Pioneer Media

Why We Are Here, Part 4: Bullseye

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: PME

Program Code: PME240427S

00:02 ♪
00:14 >> Well, hello, everyone and
00:16 welcome to Pioneer Church,
00:18 family, our worship this
00:19 Sabbath.
00:20 Down farther south, they say
00:22 "feliz sábado."
00:23 Right?
00:25 And farther east, they say
00:27 "shalom l'chaim."
00:29 That's over in the Middle East.
00:30 But anyhow, we say
00:32 happy Sabbath and welcome.
00:34 We're so glad you're here.
00:36 And if you join us on the media,
00:38 we really are pleased
00:40 to welcome you that way.
00:42 Anyhow, if you have not been
00:44 greeted, I'll tell you what.
00:46 Look and smile and wink
00:48 at somebody near you,
00:49 and you can greet them.
00:51 Again, we're so glad you're
00:53 here.
00:54 Would you look on the screen
00:56 or in the back of your bulletin
00:58 for our call to worship?
01:01 And we're going to do that as we
01:03 transition now into worship.
01:05 And if you would be good,
01:06 please stand with me.
01:52 And shall we pray?
01:54 Father, we bow our hearts
01:56 and our heads in your presence,
01:59 and we pray that all that
02:01 we do here would be
02:03 a praising of your goodness,
02:05 your greatness, your Godliness.
02:09 Thank you.
02:10 So, be here with us,
02:13 and may we know by what we sense
02:16 that You are here with us.
02:18 We pray in Jesus' name.
02:21 Amen.
02:22 >> Amen.
02:27 [ "Blessed Assurance, Jesus is
02:29 Mine" begins ]
02:32 >> Remain standing as we sing
02:34 "Blessed Assurance, Jesus is
02:36 Mine," hymn number 462.
05:46 >> One more time.
06:21 >> Amen.
06:22 >> Amen.
06:28 >> I stand here today
06:30 as an example that God
06:31 is good and God is faithful.
06:35 I stand here behind -- in front
06:37 of some amazing
06:39 and talented young people
06:42 that have grouped themselves
06:43 into the Deliverance Mass Choir.
06:46 We have one song for you.
06:48 It's a twist on the age-old tune
06:52 "Great is Thy Faithfulness."
06:53 Hope you're blessed.
07:22 [ "Great is Thy Faithfulness"
07:24 begins ]
07:27 ♪
07:39 >> ♪ Great is Thy faithfulness
07:46 ♪ Lord, unto me
07:55 ♪ Great is Thy faithfulness
08:04 ♪ Great is Thy faithfulness
08:09 ♪ Morning by morning
08:13 ♪ By morning, by morning
08:17 ♪ By morning, by morning
08:21 ♪ New mercies I see
08:23 >> ♪ See
08:24 >> ♪ See
08:30 >> ♪ All I have needed
08:37 ♪ Thy hand hath provide
08:43 ♪ Great is Thy faithfulness
08:50 ♪ Great is Thy faithfulness
08:58 ♪ Great is Thy faithfulness
09:06 ♪ Oh, Lord
09:10 ♪ Unto
09:18 >> ♪ Me...
09:28 >> ♪ Me-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee
09:34 >> ♪
09:39 >> ♪ Me-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee
09:45 >> ♪
09:52 >> ♪ Me-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee, too
10:01 ♪ Me
10:08 [ Applause ]
10:21 >> So I have made special
10:23 arrangements today
10:25 for the person next to you
10:26 to give you a dollar
10:28 for every minute that I go past
10:29 1:00 PM.
10:31 [ Laughter ]
10:35 How long do you want me to go?
10:41 Well, I'm going to go.
10:43 I came here for many things,
10:44 including to preach.
10:45 So here we go.
10:47 Welcome to the fourth
10:48 and final installment
10:49 of our series entitled
10:50 "Why We Are Here."
10:53 We have been on a quest.
10:54 We have been hunting to discover
10:56 the unique mission of the
10:58 Seventh-day Adventist Church.
10:59 Let me briefly tell you
11:00 where we have been.
11:02 We have said that the mission of
11:03 the Seventh-day Adventist Church
11:04 includes the Great Commission
11:06 of Matthew 28:18-20,
11:08 making disciples of Jesus
11:09 who make disciples of Jesus.
11:10 Absolutely.
11:11 That is core to who we are.
11:12 We've also said that we take
11:13 the Great Commission and we take
11:14 it one final step further.
11:16 That's the Three Angels'
11:18 Messages of Revelation 14:6-12.
11:21 We went through those three
11:22 angels.
11:23 We summed up those messages
11:24 with these words.
11:47 Now, with that in mind,
11:48 we've got the Great Commission,
11:50 we've got the
11:51 Three Angels' Messages,
11:52 and there is one third
11:54 and final factor
11:56 that we need to understand
11:57 if we are going to understand
11:59 the unique mission of the
12:00 Seventh-day Adventist Church.
12:02 Now, to understand
12:04 what this third factor is --
12:06 because this is what we're going
12:06 to be discussing here today --
12:08 to understand what
12:09 that third missing factor is,
12:10 we need to ask and answer
12:12 a simple but key question.
12:13 Here it is.
12:15 If you were the devil...
12:19 and I trust that you're not,
12:21 but if you were the devil
12:23 and you knew
12:25 that the Three Angels' Messages
12:26 were God's last messages
12:28 to a dying world, what would you
12:29 spend your time doing?
12:34 It's pretty straightforward,
12:35 isn't it?
12:36 I mean, if you have any history
12:37 with the devil and temptation,
12:38 et cetera, I mean,
12:39 the answer is crystal clear.
12:40 You would spend your time
12:41 distracting and deceiving,
12:45 distracting and deceiving.
12:46 In other words, you would first
12:48 try to distract people
12:49 from ever hearing those messages
12:51 in the first place, right?
12:52 And secondly,
12:54 if they did hear those messages,
12:56 you would try to deceive people
12:58 as to what they actually meant.
13:01 Now, this is
13:02 standard operating procedure.
13:03 You know, Ellen White had this
13:04 to say, "Great Controversy,"
13:05 page 186.
13:06 Speaking of
13:07 the Protestant Reformation,
13:08 when Martin Luther's work
13:09 was really hitting its stride.
13:11 She said,
13:11 "But Satan was not idle.
13:13 He now attempted what he has
13:15 attempted in every other
13:17 reformatory movement -- to
13:18 deceive and destroy the people
13:20 by palming off upon them
13:22 a counterfeit" -- key word
13:24 there -- "a counterfeit in place
13:26 of the true work."
13:29 So notice carefully the devil
13:30 is not content to simply stand
13:32 up and say, "God is wrong."
13:35 The devil wants to counterfeit
13:36 God's work.
13:38 He wants to speak that
13:40 which is false and promote
13:42 that which is false
13:43 while having it look like it
13:45 is true.
13:47 All the better to get
13:49 more people to buy into it.
13:54 And given that reality,
13:57 the fact of the matter is that
13:59 the Three Angels' Messages
14:00 have more punch and power today
14:03 than ever, because we live
14:05 in a different time than when
14:06 those words were first written.
