Pioneer Media

Why We Are Here, Part 3: Religion, Undefiled

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: PME

Program Code: PME240420S

00:01 ♪
00:04 ♪
00:15 [ "Fairest Lord Jesus" begins ]
02:36 [ "He Lives" begins ]
04:38 [ "We Have This Hope" begins ]
06:01 [ Applause ]
06:10 >> Good morning.
06:12 Our Scripture this morning
06:13 comes from
06:15 Book of Jeremiah 51:9-10.
06:19 Again, Book of Jeremiah 51:9-10.
06:24 I'm reading from the
06:26 New International version.
06:27 I give you just a moment
06:29 to look up in your Bibles
06:31 and find the text.
06:33 Again, it's Jeremiah 51:9-10.
06:41 "We would have healed Babylon.
06:43 But she cannot be healed.
06:46 Let us leave her
06:47 and each go to our own land,
06:50 for her judgment
06:51 reaches to the skies.
06:53 It rises as high as the heavens.
06:57 The Lord has vindicated us.
06:59 Come, let us tell in Zion
07:02 what the Lord our God has done."
08:04 >> ♪ Caritas abundat in omnia
08:18 ♪ De imis excellentissima
08:30 ♪ Super sidera
08:43 ♪ Super sidera
08:52 ♪ Sidera
08:58 ♪ Atque amantissima in omnia
09:22 ♪ Caritas abundat in omnia
09:36 ♪ De imis excellentissima
09:48 ♪ Super sidera
10:00 ♪ Super sidera
10:39 ♪ Quia summo Regi
10:46 ♪ Quia summo Regi
10:51 ♪ Quia summo Regi
11:00 ♪ Osculum pacis dedit
11:29 ♪ Caritas
11:40 ♪ Caritas
12:04 [ Applause ]
12:08 >> Our thanks to the University
12:10 Chorale and Symphony Strings
12:13 and guest conductors Janelle
12:15 and Nicole and Dr. Elysée.
12:16 Thank you for leading us
12:17 marvelously here
12:18 in worship today.
12:19 We appreciate it.
12:24 Welcome to part three of our
12:26 continuing series, entitled
12:28 "Why We Are Here."
12:31 We are on a journey, seeking to
12:32 discover the unique mission of
12:34 the Seventh-day Adventist
12:35 Church.
12:36 If you missed parts one
12:37 and two, alas,
12:39 I do not have time to go back
12:40 through or do a careful review.
12:42 You can go to
12:43 We have our archives there.
12:45 We're also archived on YouTube
12:46 and other
12:47 social-media platforms.
12:48 I encourage you to see
12:49 where we have been
12:50 that you might better understand
12:52 where we are going.
12:53 Very briefly, we said,
12:55 "What is the mission of the
12:57 Seventh-day Adventist Church?"
12:59 And we made a stop briefly
13:00 at the Great Commission
13:01 of Matthew 28:18-20,
13:03 this commission to make
13:03 disciples.
13:04 Indeed,
13:05 that is a very important part
13:07 of our mission -- to make
13:08 disciples for Jesus Christ.
13:09 Absolutely.
13:10 And we said that
13:12 we take the Great Commission
13:14 and go one final step further.
13:17 That one final step further
13:19 is the three angels' messages
13:21 of Revelation 14:6-12.
13:24 If you take away the three
13:25 angels' messages from the
13:26 Seventh-day Adventist Church,
13:27 our reason for being,
13:28 missiologically speaking,
13:29 crumbles to the ground.
13:31 It is intricate.
13:32 It is the core reason
13:33 why Jesus went through
13:35 the trouble of raising up
13:36 this end-time movement
13:38 to proclaim
13:39 the three angels' messages,
13:40 the Gospel of Jesus Christ
13:42 in the context
13:43 of the three angels' messages
13:44 of Revelation 14:6-12.
13:47 Now, last week we looked
13:49 at the first angel's message,
13:50 and we summed it up.
13:51 We kind of gave it a nutshell
13:52 at the end.
13:53 The summary of it,
13:54 what it means is this -- "Honor
13:56 and worship the Creator,
13:58 for justice is coming,
14:00 and time is running out."
14:02 So, justice is on its way.
14:03 This final judgment process --
14:05 October 22nd, 1844,
14:06 when it began.
14:07 It is nearing
14:08 its ending stages here.
14:09 Evil will soon come to an end.
14:11 Amen?
14:12 >> Amen.
14:13 >> Amen. That's a great thing.
14:14 That's a great part of a message
14:15 to have if you're part of the
14:17 Seventh-day Adventist Church.
14:17 Evil is coming to an end.
14:19 Time is running out.
14:20 Jesus is at last going to usher
14:22 in His kingdom fully
14:23 and completely with His second
14:24 coming.
14:25 That's a great thing,
14:26 which brings us
14:28 to angel number two.
14:30 Would you turn in your Bibles,
14:31 please, to Revelation 14:8.
14:34 Revelation 14:8.
14:35 It's found on page
14:36 830 in the red pew Bible
14:39 that is somewhere around
14:40 where you are at.
14:41 Page 830, Revelation 14,
14:45 beginning with verse 8.
14:47 This is the second angel.
14:50 It says this.
14:51 "A second angel followed
14:53 and said, 'Fallen, fallen is
14:55 Babylon the Great,
14:58 which made all the nations
14:59 drink the maddening wine
15:01 of her adulteries.'"
15:03 And I'll tell you what.
15:05 That sounds like such good news.
15:06 I cannot wait to tell
15:08 my neighbor Bob.
15:09 [ Laughter ]
15:12 "Hey, Bob? Bob. It's me, Shane."
15:15 For those of you that
15:16 weren't here last week, Bob is
15:17 all of our next-door neighbor.
15:18 He's in his 20s, 30s, and 40s.
15:20 He's not religious, but he's
15:21 kind of open to spiritual things
15:22 every now and then.
15:23 And we talk to him
15:24 about the first angel,
15:25 and we want to tell him about
15:26 the second now.
15:28 "Bob? Bob? It's me. Listen.
15:29 Yeah.
15:30 So, there's another message.
15:31 Can I come in?"
15:33 And because Bob's a nice guy,
15:34 he lets me in.
15:37 "Hey, Bob. Listen, uh,
15:38 so you know that message,
15:39 you know, that I talked to you
15:40 about last time, remember?
15:41 Kind of got it wrong the first
15:42 time, but then I came back.
15:43 It was good news."
15:44 And Bob's like,
15:45 "Uh-huh, that was pretty good.
15:45 I like that. Yeah. Okay."
15:46 "Guess what?
15:47 There's a second one.
15:48 And this is just before
15:49 you know, all this.
15:50 The time comes to an end.
15:51 God has
15:52 a special message for you,
15:53 and it goes like this.
15:56 Uh...uh...
15:58 All right, let's see. 'Fallen.
16:01 Fallen is Babylon the Great.
16:02 Made all the nations drink
16:03 the maddening
16:04 wine of their adulteries.'
16:04 All right, so, Bob,
16:06 I'm not exactly sure
16:07 what the message is, all right?
16:08 But it's for you, and, Bob,
16:11 have you been drinking?
16:14 Have you been drinking?
16:15 Because if you have,
16:15 God is onto it.
16:17 And stepping out on your wife?
16:18 I mean, like, on a global scale.
16:19 You've been all over the world
16:20 doing this kind of stuff, right?
