Pioneer Media

How To Stay Married Forever and Like It Part 3 of 3 Till Death Do We Part

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: PME

Program Code: PME231028S

00:01 ♪♪
00:14 >> Today's scripture reading
00:15 comes from Ephesians chapter 5,
00:17 verses 25 to 28.
00:20 And it reads, “Husbands love you
00:22 wives just as Christ loved the
00:24 church and gave Himself up for
00:25 her to make her holy, cleansing
00:27 her by washing-- by the washing
00:29 with water through the word and
00:31 to present her to Himself as a
00:33 radiant church without stain or
00:35 wrinkle or any other blemish,
00:37 but wholly and blameless.
00:38 In this same way, husbands ought
00:40 to love their wives as their
00:41 own bodies.
00:42 He who loves his wife
00:44 loves himself.”
00:58 ♪♪
05:53 >> As we journey through some
05:54 hymns, we would like you to
05:56 reflect on how we are journeying
05:58 with Christ in our
06:00 relationships, in our marriages,
06:03 and most importantly, as a
06:04 collective body of Christ.
06:07 I invite you to stand.
09:42 >> Welcome to the third and
09:43 final installment of our series
09:46 entitled "How to Stay Married
09:48 Forever and Like It."
09:52 If you are guest with us, if
09:53 this is your first time, perhaps
09:54 here at Pioneer, just for this
09:55 series, I wanna say a very
09:57 special thank you for
09:57 being here.
09:58 We are so glad that you took the
09:59 time to come and to be a part of
10:02 our Saturday morning family
10:04 here.
10:05 This day that we call Sabbath,
10:06 we actually do this every single
10:08 weekend and you are welcome to
10:09 join us at any time in the
10:10 future.
10:11 Nine o'clock in the morning is
10:12 our first service, 10:45, of
10:14 course, is our second and...
10:17 Eleven-forty-five.
10:19 My wife-- thank you.
10:20 Yes, yes, yes.
10:21 Eleven-forty-five is our second
10:22 service and we would love to
10:24 have you come and join us again.
10:25 Consider this to be your
10:27 standing invitation to be a part
10:29 of our campus family here.
10:32 Also, if you have not yet
10:33 discovered it, if you have
10:34 appreciated what you've seen
10:35 over the last few Sabbaths here
10:36 or prior to that, good news,
10:38 there are recordings of these
10:40 that are archived with links off
10:42 of our website.
10:43 You can go to,
10:46 that's and you'll
10:48 find links there that will take
10:49 you to most any service that's
10:51 been done in the last...
10:53 ...20 years?
10:54 I don't know.
10:55 It's been a long time, including
10:56 the last couple of weeks, if you
10:57 wish to pass those on
10:59 to other people.
11:00 Again, very glad that you've
11:02 chosen here to be with us.
11:05 Now, before we begin officially,
11:08 part three, there is one item
11:10 that I want to take a few
11:11 moments here to discuss, because
11:13 any time that there's a serious
11:15 discussion about marriage and
11:16 what makes it healthy, etc., the
11:18 question comes up what do you do
11:20 if you are the only one in a
11:22 marriage relationship that is
11:24 willing to work on the marriage?
11:26 If there's-- both of you are
11:28 working, the promises in God's
11:30 Word, the guarantees for
11:32 healthfulness in a marriage is
11:34 indeed dependent, it's
11:35 predicated on both husband and
11:37 wife being fully committed to
11:39 God and being willing to work
11:41 through the troubles that come.
11:42 But absent that, what do you do
11:46 if you are the only one willing
11:48 to work on the relationship?
11:51 You know, that could take an
11:52 entire sermon on its own.
11:54 We do not have that kind of
11:55 time, so I'm simply going to
11:56 offer three pieces of counsel
11:58 here very briefly before part
12:00 three.
12:01 And I do wanna make the same
12:02 caveat today that I did
12:04 last week.
12:05 If you are in an abusive
12:06 marriage, what I'm gonna say
12:08 here next almost certainly does
12:10 not apply to you.
12:12 Please do not try to make it
12:14 apply to you.
12:15 You need to find a safe place
12:16 and get help.
12:19 If your marriage is not abusive
12:21 but is not healthy and you are
12:24 the only one in the relationship
12:25 that is willing to work on it,
12:27 three things for you.
12:30 Number one, know that you are
12:32 not alone.
12:35 God has not abandoned you.
12:37 You are precious to Him, you are
12:38 the apple of His eye.
12:39 He loves you and He wants to
12:40 give you what you need to
12:42 endure.
12:43 Every tear that you have shed
12:44 has been marked by Jesus Christ
12:46 Himself.
12:46 Every ounce of pain that you
12:47 have endured, Jesus knows all
12:49 about it.
12:50 He cares for you, He loves you,
12:51 and He wants to give you what
12:53 you need to be able to make it
12:54 through.
12:56 Secondly, do all the good for
12:59 your spouse you know to do.
13:02 Do all the good for your spouse
13:04 you know to do.
13:06 Pray for them daily.
13:07 Do the things that have been
13:08 mentioned in this series,
13:09 particularly what we're gonna
13:10 talk about today, do them to the
13:11 best of your ability.
13:12 Some of them you will not be
13:13 able to do very well because it
13:15 takes two, but do the best that
13:17 you can, do all the good for
13:19 your spouse that you know to do.
13:21 And number three, remember that
13:24 marriage is not primarily about
13:26 your happiness, but preparing
13:29 you for God's kingdom.
13:32 Now, that may seem like a little
13:34 bit of a backhanded piece of
13:35 encouragement, huh?
13:38 In fact, some of you may know an
13:39 old saying.
13:40 It's been said in many ways,
13:41 this is just my paraphrase,
13:43 "If you have a healthy marriage,
13:46 you will have a lifetime of
13:47 happiness.
13:48 If you have an unhealthy
13:49 marriage, you will become a
13:50 philosopher."
13:54 And we chuckle because there is
13:55 some truth to this, and it is a
13:57 piece of truth that should not
13:58 be ignored.
14:00 Is happiness something that God
14:01 wants for your marriage?
14:02 Well, generally speaking, of
14:03 course.
14:04 But if happiness is not there
14:06 and your spouse is not willing
14:07 to work on things, I would
14:09 gently encourage you to listen
14:10 carefully to what God is trying
14:12 to say in the midst of your
14:13 marriage's troubles.
14:15 Hang in there.
14:17 Stick with it.
14:18 Don't leave.
14:20 Learn the lessons that God is
14:21 trying to teach you through
14:23 those difficulties.
14:25 Now, I do not say this lightly.