14:07 It's 2,000 years later.
14:08 October 22nd, 1844, is now come.
14:11 We indeed live in the last days,
14:13 and the devil has ratcheted up
14:15 the level of distraction
14:16 and deception these days
14:18 that it can be overwhelming
14:20 for the average person.
14:21 Unless...
14:25 Unless someone reveals
14:28 the deceptions.
14:30 And the someone reveals
14:32 the distraction,
14:33 shows them for what they are,
14:34 that people might see
14:36 that which is true.
14:37 If we can do that,
14:38 if we can reveal the
14:39 deception and the distraction,
14:41 then perhaps my friends
14:42 and yours and everybody else
14:43 on the planet that needs to hear
14:44 will be able to hear
14:46 and potentially understand God's
14:47 last messages to them.
14:48 So....
14:52 Given that that's our ministry
14:53 context, I wonder what it might
14:55 look like.
14:56 What might it look like
14:58 as we go out to share Jesus
15:01 and the Three Angels' Messages
15:02 with other people?
15:03 Well, maybe we could think of it
15:04 like this.
15:08 Any dart players in the room?
15:09 Okay.
15:10 I know you don't do this
15:11 at a pub or a tavern
15:12 or anything like that.
15:13 I'm sure it's in a nice,
15:14 quiet pastel environment.
15:16 Something like that, okay.
15:17 Darts. I'm not
15:18 a great dart player, right?
15:19 But the object, ideally, is to
15:21 hit what on the dart board?
15:22 The bull's-eye.
15:23 Right. That little red dot
15:25 right there in the middle.
15:25 And it looks -- I mean, to me
15:27 right now, it looks fairly big.
15:28 I could probably hit that one.
15:29 But in a real dart board,
15:30 you're 10, 15 feet back.
15:31 It's hard to hit, right?
15:33 Now, I want you to imagine
15:35 something, that you are forced
15:36 to play a game of darts, okay?
15:39 You can't not play.
15:40 You have to play.
15:41 And the penalty for missing
15:43 the bull's-eye is death.
15:44 [ Congregation murmurs ]
15:46 Yeah, right?
15:48 Moreover, the devil, in this
15:50 imaginary dart game here,
15:52 is actively standing
15:54 between you and the dart board,
15:56 and every time you throw a dart,
15:57 even if it's aiming right
15:59 at the bull's-eye,
16:00 the devil is standing there...
16:03 diverting your dart.
16:05 And here's the thing.
16:07 That bull's-eye is fairly small.
16:08 You don't have to divert it
16:10 very much in order for it
16:11 to miss the bull's-eye.
16:14 Still want to play?
16:17 Well, again, imagine that we
16:19 have no choice, that everyone
16:20 on the planet has to play.
16:24 Here's what that game
16:25 might look like.
16:27 And again, I'm going to say this
16:28 for the last time,
16:29 at least for this series,
16:30 this caveat -- I'm going to cut
16:31 some corners this morning.
16:32 We're going to drink
16:33 from a fire hydrant here
16:34 in the next few minutes.
16:35 And if you're a guest
16:36 with us today, we are so glad
16:37 that you are here.
16:38 If I say something, you're like,
16:39 you're scratching your --
16:39 "How in the world did he come up
16:40 with that?"
16:41 Come and see me afterwards.
16:42 I'd love to have a chance
16:42 to talk with you about these
16:44 very important things.
16:46 That said, ready, set, go.
16:50 So, a first deception that
16:52 the devil might use to keep us
16:53 from hitting the bull's-eye
16:54 is a false creation story.
16:56 And this has to do with
16:57 evolution here.
16:57 Darwinian evolution,
16:59 survival of the fittest,
17:00 you know, random mutations
17:01 over long periods of time,
17:02 et cetera.
17:03 This false creation story,
17:05 it's very interesting.
17:06 In July of 1844.
17:08 What year did I say?
17:10 In July of 1844,
17:12 Charles Darwin had turned
17:14 his original research on what
17:16 would become evolutionary theory
17:17 into a 230-page essay.
17:20 That's what he called it,
17:21 230 page essay,
17:22 to be expanded later with
17:24 research results and published
17:25 if he died prematurely.
17:27 In other words, this was
17:28 the first draft of
17:29 "The Origin of Species,"
17:32 and it came out in 1844.
17:34 Isn't it interesting? It appears
17:35 the devil reads his Bible, too.
17:38 Because in the same year that
17:41 a message comes to the forefront
17:42 trumpeting that God
17:44 is the creator of all things --
17:45 you remember the First
17:45 Angel's Message, right?
17:46 You know, worship Him who
17:48 made -- right? -- the Creator.
17:49 In that same year,
17:50 another message takes root
17:52 that would eventually trumpet
17:53 that God is not the creator
17:54 of all things.
17:58 Now, interestingly enough,
17:59 a majority of Americans
18:01 do not believe in the --
18:02 in Darwinian evolution.
18:04 A majority of academics do,
18:06 surveys tell us, but a majority
18:07 of Americans, they do not.
18:08 So you say, "Well,
18:09 why do you bring this up as
18:10 one of the deceptions of Satan?"
18:11 Well, social
18:13 Darwinism is alive and well.
18:16 People have debated,
18:18 well, does social Darwinism
18:19 actually come from,
18:20 you know, biological Darwinism?
18:21 Can you make that connection?
18:22 Whether it comes from there
18:24 or not, this idea, the idea
18:26 that, if I am stronger
18:27 than you, faster than you,
18:29 wealthier than you, et cetera,
18:30 then I can step on you
18:31 and crush you to advance
18:32 my cause.
18:34 Well, that idea is alive
18:36 and well in the world today.
18:37 Is that true?
18:38 Yes, it is, and it's not
18:39 just in capitalist America.
18:41 No, no, it's all over the world.
18:42 This is human nature writ large.
18:44 It's a powerful deception,
18:45 and the devil
18:46 is just getting started.
18:48 Secondly,
18:50 a false representation of Satan.
18:52 "Sin is good and does not exist.
18:56 Sin is good and does not exist."
18:58 Now, here the devil is trying
19:00 to burnish his reputation.
19:01 Right? This is classic
19:02 bad old sinful stuff.
19:04 It's been this way
19:04 for thousands of years,
19:06 but it kicks into high gear
19:07 at the end of time.
19:08 The first part there -- sin
19:10 is good.
19:11 Isn't this classic stuff all the
19:12 way?
19:13 You know, Eve in the Garden
19:14 of Eden, the devil said,
19:15 you know, "You'll be better off
19:17 if you eat this apple," right?
19:18 Whatever the fruit was,
19:19 you know, "If you eat this
19:20 fruit, you'll be better."
19:22 And to this day,
19:22 the devil is still painting sin
19:25 in these golden hues that just
19:26 make us want to do it, right?
19:28 "Sin is good."
19:30 And then comes the second part.
19:32 "And does not exist."
19:34 You know, the story is told of
19:36 a theology student that asked
19:38 his professor once, he said,
19:39 professor, can you think
19:41 of a compliment for the devil?