16:22 God knows about it.
16:23 And He's coming for you.
16:23 Are you ready?
16:27 Now, Bob, we still have that
16:28 Bible study on Thursday nights.
16:29 We study exactly
16:30 this kind of stuff.
16:30 Would you like to join me?"
16:35 Bob is not sure that he ever
16:37 wants to be at a Bible study
16:38 where I am in charge, okay?
16:40 Because Bob
16:41 has no idea what I just said.
16:45 And truth be told, it's possible
16:48 that maybe some of us
16:50 don't know, either.
16:53 Because in my experience,
16:54 many Christians,
16:55 including many Seventh-day
16:56 Adventists, you know,
16:57 when it comes to
16:58 the first angel, at least
16:59 we understand the verbiage.
17:00 You know, we may not
17:01 totally understand right off
17:02 the bat all the symbolism there.
17:04 But, you know, the idea,
17:05 you know, our judgment
17:06 and Creator
17:07 and those kinds of things,
17:08 we kind of understand it.
17:10 But when you get to the
17:11 second angel, all bets are off.
17:12 I mean, adultery,
17:14 maddening wine?
17:15 I mean, what is being
17:17 said here?
17:19 And yet this is core,
17:20 absolutely core,
17:22 to the unique mission of the
17:24 Seventh-day Adventist Church.
17:26 So, we need to figure it out.
17:27 Let's do some digging.
17:29 And as I said before,
17:30 in previous
17:31 installments of this series,
17:32 I am going to cut some corners.
17:34 I don't have time.
17:35 As an Adventist,
17:36 all times are short,
17:37 including for my sermon,
17:38 so I'm going
17:39 to cut some corners.
17:40 If I reach a conclusion, and
17:41 you're wondering, "How in the
17:42 world did he get that?"
17:43 Come and see me afterwards.
17:44 Love to have a chance to discuss
17:45 these things with you.
17:46 So, if we're going to start
17:48 at the end here, let's find out
17:49 what this angel is saying.
17:50 Let's start
17:51 with the word "adultery."
17:52 This is not talking about
17:54 physical adultery here.
17:55 This is instead
17:56 a spiritual application.
17:57 It is when God's people
17:59 turn away from Him to other gods
18:02 or other ways of living.
18:04 Okay? That's
18:05 what spiritual adultery is.
18:06 God's people turning away
18:07 from Him to other gods
18:09 or to other ways
18:11 of living than what
18:12 God has commanded them to do.
18:14 Now, in the Bible, the idea that
18:15 God is married to His people,
18:17 there's actually quite a few
18:18 examples of that in both
18:19 the Old and the New Testament.
18:20 God is pictured
18:21 as the groom.
18:22 God's people is pictured
18:23 as the bride.
18:24 They are wed in what is
18:26 to be this holy ceremony.
18:30 And adultery means that
18:31 you were married first, right?
18:32 You can't commit "adultery"
18:33 unless you were first married.
18:36 And so, here we have
18:37 this idea of spiritual adultery.
18:39 At one point,
18:40 whoever Babylon is, they
18:41 were with Christ,
18:42 and they turn away.
18:44 And at the end of time --
18:45 because, remember,
18:47 that's the context of the three
18:47 angels' messages --
18:49 at the end of time,
18:50 how does the church
18:51 do this turning away?
18:53 Well, they do it by drinking
18:55 and by serving to others
18:57 Babylonian "wine."
19:01 Well, what's this "wine" about?
19:04 Well, wine is simply teaching.
19:06 Wine is teaching,
19:07 spiritually speaking,
19:08 is teaching its doctrine,
19:09 its values, its beliefs.
19:10 We're not talking
19:12 about rotten grapes.
19:13 So, the devil's not setting up
19:13 a champagne
19:14 stand at the end of time
19:16 and serving it to the world.
19:17 This is spiritual things,
19:18 teachings, doctrines --
19:19 values, and beliefs.
19:20 So, notice carefully.
19:22 When it refers
19:23 to unfaithful human beings
19:25 and their "wine,"
19:27 when the Bible references
19:28 that, it is a reference
19:29 to what those unfaithful people
19:31 are teaching others
19:32 to believe and do.
19:36 So, let this sink in.
19:37 And if you're a guest with us
19:38 today, and you've never heard
19:39 this before, this might be a
19:41 little startling.
19:43 Whomever this Babylon
19:44 is at the end of time,
19:48 Babylon started at some time
19:53 as the faithful bride of Christ.
19:56 They were God's people
19:57 at some point,
19:59 but then at some point
20:00 they turn away from Christ
20:03 and follow after Satan
20:04 and his teachings.
20:06 And through false teaching,
20:08 particularly again at the end
20:09 of time, Babylon leads others,
20:12 even the nations of the world --
20:13 this is a global thing
20:14 that's being described here --
20:15 to also "commit adultery"
20:17 and leave Christ behind.
20:20 And here's the kicker --
20:21 all the while looking like
20:24 the true bride of Christ.
20:30 Well, knowing that, who
20:34 is Babylon?
20:36 It's kind of important,
20:37 isn't it, here?
20:38 I mean, it's right at the core
20:39 of the three angels' messages.
20:40 "Babylon is fallen, is fallen."
20:42 Hmm. Who is Babylon?
20:44 Well, as it turns out,
20:46 the Old Testament is going
20:47 to help us out here.
20:48 You know, many times
20:49 in the Book of Revelation,
20:50 the symbols that are all there,
20:51 the key to understanding them
20:52 is in the Old Testament.
20:54 There are many Christians
20:55 these days
20:56 that refer to themselves
20:57 as New Testament Christians.
20:58 And they don't follow --
20:59 they don't pay any attention
21:00 to the Old Testament,
21:01 which is a little bit odd
21:02 because the first Christians
21:04 in the first century
21:05 only had the Old Testament
21:06 as their Bible,
21:07 and they were pleased about it.
21:08 It was a good thing.
21:09 Okay? So, the Old Testament,
21:11 just as inspired as the New.
21:12 Let's look for some keys.
21:14 Genesis 11:1, please.
21:16 It's on page seven in your
21:18 red Bible.
21:20 Genesis 11,
21:23 beginning with verse one.
21:25 Now, while you're looking that
21:26 up, Babylon, in
21:29 the second angel's message,
21:30 cannot refer to literal Babylon.
21:33 You know, literal Babylon
21:33 actually existed.
21:34 They were basically
21:35 in two phases.
21:36 There was the Babylonian Empire,
21:36 then there was
21:37 the Neo-Babylonian Empire.
21:39 King Nebuchadnezzar,
21:39 he was part of the
21:40 Neo-Babylonian Empire,
21:42 end of the seventh century,
21:43 sixth century B.C., etcetera.
21:45 Second angel is not referring
21:46 to them because literal
21:48 Babylon at the time
21:49 when this is written in the
21:50 second angel was a dust heap.
21:52 You know, this is in Iraq,
21:53 current-day Iraq,
21:55 where Babylon used to be,
21:57 and it was just a dust
21:58 heap then.
21:59 So, it can't be referring
21:59 to that.
22:00 It can also not be
22:02 referring exclusively to Rome.
22:05 You know, the Christians
22:07 in the early Christian church
22:08 did refer to Rome as Babylon.
22:09 And some have said, "Well,
22:10 that's the total extent
22:11 of this message."
22:12 No, no, no, no, no.
