Pioneer Media

Why We Are Here, Part 2: Justice-And Soon

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: PME

Program Code: PME240413S

00:02 ♪
00:14 >> Happy Sabbath once again,
00:16 church family.
00:17 Please stand as we sing
00:19 "Mighty to Save."
00:23 ♪
11:08 >> Our Scripture reading today
11:10 is found in Psalms 35:19-25,
11:14 and it reads,
11:15 "Do not let those gloat over me
11:18 who are my enemies
11:19 without cause.
11:20 Do not let those who hate me
11:22 without reason
11:23 maliciously wink the eye.
11:25 They do not speak peaceably,
11:27 but devise false accusations
11:29 against those
11:31 who live quietly in the land.
11:33 They sneer at me and say,
11:34 'Aha! Aha!
11:36 With our own eyes,
11:38 we have seen it,'
11:39 Lord, you have seen this;
11:41 do not be silent.
11:43 Do not be far from me, Lord.
11:45 Awake, and rise to my defense!
11:48 Contend for me, my God and Lord.
11:50 Vindicate me in your
11:52 righteousness, Lord my God;
11:54 do not let them gloat over me."
11:56 ♪
16:15 [ Applause ]
16:29 >> After all that good music,
16:31 a wiser man would just sit down
16:32 and have the benediction.
16:36 But I'm not a wiser man
16:37 and I am going to preach.
16:40 My great thanks to director
16:42 Elsie and the Orion Strings.
16:43 Thank you
16:45 Many thanks to Elisabeth and her
16:46 whole crew, praise team.
16:48 Didn't they do wonderfully?
16:50 Just very, very well done.
16:51 Thank you.
16:51 Thank you very much for --
16:52 [ Applause ]
16:57 And, as always,
16:59 Dr. Logan is on the organ
17:01 and always does a marvelous job
17:02 here, as well.
17:03 [ Applause ]
17:09 Welcome to Part 2 of our
17:11 continuing series entitled
17:13 "Why We Are Here."
17:16 If you weren't here last week,
17:17 let me catch you up to speed
17:19 very quickly.
17:20 Last week, we began with
17:21 the million-dollar question,
17:22 and if you were here,
17:25 millionaire with the briefcase
17:26 offering you $1 million
17:28 if you could correctly answer
17:29 the question, "What is
17:31 the mission of the
17:32 Seventh-Day Adventist Church?"
17:34 And I shared how,
17:36 when I've asked that question
17:37 in, you know, small groups
17:39 or larger groups of Adventists,
17:41 many answers are given.
17:41 Often, they do
17:42 not agree with one another.
17:44 Finally, someone will say,
17:46 "Our mission is to fulfill
17:47 the Great Commission of
17:48 Matthew 28:18-28 -- to make
17:49 disciples," et cetera,
17:50 et cetera.
17:52 And, indeed, that is a very
17:54 important part of our mission.
17:56 We are a Christian,
17:57 Christ-centered organization.
17:58 And so we are about fulfilling
18:00 the Great Commission of
18:02 Matthew 28:18-20.
18:03 And there is more.
18:07 There is still more.
18:08 And I didn't tell you what that
18:10 "still more" was last week,
18:11 because we needed to do a -- lay
18:12 a little bit of a foundation.
18:14 We needed to be able
18:15 to understand what it means
18:17 to be a prophetic movement.
18:20 And to do
18:21 We looked at three lessons of
18:22 what it means to be a prophet
18:24 and, by extension, what it means
18:25 to be a prophetic movement.
18:27 The three lessons were, number
18:28 one, "Prophets are to say
18:30 and do what God commands them
18:32 to say and do."
18:34 This is not up to a committee.
18:35 You don't have a coin toss
18:36 at the beginning of each year.
18:37 God decides what
18:38 the prophet will say and what
18:39 the prophetic movement will say.
18:40 Number two, "God often
18:42 commands prophets to say
18:44 and do strange things."
18:45 And we looked
18:47 And number three, "Prophets say
18:49 and do strange things
18:50 because God is trying to
18:51 rescue people from disaster."
18:53 Amen?
18:54 >> Amen.
18:55 >> It's not a hobby for God.
18:56 He's not looking
18:57 for something entertaining to do
18:58 at the end of time.
18:59 He does these things
19:00 to get people's attention
19:01 that they will be saved,
19:02 that they will be ready
19:03 when Jesus comes back.
19:06 And with that as a foundation,
19:09 let's get to it.
19:11 What is the mission
19:15 of the Seventh-Day
19:16 Adventist Church?
19:21 Well, the answer is, the mission
19:23 of the Seventh-Day
19:24 Adventist Church
19:26 is, indeed, to make mature
19:28 disciples of Christ,
19:29 and while fulfilling the
19:32 Great Commission of Matthew 28,
19:33 we take it one final
19:36 step further.
19:40 Turn, in your Bibles, please,
19:41 to Revelation 14:6.
19:45 Revelation 14:6.
19:47 It's on page 830
19:49 in your red pew Bible.
19:50 Should be sitting around
19:52 there somewhere around you.
19:53 Page 830. Revelation 14:6.
19:57 Now, I mentioned in Part 1
19:59 and I'm going to mention it
20:00 again here
20:01 and I may have to do it again
20:01 in some future parts --
20:03 in this series,
20:04 because of time constraints,
20:05 I am going to be cutting
20:06 some corners every now and then.
20:08 I'm about to do that right now.
20:09 If you're a guest with us today,
20:11 we are so glad that you're here.
20:12 You're in for a real treat.
20:13 If I say something and
20:15 you're wondering to yourself,
20:16 "How did he possibly
20:17 get there from here?",
20:19 come and see me afterwards.
20:20 I'll be somewhere down here
20:21 in the front.
20:22 And I'd love to have some time
20:23 to answer your questions on this
20:24 very, very important topic.
20:26 So, I'm going to cut a corner
20:27 right now.
20:29 The one final step further that
20:32 the Seventh-Day Adventist Church
20:33 takes beyond
20:34 the Great Commission
20:37 is the three angels' messages
20:40 of Revelation 14:6-12.
20:44 >> Amen.
20:45 >> Well, you're doing better
20:46 than first service did.
20:48 We had to struggle for one or
20:49 two.
20:49 They were still scratching
20:51 their heads a little bit.
20:51 Yes, this is true.