14:27 You know, sometimes this kind of
14:28 spiritual growth, when you're
14:30 trying to work on it, but you're
14:31 not getting any help from the
14:32 other side, this can be tough as
14:34 nails, it can hurt deeply,
14:36 it's hard.
14:39 But God knows what that kind of
14:41 suffering is like because He,
14:44 too, has loved people who have
14:46 not loved Him as they should
14:47 in return.
14:49 He knows all about it.
14:52 And if you are willing to learn
14:53 something deep from God, you
14:56 will find some things about Him
14:57 that are not accessible to other
14:59 people in other situations.
15:01 And when Christ soon returns to
15:02 this planet, your reward will be
15:04 rich indeed.
15:08 And I would be remiss
15:11 if I didn't also say this...
15:14 ...if you are the spouse
15:15 listening right now who is
15:17 unwilling and you're here, or
15:20 perhaps you're listening to a
15:22 recording of this message, I
15:24 would gently invite you to
15:25 consider this: God only asks you
15:31 to be as gracious to your spouse
15:34 as He has been to you.
15:37 God only asks you to be as
15:39 gracious to your spouse as He
15:41 has been to you.
15:43 You know, some spouses are
15:45 terrible at marriage, it's just
15:46 a sad fact.
15:47 Maybe some of you listening
15:48 right now, you're in that boat.
15:50 You married a poor marriage
15:51 practitioner and you are tired
15:53 of it.
15:53 The things that they have said,
15:54 the trust that they have broken,
15:56 the hurt that they have brought
15:57 you, all this and much more has
15:58 been your reality and you are
16:00 tired of it, you have shut down,
16:02 you are done.
16:06 And to you I would say...
16:09 ...I get it.
16:12 At least in part, I get it.
16:15 Not because of my own marriage,
16:18 but because as a child, this was
16:19 my reality, this is what I grew
16:21 up with.
16:23 And as a pastor, I have seen it
16:24 many times over the years.
16:26 And in light of that experience,
16:28 I would still just remind you
16:29 again, God only asks you to be
16:31 as gracious to your spouse as He
16:33 has been to you.
16:36 If you're not clear on what that
16:37 means, I would encourage you to
16:38 read, for instance, the book of
16:40 Mark in the New Testament.
16:42 See what Jesus did for you, see
16:44 what Jesus forgave you.
16:46 Pay particular attention to what
16:48 happened on the cross where
16:49 Jesus died.
16:50 You know, the Bible tells us
16:52 that very rarely will anyone die
16:54 for someone else, possibly for a
16:56 good man or a good woman someone
16:58 might dare to die, but God has
17:00 shown His love for us in this.
17:02 While we were still in active
17:05 rebellion against Him, Jesus
17:07 Christ died that we might live.
17:11 That's how gracious God is
17:13 calling you to be.
17:15 Only as much as Christ has been
17:17 with you.
17:20 So please, I would gently
17:22 challenge you...
17:24 ...consider forgiving.
17:26 Consider getting back
17:27 in the game.
17:29 Consider saying to your spouse,
17:30 "Okay, let's try something
17:31 different this time."
17:33 Go see a Christian counselor.
17:35 Anyone can keep their problems
17:36 to themselves, but God didn't
17:38 make you to be just anyone, God
17:40 called you to be His son, He
17:41 called you to be His daughter.
17:43 Find a counselor, find someone
17:44 you can both agree on who can
17:46 help and let them help.
17:47 A healthy marriage can still be
17:49 within your grasp, and if you
17:51 find a healthy marriage, you
17:53 will not regret the effort it
17:55 took to get it.
17:58 So don't give up.
18:00 God is calling you.
18:01 Good things can still happen.
18:07 And now for our main topic for
18:08 today.
18:12 Many years ago I read an article
18:15 and if I still have this
18:17 article, it is still buried in
18:18 the same place as my wedding
18:19 pictures are somewhere in the
18:21 strata of my basement, okay, so
18:22 I don't have it here with me,
18:24 but it made quite an impression
18:25 on my mind.
18:26 I remember it, it was a party
18:29 that took place in New York
18:30 City.
18:31 I believe it was sponsored by
18:32 the mayor's office.
18:33 The invitation was sent out.
18:34 Any resident of New York City
18:36 that has been married 50 years
18:39 or longer, they were all invited
18:42 to come to this celebration.
18:44 I mean, what a great idea,
18:45 right?
18:46 I mean, can you imagine being at
18:48 that particular festival?
18:49 You know, we would assume they
18:51 are older folk, probably not
18:52 many 30 year olds that
18:53 qualified, aright?
18:54 So they're all there, and any
18:56 four people there, two couples,
18:58 guaranteed to have at least a
18:59 century of marital experience.
19:02 Wow!
19:03 I mean, that's astonishing!
19:04 All there in one place.
19:06 There were dozens and dozens and
19:07 dozens of them that were there.
19:08 And, you know, I read the
19:09 article, it was very engaging,
19:11 you see the pictures, you know,
19:12 happy couples talking there.
19:14 The one outstanding impression
19:17 that I left reading that article
19:19 with was this:
19:23 I wanna be there.
19:26 Someday I want to deserve an
19:29 invitation to that party.
19:32 Now, I pray that we're not on
19:33 the planet long enough for that
19:35 to happen, right?
19:36 We're coming up on 29 years here
19:37 so, you know, 50 is still a
19:39 little bit off.
19:39 I would much prefer to be in
19:41 heaven, amen?
19:42 But if it were to happen, I
19:44 would wanna get an invitation, I
19:45 would want to make it all the
19:47 way there towards the end
19:48 of my life.
19:50 I would want to be still married
19:53 to my wife.
19:57 So what does it take
19:58 to get there?
20:00 What do couples do that have
20:02 made it so-- they make it all
20:03 the way there to the end?
20:06 What do couples do
20:07 to make that happen?
20:11 Well, let's do some digging.
20:13 Take your Bible, please, and
20:14 take a look at Ephesians
20:14 chapter 5, verse 25.
20:16 Page 789 in the pew Bible that's
20:19 there somewhere nearby you.
20:20 It's page 789, Ephesians
20:22 chapter 5, verse 25.
20:24 We're gonna to reread the
20:26 scripture that Pastor Prescott
20:27 read so ably here just a few
20:28 moments ago, we wanna solidify
20:30 this in your mind.
20:31 Ephesians chapter 5, beginning
20:33 with verse 25.
20:35 You see, there is an overarching
20:37 principle that if you can
20:39 remember it, you have an
20:41 excellent chance of making it
20:42 all the way to the finish line
20:44 happily married forever to the
20:46 same person.
20:48 In fact, if you forget
20:49 everything else in this series,
20:49 but you remember this one
20:51 overarching principle, you will
20:53 be doing well.
20:54 It is to be the biggest tool in
20:56 your marriage toolbox.
