♪ bring praise ♪
02:41 ♪ All in the earth ♪
02:42 ♪ bring praise ♪
02:45 ♪ All He has made bring praise ♪
02:52 ♪ to God ♪
02:57 ♪♪
03:02 ♪ Praise to God ♪
03:14 >> Our call to worship this
03:15 morning invites us to action, to
03:19 praise God.
03:20 Maybe sometimes we feel that our
03:22 circumstances don't lend
03:24 themselves to our praise, but
03:26 they do.
03:27 So I invite you this morning to
03:29 join me in a responsive reading
03:30 of the call to worship and I'm
03:32 inviting you to read with gusto
03:34 and energy as we...
04:12 I invite you to stand with me
04:14 for the invocation and remain
04:16 standing for the songs that
04:17 follow.
04:24 Let us pray.
04:28 Our awesome God, creator of
04:32 heaven and earth.
04:35 We worship You on this, Your
04:37 Holy Sabbath day.
04:40 We thank You that You have seen
04:42 it fit to spare our lives that
04:44 we should be here gathered
04:46 together in worship.
04:50 We thank You that You love us so
04:54 much, beyond our comprehension.
04:58 And today as we worship, we
05:01 invite You to take all of our
05:02 hearts, all of our minds, all of
05:06 our souls, all of our strength,
05:10 that You would help us to defy
05:12 all the distractions that seek
05:15 to destroy us and discourage us,
05:19 but that You will help us to be
05:21 defiant, to worship You in
05:24 spirit and in truth, whatever
05:27 the circumstances we face, we
05:30 praise You.
05:31 In Jesus' name, amen.
05:35 >> As you remain still standing,
05:37 I just want to remind us that
05:40 the concept of faith through
05:43 trials can be best understood
05:47 through the story of Job.
05:51 Even when he lost his wealth,
05:54 his health, and his family, Job
05:59 never lost his faith in God.
06:03 His story is a testament to the
06:06 power of maintaining trust in
06:09 God, despite the circumstances
06:13 you're going through.
06:15 So this morning, PMC, I'm
06:17 reminding you that sometimes the
06:19 loudest praises come from the
06:22 deepest valleys.
06:24 So let's continue to declare His
06:25 name this morning.
06:39 You know that song,
06:40 sing with me.
06:51 I raise...
07:13 I'm gonna sing...
08:12 Yes!
08:24 Sing with us!
10:57 PMC...
11:00 ...when words fail,
11:03 when your words fail...
11:06 ...fill the room with Jesus.
11:09 ♪♪
13:40 [ABEL] Your name is power!
15:01 [ABEL] Your name is power!
15:14 Break every stronghold!
15:40 >> Welcome to part two of our
15:42 continuing series entitled How
15:45 To Stay Married Forever and
15:46 Like It.
15:48 Now, if you were here for part
15:49 one, you may recall that at the
15:51 beginning of that presentation,
15:53 I had wanted to show certain
15:55 pictures from my wedding day,
15:57 but because I recently moved and
15:58 everything is still lost in
15:59 boxes, I could not find what I
16:01 wanted.
16:01 What I did not think about is
16:04 that there were other people at
16:05 that wedding that might be
16:07 listening to that sermon.
16:09 And so my stepmother, very
16:10 faithful, she listened to that,
16:12 she said, "Aha, I have a
16:14 solution."
16:15 So here is a picture in which
16:17 not only is my wife smiling, but
16:19 so am I.
16:21 Right?
16:22 I didn't want you to think it
16:23 was just a great day for her.
16:24 Last week you couldn't see my
16:25 face, today you can.
16:27 It was a wonderful day.
16:28 Easily one of the best days of
16:30 our life.
16:32 So thank you very much to my
16:32 stepmother for providing that.
16:35 One of the reasons that it was
16:37 one of the happiest days of our
16:39 lives is because we followed
16:41 certain simple keys in finding
16:44 Mr. or Mrs. Right.
16:45 We went through four keys,
16:46 actually last week.
16:47 Let me just put them on the
16:48 screen here for you to
16:48 remind you.
16:49 Key number one, don't marry for
16:50 love, marry for life.
16:52 Take the long range view, look
16:54 carefully at basic day-to-day
16:56 compatibilities before you say
16:58 "I do."
16:59 Number two, take your time.
17:01 Take some time to see all the
17:02 good things and yes, to see the
17:04 flaws that the other person may
17:05 have.
17:06 Two-year rule, don't even
17:07 consider getting married until
17:08 you have dated for at least two
17:10 years.
17:11 Key number three, save physical
17:12 intimacy for marriage.
17:13 Don't live together.
17:14 Don't sleep together.
17:15 It will make it more difficult,
17:17 not better, for you to be able
17:19 to find a happy and forever
17:20 marriage.
17:21 And number four, the fourth key,
17:23 seek counsel from wise
17:24 God-following people.
17:26 It can be very helpful to get
17:28 the opinion of somebody who
17:29 knows God, knows His word and
17:31 has been around the track a few
17:32 more times than you have.
17:36 Now, with that in mind...
17:40 ...some of you came to me
17:42 after last week's presentation
17:44 and said, "Pastor, that was
17:45 great, I loved it.
17:46 Thank you so much for the
17:47 information."
17:48 Some of you came up to me last
17:50 week and said, "That was
17:51 depressing because we didn't do
17:52 any of those things and now what
17:53 do I do?"
17:54 Right?
17:56 And essentially what that second
17:58 group was saying is, "Next week
18:00 had better be good."
18:02 [laughter]
18:04 So I do indeed hope that today
18:07 is helpful.
18:08 So I hope that you track with me
18:10 the whole time here.
18:11 Before we jump into part two,
18:13 two things I'd like you to
18:14 remember.
18:15 Number one, what I'm going to
18:17 say today applies to nearly
18:20 every couple who will be or is
18:22 currently married, but it may
18:24 not apply to couples that are in
18:26 abusive situations.
18:28 If you're in a situation where
18:29 there's verbal abuse, physical
18:30 abuse, emotional, sexual abuse,
18:32 etc., by the time I get to the
18:34 end, those of you that have had
18:35 experience with these things,
18:36 you may be nodding your head
18:37 saying, "I'm not sure all of
18:38 those are applicable in an
18:40 abusive relationship."
18:41 If you are listening to me right
18:43 now and you are in that kind of
18:45 an abusive relationship, you
18:47 need to find a Christian
18:48 counselor right away.
18:49 You need an intervention.