22:13 That's not the total extent.
22:14 In fact, it proves the point.
22:16 You see, Babylon
22:18 early in its history -- we'll
22:20 see this in just a moment --
22:21 became a persecutor
22:23 of God's people
22:25 and opposed to God's purposes.
22:28 So, any nation that came along
22:30 to oppress the Jews could easily
22:32 be called Babylon,
22:33 including Rome.
22:35 And so, because most Christian
22:36 converts were converts
22:37 from Judaism, the name stuck,
22:41 and it was an ancient one.
22:43 To find out who Babylon is
22:45 in the second angel,
22:47 we need to go back past Rome.
22:49 We need to go back past,
22:50 actually,
22:51 the Neo-Babylonian Empire.
22:53 We need to go back to where
22:55 we find the first reference to
22:56 the root of the word "Babylon."
22:58 We're going to read a story here
22:59 in Genesis 11 about something
23:01 called the Tower of...
23:04 Babel...Babelon...Babylon.
23:08 This is where the same root word
23:09 is in common here.
23:11 Babylon to the pagans
23:12 meant gate of the gods.
23:13 Doesn't that sound fancy?
23:15 I mean, imagine if you told your
23:16 neighbor, "You know, we call
23:17 it -- I'm going to the gate
23:18 of the gods this morning."
23:19 Ooh, that sounds great.
23:21 The idea was
23:22 that the gods would come down,
23:24 and they would converse with men
23:25 and mankind, and mankind would
23:26 become wealthy and wise,
23:27 etcetera.
23:29 Well, after the Tower of Babel,
23:30 the Jews kind of got
23:31 a little soured on that idea,
23:32 and they actually matched
23:33 the root word here
23:34 to another Hebrew word
23:36 that meant confusion.
23:38 And so,
23:39 that's the meaning that stuck.
23:40 Babylon came to mean
23:41 spiritual confusion.
23:43 And it all started here,
23:44 Genesis 11:1.
23:47 "Now, the whole world had one
23:48 language and a common speech.
23:50 As men moved eastward,
23:51 they found a plain in Shinar
23:53 and settled there.
23:54 They said to each other,
23:56 'Come, let's make bricks
23:57 and bake them thoroughly.'
23:59 They used brick instead of stone
24:00 and tar for mortar.
24:01 Then they said, 'Come,
24:03 let us build ourselves
24:04 a city with a tower
24:06 that reaches to the...'"
24:07 What?
24:08 "To the heavens."
24:10 Oh, that's interesting.
24:10 "'A tower that reaches
24:11 to the heavens so that
24:12 we may make a name for ourselves
24:14 and not be scattered over
24:16 the face of the whole earth.'"
24:19 Huh. Why would they be concerned
24:21 about being scattered over
24:22 the face of the whole earth?
24:24 What had happened just a few
24:25 chapters earlier?
24:26 >> The flood.
24:27 >> The flood -- exactly.
24:28 So, in other words,
24:29 the implication here
24:30 is quite clear.
24:31 They did not believe
24:32 when God said, "I will never
24:34 flood the entire planet again."
24:36 They said, "No, no, we can't
24:37 trust what God's going to say.
24:38 We are going to have to" -- key
24:40 phrase here -- "save ourselves.
24:43 We're going to work our way
24:45 to heaven one brick at a time."
24:50 This may be the first recorded
24:51 scriptural incidence of someone
24:52 trying to earn their way
24:54 into heaven.
24:58 Now follow me carefully here.
25:00 As it turns out,
25:02 there are at least three
25:03 distinct sides
25:05 of spiritual Babylon.
25:07 We're going to look at two
25:08 this morning,
25:09 and each of these three
25:10 are sufficiently strong
25:13 that if someone or an entity
25:14 has even one of these
25:16 characteristics of Babylon,
25:17 it is sufficient to qualify them
25:19 as a member of Babylon.
25:21 We're about to look at the first
25:22 side here.
25:24 You see, as it turns out,
25:26 Babylon, at the end of time,
25:29 has a gospel -- a "gospel."
25:32 Now, we read in the first
25:33 angel's message, didn't we?
25:34 So, the first angel's message,
25:35 "Christ is love."
25:36 He has the eternal gospel
25:37 to give to every nation, tribe,
25:38 language, tongue, etcetera,
25:39 of the true gospel.
25:41 The devil sees that at the end
25:42 of time and says, "No, no, no,
25:42 no, no.
25:43 We're not going to let this go
25:44 without some competition.
25:45 I have a gospel, too."
25:46 It's Babylon's gospel --
25:48 "gospel" -- and it is spelled
25:51 "d-o," because it's about what
25:54 you do to appease a God
25:57 you know that you have offended.
25:59 Okay? So, we humans, you know,
25:59 we have this sense
26:01 of guilt, right?
26:02 Some sort of sense of separation
26:02 from God,
26:03 and so we want to get
26:04 back into His good graces again.
26:06 So, we get on the good works
26:08 treadmill, right?
26:09 Hit the little button,
26:10 and we start to go.
26:11 We start to crank up
26:12 the good stuff, right?
26:13 We give some money to charity,
26:14 maybe some offering to the
26:16 children's offering at Pioneer.
26:17 We help elderly ladies
26:18 across the street.
26:20 We don't cheat on our taxes,
26:20 right?
26:21 But we never quite feel like
26:22 we've done enough.
26:23 And so, we crank up the score
26:24 a little bit more,
26:25 and we not only go to church,
26:26 we also go to Sabbath school.
26:28 And if we're really feeling
26:29 pious, we'll actually study
26:30 our lesson, too.
26:31 And we're doing all these things
26:32 and we're going up, we're
26:33 cranking the score.
26:34 The trouble is, is that we never
26:35 feel satisfied because it's like
26:36 a salesman that's been said,
26:37 "Meet your quota," but you're
26:38 never told what the quota is.
26:39 And you keep going,
26:40 and you keep going, and you
26:42 keep going and you keep going.
26:43 And finally you say, "Enough!
26:47 I can't do it."
26:49 And you get sick and tired
26:50 of trying
26:51 to earn the love of a God
26:52 who never seems to quite have
26:54 enough goodness out of you.
26:56 And you bail out
26:57 on that quote "gospel."
27:01 And many people bail on God
27:02 and church
27:03 and the whole nine yards,
27:04 and they don't come back.
27:07 That's Babylon's gospel.
27:09 It's spelled "d-o,"
27:11 and I'm not into that.
27:14 And neither is Jesus.
27:17 However,
27:19 I am in to the true Gospel,
27:23 the Gospel of Jesus Christ,
27:24 because the Gospel of
27:26 Jesus Christ is spelled
27:29 "d-o-n-e," because it's about
27:33 what Jesus has done
27:36 when He came down to this planet
27:37 in the form of a man,
27:38 and He stretched out His arms,
27:39 and He was crucified
27:41 as a substitute for me
27:42 dying for my sins
27:43 and you dying for yours.
27:45 And for everybody that accepts
27:46 Jesus Christ
27:47 as their Lord and Savior,
27:48 they get at least two things.
27:49 Number one, in heaven's records,
27:51 they move from being guilty
27:52 to being forgiven,
27:54 from being lost to being found,
27:56 from living in darkness
27:57 to living in the light
27:58 of Jesus Christ. Amen?
27:59 >> Amen!
28:00 >> And they also get a second
28:00 gift.