20:52 The one final
20:53 step further that we take
20:55 beyond the Great Commission
20:56 of Matthew 28 is, indeed,
20:57 the three angels' messages
20:59 of Revelation 14:6-12.
21:00 Now, here's
21:01 where I'm going to cut a corner.
21:02 I do not have time
21:03 to tell you the history of this.
21:04 I will say that this is
21:06 the nose on the end
21:07 of the Adventist face.
21:08 This is absolutely core
21:10 to who we are.
21:11 In fact, it is no lie whatsoever
21:14 to say, from a missiological
21:15 perspective, if you take
21:17 the three angels' messages
21:18 away from the Seventh-Day
21:19 Adventist Church,
21:20 Adventism crumbles.
21:24 That's the absolute truth.
21:26 Now, a whole bunch of people
21:27 don't know this.
21:28 There's Adventists, you know,
21:29 right now scratching their head.
21:30 "Well, how could that be?
21:31 I mean, we've got all these
21:32 other good things and what..."
21:34 Ladies and gentlemen,
21:35 this is absolutely true.
21:36 In the beginning
21:37 of the Adventist Church,
21:38 when we were beginning
21:38 to be started,
21:40 out of the Great Disappointment,
21:41 until the time, 1863, when
21:42 the official name was adopted,
21:44 God took us on a very specific
21:46 and intentional journey.
21:47 And, indeed, the three angels'
21:49 messages are our specific reason
21:52 for being -- period.
21:54 >> Amen!
21:55 >> And if we don't do that,
21:59 well, we may be doing some good
22:00 things, but we're not being
22:01 what God called us to be.
22:02 These things -- this is
22:04 absolutely indispensable,
22:05 the three angels' messages, to
22:07 who we are as
22:08 Seventh-Day Adventists.
22:09 So, what are they?
22:11 What are
22:13 the three angels' messages?
22:14 Now, I don't mean, like,
22:15 what are the words that are --
22:16 Anybody can read them.
22:17 They've been in the Bible
22:18 for quite some time.
22:19 Revelation 14:6-12.
22:20 They're all right there.
22:21 You can read them.
22:21 What do they mean?
22:26 Now, we're all okay,
22:29 but I've heard that there are
22:30 some Adventists in other places
22:32 that don't know the answer
22:33 to that question.
22:35 They're not sure what these
22:36 three angels' messages mean,
22:38 okay?
22:39 So I want us
22:40 to take some time here to unpack
22:42 what these things are and what
22:45 they mean, and to understand --
22:46 We're going to start
22:47 with the first angel here
22:47 in just a moment.
22:48 And to understand
22:50 the first angel,
22:51 the second angel,
22:52 the third angel, we need to
22:53 start with some context.
22:54 Now, that's just good
22:55 Bible study no matter
22:55 what portion of Scripture
22:56 that you're studying.
22:57 Start with
22:58 some context, understand
23:00 the context of the verses
23:01 that you are studying.
23:02 So what's the context
23:03 of the three angels' messages?
23:04 Well, as it turns out,
23:06 number one, the three angels
23:09 and their messages are the focus
23:12 of the Book of Revelation.
23:15 They are the focus
23:17 of the Book of Revelation.
23:18 Now, some of you are doing
23:20 the math in your head like,
23:20 "Oh, wait a second.
23:22 in the Book of revelation.
23:23 This is Revelation 14.
23:25 That's not the middle of it.
23:26 I mean,
23:27 this is really the focus?"
23:29 The reason why we can say
23:31 and make a very good argument
23:31 that, indeed,
23:32 the three angels' messages
23:33 are the focus
23:34 for the Book of Revelation
23:35 is because of something called
23:36 chiastic structure.
23:39 Now, I know what most of you
23:40 were thinking this morning
23:41 when you woke up.
23:41 Your eyes opened and you said,
23:43 "Oh, I hope, today, he's going
23:45 to talk about chiastic
23:46 structure."
23:47 Well, good news.
23:48 This is your lucky day,
23:49 because we're going to do that
23:50 just for a few moments here.
23:51 Now, chiastic structure --
23:52 to get an understanding
23:53 of what chiastic structure is,
23:54 you first need to know that
23:56 chiastic structure
23:57 is a way of expression
24:00 that is very often used
24:02 in Jewish apocalyptic writing.
24:04 The Book of Revelation,
24:05 while it's written in Greek --
24:06 And you might say,
24:07 "Well, that's written to
24:08 a Western audience."
24:08 No, no, no.
24:09 The audience was primarily
24:10 steeped in
24:12 Jewish apocalyptic thought.
24:14 And so chiastic structure
24:15 was something that did not need
24:16 to be explained to them.
24:18 They expected it, and, indeed,
24:19 Revelation delivers.
24:20 So, what is it?
24:21 Well,
24:22 if you are a Western thinker
24:25 and you are reading a novel --
24:27 And I'm sure it's a
24:28 Bible-based novel
24:29 and it's very healthy
24:30 and uplifting and all of that.
24:31 So, you're reading this novel.
24:32 If you want to know the
24:34 punch line,
24:35 where do you turn in the novel?
24:39 Which chapter?
24:40 The last one. That's right.
24:41 Because that's how
24:42 we Westerners think.
24:43 You know, "A" plus "B" equals
24:44 "C."
24:45 Boom, we're there.
24:46 We're at the end.
24:47 And, so, we flip to the end,
24:48 you know, cut to the chase,
24:49 that kind of thing.
24:49 Because we put
24:50 the emphasis at the end.
24:51 Not so with Jewish apocalyptic.
24:54 Not so with chiastic structure.
24:56 Chiastic structure
24:57 puts the point in the middle.
25:02 So picture a ladder leaning up
25:04 against a mirror, okay?
25:06 And it's got three steps on it,
25:07 "A," "B," and "C."
25:09 And then, in the mirror,
25:10 you can see the reflection, "C,"
25:12 "B," and "A."
25:13 To help the emphasis,
25:16 chiastic structure
25:17 points people to the middle.
25:18 So "A" might have
25:20 some themes here,
25:21 and then "B" would have
25:22 some themes here,
25:23 and that leads to this point
25:24 in the middle of the story
25:26 of what's being told here,
25:27 what's being described.
25:28 And then you go "C," "B," "A."
25:30 Well, isn't that interesting?
25:31 If you take, thematically,
25:33 the Book of Revelation,
25:35 guess what's in the middle.
25:38 The three angels' messages of
25:39 Revelation 14:6-12.