18:50 You may even need to call law
18:51 enforcement depending upon the
18:53 severity of your particular
18:54 situation.
18:55 Do not necessarily take
18:57 everything I'm about to say and
18:58 seek to overlay it onto that
19:00 relationship.
19:01 Number two, if you did not
19:04 follow God's plan for choosing a
19:06 spouse, if you didn't follow
19:08 those four keys or whatever keys
19:09 there might be in God's Word,
19:11 all is not lost.
19:14 In fact, if you have a seed of
19:17 willingness, if you and your
19:18 spouse have a seed of
19:20 willingness to make an attempt
19:22 to right the ship.
19:23 You know, Jesus had this saying,
19:24 He said, "If you have the faith
19:26 the size of a mustard seed, you
19:28 can move..." what?
19:30 "Mountains."
19:31 Well, some of you may feel like
19:32 there is a mountain of
19:33 difficulty in your marriage
19:35 relationship and you're like, "I
19:36 don't know how we can fix this,
19:38 I don't know how we can
19:38 unpack it."
19:39 There is hope.
19:41 There is good news.
19:42 In fact, I would say this, if
19:44 the two of you sincerely put
19:46 into practice the Bible
19:47 guidelines that we're gonna look
19:49 at today and next week, your
19:51 marriage cannot only pull out of
19:53 the dive it might be in now, but
19:55 it can even become downright
19:57 enjoyable.
19:59 Now, what if not both of you are
20:00 willing?
20:01 Come back next week.
20:03 We'll talk a little bit more
20:03 about that.
20:05 But if both of you are, the
20:07 possibility of being married
20:09 happily and forever, regardless
20:11 of your circumstances right now,
20:13 is not necessarily out of your
20:14 reach.
20:15 God specializes in U-turns.
20:18 So let's see what He can do.
20:22 What are the keys then, for
20:24 after you say "I do?"
20:26 How can you have a marriage that
20:28 lasts happily and forever after
20:29 you say "I do," even if there
20:31 have been some hiccups along
20:32 the way.
20:32 Last week we looked at four
20:33 keys, this week we're going to
20:35 look at three.
20:37 If you have a Bible, take a
20:38 look, please.
20:39 Deuteronomy chapter 24, verse 5.
20:42 Key number one, Deuteronomy
20:44 chapter 24, verse 5.
20:45 It's on page 139 in the pew
20:47 Bible.
20:48 It should be somewhere there
20:49 nearby, maybe right in front of
20:50 you or so.
20:51 Most of them are red.
20:52 Page 139, Deuteronomy chapter
20:54 24, verse 5.
20:58 Most people, when they are
20:59 looking for marriage advice in
21:01 the Bible don't go to the book
21:03 of Deuteronomy.
21:05 There are other places that they
21:05 will go, but as it turns out,
21:08 there are some golden pieces of
21:11 advice in Deuteronomy here.
21:13 Turns out God has been in the
21:15 good marriage business for a
21:16 very long time.
21:17 Deuteronomy chapter 24, just
21:19 verse 5, it says, "If a man has
21:21 recently married, he must not be
21:24 sent to war or have any other
21:27 duty laid on him.
21:29 For one year, he is to be free
21:31 to stay at home and bring
21:34 happiness to the wife he has
21:36 married."
21:38 Wow, let me read that last
21:39 sentence again.
21:40 "For one year he is to be free
21:41 to stay at home and bring
21:43 happiness to the wife that he
21:46 has married."
21:50 Key number one for after you say
21:52 "I do," to get on path-- track
21:54 here, to have a marriage that
21:55 lasts happily and forever is to
21:57 spend quality time together.
22:01 Spend quality time together.
22:05 Now, in the context of
22:06 Deuteronomy, chapter 24, verse
22:07 5, I'm not sure that all of you
22:09 grasp how revolutionary this
22:10 particular text is.
22:12 You know, today we, in the
22:13 United States, we don't have
22:14 compulsory military service.
22:16 Some countries do, we do not.
22:17 In fact, if there were to be a
22:19 change and there was, you know,
22:20 compulsory military service, you
22:21 would see it coming a long way
22:23 off, etc.
22:24 Not so in those days.
22:26 No email, no cell phones.
22:28 How did they live?
22:29 There was no politicians out
22:31 there being able to give
22:32 advanced warning.
22:33 A nation could show up on a
22:35 moment's notice and your nation
22:37 could be threatened with mortal
22:39 danger.
22:40 And so at those times, the call
22:41 would go out.
22:42 Every able bodied man was called
22:44 to arms.
22:47 Unless you just said, "I do."
22:50 And then you're off the hook.
22:51 You can stay home.
22:52 Everybody goes out and fights
22:53 and whatnot and you get to stay
22:54 home and for this year you get
22:56 to bring happiness to the wife
22:59 that you have married.
23:01 I mean, the point is clear,
23:02 spend quality time together.
23:04 Now, if you have just recently
23:06 been married, I know what you're
23:07 thinking.
23:08 You're thinking...
23:11 "Well, duh!
23:13 I mean, of course this is what
23:14 we're doing.
23:15 We love to spend time together.
23:16 When we were-- all of our
23:17 dating, we could hardly stand to
23:18 say goodbye in the evening, it
23:19 was joyous when we saw each
23:21 other in the morning, the sun
23:22 rose and set on each other's
23:23 company, how could you even
23:25 bother to bring this out
23:26 as a key?"
23:30 So here's the thing...
23:32 ...sometimes it is very true, we
23:35 hope it's true, that when you
23:37 get married and the flush of the
23:39 excitement of it all, I mean, if
23:41 we're spending time together,
23:42 you don't even have to think
23:42 about it, it just comes, it's
23:44 just part of it.
23:45 But sometimes it also happens
23:47 that as that initial excitement
23:49 fades away and year begins to
23:50 build upon year, that sometimes
23:52 this time together doesn't
23:55 happen like it's supposed to.
23:58 In fact, sometimes, shall we
24:02 say, the caveman mentality comes
24:04 in, okay?
24:06 I'm just gonna speak for myself
24:07 because this was certainly me.
24:08 When I was seriously dating my
24:10 not-yet wife, Darlene, this was
24:13 kind of my story.
24:14 I had this caveman philosophy.
24:17 "Me want wife.
24:19 Me find wife.
24:22 Ahh, she hot.
24:23 Me go after wife.
24:25 Yes.
24:26 She like me.
24:27 We date.