28:01 This is like winning
28:02 the spiritual lottery.
28:03 They get this second gift.
28:04 The second gift is the power
28:05 of God's Holy Spirit.
28:07 And we can finally
28:08 have the power
28:09 to become the kind of person
28:10 that God has always dreamed
28:12 we could be -- a person of love
28:13 and honor
28:14 and respect and obedience
28:15 and goodness and kindness
28:16 and all of these things.
28:18 We can at last become those
28:19 things.
28:21 That's the true Gospel
28:22 of Jesus Christ.
28:23 It's spelled "d-o-n-e"
28:25 and, praise the Lord,
28:26 I get to be a part of that.
28:28 And you can, too.
28:29 >> Amen. Amen.
28:34 >> I want to be super,
28:35 super clear about something.
28:36 Let me put some stuff up here
28:38 on the screen for you.
28:41 "Good works are the fruit,
28:44 not the root of salvation."
28:47 Roll that one around a little
28:48 bit.
28:49 "Good works are the fruit,
28:50 not the root of salvation."
28:51 Now, this is not my verbiage.
28:53 This is actually from the book
28:54 "Great Controversy."
28:55 Again, you can pick up a copy,
28:56 the last 14 chapters of it,
28:57 when you leave today.
28:58 "Good works are the fruit,
28:59 not the root of salvation."
29:00 Now, this comes
29:01 from "Great Controversy,"
29:02 page 256.
29:04 Ellen White wrote these words.
29:05 She was one of the founders of
29:06 the Seventh-day Adventist Church
29:07 and a true prophet of God.
29:09 She wrote this about the life
29:11 of John Wesley.
29:12 Now, John Wesley
29:13 was one of the main leaders
29:14 of one of the greatest
29:15 revivals that took place there
29:16 in the 19th century.
29:18 And prior to his encounter with
29:20 Christ, he was very meticulous.
29:22 I mean, he claimed Christianity.
29:24 He sought to keep God's law
29:25 and to do
29:26 all the right stuff in there.
29:27 But he hadn't really met
29:28 Jesus yet.
29:30 And when he did,
29:32 it was transformational.
29:33 Let me just put a quote up here.
29:35 "Great Controversy," page 256.
29:37 "Through long years of wearisome
29:38 and comfortless striving --
29:40 years of rigorous self-denial,
29:42 of reproach and humiliation --
29:44 John Wesley had steadfastly
29:45 adhered to his one purpose
29:47 of seeking God.
29:49 Now" -- this is when he met
29:49 Jesus.
29:51 "Now he had found Him;
29:53 and he found that the grace
29:55 which he had toiled to win
29:56 by prayers and fasts, by
29:58 almsdeed and self-abnegation,
30:00 was a" what?
30:01 "A gift 'without money and
30:02 without price.'
30:05 Once established in the
30:06 faith of Christ,
30:07 his whole soul burned with
30:09 the desire to spread everywhere
30:10 a knowledge of the glorious
30:11 gospel of God's free grace."
30:13 Now, notice
30:14 what's going to come here next.
30:15 There are many today that,
30:17 in hearing
30:18 about a story like this,
30:20 might say something like this.
30:21 "And then Wesley felt
30:23 comfortable doing whatever he
30:24 wanted to do.
30:26 Left the law keeping
30:28 and doing good things.
30:29 Left all that behind
30:30 and just kind of walked
30:31 in the grace of Jesus Christ."
30:31 Notice carefully
30:33 what actually happened.
30:34 "He," Wesley, "continued his
30:36 strict and self-denying life,
30:38 not now as the ground,
30:41 but the result of faith;
30:43 not the root,
30:44 but the fruit of holiness.
30:47 The grace of God in Christ
30:48 is the foundation
30:49 of the Christian's hope,
30:50 and that grace will be
30:52 manifested in obedience."
30:55 But this is powerful stuff here,
30:57 which helps support at least
30:58 two further conclusions.
30:59 "Good works are the fruit,
31:00 not the root of salvation."
31:01 Secondly, "We don't do
31:03 good things to be saved.
31:04 We do good things because
31:05 we have been saved."
31:07 And, lastly,
31:08 notice this.
31:10 "Good works therefore do not
31:11 establish the Remnant.
31:12 They simply reveal it."
31:15 Chew on that one over potluck
31:16 this afternoon.
31:17 The Bible is crystal clear
31:18 about this.
31:19 Ephesians 2:8-9.
31:20 My guess is many of you
31:21 have that memorized.
31:22 "For it is by grace that you
31:24 have been saved through faith."
31:26 And this is not from yourselves.
31:27 It is the...?
31:28 "Gift of God."
31:29 Not by what?
31:30 "Not by works,
31:32 so that no one can boast."
31:33 And then comes verse 10.
31:35 Says, "For we are God's
31:35 workmanship,
31:36 created in Christ Jesus
31:37 to do good works,
31:40 which God prepared in advance
31:41 for us to do."
31:43 We're finally set free, again,
31:44 to become the people
31:45 that God has always dreamed
31:46 we could be.
31:48 Doing what God has asked us to
31:49 do is the result of salvation
31:51 from Him, not the cause.
31:55 And, again, Babylon says, "No.
32:00 You must earn your keep."
32:04 In fact, this is the first side
32:07 of Babylon -- trying to earn my
32:08 salvation.
32:09 There's three sides, remember --
32:10 at least these three sides.
32:11 This is the first one,
32:12 trying to earn my salvation.
32:13 Now, this is extraordinarily
32:14 harmful.
32:15 Again, very discouraging
32:16 to who knows how
32:17 many people throughout history
32:18 when they fall into this part
32:19 of Babylon's "gospel."
32:21 There is a second side
32:22 of Babylon.
32:24 And to get at it,
32:25 we need to go back
32:26 and dig a little bit deeper with
32:27 this idea of spiritual adultery.
32:29 You remember what the text said,
32:30 the second angel -- "Fallen,
32:31 fallen is Babylon the Great,
32:33 which made all the nations drink
32:33 the maddening wine
32:34 of her adulteries."
32:35 Well, let's get
32:36 a little more specific about
32:38 what spiritual adultery entails.
32:39 I want to put this up
32:40 on the screen.
32:41 This is Jeremiah 3:6-9.
32:44 God here is again
32:46 represented as the husband.
32:47 Israel is his faithless wife
32:50 in this particular scenario.
32:51 "During the reign of
32:52 King Josiah, the Lord said
32:53 to me" -- to Jeremiah --
32:55 'Have you seen what faithless
32:56 Israel has done?
32:57 She has gone up
32:58 on every high hill
32:59 and under every spreading tree
33:00 and has committed
33:01 adultery there.'"
33:02 This is spiritual adultery.
33:03 "'I thought that after
33:04 she had done all this,
33:06 she would return to me,
33:07 but she did not.
33:08 And her unfaithful sister
33:09 Judah saw it.
33:11 I gave faithless Israel
33:13 her certificate of divorce
33:15 and sent her away because
33:16 of all her adulteries.
33:17 Yet I saw
33:18 that her unfaithful sister
33:19 Judah had no fear;
33:20 she also went out
33:22 and committed adultery.
33:23 Because Israel's immorality
33:25 mattered so little to her,
33:27 she defiled the land
33:28 and committed adultery'" --
33:30 and notice the last part --
33:31 "'with wood and stone.'"