20:57 Here it is.
20:58 Ephesians chapter 5, beginning
20:59 with verse 25.
21:01 "Husbands," it says, "love your
21:03 wives."
21:05 And we might say, "How much?
21:07 How much love is that?"
21:08 Answer: "Just as Christ loved
21:12 the church," wow, "and gave
21:15 Himself up for her to make her
21:17 holy, cleansing her by the
21:18 washing with water through the
21:20 word, to present her to Himself
21:22 as a radiant church without
21:23 stain or wrinkle or any other
21:24 blemish, but holy and blameless.
21:26 In this same way, husbands ought
21:29 to love their wives as their own
21:32 bodies."
21:34 Wow!
21:37 Let me put this on the screen
21:38 for you.
21:39 The foundational principle for
21:41 reaching the finish line, for
21:43 being married forever and liking
21:44 it is to serve your spouse as
21:47 Christ served the church.
21:51 To serve your spouse as Christ
21:54 served the church.
21:56 Any lesser example, you might
21:58 have some success, but if you
22:00 want to aim for the top, if you
22:01 want to aim happily married
22:03 forever and liking it, aim for
22:05 the prime example.
22:06 Serve your spouse as Christ
22:08 served the church.
22:09 Again, marriage is not primarily
22:12 about our own personal happiness
22:14 or our love life, etc., it is a
22:16 tool to prepare us for God's
22:18 kingdom.
22:20 Marriage is a school, it is a
22:21 learning environment that God
22:23 has graciously created so that
22:25 we can understand what it means
22:27 not just to be in relationship
22:28 with another person, but most of
22:30 all to be in a relationship
22:31 with Him.
22:33 This is why the Bible puts so
22:35 much strong counsel for strong
22:37 marriages that we might be
22:40 satisfied with our spouses, that
22:42 we might experience happiness
22:44 with them till death, and not
22:47 merely that for ourselves, but
22:48 that we will literally get a
22:49 foretaste of heaven.
22:51 This is why God has given us
22:53 marriage.
22:54 So if you want to reach the
22:55 finish line with a happy
22:57 marriage, serve your spouse as
22:59 Christ served the church.
23:02 And you might be thinking,
23:02 "Well, Pastor Shane, how do we
23:04 do that?"
23:05 Alright, is anybody wondering
23:06 that?
23:10 Thank you, someone is tracking.
23:11 Yes. Okay, okay.
23:12 Since you asked the question,
23:13 let me tell you.
23:14 Two keys, two key ways to serve
23:18 your spouse as Christ served
23:20 the church.
23:21 Key number one, Ephesians
23:23 chapter 4, verse 26.
23:25 Just turn back one page from
23:27 where you just were.
23:28 Ephesians chapter 4, page 788,
23:32 verse 26, short verse here,
23:35 but a good one.
23:37 It says, "In your anger
23:40 do not sin."
23:42 Hmm, "In your anger, do not sin,
23:45 do not let the sun go down while
23:48 you are still angry."
23:54 Now, some couples have taken a
23:55 rather wooden approach to this
23:56 particular counsel, and they
23:58 have said that after sundown you
24:00 can't argue, but any time before
24:01 that is open season, okay?
24:03 [laughter]
24:05 And I would like to think that
24:07 the Bible is actually getting to
24:08 a more powerful and practical
24:10 practice here and it is the
24:13 first key to reaching the finish
24:15 line with a happy marriage.
24:16 If you want to serve your spouse
24:18 as Christ served the church, key
24:20 number one, deal with marital
24:22 conflict effectively.
24:26 Deal with marital conflict
24:28 effectively.
24:31 A story.
24:32 And I need to tell you right at
24:33 the beginning of the story, I
24:35 have permission
24:37 to tell this story.
24:39 Okay?
24:40 You'll see why I give that
24:41 caveat in just a few moments.
24:43 It was probably, I think we'd
24:44 been married for about three
24:45 years or so, we were living here
24:47 in Berrien Springs out on Lake
24:48 Chapin Road.
24:50 Being a seminary students, we
24:51 had a really nice house, okay?
24:54 And for those of you who don't
24:55 know, that's a complete and
24:56 total joke, alright?
24:57 We were poor, I was on seminary
24:59 stipend, etc.
25:00 We were very enthralled with our
25:02 house though.
25:03 It was dirt cheap and looked it,
25:04 okay?
25:05 It was, in fact, such a good
25:07 house that there was one more
25:08 tenant after us and then, no
25:10 joke, they bulldozed it into the
25:11 basement, covered it over and
25:12 walked away.
25:14 So this was a good place, but
25:15 truly we were very grateful
25:17 for it.
25:17 It definitely served our needs
25:18 and the price was right.
25:20 To help supplement things, my
25:21 wife, who's a nurse, was working
25:23 float pool and that can be
25:27 arduous.
25:29 I mean, you never quite know
25:30 exactly where it is you're gonna
25:31 be, what floor you're gonna
25:32 be on, the hours that you'll
25:33 be working, it can be really
25:34 challenging.
25:35 She had gone for a string, many
25:37 days of doing oddball things and
25:39 moving from floor to floor.
25:41 She came home one night and she
25:42 was absolutely exhausted.
25:45 Now, my wife is generally
25:47 speaking an angel, okay?
25:50 It's me that has the trouble,
25:51 alright?
25:52 This occasion, she was
25:53 absolutely dog tired, she rolls
25:55 into bed, she says, "Hey, come
25:57 and tell me goodnight."
25:58 So I go in to the room and an
25:59 issue comes up.
26:03 Now, I wish I could tell you
26:05 what the issue was, but neither
26:07 of us can recall.
26:08 It was so important we forgot.
26:11 And so what we're talking about
26:12 this and in my mind's eye, this
26:14 was a very small thing and so I
26:16 mentioned something, "Well, hey,
26:16 what about, you know, just
26:17 before you go to sleep, what do
26:18 you think about, should we do
26:19 thus and such?"
26:21 And she bristled.
26:22 Said, "Well, no, I don't think
26:24 we should do that."
26:25 "Well, I mean, it's not a big
26:26 deal, but--"
26:26 "Well, no, I think it is a
26:27 big deal!"
26:28 And this thing just starts to
26:29 ratchet up, I mean, "Whoa,
26:30 hold on!
26:31 You know, I'm looking at my
26:32 watch, this is too late, I mean,
26:33 what's going on?
26:34 And I'm thinking she's really,
26:35 really tired and she is not
26:37 slowing down.
26:38 And finally she says, "I am done
26:41 talking about this," and she
26:42 reaches over and she turns the
26:44 light out and pulls the covers
26:45 over her head.
26:52 Being an intuitive husband...