24:28 Two-year rule, we follow.
24:29 Yes.
24:30 We say 'I do.'
24:32 Me got wife!
24:34 Me now go play golf."
24:36 [laughter]
24:38 Okay?
24:40 And that caveman mentality can
24:43 have some sway.
24:44 I mean, it happens.
24:45 And it happens perhaps more
24:48 often than we would like
24:50 to think.
24:51 But the Bible is clear here.
24:53 God's wisdom is clear.
24:54 That's not how it's supposed
24:56 to be.
24:56 God calls us to spend quality
24:58 time with our spouses, and I
25:01 hope the principle is clear, not
25:03 just for 365 days.
25:06 God is trying to drive home a
25:07 point here.
25:07 Now, again, when I was seriously
25:09 dating Darlene, this idea and
25:11 practice of quality time, for
25:13 her, natural.
25:14 I mean just, this was, she was
25:15 right there with it, no problem
25:16 for her.
25:17 For me, I needed help.
25:20 I had little to no idea what God
25:21 meant when He asks us to spend
25:23 quality time with one's spouse.
25:25 For instance, one of the ways
25:27 that a married couple should
25:28 spend time together is by
25:30 talking with each other
25:31 regularly.
25:33 I remember, now this is before
25:35 we got married, not too long
25:36 before we got married, you know,
25:37 I was serious about trying to
25:38 get myself ready for this
25:40 relationship.
25:41 We had decided that we were
25:42 gonna read some books on
25:43 marriage.
25:43 One of the ones I read was
25:45 called His Needs, Her Needs by
25:47 Willard F. Harley.
25:48 And this is back in the 1990s so
25:50 the research may have changed
25:52 since then, I don't know.
25:54 But at that time, Harley, the
25:55 author of the book, had done
25:56 research on the number of words
26:00 that the average male and the
26:01 average female speak in a day.
26:05 So you gotta picture this, I'm
26:06 at my apartment complex there, I
26:08 had this little tiny apartment
26:09 and I'm at the laundromat.
26:11 I'm sitting on top of a dryer
26:13 reading this book, waiting for
26:15 my clothes to dry.
26:16 And I get to this section, talks
26:17 about spending quality time
26:18 together, okay, yeah, let's
26:19 learn about that.
26:21 And then he talks about talking
26:22 with your spouse, okay, what's--
26:24 what do I do for that?
26:26 And he comes to this research
26:27 section.
26:27 "The average man," he says,
26:29 "speaks..."
26:30 Any guesses?
26:31 How many words in a day?
26:33 Who said two?
26:34 [audience laughter]
26:37 That was awful.
26:37 See me-- go to your room.
26:38 This is, yeah.
26:40 It's actually more than two.
26:41 Any guesses?
26:45 Three hundred? Oh my.
26:48 It's actually, I was a little
26:49 surprised, too, actually, I
26:50 don't fault any of these answers
26:51 here, 12,000 words.
26:54 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
26:55 Surprising, isn't it?
26:56 Twelve thousand words, okay?
26:58 And then Harley, the author
26:59 says, "Now the average woman
27:01 speaks..."
27:06 Oh, you skeptic's.
27:10 Twenty-five thousand words
27:11 a day.
27:14 Now, maybe that's all changed by
27:15 now in modern times, but in
27:17 those days, those were the fresh
27:18 stats.
27:19 And I remember very clearly,
27:20 this was my response, I'd be
27:21 reading, "The average man speaks
27:23 12,000, the average woman speaks
27:24 25,000?!"
27:27 You know, I said something out
27:28 loud, about fell off of the
27:29 laundry because I thought, how
27:30 am I gonna keep--
27:31 You see, what I was picturing in
27:32 my mind is this, I'm gonna come
27:34 home after a long day from work
27:35 and my wife will only be halfway
27:37 done.
27:38 [laughter]
27:39 She's gonna wanna talk the
27:41 entire evening.
27:41 I thought, "Oh, what am I gonna
27:42 do, what am I gonna do?"
27:46 But I was serious about wanting
27:47 to have a good marriage, right?
27:48 I'd seen enough of things that
27:49 didn't work and I wanted my
27:50 marriage to work so we...
27:54 ...tried to work something out.
27:55 We actually had a-- we had some
27:56 practice sessions, right?
27:59 And I faced this with
28:00 trepidation and some of you
28:01 husbands may know what I mean.
28:02 I mean, if your wife says to
28:04 you, "Honey, let's talk."
28:06 What do you say?
28:08 "Why? What's wrong?"
28:11 Yeah, exactly. Okay?
28:13 And this was my thoughts.
28:14 Okay, so we made, you know, this
28:17 practice time here, okay?
28:19 And I remember it very clearly,
28:21 we-- it was at the end of the
28:22 day and I was sitting on the
28:24 sofa on this end, and she was
28:25 sitting on the sofa on this end
28:27 like this.
28:28 And so, okay, we're here, you
28:28 know, it's the time we're gonna
28:30 practice this now.
28:30 So I said, "You start."
28:34 And she says, "Okay.
28:36 How was your day?"
28:40 What do you think I said?
28:42 "Fine."
28:43 Yes.
28:44 She said, "No, you have to do
28:45 better than that."
28:45 I said, "Well, like, what?
28:46 What do you wanna know?"
28:47 She said, "Well, who did you
28:48 see?"
28:50 I said, "Well, the church
28:51 secretary was there and the
28:53 custodian was there and I had a
28:55 few people that I met with."
28:57 She said, "What were they
28:58 wearing?"
28:59 [laughter]
29:01 "Wearing?
29:02 I mean, I don't know.
29:03 I mean, clothes.
29:04 I have no idea what they were
29:05 wearing," right?
29:06 She said, "Well, what did you
29:07 talk about?" right?
29:08 So this was genuinely painful.
29:10 I mean, it was wooden, right?
29:11 It just-- but I really wanted to
29:13 have a good marriage.
29:15 I wanted to do things, I wanted
29:16 to pick up these skills that
29:17 obviously I did not have.
29:18 So we worked at it and as wooden
29:20 as it was, over time it became
29:23 almost natural.
29:26 You see, God is trying to send a
29:29 message here in Deuteronomy.
29:31 He's trying to say God kept
29:33 those warriors home for a year
29:35 to teach them that spending
29:37 quality time with their spouse
29:39 was essential to a happy forever
29:42 marriage.
29:43 And practically speaking, one of
29:44 those things that it means is
29:46 just talking together, talking
29:48 about life, making time
29:50 each day.