25:43 Ladies and gentlemen,
25:43 in other words,
25:44 the primary reason that the Book
25:46 of Revelation was written
25:47 was the three angels' messages
25:48 of Revelation 14:6-12.
25:50 People will look
25:51 at Seventh-Day Adventists, say,
25:52 "You guys just made
25:53 this stuff up."
25:54 No, we didn't. God did.
25:57 God put it here in the middle.
25:59 And the Jewish readers,
26:00 they would have been thinking,
26:01 Okay, that's it.
26:02 Alright, we see these other
26:02 themes.
26:03 There's these sevens
26:04 on either sides, et cetera,
26:05 things that are repeated."
26:06 In the middle are these
26:07 three angels' messages.
26:10 Context point number two.
26:12 The three angels' messages
26:14 are to be given just prior
26:16 to the Second Coming of Christ.
26:17 They are at the end of time.
26:20 You see, if we were to continue
26:21 reading in 14:14-16,
26:24 we would find there the harvest
26:24 of the Earth.
26:26 In other words,
26:27 these three angels' messages,
26:28 what they have to say,
26:29 what God is saying through them,
26:30 or whoever it is
26:32 that is the mouthpiece
26:33 for those three angels,
26:35 it is of eternal importance.
26:36 It is literally a
26:37 life-and-death matter.
26:39 What someone does
26:40 with the content
26:42 of the three angels' messages
26:43 will quite literally determine
26:45 their destiny forever.
26:49 So this is not a sideshow.
26:51 This is not a little dark corner
26:52 of Scripture that should just
26:53 kind of be brushed over, maybe
26:55 every now and then, you dust it
26:55 off.
26:56 No, no, no, no, no, no.
26:57 At this time in history,
26:58 this is front and center.
27:01 It's almost like God needed
27:03 to create an end-time movement
27:05 to emphasize
27:07 his end-time message.
27:11 So we cannot afford to take
27:12 these things lightly.
27:14 And with that said,
27:15 what are they?
27:17 Revelation 14,
27:18 beginning with Verse 6,
27:20 the first angel.
27:22 John here is speaking.
27:23 He's receiving this vision here.
27:24 He says, "Then I saw
27:24 another angel flying in mid-air,
27:27 and he had the eternal gospel
27:30 to proclaim to those who live
27:31 on the earth, to every nation,
27:33 tribe, language, and people."
27:34 Pause right there, please.
27:36 This is a global message.
27:37 It's not just to be here
27:38 in Berrien Springs.
27:39 It's not to be Saint Joe
27:40 or Benton Harbor just only.
27:41 It is to go all the world.
27:43 There is no one that you have
27:44 ever laid eyes on that should
27:46 not hear the three angels'
27:47 messages.
27:48 This is for everyone.
27:49 God is saying,
27:50 "This is for the world,
27:51 no exceptions, all the time,
27:52 everyone."
27:54 And notice what
27:55 the message is supposed to be.
27:57 It said there at the beginning,
27:58 "And he had the eternal --"
28:00 What?
28:02 Gospel. What does gospel mean?
28:04 Good news. That's right.
28:05 I mean, literally, you know,
28:06 when you translate
28:07 the Greek there, you could just
28:08 say good news, right?
28:10 And so this word gospel
28:11 became a technical term
28:12 to describe the good news
28:13 of salvation in Jesus Christ.
28:15 It is good news.
28:16 And notice
28:17 it's not just any good news.
28:18 It is eternal good news.
28:20 You can't stop it.
28:22 It just is going to go.
28:24 It's like the Energizer Bunny,
28:25 for those of you that are my age
28:26 and older, of gospel messages.
28:27 It keeps going and going
28:29 and going and going.
28:30 Eternal good news.
28:31 So, notice carefully
28:32 what that means.
28:34 Whatever the first
28:35 angel's message is,
28:38 it must be understood
28:39 as good news.
28:42 And guess what.
28:43 If I read it
28:44 and I think differently,
28:46 if I think it's bad news,
28:48 guess who has the privilege
28:50 of changing their opinion.
28:50 Me or God?
28:53 I know, tough choice, I know.
28:54 That's right.
28:56 Okay, I'm going to go with God.
28:56 I'm going to say
28:57 that God is right -- okay? --
28:58 and I'm wrong.
28:59 I'm the one that's going to have
29:00 to change my opinion on this,
29:01 and maybe you will be, too.
29:02 So, let's see
29:03 what this incredible everlasting
29:05 good news is.
29:07 Verse 7.
29:09 "He said in a loud voice --
29:10 no secrets here --
29:12 "'Fear God and give Him glory,
29:16 because the hour of his judgment
29:18 has come.
29:19 Worship Him who made
29:21 the heavens, the earth, the sea,
29:23 and the springs of water.'"
29:27 And right now,
29:28 I need to introduce you
29:29 to my next-door neighbor, Bob.
29:31 Now, Bob is your next-door
29:32 neighbor, too.
29:33 Bob is in his 20s, 30s, and 40s.
29:34 He's not much of
29:35 a religious person.
29:36 He's kind of open
29:36 to spiritual stuff.
29:37 You know, every now
29:39 something on TV, but not a real
29:40 Bible study or whatnot.
29:41 And I have just been studying
29:43 my Bible
29:44 and I've learned the good news
29:45 of the first angel's message
29:46 and I'm going to go share
29:47 the good news now with Bob.
29:48 Are you ready?
29:53 Bob? Bob, it's me, Shane,
29:55 your next-door neighbor.
29:57 Bob?
30:01 Yeah, Bob, it's me.
30:02 No, I live next door.
30:03 Yeah, I know we hardly ever
30:05 talk, but I've got something
30:06 really good for you, alright?
30:07 Okay."
30:08 And Bob, being a nice guy,
30:09 lets me in.
30:11 "Alright, hey, Bob, listen,
30:13 I've been studying my Bible.
30:14 Do you have a Bible?
30:15 No? I'll get you one.
30:16 Alright, so, listen,
30:17 I've been studying my Bible,
30:18 and as it turns out, at the end
30:20 of time -- that's like when
30:20 we're right living right now,
30:21 Bob -- there's three messages
30:23 that God wants everybody
30:25 to know about, and I've just
30:26 read the first one.
30:27 It is such good news.
30:28 You're going to like this.
30:29 Do you want to hear it?"
30:29 And Bob --
30:30 "Yeah, I'd like to hear it."