19:44 And the professor thought
19:45 for a moment and said,
19:46 "Well, he's a hard worker."
19:49 [ Laughter ]
19:51 And I would add to that,
19:52 unfortunately, sometimes
19:54 he's genius because, frankly,
19:56 "Sin is good.
19:58 And by the way,
19:59 there is no such thing.
20:00 Sin doesn't exist."
20:03 You know, these days,
20:04 popular culture very much
20:06 exemplifies this, right?
20:08 And postmodern philosophy --
20:09 This is not going to be
20:10 a discourse on philosophy.
20:10 I'll just
20:11 very briefly say postmodernism.
20:12 I know that people
20:13 have said postmodernism is dead.
20:14 It got post-postmodernism and
20:15 then post-post-postmodernism,
20:16 et cetera.
20:17 The idea is simply this, that
20:19 truth is relative to the
20:20 observer.
20:20 You may have your truth
20:21 and I'll have mine.
20:23 And even if they're 180 degrees
20:24 out from one another, that's
20:26 okay because we all "get to
20:27 decide our own truth."
20:30 In other words, postmodern
20:31 thought says -- and this
20:32 is still dominant today -- there
20:34 is no such thing as absolute
20:36 truth.
20:37 And that statement
20:39 is absolutely true.
20:43 I'll let you chew on that
20:44 over potluck.
20:44 You just talk about that
20:45 amongst yourselves, okay?
20:47 So, in other words,
20:47 it's inherently
20:48 self-contradictory.
20:49 It cannot stand, it always,
20:50 sooner or later,
20:51 implodes upon itself, all right?
20:52 And, yet, this still
20:54 is the order of the day,
20:55 particularly in popular culture,
20:56 Western culture,
20:57 around the world.
20:59 You know, these days, there's no
21:00 such thing as sin.
21:02 We just have preferences.
21:04 There's no such thing as sin,
21:05 we just have lifestyle choices.
21:06 People say,
21:07 well, it's not wrong.
21:09 It's just different.
21:11 "Sin is good
21:13 and it doesn't exist."
21:15 It's a powerful deception
21:16 and it kicks into high gear
21:17 at the end of time.
21:19 But again, the devil
21:20 is just getting started.
21:22 A false representation of God --
21:24 hell and eternal torment.
21:26 So the devil's got our
21:27 beginnings with evolution here.
21:28 He has his own reputation.
21:30 And then, he attacks
21:31 God's reputation.
21:32 A false representation of God --
21:33 hell and eternal torment.
21:35 Now, my guess is that many
21:37 of you know this idea
21:38 of an eternally burning hell.
21:40 Let me just briefly explain it
21:41 if you're not familiar with it.
21:42 The idea is simply this.
21:43 If you are an unrepentant
21:45 sinner that does not choose
21:46 Jesus, when you die,
21:48 you will go straight to a place
21:50 called hell.
21:51 In this rubric,
21:53 it is an actual place,
21:55 and the flames are real,
21:56 and you will burn forever
21:58 and ever and ever.
22:00 And it's like being burnt alive,
22:01 except that you never die.
22:02 So all the pain
22:03 and the discomfort
22:05 that you might imagine in that
22:06 environment is all there.
22:09 Now, here's the thing.
22:12 We can spend a lot of time
22:14 talking about how this
22:16 is not supported by the Bible.
22:18 I'm just going to give you two
22:18 quick texts here to look at.
22:20 Ezekiel 18:20.
22:22 "The soul that sins,
22:24 it shall" what?
22:25 >> Die.
22:26 >> Die. Okay.
22:26 That's very important.
22:27 "The soul that sins,
22:28 it shall die."
22:28 Romans 6:23.
22:30 "For the wages of sin is" what?
22:31 >> Death.
22:32 >> Death. Okay.
22:33 So death there again.
22:34 "But the gift of God
22:35 is eternal life."
22:37 What kind of life?
22:38 Eternal life
22:39 "through Jesus Christ our Lord."
22:41 Who alone gets to live forever?
22:45 The righteous. Exactly.
22:46 The righteous do.
22:46 Only those
22:47 that have chosen Jesus.
22:48 They're the only ones
22:49 that get to live forever.
22:50 Therefore, you cannot live
22:51 forever in the flames.
22:54 Sinners don't get
22:54 to live forever.
22:55 Only the righteous get to live
22:56 forever.
22:58 So there is no eternally
22:59 burning hell.
23:00 By the way,
23:01 Seventh-day Adventists,
23:02 we do believe in hellfire.
23:04 We do believe in hell.
23:06 It's the biblical hell,
23:07 and it's a lot more efficient
23:09 than the mythical hell.
23:11 Because it actually
23:11 finishes the job.
23:14 At the end of time, sinners that
23:15 want to hang on to their sin,
23:16 indeed there will be hellfire.
23:18 But when the sin is burnt up,
23:19 the fire goes out.
23:21 They do not live forever
23:22 and ever writhing in the flames.
23:23 Can you imagine?
23:24 Heaven would be hell,
23:25 if you're looking over the wall
23:26 constantly, saying,
23:27 "Oh, look, there's grandma."
23:29 I'm serious. I'm dead se--
23:31 I mean, heaven would be hellish
23:33 to have that constantly.
23:34 Praise the Lord
23:35 the Bible doesn't say that
23:36 that is the case.
23:37 Now, here's the thing.
23:38 Many an Adventist looks at this
23:40 and they say, "Okay, fine.
23:42 I mean, what's the big deal?
23:43 I grew up in the church.
23:44 I've heard that there's no such
23:46 thing as an everlasting hell
23:47 from the time that I was knee
23:48 high to a haystack.
23:49 What's the big deal?"
23:51 And the big deal is this.
23:54 "Great Controversy," page 536.
23:56 She says...
24:30 This is huge.
24:31 This is a real deal.
24:32 There are millions of people
24:34 that are afraid to even crack
24:35 the Bible open,
24:37 for fear that they will discover
24:39 that this kind of God
24:40 is correct.
24:42 I tell you what,
24:42 it is profoundly sad.
24:44 You know, I've done many series
24:45 of meetings over the years,
24:46 and when we talk
24:47 about this topic,
24:48 this eternally burning hell,
24:50 when we show from Scripture that
24:51 there is no such thing.
24:52 Yes, there is hell,
24:53 but it's much more efficient
24:54 and it doesn't last forever.
24:57 People feel purposeless
24:58 afterwards.
25:01 Because they realize
25:02 that their reason for falling --
25:04 for following God was simply
25:06 to escape the fires of hell.
25:09 They didn't follow Him
25:10 because they loved Him.
25:11 They followed him because
25:12 they were terrified of Him.
25:14 Now, praise the Lord,
25:15 that's not how we finish
25:16 the series of meetings.
25:16 We don't just say
25:17 good night and go away.
25:18 We talk about Jesus.
25:19 The real Jesus is here.
25:20 He's much better than the one
25:21 that you were thinking about.
25:22 He loves you. He cares for you.
25:23 He's not going to burn you
25:24 forever and ever.