33:34 What did they use wood and stone
33:35 in those days to do?
33:38 Yeah. To make idols.
33:40 They would carve idols.
33:41 You know, statues of supposed
33:43 "deities," etcetera, like that.
33:44 That's what's
33:45 being referred to here.
33:46 So, in other words,
33:47 Israel was engaging in idolatry,
33:50 and that was referred
33:51 to as spiritual adultery.
33:53 Now, you tell me -- simple
33:54 question.
33:55 Is there a commandment
33:56 that deals with idolatry?
33:58 Yeah, yeah. "Don't make
33:59 any graven images," right?
34:00 Don't bow down to them,
34:01 etcetera, etcetera, very, very
34:02 clearly.
34:03 And, of course, all that's based
34:04 on the first commandment, "Thou
34:05 shalt have
34:06 no other gods before me."
34:07 In other words,
34:09 Israel took God's law,
34:11 in this case against idolatry,
34:12 and replaced it
34:13 with something else.
34:17 The second side of Babylon
34:19 sets aside God's law
34:21 and replaces it
34:22 with something else.
34:25 And, sadly, this represents
34:26 a huge portion
34:27 of the Christian world today,
34:29 who have done one of at least
34:30 two things
34:31 when it comes to God's law.
34:32 Number one, they sincerely
34:34 believe and teach that the law
34:35 of God was done away with
34:37 at the what?
34:38 At the cross.
34:40 Yeah, they go to Colossians 2,
34:41 and they think
34:42 that what they are reading there
34:43 is that the Ten Commandments
34:44 were nailed to the cross,
34:45 and therefore we are no longer
34:46 under those things.
34:47 We're under grace.
34:49 Jesus Himself
34:50 prohibits that interpretation.
34:52 I don't have time
34:53 to go into it today.
34:54 But if you look at
34:55 Matthew 5:17-19,
34:57 Jesus there very clearly says,
34:58 "Until heaven
34:59 and earth disappear,
35:00 not the least stroke of a pen,
35:01 not one jot, not one tittle
35:03 from the law will disappear
35:04 until all is fulfilled."
35:06 Now, what that means is, if you
35:08 look up and you see a sky,
35:09 if you look down
35:11 and you see the earth,
35:12 the law of God
35:12 is still in effect.
35:14 Those Ten Commandments
35:15 are still there.
35:16 It's something that
35:17 the Christian, that the world
35:18 should pay attention to.
35:20 We'll talk more about these
35:21 another time.
35:23 Secondly,
35:25 the second side of Babylon
35:26 is expressed through the fact
35:27 that there are millions
35:28 of professing Christians today
35:30 who will take some parts
35:31 of God's law as it is written,
35:34 but then they will take
35:35 other parts of God's law
35:36 and attempt to change it and
35:38 replace it with something else.
35:40 Just briefly,
35:40 two classic examples
35:42 that are very prevalent today.
35:43 The fourth commandment,
35:44 you know, the fourth
35:45 of the Ten Commandments.
35:46 "Remember the Sabbath day
35:47 to keep it holy.
35:47 Six days shalt thou labor
35:48 and do all thy work.
35:49 But the seventh day is the
35:50 Sabbath of the Lord thy God."
35:52 The Sabbath only occurs
35:53 in a certain spot,
35:55 not because I said so,
35:56 but because God said so.
35:57 It's only in that place.
35:58 We can pretend about other
35:59 things, but it only is right
36:01 there.
36:02 And in Jewish reckoning,
36:03 that went from Friday
36:04 sundown to Saturday sundown.
36:06 That's the only place that
36:07 the holy hours of the Sabbath
36:08 are found.
36:09 Yet today, there are
36:11 untold millions of Christians
36:12 that believe that Sunday
36:13 is the day of worship.
36:15 Some of them believe
36:16 that Sunday is the new Sabbath.
36:17 Others just simply believe
36:18 that the whole idea of a Sabbath
36:19 was done away with,
36:20 and in honor of the resurrection
36:21 they worship on Sunday.
36:23 Here's the challenge.
36:24 The Bible says absolutely
36:25 nothing about that.
36:27 There's no command to do that.
36:29 But the command to follow
36:30 the true Sabbath
36:31 is still in force.
36:32 Jesus kept
36:33 the seventh-day Sabbath.
36:34 The disciples kept the
36:35 seventh-day Sabbath both before
36:36 and after the resurrection
36:37 of Jesus.
36:39 The early Christians all kept
36:40 the seventh-day Sabbath.
36:41 In fact, they went to church in
36:43 the synagogue with their Jewish
36:44 counterparts because, again,
36:45 most converts to Christianity
36:47 were from Judaism.
36:51 Another example is the first
36:52 commandment -- "Thou shalt have
36:53 no other gods before me."
36:55 And yet there are millions of
36:56 Christians today that will
36:57 essentially worship saints --
37:00 now, the idea that, you know,
37:01 somehow these good people
37:02 from the past have died,
37:03 and now they're still able
37:04 somehow to hear your requests
37:05 and that miracles can happen
37:06 through them, etcetera.
37:07 The Bible is not only not
37:08 in favor of that.
37:09 It actually
37:11 speaks specifically against it.
37:12 And yet there are millions
37:13 that do it.
37:15 Now, notice carefully here.
37:17 I would say the great majority
37:18 of these Christians
37:19 that do these things
37:20 are doing them sincerely.
37:22 In other words, they don't know.
37:25 They have not heard the truth
37:25 for this time.
37:27 And so, they, I mean,
37:29 they are waiting for someone
37:31 to reveal these things to them.
37:33 But I want you to notice
37:34 carefully what happens,
37:36 whether we are sincerely
37:37 doing it or deviously doing it.
37:38 What happens when we set aside
37:41 God's law and put something
37:42 else in its place?
37:44 We harm ourselves
37:46 when we do that.
37:48 Because, after all,
37:49 what is the law of God for?
37:52 What's it for?
37:54 I mean, we know that it's not to
37:55 earn us our salvation.
37:56 We've already talked about that.
37:57 And it's not only there
37:58 to convict us of sin.
38:00 As important as that is,
38:01 there is still something deeper
38:02 at work
38:03 when it comes to the law of God.
38:05 And it is this -- the law of God
38:07 is given that we might know Him,
38:13 that we might know Him.
38:16 Remember what Jesus said?
38:17 John 17:3.
38:18 Remember, Jesus is praying
38:20 to His Father, and He says,
38:21 "And this is eternal life."
38:23 He gives this definition --
38:24 "That they may know you,"
38:25 pointing to His Father
38:26 in heaven, "the one true God,
38:27 and Jesus Christ,
38:28 whom you have sent."
38:30 Salvation -- the purpose
38:31 of salvation is to know God.
38:33 The essence of salvation
38:34 is to know God.
38:34 And notice this.
38:35 The law of God
38:36 is from the mind of God.
38:39 It is based on His heart.
38:42 It is therefore an excellent
38:44 reflection of who He is.
38:45 Now, God cannot be reduced
38:46 to His law.
38:47 No, no, no, no, no, no.
38:48 But, nonetheless, the law
38:49 is an excellent reflection
38:50 of who He is.
38:53 And if we throw out God's law,
38:54 we cannot know Him
38:55 in the deep way that He intends.
38:58 No wonder that James in the book
39:01 that has his name on it,
39:02 James 1:25, he invites us to
39:04 look intently into the perfect
39:05 law that gives -- what's that
39:08 word?