26:57 ...I sensed that something
26:58 was wrong.
26:59 [laughter]
27:02 And I thought to myself, "You
27:04 know, the odds of fixing this
27:05 one seem pretty low right now.
27:07 I think I'll just leave the
27:09 room."
27:12 And I did.
27:14 Closed the bedroom door behind
27:15 me, I went out in the living
27:15 room where my desk was, and I
27:18 started to try to focus on my
27:20 seminary homework again.
27:23 Alright, time out for a moment.
27:26 You need to know something about
27:27 the significance of what had
27:28 just happened in the story.
27:30 You know, my wife and I
27:31 subscribe to the biblical idea
27:33 that a husband is the priest of
27:35 his home.
27:36 Now, some of you go apoplectic
27:38 with me, even mentioning that
27:40 particular phrase.
27:41 So let me quickly say, I know
27:42 that this has been abused
27:44 many a time.
27:45 So let me be clear about what
27:46 that means in my household,
27:48 okay, in our household.
27:50 The husband is a priest, and
27:51 that means among other things,
27:52 that he has to serve his wife
27:54 sacrificially.
27:56 In the Old Testament, if you
27:57 read in the Bible, priests would
27:59 offer sacrifices according to
28:00 the mandates of the law.
28:01 So they, you know, offer a sheep
28:02 or a goat or doves, whatever the
28:04 case might be, right?
28:06 In a "New Testament marriage,"
28:07 if I can use that phrase, the
28:09 husband is the priest, but he
28:10 doesn't offer those kinds of
28:11 sacrifices, the only sacrifice
28:13 he offers is himself...
28:16 ...on behalf of his wife.
28:18 He has to give himself up for
28:19 her to make sure, listen
28:21 carefully here, to make sure
28:23 that she has what she needs for
28:25 God's will to be done
28:26 in her life.
28:28 Not my will, but God's will.
28:32 Because I serve Him, therefore,
28:34 I serve her.
28:36 That is a big part of what it
28:37 means to be the priest
28:38 in one's home.
28:39 I am to sacrifice my life for
28:41 her, spiritually always,
28:42 physically, if necessary.
28:44 And in our relationship, part of
28:45 this priestly duty meant for me
28:47 to be a backstop.
28:48 If, for some reason my wife or
28:50 family members stumble, it is my
28:51 task to do all that I can to
28:53 stand firm, and for us, that
28:55 included making sure that
28:56 disagreements were settled in
28:58 our favor.
29:00 Not in mine, but for the health
29:03 of our marriage, even if one of
29:05 us felt like giving up.
29:11 For the first time in our
29:12 relationship, we dated for over
29:13 four years before we got
29:14 married, we're about married
29:15 year number three at this point,
29:17 so about seven years.
29:18 For the first time, I had walked
29:20 away without seeing the end of a
29:23 disagreement.
29:28 Alright, time in.
29:30 I'm sitting there at my desk,
29:31 I'm trying to read and write and
29:32 try to focus my mind, not quite
29:34 sure exactly what just happened.
29:37 And about 5 minutes later, the
29:40 bedroom door creaked open.
29:43 Now, every door in that house
29:44 creaked when it opened, right?
29:46 But this was the nearest one and
29:48 I knew it was the bedroom door
29:49 and a very bleary-eyed Darlene
29:51 sticks her head out and she says
29:54 to me...
29:57 "Aren't you going to finish it?"
30:02 You see, not only was I worried
30:03 about what had just happened and
30:05 the newness of that scenario,
30:08 she too, even in her exhaustion,
30:11 was thinking, "Wait a second,
30:13 why...
30:14 I mean, this is, this is new.
30:16 He left.
30:18 What does that mean?"
30:22 And I said,
30:24 "Oh, uh...
30:27 ...sure."
30:28 Let's...let's finish this."
30:32 I came back in and I sat on the
30:33 bed and it probably took us no
30:34 more than four or five minutes
30:35 to solve this issue.
30:38 And kissed her goodnight and
30:40 went outside in a very different
30:43 frame of mind to work on my
30:45 homework this time.
30:52 It is so important...
30:57 ...that every married couple
30:59 learn how to reslove conflict
31:02 effectively.
31:05 Because if you don't, scenarios
31:08 just like that one that my wife
31:11 and I had, will happen to you
31:13 sooner or later, but if you
31:15 don't know how to resolve them,
31:17 or if you don't think it's
31:18 important that you resolve them,
31:20 trouble will come your way.
31:23 You see, the Bible says, "Don't
31:24 let the sun go down on
31:25 your anger."
31:26 In other words, resolve it,
31:27 fix it.
31:28 Don't just let it fester.
31:30 You see, unresolved conflict in
31:31 a marriage relationship is like
31:32 cancer.
31:34 If it goes underground, if it's
31:36 unresolved, if you just think,
31:37 "Well, hey, we'll go to bed and
31:38 we'll sleep on it and the next
31:39 day everything will be fine."
31:40 No, it won't.
31:42 The cancer will still be there
31:43 and if you do not attend to it,
31:45 it will metastasize and
31:46 eventually it will destroy the
31:48 marriage body.
31:50 So don't let it happen to you.
31:54 And you might be thinking,
31:55 "Well, so what are ten effective
31:58 ways that you could solve
31:59 conflict in marriage?"
32:02 If you thought that, that's
32:03 amazing.
32:04 And good news, I happen to have
32:06 ten things that I'm gonna share
32:07 with you.
32:08 This is a speed round, we're
32:09 gonna move very quickly.
32:10 These are ten very practical
32:11 tips for resolving conflict
32:13 effectively in marriage.
32:14 Some of you were driving to
32:15 church today and saying to
32:16 yourselves, "Oh, I hope he
32:17 doesn't give us anything that we
32:18 can use today."
32:20 You're about to be disappointed,
32:21 okay, because this is very
32:22 practical stuff.
32:23 Are you ready?
32:24 Here we go.
32:25 Practical ways, ten tips for
32:26 resolving conflicts effectively
32:28 in marriage.
32:29 Number one: Talk.
32:31 We talked about this last week,
32:32 I'm not gonna say much
32:33 about it now.
32:34 The silent treatment is for
32:35 little kids in elementary
32:36 school, you are now in the big
32:37 leagues, you are married, okay?
32:38 You need to talk about this.
32:40 If you're too hot under the
32:40 collar, by all means, take a
32:42 break, step out of the room for
32:43 a moment, get some fresh air,
32:44 prayerfully think about it, come
32:45 back and talk about it because
32:47 talking is generally how these
32:49 things are resolved.
32:50 Number two: Avoid emotional
32:53 reasoning.
32:53 You say, "What's that about?"
32:54 Well, the reason why most
32:56 divorces happen is because
32:58 people feel like that's the
33:00 right thing to do.