30:31 "Bob, listen, the good news that
30:33 God wants to share with you
30:35 is this.
30:35 Are you ready?
30:37 Be afraid because God's going
30:38 to judge you!
30:42 Now, do you want to come
30:44 to church with me
30:45 this week or next?"
30:52 And Bob's not sure if he ever
30:54 wants to go to church with me,
30:56 alright?
30:57 He's realizing
30:58 now he's kind of been enjoying
30:59 the low contact level we've been
31:00 having over the last decade,
31:02 right?
31:02 Okay?
31:03 Because it doesn't sound like
31:04 good news at all, right?
31:06 You know, everlasting good news.
31:08 Fear God! Judgment!
31:10 You know.
31:11 And let's be honest,
31:14 that reaction of, "Ooh,
31:15 that's not good news"
31:16 is not unique to Bob.
31:20 Even in the Seventh-Day
31:21 Adventist Church,
31:24 there's a great deal of fear
31:26 around what this angel
31:27 has just said, right?
31:30 And, yet, remember, God has
31:32 said -- God has already said
31:34 what's coming is good news.
31:37 And if we don't see it
31:39 as good news,
31:40 guess who has the privilege
31:41 of changing their opinion.
31:42 It's us, right?
31:44 If we see it as bad news,
31:46 we are misunderstanding
31:47 what God is saying.
31:50 So let's see
31:50 if we can unpack this.
31:51 How could this possibly
31:53 be good news?
31:54 Well, as it turns out,
31:58 there are actually at least
32:01 two ways that the Bible
32:03 uses the word "fear."
32:07 Okay, number one, the first way
32:08 that the Bible uses the word
32:09 "fear" is stark terror.
32:11 Okay? We're used to that one.
32:13 We know what that one is about.
32:14 In other words,
32:15 at the end of time --
32:15 Because that's the context
32:17 that the three angels' messages
32:17 are given in.
32:18 At the end of time,
32:19 those who know what is right
32:22 but defiantly do otherwise.
32:24 You know, the Bible sometimes
32:25 calls this high-handed sin.
32:27 This is somebody who knows
32:28 what God wants them to do
32:29 and just very happily like,
32:31 you know, in your face,
32:32 God, I'm going to do
32:33 what I want to do, okay?
32:34 High-handed sin.
32:35 For those people
32:37 at the end of time,
32:38 when they enter
32:39 the presence of God,
32:40 they will experience terror.
32:47 And, again, some of you are
32:47 struggling.
32:48 You think, "Well,
32:49 where is the good news?
32:51 Where's the good news in that?"
32:54 Just this.
32:56 It is, indeed,
32:58 bad news for the oppressor,
33:03 but, oh, such good news
33:05 for the oppressed.
33:08 Bad news for the oppressor,
33:11 but, oh, such good news
33:12 for the oppressed.
33:15 Now, let's dig into this
33:16 a little bit further
33:17 here, in illustration.
33:18 Use your imagination
33:19 with me, please.
33:20 So let's imagine that you leave
33:22 the paradise
33:23 that is Berrien Springs
33:25 and you move away inexplicably
33:27 to another town,
33:29 a small town somewhere out
33:30 in the middle of nowhere.
33:32 And let's say you don't have
33:33 much cash on you, whatnot.
33:34 You buy the best house
33:36 you can afford.
33:37 It's not in the worst
33:38 neighborhood or part of town.
33:39 It's not in the best.
33:40 And you move in,
33:41 and pretty soon, you hear a
33:42 rumor that
33:43 at the far end of the street,
33:44 there is a man there
33:47 that preys on children.
33:51 And you tell your little girl --
33:53 You say, "Sweetie, don't
33:54 go down that end of the street.
33:56 You stay here.
33:56 If you play with your friends
33:57 as you make friends,
33:58 you play with them over here.
33:59 You don't go down to that end
34:00 of the street."
34:01 "Okay, okay."
34:04 And then, one day, it happens.
34:08 She's late coming home
34:09 from school.
34:11 You ask the neighbors.
34:12 They haven't seen her.
34:14 You go around the neighborhood.
34:15 The sun is beginning to set.
34:16 It's getting dark.
34:16 You're
34:18 And you think to yourself,
34:19 "Please, Lord, no, no, no, no."
34:23 And you go down to the end
34:24 of the street where he lives
34:28 and you go into that house
34:31 and you are too late.
34:37 And you look over on the side
34:38 of the room,
34:42 satisfied.
34:45 "She's all yours," he says.
34:50 And I want you
34:51 to imagine something with me.
34:52 I want you to imagine
34:56 that you go up to that abuser
35:01 and you point at him
35:02 and you say -- And I want you to
35:04 imagine that this is true.
35:07 And you say,
35:08 "My God, Jesus Christ,
35:12 is walking down the road
35:14 right now to see you."
35:21 Question -- what do you want
35:24 the man's response to be?
35:29 Option A -- "Oh, Jesus.
35:32 I've heard about him.
35:34 That's no problem at all.
35:35 He'll just forgive me.
35:36 No worries at all."
35:38 Keeping my eyes open
35:39 for the next person,
35:40 the next girl.
35:42 Option B --
35:47 would you like his response
35:48 instead to be falling down
35:50 in a dead faint
35:51 because he realizes
35:53 that the judge of all the Earth
35:54 is coming to see him?
36:03 Let's be real clear about
36:04 something here.
36:06 It is a sad fact that
36:08 among many Christians,
36:09 including inside of the
36:10 Seventh-Day Adventist Church,
36:11 there is no room for justice.
36:13 God is such a doormat, you can
36:16 do whatever you want to do
36:18 to anybody as long as you want,
36:20 and God's just going to sit
36:21 there and smile.
36:23 I want you to know, the first
36:25 angel doesn't agree with that.
36:28 The first angel actually says
36:29 exactly the opposite.
36:31 The first angel makes it
36:33 very, very clear
36:34 that justice is coming.
36:36 The final judgment
36:38 of all humanity has begun.
36:40 Justice is coming.
36:41 The judge of all the Earth
36:42 really is on His way.
36:45 And notice carefully, it
36:47 is this kind of judgment,
36:49 God's perfect judgment,
36:51 the investigative judgment.
36:52 We're not talking about
36:53 human judgment here.
36:54 I mean, we give it our best
36:54 shot.
36:55 and whatnot.
36:56 But at the end
36:57 of the day, we're human beings.
36:58 We're fallible.
36:59 We make mistakes.