29:50 This would be my counsel to you,
29:52 whether your marriage is soaring
29:53 on the wings of eagles or if
29:55 you're down in the pits of
29:56 despair, make a decision that
29:58 there will be time each day that
30:00 you will sit down and that you
30:01 will talk.
30:02 Now, if you're not in the habit
30:03 of doing this, you say, "What do
30:04 we talk about?"
30:05 Well, talk about the basic
30:06 things of life.
30:07 Talk about where you went, who
30:08 you saw, what they talked about.
30:10 Gentlemen, if you can remember
30:11 what they were wearing, share
30:12 that information.
30:13 My wife's face lights up when I
30:14 remember those things, you know,
30:16 these mundane things.
30:17 Here's the secret about this
30:19 type of conversation, when you
30:22 have this type of regular basic
30:25 day-to-day conversation with
30:27 your spouse, you not only get to
30:30 know them, you get to trust
30:33 them.
30:37 You say, "Well, wait a second.
30:38 We got married, we said "I do,"
30:39 I mean, don't we don't we trust
30:40 each other?
30:44 Nature abhors a vacuum.
30:46 If your spouse doesn't know what
30:47 you do each day, how can you
30:50 really say that they know you?
30:54 And so now when my wife asks me,
30:55 "How was your day?"
30:57 I know how to answer.
30:59 I know how to go through those
31:00 things.
31:01 And there is a genuine part of
31:02 me that enjoys doing those types
31:04 of things.
31:05 Husbands, wives, if you don't
31:07 yet have a time like this, make
31:08 it, make a schedule.
31:09 Just go ahead and be wooden and
31:10 say, "Well, Pastor Shane can
31:11 muddle through that, so can I,"
31:12 okay?
31:13 Make that time and talk to each
31:14 other.
31:15 Another way to spend quality
31:16 time together, consider making a
31:17 date night.
31:18 You can do this once a month, I
31:20 would encourage you, if you can,
31:21 to do it once a week.
31:22 It's a time when just you and
31:23 your spouse can get away.
31:24 It doesn't have to be fancy, you
31:25 don't even have to spend any
31:26 money.
31:27 You can go for a walk together,
31:28 you can spend time walking
31:31 through--
31:31 My wife and I, we used to go to
31:32 Home Depot and we would just
31:35 window shop, right?
31:37 "Well, what do you think about
31:38 that light over there?"
31:39 "Oh, that's pretty cool."
31:40 You know, "How about this shower
31:42 over here," you know.
31:43 Things-- we didn't have any
31:44 money, we couldn't have bought
31:45 these things, but it was just
31:46 window shopping, and it helped
31:47 to lead to day-to-day
31:48 conversations that were
31:49 excellent.
31:49 If you have children, find a
31:51 good babysitter.
31:52 They will be enriched in their
31:53 wallet and you will be enriched
31:55 in your souls.
31:56 Make that time and that way,
31:58 even if you don't get a
32:00 day-to-day time to talk about
32:02 this, you know, say it's a
32:03 really busy week, you know that
32:04 date night is coming.
32:06 It's a great backstop to keep
32:08 the lines of communication open.
32:10 Now, if you are serious about
32:12 this quality talking time, you
32:14 will quickly find that it is not
32:15 always easy to schedule.
32:17 Remember, we talked about the
32:18 world warring against your
32:18 marriage last week?
32:20 It is oh so true.
32:21 So I just wanna encourage you,
32:23 be brutal with your schedule, be
32:26 brutal with it.
32:27 Don't let anything stand in the
32:28 way from this type of
32:30 connection.
32:33 So I wanna give you a little
32:34 challenge
32:35 on this key.
32:37 Be brave, ask your wife, ask
32:40 your husband, "Do you think we
32:42 are spending enough quality time
32:43 together?
32:45 Do you think we are talking
32:46 enough with each other?"
32:48 In fact, maybe ask them to
32:49 assign a number between one and
32:51 five, okay, to rate the level of
32:53 your quality time together.
32:54 A five means you're doing great.
32:56 You're like two starlings
32:57 sitting regularly on a power
32:58 pole, chatting away to both of
32:59 your heart's content, okay?
33:01 A one means that you're like two
33:03 monks that have taken a vow of
33:04 silence and something is
33:05 probably gonna have to change,
33:07 right?
33:08 Be honest, listen to each
33:09 other's answers, and then ask
33:11 God for the strength to make any
33:13 necessary changes and make them.
33:15 And guess what, guess what?
33:18 If you regularly spend quality
33:20 time with your spouse, for most
33:23 couples, at least two things
33:25 will sooner or later become true
33:26 for you.
33:27 Number one, you will begin to
33:28 experience the deep abiding
33:30 companionship that comes from
33:31 such regular interaction.
33:33 It may take some time, keep at
33:34 it, regular practice of sharing
33:36 your lives and quality time
33:38 together can work wonders for a
33:40 previously distant couple.
33:43 And second, if you regularly
33:45 spend quality time together,
33:47 then when something truly nasty
33:48 comes down the pike, a problem
33:50 that threatens to rock your
33:51 whole marriage, well, by then,
33:53 your communication level with
33:55 each-- will be such with each
33:56 other that you are on or nearly
33:58 on the same page, you're on the
34:00 same wavelength, and potential
34:02 disasters, many of them can be
34:04 reduced to mere bumps in the
34:06 marriage road.
34:08 If you have walked with each
34:08 other when the seas of life are
34:10 calm, it makes it that much
34:13 easier to tackle life when
34:14 things get stormy.
34:19 We'll talk more about
34:19 communication problems and
34:21 conflict resolution in part
34:22 three.
34:23 But until then, I want to
34:24 encourage you strongly, please
34:26 start this practice today.
34:28 It is so important to spend
34:29 quality time with your spouse.
34:35 That's the first key.
34:37 There is a second key to finding
34:41 happiness forever after you say
34:43 "I do."
34:44 Take a look at Matthew chapter
34:46 19, verse 3.
34:48 So on page 663 in your pew
34:50 Bible, 663.
34:52 Matthew Chapter 19,
34:54 beginning with verse 3.
34:59 Matthew, chapter 19, we find
35:01 Jesus here in what sadly was
35:03 kind of a common situation for
35:04 Him during the later part of His
35:05 ministry.