39:09 >> Freedom.
39:10 >> Freedom -- that gives
39:11 freedom.
39:12 And he says, "If we do this,
39:13 we will be blessed,"
39:15 not because the law saves us,
39:17 but because it constantly
39:18 points us back to Jesus.
39:22 You see,
39:23 prior to accepting Jesus,
39:25 the law is our sworn enemy.
39:27 Make no mistake.
39:28 It condemns us.
39:29 We've broken God's law.
39:30 The law stands there proclaiming
39:32 our condemnation.
39:33 But after accepting Jesus,
39:35 the law is transformed,
39:37 as far as our relationship
39:38 to it.
39:38 The law becomes candy
39:39 for the soul.
39:40 It is sweet in the mouth
39:41 and in the life.
39:42 It is the essence of the path
39:43 to freedom.
39:45 Is this not part of the miracle
39:47 of salvation, of righteousness
39:49 by faith in Jesus Christ?
39:51 This is why before
39:53 we accept Christ,
39:54 keeping God's law can seem
39:55 empty and dry.
39:58 But after we accept Christ,
40:00 there is a change of attitude
40:01 inside of us.
40:03 God creates in us a clean heart.
40:05 He renews a right attitude,
40:07 a right spirit within us.
40:08 We have new cravings
40:09 and new desires,
40:11 not for that which is evil,
40:12 but for that which is good.
40:13 This is why,
40:15 after we accept Jesus
40:16 as our Lord and Savior,
40:17 He invites us to passionately
40:18 pursue obedience to His law.
40:22 Obedience without Christ
40:23 is legalism and damning.
40:26 But obedience with Jesus,
40:28 as James said,
40:29 is a path of freedom.
40:31 In fact --
40:32 listen carefully, please.
40:35 Anyone who claims to be
40:36 a Christian
40:38 and does not passionately seek
40:40 full conformity to the will
40:41 and the law of God
40:44 is either spiritually sick
40:47 or not a Christian.
40:50 This is how solid
40:51 the transformation inside of us
40:52 is to be.
40:54 What did Jesus say?
40:55 "By their fruits
40:57 you shall know them."
40:59 What did Jesus say?
41:00 "If you love me,
41:01 keep my commandments."
41:04 Not to be saved,
41:06 but because we already have been
41:07 saved, and the change
41:09 inside of us has begun.
41:11 And we long to know Jesus better
41:13 and better and better.
41:17 And Babylon says, "No!
41:22 No, you can't have it because
41:26 the law has been done away with.
41:28 It's been changed and replaced
41:29 with something else.
41:30 And thus you cannot know God
41:31 to the depths He calls you to.
41:33 You cannot walk fully
41:34 in the freedom
41:35 He longs for you to have."
41:37 And millions of honest,
41:39 God-loving people suffer because
41:41 of this every single day.
41:46 And now we're ready to sum up
41:47 the second angel's message.
41:49 The first angel said,
41:50 "Honor and worship the Creator,
41:52 for justice is coming, and time
41:53 is running out."
41:54 The second angel essentially
41:54 says this.
41:56 Best way I know to put it today.
41:57 May change as I grow over time.
41:59 "Trying to earn my salvation,
42:00 or setting aside
42:01 God's law, won't work."
42:04 "Fallen," the text said.
42:05 And just in case
42:06 we miss the point,
42:07 it actually says it twice,
42:07 right?
42:08 "Fallen, fallen is Babylon the
42:09 Great."
42:10 She's not out leading the race.
42:12 Babylon's not
42:13 winning all of this out there.
42:14 No, no, no, she's fallen down.
42:17 "Trying to earn my salvation,
42:18 or setting aside
42:19 God's law, won't work."
42:21 And notice this carefully.
42:22 Anyone or any organization
42:24 that says you must
42:25 earn your own salvation,
42:27 or that God's law has been
42:28 altered or done away
42:29 with is Babylon,
42:32 be they Catholic, Protestant,
42:34 pagan, evangelical,
42:35 or Seventh-day Adventist.
42:42 And right now I think we should
42:43 go back to Bob.
42:48 "Hey, Bob. Bob, it's me, Shane,
42:50 your next-door neighbor.
42:51 I know, I know, last time
42:52 wasn't so good.
42:53 Sorry about --
42:54 just give me give me another
42:55 chance here, if you would, Bob."
42:56 And because Bob is a nice guy,
42:57 he lets me in.
43:01 "Hey, Bob.
43:02 Listen -- I apologize.
43:05 You know, I kind of messed up
43:06 with the first message,
43:07 and maybe I've done it again
43:08 with the second.
43:08 I'm real sorry about that.
43:09 Listen -- I did some more study,
43:11 and actually it says something
43:13 different than what I thought.
43:14 You know, Bob,
43:17 there's nothing you can do
43:20 to make God love you any more
43:22 than He already does right now,
43:25 and there's nothing you can do
43:26 to make Him love you
43:27 any less than He does right now.
43:30 He just loves you.
43:33 If you decide to follow Jesus --
43:34 and I hope you do --
43:35 but if you do, you don't
43:36 have to clean yourself up first
43:38 before you come to Him.
43:38 He will
43:39 take you just as you are, Bob.
43:41 And, Bob, did you know
43:42 something?
43:43 If you choose Him
43:44 as your Lord and Savior,
43:46 He won't leave you that way.
43:48 He loves you too much
43:48 to do that.
43:50 You can become at last the kind
43:52 of person that God,
43:53 and, Bob, I'm guessing
43:54 that you have always dreamed
43:55 you could be -- a person of love
43:58 and of justice, of mercy
44:00 and dignity and kindness
44:02 and all of those things.
44:04 He loves you,
44:05 and He gave His life
44:06 that you can become
44:07 that kind of person.
44:09 Bob, what do you think?
44:10 Are you okay with that?"
44:16 And Bob thinks that's
44:18 pretty good.
44:20 He'd like to know more about
44:21 that kind of a God,
44:23 which brings us
44:25 to angel number three.
44:28 Turn in your Bibles, please.
44:29 Page 830. Revelation 14:9.
44:35 It's the last angel.
44:37 We've looked at number one.
44:39 We've looked at number two.
44:42 And now, number three,
44:43 verse 9, Revelation 14.
44:46 "A third angel followed them
44:47 and said in a loud voice,
44:50 'If anyone worships the beast
44:52 and his image
44:54 and receives his mark
44:56 on the forehead or on the hand,
44:58 he, too, will drink of the wine
45:00 of God's fury, which has been
45:02 poured full strength
45:03 into the cup of His wrath.
45:05 He will be tormented with
45:06 burning sulfur in the presence
45:07 of the holy angels
45:08 and of the Lamb,
45:10 and the smoke of their torment
45:11 rises forever and ever.
45:13 There is no rest day or night
45:15 for those who worship the beast
45:16 and his image,
45:17 or for anyone who receives
45:18 the mark of his name.'"
45:27 Well, not a single amen
45:28 in the house of the Lord
45:29 this morning.
45:30 [ Laughter ]
45:30 Right?
45:33 No praises from the lips
45:34 of the saints here.
45:35 I'll tell you what.
45:36 Let's see what Bob thinks,
45:37 shall we?
45:39 Let's try this out.
45:41 "Hey, Bob!
45:42 Bob, it's me again.
45:43 It's your neighbor Shane.