37:00 God doesn't. Praise the Lord.
37:02 God doesn't.
37:03 His judgment is perfect.
37:05 The verdict will be perfect.
37:06 How He executes will be perfect
37:07 because God is love.
37:08 God is perfect.
37:10 The investigative judgment
37:11 in heaven is the only judgment
37:13 that can finally
37:14 bring evil to an end such that
37:16 it will never rise again.
37:17 >> Amen.
37:19 >> Now follow me carefully here.
37:21 The first angel refers
37:23 to this final-judgment
37:25 process with a phrase.
37:26 It says, "The hour of His
37:27 judgment has come."
37:28 That is unique in all of
37:29 Scripture.
37:31 except here in the first angel.
37:33 There's other places
37:34 where it says, you know,
37:36 or "The day of His judgment."
37:38 Only one place, right here,
37:40 "The hour of His judgment."
37:41 In other words, this is
37:42 punctilio.
37:42 This is a point
37:43 in time that is relatively short
37:45 compared to the rest of history
37:47 in which this judgment hour,
37:49 this final judgment process,
37:50 begins.
37:51 This specific judgment
37:53 process began in heaven
37:54 October 22, 1844.
37:59 Now, I'm going to
37:59 cut a corner here.
38:00 This sermon is not about
38:01 the 2,300-day prophecy.
38:03 We'll save that
38:04 for another time.
38:05 But I will say this.
38:07 Because we know that Jesus came
38:08 and was baptized when He was
38:10 and died when He did
38:11 and we know when the gospel
38:12 went to the Gentiles,
38:14 the first 490 years of the
38:15 2,300-year prophecy has been
38:17 fulfilled right on time
38:18 perfectly.
38:19 Jesus is the anchor.
38:21 If we know that we got it right
38:22 because Jesus confirmed it,
38:23 we know the ending date is
38:24 right, too -- October 22, 1844.
38:27 That's when the pre-advent
38:28 investigative judgment began.
38:30 It has been going on
38:31 since that time.
38:33 And so many times,
38:35 so many times, many Christians
38:40 are fearful of this idea
38:42 of the judgment of God.
38:44 They are fearful
38:45 of the very idea
38:46 of the investigative judgment
38:47 going on right now in heaven.
38:50 I mean, the thing that says,
38:51 "Well, my name is going to come
38:52 on the judgment.
38:52 Oh, will I be able to stand?"
38:53 Et cetera, et cetera.
38:56 But did you know --
38:57 did you know that in light
39:00 of what Scripture actually says,
39:03 every person that can hear
39:05 my voice right now
39:06 would not only approve
39:08 of such a judgment process,
39:09 but actually crave it.
39:12 You say, how could that possibly
39:14 be?
39:16 At least two reasons.
39:17 Number one, when thinking of the
39:19 final judgment, always remember
39:21 this foundational fact --
39:23 God is not looking for ways
39:25 to keep you out of His kingdom,
39:26 but to get you into His kingdom.
39:29 What is the way
39:30 into the kingdom?
39:31 Who is the way into the Kingdom?
39:33 Jesus is. Absolutely.
39:34 He is our Savior and our
39:36 Redeemer.
39:37 Jesus did not die on the cross
39:40 so that he could then say,
39:41 "Na-na-na, boo-boo.
39:42 Found another way to keep you
39:43 out of the kingdom."
39:45 No, He didn't do that.
39:46 Jesus came precisely
39:48 that we might be saved.
39:50 You know, John 3:16,
39:52 probably the most famous
39:53 Bible text in the world, right?
39:55 "For God so loved the world that
39:56 He gave His only begotten son
39:58 so that whosoever believeth
39:59 in Him should not perish,
40:00 but have everlasting life."
40:01 What's Verse 17 say?
40:07 "He did not come into the world
40:10 to condemn the world,
40:11 but to save the world
40:12 through Him."
40:14 That's judgment terminology.
40:15 And Paul picks up on this.
40:16 Notice this text here.
40:17 Romans 8:1.
40:18 "Therefore, there is now
40:19 no condemnation."
40:21 How much condemnation?
40:22 No condemnation
40:23 for those who are what?
40:25 In Christ Jesus.
40:27 This is judgment language.
40:29 The root word here -- this is
40:31 very -- this is legal
40:32 terminology
40:32 that's being used here.
40:33 Paul knows exactly
40:35 what he's referring to.
40:36 This is not random.
40:37 Paul is referring
40:38 to the judgment of Jesus Christ
40:39 about the world.
40:41 And if you are in Jesus --
40:43 Remember what I said last
40:45 week?
40:46 The finest hour of the
40:48 church lies just before us.
40:50 For those that are in
40:51 Jesus Christ, this judgment
40:52 holds no fear for us
40:54 because we are in Jesus
40:55 and He will bring us
40:55 through safely.
40:56 Amen?
40:56 >> Amen.
40:57 >> Amen.
41:00 Secondly, notice this -- the
41:02 detailed nature of this judgment
41:04 process, with all the
41:06 unfallen universe looking on --
41:07 You know, this is Daniel 7.
41:09 This vision about the Son of Man
41:12 coming into -- not to this
41:13 Earth, but into this judgment
41:15 scene, being welcomed
41:16 there by "the jury,"
41:17 as it were, angels, et cetera.
41:19 You know, the detailed nature
41:20 of this judgment,
41:21 all the unfallen universe
41:23 looking on,
41:23 going through the life records
41:24 of all who have ever lived,
41:25 including us --
41:26 this is absolutely essential to
41:29 the forever abolition of evil.
41:32 I mean, can you imagine
41:34 if a judge today where -- Let's
41:36 say that you were falsely
41:38 accused of something, right?
41:40 And the judge said, "Hey,
41:41 you know what?
41:43 I've got a golf game coming
41:44 up here and I need to be there.
41:45 So I'm just going to look
41:46 at half the evidence today.
41:49 And I'll make my judgment
41:50 based on that," okay?
41:52 What would you say about that
41:53 judge?
41:55 Okay, get him off the bench.
41:56 I mean, that's not justice
41:57 at all, right?
41:58 I want you to see
41:59 all the evidence because
42:00 I am innocent of this thing.
42:02 Well,
42:04 we are innocent of His blood.
42:05 Correct?
42:06 We're covered by His blood.
42:07 We are no longer held guilty
42:09 for those things.
42:10 I want the judgment
42:12 to see every nook and cranny.