25:24 You know, all of that,
25:26 so it's good.
25:27 There are millions of people
25:28 that the devil has used this
25:30 deception and distraction upon.
25:31 It's very effective.
25:35 And then we come to the first
25:37 two sides of Babylon.
25:39 Notice these right here.
25:41 False way of salvation -- works.
25:43 Earning your way into salvation.
25:45 And the second side of Babylon.
25:46 A false way of knowing God --
25:48 the law is gone,
25:49 law has been done away with or
25:50 it has been altered in some way.
25:52 Now, we talked about this
25:53 in part three.
25:54 We looked at Ephesians 2:8-9,
25:57 and we saw clearly that we are
25:58 saved by grace, not by works.
26:00 And then we read Ephesians 2:10,
26:01 you recall.
26:03 That shows that we were created
26:05 for, among other reasons,
26:06 to do good works,
26:07 not to be saved,
26:10 but because we have been saved,
26:12 because the great change inside
26:13 of us has begun.
26:15 Now, this is what's known
26:16 as growth in grace
26:17 or righteousness by faith.
26:19 Righteousness by faith
26:20 is the core message
26:21 of the Three Angels.
26:23 It's the core of it.
26:24 And so prominent
26:25 is righteousness by faith,
26:27 this idea of growing in grace,
26:29 so prominently is connected
26:30 with the Three Angels' Messages
26:32 that it actually concludes
26:33 with it.
26:35 Turn in your Bibles, please,
26:36 to Revelation 14:12
26:40 Revelation 14:12,
26:41 page 830 in your red pew Bible.
26:44 Page 830.
26:45 Revelation 14:12.
26:47 This is the only verse
26:49 of the Three Angels' Messages
26:49 that we didn't read.
26:51 We went through, you know,
26:53 verses 6 through 11,
26:54 and we looked in detail
26:55 at many of those things.
26:56 But we left off
26:58 verse 12 because here's
27:00 where it makes its appearance.
27:02 We looked at the First Angel,
27:03 Second Angel,
27:04 "Fallen, fallen is Babylon,"
27:05 the Third Angel talking about
27:07 the mark of the beast,
27:08 et cetera.
27:08 Then comes verse 12.
27:11 All of this, the Three Angels'
27:12 Messages, what they imply,
27:12 et cetera.
27:13 "This calls for
27:15 patient endurance
27:16 on the part of the saints
27:18 who obey God's commandments
27:21 and remain faithful to Jesus."
27:23 I'll read it one more time.
27:24 "This calls for patient
27:25 endurance on the part of the
27:26 saints who obey God's
27:27 commandments
27:28 and remain faithful to Jesus."
27:32 Ladies and gentlemen, to me,
27:33 it could not be more clear.
27:34 It's crystal clear.
27:36 God's last day,
27:37 people are explicitly identified
27:39 as those
27:40 who keep His commandments.
27:41 Again, not to be saved, but
27:44 because they have been saved.
27:47 In fact, let me put these up
27:48 that we saw here last week.
27:53 Okay, if you're so inclined,
27:54 would you say
27:55 that phrase with me, please?
27:55 One, two, three.
28:01 Okay? And we finished
28:03 with this conclusion.
28:10 Then the devil really
28:11 kicks things into high gear.
28:14 A sixth deception here.
28:16 Whoop.
28:18 A false revival --
28:19 unity without the Word of God.
28:22 False revival --
28:23 unity without the Word of God.
28:27 Now, what do I mean by this?
28:29 Jesus said this. John 8:31-32.
28:32 Said...
28:44 Powerful words
28:45 that Jesus has here.
28:46 One of my favorite texts
28:47 in the Book of John.
28:49 Notice carefully
28:50 what it's saying here.
28:51 True freedom --
28:53 True freedom can only be found
28:56 in actual truth.
28:58 That is in God's Word, because
29:01 that's what's being referred to.
29:02 "If you hold to my teachings,
29:03 you're really my disciples.
29:04 Then you will know the truth,
29:05 and the truth will set you
29:06 free."
29:07 The teachings of God
29:09 are found in His Word.
29:10 Okay? So true freedom can only
29:12 be found in actual truth,
29:14 that is in God's Word,
29:15 in His teaching.
29:17 Furthermore,
29:18 true Christian -- key word --
29:20 true Christian unity
29:23 can also only be found
29:25 in the truth of God's Word,
29:28 for it is only in God's Word
29:30 that we find accurately
29:31 what can show us what we are
29:33 to be unified around
29:35 and in what way.
29:38 True unity is therefore
29:40 unswervingly faithful to Christ
29:41 and His Word, the Bible.
29:43 And if unity or revival
29:45 among Christians is attempted
29:47 without this
29:49 full faithfulness to Scripture,
29:52 we should have no part of it.
29:57 You know, these days...
29:59 actually, for a long time,
30:01 but particularly in these days,
30:03 there's something called
30:04 the ecumenical movement,
30:06 which has sought to unite
30:09 all of Christianity
30:10 under one umbrella.
30:13 Now, I'm a fan of unity.
30:14 I think it would be great.
30:15 Today, if you go online
30:16 and you type in "church,"
30:18 I mean, you get, you know,
30:18 1,552 different flavors
30:20 that you could choose from
30:21 in any given state, right?
30:23 And go and worship, and each one
30:24 of those fellowships and
30:25 denominations believes something
30:26 a little bit different.
30:28 Wouldn't it be great
30:29 if someone who was seeking
30:30 for God could go online
30:32 and just one church
30:32 would come up, right?
30:34 One Bible-based,
30:35 Christ-centered scripturally
30:37 faithful church?
30:38 That would be awesome, right?
30:41 But the struggle is that so many
30:43 of these pushes for unity
30:46 are not based upon
30:47 the Word of God.
30:49 As we discussed early on
30:51 in my time here,
30:52 unity on its own is neutral.
30:55 Unity is not inherently
30:57 a good thing.
30:59 The Nazi Party had
31:00 a lot of unity, okay?
31:03 But what they did was heinous.
31:05 It was awful.
31:07 So if there's going to be unity
31:09 in the body of Christ,
31:09 it has to be focused
31:11 on the Word of God
31:13 and faithful to the Word of God.
31:14 You know, these days there's
31:15 the World Council of Churches.
31:17 There is certainly,
31:18 our Catholic friends,
31:19 they are also very active
31:20 in the ecumenical movement.
31:21 Most of the popes
31:22 of recent memory have spent
31:24 a great deal of time and energy
31:26 and money and resources
31:27 in seeking to bring
31:29 departed sister churches back.
31:32 Roman Catholic theology
31:33 is very clear.
31:33 They are the true
31:34 Church of Christ.
31:36 And Protestantism, for instance,
31:37 while having some truth in it,
31:39 some elements of truth in it,
31:41 they want to bring them back
31:43 into Roman Catholicism.
31:45 Now, this is not me saying this.
31:46 You can read, you know, any of
31:48 their writings, and this is just
31:50 basic things there.
31:51 The difficulty is, is that
31:52 there are significant deviations
31:54 from the Word of God
31:55 in this push for unity.