35:06 Jesus had His 12 disciples,
35:08 they, of course, were on His
35:09 side, big supporters, but in
35:11 public, often Jesus was opposed
35:14 by those that did not appreciate
35:15 what He was doing, including
35:18 opposition from a group called
35:19 the Pharisees.
35:20 The Pharisees were religious
35:21 leaders, they were experts in
35:22 the law, and many of them did
35:23 not appreciate Jesus or His
35:25 ministry so they would try to
35:26 publicly embarrass Him with
35:29 difficult, sometimes supposedly
35:31 "trick" questions.
35:33 And that's what's about to
35:33 happen here.
35:34 Verse 3, "So some Pharisees came
35:36 to Him," that is to Jesus, "to
35:37 test Him.
35:38 They asked, 'Is it lawful for a
35:40 man to divorce his wife for any
35:43 and every reason?'
35:45 'Haven't you read?' Jesus
35:47 replied, 'that at the beginning
35:49 the Creator made them male and
35:51 female and said, "For this
35:52 reason a man will leave his
35:54 father and mother and be united
35:55 to his wife and the two will
35:57 become one flesh?'"
35:59 So they are no longer two
36:01 but one.'
36:02 Therefore, what God has joined
36:04 together, let no one separate.'"
36:09 Now pause for just a moment.
36:11 This is exactly what the
36:13 Pharisees had been hoping for,
36:15 because they have what they
36:16 think is a sure fire question to
36:19 come back at Him and get Him.
36:22 Verse 7, "'Why then,' they
36:24 asked, 'did Moses command that a
36:26 man give his wife a certificate
36:27 of divorce and send her away?'"
36:29 Now, let's notice carefully
36:30 here.
36:31 The Bible never commanded it.
36:32 It allowed it, but there's quite
36:33 a difference between an
36:35 allowance and a command,
36:36 is there not?
36:38 Jesus knows this, He replies,
36:39 verse 8, "Jesus replied, 'Moses
36:41 permitted you to divorce your
36:42 wives because your hearts were
36:44 hard, but it was not this way
36:47 from the beginning.
36:48 I tell you that anyone who
36:49 divorces his wife, except for
36:51 marital unfaithfulness and
36:52 marries another woman, commits
36:54 adultery.'"
36:56 And here comes the clincher,
36:57 verse 10.
36:58 "The disciples said to Him, 'If
37:01 this is the situation between a
37:02 husband and wife, it is better
37:04 not to marry.'"
37:07 I mean, Jesus, if I gotta stay
37:09 with the woman, forget it!
37:16 A second key to finding a
37:17 marriage that lasts happily and
37:19 forever is this: put the
37:22 scissors in your marriage.
37:27 Put the scissors in your
37:30 marriage.
37:31 You say, "What on earth does
37:32 that mean?"
37:34 So the disciples here cannot
37:36 believe, and actually, sadly,
37:38 the disciples were not alone,
37:39 they were all in disbelief at
37:40 what Jesus was saying here.
37:42 In those days, the value of
37:43 marriage had fallen way, way,
37:45 way low.
37:47 You see, it was heavily skewed
37:48 in favor of the husband.
37:50 The husband could indeed
37:51 divorce, according to local
37:52 tradition there that had been in
37:53 place for some time, actually,
37:55 they could divorce their wife
37:56 for any and every reason.
37:57 In fact, some collections of
37:59 these traditions actually name
38:00 "burning a meal."
38:02 So if the wife burnt food for
38:03 supper, the husband could
38:05 divorce her and she would be in
38:06 a terrible way because the law
38:08 did not allow any recourse
38:09 for her.
38:10 He could move on and do what he
38:11 wished to do.
38:13 Marriage was extremely
38:14 undervalued and the disciples
38:16 are just, they're, I mean,
38:16 they're a product of their
38:17 times in this regard.
38:18 Jesus, if you have to stay with
38:20 the same woman, forget it!
38:22 It's better not to get married!
38:26 And yet Jesus' command was
38:27 crystal clear.
38:28 "Jesus said, 'Therefore, what
38:29 God has joined together, let no
38:33 one separate.'"
38:37 In other words, again, put the
38:41 scissors in your marriage.
38:45 Now, as it just so happens I
38:46 have a pair of scissors here
38:47 with me.
38:49 And I also have a piece of paper
38:50 with me.
38:51 This is good planning on
38:52 someone's part, I assume.
38:53 Yes?
38:55 These scissors, I hope you never
38:56 look at a pair of scissors in
38:57 the same way again.
38:59 A pair of scissors is like a
39:02 husband and a wife.
39:05 And if the marriage is healthy,
39:08 the husband and the wife are
39:10 working together in tandem and
39:13 they are enabled to cut a strong
39:16 path through life.
39:19 And if troubles come their way,
39:21 if something attempts to come
39:23 between them, if they are
39:25 healthy and working together,
39:27 then they will cut right through
39:30 that problem or that obstacle
39:33 and that challenge.
39:35 That's what happens when in a
39:36 healthy where you put the
39:37 scissors in your marriage.
39:41 But when scissors aren't working
39:43 well, all manner of things can
39:46 go wrong.
39:47 Instead of the scissors being
39:49 able to cut through whatever the
39:50 obstacle is, they get stuck and
39:53 something comes between husband
39:55 and wife.
39:55 Sometimes it happens quickly.
39:57 Most of the time it happens
39:58 slowly.
40:00 An affair, for instance.
40:02 There's drifting apart.
40:04 Someone meets someone else.
40:06 There's secrecy.
40:08 Damage for generations is done.
40:11 Workaholism comes in.
40:13 Classic case, you know, a
40:14 husband, a wife dedicated to
40:16 their career more than they are
40:17 to their spouse and the scissors
40:18 aren't working like they're
40:20 supposed to.
40:22 Sometimes it's a hobby,
40:23 sometimes other distraction.
40:25 Whatever it might be, there are
40:26 times when the scissors are not
40:28 in place, that something comes
40:30 between husband and wife.
40:33 And, again, the damage can go on
40:35 for years to come.
40:39 Let it be crystal clear...
40:42 ...nothing but God takes
40:45 precedence over your marriage.
40:50 [AUDIENCE] Amen.
40:52 >> I thought maybe somebody had
40:53 turned off the sound and we'd
40:54 kind of magically
40:55 [unintelligible].
40:56 Nothing but God takes precedence
40:58 over your marriage.
41:00 After God, everything else.
41:02 As important as it may truly be,
41:04 must fall into its proper line
41:06 after the well-being of your
41:08 marriage.