45:44 Yeah, I know,
45:46 I've been here before.
45:46 There's only three angels.
45:47 I'm not coming back after this,
45:48 all right?
45:49 Just one more chance, okay?"
45:51 And because Bob is a nice guy,
45:53 he's going to let me in, so...
45:55 "Hey, Bob, listen.
45:57 You're pretty
45:58 excited after we left last time.
46:00 I know. That was good stuff.
46:00 Well, as it turns out, God has
46:02 just one last final message here
46:04 before He returns, and He
46:06 wants you to know about it.
46:06 I got to tell you, Bob.
46:07 This is the best.
46:08 This is the greatest.
46:09 You're going to love this!
46:09 Listen.
46:10 God is going to have
46:11 a great, big party
46:13 at the end of time.
46:15 And you are not only on the
46:16 guest list -- you are on the
46:18 menu."
46:19 [ Laughter ]
46:21 "God's going to have this great,
46:22 big end-time barbecue,
46:24 and you are going to be
46:25 his shish kebab!
46:27 [ Chuckles ]
46:28 You see what I did there, Bob?
46:29 Like shish 'ka-bob,' right?
46:29 Got that?
46:31 Yeah. See? That kind of thing?
46:32 Right? See? You're going to
46:33 sizzle and fry and never die!
46:38 Now, truly, we do have a spot
46:39 in that Bible study.
46:39 If you want to come,
46:40 I can set you up.
46:41 I'll drop by, pick you up.
46:42 It's not a problem."
46:47 Not only is Bob
46:49 not coming to my Bible study,
46:52 but at this point,
46:53 Bob may not have much interest
46:54 at all in ever
46:56 cracking open the book again.
46:58 Right? And let's be honest.
47:03 Some of you listening right now
47:06 may be in somewhat
47:08 of the same boat.
47:11 You know, we found some
47:12 good news in the first angel,
47:14 and we found some good news
47:15 in the second angel.
47:16 But it kind of seems like
47:17 all bets are off when you get
47:18 to angel number three.
47:20 And let's be clear.
47:22 This is indeed the strongest
47:25 warning in all of Scripture --
47:28 the strongest one.
47:29 I mean, there are other warnings
47:30 that God gives
47:31 sprinkled throughout Scripture.
47:32 This is the granddaddy
47:33 of them all.
47:35 There's nothing that tops
47:35 this one.
47:38 And yet... And yet...
47:42 I believe it is possible
47:43 to find some good news
47:45 even in this third angel.
47:48 But if we're going to find
47:49 this good news, we have to
47:50 understand at least two things.
47:53 Number one, God respects our
47:56 power of choice.
48:00 God respects
48:02 our power of choice.
48:04 You are made
48:05 in the image of God.
48:05 Whether we recognize
48:07 that fact or not is irrelevant.
48:08 We are made in the --
48:09 for this particular point,
48:09 it's irrelevant.
48:10 That means
48:11 that we are free moral agents.
48:13 We have the ability to choose.
48:15 And God looks at us,
48:16 and He says, "You can
48:18 choose for or against me."
48:19 Now let that sink in.
48:20 The most powerful force in the
48:22 universe, the creator of all,
48:23 the Lord of all, will be stopped
48:25 by two letters from your lips.
48:27 N-o.
48:27 If you say no,
48:29 Jesus isn't going to come in.
48:31 Jesus is a gentleman.
48:32 He will not come in
48:33 where He's not wanted.
48:37 He's not interested in twisting
48:38 anybody's arm into the kingdom,
48:40 because someone that is
48:41 convinced against their will
48:42 is of the same opinion still.
48:44 Love to be loved
48:45 must be chosen freely.
48:48 And Jesus knows this.
48:49 And so, He has established
48:50 this rule that He will not
48:52 cross that line.
48:52 He's a gentleman.
48:53 He will not
48:54 come in where He's not wanted.
48:55 He will respect
48:56 your power of choice.
49:00 And secondly, if we're going
49:01 to find any good news
49:03 in the third angel's message,
49:05 we need to know
49:06 about little Johnny.
49:10 I want you to imagine that you
49:11 take your family on a picnic,
49:13 and it's a beautiful spring day,
49:14 and the temperature
49:15 is nice and warm,
49:16 and the sky is blue,
49:18 and the grass is green.
49:19 You lay out your picnic there
49:20 on this beautiful
49:21 picnic blanket, and you
49:22 and your children are there.
49:24 And there's birds
49:25 that are singing in the air,
49:26 but you can't hear
49:27 any of those birds,
49:29 because 100 yards away
49:31 is an eight-lane freeway,
49:34 four lanes in either direction.
49:35 It's heavy traffic time.
49:36 They're all going 80 miles
49:37 an hour, and there are no
49:39 guardrails on the freeway.
49:42 Now, why it is that you chose
49:43 to have a picnic at this place,
49:44 I have no idea, but I respect
49:45 your power of choice.
49:46 So, that's where
49:47 we're going to be, okay?
49:48 So, you've got your picnic there
49:49 and you're eating your sandwich
49:51 and just enjoying
49:52 this beautiful spring day,
49:53 when suddenly you realize
49:57 that little Johnny is not
49:59 where he's supposed to be.
50:01 I mean,
50:02 just a few moments earlier,
50:03 little Johnny was over there,
50:04 eating his sandwich on that
50:05 side of the blanket there,
50:06 and you took
50:07 a bite of your sandwich.
50:08 You look up again,
50:08 and little Johnny is not there,
50:10 and this sense of horror
50:11 comes over you,
50:12 and you think to yourself,
50:13 "Oh, no. Oh, no.
50:14 Surely Johnny is not..."
50:18 And you look up towards
50:19 the freeway, and, sure enough,
50:21 Johnny is.
50:23 Johnny is sprinting
50:25 for all he's worth,
50:26 straight towards that eight-lane
50:28 freeway with no guardrails.
50:32 And because you are a parent
50:34 who loves their children,
50:36 you throw your sandwich
50:37 onto the blanket,
50:38 you jump to your feet,
50:39 you cup your hands to your mouth
50:40 and you say,
50:43 [ Quietly ] "Johnny?
50:45 Johnny?
50:47 Johnny, you stop right now.
50:50 I've told you a dozen times
50:51 not to run and play next
50:52 to the freeway.
50:53 John, Johnny, you stop.
50:55 Johnny, you come...
50:56 Oh, Johnny."
50:57 [ Laughter ]
51:00 "Ooh!
51:03 Oh, well."
51:05 [ Laughter continues ]
51:10 "Dear, do we have
51:11 any more of those chips?
51:11 I don't think this sandwich
51:12 is going to do it."
51:16 Is that what a parent who loves
51:17 their children would do?
51:19 No. Instead,
51:21 a parent who loves their child
51:23 would realize the situation,
51:25 see little Johnny
51:26 sprinting towards destruction,
51:27 throw their sandwich down,
51:28 jump to their feet,
51:29 cup their hands and say...
51:30 [ Screaming ] Stop!
51:32 Stop! Johnny, stop!"
51:35 And then you would start
51:36 sprinting for all your worth
51:40 to try to catch up
51:41 with little Johnny, okay?
51:44 And imagine
51:45 that Mr. and Mrs. Smith
51:48 are about a quarter-mile away.
51:50 They've just had a newborn baby,
51:51 and they're pushing the little
51:52 baby in the carriage there,
51:53 and they see off here
51:54 in the distance, they see you
51:56 shaking your fist and yelling.