33:02 The reason why most conflicts in
33:03 marriage happen is because
33:04 people feel that's how things
33:06 ought to be.
33:07 Now, feelings are important,
33:09 there's no doubt about that,
33:10 but feelings are like the spice
33:12 of life.
33:13 If you have an entire plate of
33:15 spice, you will get sick, okay?
33:18 So while feelings are important,
33:20 we need to think carefully when
33:21 we get into conflict with our
33:23 spouse.
33:23 So notice this, when you get
33:25 into conflict with your spouse,
33:26 the next time this happens
33:27 before you open your mouth,
33:30 ask yourself the question, if I
33:32 didn't feel the way I do right
33:34 now, would I respond to my
33:36 spouse in the way I am about to?
33:41 You might be thinking, "Well,
33:42 Pastor Shane, that's why I would
33:43 respond in the first place at
33:45 all, is because I feel
33:46 a certain way."
33:46 Yeah, exactly right.
33:48 Feelings are important, but they
33:50 should not determine how you
33:52 ultimately treat your spouse or
33:53 how you ultimately resolve a
33:55 conflict.
33:57 We are instead called to resolve
33:58 things according to the
33:59 principles of God's Word, the
34:01 Bible, principles of love,
34:03 principles of compassion,
34:04 principles of...
34:07 Tip number three: Seek first to
34:10 understand and then to be
34:12 understood.
34:13 Seek first to understand and
34:14 then to be understood.
34:16 Now, this is actually a version
34:17 of the Golden Rule.
34:18 What's the Golden Rule say?
34:20 Do unto...
34:21 [AUDIENCE] Others.
34:21 As you would have them
34:22 do unto...
34:23 [AUDIENCE] You.
34:24 Okay, this is not something
34:25 society came up with.
34:26 Jesus Himself is the one who
34:27 said this.
34:28 Matthew Chapter 7, verse 12 is
34:30 where that Golden Rule is found.
34:32 When you are having an argument,
34:34 it's probably because you want
34:36 your spouse to see things like
34:38 you see them.
34:41 And God is in essence saying,
34:43 "Okay, I get it.
34:45 But why not extend the same
34:47 thing you want for you to your
34:48 spouse first?"
34:51 Because that opens the door,
34:53 it helps people to see that
34:53 you're reasonable.
34:54 Seek first to understand what
34:56 they are saying.
34:57 Listen to what they have to say.
34:58 Let them explain their side of
34:59 things, you'll have your chance,
35:01 you can explain it.
35:02 This is the kind of give and
35:03 take that makes for healthy
35:05 conflict resolution.
35:07 Tip number four: Use reflective
35:09 listening.
35:10 Reflective listening is simply
35:11 where you reflect back what you
35:13 think your spouse just said.
35:15 And if that sounds easy, wait
35:17 till you're in the heat of the
35:18 moment and try it.
35:20 It is fascinating how difficult
35:22 it can be sometimes to rightly
35:23 understand what your spouse
35:25 is saying.
35:25 Now, my wife always understands
35:27 what I'm saying.
35:28 I am working on it there, I'm
35:29 just-- I'm a little bit slower,
35:30 okay?
35:31 And gentleman, sometimes you may
35:32 share my fate, right?
35:34 So here's what you do,
35:35 particularly if you have an
35:36 intractable problem in your
35:37 relationship, something that
35:38 just, you can't seem to
35:40 get to it.
35:41 It may be because you don't
35:43 actually understand what the
35:44 problem is.
35:45 So here's what you do,
35:46 reflective listening.
35:47 Have your spouse say, "Tell me
35:49 what you think the problem is."
35:50 They'll say it.
35:51 "Okay, well, when you do thus
35:52 and such, it makes me feel this
35:54 way," okay?
35:55 And then you get to say now back
35:57 to them what you just heard,
35:58 okay?
36:00 I remember one couple that I was
36:01 doing this with.
36:03 This is within the last 30 years
36:04 at a church within 10,000 miles
36:05 of here.
36:06 And I was doing some brief
36:08 counseling with them and the--
36:10 I had-- we were doing reflective
36:11 listening and the wife said,
36:14 I asked her to state the problem
36:16 and she said, "Well, when you
36:19 let the dog onto the sofa,
36:24 it makes it difficult for me to
36:26 keep the house clean."
36:29 I said, "Okay, good."
36:31 I looked at the husband, I said,
36:32 "You reflect back now.
36:33 What did she just say?"
36:35 And he said,
36:37 "You think I'm an idiot."
36:39 [laughter]
36:43 I knew we were on to something,
36:44 okay?
36:45 We had struck gold right there,
36:47 okay?
36:48 And truly, this was a turning
36:50 point because I was like, "Um,
36:52 you know, that's not precisely
36:53 what she said.
36:54 There may be some more nuance
36:55 that you're missing," and I
36:56 began to explain back, and she
36:57 was just as surprised as I was
36:59 about...
37:00 Long story short, that enabled
37:02 us to actually get to what the
37:03 real issue was.
37:04 And I'm not gonna go through all
37:05 the remainder of that
37:06 conversation.
37:07 I am saying reflective listening
37:08 can really help to clarify.
37:10 If you need some more tips about
37:11 how to use that, Google it
37:12 online, there's some good
37:13 counsel that's on there.
37:14 Tip number five: Eliminate
37:17 "always" and "never" from your
37:18 conflict resolution vocabulary.
37:22 "You're always late!"
37:24 "You're never on time!"
37:26 These are not helpful words when
37:27 you're trying to resolve a
37:28 conflict with your spouse.
37:29 Number one, it's not true.
37:31 No one is that consistent.
37:33 [laughter]
37:35 And number two, you're basically
37:36 painting them into a corner,
37:37 right, because you're kind of
37:38 judge and jury.
37:39 You're not even giving them the
37:40 opportunity to explain
37:41 themselves.
37:42 You just said, "You always do
37:42 this, you never get this done!"
37:44 kind of thing.
37:45 Just eliminate those words from
37:47 your conflict resolution
37:47 vocabulary.
37:49 Tip number six: Be willing to
37:52 compromise.
37:54 You remember that party in New
37:55 York City for the 50-years-plus
37:56 marriage people?
37:58 In the interviews that they did,
37:59 they were asked to share some of
38:02 the tips, their secrets for
38:03 success and one thing came up
38:05 repeatedly, be willing to
38:07 compromise.
38:10 Oddly enough, this is a biblical
38:11 principle.
38:12 Let me put it on the screen here
38:13 for you.
38:14 Philippians 2, verse 3.
38:16 The Bible says, "Do nothing out
38:17 of selfish ambition."
38:18 Do how much?
38:20 Nothing.