41:10 Just to be very specific, when
41:12 it comes to putting the scissors
41:13 in marriage to removing
41:14 obstacles that are there, this
41:16 can mean some very specific
41:17 things.
41:18 For instance, no porn.
41:21 No pornography.
41:23 You know, most people know that
41:24 intuitively.
41:25 If you're listening right now
41:26 and you're not sure that
41:27 pornography is a bad thing, let
41:28 me just assure you, history is
41:29 replete with a bazillion
41:31 examples that show that
41:32 pornography only destroys, it
41:33 does not help, and it has no
41:36 place, soft or hard porn,
41:39 in your marriage relationship.
41:41 If you are stuck in the mire of
41:43 pornography and you want to get
41:44 out, you know there are-- there,
41:46 statistically speaking, there
41:46 are some women that are involved
41:47 with it, overwhelmingly,
41:49 generally it's guys.
41:50 And if you are stuck in
41:52 pornography and you want to get
41:53 out, I wanna give you very
41:54 briefly some resources,
42:00 That's W-H-O-L-E-N-E-S-S,
42:04 What address did I say?
42:06 [AUDIENCE]
42:09 That is a General Conference of
42:10 Seventh-day Adventist website
42:11 and I am very pleased to say it
42:13 is excellent.
42:14 Not only is Gateway to
42:15 Wholeness, it is a course, and
42:16 an anonymous one, you don't have
42:18 to turn in any identifying
42:19 information to get into it.
42:20 If you go to the resource tab on
42:22 that website, on
42:24, you will
42:25 find a slew of things that can
42:27 help you.
42:28 Books, other programs, support
42:30 groups, other ways for you to be
42:32 able to get into counseling if
42:33 that's what you need.
42:35 It is an immense resource,
42:36 Gateway to Wholeness.
42:37 I am very proud to have this.
42:38 And by the way, if you're not a
42:39 member of the Seventh-day
42:40 Adventist Church, don't worry
42:42 about it.
42:42 This is for anyone that is
42:44 struggling with pornography.
42:45 Just two other books that I want
42:46 to give you, the titles for.
42:47 False Intimacy: Understanding
42:49 the Struggle of Sexual
42:50 Addiction.
42:51 False Intimacy: Understanding
42:52 the Struggle of Sexual
42:53 Addiction, and the second one is
42:55 called The Porn Trap, The Porn
42:57 Trap: The Essential Guide to
42:59 Overcoming Problems Caused By
43:01 Pornography.
43:01 Both of those are readily
43:02 available on Amazon, you can
43:04 pick these things up.
43:05 Don't let pornography destroy
43:08 your marriage.
43:10 You don't have to be a slave any
43:11 longer.
43:13 Second thing, if the scissors
43:15 are working in your marriage,
43:17 then your spouse has no
43:19 exclusive opposite-sex friends,
43:21 period.
43:23 Your spouse has no exclusive
43:25 opposite-sex friends.
43:27 Now, just in case that's a
43:28 little fuzzy, that when Darlene
43:29 and I got married, we had to do
43:31 some reshuffling of our friends
43:33 because there were some of those
43:34 friends that were just our
43:35 friends.
43:36 And there was, you know, for
43:37 whatever reason there was--
43:38 that was not gonna be also my
43:39 wife's friend or my friend.
43:41 Those friends went away.
43:45 Because if there are exclusive
43:46 friends that a husband has
43:48 that's female or wife has that's
43:49 male, the odds of their
43:51 developing an inappropriate
43:52 relationship can really go up
43:54 quite dramatically.
43:55 In fact, I would even add this
43:56 to this, don't even spend large
43:58 amounts of time with an opposite
44:00 sex acquaintance, even if
44:02 they're both of your friends.
44:04 You see, God wired us in a
44:05 certain way.
44:06 If we spend significant time
44:08 with someone of the opposite sex
44:10 and it's just the two of us and
44:11 it's important, whatever it is
44:12 that we're doing, the natural
44:14 response is for a relationship
44:16 to develop.
44:17 So let's just play this out.
44:18 Let's say that there's a guy who
44:19 has a job and there's a, you
44:21 know, there's a big project
44:22 that's come up and it requires
44:23 him to do some overtime.
44:24 So the boss says, "Well, I want
44:25 you and so-and-so," and she's
44:27 female, "to spend time after
44:29 work, you know, doing this type
44:30 of thing."
44:31 You know, on the face of it,
44:32 that's like, "Well, I mean, this
44:33 is professional world,
44:34 everything's gonna to go fine."
44:36 Be careful, be very careful and
44:40 do what you can to avoid those
44:41 situations.
44:43 You see, one of the surest ways
44:46 to end up in an affair is to
44:48 believe that you could never end
44:50 up in an affair.
44:53 Because then your guard is down
44:55 and you violate the rules.
44:57 Maybe you don't even-- maybe
44:58 you're not even aware that you
44:59 are violating them.
45:02 Moving on.
45:03 Some of you may also need to
45:04 adjust the way that your kids
45:05 are prioritized.
45:07 You know, a handful of marriages
45:08 over the years where I've seen
45:10 them put too much focus on their
45:12 marriage to the detriment of
45:13 their children.
45:14 Usually it's kind of the other
45:15 way around.
45:15 Now, part of that's unavoidable.
45:17 Those of you that have
45:18 youngsters that are toddlers
45:19 right now, they're moving
45:20 around.
45:20 Man, it is sometimes challenging
45:23 to keep your marriage
45:23 relationship healthy.
45:24 Do the best you can with what
45:25 the Lord sends your way, okay?
45:28 But if you begin to sense that
45:30 you are neglecting your marriage
45:31 over the long haul, that this is
45:33 really making a serious dent, I
45:34 would strongly encourage you to
45:36 stop and look at that.
45:38 Children need all that we can
45:39 give them, but they also need to
45:41 have a very healthy marriage
45:43 between mom and dad.
45:45 The stability that is there when
45:47 a strong marriage is present and
45:49 the instability when that
45:50 relationship is rocky.
45:53 Save yourself the pain.
45:55 Keep a tight understanding of
45:56 what's healthy in this balance
45:57 between children and your
45:59 marriage.
46:01 And of course, I couldn't leave
46:02 this idea of cutting things out
46:04 of your marriage that are
46:05 necessary to be cut out without
46:06 talking about hobbies and
46:08 pastimes.
46:10 You know, caveman golf.
46:11 I did a fair amount of that back
46:12 in the day.
46:13 I didn't have much money.