42:14 I want them to see it all.
42:16 Because if it's not all seen,
42:18 you know what the devil will do.
42:19 He will find a loophole.
42:21 "Well, you didn't look at this.
42:22 You didn't look at this thing,
42:23 Jesus, when You went through
42:24 that judgment process.
42:25 No, You didn't look over here.
42:26 I've still got some life
42:28 left in me."
42:28 I don't want any life left
42:29 in the devil
42:30 when we're all done.
42:31 I want it to be finished, all
42:32 done.
42:33 The detailed nature
42:35 of the judgment is a gift.
42:37 It is a blessing.
42:38 Because only then will evil
42:41 absolutely be forever abolished,
42:43 never to rise again.
42:46 You know, this is why David
42:47 could say what he said.
42:48 Psalm 7:6-9.
42:49 through nine David says,
42:51 "Arise, O Lord, in your anger,
42:53 rise up against
42:54 the rage of my enemies.
42:55 Awake, my God;
42:56 decree --" What?
42:58 Justice.
42:59 So notice what he's doing here.
43:00 He's not just looking for,
43:01 you know,
43:02 a little opinion here and there.
43:02 He wants justice.
43:04 "Give me something definitive."
43:05 "Let the assembled peoples
43:06 gather around you.
43:08 Rule over them from on high;
43:09 let the Lord judge the peoples."
43:13 And just in case
43:15 David was concerned
43:15 that we might miss the point
43:17 of how good this judgment is,
43:18 notice what he says next.
43:19 "Judge --" Who?
43:22 Me!
43:24 He says, "Judge me, O Lord.
43:25 Please, judge me next.
43:26 Make me your next person
43:28 that you're looking at.
43:28 Judge me." How come?
43:30 "According to my righteousness,
43:31 according to my integrity,
43:31 O Most High.
43:32 O righteous God,
43:34 who searches hearts --
43:35 minds and hearts."
43:36 Here's the reason now why
43:37 he wants God to judge him.
43:38 "Bring to an end
43:40 the violence of the wicked
43:42 and make the righteous secure."
43:45 The only way that sin
43:47 will forever be abolished
43:48 is if God goes through this
43:50 investigative-judgment part
43:51 so there are no questions
43:53 left unanswered
43:55 for the onlooking universe
43:56 and so that the devil
43:57 has no excuse to continue.
44:00 It's a gift.
44:03 With the investigative judgment,
44:04 evil is doomed.
44:05 It is bad news
44:06 for the oppressor,
44:08 but, oh, such good news
44:09 for the oppressed.
44:12 So, let me just ask you
44:13 this morning, are you an
44:16 oppressor of other people?
44:22 You say, "Pastor Shane, we're
44:23 all good people here.
44:24 I mean, this is church, right?"
44:27 It would be great
44:27 if the answer is no,
44:29 that no one here
44:30 is oppressing somebody.
44:31 If you're hearing my voice
44:32 right now and you are
44:34 an oppressor of other people,
44:35 you're using other people, you
44:37 are manipulating other people,
44:38 you are soaking up
44:39 from them for your own ends,
44:40 your own pleasure,
44:41 your own advantage,
44:45 I just want to encourage you
44:46 to think carefully in light
44:47 of what we've just read.
44:50 It is not too late
44:51 for you to turn.
44:53 God is a God of compassion.
44:56 But that compassion
44:56 will not last forever.
44:59 There is a process
45:00 going on right now.
45:02 And if I read my Bible
45:03 correctly, we may be nearing
45:04 the end of that soon.
45:06 You may or may not have
45:07 a lifetime to choose for
45:08 or against Jesus Christ.
45:10 Jesus is waiting.
45:11 There's a far better way than
45:13 you oppressing other people.
45:14 Come back.
45:16 He will hold you accountable
45:17 for your decisions.
45:19 He loves you
45:20 and He wants you back.
45:24 And secondly, are there some
45:25 of you listening this morning
45:28 that are oppressed?
45:31 Is there somebody that's using
45:32 you, that's harming you,
45:34 that's taking advantage of you,
45:35 taking from you
45:36 just for their own pleasure,
45:37 for their own advantage?
45:39 Is the devil oppressing you
45:41 these days?
45:43 If so, lift up your heads, for
45:47 your redemption draweth nigh.
45:49 Because the first angel tells me
45:52 that justice is coming.
45:54 He loudly proclaims,
45:55 "Fear God and give Him glory,
45:57 because the hour of His judgment
45:58 has come."
46:00 And the end of evil
46:01 is just over the horizon.
46:04 Bad news for the oppressor,
46:06 but, oh, such good news
46:08 for the oppressed.
46:13 So, that's the first way
46:15 that the word "fear" is used in
46:17 Scripture.
46:19 Blessedly, there is a second.
46:21 And, by the way,
46:23 both of these interpretations
46:24 of the word "fear" apply
46:26 in the first angel's message
46:28 Psalm 34:1.
46:30 Psalm 34:1.
46:32 It's on page 380
46:33 in your Red Bible.
46:34 Page 380, Psalm 34,
46:37 beginning with Verse 1.
46:38 There are a number of places
46:39 in Scripture
46:40 in which these two meanings --
46:42 to two uses of the word "fear"
46:43 are utilized.
46:44 Psalm 34
46:46 is the tightest that I know of.
46:48 This is the closest proximity
46:49 that these two senses
46:50 of the word "fear" are used.
46:51 It's incredible to see.
46:53 Psalm 34, beginning with
46:54 Verse 1.
46:55 David says, "I will extol
46:57 the Lord at all times.
46:59 His praise will always be
47:00 on my lips.
47:01 My soul will boast in the Lord.
47:03 Let the afflicted hear
47:04 and rejoice.
47:06 Glorify the Lord with me.
47:07 Let us exalt his name together.
47:09 I sought the Lord,
47:10 and he answered me.
47:11 He delivered me
47:12 from all my --" What?
47:14 "All my fears."
47:15 Okay, so, pause for just a
47:16 moment.
47:16 Notice what David
47:17 is saying here.
47:18 This is clearly -- Like, this
47:19 is terror, right?
47:20 This kind of stuff --
47:22 God has delivered him from it.
47:22 They're all gone.
47:23 All those fears are gone.
47:24 Verse 5.
47:26 "Those who look to Him --"
47:28 to God -- "are radiant.
47:29 Their faces
47:30 are never covered with shame.