31:57 And as such,
31:59 we cannot have a part in it.
32:01 We must treat other
32:03 denominations with respect.
32:04 We must treat them
32:05 as Jesus would if he were
32:06 standing there in our shoes.
32:07 All of that is absolutely true,
32:09 and we cannot have full
32:10 communion fellowship with them.
32:13 Because there are gaps,
32:15 the things that they leave out
32:16 from the Word of God.
32:19 And here's the kicker.
32:21 At the end of time, my Bible
32:23 tells me, there
32:25 will be great unity.
32:29 Great unity.
32:31 Worldwide, religious, political,
32:33 one church umbrella
32:35 all, quote, "working together."
32:37 But it will not be a unity
32:38 based upon the Word of God.
32:41 We are to have no part in it.
32:42 No part.
32:44 But millions of people will.
32:45 Probably billions.
32:48 It's a powerful deception
32:49 and it will keep some people,
32:50 a lot of them, from hitting
32:51 the bull's-eye.
32:54 Now...
32:57 the devil continues.
32:59 False witnesses.
33:01 This one's important.
33:03 Follow me carefully, please.
33:06 1 Timothy 4:1 says this.
33:15 Now, a little Greek lesson here.
33:16 Greek is helpful.
33:17 If you don't know Greek or
33:19 Hebrew at all, that's totally
33:19 fine.
33:20 Most of the time, you can lay
33:21 out a whole bunch
33:21 of English translations,
33:22 and you will know if there are
33:24 differences or vagaries in the
33:25 original languages, et cetera.
33:26 Every now and then, the language
33:28 helps you to see some
33:29 subtleties.
33:29 So I went and I did some
33:30 word studies here in the Greek.
33:32 And here's what this text
33:32 actually says.
33:47 Did you see what I did there?
33:49 In other words, that
33:50 actually is what the text says.
33:53 That's exactly what it says.
33:54 "The Spirit clearly says,
33:55 in later times" --
33:57 the latter days, the end times,
33:58 the days we live in --
33:59 "some will abandon the faith."
34:00 At one time,
34:01 they will have been a true part
34:02 of the bride of Christ.
34:04 Like we talked about previously.
34:05 They "will abandon the faith
34:06 and follow deceiving spirits
34:07 and things taught by demons."
34:09 Now, here's why I bring this up.
34:12 You know, we Adventists
34:13 are a little bit odd,
34:14 demographically speaking.
34:16 For instance, we tend --
34:17 in North American Adventism,
34:18 we tend to make more money
34:19 than the average person does.
34:22 Do you know why that is?
34:26 Where are we sitting right now?
34:29 We're on a university campus,
34:30 aren't we?
34:31 Yeah, we take education
34:32 seriously.
34:33 We have the largest Protestant
34:34 school system in the world,
34:35 right?
34:36 And that tends to lead
34:37 to bigger paychecks later on.
34:37 So, you know,
34:38 small silver lining here
34:39 to all the other abundant
34:41 blessings that come from that.
34:42 But here's the thing
34:44 I have found over the years
34:45 that sometimes,
34:46 when we get smarter,
34:48 we tend to discount
34:49 the supernatural.
34:52 You know, if it's not
34:54 empirically verifiable,
34:55 if we can't, you know,
34:55 subject it to whatever rigors or
34:57 standards, then we kind of try
34:58 to pooh-pooh it.
35:00 So let me be clear.
35:01 I am not suggesting
35:02 that we become obsessed
35:03 with the supernatural here.
35:04 I'm not suggesting that at all.
35:05 If you come and tell me
35:06 the devil
35:07 made me do it, I will say, no,
35:08 it was your responsibility.
35:09 Okay? That's not what
35:10 we're talking about.
35:11 What I am saying is that
35:12 we need to have a balanced
35:14 and healthy understanding
35:15 of what the Bible says.
35:16 And what does the Bible say?
35:18 The Bible says we do not fight
35:19 against flesh and blood,
35:21 but against what?
35:23 Principalities, the rulers
35:24 of the air, the rulers of
35:26 the dark kingdoms out there,
35:27 against spiritual forces.
35:30 No matter how smart we become,
35:32 let us never forget that we have
35:34 a real leader, Jesus Christ,
35:36 that he has actual angels,
35:38 supernatural beings
35:39 that work for Him,
35:41 that the other side
35:41 also has a leader.
35:43 His name is Satan.
35:44 He's a real being and that
35:45 he has helpers, angels, as well.
35:47 We call them demons.
35:48 They are real.
35:49 They are real out there and we
35:50 cannot afford to just imagine
35:52 that they're not present,
35:53 because the devil
35:54 certainly is not.
35:57 Short story.
36:00 Many years ago, a friend of mine
36:02 told me this story.
36:03 I don't remember
36:04 all the details, but I
36:05 do remember the substance of it.
36:06 It was in the evening.
36:09 They had had a family meal there
36:10 in the dining room.
36:11 He apparently drew
36:13 the short end of the stick,
36:14 and he was the one that was
36:15 washing the dishes that evening.
36:17 So you picture him there.
36:17 He's washing dishes there
36:18 at the sink
36:20 when he hears a conversation
36:23 taking place in the living room.
36:26 And the hair on the back
36:27 of his neck stands up
36:29 and he drops
36:29 the dishes in the sink,
36:31 and he rushes out
36:31 to the living room.
36:34 And there he sees his brother
36:35 sitting in a chair
36:36 in the living room.
36:38 And my friend says
36:39 to his brother,
36:41 "Who are you talking to?"
36:45 And his brother pointed
36:46 to the couch.
36:49 And he said, "Well, to mom."
36:54 And the trouble was,
36:56 is that the couch was empty
36:58 and their mother had passed away
36:59 some time earlier.
37:02 She was in the grave.
37:06 And I prayed that the story
37:07 ended differently
37:08 than the part of it that I know.
37:10 But I do know that not long
37:11 after that, my friend's brother
37:13 left the Adventist Church
37:15 because he said,
37:17 "What you all teach about what
37:19 happens after you die is wrong."
37:22 You know, Ecclesiastes 9:5-6,
37:23 "For the living know that they
37:24 will die, but the dead know"...
37:26 >> Nothing.
37:27 >> Nothing, zero, zip.
37:27 Never again will they have any
37:28 part in anything that happens
37:29 under the sun.
37:30 He said, "I know that that's
37:31 wrong because I saw her, I saw
37:34 mom, I saw her with my own two
37:37 eyes, I heard her with my own
37:38 two ears. It was mom.
37:39 And I know you're wrong."
37:42 And he chose to believe
37:42 his five senses
37:44 rather than the Word of God.
37:49 Ellen White had this to say.
37:50 "Great Controversy," page 560.
37:52 She says, "Many will be
37:53 confronted" -- speaking of
37:54 the last days, the days that we
37:55 live in -- by the spirits"...
38:15 [ Chuckles ]
38:17 You know, it's fascinating.
38:20 The State of the Dead may be one
38:21 of the most important doctrines
38:23 that the Adventist Church
38:24 teaches in these last days.