38:20 Okay, so that probably applies
38:21 here to conflict resolution,
38:22 right?
38:23 "Do nothing out of selfish
38:24 ambition or vain conceit, but in
38:26 humility, consider others better
38:28 than yourselves."
38:29 Hmm, interesting.
38:31 As it turns out, there are
38:32 actually very few things worth
38:35 erasing the happiness of your
38:36 marriage over, even if it means
38:40 you don't always get your way.
38:43 Don't compromise on your moral
38:45 principles, but on nearly
38:46 everything else, consider
38:47 others, including your spouse,
38:49 better than yourself, and be
38:51 willing to compromise.
38:53 Tip number seven:
38:56 Don't keep score.
38:57 [audience murmurs]
39:02 I probably don't even need to
39:03 say much more, but for those of
39:03 you who are sure why the front
39:05 half of the church just giggled,
39:06 let me tell you what they're
39:06 talking about, right?
39:08 Keeping score.
39:09 Little story for you.
39:10 The first full day of my
39:12 honeymoon, we honeymooned in
39:13 Canada, we got married in
39:14 February, so it was cold.
39:15 Tickets to Canada are cheap in
39:17 February, okay?
39:18 And so we went up to Banff, Lake
39:20 Louise area, you know, beautiful
39:21 even in winter.
39:22 And the first full day we had
39:24 breakfast in the hotel and then
39:26 lunch is on its way, right?
39:28 And we've got a smorgasbord of
39:29 restaurants around the area
39:30 there that we could choose from.
39:32 And so me wanting to be the
39:33 accommodating brand new spouse,
39:35 I thought to myself, "You know
39:36 what?
39:37 There's some places I wanna go
39:38 to eat, but whatever she says,
39:41 that's where we're gonna go."
39:43 So I said, "Hey, Darlene, where
39:45 do you want to go for lunch?"
39:47 And she named a restaurant and
39:48 immediately my stomach just kind
39:50 of turns a little bit like...
39:52 "I don't wanna go there."
39:53 I thought, "Well, no, it's fine,
39:55 it's fine, it's fine," you know,
39:56 "it's alright.
39:57 That would be great."
39:58 So we go to that restaurant for
39:59 lunch.
40:00 Lunch finally wears off, supper
40:01 is on the horizon and I think to
40:02 myself, "Ah," you know, "I'm
40:04 gonna to be a good husband,
40:05 accommodate and whatnot."
40:06 So, "Darlene, where would you
40:08 like to go for supper?"
40:09 And she said, "Well, where would
40:10 you like to go?"
40:11 I said, "Oh, no, no, no,
40:12 it's fine.
40:13 Anywhere you want to go is
40:14 fine," alright?
40:15 And she names another restaurant
40:16 that I have no interest in going
40:17 to whatsoever.
40:19 And I'm thinking to myself, "Oh,
40:21 man, okay..."
40:22 "That's fine, that would be
40:23 great, let's go!"
40:24 So we go to that restaurant.
40:26 Next day, we have breakfast at
40:26 the hotel.
40:27 Lunch is coming up, okay?
40:29 And I say to her, "So where
40:32 would you like to go to eat?"
40:36 And she names a Greek
40:37 restaurant, okay?
40:40 Now I'm a gourmet, I wanted to
40:42 go to Denny's.
40:44 Okay?
40:45 And there was a Denny's nearby.
40:46 I mean, it's-- this is, "We're
40:47 here, I've gone through all
40:48 these meals."
40:49 And she says, she names this
40:51 Greek restaurant and I could not
40:52 take it anymore.
40:53 I said, "Why do we always go
40:54 where you wanna go to eat?"
40:56 [laughter]
40:58 She said, "What do you mean?"
40:59 I said, "Well, every single
41:00 place we've gone, you've
41:01 chosen."
41:02 She said, "But you said I could
41:03 choose!"
41:04 "Well, I mean, you know, I mean,
41:05 why don't we go where I wanna go
41:06 to eat?"
41:11 I was keeping score.
41:17 Psychologists call this passive
41:18 aggressive behavior, okay?
41:21 So here's a general rule, if you
41:24 feel that this is important
41:25 enough to save up for later, and
41:28 you know why you save up, right?
41:29 I mean, because this is
41:30 leverage, okay?
41:31 So you're all kind and
41:32 everything is nice and sweetsy
41:33 until you really need something
41:34 and then you take your score
41:36 and you dump it out on the
41:37 other person's head and you--
41:38 all this is leverage.
41:39 "You never do this for me,
41:40 blah, blah, blah."
41:41 If it's important enough to
41:43 bring up later...
41:47's probably important
41:48 enough to bring up now.
41:52 And if it's not important enough
41:54 to bring up later and it's not
41:56 important enough to bring up
41:57 now, just let it go.
42:01 Just let it go.
42:04 Because when you keep score,
42:07 eventually you're going to look
42:08 to win.
42:09 That's what scores are for,
42:10 isn't it?
42:12 Be careful.
42:13 Don't keep score.
42:14 Be generous.
42:15 If it's important enough to talk
42:16 about later, talk about it now.
42:19 Number eight: Pray in the
42:21 mirror.
42:22 This one is simple.
42:24 Don't pray against your spouse,
42:27 pray for yourself.
42:28 "God, show me what my part is in
42:29 this disagreement.
42:30 Help me to own it.
42:31 Give me the courage to do what
42:32 You would have me to do about
42:34 my stuff."
42:36 Tip number nine: Seek to settle
42:38 an argument in your, as in
42:40 plural, in your favor.
42:41 This goes back to the story of
42:42 Darlene and I there on Lake
42:44 Chapin Road.
42:45 Don't seek your own blessing,
42:47 seek the blessing of your
42:48 relationship.
42:49 And finally, tip number ten:
42:51 Get someone to help you.
42:53 If you hit a brick wall, go find
42:55 somebody, perhaps a trusted
42:56 friend that you both agree on,
42:57 and you would need to both agree
42:58 on that, or more likely, a
43:00 professional Christian
43:01 counselor.
43:01 There's no shame in going to
43:03 somebody that has more pieces of
43:04 the puzzle in their box
43:05 than you do.
43:06 The biggest shame is not taking
43:08 that step.
43:09 How many a marriage has been
43:10 lost because somebody in the
43:12 relationship was not willing to
43:13 go to a counselor and get the
43:14 help that they needed.
43:15 So find a good Christian
43:17 counselor, lay out the problem
43:19 and let them help you.
43:21 However you decide to do it,
43:22 make the decision, draw a line
43:23 in the sand, and learn to
43:25 resolve conflict in your
43:26 marriage effectively.