47:31 This poor man called,
47:33 and the Lord heard him.
47:34 He saved him
47:35 out of all of his troubles."
47:36 Notice Verse 7.
47:38 "The angel of the Lord encamps
47:40 around those who --" What?
47:41 Fear. Wait a second.
47:43 I thought
47:43 we were all done with that.
47:45 I mean, that's what David
47:46 just said a few verses earlier.
47:47 "Took all my fears away."
47:49 And now he says, "Oh, the angel
47:50 of the Lord encamps around those
47:51 who fear Him,
47:54 and He delivers them."
47:55 Verse 8.
47:56 "Taste and see
47:57 that the Lord is good.
47:58 Blessed is the man
48:00 who takes refuge in Him.
48:01 Fear the Lord, you, His saints,
48:03 for those who fear Him
48:05 lack nothing."
48:07 Wow! Ladies and gentlemen,
48:11 this sense of fear is clearly
48:13 not stark terror.
48:15 No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
48:16 This type of fear is honor
48:19 and respect.
48:21 That's what this means.
48:22 Honor and respect.
48:24 You can see it very clearly.
48:25 It's spelled out in the context.
48:26 God is not looking for us to be
48:27 in stark terror of Him.
48:28 He doesn't like that.
48:29 He doesn't want that.
48:30 But He does want us to fear Him
48:32 in this sense -- that we honor
48:33 and respect Him, that we put Him
48:36 first in our list, that we let
48:37 Him lead in our lives.
48:38 And in exchange -- I mean,
48:40 this is incredible.
48:42 Little old us, you know,
48:43 just you're one of billions
48:45 of people that have crawled
48:46 on the planet and, you know,
48:47 billions more life-forms,
48:48 et cetera, that God could spend
48:49 time -- And He says to us, "If
48:51 you will honor and respect me,
48:52 I'll take care of your needs."
48:55 Wow! All of your spirit -- He
48:58 said, "They will lack nothing."
48:59 That's what David said.
49:01 That's what -- By the
49:01 inspiration
49:02 of the Holy Spirit of God,
49:03 they will lack nothing.
49:04 If you honor and respect
49:06 God, put Him first place
49:07 in your life, let Him lead you,
49:09 He will take care of you.
49:11 Even if you walk through the
49:12 Valley of the Shadow of Death,
49:13 He will still be with you.
49:14 He will bring you through.
49:16 Even if they take your house
49:18 and your car and your clothes
49:19 and your family, even if they
49:20 take your very life,
49:22 Jesus says, "No problem.
49:24 I'll bring him back up again.
49:25 And He will.
49:26 He will take care of you
49:27 no matter what happens
49:29 if you honor and respect Him.
49:31 No wonder David said, "Blessed
49:33 are those who fear the Lord."
49:36 Because those who fear Him
49:36 lack nothing.
49:38 Is that good news?
49:40 Yeah, that's good news.
49:41 Alright, we're 2 for 2 here
49:42 in the first part
49:43 of the first angel's message,
49:44 and we're not even done yet.
49:46 Verse 7, please.
49:47 Revelation 14,
49:51 beginning with Verse 7.
49:54 It says, "He said in a loud
49:55 voice, Fear God and give him
49:56 glory, because the hour of His
49:57 judgment has come."
49:58 We've looked at that a little
49:59 bit.
49:59 Then he finishes with this
50:00 in the first angel.
50:02 "Worship Him who --" What?
50:04 What's that word?
50:05 "Who made."
50:06 "Worship Him who made the
50:08 heavens, the earth, the sea,
50:10 and the springs of water.
50:11 Worship him who made."
50:16 You know, I see my enemy on the
50:16 wall.
50:19 As one of my professors
50:19 used to say,
50:21 In other words,
50:23 So I'm going to --
50:23 Okay, we're gonna -- There's
50:24 so much packed into
50:26 these three angels' messages.
50:27 If you write something
50:28 2,000 years in advance
50:30 and you intend for this
50:31 Christmas present to be opened
50:32 at the end of history,
50:33 1844, post, there's all kinds of
50:36 stuff crammed in there.
50:36 I don't have time
50:37 to go into it all,
50:38 but let me at least notice this.
50:41 The first angel is going
50:43 to great lengths to point out
50:45 one salient thing --
50:47 that God is our Creator.
50:52 Now, some Christians
50:54 look at a statement like that
50:55 and they go, "Well, duh.
50:56 I mean, tell me something else
50:57 that's more interesting," okay?
51:00 No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
51:01 I would gently suggest to
51:02 you that this is one of the most
51:03 overlooked facts
51:05 of God's existence in all of
51:08 human history.
51:10 And the reason I say that is
51:11 because the first angel here
51:12 is seeking to emphasize
51:14 God's creatorship, right?
51:17 There's a call to worship.
51:18 You know, fear God,
51:18 give Him glory,
51:20 Worship -- There's a call to
51:21 worship, and he wants to make
51:23 sure that we worship the right
51:23 God.
51:24 The right God is the creator.
51:26 No one else.
51:27 Now, why would he say that?
51:29 Because to say that God
51:30 is the creator
51:31 is the most important thing
51:33 we can ever say about Him.
51:36 It's more important than saying
51:38 he's our redeemer,
51:40 because only the creator
51:41 can be our redeemer.
51:43 What does David say?
51:45 "Create in me a clean heart and
51:47 renew a right spirit within me."
51:49 Salvation is an act of creation.
51:51 Only the creator can save us.
51:54 And so the first angel --
51:55 At the end of time,
51:57 all the marbles are out there.
51:58 This is for the final game.
52:01 The angel wants us to know
52:02 very clearly who it is that
52:04 we are to worship -- no one
52:04 else.
52:06 Did you notice
52:06 also the importance
52:07 that the Seventh-Day Sabbath
52:09 is given in this message?
52:11 You know, we almost have
52:12 a direct quotation
52:13 from the Fourth Commandment
52:14 in the Ten Commandments?
52:15 Some people say, "You know what?
52:16 You Adventists make too much
52:17 of the Seventh-Day Sabbath.
52:18 It's not that big of a deal."
52:19 Oh, yes it is.
52:19 God himself put it there.
52:21 God put it right here
52:22 in this first angel's message.
52:23 It's almost a direct quotation,
52:25 again, from the Fourth
52:26 Commandment of the Big Ten.
52:28 So the Sabbath here
52:29 takes on profound importance.
52:31 It reminds us of who God is,
52:32 that He is our creator.