38:26 This is key stuff here.
38:27 And to me,
38:28 this is one of the lowest blows
38:29 that the devil does
38:31 because we've all lost people.
38:33 Almost all of us have lost
38:34 people that we love, right?
38:35 And if we could snap our fingers
38:37 in a biblically faithful way
38:38 and have them back, we would.
38:40 And then, the devil,
38:41 the scoundrel, shows up
38:45 and plays on our sympathies
38:47 and pretends that he is the one
38:49 that we loved.
38:50 It's a cruel turn,
38:52 ladies and gentlemen.
38:52 It's a cruel turn.
38:53 And, boy, if you don't know the
38:55 truth, it'll get your attention,
38:56 won't it?
38:58 And by the way,
39:00 isn't it interesting?
39:01 Have you heard of the Fox
39:01 sisters?
39:04 In the late 1840s.
39:06 When did I say? Late 1840s,
39:10 they started a massive
39:13 popularization of spiritualism
39:14 in this country.
39:16 1844 seems to be a pivot point,
39:18 doesn't it? Huh?
39:19 Interesting.
39:21 Yeah, I'm going to make a brief
39:22 appeal here, and I realize this
39:24 appeal may not apply to many of
39:25 you, so just sit back and pray
39:27 for just a moment here.
39:28 But somebody listening right
39:29 now, you may need to hear
39:31 what I'm going to say next here.
39:34 Please do not get involved
39:36 with witchcraft, spells,
39:39 seances, Ouija boards,
39:41 et cetera.
39:42 Don't do it.
39:45 In nearly 30 years of ministry,
39:46 there have been too many times
39:47 when I have had to,
39:48 by the grace of God, intervene
39:49 with other godly people
39:51 to try to help people
39:52 be set free from the occult
39:53 and from spiritualism.
39:55 It is not easy sometimes.
39:57 Once you get in, it's hard to
39:58 get out.
39:59 You see, if Jesus
40:01 is on your side,
40:02 the devil is a beaten foe.
40:04 Okay? But if Jesus
40:05 is not on your side,
40:06 the devil wants you
40:07 to serve him.
40:08 That's his first desire.
40:09 He wants to use you, okay?
40:11 He's not going to serve you.
40:12 He wants you to serve him.
40:13 But if you will not serve him,
40:15 the next best thing he wants
40:16 from you is for you to be dead.
40:18 That's just the truth.
40:20 So if you are dabbling
40:21 with the occult, get out.
40:24 If you're listening to music
40:25 that has spiritualistic
40:27 overtones, stop listening.
40:29 If you need
40:30 to talk to a Christian friend
40:31 or a teacher or a pastor, get
40:32 the help you need and get out.
40:33 If you know somebody
40:35 that is dabbling in the occult,
40:36 your secrecy may cost them
40:38 their eternal life.
40:39 Tell someone. Get them the help
40:41 that they need.
40:42 Because if you get into
40:43 spiritualism and you stay there,
40:46 it is unfailingly
40:47 spiritually deadly
40:49 if you stay in it.
40:52 And let's be honest.
40:54 Most of the world is wide open
40:56 to this deception.
40:58 The overwhelming majority
41:00 of the planet, Christian or not,
41:02 believes that, when you die,
41:04 it's not the end.
41:06 You continue on
41:07 in some other form.
41:09 Ladies and gentlemen,
41:10 I think that the devil is going
41:11 to use this to maximum impact.
41:13 If you're on the Washington, DC,
41:14 mall and you're looking
41:15 at the monuments
41:15 and the Apostle Peter
41:16 shows up on the steps, I tell
41:19 you, there's billions of people
41:20 that are going to stop
41:21 everything and listen to
41:23 exactly what "Peter" has to say.
41:28 Devil saves some of his best
41:29 tricks for last.
41:30 Number eight.
41:32 A false second coming.
41:34 A false second coming.
41:35 You say, "What's that about?"
41:36 Well, two things at least.
41:37 Number one, secret Rapture.
41:39 The secret Rapture.
41:40 For those of you who don't know,
41:41 the idea is essentially this --
41:43 that Jesus will actually
41:44 end up coming to this Earth
41:45 three times.
41:46 That the first time was back
41:48 when he was born, et cetera,
41:49 lived, died, rose again,
41:50 et cetera.
41:50 That the second time
41:51 will be with the secret Rapture,
41:52 the third time will be sometime
41:53 after that.
41:55 The secret Rapture is that there
41:57 will be this secret event that
41:59 will soon become quite known.
42:00 Maybe you remember seeing
42:02 the "Left Behind" series
42:03 popularized in books
42:04 and movies, et cetera,
42:05 where pilots are flying a plane
42:07 and suddenly the plane crashes
42:08 to the ground
42:09 because the bodies of the pilots
42:11 were taken to heaven by Christ
42:13 and just their clothes are left
42:14 and a plane crashes
42:14 into the ground.
42:16 The idea is that if you miss
42:18 this Rapture, the secret
42:21 Rapture, then a few years will
42:23 pass, there'll be persecution,
42:24 Antichrist, et cetera, and then
42:26 you get a second chance.
42:28 You can try again.
42:29 If you missed it this time
42:30 around, you can wait
42:31 for the third one and then
42:33 Jesus can take you back.
42:35 Now, interestingly enough,
42:37 this is part of something
42:38 called dispensationalism.
42:39 And you'll never believe when
42:40 dispensationalism really came
42:41 to the fore.
42:43 It was in the 19th century.
42:45 And you'll never guess when the
42:46 secret Rapture specifically rose
42:48 to marked public consciousness.
42:50 It was in the 1830s,
42:53 within just a few years
42:54 of which year?
42:55 1844.
42:57 I'm telling you, friends,
42:58 the devil reads his Bible.
43:00 He knows what's going on.
43:03 In 2022,
43:05 the the Pew Research Center
43:06 did a study, and they found
43:08 that almost 2 in 5 Americans,
43:10 that's 39%, 39% agree,
43:13 quote, "We are living
43:14 in the end times."
43:16 Let that sink in.
43:18 There's about 340 or so million
43:19 Americans.
43:20 That means that there's more
43:21 than 130 million Americans,
43:23 not just Christians,
43:25 but but Americans in general
43:26 that believe, quote, "We are
43:28 living in the end times."
43:30 This is why, when people tell
43:31 me, "Oh, you know, in Adventism,
43:33 we shouldn't talk about Bible
43:34 prophecy."
43:35 I'm like, "Why not?
43:36 Everybody else is."
43:37 There's 130 million people out
43:38 there.
43:39 Adventism has never been more
43:40 relevant than it is right now.
43:42 Right?
43:44 And a decade earlier than that,
43:45 6 in 10 evangelical
43:47 leaders said they believe
43:48 in the secret Rapture.
43:50 Now there's a survey that was
43:51 done at the Lucerne Congress.
43:52 It's a large
43:53 gathering of religious leaders
43:54 from all over the world.
43:55 And these evangelical leaders,
43:57 six out of ten of them,
43:58 said they believe
43:58 in the secret Rapture.