51:57 They can't make out what
51:57 you're saying,
51:58 but they know you're yelling,
51:59 and you're running
52:00 and shaking your fist.
52:01 And this little kid is running
52:02 away from you.
52:03 And Mr. Smith says
52:05 to Mrs. Smith,
52:06 "Well, honey, look at those
52:07 abusive parents over there.
52:08 Pfft!
52:09 Probably going to beat the kid
52:10 when he catches him.
52:12 I'm sure glad we're not like
52:13 those parents.
52:14 Aren't you, Mrs. Smith?"
52:15 And Mrs. Smith says, "Oh, yes.
52:16 I'm so glad we're not like
52:18 those parents. Yeah."
52:23 And, of course, the truth
52:26 is exactly the opposite.
52:28 It is because of love
52:30 that the parent does what
52:31 he does, what she does.
52:35 At the end of time,
52:37 God loves people too much
52:41 to just let them slide away
52:43 into destruction.
52:47 He is willing to do almost
52:49 anything to save them,
52:50 even if it means
52:51 raising His voice.
52:54 Ladies and gentlemen,
52:55 never apologize for the tone
52:57 of the third angel's message.
52:59 It may be the only thing
53:01 that brings back your friends
53:03 and mine from the edge
53:04 of oblivion.
53:08 There's much more that we could
53:09 say about this third angel,
53:10 but time prohibits.
53:11 Let's go ahead and sum this up.
53:14 The first angel said,
53:15 "Honor and worship the Creator,
53:17 for justice is coming, and time
53:18 is running out."
53:19 The second angel said,
53:20 "Trying to earn my salvation,
53:21 or setting aside
53:22 God's law, won't work."
53:24 And the best summary
53:24 I know of right now --
53:25 as I grow, I may alter and
53:26 change this -- but right now,
53:27 this is the best way
53:28 I know to say it.
53:29 The third angel says,
53:30 "I can choose my own
53:31 destruction, but God in His love
53:34 will do all He possibly can to
53:36 change my mind."
53:37 >> Amen.
53:40 >> And right now
53:42 we need to go back to Bob.
53:47 "Hey, Bob.
53:48 It's me, your neighbor Shane.
53:51 Just one more time, please.
53:54 Just -- just once. Right?"
53:56 And because Bob is a nice guy,
53:58 he's going to let me in.
54:02 "Hey, Bob. Listen, uh, you know,
54:03 I'm, uh, I'm real sorry
54:05 about how last time went.
54:06 This last,
54:09 you know, this third message
54:10 that God wants you to hear,
54:12 you know, just right here
54:12 at the end of time.
54:14 So, I did some more studying.
54:15 And what God actually is trying
54:16 to say is..."
54:17 And at this point,
54:18 Bob reaches down,
54:19 and he picks up the Bible
54:21 that we gave him
54:21 a couple of weeks ago.
54:22 And he says,
54:23 "Hold on just a moment, Shane.
54:25 Listen. Um, I think
54:26 you might be a little confused
54:27 as to what's actually
54:28 happening here with this whole
54:29 three angels' message stuff.
54:30 You know, you left me
54:31 this Bible,
54:32 and after you left it with me,
54:34 particularly after the last time
54:35 that you were here, man,
54:36 I just thought, 'Pfft, that's
54:37 way out there.
54:37 I got to figure this out.'
54:38 And I began to study, and, man,
54:40 I have been in this thing
54:41 for hours and hours and hours.
54:43 It's got this concordance
54:44 in the back.
54:44 And I'm looking up stuff here
54:45 about spiritual adultery
54:47 and the mark of the beast
54:48 and all this stuff.
54:49 I got to tell you.
54:50 I think you're barking up
54:51 the wrong tree, Shane.
54:52 God is not doing this
54:54 to be mean to me.
54:54 God is saying this
54:55 to try to get my attention.
54:57 I mean, He loves me,
54:58 and He wants to be to be ready
54:59 when He comes back.
55:01 In fact, you know, last night
55:02 after reading
55:03 all these hours in here,
55:05 I asked Jesus to be my Lord
55:06 and Savior,
55:08 and He's the leader of my life.
55:11 You know, Shane,
55:13 you ought to read this book."
55:14 [ Laughter ]
55:16 "It's pretty good."
55:21 And Bob is right.
55:23 It is a good book.
55:25 You know, there's one more
55:27 installment in this series,
55:28 and you might be wondering,
55:30 "Well, that's all three angels.
55:31 What could you possibly put
55:32 for part four?"
55:33 Come on out, and we'll see.
55:34 There's one last thing
55:37 that you need to know
55:38 before we're ready to,
55:39 at least in my opinion,
55:40 fully understand
55:41 the unique mission of the
55:42 Seventh-day Adventist Church.
55:43 So, I hope
55:44 you can join us next week.
55:45 But until then, let's remember
55:47 something very, very important.
55:49 There are all kinds of neighbor
55:51 Bobs out there,
55:54 by the millions.
55:56 And they're sincerely looking
55:57 for truth.
55:59 They want something better
56:00 than what they have.
56:01 They are looking, if I can
56:03 put it this way, for religion,
56:05 pure and undefiled,
56:08 not meaning religious ceremonies
56:09 and structures
56:10 and all these types of things,
56:12 but religion that is saturated
56:12 in Jesus Christ,
56:14 that has Jesus Christ
56:15 at the center of it,
56:16 that Jesus is the locus.
56:17 He's the hub on the wheel.
56:18 Everything leads back to Christ.
56:20 And we present equally
56:22 the blessings of His grace
56:24 and the blessings of His law
56:25 to help us to become,
56:26 by His grace and His power,
56:27 the people He's always dreamed
56:28 that we could be.
56:29 There are millions
56:31 of our neighbor Bobs out there,
56:33 and they will be blessed
56:35 if we share with them
56:37 the message of Jesus Christ
56:38 and the three angels.
56:39 May each one of us prove
56:41 faithful to the unique mission
56:43 that God is charging us with.
56:45 >> Amen.
56:51 >> Thank you for taking the time
56:52 to join us in worship today.
56:53 I'd like to spend just
56:55 another moment with you here
56:56 at the end of our program
56:57 to share a word of hope.
57:00 In fact, that's what this little
57:01 book is all about.
57:04 In these uncertain times --
57:05 and let's face it, they're
57:06 uncertain all over the planet --
57:08 this book, entitled
57:09 "The Great Hope,"
57:11 will help you understand
57:12 not just what God has planned
57:13 for your future,
57:15 but for the future of the entire
57:16 human race.
57:18 You know, light keeps shining
57:20 on this dark, old world,
57:21 and new truths,
57:22 long forgotten, are being
57:24 constantly rediscovered.
57:26 If you need a fresh dose of hope
57:28 in your life these days,
57:29 or if you know somebody else
57:30 who could sure use
57:31 that gift of hope,
57:32 then I'd like to invite you
57:33 to grab your phone
57:35 and dial our toll-free number.
57:36 877, the two words "HIS WILL."
57:40 That's 877-HIS-WILL.
57:43 And at no charge to you,
57:44 we'll get a copy in the mail
57:45 to you right away.
57:47 Till the next time we meet,
57:49 may the peace and hope
57:50 of the Lord Jesus Christ
57:52 be with you always.
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Revised 2024-05-06