52:35 Exactly. And at the end of time,
52:36 indeed, the Sabbath will be
52:37 extremely pertinent
52:38 and important in there.
52:40 We're going to talk more about
52:41 that in a future installment.
52:43 We could go on
52:44 about other references.
52:45 You know, the fountains of water
52:47 here, a reference to,
52:48 you know, a literal global flood
52:49 that took place because of the
52:50 fountains breaking forth there
52:52 and a six-day literal creation.
52:53 There's so much that's packed in
52:55 here to this first angel's
52:56 message.
52:57 But we're going to save that
52:58 for another time.
52:59 We are, however, ready to sum up
53:02 the meaning of the first
53:04 angel's message.
53:06 And this is just the best way
53:07 that I know how to put it down.
53:08 If you're the kind of person
53:09 that likes to write notes
53:10 or put it on your phone or your
53:11 device, whatever, you might
53:11 want to write this down.
53:13 In a nutshell -- I'm going to
53:14 do one of these for the first,
53:15 the second, and the third angels
53:16 when the time comes.
53:17 The nutshell
53:18 for the first angel --
53:19 what does the first angel's
53:20 message mean?
53:21 I believe it means to honor
53:23 and worship the Creator,
53:25 for justice is coming and time
53:27 is running out.
53:29 This is not the first judgment
53:30 that we're talking about.
53:31 It's not the middle judgment.
53:32 It's the final judgment.
53:34 We may or may not have a
53:35 lifetime to choose Jesus Christ.
53:38 Jesus may come before we die.
53:39 Wouldn't that be great?
53:41 Wouldn't that be awesome, right?
53:43 Honor and worship the Creator,
53:44 for justice is coming and time
53:46 is running out.
53:48 And I think I need to visit
53:50 Bob again.
53:56 Hey, Bob, it's me again.
53:58 Yeah, your neighbor Shane.
54:00 I know. One more chance.
54:02 I mean, you know,
54:03 just one more chance, please?
54:04 And Bob's a nice guy,
54:05 so he's going to let me in.
54:09 Hey, Bob, listen, so,
54:12 about that first message that
54:13 I shared with you last time.
54:14 I may have jumped the gun
54:15 a little bit.
54:16 I went to church
54:17 and I heard a sermon about it,
54:18 and it might be a little
54:18 different
54:20 So, actually, you know,
54:21 the first part of God's
54:23 last three messages to you
54:26 is that if you will honor
54:27 and respect Him,
54:30 He'll take care of you.
54:32 I mean, whatever it is
54:34 that you're facing now,
54:34 Bob -- I don't know all
54:35 that you're going through, but
54:36 God will take care of you.
54:38 You know, we put Him first --
54:40 I try to put him first
54:41 in my life.
54:41 I can tell you firsthand,
54:42 I mean, He provides for me,
54:44 even -- There's all kinds
54:44 of stuff against me.
54:46 He holds me in His hands.
54:48 And, you know, Bob,
54:50 when you turn on the TV
54:51 and look on your computer
54:53 on news feeds and stuff,
54:54 you know, all the carnage
54:54 and the bloodshed
54:56 and children being, you know,
54:58 beaten and treated terribly.
54:59 You know what?
55:00 Right now,
55:01 God is doing a process
55:02 that's going to stop
55:03 all of that forever.
55:05 It's never going to come back
55:06 when He's finished.
55:07 And when He's finished with
55:08 that, He's going to come back
55:09 and He's going to make
55:10 all of these things right.
55:13 What do you think, Bob?
55:15 What do you think about
55:16 that kind of a god?
55:22 And my guess is, Bob likes that
55:24 a lot.
55:27 And I hope you do, too.
55:30 Ladies and gentlemen,
55:30 we live in a world
55:32 that is filled with oppression.
55:34 Even if we live in
55:36 a somewhat peaceful country
55:37 like this one that's,
55:38 you know, relatively at peace,
55:41 every day, the devil puts us on
55:42 his list and we are oppressed,
55:44 and he comes after us with a
55:45 vengeance, like a roaring lion.
55:47 Justice is coming.
55:51 The first angel has proclaimed
55:53 it, and God is looking
55:54 and He is asking,
55:55 "Will the prophetic movement
55:58 do the things
56:00 that I've asked them to do
56:01 and say the things that
56:02 I've asked them to say?"
56:04 You know, right now,
56:06 across the planet
56:07 that have never heard
56:08 the three angels' messages.
56:09 They've never heard
56:09 the good news that's in them.
56:11 There are people even right here
56:12 within our sphere of influence,
56:14 there are thousands of them
56:14 that have never heard
56:16 God's good news for this time.
56:18 I just want to ask you,
56:19 do you want to be part
56:21 of a movement that changes that?
56:23 Do you want to be part of God's
56:25 final last-day movements
56:26 of bringing this good news to
56:27 the world and even right here?
56:29 Can you say Amen?
56:30 >> Amen.
56:31 >> Amen. May the Lord find us
56:32 faithful and joyful
56:34 with many others with us
56:37 when He soon returns.
56:40 [ Applause ]
56:51 >> Thank you for taking the time
56:52 to join us in worship today.
56:53 I'd like to spend just
56:55 another moment with you here
56:56 at the end of our program
56:57 to share a word of hope.
57:00 In fact, that's what this little
57:01 book is all about.
57:04 In these uncertain times --
57:05 and let's face it, they're
57:06 uncertain all over the planet --
57:08 this book, entitled
57:09 "The Great Hope,"
57:11 will help you understand
57:12 not just what God has planned
57:13 for your future,
57:15 but for the future of the entire
57:16 human race.
57:18 You know, light keeps shining
57:20 on this dark, old world,
57:21 and new truths,
57:22 long forgotten, are being
57:24 constantly rediscovered.
57:26 If you need a fresh dose of hope
57:28 in your life these days,
57:29 or if you know somebody else
57:30 who could sure use
57:31 that gift of hope,
57:32 then I'd like to invite you
57:33 to grab your phone
57:35 and dial our toll-free number.
57:36 877, the two words "HIS WILL."
57:40 That's 877-HIS-WILL.
57:43 And at no charge to you,
57:44 we'll get a copy in the mail
57:45 to you right away.
57:47 Till the next time we meet,
57:49 may the peace and hope
57:50 of the Lord Jesus Christ
57:52 be with you always.
58:00 ♪


Revised 2024-05-16