44:00 There are millions upon millions
44:01 of people that believe in this.
44:03 And yet, sadly,
44:04 it is not a biblical belief.
44:08 Now there's much
44:08 that can be said about this.
44:09 I'll be very brief.
44:11 The Bible nowhere speaks
44:13 of a secret coming of Christ.
44:15 Nowhere.
44:17 In fact, in Matthew 24:26-27,
44:20 Jesus specifically warned us
44:21 against believing
44:23 in a secret coming of Christ.
44:25 Jesus' words were this.
44:26 "So if anyone tells you," quote,
44:28 "here He" -- the Messiah -- "is
44:30 in the inner rooms" --
44:32 that is in some secret place
44:33 in a secretive way --
44:35 Jesus said, "Do not believe it.
44:38 For as lightning that comes
44:39 from the east is visible
44:40 even in the in the"...
44:41 "in the west,
44:42 so will be the coming
44:44 of the Son of Man."
44:45 Listen, if somebody has to
44:46 tell you that Jesus has come,
44:48 he hasn't.
44:51 Because you'll know it.
44:54 No one will miss it.
44:55 No one will have to tell you.
44:56 Oh, by the way, Jesus came back.
44:57 No, no, no, no, no.
44:58 Everyone will see it.
44:59 Everyone will hear it.
44:59 Every eye will see it.
45:00 All will notice this.
45:03 And there is no second chance
45:04 after that.
45:07 There is no second chance.
45:08 When Jesus comes back
45:09 the second time, that's it.
45:10 So choose now. Choose now.
45:12 Jesus is coming soon
45:14 and everyone will know it.
45:17 A second part of this false
45:18 second coming is when Satan
45:20 himself will impersonate Christ.
45:23 Now, Adventism at times
45:24 has been accused of saying,
45:25 "Well, you guys made that up.
45:26 That's an Ellen White thing,
45:27 this idea
45:28 that Satan will impersonate
45:29 the second coming of Jesus."
45:31 I would simply say no, nothing
45:32 could be further from the truth
45:33 because the Bible actually
45:35 speaks about this.
45:36 Let me show
45:37 you just two texts here.
45:38 2 Corinthians 11: 13-14.
45:41 Paul here is speaking
45:42 of those that are opposing
45:43 his ministry and pretending
45:45 to be on his side.
45:46 Says, "For such men are false
45:48 apostles, deceitful workmen
45:50 masquerading
45:51 as apostles of Christ."
45:52 So they're not really apostles
45:53 of Christ,
45:54 but they're pretending to be.
45:55 And he says, "And no wonder,
45:56 for Satan himself masquerades
45:59 as an angel of light."
46:02 Now, let that sink in for a
46:03 moment.
46:04 The devil, the embodiment
46:05 of all evil, the worst, most
46:09 sinful, dark, diabolical being
46:12 in the universe
46:16 can flip a switch and pass
46:17 himself off as one of God's own.
46:20 Now, I don't know about you,
46:21 but that's a pretty high level
46:23 of deception, wouldn't you say?
46:25 Now, let's take this.
46:25 Let's take this fact,
46:27 this nugget, and look now
46:28 at 2 Thessalonians 2:8-9.
46:32 Now, if we read earlier
46:34 in 2 Thessalonians,
46:36 the book there, we would find
46:37 that Paul introduces
46:38 this concept of the man
46:39 of sin or the lawless one.
46:41 I'm going to cut a corner.
46:43 This is the Antichrist power
46:45 at the end of time. Okay?
46:46 And notice what Paul here says
46:48 in chapter 2, verses 8 and 9.
46:50 Says, "And then the lawless
46:51 one" -- this Antichrist power --
46:52 "will be revealed whom the Lord
46:55 Jesus will overthrow with the
46:56 breath of his mouth and destroy
46:58 by the splendor of his coming."
47:00 So, pause right there.
47:01 Antichrist power will not stand.
47:03 It will have this global
47:04 dominion at the end, et cetera.
47:05 It will look like it's making
47:06 huge progress.
47:07 But Jesus, the Second Coming,
47:09 will intervene and the
47:10 brightness of Christ
47:11 coming destroys it.
47:12 Next sentence.
47:13 "The coming of the lawless
47:14 one will be in accordance
47:16 with the work of Satan,
47:17 displayed in all kinds
47:19 of counterfeit miracles,
47:19 signs, and wonders."
47:20 So now we've gone back in time.
47:24 Because this is before
47:26 the Second Coming of Jesus.
47:27 The coming of the lawless one
47:28 is before
47:30 the Second Coming of Jesus.
47:31 How do we know? Because
47:32 the Second Coming ends it all.
47:33 There's no more human history
47:34 on this planet after that, okay?
47:36 At least as far as sin
47:37 is concerned.
47:38 Now, let me just show you
47:39 something here
47:39 in the original language.
47:40 Again, most of the time, you'll
47:42 find what you need in English
47:42 translations.
47:43 Every now and then,
47:44 the Greek can be helpful here.
47:47 Same verse. "The Lord Jesus
47:48 will overthrow the lawless one
47:50 with the breath of his mouth,
47:51 and destroy
47:52 by the splendor of his coming."
47:53 The Greek word
47:53 there is parousia.
47:55 Parousia.
47:57 And parousia is important
47:59 because, prior to the Christian
48:01 era, it was a generic word that
48:02 meant exactly what's translated,
48:03 here, you know, coming into a
48:04 place, et cetera.
48:05 But by the Christians,
48:07 Christians came to regard
48:09 parousia as a technical term
48:11 referring precisely
48:13 to the Second Coming of Jesus.
48:16 Now let that sink in.
48:17 It became a technical term
48:19 used by Christians
48:20 to refer precisely
48:21 to the Second Coming of Jesus.
48:24 Why is that important?
48:25 Notice what happens next here
48:26 in the Greek.
48:28 "The coming of the lawless one."
48:31 Parousia. It's the same word.
48:35 Translation -- the devil
48:37 has a second coming, as well.
48:40 It's right here
48:41 in the Word of God.
48:43 And this is why Ellen White
48:44 could write this.
48:46 "Great Controversy," page 624.
50:21 I'll tell you what.
50:23 You know, we think we've seen
50:25 some pretty amazing stuff.
50:27 We've got Hollywood. I mean,
50:28 look at all the special effects.
50:29 We've seen all kinds
50:31 of amazing things happen.
50:32 And then it happens
50:33 in real life.
50:36 And did you see what she said?
50:37 Better, more dazzling than
50:39 anything that anybody has ever
50:41 seen ever, anywhere.
50:42 The devil pulls out all the
50:44 stops, he knows this is for all
50:45 the marbles, he's going for --
50:46 This is do or die.
50:48 And, so, he puts on
50:49 this grand display
50:51 and he sounds like Jesus,
50:53 and he looks like Jesus,
50:54 and he quotes Scripture,
50:55 and he heals people.
50:57 [ Chuckles ]
50:59 And then he says,
51:02 "Now about those Sabbath
51:03 keepers, time to make a change."
51:08 Ladies and gentlemen,
51:10 this is a powerful thing.