43:27 It is a first key method to
43:29 serving your spouse as Christ,
43:31 served the church and moving you
43:33 happily towards the finish line
43:35 with your spouse.
43:39 Key number two.
43:41 If you have a Bible, take a look
43:42 at Revelation chapter 19,
43:43 please.
43:44 Revelation Chapter 19, page 832
43:47 in your pew Bible, page 832,
43:48 Revelation chapter 19, verse 6.
43:51 Now, this may seem like an
43:52 unlikely place to find a
43:54 dramatic key for serving your
43:55 spouse, but man, this one
43:57 is good.
43:58 This is gold.
43:59 If you are interested in going
44:01 major league with your marriage,
44:03 this is it, alright?
44:04 The picture here in Revelation
44:06 is one of the Second Coming of
44:08 Jesus Christ, okay?
44:09 So revelation has lots of
44:10 symbols, it's a book of
44:11 prophecy, etc., including
44:13 prophecies about the Second
44:14 Coming.
44:15 So Jesus here is symbolized upon
44:18 His return, an event that I
44:19 think is going to happen very
44:20 soon, and in verse 6, this is
44:22 what it says, it says, "Then
44:23 I heard what sounded like a
44:24 great multitude, like the roar
44:26 of rushing waters, and like loud
44:27 peals of thunder, shouting
44:29 'Hallelujah for our Lord God
44:31 Almighty reigns.
44:32 Let us rejoice and be glad and
44:34 give Him glory for the wedding
44:36 of the lamb has come.'"
44:38 Huh, there's a marriage here.
44:39 "'For the wedding of the lamb
44:41 has come and his bride has made
44:43 herself ready.'"
44:46 Now those of you that have
44:46 studied this passage before,
44:47 tell me, who's the lamb?
44:51 Okay, this is Jesus.
44:51 Who's the bride?
44:53 The church.
44:54 All those that have truly
44:55 trusted in Christ, these are the
44:56 ones that are there.
44:57 So the picture is one of the
44:58 Second Coming being a wedding
45:00 ceremony, in essence, Jesus, the
45:02 bride groom, is coming down to
45:04 greet His bride, the church,
45:06 those that have chosen
45:07 to follow Him.
45:08 There's a wedding taking
45:09 place here.
45:10 Look at verse 11.
45:12 "I saw heaven standing open and
45:13 there before me was a white
45:15 horse whose rider is called
45:16 Faithful and True."
45:18 Who's that?
45:19 Okay, this is Jesus, okay, the
45:20 symbolism still Jesus here,
45:21 "With justice He judges and
45:23 makes war."
45:24 Verse 12, "His eyes are like
45:25 blazing fire and on His head are
45:28 many..." what?
45:30 Crowns.
45:30 Who wears a crown?
45:32 A king does.
45:33 So if a king marries someone,
45:37 what does that make his spouse?
45:39 A queen.
45:41 Hmm...
45:44 If you are going to treat your
45:45 spouse like Christ treats the
45:47 church, if you're going to make
45:49 it to the finish line with your
45:50 spouse happily and forever, then
45:53 treat them like royalty.
46:01 When I was dating my wife, this
46:04 did not come naturally to me.
46:06 I was not raised with this
46:07 stuff, okay?
46:08 I was raised with other things.
46:11 But I really wanted to have a
46:12 healthy marriage and so my
46:13 mentors helped me out.
46:14 They gave me some tips as to how
46:15 to treat my girlfriend at the
46:17 time, I was hoping to be my wife
46:18 at some point in the future
46:19 there, how to treat her like
46:21 royalty.
46:21 So I did things like this, I
46:22 started habits like this.
46:24 I began to open doors
46:25 for my wife.
46:28 If we walked towards a building
46:28 I would open the door for if we
46:30 get in the car, you know, I
46:31 would open the door for her so
46:32 that she could get in.
46:33 It's not because my wife is
46:35 physically incapable of opening
46:36 the door.
46:38 She's done that for 20 years
46:39 prior to me dating her, alright?
46:41 It was my way, though, of being
46:42 able to say, "You matter to me.
46:44 You are special.
46:45 You are a VIP in my sight.
46:46 You are royalty."
46:48 I would carry the umbrella for
46:49 her when it rained.
46:50 Now, sometimes I still get this
46:51 one wrong because there's quite
46:52 a height difference between us
46:53 and I've got the umbrella up
46:54 here in the rain is coming under
46:55 and she's getting wet, alright?
46:58 So it takes practice, alright,
46:59 I'm still working on some of
47:00 these things, but that she is
47:01 royalty.
47:02 So I wanna help her in that way.
47:03 You know, every so often I would
47:05 write her little notes saying
47:06 how much I appreciated what she
47:07 did, put it someplace that she
47:08 wouldn't expect it so she'd be
47:09 surprised by it.
47:11 I would buy flowers, write
47:12 cards occasionally, even if I
47:13 didn't entirely understand why
47:15 she liked stuff like that,
47:16 because I wasn't really into it,
47:17 but she was.
47:19 I'm embarrassed to say it, but
47:20 one of the things I had to
47:21 unlearn in my dating time with
47:23 Darlene was that I would make
47:25 jokes at her expense in front of
47:27 other people.
47:29 And one of the things I had to
47:29 learn is that I would now need
47:31 to go out of my way to
47:32 compliment her in public, in
47:34 front of other people, tell her
47:36 how nice she looked in that
47:37 outfit, or that she did a great
47:38 thing with her work or with her
47:40 schoolwork or with her cooking,
47:41 something like that.
47:42 Whenever possible, I became
47:45 her valet.
47:47 To this day, when we travel,
47:48 nine and a half times out of
47:49 ten, load the car, I carry her
47:51 bags whenever I can, when I'm at
47:53 home, I bring the groceries in
47:54 whenever possible.
47:56 And some of you that are younger
47:59 right now are thinking to
48:01 yourself, "Man, that is
48:03 old school."
48:08 To which I would say,
48:10 "Yeah, and so is happiness."
48:14 But I don't see too many people
48:15 complaining when they have
48:16 happiness in their lives.
48:20 You see, it seems to me that the
48:23 ones who lived years ago in ways
48:24 that we now call old school,
48:26 that they had longer marriages,
48:27 stronger families, less divorce,
48:28 more stability, and more
48:30 fulfillment.
48:31 I'm not saying they were perfect
48:32 because they definitely were
48:33 not, but I do believe they got
48:34 some important things right, and
48:35 maybe, just maybe, if more of us
48:37 were more like the
48:38 old-schoolers, maybe if we did
48:40 what they did, we just might get
48:41 what they got.
48:46 And when you're ready to treat
48:47 your wife like full royalty, say
48:50 with everything you do and
48:53 speak, that her honor, her
48:56 dignity, her fulfillment, and
48:58 her safety is more important to
49:00 you than anything else except
49:01 for God.