46:14 I was on denominational pay
46:15 scale, but I had friends that
46:16 smiled on me and so they would
46:18 take me out and we would go
46:18 golfing quite a bit.
46:20 And there were definitely times
46:21 when I had to scale back.
46:24 Because even a hobby, seemingly
46:26 harmless, can come between a
46:28 husband and a wife.
46:33 Again, I want to gently
46:34 challenge you, for those of you
46:36 that are married, ask each other
46:38 the questions, are the scissors
46:40 here in our relationship?
46:42 Are they sharp?
46:43 Is there anything or anyone
46:44 right now that has stopped the
46:46 blades from cutting like they're
46:47 supposed to?
46:48 Do it or they need to be cut?
46:51 And if the answer is yes, then
46:52 go to it.
46:53 Cut that thing away.
46:55 It may be painful for a moment
46:57 because, after all, sometimes
46:58 it's your ego or your
46:59 selfishness that gets chopped.
47:02 But there are few better ways to
47:03 show your spouse that you truly
47:05 care for them than by cutting
47:07 away the obstacles that threaten
47:09 your intimacy.
47:10 Put the scissors in your
47:12 marriage.
47:13 What God has joined together,
47:15 let no man, no woman, no thing
47:18 separate.
47:22 That's the second key to having
47:24 a marriage that lasts happily
47:25 and forever after you say
47:26 "I do."
47:28 There is a third.
47:30 Take a look at Philippians
47:31 chapter 4, please.
47:32 Philippians 4, beginning with
47:34 verse 10.
47:35 It's on page 792 in your pew
47:38 Bible, page 792.
47:40 Philippians chapter 4, beginning
47:43 with verse 10.
47:44 A guy by the name of Paul,
47:45 sometimes referred to as the
47:46 Apostle Paul, he is the writer
47:47 of this letter.
47:49 This is a new church in the city
47:51 of Philippi, thus the name
47:53 "Philippians," and it is a happy
47:54 book.
47:55 If you're feeling depressed, you
47:57 know, come January, February,
47:58 when the sun do not shine on
47:59 southwest Michigan, pull open
48:01 the book of Philippians and it
48:02 will put a smile on your face.
48:03 It's just a happy rejoicing
48:04 book.
48:05 What makes that all the more
48:07 incredible is that Paul himself
48:11 is under serious duress from the
48:14 Roman government.
48:15 The Romans did not appreciate
48:16 Paul's preaching of the gospel,
48:18 at least not always, and right
48:20 now, when this is being written,
48:21 he is experiencing pretty
48:22 significant hardship and this is
48:24 what he nonetheless says, verse
48:26 10 of chapter 4, "I rejoice
48:29 greatly in the Lord that at last
48:31 You have renewed Your concern
48:33 for me," speaking to the
48:33 Philippian Church.
48:35 "Indeed, You have been
48:36 concerned, but You had no
48:37 opportunity to show it.
48:38 I am not saying this because I
48:40 am in need."
48:41 Wow.
48:42 "For I have learned to be
48:44 content, whatever the
48:46 circumstances.
48:48 I know what it is to be in need
48:49 and I know what it is to have
48:51 plenty.
48:51 I have learned the secret of
48:54 being content in any and every
48:56 situation, whether well-fed or
48:58 hungry, whether living in plenty
49:00 or in..." what?
49:01 And I'm thinking, well, what's
49:02 the secret, Paul?
49:03 Here it is, verse 13, "I can do
49:06 everything through Jesus Christ
49:09 who gives me strength."
49:12 Wow!
49:16 You know, for some people, the
49:17 smaller problems in marriage
49:19 stay smaller problems, and maybe
49:22 it's because of their
49:23 personality or their bent or
49:23 whatever, those things are
49:24 fairly easy to tackle.
49:26 They might be irritating for a
49:28 bit, but they're relatively
49:28 easy.
49:29 You know, I think of when my
49:31 wife was pregnant with my first
49:33 daughter, she was on bed rest
49:34 for 17 weeks.
49:38 It was terrible, wasn't it?
49:39 I don't even know if they
49:40 understand what that means.
49:41 That's-- like, in bed
49:42 for 17 weeks.
49:43 Everybody go, [gasps].
49:45 Okay, she feels better now.
49:46 Yeah, she was feeling a little
49:46 bit left out.
49:47 Seventeen weeks.
49:48 And unfortunately, to add insult
49:50 to injury, this was in our
49:51 little microscopic apartment.
49:54 I mean, even germs had to duck
49:55 in order to get into our house.
49:57 It was just small, okay?
49:58 And in the living room is where
50:00 we kind of set up shop for
50:01 Darlene so that she could be on
50:03 bed rest, but at least kind of
50:04 be, you know, have some society
50:06 of some sort.
50:07 And so it was a hide-a-bed in a
50:08 sofa and we opened that up into
50:10 the living room and it just
50:11 devoured the living room.
50:13 And so I would come in there to,
50:15 you know, go from this part of
50:18 the niche to the next part of
50:19 the niche where the kitchen was,
50:21 and I've got big feet and my big
50:23 feet would often hit the frame
50:27 of the bed of a woman who was
50:30 very interested in not being
50:32 jiggled at that point, okay?
50:34 Now in first service I mentioned
50:35 that I would very frequently do
50:36 it and she said, "That is not
50:37 true.
50:38 You did it all the time," okay?
50:41 But she never told me about
50:43 this.
50:44 She finally decided, "You know
50:45 what?
50:46 I've got bigger fish to fry
50:47 right now than worrying about my
50:49 husband's big feet, getting me
50:51 something more from the
50:52 kitchen."
50:53 So disaster averted.
50:56 I think of a friend of mine,
50:57 newly married, turns out his
50:59 wife chewed popcorn very loudly.
51:03 I didn't even know that was
51:03 possible, but apparently there
51:04 are some popcorns that can be
51:06 heard.
51:07 So they're sitting next to each
51:07 other watching a movie, she's
51:08 eating popcorn, crunch, crunch,
51:10 crunch, crunch, crunch, and he's
51:11 thinking, "Oh, this is driving
51:12 me crazy.
51:13 But you know what?
51:13 This is my problem.
51:15 I will just move."
51:17 Not quite realizing how awkward
51:19 that is when you're the only two
51:20 people in the room and you stand
51:20 up from your new spouse and sit
51:22 on the other side, another place
51:23 there.
51:24 But he solved the problem and
51:26 disaster was once again, it was
51:28 diverted.