51:11 And the Devils been building up
51:13 towards this
51:15 for a very long time.
51:20 Now, sadly, he's not done.
51:22 There's at least one more,
51:24 and I would call it really
51:25 the last lie.
51:27 The last lie
51:28 is the mark of the beast.
51:29 He's been building to this.
51:30 This is his great desire.
51:32 And by the way, this is
51:33 the third side of Babylon.
51:35 You know, we saw the first two
51:36 sides there, this idea that
51:38 you can earn your salvation.
51:39 Second side was setting
51:40 aside God's law or altering it.
51:42 That won't work.
51:43 And then, the third side
51:44 of Babylon is right here.
51:45 It's the combining of church
51:47 and state.
51:49 It is the use of civil power
51:51 to enforce religion
51:52 on the people.
51:54 And that's certainly what
51:55 the mark of the beast is about.
51:56 Now, I could spend a lot of time
51:57 talking about the mark of the
51:58 beast, but I don't have
51:59 that time today.
52:00 We'll do it another time.
52:01 I'll simply say this.
52:03 The Book of Revelation
52:04 essentially asks one question.
52:07 Who will you worship?
52:09 Who will you worship?
52:12 And indeed it will come down
52:13 to, will you worship
52:15 Jesus on His day and in His way?
52:20 Or will you worship the beast
52:22 power and Satan
52:23 on his day in his way?
52:28 And of course, the deeper issue
52:29 than all of that
52:32 is, who has your heart?
52:35 Who has your heart.
52:38 You know, at the end of time,
52:40 walking through the right door
52:41 on a Saturday
52:42 isn't going to help you
52:44 avoid the mark of the beast.
52:46 It's who has your heart.
52:54 It's quite a package, isn't it?
52:57 The devil seems to be very,
52:59 very concerned
53:01 that we not hit the bull's-eye.
53:05 And what is the bull's-eye?
53:06 What is he so worried about
53:08 that he does his best so that
53:10 we don't hit the bull's-eye?
53:12 Well, my guess is probably most
53:14 of you already know what it is.
53:15 It's knowing Jesus.
53:18 That's the bull's-eye.
53:21 Jesus said,
53:23 as I've said many times,
53:24 I'm going to say it again in
53:25 the future as well as right now.
53:26 John 17:3. Jesus said,
53:27 "And this is eternal life,
53:29 that they may know you, the one
53:30 true God, as Father in heaven,
53:31 and Jesus Christ,
53:32 whom You have sent."
53:34 Salvation is knowing Jesus.
53:35 What an honor,
53:36 what a privilege that we have.
53:38 Jesus died to give us
53:39 this privilege,
53:40 and he offers it to us freely.
53:43 That's the bull's-eye.
53:45 And at long last,
53:46 we are now ready to see
53:47 what the unique mission of the
53:48 Seventh-day Adventist Church is.
53:51 The mission of the Seventh-day
53:52 Adventist Church, we said,
53:53 is the Great Commission
53:53 of Matthew 28,
53:55 together with the Three Angels'
53:56 Messages of Revelation 14:6-12.
53:58 Combined now with this third
54:00 factor, the context of our
54:02 times -- widespread deception.
54:04 Widespread deception.
54:05 We put these things together
54:07 and we can begin
54:08 to sum some things up.
54:09 And what I'm going to
54:10 put on the screen here now,
54:11 these are my words.
54:38 That's the context part there.
54:41 And then we see that our mission
54:43 is directly built
54:44 on our message.
54:45 This is the best way, at this
54:46 time, I know how to sum it up.
54:47 Our message,
54:49 the unique message of
54:50 the Seventh-day Adventist Church
54:51 is that Jesus is coming soon --
54:54 this is the overall apocalyptic
54:55 context of our time --
54:57 that evil will soon be ended --
54:58 that's the investigative
54:59 judgment -- that the final
55:01 deceptions of Satan have
55:02 begun -- this is the mark of the
55:03 beast, mentioning of the Third
55:04 Angel, and all the deceptions
55:06 that are bent towards building
55:07 that up to completion --
55:08 and that Jesus is our Savior
55:10 and the solution
55:11 to those deceptions.
55:12 >> Amen.
55:13 >> And that means that our
55:14 mission --
55:14 And now this next one,
55:15 these are not my words.
55:16 These are the words of the voted
55:18 worldwide Seventh-day
55:19 Adventist Church.
55:20 Our mission, the mission of the
55:22 Seventh-day Adventist Church,
55:23 is to make disciples
55:24 of Jesus Christ, who live
55:26 as his loving witnesses --
55:27 that's Matthew 28,
55:28 Great Commission -- and proclaim
55:30 to all people the everlasting
55:32 gospel of the Three Angels'
55:33 Messages in preparation
55:35 for His soon return.
55:38 That is why we are here,
55:43 and everything that we do in our
55:46 churches, in our in our schools,
55:48 in our hospitals,
55:49 in our mission outposts,
55:51 in our personal lives,
55:52 everything that we do needs
55:53 to be filtered through
55:55 this unique message and mission,
55:57 because this is what
55:58 God has asked us to do.
56:01 There are untold billions of
56:03 people right now on this planet
56:05 who cannot afford to miss
56:07 the bull's-eye.
56:09 And in your hands,
56:11 you have the keys to help them
56:13 to see Jesus.
56:15 >> Amen.
56:17 >> May God abundantly guide us
56:18 in proclaiming his end time
56:19 message.
56:20 May His Spirit empower us
56:22 to fulfill His mission,
56:23 and may the proclamation
56:25 of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
56:26 in His Three Angels' Messages
56:28 saturate the planet soon.
56:31 Amen.
56:32 >> Amen.
56:35 [ Applause ]
56:47 >> Thank you for joining us
56:47 today.
56:48 You know, our goal
56:50 with every worship service
56:51 at Pioneer Memorial is that
56:53 our listeners will come to know
56:54 Jesus Christ as their personal
56:55 friend and Savior.
56:57 Have you taken
56:58 this step in your life?
56:59 Or would you like to know more
57:00 about what this step looks like?
57:03 If so, I have a special gift
57:04 that I would love
57:05 to put in your hands.
57:07 It's this little book called
57:08 "Steps to Christ."
57:10 Now, it's not a very long book.
57:11 As you can see,
57:12 it's only this thick.
57:14 But don't let the size fool you.
57:16 This is one powerful book.
57:18 In fact, this book is so
57:20 powerful, so life-transforming,
57:22 that it's become a favorite
57:23 for millions all over the world,
57:24 making it one of the most
57:25 translated and most published
57:27 books in history.
57:28 It can be yours for free
57:30 by calling the number
57:31 on your screen -- 877-HIS-WILL.
57:34 That's 877, the two words
57:36 "HIS WILL."
57:37 Call today.
57:38 You can also download
57:39 a free copy at
57:43 That's
57:47 Don't wait. Get your copy today.
57:50 A forever friendship with Jesus
57:51 is waiting for you.
58:00 ♪
58:09 ♪
58:17 ♪


Revised 2024-05-13