49:05 And if you really wanna plug
49:05 this thing to it to the nth
49:06 degree, here's what I would
49:08 encourage you to do.
49:09 When you are ready to treat your
49:10 spouse like royalty, husbands,
49:12 sit down, ask the question that
49:15 nearly every queen
49:16 wants to hear.
49:18 Ask her, "On a scale of 1 to 10,
49:20 how would you rate our
49:21 marriage?"
49:24 And if it's less than a ten, ask
49:25 her a second question.
49:27 "What can I do
49:28 to make it a ten?"
49:31 You ask-- you let her ask, you
49:33 ask her those questions and you
49:34 receive the answers.
49:35 Then do your best to do it.
49:37 Do the things that she asked you
49:39 to do to the best of your
49:40 ability.
49:40 And husbands, I'll tell you a
49:41 secret, you treat her like the
49:43 queen she is and in most cases,
49:44 soon enough, she'll start to
49:46 treat you like the king you are.
49:50 And wives, what about you?
49:53 Have you considered treating
49:54 your husband like royalty?
49:57 Now, this may mean different
49:57 things for different people, but
49:58 let me give you some examples
50:00 based on my own experience.
50:01 Wives, find out what your
50:03 husband likes, the little
50:04 things, and get them for him
50:05 occasionally.
50:06 You know, for me, one of the
50:08 things I like, I'm into car
50:09 stuff, automotive things, kind
50:10 of obscure stuff, older cars,
50:12 etc., and every now and then my
50:13 wife will buy me, like, a
50:15 magazine from, you know,
50:17 whatever, Barnes and Noble or
50:18 Books-A-Million, whatever.
50:19 I could never afford a
50:20 subscription to those types of
50:21 magazines because they're
50:22 horrendously expensive, but
50:23 every now and then we can take
50:25 out a loan and get one, just a
50:26 single copy, right?
50:27 And she'll bring this to me and
50:28 like, "Oh, that is so cool!"
50:30 Right?
50:31 Darlene makes sure that I am
50:32 well-fed.
50:34 You know, an army travels on its
50:35 stomach, perhaps, wives, your
50:37 husband does as well.
50:39 Wives respect yourself.
50:41 Show by the way that you dress
50:42 and carry yourself that you are
50:44 honored to be your husband's
50:45 wife.
50:45 Husbands delight in the royal
50:47 bearing of their wives.
50:49 And here's a big one, ladies,
50:51 for your royal husband, tell him
50:53 regularly what you admire
50:55 about him.
50:57 You know, times may be changing
50:58 as things go by and the years
51:00 roll on, but survey after survey
51:01 still tells us that one of the
51:02 things that husbands crave
51:04 almost more than anything else
51:06 is the admiration of their
51:07 wives.
51:08 So tell him what you admire
51:09 about him and do it in front of
51:11 other people.
51:12 [chuckles]
51:13 You know, I tell you what, if I
51:15 preach a sermon and a hundred of
51:16 you come up afterwards and say,
51:17 "That was terrible."
51:19 But I go to my wife and she
51:20 says, "That was pretty good."
51:21 You lose.
51:22 [laughter]
51:25 Because I covet my wife's
51:26 admiration.
51:27 I want to be worthy of her
51:29 admiration.
51:31 And yes, you, too, wives need to
51:32 sit down and ask your husbands
51:34 those questions.
51:35 On a scale of 1 to 10, how would
51:36 you rate our marriage?
51:38 And if the answer is less than a
51:39 ten, ask them that second
51:40 question, what can I do to help
51:42 make it a ten?
51:44 And do whatever you can to be
51:46 able to make that marriage
51:48 healthy.
51:49 And wives notice carefully
51:50 what's true for the husbands is
51:51 true for you, too.
51:52 You treat him like the royal
51:53 husband he is, and soon enough
51:55 he'll start to treat you like
51:56 the royal wife that you are.
52:02 My challenge to you is this:
52:04 serve.
52:06 Serve your spouse as Christ
52:08 served the church, learn to
52:09 solve conflict in marriage
52:10 effectively, never stop treating
52:12 your spouse like royalty.
52:14 This kind of service is the
52:15 golden key that can help any
52:16 marriage reach the finish line
52:18 happily and forever.
52:19 Husbands and wives, present and
52:22 future.
52:24 May the Lord grant you His
52:25 strength and His wisdom.
52:27 May the Lord make His face
52:29 shine upon your marriage and
52:30 give you peace, and may Christ's
52:33 grace, power, and love guide
52:34 your marriage to last happily
52:37 and forever.
52:38 Amen.
52:47 [organ music playing]
52:50 ♪♪
56:11 >> Lord Jesus, we crave Your
56:12 leadership in our lives.
56:15 Lord, one of the most important
56:16 ways we need Your leadership is
56:17 in our marriages.
56:19 I pray, Lord, that if there be
56:20 any listening right now that are
56:21 struggling, be with them.
56:24 Show them Your strength, Your
56:25 love, Your courage.
56:27 If there be those here that are
56:28 contemplating marriage, seeking
56:29 to find Mr. and Mrs. Right,
56:32 bless them with Your wisdom and
56:33 Your discernment.
56:34 Lead them to the right person.
56:36 And for all of us, Lord, may
56:38 this be a community that fully
56:41 fosters healthy, strong,
56:43 enduring marriages.
56:45 We pray this in Your name.
56:47 Amen.
56:51 [organ playing]
57:00 >> Hi, I'm Shane Anderson, lead
57:02 pastor here at Pioneer Memorial
57:04 Church.
57:05 Ito news flash to say that
57:06 that social media has become an
57:08 integral part of our
57:09 daily lives.
57:10 And here at Pioneer, we want to
57:12 use it to enrich our lives.
57:15 I invite you to connect with us
57:16 online by visiting the links
57:17 that are shown on the screen.
57:19 We are constantly sharing
57:21 inspiring content that we believ
57:23 can make a real and positive
57:25 difference in your life.
57:27 So if you haven᝵lready,
57:28 I encourage you to follow and
57:30 and subscribe to our social
57:31 media platforms.
57:32 Not only will you stay up to
57:33 date with our latest news and
57:35 events, but you will also be abl
57:37 to engage with an online
57:38 community that shares a common
57:40 belief, experience, and care for
57:42 for your wellbeing.
57:44 And by sharing our content,
57:46 you can help us reach even more
57:47 people with our message of hope
57:49 and love in Jesus.
57:51 Join us by creating a positive
57:52 impact online and making a
57:54 difference in the world.
57:57 Thank you, and we look forward
57:58 to connecting with you online.
58:08 ♪♪


Revised 2023-11-09