51:31 These kinds of problems, many
51:32 couples can navigate them, but
51:34 the sad truth is that every one
51:38 of us has a selfishly inclined
51:41 heart.
51:42 Every one of us has an ego that
51:44 sooner or later will demand
51:46 recognition.
51:47 "I am right," we will say, "I
51:48 deserve to win this argument
51:50 with my spouse.
51:51 They are not being fair.
51:52 I must have satisfaction."
51:56 And for so many couples, the
51:58 disagreements, whether it's
52:00 popcorn or shoes hitting bed
52:01 frames, they can escalate beyond
52:04 those things and couples can
52:06 find themselves wanting to
52:07 scream or even to leave their
52:09 marriage to get relief.
52:10 And thousands have shouted,
52:12 actually or internally, "I can't
52:14 take this!
52:15 I can't do it anymore!"
52:24 And they are absolutely correct.
52:30 They can't do it anymore.
52:34 Not by themselves.
52:41 The third key to a successful
52:43 forever marriage relationship is
52:47 to let God fuel your marriage.
52:52 Let God fuel your marriage.
52:58 You know, if the only fuel for
52:59 your marriage is you, I'll be
53:01 honest, good luck.
53:03 Good luck to you.
53:04 Hope that works out.
53:05 I really do wish you the best,
53:07 okay?
53:08 Because when your ego kicks in
53:10 and it will kick in, then the
53:12 fuel level in your marriage
53:13 tank, if it's just you, that's
53:14 the fuel for it, that fuel level
53:16 will drop like a rock.
53:19 But when God is your fuel, your
53:22 tank never runs dry.
53:26 When God is your fuel, something
53:28 supernatural takes place in the
53:30 human heart.
53:30 It can't be measured in a lab,
53:32 you can't see it with a
53:33 microscope, but oh, what a
53:34 difference God makes.
53:36 And when we walk with God, His
53:38 specialty is taking selfishness
53:40 and turning it into generosity.
53:42 Now, I wanna be real clear about
53:43 this, I am not talking about a
53:44 natural event.
53:45 This is divine intervention, and
53:47 God specializes in these things,
53:49 He knows exactly how to do it.
53:52 You know, one of my mentors, he
53:54 passed away a number of years
53:55 ago, we were together for many
53:57 years and he had something that
53:58 he said so often that what I'm
54:00 gonna share with you next
54:01 essentially is a quote, probably
54:03 not exact for each time, but he
54:05 said it many times.
54:06 Here's what he said, quote,
54:08 "Marriage is like a mirror that
54:10 shows your greatest triumphs and
54:14 your most glaring flaws, but I
54:16 am so grateful for being shown
54:18 my flaws because it enables me
54:20 to acknowledge them, give them
54:21 to God, and become a better
54:23 person.
54:25 Sometimes when my marriage shows
54:27 me my flaws, it takes me several
54:29 hours in my woodshop before I am
54:30 sufficiently grateful.
54:34 But with God's help I am always
54:36 able to do it."
54:40 And a little secret about
54:41 marriage, some of you have
54:42 thought that marriage was about
54:45 you loving another person.
54:48 As it turns out, marriage may
54:50 actually be even more about God
54:52 preparing you for His kingdom.
54:56 It is a school unlike any other,
54:58 and those who are willing to
54:59 submit to its discipline, there
55:02 is no limit to where God can
55:04 take them.
55:06 So why not let God be the fuel
55:07 for your marriage?
55:08 You say, "How do you do that?"
55:09 Very simple, things like this,
55:11 pray, pray by yourself, ask for
55:13 God's blessing in your life.
55:15 Pray together, pray with your
55:16 spouse.
55:16 You know, sometimes guys in
55:17 particular, this can be
55:18 difficult for us, I just wanna
55:19 say grind it out, do it.
55:21 You will be blessed if you do.
55:23 Go to church together, go to
55:24 places like this where you can
55:26 hear what God is saying, how to
55:27 have God as fuel in your
55:28 marriage.
55:29 Make friends with godly people
55:31 that have good marriages,
55:32 surround yourself with people
55:33 that will encourage you in your
55:34 marriage relationship.
55:36 Read a Bible based book on
55:37 marriage together.
55:38 Some of the most fruitful times
55:39 in Darlene's and mine's
55:41 relationship has been when we
55:42 have sat down to listen to what
55:43 somebody else thinks about
55:45 marriage and God.
55:46 It's been a tremendous learning
55:47 experience.
55:48 Do whatever it takes to let God
55:51 be the fuel for your marriage.
55:53 And then when the impossible is
55:57 asked of you and your ego rises
56:01 up and your marriage faces
56:02 obstacles that you know you
56:04 cannot overcome by yourself, God
56:07 will be there just as He's
56:09 always been, and He will get you
56:12 through when you both put your
56:14 trust in Him and let Him fuel
56:17 your marriage.
56:20 So you want happiness to extend
56:21 beyond "I do?"
56:23 You wanna develop a marriage
56:24 that makes you crave for even
56:26 more years together?
56:28 Then do what God in His Word has
56:30 called us to do, spend regular
56:32 quality time together, put the
56:34 scissors into your marriage and
56:35 cut away anything or any person
56:36 that would rob you of a happy
56:38 marriage, and let God fuel your
56:42 marriage.
56:43 By the grace of God, it is a
56:45 great way after you say "I do"
56:47 to create a marriage that lasts
56:49 happily and forever.
56:53 [applause]
57:01 >> I'm Shane Anderson,
57:02 the lead pastor hear at Pioneer
57:04 Memorial Church.
57:05 At Pioneer Media, we have been
57:07 blessed by the financial support
57:09 that comes from our viewers
57:10 like you that enable us to
57:12 continue this ministry.
57:14 We've made a conscious decision
57:16 not to continually appeal to you
57:17 for that support.
57:19 However, keeping this ministry
57:20 going takes money to support our
57:22 staff and technology needs.
57:25 If God has blessed you and you
57:26 would like the further the work
57:28 of this ministry, we invite you
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57:40 Or call the number 877-HIS-WILL.
57:44 Again that number is
57:45 877- the two words, HIS WILL.
57:49 My prayer is that the God who
57:52 has blessed you will continue to
57:53 pour into your life the gifts of
57:55 His joy and His hope.
57:57 Thank you, and I'm looking
57:59 forward to seeing you right here
58:01 again next time.
58:08 ♪♪


Revised 2023-11-01